Programs & Examples On #Dsoframer

What is going wrong when Visual Studio tells me "xcopy exited with code 4"

I had a post build command that worked just fine before I did an update on VS 2017. It turned out that the SDK tools updated and were under a new path so it couldn't find the tool I was using to sign my assemblies.

This changed from this....

call "%VS140COMNTOOLS%vsvars32"
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.6 Tools\x64\sn.exe" -Ra "$(TargetPath)" "$(ProjectDir)Key.snk"

To This...

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.6.1 Tools\x64\sn.exe" -Ra "$(TargetPath)" "$(ProjectDir)Key.snk"

Very subtle but breaking change, so check your paths after an update if you see this error.

How to call URL action in MVC with javascript function?

I'm going to give you 2 way's to call an action from the client side


If you just want to navigate to an action you should call just use the follow

window.location = "/Home/Index/" + youid

Notes: that you action need to handle a get type called


If you need to render a View you could make the called by ajax

//this if you want get the html by get
public ActionResult Foo()
    return View(); //this return the render html   

And the client called like this "Assuming that you're using jquery"

$.get('your controller path', parameters to the controler , function callback)


    type: "GET",
    url: "your controller path",
    data: parameters to the controler
    dataType: "html",
    success: your function


$('your selector').load('your controller path') 


In your ajax called make this change to pass the data to the action

function onDropDownChange(e) {
var url = '/Home/Index' 
        type: "GET",
        url: url,
        data: { id = e.value}, <--sending the values to the server
        dataType: "html",
        success : function (data) {
            //put your code here


You cannot do this in your callback 'windows.location ' if you want it's go render a view, you need to put a div in your view and do something like this

in the view where you are that have the combo in some place

<div id="theNewView"> </div> <---you're going to load the other view here

in the javascript client

        type: "GET",
        url: url,
        data: { id = e.value}, <--sending the values to the server
        dataType: "html",
        success : function (data) {

With this i think that you solve your problem

jQuery Event : Detect changes to the html/text of a div

There is no inbuilt solution to this problem, this is a problem with your design and coding pattern.

You can use publisher/subscriber pattern. For this you can use jQuery custom events or your own event mechanism.


function changeHtml(selector, html) {
    var elem = $(selector);
    jQuery.event.trigger('htmlchanging', { elements: elem, content: { current: elem.html(), pending: html} });
    jQuery.event.trigger('htmlchanged', { elements: elem, content: html });

Now you can subscribe divhtmlchanging/divhtmlchanged events as follow,

$(document).bind('htmlchanging', function (e, data) {
    //your before changing html, logic goes here

$(document).bind('htmlchanged', function (e, data) {
    //your after changed html, logic goes here

Now, you have to change your div content changes through this changeHtml() function. So, you can monitor or can do necessary changes accordingly because bind callback data argument containing the information.

You have to change your div's html like this;

changeHtml('#mydiv', '<p>test content</p>');

And also, you can use this for any html element(s) except input element. Anyway you can modify this to use with any element(s).

Angular ng-if not true

use this

ng-if="area == false"


ng-if="area == true"

this may help someone

Ruby on Rails generates model field:type - what are the options for field:type?

To create a model that references another, use the Ruby on Rails model generator:

$ rails g model wheel car:references

That produces app/models/wheel.rb:

class Wheel < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :car

And adds the following migration:

class CreateWheels < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def self.up
    create_table :wheels do |t|
      t.references :car


  def self.down
    drop_table :wheels

When you run the migration, the following will end up in your db/schema.rb:

$ rake db:migrate

create_table "wheels", :force => true do |t|
  t.integer  "car_id"
  t.datetime "created_at"
  t.datetime "updated_at"

As for documentation, a starting point for rails generators is Ruby on Rails: A Guide to The Rails Command Line which points you to API Documentation for more about available field types.

PostgreSQL return result set as JSON array?

Also if you want selected field from table and aggregated then as array .

SELECT json_agg(json_build_object('data_a',a,
))  from t;

The result will come .


How to use JavaScript with Selenium WebDriver Java

You can also try clicking by JavaScript:

WebElement button = driver.findElement("someid"));
JavascriptExecutor jse = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
jse.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", button);

Also you can use jquery. In worst cases, for stubborn pages it may be necessary to do clicks by custom EXE application. But try the obvious solutions first.

Printing Mongo query output to a file while in the mongo shell

It may be useful to you to simply increase the number of results that get displayed

In the mongo shell > DBQuery.shellBatchSize = 3000

and then you can select all the results out of the terminal in one go and paste into a text file.

It is what I am going to do :)

(from :

How to place a div on the right side with absolute position

yourbox {
   position: absolute;
   left: 100%;
   top: 0;

left:100%; is the important issue here!

Get drop down value

Like this:

$dd = document.getElementById("yourselectelementid");
$so = $dd.options[$dd.selectedIndex];

Padding zeros to the left in postgreSQL

The to_char() function is there to format numbers:

select to_char(column_1, 'fm000') as column_2
from some_table;

The fm prefix ("fill mode") avoids leading spaces in the resulting varchar. The 000 simply defines the number of digits you want to have.

psql (9.3.5)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=> with sample_numbers (nr) as (
postgres(>     values (1),(11),(100)
postgres(> )
postgres-> select to_char(nr, 'fm000')
postgres-> from sample_numbers;
(3 rows)


For more details on the format picture, please see the manual:

Check if element is visible on screen

Could you use jQuery, since it's cross-browser compatible?

function isOnScreen(element)
    var curPos = element.offset();
    var curTop =;
    var screenHeight = $(window).height();
    return (curTop > screenHeight) ? false : true;

And then call the function using something like:

if(isOnScreen($('#myDivId'))) { /* Code here... */ };

How to get current memory usage in android?

Linux's memory management philosophy is "Free memory is wasted memory".

I assume that the next two lines will show how much memory is in "Buffers" and how much is "Cached". While there is a difference between the two (please don't ask what that difference is :) they both roughly add up to the amount of memory used to cache file data and metadata.

A far more useful guide to free memory on a Linux system is the free(1) command; on my desktop, it reports information like this:

$ free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          5980       1055       4924          0         91        374
-/+ buffers/cache:        589       5391
Swap:         6347          0       6347

The +/- buffers/cache: line is the magic line, it reports that I've really got around 589 megs of actively required process memory, and around 5391 megs of 'free' memory, in the sense that the 91+374 megabytes of buffers/cached memory can be thrown away if the memory could be more profitably used elsewhere.

(My machine has been up for about three hours, doing nearly nothing but stackoverflow, which is why I have so much free memory.)

If Android doesn't ship with free(1), you can do the math yourself with the /proc/meminfo file; I just like the free(1) output format. :)

In React Native, how do I put a view on top of another view, with part of it lying outside the bounds of the view behind?

You can use elevation property for Android if you don't mind the shadow.


Align an element to bottom with flexbox

When setting your display to flex, you could simply use the flex property to mark which content can grow and which content cannot.

Flex property

div.content {_x000D_
 height: 300px;_x000D_
 display: flex;_x000D_
 flex-direction: column;_x000D_
div.up {_x000D_
  flex: 1;_x000D_
div.down {_x000D_
  flex: none;_x000D_
<div class="content">_x000D_
  <div class="up">_x000D_
    <h1>heading 1</h1>_x000D_
    <h2>heading 2</h2>_x000D_
    <p>Some more or less text</p>_x000D_
  <div class="down">_x000D_
    <a href="/" class="button">Click me</a>_x000D_

Cannot uninstall angular-cli

I could not get the angular-cli to go away. I FINALLY figured out a way to find it on my windows machine. If you have Cygwin installed or you are running linux or mac you can run which ng and it will give you the directory the command is running from. In my case it was running from /c/Users/myuser/AppData/Roaming/npm/ng

What does auto do in margin:0 auto?

From the CSS specification on Calculating widths and margins for Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow:

If both 'margin-left' and 'margin-right' are 'auto', their used values are equal. This horizontally centers the element with respect to the edges of the containing block.

Regular expression to detect semi-colon terminated C++ for & while loops

This is the kind of thing you really shouldn't do with a regular expression. Just parse the string one character at a time, keeping track of opening/closing parentheses.

If this is all you're looking for, you definitely don't need a full-blown C++ grammar lexer/parser. If you want practice, you can write a little recursive-decent parser, but even that's a bit much for just matching parentheses.

How to convert Base64 String to javascript file object like as from file input form?

Heads up,


   function readMtlAtClient(){

       mtlFileContent = '';

       var mtlFile = document.getElementById('mtlFileInput').files[0];
       var readerMTL = new FileReader();

       // Closure to capture the file information.
       readerMTL.onload = (function(reader) {
           return function() {
               mtlFileContent = reader.result;
               mtlFileContent = mtlFileContent.replace('data:;base64,', '');
               mtlFileContent = window.atob(mtlFileContent);




    <input class="FullWidth" type="file" name="mtlFileInput" value="" id="mtlFileInput" 
onchange="readMtlAtClient()" accept=".mtl"/>

Then mtlFileContent has your text as a decoded string !

C# Connecting Through Proxy

Try this code. Call it before making any http requests. The code will use the proxy from your Internet Explorer Settings - one thing though, I use proxy.Credentials = .... because my proxy server is an NTLM authenticated Internet Acceleration Server. Give it a whizz.

static void setProxy()
    WebProxy proxy = (WebProxy)WebProxy.GetDefaultProxy();
    if(proxy.Address != null)
        proxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
        WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy = new System.Net.WebProxy(proxy.Address, proxy.BypassProxyOnLocal, proxy.BypassList, proxy.Credentials);

How to "properly" print a list?

Here's an interactive session showing some of the steps in @TokenMacGuy's one-liner. First he uses the map function to convert each item in the list to a string (actually, he's making a new list, not converting the items in the old list). Then he's using the string method join to combine those strings with ', ' between them. The rest is just string formatting, which is pretty straightforward. (Edit: this instance is straightforward; string formatting in general can be somewhat complex.)

Note that using join is a simple and efficient way to build up a string from several substrings, much more efficient than doing it by successively adding strings to strings, which involves a lot of copying behind the scenes.

>>> mylist = ['x', 3, 'b']
>>> m = map(str, mylist)
>>> m
['x', '3', 'b']
>>> j = ', '.join(m)
>>> j
'x, 3, b'

How do I disable "missing docstring" warnings at a file-level in Pylint?

Just put the following lines at the beginning of any file you want to disable these warnings for.

# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring
# pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring
# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

AngularJS accessing DOM elements inside directive template

I don't think there is a more "angular way" to select an element. See, for instance, the way they are achieving this goal in the last example of this old documentation page:

     template: '<div>' +
    '<div class="title">{{title}}</div>' +
    '<div class="body" ng-transclude></div>' +

    link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
        // Title element
        var title = angular.element(element.children()[0]),
        // ...

