Programs & Examples On #Look and feel

Questions about the Look and Feel (LaF) of applications with a graphical user interface (GUI). This includes questions on how to achieve a certain appearance (such as the native OS style) or how to alter a component's behaviour.

Java Look and Feel (L&F)

You can try L&F which i am developing - WebLaF
It combines three parts required for successful UI development:

  • Cross-platform re-stylable L&F for Swing applications
  • Large set of extended Swing components
  • Various utilities and managers

Licenses: GPLv3 and Commercial

A few examples showing how some of WebLaF components look like: Some of WebLaF components

Main reason why i have started with a totally new L&F is that most of existing L&F lack flexibility - you cannot re-style them in most cases (you can only change a few colors and turn on/off some UI elements in best case) and/or there are only inconvenient ways to do that. Its even worse when it comes to custom/3rd party components styling - they doesn't look similar to other components styled by some specific L&F or even totally different - that makes your application look unprofessional and unpleasant.

My goal is to provide a fully customizable L&F with a pack of additional widely-known and useful components (for example: date chooser, tree table, dockable and document panes and lots of other) and additional helpful managers and utilities, which will reduce the amount of code required to quickly integrate WebLaF into your application and help creating awesome UIs using Swing.

Unioning two tables with different number of columns

Normally you need to have the same number of columns when you're using set based operators so Kangkan's answer is correct.

SAS SQL has specific operator to handle that scenario:

SAS(R) 9.3 SQL Procedure User's Guide


The CORRESPONDING keyword is used only when a set operator is specified. CORR causes PROC SQL to match the columns in table expressions by name and not by ordinal position. Columns that do not match by name are excluded from the result table, except for the OUTER UNION operator.



| a | b |
| 1 | X |
| 2 | Y |


| b | d |
| U | 1 |


| a  | b  | d |
|  1 | X  |   |
|  2 | Y  |   |
|    | U  | 1 |

U-SQL supports similar concept:



requires the BY NAME clause and the ON list. As opposed to the other set expressions, the output schema of the OUTER UNION includes both the matching columns and the non-matching columns from both sides. This creates a situation where each row coming from one of the sides has "missing columns" that are present only on the other side. For such columns, default values are supplied for the "missing cells". The default values are null for nullable types and the .Net default value for the non-nullable types (e.g., 0 for int).


is required when used with OUTER. The clause indicates that the union is matching up values not based on position but by name of the columns. If the BY NAME clause is not specified, the matching is done positionally.

If the ON clause includes the “*” symbol (it may be specified as the last or the only member of the list), then extra name matches beyond those in the ON clause are allowed, and the result’s columns include all matching columns in the order they are present in the left argument.

And code:

@result =    
    SELECT * FROM @left
    SELECT * FROM @right;


The concept of outer union is supported by KQL:


inner - The result has the subset of columns that are common to all of the input tables.

outer - The result has all the columns that occur in any of the inputs. Cells that were not defined by an input row are set to null.


let t1 = datatable(col1:long, col2:string)  
[1, "a",  
2, "b",
3, "c"];
let t2 = datatable(col3:long)
t1 | union kind=outer t2;


| col1 | col2 | col3 |
|    1 | a    |      |
|    2 | b    |      |
|    3 | c    |      |
|      |      |    1 |
|      |      |    3 |


How to run JUnit tests with Gradle?

If you want to add a sourceSet for testing in addition to all the existing ones, within a module regardless of the active flavor:

sourceSets {
    test {
        java.srcDirs += [
        print(java.srcDirs)   // Clean

Pay attention to the operator += and if you want to run integration tests change test to androidTest.


Concat scripts in order with Gulp

I'm in a module environnement where all are core-dependents using gulp. So, the core module needs to be appended before the others.

What I did:

  1. Move all the scripts to an src folder
  2. Just gulp-rename your core directory to _core
  3. gulp is keeping the order of your gulp.src, my concat src looks like this:

    concat: ['./client/src/js/*.js', './client/src/js/**/*.js', './client/src/js/**/**/*.js']

It'll obviously take the _ as the first directory from the list (natural sort?).

Note (angularjs): I then use gulp-angular-extender to dynamically add the modules to the core module. Compiled it looks like this:

angular.module('Core', ["ui.router","",(...),"Admin","Products"])

Where Admin and Products are two modules.

Java check if boolean is null

In Java, null only applies to object references; since boolean is a primitive type, it cannot be assigned null.

It's hard to get context from your example, but I'm guessing that if hideInNav is not in the object returned by getProperties(), the (default value?) you've indicated will be false. I suspect this is the bug that you're seeing, as false is not equal to null, so hideNavigation is getting the empty string?

You might get some better answers with a bit more context to your code sample.

Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved

I faced a similar issue. Try to follow the below steps: Manually delete the .m2 folder. Refer to the settings.xml file and check if the repository details are proper, like id and url tags. Also make sure you are connected to same network and check if the URL is accessible from browser. And lastly keep maven projects in /home/User/.

Change the On/Off text of a toggle button Android

You can use the following to set the text from the code:

// Sets the text for when the button is first created.

// Sets the text for when the button is not in the checked state.

// Sets the text for when the button is in the checked state.

To set the text using xml, use the following:

android:textOff="The text for the button when it is not checked."
android:textOn="The text for the button when it is checked." 

This information is from here

How to move an element into another element?

I just used:


Which I grabbed from here.

Python equivalent of a given wget command

Let me Improve a example with threads in case you want download many files.

import math
import random
import threading

import requests
from clint.textui import progress

# You must define a proxy list
# I suggests
proxies = {
    0: {'http': ''},
    1: {'http': ''},
    2: {'http': ''},
    3: {'http': ''}

# you must define the list for files do you want download
videos = [

downloaderses = list()

def downloaders(video, selected_proxy):
    print("Downloading file named {} by proxy {}...".format(video, selected_proxy))
    r = requests.get(video, stream=True, proxies=selected_proxy)
    nombre_video = video.split("/")[3]
    with open(nombre_video, 'wb') as f:
        total_length = int(r.headers.get('content-length'))
        for chunk in, expected_size=(total_length / 1024) + 1):
            if chunk:

for video in videos:
    selected_proxy = proxies[math.floor(random.random() * len(proxies))]
    t = threading.Thread(target=downloaders, args=(video, selected_proxy))

for _downloaders in downloaderses:

Error parsing XHTML: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup

Facelets is a XML based view technology which uses XHTML+XML to generate HTML output. XML has five special characters which has special treatment by the XML parser:

  • < the start of a tag.
  • > the end of a tag.
  • " the start and end of an attribute value.
  • ' the alternative start and end of an attribute value.
  • & the start of an entity (which ends with ;).

In case of <, the XML parser is implicitly looking for the tag name and the end tag >. However, in your particular case, you were using < as a JavaScript operator, not as an XML entity. This totally explains the XML parsing error you got:

The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.

In essence, you're writing JavaScript code in the wrong place, a XML document instead of a JS file, so you should be escaping all XML special characters accordingly. The < must be escaped as &lt;.

So, essentially, the

for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {

must become

for (var i = 0; i &lt; length; i++) {

to make it XML-valid.

However, this makes the JavaScript code harder to read and maintain. As stated in Mozilla Developer Network's excellent document Writing JavaScript for XHTML, you should be placing the JavaScript code in a character data (CDATA) block. Thus, in JSF terms, that would be:

        // ...

The XML parser will interpret the block's contents as "plain vanilla" character data and not as XML and hence interpret the XML special characters "as-is".

But, much better is to just put the JS code in its own JS file which you include by <script src>, or in JSF terms, the <h:outputScript>.

<h:outputScript name="functions.js" target="head" />

This way you don't need to worry about XML-special characters in your JS code. Additional advantage is that this gives the browser the opportunity to cache the JS file so that average response size is smaller.

See also:

How do I compare version numbers in Python?

def versiontuple(v):
    return tuple(map(int, (v.split("."))))

>>> versiontuple("2.3.1") > versiontuple("10.1.1")

Automatic prune with Git fetch or pull

Since git 1.8.5 (Q4 2013):

"git fetch" (hence "git pull" as well) learned to check "fetch.prune" and "remote.*.prune" configuration variables and to behave as if the "--prune" command line option was given.

That means that, if you set remote.origin.prune to true:

git config remote.origin.prune true

Any git fetch or git pull will automatically prune.

Note: Git 2.12 (Q1 2017) will fix a bug related to this configuration, which would make git remote rename misbehave.
See "How do I rename a git remote?".

See more at commit 737c5a9:

Without "git fetch --prune", remote-tracking branches for a branch the other side already has removed will stay forever.
Some people want to always run "git fetch --prune".

To accommodate users who want to either prune always or when fetching from a particular remote, add two new configuration variables "fetch.prune" and "remote.<name>.prune":

  • "fetch.prune" allows to enable prune for all fetch operations.
  • "remote.<name>.prune" allows to change the behaviour per remote.

The latter will naturally override the former, and the --[no-]prune option from the command line will override the configured default.

Since --prune is a potentially destructive operation (Git doesn't keep reflogs for deleted references yet), we don't want to prune without users consent, so this configuration will not be on by default.

In Python try until no error

Maybe decorator based? You can pass as decorator arguments list of exceptions on which we want to retry and/or number of tries.

def retry(exceptions=None, tries=None):
    if exceptions:
        exceptions = tuple(exceptions)
    def wrapper(fun):
        def retry_calls(*args, **kwargs):
            if tries:
                for _ in xrange(tries):
                        fun(*args, **kwargs)
                    except exceptions:
                while True:
                        fun(*args, **kwargs)
                    except exceptions:
        return retry_calls
    return wrapper

from random import randint

@retry([NameError, ValueError])
def foo():
    if randint(0, 1):
        raise NameError('FAIL!')
    print 'Success'

@retry([ValueError], 2)
def bar():
    if randint(0, 1):
        raise ValueError('FAIL!')
    print 'Success'

@retry([ValueError], 2)
def baz():
    while True:
        raise ValueError('FAIL!')


of course the 'try' part should be moved to another funcion becouse we using it in both loops but it's just example;)

android lollipop toolbar: how to hide/show the toolbar while scrolling?

There is an Android library called Android Design Support Library that's a handy library where you can find of all of those Material fancy design things that the Material documentation presents without telling you how to do them.

It's well presented in this Android Blog post. The "Collapsing Toolbar" in particular is what you're looking for.

How do I subscribe to all topics of a MQTT broker

Use the wildcard "#" but beware that at some point you will have to somehow understand the data passing through the bus!

UPDATE with CASE and IN - Oracle

Got a solution that runs. Don't know if it is optimal though. What I do is to split the string according to

select regexp_substr(' 1, 2 , 3 ','[^,]+', 1, level) from dual
connect by regexp_substr('1 , 2 , 3 ', '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null;

So my final code looks like this ($bp_gr1' are strings like 1,2,3):

                                                            LEVEL )
                                 FROM       DUAL
                                 CONNECT BY REGEXP_SUBSTR ( '$BP_GR1',
                                                            LEVEL )
                                               IS NOT NULL) )
                                                            LEVEL )
                                 FROM       DUAL
                                 CONNECT BY REGEXP_SUBSTR ( '$BP_GR2',
                                                            LEVEL )
                                               IS NOT NULL) )
                                                            LEVEL )
                                 FROM       DUAL
                                 CONNECT BY REGEXP_SUBSTR ( '$BP_GR3',
                                                            LEVEL )
                                               IS NOT NULL) )
                                                            LEVEL )
                                 FROM       DUAL
                                 CONNECT BY REGEXP_SUBSTR ( '$BP_GR4',
                                                            LEVEL )
                                               IS NOT NULL) )
                'SAKNAR BUDGETGRUPP'

Is there a way to make it run faster?

break statement in "if else" - java

The issue is that you are trying to have multiple statements in an if without using {}. What you currently have is interpreted like:

if( choice==5 )
    System.out.println( ... );

You really want:

if( choice==5 )
    System.out.println( ... );

Also, as Farce has stated, it would be better to use else if for all the conditions instead of if because if choice==1, it will still go through and check if choice==5, which would fail, and it will still go into your else block.

if( choice==1 )
else if( choice==2 )
else if( choice==3 )
else if( choice==4 )
else if( choice==5 )

A more elegant solution would be using a switch statement. However, break only breaks from the most inner "block" unless you use labels. So you want to label your loop and break from that if the case is 5:

    System.out.println("---> Your choice: ");
    choice = input.nextInt();
    switch( choice )
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 2:
        case 4:
        case 5:
            System.out.println("End of Game\n Thank you for playing with us!");
            break LOOP;
            System.out.println( ... );

Instead of labeling the loop, you could also use a flag to tell the loop to stop.

bool finished = false;
while( !finished )
    switch( choice )
        // ...
        case 5:
            System.out.println( ... )
            finished = true;
        // ...

Force "portrait" orientation mode

I think you want to add android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden" to your activity? Otherwise the activity is restarted on config-change. The onConfigurationChanged would not be called then, only the onCreate

How to put text over images in html?

You can create a div with the exact same size as the image.

<div class="imageContainer">Some Text</div>

use the css background-image property to show the image

 .imageContainer {
       background-image: url(locationoftheimage);

more here

note: this slichtly tampers the semantics of your document. If needed use javascript to inject the div in the place of a real image.

Automating the InvokeRequired code pattern

Here's the form I've been using in all my code.

private void DoGUISwitch()
    Invoke( ( MethodInvoker ) delegate {
        object1.Visible = true;
        object2.Visible = false;

I've based this on the blog entry here. I have not had this approach fail me, so I see no reason to complicate my code with a check of the InvokeRequired property.

Hope this helps.

Oracle "(+)" Operator

In Oracle, (+) denotes the "optional" table in the JOIN. So in your query,

SELECT,, a.col_2, b.col_2, ...
FROM a,b

it's a LEFT OUTER JOIN of table 'b' to table 'a'. It will return all data of table 'a' without losing its data when the other side (optional table 'b') has no data.

