Programs & Examples On #Code folding

Code folding is a feature of some text editors that allows one to ‘fold’ (collapse/hide) and ‘unfold’ (expand/reveal) large blocks of code.

How can I divide one column of a data frame through another?

Hadley Wickham


packages is always a saver in case of data wrangling. To add the desired division as a third variable I would use mutate()

d <- mutate(d, new = min / count2.freq)

In Flask, What is request.args and how is it used?

request.args is a MultiDict with the parsed contents of the query string. From the documentation of get method:

get(key, default=None, type=None)

Return the default value if the requested data doesn’t exist. If type is provided and is a callable it should convert the value, return it or raise a ValueError if that is not possible.

Scrolling an iframe with JavaScript?

You can use the onload event to detect when the iframe has finished loading, and there you can use the scrollTo function on the contentWindow of the iframe, to scroll to a defined position of pixels, from left and top (x, y):

var myIframe = document.getElementById('iframe');
myIframe.onload = function () {

You can check a working example here.

Note: This will work if both pages reside on the same domain.

How to split the name string in mysql?

First Create Procedure as Below:

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` PROCEDURE `sp_split`(str nvarchar(6500), dilimiter varchar(15), tmp_name varchar(50))

    declare end_index   int;
    declare part        nvarchar(6500);
    declare remain_len  int;

    set end_index      = INSTR(str, dilimiter);

    while(end_index   != 0) do

        /* Split a part */
        set part       = SUBSTRING(str, 1, end_index - 1);

        /* insert record to temp table */
        call `sp_split_insert`(tmp_name, part);

        set remain_len = length(str) - end_index;
        set str = substring(str, end_index + 1, remain_len);

        set end_index  = INSTR(str, dilimiter);

    end while;

    if(length(str) > 0) then

        /* insert record to temp table */
        call `sp_split_insert`(tmp_name, str);

    end if;


After that create procedure as below:

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` PROCEDURE `sp_split_insert`(tb_name varchar(255), tb_value nvarchar(6500))
    SET @sql = CONCAT('Insert Into ', tb_name,'(item) Values(?)'); 
    PREPARE s1 from @sql;
    SET @paramA = tb_value;
    EXECUTE s1 USING @paramA;

How call test

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` PROCEDURE `test_split`(test_text nvarchar(255))

    create temporary table if not exists tb_search
            item nvarchar(6500)

    call sp_split(test_split, ',', 'tb_search');

    select * from tb_search where length(trim(item)) > 0;

    drop table tb_search;


call `test_split`('Apple,Banana,Mengo');

Android Studio not showing modules in project structure

If you moved the modules, modify your workspace.xml file and settings.gradle file to use the new paths of your module. Otherwise you will need to try using the import module feature.

Output grep results to text file, need cleaner output

Redirection of program output is performed by the shell.

grep ... > output.txt

grep has no mechanism for adding blank lines between each match, but does provide options such as context around the matched line and colorization of the match itself. See the grep(1) man page for details, specifically the -C and --color options.

HttpServletRequest - Get query string parameters, no form data

I am afraid there is no way to get the query string parameters parsed separately from the post parameters. BTW the fact that such API absent may mean that probably you should check your design. Why are you using query string when sending POST? If you really want to send more data into URL use REST-like convention, e.g. instead of sending


.datepicker('setdate') issues, in jQuery

If you would like to support really old browsers you should parse the date string, since using the ISO8601 date format with the Date constructor is not supported pre IE9:

var queryDate = '2009-11-01',
    dateParts = queryDate.match(/(\d+)/g)
    realDate = new Date(dateParts[0], dateParts[1] - 1, dateParts[2]);  
                                    // months are 0-based!
// For >= IE9
var realDate = new Date('2009-11-01');  

$('#datePicker').datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' }); // format to show
$('#datePicker').datepicker('setDate', realDate);

Check the above example here.

Word-wrap in an HTML table

A solution which work with Google Chrome and Firefox (not tested with Internet Explorer) is to set display: table-cell as a block element.

Counting how many times a certain char appears in a string before any other char appears

public static int GetHowManyTimeOccurenceCharInString(string text, char c)
    int count = 0;
    foreach(char ch in text)

    return count;

Generate sql insert script from excel worksheet

You can use the below C# Method to generate the insert scripts using Excel sheet just you need import OfficeOpenXml Package from NuGet Package Manager before executing the method.

public string GenerateSQLInsertScripts() {

        var outputQuery = new StringBuilder();
        var tableName = "Your Table Name";
        if (file != null)
            var filePath = @"D:\FileName.xsls";

            using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage xlPackage = new OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage(new FileInfo(filePath)))
                var myWorksheet = xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.First(); //select the first sheet here
                var totalRows = myWorksheet.Dimension.End.Row;
                var totalColumns = myWorksheet.Dimension.End.Column;

                var columns = new StringBuilder(); //this is your columns

                var columnRows = myWorksheet.Cells[1, 1, 1, totalColumns].Select(c => c.Value == null ? string.Empty : c.Value.ToString());

                columns.Append("INSERT INTO["+ tableName +"] (");
                foreach (var colrow in columnRows)
                columns.Append(") VALUES (");
                for (int rowNum = 2; rowNum <= totalRows; rowNum++) //selet starting row here
                    var dataRows = myWorksheet.Cells[rowNum, 1, rowNum, totalColumns].Select(c => c.Value == null ? string.Empty : c.Value.ToString());

                    var finalQuery = new StringBuilder(); 

                    foreach (var dataRow in dataRows)





return outputQuery.ToString();}

notifyDataSetChanged example

I had the same problem and I prefer not to replace the entire ArrayAdapter with a new instance continuously. Thus I have the AdapterHelper do the heavy lifting somewhere else.

Add this where you would normally (try to) call notify

new AdapterHelper().update((ArrayAdapter)adapter, new ArrayList<Object>(yourArrayList));

AdapterHelper class

public class AdapterHelper {
    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public void update(ArrayAdapter arrayAdapter, ArrayList<Object> listOfObject){
        for (Object object : listOfObject){

How do I obtain the frequencies of each value in an FFT?

The first bin in the FFT is DC (0 Hz), the second bin is Fs / N, where Fs is the sample rate and N is the size of the FFT. The next bin is 2 * Fs / N. To express this in general terms, the nth bin is n * Fs / N.

So if your sample rate, Fs is say 44.1 kHz and your FFT size, N is 1024, then the FFT output bins are at:

  0:   0 * 44100 / 1024 =     0.0 Hz
  1:   1 * 44100 / 1024 =    43.1 Hz
  2:   2 * 44100 / 1024 =    86.1 Hz
  3:   3 * 44100 / 1024 =   129.2 Hz
  4: ...
  5: ...
511: 511 * 44100 / 1024 = 22006.9 Hz

Note that for a real input signal (imaginary parts all zero) the second half of the FFT (bins from N / 2 + 1 to N - 1) contain no useful additional information (they have complex conjugate symmetry with the first N / 2 - 1 bins). The last useful bin (for practical aplications) is at N / 2 - 1, which corresponds to 22006.9 Hz in the above example. The bin at N / 2 represents energy at the Nyquist frequency, i.e. Fs / 2 ( = 22050 Hz in this example), but this is in general not of any practical use, since anti-aliasing filters will typically attenuate any signals at and above Fs / 2.

How to convert a String to JsonObject using gson library

You don't need to use JsonObject. You should be using Gson to convert to/from JSON strings and your own Java objects.

See the Gson User Guide:


Gson gson = new Gson();
gson.toJson(1);                   // prints 1
gson.toJson("abcd");              // prints "abcd"
gson.toJson(new Long(10));        // prints 10
int[] values = { 1 };
gson.toJson(values);              // prints [1]


int one = gson.fromJson("1", int.class);
Integer one = gson.fromJson("1", Integer.class);
Long one = gson.fromJson("1", Long.class);
Boolean false = gson.fromJson("false", Boolean.class);
String str = gson.fromJson("\"abc\"", String.class);
String anotherStr = gson.fromJson("[\"abc\"]", String.class)

Loop Through All Subfolders Using VBA

Just a simple folder drill down.

sub sample()
    Dim FileSystem As Object
    Dim HostFolder As String

    HostFolder = "C:\"

    Set FileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    DoFolder FileSystem.GetFolder(HostFolder)
end  sub

Sub DoFolder(Folder)
    Dim SubFolder
    For Each SubFolder In Folder.SubFolders
        DoFolder SubFolder
    Dim File
    For Each File In Folder.Files
        ' Operate on each file
End Sub

What does the variable $this mean in PHP?

This is long detailed explanation. I hope this will help the beginners. I will make it very simple.

First, let's create a class


class Class1

You can omit the php closing tag ?> if you are using php code only.

Now let's add properties and a method inside Class1.


class Class1
    public $property1 = "I am property 1";
    public $property2 = "I am property 2";

    public function Method1()
        return "I am Method 1";

The property is just a simple variable , but we give it the name property cuz its inside a class.

The method is just a simple function , but we say method cuz its also inside a class.

The public keyword mean that the method or a property can be accessed anywhere in the script.

Now, how we can use the properties and the method inside Class1 ?

The answer is creating an instance or an object, think of an object as a copy of the class.


class Class1
    public $property1 = "I am property 1";
    public $property2 = "I am property 2";

    public function Method1()
        return "I am Method 1";

$object1 = new Class1;

We created an object, which is $object1 , which is a copy of Class1 with all its contents. And we dumped all the contents of $object1 using var_dump() .

This will give you

object(Class1)#1 (2) { ["property1"]=> string(15) "I am property 1" ["property2"]=> string(15) "I am property 2" }

So all the contents of Class1 are in $object1 , except Method1 , i don't know why methods doesn't show while dumping objects.

Now what if we want to access $property1 only. Its simple , we do var_dump($object1->property1); , we just added ->property1 , we pointed to it.

we can also access Method1() , we do var_dump($object1->Method1());.

Now suppose i want to access $property1 from inside Method1() , i will do this


class Class1
    public $property1 = "I am property 1";
    public $property2 = "I am property 2";

    public function Method1()
        $object2 = new Class1;
        return $object2->property1;

$object1 = new Class1;

we created $object2 = new Class1; which is a new copy of Class1 or we can say an instance. Then we pointed to property1 from $object2

return $object2->property1;

This will print string(15) "I am property 1" in the browser.

Now instead of doing this inside Method1()

$object2 = new Class1;
return $object2->property1;

We do this

return $this->property1;

The $this object is used inside the class to refer to the class itself.

It is an alternative for creating new object and then returning it like this

$object2 = new Class1;
return $object2->property1;

Another example


class Class1
    public $property1 = 119;
    public $property2 = 666;
    public $result;

    public function Method1()
        $this->result = $this->property1 + $this->property2;
        return $this->result;

$object1 = new Class1;

We created 2 properties containing integers and then we added them and put the result in $this->result.

Do not forget that

$this->property1 = $property1 = 119

they have that same value .. etc

I hope that explains the idea.

This series of videos will help you a lot in OOP

How to split a string in Java

With Java 8:

    List<String> stringList = Pattern.compile("-")

    stringList.forEach(s -> System.out.println(s));

How to remove files and directories quickly via terminal (bash shell)

Yes, there is. The -r option tells rm to be recursive, and remove the entire file hierarchy rooted at its arguments; in other words, if given a directory, it will remove all of its contents and then perform what is effectively an rmdir.

The other two options you should know are -i and -f. -i stands for interactive; it makes rm prompt you before deleting each and every file. -f stands for force; it goes ahead and deletes everything without asking. -i is safer, but -f is faster; only use it if you're absolutely sure you're deleting the right thing. You can specify these with -r or not; it's an independent setting.

And as usual, you can combine switches: rm -r -i is just rm -ri, and rm -r -f is rm -rf.

Also note that what you're learning applies to bash on every Unix OS: OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, etc. In fact, rm's syntax is the same in pretty much every shell on every Unix OS. OS X, under the hood, is really a BSD Unix system.

Which comment style should I use in batch files?

A very detailed and analytic discussion on the topic is available on THIS page

It has the example codes and the pros/cons of different options.

Check for internet connection with Swift

struct Connectivity {
    static let sharedInstance = NetworkReachabilityManager()!
    static var isConnectedToInternet:Bool {
        return self.sharedInstance.isReachable

Now call it

if Connectivity.isConnectedToInternet{
} else{

Google Maps API v3 adding an InfoWindow to each marker

In My case (Using Javascript insidde Razor) This worked perfectly inside an Foreach loop

google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {, this);

I keep getting this error for my simple python program: "TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer"

As shown below, range only supports integers:

>>> range(15.0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: range() integer end argument expected, got float.
>>> range(15)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]

However, c/10 is a float because / always returns a float.