How to get Javascript Select box's selected text

If you want to get the value, you can use this code for a select element with the id="selectBox"

let myValue = document.querySelector("#selectBox").value;

If you want to get the text, you can use this code

var sel = document.getElementById("selectBox");
var text= sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].text;

Convert IQueryable<> type object to List<T> type?

Add the following:

using System.Linq

...and call ToList() on the IQueryable<>.

How to prepare a Unity project for git?

Since Unity 4.3 you also have to enable External option from preferences, so full setup process looks like:

  1. Enable External option in Unity ? Preferences ? Packages ? Repository
  2. Switch to Hidden Meta Files in Editor ? Project Settings ? Editor ? Version Control Mode
  3. Switch to Force Text in Editor ? Project Settings ? Editor ? Asset Serialization Mode
  4. Save scene and project from File menu

Note that the only folders you need to keep under source control are Assets and ProjectSettigns.

More information about keeping Unity Project under source control you can find in this post.

How to prevent line-break in a column of a table cell (not a single cell)?

Put non-breaking spaces in your text instead of normal spaces. On Ubuntu I do this with (Compose Key)-space-space.

What's the best way to cancel event propagation between nested ng-click calls?

In my case event.stopPropagation(); was making my page refresh each time I pressed on a link so I had to find another solution.

So what I did was to catch the event on the parent and block the trigger if it was actually coming from his child using

Here is the solution:

if (!angular.element($'some-unique-class-from-your-child')) ...

So basically your ng-click from your parent component works only if you clicked on the parent. If you clicked on the child it won't pass this condition and it won't continue it's flow.

What's the simplest way of detecting keyboard input in a script from the terminal?

This needs run as root: (Warning, this is a system-wide keylogger)


import signal
import keyboard
import time
import os

if not os.geteuid() == 0:
  print("This script needs to be run as root.")

def exitNice(signum, frame):
  global running 
  running = False

def keyEvent(e):
  global running
  if e.event_type == "up":
    print("Key up: " + str(
  if e.event_type == "down":
    print("Key down: " + str(
  if == "q":
    exitNice("", "")

running = True
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exitNice)

print("Press 'q' to quit")
fps = 1/24
while running:

Consider defining a bean of type 'package' in your configuration [Spring-Boot]

reminder that spring doesn't scan the world , it uses targeted scanning wich means everything under the package where springbootapplication is stored. therefore this error "Consider defining a bean of type 'package' in your configuration [Spring-Boot]" may appear because you have services interfaces in a different springbootapplication package .

Assign a login to a user created without login (SQL Server)

You have an orphaned user and this can't be remapped with ALTER USER (yet) becauses there is no login to map to. So, you need run CREATE LOGIN first.

If the database level user is

  • a Windows Login, the mapping will be fixed automatcially via the AD SID
  • a SQL Login, use "sid" from sys.database_principals for the SID option for the login


Edit, after comments and updates

The sid from sys.database_principals is for a Windows login.

So trying to create and re-map to a SQL Login will fail

Run this to get the Windows login

SELECT SUSER_SNAME(0x0105000000000009030000001139F53436663A4CA5B9D5D067A02390)

How do I set multipart in axios with react?

Here's how I do file upload in react using axios

import React from 'react'
import axios, { post } from 'axios';

class SimpleReactFileUpload extends React.Component {

  constructor(props) {
    this.state ={
    this.onFormSubmit = this.onFormSubmit.bind(this)
    this.onChange = this.onChange.bind(this)
    this.fileUpload = this.fileUpload.bind(this)

    e.preventDefault() // Stop form submit

  onChange(e) {

    const url = '';
    const formData = new FormData();
    const config = {
        headers: {
            'content-type': 'multipart/form-data'
    return  post(url, formData,config)

  render() {
    return (
      <form onSubmit={this.onFormSubmit}>
        <h1>File Upload</h1>
        <input type="file" onChange={this.onChange} />
        <button type="submit">Upload</button>

export default SimpleReactFileUpload


In Python, what happens when you import inside of a function?

Importing inside a function will effectively import the module once.. the first time the function is run.

It ought to import just as fast whether you import it at the top, or when the function is run. This isn't generally a good reason to import in a def. Pros? It won't be imported if the function isn't called.. This is actually a reasonable reason if your module only requires the user to have a certain module installed if they use specific functions of yours...

If that's not he reason you're doing this, it's almost certainly a yucky idea.

HttpServletRequest get JSON POST data

Normaly you can GET and POST parameters in a servlet the same way:


But only if the POST data is encoded as key-value pairs of content type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" like when you use a standard HTML form.

If you use a different encoding schema for your post data, as in your case when you post a json data stream, you need to use a custom decoder that can process the raw datastream from:

BufferedReader reader = request.getReader();

Json post processing example (uses org.json package )

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
  throws ServletException, IOException {

  StringBuffer jb = new StringBuffer();
  String line = null;
  try {
    BufferedReader reader = request.getReader();
    while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
  } catch (Exception e) { /*report an error*/ }

  try {
    JSONObject jsonObject =  HTTP.toJSONObject(jb.toString());
  } catch (JSONException e) {
    // crash and burn
    throw new IOException("Error parsing JSON request string");

  // Work with the data using methods like...
  // int someInt = jsonObject.getInt("intParamName");
  // String someString = jsonObject.getString("stringParamName");
  // JSONObject nestedObj = jsonObject.getJSONObject("nestedObjName");
  // JSONArray arr = jsonObject.getJSONArray("arrayParamName");
  // etc...

How to search for a part of a word with ElasticSearch

without changing your index mappings you could do a simple prefix query that will do partial searches like you are hoping for


  "query": { 
    "prefix" : { "name" : "Doe" }

How to show grep result with complete path or file name

For me

grep -b "searchsomething" *.log

worked as I wanted

How do you add CSS with Javascript?

Here's a sample template to help you get started

Requires 0 libraries and uses only javascript to inject both HTML and CSS.

The function was borrowed from the user @Husky above

Useful if you want to run a tampermonkey script and wanted to add a toggle overlay on a website (e.g. a note app for instance)

document.querySelector('body').innerHTML += '<div id="injection">Hello World</div>';_x000D_
function insertCss( code ) {_x000D_
    var style = document.createElement('style');_x000D_
    style.type = 'text/css';_x000D_
    if (style.styleSheet) {_x000D_
        // IE_x000D_
        style.styleSheet.cssText = code;_x000D_
    } else {_x000D_
        // Other browsers_x000D_
        style.innerHTML = code;_x000D_
    document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild( style );_x000D_
// Write the css as you normally would... but treat it as strings and concatenate for multilines_x000D_
  "#injection {color :red; font-size: 30px;}" +_x000D_
  "body {background-color: lightblue;}"_x000D_

Convert a JSON string to object in Java ME?

The simplest option is Jackson:

MyObject ob = new ObjectMapper().readValue(jsonString, MyObject.class);

There are other similarly simple to use libraries (Gson was already mentioned); but some choices are more laborious, like original org.json library, which requires you to create intermediate "JSONObject" even if you have no need for those.

Javascript negative number

function negative(n) {
  return n < 0;

Your regex should work fine for string numbers, but this is probably faster. (edited from comment in similar answer above, conversion with +n is not needed.)

How to cin to a vector

cin is delimited on space, so if you try to cin "1 2 3 4 5" into a single integer, your only going to be assigning 1 to the integer, a better option is to wrap your input and push_back in a loop, and have it test for a sentinel value, and on that sentinel value, call your write function. such as

int input;
cout << "Enter your numbers to be evaluated, and 10000 to quit: " << endl;
while(input != 10000) {
    cin >> input;

Auto-click button element on page load using jQuery

You can use that and adjust the time you want to launch 1= onload 2000= 2 sec

        alert('button clicked');
  // set time out 2 sec
    }, 2000);
<script src=""></script>
<div class="container">
<div class="col text-center">
<button id="click" class="btn btn-danger">Jquery Auto Click</button>

Automating running command on Linux from Windows using PuTTY

Try MtPutty, you can automate the ssh login in it. Its a great tool especially if you need to login to multiple servers many times. Try it here

Another tool worth trying is TeraTerm. Its really easy to use for the ssh automation stuff. You can get it here. But my favorite one is always MtPutty.

UINavigationBar custom back button without title

Target: customizing all back button on UINavigationBar to an white icon

Steps: 1. in "didFinishLaunchingWithOptions" method of AppDelete:

UIImage *backBtnIcon = [UIImage imageNamed:@"navBackBtn"];

    [UINavigationBar appearance].tintColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
    [UINavigationBar appearance].backIndicatorImage = backBtnIcon;
    [UINavigationBar appearance].backIndicatorTransitionMaskImage = backBtnIcon;

    UIImage *backButtonImage = [backBtnIcon resizableImageWithCapInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, backBtnIcon.size.width - 1, 0, 0)];
    [[UIBarButtonItem appearance] setBackButtonBackgroundImage:backButtonImage  forState:UIControlStateNormal barMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];

    [[UIBarButtonItem appearance] setBackButtonTitlePositionAdjustment:UIOffsetMake(0, -backButtonImage.size.height*2) forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];
} the viewDidLoad method of the common super ViewController class:

        UIBarButtonItem *backItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@""
        [self.navigationItem setBackBarButtonItem:backItem];
        //do nothing

How to start Fragment from an Activity

Another ViewGroup:

A fragment is a ViewGroup which can be shown in an Activity. But it needs a Container. The container can be any Layout (FragmeLayout, LinearLayout, etc. It does not matter).

enter image description here

Step 1:

Define Activity Layout:

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""

Step 2:

Define Fragment Layout:

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

Step 3:

Create Fragment class

public class LoginFragment extends Fragment {

    private Button login;
    private EditText username, password;

    public static LoginFragment getInstance(String username){
       Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
       bundle.putInt("USERNAME", username);
       LoginFragment fragment = new LoginFragment();
       return fragment;

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup parent, Bundle savedInstanceState){
       View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.login_fragment, parent, false);
       login = view.findViewById(;
       username = view.findViewById(;
       password = view.findViewById(;
       String name = getArguments().getInt("USERNAME");
       return view;


Step 4:

Add fragment in Activity

public class ActivityB extends AppCompatActivity{

   private Fragment currentFragment;

   protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


       currentFragment = LoginFragment.getInstance("Rohit");
                .add(, currentFragment, "LOGIN_TAG")


Demo Project:

This is code is very basic. If you want to learn more advanced topics in Fragment then you can check out these resources:

Woof - Learn the fragment right way
My Android Garage

Get the first element of an array


$first = array_slice($array, 0, 1);  
$val= $first[0];

By default, array_slice does not preserve keys, so we can safely use zero as the index.

Android error while retrieving information from server 'RPC:s-5:AEC-0' in Google Play?

