Programs & Examples On #Dojox.charting

dojox.charting is a sub-library of the Dojo Toolkit, which is an open source modular JavaScript library designed to ease the rapid development of cross-platform, JavaScript/Ajax-based applications and web sites. It is dual-licensed under the BSD License and the Academic Free License.

ImportError: No module named 'encodings'

Had the same problem when updating my mac to macOS Catalina, while using pipenv. Pipenv creates and manages a virtualenv for you, so the earlier suggestion from @Anoop-Malav is the same, just using pipenv to remove the virtual environment based on the current dir and reset it:

pipenv --rm
pipenv shell  # recreate a virtual env with your current Pipfile

Java array reflection: isArray vs. instanceof

There is no difference in behavior that I can find between the two (other than the obvious null-case). As for which version to prefer, I would go with the second. It is the standard way of doing this in Java.

If it confuses readers of your code (because String[] instanceof Object[] is true), you may want to use the first to be more explicit if code reviewers keep asking about it.

Figure out size of UILabel based on String in Swift

This is my answer in Swift 4.1 and Xcode 9.4.1

//This is your label
let proNameLbl = UILabel(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 20, width: 300, height: height))
proNameLbl.text = "This is your text"
proNameLbl.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 17)
proNameLbl.numberOfLines = 0
proNameLbl.lineBreakMode = .byWordWrapping

//Function to calculate height for label based on text
func heightForView(text:String, font:UIFont, width:CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
    let label:UILabel = UILabel(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: width, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude))
    label.numberOfLines = 0
    label.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.byWordWrapping
    label.font = font
    label.text = text

    return label.frame.height

Now you call this function

//Call this function
let height = heightForView(text: "This is your text", font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 17), width: 300)
print(height)//Output : 41.0

Select Top and Last rows in a table (SQL server)

To get the bottom 1000 you will want to order it by a column in descending order, and still take the top 1000.

FROM [SomeTable]

If you care for it to be in the same order as before you can use a common table expression for that:

    SELECT TOP 1000 *
    FROM [SomeTable]
    ORDER BY MySortColumn DESC

ORDER BY MySortColumn

jQuery get the location of an element relative to window

Try the bounding box. It's simple:

var leftPos  = $("#element")[0].getBoundingClientRect().left   + $(window)['scrollLeft']();
var rightPos = $("#element")[0].getBoundingClientRect().right  + $(window)['scrollLeft']();
var topPos   = $("#element")[0].getBoundingClientRect().top    + $(window)['scrollTop']();
var bottomPos= $("#element")[0].getBoundingClientRect().bottom + $(window)['scrollTop']();

Android-java- How to sort a list of objects by a certain value within the object

I think this will help you better

Person p = new Person("Bruce", "Willis");
Person p1  = new Person("Tom", "Hanks");
Person p2 = new Person("Nicolas", "Cage");
Person p3 = new Person("John", "Travolta");

ArrayList<Person> list = new ArrayList<Person>();

Collections.sort(list, new Comparator() {
    public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
        Person p1 = (Person) o1;
        Person p2 = (Person) o2;
        return p1.getFirstName().compareToIgnoreCase(p2.getFirstName());

Google Map API v3 ~ Simply Close an infowindow?

You could simply add a click listener on the map inside the function that creates the InfoWindow

google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
    var infoWindow = createInfoWindowForMarker(marker);, marker);
    google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function() {

Google map V3 Set Center to specific Marker

Once you have markers on the map, you can retrieve the Lat/Long coordinates through the API and use this to set the map's center. You'll first just need to determine which marker you wish to center on - I'll leave that up to you.

// "marker" refers to the Marker object you wish to center on

var latLng = marker.getPosition(); // returns LatLng object
map.setCenter(latLng); // setCenter takes a LatLng object

Info windows are separate objects which are typically bound to a marker, so to open the info window you might do something like this (however it will depend on your code):

var infoWindow = marker.infoWindow; // retrieve the InfoWindow object; // Trigger the "open()" method

Hope this helps.

Using "like" wildcard in prepared statement

String query="select * from test1 where "+selected+" like '%"+SelectedStr+"%';";

PreparedStatement preparedStatement=con.prepareStatement(query);

// where seleced and SelectedStr are String Variables in my program

Redirecting to a certain route based on condition

I'm doing it using interceptors. I have created a library file which can be added to the index.html file. This way you'll have global error handling for your rest service calls and don't have to care about all errors individually. Further down I also pasted my basic-auth login library. There you can see that I also check for the 401 error and redirect to a different location. See lib/ea-basic-auth-login.js


* @ngdoc overview
* @name http-error-handling
* @description
* Module that provides http error handling for apps.
* Usage:
* Hook the file in to your index.html: <script src="lib/http-error-handling.js"></script>
* Add <div class="messagesList" app-messages></div> to the index.html at the position you want to
* display the error messages.
(function() {
'use strict';
angular.module('http-error-handling', [])
    .config(function($provide, $httpProvider, $compileProvider) {
        var elementsList = $();

        var showMessage = function(content, cl, time) {
                .fadeOut('fast', function() { $(this).remove(); })

        $httpProvider.responseInterceptors.push(function($timeout, $q) {
            return function(promise) {
                return promise.then(function(successResponse) {
                    if (successResponse.config.method.toUpperCase() != 'GET')
                        showMessage('Success', 'http-success-message', 5000);
                    return successResponse;

                }, function(errorResponse) {
                    switch (errorResponse.status) {
                        case 400:
                            showMessage(, 'http-error-message', 6000);
                        case 401:
                            showMessage('Wrong email or password', 'http-error-message', 6000);
                        case 403:
                            showMessage('You don\'t have the right to do this', 'http-error-message', 6000);
                        case 500:
                            showMessage('Server internal error: ' +, 'http-error-message', 6000);
                            showMessage('Error ' + errorResponse.status + ': ' +, 'http-error-message', 6000);
                    return $q.reject(errorResponse);

        $compileProvider.directive('httpErrorMessages', function() {
            return {
                link: function(scope, element, attrs) {


.http-error-message {
    background-color: #fbbcb1;
    border: 1px #e92d0c solid;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-family: arial;
    padding: 10px;
    width: 702px;
    margin-bottom: 1px;

.http-error-validation-message {
    background-color: #fbbcb1;
    border: 1px #e92d0c solid;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-family: arial;
    padding: 10px;
    width: 702px;
    margin-bottom: 1px;

http-success-message {
    background-color: #adfa9e;
    border: 1px #25ae09 solid;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-family: arial;
    padding: 10px;
    width: 702px;
    margin-bottom: 1px;


<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" ng-app="cc">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/http-error-handling.css"/>

<!-- Display top tab menu -->
<ul class="menu">
  <li><a href="#/user">Users</a></li>
  <li><a href="#/vendor">Vendors</a></li>

<!-- Display errors -->
<div class="http-error-messages" http-error-messages></div>

<!-- Display partial pages -->
<div ng-view></div>

<!-- Include all the js files. In production use min.js should be used -->
<script src="lib/angular114/angular.js"></script>
<script src="lib/angular114/angular-resource.js"></script>
<script src="lib/http-error-handling.js"></script>
<script src="js/app.js"></script>
<script src="js/services.js"></script>
<script src="js/controllers.js"></script>
<script src="js/filters.js"></script>


Nearly same can be done for the login. Here you have the answer to the redirect ($location.path("/login")).

* @ngdoc overview
* @name ea-basic-auth-login
* @description
* Module that provides http basic authentication for apps.
* Usage:
* Hook the file in to your index.html: <script src="lib/ea-basic-auth-login.js">  </script>
* Place <ea-login-form/> tag in to your html login page
* Place <ea-logout-link/> tag in to your html page where the user has to click to logout
(function() {
'use strict';
angular.module('ea-basic-auth-login', ['ea-base64-login'])
    .config(['$httpProvider', function ($httpProvider) {
        var ea_basic_auth_login_interceptor = ['$location', '$q', function($location, $q) {
            function success(response) {
                return response;

            function error(response) {
                if(response.status === 401) {
                    return $q.reject(response);
                else {
                    return $q.reject(response);

            return function(promise) {
                return promise.then(success, error);
    .controller('EALoginCtrl', ['$scope','$http','$location','EABase64Login', function($scope, $http, $location, EABase64Login) {
        $scope.login = function() {
            $http.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + EABase64Login.encode($ + ':' + $scope.password);

        $scope.logout = function() {
            $http.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = undefined;
    .directive('eaLoginForm', [function() {
        return {
            restrict:   'E',
            template:   '<div id="ea_login_container" ng-controller="EALoginCtrl">' +
                        '<form id="ea_login_form" name="ea_login_form" novalidate>' +
                        '<input id="ea_login_email_field" class="ea_login_field" type="text" name="email" ng-model="email" placeholder="E-Mail"/>' +
                        '<br/>' +
                        '<input id="ea_login_password_field" class="ea_login_field" type="password" name="password" ng-model="password" placeholder="Password"/>' +
                        '<br/>' +
                        '<button class="ea_login_button" ng-click="login()">Login</button>' +
                        '</form>' +
            replace: true
    .directive('eaLogoutLink', [function() {
        return {
            restrict: 'E',
            template: '<a id="ea-logout-link" ng-controller="EALoginCtrl" ng-click="logout()">Logout</a>',
            replace: true

angular.module('ea-base64-login', []).
    factory('EABase64Login', function() {
        var keyStr = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP' +
            'QRSTUVWXYZabcdef' +
            'ghijklmnopqrstuv' +
            'wxyz0123456789+/' +

        return {
            encode: function (input) {
                var output = "";
                var chr1, chr2, chr3 = "";
                var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4 = "";
                var i = 0;

                do {
                    chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
                    chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
                    chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);

                    enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
                    enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
                    enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
                    enc4 = chr3 & 63;

                    if (isNaN(chr2)) {
                        enc3 = enc4 = 64;
                    } else if (isNaN(chr3)) {
                        enc4 = 64;

                    output = output +
                        keyStr.charAt(enc1) +
                        keyStr.charAt(enc2) +
                        keyStr.charAt(enc3) +
                    chr1 = chr2 = chr3 = "";
                    enc1 = enc2 = enc3 = enc4 = "";
                } while (i < input.length);

                return output;

            decode: function (input) {
                var output = "";
                var chr1, chr2, chr3 = "";
                var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4 = "";
                var i = 0;

                // remove all characters that are not A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /, or =
                var base64test = /[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g;
                if (base64test.exec(input)) {
                    alert("There were invalid base64 characters in the input text.\n" +
                        "Valid base64 characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, '+', '/',and '='\n" +
                        "Expect errors in decoding.");
                input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");

                do {
                    enc1 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
                    enc2 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
                    enc3 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
                    enc4 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));

                    chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);
                    chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);
                    chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4;

                    output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1);

                    if (enc3 != 64) {
                        output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2);
                    if (enc4 != 64) {
                        output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3);

                    chr1 = chr2 = chr3 = "";
                    enc1 = enc2 = enc3 = enc4 = "";

                } while (i < input.length);

                return output;

exception.getMessage() output with class name

My guess is that you've got something in method1 which wraps one exception in another, and uses the toString() of the nested exception as the message of the wrapper. I suggest you take a copy of your project, and remove as much as you can while keeping the problem, until you've got a short but complete program which demonstrates it - at which point either it'll be clear what's going on, or we'll be in a better position to help fix it.

Here's a short but complete program which demonstrates RuntimeException.getMessage() behaving correctly:

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());

    private static void failingMethod() {
        throw new RuntimeException("Just the message");


Error: Just the message

Use multiple css stylesheets in the same html page

You can't control which you're referencing, given the same level of specificity in the rule (e.g. both are simply .banner) the stylesheet included last will win.

It's per-property, so if there's a combination going on (for example one has background, the other has color) then you'll get the combination...if a property is defined in both, whatever it is the last time it appears in stylesheet order wins.

Limiting number of displayed results when using ngRepeat

store all your data initially

function PhoneListCtrl($scope, $http) {
  $http.get('phones/phones.json').success(function(data) {
    $scope.phones = data.splice(0, 5);
    $scope.allPhones = data;

  $scope.orderProp = 'age';
  $scope.howMany = 5;
  //then here watch the howMany variable on the scope and update the phones array accordingly
  $scope.$watch("howMany", function(newValue, oldValue){
    $scope.phones = $scope.allPhones.splice(0,newValue)

EDIT had accidentally put the watch outside the controller it should have been inside.

Sieve of Eratosthenes - Finding Primes Python

import math
def sieve(n):
    primes = [True]*n
    primes[0] = False
    primes[1] = False
    for i in range(2,int(math.sqrt(n))+1):
            j = i*i
            while j < n:
                    primes[j] = False
                    j = j+i
    return [x for x in range(n) if primes[x] == True]

Get unique values from a list in python

Use the following function:

def uniquefy_list(input_list):
This function  takes a list as input and return a list containing only unique elements from the input list

for elm123 in input_list:
    for elm234 in output_list:
        if elm123 == elm234:
    if in_both_lists == 0:

return output_list

CSS Float: Floating an image to the left of the text

Set the width of post-content and post-thumb so that you get a two-column layout.

Android: Proper Way to use onBackPressed() with Toast

use to .onBackPressed() to back Activity specify

public void onBackPressed(){
    backpress = (backpress + 1);
    Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), " Press Back again to Exit ", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    if (backpress>1) {

How to copy directory recursively in python and overwrite all?