Before you put it in range, you need to make c/10 an integer. This can be done by putting it in int:


or by using //, which returns an integer:


MySQL: Selecting multiple fields into multiple variables in a stored procedure

Your syntax isn't quite right: you need to list the fields in order before the INTO, and the corresponding target variables after:

SELECT Id, dateCreated
INTO iId, dCreate
FROM products
WHERE pName = iName

Using BigDecimal to work with currencies


Shortcut to open file in Vim

  • you can use (set wildmenu)
  • you can use tab to autocomplete filenames
  • you can also use matching, for example :e p*.dat or something like that (like in old' dos)
  • you could also :browse confirm e (for a graphical window)

  • but you should also probably specify what vim version you're using, and how that thing in emacs works. Maybe we could find you an exact vim alternative.

How to delete only the content of file in python

What could be easier than something like this:

import tempfile

for i in range(400):
    with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as tf:
        for j in range(1000):
            tf.write('Line {} of file {}'.format(j,i))

That creates 400 temp files and writes 1000 lines to each temp file. It executes in less than 1/2 second on my unremarkable machine. Each temp file of the total is created and deleted as the context manager opens and closes in this case. It is fast, secure, and cross platform.

Using tempfile is a lot better than trying to reinvent it.

Gather multiple sets of columns

It's not at all related to "tidyr" and "dplyr", but here's another option to consider: merged.stack from my "splitstackshape" package, V1.4.0 and above.

merged.stack(df, id.vars = c("id", "time"), 
             var.stubs = c("Q3.2.", "Q3.3."),
             sep = "var.stubs")
#     id       time .time_1       Q3.2.       Q3.3.
#  1:  1 2009-01-01      1. -0.62645381  1.35867955
#  2:  1 2009-01-01      2.  1.51178117 -0.16452360
#  3:  1 2009-01-01      3.  0.91897737  0.39810588
#  4:  2 2009-01-02      1.  0.18364332 -0.10278773
#  5:  2 2009-01-02      2.  0.38984324 -0.25336168
#  6:  2 2009-01-02      3.  0.78213630 -0.61202639
#  7:  3 2009-01-03      1. -0.83562861  0.38767161
# <<:::SNIP:::>>
# 24:  8 2009-01-08      3. -1.47075238 -1.04413463
# 25:  9 2009-01-09      1.  0.57578135  1.10002537
# 26:  9 2009-01-09      2.  0.82122120 -0.11234621
# 27:  9 2009-01-09      3. -0.47815006  0.56971963
# 28: 10 2009-01-10      1. -0.30538839  0.76317575
# 29: 10 2009-01-10      2.  0.59390132  0.88110773
# 30: 10 2009-01-10      3.  0.41794156 -0.13505460
#     id       time .time_1       Q3.2.       Q3.3.

Why is not Element in Typescript?

With typescript we can leverage type aliases, like so:

type KeyboardEvent = {
  target: HTMLInputElement,
  key: string,
const onKeyPress = (e: KeyboardEvent) => {
  if ('Enter' === e.key) { // Enter keyboard was pressed!
    submit(; = '';
  // continue handle onKeyPress input events...

Insert a line at specific line number with sed or awk

sed -e '8iProject_Name=sowstest' -i start using GNU sed

Sample run:

[root@node23 ~]# for ((i=1; i<=10; i++)); do echo "Line #$i"; done > a_file
[root@node23 ~]# cat a_file
Line #1
Line #2
Line #3
Line #4
Line #5
Line #6
Line #7
Line #8
Line #9
Line #10
[root@node23 ~]# sed -e '3ixxx inserted line xxx' -i a_file 
[root@node23 ~]# cat -An a_file 
     1  Line #1$
     2  Line #2$
     3  xxx inserted line xxx$
     4  Line #3$
     5  Line #4$
     6  Line #5$
     7  Line #6$
     8  Line #7$
     9  Line #8$
    10  Line #9$
    11  Line #10$
[root@node23 ~]# 
[root@node23 ~]# sed -e '5ixxx (inserted) "line" xxx' -i a_file
[root@node23 ~]# cat -n a_file 
     1  Line #1
     2  Line #2
     3  xxx inserted line xxx
     4  Line #3
     5  xxx (inserted) "line" xxx
     6  Line #4
     7  Line #5
     8  Line #6
     9  Line #7
    10  Line #8
    11  Line #9
    12  Line #10
[root@node23 ~]# 

JavaScript: How to pass object by value?

If you are using lodash or npm, use lodash's merge function to deep copy all of the object's properties to a new empty object like so:

var objectCopy = lodash.merge({}, originalObject);

Modulo operator in Python

In addition to the other answers, the fmod documentation has some interesting things to say on the subject:

math.fmod(x, y)

Return fmod(x, y), as defined by the platform C library. Note that the Python expression x % y may not return the same result. The intent of the C standard is that fmod(x, y) be exactly (mathematically; to infinite precision) equal to x - n*y for some integer n such that the result has the same sign as x and magnitude less than abs(y). Python’s x % y returns a result with the sign of y instead, and may not be exactly computable for float arguments. For example, fmod(-1e-100, 1e100) is -1e-100, but the result of Python’s -1e-100 % 1e100 is 1e100-1e-100, which cannot be represented exactly as a float, and rounds to the surprising 1e100. For this reason, function fmod() is generally preferred when working with floats, while Python’s x % y is preferred when working with integers.

pgadmin4 : postgresql application server could not be contacted.

Happens mostly when you have multiple versions of pgadmin installed or while trying to upgrade. Even I tried everything from killing the "running PID on port 5432" to "changing the server mode". In my case I uninstall postgres and re-install it again on different port(5433). Later, I opened it through cmd(right click on cmd and select "run cmd as an Administrator").enter image description here

Setting Access-Control-Allow-Origin in ASP.Net MVC - simplest possible method

Add this line to your method, If you are using a API.

HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); 

Which command in VBA can count the number of characters in a string variable?


Although that's not what your question title asks =)

What do <o:p> elements do anyway?

Couldn't find any official documentation (no surprise there) but according to this interesting article, those elements are injected in order to enable Word to convert the HTML back to fully compatible Word document, with everything preserved.

The relevant paragraph:

Microsoft added the special tags to Word's HTML with an eye toward backward compatibility. Microsoft wanted you to be able to save files in HTML complete with all of the tracking, comments, formatting, and other special Word features found in traditional DOC files. If you save a file in HTML and then reload it in Word, theoretically you don't loose anything at all.

This makes lots of sense.

For your specific question.. the o in the <o:p> means "Office namespace" so anything following the o: in a tag means "I'm part of Office namespace" - in case of <o:p> it just means paragraph, the equivalent of the ordinary <p> tag.

I assume that every HTML tag has its Office "equivalent" and they have more.

How to activate a specific worksheet in Excel?

An alternative way to (not dynamically) link a text to activate a worksheet without macros is to make the selected string an actual link. You can do this by selecting the cell that contains the text and press CTRL+K then select the option/tab 'Place in this document' and select the tab you want to activate. If you would click the text (that is now a link) the configured sheet will become active/selected.

jQuery Ajax simple call

please set dataType config property in your ajax call and give it another try!

another point is you are using ajax call setup configuration properties as string and it is wrong as reference site


    url : '',
    type : 'GET',
    data : {
        'numberOfWords' : 10
    success : function(data) {              
        alert('Data: '+data);
    error : function(request,error)
        alert("Request: "+JSON.stringify(request));

I hope be helpful!

Get Folder Size from Windows Command Line

I guess this would only work if the directory is fairly static and its contents don't change between the execution of the two dir commands. Maybe a way to combine this into one command to avoid that, but this worked for my purpose (I didn't want the full listing; just the summary).

GetDirSummary.bat Script:

@echo off
rem  get total number of lines from dir output
FOR /F "delims=" %%i IN ('dir /S %1 ^| find "asdfasdfasdf" /C /V') DO set lineCount=%%i
rem  dir summary is always last 3 lines; calculate starting line of summary info
set /a summaryStart="lineCount-3"
rem  now output just the last 3 lines
dir /S %1 | more +%summaryStart%


GetDirSummary.bat c:\temp


 Total Files Listed:
          22 File(s)         63,600 bytes
           8 Dir(s)  104,350,330,880 bytes free

Read all files in a folder and apply a function to each data frame

usually i don't use for loop in R, but here is my solution using for loops and two packages : plyr and dostats

plyr is on cran and you can download dostats on (may be using install_github from Hadley devtools package)

Assuming that i have your first two data.frame (Df.1 and Df.2) in csv files, you can do something like this.


files <- list.files(pattern = ".csv")

for (i in seq_along(files)) {

    assign(paste("Df", i, sep = "."), read.csv(files[i]))

    assign(paste(paste("Df", i, sep = ""), "summary", sep = "."), 
           ldply(get(paste("Df", i, sep = ".")), dostats, sum, min, mean, median, max))


Here is the output

R> Df1.summary
  .id sum min   mean median max
1   A  34   4 5.6667    5.5   8
2   B  22   1 3.6667    3.0   9
R> Df2.summary
  .id sum min   mean median max
1   A  21   1 3.5000    3.5   6
2   B  16   1 2.6667    2.5   5

why should I make a copy of a data frame in pandas

This expands on Paul's answer. In Pandas, indexing a DataFrame returns a reference to the initial DataFrame. Thus, changing the subset will change the initial DataFrame. Thus, you'd want to use the copy if you want to make sure the initial DataFrame shouldn't change. Consider the following code:

df = DataFrame({'x': [1,2]})
df_sub = df[0:1]
df_sub.x = -1

You'll get:

0 -1
1  2

In contrast, the following leaves df unchanged:

df_sub_copy = df[0:1].copy()
df_sub_copy.x = -1

Replace substring with another substring C++

Replacing substrings should not be that hard.

std::string ReplaceString(std::string subject, const std::string& search,
                          const std::string& replace) {
    size_t pos = 0;
    while((pos = subject.find(search, pos)) != std::string::npos) {
         subject.replace(pos, search.length(), replace);
         pos += replace.length();
    return subject;

If you need performance, here is an optimized function that modifies the input string, it does not create a copy of the string:

void ReplaceStringInPlace(std::string& subject, const std::string& search,
                          const std::string& replace) {
    size_t pos = 0;
    while((pos = subject.find(search, pos)) != std::string::npos) {
         subject.replace(pos, search.length(), replace);
         pos += replace.length();


std::string input = "abc abc def";
std::cout << "Input string: " << input << std::endl;

std::cout << "ReplaceString() return value: " 
          << ReplaceString(input, "bc", "!!") << std::endl;
std::cout << "ReplaceString() input string not changed: " 
          << input << std::endl;

ReplaceStringInPlace(input, "bc", "??");
std::cout << "ReplaceStringInPlace() input string modified: " 
          << input << std::endl;


Input string: abc abc def
ReplaceString() return value: a!! a!! def
ReplaceString() input string not modified: abc abc def
ReplaceStringInPlace() input string modified: a?? a?? def

How to filter an array of objects based on values in an inner array with jq?

Very close! In your select expression, you have to use a pipe (|) before contains.

This filter produces the expected output.

. - map(select(.Names[] | contains ("data"))) | .[] .Id

The jq Cookbook has an example of the syntax.

Filter objects based on the contents of a key

E.g., I only want objects whose genre key contains "house".

$ json='[{"genre":"deep house"}, {"genre": "progressive house"}, {"genre": "dubstep"}]'
$ echo "$json" | jq -c '.[] | select(.genre | contains("house"))'
{"genre":"deep house"}
{"genre":"progressive house"}

Colin D asks how to preserve the JSON structure of the array, so that the final output is a single JSON array rather than a stream of JSON objects.

The simplest way is to wrap the whole expression in an array constructor:

$ echo "$json" | jq -c '[ .[] | select( .genre | contains("house")) ]'
[{"genre":"deep house"},{"genre":"progressive house"}]

You can also use the map function:

$ echo "$json" | jq -c 'map(select(.genre | contains("house")))'
[{"genre":"deep house"},{"genre":"progressive house"}]

map unpacks the input array, applies the filter to every element, and creates a new array. In other words, map(f) is equivalent to [.[]|f].

How to use Console.WriteLine in ASP.NET (C#) during debug?

using System.Diagnostics;

The following will print to your output as long as the dropdown is set to 'Debug' as shown below.

Debug.WriteLine("Hello, world!");

enter image description here

PHP compare time

$ThatTime ="14:08:10";
if (time() >= strtotime($ThatTime)) {
  echo "ok";

A solution using DateTime (that also regards the timezone).

$dateTime = new DateTime($ThatTime);
if ($dateTime->diff(new DateTime)->format('%R') == '+') {
  echo "OK";

Why an interface can not implement another interface?

Hope this will help you a little what I have learned in oops (core java) during my college.

Implements denotes defining an implementation for the methods of an interface. However interfaces have no implementation so that's not possible. An interface can however extend another interface, which means it can add more methods and inherit its type.

