[r] Dynamically select data frame columns using $ and a character value

I have a vector of different column names and I want to be able to loop over each of them to extract that column from a data.frame. For example, consider the data set mtcars and some variable names stored in a character vector cols. When I try to select a variable from mtcars using a dynamic subset of cols, nether of these work

cols <- c("mpg", "cyl", "am")
col <- cols[1]
# [1] "mpg"


how can I get these to return the same values as


Furthermore how can I loop over all the columns in cols to get the values in some sort of loop.

for(x in seq_along(cols)) {
   value <- mtcars[ order(mtcars$cols[x]), ]

This question is related to r dataframe r-faq

The answer is

Another solution is to use #get:

> cols <- c("cyl", "am")
> get(cols[1], mtcars)
 [1] 6 6 4 6 8 6 8 4 4 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 8 6 8 4

too late.. but I guess I have the answer -

Here's my sample study.df dataframe -

   study   sample       collection_dt other_column
   1 DS-111 ES768098 2019-01-21:04:00:30         <NA>
   2 DS-111 ES768099 2018-12-20:08:00:30   some_value
   3 DS-111 ES768100                <NA>   some_value

And then -

> ## Selecting Columns in an Given order
> ## Create ColNames vector as per your Preference
> selectCols <- c('study','collection_dt','sample')
> ## Select data from Study.df with help of selection vector
> selectCols %>% select(.data=study.df,.)
   study       collection_dt   sample
1 DS-111 2019-01-21:04:00:30 ES768098
2 DS-111 2018-12-20:08:00:30 ES768099
3 DS-111                <NA> ES768100

mtcars[do.call(order, mtcars[cols]), ]

Had similar problem due to some CSV files that had various names for the same column.
This was the solution:

I wrote a function to return the first valid column name in a list, then used that...

# Return the string name of the first name in names that is a column name in tbl
# else null
ChooseCorrectColumnName <- function(tbl, names) {
for(n in names) {
    if (n %in% colnames(tbl)) {


cptcodefieldname = ChooseCorrectColumnName(file, c("CPT", "CPT.Code"))
icdcodefieldname = ChooseCorrectColumnName(file, c("ICD.10.CM.Code", "ICD10.Code"))

if (is.null(cptcodefieldname) || is.null(icdcodefieldname)) {
        print("Bad file column name")

# Here we use the hash table implementation where 
# we have a string key and list value so we need actual strings,
# not Factors
file[cptcodefieldname] = as.character(file[cptcodefieldname])
file[icdcodefieldname] = as.character(file[icdcodefieldname])
for (i in 1:length(file[cptcodefieldname])) {
    cpt_valid_icds[file[cptcodefieldname][i]] <<- unique(c(cpt_valid_icds[[file[cptcodefieldname][i]]], file[icdcodefieldname][i]))

if you want to select column with specific name then just do

#and then

you can run it in loop as well reverse way to add dynamic name eg if A is data frame and xyz is column to be named as x then I do like this


again this can also be added in loop

Using dplyr provides an easy syntax for sorting the data frames

mtcars %>% arrange(gear, desc(mpg))

It might be useful to use the NSE version as shown here to allow dynamically building the sort list

sort_list <- c("gear", "desc(mpg)")
mtcars %>% arrange_(.dots = sort_list)

If I understand correctly, you have a vector containing variable names and would like loop through each name and sort your data frame by them. If so, this example should illustrate a solution for you. The primary issue in yours (the full example isn't complete so I"m not sure what else you may be missing) is that it should be order(Q1_R1000[,parameter[X]]) instead of order(Q1_R1000$parameter[X]), since parameter is an external object that contains a variable name opposed to a direct column of your data frame (which when the $ would be appropriate).

dat <- data.frame(var1=round(rnorm(10)),
param <- paste0("var",1:3)
#   var1 var2 var3
#1    -1    2    1
#2     0    0    1
#3    -1   -1    0
#4     2   -2   -2
#5     0    1    1
#6    -1    0    0
#7     0    0    0
#8     1    1   -1
#9     1    1    0
#10    0    1    0

for(p in rev(param)){
   dat <- dat[order(dat[,p]),]
#   var1 var2 var3
#3    -1   -1    0
#6    -1    0    0
#1    -1    2    1
#7     0    0    0
#2     0    0    1
#10    0    1    0
#5     0    1    1
#8     1    1   -1
#9     1    1    0
#4     2   -2   -2

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