Programs & Examples On #In place edit

How to send a POST request using volley with string body?

I liked this one, but it is sending JSON not string as requested in the question, reposting the code here, in case the original github got removed or changed, and this one found to be useful by someone.

public static void postNewComment(Context context,final UserAccount userAccount,final String comment,final int blogId,final int postId){
    RequestQueue queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(context);
    StringRequest sr = new StringRequest(Request.Method.POST,"", new Response.Listener<String>() {
        public void onResponse(String response) {
    }, new Response.ErrorListener() {
        public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
        protected Map<String,String> getParams(){
            Map<String,String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
            params.put("comment", Uri.encode(comment));

            return params;

        public Map<String, String> getHeaders() throws AuthFailureError {
            Map<String,String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
            return params;

public interface PostCommentResponseListener {
    public void requestStarted();
    public void requestCompleted();
    public void requestEndedWithError(VolleyError error);

Gradle - Could not target platform: 'Java SE 8' using tool chain: 'JDK 7 (1.7)'

The following worked for me:

  1. Go to the top right corner of IntelliJ -> click the icon
  2. In the Project Structure window -> Select project -> In the Project SDK, choose the correct version -> Click Apply -> Click Okay

How do I append one string to another in Python?

str1 = "Hello"
str2 = "World"
newstr = " ".join((str1, str2))

That joins str1 and str2 with a space as separators. You can also do "".join(str1, str2, ...). str.join() takes an iterable, so you'd have to put the strings in a list or a tuple.

That's about as efficient as it gets for a builtin method.

How do I run a node.js app as a background service?

Copying my own answer from How do I run a Node.js application as its own process?

2015 answer: nearly every Linux distro comes with systemd, which means forever, monit, PM2, etc are no longer necessary - your OS already handles these tasks.

Make a myapp.service file (replacing 'myapp' with your app's name, obviously):

Description=My app

# Note Debian/Ubuntu uses 'nogroup', RHEL/Fedora uses 'nobody'


Note if you're new to Unix: /var/www/myapp/app.js should have #!/usr/bin/env node on the very first line and have the executable mode turned on chmod +x myapp.js.

Copy your service file into the /etc/systemd/system.

Start it with systemctl start myapp.

Enable it to run on boot with systemctl enable myapp.

See logs with journalctl -u myapp

This is taken from How we deploy node apps on Linux, 2018 edition, which also includes commands to generate an AWS/DigitalOcean/Azure CloudConfig to build Linux/node servers (including the .service file).

What does "|=" mean? (pipe equal operator)

You have already got sufficient answer for your question. But may be my answer help you more about |= kind of binary operators.

I am writing table for bitwise operators:
Following are valid:

Operator   Description                                   Example
|=        bitwise inclusive OR and assignment operator   C |= 2 is same as C = C | 2
^=        bitwise exclusive OR and assignment operator   C ^= 2 is same as C = C ^ 2
&=        Bitwise AND assignment operator                C &= 2 is same as C = C & 2
<<=       Left shift AND assignment operator             C <<= 2 is same as C = C << 2
>>=       Right shift AND assignment operator            C >>= 2 is same as C = C >> 2  

note all operators are binary operators.

Also Note: (for below points I wanted to add my answer)

  • >>> is bitwise operator in Java that is called Unsigned shift
    but >>>= not an operator in Java. >>>= operator

  • ~ is bitwise complement bits, 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 (Unary operator) but ~= not an operator.

  • Additionally, ! Called Logical NOT Operator, but != Checks if the value of two operands are equal or not, if values are not equal then condition becomes true. e.g. (A != B) is true. where as A=!B means if B is true then A become false (and if B is false then A become true).

side note: | is not called pipe, instead its called OR, pipe is shell terminology transfer one process out to next..

How to get folder path for ClickOnce application

path is pointing to a subfolder under c:\Documents & Settings

That's right. ClickOnce applications are installed under the profile of the user who installed them. Did you take the path that retrieving the info from the executing assembly gave you, and go check it out?

On windows Vista and Windows 7, you will find the ClickOnce cache here:


On Windows XP, you will find it here:

C:\Documents and Settings\username\LocalSettings\Apps\2.0\obfuscatedfoldername\obfuscatedfoldername

What is the difference between Dim, Global, Public, and Private as Modular Field Access Modifiers?

Dim and Private work the same, though the common convention is to use Private at the module level, and Dim at the Sub/Function level. Public and Global are nearly identical in their function, however Global can only be used in standard modules, whereas Public can be used in all contexts (modules, classes, controls, forms etc.) Global comes from older versions of VB and was likely kept for backwards compatibility, but has been wholly superseded by Public.

Directly export a query to CSV using SQL Developer

After Ctrl+End, you can do the Ctrl+A to select all in the buffer and then paste into Excel. Excel even put each Oracle column into its own column instead of squishing the whole row into one column. Nice..

Detecting value change of input[type=text] in jQuery

DON'T FORGET THE cut or select EVENTS!

The accepted answer is almost perfect, but it forgets about the cut and select events.

cut is fired when the user cuts text (CTRL + X or via right click)

select is fired when the user selects a browser-suggested option

You should add them too, as such:

$("#myTextBox").on("change paste keyup cut select", function() {
   //Do your function 

How can I verify a Google authentication API access token?

function authenticate_google_OAuthtoken($user_id)
    $access_token   = google_get_user_token($user_id); // get existing token from DB
    $redirecturl    = $Google_Permissions->redirecturl;
    $client_id      = $Google_Permissions->client_id;
    $client_secret  = $Google_Permissions->client_secret;
    $redirect_uri   = $Google_Permissions->redirect_uri;
    $max_results    = $Google_Permissions->max_results;

    $url = ''.$access_token;
    $response_contacts  =  curl_get_responce_contents($url);
    $response   =   (json_decode($response_contacts));

        return true;
    else if(isset($response->error))
        return false;

How to get MAC address of client using PHP?

The idea is, using the command cmd ipconfig /all and extract only the address mac.

Which his index $pmac+33.

And the size of mac is 17.

system('ipconfig /all');
$findme = 'physique';
$pmac = strpos($mycom, $findme);
echo $mac;

How do I replace text in a selection?

As @JOPLOmacedo stated, ctrl + F is what you need, but if you can't use that shortcut you can check in menu:

  • Find -> Find..

    and there you have it.
    You can also set a custom keybind for Find going in:

  • Preferences -> Key Bindings - User

    As your request for the selection only request, there is a button right next to the search field where you can opt-in for "in selection".

  • Run Java Code Online

    OpenCode appears to be a project at the MIT Media Lab for running Java Code online in a web browser interface. Years ago, I played around a lot at TopCoder. It runs a Java Web Start app, though, so you would need a Java run time installed.

    SQL Server insert if not exists best practice

    Don't know why anyone else hasn't said this yet;


    You've got a table that models competitions? Competitions are made up of Competitors? You need a distinct list of Competitors in one or more Competitions......

    You should have the following tables.....

    CREATE TABLE Competitor (
        [CompetitorID] INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY
        , [CompetitorName] NVARCHAR(255)
    CREATE TABLE Competition (
        [CompetitionID] INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY
        , [CompetitionName] NVARCHAR(255)
    CREATE TABLE CompetitionCompetitors (
        [CompetitionID] INT
        , [CompetitorID] INT
        , [Score] INT
        , PRIMARY KEY (
            , [CompetitorID]

    With Constraints on CompetitionCompetitors.CompetitionID and CompetitorID pointing at the other tables.

    With this kind of table structure -- your keys are all simple INTS -- there doesn't seem to be a good NATURAL KEY that would fit the model so I think a SURROGATE KEY is a good fit here.

    So if you had this then to get the the distinct list of competitors in a particular competition you can issue a query like this:

    DECLARE @CompetitionName VARCHAR(50) SET @CompetitionName = 'London Marathon'
            p.[CompetitorName] AS [CompetitorName]
            Competitor AS p
            EXISTS (
                SELECT 1
                    CompetitionCompetitor AS cc
                    JOIN Competition AS c ON c.[ID] = cc.[CompetitionID]
                    cc.[CompetitorID] = p.[CompetitorID]
                    AND cc.[CompetitionName] = @CompetitionNAme

    And if you wanted the score for each competition a competitor is in:

        , c.[CompetitionName]
        , cc.[Score]
        Competitor AS p
        JOIN CompetitionCompetitor AS cc ON cc.[CompetitorID] = p.[CompetitorID]
        JOIN Competition AS c ON c.[ID] = cc.[CompetitionID]

    And when you have a new competition with new competitors then you simply check which ones already exist in the Competitors table. If they already exist then you don't insert into Competitor for those Competitors and do insert for the new ones.

    Then you insert the new Competition in Competition and finally you just make all the links in CompetitionCompetitors.

    Array of arrays (Python/NumPy)

    If the file is only numerical values separated by tabs, try using the csv library: (you can set the delimiter to '\t')

    If you have a textual file in which every line represents a row in a matrix and has integers separated by spaces\tabs, wrapped by a 'arrayname = [...]' syntax, you should do something like:

    import re
    f = open("your-filename", 'rb')
    result_matrix = []
    for line in f.readlines():
        match = re.match(r'\s*\w+\s+\=\s+\[(.*?)\]\s*', line)
        if match is None:
            pass # line syntax is wrong - ignore the line
        values_as_strings =
        result_matrix.append(map(int, values_as_strings))

    time data does not match format

    I had the exact same error but with slightly different format and root-cause, and since this is the first Q&A that pops up when you search for "time data does not match format", I thought I'd leave the mistake I made for future viewers:

    My initial code:

    start = datetime.strptime('05-SEP-19 AM', '%d-%b-%y %I.%M.%S.%f %p')

    Where I used %I to parse the hours and %p to parse 'AM/PM'.

    The error:

    ValueError: time data '05-SEP-19 AM' does not match format '%d-%b-%y %I.%M.%S.%f %p'

    I was going through the datetime docs and finally realized in 12-hour format %I, there is no 00... once I changed 00.00.00 to 12.00.00, the problem was resolved.

    So it's either 01-12 using %I with %p, or 00-23 using %H.

    Replace text inside td using jQuery having td containing other elements

    A bit late to the party, but JQuery change inner text but preserve html has at least one approach not mentioned here:

    var $td = $("#demoTable td");
    $td.html($td.html().replace('Tap on APN and Enter', 'new text'));

    Without fixing the text, you could use (snother)[]:

    var $a = $('#demoTable td');
    var inner = '';
    $a.children.html().each(function() {
        inner = inner + this.outerHTML;
    $a.html('New text' + inner);

    PHP error: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: (while getting information from other site.)

    In my case(my machine is ubuntu 16), I append /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base file by adding below ns lines.

    nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8844
    nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8888

    then run the update script,

    resolvconf -u

    How to watch for a route change in AngularJS?

    If you don't want to place the watch inside a specific controller, you can add the watch for the whole aplication in Angular app run()

    var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);$rootScope) {
        $rootScope.$on("$locationChangeStart", function(event, next, current) { 
            // handle route changes     

    Get local href value from anchor (a) tag

    The below code gets the full path, where the anchor points:

    document.getElementById("aaa").href; //

    while the one below gets the value of the href attribute:

    document.getElementById("aaa").getAttribute("href"); // sec/IF00.html

    How do you specify table padding in CSS? ( table, not cell padding )

    CSS doesn't really allow you to do this on a table level. Generally, I specify cellspacing="3" when I want to achieve this effect. Obviously not a css solution, so take it for what it's worth.

    How to rename HTML "browse" button of an input type=file?

    The input type="file" field is very tricky because it behaves differently on every browser, it can't be styled, or can be styled a little, depending on the browser again; and it is difficult to resize (depending on the browser again, it may have a minimal size that can't be overwritten).

    There are workarounds though. The best one is in my opinion this one (the result is here).

    SET NAMES utf8 in MySQL?

    From the manual:

    SET NAMES indicates what character set the client will use to send SQL statements to the server.

    More elaborately, (and once again, gratuitously lifted from the manual):

    SET NAMES indicates what character set the client will use to send SQL statements to the server. Thus, SET NAMES 'cp1251' tells the server, “future incoming messages from this client are in character set cp1251.” It also specifies the character set that the server should use for sending results back to the client. (For example, it indicates what character set to use for column values if you use a SELECT statement.)

    Division in Python 2.7. and 3.3

    In python 2.7, the / operator is integer division if inputs are integers.

    If you want float division (which is something I always prefer), just use this special import:

    from __future__ import division

    See it here:

    >>> 7 / 2
    >>> from __future__ import division
    >>> 7 / 2

    Integer division is achieved by using //, and modulo by using %

    >>> 7 % 2
    >>> 7 // 2


    As commented by user2357112, this import has to be done before any other normal import.

    Why is enum class preferred over plain enum?

    C++ has two kinds of enum:

    1. enum classes
    2. Plain enums

    Here are a couple of examples on how to declare them:

     enum class Color { red, green, blue }; // enum class
     enum Animal { dog, cat, bird, human }; // plain enum 

    What is the difference between the two?

    • enum classes - enumerator names are local to the enum and their values do not implicitly convert to other types (like another enum or int)

    • Plain enums - where enumerator names are in the same scope as the enum and their values implicitly convert to integers and other types


    enum Color { red, green, blue };                    // plain enum 
    enum Card { red_card, green_card, yellow_card };    // another plain enum 
    enum class Animal { dog, deer, cat, bird, human };  // enum class
    enum class Mammal { kangaroo, deer, human };        // another enum class
    void fun() {
        // examples of bad use of plain enums:
        Color color = Color::red;
        Card card = Card::green_card;
        int num = color;    // no problem
        if (color == Card::red_card) // no problem (bad)
            cout << "bad" << endl;
        if (card == Color::green)   // no problem (bad)
            cout << "bad" << endl;
        // examples of good use of enum classes (safe)
        Animal a = Animal::deer;
        Mammal m = Mammal::deer;
        int num2 = a;   // error
        if (m == a)         // error (good)
            cout << "bad" << endl;
        if (a == Mammal::deer) // error (good)
            cout << "bad" << endl;


    enum classes should be preferred because they cause fewer surprises that could potentially lead to bugs.

    Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<>

    The []-operator is resolved to the access property this[sometype index], with implementation depending upon the Element-Collection.

    An Enumerable-Interface declares a blueprint of what a Collection should look like in the first place.

    Take this example to demonstrate the usefulness of clean Interface separation:

    var ienu = "13;37".Split(';').Select(int.Parse);
    //provides an WhereSelectArrayIterator
    var inta = "13;37".Split(';').Select(int.Parse).ToArray()[0];
    //inta.GetType(): System.Int32

    Also look at the syntax of the []-operator:

    public class SomeCollection{
    public SomeCollection(){}
     private bool[] bools;
      public bool this[int index] {
         get {
            if ( index < 0 || index >= bools.Length ){
               //... Out of range index Exception
            return bools[index];
         set {
            bools[index] = value;

    Jetty: HTTP ERROR: 503/ Service Unavailable

    2012-04-20 11:14:32.617:WARN:oejx.XmlParser:FATAL@file:/C:/Users/***/workspace/Test/WEB-INF/web.xml line:1 col:7 : org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed.

    You Log says, that you web.xml is malformed. Line 1, colum 7. It may be a UTF-8 Byte-Order-Marker

    Try to verify, that your xml is wellformed and does not have a BOM. Java doesn't use BOMs.

    Update Query with INNER JOIN between tables in 2 different databases on 1 server

    Update one table using Inner Join
      UPDATE Table1 SET
    FROM table1 t inner JOIN
    Table2 ml ON t.ID= ml.ID  

    How do you do dynamic / dependent drop downs in Google Sheets?

    You can start with a google sheet set up with a main page and drop down source page like shown below.

    You can set up the first column drop down through the normal Data > Validations menu prompts.

    Main Page

    Main Page with the drop down for the first column already populated.

    Drop Down Source Page

    Source page for all of the sub-categories needed

    After that, you need to set up a script with the name onEdit. (If you don't use that name, the getActiveRange() will do nothing but return cell A1)

    And use the code provided here:

    function onEdit() {
      var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
      var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
      var myRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange();
      var dvSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Categories");
      var option = new Array();
      var startCol = 0;
      if(sheet.getName() == "Front Page" && myRange.getColumn() == 1 && myRange.getRow() > 1){
        if(myRange.getValue() == "Category 1"){
          startCol = 1;
        } else if(myRange.getValue() == "Category 2"){
          startCol = 2;
        } else if(myRange.getValue() == "Category 3"){
          startCol = 3;
        } else if(myRange.getValue() == "Category 4"){
          startCol = 4;
        } else {
          startCol = 10
      if(startCol > 0 && startCol < 10){
        option = dvSheet.getSheetValues(3,startCol,10,1);
        var dv = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation();
        //dv.setHelpText("Some help text here");
        dv.requireValueInList(option, true);
        sheet.getRange(myRange.getRow(),myRange.getColumn() + 1).setDataValidation(;
      if(startCol == 10){
        sheet.getRange(myRange.getRow(),myRange.getColumn() + 1).clearDataValidations();

    After that, set up a trigger in the script editor screen by going to Edit > Current Project Triggers. This will bring up a window to have you select various drop downs to eventually end up at this:

    Trigger set up

    You should be good to go after that!

    What does request.getParameter return?

    String onevalue;   

    How to catch curl errors in PHP

    If CURLOPT_FAILONERROR is false, http errors will not trigger curl errors.

    if (@$_GET['curl']=="yes") {
      header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable');
    } else {
      $ch=curl_init($url = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?curl=yes");
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
      $http_status = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
      $curl_errno= curl_errno($ch);
      if ($http_status==503)
        echo "HTTP Status == 503 <br/>";
      echo "Curl Errno returned $curl_errno <br/>";

    What is the difference between :focus and :active?

    :focus is when an element is able to accept input - the cursor in a input box or a link that has been tabbed to.

    :active is when an element is being activated by a user - the time between when a user presses a mouse button and then releases it.

    Python dict how to create key or append an element to key?

    Here are the various ways to do this so you can compare how it looks and choose what you like. I've ordered them in a way that I think is most "pythonic", and commented the pros and cons that might not be obvious at first glance:

    Using collections.defaultdict:

    import collections
    dict_x = collections.defaultdict(list)

    Pros: Probably best performance. Cons: Not available in Python 2.4.x.

    Using dict().setdefault():

    dict_x = {}
    dict_x.setdefault(key, []).append(value)

    Cons: Inefficient creation of unused list()s.

    Using try ... except:

    dict_x = {}
        values = dict_x[key]
    except KeyError:
        values = dict_x[key] = []


    except KeyError:
        dict_x[key] = [value]

    Display names of all constraints for a table in Oracle SQL

    You need to query the data dictionary, specifically the USER_CONS_COLUMNS view to see the table columns and corresponding constraints:

    SELECT *
      FROM user_cons_columns
     WHERE table_name = '<your table name>';

    FYI, unless you specifically created your table with a lower case name (using double quotes) then the table name will be defaulted to upper case so ensure it is so in your query.

    If you then wish to see more information about the constraint itself query the USER_CONSTRAINTS view:

    SELECT *
      FROM user_constraints
     WHERE table_name = '<your table name>'
       AND constraint_name = '<your constraint name>';

    If the table is held in a schema that is not your default schema then you might need to replace the views with:




    adding to the where clause:

       AND owner = '<schema owner of the table>'

    How to retrieve the first word of the output of a command in bash?

    If you are sure there are no leading spaces, you can use bash parameter substitution:

    $ string="word1  word2"
    $ echo ${string/%\ */}

    Watch out for escaping the single space. See here for more examples of substitution patterns. If you have bash > 3.0, you could also use regular expression matching to cope with leading spaces - see here:

    $ string="  word1   word2"
    $ [[ ${string} =~ \ *([^\ ]*) ]]
    $ echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}

    Xcode 9 Swift Language Version (SWIFT_VERSION)

    For Objective C Projects created using Xcode 8 and now opening in Xcode 9, it is showing the same error as mentioned in the question.

    To fix that, Press the + button in Build Settings and select Add User-Defined Setting as shown in the image below

    build setting

    Then in the new row created add SWIFT_VERSION as key and 3.2 as value like below.

    enter image description here

    It will fix the error for objective c projects.

    How to sort a list of strings numerically?

    I approached the same problem yesterday and found a module called [natsort][1], which solves your problem. Use:

    from natsort import natsorted # pip install natsort
    # Example list of strings
    a = ['1', '10', '2', '3', '11']
    [In]  sorted(a)
    [Out] ['1', '10', '11', '2', '3']
    [In]  natsorted(a)
    [Out] ['1', '2', '3', '10', '11']
    # Your array may contain strings
    [In]  natsorted(['string11', 'string3', 'string1', 'string10', 'string100'])
    [Out] ['string1', 'string3', 'string10', 'string11', 'string100']

    It also works for dictionaries as an equivalent of sorted. [1]:

    Extract file name from path, no matter what the os/path format

    Using os.path.split or os.path.basename as others suggest won't work in all cases: if you're running the script on Linux and attempt to process a classic windows-style path, it will fail.

    Windows paths can use either backslash or forward slash as path separator. Therefore, the ntpath module (which is equivalent to os.path when running on windows) will work for all(1) paths on all platforms.

    import ntpath

    Of course, if the file ends with a slash, the basename will be empty, so make your own function to deal with it:

    def path_leaf(path):
        head, tail = ntpath.split(path)
        return tail or ntpath.basename(head)


    >>> paths = ['a/b/c/', 'a/b/c', '\\a\\b\\c', '\\a\\b\\c\\', 'a\\b\\c', 
    ...     'a/b/../../a/b/c/', 'a/b/../../a/b/c']
    >>> [path_leaf(path) for path in paths]
    ['c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c']

    (1) There's one caveat: Linux filenames may contain backslashes. So on linux, r'a/b\c' always refers to the file b\c in the a folder, while on Windows, it always refers to the c file in the b subfolder of the a folder. So when both forward and backward slashes are used in a path, you need to know the associated platform to be able to interpret it correctly. In practice it's usually safe to assume it's a windows path since backslashes are seldom used in Linux filenames, but keep this in mind when you code so you don't create accidental security holes.

    String to Dictionary in Python

    This data is JSON! You can deserialize it using the built-in json module if you're on Python 2.6+, otherwise you can use the excellent third-party simplejson module.

    import json    # or `import simplejson as json` if on Python < 2.6
    json_string = u'{ "id":"123456789", ... }'
    obj = json.loads(json_string)    # obj now contains a dict of the data

    How do I correctly use "Not Equal" in MS Access?

    Like this

    SELECT DISTINCT Table1.Column1
    FROM Table1
        WHERE Table1.Column1 = Table2.Column1  )

    You want NOT EXISTS, not "Not Equal"

    By the way, you rarely want to write a FROM clause like this:

    FROM Table1, Table2

    as this means "FROM all combinations of every row in Table1 with every row in Table2..." Usually that's a lot more result rows than you ever want to see. And in the rare case that you really do want to do that, the more accepted syntax is:

    FROM Table1 CROSS JOIN Table2

    Bootstrap 3 scrollable div for table

    You can use too

    style="overflow-y: scroll; height:150px; width: auto;"

    It's works for me

    Constructor overload in TypeScript

    You should had in mind that...

    constructor(a:any, b:any, c:any)

    It's the same as new() or new("a","b","c")


    constructor(a?:any, b?:any, c?:any)

    is the same above and is more flexible...

    new() or new("a") or new("a","b") or new("a","b","c")

    Google drive limit number of download

    Sure Google has a limit of downloads so that you don't abuse the system. These are the limits if you are using Gmail:

    The following limits apply for Google Apps for Business or Education editions. Limits for domains during trial are lower. These limits may change without notice in order to protect Google’s infrastructure.

    Bandwidth limits
    Limit                          Per hour            Per day
    Download via web client        750 MB              1250 MB
    Upload via web client          300 MB              500 MB
    POP and IMAP bandwidth limits
    Limit                Per day
    Download via IMAP    2500 MB
    Download via POP     1250 MB
    Upload via IMAP      500 MB

    check out this link

    git replace local version with remote version

    I understand the question as this: you want to completely replace the contents of one file (or a selection) from upstream. You don't want to affect the index directly (so you would go through add + commit as usual).

    Simply do

    git checkout remote/branch -- a/file b/another/file

    If you want to do this for extensive subtrees and instead wish to affect the index directly use

    git read-tree remote/branch:subdir/

    You can then (optionally) update your working copy by doing

    git checkout-index -u --force

    Get HTML5 localStorage keys

    I like to create an easily visible object out of it like this.

    Object.keys(localStorage).reduce(function(obj, str) { 
        obj[str] = localStorage.getItem(str); 
        return obj
    }, {});

    I do a similar thing with cookies as well.

    document.cookie.split(';').reduce(function(obj, str){ 
        var s = str.split('='); 
        obj[s[0].trim()] = s[1];
        return obj;
    }, {});

    Check if Cookie Exists

    You need to use HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies, not Response.Cookies.

    Side note: cookies are copied to Request on Response.Cookies.Add, which makes check on either of them to behave the same for newly added cookies. But incoming cookies are never reflected in Response.

    This behavior is documented in HttpResponse.Cookies property:

    After you add a cookie by using the HttpResponse.Cookies collection, the cookie is immediately available in the HttpRequest.Cookies collection, even if the response has not been sent to the client.

    LINQ's Distinct() on a particular property

    The following code is functionally equivalent to Jon Skeet's answer.

    Tested on .NET 4.5, should work on any earlier version of LINQ.

    public static IEnumerable<TSource> DistinctBy<TSource, TKey>(
      this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector)
      HashSet<TKey> seenKeys = new HashSet<TKey>();
      return source.Where(element => seenKeys.Add(keySelector(element)));

    Incidentially, check out Jon Skeet's latest version of DistinctBy.cs on Google Code.

    How can I simulate a print statement in MySQL?

    If you do not want to the text twice as column heading as well as value, use the following stmt!

    SELECT 'some text' as '';


    mysql>SELECT 'some text' as ''; +-----------+ | | +-----------+ | some text | +-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    How to rsync only a specific list of files?

    --files-from= parameter needs trailing slash if you want to keep the absolute path intact. So your command would become something like below:

    rsync -av --files-from=/path/to/file / /tmp/

    This could be done like there are a large number of files and you want to copy all files to x path. So you would find the files and throw output to a file like below:

    find /var/* -name *.log > file

    Read .doc file with python

    The answer from Shivam Kotwalia works perfectly. However, the object is imported as a byte type. Sometimes you may need it as a string for performing REGEX or something like that.

    I recommend the following code (two lines from Shivam Kotwalia's answer) :

    import textract
    text = textract.process("path/to/file.extension")
    text = text.decode("utf-8") 

    The last line will convert the object text to a string.

    How to check whether a int is not null or empty?

    int variables can't be null

    If a null is to be converted to int, then it is the converter which decides whether to set 0, throw exception, or set another value (like Integer.MIN_VALUE). Try to plug your own converter.

    Caused By: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Logger

    Check in Deployment Assembly,

    I have the same error, when i generate the war file with the "maven clean install" way and deploy manualy, it works fine, but when i use the runtime enviroment (eclipse) the problems come.

    The solution for me (for eclipse IDE) go to: "proyect properties" --> "Deployment Assembly" --> "Add" --> "the jar you need", in my case java "build path entries". Maybe can help a litle!

    JQuery add class to parent element


    Property getters and setters

    You are recursively defining x with x. As if someone asks you how old are you? And you answer "I am twice my age". Which is meaningless.

    You must say I am twice John's age or any other variable but yourself.

    computed variables are always dependent on another variable.

    The rule of the thumb is never access the property itself from within the getter ie get. Because that would trigger another get which would trigger another . . . Don't even print it. Because printing also requires to 'get' the value before it can print it!

    struct Person{
        var name: String{
                print(name) // DON'T do this!!!!
                return "as"
    let p1 = Person()

    As that would give the following warning:

    Attempting to access 'name' from within it's own getter.