There's no need to remove an account: I switched Google Play to a second Google account, installed an update, and switched back to my original account.

Though apparently, it's sufficient to just switch to a second Google Account, and switch back to the original account, no need to install an update.

top align in html table?

Some CSS :

table td, table td * {
    vertical-align: top;

How to check how many letters are in a string in java?

To answer your questions in a easy way:

    a) String.length();
    b) String.charAt(/* String index */);

What is an abstract class in PHP?

An abstract class is a class that is only partially implemented by the programmer. It may contain one or more abstract methods. An abstract method is simply a function definition that serves to tell the programmer that the method must be implemented in a child class.

There is good explanation of that here.

Return the most recent record from ElasticSearch index

I used @timestamp instead of _timestamp

    'size' : 1,
    'query': {
        'match_all' : {}
    "sort" : [{"@timestamp":{"order": "desc"}}]

android image button

You just use an ImageButton and make the background whatever you want and set the icon as the src.

    android:background="@drawable/round_button" />

enter image description here

Can I append an array to 'formdata' in javascript?

use "xxx[]" as name of the field in formdata (you will get an array of - stringified objects - in you case)

so within your loop

            article = $(this).find('input[name="article"]').val();
            gender = $(this).find('input[name="gender"]').val();
            brand = $(this).find('input[name="brand"]').val();
            this_tag = new Array();
            this_tag.article = article;
            this_tag.gender = gender;
            this_tag.brand = brand;
            formdata.append('tags[]', this_tag);

Checking if a website is up via Python

If by up, you simply mean "the server is serving", then you could use cURL, and if you get a response than it's up.

I can't give you specific advice because I'm not a python programmer, however here is a link to pycurl

How to parse JSON without JSON.NET library?

Have you tried using JavaScriptSerializer ? There's also DataContractJsonSerializer

SQL Error with Order By in Subquery

For me this solution works fine as well:

SELECT tbl.a, tbl.b
FROM (SELECT TOP (select count(1) FROM yourtable) a,b FROM yourtable order by a) tbl

FileNotFoundException while getting the InputStream object from HttpURLConnection

FileNotFound in this case means you got a 404 from your server - could it be that the server does not like "POST" requests?

When do items in HTML5 local storage expire?

You can try this one.

var hours = 24; // Reset when storage is more than 24hours
var now =;
var setupTime = localStorage.getItem('setupTime');
if (setupTime == null) {
     localStorage.setItem('setupTime', now)
} else if (now - setupTime > hours*60*60*1000) {
    localStorage.setItem('setupTime', now);

How do I run a node.js app as a background service?

2016 Update: The node-windows/mac/linux series uses a common API across all operating systems, so it is absolutely a relevant solution. However; node-linux generates systemv init files. As systemd continues to grow in popularity, it is realistically a better option on Linux. PR's welcome if anyone wants to add systemd support to node-linux :-)

Original Thread:

This is a pretty old thread now, but node-windows provides another way to create background services on Windows. It is loosely based on the nssm concept of using an exe wrapper around your node script. However; it uses winsw.exe instead and provides a configurable node wrapper for more granular control over how the process starts/stops on failures. These processes are available like any other service:

enter image description here

The module also bakes in some event logging:

enter image description here

Daemonizing your script is accomplished through code. For example:

var Service = require('node-windows').Service;

// Create a new service object
var svc = new Service({
  name:'Hello World',
  description: 'The example web server.',
  script: 'C:\\path\\to\\my\\node\\script.js'

// Listen for the "install" event, which indicates the
// process is available as a service.

// Listen for the "start" event and let us know when the
// process has actually started working.
  console.log(' started!\nVisit to see it in action.');

// Install the script as a service.

The module supports things like capping restarts (so bad scripts don't hose your server) and growing time intervals between restarts.

Since node-windows services run like any other, it is possible to manage/monitor the service with whatever software you already use.

Finally, there are no make dependencies. In other words, a straightforward npm install -g node-windows will work. You don't need Visual Studio, .NET, or node-gyp magic to install this. Also, it's MIT and BSD licensed.

In full disclosure, I'm the author of this module. It was designed to relieve the exact pain the OP experienced, but with tighter integration into the functionality the Operating System already provides. I hope future viewers with this same question find it useful.

Android Emulator: Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_VERSION_DOWNGRADE

According to sdk src code from ...\android-22\android\content\pm\

 * Installation return code: this is passed to the {@link IPackageInstallObserver} by
 * {@link #installPackage(, IPackageInstallObserver, int)} if
 * the new package has an older version code than the currently installed package.
 * @hide
public static final int INSTALL_FAILED_VERSION_DOWNGRADE = -25;

if the new package has an older version code than the currently installed package.

How to add empty spaces into MD markdown readme on GitHub?

As a workaround, you can use a code block to render the code literally. Just surround your text with triple backticks ```. It will look like this:

2018-07-20 Wrote this answer Can format it without &nbsp; Also don't need <br /> for new line

Note that using <pre> and <code> you get slightly different behaviour: &nbsp and <br /> will be parsed rather than inserted literally.


2018-07-20 Wrote this answer
           Can format it without  
    Also don't need 
for new line

<code>: 2018-07-20 Wrote this answer Can format it without   Also don't need
for new line

Using 24 hour time in bootstrap timepicker

            showMeridian: false     

This will work.

C++ cout hex values?

std::hex is defined in <ios> which is included by <iostream>. But to use things like std::setprecision/std::setw/std::setfill/etc you have to include <iomanip>.

"RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" Why?

Browsers can't handle that many arguments. See this snippet for example:

alert.apply(window, new Array(1000000000));

This yields RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded which is the same as in your problem.

To solve that, do:

var arr = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++){

Send JSON via POST in C# and Receive the JSON returned?

I found myself using the HttpClient library to query RESTful APIs as the code is very straightforward and fully async'ed.

(Edit: Adding JSON from question for clarity)

  "agent": {                             
    "name": "Agent Name",                
    "version": 1                                                          
  "username": "Username",                                   
  "password": "User Password",
  "token": "xxxxxx"

With two classes representing the JSON-Structure you posted that may look like this:

public class Credentials
    public Agent Agent { get; set; }

    public string Username { get; set; }

    public string Password { get; set; }

    public string Token { get; set; }

public class Agent
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public int Version { get; set; }

you could have a method like this, which would do your POST request:

var payload = new Credentials { 
    Agent = new Agent { 
        Name = "Agent Name",
        Version = 1 
    Username = "Username",
    Password = "User Password",
    Token = "xxxxx"

// Serialize our concrete class into a JSON String
var stringPayload = await Task.Run(() => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload));

// Wrap our JSON inside a StringContent which then can be used by the HttpClient class
var httpContent = new StringContent(stringPayload, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

using (var httpClient = new HttpClient()) {

    // Do the actual request and await the response
    var httpResponse = await httpClient.PostAsync("http://localhost/api/path", httpContent);

    // If the response contains content we want to read it!
    if (httpResponse.Content != null) {
        var responseContent = await httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

        // From here on you could deserialize the ResponseContent back again to a concrete C# type using Json.Net

Calling one Bash script from another Script passing it arguments with quotes and spaces

You need to use : "$@" (WITH the quotes) or "${@}" (same, but also telling the shell where the variable name starts and ends).

(and do NOT use : $@, or "$*", or $*).


echo "TestScript1 Arguments:"
for an_arg in "$@" ; do
   echo "${an_arg}"
echo "nb of args: $#"
./testscript2 "$@"   #invokes testscript2 with the same arguments we received

I'm not sure I understood your other requirement ( you want to invoke './testscript2' in single quotes?) so here are 2 wild guesses (changing the last line above) :

'./testscript2' "$@"  #only makes sense if "/path/to/testscript2" containes spaces?

./testscript2 '"some thing" "another"' "$var" "$var2"  #3 args to testscript2

Please give me the exact thing you are trying to do

edit: after his comment saying he attempts tesscript1 "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" to run : salt 'remote host' './testscript2 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6'

You have many levels of intermediate: testscript1 on host 1, needs to run "salt", and give it a string launching "testscrit2" with arguments in quotes...

You could maybe "simplify" by having:


#we receive args, we generate a custom script simulating 'testscript2 "$@"'
for i in "$@" ; do
   theargs="${theargs} '$i'"

salt 'remote host' "./testscript2 ${theargs}"

if THAt doesn't work, then instead of running "testscript2 ${theargs}", replace THE LAST LINE above by

echo "./testscript2 ${theargs}" >/tmp/runtestscript2.$$  #generate custom script locally ($$ is current pid in bash/sh/...)
scp /tmp/runtestscript2.$$ user@remotehost:/tmp/runtestscript2.$$ #copy it to remotehost
salt 'remotehost' "./runtestscript2.$$" #the args are inside the custom script!
ssh user@remotehost "rm /tmp/runtestscript2.$$" #delete the remote one
rm /tmp/runtestscript2.$$ #and the local one

Get current cursor position

GetCursorPos() will return to you the x/y if you pass in a pointer to a POINT structure.

Hiding the cursor can be done with ShowCursor().

Equivalent of Super Keyword in C#

C# equivalent of your code is

  class Imagedata : PDFStreamEngine
     // C# uses "base" keyword whenever Java uses "super" 
     // so instead of super(...) in Java we should call its C# equivalent (base):
     public Imagedata()
       : base(ResourceLoader.loadProperties("org/apache/pdfbox/resources/", true)) 
     { }

     // Java methods are virtual by default, when C# methods aren't.
     // So we should be sure that processOperator method in base class 
     // (that is PDFStreamEngine)
     // declared as "virtual"
     protected override void processOperator(PDFOperator operations, List arguments)
        base.processOperator(operations, arguments);

Self Join to get employee manager name

SELECT e1.empno EmployeeId, e1.ename EmployeeName, 
       e1.mgr ManagerId, e2.ename AS ManagerName
FROM   emp e1, emp e2
       where e1.mgr = e2.empno

How to get integer values from a string in Python?

With python 3.6, these two lines return a list (may be empty)

>>[int(x) for x in re.findall('\d+', your_string)]

Similar to

>>list(map(int, re.findall('\d+', your_string))

How do I concatenate multiple C++ strings on one line?

You may use this header for this regard:

using namespace concat;

assert(concat(1,2,3,4,5) == "12345");

Under the hood you will be using a std::ostringstream.

Check for special characters in string

Remove the characters ^ (start of string) and $ (end of string) from the regular expression.

var format = /[!@#$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};':"\\|,.<>\/?]/;

How to change option menu icon in the action bar?

//just edit menu.xml file    
//add icon for item which will change default setting icon
//add sub menus

 ///menu.xml file

            app:showAsAction="always" >


                <item android:id="@+id/action_menu1"
                    android:title="menu 1" />

                <item android:id="@+id/action_menu2"
                    android:title="menu 2" />


Check to see if cURL is installed locally?