Here is an example below, this is my understanding and what I have learnt in oops.

interface ParentInterface{  
        void myMethod();  

interface SubInterface extends ParentInterface{  
        void anotherMethod();  

and keep one thing in a mind one interface can only extend another interface and if you want to define it's function on some class then only a interface in implemented eg below

public interface Dog
    public boolean Barks();

    public boolean isGoldenRetriever();

Now, if a class were to implement this interface, this is what it would look like:

public class SomeClass implements Dog
    public boolean Barks{
    // method definition here


    public boolean isGoldenRetriever{
    // method definition here

and if a abstract class has some abstract function define and declare and you want to define those function or you can say implement those function then you suppose to extends that class because abstract class can only be extended. here is example below.

public abstract class MyAbstractClass {

    public abstract void abstractMethod();

Here is an example subclass of MyAbstractClass:

public class MySubClass extends MyAbstractClass {

    public void abstractMethod() {
        System.out.println("My method implementation");

How to customize a Spinner in Android

You can create fully custom spinner design like as

Step1: In drawable folder make background.xml for a border of the spinner.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="">
<solid android:color="@android:color/transparent" />
<corners android:radius="5dp" />
   android:color="@android:color/darker_gray" />

Step2: for layout design of spinner use this drop-down icon or any image drop.png enter image description here


        android:spinnerMode="dropdown" />

        android:src="@mipmap/drop" />


Finally looks like below image and it is everywhere clickable in round area and no need to write click Lister for imageView.

enter image description here

Step3: For drop-down design, remove the line from Dropdown ListView and change the background color, Create custom adapter like as

Spinner spinner = (Spinner) findViewById(;
String[] years = {"1996","1997","1998","1998"};
ArrayAdapter<CharSequence> langAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<CharSequence>(getActivity(), R.layout.spinner_text, years );

In layout folder create R.layout.spinner_text.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TextView xmlns:android=""

In layout folder create simple_spinner_dropdown.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CheckedTextView xmlns:android=""
android:singleLine="true" />

In styles, you can add custom dimensions and height as per your requirement.

<style name="spinnerItemStyle" parent="android:Widget.TextView.SpinnerItem">

<style name="spinnerDropDownItemStyle" parent="android:TextAppearance.Widget.TextView.SpinnerItem">

Finally looks like as

enter image description here

According to the requirement, you can change background color and text of drop-down color by changing the background color or text color of simple_spinner_dropdown.xml

How to put a horizontal divisor line between edit text's in a activity

How about defining your own view? I have used the class below, using a LinearLayout around a view whose background color is set. This allows me to pre-define layout parameters for it. If you don't need that just extend View and set the background color instead.

public class HorizontalRulerView extends LinearLayout {

    static final int COLOR = Color.DKGRAY;
    static final int HEIGHT = 2;
    static final int VERTICAL_MARGIN = 10;
    static final int HORIZONTAL_MARGIN = 5;
    static final int TOP_MARGIN = VERTICAL_MARGIN;
    static final int BOTTOM_MARGIN = VERTICAL_MARGIN;
    static final int LEFT_MARGIN = HORIZONTAL_MARGIN;
    static final int RIGHT_MARGIN = HORIZONTAL_MARGIN;

    public HorizontalRulerView(Context context) {
        this(context, null);

    public HorizontalRulerView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        this(context, attrs, android.R.attr.textViewStyle);

    public HorizontalRulerView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);
        View v = new View(context);
        LayoutParams lp = new LayoutParams(
        lp.topMargin = TOP_MARGIN;
        lp.bottomMargin = BOTTOM_MARGIN;
        lp.leftMargin = LEFT_MARGIN;
        lp.rightMargin = RIGHT_MARGIN;
        addView(v, lp);


Use it programmatically or in Eclipse (Custom & Library Views -- just pull it into your layout).

How to include a PHP variable inside a MySQL statement

The best option is prepared statements. Messing around with quotes and escapes is harder work to begin with, and difficult to maintain. Sooner or later you will end up accidentally forgetting to quote something or end up escaping the same string twice, or mess up something like that. Might be years before you find those type of bugs.

Custom exception type

An alternative to the answer of asselin for use with ES2015 classes

class InvalidArgumentException extends Error {
    constructor(message) {
        Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); = "InvalidArgumentException";
        this.message = message;

Execution order of events when pressing PrimeFaces p:commandButton

I just love getting information like BalusC gives here - and he is kind enough to help SO many people with such GOOD information that I regard his words as gospel, but I was not able to use that order of events to solve this same kind of timing issue in my project. Since BalusC put a great general reference here that I even bookmarked, I thought I would donate my solution for some advanced timing issues in the same place since it does solve the original poster's timing issues as well. I hope this code helps someone:

        <p:pickList id="formPickList" 
                    itemValue="#{mediaFiles}" >
            <f:facet name="sourceCaption">Available Media</f:facet>
            <f:facet name="targetCaption">Chosen Media</f:facet>

        <p:commandButton id="viewStream_btn" 
                         value="Stream chosen media" 
                         icon="fa fa-download"
                         style="margin-top:5px" >
            <p:ajax process="formPickList"  />

The dialog is at the top of the XHTML outside this form and it has a form of its own embedded in the dialog along with a datatable which holds additional commands for streaming the media that all needed to be primed and ready to go when the dialog is presented. You can use this same technique to do things like download customized documents that need to be prepared before they are streamed to the user's computer via fileDownload buttons in the dialog box as well.

As I said, this is a more complicated example, but it hits all the high points of your problem and mine. When the command button is clicked, the result is to first insure the backing bean is updated with the results of the pickList, then tell the backing bean to prepare streams for the user based on their selections in the pick list, then update the controls in the dynamic dialog with an update, then show the dialog box ready for the user to start streaming their content.

The trick to it was to use BalusC's order of events for the main commandButton and then to add the <p:ajax process="formPickList" /> bit to ensure it was executed first - because nothing happens correctly unless the pickList updated the backing bean first (something that was not happening for me before I added it). So, yea, that commandButton rocks because you can affect previous, pending and current components as well as the backing beans - but the timing to interrelate all of them is not easy to get a handle on sometimes.

Happy coding!

file_get_contents behind a proxy?

Use stream_context_set_default function. It is much easier to use as you can directly use file_get_contents or similar functions without passing any additional parameters

This blog post explains how to use it. Here is the code from that page.

// Edit the four values below
$PROXY_HOST = ""; // Proxy server address
$PROXY_PORT = "1234";    // Proxy server port
$PROXY_USER = "LOGIN";    // Username
$PROXY_PASS = "PASSWORD";   // Password
// Username and Password are required only if your proxy server needs basic authentication

$auth = base64_encode("$PROXY_USER:$PROXY_PASS");
  'http' => array(
   'proxy' => "tcp://$PROXY_HOST:$PROXY_PORT",
   'request_fulluri' => true,
   'header' => "Proxy-Authorization: Basic $auth"
   // Remove the 'header' option if proxy authentication is not required

$url = "";

print_r( get_headers($url) );

echo file_get_contents($url);

Easy way to build Android UI?

DroidDraw seems to be very useful. It has a clean and easy interface and it is a freeware. Available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. I advice a donation.

If you don't like it, you should take a look at this site. There are some other options and other useful tools.

How to use gitignore command in git

If you don't have a .gitignore file. You can create a new one by

touch .gitignore

And you can exclude a folder by entering the below command in the .gitignore file


push this file into your git repository so that when a new person clone your project he don't have to add the same again

Find if current time falls in a time range

For checking for a time of day use:

TimeSpan start = new TimeSpan(10, 0, 0); //10 o'clock
TimeSpan end = new TimeSpan(12, 0, 0); //12 o'clock
TimeSpan now = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;

if ((now > start) && (now < end))
   //match found

For absolute times use:

DateTime start = new DateTime(2009, 12, 9, 10, 0, 0)); //10 o'clock
DateTime end = new DateTime(2009, 12, 10, 12, 0, 0)); //12 o'clock
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

if ((now > start) && (now < end))
   //match found

Setting Icon for wpf application (VS 08)

You can try this also:

private void Page_Loaded_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        Uri iconUri = new Uri(@"C:\Apps\R&D\WPFNavigation\WPFNavigation\Images\airport.ico", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
        (this.Parent as Window).Icon = BitmapFrame.Create(iconUri);

How are "mvn clean package" and "mvn clean install" different?

package will generate Jar/war as per POM file. install will install generated jar file to the local repository for other dependencies if any.

install phase comes after package phase

How to detect running app using ADB command

No need to use grep. ps in Android can filter by COMM value (last 15 characters of the package name in case of java app)

Let's say we want to check if is running:

adb shell ps
USER     PID   PPID  VSIZE  RSS     WCHAN    PC         NAME
radio     1389  277   515960 33964 ffffffff 4024c270 S

Filtering by COMM value option has been removed from ps in Android 7.0. To check for a running process by name in Android 7.0 you can use pidof command:

adb shell pidof

It returns the PID if such process was found or an empty string otherwise.

How do I get indices of N maximum values in a NumPy array?

Simpler yet:

idx = (-arr).argsort()[:n]

where n is the number of maximum values.

How do I remove a key from a JavaScript object?

The delete operator allows you to remove a property from an object.

The following examples all do the same thing.

// Example 1
var key = "Cow";
delete thisIsObject[key]; 

// Example 2
delete thisIsObject["Cow"];

// Example 3
delete thisIsObject.Cow;

If you're interested, read Understanding Delete for an in-depth explanation.

Correct way to synchronize ArrayList in java

You're synchronizing twice, which is pointless and possibly slows down the code: changes while iterating over the list need a synchronnization over the entire operation, which you are doing with synchronized (in_queue_list) Using Collections.synchronizedList() is superfluous in that case (it creates a wrapper that synchronizes individual operations).

However, since you are emptying the list completely, the iterated removal of the first element is the worst possible way to do it, sice for each element all following elements have to be copied, making this an O(n^2) operation - horribly slow for larger lists.

Instead, simply call clear() - no iteration needed.

Edit: If you need the single-method synchronization of Collections.synchronizedList() later on, then this is the correct way:

List<Record> in_queue_list = Collections.synchronizedList(in_queue);
in_queue_list.clear(); // synchronized implicitly, 

But in many cases, the single-method synchronization is insufficient (e.g. for all iteration, or when you get a value, do computations based on it, and replace it with the result). In that case, you have to use manual synchronization anyway, so Collections.synchronizedList() is just useless additional overhead.

Doctrine query builder using inner join with conditions

I'm going to answer my own question.

  1. innerJoin should use the keyword "WITH" instead of "ON" (Doctrine's documentation [13.2.6. Helper methods] is inaccurate; [13.2.5. The Expr class] is correct)
  2. no need to link foreign keys in join condition as they're already specified in the entity mapping.

Therefore, the following works for me

    ->innerJoin('c.phones', 'p', 'WITH', ' = :phone')
    ->where('c.username = :username');


    ->innerJoin('c.phones', 'p', Join::WITH, $qb->expr()->eq('', ':phone'))
    ->where('c.username = :username');

Should switch statements always contain a default clause?

Atleast it is not mandatory in Java. According to JLS, it says atmost one default case can be present. Which means no default case is acceptable . It at times also depends on the context that you are using the switch statement. For example in Java, the following switch block does not require default case

private static void switch1(String name) {
    switch (name) {
    case "Monday":
    case "Tuesday":

But in the following method which expects to return a String, default case comes handy to avoid compilation errors

    private static String switch2(String name) {
    switch (name) {
    case "Monday":
        return name;

    case "Tuesday":
        return name;

        return name;

though you can avoid compilation error for the above method without having default case by just having a return statement at the end, but providing default case makes it more readable.

DTO and DAO concepts and MVC

DTO is an abbreviation for Data Transfer Object, so it is used to transfer the data between classes and modules of your application.

  • DTO should only contain private fields for your data, getters, setters, and constructors.
  • DTO is not recommended to add business logic methods to such classes, but it is OK to add some util methods.

DAO is an abbreviation for Data Access Object, so it should encapsulate the logic for retrieving, saving and updating data in your data storage (a database, a file-system, whatever).

Here is an example of how the DAO and DTO interfaces would look like:

interface PersonDTO {
    String getName();
    void setName(String name);

interface PersonDAO {
    PersonDTO findById(long id);
    void save(PersonDTO person);

The MVC is a wider pattern. The DTO/DAO would be your model in the MVC pattern.
It tells you how to organize the whole application, not just the part responsible for data retrieval.

As for the second question, if you have a small application it is completely OK, however, if you want to follow the MVC pattern it would be better to have a separate controller, which would contain the business logic for your frame in a separate class and dispatch messages to this controller from the event handlers.
This would separate your business logic from the view.

For loop in Objective-C

You mean fast enumeration? You question is very unclear.

A normal for loop would look a bit like this:

unsigned int i, cnt = [someArray count];
for(i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
   // do loop stuff
   id someObject = [someArray objectAtIndex:i];

And a loop with fast enumeration, which is optimized by the compiler, would look like this:

for(id someObject in someArray)
   // do stuff with object

Keep in mind that you cannot change the array you are using in fast enumeration, thus no deleting nor adding when using fast enumeration

Installing jQuery?