Diagram of Left Outer Join

The modern standard syntax for the same query would be

SELECT,, a.col_2, b.col_2, ...

or with a shorthand for (not supported by all databases):

SELECT,, a.col_2, b.col_2, ...

If you remove (+) then it will be normal inner join query

Older syntax, in both Oracle and other databases:

SELECT,, a.col_2, b.col_2, ...
FROM a,b

More modern syntax:

SELECT,, a.col_2, b.col_2, ...

Or simply:

SELECT,, a.col_2, b.col_2, ...

Diagram of Inner Join

It will only return all data where both 'a' & 'b' tables 'id' value is same, means common part.

If you want to make your query a Right Join

This is just the same as a LEFT JOIN, but switches which table is optional.

Diagram of Right Outer Join

Old Oracle syntax:

SELECT,, a.col_2, b.col_2, ...
FROM a,b

Modern standard syntax:

SELECT,, a.col_2, b.col_2, ...

Ref & help:

Left Outer Join using + sign in Oracle 11g

What is the behavior of integer division?

Will result always be the floor of the division?

No. The result varies, but variation happens only for negative values.

What is the defined behavior?

To make it clear floor rounds towards negative infinity,while integer division rounds towards zero (truncates)

For positive values they are the same

int integerDivisionResultPositive= 125/100;//= 1
double flooringResultPositive= floor(125.0/100.0);//=1.0

For negative value this is different

int integerDivisionResultNegative= -125/100;//=-1
double flooringResultNegative= floor(-125.0/100.0);//=-2.0

postgresql: INSERT INTO ... (SELECT * ...)

As Henrik wrote you can use dblink to connect remote database and fetch result. For example:

psql dbtest
CREATE TABLE tblB (id serial, time integer);
INSERT INTO tblB (time) VALUES (5000), (2000);

psql postgres
CREATE TABLE tblA (id serial, time integer);

    SELECT id, time 
    FROM dblink('dbname=dbtest', 'SELECT id, time FROM tblB')
    AS t(id integer, time integer)
    WHERE time > 1000;

 id | time 
  1 | 5000
  2 | 2000
(2 rows)

PostgreSQL has record pseudo-type (only for function's argument or result type), which allows you query data from another (unknown) table.


You can make it as prepared statement if you want and it works as well:

PREPARE migrate_data (integer) AS
    SELECT id, time
    FROM dblink('dbname=dbtest', 'SELECT id, time FROM tblB')
    AS t(id integer, time integer)
    WHERE time > $1;

EXECUTE migrate_data(1000);
-- DEALLOCATE migrate_data;

Edit (yeah, another):

I just saw your revised question (closed as duplicate, or just very similar to this).

If my understanding is correct (postgres has tbla and dbtest has tblb and you want remote insert with local select, not remote select with local insert as above):

psql dbtest

SELECT dblink_exec
    'INSERT INTO tbla
        SELECT id, time
        FROM dblink
            ''SELECT id, time FROM tblb''
        AS t(id integer, time integer)
        WHERE time > 1000;'

I don't like that nested dblink, but AFAIK I can't reference to tblB in dblink_exec body. Use LIMIT to specify top 20 rows, but I think you need to sort them using ORDER BY clause first.

tooltips for Button

A button accepts a "title" attribute. You can then assign it the value you want to make a label appear when you hover the mouse over the button.

<button type="submit" title="Login">_x000D_

How to access List elements

It's simple

y = [['vegas','London'],['US','UK']]

for x in y:
    for a in x:

redirect to current page in ASP.Net

The most common way to implement this pattern in ASP.Net is to use Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl)

Consider the differences between Redirect and Transfer. Transfer really isn't telling the browser to forward to a clear form, it's simply returning a cleared form. That may or may not be what you want.

Response.Redirect() does not a waste round trip. If you post to a script that clears the form by Server.Transfer() and reload you will be asked to repost by most browsers since the last action was a HTTP POST. This may cause your users to unintentionally repeat some action, eg. place a second order which will have to be voided later.

Cannot connect to repo with TortoiseSVN

Run ipconfig /flushdns from a command prompt. Apparently some people seem to think I posted this answer for sheer fun. That's why they down voted my answer. Perhaps an explanation would help them. When I used "SVN Update" it said it can't connect to the SVN repository although I could ping the server. After running ipconfig /flushdns the issue was fixed.

Python: List vs Dict for look up table

if data are unique set() will be the most efficient, but of two - dict (which also requires uniqueness, oops :)

What is the difference between PUT, POST and PATCH?

PUT = replace the ENTIRE RESOURCE with the new representation provided

PATCH = replace parts of the source resource with the values provided AND|OR other parts of the resource are updated that you havent provided (timestamps) AND|OR updating the resource effects other resources (relationships)

What is the __del__ method, How to call it?

As mentioned earlier, the __del__ functionality is somewhat unreliable. In cases where it might seem useful, consider using the __enter__ and __exit__ methods instead. This will give a behaviour similar to the with open() as f: pass syntax used for accessing files. __enter__ is automatically called when entering the scope of with, while __exit__ is automatically called when exiting it. See this question for more details.

How to determine if Javascript array contains an object with an attribute that equals a given value?

You have to loop, there is no way around it.

function seekVendor(vendors, name) {
  for (var i=0, l=vendors.length; i<l; i++) {
    if (typeof vendors[i] == "object" && vendors[i].Name === name) {
      return vendors[i];

Of course you could use a library like linq.js to make this more pleasing:

Enumerable.From(vendors).Where("$.Name == 'Magenic'").First();

(see jsFiddle for a demo)

I doubt that linq.js will be faster than a straight-forward loop, but it certainly is more flexible when things get a little more complicated.

Random shuffling of an array

Here is a solution using Apache Commons Math 3.x (for int[] arrays only):


Alternatively, Apache Commons Lang 3.6 introduced new shuffle methods to the ArrayUtils class (for objects and any primitive type).


Ordering by specific field value first

do this:

SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY column `name`+0 ASC

Appending the +0 will mean that:

0, 10, 11, 2, 3, 4

becomes :

0, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11

Build project into a JAR automatically in Eclipse

You want a .jardesc file. They do not kick off automatically, but it's within 2 clicks.

  1. Right click on your project
  2. Choose Export > Java > JAR file
  3. Choose included files and name output JAR, then click Next
  4. Check "Save the description of this JAR in the workspace" and choose a name for the new .jardesc file

Now, all you have to do is right click on your .jardesc file and choose Create JAR and it will export it in the same spot.

Return only string message from Spring MVC 3 Controller

For outputing String as text/plain use:

@RequestMapping(value="/foo", method=RequestMethod.GET, produces="text/plain")
public String foo() {
    return "bar";

How to detect running app using ADB command

I just noticed that top is available in adb, so you can do things like

  adb shell
  top -m 5

to monitor the top five CPU hogging processes.


  adb shell top -m 5 -s cpu -n 20 |tee top.log

to record this for one minute and collect the output to a file on your computer.

Add error bars to show standard deviation on a plot in R

A Problem with csgillespie solution appears, when You have an logarithmic X axis. The you will have a different length of the small bars on the right an the left side (the epsilon follows the x-values).

You should better use the errbar function from the Hmisc package:

d = data.frame(
  x  = c(1:5)
  , y  = c(1.1, 1.5, 2.9, 3.8, 5.2)
  , sd = c(0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 0.0, 0.4)

##install.packages("Hmisc", dependencies=T)

# add error bars (without adjusting yrange)
plot(d$x, d$y, type="n")
with (
  data = d
  , expr = errbar(x, y, y+sd, y-sd, add=T, pch=1, cap=.1)

# new plot (adjusts Yrange automatically)
with (
  data = d
  , expr = errbar(x, y, y+sd, y-sd, add=F, pch=1, cap=.015, log="x")

Getting request URL in a servlet

The getRequestURL() omits the port when it is 80 while the scheme is http, or when it is 443 while the scheme is https.

So, just use getRequestURL() if all you want is obtaining the entire URL. This does however not include the GET query string. You may want to construct it as follows then:

StringBuffer requestURL = request.getRequestURL();
if (request.getQueryString() != null) {
String completeURL = requestURL.toString();

Can I set enum start value in Java?

Yes. You can pass the numerical values to the constructor for the enum, like so:

enum Ids {

  private int value;    

  private Ids(int value) {
    this.value = value;

  public int getValue() {
    return value;

See the Sun Java Language Guide for more information.

ansible : how to pass multiple commands

To run multiple shell commands with ansible you can use the shell module with a multi-line string (note the pipe after shell:), as shown in this example:

  - name: Build nginx 
    shell: |
      cd nginx-1.11.13
      sudo ./configure
      sudo make
      sudo make install

Can an Android App connect directly to an online mysql database

Look at this online backend.

They offer push notifications, social integration, data storage, and the ability to add rich custom logic to your app’s backend with Cloud Code.

How to debug apk signed for release?

Be sure that android:debuggable="true" is set in the application tag of your manifest file, and then:

  1. Plug your phone into your computer and enable USB debugging on the phone
  2. Open eclipse and a workspace containing the code for your app
  3. In Eclipse, go to Window->Show View->Devices
  4. Look at the Devices view which should now be visible, you should see your device listed
  5. If your device isn't listed, you'll have to track down the ADB drivers for your phone before continuing
  6. If you want to step through code, set a breakpoint somewhere in your app
  7. Open the app on your phone
  8. In the Devices view, expand the entry for your phone if it isn't already expanded, and look for your app's package name.
  9. Click on the package name, and in the top right of the Devices view you should see a green bug along with a number of other small buttons. Click the green bug.
  10. You should now be attached/debugging your app.

How do I resolve a path relative to an ASP.NET MVC 4 application root?

Just use the following


How to read input from console in a batch file?

The code snippet in the linked proposed duplicate reads user input.

ECHO A current build of Test Harness exists.
set /p delBuild=Delete preexisting build [y/n]?: 

The user can type as many letters as they want, and it will go into the delBuild variable.

How to improve a case statement that uses two columns

Just change your syntax ever so slightly:

CASE WHEN STATE = 2 AND RetailerProcessType = 1 THEN '"AUTHORISED"'
     WHEN STATE = 1 AND RetailerProcessType = 2 THEN '"PENDING"'
     WHEN STATE = 2 AND RetailerProcessType = 2 THEN '"AUTHORISED"'

If you don't put the field expression before the CASE statement, you can put pretty much any fields and comparisons in there that you want. It's a more flexible method but has slightly more verbose syntax.

Transparent image - background color

If I understand you right, you can do this:

<img src="image.png" style="background-color:red;" />

In fact, you can even apply a whole background-image to the image, resulting in two "layers" without the need for multi-background support in the browser ;)

This action could not be completed. Try Again (-22421)

Open Terminal and run:

cd ~

mv .itmstransporter/ .old_itmstransporter/



Oracle date difference to get number of years

I'd use months_between, possibly combined with floor:

select floor(months_between(date '2012-10-10', date '2011-10-10') /12) from dual;

select floor(months_between(date '2012-10-9' , date '2011-10-10') /12) from dual;

floor makes sure you get down-rounded years. If you want the fractional parts, you obviously want to not use floor.

Read XLSX file in Java

This one maybe work for you, it can read/write Excel 2007 xlsx file. SmartXLS

Warning: require_once(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_include=0


If this is not working for anyone, following is the good Idea to include file anywhere in the project.

require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/../../includes/enter.php";

This code will get the file from 2 directory outside of the current directory.

Forward slash in Java Regex

Double escaping is required when presented as a string.

Whenever I'm making a new regular expression I do a bunch of tests with online tools, for example:

That website allows you to enter the regular expression, which it'll escape into a string for you, and you can then test it against different inputs.

Getting path relative to the current working directory?

public string MakeRelativePath(string workingDirectory, string fullPath)
    string result = string.Empty;
    int offset;

    // this is the easy case.  The file is inside of the working directory.
    if( fullPath.StartsWith(workingDirectory) )
        return fullPath.Substring(workingDirectory.Length + 1);

    // the hard case has to back out of the working directory
    string[] baseDirs = workingDirectory.Split(new char[] { ':', '\\', '/' });
    string[] fileDirs = fullPath.Split(new char[] { ':', '\\', '/' });

    // if we failed to split (empty strings?) or the drive letter does not match
    if( baseDirs.Length <= 0 || fileDirs.Length <= 0 || baseDirs[0] != fileDirs[0] )
        // can't create a relative path between separate harddrives/partitions.
        return fullPath;

    // skip all leading directories that match
    for (offset = 1; offset < baseDirs.Length; offset++)
        if (baseDirs[offset] != fileDirs[offset])

    // back out of the working directory
    for (int i = 0; i < (baseDirs.Length - offset); i++)
        result += "..\\";

    // step into the file path
    for (int i = offset; i < fileDirs.Length-1; i++)
        result += fileDirs[i] + "\\";

    // append the file
    result += fileDirs[fileDirs.Length - 1];

    return result;

This code is probably not bullet-proof but this is what I came up with. It's a little more robust. It takes two paths and returns path B as relative to path A.


MakeRelativePath("c:\\dev\\foo\\bar", "c:\\dev\\junk\\readme.txt")
//returns: "..\\..\\junk\\readme.txt"

MakeRelativePath("c:\\dev\\foo\\bar", "c:\\dev\\foo\\bar\\docs\\readme.txt")
//returns: "docs\\readme.txt"

data.frame rows to a list

If you want to completely abuse the data.frame (as I do) and like to keep the $ functionality, one way is to split you data.frame into one-line data.frames gathered in a list :

> df = data.frame(x=c('a','b','c'), y=3:1)
> df
  x y
1 a 3
2 b 2
3 c 1

# 'convert' into a list of data.frames
ldf = lapply(as.list(1:dim(df)[1]), function(x) df[x[1],])

> ldf
x y
1 a 3    
x y
2 b 2
x y
3 c 1

# and the 'coolest'
> ldf[[2]]$y
[1] 2

It is not only intellectual masturbation, but allows to 'transform' the data.frame into a list of its lines, keeping the $ indexation which can be useful for further use with lapply (assuming the function you pass to lapply uses this $ indexation)

How to convert Set<String> to String[]?