Another way, say in CentOS, is:

$ yum list installed '*curl*'
Loaded plugins: aliases, changelog, fastestmirror, kabi, langpacks, priorities, tmprepo, verify,
              : versionlock
Loading support for Red Hat kernel ABI
Determining fastest mirrors
google-chrome                                                                                    3/3
152 packages excluded due to repository priority protections
Installed Packages
curl.x86_64                                        7.29.0-42.el7                                @base
libcurl.x86_64                                     7.29.0-42.el7                                @base
libcurl-devel.x86_64                               7.29.0-42.el7                                @base
python-pycurl.x86_64                               7.19.0-19.el7                                @base

Dynamic classname inside ngClass in angular 2

You can use <i [className]="'fa fa-' + data?.icon"> </i>

How can I save a base64-encoded image to disk?

You can use a third-party library like base64-img or base64-to-image.

  1. base64-img
const base64Img = require('base64-img');

const data = 'data:image/png;base64,...';
const destpath = 'dir/to/save/image';
const filename = 'some-filename';

base64Img.img(data, destpath, filename, (err, filepath) => {}); // Asynchronous using

const filepath = base64Img.imgSync(data, destpath, filename); // Synchronous using
  1. base64-to-image
const base64ToImage = require('base64-to-image');

const base64Str = 'data:image/png;base64,...';
const path = 'dir/to/save/image/'; // Add trailing slash
const optionalObj = { fileName: 'some-filename', type: 'png' };

const { imageType, fileName } = base64ToImage(base64Str, path, optionalObj); // Only synchronous using

React - How to pass HTML tags in props?

You could also use a function on the component to pass along jsx to through props. like:

 var MyComponent = React.createClass({

   render: function() {
    return (

   body() {
       <p>This is <strong>now</strong> working.<p>


var OtherComponent = React.createClass({

  propTypes: {
    body: React.PropTypes.func

  render: function() {
     return (


static linking only some libraries

gcc objectfiles -o program -Wl,-Bstatic -ls1 -ls2 -Wl,-Bdynamic -ld1 -ld2

you can also use: -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ flags for gcc libraries

keep in mind that if and libs1.a both exists, the linker will pick if it's before -Wl,-Bstatic or after -Wl,-Bdynamic. Don't forget to pass -L/libs1-library-location/ before calling -ls1.

Best way to change font colour halfway through paragraph?

wrap a <span> around those words and style with the appropriate color

now is the time for <span style='color:orange'>all good men</span> to come to the

How do I run a batch script from within a batch script?

Run parallelly on separate command windows in minimized state


start "startOfficialSoftwares" /min cmd /k call startOfficialSoftwares.bat
start "initCodingEnvironment" /min cmd /k call initCodingEnvironment.bat
start "updateProjectSource" /min cmd /k call updateProjectSource.bat
start "runCoffeeMachine" /min cmd /k call runCoffeeMachine.bat

Run sequentially on same window


call updateDevelVersion.bat
call mergeDevelIntoMaster.bat
call publishProject.bat

How to use and style new AlertDialog from appCompat 22.1 and above

When creating the AlertDialog you can set a theme to use.

Example - Creating the Dialog

AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this,;
builder.setMessage("Lorem ipsum dolor...");
builder.setPositiveButton("OK", null);
builder.setNegativeButton("Cancel", null);;

styles.xml - Custom style

<style name="MyAlertDialogStyle" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.Dialog.Alert">
    <!-- Used for the buttons -->
    <item name="colorAccent">#FFC107</item>
    <!-- Used for the title and text -->
    <item name="android:textColorPrimary">#FFFFFF</item>
    <!-- Used for the background -->
    <item name="android:background">#4CAF50</item>


styled alertdialog


In order to change the Appearance of the Title, you can do the following. First add a new style:

<style name="MyTitleTextStyle">
    <item name="android:textColor">#FFEB3B</item>
    <item name="android:textAppearance">@style/TextAppearance.AppCompat.Title</item>

afterwards simply reference this style in your MyAlertDialogStyle:

<style name="MyAlertDialogStyle" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.Dialog.Alert">
    <item name="android:windowTitleStyle">@style/MyTitleTextStyle</item>

This way you can define a different textColor for the message via android:textColorPrimary and a different for the title via the style.

Properties file with a list as the value for an individual key

Create a wrapper around properties and assume your A value has keys A.1, A.2, etc. Then when asked for A your wrapper will read all the A.* items and build the list. HTH

sqlite3.OperationalError: unable to open database file

My reason was very foolish. I had dropped the onto the terminal so it was running using the full path. And I had changed the name of the folder of the project. So now, the program was unable to find the file with the previous data and hence the error.

Make sure you restart the software in such cases.

Rewrite all requests to index.php with nginx

If you want to pass just the index.php ( no other php file will be passed to fastcgi ) to fastcgi in case you have routes like this in a framework like codeigniter

$route["/download.php"] = "controller/method";

location ~ index\.php$ {
        include fastcgi.conf;

Why declare unicode by string in python?

I made the following module called unicoder to be able to do the transformation on variables:

import sys
import os

def ustr(string):

    string = 'u"%s"'%string

    with open('', 'w') as script:

        script.write('# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n')
        script.write('_ustr = %s'%string)

    import _unicoder
    value = _unicoder._ustr

    del _unicoder
    del sys.modules['_unicoder']

    os.system('del _unicoder.pyc')

    return value

Then in your program you could do the following:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from unicoder import ustr

txt = 'Hello, Unicode World'
txt = ustr(txt)

print type(txt) # <type 'unicode'>

Is there a way to get version from package.json in nodejs code?

For those who look for a safe client-side solution that also works on server-side, there is genversion. It is a command-line tool that reads the version from the nearest package.json and generates an importable CommonJS module file that exports the version. Disclaimer: I'm a maintainer.

$ genversion lib/version.js

I acknowledge the client-side safety was not OP's primary intention, but as discussed in answers by Mark Wallace and aug, it is highly relevant and also the reason I found this Q&A.

What does "The following object is masked from 'package:xxx'" mean?

I have the same problem. I avoid it with remove.packages("Package making this confusion") and it works. In my case, I don't need the second package, so that is not a very good idea.

Input text dialog Android

@LukeTaylor: I currently have the same task at hand (creating a popup/dialog that contains an EditText)..
Personally, I find the fully-dynamic route to be somewhat limiting in terms of creativity.


Rather than relying entirely upon Code to create the Dialog, you can fully customize it like so :

1) - Create a new Layout Resource file.. This will act as your Dialog, allowing for full creative freedom!
NOTE: Refer to the Material Design guidelines to help keep things clean and on point.

2) - Give ID's to all of your View elements.. In my example code below, I have 1 EditText, and 2 Buttons.

3) - Create an Activity with a Button, for testing purposes.. We'll have it inflate and launch your Dialog!

public void buttonClick_DialogTest(View view) {

    AlertDialog.Builder mBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(MainActivity.this);

    //  Inflate the Layout Resource file you created in Step 1
    View mView = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.timer_dialog_layout, null);

    //  Get View elements from Layout file. Be sure to include inflated view name (mView)
    final EditText mTimerMinutes = (EditText) mView.findViewById(;
    Button mTimerOk = (Button) mView.findViewById(;
    Button mTimerCancel = (Button) mView.findViewById(;

    //  Create the AlertDialog using everything we needed from above
    final AlertDialog timerDialog = mBuilder.create();

    //  Set Listener for the OK Button
    mTimerOk.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick (View view) {
            if (!mTimerMinutes.getText().toString().isEmpty()) {
                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "You entered a Value!,", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
            } else {
                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Please enter a Value!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

    //  Set Listener for the CANCEL Button
    mTimerCancel.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick (View view) {

    //  Finally, SHOW your Dialog!;

    //  END OF buttonClick_DialogTest

Piece of cake! Full creative freedom! Just be sure to follow Material Guidelines ;)

I hope this helps someone! Let me know what you guys think!

jQuery plugin returning "Cannot read property of undefined"

Usually that problem is that in the last iteration you have an empty object or undefine object. use console.log() inside you cicle to check that this doent happend.

Sometimes a prototype in some place add an extra element.

Eclipse Workspaces: What for and why?

Although I've used Eclipse for years, this "answer" is only conjecture (which I'm going to try tonight). If it gets down-voted out of existence, then obviously I'm wrong.

Oracle relies on CMake to generate a Visual Studio "Solution" for their MySQL Connector C source code. Within the Solution are "Projects" that can be compiled individually or collectively (by the Solution). Each Project has its own makefile, compiling its portion of the Solution with settings that are different than the other Projects.

Similarly, I'm hoping an Eclipse Workspace can hold my related makefile Projects (Eclipse), with a master Project whose dependencies compile the various unique-makefile Projects as pre-requesites to building its "Solution". (My folder structure would be as @Rafael describes).

So I'm hoping a good way to use Workspaces is to emulate Visual Studio's ability to combine dissimilar Projects into a Solution.

AngularJS: factory $http.get JSON file

this answer helped me out a lot and pointed me in the right direction but what worked for me, and hopefully others, is:

menuApp.controller("dynamicMenuController", function($scope, $http) {
$scope.appetizers= [];
$http.get('config/menu.json').success(function(data) { 
    $scope.appetizers = data.appetizers;

Using BigDecimal to work with currencies

Here are a few hints:

  1. Use BigDecimal for computations if you need the precision that it offers (Money values often need this).
  2. Use the NumberFormat class for display. This class will take care of localization issues for amounts in different currencies. However, it will take in only primitives; therefore, if you can accept the small change in accuracy due to transformation to a double, you could use this class.
  3. When using the NumberFormat class, use the scale() method on the BigDecimal instance to set the precision and the rounding method.

PS: In case you were wondering, BigDecimal is always better than double, when you have to represent money values in Java.


Creating BigDecimal instances

This is fairly simple since BigDecimal provides constructors to take in primitive values, and String objects. You could use those, preferably the one taking the String object. For example,

BigDecimal modelVal = new BigDecimal("24.455");
BigDecimal displayVal = modelVal.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);

Displaying BigDecimal instances

You could use the setMinimumFractionDigits and setMaximumFractionDigits method calls to restrict the amount of data being displayed.

NumberFormat usdCostFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US);
usdCostFormat.setMinimumFractionDigits( 1 );
usdCostFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits( 2 );
System.out.println( usdCostFormat.format(displayVal.doubleValue()) );

How to set JVM parameters for Junit Unit Tests?

In IntelliJ you can specify default settings for each run configuration. In Run/Debug configuration dialog (the one you use to configure heap per test) click on Defaults and JUnit. These settings will be automatically applied to each new JUnit test configuration. I guess similar setting exists for Eclipse.

