Programs & Examples On #Fast esp

The operation cannot be completed because the DbContext has been disposed error

This question & answer lead me to believe that IQueryable require an active context for its operation. That means you should try this instead:

    IQueryable<User> users;

    using (var dataContext = new dataContext())
        users = dataContext.Users.Where(x => x.AccountID == accountId && x.IsAdmin == false);

        if(users.Any() == false)
            return null;
            return users.Select(x => x.ToInfo()).ToList(); // this line is the problem

catch (Exception ex)

Error while inserting date - Incorrect date value:

I had a different cause for this error. I tried to insert a date without using quotes and received a strange error telling me I had tried to insert a date from 2003.

My error message:

Although I was already using the YYYY-MM-DD format, I forgot to add quotes around the date. Even though it is a date and not a string, quotes are still required.

How does numpy.newaxis work and when to use it?

newaxis object in the selection tuple serves to expand the dimensions of the resulting selection by one unit-length dimension.

It is not just conversion of row matrix to column matrix.

Consider the example below:

In [1]:x1 = np.arange(1,10).reshape(3,3)
Out[1]: array([[1, 2, 3],
               [4, 5, 6],
               [7, 8, 9]])

Now lets add new dimension to our data,

In [2]:x1_new = x1[:,np.newaxis]
Out[2]:array([[[1, 2, 3]],

              [[4, 5, 6]],

              [[7, 8, 9]]])

You can see that newaxis added the extra dimension here, x1 had dimension (3,3) and X1_new has dimension (3,1,3).

How our new dimension enables us to different operations:

In [3]:x2 = np.arange(11,20).reshape(3,3)
Out[3]:array([[11, 12, 13],
              [14, 15, 16],
              [17, 18, 19]]) 

Adding x1_new and x2, we get:

In [4]:x1_new+x2
Out[4]:array([[[12, 14, 16],
               [15, 17, 19],
               [18, 20, 22]],

              [[15, 17, 19],
               [18, 20, 22],
               [21, 23, 25]],

              [[18, 20, 22],
               [21, 23, 25],
               [24, 26, 28]]])

Thus, newaxis is not just conversion of row to column matrix. It increases the dimension of matrix, thus enabling us to do more operations on it.

How do I give PHP write access to a directory?

I had the same problem:

As I was reluctant to give 0777 to my php directory, I create a tmp directory with rights 0777, where I create the files I need to write to.

My php directory continue to be protected. If somebody hackes the tmp directory, the site continue to work as usual.

How to convert URL parameters to a JavaScript object?

Using ES6, URL API and URLSearchParams API.

function objectifyQueryString(url) {
  let _url = new URL(url);
  let _params = new URLSearchParams(;
  let query = Array.from(_params.keys()).reduce((sum, value)=>{
    return Object.assign({[value]: _params.get(value)}, sum);
  }, {});
  return query;

On select change, get data attribute value

Try the following:


Your change subscriber subscribes to the change event of the select, so the this parameter is the select element. You need to find the selected child to get the data-id from.

Is it possible to change the speed of HTML's <marquee> tag?

         <marquee direction="left" behavior=scroll scrollamount="2">This is basic example of marquee</marquee>
         <marquee direction="up">The direction of text will be from bottom to top.</marquee>

use scrollamount to control speed..

Parse RSS with jQuery

jQuery Feeds is a nice option, it has a built-in templating system and uses the Google Feed API, so it has cross-domain support.

What Regex would capture everything from ' mark to the end of a line?


I believe you need the option, Multiline.

Windows Task Scheduler doesn't start batch file task

Try the code below:


cd c:\batchfilepath
net stop "SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER)" 
timeout /t 10
net start "SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER)"

Facebook Open Graph not clearing cache

I was having this issue too. The scraper shows the right information, but the share url was still populated with old data.

The way I got around this was to use the feed method, instead of share, and then populate the data manually (which isn't exposed with the share method)

Something like this:

shareToFB = () => {
    method: 'feed',
    link: `${this.props.subscriber.sid}`,

How to declare a static const char* in your header file?

class A{
   static const char* SOMETHING() { return "something"; }

I do it all the time - especially for expensive const default parameters.

class A{
   const expensive_to_construct&
      static const expensive_to_construct xp2c(whatever is needed);
      return xp2c;

100% width table overflowing div container

Try adding to td:

display: -webkit-box; // to make td as block
word-break: break-word; // to make content justify

overflowed tds will align with new row.

Is there a simple way to convert C++ enum to string?

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#define IDMAP(x) (x,#x)

std::map<int , std::string> enToStr;
class mapEnumtoString
    mapEnumtoString(){  }
    mapEnumtoString& operator()(int i,std::string str)
        enToStr[i] = str;
        return *this;
   std::string operator [] (int i)
        return enToStr[i];

mapEnumtoString k;
mapEnumtoString& init()
    return k;

int main()


How to see data from .RData file?

It sounds like the only varaible stored in the .RData file was one named isfar.

Are you really sure that you saved the table? The command should have been:

save(the_table, file = "isfar.RData")

There are many ways to examine a variable.

Type it's name at the command prompt to see it printed. Then look at str, ls.str, summary, View and unclass.

Spring JPA @Query with LIKE

You Missed a colon(:) before the username parameter. therefore your code must change from:

@Query("select u from user u where u.username like '%username%'")

to :

@Query("select u from user u where u.username like '%:username%'")

Jackson: how to prevent field serialization

transient is the solution for me. thanks! it's native to Java and avoids you to add another framework-specific annotation.

Insert content into iFrame

You can enter (for example) text from div into iFrame:

var $iframe = $('#iframe');
$iframe.ready(function() {

and divs:

<iframe id="iframe"></iframe>
<div id="mytext">Hello!</div>

and JSFiddle demo: link

How to update a git clone --mirror?

This is the command that you need to execute on the mirror:

git remote update

Replacing some characters in a string with another character

Here is a solution with shell parameter expansion that replaces multiple contiguous occurrences with a single _:

$ var=AxxBCyyyDEFzzLMN
$ echo "${var//+([xyz])/_}"

Notice that the +(pattern) pattern requires extended pattern matching, turned on with

shopt -s extglob

Alternatively, with the -s ("squeeze") option of tr:

$ tr -s xyz _ <<< "$var"

Run local python script on remote server

ssh user@machine python < - arg1 arg2

Because cat | is usually not necessary

Using Bootstrap Modal window as PartialView

Complete and clear example project It displays create, edit and delete entity operation modals with bootstrap and also includes code to handle result returned from those entity operations (c#, JSON, javascript)

MVC ajax post to controller action method

I found this way of using ajax which helped me as it was better in use as not having complex json syntaxes

function GetAjaxDataPromise(url, postData) {
    var promise = $.post(url, postData, function (promise, status) {
    return promise;
$(function () {
    $("#btnGet5").click(function () {
        var promises = GetAjaxDataPromise('@Url.Action("AjaxMethod", "Home")', { EmpId: $("#txtId").val(), EmpName: $("#txtName").val(), EmpSalary: $("#txtSalary").val() });
        promises.done(function (response) {
            alert("Hello: " + response.EmpName + " Your Employee Id Is: " + response.EmpId + "And Your Salary Is: " + response.EmpSalary);

This method comes with jquery promise the best part was on controller we can received data by using separate parameters or just by using a model class.

    public JsonResult AjaxMethod(PersonModel personModel)
        PersonModel person = new PersonModel
            EmpId = personModel.EmpId,
            EmpName = personModel.EmpName,
            EmpSalary = personModel.EmpSalary
        return Json(person);


    public JsonResult AjaxMethod(string empId, string empName, string empSalary)
        PersonModel person = new PersonModel
            EmpId = empId,
            EmpName = empName,
            EmpSalary = empSalary
        return Json(person);

It works for both of the cases. SO you must try out this way. Got the reference from Using Ajax With Asp.Net MVC

There are few more ways of using Ajax explained there other than this one which you must try.

How to edit data in result grid in SQL Server Management Studio

Yes you can edit joined results. (at least in SSMS 2008 R2) After you edit any of the result values in the View that uses joins, you'll need to execute the query again to refresh the results.

You also need to make sure SSMS is configured to allow "Edit All Rows" ... to do this in SSMS - Tools | Options | SQL Server Object Explorer | Commands ... expand the Table and View Options ... put a value of 0 in "Value for Edit Top n Rows command" ... can do this for the select also.

Yves A Martin's response is 100% correct!


How can I check if a command exists in a shell script?

A function I have in an install script made for exactly this

function assertInstalled() {
    for var in "$@"; do
        if ! which $var &> /dev/null; then
            echo "Install $var!"
            exit 1

example call:

assertInstalled zsh vim wget python pip git cmake fc-cache

SQL: how to use UNION and order by a specific select?

You want to do this:

select * from 
    SELECT id, 2 as ordered FROM a -- returns 1,4,2,3
    SELECT id, 1 as ordered FROM b -- returns 2,1
order by ordered


I noticed that even though you have two different tables, you join the IDs, that means, if you have 1 in both tables, you are getting only one occurrence. If that's the desired behavior, you should stick to UNION. If not, change to UNION ALL.

So I also notice that if you change to the code I proposed, You would start getting both 1 and 2 (from both a and b). In that case, you might want to change the proposed code to:

select distinct id from 
    SELECT id, 2 as ordered FROM a -- returns 1,4,2,3
    SELECT id, 1 as ordered FROM b -- returns 2,1
order by ordered

Node.js console.log() not logging anything

Using modern --inspect with node the console.log is captured and relayed to the browser.

node --inspect myApp.js

or to capture early logging --inspect-brk can be used to stop the program on the first line of the first module...

node --inspect-brk myApp.js

How do I add a .click() event to an image?

First of all, this line

<img src="" alt="unfinished bingo card" />.click()

You're mixing HTML and JavaScript. It doesn't work like that. Get rid of the .click() there.

If you read the JavaScript you've got there, document.getElementById('foo') it's looking for an HTML element with an ID of foo. You don't have one. Give your image that ID:

<img id="foo" src="" alt="unfinished bingo card" />

Alternatively, you could throw the JS in a function and put an onclick in your HTML:

<img src="" alt="unfinished bingo card" onclick="myfunction()" />

I suggest you do some reading up on JavaScript and HTML though.

The others are right about needing to move the <img> above the JS click binding too.

How to connect to a remote Git repository?

Like you said remote_repo_url is indeed the IP of the server, and yes it needs to be added on each PC, but it's easier to understand if you create the server first then ask each to clone it.

There's several ways to connect to the server, you can use ssh, http, or even a network drive, each has it's pros and cons. You can refer to the documentation about protocols and how to connect to the server

You can check the rest of chapter 4 for more detailed information, as it's talking about how to set up your own server

How does HTTP file upload work?

An HTTP message may have a body of data sent after the header lines. In a response, this is where the requested resource is returned to the client (the most common use of the message body), or perhaps explanatory text if there's an error. In a request, this is where user-entered data or uploaded files are sent to the server.