My simple answer.

def get_files_tree(src="src_path"):
    req_files = []
    for r, d, files in os.walk(src):
        for file in files:
            src_file = os.path.join(r, file)
            src_file = src_file.replace('\\', '/')
            if src_file.endswith('.db'):

    return req_files
def copy_tree_force(src_path="",dest_path=""):
    make sure that all the paths has correct slash characters.
    for cf in get_files_tree(src=src_path):
        df= cf.replace(src_path, dest_path)
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(df)):
        shutil.copy2(cf, df)

C#: Looping through lines of multiline string

Sometimes I think we can overcomplicate the solution just to avoid repeating one line of code. This is the reason I landed on this question in the first place.

After thinking about it for a bit I came to the conclusion that the simplest solution is to repeat the ReadLine before and inside the loop.

using (var stringReader = new StringReader(input))
    var line = await stringReader.ReadLineAsync();

    while (line != null)
        // do something
        line = await stringReader.ReadLineAsync();

I realize this might be considered to not follow the DRY principle, but I think it's worth considering given the simplicity.

Get a list of all git commits, including the 'lost' ones

If you use Git Extensions GUI it can show you a graphical visualization of dangling commits if you check "View -> Show reflog references". This will show dangling commits in the tree, just like all other referenced ones. This way it is way easier to find what you are looking for.

See this image for demonstration. Commits C2, C3, C4, and C5 on the image are dangling but still visible.

Does Python have a toString() equivalent, and can I convert a db.Model element to String?

str() is the equivalent.

However you should be filtering your query. At the moment your query is all() Todo's.

todos = Todo.all().filter('author = ', users.get_current_user().nickname()) 


todos = Todo.all().filter('author = ', users.get_current_user())

depending on what you are defining author as in the Todo model. A StringProperty or UserProperty.

Note nickname is a method. You are passing the method and not the result in template values.

Binding an Image in WPF MVVM

@Sheridan thx.. if I try your example with "DisplayedImagePath" on both sides, it works with absolute path as you show.

As for the relative paths, this is how I always connect relative paths, I first include the subdirectory (!) and the image file in my project.. then I use ~ character to denote the bin-path..

    public string DisplayedImagePath
        get { return @"~\..\images\osc.png"; }

This was tested, see below my Solution Explorer in VS2015..

example of image binding in VS2015)

Note: if you want a Click event, use the Button tag around the image,

<Button Click="image_Click" Width="128" Height="128"  Grid.Row="2" VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Left">_x000D_
  <Image x:Name="image" Source="{Binding DisplayedImagePath}" Margin="0,0,0,0" />_x000D_

Update Multiple Rows in Entity Framework from a list of ids

var idList=new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4};
var friendsToUpdate = await Context.Friends.Where(f => 

foreach(var item in previousEReceipts)
  item.msgSentBy = "1234";

You can use foreach to update each element that meets your condition.

Here is an example in a more generic way:

var itemsToUpdate = await Context.friends.Where(f => f.Id == <someCondition>).ToListAsync();

foreach(var item in itemsToUpdate)
{ = updatedValue;

In general you will most probably use async methods with await for db queries.

How to install mongoDB on windows?

Installing MongoDB on Windows is bit tricky compared to other Executable files.. Got a good reference after long search i got Installing MongoDB in Windows

After Installing open command prompt and type "mongod", then keep the window minimized and open another command prompt window and type "mongo" and you will find the success message of connecting to the test database

Share link on Google+

<meta property="og:title" content="Ali Umair"/>
<meta property="og:description" content="Ali UMair is a web developer"/><meta property="og:image" content="../image" />

<a target="_blank" href="<? echo urlencode('http://www..'); ?>"><img src="../gplus-black_icon.png" alt="" /></a>

this code will work with image text and description please put meta into head tag

HREF="" automatically adds to current page URL (in PHP). Can't figure it out

This is how a browser interprets and empty href. It assumes you want to link back to the page that you are on. This is the same as if you dont assign an action to a <form> element.

If you add any word in the href it will append it to the current page unless you:

  • Add a slash / to the front of it telling it to append it to your base url e.g.
  • add a # sign in which case it is an in-page anchor
  • or a valid URL

EDIT: It was suggested that I add a link to help clarify the situation. I found the following site that I think does a really good job explaining the href attribute of anchor tags and how it interprets URL paths. It is not incredibly technical and very human-readable. It uses lots of examples to illustrate the differences between the path types:

Convert timestamp to readable date/time PHP

You can try this:

   $mytimestamp = 1465298940;

   echo gmdate("m-d-Y", $mytimestamp);

Output :


How to overlay image with color in CSS?

You should use rgba for overlaying your element with photos.rgba is a way to declare a color in CSS that includes alpha transparency support. you can use .row as an overlayer like this:

#header {
    background: url(../img/bg.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat fixed;
    height: 100%;
    overflow: hidden;
    color: #FFFFFF

    background: rgba(39,62,84,0.82);
    overflow: hidden;
    height: 100%;
    z-index: 2;

How can I create a Java 8 LocalDate from a long Epoch time in Milliseconds?

In a specific case where your epoch seconds timestamp comes from SQL or is related to SQL somehow, you can obtain it like this:

long startDateLong = <...>

LocalDate theDate = new java.sql.Date(startDateLong).toLocalDate();

How to access random item in list?

Why not[2]:

public static T GetRandom<T>(this List<T> list)
     return list[(int)(DateTime.Now.Ticks%list.Count)];

Skipping error in for-loop

One (dirty) way to do it is to use tryCatch with an empty function for error handling. For example, the following code raises an error and breaks the loop :

for (i in 1:10) {
    if (i==7) stop("Urgh, the iphone is in the blender !")

[1] 1
[1] 2
[1] 3
[1] 4
[1] 5
[1] 6
[1] 7
Erreur : Urgh, the iphone is in the blender !

But you can wrap your instructions into a tryCatch with an error handling function that does nothing, for example :

for (i in 1:10) {
    if (i==7) stop("Urgh, the iphone is in the blender !")
  }, error=function(e){})

[1] 1
[1] 2
[1] 3
[1] 4
[1] 5
[1] 6
[1] 7
[1] 8
[1] 9
[1] 10

But I think you should at least print the error message to know if something bad happened while letting your code continue to run :

for (i in 1:10) {
    if (i==7) stop("Urgh, the iphone is in the blender !")
  }, error=function(e){cat("ERROR :",conditionMessage(e), "\n")})

[1] 1
[1] 2
[1] 3
[1] 4
[1] 5
[1] 6
[1] 7
ERROR : Urgh, the iphone is in the blender ! 
[1] 8
[1] 9
[1] 10

EDIT : So to apply tryCatch in your case would be something like :

for (v in 2:180){
        mypath=file.path("C:", "file1", (paste("graph",names(mydata[columnname]), ".pdf", sep="-")))
        mytitle = paste("anything")
        myplotfunction(mydata[,columnnumber]) ## this function is defined previously in the program
    }, error=function(e){cat("ERROR :",conditionMessage(e), "\n")})

CSS: center element within a <div> element

Create a new div element for your element to center, then add a class specifically for centering that element like this

<div id="myNewElement">
    <div class="centered">
        <input type="button" value="My Centered Button"/>



Naming conventions for Java methods that return boolean

I want to point a different view on this general naming convention, e.g.:

see java.util.Set: boolean add?(E e)

where the rationale is:

do some processing then report whether it succeeded or not.

While the return is indeed a boolean the method's name should point the processing to complete instead of the result type (boolean for this example).

Your createFreshSnapshot example seems for me more related to this point of view because seems to mean this: create a fresh-snapshot then report whether the create-operation succeeded. Considering this reasoning the name createFreshSnapshot seems to be the best one for your situation.

Side-by-side list items as icons within a div (css)

This can be a pure CSS solution. Given:

<ul class="tileMe">
    <li>item 1<li>
    <li>item 2<li>
    <li>item 3<li>

The CSS would be:

.tileMe li {
    display: inline;
    float: left;

Now, since you've changed the display mode from 'block' (implied) to 'inline', any padding, margin, width, or height styles you applied to li elements will not work. You need to nest a block-level element inside the li:

<li><a class="tile" href="home">item 1</a></li>

and add the following CSS:

.tile a {
    display: block;
    padding: 10px;
    border: 1px solid red;
    margin-right: 5px;

The key concept behind this solution is that you are changing the display style of the li to 'inline', and nesting a block-level element inside to achieve the consistent tiling effect.

spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer and context:property-placeholder

Following worked for me:
<context:property-placeholder location="file:src/resources/spring/"/>

Somehow "classpath:xxx" is not picking the file.

jQuery UI Dialog Box - does not open after being closed

I solved it.

I used destroy instead close function (it doesn't make any sense), but it worked.

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#terms').dialog({resizable: false,
        modal: true,
        width: 400,
        height: 450,
        overlay: { backgroundColor: "#000", opacity: 0.5 },
        buttons:{ "Close": function() { $(this).dialog('**destroy**'); } },
        close: function(ev, ui) { $(this).close(); },
$('#form1 input#calendarTEST').datepicker({ dateFormat: 'MM d, yy' });

Print Pdf in C#

Looks like the usual suspects like pdfsharp and migradoc are not able to do that (pdfsharp only if you have Acrobat (Reader) installed).

I found here

code ready for copy/paste. It uses the default printer and from what I can see it doesn't even use any libraries, directly sending the pdf bytes to the printer. So I assume the printer also needs to support it, on one 10 year old printer I tested this it worked flawlessly.

Most other approaches - without commercial libraries or applications - require you to draw yourself in the printing device context. Doable but will take a while to figure it out and make it work across printers.

Can't use modulus on doubles?

The % operator is for integers. You're looking for the fmod() function.

#include <cmath>

int main()
    double x = 6.3;
    double y = 2.0;
    double z = std::fmod(x,y);


How to set HttpResponse timeout for Android in Java

In my example, two timeouts are set. The connection timeout throws Socket is not connected and the socket timeout The operation timed out.

HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(url);
HttpParams httpParameters = new BasicHttpParams();
// Set the timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established.
// The default value is zero, that means the timeout is not used. 
int timeoutConnection = 3000;
HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(httpParameters, timeoutConnection);
// Set the default socket timeout (SO_TIMEOUT) 
// in milliseconds which is the timeout for waiting for data.
int timeoutSocket = 5000;
HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(httpParameters, timeoutSocket);

DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(httpParameters);
HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpGet);

If you want to set the Parameters of any existing HTTPClient (e.g. DefaultHttpClient or AndroidHttpClient) you can use the function setParams().


Are PHP Variables passed by value or by reference?

Actually both methods are valid but it depends upon your requirement. Passing values by reference often makes your script slow. So it's better to pass variables by value considering time of execution. Also the code flow is more consistent when you pass variables by value.

Lock screen orientation (Android)

I had a similar problem.

When I entered

<activity android:name="MyActivity" android:screenOrientation="landscape"></activity>

In the manifest file this caused that activity to display in landscape. However when I returned to previous activities they displayed in lanscape even though they were set to portrait. However by adding


immediately after the OnCreate section of the target activity resolved the problem. So I now use both methods.

iOS Safari – How to disable overscroll but allow scrollable divs to scroll normally?

Here's a zepto compatible solution

    if (!$('scrollable') && !$('.scrollable').length > 0) {
       console.log('prevented scroll');
       return false;

How do I REALLY reset the Visual Studio window layout?

If you want to reset your development environment of your visual studio, then you can use Import and Export setting wizard. see this for all steps:

Is String.Contains() faster than String.IndexOf()?

Probably, it will not matter at all. Read this post on Coding Horror ;):

Running unittest with typical test directory structure

If you use VS Code and your tests are located on the same level as your project then running and debug your code doesn't work out of the box. What you can do is change your launch.json file:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Python",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "launch",
            "stopOnEntry": false,
            "pythonPath": "${config:python.pythonPath}",
            "program": "${file}",
            "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
            "env": {},
            "envFile": "${workspaceRoot}/.env",
            "debugOptions": [

The key line here is envFile

"envFile": "${workspaceRoot}/.env",

In the root of your project add .env file

Inside of your .env file add path to the root of your project. This will temporarily add


path to your project and you will be able to use debug unit tests from VS Code

How can I extract audio from video with ffmpeg?

For people looking for the simpler way to extract audio from a video file while retaining the original video file's parameters, you can use:

ffmpeg -i <video_file_name.extension> <audio_file_name.extension>

For example, running:

ffmpeg -i screencap.mp3

extracts an mp3 audio file from a mov video file.

Get the last inserted row ID (with SQL statement)

If your SQL Server table has a column of type INT IDENTITY (or BIGINT IDENTITY), then you can get the latest inserted value using:

INSERT INTO dbo.YourTable(columns....)


This works as long as you haven't inserted another row - it just returns the last IDENTITY value handed out in this scope here.

There are at least two more options - @@IDENTITY and IDENT_CURRENT - read more about how they works and in what way they're different (and might give you unexpected results) in this excellent blog post by Pinal Dave here.

How can I make a TextBox be a "password box" and display stars when using MVVM?

You can make your TextBox as customed PasswordBox by simply adding the following value to FontFamily property of your TextBox control.

    Text="{Binding Password}"

In my case this works perfectly. This will show dot in place of the actual text (not star(*) though).

PHP - add 1 day to date format mm-dd-yyyy

there you go

$date = "04-15-2013";
$date1 = str_replace('-', '/', $date);
$tomorrow = date('m-d-Y',strtotime($date1 . "+1 days"));

echo $tomorrow;

this will output


Documentation for both function

Combining two lists and removing duplicates, without removing duplicates in original list

resulting_list = list(first_list)
resulting_list.extend(x for x in second_list if x not in resulting_list)

Angular 2 / 4 / 5 - Set base href dynamically

Add-ons:If you want for eg: /users as application base for router and /public as base for assets use

$ ng build -prod --base-href /users --deploy-url /public

INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE when I try to install compiled .apk on device

You have to sign your application and then run it!