There is no installation required. Just add jQuery to your application folder and give a reference to the js file.

<script type="text/javascript" src="jQuery.js"></script>

if jQuery is in the same folder of your referenced file.

splitting a number into the integer and decimal parts

I have come up with two statements that can divide positive and negative numbers into integers and fractions without compromising accuracy (bit overflow) and speed.

x = 100.1323 # A number to be divided into integers and fractions

# The two statement to divided a number into integers and fractions
i = int(x) # A positive or negative integer
f = (x*1e17-i*1e17)/1e17 # A positive or negative fraction

E.g. 100.1323 -> 100, 0.1323 or -100.1323 -> -100, -0.1323


The performance test shows that the two statements are faster than math.modf, as long as they are not put into their own function or method.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import math
import cProfile

""" Get the performance of both statements and math.modf. """

X = -100.1323 # The number to be divided into integers and fractions
LOOPS = range(5*10**6) # Number of loops

def scenario_a():
    """ The integers (i) and the fractions (f)
        come out as integer and float. """
    for _ in LOOPS:
        i = int(X) # -100
        f = (X*1e17-i*1e17)/1e17 # -0.1323

def scenario_b():
    """ The integers (i) and the fractions (f)
        come out as float.
        NOTE: The only difference between this
              and math.modf is the accuracy. """
    for _ in LOOPS:
        i = int(X) # -100
        i, f = float(i), (X*1e17-i*1e17)/1e17 # (-100.0, -0.1323)

def scenario_c():
    """ Performance test of the statements in a function. """
    def modf(x):
        i = int(x)
        return i, (x*1e17-i*1e17)/1e17

    for _ in LOOPS:
        i, f = modf(X) # (-100, -0.1323)

def scenario_d():
    for _ in LOOPS:
        f, i = math.modf(X) # (-100.0, -0.13230000000000075)

def scenario_e():
    """ Convert the integer part to real integer. """
    for _ in LOOPS:
        f, i = math.modf(X) # (-100.0, -0.13230000000000075)
        i = int(i) # -100

if __name__ == '__main__':'scenario_a()')'scenario_b()')'scenario_c()')'scenario_d()')'scenario_e()')


         4 function calls in 1.312 seconds

   Ordered by: standard name

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        1    0.000    0.000    1.312    1.312 <string>:1(<module>)
        1    1.312    1.312    1.312    1.312
        1    0.000    0.000    1.312    1.312 {built-in method builtins.exec}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}

         4 function calls in 1.887 seconds

   Ordered by: standard name

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        1    0.000    0.000    1.887    1.887 <string>:1(<module>)
        1    1.887    1.887    1.887    1.887
        1    0.000    0.000    1.887    1.887 {built-in method builtins.exec}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}

         5000004 function calls in 2.797 seconds

   Ordered by: standard name

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        1    0.000    0.000    2.797    2.797 <string>:1(<module>)
        1    1.261    1.261    2.797    2.797
  5000000    1.536    0.000    1.536    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    2.797    2.797 {built-in method builtins.exec}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}

         5000004 function calls in 1.852 seconds

   Ordered by: standard name

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        1    0.000    0.000    1.852    1.852 <string>:1(<module>)
        1    1.050    1.050    1.852    1.852
        1    0.000    0.000    1.852    1.852 {built-in method builtins.exec}
  5000000    0.802    0.000    0.802    0.000 {built-in method math.modf}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}

         5000004 function calls in 2.467 seconds

   Ordered by: standard name

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        1    0.000    0.000    2.467    2.467 <string>:1(<module>)
        1    1.652    1.652    2.467    2.467
        1    0.000    0.000    2.467    2.467 {built-in method builtins.exec}
  5000000    0.815    0.000    0.815    0.000 {built-in method math.modf}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}


The statement can be faster with modulo, but modulo can not be used to split negative numbers into integer and fraction parts.

i, f = int(x), x*1e17%1e17/1e17 # x can not be negative

Read a local text file using Javascript

Please find below the code that generates automatically the content of the txt local file and display it html. Good luck!

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <script type="text/javascript">

  var x;
  if('Microsoft')>-1) { x = new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP'); }
  else { x = new XMLHttpRequest(); }

  function getdata() {'get', 'data1.txt', true); 
    x.onreadystatechange= showdata;

  function showdata() {
    if(x.readyState==4) {
      var el = document.getElementById('content');
      el.innerHTML = x.responseText;

<body onload="getdata();showdata();">

  <div id="content"></div>


Comparing two .jar files

Use Java Decompiler to turn the jar file into source code file, and then use WinMerge to perform comparison.

You should consult the copyright holder of the source code, to see whether it is OK to do so.

SQL Inner Join On Null Values

You could also use the coalesce function. I tested this in PostgreSQL, but it should also work for MySQL or MS SQL server.

INNER JOIN x ON coalesce(x.qid, -1) = coalesce(y.qid, -1)

This will replace NULL with -1 before evaluating it. Hence there must be no -1 in qid.

How to set text size in a button in html

Try this, its working in FF

button {
 font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
 font-size: 14px;

Is there an equivalent to e.PageX position for 'touchstart' event as there is for click event?

Kinda late, but you need to access the original event, not the jQuery massaged one. Also, since these are multi-touch events, other changes need to be made:

$('#box').live('touchstart', function(e) {
  var xPos = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;

If you want other fingers, you can find them in other indices of the touches list.


$(document).on('touchstart', '#box', function(e) {
  var xPos = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;

How to embed a PDF viewer in a page?

I would really opt for FlowPaper, especially their new Elements mode that can be found here :

It flattens the PDFs significantly at the same time as keeping text sharp which means that it will load much faster on mobile devices

How to determine the last Row used in VBA including blank spaces in between

If sheet contains unused area on the top, UsedRange.Rows.Count is not the maximum row.

This is the correct max row number.

maxrow = Sheets("").UsedRange.Rows(Sheets("").UsedRange.Rows.Count).Row

C# Iterating through an enum? (Indexing a System.Array)

How about a dictionary list?

Dictionary<string, int> list = new Dictionary<string, int>();
foreach( var item in Enum.GetNames(typeof(MyEnum)) )
    list.Add(item, (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(MyEnum), item));

and of course you can change the dictionary value type to whatever your enum values are.

Can't connect to HTTPS site using cURL. Returns 0 length content instead. What can I do?

there might be a problem at your web hosting company from where you are testing the secure communication for gateway, that they might not allow you to do that.

also there might be a username, password that must be provided before connecting to remote host.

or your IP might need to be in the list of approved IP for the remote server for communication to initiate.

Is there any way to wait for AJAX response and halt execution?

When using promises they can be used in a promise chain. async=false will be deprecated so using promises is your best option.

function functABC() {
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      url: 'myPage.php',
      data: {id: id},
      success: function(data) {
        resolve(data) // Resolve promise and go to then()
      error: function(err) {
        reject(err) // Reject the promise and go to catch()

functABC().then(function(data) {
  // Run this when your request was successful
}).catch(function(err) {
  // Run this when promise was rejected via reject()

Is there an easy way to add a border to the top and bottom of an Android View?

To change this:

    android:text="My text"

I prefer this approach in "drawable/top_bottom_border.xml":

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="">
                android:centerX="0.01" />
                android:centerX="0.01" />

This only makes the borders, not a rectangle that will appear if your background has a color.

PHP max_input_vars

You need to uncomment max_input_vars value in php.ini file and increase it (exp. 2000), also dont forget to restart your server this will help for 99,99%.

What's the difference between Git Revert, Checkout and Reset?

  • git checkout modifies your working tree,
  • git reset modifies which reference the branch you're on points to,
  • git revert adds a commit undoing changes.

Git: can't undo local changes (error: path ... is unmerged)

This worked perfectly for me:

$ git reset -- foo/bar.txt
$ git checkout foo/bar.txt

How to solve the “failed to lazily initialize a collection of role” Hibernate exception

The origin of your problem:

By default hibernate lazily loads the collections (relationships) which means whenver you use the collection in your code(here comments field in Topic class) the hibernate gets that from database, now the problem is that you are getting the collection in your controller (where the JPA session is closed).This is the line of code that causes the exception (where you are loading the comments collection):

    Collection<Comment> commentList = topicById.getComments();

You are getting "comments" collection (topic.getComments()) in your controller(where JPA session has ended) and that causes the exception. Also if you had got the comments collection in your jsp file like this(instead of getting it in your controller):

<c:forEach items="topic.comments" var="item">
//some code

You would still have the same exception for the same reason.

Solving the problem:

Because you just can have only two collections with the FetchType.Eager(eagerly fetched collection) in an Entity class and because lazy loading is more efficient than eagerly loading, I think this way of solving your problem is better than just changing the FetchType to eager:

If you want to have collection lazy initialized, and also make this work, it is better to add this snippet of code to your web.xml :


What this code does is that it will increase the length of your JPA session or as the documentation says, it is used "to allow for lazy loading in web views despite the original transactions already being completed." so this way the JPA session will be open a bit longer and because of that you can lazily load collections in your jsp files and controller classes.

Center Contents of Bootstrap row container

I solved this by doing the following:

<body class="container-fluid">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="span6" style="float: none; margin: 0 auto;">

Converting map to struct

I adapt dave's answer, and add a recursive feature. I'm still working on a more user friendly version. For example, a number string in the map should be able to be converted to int in the struct.

package main

import (

func SetField(obj interface{}, name string, value interface{}) error {

    structValue := reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem()
    fieldVal := structValue.FieldByName(name)

    if !fieldVal.IsValid() {
        return fmt.Errorf("No such field: %s in obj", name)

    if !fieldVal.CanSet() {
        return fmt.Errorf("Cannot set %s field value", name)

    val := reflect.ValueOf(value)

    if fieldVal.Type() != val.Type() {

        if m,ok := value.(map[string]interface{}); ok {

            // if field value is struct
            if fieldVal.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
                return FillStruct(m, fieldVal.Addr().Interface())

            // if field value is a pointer to struct
            if fieldVal.Kind()==reflect.Ptr && fieldVal.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
                if fieldVal.IsNil() {
                // fmt.Printf("recursive: %v %v\n", m,fieldVal.Interface())
                return FillStruct(m, fieldVal.Interface())


        return fmt.Errorf("Provided value type didn't match obj field type")

    return nil


func FillStruct(m map[string]interface{}, s interface{}) error {
    for k, v := range m {
        err := SetField(s, k, v)
        if err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

type OtherStruct struct {
    Name string
    Age  int64

type MyStruct struct {
    Name string
    Age  int64
    OtherStruct *OtherStruct

func main() {
    myData := make(map[string]interface{})
    myData["Name"]        = "Tony"
    myData["Age"]         = int64(23)
    OtherStruct := make(map[string]interface{})
    myData["OtherStruct"] = OtherStruct
    OtherStruct["Name"]   = "roxma"
    OtherStruct["Age"]    = int64(23)

    result := &MyStruct{}
    err := FillStruct(myData,result)
    fmt.Printf("%v %v\n",result,result.OtherStruct)

How to create a HTTP server in Android?

Consider this one: Very small, written in Java. I used it without any problem.

Where does this come from: -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This is so called file local variables, that are understood by Emacs and set correspondingly. See corresponding section in Emacs manual - you can define them either in header or in footer of file

Extract a page from a pdf as a jpeg

Here is a function that does the conversion of a PDF file with one or multiple pages to a single merged JPEG image.

import os
import tempfile
from pdf2image import convert_from_path
from PIL import Image

def convert_pdf_to_image(file_path, output_path):
    # save temp image files in temp dir, delete them after we are finished
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
        # convert pdf to multiple image
        images = convert_from_path(file_path, output_folder=temp_dir)
        # save images to temporary directory
        temp_images = []
        for i in range(len(images)):
            image_path = f'{temp_dir}/{i}.jpg'
            images[i].save(image_path, 'JPEG')
        # read images into pillow.Image
        imgs = list(map(, temp_images))
    # find minimum width of images
    min_img_width = min(i.width for i in imgs)
    # find total height of all images
    total_height = 0
    for i, img in enumerate(imgs):
        total_height += imgs[i].height
    # create new image object with width and total height
    merged_image =[0].mode, (min_img_width, total_height))
    # paste images together one by one
    y = 0
    for img in imgs:
        merged_image.paste(img, (0, y))
        y += img.height
    # save merged image
    return output_path

Example usage: -

convert_pdf_to_image("path_to_Pdf/1.pdf", "output_path/output.jpeg")

TypeScript for ... of with index / key?

Or another old school solution:

var someArray = [9, 2, 5];
let i = 0;
for (var item of someArray) {
    console.log(item); // 9,2,5

MySQL Where DateTime is greater than today

I guess you looking for CURDATE() or NOW() .