Google Play Services Library update and missing symbol @integer/google_play_services_version

On Eclipse, after importing the google play library to the project workspace I just copied the version.xml file from




Not able to change TextField Border Color

We have tried custom search box with the pasted snippet. This code will useful for all kind of TextFiled decoration in Flutter. Hope this snippet will helpful for others.

        margin: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 10.0),
        child:  new Theme(
          data: new ThemeData(
           hintColor: Colors.white,
            primaryColor: Colors.white,
            primaryColorDark: Colors.white,
          padding: EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
          child: TextField(
            style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
            onChanged: (value) {
            controller: editingController,
            decoration: InputDecoration(
                labelText: "Search",
                hintText: "Search",
                prefixIcon: Icon(,color: Colors.white,),
                enabled: true,
                enabledBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
                  borderSide: BorderSide(color: Colors.white),
                    borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(25.0))),
                border: OutlineInputBorder(
                    borderSide: const BorderSide(color: Colors.white, width: 0.0),
                    borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(25.0)))),

Android: How to overlay a bitmap and draw over a bitmap?

You can do something like this:

public void putOverlay(Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap overlay) {
    Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
    Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG);
    canvas.drawBitmap(overlay, 0, 0, paint);

The idea is very simple: Once you associate a bitmap with a canvas, you can call any of the canvas' methods to draw over the bitmap.

This will work for bitmaps that have transparency. A bitmap will have transparency, if it has an alpha channel. Look at Bitmap.Config. You'd probably want to use ARGB_8888.

Important: Look at this Android sample for the different ways you can perform drawing. It will help you a lot.

Performance wise (memory-wise, to be exact), Bitmaps are the best objects to use, since they simply wrap a native bitmap. An ImageView is a subclass of View, and a BitmapDrawable holds a Bitmap inside, but it holds many other things as well. But this is an over-simplification. You can suggest a performance-specific scenario for a precise answer.

Stripping everything but alphanumeric chars from a string in Python

As a spin off from some other answers here, I offer a really simple and flexible way to define a set of characters that you want to limit a string's content to. In this case, I'm allowing alphanumerics PLUS dash and underscore. Just add or remove characters from my PERMITTED_CHARS as suits your use case.

PERMITTED_CHARS = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_-" 
someString = "".join(c for c in someString if c in PERMITTED_CHARS)

How do I find the index of a character within a string in C?

This should do it:

//Returns the index of the first occurence of char c in char* string. If not found -1 is returned.
int get_index(char* string, char c) {
    char *e = strchr(string, c);
    if (e == NULL) {
        return -1;
    return (int)(e - string);

Maximum length for MD5 input/output

You can have any length, but of course, there can be a memory issue on the computer if the String input is too long. The output is always 32 characters.

How to auto resize and adjust Form controls with change in resolution

Use combinations of these to get the desired result:

  1. Set Anchor property to None, the controls will not be resized, they only shift their position.

  2. Set Anchor property to Top+Bottom+Left+Right, the controls will be resized but they don't change their position.

  3. Set the Minimum Size of the form to a proper value.

  4. Set Dock property.

  5. Use Form Resize event to change whatever you want

I don't know how font size (label, textbox, combobox, etc.) will be affected in (1) - (4), but it can be controlled in (5).

How can I replace every occurrence of a String in a file with PowerShell?

This is what I use, but it is slow on large text files.

get-content $pathToFile | % { $_ -replace $stringToReplace, $replaceWith } | set-content $pathToFile

If you are going to be replacing strings in large text files and speed is a concern, look into using System.IO.StreamReader and System.IO.StreamWriter.

   $reader = [System.IO.StreamReader] $pathToFile
   $data = $reader.ReadToEnd()
   if ($reader -ne $null)

$data = $data -replace $stringToReplace, $replaceWith

   $writer = [System.IO.StreamWriter] $pathToFile
   if ($writer -ne $null)

(The code above has not been tested.)

There is probably a more elegant way to use StreamReader and StreamWriter for replacing text in a document, but that should give you a good starting point.

Why is lock(this) {...} bad?

Take a look at the MSDN Topic Thread Synchronization (C# Programming Guide)

Generally, it is best to avoid locking on a public type, or on object instances beyond the control of your application. For example, lock(this) can be problematic if the instance can be accessed publicly, because code beyond your control may lock on the object as well. This could create deadlock situations where two or more threads wait for the release of the same object. Locking on a public data type, as opposed to an object, can cause problems for the same reason. Locking on literal strings is especially risky because literal strings are interned by the common language runtime (CLR). This means that there is one instance of any given string literal for the entire program, the exact same object represents the literal in all running application domains, on all threads. As a result, a lock placed on a string with the same contents anywhere in the application process locks all instances of that string in the application. As a result, it is best to lock a private or protected member that is not interned. Some classes provide members specifically for locking. The Array type, for example, provides SyncRoot. Many collection types provide a SyncRoot member as well.

Extending an Object in Javascript


  • No need to use any external library to extend

  • In JavaScript, everything is an object (except for the three primitive datatypes, and even they are automatically wrapped with objects when needed). Furthermore, all objects are mutable.

Class Person in JavaScript

function Person(name, age) { = name;
    this.age = age;
Person.prototype = {
    getName: function() {
    getAge: function() {
        return this.age;

/* Instantiate the class. */
var alice = new Person('Alice', 93);
var bill = new Person('Bill', 30);

Modify a specific instance/object.

alice.displayGreeting = function() 

Modify the class

Person.prototype.getGreeting = function() 
    return 'Hi ' + this.getName() + '!';

Or simply say : extend JSON and OBJECT both are same

var k = {
    name : 'jack',
    age : 30

k.gender = 'male'; /*object or json k got extended with new property gender*/

thanks to ross harmes , dustin diaz

Disable pasting text into HTML form

Check validity of the MX record of the host of the given email. This can eliminate errors to the right of the @ sign.

You could do this with an AJAX call before submit and/or server side after the form is submitted.

Java inner class and static nested class

From the Java Tutorial:

Nested classes are divided into two categories: static and non-static. Nested classes that are declared static are simply called static nested classes. Non-static nested classes are called inner classes.

Static nested classes are accessed using the enclosing class name:


For example, to create an object for the static nested class, use this syntax:

OuterClass.StaticNestedClass nestedObject = new OuterClass.StaticNestedClass();

Objects that are instances of an inner class exist within an instance of the outer class. Consider the following classes:

class OuterClass {
    class InnerClass {

An instance of InnerClass can exist only within an instance of OuterClass and has direct access to the methods and fields of its enclosing instance.

To instantiate an inner class, you must first instantiate the outer class. Then, create the inner object within the outer object with this syntax:

OuterClass outerObject = new OuterClass()
OuterClass.InnerClass innerObject = InnerClass();

see: Java Tutorial - Nested Classes

For completeness note that there is also such a thing as an inner class without an enclosing instance:

class A {
  int t() { return 1; }
  static A a =  new A() { int t() { return 2; } };

Here, new A() { ... } is an inner class defined in a static context and does not have an enclosing instance.

differences in application/json and application/x-www-form-urlencoded

webRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

  1. Where does application/x-www-form-urlencoded's name come from?

    If you send HTTP GET request, you can use query parameters as follows:

    The content of the fields is encoded as a query string. The application/x-www-form- urlencoded's name come from the previous url query parameter but the query parameters is in where the body of request instead of url.

    The whole form data is sent as a long query string.The query string contains name- value pairs separated by & character

    e.g. field1=value1&field2=value2

  2. It can be simple request called simple - don't trigger a preflight check

    Simple request must have some properties. You can look here for more info. One of them is that there are only three values allowed for Content-Type header for simple requests

    • application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    • multipart/form-data
    • text/plain

3.For mostly flat param trees, application/x-www-form-urlencoded is tried and tested.

request.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";

  1. The data will be json format.

axios and superagent, two of the more popular npm HTTP libraries, work with JSON bodies by default.

  "id": 1,
  "name": "Foo",
  "price": 123,
  "tags": [
  "stock": {
    "warehouse": 300,
    "retail": 20
  1. "application/json" Content-Type is one of the Preflighted requests.

Now, if the request isn't simple request, the browser automatically sends a HTTP request before the original one by OPTIONS method to check whether it is safe to send the original request. If itis ok, Then send actual request. You can look here for more info.

  1. application/json is beginner-friendly. URL encoded arrays can be a nightmare!

SET NAMES utf8 in MySQL?

From the manual:

SET NAMES indicates what character set the client will use to send SQL statements to the server.

More elaborately, (and once again, gratuitously lifted from the manual):

SET NAMES indicates what character set the client will use to send SQL statements to the server. Thus, SET NAMES 'cp1251' tells the server, “future incoming messages from this client are in character set cp1251.” It also specifies the character set that the server should use for sending results back to the client. (For example, it indicates what character set to use for column values if you use a SELECT statement.)

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient is not working in ie7

This should work:

background: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , #fad59f, #fa9907) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
 /* For WebKit (Safari, Google Chrome etc) */
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#fad59f), to(#fa9907));
/* For Mozilla/Gecko (Firefox etc) */
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fad59f, #fa9907);
/* For Internet Explorer 5.5 - 7 */
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#fad59f, endColorstr=#fa9907);
/* For Internet Explorer 8 */
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#fad59f, endColorstr=#fa9907)";

Otherwise generate using the following link and get the code.

Using true and false in C

Just use 0 or 1 directly in the code.

For C programmers, this is as intuitive as true or false.

How do I clone a range of array elements to a new array?

You can use Array.Copy(...) to copy into the new array after you've created it, but I don't think there's a method which creates the new array and copies a range of elements.

If you're using .NET 3.5 you could use LINQ:

var newArray = array.Skip(3).Take(5).ToArray();

but that will be somewhat less efficient.

See this answer to a similar question for options for more specific situations.

Link to a section of a webpage


Use <section>.

and use <a href="page.html#tips">Visit the Useful Tips Section</a>

How to get current working directory using vba?

If you really mean pure working Directory, this should suit for you.

Solution A:

Dim ParentPath As String: ParentPath = "\"
Dim ThisWorkbookPath As String
Dim ThisWorkbookPathParts, Part As Variant
Dim Count, Parts As Long

ThisWorkbookPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
ThisWorkbookPathParts = Split(ThisWorkbookPath, _

Parts = UBound(ThisWorkbookPathParts)
Count = 0
For Each Part In ThisWorkbookPathParts
    If Count > 0 Then
        ParentPath = ParentPath & Part & "\"
    End If
    Count = Count + 1
    If Count = Parts Then Exit For

MsgBox "File-Drive = " & ThisWorkbookPathParts _
MsgBox "Parent-Path = " & ParentPath

But if don't, this should be enough.

Solution B:

Dim ThisWorkbookPath As String

ThisWorkbookPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
MsgBox "Working-Directory = " & ThisWorkbookPath 

How do you rename a MongoDB database?

In the case you put all your data in the admin database (you shouldn't), you'll notice db.copyDatabase() won't work because your user requires a lot of privileges you probably don't want to give it. Here is a script to copy the database manually:

use old_db
db.getCollectionNames().forEach(function(collName) {

Why is the apt-get function not working in the terminal on Mac OS X v10.9 (Mavericks)?

Conda can also be used as package manager. It can be installed from Anaconda.

Alternatively, a free minimal installer is Miniconda.

Calling an executable program using awk

A much more robust way would be to use the getline() function of GNU awk to use a variable from a pipe. In form cmd | getline result, cmd is run, then its output is piped to getline. It returns 1 if got output, 0 if EOF, -1 on failure.

