Programs & Examples On #Android install apk

How to Sign an Already Compiled Apk

For those of you who don't want to create a bat file to edit for every project, or dont want to remember all the commands associated with the keytools and jarsigner programs and just want to get it done in one process use this program:

I built it because I was fed up with the lengthy process of having to type all the file locations every time.

This program can save your configuration so the next time you start it, you just need to hit Generate an it will handle it for you. That's it.

No install required, it's completely portable and saves its configurations in a CSV in the same folder.

Android Failed to install HelloWorld.apk on device (null) Error

When it shows the red writing - the error , don't close the emulator - leave it as is and run the application again.

How do I solve the INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT error?

This seemed to be related to disk space for me. A newly rolled 5.1 emulator boots with a "low on disk space" error - and looking at the emulator properties, the default space allocated for internal storage is 800MB which seems low.

Solution, therefore was to increase this (I went to 4GB). Oddly the emulator still boots with the same disk space warning but factory resetting it (Settings --> Backup and Restore inside the emulator) solved it entirely for me.

Just a bit odd that it doesn't work out of the box with default settings.

How to run (not only install) an android application using .apk file?

I put this in my makefile, right the next line after adb install ...

adb shell monkey -p `cat .identifier` -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1

For this to work there must be a .identifier file with the app's bundle identifier in it, like

No need to hunt activity name.

Cannot install signed apk to device manually, got error "App not installed"

if Your Android Studio Version Greater than 3.0

Looks like we can not directly use the apk after running on the device from the build -->output->apk folder.

After upgrading to android studio 3.0 you need to go to Build -> Build Apk(s) then copy the apk from build -> output -> apk -> debug

enter image description here

Android App Not Install. An existing package by the same name with a conflicting signature is already installed

I tried all the above and it did not work.

I found that in spite of uninstalling the app a new version of the app still gives the same error.

This is what solved it: go to Settings -> General -> application Manager -> choose your app -> click on the three dots on the top -> uninstall for all users

Once you do this, now it is actually uninstalled and will now allow your new version to install.

Hope this helps.


I got this error when I tried to install a Xamarin project built against Android N preview on a phone running api v23. Solution is to not do that.

How to build an APK file in Eclipse?

When you run your application, your phone should be detected and you should be given the option to run on your phone instead of on the emulator.

More instructions on getting your phone recognized:

When you want to export a signed version of the APK file (for uploading to the market or putting on a website), right-click on the project in Eclipse, choose export, and then choose "Export Android Application".

More details:

How to center align the ActionBar title in Android?

My solution will be to keep text part of tool bar separate, to define style and say, center or whichever alignment. It can be done in XML itself. Some paddings can be specified after doing calculations when you have actions that are visible always. I have moved two attributes from toolbar to its child TextView. This textView can be provided id to be accessed from fragments.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout xmlns:android=""


            app:popupTheme="@style/AppTheme.PopupOverlay" >
                tools:ignore="RtlSymmetry" />

        android:layout_height="match_parent" />


how to define ssh private key for servers fetched by dynamic inventory in files

I'm using the following configuration:

- name: Example play
  hosts: all
  remote_user: ansible
  become: yes
  become_method: sudo
    ansible_ssh_private_key_file: "/home/ansible/.ssh/id_rsa"

Truncate number to two decimal places without rounding

I know there are already few working examples, but I think it's worth to propose my String.toFixed equivalent, some may find it helpful.