  SELECT name, datum 
  FROM tasks 
  WHERE datum >= CURDATE()

LooK the rsult of NOW and CURDATE

   NOW()                    CURDATE()        
   2008-11-11 12:45:34      2008-11-11       

How do you set CMAKE_C_COMPILER and CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER for building Assimp for iOS?


  1. Sometimes the project is created before installing g++. So install g++ first and then recreate your project. This worked for me.
  2. Paste the following line in CMakeCache.txt: CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:FILEPATH=/usr/bin/c++

Note the path to g++ depends on OS. I have used my fedora path obtained using which g++

Writing a VLOOKUP function in vba

        Public Function VLOOKUP1(ByVal lookup_value As String, ByVal table_array As Range, ByVal col_index_num As Integer) As String
        Dim i As Long

        For i = 1 To table_array.Rows.Count
            If lookup_value = table_array.Cells(table_array.Row + i - 1, 1) Then
                VLOOKUP1 = table_array.Cells(table_array.Row + i - 1, col_index_num)
                Exit For
            End If
        Next i

        End Function

How to increase image size of pandas.DataFrame.plot in jupyter notebook?

Try this:

import matplotlib as plt

after importing the file we can use matplotlib library but remember to use it as plt


after that the plot will be done and size increased. In figsize the 10 is for breadth and 5 is for height. Also other attributes can be added to the plot too.

How to grant "grant create session" privilege?

You can grant system privileges with or without the admin option. The default being without admin option.


or with admin option:


The Grantee with the ADMIN OPTION can grant and revoke privileges to other users

Initialize 2D array

How about something like this:

for (int row = 0; row < 3; row ++)
    for (int col = 0; col < 3; col++)
        table[row][col] = (char) ('1' + row * 3 + col);

The following complete Java program:

class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        char[][] table = new char[3][3];
        for (int row = 0; row < 3; row ++)
            for (int col = 0; col < 3; col++)
                table[row][col] = (char) ('1' + row * 3 + col);

        for (int row = 0; row < 3; row ++)
            for (int col = 0; col < 3; col++)
                System.out.println (table[row][col]);



This works because the digits in Unicode are consecutive starting at \u0030 (which is what you get from '0').

The expression '1' + row * 3 + col (where you vary row and col between 0 and 2 inclusive) simply gives you a character from 1 to 9.

Obviously, this won't give you the character 10 (since that's two characters) if you go further but it works just fine for the 3x3 case. You would have to change the method of generating the array contents at that point such as with something like:

String[][] table = new String[5][5];
for (int row = 0; row < 5; row ++)
    for (int col = 0; col < 5; col++)
        table[row][col] = String.format("%d", row * 5 + col + 1);

gitx How do I get my 'Detached HEAD' commits back into master

If your detached HEAD is a fast forward of master and you just want the commits upstream, you can

git push origin HEAD:master

to push directly, or

git checkout master && git merge [ref of HEAD]

will merge it back into your local master.

Finding the median of an unsorted array

You can use the Median of Medians algorithm to find median of an unsorted array in linear time.

How to JSON serialize sets?

Only dictionaries, Lists and primitive object types (int, string, bool) are available in JSON.

Visual Studio setup problem - 'A problem has been encountered while loading the setup components. Canceling setup.'

I have Visual Studio Team System 2008 Development Edition, and had to remove all updates and Hotfixes:

  • Update KB972221
  • Hotfix KB973674
  • Hotfix KB971091

Reboot, then the following Hotfix appeared, which I then removed as per @riaraos' answer:

  • Hotfix KB952241

Before the Change/Remove would work!

Hope that helps someone else.

Date validation with ASP.NET validator

Best option would be

Add a compare validator to the web form. Set its controlToValidate. Set its Type property to Date. Set its operator property to DataTypeCheck eg:

    id="dateValidator" runat="server" 
    ErrorMessage="Please enter a valid date.">

Is there a way to split a widescreen monitor in to two or more virtual monitors?

The next version of Windows (Windows 7) will be able to snap windows to the left or right half of the screen. Doesn't help right now, but it's something to look forward to.

Access parent DataContext from DataTemplate

I had problems with the relative source in Silverlight. After searching and reading I did not find a suitable solution without using some additional Binding library. But, here is another approach for gaining access to the parent DataContext by directly referencing an element of which you know the data context. It uses Binding ElementName and works quite well, as long as you respect your own naming and don't have heavy reuse of templates/styles across components:

<ItemsControl x:Name="level1Lister" ItemsSource={Binding MyLevel1List}>
      <Button Content={Binding MyLevel2Property}
              Command={Binding ElementName=level1Lister,
              CommandParameter={Binding MyLevel2Property}>

This also works if you put the button into Style/Template:

  <Style x:Key="buttonStyle" TargetType="Button">
    <Setter Property="Template">
        <ControlTemplate TargetType="Button">
          <Button Command={Binding ElementName=level1Lister,
                  CommandParameter={Binding MyLevel2Property}>

<ItemsControl x:Name="level1Lister" ItemsSource={Binding MyLevel1List}>
      <Button Content="{Binding MyLevel2Property}" 
              Style="{StaticResource buttonStyle}"/>

At first I thought that the x:Names of parent elements are not accessible from within a templated item, but since I found no better solution, I just tried, and it works fine.

Errors in SQL Server while importing CSV file despite varchar(MAX) being used for each column

This answer may not apply universally, but it fixed the occurrence of this error I was encountering when importing a small text file. The flat file provider was importing based on fixed 50-character text columns in the source, which was incorrect. No amount of remapping the destination columns affected the issue.

To solve the issue, in the "Choose a Data Source" for the flat-file provider, after selecting the file, a "Suggest Types.." button appears beneath the input column list. After hitting this button, even if no changes were made to the enusing dialog, the Flat File provider then re-queried the source .csv file and then correctly determined the lengths of the fields in the source file.

Once this was done, the import proceeded with no further issues.

How to import CSV file data into a PostgreSQL table?

Use this SQL code

    copy table_name(atribute1,attribute2,attribute3...)
    from 'E:\test.csv' delimiter ',' csv header

the header keyword lets the DBMS know that the csv file have a header with attributes

for more visit

RHEL 6 - how to install 'GLIBC_2.14' or 'GLIBC_2.15'?

download rpm packages and run the following command:

rpm -Uvh glibc-2.15-60.el6.x86_64.rpm \
glibc-common-2.15-60.el6.x86_64.rpm \
glibc-devel-2.15-60.el6.x86_64.rpm \

What is "git remote add ..." and "git push origin master"?

This is an answer to this question (Export Heroku App to a new GitHub repo) which has been marked as duplicate of this one and redirected here.

I wanted to mirror my repo from Heroku to Github personal so that it shows all commits etc also which I made in Heroku. in Github documentation was useful.

C# : Passing a Generic Object

You need to define something in the interface, such as:

public interface ITest
    string Name { get; }

Implement ITest in your classes:

public class MyClass1 : ITest
    public string Name { get { return "Test1"; } }

public class MyClass2 : ITest
    public string Name { get { return "Test2"; } }

Then restrict your generic Print function, to ITest:

public void Print<T>(T test) where T : ITest

How to set image on QPushButton?

Just use this code

QPixmap pixmap("path_to_icon");
QIcon iconBack(pixmap);

Note that:"path_to_icon" is the path of image icon in file .qrc of your project You can find how to add .qrc file here

How to check if MySQL returns null/empty?

select FOUND_ROWS();

will return no. of records selected by select query.

How do I clear inner HTML

const destroy = container => {
  document.getElementById(container).innerHTML = '';

Faster previous

const destroyFast = container => {
  const el = document.getElementById(container);
  while (el.firstChild) el.removeChild(el.firstChild);

Ant task to run an Ant target only if a file exists?

You can do it by ordering to do the operation with a list of files with names equal to the name(s) you need. It is much easier and direct than to create a special target. And you needn't any additional tools, just pure Ant.

    <fileset includes="name or names of file or files you need to delete"/>

See: FileSet.

Using ResourceManager

The quick and dirty way to check what string you need it to look at the generated .resources files.

Your .resources are generated in the resources projects obj/Debug directory. (if not right click on .resx file in solution explorer and hit 'Run Custom Tool' to generate the .resources files)

Navigate to this directory and have a look at the filenames. You should see a file ending in XYZ.resources. Copy that filename and remove the trailing .resources and that is the file you should be loading.

For example in my obj/Bin directory I have the file:


If the resource files are in the same Class library/Application I would use the following C#

ResourceManager RM = new ResourceManager("MyLocalisation.Properties.Resources", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());

However, as it sounds like you are using the resources file from a separate Class library/Application you probably want

Assembly localisationAssembly = Assembly.Load("MyLocalisation");
ResourceManager RM =  new ResourceManager("MyLocalisation.Properties.Resources", localisationAssembly);

Subversion ignoring "--password" and "--username" options

Best I can give you is a "works for me" on SVN 1.5. You may try adding --no-auth-cache to your svn update to see if that lets you override more easily.

If you want to permanently switch from user2 to user1, head into ~/.subversion/auth/ on *nix and delete the auth cache file for (most likely in ~/.subversion/auth/svn.simple/ -- just read through them and you'll find the one you want to drop). While it is possible to update the current auth cache, you have to make sure to update the length tokens as well. Simpler just to get prompted again next time you update.

Why doesn't catching Exception catch RuntimeException?

class Test extends Thread
    public void run(){  
        }catch(InterruptedException e){  
            throw new RuntimeException("Thread interrupted..."+e);  


    public static void main(String args[]){  
        Test t1=new Test1();  
        }catch(Exception e){
            System.out.println("Exception handled "+e);


Its output doesn't contain test2 , so its not handling runtime exception. @jon skeet, @Jan Zyka

random.seed(): What does it do?

In this case, random is actually pseudo-random. Given a seed, it will generate numbers with an equal distribution. But with the same seed, it will generate the same number sequence every time. If you want it to change, you'll have to change your seed. A lot of people like to generate a seed based on the current time or something.

jQuery: How can I create a simple overlay?

What do you intend to do with the overlay? If it's static, say, a simple box overlapping some content, just use absolute positioning with CSS. If it's dynamic (I believe this is called a lightbox), you can write some CSS-modifying jQuery code to show/hide the overlay on-demand.

Simple way to repeat a string

If you're like me and want to use Google Guava and not Apache Commons. You can use the repeat method in the Guava Strings class.

Strings.repeat("-", 60);

Change Select List Option background colour on hover in html

No, it's not possible.

It's really, if not use native selects, if you create custom select widget from html elements, t.e. "li".

What's the difference between Perl's backticks, system, and exec?

In general I use system, open, IPC::Open2, or IPC::Open3 depending on what I want to do. The qx// operator, while simple, is too constraining in its functionality to be very useful outside of quick hacks. I find open to much handier.

system: run a command and wait for it to return

Use system when you want to run a command, don't care about its output, and don't want the Perl script to do anything until the command finishes.

#doesn't spawn a shell, arguments are passed as they are
system("command", "arg1", "arg2", "arg3");


#spawns a shell, arguments are interpreted by the shell, use only if you
#want the shell to do globbing (e.g. *.txt) for you or you want to redirect
system("command arg1 arg2 arg3");

qx// or ``: run a command and capture its STDOUT

Use qx// when you want to run a command, capture what it writes to STDOUT, and don't want the Perl script to do anything until the command finishes.

#arguments are always processed by the shell

#in list context it returns the output as a list of lines
my @lines = qx/command arg1 arg2 arg3/;

#in scalar context it returns the output as one string
my $output = qx/command arg1 arg2 arg3/;

exec: replace the current process with another process.

Use exec along with fork when you want to run a command, don't care about its output, and don't want to wait for it to return. system is really just

sub my_system {
    die "could not fork\n" unless defined(my $pid = fork);
    return waitpid $pid, 0 if $pid; #parent waits for child
    exec @_; #replace child with new process

You may also want to read the waitpid and perlipc manuals.

open: run a process and create a pipe to its STDIN or STDERR

Use open when you want to write data to a process's STDIN or read data from a process's STDOUT (but not both at the same time).

#read from a gzip file as if it were a normal file
open my $read_fh, "-|", "gzip", "-d", $filename
    or die "could not open $filename: $!";

#write to a gzip compressed file as if were a normal file
open my $write_fh, "|-", "gzip", $filename
    or die "could not open $filename: $!";

IPC::Open2: run a process and create a pipe to both STDIN and STDOUT

Use IPC::Open2 when you need to read from and write to a process's STDIN and STDOUT.

use IPC::Open2;

open2 my $out, my $in, "/usr/bin/bc"
    or die "could not run bc";

print $in "5+6\n";

my $answer = <$out>;

IPC::Open3: run a process and create a pipe to STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR

use IPC::Open3 when you need to capture all three standard file handles of the process. I would write an example, but it works mostly the same way IPC::Open2 does, but with a slightly different order to the arguments and a third file handle.

Multiple axis line chart in excel

There is a way of displaying 3 Y axis see here.