First construct the command to run in a variable in the BEGIN clause if the command is not dependant on the contents of the file, e.g. a simple date or an ls.

A simple example of the above would be

awk 'BEGIN {
    cmd = "ls -lrth"
    while ( ( cmd | getline result ) > 0 ) {
        print result

When the command to run is part of the columnar content of a file, you generate the cmd string in the main {..} as below. E.g. consider a file whose $2 contains the name of the file and you want it to be replaced with the md5sum hash content of the file. You can do

awk '{ cmd = "md5sum "$2
       while ( ( cmd | getline md5result ) > 0 ) { 
           $2 = md5result

Another frequent usage involving external commands in awk is during date processing when your awk does not support time functions out of the box with mktime(), strftime() functions.

Consider a case when you have Unix EPOCH timestamp stored in a column and you want to convert that to a human readable date format. Assuming GNU date is available

awk '{ cmd = "date -d @" $1 " +\"%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S\"" 
       while ( ( cmd | getline fmtDate) > 0 ) { 
           $1 = fmtDate

for an input string as

1572608319 foo bar zoo

the above command produces an output as

01-11-2019 07:38:39 foo bar zoo

The command can be tailored to modify the date fields on any of the columns in a given line. Note that -d is a GNU specific extension, the *BSD variants support -f ( though not exactly similar to -d).

More information about getline can be referred to from this AllAboutGetline article at page.

Can't find AVD or SDK manager in Eclipse

I have solved this as follows:

  1. Window > Customize Perspective... (you will see Android and AVD Manager are disabled)

  2. Command Groups Availability > Android and AVD Manager > check

  3. Tool Bar Visibility > Android and AVD Manager > check

What does -z mean in Bash?

The expression -z string is true if the length of string is zero.

Spring Boot - How to get the running port

You can get the port that is being used by an embedded Tomcat instance during tests by injecting the local.server.port value as such:

// Inject which port we were assigned
int port;

Programmatically navigate to another view controller/scene

I already found the answer

Swift 4

let storyBoard : UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle:nil)
let nextViewController = storyBoard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "nextView") as! NextViewController
self.present(nextViewController, animated:true, completion:nil)

Swift 3

let storyBoard : UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle:nil)

let nextViewController = storyBoard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("nextView") as NextViewController
self.presentViewController(nextViewController, animated:true, completion:nil)

How to add an empty column to a dataframe?

I like:

df['new'] = pd.Series(dtype='your_required_dtype')

If you have an empty dataframe, this solution makes sure that no new row containing only NaN is added.

Specifying dtype is not strictly necessary, however newer Pandas versions produce a DeprecationWarning if not specified.

Jar mismatch! Fix your dependencies

In my case there was another directory within my workspace, having the same jar file as the one in my project. I hadn't created that directory or anything in it. It was created by Eclipse I believe. I just erased that directory and it just runs ok.

How can I set the color of a selected row in DataGrid

The above solution left blue border around each cell in my case.

This is the solution that worked for me. It is very simple, just add this to your DataGrid. You can change it from a SolidColorBrush to any other brush such as linear gradient.

  <SolidColorBrush x:Key="{x:Static SystemColors.HighlightBrushKey}" 

Get item in the list in Scala?

Use parentheses:


But you don't really want to do that with lists very often, since linked lists take time to traverse. If you want to index into a collection, use Vector (immutable) or ArrayBuffer (mutable) or possibly Array (which is just a Java array, except again you index into it with (i) instead of [i]).

SQL query to find third highest salary in company

We can find the Top nth Salary with this Query.


bash string equality

There's no difference, == is a synonym for = (for the C/C++ people, I assume). See here, for example.

You could double-check just to be really sure or just for your interest by looking at the bash source code, should be somewhere in the parsing code there, but I couldn't find it straightaway.

VirtualBox and vmdk vmx files

Actually, for the configuration of the machine, just open the .vmx file with a text editor (e.g. notepad, gedit, etc.). You will be able to see the OS type, memsize, ethernet.connectionType, and other settings. Then when you make your machine, just look in the text editor for the corresponding settings. When it asks for the disk, select the .vmdk disk as mentioned above.

Adding timestamp to a filename with mv in BASH

You can write your scripts in notepad but just make sure you convert them using this -> $ sed -i 's/\r$//' yourscripthere

I use it all they time when I'm working in cygwin and it works. Hope this helps

Cannot create SSPI context

It's quite a common error with a variety of causes: start here with KB 811889

  • What version of SQL Server?
  • And Windows on client and server?
  • Local or network SQL instance?
  • Domain or workgroup? Provider?
  • Changing password
  • Local windows log errors?
  • Any other apps affected?

logger configuration to log to file and print to stdout

Either run basicConfig with stream=sys.stdout as the argument prior to setting up any other handlers or logging any messages, or manually add a StreamHandler that pushes messages to stdout to the root logger (or any other logger you want, for that matter).

Error type 3 Error: Activity class {} does not exist

None of the above worked for me. I had a version of the app on the device that could not be uninstalled as it was corrupt somehow. I had to factory reset the device. Not too bothered cause it was a just a dev device

Should each and every table have a primary key?

It is a good practice to have a PK on every table, but it's not a MUST. Most probably you will need a unique index, and/or a clustered index (which is PK or not) depending on your need.

Check out the Primary Keys and Clustered Indexes sections on Books Online (for SQL Server)

"PRIMARY KEY constraints identify the column or set of columns that have values that uniquely identify a row in a table. No two rows in a table can have the same primary key value. You cannot enter NULL for any column in a primary key. We recommend using a small, integer column as a primary key. Each table should have a primary key. A column or combination of columns that qualify as a primary key value is referred to as a candidate key."

But then check this out also:

Creating a simple login form

Using <table> is not a bad choice. Of course it is bit old fashioned. 

But still not obsolete. But if you prefer you can use "Boostrap". There you have options for panels and enhanced forms.

This is the sample code for your requirement. Used minimal styles to simplify.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>Simple Login Form</title>
      border-style: solid;
      position: absolute;
      top: 40%;
      left : 40%;
      <form method="post" action="login.php">
            <tr bgcolor="black">
               <th colspan="3"><font color="white">Enter login details</th>
            <tr height="20"></tr>
               <td>User Name</td>
                  <input type="text" name="username"/>
                  <input type="password" name="password"/>
            <tr height="10"></tr>
               <td align="center"><input type="submit" value="Submit"></td>

How exactly does the python any() function work?

Simply saying, any() does this work : according to the condition even if it encounters one fulfilling value in the list, it returns true, else it returns false.

list = [2,-3,-4,5,6]

a = any(x>0 for x in lst)

print a:

list = [2,3,4,5,6,7]

a = any(x<0 for x in lst)

print a:

New xampp security concept: Access Forbidden Error 403 - Windows 7 - phpMyAdmin

A reason for this could be Skype as well! If you use the default XAMPP settings, they both would run on the same port (80). You can:

  • Turn off Skype
  • Change the XAMPP port

Get Public URL for File - Google Cloud Storage - App Engine (Python)

You need to use get_serving_url from the Images API. As that page explains, you need to call create_gs_key() first to get the key to pass to the Images API.

Simulation of CONNECT BY PRIOR of Oracle in SQL Server

The SQL standard way to implement recursive queries, as implemented e.g. by IBM DB2 and SQL Server, is the WITH clause. See this article for one example of translating a CONNECT BY into a WITH (technically a recursive CTE) -- the example is for DB2 but I believe it will work on SQL Server as well.

Edit: apparently the original querant requires a specific example, here's one from the IBM site whose URL I already gave. Given a table:

                 name   VARCHAR(10),
                 salary DECIMAL(9, 2),
                 mgrid  INTEGER);

where mgrid references an employee's manager's empid, the task is, get the names of everybody who reports directly or indirectly to Joan. In Oracle, that's a simple CONNECT:

SELECT name 
  FROM emp
  START WITH name = 'Joan'
  CONNECT BY PRIOR empid = mgrid

In SQL Server, IBM DB2, or PostgreSQL 8.4 (as well as in the SQL standard, for what that's worth;-), the perfectly equivalent solution is instead a recursive query (more complex syntax, but, actually, even more power and flexibility):

WITH n(empid, name) AS 
   (SELECT empid, name 
    FROM emp
    WHERE name = 'Joan'
        UNION ALL
    SELECT nplus1.empid, 
    FROM emp as nplus1, n
    WHERE n.empid = nplus1.mgrid)

Oracle's START WITH clause becomes the first nested SELECT, the base case of the recursion, to be UNIONed with the recursive part which is just another SELECT.

SQL Server's specific flavor of WITH is of course documented on MSDN, which also gives guidelines and limitations for using this keyword, as well as several examples.

TimeStamp on file name using PowerShell

Here's some PowerShell code that should work. You can combine most of this into fewer lines, but I wanted to keep it clear and readable.

[string]$filePath = "C:\";

[string]$directory = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($filePath);
[string]$strippedFileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($filePath);
[string]$extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($filePath);
[string]$newFileName = $strippedFileName + [DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss") + $extension;
[string]$newFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($directory, $newFileName);

Move-Item -LiteralPath $filePath -Destination $newFilePath;

Getting time and date from timestamp with php

You can try this:

For Date:

$date = new DateTime($from_date);
$date = $date->format('d-m-Y');

For Time:

$time = new DateTime($from_date);
$time = $time->format('H:i:s');

How do I change the figure size with subplots?

If you already have the figure object use:


But if you use the .subplots() command (as in the examples you're showing) to create a new figure you can also use:

f, axs = plt.subplots(2,2,figsize=(15,15))

Reverse HashMap keys and values in Java

Apache commons collections library provides a utility method for inversing the map. You can use this if you are sure that the values of myHashMap are unique

org.apache.commons.collections.MapUtils.invertMap(java.util.Map map)

Sample code

HashMap<String, Character> reversedHashMap = MapUtils.invertMap(myHashMap) 

Eclipse : Maven search dependencies doesn't work

In your eclipse, go to Windows -> Preferences -> Maven Preferences Maven Screenshot Tick the option "Download repository index updates on startup". You may want to restart the eclipse.

Also go to Windows -> Show view -> Other -> Maven -> Maven repositories Maven Repository View Screenshot

On Maven repositories panel, Expand Global repositories then Right click on Central repositories and check "Full index enabled" option and then click on "Rebuild index".

Full Index Screenshot

Keep SSH session alive

We can keep our ssh connection alive by having following Global configurations

Add the following line to the /etc/ssh/ssh_config file:

ServerAliveInterval 60

PHP - Copy image to my server direct from URL

This SO thread will solve your problem. Solution in short:

$url = '';
$img = '/my/folder/my_image.gif';
file_put_contents($img, file_get_contents($url));

How to count duplicate value in an array in javascript

simplified sheet.js answare

var counts = {};_x000D_
var aarr=['a','b','a'];_x000D_
aarr.forEach(x=>counts[x]=(counts[x] || 0)+1 );_x000D_

Export a list into a CSV or TXT file in R

I export lists into YAML format with CPAN YAML package.

l <- list(a="1", b=1, c=list(a="1", b=1))
yaml::write_yaml(l, "list.yaml")

Bonus of YAML that it's a human readable text format so it's easy to read/share/import/etc

$ cat list.yaml
a: '1'
b: 1.0
  a: '1'
  b: 1.0

Select and trigger click event of a radio button in jquery

$("#radio1").attr('checked', true).trigger('click');

How to add an event after close the modal window?

