[node.js] How can I get date in application run by node.js?

Do I have to manually run date command using child_process and fetch the result from it to get the date? Is there any other way using node?

This question is related to node.js

The answer is

NodeJS (and newer browsers) have a nice shortcut to get the current time in milliseconds.

var timeInMss = Date.now()

Which has a performance boost compared with

var timeInMss = new Date().getTime()

Because you do not need to create a new object.

    var datetime = new Date();_x000D_

GMT -03:00 Example

new Date(new Date()-3600*1000*3).toISOString();

To create a new Date object in node.js, or JavaScript in general, just call it’s initializer

var d = new Date();

var d = new Date(dateString);

var d = new Date(jsonDate);

var d = new Date(year, month, day);

var d = new Date(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond);

Remember that Date objects can only be instantiated by calling Date or using it as a constructor; unlike other JavaScript object types, Date objects have no literal syntax

Node.js is a server side JS platform build on V8 which is chrome java-script runtime.

It leverages the use of java-script on servers too.

You can use JS Date() function or Date class.

You would use the javascript date object:

MDN documentation for the Date object

var d = new Date();