    The error looks vague like this:

    enter image description here

    As an alternative you might want to use didSet. With didSet you'll get a hold to the value that is was set before and just got set to. For more see this answer.

    How can change width of dropdown list?

    Create a css and set the value style="width:50px;" in css code. Call the class of CSS in the drop down list. Then it will work.

    How to use Google App Engine with my own naked domain (not subdomain)?

    Google does not provide an IP for us to set A record. If it would we could use naked domains.

    There is another option, by setting A record to foreign web server's IP and that server could make an http redirect from e.g to (check out GiDNS)

    What EXACTLY is meant by "de-referencing a NULL pointer"?

    A NULL pointer points to memory that doesn't exist, and will raise Segmentation fault. There's an easier way to de-reference a NULL pointer, take a look.

    int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
        *(int *)0 = 0; // Segmentation fault (core dumped)
        return 0;

    Since 0 is never a valid pointer value, a fault occurs.

    SIGSEGV {si_signo=SIGSEGV, si_code=SEGV_MAPERR, si_addr=NULL}

    How to write a basic swap function in Java

      class Swap2Values{
        public static void main(String[] args){
           int a = 20, b = 10;
           //before swaping
           System.out.print("Before Swapping the values of a and b are: a = "+a+", b = "+b);
           a = a + b;
           b = a - b;
           a = a - b;
           //after swapping
          System.out.print("After Swapping the values of a and b are: a = "+a+", b = "+b);

    (Built-in) way in JavaScript to check if a string is a valid number

    Old question, but there are several points missing in the given answers.

    Scientific notation.

    !isNaN('1e+30') is true, however in most of the cases when people ask for numbers, they do not want to match things like 1e+30.

    Large floating numbers may behave weird

    Observe (using Node.js):

    > var s = Array(16 + 1).join('9')
    > s.length
    > s
    > !isNaN(s)
    > Number(s)
    > String(Number(s)) === s

    On the other hand:

    > var s = Array(16 + 1).join('1')
    > String(Number(s)) === s
    > var s = Array(15 + 1).join('9')
    > String(Number(s)) === s

    So, if one expects String(Number(s)) === s, then better limit your strings to 15 digits at most (after omitting leading zeros).


    > typeof Infinity
    > !isNaN('Infinity')
    > isFinite('Infinity')

    Given all that, checking that the given string is a number satisfying all of the following:

    • non scientific notation
    • predictable conversion to Number and back to String
    • finite

    is not such an easy task. Here is a simple version:

      function isNonScientificNumberString(o) {
        if (!o || typeof o !== 'string') {
          // Should not be given anything but strings.
          return false;
        return o.length <= 15 && o.indexOf('e+') < 0 && o.indexOf('E+') < 0 && !isNaN(o) && isFinite(o);

    However, even this one is far from complete. Leading zeros are not handled here, but they do screw the length test.

    Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-includes\class-http.php on line 1610

    @Raphael your solution does work. I encountered the same problem and solved it by increasing the maximum execution time to 180. There is an easier way to do it though:

    1. Open the Xampp control panel

    2. Click on 'config' behind 'Apache'

    3. Select 'PHP (php.ini)' from the dropdown -> A file should now open in your text editor

    4. Press ctrl+f and search for 'max_execution_time', you should fine a line which only says


    5. Change 30 to a bigger number (180 worked for me), like this:


    6. Save the file

    7. 'Stop' Apache server

    8. Close Xampp

    9. Restart Xampp

    10. 'Start' Apache server

    11. Update Wordpress from the Admin dashboard

    12. Enjoy ;)

    Find current directory and file's directory

    1.To get the current directory full path

        >>import os
        >>print os.getcwd()

    o/p:"C :\Users\admin\myfolder"

    1.To get the current directory folder name alone

        >>import os
        >>print str2[n-1]


    How do you receive a url parameter with a spring controller mapping

    You have a lot of variants for using @RequestParam with additional optional elements, e.g.

    @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "someValue", value="someAttr") String someAttr

    If you don't put required = false - param will be required by default.

    defaultValue = "someValue" - the default value to use as a fallback when the request parameter is not provided or has an empty value.

    If request and method param are the same - you don't need value = "someAttr"

    Storing database records into array

    $memberId =$_SESSION['TWILLO']['Id'];
        $QueryServer=mysql_query("select * from smtp_server where memberId='".$memberId."'");
        $data = array();
         $data[$ser['Id']] =array('ServerName','ServerPort','Server_limit','email','password','status');

    TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'list' and 'list'

    You can't subtract a list from a list.

    >>> [3, 7] - [1, 2]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'list' and 'list'

    Simple way to do it is using numpy:

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> np.array([3, 7]) - np.array([1, 2])
    array([2, 5])

    You can also use list comprehension, but it will require changing code in the function:

    >>> [a - b for a, b in zip([3, 7], [1, 2])]
    [2, 5]

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> def Naive_Gauss(Array,b):
    ...     n = len(Array)
    ...     for column in xrange(n-1):
    ...         for row in xrange(column+1, n):
    ...             xmult = Array[row][column] / Array[column][column]
    ...             Array[row][column] = xmult
    ...             #print Array[row][col]
    ...             for col in xrange(0, n):
    ...                 Array[row][col] = Array[row][col] - xmult*Array[column][col]
    ...             b[row] = b[row]-xmult*b[column]
    ...     print Array
    ...     print b
    ...     return Array, b  # <--- Without this, the function will return `None`.
    >>> print Naive_Gauss(np.array([[2,3],[4,5]]),
    ...                   np.array([[6],[7]]))
    [[ 2  3]
     [-2 -1]]
    [[ 6]
    (array([[ 2,  3],
           [-2, -1]]), array([[ 6],

    How do you add Boost libraries in CMakeLists.txt?

    Try as saying Boost documentation:

    set(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS        ON)  # only find static libs
    set(Boost_USE_DEBUG_LIBS         OFF) # ignore debug libs and 
    set(Boost_USE_RELEASE_LIBS       ON)  # only find release libs 
    set(Boost_USE_MULTITHREADED      ON)
    set(Boost_USE_STATIC_RUNTIME    OFF) 
    find_package(Boost 1.66.0 COMPONENTS date_time filesystem system ...)
        target_link_libraries(foo ${Boost_LIBRARIES})

    Don't forget to replace foo to your project name and components to yours!

    How to Load Ajax in Wordpress

    Use wp_localize_script and pass url there:

    wp_localize_script( some_handle, 'admin_url', array('ajax_url' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) ) );

    then inside js, you can call it by


    When and Why to use abstract classes/methods?

    I know basic use of abstract classes is to create templates for future classes. But are there any more uses of them?

    Not only can you define a template for children, but Abstract Classes offer the added benefit of letting you define functionality that your child classes can utilize later.

    You could not provide a default method implementation in an Interface prior to Java 8.

    When should you prefer them over interfaces and when not?

    Abstract Classes are a good fit if you want to provide implementation details to your children but don't want to allow an instance of your class to be directly instantiated (which allows you to partially define a class).

    If you want to simply define a contract for Objects to follow, then use an Interface.

    Also when are abstract methods useful?

    Abstract methods are useful in the same way that defining methods in an Interface is useful. It's a way for the designer of the Abstract class to say "any child of mine MUST implement this method".

    How do you convert a JavaScript date to UTC?

    Date.prototype.toUTCArray= function(){
        var D= this;
        return [D.getUTCFullYear(), D.getUTCMonth(), D.getUTCDate(), D.getUTCHours(),
        D.getUTCMinutes(), D.getUTCSeconds()];
    Date.prototype.toISO= function(){
        var tem, A= this.toUTCArray(), i= 0;
        A[1]+= 1;
            tem= A[i];
            if(tem<10) A[i]= '0'+tem;
        return A.splice(0, 3).join('-')+'T'+A.join(':');    

    Show "loading" animation on button click

            beforeSend : function(xhr, opts){
                //show loading gif
            success: function(){
            complete : function() {
               //remove loading gif

    How do you completely remove Ionic and Cordova installation from mac?

    Command to remove Cordova and ionic

    • For Window system

      • npm uninstall -g ionic
      • npm uninstall -g cordova
    • For Mac system

      • sudo npm uninstall -g ionic
      • sudo npm uninstall -g cordova
    • For install cordova and ionic

      • npm install -g cordova
      • npm install -g ionic


    • If you want to install in MAC System use before npm use sudo only.
    • And plan to install specific version of ionic and cordova then use @(version no.).


    sudo npm install -g [email protected]
    sudo npm install -g [email protected]

    C pointers and arrays: [Warning] assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast

    In this case a[4] is the 5th integer in the array a, ap is a pointer to integer, so you are assigning an integer to a pointer and that's the warning.
    So ap now holds 45 and when you try to de-reference it (by doing *ap) you are trying to access a memory at address 45, which is an invalid address, so your program crashes.

    You should do ap = &(a[4]); or ap = a + 4;

    In c array names decays to pointer, so a points to the 1st element of the array.
    In this way, a is equivalent to &(a[0]).

    Most concise way to convert a Set<T> to a List<T>

    not really sure what you're doing exactly via the context of your code but...

    why make the listOfTopicAuthors variable at all?

    List<String> list = Arrays.asList((....).toArray( new String[0] ) );

    the "...." represents however your set came into play, whether it's new or came from another location.

    ORA-01031: insufficient privileges when selecting view

    Let me make a recap.

    When you build a view containing object of different owners, those other owners have to grant "with grant option" to the owner of the view. So, the view owner can grant to other users or schemas....

    Example: User_a is the owner of a table called mine_a User_b is the owner of a table called yours_b

    Let's say user_b wants to create a view with a join of mine_a and yours_b

    For the view to work fine, user_a has to give "grant select on mine_a to user_b with grant option"

    Then user_b can grant select on that view to everybody.

    How can I store JavaScript variable output into a PHP variable?

    You really can't. PHP is generated at the server then sent to the browser, where JS starts to do it's stuff. So, whatever happens in JS on a page, PHP doesn't know because it's already done it's stuff. @manjula is correct, that if you want that to happen, you'd have to use a POST, or an ajax.

    How to check if a string contains an element from a list in Python

    Use list comprehensions if you want a single line solution. The following code returns a list containing the url_string when it has the extensions .doc, .pdf and .xls or returns empty list when it doesn't contain the extension.

    print [url_string for extension in extensionsToCheck if(extension in url_string)]

    NOTE: This is only to check if it contains or not and is not useful when one wants to extract the exact word matching the extensions.

    How to fix Ora-01427 single-row subquery returns more than one row in select?

    Use the following query:

           E.I_EmpName AS EMPNAME,
           REPLACE(TO_CHAR(A.I_ENDDATE, 'DD-Mon-YYYY'), ' ', '') AS TODATE,
           TO_CHAR(NOD) AS NOD,
                  'AfterNoon') AS DURATION,
           L.I_LeaveType AS LEAVETYPE,
                             FROM T_COMPENSATION C
                            WHERE C.I_COMPENSATEDDATE = A.I_REQDATE
                              AND C.I_EMPID = A.I_EMPID),
                   ' ',
                   '') AS WORKDATE,
           A.I_REASON AS REASON,
        ON A.I_EMPID = E.I_EmpID
       AND UPPER(E.I_IsActive) = 'YES'
       AND A.I_STATUS = '1'
     INNER JOIN T_LeaveType_MS L
     WHERE E.I_EMPID <> '22'

    The trick is to force the inner query return only one record by adding an aggregate function (I have used max() here). This will work perfectly as far as the query is concerned, but, honestly, OP should investigate why the inner query is returning multiple records by examining the data. Are these multiple records really relevant business wise?

    RSA Public Key format

    Reference Decoder of CRL,CRT,CSR,NEW CSR,PRIVATE KEY, PUBLIC KEY,RSA,RSA Public Key Parser

    RSA Public Key

    -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
    -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----

    Encrypted Private Key

    Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----


    -----BEGIN X509 CRL-----
    -----END X509 CRL-----


    -----END CERTIFICATE-----






    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----


    -----BEGIN PKCS7-----
    -----END PKCS7-----


    -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
    -----END PRIVATE KEY-----


    -----END DSA PRIVATE KEY-----

    Elliptic Curve

    -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----
    -----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----

    PGP Private Key


    PGP Public Key


    HTML form action and onsubmit issues


    onsubmit="return checkRegistration()"

    Editing in the Chrome debugger

    I came across this today, when I was playing around with someone else's website.

    I realized I could attach a break-point in the debugger to some line of code before what I wanted to dynamically edit. And since break-points stay even after a reload of the page, I was able to edit the changes I wanted while paused at break-point and then continued to let the page load.

    So as a quick work around, and if it works with your situation:

    1. Add a break-point at an earlier point in the script
    2. Reload page
    3. Edit your changes into the code
    4. CTRL + s (save changes)
    5. Unpause the debugger

    What does a question mark represent in SQL queries?

    The ? is to allow Parameterized Query. These parameterized query is to allow type-specific value when replacing the ? with their respective value.

    That's all to it.

    Here's a reason of why it's better to use Parameterized Query. Basically, it's easier to read and debug.

    ERROR in The Angular Compiler requires TypeScript >=3.1.1 and <3.2.0 but 3.2.1 was found instead

    To fix this install the specific typescript version 3.1.6

    npm i [email protected] --save-dev --save-exact

    newline character in c# string

    They might be just a \r or a \n. I just checked and the text visualizer in VS 2010 displays both as newlines as well as \r\n.

    This string

    string test = "blah\r\nblah\rblah\nblah";

    Shows up as


    in the text visualizer.

    So you could try

    string modifiedString = originalString
        .Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />")
        .Replace("\r", "<br />")
        .Replace("\n", "<br />");

    Console output in a Qt GUI app?

    First of all you can try flushing the buffer

    std::cout << "Hello, world!"<<std::endl;

    For more Qt based logging you can try using qDebug.

    Decode HTML entities in Python string?

    Beautiful Soup 4 allows you to set a formatter to your output

    If you pass in formatter=None, Beautiful Soup will not modify strings at all on output. This is the fastest option, but it may lead to Beautiful Soup generating invalid HTML/XML, as in these examples:

    # <html>
    #  <body>
    #   <p>
    #    Il a dit <<Sacré bleu!>>
    #   </p>
    #  </body>
    # </html>
    link_soup = BeautifulSoup('<a href="">A link</a>')
    # <a href="">A link</a>

    Is using 'var' to declare variables optional?