I find answer. Thanks all but right answer next:

$("#myModal").on("hidden", function () {

Events here


For Bootstrap 3.x need use

$("#myModal").on("", function () {

input() error - NameError: name '...' is not defined

For python 3 and above

s = raw_input()

it will solve the problem on pycharm IDE if you are solving on online site exactly hackerrank then use:

s = input()

HttpURLConnection timeout settings

HttpURLConnection has a setConnectTimeout method.

Just set the timeout to 5000 milliseconds, and then catch

Your code should look something like this:

try {
   HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection();

   con.setConnectTimeout(5000); //set timeout to 5 seconds

   return (con.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK);
} catch ( e) {
   return false;
} catch ( e) {
   return false;

How do I detect "shift+enter" and generate a new line in Textarea?

Better use simpler solution:

Tim's solution below is better I suggest using that:

My solution

I think you can do something like this..

EDIT : Changed the code to work irrespective of the caret postion

First part of the code is to get the caret position.

Ref: How to get the caret column (not pixels) position in a textarea, in characters, from the start?

function getCaret(el) { 
    if (el.selectionStart) { 
        return el.selectionStart; 
    } else if (document.selection) { 
        var r = document.selection.createRange(); 
        if (r == null) { 
            return 0;
        var re = el.createTextRange(), rc = re.duplicate();
        rc.setEndPoint('EndToStart', re);
        return rc.text.length;
    return 0; 

And then replacing the textarea value accordingly when Shift + Enter together , submit the form if Enter is pressed alone.

$('textarea').keyup(function (event) {
    if (event.keyCode == 13) {
        var content = this.value;  
        var caret = getCaret(this);          
            this.value = content.substring(0, caret - 1) + "\n" + content.substring(caret, content.length);
        } else {
            this.value = content.substring(0, caret - 1) + content.substring(caret, content.length);

Here is a demo

How to find the first and second maximum number?

OK I found it.


=large(array, k)

Array Required. The array or range of data for which you want to determine the k-th largest value.

K Required. The position (from the largest) in the array or cell range of data to return.

How to change or add theme to Android Studio?

Simple. Just hit CTRL + alt + s - appearance & behavior - appearance - Theme - (Darcula)

Remote Procedure call failed with sql server 2008 R2

After trying everything between Stackoverflow and Google, I finally found a solution :


If you are (or were) running multiple versions of SQL Server on your machine, that Configuration Manager shortcut on your start menu might be pointing to an older version, which it shouldn't be. It was pointing to an old Sql Server 2008 instance in my case.

The solution was to :

  1. Go to either C:\Windows\SysWOW64 or C:\Windows\System32, depending on your system.
  2. Look for an executable called SQLServerManagerXX.msc, and run the latest version if you have multiple ones. In my case, I had both SQLServerManager11.msc and SQLServerManager10.msc, where the 10th gave the error, and the 11th worked perfectly.

PHP string concatenation

This should be faster.

while ($personCount < 10) {
    $result .= "{$personCount} people ";

echo $result;

Why does .json() return a promise?

This difference is due to the behavior of Promises more than fetch() specifically.

When a .then() callback returns an additional Promise, the next .then() callback in the chain is essentially bound to that Promise, receiving its resolve or reject fulfillment and value.

The 2nd snippet could also have been written as:

iterator.then(response =>
    response.json().then(post => document.write(post.title))

In both this form and yours, the value of post is provided by the Promise returned from response.json().

When you return a plain Object, though, .then() considers that a successful result and resolves itself immediately, similar to:

iterator.then(response =>
      data: response.json(),
      status: response.status
    .then(post => document.write(

post in this case is simply the Object you created, which holds a Promise in its data property. The wait for that promise to be fulfilled is still incomplete.

Save Screen (program) output to a file

The 'script' command under Unix should do the trick. Just run it at the start of your new console and you should be good.

How to make the overflow CSS property work with hidden as value

Evidently, sometimes, the display properties of parent of the element containing the matter that shouldn't overflow should also be set to overflow:hidden as well, e.g.:

<div style="overflow: hidden">
  <div style="overflow: hidden">some text that should not overflow<div>

Why? I have no idea but it worked for me. See (ignore the sniping at stackoverflow!)

Gradients on UIView and UILabels On iPhone

I achieve this in a view with a subview that is an UIImageView. The image the ImageView is pointing to is a gradient. Then I set a background color in the UIView, and I have a colored gradient view. Next I use the view as I need to and everything I draw will be under this gradient view. By adding a second view on top of the ImageView, you can have some options whether your drawing will be below or above the gradient...

What is the correct way to check for string equality in JavaScript?

You can use == or === but last one works in more simple way (src)

a == b (and its negation !=)

enter image description here

a === b (and its negation !==)

enter image description here

How to execute an Oracle stored procedure via a database link


one needs to use something like

cmd.CommandText = "BEGIN foo@v; END;" 

worked for me in, c#

How can I escape white space in a bash loop list?

Had to be dealing with whitespaces in pathnames, too. What I finally did was using a recursion and for item in /path/*:

function recursedir {
    local item
    for item in "${1%/}"/*
        if [ -d "$item" ]
            recursedir "$item"

[INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113]

After some time i investigate and understand that path were located my libs is right. I just need to add folders for different architectures:

  • ARM EABI v7a System Image

  • Intel x86 Atom System Image

  • MIPS System Image

  • Google APIs

2 ways for "ClearContents" on VBA Excel, but 1 work fine. Why?

For numerical addressing of cells try to enable S1O1 checkbox in MS Excel settings. It is the second tab from top (i.e. Formulas), somewhere mid-page in my Hungarian version.

If enabled, it handles VBA addressing in both styles, i.e. Range("A1:B10") and Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(10, 2)). I assume it handles Range("A1:B10") style only, if not enabled.

Good luck!

(Note, that Range("A1:B10") represents a 2x10 square, while Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(10, 2)) represents 10x2. Using column numbers instead of letters will not affect the order of addresing.)

Page scroll up or down in Selenium WebDriver (Selenium 2) using java

1.To scroll page to the bottom use window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight) as parameter

//Code to navigate to bottom

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
JavascriptExecutor jsExecuter = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;

2.To scroll page to the top use window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollTop) as parameter

//Code to navigate to top

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
JavascriptExecutor jsExecuter = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;

3.To scroll page to the Left use window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollLeft) as parameter

//Code to navigate to left

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
JavascriptExecutor jsExecuter = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;

4.To scroll to certain point window.scrollTo(0,500) as parameter

//Code to navigate to certain point e.g. 500 is passed as value here

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
JavascriptExecutor jsExecuter = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;

To check the navigation directly in browser , open developers tool in browser and navigate to console. Execute the command on console window.scrollTo(0,400) enter image description here

Android - Dynamically Add Views into View

To make @Mark Fisher's answer more clear, the inserted view being inflated should be a xml file under layout folder but without a layout (ViewGroup) like LinearLayout etc. inside. My example:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TextView xmlns:android=""
    android:text="my name"

Then, the insertion point should be a layout like LinearLayout:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>




Then the code should be

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    LayoutInflater inflater = getLayoutInflater();
    View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.my_view, null);
    ViewGroup main = (ViewGroup) findViewById(;
    main.addView(view, 0);

The reason I post this very similar answer is that when I tried to implement Mark's solution, I got stuck on what xml file should I use for insert_point and the child view. I used layout in the child view firstly and it was totally not working, which took me several hours to figure out. So hope my exploration can save others' time.

What's the difference between isset() and array_key_exists()?

The main difference when working on arrays is that array_key_exists returns true when the value is null, while isset will return false when the array value is set to null.

See isset on the PHP documentation site.

More elegant "ps aux | grep -v grep"

You could use preg_split instead of explode and split on [ ]+ (one or more spaces). But I think in this case you could go with preg_match_all and capturing:

preg_match_all('/[ ]php[ ]+\S+[ ]+(\S+)/', $input, $matches);
$result = $matches[1];

The pattern matches a space, php, more spaces, a string of non-spaces (the path), more spaces, and then captures the next string of non-spaces. The first space is mostly to ensure that you don't match php as part of a user name but really only as a command.

An alternative to capturing is the "keep" feature of PCRE. If you use \K in the pattern, everything before it is discarded in the match:

preg_match_all('/[ ]php[ ]+\S+[ ]+\K\S+/', $input, $matches);
$result = $matches[0];

I would use preg_match(). I do something similar for many of my system management scripts. Here is an example:

$test = "user     12052  0.2  0.1 137184 13056 ?        Ss   10:00   0:00 php /home/user/public_html/utilities/runProcFile.php cust1 cron
user     12054  0.2  0.1 137184 13064 ?        Ss   10:00   0:00 php /home/user/public_html/utilities/runProcFile.php cust3 cron
user     12055  0.6  0.1 137844 14220 ?        Ss   10:00   0:00 php /home/user/public_html/utilities/runProcFile.php cust4 cron
user     12057  0.2  0.1 137184 13052 ?        Ss   10:00   0:00 php /home/user/public_html/utilities/runProcFile.php cust89 cron
user     12058  0.2  0.1 137184 13052 ?        Ss   10:00   0:00 php /home/user/public_html/utilities/runProcFile.php cust435 cron
user     12059  0.3  0.1 135112 13000 ?        Ss   10:00   0:00 php /home/user/public_html/utilities/runProcFile.php cust16 cron
root     12068  0.0  0.0 106088  1164 pts/1    S+   10:00   0:00 sh -c ps aux | grep utilities > /home/user/public_html/logs/dashboard/currentlyPosting.txt
root     12070  0.0  0.0 103240   828 pts/1    R+   10:00   0:00 grep utilities";

$lines = explode("\n", $test);

foreach($lines as $line){
        if(preg_match("/.php[\s+](cust[\d]+)[\s+]cron/i", $line, $matches)){


The above prints:

    [0] => .php cust1 cron
    [1] => cust1
    [0] => .php cust3 cron
    [1] => cust3
    [0] => .php cust4 cron
    [1] => cust4
    [0] => .php cust89 cron
    [1] => cust89
    [0] => .php cust435 cron
    [1] => cust435
    [0] => .php cust16 cron
    [1] => cust16

You can set $test to equal the output from exec. the values you are looking for would be in the if statement under the foreach. $matches[1] will have the custx value.

What should I do when 'svn cleanup' fails?

(Before you try moving folders and doing a new checkout.)

Delete the folder the offending file(s) are in - yes, even the .svn folder, then do an svn cleanup on the very top / parent folder.

Foreach loop, determine which is the last iteration of the loop

Another way, which I didn't see posted, is to use a Queue. It's analogous to a way to implement a SkipLast() method without iterating more than necessary. This way will also allow you to do this on any number of last items.

public static void ForEachAndKnowIfLast<T>(
    this IEnumerable<T> source,
    Action<T, bool> a,
    int numLastItems = 1)
    int bufferMax = numLastItems + 1;
    var buffer = new Queue<T>(bufferMax);
    foreach (T x in source)
        if (buffer.Count < bufferMax)
            continue; //Until the buffer is full, just add to it.
        a(buffer.Dequeue(), false);
    foreach (T item in buffer)
        a(item, true);

To call this you'd do the following:

    (result, isLast) =>
        //your logic goes here, using isLast to do things differently for last item(s).

jQuery checkbox checked state changed event

If your intention is to attach event only on checked checkboxes (so it would fire when they are unchecked and checked later again) then this is what you want.