That's my toFixed alternative, that don't round numbers, just truncates it or adds zeroes according to given precision. For extra long number it uses JS build-in rounding when precision is to long. Function works for all problematic number I've found on stack.

function toFixedFixed(value, precision = 0) {
    let stringValue = isNaN(+value) ? '0' : String(+value);

    if (stringValue.indexOf('e') > -1 || stringValue === 'Infinity' || stringValue === '-Infinity') {
        throw new Error('To large number to be processed');

    let [ beforePoint, afterPoint ] = stringValue.indexOf('.') > -1 ? stringValue.split('.') : [ stringValue, ''];

    // Force automatic rounding for some long real numbers that ends with 99X, by converting it to string, cutting off last digit, then adding extra nines and casting it on number again
    // e.g. 2.0199999999999996: +('2.019999999999999' + '9999') will give 2.02
    if (stringValue.length >= 17 && afterPoint.length > 2 && +afterPoint.substr(afterPoint.length - 3) > 995) {
        stringValue = String(+(stringValue.substr(0, afterPoint.length - 1) + '9'.repeat(stringValue.split('.').shift().length + 4)));
        [ beforePoint, afterPoint ] = String(stringValue).indexOf('.') > -1 ? stringValue.split('.') : [ stringValue, ''];

    if (precision === 0) {
        return beforePoint;
    } else if (afterPoint.length > precision) {
        return `${beforePoint}.${afterPoint.substr(0, precision)}`;
    } else {
        return `${beforePoint}.${afterPoint}${'0'.repeat(precision - afterPoint.length)}`;

Keep in mind that precision may not be handled properly for numbers of length 18 and greater, e.g. 64-bit Chrome will round it or add "e+" / "e-" to keep number's length at 18.

If you want to perform operations on real numbers it's safer to multiply it by Math.sqrt(10, precision) first, make the calculations, then dive result by multiplier's value.


0.06 + 0.01 is 0.06999999999999999, and every formatting function that's not rounding will truncate it to 0.06 for precision 2.

But if you'll perform same operation with multiplier&divider: (0.06 * 100 + 0.01 * 100) / 100, you'll get 0.07.

That's why it's so important to use such multiplier/divider when dealing with real numbers in javascript, especially when you're calculating money...

Convert .class to .java

I used the but in some classes it gives you the message "could not load this classes..."

INSTEAD download Android Studio, navigate to the folder containing the java class file and double click it. The code will show in the right pane and I guess you can copy it an save it as a java file from there

MySQL: Check if the user exists and drop it

Since MySQL 5.7 you can do a DROP USER IF EXISTS test

More info:

opening a window form from another form programmatically

You just need to use Dispatcher to perform graphical operation from a thread other then UI thread. I don't think that this will affect behavior of the main form. This may help you : Accessing UI Control from BackgroundWorker Thread

Importing json file in TypeScript

Often in Node.js applications a .json is needed. With TypeScript 2.9, --resolveJsonModule allows for importing, extracting types from and generating .json files.

Example #

// tsconfig.json_x000D_
    "compilerOptions": {_x000D_
        "module": "commonjs",_x000D_
        "resolveJsonModule": true,_x000D_
        "esModuleInterop": true_x000D_
// .ts_x000D_
import settings from "./settings.json";_x000D_
settings.debug === true;  // OK_x000D_
settings.dry === 2;  // Error: Operator '===' cannot be applied boolean and number_x000D_
// settings.json_x000D_
    "repo": "TypeScript",_x000D_
    "dry": false,_x000D_
    "debug": false_x000D_
_x000D_ by:

Is there an equivalent to CTRL+C in IPython Notebook in Firefox to break cells that are running?

You can press I twice to interrupt the kernel.

This only works if you're in Command mode. If not already enabled, press Esc to enable it.

[Vue warn]: Cannot find element

You can solve it in two ways.

  1. Make sure you put the CDN into the end of html page and place your own script after that. Example:
      <div id="main">
        <div id="mainActivity" v-component="{{currentActivity}}" class="activity"></div>
    <script src="[email protected]"></script>
    <script src="js/app.js"></script>

where you need to put same javascript code you wrote in any other JavaScript file or in html file.