If you are preparing a new update for your application, it is not a problem to continue working. In the end, before releasing the prepared version, when you sign the application, the problem will be solved and users will have no problem installing your application.

Set mouse focus and move cursor to end of input using jQuery

    function focusCampo(id){
        var inputField = document.getElementById(id);
        if (inputField != null && inputField.value.length != 0){
            if (inputField.createTextRange){
                var FieldRange = inputField.createTextRange();
            }else if (inputField.selectionStart || inputField.selectionStart == '0') {
                var elemLen = inputField.value.length;
                inputField.selectionStart = elemLen;
                inputField.selectionEnd = elemLen;


works for all ie browsers..

JavaScript - onClick to get the ID of the clicked button

<button id="1" onClick="reply_click()"></button>
<button id="2" onClick="reply_click()"></button>
<button id="3" onClick="reply_click()"></button>

function reply_click()

Make Vim show ALL white spaces as a character

As of patch 7.4.710 you can now set a character to show in place of space using listchars!

:set listchars+=space:?

So, to show ALL white space characters as a character you can do the following:

:set listchars=eol:¬,tab:>·,trail:~,extends:>,precedes:<,space:?
:set list

Discussion on mailing list:!topic/vim_dev/pjmW6wOZW_Q

iCheck check if checkbox is checked

this works for me... try it

// Check #x_x000D_
$( "#x" ).prop( "checked", true );_x000D_
// Uncheck #x_x000D_
$( "#x" ).prop( "checked", false );

sqlalchemy: how to join several tables by one query?

A good style would be to setup some relations and a primary key for permissions (actually, usually it is good style to setup integer primary keys for everything, but whatever):

class User(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'users'
    email = Column(String, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String)

class Document(Base):
    __tablename__ = "documents"
    name = Column(String, primary_key=True)
    author_email = Column(String, ForeignKey(""))
    author = relation(User, backref='documents')

class DocumentsPermissions(Base):
    __tablename__ = "documents_permissions"
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    readAllowed = Column(Boolean)
    writeAllowed = Column(Boolean)
    document_name = Column(String, ForeignKey(""))
    document = relation(Document, backref = 'permissions')

Then do a simple query with joins:

query = session.query(User, Document, DocumentsPermissions).join(Document).join(DocumentsPermissions)

Postgresql SQL: How check boolean field with null and True,False Value?

On PostgreSQL you can use:

SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE (boolean_column IS NULL OR NOT boolean_column)

What is the purpose of .PHONY in a Makefile?

The special target .PHONY: allows to declare phony targets, so that make will not check them as actual file names: it will work all the time even if such files still exist.

You can put several .PHONY: in your Makefile :

.PHONY: all

all : prog1 prog2


.PHONY: clean distclean

clean :
distclean :

There is another way to declare phony targets : simply put :: without prerequisites :

all :: prog1 prog2


clean ::
distclean ::

The :: has other special meanings, see here, but without prerequisites it always execute the recipes, even if the target already exists, thus acting as a phony target.

What is $@ in Bash?

Yes. Please see the man page of bash ( the first thing you go to ) under Special Parameters

Special Parameters

The shell treats several parameters specially. These parameters may only be referenced; assignment to them is not allowed.

* Expands to the positional parameters, starting from one. When the expansion occurs within double quotes, it expands to a single word with the value of each parameter separated by the first character of the IFS special variable. That is, "$*" is equivalent to "$1c$2c...", where c is the first character of the value of the IFS variable. If IFS is unset, the parameters are separated by spaces. If IFS is null, the parameters are joined without intervening separators.

@ Expands to the positional parameters, starting from one. When the expansion occurs within double quotes, each parameter expands to a separate word. That is, "$@" is equivalent to "$1" "$2" ... If the double-quoted expansion occurs within a word, the expansion of the first parameter is joined with the beginning part of the original word, and the expansion of the last parameter is joined with the last part of the original word. When there are no positional parameters, "$@" and $@ expand to nothing (i.e., they are removed).

jQuery autocomplete with callback ajax json

If you are returning a complex json object you need to modify you success function of your auto-complete as follows.

    url: "/Employees/SearchEmployees",
    dataType: "json",
    data: {
        searchText: request.term
    success: function (data) {
        response($.map(data.employees, function (item) {
            return {

Convert an image (selected by path) to base64 string

The following piece of code works for me:

string image_path="physical path of your image";
byte[] byes_array = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(Server.MapPath(image_path));
string base64String = Convert.ToBase64String(byes_array);

How to update PATH variable permanently from Windows command line?

This Python-script[*] does exactly that:

Show/Modify/Append registry env-vars (ie `PATH`) and notify Windows-applications to pickup changes.

First attempts to show/modify HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (all users), and 
if not accessible due to admin-rights missing, fails-back 
Write and Delete operations do not proceed to user-tree if all-users succeed.

    {prog}                  : Print all env-vars. 
    {prog}  VARNAME         : Print value for VARNAME. 
    {prog}  VARNAME   VALUE : Set VALUE for VARNAME. 
    {prog}  +VARNAME  VALUE : Append VALUE in VARNAME delimeted with ';' (i.e. used for `PATH`). 
    {prog}  -VARNAME        : Delete env-var value. 

Note that the current command-window will not be affected, 
changes would apply only for new command-windows.

import winreg
import os, sys, win32gui, win32con

def reg_key(tree, path, varname):
    return '%s\%s:%s' % (tree, path, varname) 

def reg_entry(tree, path, varname, value):
    return '%s=%s' % (reg_key(tree, path, varname), value)

def query_value(key, varname):
    value, type_id = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, varname)
    return value

def yield_all_entries(tree, path, key):
    i = 0
    while True:
            n,v,t = winreg.EnumValue(key, i)
            yield reg_entry(tree, path, n, v)
            i += 1
        except OSError:
            break ## Expected, this is how iteration ends.

def notify_windows(action, tree, path, varname, value):
    win32gui.SendMessage(win32con.HWND_BROADCAST, win32con.WM_SETTINGCHANGE, 0, 'Environment')
    print("---%s %s" % (action, reg_entry(tree, path, varname, value)), file=sys.stderr)

def manage_registry_env_vars(varname=None, value=None):
    reg_keys = [
        ('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', r'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment'),
        ('HKEY_CURRENT_USER', r'Environment'),
    for (tree_name, path) in reg_keys:
        tree = eval('winreg.%s'%tree_name)
            with winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, tree) as reg:
                with winreg.OpenKey(reg, path, 0, winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS) as key:
                    if not varname:
                        for regent in yield_all_entries(tree_name, path, key):
                        if not value:
                            if varname.startswith('-'):
                                varname = varname[1:]
                                value = query_value(key, varname)
                                winreg.DeleteValue(key, varname)
                                notify_windows("Deleted", tree_name, path, varname, value)
                                break  ## Don't propagate into user-tree.
                                value = query_value(key, varname)
                                print(reg_entry(tree_name, path, varname, value))
                            if varname.startswith('+'):
                                varname = varname[1:]
                                value = query_value(key, varname) + ';' + value
                            winreg.SetValueEx(key, varname, 0, winreg.REG_EXPAND_SZ, value)
                            notify_windows("Updated", tree_name, path, varname, value)
                            break  ## Don't propagate into user-tree.
        except PermissionError as ex:
            print("!!!Cannot access %s due to: %s" % 
                    (reg_key(tree_name, path, varname), ex), file=sys.stderr)
        except FileNotFoundError as ex:
            print("!!!Cannot find %s due to: %s" % 
                    (reg_key(tree_name, path, varname), ex), file=sys.stderr)

if __name__=='__main__':
    args = sys.argv
    argc = len(args)
    if argc > 3:
        print(__doc__.format(prog=args[0]), file=sys.stderr)


Below are some usage examples, assuming it has been saved in a file called somewhere in your current path. Note that in these examples i didn't have admin-rights, so the changes affected only my local user's registry tree:

> REM ## Print all env-vars
!!!Cannot access HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session   Manager\Environment:PATH due to: [WinError 5] Access is denied

> REM ## Query env-var:
> PATH C:\foo
!!!Cannot access HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session   Manager\Environment:PATH due to: [WinError 5] Access is denied
!!!Cannot find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment:PATH due to: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified

> REM ## Set env-var:
> PATH C:\foo
!!!Cannot access HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session   Manager\Environment:PATH due to: [WinError 5] Access is denied
---Set HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment:PATH=C:\foo

> REM ## Append env-var:
> +PATH D:\Bar
!!!Cannot access HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session   Manager\Environment:PATH due to: [WinError 5] Access is denied
---Set HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment:PATH=C:\foo;D:\Bar

> REM ## Delete env-var:
!!!Cannot access HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session   Manager\Environment:PATH due to: [WinError 5] Access is denied
---Deleted HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment:PATH

[*] Adapted from:

Vue js error: Component template should contain exactly one root element

You need to wrap all the html into one single element.

        <div class="form-group">
            <label for="avatar" class="control-label">Avatar</label>
            <input type="file" v-on:change="fileChange" id="avatar">
            <div class="help-block">
                Help block here updated 4  ...

        <div class="col-md-6">
            <input type="hidden" name="avatar_id">
            <img class="avatar" title="Current avatar">


    export default{
        methods: {
                console.log('Test of file input change')

How to view file diff in git before commit

git diff HEAD file

will show you changes you added to your worktree from the last commit. All the changes (staged or not staged) will be shown.

SELECT INTO a table variable in T-SQL

You could try using temporary tables...if you are not doing it from an application. (It may be ok to run this manually)

SELECT name, location INTO #userData FROM myTable
INNER JOIN otherTable ON ...
WHERE age>30

You skip the effort to declare the table that way... Helps for adhoc queries...This creates a local temp table which wont be visible to other sessions unless you are in the same session. Maybe a problem if you are running query from an app.

if you require it to running on an app, use variables declared this way :

    name varchar(30) NOT NULL,
    oldlocation varchar(30) NOT NULL

SELECT name, location FROM myTable
INNER JOIN otherTable ON ...
WHERE age > 30;

Edit: as many of you mentioned updated visibility to session from connection. Creating temp tables is not an option for web applications, as sessions can be reused, stick to temp variables in those cases

How can I format a list to print each element on a separate line in python?

Use str.join:

In [27]: mylist = ['10', '12', '14']

In [28]: print '\n'.join(mylist)

HTML meta tag for content language

You asked for differences, but you can’t quite compare those two.

Note that <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="es"> is obsolete and removed in HTML5. It was used to specify “a document-wide default language”, with its http-equiv attribute making it a pragma directive (which simulates an HTTP response header like Content-Language that hasn’t been sent from the server, since it cannot override a real one).

Regarding <meta name="language" content="Spanish">, you hardly find any reliable information. It’s non-standard and was probably invented as a SEO makeshift.

However, the HTML5 W3C Recommendation encourages authors to use the lang attribute on html root elements (attribute values must be valid BCP 47 language tags):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="es-ES">

Anyway, if you want to specify the content language to instruct search engine robots, you should consider this quote from Google Search Console Help on multilingual sites:

Google uses only the visible content of your page to determine its language. We don’t use any code-level language information such as lang attributes.

How to extract text from a string using sed?

sed doesn't recognize \d, use [[:digit:]] instead. You will also need to escape the + or use the -r switch (-E on OS X).

Note that [0-9] works as well for Arabic-Hindu numerals.

String contains another string

You can use .indexOf():

if(str.indexOf(substr) > -1) {


How to check if a table is locked in sql server

If you are verifying if a lock is applied on a table or not, try the below query.

SELECT resource_type, resource_associated_entity_id,
    request_status, request_mode,request_session_id,
    resource_description, o.object_id,, o.type_desc 
FROM sys.dm_tran_locks l, sys.objects o
WHERE l.resource_associated_entity_id = o.object_id
    and resource_database_id = DB_ID()

How do I read a string entered by the user in C?

I found an easy and nice solution:

char*string_acquire(char*s,int size,FILE*stream){
    int i;
    if(s[i]!='\n') while(getchar()!='\n');
    if(s[i]=='\n') s[i]='\0';
    return s;

it's based on fgets but free from '\n' and stdin extra characters (to replace fflush(stdin) that doesn't works on all OS, useful if you have to acquire strings after this).

Listen for key press in .NET console app

with below code you can listen SpaceBar pressing , in middle of your console execution and pause until another key is pressed and also listen for EscapeKey for breaking the main loop

static ConsoleKeyInfo cki = new ConsoleKeyInfo();

while(true) {
      if (WaitOrBreak()) break;
      //your main code

 private static bool WaitOrBreak(){
        if (Console.KeyAvailable) cki = Console.ReadKey(true);
        if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.Spacebar)
            while (Console.KeyAvailable == false)
            cki = new ConsoleKeyInfo();
        if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape) return true;
        return false;

load csv into 2D matrix with numpy for plotting

I think using dtype where there is a name row is confusing the routine. Try

>>> r = np.genfromtxt(fname, delimiter=',', names=True)
>>> r
array([[  6.11882430e+02,   9.08956010e+03,   5.13300000e+03,
          8.64075140e+02,   1.71537476e+03,   7.65227770e+02,
       [  6.11882430e+02,   9.08956010e+03,   5.13300000e+03,
          8.64075140e+02,   1.71537476e+03,   7.65227770e+02,
       [  6.11882430e+02,   9.08956010e+03,   5.13300000e+03,
          8.64075140e+02,   1.71537476e+03,   7.65227770e+02,
>>> r[:,0]    # Slice 0'th column
array([ 611.88243,  611.88243,  611.88243])

How to read line by line of a text area HTML tag

This works without needing jQuery:

var textArea = document.getElementById("my-text-area");
var arrayOfLines = textArea.value.split("\n"); // arrayOfLines is array where every element is string of one line

How to use clock() in C++

An alternative solution, which is portable and with higher precision, available since C++11, is to use std::chrono.