In Java 11 we can use Collection.toArray(generator) method. The following code will create a new array of String:

Set<String> set = Set.of("one", "two", "three");
String[] array = set.toArray(String[]::new)


Using Panel or PlaceHolder

PlaceHolder control

Use the PlaceHolder control as a container to store server controls that are dynamically added to the Web page. The PlaceHolder control does not produce any visible output and is used only as a container for other controls on the Web page. You can use the Control.Controls collection to add, insert, or remove a control in the PlaceHolder control.

Panel control

The Panel control is a container for other controls. It is especially useful when you want to generate controls programmatically, hide/show a group of controls, or localize a group of controls.

The Direction property is useful for localizing a Panel control's content to display text for languages that are written from right to left, such as Arabic or Hebrew.

The Panel control provides several properties that allow you to customize the behavior and display of its contents. Use the BackImageUrl property to display a custom image for the Panel control. Use the ScrollBars property to specify scroll bars for the control.

Small differences when rendering HTML: a PlaceHolder control will render nothing, but Panel control will render as a <div>.

More information at ASP.NET Forums

How to export query result to csv in Oracle SQL Developer?

FYI, you can substitute the /*csv*/ for other formats as well including /*xml*/ and /*html*/. select /*xml*/ * from emp would return an xml document with the query results for example. I came across this article while looking for an easy way to return xml from a query.

How to convert MySQL time to UNIX timestamp using PHP?

From one of my other posts, getting a unixtimestamp:

$unixTimestamp = time();

Converting to mysql datetime format:

$mysqlTimestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $unixTimestamp);

Getting some mysql timestamp:

$mysqlTimestamp = '2013-01-10 12:13:37';

Converting it to a unixtimestamp:

$unixTimestamp = strtotime('2010-05-17 19:13:37');

...comparing it with one or a range of times, to see if the user entered a realistic time:

if($unixTimestamp > strtotime("1999-12-15") && $unixTimestamp < strtotime("2025-12-15"))

Unix timestamps are safer too. You can do the following to check if a url passed variable is valid, before checking (for example) the previous range check:


What exactly is the meaning of an API?

Lets say you are developing a game and you want the game user to login their facebook profile(to get your profile information) before playing it,so how your game is going to access facebook? Now here comes the API.Facebook has already written the program(API) for you to do it, you have to just use those programs in your game application.using Facebook-API you can use their services in your application.Here is a good and detailed look on API...

Eclipse fonts and background color

On Windows or Mac, you can find this setting under the General ? Editors ? Text Editors menu.

Querying data by joining two tables in two database on different servers

You could try the following:

select customer1.Id,customer1.Name,,,CustAdd.Country
from customer1
inner join [EBST08].[Test].[dbo].[customerAddress] CustAdd
on customer1.Id=CustAdd.CustId

Conversion from 12 hours time to 24 hours time in java

SimpleDateFormat parseFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm a"); 

provided by Bart Kiers answer should be replaced with somethig like

SimpleDateFormat parseFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm a",Locale.UK);

How to use this boolean in an if statement?

Try this:-

private String getWhoozitYs(){
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    boolean stop = generator.nextBoolean();
    return sb.toString();

Fatal error: Out of memory, but I do have plenty of memory (PHP)

The following two facts definitely point to memory leaks:

  1. The error appears at different lines in your code,
  2. The error reports a relatively small memory allocation.

I would first single out PDO, disabling all the other extensions and let it run overnight using something like Siege / Apache Bench (ab). You could also try running it using the cli interface (just make sure you keep the same memory limits).

You could use the memory_get_peak_usage() function at the end of your script to see how much memory PHP thinks it has been using.

From your comment that's 800 kB, which is okay; definitely not the gigantic amount of memory that would cause an out-of-memory ;-)

Lastly, though I wouldn't recommend upgrading to 5.4 at this point, upgrading to the latest 5.3.x is probably worth it due to multiple vulnerabilities and leaks that have been addressed since 5.3.1

How to set the min and max height or width of a Frame?

There is no single magic function to force a frame to a minimum or fixed size. However, you can certainly force the size of a frame by giving the frame a width and height. You then have to do potentially two more things: when you put this window in a container you need to make sure the geometry manager doesn't shrink or expand the window. Two, if the frame is a container for other widget, turn grid or pack propagation off so that the frame doesn't shrink or expand to fit its own contents.

Note, however, that this won't prevent you from resizing a window to be smaller than an internal frame. In that case the frame will just be clipped.

import Tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()
frame1 = tk.Frame(root, width=100, height=100, background="bisque")
frame2 = tk.Frame(root, width=50, height = 50, background="#b22222")

frame1.pack(fill=None, expand=False), rely=.5, anchor="c")


RSA: Get exponent and modulus given a public key

Apart from the above answers, we can use asn1parse to get the values

$ openssl asn1parse -i -in pub0.der -inform DER -offset 24
0:d=0  hl=4 l= 266 cons: SEQUENCE
4:d=1  hl=4 l= 257 prim:  INTEGER           :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
265:d=1  hl=2 l= 3 prim:  INTEGER           :010001

Now, to get to this offset,we try the default asn1parse

$ openssl asn1parse -i -in pub0.der -inform DER
 0:d=0  hl=4 l= 290 cons: SEQUENCE
 4:d=1  hl=2 l=  13 cons:  SEQUENCE
 6:d=2  hl=2 l=   9 prim:   OBJECT            :rsaEncryption
17:d=2  hl=2 l=   0 prim:   NULL
19:d=1  hl=4 l= 271 prim:  BIT STRING

We need to get to the BIT String part, so we add the sizes

depth_0_header(4) + depth_1_full_size(2 + 13) + Container_1_EOC_bit + BIT_STRING_header(4) = 24

This can be better visialized at: ASN.1 Parser, if you hover at tags, you will see the offsets

Another amazing resource: Microsoft's ASN.1 Docs

Are nested try/except blocks in Python a good programming practice?

Just be careful - in this case the first finally is touched, but skipped too.

def a(z):
    except ZeroDivisionError:
            return 42
        return 1

In [1]: a(0)
Out[1]: 1

ThreadStart with parameters

One of the 2 overloads of the Thread constructor takse a ParameterizedThreadStart delegate which allows you to pass a single parameter to the start method. Unfortunately though it only allows for a single parameter and it does so in an unsafe way because it passes it as object. I find it's much easier to use a lambda expression to capture the relevant parameters and pass them in a strongly typed fashion.

Try the following

public Thread StartTheThread(SomeType param1, SomeOtherType param2) {
  var t = new Thread(() => RealStart(param1, param2));
  return t;

private static void RealStart(SomeType param1, SomeOtherType param2) {

new Image(), how to know if image 100% loaded or not?

Use the load event:

img = new Image();

img.onload = function(){
  // image  has been loaded

img.src = image_url;

Also have a look at:

Hide Signs that Meteor.js was Used

The amount of hacks you would need to go through to completely hide the fact your site is built by Meteor.js is absolutely ridiculous. You would have to strip essentially all core functionality and just serve straight up html, completely defeating the purpose of using the framework anyway.

That being said, I suggest looking at

You enter a url, and it reveals a ton of information about a site. If you only need to "fool" engines like this, there may be simple solutions.

How to create Gmail filter searching for text only at start of subject line?

I was wondering how to do this myself; it seems Gmail has since silently implemented this feature. I created the following filter:

Matches: subject:([test])
Do this: Skip Inbox

And then I sent a message with the subject

[test] foo

And the message was archived! So it seems all that is necessary is to create a filter for the subject prefix you wish to handle.

How to do multiple arguments to map function where one remains the same in python?

You can include lambda along with map:

list(map(lambda a: a+2, [1, 2, 3]))

How to discard local commits in Git?

git reset --hard origin/master

will remove all commits not in origin/master where origin is the repo name and master is the name of the branch.

includes() not working in all browsers

If you look at the documentation of includes(), most of the browsers don't support this property.

You can use widely supported indexOf() after converting the property to string using toString():

if ($(".right-tree").css("background-image").indexOf("stage1") > -1) {
//                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

You can also use the polyfill from MDN.

if (!String.prototype.includes) {
    String.prototype.includes = function() {
        'use strict';
        return String.prototype.indexOf.apply(this, arguments) !== -1;

How to clear the Entry widget after a button is pressed in Tkinter?

if none of the above is working you can use this->

idAssignedToEntryWidget.delete(first = 0, last = UpperLimitAssignedToEntryWidget)

for e.g. ->

id assigned is = en then

en.delete(first =0, last =100)

How do you POST to a page using the PHP header() function?

There is a good class that does what you want. It can be downloaded at:

How to pass multiple values through command argument in

Use OnCommand event of imagebutton. Within it do

<asp:Button id="Button1" Text="Click" CommandName="Something" CommandArgument="your command arg" OnCommand="CommandBtn_Click" runat="server"/>


void CommandBtn_Click(Object sender, CommandEventArgs e) 
        case "Something":
            // Do your code


In Python, how do I determine if an object is iterable?

Instead of checking for the __iter__ attribute, you could check for the __len__ attribute, which is implemented by every python builtin iterable, including strings.

>>> hasattr(1, "__len__")
>>> hasattr(1.3, "__len__")
>>> hasattr("a", "__len__")
>>> hasattr([1,2,3], "__len__")
>>> hasattr({1,2}, "__len__")
>>> hasattr({"a":1}, "__len__")
>>> hasattr(("a", 1), "__len__")

None-iterable objects would not implement this for obvious reasons. However, it does not catch user-defined iterables that do not implement it, nor do generator expressions, which iter can deal with. However, this can be done in a line, and adding a simple or expression checking for generators would fix this problem. (Note that writing type(my_generator_expression) == generator would throw a NameError. Refer to this answer instead.)

You can use GeneratorType from types:

>>> import types
>>> types.GeneratorType
<class 'generator'>
>>> gen = (i for i in range(10))
>>> isinstance(gen, types.GeneratorType)

--- accepted answer by utdemir

(This makes it useful for checking if you can call len on the object though.)

MySQL IF ELSEIF in select query

IF() in MySQL is a ternary function, not a control structure -- if the condition in the first argument is true, it returns the second argument; otherwise, it returns the third argument. There is no corresponding ELSEIF() function or END IF keyword.

The closest equivalent to what you've got would be something like:

IF(qty_1<='23', price,
  IF('23'>qty_1 && qty_2<='23', price_2,
    IF('23'>qty_2 && qty_3<='23', price_3,
      IF('23'>qty_3, price_4, 1)

The conditions don't all make sense to me (it looks as though some of them may be inadvertently reversed?), but without knowing what exactly you're trying to accomplish, it's hard for me to fix that.

Update cordova plugins in one command

This is my Windows Batch version for update all plugins in one command

How to use:

From command line, in the same folder of project, run

c:\> batchNameFile


c:\> batchNameFile autoupdate

Where "batchNameFile" is the name of .BAT file, with the script below.

For only test ( first exmple ) or to force every update avaiable ( 2nd example )

@echo off


set pluginListFile=update.plugin.list

if exist %pluginListFile% del %pluginListFile%

Echo "Reading installed Plugins"
Call cordova plugins > %pluginListFile%

for /F "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%a in ( %pluginListFile% ) do (
   Echo "Checking online version for %%a"

   for /F "delims=" %%I in ( 'npm info %%a version' ) do (
     Echo "Local : %%b"
     Echo "Online: %%I"
     if %%b LSS %%I Call :toUpdate %%a %~1

if exist %pluginListFile% del %pluginListFile%

Exit /B

Echo "Need Update !"
if '%~2' == 'autoupdate' Call :DoUpdate %~1
goto cont

Echo "Removing Plugin"
Call cordova plugin rm %~1
Echo "Adding Plugin"
Call cordova plugin add %~1
goto cont

This batch was only tested in Windows 10

Installing R on Mac - Warning messages: Setting LC_CTYPE failed, using "C"

On my Mac r is installed in /usr/local/bin/r, add line below in .bash_profile solved the same problem:

alias r="LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 r"

How can I scale the content of an iframe?

If you want the iframe and its contents to scale when the window resizes, you can set the following to the window's resize event as well as the iframes onload event.

    var _wrapWidth=$('#wrap').width();
    var _frameWidth=$($('#frame')[0].contentDocument).width();

    var frame=$('#frame')[0];

    var percent=_wrapWidth/this.initialWidth;"%";"%";;'scale('+percent+')';'top left';'scale('+percent+')';'top left';'scale('+percent+')';'top left';

This will make the iframe and its content scale to 100% width of the wrap div (or whatever percent you want). As an added bonus, you don't have to set the css of the frame to hard coded values since they'll all be set dynamically, you'll just need to worry about how you want the wrap div to display.

I've tested this and it works on chrome, IE11, and firefox.

How can I set the current working directory to the directory of the script in Bash?

The following also works:

cd "${0%/*}"

The syntax is thoroughly described in this StackOverflow answer.

How can I parse a CSV string with JavaScript, which contains comma in data?

People seemed to be against RegEx for this. Why?


Here's the code. I also made a fiddle.

String.prototype.splitCSV = function(sep) {
  var regex = /(\s*'[^']+'|\s*[^,]+)(?=,|$)/g;
  return matches = this.match(regex);    

var string = "'string, duppi, du', 23, 'string, duppi, du', lala";
var parsed = string.splitCSV();

How to create own dynamic type or dynamic object in C#?

dynamic myDynamic = new { PropertyOne = true, PropertyTwo = false};

setting content between div tags using javascript

See Creating and modifying HTML at what used to be called the Web Standards Curriculum.

Use the createElement, createTextNode and appendChild methods.

Query for array elements inside JSON type

jsonb in Postgres 9.4+

You can use the same query as below, just with jsonb_array_elements().

But rather use the jsonb "contains" operator @> in combination with a matching GIN index on the expression data->'objects':

CREATE INDEX reports_data_gin_idx ON reports
USING gin ((data->'objects') jsonb_path_ops);

SELECT * FROM reports WHERE data->'objects' @> '[{"src":"foo.png"}]';

Since the key objects holds a JSON array, we need to match the structure in the search term and wrap the array element into square brackets, too. Drop the array brackets when searching a plain record.