$(function() {
    $("input[type='checkbox']:checked").change(function() {


if your intention is to attach event to all checkboxes (checked and unchecked)

$(function() {
    $("input[type='checkbox']").change(function() {


if you want it to fire only when they are being checked (from unchecked) then @James Allardice answer above.

BTW input[type='checkbox']:checked is CSS selector.

Encode a FileStream to base64 with c#

Since the file will be larger, you don't have very much choice in how to do this. You cannot process the file in place since that will destroy the information you need to use. You have two options that I can see:

  1. Read in the entire file, base64 encode, re-write the encoded data.
  2. Read the file in smaller pieces, encoding as you go along. Encode to a temporary file in the same directory. When you are finished, delete the original file, and rename the temporary file.

Of course, the whole point of streams is to avoid this sort of scenario. Instead of creating the content and stuffing it into a file stream, stuff it into a memory stream. Then encode that and only then save to disk.

How do I debug Windows services in Visual Studio?

Either that as suggested by Lasse V. Karlsen, or set up a loop in your service that will wait for a debugger to attach. The simplest is

while (!Debugger.IsAttached)

... continue with code

That way you can start the service and inside Visual Studio you choose "Attach to Process..." and attach to your service which then will resume normal exution.

HTTP 404 when accessing .svc file in IIS

In my case, the error was caused by incorrect mapping settings in the file applicationhost.config (\System32\inetsrv\config). For some reason, Visual Studio 2013 corrupted it while creating a virtual directory in IIS. The fix was to manually edit the sites section in the file.

How can you debug a CORS request with cURL?

The bash script "corstest" below works for me. It is based on Jun's comment above.


corstest [-v] url


./corstest Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

the positive result is displayed in green

./corstest does not support CORS
you might want to visit to find out how to enable CORS

the negative result is displayed in red and blue

the -v option will show the full curl headers


# WF 2018-09-20

#ansi colors
green='\033[0;32m' # '\e[1;32m' is too bright for white bg.

# a colored message 
#   params:
#     1: l_color - the color of the message
#     2: l_msg - the message to display
color_msg() {
  local l_color="$1"
  local l_msg="$2"
  echo -e "${l_color}$l_msg${endColor}"

# show the usage
usage() {
  echo "usage: [-v] $0 url"
  echo "  -v |--verbose: show curl result" 
  exit 1 

if [ $# -lt 1 ]

# commandline option
while [  "$1" != ""  ]

  # optionally show usage
  case $url in      

if [ "$verbose" = "true" ]
  curl -s -X GET $url -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' --head 
origin=$(curl -s -X GET $url -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' --head | grep -i access-control)

if [ $? -eq 0 ]
  color_msg $green "$url $origin"
  color_msg $red "$url does not support CORS"
  color_msg $blue "you might want to visit to find out how to enable CORS"

Append key/value pair to hash with << in Ruby

There is merge!.

h = {}
h.merge!(key: "bar")
# => {:key=>"bar"}

How to handle back button in activity

In addition to the above I personally recommend


Programatically Speaking keydown will fire when the user depresses a key initially but It will repeat while the user keeps the key depressed.*

This remains true for all development platforms.

Google development suggested that if you are intercepting the BACK button in a view you should track the KeyEvent with starttracking on keydown then invoke with keyup.

public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
    if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK
            && event.getRepeatCount() == 0) {
        return true;
    return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);

public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
    if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK && event.isTracking()
            && !event.isCanceled()) {
        // *** Your Code ***
        return true;
    return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event);

Printing the value of a variable in SQL Developer

select View-->DBMS Output in menu and

importing a CSV into phpmyadmin

This is happen due to the id(auto increment filed missing). If you edit it in a text editor by adding a comma for the ID field this will be solved.

Change Active Menu Item on Page Scroll?

Just to complement @Marcus Ekwall 's answer. Doing like this will get only anchor links. And you aren't going to have problems if you have a mix of anchor links and regular ones.

jQuery(document).ready(function(jQuery) {            
            var topMenu = jQuery("#top-menu"),
                offset = 40,
                topMenuHeight = topMenu.outerHeight()+offset,
                // All list items
                menuItems =  topMenu.find('a[href*="#"]'),
                // Anchors corresponding to menu items
                scrollItems ={
                  var href = jQuery(this).attr("href"),
                  id = href.substring(href.indexOf('#')),
                  item = jQuery(id);
                  if (item.length) { return item; }

            // so we can get a fancy scroll animation
              var href = jQuery(this).attr("href"),
                id = href.substring(href.indexOf('#'));
                  offsetTop = href === "#" ? 0 : jQuery(id).offset().top-topMenuHeight+1;
              jQuery('html, body').stop().animate({ 
                  scrollTop: offsetTop
              }, 300);

            // Bind to scroll
               // Get container scroll position
               var fromTop = jQuery(this).scrollTop()+topMenuHeight;

               // Get id of current scroll item
               var cur ={
                 if (jQuery(this).offset().top < fromTop)
                   return this;

               // Get the id of the current element
               cur = cur[cur.length-1];
               var id = cur && cur.length ? cur[0].id : "";               



Basically i replaced

menuItems = topMenu.find("a"),


menuItems =  topMenu.find('a[href*="#"]'),

To match all links with anchor somewhere, and changed all that what was necessary to make it work with this

See it in action on jsfiddle

Convert a double to a QString

You can use arg(), as follow:

double dbl = 0.25874601;
QString str = QString("%1").arg(dbl);

This overcomes the problem of: "Fixed precision" at the other functions like: setNum() and number(), which will generate random numbers to complete the defined precision

HowTo Generate List of SQL Server Jobs and their owners

A colleague told me about this stored procedure...

USE msdb

EXEC dbo.sp_help_job

Converting an int or String to a char array on Arduino

  1. To convert and append an integer, use operator += (or member function concat):

    String stringOne = "A long integer: ";
    stringOne += 123456789;
  2. To get the string as type char[], use toCharArray():

    char charBuf[50];
    stringOne.toCharArray(charBuf, 50)

In the example, there is only space for 49 characters (presuming it is terminated by null). You may want to make the size dynamic.


The cost of bringing in String (it is not included if not used anywhere in the sketch), is approximately 1212 bytes program memory (flash) and 48 bytes RAM.

This was measured using Arduino IDE version 1.8.10 (2019-09-13) for an Arduino Leonardo sketch.

Excel Reference To Current Cell

Inside tables you can use [@] which (unfortunately) Excel automatically expands to Table1[@] but it does work. (I'm using Excel 2010)

For example when having two columns [Change] and [Balance], putting this in the [Balance] column:

=OFFSET([@], -1, 0) + [Change]

Note of course that this depends on the order of the rows (just like most any other solution), so it's a bit fragile.

Jquery - How to get the style display attribute "none / block"

this is the correct answer

$('#theid').css('display') == 'none'

You can also use following line to find if it is display block or none


Convert string to date then format the date

    String start_dt = "2011-01-01"; // Input String

    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); // Existing Pattern
    Date getStartDt = formatter.parse(start_dt); //Returns Date Format according to existing pattern

    SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy");// New Pattern
    String formattedDate = simpleDateFormat.format(getStartDt); // Format given String to new pattern

    System.out.println(formattedDate); //outputs: 01-01-2011

Eclipse fonts and background color

Switch to Theme... is also an option

enter image description here

Filter Linq EXCEPT on properties

public static class ExceptByProperty
    public static List<T> ExceptBYProperty<T, TProperty>(this List<T> list, List<T> list2, Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> propertyLambda)
        Type type = typeof(T);

        MemberExpression member = propertyLambda.Body as MemberExpression;

        if (member == null)
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
                "Expression '{0}' refers to a method, not a property.",

        PropertyInfo propInfo = member.Member as PropertyInfo;
        if (propInfo == null)
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
                "Expression '{0}' refers to a field, not a property.",

        if (type != propInfo.ReflectedType &&
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
                "Expresion '{0}' refers to a property that is not from type {1}.",
        Func<T, TProperty> func = propertyLambda.Compile();
        var ids = list2.Select<T, TProperty>(x => func(x)).ToArray();
        return list.Where(i => !ids.Contains(((TProperty)propInfo.GetValue(i, null)))).ToList();

public class testClass
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

For Test this:

        List<testClass> a = new List<testClass>();
        List<testClass> b = new List<testClass>();
        a.Add(new testClass() { ID = 1 });
        a.Add(new testClass() { ID = 2 });
        a.Add(new testClass() { ID = 3 });
        a.Add(new testClass() { ID = 4 });
        a.Add(new testClass() { ID = 5 });

        b.Add(new testClass() { ID = 3 });
        b.Add(new testClass() { ID = 5 });
        a.Select<testClass, int>(x => x.ID);

        var items = a.ExceptBYProperty(b, u => u.ID);

JavaScript - XMLHttpRequest, Access-Control-Allow-Origin errors

I've gotten same problem. The servers logs showed:

DEBUG: <-- origin: null

I've investigated that and it occurred that this is not populated when I've been calling from file from local drive. When I've copied file to the server and used it from server - the request worked perfectly fine

Travel/Hotel API's?

HotelsCombined has an easy-to-access and useful service to download the data feed files with hotels. Not exactly API, but something you can get, parse and use. Here is how you do it:

  1. Go to
  2. Register there (no company or bank data is needed)
  3. Open “Data feeds” page
  4. Choose “Standard data feed” -> “Single file” -> “CSV format” (you may get XML as well)

If you are interested in details, you may find the sample Python code to filter CSV file to get hotels for a specific city here:


Unfortunately, has introduced the new regulations: they've restricted the access to data feeds by default. To get the access, a partner must submit some information on why one needs the data. The HC team will review it and then (maybe) will grant access.

Dockerfile copy keep subdirectory structure

To merge a local directory into a directory within an image, do this. It will not delete files already present within the image. It will only add files that are present locally, overwriting the files in the image if a file of the same name already exists.

COPY ./files/. /files/

How to upgrade PowerShell version from 2.0 to 3.0

The latest PowerShell version as of Sept 2015 is PowerShell 4.0. It's bundled with Windows Management Framework 4.0.

Here's the download page for PowerShelll 4.0 for all versions of Windows. For Windows 7, there are 2 links on that page, 1 for x64 and 1 for x86.

enter image description here

PHP 5.4 Call-time pass-by-reference - Easy fix available?

For anyone who, like me, reads this because they need to update a giant legacy project to 5.6: as the answers here point out, there is no quick fix: you really do need to find each occurrence of the problem manually, and fix it.

The most convenient way I found to find all problematic lines in a project (short of using a full-blown static code analyzer, which is very accurate but I don't know any that take you to the correct position in the editor right away) was using Visual Studio Code, which has a nice PHP linter built in, and its search feature which allows searching by Regex. (Of course, you can use any IDE/Code editor for this that does PHP linting and Regex searches.)