    There's a bit more to it than just local vs global. Global variables created with var are different than those created without. Consider this:

    var foo = 1; // declared properly
    bar = 2; // implied global
    window.baz = 3; // global via window object

    Based on the answers so far, these global variables, foo, bar, and baz are all equivalent. This is not the case. Global variables made with var are (correctly) assigned the internal [[DontDelete]] property, such that they cannot be deleted.

    delete foo; // false
    delete bar; // true
    delete baz; // true
    foo; // 1
    bar; // ReferenceError
    baz; // ReferenceError

    This is why you should always use var, even for global variables.

    How much RAM is SQL Server actually using?

    1. Start -> Run -> perfmon
    2. Look at the zillions of counters that SQL Server installs

    Get all files and directories in specific path fast

    Maybe it will be helpfull for you. You could use "DirectoryInfo.EnumerateFiles" method and handle UnauthorizedAccessException as you need.

    using System;
    using System.IO;
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            DirectoryInfo diTop = new DirectoryInfo(@"d:\");
                foreach (var fi in diTop.EnumerateFiles())
                        // Display each file over 10 MB; 
                        if (fi.Length > 10000000)
                            Console.WriteLine("{0}\t\t{1}", fi.FullName, fi.Length.ToString("N0"));
                    catch (UnauthorizedAccessException UnAuthTop)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}", UnAuthTop.Message);
                foreach (var di in diTop.EnumerateDirectories("*"))
                        foreach (var fi in di.EnumerateFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                                // Display each file over 10 MB; 
                                if (fi.Length > 10000000)
                                    Console.WriteLine("{0}\t\t{1}",  fi.FullName, fi.Length.ToString("N0"));
                            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException UnAuthFile)
                                Console.WriteLine("UnAuthFile: {0}", UnAuthFile.Message);
                    catch (UnauthorizedAccessException UnAuthSubDir)
                        Console.WriteLine("UnAuthSubDir: {0}", UnAuthSubDir.Message);
            catch (DirectoryNotFoundException DirNotFound)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}", DirNotFound.Message);
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException UnAuthDir)
                Console.WriteLine("UnAuthDir: {0}", UnAuthDir.Message);
            catch (PathTooLongException LongPath)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}", LongPath.Message);

    Apache and Node.js on the Same Server

    Great question!

    There are many websites and free web apps implemented in PHP that run on Apache, lots of people use it so you can mash up something pretty easy and besides, its a no-brainer way of serving static content. Node is fast, powerful, elegant, and a sexy tool with the raw power of V8 and a flat stack with no in-built dependencies.

    I also want the ease/flexibility of Apache and yet the grunt and elegance of Node.JS, why can't I have both?

    Fortunately with the ProxyPass directive in the Apache httpd.conf its not too hard to pipe all requests on a particular URL to your Node.JS application.

    ProxyPass /node http://localhost:8000

    Also, make sure the following lines are NOT commented out so you get the right proxy and submodule to reroute http requests:

    LoadModule proxy_module modules/
    LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/

    Then run your Node app on port 8000!

    var http = require('http');
    http.createServer(function (req, res) {
      res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
      res.end('Hello Apache!\n');
    }).listen(8000, '');

    Then you can access all Node.JS logic using the /node/ path on your url, the rest of the website can be left to Apache to host your existing PHP pages:

    enter image description here

    Now the only thing left is convincing your hosting company let your run with this configuration!!!

    TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable

    A more functional approach would be by using dict.get

    input_nums = [int(in_str) for in_str in input_str.split())
    strikes = list(map(number_map.get, input_nums.split()))

    One can observe that the conversion is a little clumsy, better would be to use the abstraction of function composition:

    def compose2(f, g):
        return lambda x: f(g(x))
    strikes = list(map(compose2(number_map.get, int), input_str.split()))
    list(map(compose2(number_map.get, int), ["1", "2", "7"]))
    Out[29]: [-3, -2, None]

    Obviously in Python 3 you would avoid the explicit conversion to a list. A more general approach for function composition in Python can be found here.

    (Remark: I came here from the Design of Computer Programs Udacity class, to write:)

    def word_score(word):
        "The sum of the individual letter point scores for this word."
        return sum(map(POINTS.get, word))

    Getting the source of a specific image element with jQuery

    To select and element where you know only the attribute value you can use the below jQuery script

    var src = $('.conversation_img[alt="example"]').attr('src');

    Please refer the jQuery Documentation for attribute equals selectors

    Please also refer to the example in Demo

    Following is the code incase you are not able to access the demo..


        <img alt="example" src="\images\show.jpg" />
        <img  alt="exampleAll" src="\images\showAll.jpg" />  


    var src = $('img[alt="example"]').attr('src');
    alert("source of image with alternate text = example - " + src);
    var srcAll = $('img[alt="exampleAll"]').attr('src');
    alert("source of image with alternate text = exampleAll - " + srcAll );

    Output will be

    Two Alert messages each having values

    1. source of image with alternate text = example - \images\show.jpg
    2. source of image with alternate text = exampleAll - \images\showAll.jpg

    What is sharding and why is it important?

    Sharding is just another name for "horizontal partitioning" of a database. You might want to search for that term to get it clearer.

    From Wikipedia:

    Horizontal partitioning is a design principle whereby rows of a database table are held separately, rather than splitting by columns (as for normalization). Each partition forms part of a shard, which may in turn be located on a separate database server or physical location. The advantage is the number of rows in each table is reduced (this reduces index size, thus improves search performance). If the sharding is based on some real-world aspect of the data (e.g. European customers vs. American customers) then it may be possible to infer the appropriate shard membership easily and automatically, and query only the relevant shard.

    Some more information about sharding:

    Firstly, each database server is identical, having the same table structure. Secondly, the data records are logically split up in a sharded database. Unlike the partitioned database, each complete data record exists in only one shard (unless there's mirroring for backup/redundancy) with all CRUD operations performed just in that database. You may not like the terminology used, but this does represent a different way of organizing a logical database into smaller parts.

    Update: You wont break MVC. The work of determining the correct shard where to store the data would be transparently done by your data access layer. There you would have to determine the correct shard based on the criteria which you used to shard your database. (As you have to manually shard the database into some different shards based on some concrete aspects of your application.) Then you have to take care when loading and storing the data from/into the database to use the correct shard.

    Maybe this example with Java code makes it somewhat clearer (it's about the Hibernate Shards project), how this would work in a real world scenario.

    To address the "why sharding": It's mainly only for very large scale applications, with lots of data. First, it helps minimizing response times for database queries. Second, you can use more cheaper, "lower-end" machines to host your data on, instead of one big server, which might not suffice anymore.

    How to compare two JSON have the same properties without order?

    This code will verify the json independently of param object order.

    var isEqualsJson = (obj1,obj2)=>{
        keys1 = Object.keys(obj1);
        keys2 = Object.keys(obj2);
        //return true when the two json has same length and all the properties has same value key by key
        return keys1.length === keys2.length && Object.keys(obj1).every(key=>obj1[key]==obj2[key]);
    var obj1 = {a:1,b:2,c:3};
    var obj2 = {a:1,b:2,c:3}; 
    console.log("json is equals: "+ isEqualsJson(obj1,obj2));
    alert("json is equals: "+ isEqualsJson(obj1,obj2));

    Border for an Image view in Android?

    Just add this code in your ImageView:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            android:width="4dp" android:color="@android:color/black"/>
        <padding android:left="1dp" android:top="1dp" android:right="1dp"
            android:bottom="1dp" />

    Grep characters before and after match?

    You mean, like this:

    grep -o '.\{0,20\}test_pattern.\{0,20\}' file


    That will print up to twenty characters on either side of test_pattern. The \{0,20\} notation is like *, but specifies zero to twenty repetitions instead of zero or more.The -o says to show only the match itself, rather than the entire line.

    C++ - Assigning null to a std::string

    You cannot assign NULL or 0 to a C++ std::string object, because the object is not a pointer. This is one key difference from C-style strings; a C-style string can either be NULL or a valid string, whereas C++ std::strings always store some value.

    There is no easy fix to this. If you'd like to reserve a sentinel value (say, the empty string), then you could do something like

    const std::string NOT_A_STRING = "";
    mValue = NOT_A_STRING;

    Alternatively, you could store a pointer to a string so that you can set it to null:

    std::string* mValue = NULL;
    if (value) {
        mValue = new std::string(value);

    Hope this helps!

    Memcache Vs. Memcached

    They are not identical. Memcache is older but it has some limitations. I was using just fine in my application until I realized you can't store literal FALSE in cache. Value FALSE returned from the cache is the same as FALSE returned when a value is not found in the cache. There is no way to check which is which. Memcached has additional method (among others) Memcached::getResultCode that will tell you whether key was found.

    Because of this limitation I switched to storing empty arrays instead of FALSE in cache. I am still using Memcache, but I just wanted to put this info out there for people who are deciding.

    Why is printing "B" dramatically slower than printing "#"?

    I performed tests on Eclipse vs Netbeans 8.0.2, both with Java version 1.8; I used System.nanoTime() for measurements.


    I got the same time on both cases - around 1.564 seconds.


    • Using "#": 1.536 seconds
    • Using "B": 44.164 seconds

    So, it looks like Netbeans has bad performance on print to console.

    After more research I realized that the problem is line-wrapping of the max buffer of Netbeans (it's not restricted to System.out.println command), demonstrated by this code:

    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
        long t1 = System.nanoTime();
        System.out.print("BBB......BBB"); \\<-contain 1000 "B"
        long t2 = System.nanoTime();

    The time results are less then 1 millisecond every iteration except every fifth iteration, when the time result is around 225 millisecond. Something like (in nanoseconds):


    And so on..


    1. Eclipse works perfectly with "B"
    2. Netbeans has a line-wrapping problem that can be solved (because the problem does not occur in eclipse)(without adding space after B ("B ")).

    Difference between two dates in MySQL

    This code calculate difference between two dates in yyyy MM dd format.

    declare @StartDate datetime 
    declare @EndDate datetime
    declare @years int
    declare @months int 
    declare @days int
    --NOTE: date of birth must be smaller than As on date, 
    --else it could produce wrong results
    set @StartDate = '2013-12-30' --birthdate
    set @EndDate  = Getdate()            --current datetime
    --calculate years
    select @years = datediff(year,@StartDate,@EndDate)
    --calculate months if it's value is negative then it 
    --indicates after __ months; __ years will be complete
    --To resolve this, we have taken a flag @MonthOverflow...
    declare @monthOverflow int
    select @monthOverflow = case when datediff(month,@StartDate,@EndDate) - 
      ( datediff(year,@StartDate,@EndDate) * 12) <0 then -1 else 1 end
    --decrease year by 1 if months are Overflowed
    select @Years = case when @monthOverflow < 0 then @years-1 else @years end
    select @months =  datediff(month,@StartDate,@EndDate) - (@years * 12) 
    --as we do for month overflow criteria for days and hours 
    --& minutes logic will followed same way
    declare @LastdayOfMonth int
    select @LastdayOfMonth =  datepart(d,DATEADD
        (s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,@EndDate)+1,0)))
    select @days = case when @monthOverflow<0 and 
        DAY(@StartDate)> DAY(@EndDate) 
    then @LastdayOfMonth + 
      (datepart(d,@EndDate) - datepart(d,@StartDate) ) - 1  
          else datepart(d,@EndDate) - datepart(d,@StartDate) end 
     @Months=case when @days < 0 or DAY(@StartDate)> DAY(@EndDate) then @Months-1 else @Months end
    Declare @lastdayAsOnDate int;
    set @lastdayAsOnDate = datepart(d,DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,@EndDate),0)));
    Declare @lastdayBirthdate int;
    set @lastdayBirthdate =  datepart(d,DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,@StartDate)+1,0)));
    if (@Days < 0) 
        select @Days = case when( @lastdayBirthdate > @lastdayAsOnDate) then
            @lastdayBirthdate + @Days
            @lastdayAsOnDate + @Days
    print  convert(varchar,@years)   + ' year(s),   '  +
           convert(varchar,@months)  + ' month(s),   ' +
           convert(varchar,@days)    + ' day(s)   '   

    Reloading submodules in IPython

    Module named importlib allow to access to import internals. Especially, it provide function importlib.reload():

    import importlib

    In contrary of %autoreload, importlib.reload() also reset global variables set in module. In most cases, it is what you want.

    importlib is only available since Python 3.1. For older version, you have to use module imp.

    Go to "next" iteration in JavaScript forEach loop

    just return true inside your if statement

    var myArr = [1,2,3,4];
      if (elem === 3) {
          return true;
        // Go to "next" iteration. Or "continue" to next iteration...

    How to create a density plot in matplotlib?

    Maybe try something like:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy
    from scipy import stats
    data = [1.5]*7 + [2.5]*2 + [3.5]*8 + [4.5]*3 + [5.5]*1 + [6.5]*8
    density = stats.kde.gaussian_kde(data)
    x = numpy.arange(0., 8, .1)
    plt.plot(x, density(x))

    You can easily replace gaussian_kde() by a different kernel density estimate.

    DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled

    On Windows 10,

    I just solved this issue by doing the following.

    1. Goto my.ini and add these 2 lines under [mysqld]

      log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1
    2. restart MySQL service

    VBScript -- Using error handling

    VBScript has no notion of throwing or catching exceptions, but the runtime provides a global Err object that contains the results of the last operation performed. You have to explicitly check whether the Err.Number property is non-zero after each operation.

    On Error Resume Next
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      WScript.Echo "Error in DoStep1: " & Err.Description
    End If
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      WScript.Echo "Error in DoStop2:" & Err.Description
    End If
    'If you no longer want to continue following an error after that block's completed,
    'call this.
    On Error Goto 0

    The "On Error Goto [label]" syntax is supported by Visual Basic and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), but VBScript doesn't support this language feature so you have to use On Error Resume Next as described above.