  1. Use window.onload function in your JavaScript file.

Custom Authentication in ASP.Net-Core

I would like to add something to brilliant @AmiNadimi answer for everyone who going implement his solution in .NET Core 3:

First of all, you should change signature of SignIn method in UserManager class from:

public async void SignIn(HttpContext httpContext, UserDbModel user, bool isPersistent = false)


public async Task SignIn(HttpContext httpContext, UserDbModel user, bool isPersistent = false)

It's because you should never use async void, especially if you work with HttpContext. Source: Microsoft Docs

The last, but not least, your Configure() method in Startup.cs should contains app.UseAuthorization and app.UseAuthentication in proper order:

if (env.IsDevelopment())
    // The default HSTS value is 30 days. You may want to change this for production scenarios, see

app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
        name: "default",
        pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");

Disable native datepicker in Google Chrome

With Modernizr (, it can check for that functionality. Then you can tie it to the boolean it returns:

// does not trigger in Chrome, as the date Modernizr detects the date functionality.
if (! { 

Move the mouse pointer to a specific position?

I would imagine you could accomplish placing the mouse cursor to a given area of the screen if you didn't use the real (system) mouse cursor.

For instance, you could create an image to act in place of your cursor, handle an event which upon detecting mouseenter into your scene, set the style on the system cursor to 'none' ( = 'none'), then would bring up a hidden image element acting as a cursor to be anywhere you like with in the scene based on a predefined axis/bounding box translation.

This way no matter how you moved the real cursor your translation method would keep your image cursor wherever you needed it.

edit: an example in jsFiddle using an image representation and forced mouse movement

Printing all variables value from a class

If you are using Eclipse, this should be easy:

1.Press Alt+Shift+S

2.Choose "Generate toString()..."

Enjoy! You can have any template of toString()s.

This also works with getter/setters.

How to send an email with Python?

Well, you want to have an answer that is up-to-date and modern.

Here is my answer:

When I need to mail in Python, I use the mailgun API wich get's a lot of the headaches with sending mails sorted out. They have a wonderfull app/api that allows you to send 5,000 free emails per month.

Sending an email would be like this:

def send_simple_message():
        auth=("api", "YOUR_API_KEY"),
        data={"from": "Excited User <mailgun@YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME>",
              "to": ["[email protected]", "YOU@YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME"],
              "subject": "Hello",
              "text": "Testing some Mailgun awesomness!"})

You can also track events and lots more, see the quickstart guide.

I hope you find this useful!

How to center body on a page?

You have to specify the width to the body for it to center on the page.

Or put all the content in the div and center it.


div {
    margin: 0px auto;


How do you serve a file for download with AngularJS or Javascript?

Try this

<a target="_self" href="" download="foo.pdf">

and visit this site it could be helpful for you :)

What does the 'static' keyword do in a class?

A question was asked here about the choice of the word 'static' for this concept. It was dup'd to this question, but I don't think the etymology has been clearly addressed. So...

It's due to keyword reuse, starting with C.

Consider data declarations in C (inside a function body):

    void f() {
        int foo = 1;
        static int bar = 2;

The variable foo is created on the stack when the function is entered (and destroyed when the function terminates). By contrast, bar is always there, so it's 'static' in the sense of common English - it's not going anywhere.

Java, and similar languages, have the same concept for data. Data can either be allocated per instance of the class (per object) or once for the entire class. Since Java aims to have familiar syntax for C/C++ programmers, the 'static' keyword is appropriate here.

    class C {
        int foo = 1;
        static int bar = 2;

Lastly, we come to methods.

    class C {
        int foo() { ... }
        static int bar() { ... }

There is, conceptually speaking, an instance of foo() for every instance of class C. There is only one instance of bar() for the entire class C. This is parallel to the case we discussed for data, and therefore using 'static' is again a sensible choice, especially if you don't want to add more reserved keywords to your language.