Using this regex:


it is possible to search project-wide for the occurrence of &$ only in lines that are not a function definition.

This still turns up a lot of false positives, but it does make the job easier.

VSCode's search results browser makes walking through and finding the offending lines super easy: you just click through each result, and look out for those that the linter underlines red. Those you need to fix.

How to connect to my http://localhost web server from Android Emulator

If you are in windows you can go to simbol system and write ipconfig and check what ip is assigned to your machine.

Python: "TypeError: __str__ returned non-string" but still prints to output?

I Had the same problem, in my case, was because i was returned a digit:

def __str__(self):
    return self.code

str is waiting for a str, not another.

now work good with:

def __str__(self):

where name is a STRING.

Replacing H1 text with a logo image: best method for SEO and accessibility?

A new (Keller) method is supposed to improve speed over the -9999px method:

.hide-text {
text-indent: 100%;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;

recommended here:

Why are only final variables accessible in anonymous class?

Methods within an anonomyous inner class may be invoked well after the thread that spawned it has terminated. In your example, the inner class will be invoked on the event dispatch thread and not in the same thread as that which created it. Hence, the scope of the variables will be different. So to protect such variable assignment scope issues you must declare them final.

What is the difference between "px", "dip", "dp" and "sp"?

Source 1

Source 2

Source 3: (data from source 3 is given below)

These are dimension values defined in XML. A dimension is specified with a number followed by a unit of measure. For example: 10px, 2in, 5sp. The following units of measure are supported by Android:


Density-independent Pixels - An abstract unit that is based on the physical density of the screen. These units are relative to a 160 dpi (dots per inch) screen, on which 1dp is roughly equal to 1px. When running on a higher density screen, the number of pixels used to draw 1dp is scaled up by a factor appropriate for the screen's dpi. Likewise, when on a lower density screen, the number of pixels used for 1dp is scaled down. The ratio of dp-to-pixel will change with the screen density, but not necessarily in direct proportion. Using dp units (instead of px units) is a simple solution to making the view dimensions in your layout resize properly for different screen densities. In other words, it provides consistency for the real-world sizes of your UI elements across different devices.


Scale-independent Pixels - This is like the dp unit, but it is also scaled by the user's font size preference. It is recommended that you use this unit when specifying font sizes, so they will be adjusted for both the screen density and the user's preference.


Points - 1/72 of an inch based on the physical size of the screen.


Pixels - Corresponds to actual pixels on the screen. This unit of measure is not recommended because the actual representation can vary across devices; each devices may have a different number of pixels per inch and may have more or fewer total pixels available on the screen.


Millimeters - Based on the physical size of the screen.


Inches - Based on the physical size of the screen.

Note: A dimension is a simple resource that is referenced using the value provided in the name attribute (not the name of the XML file). As such, you can combine dimension resources with other simple resources in the one XML file, under one element.

CSS: On hover show and hide different div's at the same time?

Here is the code

 .showme{ _x000D_
   display: none;_x000D_
 .showhim:hover .showme{_x000D_
   display : block;_x000D_
 .showhim:hover .ok{_x000D_
   display : none;_x000D_
 <div class="showhim">_x000D_
     HOVER ME_x000D_
     <div class="showme">hai</div>_x000D_
     <div class="ok">ok</div>_x000D_

How to accept Date params in a GET request to Spring MVC Controller?

If you want to use a PathVariable, you can use an example method below (all methods are and do the same):

//You can consume the path .../users/added-since1/2019-04-25
public String userAddedSince1(@PathVariable("since") @DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd") Date since) {
    return "Date: " + since.toString(); //The output is "Date: Thu Apr 25 00:00:00 COT 2019"

//You can consume the path .../users/added-since2/2019-04-25
public String userAddedSince2(@PathVariable("since") @DateTimeFormat(iso = DateTimeFormat.ISO.DATE) Date since) {
    return "Date: " + since.toString(); //The output is "Date: Wed Apr 24 19:00:00 COT 2019"

//You can consume the path .../users/added-since3/2019-04-25
public String userAddedSince3(@PathVariable("since") @DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd") Date since) {
    return "Date: " + since.toString(); //The output is "Date: Thu Apr 25 00:00:00 COT 2019"

mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/2002): No such file or directory

This worked for me.



$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost';


$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';


Then rename the file and remove sample from the name.

Bootstrap 3 scrollable div for table

You can use too

style="overflow-y: scroll; height:150px; width: auto;"

It's works for me

How to position the Button exactly in CSS

I'd use absolute positioning:

#play_button {
transition: .5s ease;
    left: 202px;
    top: 198px;


How to read keyboard-input?


raw_input('Enter your input:')  # If you use Python 2
input('Enter your input:')      # If you use Python 3

and if you want to have a numeric value just convert it:

except ValueError:
    print "Not a number"

Capture close event on Bootstrap Modal

I tried using it and didn't work, guess it's just the modal versioin.

Although, it worked as this:

$("#myModal").on("", function () {
    // put your default event here

Just to update the answer =)

Kotlin unresolved reference in IntelliJ

In my case, it was a misconfigured IntelliJ instance.

Project Structure -> SDKs -> Remove and add the Java SDK again

How to POST a JSON object to a JAX-RS service

Jersey makes the process very easy, my service class worked well with JSON, all I had to do is to add the dependencies in the pom.xml

public class CustomerService {

    private static Map<Integer, Customer> customers = new HashMap<Integer, Customer>();

    public SaveResult save(Customer c) {

        customers.put(c.getId(), c);

        SaveResult sr = new SaveResult();
        sr.sucess = true;
        return sr;

    public Customer getCustomer(@PathParam("id") int id) {
        Customer c = customers.get(id);
        if (c == null) {
            c = new Customer();
            c.setId(id * 3);
            c.setName("unknow " + id);
        return c;

And in the pom.xml


How to delete multiple values from a vector?

You can do it as follows:

> x<-c(2, 4, 6, 9, 10) # the list
> y<-c(4, 9, 10) # values to be removed

> idx = which(x %in% y ) # Positions of the values of y in x
> idx
[1] 2 4 5
> x = x[-idx] # Remove those values using their position and "-" operator
> x
[1] 2 6


> x = x[ - which(x %in% y)]

The type must be a reference type in order to use it as parameter 'T' in the generic type or method

If you put constrains on a generic class or method, every other generic class or method that is using it need to have "at least" those constrains.

How to Uninstall RVM?

It’s easy; just do the following:

rvm implode


rm -rf ~/.rvm

And don’t forget to remove the script calls in the following files:

  • ~/.bashrc
  • ~/.bash_profile
  • ~/.profile

And maybe others depending on whatever shell you’re using.

Docker error cannot delete docker container, conflict: unable to remove repository reference

If you want to cleanup docker images and containers

CAUTION: this will flush everything

stop all containers

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)

remove all containers

docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

remove all images

docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)

How can I keep a container running on Kubernetes?

Use this command inside you Dockerfile to keep the container running in your K8s cluster:

  • CMD tail -f /dev/null

Fit image into ImageView, keep aspect ratio and then resize ImageView to image dimensions?

Quick answer:

        app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />

Getting XML Node text value with Java DOM

I'd print out the result of an2.getNodeName() as well for debugging purposes. My guess is that your tree crawling code isn't crawling to the nodes that you think it is. That suspicion is enhanced by the lack of checking for node names in your code.

Other than that, the javadoc for Node defines "getNodeValue()" to return null for Nodes of type Element. Therefore, you really should be using getTextContent(). I'm not sure why that wouldn't give you the text that you want.

Perhaps iterate the children of your tag node and see what types are there?

Tried this code and it works for me:

String xml = "<add job=\"351\">\n" +
             "    <tag>foobar</tag>\n" +
             "    <tag>foobar2</tag>\n" +
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes());
Document doc = db.parse(bis);
Node n = doc.getFirstChild();
NodeList nl = n.getChildNodes();
Node an,an2;

for (int i=0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {
    an = nl.item(i);
    if(an.getNodeType()==Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
        NodeList nl2 = an.getChildNodes();

        for(int i2=0; i2<nl2.getLength(); i2++) {
            an2 = nl2.item(i2);
            // DEBUG PRINTS
            System.out.println(an2.getNodeName() + ": type (" + an2.getNodeType() + "):");
            if(an2.hasChildNodes()) System.out.println(an2.getFirstChild().getTextContent());
            if(an2.hasChildNodes()) System.out.println(an2.getFirstChild().getNodeValue());

Output was:

#text: type (3): foobar foobar
#text: type (3): foobar2 foobar2

Joining three tables using MySQL

Simply use:

select "Student", "Course"
from student s, bridge b, course c
where b.sid = s.sid and b.cid = c.cid 

How to do a GitHub pull request

The Simplest GitHub Pull Request is from the web interface without using git.

  1. Register a GitHub account, login then go to the page in the repository you want to change.
  2. Click the pencil icon,

    search for text near the location, make any edits you want then preview them to confirm. Give the proposed change a description up to 50 characters and optionally an extended description then click the Propose file Change button.

  3. If you're reading this you won't have write access to the repository (project folders) so GitHub will create a copy of the repository (actually a branch) in your account. Click the Create pull request button.

  4. Give the Pull Request a description and add any comments then click Create pull request button.

Remove grid, background color, and top and right borders from ggplot2

Simplification from the above Andrew's answer leads to this key theme to generate the half border.

theme (panel.border = element_blank(),
       axis.line    = element_line(color='black'))

Self-references in object literals / initializers

just for the sake of thought - place object's properties out of a timeline:

var foo = {
    a: function(){return 5}(),
    b: function(){return 6}(),
    c: function(){return this.a + this.b}


there are better answers above too. This is how I modified example code you questioned with.


var foo = {
    get a(){return 5},
    get b(){return 6},
    get c(){return this.a + this.b}
// console.log(foo.c);

NTFS performance and large volumes of files and directories

When you create a folder with N entries, you create a list of N items at file-system level. This list is a system-wide shared data structure. If you then start modifying this list continuously by adding/removing entries, I expect at least some lock contention over shared data. This contention - theoretically - can negatively affect performance.

For read-only scenarios I can't imagine any reason for performance degradation of directories with large number of entries.

Generating a PNG with matplotlib when DISPLAY is undefined

I will just repeat what @Ivo Bosticky said which can be overlooked. Put these lines at the VERY start of the py file.

import matplotlib

Or one would get error

*/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/ UserWarning:  This call to   matplotlib.use() has no effect
because the the backend has already been chosen;
matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot,*

This will resolve all Display issue

C++ float array initialization

No, it sets all members/elements that haven't been explicitly set to their default-initialisation value, which is zero for numeric types.

EC2 instance types's exact network performance?

FWIW CloudFront supports streaming as well. Might be better than plain streaming from instances.

How to use a SQL SELECT statement with Access VBA

If you wish to use the bound column value, you can simply refer to the combo:

sSQL = "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE ID = " & Me.MyCombo

You can also refer to the column property:

sSQL = "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE AText = '" & Me.MyCombo.Column(1) & "'"

Dim rs As DAO.Recordset     
Set rs = CurrentDB.OpenRecordset(sSQL)

strText = rs!AText
strText = rs.Fields(1)

In a textbox:

= DlookUp("AText","MyTable","ID=" & MyCombo)


Why is my Spring @Autowired field null?

