Using Virtual Attributes (Link to revised(paid) Railscast) you can store your price_in_cents in an integer column and add a virtual attribute price_in_dollars in your product model as a getter and setter.
# Add a price_in_cents integer column
$ rails g migration add_price_in_cents_to_products price_in_cents:integer
# Use virtual attributes in your Product model
# app/models/product.rb
def price_in_dollars
price_in_cents.to_d/100 if price_in_cents
def price_in_dollars=(dollars)
self.price_in_cents = dollars.to_d*100 if dollars.present?
Source: RailsCasts #016: Virtual Attributes: Virtual attributes are a clean way to add form fields that do not map directly to the database. Here I show how to handle validations, associations, and more.