Why do many examples use `fig, ax = plt.subplots()` in Matplotlib/pyplot/python

plt.subplots() is a function that returns a tuple containing a figure and axes object(s). Thus when using fig, ax = plt.subplots() you unpack this tuple into the variables fig and ax. Having fig is useful if you want to change figure-level attributes or save the figure as an image file later (e.g. with fig.savefig('yourfilename.png')). You certainly don't have to use the returned figure object but many people do use it later so it's common to see. Also, all axes objects (the objects that have plotting methods), have a parent figure object anyway, thus:

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

is more concise than this:

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

Timeout on a function call

Here is a POSIX version that combines many of the previous answers to deliver following features:

  1. Subprocesses blocking the execution.
  2. Usage of the timeout function on class member functions.
  3. Strict requirement on time-to-terminate.

Here is the code and some test cases:

import threading
import signal
import os
import time

class TerminateExecution(Exception):
    Exception to indicate that execution has exceeded the preset running time.

def quit_function(pid):
    # Killing all subprocesses
    os.killpg(0, signal.SIGTERM)

    # Killing the main thread
    os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)

def handle_term(signum, frame):
    raise TerminateExecution()

def invoke_with_timeout(timeout, fn, *args, **kwargs):
    # Setting a sigterm handler and initiating a timer
    old_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handle_term)
    timer = threading.Timer(timeout, quit_function, args=[os.getpid()])
    terminate = False

    # Executing the function
        result = fn(*args, **kwargs)
    except TerminateExecution:
        terminate = True
        # Restoring original handler and cancel timer
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, old_handler)

    if terminate:
        raise BaseException("xxx")

    return result

### Test cases
def countdown(n):
    print('countdown started', flush=True)
    for i in range(n, -1, -1):
        print(i, end=', ', flush=True)
    print('countdown finished')
    return 1337

def really_long_function():

def really_long_function2():
    os.system("sleep 787")

# Checking that we can run a function as expected.
assert invoke_with_timeout(3, countdown, 1) == 1337

# Testing various scenarios
t1 = time.time()
    print(invoke_with_timeout(1, countdown, 3))
except BaseException:
    assert(time.time() - t1 < 1.1)
    print("All good", time.time() - t1)

t1 = time.time()
    print(invoke_with_timeout(1, really_long_function2))
except BaseException:
    assert(time.time() - t1 < 1.1)
    print("All good", time.time() - t1)

t1 = time.time()
    print(invoke_with_timeout(1, really_long_function))
except BaseException:
    assert(time.time() - t1 < 1.1)
    print("All good", time.time() - t1)

# Checking that classes are referenced and not
# copied (as would be the case with multiprocessing)

class X:
    def __init__(self):
        self.value = 0

    def set(self, v):
        self.value = v

x = X()
invoke_with_timeout(2, x.set, 9)
assert x.value == 9

Entity Framework : How do you refresh the model when the db changes?

I've been working on a project, not too large, that incorporates Entity Framework, about a dozen tables, and about 15 stored procs and functions. After weeks of development, attempting to refresh my tables and stored procs has yielded mixed results as far as successfully updating the model. Sometimes the changes are effective, most times they are not. Simple column changes (changing order, adding, removing, or renaming) sometimes works, most times does not. Visual Studio seems to have more problems with refreshing than just adding new. It also exhibits more problems with stored proc changes not being reflected, especially when columns are added or deleted or renamed. I have not detected any consistent behavior so i can't say "This type of change will always be updated and this type of change will not".

End result, if you want 100% effective solution, delete the EDMX file from the project, "Add new" item to project (ADO.NET Entity Data Model), and make sure you use the same name for the Model Name. This works every time.