However there is no simple option to transfer such settings (at least in IntelliJ) across environments. You can commit IntelliJ project files to your repository: it might work, but I do not recommend it.

You know how to set these for maven-surefire-plugin. Good. This is the most portable way (see Ptomli's answer for an example).

For the rest - you must remember that JUnit test cases are just a bunch of Java classes, not a standalone program. It is up to the runner (let it be a standalone JUnit runner, your IDE, maven-surefire-plugin to set those options. That being said there is no "portable" way to set them, so that memory settings are applied irrespective to the runner.

To give you an example: you cannot define Xmx parameter when developing a servlet - it is up to the container to define that. You can't say: "this servlet should always be run with Xmx=1G.

SQL Server Profiler - How to filter trace to only display events from one database?

In the Trace properties, click the Events Selection tab at the top next to General. Then click Column Filters... at the bottom right. You can then select what to filter, such as TextData or DatabaseName.

Expand the Like node and enter your filter with the percentage % signs like %MyDatabaseName% or %TextDataToFilter%. Without the %% signs the filter will not work.

Also, make sure to check the checkbox Exclude rows that do not contain values' If you cannot find the field you are looking to filter such as DatabaseName go to the General tab and change your Template, blank one should contain all the fields.

How to disable postback on an asp Button (System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button)

Consider this.

<script type="text/javascript">
function BeginRequest(sender, e) {
    e.get_postBackElement().disabled = true;


How to add border radius on table row

Or use box-shadow if table have collapse

How to check if field is null or empty in MySQL?

Try using nullif:

SELECT ifnull(nullif(field1,''),'empty') AS field1
  FROM tablename;

How to change value of a request parameter in laravel

Try to:

$requestData = $request->all();
$requestData['img'] = $img;

Another way to do it:

$request->merge(['img' => $img]);

Thanks to @JoelHinz for this.

If you want to add or overwrite nested data:

$data['some']['thing'] = 'value';

If you do not inject Request $request object, you can use the global request() helper or \Request:: facade instead of $request

jQuery - Getting form values for ajax POST

var data={
 userName: $('#userName').val(),
 email: $('#email').val(),
 //add other properties similarly


        type: "POST",
        url: "",
        data: data

        success: function(html)

You dont have to bother about anything else. jquery will handle the serialization etc. also you can append the submit query string parameter submit=1 into the data json object.

How to convert decimal to hexadecimal in JavaScript

The code below will convert the decimal value d to hexadecimal. It also allows you to add padding to the hexadecimal result. So 0 will become 00 by default.

function decimalToHex(d, padding) {
    var hex = Number(d).toString(16);
    padding = typeof (padding) === "undefined" || padding === null ? padding = 2 : padding;

    while (hex.length < padding) {
        hex = "0" + hex;

    return hex;

.Net System.Mail.Message adding multiple "To" addresses

You can do this either with multiple System.Net.Mail.MailAddress objects or you can provide a single string containing all of the addresses separated by commas

How to split CSV files as per number of rows specified?

This should work !!!

file_name = Name of the file you want to split.
10000 = Number of rows each split file would contain
file_part_ = Prefix of split file name (file_part_0,file_part_1,file_part_2..etc goes on)

split -d -l 10000 file_name.csv file_part_

Simple file write function in C++

You need to declare the prototype of your writeFile function, before actually using it:

int writeFile( void );

int main( void )

How to align the text middle of BUTTON

Sometime it is fixed by the Padding .. if you can play with that, then, it should fix your problem

<style type=text/css>

YourbuttonByID {Padding: 20px 80px; "for example" padding-left:50px; 
 padding-right:30px "to fix the text in the middle 
 without interfering with the text itself"}


It worked for me

Random string generation with upper case letters and digits

I have gone though almost all of the answers but none of them looks easier. I would suggest you to try the passgen library which is generally used to create random passwords.

You can generate random strings of your choice of length, punctuation, digits, letters and case.

Here's the code for your case:

from passgen import passgen
string_length = int(input())
random_string = passgen(length=string_length, punctuation=False, digits=True, letters=True, case='upper')

Git Bash is extremely slow on Windows 7 x64

I've had similar situation and my problem was related to Active Directory and sitting behind vpn.

Found this gold after working like that for half a year:

All you basicaly need is to disable db in /etc/nsswitch.conf (you can find it in your git directory) from passwd and group section, so the file looks like:

# Begin /etc/nsswitch.conf
passwd: files
group: files
db_enum: cache builtin
db_home: cygwin desc
db_shell: cygwin desc
db_gecos: cygwin desc
# End /etc/nsswitch.conf

and then update your local password and group settings once:

$ mkpasswd -l -c > /etc/passwd
$ mkgroup -l -c > /etc/group

What is difference between @RequestBody and @RequestParam?

@RequestParam annotation tells Spring that it should map a request parameter from the GET/POST request to your method argument. For example:



endpoint code:

public User getUser(@RequestParam(value = "name") String name, 
                    @RequestParam(value = "surname") String surname){ 

So basically, while @RequestBody maps entire user request (even for POST) to a String variable, @RequestParam does so with one (or more - but it is more complicated) request param to your method argument.

AngularJS : The correct way of binding to a service properties

I think it's a better way to bind on the service itself instead of the attributes on it.

Here's why:

<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="BindToService">

  <div ng-controller="BindToServiceCtrl as ctrl">
    ArrService.arrOne: <span ng-repeat="v in ArrService.arrOne">{{v}}</span>
    <br />
    ArrService.arrTwo: <span ng-repeat="v in ArrService.arrTwo">{{v}}</span>
    <br />
    <br />
    <!-- This is empty since $scope.arrOne never changes -->
    arrOne: <span ng-repeat="v in arrOne">{{v}}</span>
    <br />
    <!-- This is not empty since $scope.arrTwo === ArrService.arrTwo -->
    <!-- Both of them point the memory space modified by the `push` function below -->
    arrTwo: <span ng-repeat="v in arrTwo">{{v}}</span>

  <script type="text/javascript">
    var app = angular.module("BindToService", []);

    app.controller("BindToServiceCtrl", function ($scope, ArrService) {
      $scope.ArrService = ArrService;
      $scope.arrOne = ArrService.arrOne;
      $scope.arrTwo = ArrService.arrTwo;

    app.service("ArrService", function ($interval) {
      var that = this,
          i = 0;
      this.arrOne = [];
      that.arrTwo = [];

      $interval(function () {
        // This will change arrOne (the pointer).
        // However, $scope.arrOne is still same as the original arrOne.
        that.arrOne = that.arrOne.concat([i]);

        // This line changes the memory block pointed by arrTwo.
        // And arrTwo (the pointer) itself never changes.
        i += 1;
      }, 1000);


You can play it on this plunker.

PHP Warning: POST Content-Length of 8978294 bytes exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes in Unknown on line 0

I have solved my php7 issues on centos 7 by updating /etc/php.ini with these settings:

 post_max_size = 500M
 upload_max_filesize = 500M

error: the details of the application error from being viewed remotely

This can be the message you receive even when custom errors is turned off in web.config file. It can mean you have run out of free space on the drive that hosts the application. Clean your log files if you have no other space to gain on the drive.

An error occurred while signing: SignTool.exe not found

Please Click Once application --> Properties --> Signing -> Unchecked the Sign the ClickOnce manifests.

Problem will be solved.

Note: Be aware that this solution removes security from your project. Seek assitance from a more learned colleague before doing so.

Could not load file or assembly '' or one of its dependencies

You have to delete Your appname.dll file from your output folder. Cleanup Debug and Release folders. Rebuild and copy to output folder regenerated dll file.

Java 32-bit vs 64-bit compatibility

Add a paramter as below in you in configuration while creating the exe

I hope it helps.



How do you handle a "cannot instantiate abstract class" error in C++?

In my case i declared a function in COM Control .idl file like

[id(1)] HRESULT MyMethod([in]INT param);

but not declared in my interface .h file like this

STDMETHOD(MyMethod)(INT param);

Problem solved by adding above line into my interface .h file

this might help some one .

SQL select only rows with max value on a column

FROM Employee
where Employee.Salary in (select max(salary) from Employee group by Employe_id)
ORDER BY Employee.Salary

error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1 while installing eventlet

On MacOS I had trouble installing fbprophet which requires pystan which requires gcc to compile. I would consistently get the same error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1

I think I fixed the problem for myself thus:

I used brew install gcc to install the newest version, which ended up being gcc-8

Then I made sure that when gcc ran it would use gcc-8 instead.

It either worked because I added alias gcc='gcc-8 in my .zshrc (same as .bashrc but for zsh), or because I ran export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH (see comment)

Also: all my attempts were inside a virtual environment and I only succeeded by installing fbprophet globally (with pip), but still no success inside a venv

Filter by Dates in SQL

WHERE dates BETWEEN (convert(datetime, '2012-12-12',110) AND (convert(datetime, '2012-12-12',110))

Does Android keep the .apk files? if so where?

if you are using eclipse goto DDMS and then file explorer there you will see System/Apps folder and the apks are there

Memcache Vs. Memcached

(PartlyStolen from ServerFault)

I think that both are functionally the same, but they simply have different authors, and the one is simply named more appropriately than the other.

Here is a quick backgrounder in naming conventions (for those unfamiliar), which explains the frustration by the question asker: For many *nix applications, the piece that does the backend work is called a "daemon" (think "service" in Windows-land), while the interface or client application is what you use to control or access the daemon. The daemon is most often named the same as the client, with the letter "d" appended to it. For example "imap" would be a client that connects to the "imapd" daemon.

This naming convention is clearly being adhered to by memcache when you read the introduction to the memcache module (notice the distinction between memcache and memcached in this excerpt):

Memcache module provides handy procedural and object oriented interface to memcached, highly effective caching daemon, which was especially designed to decrease database load in dynamic web applications.

The Memcache module also provides a session handler (memcache).

More information about memcached can be found at »

The frustration here is caused by the author of the PHP extension which was badly named memcached, since it shares the same name as the actual daemon called memcached. Notice also that in the introduction to memcached (the php module), it makes mention of libmemcached, which is the shared library (or API) that is used by the module to access the memcached daemon:

memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load.

This extension uses libmemcached library to provide API for communicating with memcached servers. It also provides a session handler (memcached).

Information about libmemcached can be found at »

Sending an Intent to browser to open specific URL

Use following snippet in your code

Intent newIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, 

Use This link

Deserializing a JSON into a JavaScript object

If you paste the string in server-side into the html don't need to do nothing:

For plain java in jsp:

var jsonObj=<%=jsonStringInJavaServlet%>;

For jsp width struts:

var jsonObj=<s:property value="jsonStringInJavaServlet" escape="false" escapeHtml="false"/>;

How should I store GUID in MySQL tables?

char(36) would be a good choice. Also MySQL's UUID() function can be used which returns a 36-character text format (hex with hyphens) which can be used for retrievals of such IDs from the db.

