[bash] bash "if [ false ];" returns true instead of false -- why?

as noted by @tripleee, this is tangential, at best.

still, in case you arrived here searching for something like that (as i did), here is my solution

having to deal with user acessible configuration files, i use this function :

function isTrue() {
    if [[ "${@^^}" =~ ^(TRUE|OUI|Y|O$|ON$|[1-9]) ]]; then return 0;fi
    return 1

wich can be used like that

if isTrue "$whatever"; then..

You can alter the "truth list" in the regexp, the one in this sample is french compatible and considers strings like "Yeah, yup, on,1, Oui,y,true to be "True".

note that the '^^' provides case insensivity

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