The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred on server

I got the same error when I added the applicationinitialization module with lots of initializationpages and deployed it on Azure app. The issue turned out to be duplicate entries in my applicationinitialization module. I din't see any errors in the logs so it was hard to troubleshoot. Below is an example of the error code:

    <applicationInitialization doAppInitAfterRestart="true" skipManagedModules="true">
      <add initializationPage="/init1.aspx?call=2"/>
      <add initializationPage="/init1.aspx?call=2" />

Make sure there are no duplicate entries because those will be treated as duplicate keys which are not allowed and will result in "Cannot add duplicate collection entry" error for web.config.

best practice to generate random token for forgot password

In PHP, use random_bytes(). Reason: your are seeking the way to get a password reminder token, and, if it is a one-time login credentials, then you actually have a data to protect (which is - whole user account)

So, the code will be as follows:

//$length = 78 etc
$token = bin2hex(random_bytes($length));

Update: previous versions of this answer was referring to uniqid() and that is incorrect if there is a matter of security and not only uniqueness. uniqid() is essentially just microtime() with some encoding. There are simple ways to get accurate predictions of the microtime() on your server. An attacker can issue a password reset request and then try through a couple of likely tokens. This is also possible if more_entropy is used, as the additional entropy is similarly weak. Thanks to @NikiC and @ScottArciszewski for pointing this out.

For more details see

Multiple "style" attributes in a "span" tag: what's supposed to happen?

In HTML, SGML and XML, (1) attributes cannot be repeated, and should only be defined in an element once.

So your example:

<span style="color:blue" style="font-style:italic">Test</span>

is non-conformant to the HTML standard, and will result in undefined behaviour, which explains why different browsers are rendering it differently.

Since there is no defined way to interpret this, browsers can interpret it however they want and merge them, or ignore them as they wish.

(1): Every article I can find states that attributes are "key/value" pairs or "attribute-value" pairs, heavily implying the keys must be unique. The best source I can find states:

Attribute names (id and status in this example) are subject to the same restrictions as other names in XML; they need not be unique across the whole DTD, however, but only within the list of attributes for a given element. (Emphasis mine.)

Disable all gcc warnings

-w is the GCC-wide option to disable warning messages.

Python 101: Can't open file: No such file or directory

Try uninstalling Python and then install it again, but this time make sure that the option Add Python to Path is marked as checked during the installation process.

How to programmatically clear application data

This way added by Sebastiano was OK, but it's necessary, when you run tests from i.e. IntelliJ IDE to add:

 try {
    // clearing app data
    Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
    runtime.exec("adb shell pm clear YOUR_APP_PACKAGE_GOES HERE");


instead of only "pm package..."

and more important: add it before driver.setCapability(App_package, package_name).

Add ... if string is too long PHP

if (strlen($string) <=50) {
  echo $string;
} else {
  echo substr($string, 0, 50) . '...';

How to achieve pagination/table layout with Angular.js?

The simplest way is using slice. You pipe the slice and mention the start index and end index for the part of the data you wish to display. Here is the code:

     <tr *ngFor="let row of rowData | slice:startIndex:endIndex">
<nav *ngIf="rowData" aria-label="Page navigation example">
    <ul class="pagination">
        <li class="page-item">
            <a class="page-link" (click)="updateIndex(0)" aria-label="Previous">
                <span aria-hidden="true">First</span>
        <li *ngFor="let i of getArrayFromNumber(rowData.length)" class="page-item">
            <a class="page-link" (click)="updateIndex(i)">{{i+1}}</a></li>

        <li class="page-item">
            <a class="page-link" (click)="updateIndex(pageNumberArray.length-1)" aria-label="Next">
                <span aria-hidden="true">Last</span>


public rowData = data // data you want to display in table
public paginationRowCount = 100 //number of records in a page
getArrayFromNumber(length) {
        if (length % this.paginationRowCount === 0) {
            this.pageNumberArray = Array.from(Array(Math.floor(length / this.paginationRowCount)).keys());
        } else {
            this.pageNumberArray = Array.from(Array(Math.floor(length / this.paginationRowCount) + 1).keys());
        return this.pageNumberArray;

    updateIndex(pageIndex) {
        this.startIndex = pageIndex * this.paginationRowCount;
        if (this.rowData.length > this.startIndex + this.paginationRowCount) {
            this.endIndex = this.startIndex + this.paginationRowCount;
        } else {
            this.endIndex = this.rowData.length;

Refence for tutorial:

Eclipse cannot load SWT libraries


Because I had installed the Oracle Java 7 it had changed the default Java to Oracle Java 7, however it needed to be the Open JDK.