How to use awk sort by column 3

try this -

awk '{print $0|"sort -t',' -nk3 "}' user.csv


sort -t',' -nk3 user.csv

How do I change the font color in an html table?

Try this:

            select {
              height: 30px;
              color: #0000ff;
                        <select name="test">
                            <option value="Basic">Basic : $30.00 USD - yearly</option>
                            <option value="Sustaining">Sustaining : $60.00 USD - yearly</option>
                            <option value="Supporting">Supporting : $120.00 USD - yearly</option>

AJAX Mailchimp signup form integration

Based on gbinflames' answer, this is what worked for me:

Generate a simple mailchimp list sign up form , copy the action URL and method (post) to your custom form. Also rename your form field names to all capital ( name='EMAIL' as in original mailchimp code, EMAIL,FNAME,LNAME,... ), then use this:

      $form=$('#your-subscribe-form'); // use any lookup method at your convenience

      type: $form.attr('method'),
      url: $form.attr('action').replace('/post?', '/post-json?').concat('&c=?'),
      data: $form.serialize(),
      timeout: 5000, // Set timeout value, 5 seconds
      cache       : false,
      dataType    : 'jsonp',
      contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
      error       : function(err) { // put user friendly connection error message  },
      success     : function(data) {
          if (data.result != "success") {
              // mailchimp returned error, check data.msg
          } else {
              // It worked, carry on...

Firing a Keyboard Event in Safari, using JavaScript

This is due to a bug in Webkit.

You can work around the Webkit bug using createEvent('Event') rather than createEvent('KeyboardEvent'), and then assigning the keyCode property. See this answer and this example.

How to _really_ programmatically change primary and accent color in Android Lollipop?

from an activity you can do:

getWindow().setStatusBarColor(i color);

How do I create a list of random numbers without duplicates?

From the CLI in win xp:

python -c "import random; print(sorted(set([random.randint(6,49) for i in range(7)]))[:6])"

In Canada we have the 6/49 Lotto. I just wrap the above code in lotto.bat and run C:\home\lotto.bat or just C:\home\lotto.

Because random.randint often repeats a number, I use set with range(7) and then shorten it to a length of 6.

Occasionally if a number repeats more than 2 times the resulting list length will be less than 6.

EDIT: However, random.sample(range(6,49),6) is the correct way to go.

TINYTEXT, TEXT, MEDIUMTEXT, and LONGTEXT maximum storage sizes

From the documentation (MySQL 8) :

      Type | Maximum length
  TINYTEXT |           255 (2 8−1) bytes
      TEXT |        65,535 (216−1) bytes = 64 KiB
MEDIUMTEXT |    16,777,215 (224−1) bytes = 16 MiB
  LONGTEXT | 4,294,967,295 (232−1) bytes =  4 GiB

Note that the number of characters that can be stored in your column will depend on the character encoding.

Where is `%p` useful with printf?

They do not do the same thing. The latter printf statement interprets b as an unsigned int, which is wrong, as b is a pointer.

Pointers and unsigned ints are not always the same size, so these are not interchangeable. When they aren't the same size (an increasingly common case, as 64-bit CPUs and operating systems become more common), %x will only print half of the address. On a Mac (and probably some other systems), that will ruin the address; the output will be wrong.

Always use %p for pointers.

Twitter Bootstrap and ASP.NET GridView

You need to set useaccessibleheader attribute of the gridview to true and also then also specify a TableSection to be a header after calling the DataBind() method on you GridView object. So if your grid view is mygv

mygv.UseAccessibleHeader = True
mygv.HeaderRow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader

This should result in a proper formatted grid with thead and tbody tags

Quick way to create a list of values in C#?

You can do that with

var list = new List<string>{ "foo", "bar" };

Here are some other common instantiations of other common Data Structures:


var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string> 
    { "texas",   "TX" },
    { "utah",    "UT" },
    { "florida", "FL" }

Array list

var array = new string[] { "foo", "bar" };


var queque = new Queue<int>(new[] { 1, 2, 3 });


var queque = new Stack<int>(new[] { 1, 2, 3 });

As you can see for the majority of cases it is merely adding the values in curly braces, or instantiating a new array followed by curly braces and values.

warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘xyz’

Here is some C code that produces the above mentioned error:

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

Compiled like this on Fedora 17 Linux 64 bit with gcc:

el@defiant ~/foo2 $ gcc -o n n2.c                                                               
n2.c: In function ‘main’:
n2.c:2:3: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in 
function ‘exit’ [enabled by default]
el@defiant ~/foo2 $ ./n 
el@defiant ~/foo2 $ 

To make the warning go away, add this declaration to the top of the file:

#include <stdlib.h>

init-param and context-param

What is the difference between <init-param> and <context-param> !?

Single servlet versus multiple servlets.

Other Answers give details, but here is the summary:

A web app, that is, a “context”, is made up of one or more servlets.

  • <init-param> defines a value available to a single specific servlet within a context.
  • <context-param> defines a value available to all the servlets within a context.

What is the list of valid @SuppressWarnings warning names in Java?

If you're using SonarLint, try above the method or class the whole squid string: @SuppressWarnings("squid:S1172")

Smart cast to 'Type' is impossible, because 'variable' is a mutable property that could have been changed by this time

1) Also you can use lateinit If you sure do your initialization later on onCreate() or elsewhere.

Use this

lateinit var left: Node

Instead of this

var left: Node? = null

2) And there is other way that use !! end of variable when you use it like this

queue.add(left!!) // add !!

How to center and crop an image to always appear in square shape with CSS?

jsFiddle Demo

div {
    width: 250px;
    height: 250px;
    overflow: hidden;
    margin: 10px;
    position: relative;
img {
    position: absolute;
    left: -1000%;
    right: -1000%;
    top: -1000%;
    bottom: -1000%;
    margin: auto;
    min-height: 100%;
    min-width: 100%;
    <img src="" />

A note regarding sizes

As Salman A mentioned in the comments, we need to set the img's position coordinates (top, left, bottom, right) to work with percents higher than the image's actual dimensions. I use 1000% in the above example, but of course you can adjust it according to your needs.

Before and after the fix

* Further explanation: When we set the img's left and right (or: top and bottom) coordinates to be -100% (of the containing div), the overall allowed width (or: height) of the img, can be at most 300% of the containing div's width (or: height), because it's the sum of the div's width (or: height) and the left and right (or: top and bottom) coordinates.

How does Access-Control-Allow-Origin header work?

Whenever I start thinking about CORS, my intuition about which site hosts the headers is incorrect, just as you described in your question. For me, it helps to think about the purpose of the same origin policy.

The purpose of the same origin policy is to protect you from malicious JavaScript on accessing private information you've chosen to share only with Without the same origin policy, JavaScript written by the authors of could make your browser make requests to, using your authentication cookies for In this way, could steal the secret information you share with

Sometimes you need to work cross domain, which is where CORS comes in. CORS relaxes the same origin policy for, using the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to list other domains ( that are trusted to run JavaScript that can interact with

To understand which domain should serve the CORS headers, consider this. You visit, which contains some JavaScript that tries to make a cross domain request to It should be up to, not, to decide whether or not it sets CORS headers that relax the same origin policy allowing the JavaScript from to interact with it. If could set its own CORS headers allowing its own JavaScript access to, this would completely nullify the same origin policy.

I think the reason for my bad intuition is the point of view I have when developing a site. It's my site, with all my JavaScript, therefore it isn't doing anything malicious and it should be up to me to specify which other sites my JavaScript can interact with. When in fact I should be thinking which other sites JavaScript are trying to interact with my site and should I use CORS to allow them?

Codeigniter : calling a method of one controller from other

This is not supported behavior of the MVC System. If you want to execute an action of another controller you just redirect the user to the page you want (i.e. the controller function that consumes the url).

If you want common functionality, you should build a library to be used in the two different controllers.

I can only assume you want to build up your site a bit modular. (I.e. re-use the output of one controller method in other controller methods.) There's some plugins / extensions for CI that help you build like that. However, the simplest way is to use a library to build up common "controls" (i.e. load the model, render the view into a string). Then you can return that string and pass it along to the other controller's view.

You can load into a string by adding true at the end of the view call:

$string_view = $this->load->view('someview', array('data'=>'stuff'), true);

How Do I Insert a Byte[] Into an SQL Server VARBINARY Column

My solution would be to use a parameterised query, as the connectivity objects take care of formatting the data correctly (including ensuring the correct data-type, and escaping "dangerous" characters where applicable):

// Assuming "conn" is an open SqlConnection
using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO mssqltable(varbinarycolumn) VALUES (@binaryValue)", conn))
    // Replace 8000, below, with the correct size of the field
    cmd.Parameters.Add("@binaryValue", SqlDbType.VarBinary, 8000).Value = arraytoinsert;

Edit: Added the wrapping "using" statement as suggested by John Saunders to correctly dispose of the SqlCommand after it is finished with

Summing elements in a list

>>> l = raw_input()
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
>>> l = l.split()
>>> l.pop(0)
>>> sum(map(int, l)) #or simply sum(int(x) for x in l) , you've to convert the elements to integer first, before applying sum()

Converting String to Int with Swift

As of swift 3, I have to force my #%@! string & int with a "!" otherwise it just doesn't work.

For example:

let prefs = UserDefaults.standard
var counter: String!
counter = prefs.string(forKey:"counter")
print("counter: \(counter!)")

var counterInt = Int(counter!)
counterInt = counterInt! + 1
print("counterInt: \(counterInt!)")

counter: 1
counterInt: 2

NPM stuck giving the same error EISDIR: Illegal operation on a directory, read at error (native)

In my case issue was that space character was in the name of the source folder (Windows 10).

".addEventListener is not a function" why does this error occur?

var comment = document.getElementsByClassName("button");_x000D_
function showComment() {_x000D_
  var place = document.getElementById('textfield');_x000D_
  var commentBox = document.createElement('textarea');_x000D_
for (var i in comment) {_x000D_
  comment[i].onclick = function() {_x000D_
<input type="button" class="button" value="1">_x000D_
<input type="button" class="button" value="2">_x000D_
<div id="textfield"></div>

What's the fastest way in Python to calculate cosine similarity given sparse matrix data?

Hi you can do it this way

    temp = sp.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(3, 59))
    temp1 = temp.tocsr()

    #Cosine similarity
    row_sums = ((temp1.multiply(temp1)).sum(axis=1))
    rows_sums_sqrt = np.array(np.sqrt(row_sums))[:,0]
    row_indices, col_indices = temp1.nonzero() /= rows_sums_sqrt[row_indices]
    temp2 = temp1.transpose()
    temp3 = temp1*temp2

How do I generate a SALT in Java for Salted-Hash?

