[groovy] How do I create and access the global variables in Groovy?

I need to store a value in a variable in one method and then I need to use that value from that variable in another method or closure. How can I share this value?

This question is related to groovy

The answer is

def sum = 0

// This method stores a value in a global variable.
def add =
    input1 , input2 ->
    sum = input1 + input2;

// This method uses stored value.
def multiplySum =   
    input1 ->
        return sum*input1;


Like all OO languages, Groovy has no concept of "global" by itself (unlike, say, BASIC, Python or Perl).

If you have several methods that need to share the same variable, use a field:

class Foo {
    def a;

    def foo() {
        a = 1;
    def bar() {
        print a;

I think you are talking about class level variables. As mentioned above using global variable/class level variables are not a good practice.

If you really want to use it. and if you are sure that there will not be impact...

Declare any variable out side the method. at the class level with out the variable type



// def a or int a wont work



Could not figure out what you want, but you need something like this ? :

?def a = { b -> b = 1 }
?bValue = a()
println b // prints 1

Now bValue contains the value of b which is a variable in the closure a. Now you can do anything with bValue Let me know if i have misunderstood your question

Just declare the variable at class or script scope, then access it from inside your methods or closures. Without an example, it's hard to be more specific for your particular problem though.

However, global variables are generally considered bad form.

Why not return the variable from one function, then pass it into the next?

def iamnotglobal=100 // This will not be accessible inside the function

iamglobal=200 // this is global and will be even available inside the 

def func()
    log.info "My value is 200. Here you see " + iamglobal
    //log.info "if you uncomment me you will get error. Since iamnotglobal cant be printed here " + iamnotglobal
def func2()
   log.info "My value was changed inside func to 400 . Here it is = " + iamglobal

here iamglobal variable is a global variable used by func and then again available to func2

if you declare variable with def it will be local, if you don't use def its global

In a Groovy script the scoping can be different than expected. That is because a Groovy script in itself is a class with a method that will run the code, but that is all done runtime. We can define a variable to be scoped to the script by either omitting the type definition or in Groovy 1.8 we can add the @Field annotation.

import groovy.transform.Field

var1 = 'var1'
@Field String var2 = 'var2'
def var3 = 'var3'

void printVars() {
    println var1
    println var2
    println var3 // This won't work, because not in script scope.

class Globals {
   static String ouch = "I'm global.."

println Globals.ouch