    How to get just numeric part of CSS property with jQuery?

    I use a simple jQuery plugin to return the numeric value of any single CSS property.

    It applies parseFloat to the value returned by jQuery's default css method.

    Plugin Definition:

    $.fn.cssNum = function(){
      return parseFloat($.fn.css.apply(this,arguments));


    var element = $('.selector-class');
    var numericWidth = element.cssNum('width') * 10 + 'px';
    element.css('width', numericWidth);

    NSArray + remove item from array

    Made a category like mxcl, but this is slightly faster.

    My testing shows ~15% improvement (I could be wrong, feel free to compare the two yourself).

    Basically I take the portion of the array thats in front of the object and the portion behind and combine them. Thus excluding the element.

    - (NSArray *)prefix_arrayByRemovingObject:(id)object 
        if (!object) {
            return self;
        NSUInteger indexOfObject = [self indexOfObject:object];
        NSArray *firstSubArray = [self subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, indexOfObject)];
        NSArray *secondSubArray = [self subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(indexOfObject + 1, self.count - indexOfObject - 1)];
        NSArray *newArray = [firstSubArray arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:secondSubArray];
        return newArray;

    How to check whether a Storage item is set?

    localStorage.getItem("root2") === null //false

    Maybe better to do a scan of the plan ?

    'root1' in localStorage

    How to implement the ReLU function in Numpy

    EDIT As jirassimok has mentioned below my function will change the data in place, after that it runs a lot faster in timeit. This causes the good results. It's some kind of cheating. Sorry for your inconvenience.

    I found a faster method for ReLU with numpy. You can use the fancy index feature of numpy as well.

    fancy index:

    20.3 ms ± 272 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

    >>> x = np.random.random((5,5)) - 0.5 
    >>> x
    array([[-0.21444316, -0.05676216,  0.43956365, -0.30788116, -0.19952038],
           [-0.43062223,  0.12144647, -0.05698369, -0.32187085,  0.24901568],
           [ 0.06785385, -0.43476031, -0.0735933 ,  0.3736868 ,  0.24832288],
           [ 0.47085262, -0.06379623,  0.46904916, -0.29421609, -0.15091168],
           [ 0.08381359, -0.25068492, -0.25733763, -0.1852205 , -0.42816953]])
    >>> x[x<0]=0
    >>> x
    array([[ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.43956365,  0.        ,  0.        ],
           [ 0.        ,  0.12144647,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.24901568],
           [ 0.06785385,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.3736868 ,  0.24832288],
           [ 0.47085262,  0.        ,  0.46904916,  0.        ,  0.        ],
           [ 0.08381359,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ]])

    Here is my benchmark:

    import numpy as np
    x = np.random.random((5000, 5000)) - 0.5
    print("max method:")
    %timeit -n10 np.maximum(x, 0)
    print("max inplace method:")
    %timeit -n10 np.maximum(x, 0,x)
    print("multiplication method:")
    %timeit -n10 x * (x > 0)
    print("abs method:")
    %timeit -n10 (abs(x) + x) / 2
    print("fancy index:")
    %timeit -n10 x[x<0] =0
    max method:
    241 ms ± 3.53 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
    max inplace method:
    38.5 ms ± 4 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
    multiplication method:
    162 ms ± 3.1 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
    abs method:
    181 ms ± 4.18 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
    fancy index:
    20.3 ms ± 272 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

    Docker Networking - nginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream

    My Workaround (after much trial and error):

    • In order to get around this issue, I had to get the full name of the 'upstream' Docker container, found by running docker network inspect my-special-docker-network and getting the full name property of the upstream container as such:

      "Containers": {
           "39ad8199184f34585b556d7480dd47de965bc7b38ac03fc0746992f39afac338": {
                "Name": "my_upstream_container_name_1_2478f2b3aca0",
    • Then used this in the NGINX my-network.local.conf file in the location block of the proxy_pass property: (Note the addition of the GUID to the container name):

      location / {
          proxy_pass http://my_upsteam_container_name_1_2478f2b3aca0:3000;

    As opposed to the previously working, but now broken:

        location / {
            proxy_pass http://my_upstream_container_name_1:3000

    Most likely cause is a recent change to Docker Compose, in their default naming scheme for containers, as listed here.

    This seems to be happening for me and my team at work, with latest versions of the Docker nginx image:

    • I've opened issues with them on the docker/compose GitHub here

    Checkout remote branch using git svn

    Standard Subversion layout

    Create a git clone of that includes your Subversion trunk, tags, and branches with

    git svn clone -T trunk -b branches -t tags

    The --stdlayout option is a nice shortcut if your Subversion repository uses the typical structure:

    git svn clone --stdlayout

    Make your git repository ignore everything the subversion repo does:

    git svn show-ignore >> .git/info/exclude

    You should now be able to see all the Subversion branches on the git side:

    git branch -r

    Say the name of the branch in Subversion is waldo. On the git side, you'd run

    git checkout -b waldo-svn remotes/waldo

    The -svn suffix is to avoid warnings of the form

    warning: refname 'waldo' is ambiguous.

    To update the git branch waldo-svn, run

    git checkout waldo-svn
    git svn rebase

    Starting from a trunk-only checkout

    To add a Subversion branch to a trunk-only clone, modify your git repository's .git/config to contain

    [svn-remote "svn-mybranch"]
            url =
            fetch = :refs/remotes/mybranch

    You'll need to develop the habit of running

    git svn fetch --fetch-all

    to update all of what git svn thinks are separate remotes. At this point, you can create and track branches as above. For example, to create a git branch that corresponds to mybranch, run

    git checkout -b mybranch-svn remotes/mybranch

    For the branches from which you intend to git svn dcommit, keep their histories linear!

    Further information

    You may also be interested in reading an answer to a related question.

    clearing a char array c

    Writing a null character to the first character does just that. If you treat it as a string, code obeying the null termination character will treat it as a null string, but that is not the same as clearing the data. If you want to actually clear the data you'll need to use memset.

    How should I cast in VB.NET?

    Those are all slightly different, and generally have an acceptable usage.

    • var.ToString() is going to give you the string representation of an object, regardless of what type it is. Use this if var is not a string already.
    • CStr(var) is the VB string cast operator. I'm not a VB guy, so I would suggest avoiding it, but it's not really going to hurt anything. I think it is basically the same as CType.
    • CType(var, String) will convert the given type into a string, using any provided conversion operators.
    • DirectCast(var, String) is used to up-cast an object into a string. If you know that an object variable is, in fact, a string, use this. This is the same as (string)var in C#.
    • TryCast (as mentioned by @NotMyself) is like DirectCast, but it will return Nothing if the variable can't be converted into a string, rather than throwing an exception. This is the same as var as string in C#. The TryCast page on MSDN has a good comparison, too.

    How to run a script at the start up of Ubuntu?

    First of all, the easiest way to run things at startup is to add them to the file /etc/rc.local.

    Another simple way is to use @reboot in your crontab. Read the cron manpage for details.

    However, if you want to do things properly, in addition to adding a script to /etc/init.d you need to tell ubuntu when the script should be run and with what parameters. This is done with the command update-rc.d which creates a symlink from some of the /etc/rc* directories to your script. So, you'd need to do something like:

    update-rc.d yourscriptname start 2

    However, real init scripts should be able to handle a variety of command line options and otherwise integrate to the startup process. The file /etc/init.d/README has some details and further pointers.

    How to make join queries using Sequelize on Node.js

    User.hasMany(Post, {foreignKey: 'user_id'})
    Post.belongsTo(User, {foreignKey: 'user_id'})
    Post.find({ where: { ...}, include: [User]})

    Which will give you

      `users`.`username` AS `users.username`, `users`.`email` AS ``,
      `users`.`password` AS `users.password`, `users`.`sex` AS ``,
      `users`.`day_birth` AS `users.day_birth`,
      `users`.`month_birth` AS `users.month_birth`,
      `users`.`year_birth` AS `users.year_birth`, `users`.`id` AS ``,
      `users`.`createdAt` AS `users.createdAt`,
      `users`.`updatedAt` AS `users.updatedAt`
    FROM `posts`
      LEFT OUTER JOIN `users` AS `users` ON `users`.`id` = `posts`.`user_id`;

    The query above might look a bit complicated compared to what you posted, but what it does is basically just aliasing all columns of the users table to make sure they are placed into the correct model when returned and not mixed up with the posts model

    Other than that you'll notice that it does a JOIN instead of selecting from two tables, but the result should be the same

    Further reading:

    vertical-align image in div

    If you have a fixed height in your container, you can set line-height to be the same as height, and it will center vertically. Then just add text-align to center horizontally.

    Here's an example:


    Your code should look like this:

    .img_thumb {
        float: left;
        height: 120px;
        margin-bottom: 5px;
        margin-left: 9px;
        position: relative;
        width: 147px;
        background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
        border-radius: 3px;
    .img_thumb img {
        vertical-align: middle;

    The images will always be centered horizontally and vertically, no matter what their size is. Here's 2 more examples with images with different dimensions:


    It's now 2016 (the future!) and looks like a few things are changing (finally!!).

    Back in 2014, Microsoft announced that it will stop supporting IE8 in all versions of Windows and will encourage all users to update to IE11 or Edge. Well, this is supposed to happen next Tuesday (12th January).

    Why does this matter? With the announced death of IE8, we can finally start using CSS3 magic.

    With that being said, here's an updated way of aligning elements, both horizontally and vertically:

    .container {
        position: relative;
    .container .element {
       position: absolute;
       left: 50%;
       top: 50%;
       transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

    Using this transform: translate(); method, you don't even need to have a fixed height in your container, it's fully dynamic. Your element has fixed height or width? Your container as well? No? It doesn't matter, it will always be centered because all centering properties are fixed on the child, it's independent from the parent. Thank you CSS3.

    If you only need to center in one dimension, you can use translateY or translateX. Just try it for a while and you'll see how it works. Also, try to change the values of the translate, you will find it useful for a bunch of different situations.

    Here, have a new fiddle:

    For more information on transform, here's a good resource.

    Happy coding.

    Change background color of edittext in android

    one line of lazy code:

    mEditText.getBackground().setColorFilter(Color.RED, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP);

    Is there a command to undo git init?

    In windows, type rmdir .git or rmdir /s .git if the .git folder has subfolders.

    If your git shell isn't setup with proper administrative rights (i.e. it denies you when you try to rmdir), you can open a command prompt (possibly as administrator--hit the windows key, type 'cmd', right click 'command prompt' and select 'run as administrator) and try the same commands.

    rd is an alternative form of the rmdir command.

    How to install package from github repo in Yarn

    I use this short format for github repositories:

    yarn add github_user/repository_name#commit_hash

    List of all unique characters in a string?

    The simplest solution is probably:

    In [10]: ''.join(set('aaabcabccd'))
    Out[10]: 'acbd'

    Note that this doesn't guarantee the order in which the letters appear in the output, even though the example might suggest otherwise.

    You refer to the output as a "list". If a list is what you really want, replace ''.join with list:

    In [1]: list(set('aaabcabccd'))
    Out[1]: ['a', 'c', 'b', 'd']

    As far as performance goes, worrying about it at this stage sounds like premature optimization.

    Constructor in an Interface?

    An interface defines a contract for an API, that is a set of methods that both implementer and user of the API agree upon. An interface does not have an instanced implementation, hence no constructor.

    The use case you describe is akin to an abstract class in which the constructor calls a method of an abstract method which is implemented in an child class.

    The inherent problem here is that while the base constructor is being executed, the child object is not constructed yet, and therfore in an unpredictable state.

    To summarize: is it asking for trouble when you call overloaded methods from parent constructors, to quote mindprod:

    In general you must avoid calling any non-final methods in a constructor. The problem is that instance initialisers / variable initialisation in the derived class is performed after the constructor of the base class.

    Get random boolean in Java

    Have you tried looking at the Java Documentation?

    Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed boolean value from this random number generator's sequence ... the values true and false are produced with (approximately) equal probability.

    For example:

    import java.util.Random;
    Random random = new Random();

    How to replace comma with a dot in the number (or any replacement)

    You can also do it like this:

    var tt="88,9827";
    tt=tt.replace(",", ".");

    working fiddle example

    Error Code: 1005. Can't create table '...' (errno: 150)

    This could also happen when exporting your database from one server to another and the tables are listed in alphabetical order by default.
    So, your first table could have a foreign key of another table that is yet to be created. In such cases, disable foreign_key_checks and create the database.

    Just add the following to your script:


    and it shall work.

    What are the differences between the urllib, urllib2, urllib3 and requests module?

    This is my understanding of what the relations are between the various "urllibs":

    In the Python 2 standard library there exist two HTTP libraries side-by-side. Despite the similar name, they are unrelated: they have a different design and a different implementation.

    • urllib was the original Python HTTP client, added to the standard library in Python 1.2.
    • urllib2 was a more capable HTTP library, added in Python 1.6, intended to be eventually a replacement for urllib.

    The Python 3 standard library has a new urllib, that is a merged/refactored/rewritten version of those two packages.

    urllib3 is a third-party package. Despite the name, it is unrelated to the standard library packages, and there is no intention to include it in the standard library in the future.

    Finally, requests internally uses urllib3, but it aims for an easier-to-use API.

    PDO::__construct(): Server sent charset (255) unknown to the client. Please, report to the developers

    Works for me >

    the environment:

    Windows 10
    PHP 5.6.31
    MYSQL 8




    c:\programdata\mysql\mysql server 8.0\my.ini

    • Not works on> C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\my.ini

    Tools that helps:

    C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin>mysql -u root -p
    mysql> show variables like 'char%';
    mysql> show variables like 'collation%';

    Google Play Services GCM 9.2.0 asks to "update" back to 9.0.0

    The same situation was with the previous versions. It's annoing that new versions libraries are always releasing before plugin, and it's impossible to use new version because is incompatible with old plugin. I don't know if plugin is now required (google docs sucks). I remember times when it wasn't. The only way is wait for new plugin version, or you can try to remove plugin dependencies, but as I said I'am not sure if gcm will work without it. What I know the main feature of 9.2.0 version is new Awareness API, if you didn't need it, you can use 9.0.0 version without any trouble.

    call javascript function on hyperlink click

    With the onclick parameter...