To fix, open up terminal and type

sudo update-alternatives --config java

This brings up a list of the different types of Java. Simply select the Open JDK.

PHP: How to remove all non printable characters in a string?

you can use character classes


How can I remove an element from a list, with lodash?

you can do it with _pull.

_.pull(obj["subTopics"] , {"subTopicId":2, "number":32});

check the reference

What does flex: 1 mean?


In some browsers:

flex:1; does not equal flex:1 1 0;

flex:1; = flex:1 1 0n; (where n is a length unit).

  • flex-grow: A number specifying how much the item will grow relative to the rest of the flexible items.
  • flex-shrink A number specifying how much the item will shrink relative to the rest of the flexible items
  • flex-basis The length of the item. Legal values: "auto", "inherit", or a number followed by "%", "px", "em" or any other length unit.

The key point here is that flex-basis requires a length unit.

In Chrome for example flex:1 and flex:1 1 0 produce different results. In most circumstances it may appear that flex:1 1 0; is working but let's examine what really happens:


Flex basis is ignored and only flex-grow and flex-shrink are applied.

flex:1 1 0; = flex:1 1; = flex:1;

This may at first glance appear ok however if the applied unit of the container is nested; expect the unexpected!

Try this example in CHROME

  background: #333;_x000D_
.Flex110x, .Flex1, .Flex110, .Wrap {_x000D_
  display: -webkit-flex;_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  -webkit-flex-direction: column;_x000D_
  flex-direction: column;_x000D_
.Flex110 {_x000D_
  -webkit-flex: 1 1 0;_x000D_
  flex: 1 1 0;_x000D_
.Flex1 {_x000D_
  -webkit-flex: 1;_x000D_
  flex: 1;_x000D_
  -webkit-flex: 1 1 0%;_x000D_
  flex: 1 1 0%;_x000D_
FLEX 1 1 0_x000D_
<div class="Wrap">_x000D_
  <div class="Flex110">_x000D_
    <input type="submit" name="test1" value="TEST 1">_x000D_
FLEX 1_x000D_
<div class="Wrap">_x000D_
  <div class="Flex1">_x000D_
    <input type="submit" name="test2" value="TEST 2">_x000D_
FLEX 1 1 0%_x000D_
<div class="Wrap">_x000D_
  <div class="Flex110x">_x000D_
    <input type="submit" name="test3" value="TEST 3">_x000D_


It should be noted that this fails because some browsers have failed to adhere to the specification.

Browsers that use the full flex specification:

  • Firefox - ?
  • Edge - ? (I know, I was shocked too.)
  • Chrome - x
  • Brave - x
  • Opera - x
  • IE - (lol, it works without length unit but not with one.)


Latest versions of Chrome seem to have finally rectified this issue but other browsers still have not.

Tested and working in Chrome Ver 74.

Argparse optional positional arguments?

Use nargs='?' (or nargs='*' if you need more than one dir)

parser.add_argument('dir', nargs='?', default=os.getcwd())

extended example:

>>> import os, argparse
>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
>>> parser.add_argument('-v', action='store_true')
_StoreTrueAction(option_strings=['-v'], dest='v', nargs=0, const=True, default=False, type=None, choices=None, help=None, metavar=None)
>>> parser.add_argument('dir', nargs='?', default=os.getcwd())
_StoreAction(option_strings=[], dest='dir', nargs='?', const=None, default='/home/vinay', type=None, choices=None, help=None, metavar=None)
>>> parser.parse_args('somedir -v'.split())
Namespace(dir='somedir', v=True)
>>> parser.parse_args('-v'.split())
Namespace(dir='/home/vinay', v=True)
>>> parser.parse_args(''.split())
Namespace(dir='/home/vinay', v=False)
>>> parser.parse_args(['somedir'])
Namespace(dir='somedir', v=False)
>>> parser.parse_args('somedir -h -v'.split())
usage: [-h] [-v] [dir]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Avoid Adding duplicate elements to a List C#

If your check would have worked, it would have either added all the items, or none at all. However, calling the ToString method on an array returns the name of the data type, not the contents of the array, and the Contains method can only look for a single item, not a collection of items anyway.