Excel supports Secondary Axis, i.e. only 2 Y axis. Other way would be to chart the 3rd one separately, and overlay on top of the main chart.

Converting Decimal to Binary Java

The following converts decimal to Binary with Time Complexity : O(n) Linear Time and with out any java inbuilt function

private static int decimalToBinary(int N) {
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    int base = 2;
    while (N != 0) {
        int reminder = N % base;
        N = N / base;

    return Integer.parseInt(builder.reverse().toString());

TypeScript static classes

This question is quite dated yet I wanted to leave an answer that leverages the current version of the language. Unfortunately static classes still don't exist in TypeScript however you can write a class that behaves similar with only a small overhead using a private constructor which prevents instantiation of classes from outside.

class MyStaticClass {
    public static readonly property: number = 42;
    public static myMethod(): void { /* ... */ }
    private constructor() { /* noop */ }

This snippet will allow you to use "static" classes similar to the C# counterpart with the only downside that it is still possible to instantiate them from inside. Fortunately though you cannot extend classes with private constructors.

#define in Java

No, because there's no precompiler. However, in your case you could achieve the same thing as follows:

class MyClass
    private static final int PROTEINS = 0;


    MyArray[] foo = new MyArray[PROTEINS];


The compiler will notice that PROTEINS can never, ever change and so will inline it, which is more or less what you want.

Note that the access modifier on the constant is unimportant here, so it could be public or protected instead of private, if you wanted to reuse the same constant across multiple classes.

Laravel Request::all() Should Not Be Called Statically

use the request() helper instead. You don't have to worry about use statements and thus this sort of problem wont happen again.

$input = request()->all();


How do I replace a double-quote with an escape-char double-quote in a string using JavaScript?

You need to use a global regular expression for this. Try it this way:

str.replace(/"/g, '\\"');

Check out regex syntax and options for the replace function in Using Regular Expressions with JavaScript.

IE Driver download location Link for Selenium

You can download IE Driver (both 32 and 64-bit) from Selenium official site:

32 bit Windows IE

64 bit Windows IE

IE Driver is also available in the following site:

Rename file with Git

Note that, from March 15th, 2013, you can move or rename a file directly from GitHub:

(you don't even need to clone that repo, git mv xx and git push back to GitHub!)


You can also move files to entirely new locations using just the filename field.
To navigate down into a folder, just type the name of the folder you want to move the file into followed by /.
The folder can be one that’s already part of your repository, or it can even be a brand-new folder that doesn’t exist yet!


How to add a new row to an empty numpy array

In this case you might want to use the functions np.hstack and np.vstack

arr = np.array([])
arr = np.hstack((arr, np.array([1,2,3])))
# arr is now [1,2,3]

arr = np.vstack((arr, np.array([4,5,6])))
# arr is now [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]

You also can use the np.concatenate function.


Error With Port 8080 already in use

on Mac, how I usually solve it

  1. open terminal and cd to downloaded-apache-files-folder/bin (i.e to the folder where file is located)
  2. enter "sh" as a terminal command
  3. restart Tomcat/Eclipse..tada!

Hope this helps OP or someone else reading

Angular 5 Scroll to top on every Route click

If you face this problem in Angular 6, you can fix it by adding the parameter scrollPositionRestoration: 'enabled' to app-routing.module.ts 's RouterModule:

  imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes,{
    scrollPositionRestoration: 'enabled'
  exports: [RouterModule]

Replacing column values in a pandas DataFrame

dic = {'female':1, 'male':0}
w['female'] = w['female'].replace(dic)

.replace has as argument a dictionary in which you may change and do whatever you want or need.

Display more Text in fullcalendar

With the modification of a single line you could alter the fullcalendar.js script to allow a line break and put multiple information on the same line.

In FullCalendar.js on line ~3922 find htmlEscape(s) function and add .replace(/<br\s?/?>/g, '
') to the end of it.

function htmlEscape(s) {
    return s.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
    .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
    .replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
    .replace(/'/g, '&#039;')
    .replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
    .replace(/\n/g, '<br />')
    .replace(/&lt;br\s?\/?&gt;/g, '<br />');

This will allow you to have multiple lines for the title, separating the information. Example replace the event.title with title: 'All Day Event' + '<br />' + 'Other Description'

UIImageView aspect fit and center

For people looking for UIImage resizing,

@implementation UIImage (Resize)

- (UIImage *)scaledToSize:(CGSize)size
    UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, NO, 0.0f);
    [self drawInRect:CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, size.width, size.height)];
    UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
    return image;

- (UIImage *)aspectFitToSize:(CGSize)size
    CGFloat aspect = self.size.width / self.size.height;
    if (size.width / aspect <= size.height)
        return [self scaledToSize:CGSizeMake(size.width, size.width / aspect)];
    } else {
        return [self scaledToSize:CGSizeMake(size.height * aspect, size.height)];

- (UIImage *)aspectFillToSize:(CGSize)size
    CGFloat imgAspect = self.size.width / self.size.height;
    CGFloat sizeAspect = size.width/size.height;

    CGSize scaledSize;

        if (sizeAspect > imgAspect) { // increase width, crop height
            scaledSize = CGSizeMake(size.width, size.width / imgAspect);
        } else { // increase height, crop width
            scaledSize = CGSizeMake(size.height * imgAspect, size.height);
    UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, NO, 0.0f);
    CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
    CGContextClipToRect(context, CGRectMake(0, 0, size.width, size.height));
    [self drawInRect:CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, scaledSize.width, scaledSize.height)];
    UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
    return image;


Ring Buffer in Java

A very interesting project is disruptor. It has a ringbuffer and is used from what I know in financial applications.

See here: code of ringbuffer

I checked both Guava's EvictingQueue and ArrayDeque.

ArrayDeque does not limit growth if it's full it will double size and hence is not precisely acting like a ringbuffer.

EvictingQueue does what it promises but internally uses a Deque to store things and just bounds memory.

Hence, if you care about memory being bounded ArrayDeque is not fullfilling your promise. If you care about object count EvictingQueue uses internal composition (bigger object size).

A simple and memory efficient one can be stolen from jmonkeyengine. verbatim copy

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

public class RingBuffer<T> implements Iterable<T> {

  private T[] buffer;          // queue elements
  private int count = 0;          // number of elements on queue
  private int indexOut = 0;       // index of first element of queue
  private int indexIn = 0;       // index of next available slot

  // cast needed since no generic array creation in Java
  public RingBuffer(int capacity) {
    buffer = (T[]) new Object[capacity];

  public boolean isEmpty() {
    return count == 0;

  public int size() {
    return count;

  public void push(T item) {
    if (count == buffer.length) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Ring buffer overflow");
    buffer[indexIn] = item;
    indexIn = (indexIn + 1) % buffer.length;     // wrap-around

  public T pop() {
    if (isEmpty()) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Ring buffer underflow");
    T item = buffer[indexOut];
    buffer[indexOut] = null;                  // to help with garbage collection
    indexOut = (indexOut + 1) % buffer.length; // wrap-around
    return item;

  public Iterator<T> iterator() {
    return new RingBufferIterator();

  // an iterator, doesn't implement remove() since it's optional
  private class RingBufferIterator implements Iterator<T> {

    private int i = 0;

    public boolean hasNext() {
        return i < count;

    public void remove() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public T next() {
        if (!hasNext()) {
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        return buffer[i++];

How to Test Facebook Connect Locally

go to canvas page.. view it in browser.. copy the address bar text. now go to your facebook app go to edit settings

in website, in site url paste that address

in facebook integration , again paste the that address in canvas url

and also the same code wherever you require canvas url or redirect url..

hope it will help..

How to revert the last migration?

The other thing that you can do is delete the table created manually.

Along with that, you will have to delete that particular migration file. Also, you will have to delete that particular entry in the django-migrations table(probably the last one in your case) which correlates to that particular migration.

Android Studio: Default project directory

At some point I too tried to do this, but the Android Studio doesn’t work quite like Eclipse does.

It's simpler: if you create a project at, say /home/USER/Projects/AndroidStudio/MyApplication from there on all new projects will default to /home/USER/Projects/AndroidStudio.

You can also edit ~/.AndroidStudioPreview/config/options/ide.general.xml (in linux) and change the line that reads <option name="lastProjectLocation" value="$USER_HOME$/AndroidStudioProjects" /> to <option name="lastProjectLocation" value="$USER_HOME$/Projects/AndroidStudio" />, but be aware that as soon as you create a project anywhere else this will change to that place and all new projects will default to it.

Hope this helps, but the truth is there really isn't much more to it other than what I explained here.

Let me know if you need anything else.

How to loop and render elements in React.js without an array of objects to map?

Array.from() takes an iterable object to convert to an array and an optional map function. You could create an object with a .length property as follows:

return Array.from({length: this.props.level}, (item, index) => 
  <span className="indent" key={index}></span>

json.dump throwing "TypeError: {...} is not JSON serializable" on seemingly valid object?

I wrote a class to normalize the data in my dictionary. The 'element' in the NormalizeData class below, needs to be of dict type. And you need to replace in the __iterate() with either your custom class object or any other object type that you would like to normalize.

class NormalizeData:

    def __init__(self, element):
        self.element = element

    def execute(self):
        if isinstance(self.element, dict):

    def __iterate(self):
        for key in self.element:
            if isinstance(self.element[key], <ClassName>):
                self.element[key] = str(self.element[key])

            node = NormalizeData(self.element[key])

how to make a new line in a jupyter markdown cell

The double space generally works well. However, sometimes the lacking newline in the PDF still occurs to me when using four pound sign sub titles #### in Jupyter Notebook, as the next paragraph is put into the subtitle as a single paragraph. No amount of double spaces and returns fixed this, until I created a notebook copy 'v. PDF' and started using a single backslash '\' which also indents the next paragraph nicely:

#### 1.1 My Subtitle  \

1.1 My Subtitle
    Next paragraph text.

An alternative to this, is to upgrade the level of your four # titles to three # titles, etc. up the title chain, which will remove the next paragraph indent and format the indent of the title itself (#### My Subtitle ---> ### My Subtitle).

### My Subtitle

1.1 My Subtitle

Next paragraph text.

How to ping an IP address

I think this code will help you:

public class PingExample {
    public static void main(String[] args){
            InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName("");
            boolean reachable = address.isReachable(10000);

            System.out.println("Is host reachable? " + reachable);
        } catch (Exception e){

How to programmatically send a 404 response with Express/Node?

From the Express site, define a NotFound exception and throw it whenever you want to have a 404 page OR redirect to /404 in the below case:

function NotFound(msg){ = 'NotFound';, msg);
  Error.captureStackTrace(this, arguments.callee);

NotFound.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype;

app.get('/404', function(req, res){
  throw new NotFound;

app.get('/500', function(req, res){
  throw new Error('keyboard cat!');

Flutter Circle Design

you can use decoration like this :

                    width: 60,
                    height: 60,
                    child: Icon(CustomIcons.option, size: 20,),
                    decoration: BoxDecoration(
                        color: Color(0xFFe0f2f1)),

Now you have circle shape and Icon on it.

enter image description here

PostgreSQL 'NOT IN' and subquery

When using NOT IN you should ensure that none of the values are NULL:

SELECT mac, creation_date 
FROM logs 
WHERE logs_type_id=11
AND mac NOT IN (
    SELECT mac
    FROM consols
    WHERE mac IS NOT NULL -- add this

HashSet vs. List performance

You can use a HybridDictionary which automaticly detects the breaking point, and accepts null-values, making it essentialy the same as a HashSet.

simple way to display data in a .txt file on a webpage?

That's the code I use:


    //read file contents

    echo $content;

Keep in mind that if the user can modify $path or $file (for example via $_GET or $_POST), he/she will be able to see all your source files (danger!)

What is the difference between "::" "." and "->" in c++

In C++ you can access fields or methods, using different operators, depending on it's type:

  • ClassName::FieldName : class public static field and methods
  • ClassInstance.FieldName : accessing a public field (or method) through class reference
  • ClassPointer->FieldName : accessing a public field (or method) dereferencing a class pointer

Note that :: should be used with a class name rather than a class instance, since static fields or methods are common to all instances of a class.

class AClass{
static int static_field;
int instance_field;

static void static_method();
void method();

then you access this way:

AClass instance;
AClass *pointer = new AClass();

instance.instance_field; //access instance_field through a reference to AClass

pointer->instance_field; //access instance_field through a pointer to AClass


JPA eager fetch does not join

I had exactly this problem with the exception that the Person class had a embedded key class. My own solution was to join them in the query AND remove


My embedded id class:

public class MessageRecipientId implements Serializable {

    @ManyToOne(targetEntity = Message.class, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    private Message message;
    private String governmentId;

    public MessageRecipientId() {

    public Message getMessage() {
        return message;

    public void setMessage(Message message) {
        this.message = message;

    public String getGovernmentId() {
        return governmentId;

    public void setGovernmentId(String governmentId) {
        this.governmentId = governmentId;

    public MessageRecipientId(Message message, GovernmentId governmentId) {
        this.message = message;
        this.governmentId = governmentId.getValue();


What replaces cellpadding, cellspacing, valign, and align in HTML5 tables?