    <a href='' onclick='myJavaScriptFunction();'>mylink</a>

    How to choose between Hudson and Jenkins?

    Jenkins is the new Hudson. It really is more like a rename, not a fork, since the whole development community moved to Jenkins. (Oracle is left sitting in a corner holding their old ball "Hudson", but it's just a soul-less project now.)

    C.f. Ethereal -> WireShark

    Disabling user input for UITextfield in swift

    Swift 4.2 / Xcode 10.1:

    Just uncheck behavior Enabled in your storyboard -> attributes inspector.

    How to make a <div> always full screen?

    This always works for me:

        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
        <style type="text/css">
            html, body {
                height: 100%;
                margin: 0;
            #wrapper {
                min-height: 100%; 
        <!--[if lte IE 6]>
        <style type="text/css">
            #container {
                height: 100%;
        <div id="wrapper">some content</div>

    This is probably the simplest solution to this problem. Only need to set four CSS attributes (although one of them is only to make IE happy).

    Difference between Visibility.Collapsed and Visibility.Hidden

    Visibility : Hidden Vs Collapsed

    Consider following code which only shows three Labels and has second Label visibility as Collapsed:

     <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Center">
            <Style TargetType="Label">
                <Setter Property="Height" Value="30" />
                <Setter Property="Margin" Value="0"/>
                <Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="Black"/>
                <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="1" />
        <Label Width="50" Content="First"/>
        <Label Width="50" Content="Second" Visibility="Collapsed"/>
        <Label Width="50" Content="Third"/>

    Output Collapsed:


    Now change the second Label visibility to Hiddden.

    <Label Width="50" Content="Second" Visibility="Hidden"/>

    Output Hidden:


    As simple as that.

    Using the AND and NOT Operator in Python

    Use the keyword and, not & because & is a bit operator.

    Be careful with this... just so you know, in Java and C++, the & operator is ALSO a bit operator. The correct way to do a boolean comparison in those languages is &&. Similarly | is a bit operator, and || is a boolean operator. In Python and and or are used for boolean comparisons.

    How can I check whether a option already exist in select by JQuery

    var exists = $("#yourSelect option")
                   .filter(function (i, o) { return o.value === yourValue; })
                   .length > 0;

    This has the advantage of automatically escaping the value for you, which makes random quotes in the text much easier to deal with.

    How to detect internet speed in JavaScript?

    It's possible to some extent but won't be really accurate, the idea is load image with a known file size then in its onload event measure how much time passed until that event was triggered, and divide this time in the image file size.

    Example can be found here: Calculate speed using javascript

    Test case applying the fix suggested there:

    var imageAddr = ""; _x000D_
    var downloadSize = 4995374; //bytes_x000D_
    function ShowProgressMessage(msg) {_x000D_
        if (console) {_x000D_
            if (typeof msg == "string") {_x000D_
            } else {_x000D_
                for (var i = 0; i < msg.length; i++) {_x000D_
        var oProgress = document.getElementById("progress");_x000D_
        if (oProgress) {_x000D_
            var actualHTML = (typeof msg == "string") ? msg : msg.join("<br />");_x000D_
            oProgress.innerHTML = actualHTML;_x000D_
    function InitiateSpeedDetection() {_x000D_
        ShowProgressMessage("Loading the image, please wait...");_x000D_
        window.setTimeout(MeasureConnectionSpeed, 1);_x000D_
    };    _x000D_
    if (window.addEventListener) {_x000D_
        window.addEventListener('load', InitiateSpeedDetection, false);_x000D_
    } else if (window.attachEvent) {_x000D_
        window.attachEvent('onload', InitiateSpeedDetection);_x000D_
    function MeasureConnectionSpeed() {_x000D_
        var startTime, endTime;_x000D_
        var download = new Image();_x000D_
        download.onload = function () {_x000D_
            endTime = (new Date()).getTime();_x000D_
        download.onerror = function (err, msg) {_x000D_
            ShowProgressMessage("Invalid image, or error downloading");_x000D_
        startTime = (new Date()).getTime();_x000D_
        var cacheBuster = "?nnn=" + startTime;_x000D_
        download.src = imageAddr + cacheBuster;_x000D_
        function showResults() {_x000D_
            var duration = (endTime - startTime) / 1000;_x000D_
            var bitsLoaded = downloadSize * 8;_x000D_
            var speedBps = (bitsLoaded / duration).toFixed(2);_x000D_
            var speedKbps = (speedBps / 1024).toFixed(2);_x000D_
            var speedMbps = (speedKbps / 1024).toFixed(2);_x000D_
                "Your connection speed is:", _x000D_
                speedBps + " bps", _x000D_
                speedKbps + " kbps", _x000D_
                speedMbps + " Mbps"_x000D_
    <h1 id="progress">JavaScript is turned off, or your browser is realllllly slow</h1>

    Quick comparison with "real" speed test service showed small difference of 0.12 Mbps when using big picture.

    To ensure the integrity of the test, you can run the code with Chrome dev tool throttling enabled and then see if the result matches the limitation. (credit goes to user284130 :))

    Important things to keep in mind:

    1. The image being used should be properly optimized and compressed. If it isn't, then default compression on connections by the web server might show speed bigger than it actually is. Another option is using uncompressible file format, e.g. jpg. (thanks Rauli Rajande for pointing this out and Fluxine for reminding me)

    2. The cache buster mechanism described above might not work with some CDN servers, which can be configured to ignore query string parameters, hence better setting cache control headers on the image itself. (thanks orcaman for pointing this out))

    CSS: Truncate table cells, but fit as much as possible

    Don't know if this will help anyone, but I solved a similar problem by specifying specific width sizes in percentage for each column. Obviously, this would work best if each column has content with width that doesn't vary too widely.

    How to get class object's name as a string in Javascript?

    You might be able to achieve your goal by using it in a function, and then examining the function's source with toString():

    var whatsMyName;
      // Just do something with the whatsMyName variable, no matter what
    function func() {var v = whatsMyName;}
    // Now that we're using whatsMyName in a function, we could get the source code of the function as a string:
    var source = func.toString();
    // Then extract the variable name from the function source:
    var result = /var v = (.[^;]*)/.exec(source);
    alert(result[1]); // Should alert 'whatsMyName';

    Create list of object from another using Java 8 Streams

    I prefer to solve this in the classic way, creating a new array of my desired data type:

    List<MyNewType> newArray = new ArrayList<>();
    myOldArray.forEach(info -> newArray.add(objectMapper.convertValue(info, MyNewType.class)));

    Check whether $_POST-value is empty

    To check if the property is present, irrespective of the value, use:

    if (array_key_exists('userName', $_POST)) {}

    To check if the property is set (property is present and value is not null or false), use:

    if (isset($_POST['userName'])) {}

    To check if the property is set and not empty (not an empty string, 0 (integer), 0.0 (float), '0' (string), null, false or [] (empty array)), use:

    if (!empty($_POST['userName'])) {}

    How to redirect 'print' output to a file using python?

    You may not like this answer, but I think it's the RIGHT one. Don't change your stdout destination unless it's absolutely necessary (maybe you're using a library that only outputs to stdout??? clearly not the case here).

    I think as a good habit you should prepare your data ahead of time as a string, then open your file and write the whole thing at once. This is because input/output operations are the longer you have a file handle open, the more likely an error is to occur with this file (file lock error, i/o error, etc). Just doing it all in one operation leaves no question for when it might have gone wrong.

    Here's an example:

    out_lines = []
    for bamfile in bamfiles:
        filename = bamfile.split('/')[-1]
        out_lines.append('Filename: %s' % filename)
        samtoolsin = subprocess.Popen(["/share/bin/samtools/samtools","view",bamfile],
        linelist= samtoolsin.stdout.readlines()
        print 'Readlines finished!'

    And then when you're all done collecting your "data lines" one line per list item, you can join them with some '\n' characters to make the whole thing outputtable; maybe even wrap your output statement in a with block, for additional safety (will automatically close your output handle even if something goes wrong):

    out_string = '\n'.join(out_lines)
    out_filename = 'myfile.txt'
    with open(out_filename, 'w') as outf:

    However if you have lots of data to write, you could write it one piece at a time. I don't think it's relevant to your application but here's the alternative:

    out_filename = 'myfile.txt'
    outf = open(out_filename, 'w')
    for bamfile in bamfiles:
        filename = bamfile.split('/')[-1]
        outf.write('Filename: %s' % filename)
        samtoolsin = subprocess.Popen(["/share/bin/samtools/samtools","view",bamfile],
        mydata =

    Sending command line arguments to npm script

    You could also do that:

    In package.json:

    "scripts": {
        "cool": "./cool.js"

    In cool.js:

     console.log({ myVar: process.env.npm_config_myVar });

    In CLI:

    npm --myVar=something run-script cool

    Should output:

    { myVar: 'something' }

    Update: Using npm 3.10.3, it appears that it lowercases the process.env.npm_config_ variables? I'm also using better-npm-run, so I'm not sure if this is vanilla default behavior or not, but this answer is working. Instead of process.env.npm_config_myVar, try process.env.npm_config_myvar

    Explanation of BASE terminology

    It has to do with BASE: the BASE jumper kind is always Basically Available (to new relationships), in a Soft state (none of his relationship last very long) and Eventually consistent (one day he will get married).

    How to draw checkbox or tick mark in GitHub Markdown table?

    You can use emojis

    Done? | Name
    :---:| ---
    ??| Nope
    ?| Yep

    How to auto-scroll to end of div when data is added?

    If you don't know when data will be added to #data, you could set an interval to update the element's scrollTop to its scrollHeight every couple of seconds. If you are controlling when data is added, just call the internal of the following function after the data has been added.

    window.setInterval(function() {
      var elem = document.getElementById('data');
      elem.scrollTop = elem.scrollHeight;
    }, 5000);

    Installing cmake with home-brew

    1. Download the latest CMake Mac binary distribution here: (current latest is:

    2. Double click the downloaded .dmg file to install it. In the window that pops up, drag the CMake icon into the Application folder.

    3. Add this line to your .bashrc file: PATH="/Applications/":"$PATH"

    4. Reload your .bashrc file: source ~/.bashrc

    5. Verify the latest cmake version is installed: cmake --version

    6. You can launch the CMake GUI by clicking on LaunchPad and typing cmake. Click on the CMake icon that appears.

    jQuery.each - Getting li elements inside an ul

    First I think you need to fix your lists, as the first node of a <ul> must be a <li> (stackoverflow ref). Once that is setup you can do this:

    // note this array has outer scope
    var phrases = [];
            // this is inner scope, in reference to the .phrase element
            var phrase = '';
                // cache jquery var
                var current = $(this);
                // check if our current li has children (sub elements)
                // if it does, skip it
                // ps, you can work with this by seeing if the first child
                // is a UL with blank inside and odd your custom BLANK text
                if(current.children().size() > 0) {return true;}
                // add current text to our current phrase
                phrase += current.text();
            // now that our current phrase is completely build we add it to our outer array
        // note the comma in the alert shows separate phrases

    Working jsfiddle.

    One thing is if you get the .text() of an upper level li you will get all sub level text with it.

    Keeping an array will allow for many multiple phrases to be extracted.


    This should work better with an empty UL with no LI:

    // outer scope
    var phrases = [];
        // inner scope
        var phrase = '';
            // cache jquery object
            var current = $(this);
            // check for sub levels
            if(current.children().size() > 0) {
                // check is sublevel is just empty UL
                var emptyULtest = current.children().eq(0); 
                if('ul') && $.trim(emptyULtest.text())==""){
                    phrase += ' -BLANK- '; //custom blank text
                    return true;   
                } else {
                 // else it is an actual sublevel with li's
                 return true;   
            // if it gets to here it is actual li
            phrase += current.text();
    // note the comma to separate multiple phrases

    VBA, if a string contains a certain letter

    Not sure if this is what you're after, but it will loop through the range that you gave it and if it finds an "A" it will remove it from the cell. I'm not sure what oldStr is used for...

    Private Sub foo()
    Dim myString As String
    RowCount = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A"))
    For i = 2 To RowCount
        myString = Trim(Cells(i, 1).Value)
        If InStr(myString, "A") > 0 Then
            Cells(i, 1).Value = Left(myString, InStr(myString, "A"))
        End If
    End Sub

    Defined Edges With CSS3 Filter Blur

    You can stop the image from overlapping it's edges by clipping the image and applying a wrapper element which sets the blur effect to 0 pixels. This is how it looks like:


    <div id="wrapper">
      <div id="image"></div>


    #wrapper {
      width: 1024px;
      height: 768px;
      border: 1px solid black;
      // 'blur(0px)' will prevent the wrapped image
      // from overlapping the border
      -webkit-filter: blur(0px);
      -moz-filter: blur(0px);
      -ms-filter: blur(0px);
      filter: blur(0px);
    #wrapper #image {
      width: 1024px;
      height: 768px;
      background-image: url("../images/cats.jpg");
      background-size: cover;
      -webkit-filter: blur(10px);
      -moz-filter: blur(10px);
      -ms-filter: blur(10px);
      filter: blur(10px);
      // Position 'absolute' is needed for clipping
      position: absolute;
      clip: rect(0px, 1024px, 768px, 0px);

    Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to fetch and Cors error

    See's write-up on how CORS works.

    You'll need your server to send back the proper response headers, something like:

    Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://foo.example
    Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, PUT, GET, OPTIONS
    Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization

    Bear in mind you can use "*" for Access-Control-Allow-Origin that will only work if you're trying to pass Authentication data. In that case, you need to explicitly list the origin domains you want to allow. To allow multiple domains, see this post

    Combine Date and Time columns using python pandas

    The accepted answer works for columns that are of datatype string. For completeness: I come across this question when searching how to do this when the columns are of datatypes: date and time.

    df.apply(lambda r : pd.datetime.combine(r['date_column_name'],r['time_column_name']),1)

    Plugin with id '' not found

    apply plugin: ''

    add above line at the bottom of your app

    Handler "ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0" has a bad module "ManagedPipelineHandler" in its module list

    This error started happening to me out of nowhere last week, affecting the existing web sites on my machine. I had no luck with it trying any of the suggestions here. Eventually I removed WebDAV from IIS completely (Windows Features -> Internet Information Services -> World Wide Web Services -> Common HTTP Features -> WebDAV Publishing). I did an IIS reset after this for good measure, and my error was finally resolved.