You have to check each string in the array:

string[] lines3;
List<string> lines2 = new List<string>();

lines3 = Regex.Split(s1, @"\s*,\s*");

foreach (string s in lines3) {
  if (!lines2.Contains(s)) {

However, if you start with an empty list, you can use the Distinct method to remove the duplicates, and you only need a single line of code:

List<string> lines2 = Regex.Split(s1, @"\s*,\s*").Distinct().ToList();

How can I compare time in SQL Server?

Adding to the other answers:

you can create a function for trimming the date from a datetime

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.f_trimdate (@dat datetime) RETURNS DATETIME AS BEGIN

So this:

SELECT @dat = '20080201 02:25:46.000'
SELECT dbo.f_trimdate(@dat)

Will return 1900-01-01 02:25:46.000

"for" vs "each" in Ruby

It looks like there is no difference, for uses each underneath.

$ irb
>> for x in nil
>> puts x
>> end
NoMethodError: undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass
    from (irb):1
>> nil.each {|x| puts x}
NoMethodError: undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass
    from (irb):4

Like Bayard says, each is more idiomatic. It hides more from you and doesn't require special language features. Per Telemachus's Comment

for .. in .. sets the iterator outside the scope of the loop, so

for a in [1,2]
  puts a

leaves a defined after the loop is finished. Where as each doesn't. Which is another reason in favor of using each, because the temp variable lives a shorter period.

Open Source Alternatives to Reflector?

Updated 13th December 2011

The following open source tools are available:

Resolve Javascript Promise outside function scope

Accepted answer is wrong. It's pretty easy using scope and references, though it may make Promise purists angry:

const createPromise = () => {
    let resolver;
    return [
        new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            resolver = resolve;

const [ promise, resolver ] = createPromise();
promise.then(value => console.log(value));
setTimeout(() => resolver('foo'), 1000);

We are essentially grabbing the reference to the resolve function when the promise is created, and we return that so it can be set externally.

In one second the console will output:

> foo

updating nodejs on ubuntu 16.04

sudo npm install npm@latest -g

Java - sending HTTP parameters via POST method easily

I see some other answers have given the alternative, I personally think that intuitively you're doing the right thing ;). Sorry, at devoxx where several speakers have been ranting about this sort of thing.

That's why I personally use Apache's HTTPClient/HttpCore libraries to do this sort of work, I find their API to be easier to use than Java's native HTTP support. YMMV of course!

How to write console output to a txt file

To write console output to a txt file

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int i;
    List<String> ls = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
        String str = null;
        str = +i + ":-  HOW TO WRITE A CONSOLE OUTPUT IN A TEXT FILE";
    String listString = "";
    for (String s : ls) {
        listString += s + "\n";
    FileWriter writer = null;
    try {
        writer = new FileWriter("final.txt");
    } catch (IOException e) {

If you want to generate the PDF rather then the text file, you use the dependency given below:


To generate a PDF, use this code:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int i;
    List<String> ls = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
        String str = null;
        str = +i + ":- HOW TO WRITE A CONSOLE OUTPUT IN A PDF";
    String listString = "";

    for (String s : ls) {
        listString += s + "\n";
    Document document = new Document();
    try {
        PdfWriter writer1 = PdfWriter
                        new FileOutputStream(
        document.add(new Paragraph(listString));
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (DocumentException e) {

jQuery - Add active class and remove active from other element on click

Try this one:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $(".tab").click(function () {

How to get JSON data from the URL (REST API) to UI using jQuery or plain JavaScript?