Here is an example:

#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock Clock;

int main()
    auto t1 = Clock::now();
    auto t2 = Clock::now();
    std::cout << "Delta t2-t1: " 
              << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(t2 - t1).count()
              << " nanoseconds" << std::endl;

Running this on gave me:

Delta t2-t1: 282 nanoseconds

Copying PostgreSQL database to another server

pg_dump the_db_name > the_backup.sql

Then copy the backup to your development server, restore with:

psql the_new_dev_db < the_backup.sql

How to uninstall/upgrade Angular CLI?

None of the above solutions alone worked for me. On Windows 7 this worked:

Install Rapid Environment Editor and remove any entries for node, npm, angular-cli or @angular/cli

Uninstall node.js and reinstall. Run Rapid Environment Editor again and make sure node.js and npm are in your System or User path. Uninstall any existing ng versions with:

npm uninstall -g angular-cli

npm uninstall -g @angular/cli

npm cache clean

Delete the C:\Users\YOU\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@angular folder.

Reboot, then, finally, run:

npm install -g @angular/cli

Then hold your breath and run ng -v. If you're lucky, you'll get some love. Hold your breath henceforward every time you run the ng command, because 'command not found' has magically reappeared for me several times after ng was running fine and I thought the problem was solved.

Base64 encoding and decoding in client-side Javascript

In Gecko/WebKit-based browsers (Firefox, Chrome and Safari) and Opera, you can use btoa() and atob().

Original answer: How can you encode a string to Base64 in JavaScript?

How do I separate an integer into separate digits in an array in JavaScript?

const toIntArray = (n) => ([...n + ""].map(v => +v))

What is the best/simplest way to read in an XML file in Java application?

What is the best/simplest library to use in order to read in values from this file?

As you're asking for the simplest library, I feel obliged to add an approach quite different to that in Guillaume's top-voted answer. (Of the other answers, sjbotha's JDOM mention is closest to what I suggest).

I've come to think that for XML handling in Java, using the standard JDK tools is certainly not the simplest way, and that only in some circumstances (such as not being able to use 3rd party libraries, for some reason) it is the best way.

Instead, consider using a good XML library, such as XOM. Here's how to read an XML file into a nu.xom.Document object:

import nu.xom.Builder;
import nu.xom.Document;


File file = new File("some/path");
Document document = new Builder().build(file);

So, this was just a little bit simpler, as reading the file into org.w3c.dom.Document wasn't very complicated either, in the "pure JDK" approach. But the advantages of using a good library only start here! Whatever you're doing with your XML, you'll often get away with much simpler solutions, and less of your own code to maintain, when using a library like XOM. As examples, consider this vs. this, or this vs. this, or this post containing both XOM and W3C DOM examples.

Others will provide counter-arguments (like these) for why sticking to Java's standard XML APIs may be worth it - these probably have merit, at least in some cases, although personally I don't subscribe to all of them. In any case, when choosing one way or the other, it's good to be aware of both sides of the story.

(This answer is part of my evaluation of XOM, which is a strong contender in my quest for finding the best Java XML library to replace dom4j.)

How to save public key from a certificate in .pem format

if it is a RSA key

openssl rsa  -pubout -in my_rsa_key.pem

if you need it in a format for openssh , please see Use RSA private key to generate public key?

Note that public key is generated from the private key and ssh uses the identity file (private key file) to generate and send public key to server and un-encrypt the encrypted token from the server via the private key in identity file.

How do I format date and time on ssrs report?

First go to your control panel , select Date , time and Number Format . Now select English(United Kingdom) from the drop down list.

Make sure the shor date field is equal to 'dd/mm/yyyy'. Press Apply. Now go to SSRS and right click on the report in the empty space and select properties.

If you are using visual studio then set Language property equal to =User!Language.

If you are using Report Builder then Language property will appear in Localization section.

What's the difference between OpenID and OAuth?

I believe it makes sense revisit this question as also pointed out in the comments, the introduction of OpenID Connect may have brought more confusion.

OpenID Connect is an authentication protocol like OpenID 1.0/2.0 but it is actually built on top of OAuth 2.0, so you'll get authorization features along with authentication features. The difference between the two is pretty well explained in detail in this (relatively recent, but important) article:

Spring-Security-Oauth2: Full authentication is required to access this resource

With Spring OAuth 2.0.7-RELEASE the following command works for me

curl -v -u [email protected]:12345678 -d "grant_type=client_credentials" http://localhost:9999/uaa/oauth/token

It works with Chrome POSTMAN too, just make sure you client and secret in "Basic Auth" tab, set method to "POST" and add grant type in "form data" tab.

How can I Remove .DS_Store files from a Git repository?

When initializing your repository, skip the git command that contains


and it shouldn't be an issue.

How do I create batch file to rename large number of files in a folder?

dir /b *.jpg >file.bat

This will give you lines such as:

Vacation2010 001.jpg
Vacation2010 002.jpg
Vacation2010 003.jpg

Edit file.bat in your favorite Windows text-editor, doing the equivalent of:

s/Vacation2010(.+)/rename "&" "December \1"/

That's a regex; many editors support them, but none that come default with Windows (as far as I know). You can also get a command line tool such as sed or perl which can take the exact syntax I have above, after escaping for the command line.

The resulting lines will look like:

rename "Vacation2010 001.jpg" "December 001.jpg"
rename "Vacation2010 002.jpg" "December 002.jpg"
rename "Vacation2010 003.jpg" "December 003.jpg"

You may recognize these lines as rename commands, one per file from the original listing. ;) Run that batch file in cmd.exe.

Get String in YYYYMMDD format from JS date object?

<pre>Date.prototype.getFromFormat = function(format) {
    var yyyy = this.getFullYear().toString();
    format = format.replace(/yyyy/g, yyyy)
    var mm = (this.getMonth()+1).toString(); 
    format = format.replace(/mm/g, (mm[1]?mm:"0"+mm[0]));
    var dd  = this.getDate().toString();
    format = format.replace(/dd/g, (dd[1]?dd:"0"+dd[0]));
    var hh = this.getHours().toString();
    format = format.replace(/hh/g, (hh[1]?hh:"0"+hh[0]));
    var ii = this.getMinutes().toString();
    format = format.replace(/ii/g, (ii[1]?ii:"0"+ii[0]));
    var ss  = this.getSeconds().toString();
    format = format.replace(/ss/g, (ss[1]?ss:"0"+ss[0]));
    var ampm = (hh >= 12) ? "PM" : "AM";
    format = format.replace(/ampm/g, (ampm[1]?ampm:"0"+ampm[0]));
    return format;
var time_var = $('#899_TIME');
var myVar = setInterval(myTimer, 1000);
function myTimer() {
    var d = new Date(); 
    var date = d.getFromFormat('dd-mm-yyyy hh:ii:ss:ampm');

} </pre>

use the code and get the output like **26-07-2017 12:29:34:PM**

check the below link for your reference 

How to fill OpenCV image with one solid color?

For an 8-bit (CV_8U) OpenCV image, the syntax is:

Mat img(Mat(nHeight, nWidth, CV_8U);
img = cv::Scalar(50);    // or the desired uint8_t value from 0-255

How to set cookie value with AJAX request?

Basically, ajax request as well as synchronous request sends your document cookies automatically. So, you need to set your cookie to document, not to request. However, your request is cross-domain, and things became more complicated. Basing on this answer, additionally to set document cookie, you should allow its sending to cross-domain environment:

type: "GET",    
url: "",
cache: false,
// NO setCookies option available, set cookie to document
//setCookies: "lkfh89asdhjahska7al446dfg5kgfbfgdhfdbfgcvbcbc dfskljvdfhpl",
crossDomain: true,
dataType: 'json',
xhrFields: {
    withCredentials: true
success: function (data) {

What is the difference between ng-if and ng-show/ng-hide

One interesting difference in ng-if and ng-show is:


DOM elements present in ng-if block will not be rendered in case of its value as false

where as in case of ng-show, the user can open your Inspect Element Window and set its value to TRUE.

And with a whoop, whole contents that was meant to be hidden gets displayed, which is a security breach. :)

Maven dependencies are failing with a 501 error

As stated in other answers, https is now required to make requests to Maven Central, while older versions of Maven use http.

If you don't want to/cannot upgrade to Maven 3.2.3+, you can do a workaround by adding the following code into your MAVEN_HOME\conf\settings.xml into the <profiles> section:


This will be always an active setting unless you disable/override it in your POM when needed.

How do I align spans or divs horizontally?

You can use

.floatybox {
     display: inline-block;
     width: 123px;

If you only need to support browsers that have support for inline blocks. Inline blocks can have width, but are inline, like button elements.

Oh, and you might wnat to add vertical-align: top on the elements to make sure things line up

How to use XPath in Python?

libxml2 has a number of advantages:

  1. Compliance to the spec
  2. Active development and a community participation
  3. Speed. This is really a python wrapper around a C implementation.
  4. Ubiquity. The libxml2 library is pervasive and thus well tested.

Downsides include:

  1. Compliance to the spec. It's strict. Things like default namespace handling are easier in other libraries.
  2. Use of native code. This can be a pain depending on your how your application is distributed / deployed. RPMs are available that ease some of this pain.
  3. Manual resource handling. Note in the sample below the calls to freeDoc() and xpathFreeContext(). This is not very Pythonic.

If you are doing simple path selection, stick with ElementTree ( which is included in Python 2.5 ). If you need full spec compliance or raw speed and can cope with the distribution of native code, go with libxml2.

Sample of libxml2 XPath Use

import libxml2

doc = libxml2.parseFile("tst.xml")
ctxt = doc.xpathNewContext()
res = ctxt.xpathEval("//*")
if len(res) != 2:
    print "xpath query: wrong node set size"
if res[0].name != "doc" or res[1].name != "foo":
    print "xpath query: wrong node set value"

Sample of ElementTree XPath Use

from elementtree.ElementTree import ElementTree
mydoc = ElementTree(file='tst.xml')
for e in mydoc.findall('/foo/bar'):
    print e.get('title').text

Best XML parser for Java

I wouldn't recommended this is you've got a lot of "thinking" in your app, but using XSLT could be better (and potentially faster with XSLT-to-bytecode compilation) than Java manipulation.

C#: what is the easiest way to subtract time?

Check out all the DateTime methods here:

Add Returns a new DateTime that adds the value of the specified TimeSpan to the value of this instance.

AddDays Returns a new DateTime that adds the specified number of days to the value of this instance.

AddHours Returns a new DateTime that adds the specified number of hours to the value of this instance.

AddMilliseconds Returns a new DateTime that adds the specified number of milliseconds to the value of this instance.

AddMinutes Returns a new DateTime that adds the specified number of minutes to the value of this instance.

AddMonths Returns a new DateTime that adds the specified number of months to the value of this instance.

AddSeconds Returns a new DateTime that adds the specified number of seconds to the value of this instance.

AddTicks Returns a new DateTime that adds the specified number of ticks to the value of this instance.

AddYears Returns a new DateTime that adds the specified number of years to the value of this instance.

simulate background-size:cover on <video> or <img>

This approach just uses css and html. You can actually stack a divs below the video easily. It is cover but not centered while you resize.


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> 
<div id = "contain">
<div id="vid">
    <video autoplay>
        <source src="" type="video/mp4" />


body {

#vid video{
position: absolute; 
right: 0; 
top: 0;
min-width: 100%; 
min-height: 100%;
width: auto; 
height: auto; 

#contain {
zoom:1%;/*Without this the video will be stretched and skewed*/ 

How to get the cursor to change to the hand when hovering a <button> tag

 #more {
    font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
    cursor: pointer;

Pandas read_sql with parameters

The read_sql docs say this params argument can be a list, tuple or dict (see docs).

To pass the values in the sql query, there are different syntaxes possible: ?, :1, :name, %s, %(name)s (see PEP249).
But not all of these possibilities are supported by all database drivers, which syntax is supported depends on the driver you are using (psycopg2 in your case I suppose).

In your second case, when using a dict, you are using 'named arguments', and according to the psycopg2 documentation, they support the %(name)s style (and so not the :name I suppose), see
So using that style should work:

df = psql.read_sql(('select "Timestamp","Value" from "MyTable" '
                     'where "Timestamp" BETWEEN %(dstart)s AND %(dfinish)s'),

How to add Google Maps Autocomplete search box?

To get latitude and longitude too, you can use this simple code:

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        function initialize() {
          var input = document.getElementById('searchTextField');
          var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input);
            google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', function () {
                var place = autocomplete.getPlace();
                document.getElementById('city2').value =;
                document.getElementById('cityLat').value =;
                document.getElementById('cityLng').value = place.geometry.location.lng();
        google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
    <input id="searchTextField" type="text" size="50" placeholder="Enter a location" autocomplete="on" runat="server" />  
    <input type="hidden" id="city2" name="city2" />
    <input type="hidden" id="cityLat" name="cityLat" />
    <input type="hidden" id="cityLng" name="cityLng" />

Position buttons next to each other in the center of page

Utilize regular buttons and set the display property to inline in order to center the buttons on a single line. Setting the display property to inline-block will also put them on the same line, but they will not be centered via that display property setting.

mkdir's "-p" option

-p|--parent will be used if you are trying to create a directory with top-down approach. That will create the parent directory then child and so on iff none exists.

-p, --parents no error if existing, make parent directories as needed

About rlidwka it means giving full or administrative access. Found it here

Is try-catch like error handling possible in ASP Classic?