    I can only guess that a Windows update started the issue, but I can't be sure.

    Detecting touch screen devices with Javascript

    For my first post/comment: We all know that 'touchstart' is triggered before click. We also know that when user open your page he or she will: 1) move the mouse 2) click 3) touch the screen (for scrolling, or ... :) )

    Let's try something :

    //--> Start: jQuery

    var hasTouchCapabilities = 'ontouchstart' in window && (navigator.maxTouchPoints || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints);
    var isTouchDevice = hasTouchCapabilities ? 'maybe':'nope';
    //attach a once called event handler to window
    $(window).one('touchstart mousemove click',function(e){
        if ( isTouchDevice === 'maybe' && e.type === 'touchstart' )
            isTouchDevice = 'yes';

    //<-- End: jQuery

    Have a nice day!

    Convert a String to a byte array and then back to the original String

    Use [String.getBytes()][1] to convert to bytes and use [String(byte[] data)][2] constructor to convert back to string.

    How to change ReactJS styles dynamically?

    Ok, finally found the solution.

    Probably due to lack of experience with ReactJS and web development...

        var Task = React.createClass({
        render: function() {
          var percentage = this.props.children + '%';
            <div className="ui-progressbar-value ui-widget-header ui-corner-left" style={{width : percentage}}/>

    I created the percentage variable outside in the render function.

    How do I get the current date and time in PHP?

    The time would go by your server time. An easy workaround for this is to manually set the timezone by using date_default_timezone_set before the date() or time() functions are called to.

    I'm in Melbourne, Australia so I have something like this:


    Or another example is LA - US:


    You can also see what timezone the server is currently in via:


    So something like:

    $timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
    echo "The current server timezone is: " . $timezone;

    So the short answer for your question would be:

    // Change the line below to your timezone!
    $date = date('m/d/Y h:i:s a', time());

    Then all the times would be to the timezone you just set :)

    Reading rows from a CSV file in Python

    You could do something like this:

    with open("data1.txt") as f:
        lis = [line.split() for line in f]        # create a list of lists
        for i, x in enumerate(lis):              #print the list items 
            print "line{0} = {1}".format(i, x)
    # output 
    line0 = ['Year:', 'Dec:', 'Jan:']
    line1 = ['1', '50', '60']
    line2 = ['2', '25', '50']
    line3 = ['3', '30', '30']
    line4 = ['4', '40', '20']
    line5 = ['5', '10', '10']

    or :

    with open("data1.txt") as f:
        for i, line in enumerate(f):             
            print "line {0} = {1}".format(i, line.split())
    # output         
    line 0 = ['Year:', 'Dec:', 'Jan:']
    line 1 = ['1', '50', '60']
    line 2 = ['2', '25', '50']
    line 3 = ['3', '30', '30']
    line 4 = ['4', '40', '20']
    line 5 = ['5', '10', '10']


    with open('data1.txt') as f:
        print "{0}".format(f.readline().split())
        for x in f:
            x = x.split()
            print "{0} = {1}".format(x[0],sum(map(int, x[1:])))
    # output          
    ['Year:', 'Dec:', 'Jan:']
    1 = 110
    2 = 75
    3 = 60
    4 = 60
    5 = 20

    Class type check in TypeScript

    TypeScript have a way of validating the type of a variable in runtime. You can add a validating function that returns a type predicate. So you can call this function inside an if statement, and be sure that all the code inside that block is safe to use as the type you think it is.

    Example from the TypeScript docs:

    function isFish(pet: Fish | Bird): pet is Fish {
       return (<Fish>pet).swim !== undefined;
    // Both calls to 'swim' and 'fly' are now okay.
    if (isFish(pet)) {
    else {;

    See more at:

    Issue with adding common code as git submodule: "already exists in the index"

    Just to clarify in human language what the error is trying to tell you:

    You cannot create a repository in this folder which already tracked in the main repository.

    For example: You have a theme folder called AwesomeTheme that's a dedicated repository, you try do dump it directly into your main repository like git submodule add sites/themes and you get this "AwesomeTheme" index already exists.

    You just need to make sure there isn't already a sites/themes/AwesomeTheme in the main repository's version tracking so the submodule can be created there.

    So to fix, in your main repository if you have an empty sites/theme/AwesomeTheme directory then remove it. If you have already made commits with the sites/theme/AwesomeTheme directory in your main repository you need to purge all history of it with a command like this:

    git filter-branch --index-filter \
                  'git rm -r --cached --ignore-unmatch sites/theme/AwesomeTheme'     HEAD

    Now you can run git submodule add [email protected] sites/themes/AwesomeTheme

    Since the main repository has never seen anything (a.k.a index'd) in sites/themes/AwesomeTheme before, it can now create it.

    How to create a DataFrame of random integers with Pandas?

    The recommended way to create random integers with NumPy these days is to use numpy.random.Generator.integers. (documentation)

    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    rng = np.random.default_rng()
    df = pd.DataFrame(rng.integers(0, 100, size=(100, 4)), columns=list('ABCD'))
          A    B    C    D
     0   58   96   82   24
     1   21    3   35   36
     2   67   79   22   78
     3   81   65   77   94
     4   73    6   70   96
    ... ...  ...  ...  ...
    95   76   32   28   51
    96   33   68   54   77
    97   76   43   57   43
    98   34   64   12   57
    99   81   77   32   50
    100 rows × 4 columns

    How to check whether Kafka Server is running?

    I found an event OnError in confluent Kafka:

    consumer.OnError += Consumer_OnError;
     private void Consumer_OnError(object sender, Error e)
            Debug.Log("connection error: "+ e.Reason);

    And its documentation in code:

        // Summary:
        //     Raised on critical errors, e.g. connection failures or all brokers down. Note
        //     that the client will try to automatically recover from errors - these errors
        //     should be seen as informational rather than catastrophic
        // Remarks:
        //     Executes on the same thread as every other Consumer event handler (except OnLog
        //     which may be called from an arbitrary thread).
        public event EventHandler<Error> OnError;

    How to get an isoformat datetime string including the default timezone?

    You need to make your datetime objects timezone aware. from the datetime docs:

    There are two kinds of date and time objects: “naive” and “aware”. This distinction refers to whether the object has any notion of time zone, daylight saving time, or other kind of algorithmic or political time adjustment. Whether a naive datetime object represents Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), local time, or time in some other timezone is purely up to the program, just like it’s up to the program whether a particular number represents metres, miles, or mass. Naive datetime objects are easy to understand and to work with, at the cost of ignoring some aspects of reality.

    When you have an aware datetime object, you can use isoformat() and get the output you need.

    To make your datetime objects aware, you'll need to subclass tzinfo, like the second example in here, or simpler - use a package that does it for you, like pytz or python-dateutil

    Using pytz, this would look like:

    import datetime, pytz'US/Central')).isoformat()

    You can also control the output format, if you use strftime with the '%z' format directive like'US/Central')).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z')

    php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known

    in simple word your site has been blocked to access network. may be you have automated some script and it caused your whole website to be blocked. the better way to resolve this is contact that site and tell your issue. if issue is genuine they may consider unblocking

    JWT (JSON Web Token) automatic prolongation of expiration

    I actually implemented this in PHP using the Guzzle client to make a client library for the api, but the concept should work for other platforms.

    Basically, I issue two tokens, a short (5 minute) one and a long one that expires after a week. The client library uses middleware to attempt one refresh of the short token if it receives a 401 response to some request. It will then try the original request again and if it was able to refresh gets the correct response, transparently to the user. If it failed, it will just send the 401 up to the user.

    If the short token is expired, but still authentic and the long token is valid and authentic, it will refresh the short token using a special endpoint on the service that the long token authenticates (this is the only thing it can be used for). It will then use the short token to get a new long token, thereby extending it another week every time it refreshes the short token.

    This approach also allows us to revoke access within at most 5 minutes, which is acceptable for our use without having to store a blacklist of tokens.

    Late edit: Re-reading this months after it was fresh in my head, I should point out that you can revoke access when refreshing the short token because it gives an opportunity for more expensive calls (e.g. call to the database to see if the user has been banned) without paying for it on every single call to your service.

    Color text in terminal applications in UNIX

    This is a little C program that illustrates how you could use color codes:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #define KNRM  "\x1B[0m"
    #define KRED  "\x1B[31m"
    #define KGRN  "\x1B[32m"
    #define KYEL  "\x1B[33m"
    #define KBLU  "\x1B[34m"
    #define KMAG  "\x1B[35m"
    #define KCYN  "\x1B[36m"
    #define KWHT  "\x1B[37m"
    int main()
        printf("%sred\n", KRED);
        printf("%sgreen\n", KGRN);
        printf("%syellow\n", KYEL);
        printf("%sblue\n", KBLU);
        printf("%smagenta\n", KMAG);
        printf("%scyan\n", KCYN);
        printf("%swhite\n", KWHT);
        printf("%snormal\n", KNRM);
        return 0;

    Converting list to numpy array

    If you have a list of lists, you only needed to use ...

    import numpy as np
    npa = np.asarray(someListOfLists, dtype=np.float32)

    per this LINK in the scipy / numpy documentation. You just needed to define dtype inside the call to asarray.

    Passing array in GET for a REST call

    Collections are a resource so /appointments is fine as the resource.

    Collections also typically offer filters via the querystring which is essentially what users=id1,id2... is.



    is fine as a filtered RESTful resource.

    Get list of passed arguments in Windows batch script (.bat)

    dancavallaro has it right, %* for all command line parameters (excluding the script name itself). You might also find these useful:

    %0 - the command used to call the batch file (could be foo, ..\foo, c:\bats\foo.bat, etc.)
    %1 is the first command line parameter,
    %2 is the second command line parameter,
    and so on till %9 (and SHIFT can be used for those after the 9th).

    %~nx0 - the actual name of the batch file, regardless of calling method (some-batch.bat)
    %~dp0 - drive and path to the script (d:\scripts)
    %~dpnx0 - is the fully qualified path name of the script (d:\scripts\some-batch.bat)

    More info examples at and

    How do I escape ampersands in XML so they are rendered as entities in HTML?

    The & character is itself an escape character in XML so the solution is to concatenate it and a Unicode decimal equivalent for & thus ensuring that there are no XML parsing errors. That is, replace the character & with &#038;.

    How to resize a custom view programmatically?

    This is what I did:

    View myView;  
    myView.getLayoutParams().height = 32;  
    myView.getLayoutParams().width = 32;

    If there is a view group that this view belongs to, you may also need to call yourViewGroup.requestLayout() for it to take effect.

    How do I create and access the global variables in Groovy?

    In a Groovy script the scoping can be different than expected. That is because a Groovy script in itself is a class with a method that will run the code, but that is all done runtime. We can define a variable to be scoped to the script by either omitting the type definition or in Groovy 1.8 we can add the @Field annotation.

    import groovy.transform.Field
    var1 = 'var1'
    @Field String var2 = 'var2'
    def var3 = 'var3'
    void printVars() {
        println var1
        println var2
        println var3 // This won't work, because not in script scope.

    What are NDF Files?

    From Files and Filegroups Architecture

    Secondary data files

    Secondary data files make up all the data files, other than the primary data file. Some databases may not have any secondary data files, while others have several secondary data files. The recommended file name extension for secondary data files is .ndf.

    Also from file extension NDF - Microsoft SQL Server secondary data file

    See Understanding Files and Filegroups

    Secondary data files are optional, are user-defined, and store user data. Secondary files can be used to spread data across multiple disks by putting each file on a different disk drive. Additionally, if a database exceeds the maximum size for a single Windows file, you can use secondary data files so the database can continue to grow.

    The recommended file name extension for secondary data files is .ndf.


    For example, three files, Data1.ndf, Data2.ndf, and Data3.ndf, can be created on three disk drives, respectively, and assigned to the filegroup fgroup1. A table can then be created specifically on the filegroup fgroup1. Queries for data from the table will be spread across the three disks; this will improve performance. The same performance improvement can be accomplished by using a single file created on a RAID (redundant array of independent disks) stripe set. However, files and filegroups let you easily add new files to new disks.

    How to fill the whole canvas with specific color?

    We don't need to access the canvas context.

    Implementing hednek in pure JS you would get canvas.setAttribute('style', 'background-color:#00F8'). But my preferred method requires converting the kabab-case to camelCase. = '#00F8'

    How do I concatenate multiple C++ strings on one line?

    Stringstream with a simple preproccessor macro using a lambda function seems nice:

    #include <sstream>
    #define make_string(args) []{std::stringstream ss; ss << args; return ss;}() 

    and then

    auto str = make_string("hello" << " there" << 10 << '$');

    Adding ASP.NET MVC5 Identity Authentication to an existing project

    This is what I did to integrate Identity with an existing database.

    1. Create a sample MVC project with MVC template. This has all the code needed for Identity implementation - Startup.Auth.cs, IdentityConfig.cs, Account Controller code, Manage Controller, Models and related views.

    2. Install the necessary nuget packages for Identity and OWIN. You will get an idea by seeing the references in the sample Project and the answer by @Sam

    3. Copy all these code to your existing project. Please note don't forget to add the "DefaultConnection" connection string for Identity to map to your database. Please check the ApplicationDBContext class in IdentityModel.cs where you will find the reference to "DefaultConnection" connection string.

