[html] Is it possible to change the speed of HTML's <marquee> tag?

When one marquee leaves the screen then after a short time gap it enters from another side. Is there any way to reduce this time?

This question is related to html marquee

The answer is

<marquee behavior=scroll direction="left" scrollamount="5">Your message here</marquee>

scrollamount controls the speed of text: higher the value higher is the scrolling speed

In Order to increase speed of your Marquee text you just need to add like this in your code below:

<marquee scrollamount="Integer number">scrolling fast</marquee>

There isn't specifically an attribute to control that. Marquee isn't a highly reliable tag anyways. You may want to consider using jQuery and the .animate() function. If you are interested in pursuing that avenue and need code for it, just let me know.

This attribute takes the time in milliseconds.

Delay : 100 Milliseconds

<marquee scrolldelay="100">Scrolling text</marquee>

Delay : 400 Milliseconds

<marquee scrolldelay="400">Scrolling text</marquee>

You can change the speed of marquee tag using scrollamount attribute.

It accepts integer values 6 being the default speed, so any value lower then 6 will slow down the marquee effect.

Example :

<marquee scrollamount=4>Scrolling text</marquee>

Read more : http://code2care.org/pages/marquee-tag-scrollamount/


P.S : Avoid using marquee!

On HTML5 the scrollamount and the scrolldelay attributes do not work. They are depricated attributes.

we can control the scrolling speed by using the scrollamount attribute,


<marquee scrollamount="30">scrolling fast</marquee>
<marquee scrollamount="2">scrolling slow</marquee>

note:if you specify the minimum number, the scrolling speed will be reduce vice versa

         <marquee direction="left" behavior=scroll scrollamount="2">This is basic example of marquee</marquee>
         <marquee direction="up">The direction of text will be from bottom to top.</marquee>

use scrollamount to control speed..


To increase scroll speed of text use attribute


in the 'marquee' tag. place any integer value which represent how fast you need your text to move

You can Change the speed by adding scrolldelay

<marquee style="font-family: lato; color: #FFFFFF" bgcolor="#00224f" scrolldelay="400">Now the Speed is Delay to 400 Milliseconds</marquee>

I just do:

<marquee scrollamount="A number">Text here</marquee>