For anytone who has worked in ASP as well as more modern languages, the question will provoke a chuckle. In my experience using a custom error handler (set up in IIS to handle the 500;100 errors) is the best option for ASP error handling. This article describes the approach and even gives you some sample code / database table definition.

Here is a link to's version

Can you have if-then-else logic in SQL?

--Similar answer as above for the most part. Code included to test

CREATE TABLE table1 (project int, customer int, company int, product int, price money)
INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (1,0,50, 100, 40),(1,0,20, 200, 55),(1,10,30,300, 75),(2,10,30,300, 75)
        , price
        , CASE WhereFound WHEN 1 THEN 'Project'
                WHEN 2 THEN 'Customer'
                WHEN 3 THEN 'Company'
            ELSE 'No Match'
            END AS Source
     SELECT product, price, 1 as WhereFound FROM table1 where project = 11
     SELECT product, price, 2 FROM table1 where customer = 0
     SELECT product, price, 3 FROM table1 where company = 30
    ) AS tbl

How to read html from a url in python 3

Reading an html page with urllib is fairly simple to do. Since you want to read it as a single string I will show you.

Import urllib.request:


import urllib.request

Prepare our request

request = urllib.request.Request('')

Always use a "try/except" when requesting a web page as things can easily go wrong. urlopen() requests the page.

    response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
    print("something wrong")

Type is a great function that will tell us what 'type' a variable is. Here, response is a http.response object.


The read function for our response object will store the html as bytes to our variable. Again type() will verify this.

htmlBytes =


Now we use the decode function for our bytes variable to get a single string.

htmlStr = htmlBytes.decode("utf8")


If you do want to split up this string into separate lines, you can do so with the split() function. In this form we can easily iterate through to print out the entire page or do any other processing.

htmlSplit = htmlStr.split('\n')


for line in htmlSplit:

Hopefully this provides a little more detailed of an answer. Python documentation and tutorials are great, I would use that as a reference because it will answer most questions you might have.

How do I run Java .class files?

To run Java class file from the command line, the syntax is:

java -classpath /path/to/jars <packageName>.<MainClassName>

where packageName (usually starts with either com or org) is the folder name where your class file is present.

For example if your main class name is App and Java package name of your app is, then your class file needs to be in com/foo/app folder (separate folder for each dot), so you run your app as:

$ java

Note: $ is indicating shell prompt, ignore it when typing

If your class doesn't have any package name defined, simply run as: java App.

If you've any other jar dependencies, make sure you specified your classpath parameter either with -cp/-classpath or using CLASSPATH variable which points to the folder with your jar/war/ear/zip/class files. So on Linux you can prefix the command with: CLASSPATH=/path/to/jars, on Windows you need to add the folder into system variable. If not set, the user class path consists of the current directory (.).

Practical example

Given we've created sample project using Maven as:

$ mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=my-app -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false 

and we've compiled our project by mvn compile in our my-app/ dir, it'll generate our class file is in target/classes/com/foo/app/App.class.

To run it, we can either specify class path via -cp or going to it directly, check examples below:

$ find . -name "*.class"
$ CLASSPATH=target/classes/ java
Hello World!
$ java -cp target/classes
Hello World!
$ java -classpath .:/path/to/other-jars:target/classes
Hello World!
$ cd target/classes && java
Hello World!

To double check your class and package name, you can use Java class file disassembler tool, e.g.:

$ javap target/classes/com/foo/app/App.class
Compiled from ""
public class {
  public static void main(java.lang.String[]);

Note: javap won't work if the compiled file has been obfuscated.

How to use cURL in Java?

You can make use of and/or

URL url = new URL("");

try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream(), "UTF-8"))) {
    for (String line; (line = reader.readLine()) != null;) {

Also see the Oracle's simple tutorial on the subject. It's however a bit verbose. To end up with less verbose code, you may want to consider Apache HttpClient instead.

By the way: if your next question is "How to process HTML result?", then the answer is "Use a HTML parser. No, don't use regex for this.".

See also:

How to append in a json file in Python?

json_obj=json.dumps(a_dict, ensure_ascii=False)

MSSQL Error 'The underlying provider failed on Open'

Defining a new Windows Firewall rule for SQL Server (and for port 1433) on the server machine solves this error (if your servername, user login name or password is not wrong in your connection string...).

Reading an integer from user input

You need to typecast the input. try using the following

int input = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); 

It will throw exception if the value is non-numeric.


I understand that the above is a quick one. I would like to improve my answer:

String input = Console.ReadLine();
int selectedOption;
if(int.TryParse(input, out selectedOption))
           case 1:
                 //your code here.
           case 2:
                //another one.
           //. and so on, default..

     //print error indicating non-numeric input is unsupported or something more meaningful.

How to set standard encoding in Visual Studio

I work with Windows7.

Control Panel - Region and Language - Administrative - Language for non-Unicode programs.

After I set "Change system locale" to English(United States). My default encoding of vs2010 change to Windows-1252. It was gb2312 before.

I created a new .cpp file for a C++ project, after checking in the new file to TFS the encoding show Windows-1252 from the properties page of the file.

How to serve .html files with Spring

I'd just add that you don't need to implement a controller method for that as you can use the view-controller tag (Spring 3) in the servlet configuration file:

<mvc:view-controller path="/" view-name="/WEB-INF/jsp/index.html"/>

Maximum size of a varchar(max) variable

As far as I can tell there is no upper limit in 2008.

In SQL Server 2005 the code in your question fails on the assignment to the @GGMMsg variable with

Attempting to grow LOB beyond maximum allowed size of 2,147,483,647 bytes.

the code below fails with

REPLICATE: The length of the result exceeds the length limit (2GB) of the target large type.

However it appears these limitations have quietly been lifted. On 2008


SET @y = REPLICATE(@y,92681);




I ran this on my 32 bit desktop machine so this 8GB string is way in excess of addressable memory


select internal_objects_alloc_page_count
from sys.dm_db_task_space_usage
WHERE session_id = @@spid



so I presume this all just gets stored in LOB pages in tempdb with no validation on length. The page count growth was all associated with the SET @y = REPLICATE(@y,92681); statement. The initial variable assignment to @y and the LEN calculation did not increase this.

The reason for mentioning this is because the page count is hugely more than I was expecting. Assuming an 8KB page then this works out at 16.36 GB which is obviously more or less double what would seem to be necessary. I speculate that this is likely due to the inefficiency of the string concatenation operation needing to copy the entire huge string and append a chunk on to the end rather than being able to add to the end of the existing string. Unfortunately at the moment the .WRITE method isn't supported for varchar(max) variables.


I've also tested the behaviour with concatenating nvarchar(max) + nvarchar(max) and nvarchar(max) + varchar(max). Both of these allow the 2GB limit to be exceeded. Trying to then store the results of this in a table then fails however with the error message Attempting to grow LOB beyond maximum allowed size of 2147483647 bytes. again. The script for that is below (may take a long time to run).

SET @y1 = @y1 + @y1;
SELECT LEN(@y1), DATALENGTH(@y1)  /*4294967294, 4294967292*/

SET @y2 = @y2 + @y2;
SELECT LEN(@y2), DATALENGTH(@y2)  /*2147483646, 4294967292*/

DECLARE @y3 NVARCHAR(MAX) = @y2 + @y1
SELECT LEN(@y3), DATALENGTH(@y3)   /*6442450940, 12884901880*/

/*This attempt fails*/
SELECT @y1 y1, @y2 y2, @y3 y3

More Pythonic Way to Run a Process X Times


for _ in range(50):
    print "Some thing"

if you don't need i. If you use Python < 3 and you want to repeat the loop a lot of times, use xrange as there is no need to generate the whole list beforehand.

Auto number column in SharePoint list

So I am not sure I can really think of why you would actually need a "site collection unique" id, so maybe you can comment and let us know what is actually trying to be accomplished here...

Either way, all items have a UniqueID property that is a GUID if you really need it:

Why does instanceof return false for some literals?

Returns a string-representation of instanceof (the constructors name)

function instanceOf(object) {
  var type = typeof object

  if (type === 'undefined') {
    return 'undefined'

  if (object) {
    type =
  } else if (type === 'object') {
    type =, -1)

  return type.toLowerCase()

instanceOf(false)                  // "boolean"
instanceOf(new Promise(() => {}))  // "promise"
instanceOf(null)                   // "null"
instanceOf(undefined)              // "undefined"
instanceOf(1)                      // "number"
instanceOf(() => {})               // "function"
instanceOf([])                     // "array"

find all the name using mysql query which start with the letter 'a'

Try this simple select:

select * 
from artists 
where name like "a%"

How to check whether a string is Base64 encoded or not

This works in Python:

def is_base64(string):
    if len(string) % 4 == 0 and re.test('^[A-Za-z0-9+\/=]+\Z', string):

Replace all occurrences of a String using StringBuilder?

The class org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrBuilder in Apache Commons Lang allows replacements:

public StrBuilder replaceAll(String searchStr, String replaceStr)

* This does not receive a regular expression but a simple string.

Determine what attributes were changed in Rails after_save callback?

You just add an accessor who define what you change

class Post < AR::Base
  attr_reader :what_changed

  before_filter :what_changed?

  def what_changed?
    @what_changed = changes || []

  after_filter :action_on_changes

  def action_on_changes
    @what_changed.each do |change|
      p change

How to correctly use the ASP.NET FileUpload control

ASP.NET controls should rather be placed in aspx markup file. That is the preferred way of working with them. So add FileUpload control to your page. Make sure it has all required attributes including ID and runat:

<asp:FileUpload ID="FileUpload1" runat="server" />

Instance of FileUpload1 will be automatically created in auto-generated/updated *.designer.cs file which is a partial class for your page. You usually do not have to care about what's in it, just assume that any control on an aspx page is automatically instantiated.

Add a button that will do the post back:

<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" onclick="Button1_Click" />

Then go to your *.aspx.cs file where you have your code and add button click handler. In C# it looks like this:

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  if (this.FileUpload1.HasFile)
    this.FileUpload1.SaveAs("c:\\" + this.FileUpload1.FileName);

And that's it. All should work as expected.

Display A Popup Only Once Per User

Offering a quick answer for people using Ionic. I need to show a tooltip only once so I used the $localStorage to achieve this. This is for playing a track, so when they push play, it shows the tooltip once.

$ = $localStorage; //connects an object to $localstorage

$ = "false";  // they haven't seen it

$scope.showPopup = function() {  // popup to tell people to turn sound on

    $ = {}
    // An elaborate, custom popup
    var myPopup = ${
        template: '<p class="popuptext">Turn Sound On!</p>',
        cssClass: 'popup'

    $timeout(function() {
        myPopup.close(); //close the popup after 3 seconds for some reason
    }, 2000);
    $ = "true"; // they've now seen it


$scope.playStream = function(show) {;

    $scope.audioObject = audioObject; // this allow for styling the play/pause icons

    if ($ === "false"){ //only show if they haven't seen it.

With CSS, how do I make an image span the full width of the page as a background image?

If you're hoping to use background-image: url(...);, I don't think you can. However, if you want to play with layering, you can do something like this:

<img class="bg" src="..." />

And then some CSS:

  width: 100%;
  z-index: 0;

You can now layer content above the stretched image by playing with z-indexes and such. One quick note, the image can't be contained in any other elements for the width: 100%; to apply to the whole page.

Here's a quick demo if you can't rely on background-size:

Add CSS class to a div in code behind

The Style property gets a collection of all the cascading style sheet (CSS) properties; you cannot set it.

Try BtnventCss.CssClass = "hom_but_a"; instead.

I'm assuming BtnventCss is a WebControl.

I have just seen you're probably using <div runat="server"...

If so, you can try:

BtnventCss.Attributes.Add("class", "hom_but_a");

You could make the div an asp:panel - they will render the same and you'll get better server-side support.

Can you target <br /> with css?

There is one good reason you would need to style a <br> tag.

When it is part of code you don't want to (or can't) change and you want this particular <br> not to be displayed.

.xxx br {display:none}

Can save a lot of time and sometimes your day.

Force table column widths to always be fixed regardless of contents

You can also work with "overflow: hidden" or "overflow-x: hidden" (for just the width). This requires a defined width (and/or height?) and maybe a "display: block" as well.

"Overflow:Hidden" hides the whole content, which does not fit into the defined box.



<table border="1">


td div { width: 100px; overflow-y: hidden; }

EDIT: Shame on me, I've seen, you already use "overflow". I guess it doesn't work, because you don't set "display: block" to your element ...

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header in Angular 2 app

This a problem with the CORS configuration on the server. It is not clear what server are you using, but if you are using Node+express you can solve it with the following code

// Add headers
app.use(function (req, res, next) {

    // Website you wish to allow to connect
    res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'http://localhost:8888');

    // Request methods you wish to allow
    res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, DELETE');

    // Request headers you wish to allow
    res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'X-Requested-With,content-type');

    // Set to true if you need the website to include cookies in the requests sent
    // to the API (e.g. in case you use sessions)
    res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', true);

    // Pass to next layer of middleware

that code was an answer of @jvandemo to a very similar question.

Check OS version in Swift?

Mattt Thompson shares a very handy way

switch UIDevice.currentDevice()"8.0.0", options: NSStringCompareOptions.NumericSearch) {
case .OrderedSame, .OrderedDescending:
    println("iOS >= 8.0")
case .OrderedAscending:
    println("iOS < 8.0")

In Python, can I call the main() of an imported module?

It depends. If the main code is protected by an if as in:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ...main code...

then no, you can't make Python execute that because you can't influence the automatic variable __name__.

But when all the code is in a function, then might be able to. Try

import myModule


This works even when the module protects itself with a __all__.

from myModule import * might not make main visible to you, so you really need to import the module itself.