You were right regarding how you want to generate salt i.e. its nothing but a random number. For this particular case it would protect your system from possible Dictionary attacks. Now, for the second problem what you could do is instead of using UTF-8 encoding you may want to use Base64. Here, is a sample for generating a hash. I am using Apache Common Codecs for doing the base64 encoding you may select one of your own

public byte[] generateSalt() {
        SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
        byte bytes[] = new byte[20];
        return bytes;

public String bytetoString(byte[] input) {
        return org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.encodeBase64String(input);

public byte[] getHashWithSalt(String input, HashingTechqniue technique, byte[] salt) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
        MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(technique.value);
        byte[] hashedBytes = digest.digest(stringToByte(input));
        return hashedBytes;
public byte[] stringToByte(String input) {
        if (Base64.isBase64(input)) {
            return Base64.decodeBase64(input);

        } else {
            return Base64.encodeBase64(input.getBytes());

Here is some additional reference of the standard practice in password hashing directly from OWASP

SVN icon overlays not showing properly

To fix this go to TortoiseSVN > settings > Icon Overlays > Status cache changed from default to shell.

If the drive A or B is used check the Drive type as A and B.

ClassNotFoundException: org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

It needs "slf4j-simple-1.7.2.jar" to resolve the problem.

I downloaded a zip file "" from I extracted the zip file and i got slf4j-simple-1.7.2.jar

PHP Undefined Index

if you use isset like the answer posted already by singles, just make sure there is a bracket at the end like so:
$query_age = (isset($_GET['query_age']) ? $_GET['query_age'] : null);

How do we count rows using older versions of Hibernate (~2009)?

Long count = (Long) session.createQuery("select count(*) from  Book").uniqueResult();

Matplotlib (pyplot) savefig outputs blank image

Call after plt.savefig(fig) and your problem should be solved.

How do I download a file using VBA (without Internet Explorer)

This solution is based from this website:

It is slightly modified to overwrite existing file and to pass along login credentials.

Sub DownloadFile()

Dim myURL As String
myURL = ""

Dim WinHttpReq As Object
Set WinHttpReq = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
WinHttpReq.Open "GET", myURL, False, "username", "password"

If WinHttpReq.Status = 200 Then
    Set oStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
    oStream.Type = 1
    oStream.Write WinHttpReq.responseBody
    oStream.SaveToFile "C:\file.csv", 2 ' 1 = no overwrite, 2 = overwrite
End If

End Sub

Dynamically select data frame columns using $ and a character value

Another solution is to use #get:

> cols <- c("cyl", "am")
> get(cols[1], mtcars)
 [1] 6 6 4 6 8 6 8 4 4 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 8 6 8 4

"python" not recognized as a command

Another helpful but simple solution might be restarting your computer after doing the download if Python is in the PATH variable. This has been a mistake I usually make when downloading Python onto a new machine.

After restarting my machine then Windows will often recognize Python in the PATH variable.

SSRS - Checking whether the data is null

try like this

= IIF( MAX( iif( IsNothing(Fields!.Reading.Value ), -1, Fields!.Reading.Value ) ) = -1, "",  FormatNumber(  MAX( iif( IsNothing(Fields!.Reading.Value ), -1, Fields!.Reading.Value ), "CellReading_Reading"),3)) )

C#: Printing all properties of an object

Following snippet will do the desired function:

Type t = obj.GetType(); // Where obj is object whose properties you need.
PropertyInfo [] pi = t.GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo p in pi)
    System.Console.WriteLine(p.Name + " : " + p.GetValue(obj));

I think if you write this as extension method you could use it on all type of objects.

app.config for a class library

There is no automatic addition of app.config file when you add a class library project to your solution.

To my knowledge, there is no counter indication about doing so manualy. I think this is a common usage.

About log4Net config, you don't have to put the config into app.config, you can have a dedicated conf file in your project as well as an app.config file at the same time.

this link will give you examples about both ways (section in app.config and standalone log4net conf file)

error C2220: warning treated as error - no 'object' file generated

This error message is very confusing. I just fixed the other 'warnings' in my project and I really had only one (simple one):

warning C4101: 'i': unreferenced local variable

After I commented this unused i, and compiled it, the other error went away.

How do I output coloured text to a Linux terminal?

Before you going to output any color you need make sure you are in a terminal:

[ -t 1 ] && echo 'Yes I am in a terminal'  # isatty(3) call in C

Then you need to check terminal capability if it support color

on systems with terminfo (Linux based) you can obtain quantity of supported colors as

Number_Of_colors_Supported=$(tput colors)

on systems with termcap (BSD based) you can obtain quantity of supported colors as

Number_Of_colors_Supported=$(tput Co)

Then make you decision:

[ ${Number_Of_colors_Supported} -ge 8 ] && {
    echo 'You are fine and can print colors'
} || {
    echo 'Terminal does not support color'

BTW, do not use coloring as it was suggested before with ESC characters. Use standard call to terminal capability that will assign you CORRECT colors that particular terminal support.

BSD Based
fg_black="$(tput AF 0)"
fg_red="$(tput AF 1)"
fg_green="$(tput AF 2)"
fg_yellow="$(tput AF 3)"
fg_blue="$(tput AF 4)"
fg_magenta="$(tput AF 5)"
fg_cyan="$(tput AF 6)"
fg_white="$(tput AF 7)"
reset="$(tput me)"
Linux Based
fg_black="$(tput setaf 0)"
fg_red="$(tput setaf 1)"
fg_green="$(tput setaf 2)"
fg_yellow="$(tput setaf 3)"
fg_blue="$(tput setaf 4)"
fg_magenta="$(tput setaf 5)"
fg_cyan="$(tput setaf 6)"
fg_white="$(tput setaf 7)"
reset="$(tput sgr0)"
Use As
echo -e "${fg_red}  Red  ${fg_green} Bull ${reset}"

How do I create a local database inside of Microsoft SQL Server 2014?

Warning! SQL Server 14 Express, SQL Server Management Studio, and SQL 2014 LocalDB are separate downloads, make sure you actually installed SQL Server and not just the Management Studio! SQL Server 14 express with LocalDB download link

Youtube video about entire process.
Writeup with pictures about installing SQL Server

How to select a local server:

When you are asked to connect to a 'database server' right when you open up SQL Server Management Studio do this:

1) Make sure you have Server Type: Database

2) Make sure you have Authentication: Windows Authentication (no username & password)

3) For the server name field look to the right and select the drop down arrow, click 'browse for more'

4) New window pops up 'Browse for Servers', make sure to pick 'Local Servers' tab and under 'Database Engine' you will have the local server you set up during installation of SQL Server 14

How do I create a local database inside of Microsoft SQL Server 2014?

1) After you have connected to a server, bring up the Object Explorer toolbar under 'View' (Should open by default)

2) Now simply right click on 'Databases' and then 'Create new Database' to be taken through the database creation tools!

How do I prevent a parent's onclick event from firing when a child anchor is clicked?

you can also try this

$("#clickable").click(function(event) {
   var senderElementName =;
   if(senderElementName === 'div')
       // do something here 
      //do something with <a> tag

How to format a date using ng-model?

Angularjs ui bootstrap you can use angularjs ui bootstrap, it provides date validation also

<input type="text"  class="form-control" 
datepicker-popup="{{format}}" ng-model="dt" is-open="opened" 
min-date="minDate" max-date="'2015-06-22'"  datepickeroptions="dateOptions"
date-disabled="disabled(date, mode)" ng-required="true"> 

in controller can specify whatever format you want to display the date as datefilter

$scope.formats = ['dd-MMMM-yyyy', 'yyyy/MM/dd', 'dd.MM.yyyy', 'shortDate'];

"No backupset selected to be restored" SQL Server 2012

Another potential reason for this glitch appears to be Google Drive. Google Drive is compressing bak files or something, so if you want to transfer a database backup via Google Drive, it appears you must zip it first.

How to concatenate items in a list to a single string?

Without .join() method you can use this method:


for string in range(len(my_list)):
    if string == len(my_list)-1:
    >>> ['this-is-a-sentence']

So, range based for loop in this example , when the python reach the last word of your list, it should'nt add "-" to your concenated_string. If its not last word of your string always append "-" string to your concenated_string variable.

Angular HTML binding

I apologize if I am missing the point here, but I would like to recommend a different approach:

I think it's better to return raw data from your server side application and bind it to a template on the client side. This makes for more nimble requests since you're only returning json from your server.

To me it doesn't seem like it makes sense to use Angular if all you're doing is fetching html from the server and injecting it "as is" into the DOM.

I know Angular 1.x has an html binding, but I have not seen a counterpart in Angular 2.0 yet. They might add it later though. Anyway, I would still consider a data api for your Angular 2.0 app.

I have a few samples here with some simple data binding if you are interested:

Write string to output stream

You can create a PrintStream wrapping around your OutputStream and then just call it's print(String):

final OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/out");
final PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(os);

How to run a cronjob every X minutes?

You are setting your cron to run on 10th minute in every hour.
To set it to every 5 mins change to */5 * * * * /usr/bin/php / > /dev/null 2>&1

Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android

My answer is over-simplistic. If you like to write simple code that works cross-platform, then use the window.prompt method to ask the user for a date. Obviously you need to validate with a regex and then create the date object.

function onInputClick(e){
var r = window.prompt("Give me a date (YYYY-MM-DD)", "2014-01-01");
    //date ok
    var split=e.value.split("-");
    var date=new Date(parseInt(split[0]),parseInt(split[1])-1,parseInt(split[2]));
    alert("Invalid date. Try again.");

In you HTML:

<input type="text" onclick="onInputClick(this)" value="2014-01-01">

How to increase request timeout in IIS?

I know the question was about ASP but maybe somebody will find this answer helpful.

If you have a server behind the IIS 7.5 (e.g. Tomcat). In my case I have a server farm with Tomcat server configured. In such case you can change the timeout using the IIS Manager:

  • go to Server Farms -> {Server Name} -> Proxy
  • change the value in the Time-out entry box
  • click Apply (top-right corner)

or you can change it in the cofig file:

  • open %WinDir%\System32\Inetsrv\Config\applicationHost.config
  • adjust the server webFarm configuration to be similar to the following


<webFarm name="${SERVER_NAME}" enabled="true"> 
  <server address="${SERVER_ADDRESS}" enabled="true">
    <applicationRequestRouting httpPort="${SERVER_PORT}" />
    <protocol timeout="${TIME}" />

The ${TIME} is in HH:mm:ss format (so if you want to set it to 90 seconds then put there 00:01:30)

In case of Tomcat (and probably other servlet containers) you have to remember to change the timeout in the %TOMCAT_DIR%\conf\server.xml (just search for connectionTimeout attribute in Connector tag, and remember that it is specified in milliseconds)

Style bottom Line in Android

easiest way to do this is put after that view where you want bottom border

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    android:background="@color/colorPrimary" />

Converting a SimpleXML Object to an Array

Just (array) is missing in your code before the simplexml object:


$xml   = simplexml_load_string($string, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);

$array = json_decode(json_encode((array)$xml), TRUE);

TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

The python error says that wordInput is not an iterable -> it is of NoneType.

