[node.js] Node Version Manager (NVM) on Windows

I am trying to downgrade my version of node

I ran:

npm install nvm

and I exported the bin folder to my Windows path variable,

C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin

but I still get:

'nvm' is not recognized as a an internal or external command.

Should I be adding another path to my path variable?

This question is related to node.js npm nvm

The answer is

1.downlad nvm 
2.install chocolaty
3.change C:\Program Files\node   to C:\Program Files\nodejsx

emphasized textThe first thing that we need to do is install NVM. website : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/nodejs/setup-on-windows

First off, I use nvm on linux machine.

When looking at the documentation for nvm at https://www.npmjs.org/package/nvm, it recommendations that you install nvm globally using the -g switch.

npm install -g nvm

Also there is a . in the path variable that they recommend.

export PATH=./node_modules/.bin:$PATH

so maybe your path should be

C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\node_modules\npm\\.bin

I created a universal nvm that works on both Unix (bash) and Windows, base on another simple nvm.

It doesn't need admin on Windows, but requires PowerShell 4+ and the right to execute scripts.


An alternative to nvm-windows, which is mentioned in other answers would be Nodist.

I've had some issues with nvm-windows and admin privileges, which Nodist doesn't seem to have.

Nvm can be used to manage various node version :

  • Step1: Download nvm for Windows

  • Step2: Choose nvm-setup.zip

  • Step3: Unzip & click on installer.

  • Step4: Check if nvm properly installed, In new command prompt type nvm

  • Step5: Install node js using nvm : nvm install <version> : The version can be a node.js version or "latest" for the latest stable version

  • Step6: check node version - node -v

  • Step7(Optional)If you want to install another version of node js - Use STEP 5 with different version.

  • Step8: Check list node js version - nvm list

  • Step9: If you want to use specific node version do - nvm use <version>

The first thing that we need to do is install NVM.

  1. Uninstall existing version of node since we won’t be using it anymore
  2. Delete any existing nodejs installation directories. e.g. “C:\Program Files\nodejs”) that might remain. NVM’s generated symlink will not overwrite an existing (even empty) installation directory.
  3. Delete the npm install directory at C:\Users[Your User]\AppData\Roaming\npm We are now ready to install nvm. Download the installer from https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm/releases

To upgrade, run the new installer. It will safely overwrite the files it needs to update without touching your node.js installations. Make sure you use the same installation and symlink folder. If you originally installed to the default locations, you just need to click “next” on each window until it finishes.

Credits Directly copied from : https://digitaldrummerj.me/windows-running-multiple-versions-of-node/

NVM Installation & usage on Windows

Below are the steps for NVM Installation on Windows:

NVM stands for node version manager, which will help to switch between node versions while also allowing to work with multiple npm versions.

  • Install nvm setup.
  • Use command nvm list to check list of installed node versions.
  • Example: Type nvm use 6.9.3 to switch versions.

For more info

As an node manager alternative you can use Volta from LinkedIn.

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