How to use addTarget method in swift 3

Try this

button.addTarget(self, action:#selector(handleRegister()), for: .touchUpInside). 

Just add parenthesis with name of method.

Also you can refer link : Value of type 'CustomButton' has no member 'touchDown'

ERROR 2006 (HY000): MySQL server has gone away

If you have tried all these solutions, esp. increasing max_allowed_packet up to the maximum supported amount of 1GB and you are still seeing these errors, it might be that your server literally does not have enough free RAM memory available...

The solution = upgrade your server to more RAM memory, and try again.

Note: I'm surprised this simple solution has not been mentioned after 8+ years of discussion on this thread... sometimes we developers tend to overthink things.

CSS :not(:last-child):after selector

An example using CSS

  ul li:not(:last-child){
        border-right: 1px solid rgba(153, 151, 151, 0.75);

The authorization mechanism you have provided is not supported. Please use AWS4-HMAC-SHA256

I was stuck for 3 days and finally, after reading a ton of blogs and answers I was able to configure Amazon AWS S3 Bucket.

On the AWS Side

I am assuming you have already

  1. Created an s3-bucket
  2. Created a user in IAM


  1. Configure CORS settings

    you bucket > permissions > CORS configuration

    <CORSConfiguration xmlns="">
  2. Generate A bucket policy

your bucket > permissions > bucket policy

It should be similar to this one

     "Version": "2012-10-17",
     "Id": "Policy1602480700663",
     "Statement": [
             "Sid": "Stmt1602480694902",
             "Effect": "Allow",
             "Principal": "*",
             "Action": "s3:GetObject",
             "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::harshit-portfolio-bucket/*"
PS: Bucket policy should say `public` after this 
  1. Configure Access Control List

your bucket > permissions > acces control list

give public access

PS: Access Control List should say public after this

  1. Unblock public Access

your bucket > permissions > Block Public Access

Edit and turn all options Off

**On a side note if you are working on django add the following lines to you file of your project **


AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = '****not to be shared*****'
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = '*****not to be shared******'
AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = 'your-bucket-name'

DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage'

# look for files first in aws 
STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage'

# In India these settings work
AWS_S3_REGION_NAME = "ap-south-1"

How to implement zoom effect for image view in android?

Very simple way (Tested) :-

PhotoViewAttacher pAttacher;
pAttacher = new PhotoViewAttacher(Your_Image_View);

Add bellow line in build.gradle :-

compile 'com.commit451:PhotoView:1.2.4'

Return date as ddmmyyyy in SQL Server

I've been doing it like this for years;

print convert(char,getdate(),103)

Macro to Auto Fill Down to last adjacent cell

Untested....but should work.

Dim lastrow as long

lastrow = range("D65000").end(xlup).Row

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
        "=IF(MONTH(RC[-1])>3,"" ""&YEAR(RC[-1])&""-""&RIGHT(YEAR(RC[-1])+1,2),"" ""&YEAR(RC[-1])-1&""-""&RIGHT(YEAR(RC[-1]),2))"
    Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("E2:E" & lastrow)
    'Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("E2:E"& lastrow)

Only exception being are you sure your Autofill code is perfect...

How can I see function arguments in IPython Notebook Server 3?

Try Shift-Tab-Tab a bigger documentation appears, than with Shift-Tab. It's the same but you can scroll down.

Shift-Tab-Tab-Tab and the tooltip will linger for 10 seconds while you type.

Shift-Tab-Tab-Tab-Tab and the docstring appears in the pager (small part at the bottom of the window) and stays there.

Random strings in Python

Sometimes, I've wanted random strings that are semi-pronounceable, semi-memorable.

import random

def randomWord(length=5):
    consonants = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz"
    vowels = "aeiou"

    return "".join(random.choice((consonants, vowels)[i%2]) for i in range(length))


>>> randomWord()
>>> randomWord()
>>> randomWord(10)

To avoid 4-letter words, don't set length to 4.


Getting Current date, time , day in laravel

If you want date of today

use namespace

use Carbon\Carbon as time;

code ,

 $today= substr($date, 0, strrpos($date, ","));

output , "Sunday"

Have a div cling to top of screen if scrolled down past it

Use position:fixed; and set the top:0;left:0;right:0;height:100px; and you should be able to have it "stick" to the top of the page.

<div style="position:fixed;top:0;left:0;right:0;height:100px;">Some buttons</div>

Node Version Manager (NVM) on Windows

The first thing that we need to do is install NVM.

  1. Uninstall existing version of node since we won’t be using it anymore
  2. Delete any existing nodejs installation directories. e.g. “C:\Program Files\nodejs”) that might remain. NVM’s generated symlink will not overwrite an existing (even empty) installation directory.
  3. Delete the npm install directory at C:\Users[Your User]\AppData\Roaming\npm We are now ready to install nvm. Download the installer from

To upgrade, run the new installer. It will safely overwrite the files it needs to update without touching your node.js installations. Make sure you use the same installation and symlink folder. If you originally installed to the default locations, you just need to click “next” on each window until it finishes.

Credits Directly copied from :

A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client


ASP.NET by default validates all input controls for potentially unsafe contents that can lead to cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injections. Thus it disallows such content by throwing the above exception. By default it is recommended to allow this check to happen on each postback.


On many occasions you need to submit HTML content to your page through Rich TextBoxes or Rich Text Editors. In that case you can avoid this exception by setting the ValidateRequest tag in the @Page directive to false.

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" ValidateRequest = "false" %>

This will disable the validation of requests for the page you have set the ValidateRequest flag to false. If you want to disable this, check throughout your web application; you’ll need to set it to false in your web.config <system.web> section

<pages validateRequest ="false" />

For .NET 4.0 or higher frameworks you will need to also add the following line in the <system.web> section to make the above work.

<httpRuntime requestValidationMode = "2.0" />

That’s it. I hope this helps you in getting rid of the above issue.

Reference by: ASP.Net Error: A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client

ImportError: No module named xlsxwriter

I managed to resolve this issue as follows...

Be careful, make sure you understand the IDE you're using! - Because I didn't. I was trying to import xlsxwriter using PyCharm and was returning this error.

Assuming you have already attempted the pip installation (sudo pip install xlsxwriter) via your cmd prompt, try using another IDE e.g. Geany - & import xlsxwriter.

I tried this and Geany was importing the library fine. I opened PyCharm and navigated to 'File>Settings>Project:>Project Interpreter' xlslwriter was listed though intriguingly I couldn't import it! I double clicked xlsxwriter and hit 'install Package'... And thats it! It worked!

Hope this helps...

DataTables warning: Requested unknown parameter '0' from the data source for row '0'

Make sure that the column names are the same. They are case sensitive. Here, in my case, i got this error when the column names of my model are in capitalzed and i used all the lower case letters in the data of ajax request.

So,i resolved by matching the column names exactly the same way as the existing model names.

DataTable Binding

            ajax: {
                url: "/api/customers/",
                dataSrc: ""
            columns: [
                    data: "Name",
                    render: function (data, type, customer) {
                        return "<a href='/customers/edit/" + customer.Id + "'>" + customer.Name + "</a>";


                    data: "Name"
                    data: "Id",
                    render: function (data) {
                        return "<button class='btn-link js-delete' data-customer-id=" + data + ">Delete</button>";

Web API Method:

  public IEnumerable<Customer> GetCustomers()
            return _context.Customers.ToList();


My Model:-

 public class Customer
        public int Id { get; set; }

        public string Name { get; set; }        

        [Display(Name="Date Of Birth")]        
        public DateTime? BirthDate { get; set; }

        public bool isSubscribedToNewsLetter { get; set; }

        public MembershipType MembershipType { get; set; }

        [Display(Name="Membership Type")]
        public byte MembershipTypeId { get; set; }

so here in my case, iam populating datatable with columns(Name,Name,Id).. iam duplicating the second column name to test.

How can I get date in application run by node.js?

You would use the javascript date object:

MDN documentation for the Date object

var d = new Date();

powershell - list local users and their groups

Use this to get an array with the local users and the groups they are member of:

Get-LocalUser | 
    ForEach-Object { 
        $user = $_
        return [PSCustomObject]@{ 
            "User"   = $user.Name
            "Groups" = Get-LocalGroup | Where-Object {  $user.SID -in ($_ | Get-LocalGroupMember | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "SID") } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Name"

To get an array with the local groups and their members:

Get-LocalGroup | 
    ForEach-Object {
        $group = $_
        return [PSCustomObject]@{ 
            "Group"   = $group.Name
            "Members" = $group | Get-LocalGroupMember | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Name"

Insert a string at a specific index

Just make the following function:

function insert(str, index, value) {
    return str.substr(0, index) + value + str.substr(index);

and then use it like that:

alert(insert("foo baz", 4, "bar "));

Output: foo bar baz

It behaves exactly, like the C# (Sharp) String.Insert(int startIndex, string value).

NOTE: This insert function inserts the string value (third parameter) before the specified integer index (second parameter) in the string str (first parameter), and then returns the new string without changing str!

How do I pass a datetime value as a URI parameter in mvc?

Split out the Year, Month, Day Hours and Mins

            new { controller="YourControllerName", action="YourActionName"}

Use a cascading If Statement to Build up the datetime from the parameters passed into the Action

    ' Build up the date from the passed url or use the current date
    Dim tCurrentDate As DateTime = Nothing
    If Year.HasValue Then
        If Month.HasValue Then
            If Day.HasValue Then
                tCurrentDate = New Date(Year, Month, Day)
                tCurrentDate = New Date(Year, Month, 1)
            End If
            tCurrentDate = New Date(Year, 1, 1)
        End If
        tCurrentDate = StartOfThisWeek(Date.Now)
    End If

(Apologies for the but you get the idea :P)

Convert Datetime column from UTC to local time in select statement

If enabling CLR on your database is an option as well as using the sql server's timezone, it can be written in .Net quite easily.

public partial class UserDefinedFunctions
    public static SqlDateTime fn_GetLocalFromUTC(SqlDateTime UTC)
        if (UTC.IsNull)
            return UTC;

        return new SqlDateTime(UTC.Value.ToLocalTime());

A UTC datetime value goes in and the local datetime value relative to the server comes out. Null values return null.

JavaScript Array to Set

What levi said about passing it into the constructor is correct, but you could also use an object.

I think what Veverke is trying to say is that you could easily use the delete keyword on an object to achieve the same effect.

I think you're confused by the terminology; properties are components of the object that you can use as named indices (if you want to think of it that way).

Try something like this:

var obj = {
    "bob": "dole",
    "mr.": "peabody",
    "darkwing": "duck"

Then, you could just do this:

delete obj["bob"];

The structure of the object would then be this:

    "mr.": "peabody",
    "darkwing": "duck"

Which has the same effect.

Why can't decimal numbers be represented exactly in binary?

The number 61.0 does indeed have an exact floating-point operation—but that's not true for all integers. If you wrote a loop that added one to both a double-precision floating point number and a 64-bit integer, eventually you'd reach a point where the 64-bit integer perfectly represents a number, but the floating point doesn't—because there aren't enough significant bits.

It's just much easier to reach the point of approximation on the right side of the decimal point. If you started writing out all the numbers in binary floating point, it'd make more sense.

Another way of thinking about it is that when you note that 61.0 is perfectly representable in base 10, and shifting the decimal point around doesn't change that, you're performing multiplication by powers of ten (10^1, 10^-1). In floating point, multiplying by powers of two does not affect the precision of the number. Try taking 61.0 and dividing it by three repeatedly for an illustration of how a perfectly precise number can lose its precise representation.

Iterate over array of objects in Typescript

In Typescript and ES6 you can also use for..of:

for (var product of products) {

which will be transcoded to javascript:

for (var _i = 0, products_1 = products; _i < products_1.length; _i++) {
    var product = products_1[_i];

How could I create a function with a completion handler in Swift?

In addition to above : Trailing closure can be used .

downloadFileFromURL(NSURL(string: "url_str")!)  { (success) -> Void in

  // When download completes,control flow goes here.
  if success {
      // download success
  } else {
    // download fail

Javascript onclick hide div

just add onclick handler for anchor tag

onclick=" = 'none'"

or change onclick handler for img tag

onclick=" = 'none'"

Spark : how to run spark file from spark shell

Tested on both spark-shell version 1.6.3 and spark2-shell version, you can directly pipe to the shell's stdin like

spark-shell <<< "1+1"

or in your use case,

spark-shell < file.spark

How to make a 3-level collapsing menu in Bootstrap?

Bootstrap 2.3.x and later supports the dropdown-submenu..

<ul class="dropdown-menu">
            <li><a href="#">Login</a></li>
            <li class="dropdown-submenu">
                <a tabindex="-1" href="#">More options</a>
                <ul class="dropdown-menu">
                    <li><a tabindex="-1" href="#">Second level</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#">Second level</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#">Second level</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Logout</a></li>

Working demo on

ImportError: No module named site on Windows

First uninstall python and again install the latest version during installation use custom install and mark all user checkbox and set the installation path C:\Python 3.9 and make PYTHON_HOME value C:\Python 3.9 in the Environmental variable it works for me

Chmod recursively

You need read access, in addition to execute access, to list a directory. If you only have execute access, then you can find out the names of entries in the directory, but no other information (not even types, so you don't know which of the entries are subdirectories). This works for me:

find . -type d -exec chmod +rx {} \;

Pandas: Appending a row to a dataframe and specify its index label

The name of the Series becomes the index of the row in the DataFrame:

In [99]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(8, 4), columns=['A','B','C','D'])

In [100]: s = df.xs(3)

In [101]: = 10

In [102]: df.append(s)
           A         B         C         D
0  -2.083321 -0.153749  0.174436  1.081056
1  -1.026692  1.495850 -0.025245 -0.171046
2   0.072272  1.218376  1.433281  0.747815
3  -0.940552  0.853073 -0.134842 -0.277135
4   0.478302 -0.599752 -0.080577  0.468618
5   2.609004 -1.679299 -1.593016  1.172298
6  -0.201605  0.406925  1.983177  0.012030
7   1.158530 -2.240124  0.851323 -0.240378
10 -0.940552  0.853073 -0.134842 -0.277135

Array to Hash Ruby

Ruby 2.1.0 introduced a to_h method on Array that does what you require if your original array consists of arrays of key-value pairs:

[[:foo, :bar], [1, 2]].to_h
# => {:foo => :bar, 1 => 2}

How can I fix assembly version conflicts with JSON.NET after updating NuGet package references in a new ASP.NET MVC 5 project?