More explanation and options:

json in Postgres 9.3+

Unnest the JSON array with the function json_array_elements() in a lateral join in the FROM clause and test for its elements:

SELECT data::text, obj
FROM   reports r, json_array_elements(>'{objects}') obj
WHERE  obj->>'src' = 'foo.png';

db<>fiddle here
Old sqlfiddle

The CTE (WITH query) just substitutes for a table reports.
Or, equivalent for just a single level of nesting:

FROM   reports r, json_array_elements(>'objects') obj
WHERE  obj->>'src' = 'foo.png';

->>, -> and #> operators are explained in the manual.

Both queries use an implicit JOIN LATERAL.

Closely related:

Explicit vs implicit SQL joins

As Leigh Caldwell has stated, the query optimizer can produce different query plans based on what functionally looks like the same SQL statement. For further reading on this, have a look at the following two blog postings:-

One posting from the Oracle Optimizer Team

Another posting from the "Structured Data" blog

I hope you find this interesting.

Create a Dropdown List for MVC3 using Entity Framework (.edmx Model) & Razor Views && Insert A Database Record to Multiple Tables

Well, actually I'll have to say David is right with his solution, but there are some topics disturbing me:

  1. You should never send your model to the view => This is correct
  2. If you create a ViewModel, and include the Model as member in the ViewModel, then you effectively sent your model to the View => this is BAD
  3. Using dictionaries to send the options to the view => this not good style

So how can you create a better coupling?

I would use a tool like AutoMapper or ValueInjecter to map between ViewModel and Model. AutoMapper does seem to have the better syntax and feel to it, but the current version lacks a very severe topic: It is not able to perform the mapping from ViewModel to Model (under certain circumstances like flattening, etc., but this is off topic) So at present I prefer to use ValueInjecter.

So you create a ViewModel with the fields you need in the view. You add the SelectList items you need as lookups. And you add them as SelectLists already. So you can query from a LINQ enabled sourc, select the ID and text field and store it as a selectlist: You gain that you do not have to create a new type (dictionary) as lookup and you just move the new SelectList from the view to the controller.

  // StaffTypes is an IEnumerable<StaffType> from dbContext
  // viewModel is the viewModel initialized to copy content of Model Employee  
  // viewModel.StaffTypes is of type SelectList

  viewModel.StaffTypes =
    new SelectList(
        StaffTypes.OrderBy( item => item.Name )

In the view you just have to call

@Html.DropDownListFor( model => mode.StaffTypeID, model.StaffTypes )

Back in the post element of your method in the controller you have to take a parameter of the type of your ViewModel. You then check for validation. If the validation fails, you have to remember to re-populate the viewModel.StaffTypes SelectList, because this item will be null on entering the post function. So I tend to have those population things separated into a function. You just call back return new View(viewModel) if anything is wrong. Validation errors found by MVC3 will automatically be shown in the view.

If you have your own validation code you can add validation errors by specifying which field they belong to. Check documentation on ModelState to get info on that.

If the viewModel is valid you have to perform the next step:

If it is a create of a new item, you have to populate a model from the viewModel (best suited is ValueInjecter). Then you can add it to the EF collection of that type and commit changes.

If you have an update, you get the current db item first into a model. Then you can copy the values from the viewModel back to the model (again using ValueInjecter gets you do that very quick). After that you can SaveChanges and are done.

Feel free to ask if anything is unclear.

Find a line in a file and remove it

    public static void deleteLine() throws IOException {
        RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile("me.txt", "rw");
        String delete;
        String task="";
        byte []tasking;
        while ((delete = file.readLine()) != null) {
            if (delete.startsWith("BAD")) {
        BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("me.txt"));

How do I use two submit buttons, and differentiate between which one was used to submit the form?

You can use it as follows,


<input type="submit" name="save" class="noborder" id="save" value="Save" alt="Save" 
tabindex="4" />



<input type="submit" name="publish" class="noborder" id="publish" value="Publish" 
alt="Publish" tabindex="5" />


And in PHP,

   //Save Code
else if($_POST['publish'])
   //Publish Code

Javascript get object key name

Change alert(buttons[i].text); to alert(i);

Place API key in Headers or URL

passing api key in parameters makes it difficult for clients to keep their APIkeys secret, they tend to leak keys on a regular basis. A better approach is to pass it in header of request can set user-key header in your code . For testing your request Url you can use Postman app in google chrome by setting user-key header to your api-key.

What is the definition of "interface" in object oriented programming

In Programming, an interface defines what the behavior a an object will have, but it will not actually specify the behavior. It is a contract, that will guarantee, that a certain class can do something.

Consider this piece of C# code here:

using System;

public interface IGenerate
    int Generate();

// Dependencies
public class KnownNumber : IGenerate
    public int Generate() 
        return 5;

public class SecretNumber : IGenerate
    public int Generate()
        return new Random().Next(0, 10);

// What you care about
class Game
    public Game(IGenerate generator) 

new Game(new SecretNumber());
new Game(new KnownNumber());

The Game class requires a secret number. For the sake of testing it, you would like to inject what will be used as a secret number (this principle is called Inversion of Control).

The game class wants to be "open minded" about what will actually create the random number, therefore it will ask in its constructor for "anything, that has a Generate method".

First, the interface specifies, what operations an object will provide. It just contains what it looks like, but no actual implementation is given. This is just the signature of the method. Conventionally, in C# interfaces are prefixed with an I. The classes now implement the IGenerate Interface. This means that the compiler will make sure, that they both have a method, that returns an int and is called Generate. The game now is being called two different object, each of which implementant the correct interface. Other classes would produce an error upon building the code.

Here I noticed the blueprint analogy you used:

A class is commonly seen as a blueprint for an object. An Interface specifies something that a class will need to do, so one could argue that it indeed is just a blueprint for a class, but since a class does not necessarily need an interface, I would argue that this metaphor is breaking. Think of an interface as a contract. The class that "signs it" will be legally required (enforced by the compiler police), to comply to the terms and conditions in the contract. This means that it will have to do, what is specified in the interface.

This is all due to the statically typed nature of some OO languages, as it is the case with Java or C#. In Python on the other hand, another mechanism is used:

import random

# Dependencies
class KnownNumber(object):
    def generate(self):
        return 5

class SecretNumber(object):
    def generate(self):
        return random.randint(0,10)

# What you care about
class SecretGame(object):
    def __init__(self, number_generator):
        number = number_generator.generate()
        print number

Here, none of the classes implement an interface. Python does not care about that, because the SecretGame class will just try to call whatever object is passed in. If the object HAS a generate() method, everything is fine. If it doesn't: KAPUTT! This mistake will not be seen at compile time, but at runtime, so possibly when your program is already deployed and running. C# would notify you way before you came close to that.

The reason this mechanism is used, naively stated, because in OO languages naturally functions aren't first class citizens. As you can see, KnownNumber and SecretNumber contain JUST the functions to generate a number. One does not really need the classes at all. In Python, therefore, one could just throw them away and pick the functions on their own:

# OO Approach

# Functional Approach

# Dependencies
class SecretGame(object):
    def __init__(self, generate):
        number =  generate()
        print number

SecretGame(lambda: random.randint(0,10))
SecretGame(lambda: 5)

A lambda is just a function, that was declared "in line, as you go". A delegate is just the same in C#:

class Game
    public Game(Func<int> generate) 

new Game(() => 5);
new Game(() => new Random().Next(0, 10));

Side note: The latter examples were not possible like this up to Java 7. There, Interfaces were your only way of specifying this behavior. However, Java 8 introduced lambda expressions so the C# example can be converted to Java very easily (Func<int> becomes java.util.function.IntSupplier and => becomes ->).

Angular 2 declaring an array of objects

type NumberArray = Array<{id: number, text: string}>;

const arr: NumberArray = [
    {id: 0, text: 'Number 0'},
    {id: 1, text: 'Number 1'},
    {id: 2, text: 'Number 2'},
    {id: 3, text: 'Number 3 '},
    {id: 4, text: 'Number 4 '},
    {id: 5, text: 'Number 5 '},

How to configure PHP to send e-mail?

To fix this, you must review your PHP.INI, and the mail services setup you have in your server.

But my best advice for you is to forget about the mail() function. It depends on PHP.INI settings, it's configuration is different depending on the platform (Linux or Windows), and it can't handle SMTP authentication, which is a big trouble in current days. Too much headache.

Use "PHP Mailer" instead (, it's a PHP class available for free, and it can handle almost any SMTP server, internal or external, with or without authentication, it works exactly the same way on Linux and Windows, and it won't depend on PHP.INI settings. It comes with many examples, it's very powerful and easy to use.

Most efficient way to find mode in numpy array

I think a very simple way would be to use the Counter class. You can then use the most_common() function of the Counter instance as mentioned here.

For 1-d arrays:

import numpy as np
from collections import Counter

nparr = np.arange(10) 
nparr[2] = 6 
nparr[3] = 6 #6 is now the mode
mode = Counter(nparr).most_common(1)
# mode will be [(6,3)] to give the count of the most occurring value, so ->

For multiple dimensional arrays (little difference):

import numpy as np
from collections import Counter

nparr = np.arange(10) 
nparr[2] = 6 
nparr[3] = 6 
nparr = nparr.reshape((10,2,5))     #same thing but we add this to reshape into ndarray
mode = Counter(nparr.flatten()).most_common(1)  # just use .flatten() method

# mode will be [(6,3)] to give the count of the most occurring value, so ->

This may or may not be an efficient implementation, but it is convenient.

Call JavaScript function from C#

.aspx file in header section

    <script type="text/javascript">
        <%=YourScript %>
        function functionname1(arg1,arg2){content}

.cs file

public string YourScript = "";
public string functionname(arg)
    if (condition)
        YourScript = "functionname1(arg1,arg2);";

How to do case insensitive string comparison?

EDIT: This answer was originally added 9 years ago. Today you should use localeCompare with the sensitivity: 'accent' option:

function ciEquals(a, b) {_x000D_
    return typeof a === 'string' && typeof b === 'string'_x000D_
        ? a.localeCompare(b, undefined, { sensitivity: 'accent' }) === 0_x000D_
        : a === b;_x000D_
console.log("'a' = 'a'?", ciEquals('a', 'a'));_x000D_
console.log("'AaA' = 'aAa'?", ciEquals('AaA', 'aAa'));_x000D_
console.log("'a' = 'á'?", ciEquals('a', 'á'));_x000D_
console.log("'a' = 'b'?", ciEquals('a', 'b'));

The { sensitivity: 'accent' } tells localeCompare() to treat two variants of the same base letter as the same unless they have different accents (as in the third example) above.

Alternatively, you can use { sensitivity: 'base' }, which treats two characters as equivalent as long as their base character is the same (so A would be treated as equivalent to á).

Note that the third parameter of localeCompare is not supported in IE10 or lower or certain mobile browsers (see the compatibility chart on the page linked above), so if you need to support those browsers, you'll need some kind of fallback:

function ciEqualsInner(a, b) {
    return a.localeCompare(b, undefined, { sensitivity: 'accent' }) === 0;

function ciEquals(a, b) {
    if (typeof a !== 'string' || typeof b !== 'string') {
        return a === b;

    //      v--- feature detection
    return ciEqualsInner('A', 'a')
        ? ciEqualsInner(a, b)
        : /*  fallback approach here  */;

Original answer

The best way to do a case insensitive comparison in JavaScript is to use RegExp match() method with the i flag.

Case-insensitive search

When both strings being compared are variables (not constants), then it's a little more complicated 'cause you need to generate a RegExp from the string but passing the string to RegExp constructor can result in incorrect matches or failed matches if the string has special regex characters in it.

If you care about internationalization don't use toLowerCase() or toUpperCase() as it doesn't provide accurate case-insensitive comparisons in all languages.

How to export SQL Server 2005 query to CSV

In Management Studio, select the database, right-click and select Tasks->Export Data. There you will see options to export to different kinds of formats including CSV, Excel, etc.

You can also run your query from the Query window and save the results to CSV.

Running script upon login mac

  1. Create your shell script as in your $HOME folder.

  2. Paste the following one-line script into Script Editor:

    do shell script "$HOME/"

  3. Then save it as an application.

  4. Finally add the application to your login items.

If you want to make the script output visual, you can swap step 2 for this:

tell application "Terminal"
  do script "$HOME/"
end tell

If multiple commands are needed something like this can be used:

tell application "Terminal"
  do script "cd $HOME"
  do script "./" in window 1
end tell

Calculating and printing the nth prime number

I can see that you have received many correct answers and very detailed one. I believe you are not testing it for very large prime numbers. And your only concern is to avoid printing intermediary prime number by your program.

A tiny change your program will do the trick.

Keep your logic same way and just pull out the print statement outside of loop. Break outer loop after n prime numbers.

import java.util.Scanner;
 * Calculates the nth prime number
 * @author {Zyst}
public class Prime {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner input = new Scanner(;
        int n, 
            i = 2, 
            x = 2;

        System.out.printf("This program calculates the nth Prime number\n");
        System.out.printf("Please enter the nth prime number you want to find:");
        n = input.nextInt();

        for(i = 2, x = 2; n > 0; i++) {
            for(x = 2; x < i; x++) {
                if(i % x == 0) {
            if(x == i) {
        System.out.printf("\n%d is prime", x);


Having issues with a MySQL Join that needs to meet multiple conditions

also this should work (not tested):

SELECT u.* FROM room u JOIN facilities_r fu ON fu.id_uc = u.id_uc AND u.id_fu IN(4,3) WHERE 1 AND vizibility = 1 GROUP BY id_uc ORDER BY u_premium desc , id_uc desc

If u.id_fu is a numeric field then you can remove the ' around them. The same for vizibility. Only if the field is a text field (data type char, varchar or one of the text-datatype e.g. longtext) then the value has to be enclosed by ' or even ".