If you are not coding a web application, make sure your class in which @Autowiring is done is a spring bean. Typically, spring container won't be aware of the class which we might think of as a spring bean. We have to tell the Spring container about our spring classes.

This can be achieved by configuring in appln-contxt or the better way is to annotate class as @Component and please do not create the annotated class using new operator. Make sure you get it from Appln-context as below.

public class MyDemo {

    private MyService  myService; 

     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            ApplicationContext ctx=new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spring.xml");

            Customer c1=null;
            MyDemo myDemo=ctx.getBean(MyDemo.class);


    public void callService(ApplicationContext ctx) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub



Capture screenshot of active window?

KvanTTT's code worked great. I extended it a bit to allow a little more flexibility on save format, as well as the ability to save by hWnd, .NET Control/Form. You can get a bitmap or save to file, with a few options.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace MosaiqPerformanceMonitor {
     public enum CaptureMode {
          Screen, Window

     public static class ScreenCapturer {
          private static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();

          private static extern IntPtr GetWindowRect(IntPtr hWnd, ref Rect rect);

          private struct Rect {
                public int Left;
                public int Top;
                public int Right;
                public int Bottom;

          [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, ExactSpelling = true)]
          public static extern IntPtr GetDesktopWindow();

          /// <summary> Capture Active Window, Desktop, Window or Control by hWnd or .NET Contro/Form and save it to a specified file.  </summary>
          /// <param name="filename">Filename.
          /// <para>* If extension is omitted, it's calculated from the type of file</para>
          /// <para>* If path is omitted, defaults to %TEMP%</para>
          /// <para>* Use %NOW% to put a timestamp in the filename</para></param>
          /// <param name="mode">Optional. The default value is CaptureMode.Window.</param>
          /// <param name="format">Optional file save mode.  Default is PNG</param>
          public static void CaptureAndSave(string filename, CaptureMode mode = CaptureMode.Window, ImageFormat format = null) {
                ImageSave(filename, format, Capture(mode));

          /// <summary> Capture a specific window (or control) and save it to a specified file.  </summary>
          /// <param name="filename">Filename.
          /// <para>* If extension is omitted, it's calculated from the type of file</para>
          /// <para>* If path is omitted, defaults to %TEMP%</para>
          /// <para>* Use %NOW% to put a timestamp in the filename</para></param>
          /// <param name="handle">hWnd (handle) of the window to capture</param>
          /// <param name="format">Optional file save mode.  Default is PNG</param>
          public static void CaptureAndSave(string filename, IntPtr handle, ImageFormat format = null) {
                ImageSave(filename, format, Capture(handle));

          /// <summary> Capture a specific window (or control) and save it to a specified file.  </summary>
          /// <param name="filename">Filename.
          /// <para>* If extension is omitted, it's calculated from the type of file</para>
          /// <para>* If path is omitted, defaults to %TEMP%</para>
          /// <para>* Use %NOW% to put a timestamp in the filename</para></param>
          /// <param name="c">Object to capture</param>
          /// <param name="format">Optional file save mode.  Default is PNG</param>
          public static void CaptureAndSave(string filename, Control c, ImageFormat format = null) {
                ImageSave(filename, format, Capture(c));
          /// <summary> Capture the active window (default) or the desktop and return it as a bitmap </summary>
          /// <param name="mode">Optional. The default value is CaptureMode.Window.</param>
          public static Bitmap Capture(CaptureMode mode = CaptureMode.Window) {
                return Capture(mode == CaptureMode.Screen ? GetDesktopWindow() : GetForegroundWindow());

          /// <summary> Capture a .NET Control, Form, UserControl, etc. </summary>
          /// <param name="c">Object to capture</param>
          /// <returns> Bitmap of control's area </returns>
          public static Bitmap Capture(Control c) {
                return Capture(c.Handle);

          /// <summary> Capture a specific window and return it as a bitmap </summary>
          /// <param name="handle">hWnd (handle) of the window to capture</param>
          public static Bitmap Capture(IntPtr handle) {
                Rectangle bounds;
                var rect = new Rect();
                GetWindowRect(handle, ref rect);
                bounds = new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right - rect.Left, rect.Bottom - rect.Top);
                CursorPosition = new Point(Cursor.Position.X - rect.Left, Cursor.Position.Y - rect.Top);

                var result = new Bitmap(bounds.Width, bounds.Height);
                using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(result))
                     g.CopyFromScreen(new Point(bounds.Left, bounds.Top), Point.Empty, bounds.Size);

                return result;

          /// <summary> Position of the cursor relative to the start of the capture </summary>
          public static Point CursorPosition;

          /// <summary> Save an image to a specific file </summary>
          /// <param name="filename">Filename.
          /// <para>* If extension is omitted, it's calculated from the type of file</para>
          /// <para>* If path is omitted, defaults to %TEMP%</para>
          /// <para>* Use %NOW% to put a timestamp in the filename</para></param>
          /// <param name="format">Optional file save mode.  Default is PNG</param>
          /// <param name="image">Image to save.  Usually a BitMap, but can be any
          /// Image.</param>
          static void ImageSave(string filename, ImageFormat format, Image image) {
                format = format ?? ImageFormat.Png;
                if (!filename.Contains("."))
                     filename = filename.Trim() + "." + format.ToString().ToLower();

                if (!filename.Contains(@"\"))
                     filename = Path.Combine(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP") ?? @"C:\Temp", filename);

                filename = filename.Replace("%NOW%", DateTime.Now.ToString("[email protected]"));
                image.Save(filename, format);

select unique rows based on single distinct column

If you are using MySql 5.7 or later, according to these links (MySql Official, SO QA), we can select one record per group by with out the need of any aggregate functions.

So the query can be simplified to this.

select * from comments_table group by commentname;

Try out the query in action here

Undefined or null for AngularJS

My suggestion to you is to write your own utility service. You can include the service in each controller or create a parent controller, assign the utility service to your scope and then every child controller will inherit this without you having to include it.


var app = angular.module('plunker', []);

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, Utils) {
    $scope.utils = Utils;

app.controller('ChildCtrl', function($scope, Utils) {
   $scope.undefined1 = Utils.isUndefinedOrNull(1);  // standard DI
   $scope.undefined2 = $scope.utils.isUndefinedOrNull(1);  // MainCtrl is parent


app.factory('Utils', function() {
  var service = {
     isUndefinedOrNull: function(obj) {
         return !angular.isDefined(obj) || obj===null;


  return service;

Or you could add it to the rootScope as well. Just a few options for extending angular with your own utility functions.

Why am I getting the message, "fatal: This operation must be run in a work tree?"

In my case, I was in the same folder as ".git" file for my repo. I had to go one directory level up, it solved it.

I want to exception handle 'list index out of range.'

for i in range (1, len(list))
        print (list[i])

    except ValueError:
        print("Error Value.")
    except indexError:
        print("Erorr index")
    except :
        print('error ')

Single TextView with multiple colored text

It's better to use the string in the strings file, as such:

    <string name="some_text">
normal color <font color=\'#06a7eb\'>special color</font>]]>


textView.text=HtmlCompat.fromHtml(getString(R.string.some_text), HtmlCompat.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY)

JSP tricks to make templating easier?

Add dependecies for use <%@tag description="User Page template" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>


Launch iOS simulator from Xcode and getting a black screen, followed by Xcode hanging and unable to stop tasks

Just reset your simulator by clicking Simulator-> Reset Contents and Settings..

Dark Theme for Visual Studio 2010 With Productivity Power Tools

So, I tested above themes and found out none of them are showing proper color combination when using Productivity Power Tools in Visual Studio.
Ultimately, being a fan of dark themes, I created one myself which is fully supported from VS2005 to VS2013.
Here's the screenshot

enter image description here

Download this dark theme from here: Obsidian Meets Visual Studio

To use this theme go to Tools -> Import and Export Setting... -> import selected environment settings -> (optional to save current settings) -> Browse select and then Finish.

Using CMake to generate Visual Studio C++ project files

CMake is actually pretty good for this. The key part was everyone on the Windows side has to remember to run CMake before loading in the solution, and everyone on our Mac side would have to remember to run it before make.

The hardest part was as a Windows developer making sure your structural changes were in the cmakelist.txt file and not in the solution or project files as those changes would probably get lost and even if not lost would not get transferred over to the Mac side who also needed them, and the Mac guys would need to remember not to modify the make file for the same reasons.

It just requires a little thought and patience, but there will be mistakes at first. But if you are using continuous integration on both sides then these will get shook out early, and people will eventually get in the habit.

How can I find out if I have Xcode commandline tools installed?

if you want to know the install version of Xcode as well as Swift language current version:

Use below simple command by using Terminal:

1. To get install Xcode Version

 xcodebuild -version

2. To get install Swift language Version

swift --version

How can I remove a button or make it invisible in Android?

Try This Code :


How can I create an editable dropdownlist in HTML?

I am not sure there is a way to do it automatically without javascript.

What you need is something which runs on the browser side to submit your form back to the server when they user makes a selection - hence, javascript.

Also, ensure you have an alternate means (i.e. a submit button) for those who have javascript turned off.

A good example: Combo-Box Viewer

I had even a more sophisticated combo-box yesterday, with this dhtmlxCombo , using ajax to retrieve pertinent values amongst large quantity of data.

Regex for Mobile Number Validation

This regex is very short and sweet for working.


Ex: +910123456789 or 0123456789

-> /^ and $/ is for starting and ending
-> The ? mark is used for conditional formatting where before question mark is available or not it will work
-> ([+]\d{2}) this indicates that the + sign with two digits '\d{2}' here you can place digit as per country
-> after the ? mark '\d{10}' this says that the digits must be 10 of length change as per your country mobile number length

This is how this regex for mobile number is working.
+ sign is used for world wide matching of number.

if you want to add the space between than you can use the

[ ]

here the square bracket represents the character sequence and a space is character for searching in regex.
for the space separated digit you can use this regex

/^([+]\d{2}[ ])?\d{10}$/

Ex: +91 0123456789

Thanks ask any question if you have.

Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set()

If you are running your application just on localhost and it is not yet live, I believe it is very difficult to send mail using this.

Once you put your application online, I believe that this problem should be automatically solved. By the way,ini_set() helps you to change the values in php.ini during run time.

This is the same question as Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25

also check this php mail function not working

Passing a callback function to another class

You could change your code in this way:

public delegate void CallbackHandler(string str);

public class ServerRequest
    public void DoRequest(string request, CallbackHandler callback)
        // do stuff....

Concrete Javascript Regex for Accented Characters (Diacritics)

The accented Latin range \u00C0-\u017F was not quite enough for my database of names, so I extended the regex to

[a-zA-Z\u00C0-\u024F\u1E00-\u1EFF] // includes even more Latin chars

I added these code blocks (\u00C0-\u024F includes three adjacent blocks at once):

Note that \u00C0-\u00FF is actually only a part of Latin-1 Supplement. It skips unprintable control signals and all symbols except for the awkwardly-placed multiply × \u00D7 and divide ÷ \u00F7.

[a-zA-Z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u024F] // exclude ×÷

If you need more code points, you can find more ranges on Wikipedia's List of Unicode characters. For example, you could also add Latin Extended-C, D, and E, but I left them out because only historians seem interested in them now, and the D and E sets don't even render correctly in my browser.