/* cellpadding */
th, td { padding: 5px; }

/* cellspacing */
table { border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 5px; } /* cellspacing="5" */
table { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; }   /* cellspacing="0" */

/* valign */
th, td { vertical-align: top; }

/* align (center) */
table { margin: 0 auto; }

How do I set 'semi-bold' font via CSS? Font-weight of 600 doesn't make it look like the semi-bold I see in my Photoshop file

The practical way is setting font-family to a value that is the specific name of the semibold version, such as

font-family: "Myriad pro Semibold"

if that’s the name. (Personally I use my own font listing tool, which runs on Internet Explorer only to see the fonts in my system by names as usable in CSS.)

In this approach, font-weight is not needed (and probably better not set).

Web browsers have been poor at implementing font weights by the book: they largely cannot find the specific weight version, except bold. The workaround is to include the information in the font family name, even though this is not how things are supposed to work.

Testing with Segoe UI, which often exists in different font weight versions on Windows systems, I was able to make Internet Explorer 9 select the proper version when using the logical approach (of using the font family name Segoe UI and different font-weight values), but it failed on Firefox 9 and Chrome 16 (only normal and bold work). On all of these browsers, for example, setting font-family: Segoe UI Light works OK.

What is the difference between JavaScript and jQuery?

Javascript is base of jQuery.

jQuery is a wrapper of JavaScript, with much pre-written functionality and DOM traversing.

Binding List<T> to DataGridView in WinForm

List does not implement IBindingList so the grid does not know about your new items.

Bind your DataGridView to a BindingList<T> instead.

var list = new BindingList<Person>(persons);
myGrid.DataSource = list;

But I would even go further and bind your grid to a BindingSource

var list = new List<Person>()
    new Person { Name = "Joe", },
    new Person { Name = "Misha", },
var bindingList = new BindingList<Person>(list);
var source = new BindingSource(bindingList, null);
grid.DataSource = source;

Undo git update-index --assume-unchanged <file>

So this happened! I accidently clicked on "assume unchanged"! I tried searching on Internet, but could not find any working solution! So, I tried few things here and there and finally I found the solution (easiest one) for this which will undo the assume unchanged!

Right click on "Your Project" then Team > Advanced > No assume Unchanged.

Image shows the way to do it

Find Item in ObservableCollection without using a loop

Consider creating an index. A dictionary can do the trick. If you need the list semantics, subclass and keep the index as a private member...

Create a new object from type parameter in generic class

To create a new object within generic code, you need to refer to the type by its constructor function. So instead of writing this:

function activatorNotWorking<T extends IActivatable>(type: T): T {
    return new T(); // compile error could not find symbol T

You need to write this:

function activator<T extends IActivatable>(type: { new(): T ;} ): T {
    return new type();

var classA: ClassA = activator(ClassA);

See this question: Generic Type Inference with Class Argument

HashMap allows duplicates?

Each key in a HashMap must be unique.

When "adding a duplicate key" the old value (for the same key, as keys must be unique) is simply replaced; see HashMap.put:

Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map. If the map previously contained a mapping for the key, the old value is replaced.

Returns the previous value associated with key, or null if there was no mapping for key.

As far as nulls: a single null key is allowed (as keys must be unique) but the HashMap can have any number of null values, and a null key need not have a null value. Per the documentation:

[.. HashMap] permits null values and [a] null key.

However, the documentation says nothing about null/null needing to be a specific key/value pair or null/"a" being invalid.

Pure JavaScript equivalent of jQuery's $.ready() - how to call a function when the page/DOM is ready for it


function ready(fn){var d=document;(d.readyState=='loading')?d.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',fn):fn();}

Use like

    //some code

For self invoking code

(function(fn){var d=document;(d.readyState=='loading')?d.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',fn):fn();})(function(){

    //Some Code here
    //DOM is avaliable
    //var h1s = document.querySelector("h1");


Support: IE9+

Difference of two date time in sql server

Please check below trick to find the date difference between two dates

 DATEDIFF(DAY,ordr.DocDate,RDR1.U_ProgDate) datedifff

where you can change according your requirement as you want difference of days or month or year or time.

selecting rows with id from another table

SELECT terms.*
FROM terms JOIN terms_relation ON id=term_id
WHERE taxonomy='categ'

How do I determine file encoding in OS X?

Synalyze It! allows to compare text or bytes in all encodings the ICU library offers. Using that feature you usually see immediately which code page makes sense for your data.

Correct way to push into state array

Never recommended to mutate the state directly.

The recommended approach in later React versions is to use an updater function when modifying states to prevent race conditions:

Push string to end of the array

this.setState(prevState => ({
  myArray: [...prevState.myArray, "new value"]

Push string to beginning of the array

this.setState(prevState => ({
  myArray: ["new value", ...prevState.myArray]

Push object to end of the array

this.setState(prevState => ({
  myArray: [...prevState.myArray, {"name": "object"}]

Push object to beginning of the array

this.setState(prevState => ({
  myArray: [ {"name": "object"}, ...prevState.myArray]

How do I install command line MySQL client on mac?

install MySQLWorkbench, then

export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/

Extract the first word of a string in a SQL Server query

Marc's answer got me most of the way to what I needed, but I had to go with patIndex rather than charIndex because sometimes characters other than spaces mark the ends of my data's words. Here I'm using '%[ /-]%' to look for space, slash, or dash.

Select race_id, race_description
    , Case patIndex ('%[ /-]%', LTrim (race_description))
        When 0 Then LTrim (race_description)
        Else substring (LTrim (race_description), 1, patIndex ('%[ /-]%', LTrim (race_description)) - 1)
    End race_abbreviation
from tbl_races


race_id  race_description           race_abbreviation
-------  -------------------------  -----------------
1        White                      White
2        Black or African American  Black
3        Hispanic/Latino            Hispanic

Caveat: this is for a small data set (US federal race reporting categories); I don't know what would happen to performance when scaled up to huge numbers.

How to randomize (or permute) a dataframe rowwise and columnwise?

This is another way to shuffle the data.frame using package dplyr:


df2 <- slice(df1, sample(1:n()))


df2 <- sample_frac(df1, 1L)


df2 <- select(df1, one_of(sample(names(df1)))) 

How do I get the difference between two Dates in JavaScript?

function dayDiff()
     var start = document.getElementById("datepicker").value;
     var end= document.getElementById("date_picker").value;
     var oneDay = 24*60*60*1000; 
     var firstDate = new Date(start);
     var secondDate = new Date(end);    
     var diffDays = Math.round(Math.abs((firstDate.getTime() - secondDate.getTime())/(oneDay)));
    document.getElementById("leave").value =diffDays ;
<input type="text" name="datepicker"value=""/>
<input type="text" name="date_picker" onclick="function dayDiff()" value=""/>
<input type="text" name="leave" value=""/>

How to autowire RestTemplate using annotations

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;

public class RestTemplateClient {
    public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
        return new RestTemplate();

Twitter Bootstrap inline input with dropdown

This is my solution is use display: inline

Some text <div class="dropdown" style="display:inline">
  <button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="dropdownMenu1" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="true">
    <span class="caret"></span>
  <ul class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenu1">
    <li><a href="#">Action</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Another action</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Something else here</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Separated link</a></li>
</div> is here


<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />Your text_x000D_
<div class="dropdown" style="display: inline">_x000D_
  <button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="dropdownMenu1" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="true">_x000D_
    <span class="caret"></span>_x000D_
  <ul class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenu1">_x000D_
    <li><a href="#">Action</a>_x000D_
    <li><a href="#">Another action</a>_x000D_
    <li><a href="#">Something else here</a>_x000D_
    <li><a href="#">Separated link</a>_x000D_
</div>is here

SQL Server Regular expressions in T-SQL

There is some basic pattern matching available through using LIKE, where % matches any number and combination of characters, _ matches any one character, and [abc] could match a, b, or c... There is more info on the MSDN site.

How to extract code of .apk file which is not working?

Note: All of the following instructions apply universally (aka to all OSes) unless otherwise specified.


You will need:

  • A working Java installation
  • A working terminal/command prompt
  • A computer
  • An APK file


Step 1: Changing the file extension of the APK file

  1. Change the file extension of the .apk file by either adding a .zip extension to the filename, or to change .apk to .zip.

    For example, com.example.apk becomes, or Note that on Windows and macOS, it may prompt you whether you are sure you want to change the file extension. Click OK or Add if you're using macOS:

macOS add extension confirm dialog

Step 2: Extracting Java files from APK

  1. Extract the renamed APK file in a specific folder. For example, let that folder be demofolder.

    • If it didn't work, try opening the file in another application such as WinZip or 7-Zip.

    • For macOS, you can try running unzip in Terminal (available at /Applications/, where it takes one or more arguments: the file to unzip + optional arguments. See man unzip for documentation and arguments.

  2. Download dex2jar (see all releases on GitHub) and extract that zip file in the same folder as stated in the previous point.

  3. Open command prompt (or a terminal) and change your current directory to the folder created in the previous point and type the command d2j-dex2jar.bat classes.dex and press enter. This will generate classes-dex2jar.jar file in the same folder.

    • macOS/Linux users: Replace d2j-dex2jar.bat with In other words, run classes.dex in the terminal and press enter.
  4. Download Java Decompiler (see all releases on Github) and extract it and start (aka double click) the executable/application.

  5. From the JD-GUI window, either drag and drop the generated classes-dex2jar.jar file into it, or go to File > Open File... and browse for the jar.

  6. Next, in the menu, go to File > Save All Sources (Windows: Ctrl+Alt+S, macOS: ?+?+S). This should open a dialog asking you where to save a zip file named `" consisting of all packages and java files. (You can rename the zip file to be saved)

  7. Extract that zip file ( and you should get all java files of the application.

Step 3: Getting xml files from APK

  • For more info, see the apktool website for installation instructions and more
  • Windows:

    1. Download the wrapper script (optional) and the apktool jar (required) and place it in the same folder (for example, myxmlfolder).
    2. Change your current directory to the myxmlfolder folder and rename the apktool jar file to apktool.jar.
    3. Place the .apk file in the same folder (i.e myxmlfolder).
    4. Open the command prompt (or terminal) and change your current directory to the folder where apktool is stored (in this case, myxmlfolder). Next, type the command apktool if framework-res.apk.

      What we're doing here is that we are installing a framework. For more info, see the docs.

    5. The above command should result in "Framework installed ..."
    6. In the command prompt, type the command apktool d filename.apk (where filename is the name of apk file). This should decode the file. For more info, see the docs.

      This should result in a folder filename.out being outputted, where filename is the original name of the apk file without the .apk file extension. In this folder are all the XML files such as layout, drawables etc.

Source: How to get source code from APK file - Comptech Blogspot

How do I implement Toastr JS?

Add CDN Files of toastr.css and toastr.js

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>

function toasterOptions() {
    toastr.options = {
        "closeButton": false,
        "debug": false,
        "newestOnTop": false,
        "progressBar": true,
        "positionClass": "toast-top-center",
        "preventDuplicates": true,
        "onclick": null,
        "showDuration": "100",
        "hideDuration": "1000",
        "timeOut": "5000",
        "extendedTimeOut": "1000",
        "showEasing": "swing",
        "hideEasing": "linear",
        "showMethod": "show",
        "hideMethod": "hide"

toastr.error("Error Message from toastr");

'MOD' is not a recognized built-in function name

If using JDBC driver you may use function escape sequence like this:

select {fn MOD(5, 2)}
#Result 1

select  mod(5, 2)
#SQL Error [195] [S00010]: 'mod' is not a recognized built-in function name.

How do I install g++ for Fedora?

try sudo dnf update and then sudo dnf install gcc-c++

Convert json to a C# array?

Old question but worth adding an answer if using .NET Core 3.0 or later. JSON serialization/deserialization is built into the framework (System.Text.Json), so you don't have to use third party libraries any more. Here's an example based off the top answer given by @Icarus

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace ConsoleApp
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var json = "[{\"Name\":\"John Smith\", \"Age\":35}, {\"Name\":\"Pablo Perez\", \"Age\":34}]";

            // use the built in Json deserializer to convert the string to a list of Person objects
            var people = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<Person>>(json);

            foreach (var person in people)
                Console.WriteLine(person.Name + " is " + person.Age + " years old.");

        public class Person
            public int Age { get; set; }
            public string Name { get; set; }

Unique constraint violation during insert: why? (Oracle)

Presumably, since you're not providing a value for the DB_ID column, that value is being populated by a row-level before insert trigger defined on the table. That trigger, presumably, is selecting the value from a sequence.

