[c++] Is there a simple way to convert C++ enum to string?

Suma's macro solution is nice. You don't need to have two different macro's, though. C++ wil happily include a header twice. Just leave out the include guard.

So you'd have an foobar.h defining just

ENUM(Foo, 1)
ENUM(Bar, 2)

and you would include it like this:

#define ENUMFACTORY_ARGUMENT "foobar.h"
#include "enumfactory.h"

enumfactory.h will do 2 #include ENUMFACTORY_ARGUMENTs. In the first round, it expands ENUM like Suma's DECLARE_ENUM; in the second round ENUM works like DEFINE_ENUM.

You can include enumfactory.h multiple times, too, as long as you pass in different #define's for ENUMFACTORY_ARGUMENT

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