Also I and Oracle too recommend to enclose table and field names in backticks. So you won't get into trouble if a field name contains a keyword.

How can I export tables to Excel from a webpage

simple google search turned up this:

If the data is actually an HTML page and has NOT been created by ASP, PHP, or some other scripting language, and you are using Internet Explorer 6, and you have Excel installed on your computer, simply right-click on the page and look through the menu. You should see "Export to Microsoft Excel." If all these conditions are true, click on the menu item and after a few prompts it will be imported to Excel.

if you can't do that, he gives an alternate "drag-and-drop" method:

How to change font in ipython notebook

In your notebook (simple approach). Add new cell with following code

<style type='text/css'>
    font-size: 12px;

div.output_area pre {
    font-size: 12px;

Remove element of a regular array

The nature of arrays is that their length is immutable. You can't add or delete any of the array items.

You will have to create a new array that is one element shorter and copy the old items to the new array, excluding the element you want to delete.

So it is probably better to use a List instead of an array.

How can I create a blank/hardcoded column in a sql query?

Thank you, in PostgreSQL this works for boolean

false as placeholder

Gets last digit of a number

Although the best way to do this is to use % if you insist on using strings this will work

public int lastDigit(int number)
return Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(Integer.toString(number).charAt(Integer.toString(number).length() - 1)));

but I just wrote this for completeness. Do not use this code. it is just awful.

Least common multiple for 3 or more numbers

Method compLCM takes a vector and returns LCM. All the numbers are within vector in_numbers.

int mathOps::compLCM(std::vector<int> &in_numbers)
    int tmpNumbers = in_numbers.size();
    int tmpMax = *max_element(in_numbers.begin(), in_numbers.end());
    bool tmpNotDividable = false;

    while (true)
        for (int i = 0; i < tmpNumbers && tmpNotDividable == false; i++)
            if (tmpMax % in_numbers[i] != 0 )
                tmpNotDividable = true;

        if (tmpNotDividable == false)
            return tmpMax;

Check if boolean is true?

The first example nearly always wins in my book:


It's shorter and more concise. Why add an extra check to something when it's absolutely not needed? Just wasting cycles...

I do agree, though, that sometimes the more verbose syntax makes things more readable (which is ultimately more important as long as performance is acceptable) in situations where variables are poorly named.

How to enable native resolution for apps on iPhone 6 and 6 Plus?

Do the following (see in photo)

  1. Goto asset catalog
  2. right-click and choose "Add New Launch Image"

    • iPhone 6 -> 750 x 1334
    • iPhone 6 Plus -> 1242 x 2208 and 2208 x 1242

enter image description here

.NET HashTable Vs Dictionary - Can the Dictionary be as fast?

I guess it doesn't mean anything to you now. But just for reference for people stopping by

Performance Test - SortedList vs. SortedDictionary vs. Dictionary vs. Hashtable

Memory allocation:

Memory usage performance test

Time used for inserting:

Time used for inserting

Time for searching an item:

Time for searching an item

Flutter Countdown Timer

doesnt directly answer your question. But helpful for those who want to start something after some time.

Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1), () {
            print('yo hey');

How to retrieve absolute path given relative

If the relative path is a directory path, then try mine, should be the best:

absPath=$(pushd ../SOME_RELATIVE_PATH_TO_Directory > /dev/null && pwd && popd > /dev/null)

echo $absPath

How to emulate a BEFORE INSERT trigger in T-SQL / SQL Server for super/subtype (Inheritance) entities?

Sometimes a BEFORE trigger can be replaced with an AFTER one, but this doesn't appear to be the case in your situation, for you clearly need to provide a value before the insert takes place. So, for that purpose, the closest functionality would seem to be the INSTEAD OF trigger one, as @marc_s has suggested in his comment.

Note, however, that, as the names of these two trigger types suggest, there's a fundamental difference between a BEFORE trigger and an INSTEAD OF one. While in both cases the trigger is executed at the time when the action determined by the statement that's invoked the trigger hasn't taken place, in case of the INSTEAD OF trigger the action is never supposed to take place at all. The real action that you need to be done must be done by the trigger itself. This is very unlike the BEFORE trigger functionality, where the statement is always due to execute, unless, of course, you explicitly roll it back.

But there's one other issue to address actually. As your Oracle script reveals, the trigger you need to convert uses another feature unsupported by SQL Server, which is that of FOR EACH ROW. There are no per-row triggers in SQL Server either, only per-statement ones. That means that you need to always keep in mind that the inserted data are a row set, not just a single row. That adds more complexity, although that'll probably conclude the list of things you need to account for.

So, it's really two things to solve then:

  • replace the BEFORE functionality;

  • replace the FOR EACH ROW functionality.

My attempt at solving these is below:

ON sub1
  DECLARE @new_super TABLE (
    super_id int
  INSERT INTO super (subtype_discriminator)
  OUTPUT INSERTED.super_id INTO @new_super (super_id)

  INSERT INTO sub (super_id)
  SELECT super_id FROM @new_super;

This is how the above works:

  1. The same number of rows as being inserted into sub1 is first added to super. The generated super_id values are stored in a temporary storage (a table variable called @new_super).

  2. The newly inserted super_ids are now inserted into sub1.

Nothing too difficult really, but the above will only work if you have no other columns in sub1 than those you've specified in your question. If there are other columns, the above trigger will need to be a bit more complex.

The problem is to assign the new super_ids to every inserted row individually. One way to implement the mapping could be like below:

ON sub1
  DECLARE @new_super TABLE (
    rownum   int IDENTITY (1, 1),
    super_id int
  INSERT INTO super (subtype_discriminator)
  OUTPUT INSERTED.super_id INTO @new_super (super_id)

  WITH enumerated AS (
    FROM inserted
  INSERT INTO sub1 (super_id, other columns)
  SELECT n.super_id, i.other columns
  FROM enumerated AS i
  INNER JOIN @new_super AS n
  ON i.rownum = n.rownum;

As you can see, an IDENTIY(1,1) column is added to @new_user, so the temporarily inserted super_id values will additionally be enumerated starting from 1. To provide the mapping between the new super_ids and the new data rows, the ROW_NUMBER function is used to enumerate the INSERTED rows as well. As a result, every row in the INSERTED set can now be linked to a single super_id and thus complemented to a full data row to be inserted into sub1.

Note that the order in which the new super_ids are inserted may not match the order in which they are assigned. I considered that a no-issue. All the new super rows generated are identical save for the IDs. So, all you need here is just to take one new super_id per new sub1 row.

If, however, the logic of inserting into super is more complex and for some reason you need to remember precisely which new super_id has been generated for which new sub row, you'll probably want to consider the mapping method discussed in this Stack Overflow question:

How to check for empty array in vba macro

When writing VBA there is this sentence in my head: "Could be so easy, but..."

Here is what I adopted it to:

Private Function IsArrayEmpty(arr As Variant)
  ' This function returns true if array is empty
  Dim l As Long

  On Error Resume Next
  l = Len(Join(arr))
  If l = 0 Then
    IsArrayEmpty = True
    IsArrayEmpty = False
  End If

  If Err.Number > 0 Then
      IsArrayEmpty = True
  End If

  On Error GoTo 0
End Function

Private Sub IsArrayEmptyTest()
  Dim a As Variant
  a = Array()
  Debug.Print "Array is Empty is " & IsArrayEmpty(a)
  If IsArrayEmpty(a) = False Then
    Debug.Print "  " & Join(a)
  End If
End Sub

Passing arguments forward to another javascript function

try this

function global_func(...args){
  for(let i of args){

global_func('task_name', 'action', [{x: 'x'},{x: 'x'}], {x: 'x'}, ['x1','x2'], 1, null, undefined, false, true)

//(2) [{...},
//    {...}]
//    {
//        x:"x"
//    }
//(2) [
//        "x1",
//        "x2"
//    ]

Static variables in JavaScript

   var statvar = 0;
   function f_counter()
      var nonstatvar = 0;
      nonstatvar ++;
      statvar ++;
      return statvar + " , " + nonstatvar;

This is just another way of having a static variable that I learned somewhere.

How to convert String to Date value in SAS?


You can specify any date format at display time, like set char_val=date9.;

Why is there no xrange function in Python3?

Python 3's range type works just like Python 2's xrange. I'm not sure why you're seeing a slowdown, since the iterator returned by your xrange function is exactly what you'd get if you iterated over range directly.

I'm not able to reproduce the slowdown on my system. Here's how I tested:

Python 2, with xrange:

Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2012, 23:24:47) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>> import timeit
>>> timeit.timeit("[x for x in xrange(1000000) if x%4]",number=100)

Python 3, with range is a tiny bit faster:

Python 3.3.0 (v3.3.0:bd8afb90ebf2, Sep 29 2012, 10:57:17) [MSC v.1600 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>> import timeit
>>> timeit.timeit("[x for x in range(1000000) if x%4]",number=100)

I recently learned that Python 3's range type has some other neat features, such as support for slicing: range(10,100,2)[5:25:5] is range(20, 60, 10)!

How can I backup a Docker-container with its data-volumes?

Let's say your volume name is data_volume. You can use the following commands to backup and restore the volume to and from a docker image named data_image:

To backup:

docker run --rm --mount source=data_volume,destination=/data alpine tar -c -f- data | docker run -i --name data_container alpine tar -x -f-
docker container commit data_container data_image
docker rm data_container

To restore:

docker run --rm data_image tar -c -f- data | docker run -i --rm --mount source=data_volume,destination=/data alpine tar -x -f-

How many significant digits do floats and doubles have in java?

A 32-bit float has about 7 digits of precision and a 64-bit double has about 16 digits of precision

Long answer:

Floating-point numbers have three components:

  1. A sign bit, to determine if the number is positive or negative.
  2. An exponent, to determine the magnitude of the number.
  3. A fraction, which determines how far between two exponent values the number is. This is sometimes called “the significand, mantissa, or coefficient”

Essentially, this works out to sign * 2^exponent * (1 + fraction). The “size” of the number, it’s exponent, is irrelevant to us, because it only scales the value of the fraction portion. Knowing that log10(n) gives the number of digits of n,† we can determine the precision of a floating point number with log10(largest_possible_fraction). Because each bit in a float stores 2 possibilities, a binary number of n bits can store a number up to 2n - 1 (a total of 2n values where one of the values is zero). This gets a bit hairier, because it turns out that floating point numbers are stored with one less bit of fraction than they can use, because zeroes are represented specially and all non-zero numbers have at least one non-zero binary bit.‡

Combining this, the digits of precision for a floating point number is log10(2n), where n is the number of bits of the floating point number’s fraction. A 32-bit float has 24 bits of fraction for ˜7.22 decimal digits of precision, and a 64-bit double has 53 bits of fraction for ˜15.95 decimal digits of precision.

For more on floating point accuracy, you might want to read about the concept of a machine epsilon.

† For n = 1 at least — for other numbers your formula will look more like ?log10(|n|)? + 1.

‡ “This rule is variously called the leading bit convention, the implicit bit convention, or the hidden bit convention.” (Wikipedia)

Callback functions in C++

A Callback function is a method that is passed into a routine, and called at some point by the routine to which it is passed.

This is very useful for making reusable software. For example, many operating system APIs (such as the Windows API) use callbacks heavily.

For example, if you wanted to work with files in a folder - you can call an API function, with your own routine, and your routine gets run once per file in the specified folder. This allows the API to be very flexible.

Remove Duplicates from range of cells in excel vba

You need to tell the Range.RemoveDuplicates method what column to use. Additionally, since you have expressed that you have a header row, you should tell the .RemoveDuplicates method that.

Sub dedupe_abcd()
    Dim icol As Long

    With Sheets("Sheet1")   '<-set this worksheet reference properly!
        icol = Application.Match("abcd", .Rows(1), 0)
        With .Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion
            .RemoveDuplicates Columns:=icol, Header:=xlYes
        End With
    End With
End Sub

Your original code seemed to want to remove duplicates from a single column while ignoring surrounding data. That scenario is atypical and I've included the surrounding data so that the .RemoveDuplicates process does not scramble your data. Post back a comment if you truly wanted to isolate the RemoveDuplicates process to a single column.

Updating the list view when the adapter data changes

I found a solution that is more efficient than currently accepted answer, because current answer forces all list elements to be refreshed. My solution will refresh only one element (that was touched) by calling adapters getView and recycling current view which adds even more efficiency.

mListView.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
    public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
      // Edit object data that is represented in Viewat at list's "position"
      view = mAdapter.getView(position, view, parent);

Cannot obtain value of local or argument as it is not available at this instruction pointer, possibly because it has been optimized away

Go to Project Properties and under Build Make sure that the "Optimize Code" checkbox is unchecked.

Also, set the "Debug Info" dropdown to "Full" in the Advanced Options (Under Build tab).

How to remove elements/nodes from angular.js array

I liked the solution provided by @madhead

However the problem I had is that it wouldn't work for a sorted list so instead of passing the index to the delete function I passed the item and then got the index via indexof


var index = $scope.items.indexOf(item);
$scope.items.splice(index, 1);

An updated version of madheads example is below: link to example


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html data-ng-app="demo">
    <script data-require="[email protected]" data-semver="1.1.5" src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
    <script src="script.js"></script>
    <div data-ng-controller="DemoController">
        <li data-ng-repeat="item in items|orderBy:'toString()'">
          <button data-ng-click="removeItem(item)">Remove</button>
      <input data-ng-model="newItem"><button data-ng-click="addItem(newItem)">Add</button>


"use strict";

var demo = angular.module("demo", []);

function DemoController($scope){
  $scope.items = [

  $scope.addItem = function(item){
    $scope.newItem = null;

  $scope.removeItem = function(item){
    var index = $scope.items.indexOf(item);
    $scope.items.splice(index, 1);

Bash script - variable content as a command to run

In the case where you have multiple variables containing the arguments for a command you're running, and not just a single string, you should not use eval directly, as it will fail in the following case:

function echo_arguments() {
  echo "Argument 1: $1"
  echo "Argument 2: $2"
  echo "Argument 3: $3"
  echo "Argument 4: $4"

# Note we are passing 3 arguments to `echo_arguments`, not 4
eval echo_arguments arg1 arg2 "Some arg"


Argument 1: arg1
Argument 2: arg2
Argument 3: Some
Argument 4: arg

Note that even though "Some arg" was passed as a single argument, eval read it as two.