Veverke mentioned that it is possible to disable generation of binding redirects by setting AutoGEneratedBindingRedirects to false. Not sure if it's a new thing since this question was posted, but there is an "Skip applying binding redirects" option in Tools/Options/Nuget Packet Manager, which can be toggled. By default it is off, meaning the redirects will be applied. However if you do this, you will have to manage any necessary binding redirects manually.

How can I rollback a git repository to a specific commit?

Most suggestions are assuming that you need to somehow destroy the last 20 commits, which is why it means "rewriting history", but you don't have to.

Just create a new branch from the commit #80 and work on that branch going forward. The other 20 commits will stay on the old orphaned branch.

If you absolutely want your new branch to have the same name, remember that branch are basically just labels. Just rename your old branch to something else, then create the new branch at commit #80 with the name you want.

Why did a network-related or instance-specific error occur while establishing a connection to SQL Server?

I had the same problem with SQL Server 2008 R2 and when I checked "SQL Server Configuration Manager" My SQL Server instance had Stopped. Right Clicking and Starting the Instance solved the issue.

Can the "IN" operator use LIKE-wildcards (%) in Oracle?

Select * from myTable m
where m.status not like 'Done%' 
and m.status not like 'Finished except%'
and m.status not like 'In Progress%'

Fastest check if row exists in PostgreSQL

INSERT INTO target( userid, rightid, count )
  SELECT userid, rightid, count 
  FROM batch
    SELECT * FROM target t2, batch b2
    WHERE t2.userid = b2.userid
    -- ... other keyfields ...

BTW: if you want the whole batch to fail in case of a duplicate, then (given a primary key constraint)

INSERT INTO target( userid, rightid, count )
SELECT userid, rightid, count 
FROM batch

will do exactly what you want: either it succeeds, or it fails.

npm install error - unable to get local issuer certificate

A disclaimer: This solution is less secure, bad practice, don't do this. I had a duplicate error message--I'm behind a corporate VPN/firewall. I was able to resolve this issue by adding a .typingsrc file to my user directory (C:\Users\MyUserName\.typingsrc in windows). Of course, anytime you're circumventing SSL you should be yapping to your sys admins to fix the certificate issue.

Change the registry URL from https to http, and as seen in nfiles' answser above, set rejectUnauthorized to false.

.typingsrc (placed in project directory or in user root directory)

     "rejectUnauthorized": false,
     "registryURL": ""

Optionally add your github token (I didn't find success until I had added this too.)

    "rejectUnauthorized": false,
    "registryURL": "",
    "githubToken": "YourGitHubToken"

See instructions for setting up your github token at

Use VBA to Clear Immediate Window?

or even more simple

Sub clearDebugConsole()
    For i = 0 To 100
        Debug.Print ""
    Next i
End Sub

How can I get the size of an std::vector as an int?

In the first two cases, you simply forgot to actually call the member function (!, it's not a value) std::vector<int>::size like this:

#include <vector>

int main () {
    std::vector<int> v;
    auto size = v.size();

Your third call

int size = v.size();

triggers a warning, as not every return value of that function (usually a 64 bit unsigned int) can be represented as a 32 bit signed int.

int size = static_cast<int>(v.size());

would always compile cleanly and also explicitly states that your conversion from std::vector::size_type to int was intended.

Note that if the size of the vector is greater than the biggest number an int can represent, size will contain an implementation defined (de facto garbage) value.

Implode an array with JavaScript?

Array.join is what you need, but if you like, the friendly people at have created implode for you.

Then some slightly off topic ranting. As @jon_darkstar alreadt pointed out, jQuery is JavaScript and not vice versa. You don't need to know JavaScript to be able to understand how to use jQuery, but it certainly doesn't hurt and once you begin to appreciate reusability or start looking at the bigger picture you absolutely need to learn it.

Generating a UUID in Postgres for Insert statement?

uuid-ossp is a contrib module, so it isn't loaded into the server by default. You must load it into your database to use it.

For modern PostgreSQL versions (9.1 and newer) that's easy:


but for 9.0 and below you must instead run the SQL script to load the extension. See the documentation for contrib modules in 8.4.

For Pg 9.1 and newer instead read the current contrib docs and CREATE EXTENSION. These features do not exist in 9.0 or older versions, like your 8.4.

If you're using a packaged version of PostgreSQL you might need to install a separate package containing the contrib modules and extensions. Search your package manager database for 'postgres' and 'contrib'.

NOW() function in PHP

Short answer

$now = date_create()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

Read below for the long answer.

The mimicry of the MySQL NOW() function in PHP

Here is a list of ways in PHP that mimic the MySQL NOW() function.

// relative date
$now = date_create('now')->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // works in php 5.2 and higher  
$now = date_create()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // also works in php 5.2
$now = new DateTime('now')->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // syntax error!!!
$now = (new DateTime('now'))->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // works in php 5.4 and higher   
$now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Slightly higher performance, but less usable for date/time manipulations

// From Unix timestamp
// Using date_create() with a Unix timestamp will give you a FALSE,  
// and if you try to invoke format() on a FALSE then you'll get a: 
//     Fatal error: Call to a member function format() on boolean 
// So if you work with Unix timestamps then you could use: date_create_from_format().
$unixTimeStamp = 1420070400; // 01/01/2015 00:00:00
$y2015 = date_create_from_format('U', $unixTimeStamp, timezone_open('Europe/Amsterdam'))->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$y2015 = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $unixTimeStamp);

I think that date_create()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') is the best way because this approach allows you to handle time/time-zone manipulations easier than date('Y-m-d H:i:s') and it works since php 5.2.

MySQL NOW() function

The MySQL function NOW() gives the dateTime value in this format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. See here:

An interesting fact is that it's possible to get the datetime format by running this query: SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'd%e_format', the result could be something like this:

Variable_name     Value     
date_format       %Y-%m-%d
datetime_format   %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s

The variables up here are read-only variables. So you can't change it.

I guess the MySQL NOW() function gets it's format from the datetime_format variable.

The advantages of date_create()->format() instead date() summary

The favorable facts of date_create('now')->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') over date('Y-m-d H:i:s') are:

  • easier to handle time manipulations
  • easier to handle timezones
  • o.o.p.

The disadvantages of date_create()->format() instead date()

The function date() has a slightly better performance than date_create()->format(). See benchmark test below.

$start = time();
for ($i = 0; $i <= 5000000; $i++) {
    $a = date_create('now')->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$end = time();                  
$elapsedTimeA = $end - $start;

echo 'Case A, elapsed time in seconds: ' . $elapsedTimeA;
echo '<br>';

$start = time();
for ($i = 0; $i <= 5000000; $i++) {
    $b = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$end = time();                   
$elapsedTimeB = $end - $start;

echo 'Case B, elapsed time in seconds: ' . $elapsedTimeB;
echo '<br>';
Case A, elapsed time in seconds: 31
Case B, elapsed time in seconds: 14

The upper case shows that date() is faster. However, if we change the test scenario a bit, then outcome will be different. See below:

$start = time();
$dt = date_create('now');
for ($i = 0; $i <= 5000000; $i++) {
    $a = $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$end = time();                  
$elapsedTimeA = $end - $start;

echo 'Case A, elapsed time in seconds: ' . $elapsedTimeA;
echo '<br>';

$start = time();
for ($i = 0; $i <= 5000000; $i++) {
    $b = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$end = time();                   
$elapsedTimeB = $end - $start;

echo 'Case B, elapsed time in seconds: ' . $elapsedTimeB;
echo '<br>';
Case A, elapsed time in seconds: 14
Case B, elapsed time in seconds: 15

The DateTime method: format() is faster here than date().

The advantages of date_create()->format() instead date() detailed

Read on for the detailed explanation.

easier to handle time manipulations

date_create() accepts a relative date/time format (like now, yesterday or +1 day) see this link, example:

$tomorrow = date_create('+1 day')->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); 

date() accepts a relative date/time format as well, like this:

$tomorrow = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+1 day'));
$tomorrow = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (time() + 86400)); // 86400 seconds = 1 day

easier to handle timezones

When timezones matter then the usage of date_create()->format() makes a lot more sense then date() because date() uses the default time zone which is configured in php.ini at the date.timezone directive. Link: .

It is possible to change the timezone during run-time. Example:


The downside of that is that it will affect all date/time functions. This problem doesn't exists if you are using date_create()->format() in combination with timezone_open().

PHP supports major timezones. The funny thing is that it even supports the Arctic circle, and Antarctica. Have you ever heard about Longyearbyen? If not, then don't worry, neither did I until I read the official PHP documentation.

$nowLongyearbyen = date_create('now', timezone_open('Arctic/Longyearbyen'))->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

See a list of all supported timezones:


O.O.P. uses state-full Objects. So I prefer to think in this way:

// Create a DateTime Object. 
// Use the DateTime that applies for tomorrow.
// Give me the datetime in format 'Y-m-d H:i:s'
$tomorrow = date_create('+1 day')->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); 

Then to think in this way:

// Give me a date time string in format 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 
// use strtotime() to calculate the Unix timestamp that applies for tomorrow.
$tomorrow = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+1 day'));

Therefore I would say that the date_create()->format() approach is more readable to me then date().

date_create() VS new DateTime()

The favorable facts of date_create() over new DateTime() are:

  • Namespaces


If you work in a namespace and want to initialise a DateTime object with the new keyword, then you have to do it like this:

namespace my_namespace;

// The backslash must be used if you are in a namespace.
// Forgetting about the backslash results in a fatal error.
$dt = new \DateTime();

There is nothing wrong with this, but the downside of the above is that people forget sporadically about the backslash. By using the date_create() constructor function you don't have to worry about namespaces.

$dt = date_create(); // in or not in a namespace it works in both situations

Example of date_create()->format()

I use this approach for my projects if I have to fill an array. Like this:

$array = array(
    'name' => 'John',
    'date_time' => date_create('now')->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), // uses the default timezone
    'date_time_japan' => date_create('now', timezone_open('Asia/Tokyo'))->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),

Is it possible to preview stash contents in git?

First we can make use of git stash list to get all stash items:

$git stash list
stash@{0}: WIP on ...
stash@{1}: WIP on ....
stash@{2}: WIP on ...

Then we can make use of git stash show stash@{N} to check the files under a specific stash N. If we fire it then we may get:

$ git stash show stash@{2}
fatal: ambiguous argument 'stash@2': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:
'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'

The reason for this may be that the shell is eating up curly braces and git sees stash@2 and not stash@{2}. And to fix this we need to make use of single quotes for braces as:

git stash show stash@'{2'}
com/java/myproject/my-xml-impl.xml                     | 16 ++++++++--------
com/java/myproject/                    | 16 ++++++++--------

Unit testing click event in Angular

My objective is to check if the 'onEditButtonClick' is getting invoked when the user clicks the edit button and not checking just the console.log being printed.

You will need to first set up the test using the Angular TestBed. This way you can actually grab the button and click it. What you will do is configure a module, just like you would an @NgModule, just for the testing environment

import { TestBed, async, ComponentFixture } from '@angular/core/testing';

describe('', () => {
  let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;
  let component: TestComponent;

  beforeEach(async(() => {
      imports: [ ],
      declarations: [ TestComponent ],
      providers: [  ]
    }).compileComponents().then(() => {
      fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);
      component = fixture.componentInstance;

Then you need to spy on the onEditButtonClick method, click the button, and check that the method was called

it('should', async(() => {
  spyOn(component, 'onEditButtonClick');

  let button = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector('button');;

  fixture.whenStable().then(() => {

Here we need to run an async test as the button click contains asynchronous event handling, and need to wait for the event to process by calling fixture.whenStable()


It is now preferred to use fakeAsync/tick combo as opposed to the async/whenStable combo. The latter should be used if there is an XHR call made, as fakeAsync does not support it. So instead of the above code, refactored, it would look like

it('should', fakeAsync(() => {
  spyOn(component, 'onEditButtonClick');

  let button = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector('button');;


Don't forget to import fakeAsync and tick.

See also:

Material UI and Grid system

Here is example of grid system with material-ui which is similar to bootstrap:

<Grid container>
    <Grid item xs={12} sm={4} md={4} lg={4}>
    <Grid item xs={12} sm={4} md={4} lg={4}>

PHP upload image

 $target_dir = "images/";
    echo $target_file = $target_dir . basename($_FILES["image"]["name"]);
    $post_tmp_img = $_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"];
    $imageFileType = strtolower(pathinfo($target_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
    $post_imag = $_FILES["image"]["name"];

What is and how to fix System.TypeInitializationException error?

