[sql-server] Update Query with INNER JOIN between tables in 2 different databases on 1 server

Need some SQL syntax help :-)

Both databases are on the same server

db1 = DHE
db2 = DHE_Import

UPDATE DHE.dbo.tblAccounts 
INNER JOIN DHE_Import.dbo.tblSalesRepsAccountsLink 
    ON DHE.dbo.tblAccounts.AccountCode = DHE_Import.tblSalesRepsAccountsLink.AccountCode 
SET DHE.dbo.tblAccounts.ControllingSalesRep = DHE_Import.dbo.tblSalesRepsAccountsLink.SalesRepCode

I can do a query in Access with linked tables with similar syntax - BUT SQL doesn't like it.

I'm sure it's a simple issue :-D


This question is related to sql-server database syntax inner-join

The answer is

Update one table using Inner Join

  UPDATE Table1 SET name=ml.name
FROM table1 t inner JOIN
Table2 ml ON t.ID= ml.ID  

//For Access Database:
UPDATE ((tblEmployee
LEFT JOIN tblCity ON (tblEmployee.CityCode = tblCity.CityCode))
LEFT JOIN tblCountry ON (tblEmployee.CountryCode = tblCountryCode))
SET tblEmployee.CityName = tblCity.CityName, 
tblEmployee.CountryName = tblCountry.CountryName
WHERE (tblEmployee.CityName = '' OR tblEmployee.CountryName = '')

Should look like this:

UPDATE DHE.dbo.tblAccounts
   SET DHE.dbo.tblAccounts.ControllingSalesRep = 
  from DHE.dbo.tblAccounts 
     INNER JOIN DHE_Import.dbo.tblSalesRepsAccountsLink 
        ON DHE.dbo.tblAccounts.AccountCode =

Update table is repeated in FROM clause.

Worked perfectly for me.

UPDATE TABLE_A a INNER JOIN TABLE_B b ON a.col1 = b.col2 SET a.col_which_you_want_update = b.col_from_which_you_update;

UPDATE table1 a
 inner join  table2 b on (a.kol1=a.b.kol1...)
SET a.kol1=b.kol1
a.kol1='' ...

for me until the syntax worked -MySQL

which may be useful

    A.COL2='CHANGED', A.COL4=B.COL4,......
WHERE ....;

It is explained here http://erabhinavrana.blogspot.in/2014/01/how-to-execute-update-query-by-applying.html

It also has other useful code snippets which are commonly used.

update <dbname of 1st table>.<table name of 1st table> A INNER JOIN <dbname of 2nd table>.<table name of 2nd table> RA ON A.<field name of table 1>=RA.<field name of table 2> SET A.<field name of table 1 to be updated>=RA.<field name of table 2 to set value in table 1>

Replace data in <> with your appropriate values.

That's It. source:


Sorry its late, but I guess it would be of help to those who land here finding a solution to similar problem. The set clause should come right after the update clause. So rearranging your query with a bit change does the work.

UPDATE DHE.dbo.tblAccounts 
SET DHE.dbo.tblAccounts.ControllingSalesRep
    = DHE_Import.dbo.tblSalesRepsAccountsLink.SalesRepCode
from DHE.dbo.tblAccounts 
INNER JOIN DHE_Import.dbo.tblSalesRepsAccountsLink 
    ON DHE.dbo.tblAccounts.AccountCode
        = DHE_Import.tblSalesRepsAccountsLink.AccountCode 

It is very simple to update using Inner join query in SQL .You can do it without using FROM clause. Here is an example :

    UPDATE customer_table c 

      INNER JOIN  
          employee_table e
          ON (c.city_id = e.city_id)  

    SET c.active = "Yes"

    WHERE c.city = "New york";

Following is the MySQL syntax:

UPDATE table1 
INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.field1 = table2.field2
SET table1.field3 = table2.field4 
WHERE ...... ;


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