    4. This is the SQL script I ran on my existing database to create necessary tables:

      USE ["YourDatabse"]
      /****** Object:  Table [dbo].[AspNetRoles]    Script Date: 16-Aug-15 6:52:25 PM ******/
      CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AspNetRoles](
      [Id] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
      [Name] [nvarchar](256) NOT NULL,
        [Id] ASC
      ) ON [PRIMARY]
      /****** Object:  Table [dbo].[AspNetUserClaims]    Script Date: 16-Aug-15 6:52:25 PM ******/
      CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUserClaims](
         [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
         [UserId] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
         [ClaimType] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
         [ClaimValue] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
         [Id] ASC
      /****** Object:  Table [dbo].[AspNetUserLogins]    Script Date: 16-Aug-15 6:52:25 PM ******/
      CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUserLogins](
          [LoginProvider] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
          [ProviderKey] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
          [UserId] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
          [LoginProvider] ASC,
          [ProviderKey] ASC,
          [UserId] ASC
      ) ON [PRIMARY]
      /****** Object:  Table [dbo].[AspNetUserRoles]    Script Date: 16-Aug-15 6:52:25 PM ******/
      CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUserRoles](
         [UserId] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
         [RoleId] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
          [UserId] ASC,
          [RoleId] ASC
      ) ON [PRIMARY]
      /****** Object:  Table [dbo].[AspNetUsers]    Script Date: 16-Aug-15 6:52:25 PM ******/
      CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUsers](
          [Id] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
          [Email] [nvarchar](256) NULL,
          [EmailConfirmed] [bit] NOT NULL,
          [PasswordHash] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
          [SecurityStamp] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
          [PhoneNumber] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
          [PhoneNumberConfirmed] [bit] NOT NULL,
          [TwoFactorEnabled] [bit] NOT NULL,
          [LockoutEndDateUtc] [datetime] NULL,
          [LockoutEnabled] [bit] NOT NULL,
          [AccessFailedCount] [int] NOT NULL,
          [UserName] [nvarchar](256) NOT NULL,
          [Id] ASC
       ALTER TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUserClaims]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.AspNetUserClaims_dbo.AspNetUsers_UserId] FOREIGN KEY([UserId])
       REFERENCES [dbo].[AspNetUsers] ([Id])
       ALTER TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUserClaims] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.AspNetUserClaims_dbo.AspNetUsers_UserId]
       ALTER TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUserLogins]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.AspNetUserLogins_dbo.AspNetUsers_UserId] FOREIGN KEY([UserId])
       REFERENCES [dbo].[AspNetUsers] ([Id])
       ALTER TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUserLogins] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.AspNetUserLogins_dbo.AspNetUsers_UserId]
       ALTER TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUserRoles]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.AspNetUserRoles_dbo.AspNetRoles_RoleId] FOREIGN KEY([RoleId])
       REFERENCES [dbo].[AspNetRoles] ([Id])
       ALTER TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUserRoles] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.AspNetUserRoles_dbo.AspNetRoles_RoleId]
       ALTER TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUserRoles]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.AspNetUserRoles_dbo.AspNetUsers_UserId] FOREIGN KEY([UserId])
       REFERENCES [dbo].[AspNetUsers] ([Id])
       ALTER TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUserRoles] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.AspNetUserRoles_dbo.AspNetUsers_UserId]
    5. Check and solve any remaining errors and you are done. Identity will handle the rest :)

    Invoking a static method using reflection

    Fromthe Javadoc of Method.invoke():

    If the underlying method is static, then the specified obj argument is ignored. It may be null.

    What happens when you

    Class klass = ...;
    Method m = klass.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, paramtypes);
    m.invoke(null, args)

    Reading a huge .csv file

    I do a fair amount of vibration analysis and look at large data sets (tens and hundreds of millions of points). My testing showed the pandas.read_csv() function to be 20 times faster than numpy.genfromtxt(). And the genfromtxt() function is 3 times faster than the numpy.loadtxt(). It seems that you need pandas for large data sets.

    I posted the code and data sets I used in this testing on a blog discussing MATLAB vs Python for vibration analysis.

    How do I represent a time only value in .NET?

    As others have said, you can use a DateTime and ignore the date, or use a TimeSpan. Personally I'm not keen on either of these solutions, as neither type really reflects the concept you're trying to represent - I regard the date/time types in .NET as somewhat on the sparse side which is one of the reasons I started Noda Time. In Noda Time, you can use the LocalTime type to represent a time of day.

    One thing to consider: the time of day is not necessarily the length of time since midnight on the same day...

    (As another aside, if you're also wanting to represent a closing time of a shop, you may find that you want to represent 24:00, i.e. the time at the end of the day. Most date/time APIs - including Noda Time - don't allow that to be represented as a time-of-day value.)

    How do I install chkconfig on Ubuntu?

    sysv-rc-conf is an alternate option for Ubuntu.

    sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf
    sysv-rc-conf --list xxxx

    Create line after text with css

    I am not experienced at all so feel free to correct things. However, I tried all these answers, but always had a problem in some screen. So I tried the following that worked for me and looks as I want it in almost all screens with the exception of mobile.

    <div class="wrapper">
       <div id="Section-Title">
         <div id="h2"> YOUR TITLE
            <div id="line"><hr></div>


    margin:20px auto;
    padding:50px 5%;}
    margin: 2% auto;
    overflow: hidden;}
    font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    #h2 #line {
    #Section-Title:after{content:""; display:block; clear:both; }
    .wrapper:after{content:""; display:block; clear:both; }

    Easy way to pull latest of all git submodules

    Git for windows 2.6.3:

    git submodule update --rebase --remote

    What is the best way to parse html in C#?

    I wrote some classes for parsing HTML tags in C#. They are nice and simple if they meet your particular needs.

    You can read an article about them and download the source code at

    There's also an article about a generic parsing helper class at

    How do I increase the RAM and set up host-only networking in Vagrant?

    To increase the memory or CPU count when using Vagrant 2, add this to your Vagrantfile

    Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
        # usual vagrant config here
        config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
            v.memory = 1024
            v.cpus = 2

    downcast and upcast

    In case you need to check each of the Employee object whether it is a Manager object, use the OfType method:

    List<Employee> employees = new List<Employee>();
    //Code to add some Employee or Manager objects..
    var onlyManagers = employees.OfType<Manager>();
    foreach (Manager m in onlyManagers) {
      // Do Manager specific thing..

    how to convert a string date into datetime format in python?

    You should use datetime.datetime.strptime:

    import datetime
    dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(string_date, fmt)

    fmt will need to be the appropriate format for your string. You'll find the reference on how to build your format here.

    How to center HTML5 Videos?

    I found this page while trying to center align a pair of videos. So, if I enclose both videos in a center div (which I've called central), the margin trick works, but the width is important (2 videos at 400 + padding etc)

    <div class=central>
        <video id="vid1" width="400" controls>
            <source src="Carnival01.mp4" type="video/mp4">
        <video id="vid2" width="400" controls>
            <source src="Carnival02.mp4" type="video/mp4">
    div.central { 
      margin: 0 auto;
      width: 880px; <!--this value must be larger than both videos + padding etc-->

    Worked for me!

    Git:nothing added to commit but untracked files present

    If you have already tried using the git add . command to add all your untracked files, make sure you're not under a subfolder of your root project.

    git add . will stage all your files under the current subfolder.

    How do I count unique items in field in Access query?

    A quick trick to use for me is using the find duplicates query SQL and changing 1 to 0 in Having expression. Like this:

    SELECT COUNT([UniqueField]) AS DistinctCNT FROM
      SELECT First([FieldName]) AS [UniqueField]
      FROM TableName
      GROUP BY [FieldName]
      HAVING (((Count([FieldName]))>0))

    Hope this helps, not the best way I am sure, and Access should have had this built in.

    How to annotate MYSQL autoincrement field with JPA annotations

    As you have define the id in int type at the database creation, you have to use the same data type in the model class too. And as you have defined the id to auto increment in the database, you have to mention it in the model class by passing value 'GenerationType.AUTO' into the attribute 'strategy' within the annotation @GeneratedValue. Then the code becomes as below.

    public class Operator{
      @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
      private int id;
      private String username;
      private String password;
      private Integer active;
      //Getters and setters...

    Angular 1 - get current URL parameters

    In your route configuration you typically define a route like,


    You can then either get the route in the resolve object by using $route.current.params or in a controller, $routeParams. In either case the parameters is extracted using the mapping of the route, so param1 can be accessed by $routeParams.param1 in the controller.

    Edit: Also note that the mapping has to be exact


    Will only match a single parameter.


    Will only match two parameters.

    This is a bit different then most dynamic server side routes. For example NodeJS (Express) route mapping where you can supply only a single route with X number of parameters.

    tomcat - CATALINA_BASE and CATALINA_HOME variables

    CATALINA_BASE is optional.

    However, in the following scenarios it helps to setup CATALINA_BASE that is separate from CATALINA_HOME.

    1. When more than 1 instances of tomcat are running on same host

      • This helps have only 1 runtime of tomcat installation, with multiple CATALINA_BASE server configurations running on separate ports.
      • If any patching, or version upgrade needs be, only 1 installation changes required, or need to be tested/verified/signed-off.
    2. Separation of concern (Single responsibility)

      • Tomcat runtime is standard and does not change during every release process. i.e. Tomcat binaries
      • Release process may add more stuff as webapplication (webapps folder), environment configuration (conf directory), logs/temp/work directory

    android EditText - finished typing event

    Better way, you can also use EditText onFocusChange listener to check whether user has done editing: (Need not rely on user pressing the Done or Enter button on Soft keyboard)

     ((EditText)findViewById( OnFocusChangeListener() {
        public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) {
          // When focus is lost check that the text field has valid values.
          if (!hasFocus) { {
             // Validate youredittext

    Note : For more than one EditText, you can also let your class implement View.OnFocusChangeListener then set the listeners to each of you EditText and validate them as below

        public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) {
          // When focus is lost check that the text field has valid values.
          if (!hasFocus) {
            switch (view.getId()) {
                     // Validate EditText1
                     // Validate EditText2

    Best way to import Observable from rxjs

    Rxjs v 6.*

    It got simplified with newer version of rxjs .

    1) Operators

    import {map} from 'rxjs/operators';

    2) Others

    import {Observable,of, from } from 'rxjs';

    Instead of chaining we need to pipe . For example

    Old syntax :

    New Syntax:

    source.pipe(map(), switchMap()).subscribe()

    Note: Some operators have a name change due to name collisions with JavaScript reserved words! These include:

    do -> tap,

    catch -> catchError

    switch -> switchAll

    finally -> finalize

    Rxjs v 5.*

    I am writing this answer partly to help myself as I keep checking docs everytime I need to import an operator . Let me know if something can be done better way.

    1) import { Rx } from 'rxjs/Rx';

    This imports the entire library. Then you don't need to worry about loading each operator . But you need to append Rx. I hope tree-shaking will optimize and pick only needed funcionts( need to verify ) As mentioned in comments , tree-shaking can not help. So this is not optimized way.

    public cache = new Rx.BehaviorSubject('');

    Or you can import individual operators .

    This will Optimize your app to use only those files :

    2) import { _______ } from 'rxjs/_________';

    This syntax usually used for main Object like Rx itself or Observable etc.,

    Keywords which can be imported with this syntax

     Observable, Observer, BehaviorSubject, Subject, ReplaySubject

    3) import 'rxjs/add/observable/__________';

    Update for Angular 5

    With Angular 5, which uses rxjs 5.5.2+

    import { empty } from 'rxjs/observable/empty';
    import { concat} from 'rxjs/observable/concat';

    These are usually accompanied with Observable directly. For example


    Other such keywords which can be imported using this syntax:

    concat, defer, empty, forkJoin, from, fromPromise, if, interval, merge, of, 
    range, throw, timer, using, zip

    4) import 'rxjs/add/operator/_________';

    Update for Angular 5

    With Angular 5, which uses rxjs 5.5.2+

    import { filter } from 'rxjs/operators/filter';
    import { map } from 'rxjs/operators/map';

    These usually come in the stream after the Observable is created. Like flatMap in this code snippet:

              .flatMap(arr => Observable.from(arr));

    Other such keywords using this syntax:

    audit, buffer, catch, combineAll, combineLatest, concat, count, debounce, delay, 
    distinct, do, every, expand, filter, finally, find , first, groupBy,
    ignoreElements, isEmpty, last, let, map, max, merge, mergeMap, min, pluck, 
    publish, race, reduce, repeat, scan, skip, startWith, switch, switchMap, take, 
    takeUntil, throttle, timeout, toArray, toPromise, withLatestFrom, zip

    FlatMap: flatMap is alias to mergeMap so we need to import mergeMap to use flatMap.

    Note for /add imports :

    We only need to import once in whole project. So its advised to do it at a single place. If they are included in multiple files, and one of them is deleted, the build will fail for wrong reasons.

    How to format a Java string with leading zero?

    String input = "Apple";
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(input);
    while (buf.length() < 8) {
      buf.insert(0, '0');
    String output = buf.toString();

    How to debug Apache mod_rewrite

    For basic URL resolution, use a command line fetcher like wget or curl to do the testing, rather than a manual browser. Then you don't have to clear any cache; just up arrow and Enter in a shell to re-run your test fetches.

    converting CSV/XLS to JSON?

    See if this helps: Back to CSV - Convert CSV text to Objects; via JSON

    This is a blog post published in November 2008 that includes C# code to provide a solution.

    From the intro on the blog post:

    As Json is easier to read and write then Xml. It follows that CSV (comma seperated values) is easier to read and write then Json. CSV also has tools such as Excel and others that make it easy to work with and create. So if you ever want to create a config or data file for your next app, here is some code to convert CSV to JSON to POCO objects

    Django templates: If false?

    I think this will work for you:

    {% if not myvar %}

    Including dependencies in a jar with Maven

    You can do this using the maven-assembly plugin with the "jar-with-dependencies" descriptor. Here's the relevant chunk from one of our pom.xml's that does this:

          <!-- any other plugins -->

    How can a divider line be added in an Android RecyclerView?

    Here is the code for a simple custom divider (vertical divider / 1dp height / black ):

    It suppose you have Support Library:

    compile ""

    java code

        DividerItemDecoration divider = new DividerItemDecoration(recyclerView.getContext(), DividerItemDecoration.VERTICAL);
        divider.setDrawable(ContextCompat.getDrawable(getBaseContext(), R.drawable.my_custom_divider));

    then the custom_divider.xml file sample :

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <shape xmlns:android="" android:shape="rectangle">
        <size android:height="1dp" />
        <solid android:color="@android:color/black" />