I had this problem. As stated it is probably a static declaration issue. In my case it was because I had a static within a DEBUG clause. That is (in c#)

    public static bool DOTHISISINDEBUGONLY = false;

Everything worked fine until I complied a Release version of the code and after that I got this error - even on old release versions of the code. Once I took the variable out of the DEBUG clause everything returned to normal.

vba pass a group of cells as range to function

There is another way to pass multiple ranges to a function, which I think feels much cleaner for the user. When you call your function in the spreadsheet you wrap each set of ranges in brackets, for example: calculateIt( (A1,A3), (B6,B9) )

The above call assumes your two Sessions are in A1 and A3, and your two Customers are in B6 and B9.

To make this work, your function needs to loop through each of the Areas in the input ranges. For example:

Function calculateIt(Sessions As Range, Customers As Range) As Single

    ' check we passed the same number of areas
    If (Sessions.Areas.Count <> Customers.Areas.Count) Then
        calculateIt = CVErr(xlErrNA)
        Exit Function
    End If

    Dim mySession, myCustomers As Range

    ' run through each area and calculate
    For a = 1 To Sessions.Areas.Count

        Set mySession = Sessions.Areas(a)
        Set myCustomers = Customers.Areas(a)

        ' calculate them...
    Next a

End Function

The nice thing is, if you have both your inputs as a contiguous range, you can call this function just as you would a normal one, e.g. calculateIt(A1:A3, B6:B9).

Hope that helps :)

How to reference a .css file on a razor view?





could work for you.

The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded

This worked for me:

 Dim binding As New WebHttpBinding(WebHttpSecurityMode.Transport)
 binding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.None
 binding.MaxBufferSize = Integer.MaxValue
 binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = Integer.MaxValue
 binding.MaxBufferPoolSize = Integer.MaxValue

jquery function setInterval

You can use it like this:



    function swapImages(){

        var active = $('.active'); 
        var next = ($('.active').next().length > 0) ? $('.active').next() : $('#siteNewsHead img:first');



How to make a simple modal pop up form using jquery and html?

I have placed here complete bins for above query. you can check demo link too.



<div id="panel">
  <input type="button" class="button" value="1" id="btn1">
  <input type="button" class="button" value="2" id="btn2">
  <input type="button" class="button" value="3" id="btn3">
  <input type="text" id="valueFromMyModal">
  <!-- Dialog Box-->
  <div class="dialog" id="myform">
      <label id="valueFromMyButton">
      <input type="text" id="name">
      <div align="center">
        <input type="button" value="Ok" id="btnOK">


$(function() {
    $(".button").click(function() {
        $("#myform #valueFromMyButton").text($(this).val().trim());
        $("#myform input[type=text]").val('');
    $("#btnOK").click(function() {
        $("#valueFromMyModal").val($("#myform input[type=text]").val().trim());


  border:1px solid #333;
  border:5px solid #666;
.dialog label{
  border:1px solid #333;
  border:1px solid #000;

  border:1px solid #000;


Include of non-modular header inside framework module

I was able to clear dozens of these errors by using Git clean. Here's the command: git clean -dffx && git reset --hard

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Media Queries

iPhone X

/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media only screen 
  and (min-device-width: 375px) 
  and (max-device-width: 812px) 
  and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3)
  /* uncomment for only portrait: */
  /* and (orientation: portrait) */
  /* uncomment for only landscape: */
  /* and (orientation: landscape) */ { 


iPhone 6+, 7+ and 8+

/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media only screen 
  and (min-device-width: 414px) 
  and (max-device-width: 736px) 
  and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3)
  /* uncomment for only portrait: */
  /* and (orientation: portrait) */
  /* uncomment for only landscape: */
  /* and (orientation: landscape) */ { 


iPhone 6, 6S, 7 and 8

/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media only screen 
  and (min-device-width: 375px) 
  and (max-device-width: 667px) 
  and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2)
  /* uncomment for only portrait: */
  /* and (orientation: portrait) */
  /* uncomment for only landscape: */
  /* and (orientation: landscape) */ { 


Source: Media Queries for Standard Devices

How to make PopUp window in java

public class JSONPage {
    Logger log = Logger.getLogger("");

    public static final JFrame JSONFrame = new JFrame();
    public final JPanel jPanel = new JPanel();

    JLabel IdLabel = new JLabel("JSON ID*");
    JLabel DataLabel = new JLabel("JSON Data*");
    JFormattedTextField JId = new JFormattedTextField("Auto Generated");
    JTextArea JData = new JTextArea();
    JButton Cancel = new JButton("Cancel");
    JButton Add = new JButton("Add");

    public void JsonPage() {

        JSONFrame.setSize(400, 250);
        JSONFrame.setTitle("Add JSON Data");


        IdLabel.setBounds(20, 30, 120, 25);
        JId.setBounds(100, 30, 120, 25);
        DataLabel.setBounds(20, 60, 120, 25);
        JData.setBounds(100, 60, 250, 75);
        Cancel.setBounds(80, 170, 80, 30);
        Add.setBounds(280, 170, 50, 30);



        Cancel.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

        Add.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                try {
                    PreparedStatement pStatement = DAOHelper.getInstance()
                    pStatement.setString(1, null);
                    if (JData.getText().toString().isEmpty()) {
                                "Must Enter JSON Path");
                    } else {
                        // System.out.println(eleSelectBy);
                        pStatement.setString(2, JData.getText());
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JSONFrame, "!! Added !!");
              "JSON Path Added"+JData);

                } catch (SQLException e1) {
          "Error in Adding JSON Path");


What is the best method of handling currency/money?

You can pass some options to number_to_currency (a standard Rails 4 view helper):

number_to_currency(12.0, :precision => 2)
# => "$12.00"

As posted by Dylan Markow

Check if PHP-page is accessed from an iOS device

$browser = strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"iPhone");

Why am I getting ImportError: No module named pip ' right after installing pip?

I'v solved this error by setting the correct path variables


How do I get values from a SQL database into textboxes using C#?

using (SqlConnection connection =  new SqlConnection("Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=LoginScreen;Integrated Security=True"))
    SqlCommand command =
    new SqlCommand("select * from Pending_Tasks WHERE CustomerId=...", connection);

    SqlDataReader read= command.ExecuteReader();

    while (read.Read())
        CustID.Text = (read["Customer_ID"].ToString());
        CustName.Text = (read["Customer_Name"].ToString());
        Add1.Text = (read["Address_1"].ToString());
        Add2.Text = (read["Address_2"].ToString());
        PostBox.Text = (read["Postcode"].ToString());
        PassBox.Text = (read["Password"].ToString());
        DatBox.Text = (read["Data_Important"].ToString());
        LanNumb.Text = (read["Landline"].ToString());
        MobNumber.Text = (read["Mobile"].ToString());
        FaultRep.Text = (read["Fault_Report"].ToString());

Make sure you have data in the query : select * from Pending_Tasks and you are using "using System.Data.SqlClient;"

How to get Spinner selected item value to string?

You can get the selected item from Spinner by using,


React JS - Uncaught TypeError: is not a function

You need to convert the object into an array to use the map function:

const mad = Object.values(this.props.location.state);

where this.props.location.state is the passed object into another component.

Extract substring in Bash

In case someone wants more rigorous information, you can also search it in man bash like this

$ man bash [press return key]
/substring  [press return key]
[press "n" key]
[press "n" key]
[press "n" key]
[press "n" key]


              Substring Expansion.  Expands to  up  to  length  characters  of
              parameter  starting  at  the  character specified by offset.  If
              length is omitted, expands to the substring of parameter  start-
              ing at the character specified by offset.  length and offset are
              arithmetic expressions (see ARITHMETIC  EVALUATION  below).   If
              offset  evaluates  to a number less than zero, the value is used
              as an offset from the end of the value of parameter.  Arithmetic
              expressions  starting  with  a - must be separated by whitespace
              from the preceding : to be distinguished from  the  Use  Default
              Values  expansion.   If  length  evaluates to a number less than
              zero, and parameter is not @ and not an indexed  or  associative
              array,  it is interpreted as an offset from the end of the value
              of parameter rather than a number of characters, and the  expan-
              sion is the characters between the two offsets.  If parameter is
              @, the result is length positional parameters beginning at  off-
              set.   If parameter is an indexed array name subscripted by @ or
              *, the result is the length members of the array beginning  with
              ${parameter[offset]}.   A  negative  offset is taken relative to
              one greater than the maximum index of the specified array.  Sub-
              string  expansion applied to an associative array produces unde-
              fined results.  Note that a negative offset  must  be  separated
              from  the  colon  by  at least one space to avoid being confused
              with the :- expansion.  Substring indexing is zero-based  unless
              the  positional  parameters are used, in which case the indexing
              starts at 1 by default.  If offset  is  0,  and  the  positional
              parameters are used, $0 is prefixed to the list.

bash "if [ false ];" returns true instead of false -- why?

as noted by @tripleee, this is tangential, at best.

still, in case you arrived here searching for something like that (as i did), here is my solution

having to deal with user acessible configuration files, i use this function :

function isTrue() {
    if [[ "${@^^}" =~ ^(TRUE|OUI|Y|O$|ON$|[1-9]) ]]; then return 0;fi
    return 1

wich can be used like that

if isTrue "$whatever"; then..

You can alter the "truth list" in the regexp, the one in this sample is french compatible and considers strings like "Yeah, yup, on,1, Oui,y,true to be "True".

note that the '^^' provides case insensivity

convert epoch time to date

Here’s the modern answer (valid from 2014 and on). The accepted answer was a very fine answer in 2011. These days I recommend no one uses the Date, DateFormat and SimpleDateFormat classes. It all goes more natural with the modern Java date and time API.

To get a date-time object from your millis:

    ZonedDateTime dateTime = Instant.ofEpochMilli(millis)

If millis equals 1318388699000L, this gives you 2011-10-12T14:04:59+11:00[Australia/Sydney]. Should the code in some strange way end up on a JVM that doesn’t know Australia/Sydney time zone, you can be sure to be notified through an exception.

If you want the date-time in your string format for presentation:

String formatted = dateTime.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"));


12/10/2011 14:04:59

PS I don’t know what you mean by “The above doesn't work.” On my computer your code in the question too prints 12/10/2011 14:04:59.

Color picker utility (color pipette) in Ubuntu

I recommend GPick:

sudo apt-get install gpick

Applications -> Graphics -> GPick

It has many more features than gcolor2 but is still extremely simple to use: click on one of the hex swatches, move your mouse around the screen over the colours you want to pick, then press the Space bar to add to your swatch list.

If that doesn't work, another way is to click-and-drag from the centre of the hexagon and release your mouse over the pixel that you want to sample. Then immediately hit Space to copy that color into the next swatch in rotation.

It also has a traditional colour picker (like gcolor2) in the bottom right-hand corner of the window to allow you to pick individual colours with magnification.

How to get evaluated attributes inside a custom directive

Notice: I do update this answer as I find better solutions. I also keep the old answers for future reference as long as they remain related. Latest and best answer comes first.

Better answer:

Directives in angularjs are very powerful, but it takes time to comprehend which processes lie behind them.

While creating directives, angularjs allows you to create an isolated scope with some bindings to the parent scope. These bindings are specified by the attribute you attach the element in DOM and how you define scope property in the directive definition object.

There are 3 types of binding options which you can define in scope and you write those as prefixes related attribute.

angular.module("myApp", []).directive("myDirective", function () {
    return {
        restrict: "A",
        scope: {
            text: "@myText",
            twoWayBind: "=myTwoWayBind",
            oneWayBind: "&myOneWayBind"
}).controller("myController", function ($scope) {
    $ = {name: "Umur"};
    $ = "qwe";


<div ng-controller="myController">
    <div my-directive my-text="hello {{ bar }}" my-two-way-bind="foo" my-one-way-bind="bar">

In that case, in the scope of directive (whether it's in linking function or controller), we can access these properties like this:

/* Directive scope */

in: $scope.text
out: "hello qwe"
// this would automatically update the changes of value in digest
// this is always string as dom attributes values are always strings

in: $scope.twoWayBind
out: {name:"Umur"}
// this would automatically update the changes of value in digest
// changes in this will be reflected in parent scope

// in directive's scope
in: $ = "John"

//in parent scope
in: $
out: "John"

in: $scope.oneWayBind() // notice the function call, this binding is read only
out: "qwe"
// any changes here will not reflect in parent, as this only a getter .

"Still OK" Answer:

Since this answer got accepted, but has some issues, I'm going to update it to a better one. Apparently, $parse is a service which does not lie in properties of the current scope, which means it only takes angular expressions and cannot reach scope. {{,}} expressions are compiled while angularjs initiating which means when we try to access them in our directives postlink method, they are already compiled. ({{1+1}} is 2 in directive already).

This is how you would want to use:

var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);

myApp.directive('myDirective', function ($parse) {
    return function (scope, element, attr) {
        element.val("value=" + $parse(attr.myDirective)(scope));

function MyCtrl($scope) {
    $ = 3432;


<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
    <input my-directive="123">
    <input my-directive="1+1">
    <input my-directive="'1+1'">
    <input my-directive="aaa">

One thing you should notice here is that, if you want set the value string, you should wrap it in quotes. (See 3rd input)

Here is the fiddle to play with:

Old Answer:

I'm not removing this for folks who can be misled like me, note that using $eval is perfectly fine the correct way to do it, but $parse has a different behavior, you probably won't need this to use in most of the cases.

The way to do it is, once again, using scope.$eval. Not only it compiles the angular expression, it has also access to the current scope's properties.

var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);

myApp.directive('myDirective', function () {
    return function (scope, element, attr) {
        element.val("value = "+ scope.$eval(attr.value));

function MyCtrl($scope) {

What you are missing was $eval.$rootScope.Scope#$eval

Executes the expression on the current scope returning the result. Any exceptions in the expression are propagated (uncaught). This is useful when evaluating angular expressions.

Access elements in json object like an array

var coordinates = [jsonObject[3][0], 