Instead, you can just use the string as the command itself:

# The regular bash eval works by jamming all its arguments into a string then
# evaluating the string. This function treats its arguments as individual
# arguments to be passed to the command being run.
function eval_command() {

Note the difference between the output of eval and the new eval_command function:

eval_command echo_arguments arg1 arg2 "Some arg"


Argument 1: arg1
Argument 2: arg2
Argument 3: Some arg
Argument 4:

How to give Jenkins more heap space when it´s started as a service under Windows?

From the Jenkins wiki:

The JVM launch parameters of these Windows services are controlled by an XML file jenkins.xml and jenkins-slave.xml respectively. These files can be found in $JENKINS_HOME and in the slave root directory respectively, after you've install them as Windows services.

The file format should be self-explanatory. Tweak the arguments for example to give JVM a bigger memory.

How to post SOAP Request from PHP

You might want to look here and here.

A Little code example from the first link:

// include the SOAP classes
// define parameter array (ISBN number)
$param = array('isbn'=>'0385503954');
// define path to server application
$serverpath ='';
//define method namespace
// create client object
$client = new soapclient($serverpath);
// make the call
$price = $client->call('getPrice',$param,$namespace);
// if a fault occurred, output error info
if (isset($fault)) {
        print "Error: ". $fault;
else if ($price == -1) {
        print "The book is not in the database.";
} else {
        // otherwise output the result
        print "The price of book number ". $param[isbn] ." is $". $price;
// kill object

Eclipse doesn't stop at breakpoints

Please un check this from the Eclipse Menu.

Run->Skip all breakpoints.

I think this will be enabled permanently once You select the Remove all Break points option in the Debug/Breakpoints window.

How to copy a huge table data into another table in SQL Server

If you are copying into a new table, the quickest way is probably what you have in your question, unless your rows are very large.

If your rows are very large, you may want to use the bulk insert functions in SQL Server. I think you can call them from C#.

Or you can first download that data into a text file, then bulk-copy (bcp) it. This has the additional benefit of allowing you to ignore keys, indexes etc.

Also try the Import/Export utility that comes with the SQL Management Studio; not sure whether it will be as fast as a straight bulk-copy, but it should allow you to skip the intermediate step of writing out as a flat file, and just copy directly table-to-table, which might be a bit faster than your SELECT INTO statement.

Best practice for storing and protecting private API keys in applications

The only true way to keep these private is to keep them on your server, and have the app send whatever it is to the server, and the server interacts with Dropbox. That way you NEVER distribute your private key in any format.

bind/unbind service example (android)

You can try using this code:

protected ServiceConnection mServerConn = new ServiceConnection() {
    public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder binder) {
        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "onServiceConnected");

    public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {
        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "onServiceDisconnected");

public void start() {
    // mContext is defined upper in code, I think it is not necessary to explain what is it 
    mContext.bindService(intent, mServerConn, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);

public void stop() {
    mContext.stopService(new Intent(mContext, ServiceRemote.class));

How to convert jsonString to JSONObject in Java

Using org.json

If you have a String containing JSON format text, then you can get JSON Object by following steps:

String jsonString = "{\"phonetype\":\"N95\",\"cat\":\"WP\"}";
JSONObject jsonObj = null;
    try {
        jsonObj = new JSONObject(jsonString);
    } catch (JSONException e) {

Now to access the phonetype


How to edit a JavaScript alert box title?

When you start up or just join a project based on webapplications, the design of interface is maybe good. Otherwise this should be changed. In order to Web 2.0 applications you will work with dynamic contents, many effects and other stuff. All these things are fine, but no one thought about to style up the JavaScript alert and confirm boxes. Here is the they way,.. completely dynamic, JS and CSS driven Create simple html file

   <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />
   <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="jsConfirmStyle.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">

      function confirmation() {
       var answer = confirm("Wanna visit google?")
       if (answer){
       window.location = "";

    <style type="text/css">
     body {
      background-color: white;
      font-family: sans-serif;
    #jsconfirm {
      border-color: #c0c0c0;
      border-width: 2px 4px 4px 2px;
      left: 0;
     margin: 0;
     padding: 0;
     position: absolute;
    top: -1000px;
    z-index: 100;

  #jsconfirm table {
   background-color: #fff;
   border: 2px groove #c0c0c0;
   height: 150px;
   width: 300px;

   #jsconfirmtitle {
  background-color: #B0B0B0;
  font-weight: bold;
  height: 20px;
  text-align: center;

 #jsconfirmbuttons {
height: 50px;
text-align: center;

#jsconfirmbuttons input {
background-color: #E9E9CF;
color: #000000;
font-weight: bold;
width: 125px;
height: 33px;
padding-left: 20px;

background-image: url(left.png);

background-image: url(right.png);
 < /style>
<p><br />
<a href="#"
onclick="javascript:showConfirm('Please confirm','Are you really really sure to visit    google?','Yes','','No','#')">JsConfirmStyled</a></p>
<p><a href="#" onclick="confirmation()">standard</a></p>


Then create simple js file name jsConfirmStyle.js. Here is simple js code



  if(ie5||nn6) {
  if(ie5) cs=2,th=30;
  else cs=0,th=20;
    "<div id='jsconfirm'>"+
            "<tr><td id='jsconfirmtitle'></td></tr>"+
            "<tr><td id='jsconfirmcontent'></td></tr>"+
            "<tr><td id='jsconfirmbuttons'>"+
                "<input id='jsconfirmleft' type='button' value='' onclick='leftJsConfirm()' onfocus='if(this.blur)this.blur()'>"+
                "<input id='jsconfirmright' type='button' value='' onclick='rightJsConfirm()' onfocus='if(this.blur)this.blur()'>"+

 document.write("<div id='jsconfirmfade'></div>");

 function leftJsConfirm() {
function rightJsConfirm() {
function confirmAlternative() {
if(confirm("Scipt requieres a better browser!"))       document.location.href="";

leftJsConfirmUri = '';
rightJsConfirmUri = '';

   * Show the message/confirm box
    function       showConfirm(confirmtitle,confirmcontent,confirmlefttext,confirmlefturi,confirmrighttext,con      firmrighturi)  {
xConfirm=xConfirmStart, yConfirm=yConfirmStart;
if(ie5) {
else if(nn6) {
else confirmAlternative();


You can download full Source code from here

Adding asterisk to required fields in Bootstrap 3

Assuming this is what the HTML looks like

<div class="form-group required">
   <label class="col-md-2 control-label">E-mail</label>
   <div class="col-md-4"><input class="form-control" id="id_email" name="email" placeholder="E-mail" required="required" title="" type="email" /></div>

To display an asterisk on the right of the label:

.form-group.required .control-label:after { 
    color: #d00;
    content: "*";
    position: absolute;
    margin-left: 8px;

Or to the left of the label:

.form-group.required .control-label:before{
   color: red;
   content: "*";
   position: absolute;
   margin-left: -15px;

To make a nice big red asterisks you can add these lines:

font-family: 'Glyphicons Halflings';
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 14px;

Or if you are using Font Awesome add these lines (and change the content line):

font-family: 'FontAwesome';
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 14px;
content: "\f069";

Xcode Project vs. Xcode Workspace - Differences

A workspace is a collection of projects. It's useful to organize your projects when there's correlation between them (e.g.: Project A includes a library, that is provided as a project itself as project B. When you build the workspace project B is compiled and linked in project A).
It's common to use a workspace in the popular CocoaPods. When you install your pods, they are placed inside a workspace, that holds your project and the pod libraries.

Java, How to specify absolute value and square roots

import java.util.Scanner;
class my{
public static void main(String args[])
    Scanner x=new Scanner(;
    double a,b,c=0,d;
    int e,z=0;
    System.out.print("Enter no:");

            while(b*b<=a && z==0)
                    b=b+d;          //*d==0.1 first time*//

        System.out.println("Squre root="+c);


Read contents of a local file into a variable in Rails

Answering my own question here... turns out it's a Windows only quirk that happens when reading binary files (in my case a JPEG) that requires an additional flag in the open or function call. I revised it to open("/path/to/file", 'rb') {|io| a = a +} and all was fine.

Date in mmm yyyy format in postgresql

You can write your select query as,

select * from table_name where to_char(date_time_column, 'YYYY-MM')  = '2011-03';

Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: - Angular 2

Solved myself. Done some small structural changes also. Route from Component1 to Component2 is done by a single <router-outlet>. Component2 to Comonent3 and Component4 is done by multiple <router-outlet name= "xxxxx"> The resulting contents are :


    <a routerLink="/two" class="dash-item">Go to 2</a>


 <a [routerLink]="['/two', {outlets: {'nameThree': ['three']}}]">In Two...Go to 3 ...       </a>
 <a [routerLink]="['/two', {outlets: {'nameFour': ['four']}}]">   In Two...Go to 4 ...</a>

 <router-outlet name="nameThree"></router-outlet>
 <router-outlet name="nameFour"></router-outlet>

The '/two' represents the parent component and ['three']and ['four'] represents the link to the respective children of component2 . Component3.html and Component4.html are the same as in the question.


const routes: Routes = [
    path: '',
    redirectTo: 'one',
    pathMatch: 'full'
    path: 'two',
    component: ClassTwo, children: [

            path: 'three',
            component: ClassThree,
            outlet: 'nameThree'
            path: 'four',
            component: ClassFour,
            outlet: 'nameFour'

What is the difference between a "function" and a "procedure"?

A function returns a value and a procedure just executes commands.

The name function comes from math. It is used to calculate a value based on input.

A procedure is a set of commands which can be executed in order.

In most programming languages, even functions can have a set of commands. Hence the difference is only returning a value.

But if you like to keep a function clean, (just look at functional languages), you need to make sure a function does not have a side effect.

What is the { get; set; } syntax in C#?

It's a so-called auto property, and is essentially a shorthand for the following (similar code will be generated by the compiler):

private string name;
public string Name
    { = value;

jQuery check if an input is type checkbox?

You can use the pseudo-selector :checkbox with a call to jQuery's is function:


Return array in a function

This is a fairly old question, but I'm going to put in my 2 cents as there are a lot of answers, but none showing all possible methods in a clear and concise manner (not sure about the concise bit, as this got a bit out of hand. TL;DR ).

I'm assuming that the OP wanted to return the array that was passed in without copying as some means of directly passing this to the caller to be passed to another function to make the code look prettier.

However, to use an array like this is to let it decay into a pointer and have the compiler treat it like an array. This can result in subtle bugs if you pass in an array like, with the function expecting that it will have 5 elements, but your caller actually passes in some other number.

There a few ways you can handle this better. Pass in a std::vector or std::array (not sure if std::array was around in 2010 when the question was asked). You can then pass the object as a reference without any copying/moving of the object.

std::array<int, 5>& fillarr(std::array<int, 5>& arr)
    // (before c++11)
    for(auto it = arr.begin(); it != arr.end(); ++it)
    { /* do stuff */ }

    // Note the following are for c++11 and higher.  They will work for all
    // the other examples below except for the stuff after the Edit.

    // (c++11 and up)
    for(auto it = std::begin(arr); it != std::end(arr); ++it)
    { /* do stuff */ }

    // range for loop (c++11 and up)
    for(auto& element : arr)
    { /* do stuff */ }

    return arr;

std::vector<int>& fillarr(std::vector<int>& arr)
    for(auto it = arr.begin(); it != arr.end(); ++it)
    { /* do stuff */ }
    return arr;

However, if you insist on playing with C arrays, then use a template which will keep the information of how many items in the array.

template <size_t N>
    // N is easier and cleaner than specifying sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0])
    for(int* it = arr; it != arr + N; ++it)
    { /* do stuff */ }
    return arr;

Except, that looks butt ugly, and super hard to read. I now use something to help with that which wasn't around in 2010, which I also use for function pointers:

template <typename T>
using type_t = T;

template <size_t N>
type_t<int(&)[N]> fillarr(type_t<int(&)[N]> arr)
    // N is easier and cleaner than specifying sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0])
    for(int* it = arr; it != arr + N; ++it)
    { /* do stuff */ }
    return arr;

This moves the type where one would expect it to be, making this far more readable. Of course, using a template is superfluous if you are not going to use anything but 5 elements, so you can of course hard code it:

type_t<int(&)[5]> fillarr(type_t<int(&)[5]> arr)
    // Prefer using the compiler to figure out how many elements there are
    // as it reduces the number of locations where you have to change if needed.
    for(int* it = arr; it != arr + sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]); ++it)
    { /* do stuff */ }
    return arr;

As I said, my type_t<> trick wouldn't have worked at the time this question was asked. The best you could have hoped for back then was to use a type in a struct:

template<typename T>
struct type
  typedef T type;

typename type<int(&)[5]>::type fillarr(typename type<int(&)[5]>::type arr)
    // Prefer using the compiler to figure out how many elements there are
    // as it reduces the number of locations where you have to change if needed.
    for(int* it = arr; it != arr + sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]); ++it)
    { /* do stuff */ }
    return arr;

Which starts to look pretty ugly again, but at least is still more readable, though the typename may have been optional back then depending on the compiler, resulting in:

type<int(&)[5]>::type fillarr(type<int(&)[5]>::type arr)
    // Prefer using the compiler to figure out how many elements there are
    // as it reduces the number of locations where you have to change if needed.
    for(int* it = arr; it != arr + sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]); ++it)
    { /* do stuff */ }
    return arr;

And then of course you could have specified a specific type, rather than using my helper.

typedef int(&array5)[5];

array5 fillarr(array5 arr)
    // Prefer using the compiler to figure out how many elements there are
    // as it reduces the number of locations where you have to change if needed.
    for(int* it = arr; it != arr + sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]); ++it)
    { /* do stuff */ }
    return arr;

Back then, the free functions std::begin() and std::end() didn't exist, though could have been easily implemented. This would have allowed iterating over the array in a safer manner as they make sense on a C array, but not a pointer.