Since the data was moved (presumably recently) from the production database, my wager would be that when the data was copied, the sequence was not modified as well. I would guess that the sequence is generating values that are much lower than the largest DB_ID that is currently in the table leading to the error.

You could confirm this suspicion by looking at the trigger to determine which sequence is being used and doing a

SELECT <<sequence name>>.nextval
  FROM dual

and comparing that to

  FROM cmdb_db

If, as I suspect, the sequence is generating values that already exist in the database, you could increment the sequence until it was generating unused values or you could alter it to set the INCREMENT to something very large, get the nextval once, and set the INCREMENT back to 1.

How to make a Java thread wait for another thread's output?

Use a CountDownLatch with a counter of 1.

CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);

Now in the app thread do-


In the db thread, after you are done, do -


jQuery how to bind onclick event to dynamically added HTML element

A little late to the party but I thought I would try to clear up some common misconceptions in jQuery event handlers. As of jQuery 1.7, .on() should be used instead of the deprecated .live(), to delegate event handlers to elements that are dynamically created at any point after the event handler is assigned.

That said, it is not a simple of switching live for on because the syntax is slightly different:

New method (example 1):

$(document).on('click', '#someting', function(){


Deprecated method (example 2):



As shown above, there is a difference. The twist is .on() can actually be called similar to .live(), by passing the selector to the jQuery function itself:

Example 3:

$('#something').on('click', function(){


However, without using $(document) as in example 1, example 3 will not work for dynamically created elements. The example 3 is absolutely fine if you don't need the dynamic delegation.

Should $(document).on() be used for everything?

It will work but if you don't need the dynamic delegation, it would be more appropriate to use example 3 because example 1 requires slightly more work from the browser. There won't be any real impact on performance but it makes sense to use the most appropriate method for your use.

Should .on() be used instead of .click() if no dynamic delegation is needed?

Not necessarily. The following is just a shortcut for example 3:



The above is perfectly valid and so it's really a matter of personal preference as to which method is used when no dynamic delegation is required.


Is there an equivalent to CTRL+C in IPython Notebook in Firefox to break cells that are running?

To add to the above: If interrupt is not working, you can restart the kernel.

Go to the kernel dropdown >> restart >> restart and clear output. This usually does the trick. If this still doesn't work, kill the kernel in the terminal (or task manager) and then restart.

Interrupt doesn't work well for all processes. I especially have this problem using the R kernel.

Setting width and height

This helped in my case:

options: {
    responsive: true,
    scales: {
        yAxes: [{
            display: true,
            ticks: {

How to set border on jPanel?

JPanel jPanel = new JPanel();


Here not only jPanel, you can add border to any Jcomponent

Add Foreign Key to existing table



ALTER TABLE Department ADD FOREIGN KEY (EmployeeId) REFERENCES Employee(EmployeeId)

How to get script of SQL Server data?

BCP can dump your data to a file and in SQL Server Management Studio, right click on the table, and select "script table as" then "create to", then "file..." and it will produce a complete table script.

BCP info

How to increase the gap between text and underlining in CSS

No, but you could go with something like border-bottom: 1px solid #000 and padding-bottom: 3px.

If you want the same color of the "underline" (which in my example is a border), you just leave out the color declaration, i.e. border-bottom-width: 1px and border-bottom-style: solid.

For multiline, you can wrap you multiline texts in a span inside the element. E.g. <a href="#"><span>insert multiline texts here</span></a> then just add border-bottom and padding on the <span> - Demo

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

You are accessing an object that is not defined.

The solution is check for null or undefined (to see whether the object exists) and only then iterate.

How to get JSON from webpage into Python script

All that the call to urlopen() does (according to the docs) is return a file-like object. Once you have that, you need to call its read() method to actually pull the JSON data across the network.

Something like:

jsonurl = urlopen(url)

text = json.loads(
print text

How do I set up cron to run a file just once at a specific time?

You could put a crontab file in /etc/cron.d which would run a script that would run your command and then delete the crontab file in /etc/cron.d. Of course, that means your script would need to run as root.

Why do we use web.xml?

It's the default configuration for a Java web application; it's required.


is applied to every HTTP request that's sent to this web app.

How can I center an image in Bootstrap?

Three ways to align img in the center of its parent.

  1. img is an inline element, text-center aligns inline elements in the center of its container should the container be a block element.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<div class="container mt-5">_x000D_
  <div class="row">_x000D_
    <div class="col text-center">_x000D_
      <img src="" alt="" class="img-fluid">_x000D_

  1. mx-auto centers block elements. In order to so, change display of the img from inline to block with d-block class.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<div class="container mt-5">_x000D_
  <div class="row">_x000D_
    <div class="col">_x000D_
      <img src="" alt="" class="img-fluid d-block mx-auto">_x000D_

  1. Use d-flex and justify-content-center on its parent.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<div class="container mt-5">_x000D_
  <div class="row">_x000D_
    <div class="col d-flex justify-content-center">_x000D_
      <img src="" alt="" class="img-fluid">_x000D_

Neither user 10102 nor current process has android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE

I was experiencing this problem on Samsung devices (fine on others). like zyamys suggested in his/her comment, I added the manifest.permission line but in addition to rather than instead of the original line, so:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />

I'm targeting API 22, so don't need to explicitly ask for permissions.

jQuery selectors on custom data attributes using HTML5

$("ul[data-group='Companies'] li[data-company='Microsoft']") //Get all elements with data-company="Microsoft" below "Companies"

$("ul[data-group='Companies'] li:not([data-company='Microsoft'])") //get all elements with data-company!="Microsoft" below "Companies"

Look in to jQuery Selectors :contains is a selector

here is info on the :contains selector

How to add/subtract time (hours, minutes, etc.) from a Pandas DataFrame.Index whos objects are of type datetime.time?

This one worked for me:

>> print(df)
                          TotalVolume  Symbol
2016-04-15 09:00:00       108400       2802.T
2016-04-15 09:05:00       50300        2802.T

>> print(df.set_index(pd.to_datetime(df.index.values) - datetime(2016, 4, 15)))

             TotalVolume  Symbol
09:00:00     108400       2802.T
09:05:00     50300        2802.T

Android + Pair devices via bluetooth programmatically

Edit: I have just explained logic to pair here. If anybody want to go with the complete code then see my another answer. I have answered here for logic only but I was not able to explain properly, So I have added another answer in the same thread.

Try this to do pairing:

If you are able to search the devices then this would be your next step

ArrayList<BluetoothDevice> arrayListBluetoothDevices = NEW ArrayList<BluetoothDevice>;

I am assuming that you have the list of Bluetooth devices added in the arrayListBluetoothDevices:

BluetoothDevice bdDevice;
bdDevice = arrayListBluetoothDevices.get(PASS_THE_POSITION_TO_GET_THE_BLUETOOTH_DEVICE);

Boolean isBonded = false;
try {
isBonded = createBond(bdDevice);
} catch (Exception e) 

The createBond() method:

public boolean createBond(BluetoothDevice btDevice)  
    throws Exception  
        Class class1 = Class.forName("android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice");
        Method createBondMethod = class1.getMethod("createBond");  
        Boolean returnValue = (Boolean) createBondMethod.invoke(btDevice);  
        return returnValue.booleanValue();  

Add this line into your Receiver in the ACTION_FOUND

if (device.getBondState() != BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED) {
                    mNewDevicesArrayAdapter.add(device.getName() + "\n" + device.getAddress());

How to properly upgrade node using nvm

Here are the steps that worked for me for Ubuntu OS and using nvm

Go to nodejs website and get the last LTS version (for example in your current dater the version will be: x.y.z)

nvm install x.y.z
# In my case current version is: 14.15.4 (and had 14.15.3)

After that, execute nvm list and you will get list of node versions installed by nvm.

Now you need to switch to the default last installed one by executing:

nvm alias default x.y.z

List again or run nvm --version to check: enter image description here

Update: sometimes even if i go over the steps above it doesn't work, so what i did was removing the symbolic links in /usr/local/bin

cd /usr/local/bin
sudo rm node npm npx

And relink:

sudo ln -s $(which node) /usr/local/bin/node
sudo ln -s $(which npm) /usr/local/bin/npm
sudo ln -s $(which npx) /usr/local/bin/npx

How can I remove duplicate rows?

I thought I'd share my solution since it works under special circumstances. I my case the table with duplicate values did not have a foreign key (because the values were duplicated from another db).

begin transaction
-- create temp table with identical structure as source table
Select * Into #temp From tableName Where 1 = 2

-- insert distinct values into temp
insert into #temp 
select distinct * 
from  tableName

-- delete from source
delete from tableName 

-- insert into source from temp
insert into tableName 
select * 
from #temp

rollback transaction
-- if this works, change rollback to commit and execute again to keep you changes!!

PS: when working on things like this I always use a transaction, this not only ensures everything is executed as a whole, but also allows me to test without risking anything. But off course you should take a backup anyway just to be sure...

How does JPA orphanRemoval=true differ from the ON DELETE CASCADE DML clause

The equivalent JPA mapping for the DDL ON DELETE CASCADE is cascade=CascadeType.REMOVE. Orphan removal means that dependent entities are removed when the relationship to their "parent" entity is destroyed. For example if a child is removed from a @OneToMany relationship without explicitely removing it in the entity manager.

Loop through JSON in EJS

JSON.stringify returns a String. So, for example:

var data = [
    { id: 1, name: "bob" },
    { id: 2, name: "john" },
    { id: 3, name: "jake" },


will return the equivalent of:


as a String value.

So when you have

<% for(var i=0; i<JSON.stringify(data).length; i++) {%>

what that ends up looking like is:

<% for(var i=0; i<"[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"bob\"},{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"john\"},{\"id\":3,\"name\":\"jake\"}]".length; i++) {%>

which is probably not what you want. What you probably do want is something like this:

<% for(var i=0; i < data.length; i++) { %>
     <td><%= data[i].id %></td>
     <td><%= data[i].name %></td>
<% } %>

This will output the following table (using the example data from above):


Saving an Excel sheet in a current directory with VBA

VBA has a CurDir keyword that will return the "current directory" as stored in Excel. I'm not sure all the things that affect the current directory, but definitely opening or saving a workbook will change it.

MyWorkbook.SaveAs CurDir & Application.PathSeparator & "MySavedWorkbook.xls"

This assumes that the sheet you want to save has never been saved and you want to define the file name in code.

node.js TypeError: path must be absolute or specify root to res.sendFile [failed to parse JSON]

If you trust the path, path.resolve is an option:

var path = require('path');

// All other routes should redirect to the index.html
    .get(function(req, res) {
      res.sendFile(path.resolve(app.get('appPath') + '/index.html'));

Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server

Solution is just simple.

If you are trying to access server using your local IP address and you are getting error saying like Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server

Just open your httpd.conf file from (in my case C:/wamp/bin/apache/apache2.2.21/conf/httpd.conf)

Search for

<Directory "D:/wamp/www/"> .... ..... </Directory>

Replace Allow from


Allow from all

Save changes and restart your server.

Now you can access your server using your IP address

How to to send mail using gmail in Laravel?

Note: Laravel 7 replaced MAIL_DRIVER by MAIL_MAILER


Allow less secure apps from "Google Account" - - Settings - Less secure app access (Turn On)

Flush cache config:

php artisan config:cache

For Apache:

sudo service apache2 restart

Different color for each bar in a bar chart; ChartJS

After looking into the Chart.Bar.js file I've managed to find the solution. I've used this function to generate a random color:

function getRandomColor() {
    var letters = '0123456789ABCDEF'.split('');
    var color = '#';
    for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) {
        color += letters[Math.floor(Math.random() * 16)];
    return color;

I've added it to the end of the file and i called this function right inside the "fillColor:" under

                    //Add a new point for each piece of data, passing any required data to draw.

so now it looks like this:

                    //Add a new point for each piece of data, passing any required data to draw.

                    datasetObject.bars.push(new this.BarClass({
                        value : dataPoint,
                        label : data.labels[index],
                        datasetLabel: dataset.label,
                        strokeColor : dataset.strokeColor,
                        fillColor : getRandomColor(),
                        highlightFill : dataset.highlightFill || dataset.fillColor,
                        highlightStroke : dataset.highlightStroke || dataset.strokeColor

and it works I get different color for each bar.

How can I play sound in Java?

For playing sound in java, you can refer to the following code.

import javax.sound.sampled.*;
import javax.swing.*;

// To play sound using Clip, the process need to be alive.
// Hence, we use a Swing application.
public class SoundClipTest extends JFrame {

   public SoundClipTest() {
      this.setTitle("Test Sound Clip");
      this.setSize(300, 200);

      try {
         // Open an audio input stream.
         URL url = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("gameover.wav");
         AudioInputStream audioIn = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(url);
         // Get a sound clip resource.
         Clip clip = AudioSystem.getClip();
         // Open audio clip and load samples from the audio input stream.;
      } catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException e) {
      } catch (IOException e) {
      } catch (LineUnavailableException e) {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      new SoundClipTest();