If you print wordInput before the offending line, you will see that wordInput is None.

Since wordInput is None, that means that the argument passed to the function is also None. In this case word. You assign the result of pickEasy to word.

The problem is that your pickEasy function does not return anything. In Python, a method that didn't return anything returns a NoneType.

I think you wanted to return a word, so this will suffice:

def pickEasy():
    word = random.choice(easyWords)
    word = str(word)
    for i in range(1, len(word) + 1):
    return word

What is the simplest method of inter-process communication between 2 C# processes?

I would suggest using the Windows Communication Foundation:

You can pass objects back and forth, use a variety of different protocols. I would suggest using the binary tcp protocol.

How to send string from one activity to another?

You can send data from one actvity to another with an Intent

Intent sendStuff = new Intent(this, TargetActivity.class);
sendStuff.putExtra(key, stringvalue);

You then can retrieve this information in the second activity by getting the intent and extracting the string extra. Do this in your onCreate() method.

Intent startingIntent = getIntent();
String whatYouSent = startingIntent.getStringExtra(key, value);

Then all you have to do is call setText on your TextView and use that string.

Using "-Filter" with a variable

Add double quote

$nameRegex = "chalmw-dm*"

-like "$nameregex" or -like "'$nameregex'"

How to force IE to reload javascript?

Add a string at the end of your URL to break the cache. I usually do (with PHP):

<script src="/my/js/file.js?<?=time()?>"></script>

So that it reloads every time while I'm working on it, and then take it off when it goes into production. In reality I abstract this out a little more but the idea remains the same.

If you check out the source of this website, they append the revision number at the end of the URL in a similar fashion to force the changes upon us whenever they update the javascript files.

installing apache: no VCRUNTIME140.dll

Check if your OS is Windows 7 Service Pack 1.. use "winver" to verify.

Make sure Service Pack 1 is there after "Build #### : Service Pack 1"

Resizing an Image without losing any quality

There is something out there, context aware resizing, don't know if you will be able to use it, but it's worth looking at, that's for sure

A nice video demo (Enlarging appears towards the middle)

Here there could be some code.

Was that overkill? Maybe there are some easy filters you can apply to an enlarged image to blur the pixels a bit, you could look into that.

angular ng-repeat in reverse

I would suggest using a custom filter such as this:

app.filter('reverse', function() {
  return function(items) {
    return items.slice().reverse();

Which can then be used like:

<div ng-repeat="friend in friends | reverse">{{}}</div>

See it working here: Plunker Demonstration

This filter can be customized to fit your needs as seen fit. I have provided other examples in the demonstration. Some options include checking that the variable is an array before performing the reverse, or making it more lenient to allow the reversal of more things such as strings.

Possible reason for NGINX 499 error codes

One of the reasons for this behaviour could be you are using http for uwsgi instead of socket. Use the below command if you are using uwsgi directly.

uwsgi --socket :8080 --module app-name.wsgi

Same command in .ini file is

chdir = /path/to/app/folder
socket = :8080
module = app-name.wsgi

SQL: Two select statements in one query

If you like to keep records separate and not do the union.
Try query below

        FROM   tblMadrid
        WHERE  name = 'ronaldo') AS table_a,
       (SELECT name,
        FROM   tblBarcelona
        WHERE  name = 'messi')   AS table_b

How do I display a ratio in Excel in the format A:B?

You are looking for the greatest common divisor (GCD).

You can calculate it recursively in VBA, like this:

Function GCD(numerator As Integer, denominator As Integer)
  If denominator = 0 Then
    GCD = numerator
    GCD = GCD(denominator, numerator Mod denominator)
  End If
End Function

And use it in your sheet like this:

   ColumnA   ColumnB   ColumnC
1  33        11        =A1/GCD(A1; B1) & ":" & B1/GCD(A1; B1)
2  25         5        =A2/GCD(A2; B2) & ":" & B2/GCD(A2; B2)

It is recommendable to store the result of the function call in a hidden column and use this result to avoid calling the function twice per row:

   ColumnA   ColumnB   ColumnC        ColumnD
1  33        11        =GCD(A1; B1)   =A1/C1 & ":" & B1/C1
2  25         5        =GCD(A2; B2)   =A2/C2 & ":" & B2/C2

How to actually search all files in Visual Studio

Press Ctrl+,

Then you will see a docked window under name of "Go to all"

This a picture of the "Go to all" in my IDE


Using margin:auto to vertically-align a div

I think you can fix that with Flexbox

.black {
  height : 200px;
  width : 200px;
  background-color : teal;
  border: 5px solid rgb(0, 53, 53);
  /* This is the important part */
  display : flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;

.message {
  background-color :  rgb(119, 128, 0);
  border: 5px solid rgb(0, 53, 53);
  height : 50%;
  width : 50%;
  padding : 5px;
<div class="black">
    <div class="message">
        This is a popup message.

What are advantages of Artificial Neural Networks over Support Vector Machines?

One thing to note is that the two are actually very related. Linear SVMs are equivalent to single-layer NN's (i.e., perceptrons), and multi-layer NNs can be expressed in terms of SVMs. See here for some details.

openCV program compile error " cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" in ubuntu 12.04

Find the folder containing the shared library using the following command line.

sudo find / -name "*"

Then I got the result:


Create a file called /etc/ and write to it the path to the folder where the binary is stored.For example, I wrote /usr/local/lib/ to my opencv.conf file. Run the command line as follows.

sudo ldconfig -v

Try to run the command again.

How to Call a JS function using OnClick event

I removed your document.getElementById("Save").onclick = before your functions, because it's an event already being called on your button. I also had to call the two functions separately by the onclick event.

     <!DOCTYPE html>
       function fun()
         //validation code to see State field is mandatory.  
        function f1()
          alert("f1 called");
           //form validation that recalls the page showing with supplied inputs.    
      <form name="form1" id="form1" method="post">
                <select id="state ID">
                   <option value="ap">ap</option>
                   <option value="bp">bp</option>

       <table><tr><td id="Save" onclick="f1(); fun();">click</td></tr></table>


How to discard all changes made to a branch?

git checkout -f

This is suffice for your question. Only thing is, once its done, its done. There is no undo.

How do I download the Android SDK without downloading Android Studio?

To download the SDK over command line, the link has changed slightly than previously mentioned:

wget --quiet --output-document=/tmp/${ANDROID_SDK_TOOLS}.zip

Latest version listed on the downloads page.

How to use Simple Ajax Beginform in MVC 4?

Simple example: Form with textbox and Search button.

If you write "name" into the textbox and submit form, it will brings you patients with "name" in table.


@using (Ajax.BeginForm("GetPatients", "Patient", new AjaxOptions {//GetPatients is name of method in PatientController
    InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace, //target element(#patientList) will be replaced
    UpdateTargetId = "patientList",
    LoadingElementId = "loader" // div with .gif loader - that is shown when data are loading   
    string patient_Name = "";
    @Html.EditorFor(x=>patient_Name) //text box with name and id, that it will pass to controller
    <input  type="submit" value="Search" />

@* ... *@
<div id="loader" class=" aletr" style="display:none">
    Loading...<img src="~/Images/ajax-loader.gif" />
@Html.Partial("_patientList") @* this is view with patient table. Same view you will return from controller *@


@model IEnumerable<YourApp.Models.Patient>

<table id="patientList" >
        @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Name)
        @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Number)
@foreach (var patient in Model) {
        @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => patient.Name)
        @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => patient.Number)


public class Patient
   public string Name { get; set; }
   public int Number{ get; set; }


public PartialViewResult GetPatients(string patient_Name="")
   var patients = yourDBcontext.Patients.Where(x=>x.Name.Contains(patient_Name))
   return PartialView("_patientList", patients);

And also as TSmith said in comments, don´t forget to install jQuery Unobtrusive Ajax library through NuGet.

How to update a single library with Composer?

Because you wanted to install specific package "I need to install only 1 package for my SF2 distribution (DoctrineFixtures)."

php composer.phar require package/package-name:package-version would be enough

Hello World in Python

In python 3.x. you use

print("Hello, World")

In Python 2.x. you use

print "Hello, World!"

How do I mock a REST template exchange?

If your intention is test the service without care about the rest call, I will suggest to not use any annotation in your unit test to simplify the test.

So, my suggestion is refactor your service to receive the resttemplate using injection constructor. This will facilitate the test. Example:

class SomeService {
    SomeService(TestTemplateObjects restTemplateObjects) {
        this.restTemplateObjects = restTemplateObjects;

The RestTemplate as component, to be injected and mocked after:

public class RestTemplateObjects {

    private final RestTemplate restTemplate;

    public RestTemplateObjects () {
        this.restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
        // you can add extra setup the restTemplate here, like errorHandler or converters

    public RestTemplate getRestTemplate() {
        return restTemplate;

And the test:

public void test() {



    SomeService someService = new SomeService(mockedRestTemplateObject);

In this way, you have direct access to mock the rest template by the SomeService constructor.

Escaping single quotes in JavaScript string for JavaScript evaluation

That worked for me.

string address=senderAddress.Replace("'", "\\'");

What is the difference between single and double quotes in SQL?

Single quotes are used to indicate the beginning and end of a string in SQL. Double quotes generally aren't used in SQL, but that can vary from database to database.

Stick to using single quotes.

That's the primary use anyway. You can use single quotes for a column alias — where you want the column name you reference in your application code to be something other than what the column is actually called in the database. For example: would be more readable as product_id, so you use either of the following:

  • SELECT AS product_id
  • SELECT 'product_id'

Either works in Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL… but I know some have said that the TOAD IDE seems to give some grief when using the single quotes approach.

You do have to use single quotes when the column alias includes a space character, e.g., product id, but it's not recommended practice for a column alias to be more than one word.

Tracing XML request/responses with JAX-WS

There are various ways of doing this programmatically, as described in the other answers, but they're quite invasive mechanisms. However, if you know that you're using the JAX-WS RI (aka "Metro"), then you can do this at the configuration level. See here for instructions on how to do this. No need to mess about with your application.

jQuery append() - return appended elements

A little reminder, when elements are added dynamically, functions like append(), appendTo(), prepend() or prependTo() return a jQuery object, not the HTML DOM element.


var container=$("div.container").get(0),
    htmlA="<div class=children>A</div>",
    htmlB="<div class=children>B</div>";

// jQuery object
alert( $(container).append(htmlA) ); // outputs "[object Object]"

// HTML DOM element
alert( $(container).append(htmlB).get(0) ); // outputs "[object HTMLDivElement]"