As for accessing the array, you could either pass it to another function that takes the same parameter type, or make an alias to it (which wouldn't make much sense as you already have the original in that scope). Accessing a array reference is just like accessing the original array.

void other_function(type_t<int(&)[5]> x) { /* do something else */ }

void fn()
    int array[5];


void fn()
    int array[5];
    auto& array2 = fillarr(array); // alias. But why bother.
    int forth_entry = array[4];
    int forth_entry2 = array2[4]; // same value as forth_entry

To summarize, it is best to not allow an array decay into a pointer if you intend to iterate over it. It is just a bad idea as it keeps the compiler from protecting you from shooting yourself in the foot and makes your code harder to read. Always try and help the compiler help you by keeping the types as long as possible unless you have a very good reason not to do so.


Oh, and for completeness, you can allow it to degrade to a pointer, but this decouples the array from the number of elements it holds. This is done a lot in C/C++ and is usually mitigated by passing the number of elements in the array. However, the compiler can't help you if you make a mistake and pass in the wrong value to the number of elements.

// separate size value
int* fillarr(int* arr, size_t size)
    for(int* it = arr; it != arr + size; ++it)
    { /* do stuff */ }
    return arr;

Instead of passing the size, you can pass the end pointer, which will point to one past the end of your array. This is useful as it makes for something that is closer to the std algorithms, which take a begin and and end pointer, but what you return is now only something that you must remember.

// separate end pointer
int* fillarr(int* arr, int* end)
    for(int* it = arr; it != end; ++it)
    { /* do stuff */ }
    return arr;

Alternatively, you can document that this function will only take 5 elements and hope that the user of your function doesn't do anything stupid.

// I document that this function will ONLY take 5 elements and 
// return the same array of 5 elements.  If you pass in anything
// else, may nazal demons exit thine nose!
int* fillarr(int* arr)
    for(int* it = arr; it != arr + 5; ++it)
    { /* do stuff */ }
    return arr;

Note that the return value has lost it's original type and is degraded to a pointer. Because of this, you are now on your own to ensure that you are not going to overrun the array.

You could pass a std::pair<int*, int*>, which you can use for begin and end and pass that around, but then it really stops looking like an array.

std::pair<int*, int*> fillarr(std::pair<int*, int*> arr)
    for(int* it = arr.first; it != arr.second; ++it)
    { /* do stuff */ }
    return arr; // if you change arr, then return the original arr value.

void fn()
    int array[5];
    auto array2 = fillarr(std::make_pair(&array[0], &array[5]));

    // Can be done, but you have the original array in scope, so why bother.
    int fourth_element = array2.first[4];


void other_function(std::pair<int*, int*> array)
    // Can be done, but you have the original array in scope, so why bother.
    int fourth_element = array2.first[4];

void fn()
    int array[5];
    other_function(fillarr(std::make_pair(&array[0], &array[5])));

Funny enough, this is very similar to how std::initializer_list work (c++11), but they don't work in this context.

C# guid and SQL uniqueidentifier

You can pass a C# Guid value directly to a SQL Stored Procedure by specifying SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier.

Your method may look like this (provided that your only parameter is the Guid):

public static void StoreGuid(Guid guid)
    using (var cnx = new SqlConnection("YourDataBaseConnectionString"))
    using (var cmd = new SqlCommand {
        Connection = cnx,
        CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure,
        CommandText = "StoreGuid",
        Parameters = {
            new SqlParameter {
                ParameterName = "@guid",
                SqlDbType = SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier, // right here
                Value = guid

See also: SQL Server's uniqueidentifier

How can I use JQuery to post JSON data?

You're passing an object, not a JSON string. When you pass an object, jQuery uses $.param to serialize the object into name-value pairs.

If you pass the data as a string, it won't be serialized:

    type: 'POST',
    url: '/form/',
    data: '{"name":"jonas"}', // or JSON.stringify ({name: 'jonas'}),
    success: function(data) { alert('data: ' + data); },
    contentType: "application/json",
    dataType: 'json'

How do I move files in node.js?

I would separate all involved functions (i.e. rename, copy, unlink) from each other to gain flexibility and promisify everything, of course:

const renameFile = (path, newPath) => 
  new Promise((res, rej) => {
    fs.rename(path, newPath, (err, data) =>
        ? rej(err)
        : res(data));

const copyFile = (path, newPath, flags) =>
  new Promise((res, rej) => {
    const readStream = fs.createReadStream(path),
      writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(newPath, {flags});

    readStream.on("error", rej);
    writeStream.on("error", rej);
    writeStream.on("finish", res);

const unlinkFile = path => 
  new Promise((res, rej) => {
    fs.unlink(path, (err, data) =>
        ? rej(err)
        : res(data));

const moveFile = (path, newPath, flags) =>
  renameFile(path, newPath)
    .catch(e => {
      if (e.code !== "EXDEV")
        throw new e;

        return copyFile(path, newPath, flags)
          .then(() => unlinkFile(path));

moveFile is just a convenience function and we can apply the functions separately, when, for example, we need finer grained exception handling.

How to call Makefile from another Makefile?

Instead of the -f of make you might want to use the -C <path> option. This first changes the to the path '<path>', and then calles make there.


  rm -f ./*~ ./gmon.out ./core $(SRC_DIR)/*~ $(OBJ_DIR)/*.o
  rm -f ../svn-commit.tmp~
  rm -f $(BIN_DIR)/$(PROJECT)
  $(MAKE) -C gtest-1.4.0/make clean

Can't get value of input type="file"?

You can get it by using document.getElementById();

var fileVal=document.getElementById("some Id");

will give the value of file,but it gives with fakepath as follows


How do you performance test JavaScript code?

Here is a reusable class for time performance. Example is included in code:

     Help track time lapse - tells you the time difference between each "check()" and since the "start()"

var TimeCapture = function () {
    var start = new Date().getTime();
    var last = start;
    var now = start;
    this.start = function () {
        start = new Date().getTime();
    this.check = function (message) {
        now = (new Date().getTime());
        console.log(message, 'START:', now - start, 'LAST:', now - last);
        last = now;

var time = new TimeCapture();
//begin tracking time
// stuff
time.check('say something here')//look at your console for output
// more stuff
time.check('say something else')//look at your console for output
// more stuff
time.check('say something else one more time')//look at your console for output

How to find a text inside SQL Server procedures / triggers?


AngularJS check if form is valid in controller

Here is another solution

Set a hidden scope variable in your html then you can use it from your controller:

<span style="display:none" >{{ formValid = myForm.$valid}}</span>

Here is the full working example:

angular.module('App', [])_x000D_
.controller('myController', function($scope) {_x000D_
  $scope.userType = 'guest';_x000D_
  $scope.formValid = false;_x000D_'Ctrl init, no form.');_x000D_
  $scope.$watch('myForm', function() {_x000D_'myForm watch');_x000D_
  $scope.isFormValid = function() {_x000D_
    //test the new scope variable_x000D_
    console.log('form valid?: ', $scope.formValid);_x000D_
<!doctype html>_x000D_
<html ng-app="App">_x000D_
 <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>_x000D_
<form name="myForm" ng-controller="myController">_x000D_
  userType: <input name="input" ng-model="userType" required>_x000D_
  <span class="error" ng-show="myForm.input.$error.required">Required!</span><br>_x000D_
  <tt>userType = {{userType}}</tt><br>_x000D_
  <tt>myForm.input.$valid = {{myForm.input.$valid}}</tt><br>_x000D_
  <tt>myForm.input.$error = {{myForm.input.$error}}</tt><br>_x000D_
  <tt>myForm.$valid = {{myForm.$valid}}</tt><br>_x000D_
  <tt>myForm.$error.required = {{!!myForm.$error.required}}</tt><br>_x000D_
  /*-- Hidden Variable formValid to use in your controller --*/_x000D_
  <span style="display:none" >{{ formValid = myForm.$valid}}</span>_x000D_
  <button ng-click="isFormValid()">Check Valid</button>_x000D_

Pushing empty commits to remote

pushing commits, whether empty or not, causes eventual git hooks to be triggered. This can do either nothing or have world shattering consequences.

How to build a query string for a URL in C#?

This is another (maybe redundant :-]) way for do that.

The conceptuals are the same of the Vedran answer in this page (take a look here).

But this class is more efficient, because it iterate through all Keys only one time: when ToString is invoked.

The formatting code is also semplified and improved.

Hope that could be helpful.

public sealed class QueryStringBuilder
    public QueryStringBuilder()
        this.inner = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(string.Empty);

    public QueryStringBuilder(string queryString)
        this.inner = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(queryString);

    public QueryStringBuilder(string queryString, Encoding encoding)
        this.inner = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(queryString, encoding);

    private readonly NameValueCollection inner;

    public QueryStringBuilder AddKey(string key, string value)
        this.inner.Add(key, value);
        return this;

    public QueryStringBuilder RemoveKey(string key)
        return this;

    public QueryStringBuilder Clear()
        return this;

    public override String ToString()
        if (this.inner.Count == 0)
            return string.Empty;

        var builder = new StringBuilder();

        for (int i = 0; i < this.inner.Count; i++)
            if (builder.Length > 0)

            var key = this.inner.GetKey(i);
            var values = this.inner.GetValues(i);

            if (key == null || values == null || values.Length == 0)

            for (int j = 0; j < values.Length; j++)
                if (j > 0)


        return builder.ToString();

How can I convert an Int to a CString?

Here's one way:

CString str;
str.Format("%d", 5);

In your case, try _T("%d") or L"%d" rather than "%d"

Changing the current working directory in Java?

The working directory is a operating system feature (set when the process starts). Why don't you just pass your own System property (-Dsomeprop=/my/path) and use that in your code as the parent of your File:

File f = new File ( System.getProperty("someprop"), myFilename)

Parse strings to double with comma and point

Extension to parse decimal number from string.

  • No matter number will be on the beginning, in the end, or in the middle of a string.
  • No matter if there will be only number or lot of "garbage" letters.
  • No matter what is delimiter configured in the cultural settings on the PC: it will parse dot and comma both correctly.
  • Ability to set decimal symbol manually.

    public static class StringExtension
        public static double DoubleParseAdvanced(this string strToParse, char decimalSymbol = ',')
            string tmp = Regex.Match(strToParse, @"([-]?[0-9]+)([\s])?([0-9]+)?[." + decimalSymbol + "]?([0-9 ]+)?([0-9]+)?").Value;
            if (tmp.Length > 0 && strToParse.Contains(tmp))
                var currDecSeparator = System.Windows.Forms.Application.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator;
                tmp = tmp.Replace(".", currDecSeparator).Replace(decimalSymbol.ToString(), currDecSeparator);
                return double.Parse(tmp);
            return 0;

How to use:

"It's 4.45 O'clock now".DoubleParseAdvanced(); // will return 4.45
"It's 4,45 O'clock now".DoubleParseAdvanced(); // will return 4.45
"It's 4:45 O'clock now".DoubleParseAdvanced(':'); // will return 4.45

Show two digits after decimal point in c++

The easiest way to do this, is using cstdio's printf. Actually, i'm surprised that anyone mentioned printf! anyway, you need to include the library, like this...


int main() {
    double total;
    printf("%.2f\n", total);

This will print the value of "total" (that's what %, and then ,total does) with 2 floating points (that's what .2f does). And the \n at the end, is just the end of line, and this works with UVa's judge online compiler options, that is:

g++ -lm -lcrypt -O2 -pipe -DONLINE_JUDGE filename.cpp

the code you are trying to run will not run with this compiler options...

Print range of numbers on same line

Another single-line Python 3 option but with explicit separator:

print(*range(1,11), sep=' ')

How to set value to variable using 'execute' in t-sql?

A slight change in the execute query will solve the problem:

DECLARE @dbName nvarchar(128) = 'myDb'
DECLARE @siteId int 
exec ('SELECT TOP 1 **''@siteId''** = Id FROM ' + @dbName + '..myTbl')  
select @siteId

tr:hover not working

You need to use <!DOCTYPE html> for :hover to work with anything other than the <a> tag. Try adding that to the top of your HTML.

What is the facade design pattern?

Its simply creating a wrapper to call multiple methods . You have an A class with method x() and y() and B class with method k() and z(). You want to call x, y, z at once , to do that using Facade pattern you just create a Facade class and create a method lets say xyz(). Instead of calling each method (x,y and z) individually you just call the wrapper method (xyz()) of the facade class which calls those methods .

Similar pattern is repository but it s mainly for the data access layer.

How to display line numbers in 'less' (GNU)

From the manual:

-N or --LINE-NUMBERS Causes a line number to be displayed at the beginning of each line in the display.

You can also toggle line numbers without quitting less by typing -N.

It is possible to toggle any of less's command line options in this way.

Using grep to search for hex strings in a file

There's also a pretty handy tool called binwalk, written in python, which provides for binary pattern matching (and quite a lot more besides). Here's how you would search for a binary string, which outputs the offset in decimal and hex (from the docs):

$ binwalk -R "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04" firmware.bin
377654      0x5C336     Raw string signature

Python check if website exists

Try this one::

import urllib2  
    response = urllib2.urlopen(website)  
    if response.code==200:  
        print("site exists!")  
        print("site doesn't exists!")  
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:  
except urllib2.URLError, e:  

How to setup Tomcat server in Netbeans?

If TomCat is install. Perhaps it is not installed Java EE. Services-> plug-ins-> additional plug-ins-> in the search dial tomcat. and install the module java ee. then in the services, servers, add the tomcat server.

How to put php inside JavaScript?

you need quotes around the string in javascript

var htmlString="<?php echo $htmlString; ?>";

Getting all request parameters in Symfony 2

You can do $this->getRequest()->query->all(); to get all GET params and $this->getRequest()->request->all(); to get all POST params.