The original regex stopping at \u017F borked on the name "?enol". According to FontSpace's Unicode Analyzer, that first character is \u0218, LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH COMMA BELOW. (Yeah, it's usually spelled with a cedilla-S \u015E, "Senol." But I'm not flying to Turkey to go tell him, "You're spelling your name wrong!")

Combining two Series into a DataFrame in pandas

Why don't you just use .to_frame if both have the same indexes?

>= v0.23


< v0.23


Finding length of char array

If anyone is looking for a quick fix for this, here's how you do it.

while (array[i] != '\0') i++;

The variable i will hold the used length of the array, not the entire initialized array. I know it's a late post, but it may help someone.

How do I use the ternary operator ( ? : ) in PHP as a shorthand for "if / else"?

Basic True / False Declaration

$is_admin = ($user['permissions'] == 'admin' ? true : false);

Conditional Welcome Message

echo 'Welcome '.($user['is_logged_in'] ? $user['first_name'] : 'Guest').'!';

Conditional Items Message

echo 'Your cart contains '.$num_items.' item'.($num_items != 1 ? 's' : '').'.';


How to link html pages in same or different folders?

Answer below is what I created to link html contents from another shared drive to the html page I would send out to managers. Of course, the path is relative to your using, but in my case, I would just send them the html, and everything else that is updated from load runner dynamically would be updated for me. Saves tons of paper, and they can play with the numbers as they see fit instead of just a hard copy this way.

SRC="file://///shareddrive/shareddrive-folder/username/scripting/testReport\contents.html" NAME="contents_frame" title="Table of Contents"

Updating a JSON object using Javascript

simply iterate over the list then check the properties of each object.

for (var i = 0; i < jsonObj.length; ++i) {
    if (jsonObj[i]['Id'] === '3') {
        jsonObj[i]['Username'] = 'Thomas';

How to determine whether code is running in DEBUG / RELEASE build?

Check your project's build settings under 'Apple LLVM - Preprocessing', 'Preprocessor Macros' for debug to ensure that DEBUG is being set - do this by selecting the project and clicking on the build settings tab. Search for DEBUG and look to see if indeed DEBUG is being set.

Pay attention though. You may see DEBUG changed to another variable name such as DEBUG_MODE.

Build Settings tab of my project settings

then conditionally code for DEBUG in your source files

#ifdef DEBUG

// Something to log your sensitive data here




Convert time span value to format "hh:mm Am/Pm" using C#

Very simple by using the string format

on .ToSTring("") :

  • if you use "hh" ->> The hour, using a 12-hour clock from 01 to 12.

  • if you use "HH" ->> The hour, using a 24-hour clock from 00 to 23.

  • if you add "tt" ->> The Am/Pm designator.

exemple converting from 23:12 to 11:12 Pm :

DateTime d = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 23, 12, 0);
var res = d.ToString("hh:mm tt");   // this show  11:12 Pm
var res2 = d.ToString("HH:mm");  // this show  23:12



wait a second that is not all you need to care about something else is the system Culture because the same code executed on windows with other langage especialy with difrent culture langage will generate difrent result with the same code

exemple of windows set to Arabic langage culture will show like that :

// 23:12 ?

? means Evening (first leter of ????) .

in another system culture depend on what is set on the windows regional and language option, it will show // 23:12 du.

you can change between different format on windows control panel under windows regional and language -> current format (combobox) and change... apply it do a rebuild (execute) of your app and watch what iam talking about.

so who can I force showing Am and Pm Words in English event if the culture of the current system isn't set to English ?

easy just by adding two lines : ->

the first step add using System.Globalization; on top of your code

and modifing the Previous code to be like this :

DateTime d = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 23, 12, 0);
var res = d.ToString("HH:mm tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // this show  11:12 Pm

InvariantCulture => using default English Format.

another question I want to have the pm to be in Arabic or specific language, even if I use windows set to English (or other language) regional format?

Soution for Arabic Exemple :

DateTime d = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 23, 12, 0);
var res = d.ToString("HH:mm tt", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("ar-AE")); 

this will show // 23:12 ?

event if my system is set to an English region format. you can change "ar-AE" if you want to another language format. there is a list of each language and its format.

exemples : ar ar-SA Arabic ar-BH ar-BH Arabic (Bahrain) ar-DZ ar-DZ Arabic (Algeria) ar-EG ar-EG Arabic (Egypt)

Groovy / grails how to determine a data type?

somObject instanceof Date

should be

somObject instanceOf Date

How do I merge a git tag onto a branch

You mean this?

git checkout destination_branch
git merge tag_name

How to filter in NaN (pandas)?

Pandas uses numpy's NaN value. Use numpy.isnan to obtain a Boolean vector from a pandas series.

How to get all files under a specific directory in MATLAB?

You're looking for dir to return the directory contents.

To loop over the results, you can simply do the following:

dirlist = dir('.');
for i = 1:length(dirlist)

This should give you output in the following format, e.g.:

name: 'my_file'
date: '01-Jan-2010 12:00:00'
bytes: 56
isdir: 0
datenum: []

How to print Boolean flag in NSLog?

In Swift, you can simply print a boolean value and it will be displayed as true or false.

let flag = true
print(flag) //true

How to use format() on a moment.js duration?

If you're willing to use a different javascript library, numeral.js can format seconds as follows (example is for 1000 seconds):

var string = numeral(1000).format('00:00');
// '00:16:40'

Java String - See if a string contains only numbers and not letters

boolean isNum = text.chars().allMatch(c -> c >= 48 && c <= 57)

How to parse my json string in C#(4.0)using Newtonsoft.Json package?

You can use this tool to create appropriate c# classes:

and when you will have classes created you can simply convert string to object:

    public static T ParseJsonObject<T>(string json) where T : class, new()
        JObject jobject = JObject.Parse(json);
        return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(jobject.ToString());

Here that classes:

Just fix namespaces.

How to wait for async method to complete?

The most important thing to know about async and await is that await doesn't wait for the associated call to complete. What await does is to return the result of the operation immediately and synchronously if the operation has already completed or, if it hasn't, to schedule a continuation to execute the remainder of the async method and then to return control to the caller. When the asynchronous operation completes, the scheduled completion will then execute.

The answer to the specific question in your question's title is to block on an async method's return value (which should be of type Task or Task<T>) by calling an appropriate Wait method:

public static async Task<Foo> GetFooAsync()
    // Start asynchronous operation(s) and return associated task.

public static Foo CallGetFooAsyncAndWaitOnResult()
    var task = GetFooAsync();
    task.Wait(); // Blocks current thread until GetFooAsync task completes
                 // For pedagogical use only: in general, don't do this!
    var result = task.Result;
    return result;

In this code snippet, CallGetFooAsyncAndWaitOnResult is a synchronous wrapper around asynchronous method GetFooAsync. However, this pattern is to be avoided for the most part since it will block a whole thread pool thread for the duration of the asynchronous operation. This an inefficient use of the various asynchronous mechanisms exposed by APIs that go to great efforts to provide them.

The answer at "await" doesn't wait for the completion of call has several, more detailed, explanations of these keywords.

Meanwhile, @Stephen Cleary's guidance about async void holds. Other nice explanations for why can be found at and

Hexadecimal value 0x00 is a invalid character

As kind of a late answer:

I've had this problem with SSRS ReportService2005.asmx when uploading a report.

    Public Shared Sub CreateReport(ByVal strFileNameAndPath As String, ByVal strReportName As String, ByVal strReportingPath As String, Optional ByVal bOverwrite As Boolean = True)
        Dim rs As SSRS_2005_Administration_WithFOA = New SSRS_2005_Administration_WithFOA
        rs.Credentials = ReportingServiceInterface.GetMyCredentials(strCredentialsURL)
        rs.Timeout = ReportingServiceInterface.iTimeout
        rs.Url = ReportingServiceInterface.strReportingServiceURL
        rs.UnsafeAuthenticatedConnectionSharing = True

        Dim btBuffer As Byte() = Nothing

        Dim rsWarnings As Warning() = Nothing
            Dim fstrStream As System.IO.FileStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(strFileNameAndPath)
            btBuffer = New Byte(fstrStream.Length - 1) {}
            fstrStream.Read(btBuffer, 0, CInt(fstrStream.Length))
        Catch ex As System.IO.IOException
            Throw New Exception(ex.Message)
        End Try

            rsWarnings = rs.CreateReport(strReportName, strReportingPath, bOverwrite, btBuffer, Nothing)

            If Not (rsWarnings Is Nothing) Then
                Dim warning As Warning
                For Each warning In rsWarnings
                Next warning
                Log("Report: {0} created successfully with no warnings", strReportName)
            End If

        Catch ex As System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException
        Catch ex As Exception
            Log("Error at creating report. Invalid server name/timeout?" + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + "Error Description: " + vbCrLf + ex.Message)
        End Try
    End Sub ' End Function CreateThisReport

The problem occurs when you allocate a byte array that is at least 1 byte larger than the RDL (XML) file.

Specifically, I used a C# to converter, that converted

  btBuffer = new byte[fstrStream.Length];


  btBuffer = New Byte(fstrStream.Length) {}

But because in C# the number denotes the NUMBER OF ELEMENTS in the array, and in VB.NET, that number denotes the UPPER BOUND of the array, I had an excess byte, causing this error.

So the problem's solution is simply:

  btBuffer = New Byte(fstrStream.Length - 1) {}

Convert R vector to string vector of 1 element

Use the collapse argument to paste:

paste(a,collapse=" ")
[1] "aa bb cc"

Change MySQL root password in phpMyAdmin

Change It like this, It worked for me. Hope It helps. firs I did

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] = 'mysql wampserver';
//$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'changed';
/* Server parameters */
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type'] = 'tcp';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = false;
/* Select mysql if your server does not have mysqli */
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysqli';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = false;

Then I Changed Like this...

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] = 'mysql wampserver';
//$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'root';
/* Server parameters */
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type'] = 'tcp';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = false;
/* Select mysql if your server does not have mysqli */
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysqli';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = false;

How do I use PHP to get the current year?

You can use either date or strftime. In this case I'd say it doesn't matter as a year is a year, no matter what (unless there's a locale that formats the year differently?)

For example:

<?php echo date("Y"); ?>

On a side note, when formatting dates in PHP it matters when you want to format your date in a different locale than your default. If so, you have to use setlocale and strftime. According to the php manual on date:

To format dates in other languages, you should use the setlocale() and strftime() functions instead of date().

From this point of view, I think it would be best to use strftime as much as possible, if you even have a remote possibility of having to localize your application. If that's not an issue, pick the one you like best.

PHP - Modify current object in foreach loop

There are 2 ways of doing this

foreach($questions as $key => $question){
    $questions[$key]['answers'] = $answers_model->get_answers_by_question_id($question['question_id']);

This way you save the key, so you can update it again in the main $questions variable


foreach($questions as &$question){

Adding the & will keep the $questions updated. But I would say the first one is recommended even though this is shorter (see comment by Paystey)

Per the PHP foreach documentation:

In order to be able to directly modify array elements within the loop precede $value with &. In that case the value will be assigned by reference.