So in your case:

$params = $this->getRequest()->request->all();

For more info about the Request class, see

Scala best way of turning a Collection into a Map-by-key?

Scala 2.13+

instead of "breakOut" => (t.getP, t)).to(Mat)

Scroll to "View":

Wait for all promises to resolve

Recently had this problem but with unkown number of promises.Solved using

function methodThatChainsPromises(args) {

    //var args = [
    //    'myArg1',
    //    'myArg2',
    //    'myArg3',

    var deferred = $q.defer();
    var chain =;

    .then(function () {
        $log.debug('All promises have been resolved.');
    .catch(function () {
        $log.debug('One or more promises failed.');

    return deferred.promise;

How do I make a checkbox required on an ASP.NET form?

Scott's answer will work for classes of checkboxes. If you want individual checkboxes, you have to be a little sneakier. If you're just doing one box, it's better to do it with IDs. This example does it by specific check boxes and doesn't require jQuery. It's also a nice little example of how you can get those pesky control IDs into your Javascript.

The .ascx:

<script type="text/javascript">

    function checkAgreement(source, args)
        var elem = document.getElementById('<%= chkAgree.ClientID %>');
        if (elem.checked)
            args.IsValid = true;
            args.IsValid = false;

    function checkAge(source, args)
        var elem = document.getElementById('<%= chkAge.ClientID %>');
        if (elem.checked)
            args.IsValid = true;
            args.IsValid = false;


<asp:CheckBox ID="chkAgree" runat="server" />
<asp:Label AssociatedControlID="chkAgree" runat="server">I agree to the</asp:Label>
<asp:HyperLink ID="lnkTerms" runat="server">Terms & Conditions</asp:HyperLink>
<asp:Label AssociatedControlID="chkAgree" runat="server">.</asp:Label>
<br />

<asp:CustomValidator ID="chkAgreeValidator" runat="server" Display="Dynamic"
    You must agree to the terms and conditions.

<asp:CheckBox ID="chkAge" runat="server" />
<asp:Label AssociatedControlID="chkAge" runat="server">I certify that I am at least 18 years of age.</asp:Label>        
<asp:CustomValidator ID="chkAgeValidator" runat="server" Display="Dynamic"
    You must be 18 years or older to continue.

And the codebehind:

Protected Sub chkAgreeValidator_ServerValidate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ServerValidateEventArgs) _
Handles chkAgreeValidator.ServerValidate
    e.IsValid = chkAgree.Checked
End Sub

Protected Sub chkAgeValidator_ServerValidate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ServerValidateEventArgs) _
Handles chkAgeValidator.ServerValidate
    e.IsValid = chkAge.Checked
End Sub

Declaring and initializing a string array in VB.NET

Array initializer support for type inference were changed in Visual Basic 10 vs Visual Basic 9.

In previous version of VB it was required to put empty parens to signify an array. Also, it would define the array as object array unless otherwise was stated:

' Integer array
Dim i as Integer() = {1, 2, 3, 4} 

' Object array
Dim o() = {1, 2, 3} 

Check more info:

Visual Basic 2010 Breaking Changes

Collection and Array Initializers in Visual Basic 2010

ThreeJS: Remove object from scene

I started to save this as a function, and call it as needed for whatever reactions require it:

function Remove(){
    while(scene.children.length > 0){ 

Now you can call the Remove(); function where appropriate.

Laravel - Route::resource vs Route::controller

For route controller method we have to define only one route. In get or post method we have to define the route separately.

And the resources method is used to creates multiple routes to handle a variety of Restful actions.

Here the Laravel documentation about this.

CSS full screen div with text in the middle

text-align: center will center it horizontally as for vertically put it in a span and give it a css of margin:auto 0; (you will probably also have to give the span a display: block property)

How do I get the list of keys in a Dictionary?

For a hybrid dictionary, I use this:

List<string> keys = new List<string>(dictionary.Count);

How do I get this javascript to run every second?

Use setInterval() to run a piece of code every x milliseconds.

You can wrap the code you want to run every second in a function called runFunction.

So it would be:

var t=setInterval(runFunction,1000);

And to stop it, you can run:


Javascript onload not working

Try this one:

<body onload="imageRefreshBig();">

Also you might want to check Javascript console for errors (in Chrome it's under Shift + Ctrl + J).

Django Server Error: port is already in use

We don't use this command { sudo lsof -t -i tcp:8000 | xargs kill -9 } Because it's close all tabs...You should use to

ps -ef | grep python

kill -9 process_id

ps -ef | grep python (show all process with id)

kill -9 11633 (11633 is a process id to :- /bin/python runserver)

Get the selected value in a dropdown using jQuery.


jQuery("#availability option:selected").val();

Or to get the text of the option, use text():

jQuery("#availability option:selected").text();

More Info:

set environment variable in python script

Compact solution (provided you don't need other environment variables):

call('sqsub -np {} /homedir/anotherdir/executable'.format(var1).split(),

Using the env command line tool:

call('env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=my_path sqsub -np {} /homedir/anotherdir/executable'.format(var1).split())

Unsuccessful append to an empty NumPy array

I might understand the question incorrectly, but if you want to declare an array of a certain shape but with nothing inside, the following might be helpful:

Initialise empty array:

>>> a = np.zeros((0,3)) #or np.empty((0,3)) or np.array([]).reshape(0,3)
>>> a
array([], shape=(0, 3), dtype=float64)

Now you can use this array to append rows of similar shape to it. Remember that a numpy array is immutable, so a new array is created for each iteration:

>>> for i in range(3):
...     a = np.vstack([a, [i,i,i]])
>>> a
array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 1.,  1.,  1.],
       [ 2.,  2.,  2.]])

np.vstack and np.hstack is the most common method for combining numpy arrays, but coming from Matlab I prefer np.r_ and np.c_:

Concatenate 1d:

>>> a = np.zeros(0)
>>> for i in range(3):
...     a = np.r_[a, [i, i, i]]
>>> a
array([ 0.,  0.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  2.,  2.,  2.])

Concatenate rows:

>>> a = np.zeros((0,3))
>>> for i in range(3):
...     a = np.r_[a, [[i,i,i]]]
>>> a
array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 1.,  1.,  1.],
       [ 2.,  2.,  2.]])

Concatenate columns:

>>> a = np.zeros((3,0))
>>> for i in range(3):
...     a = np.c_[a, [[i],[i],[i]]]
>>> a
array([[ 0.,  1.,  2.],
       [ 0.,  1.,  2.],
       [ 0.,  1.,  2.]])

Change header text of columns in a GridView

I Think this Works:


How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file?

 1. How can I completely avoid reverse engineering of an Android APK? Is this possible?

This isn't possible

 2. How can I protect all the app's resources, assets and source code so that hackers can't hack the APK file in any way?

When somebody change a .apk extension to .zip, then after unzipping, someone can easily get all resources (except Manifest.xml), but with APKtool one can get the real content of the manifest file too. Again, a no.

 3. Is there a way to make hacking more tough or even impossible? What more can I do to protect the source code in my APK file?

Again, no, but you can prevent upto some level, that is,

  • Download a resource from the Web and do some encryption process
  • Use a pre-compiled native library (C, C++, JNI, NDK)
  • Always perform some hashing (MD5/SHA keys or any other logic)

Even with Smali, people can play with your code. All in all, it's not POSSIBLE.

what is the use of Eval() in

While binding a databound control, you can evaluate a field of the row in your data source with eval() function.

For example you can add a column to your gridview like that :

<asp:BoundField DataField="YourFieldName" />

And alternatively, this is the way with eval :

        <asp:Label ID="lbl" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("YourFieldName") %>'>

It seems a little bit complex, but it's flexible, because you can set any property of the control with the eval() function :

        <asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server" 
          NavigateUrl='<%# "ShowDetails.aspx?id="+Eval("Id") %>' 
          Text='<%# Eval("Text", "{0}") %>'></asp:HyperLink>

MySql: is it possible to 'SUM IF' or to 'COUNT IF'?

You can also use SUM + IF which is shorter than SUM + CASE:

    , SUM(IF(kind=1, 1, 0)) AS countKindOne
    , SUM(CASE WHEN kind=2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS countKindTwo

Operation Not Permitted when on root - El Capitan (rootless disabled)

If after calling "csrutil disabled" still your command does not work, try with "sudo" in terminal, for example:

sudo mv geckodriver /usr/local/bin

And it should work.

How to store a byte array in Javascript

I wanted a more exact and useful answer to this question. Here's the real answer (adjust accordingly if you want a byte array specifically; obviously the math will be off by a factor of 8 bits : 1 byte):

class BitArray {
  constructor(bits = 0) {
    this.uints = new Uint32Array(~~(bits / 32));

  getBit(bit) {
    return (this.uints[~~(bit / 32)] & (1 << (bit % 32))) != 0 ? 1 : 0;

  assignBit(bit, value) {
    if (value) {
      this.uints[~~(bit / 32)] |= (1 << (bit % 32));
    } else {
      this.uints[~~(bit / 32)] &= ~(1 << (bit % 32));

  get size() {
    return this.uints.length * 32;

  static bitsToUints(bits) {
    return ~~(bits / 32);


let bits = new BitArray(500);
for (let uint = 0; uint < bits.uints.length; ++uint) {
  bits.uints[uint] = 457345834;
for (let bit = 0; bit < 50; ++bit) {
  bits.assignBit(bit, 1);
str = '';
for (let bit = bits.size - 1; bit >= 0; --bit) {
  str += bits.getBit(bit);



Note: This class is really slow to e.g. assign bits (i.e. ~2s per 10 million assignments) if it's created as a global variable, at least in the Firefox 76.0 Console on Linux... If, on the other hand, it's created as a variable (i.e. let bits = new BitArray(1e7);), then it's blazingly fast (i.e. ~300ms per 10 million assignments)!

For more info, see here:

Note that I used Uint32Array because there's no way to directly have a bit/byte array (that you can interact with directly) and because even though there's a BigUint64Array, JS only supports 32 bits:

Bitwise operators treat their operands as a sequence of 32 bits


The operands of all bitwise operators are converted to...32-bit integers

What is the standard Python docstring format?

I suggest using Vladimir Keleshev's pep257 Python program to check your docstrings against PEP-257 and the Numpy Docstring Standard for describing parameters, returns, etc.

pep257 will report divergence you make from the standard and is called like pylint and pep8.

Create a GUID in Java

Just to extend Mark Byers's answer with an example:

import java.util.UUID;

public class RandomStringUUID {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
        System.out.println("UUID=" + uuid.toString() );

How to prevent page from reloading after form submit - JQuery

The <button> element, when placed in a form, will submit the form automatically unless otherwise specified. You can use the following 2 strategies:

  1. Use <button type="button"> to override default submission behavior
  2. Use event.preventDefault() in the onSubmit event to prevent form submission

Solution 1:

  • Advantage: simple change to markup
  • Disadvantage: subverts default form behavior, especially when JS is disabled. What if the user wants to hit "enter" to submit?

Insert extra type attribute to your button markup:

<button id="button" type="button" value="send" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>

Solution 2:

  • Advantage: form will work even when JS is disabled, and respects standard form UI/UX such that at least one button is used for submission

Prevent default form submission when button is clicked. Note that this is not the ideal solution because you should be in fact listening to the submit event, not the button click event:

$(document).ready(function () {
  // Listen to click event on the submit button
  $('#button').click(function (e) {


    var name = $("#name").val();
    var email = $("#email").val();

    $.post("process.php", {
      name: name,
      email: email
    }).complete(function() {

Better variant:

In this improvement, we listen to the submit event emitted from the <form> element:

$(document).ready(function () {
  // Listen to submit event on the <form> itself!
  $('#main').submit(function (e) {


    var name = $("#name").val();
    var email = $("#email").val();

    $.post("process.php", {
      name: name,
      email: email
    }).complete(function() {

Even better variant: use .serialize() to serialize your form, but remember to add name attributes to your input:

The name attribute is required for .serialize() to work, as per jQuery's documentation:

For a form element's value to be included in the serialized string, the element must have a name attribute.

<input type="text" id="name" name="name" class="form-control mb-2 mr-sm-2 mb-sm-0" id="inlineFormInput" placeholder="Jane Doe">
<input type="text" id="email" name="email" class="form-control" id="inlineFormInputGroup" placeholder="[email protected]">

And then in your JS:

$(document).ready(function () {
  // Listen to submit event on the <form> itself!
  $('#main').submit(function (e) {

    // Prevent form submission which refreshes page

    // Serialize data
    var formData = $(this).serialize();

    // Make AJAX request
    $.post("process.php", formData).complete(function() {

Pass variables by reference in JavaScript

I like to solve the lack of by reference in JavaScript like this example shows.

The essence of this is that you don't try to create a by reference. You instead use the return functionality and make it able to return multiple values. So there isn't any need to insert your values in arrays or objects.

var x = "First";
var y = "Second";
var z = "Third";

log('Before call:',x,y,z);
with (myFunc(x, y, z)) {x = a; y = b; z = c;} // <-- Way to call it
log('After call :',x,y,z);

function myFunc(a, b, c) {
  a = "Changed first parameter";
  b = "Changed second parameter";
  c = "Changed third parameter";
  return {a:a, b:b, c:c}; // <-- Return multiple values

function log(txt,p1,p2,p3) {
  document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML += txt + '<br>' + p1 + '<br>' + p2 + '<br>' + p3 + '<br><br>'
<div id='msg'></div>

Add newline to VBA or Visual Basic 6

Use this code between two words:

& vbCrLf &

Using this, the next word displays on the next line.

How can I convert a string to a float in mysql?

It turns out I was just missing DECIMAL on the CAST() description:


Converts a value to DECIMAL data type. The optional arguments M and D specify the precision (M specifies the total number of digits) and the scale (D specifies the number of digits after the decimal point) of the decimal value. The default precision is two digits after the decimal point.

Thus, the following query worked:

latitude = CAST(old_latitude AS DECIMAL(10,6)),
longitude = CAST(old_longitude AS DECIMAL(10,6));