Send a ajax request to your server like this in your js and get your result in success function.

            url: "/rest/abc",
            type: "GET",

            contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
            success: function(resultData) {
                //here is your json.
                  // process it

            error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {

            timeout: 120000,

at server side send response as json type.

And you can use jQuery.getJSON for your application.

QByteArray to QString

Use QString::fromUtf16((ushort *), as shown in the following code example:

#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    // QByteArray to QString
    // =====================

    const char c_test[10] = {'t', '\0', 'e', '\0', 's', '\0', 't', '\0', '\0', '\0'};
    QByteArray qba_test(QByteArray::fromRawData(c_test, 10));
    qDebug().nospace().noquote() << "qba_test[" << qba_test << "]"; // Should see: qba_test[t

    QString qstr_test = QString::fromUtf16((ushort *);
    qDebug().nospace().noquote() << "qstr_test[" << qstr_test << "]"; // Should see: qstr_test[test]

    return a.exec();

This is an alternative solution to the one using QTextCodec. The code has been tested using Qt 5.4.

Get selected option from select element

The above would very well work, but it seems you have missed the jQuery typecast for the dropdown text. Other than that it would be advisable to use .val() to set text for an input text type element. With these changes the code would look like the following:

    $('#txtEntry2').val($('#ddlCodes option:selected').text());

Maven version with a property

The version of the pom.xml should be valid

<version>2.2.4 SNAPSHOT</version>

This version should not be like 2.2.4. etc

Setting initial values on load with Select2 with Ajax

Late :( but I think this will solve your problem.

 $("#controlId").val(SampleData [0].id).trigger("change");

After the data binding

        placeholder:"Select somthing",
        data: SampleData // data from ajax controll

Error in Chrome only: XMLHttpRequest cannot load file URL No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource

add this at the top of file,

header('content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
header("access-control-allow-origin: *");

Removing the first 3 characters from a string

Just use substring: "apple".substring(3); will return le

How to hide a mobile browser's address bar?

This should be the code you need to hide the address bar:

window.addEventListener("load",function() {
        // This hides the address bar:
        window.scrollTo(0, 1);
    }, 0);

Also nice looking Pokedex by the way! Hope this helps!

I want to add a JSONObject to a JSONArray and that JSONArray included in other JSONObject

JSONObject json = new JSONObject();

JSONObject json1 = new JSONObject();


Output will be


IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory trying to open a file

I got this error and fixed by appending the directory path in the loop. script not in the same directory as the files. dr1 ="~/test" directory variable


Checking for an empty file in C++

Ok, so this piece of code should work for you. I changed the names to match your parameter.

inFile.seekg(0, ios::end);  
if (inFile.tellg() == 0) {    
  // something with empty file...  

Easiest way to rotate by 90 degrees an image using OpenCV?

This is an example without the new C++ interface (works for 90, 180 and 270 degrees, using param = 1, 2 and 3). Remember to call cvReleaseImage on the returned image after using it.

IplImage *rotate_image(IplImage *image, int _90_degrees_steps_anti_clockwise)
    IplImage *rotated;

    if(_90_degrees_steps_anti_clockwise != 2)
        rotated = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image->height, image->width), image->depth, image->nChannels);
        rotated = cvCloneImage(image);

    if(_90_degrees_steps_anti_clockwise != 2)
        cvTranspose(image, rotated);

    if(_90_degrees_steps_anti_clockwise == 3)
        cvFlip(rotated, NULL, 1);
    else if(_90_degrees_steps_anti_clockwise == 1)
        cvFlip(rotated, NULL, 0);
    else if(_90_degrees_steps_anti_clockwise == 2)
        cvFlip(rotated, NULL, -1);

    return rotated;

Is there a concurrent List in Java's JDK?

You can very well use Collections.synchronizedList(List) if all you need is simple invocation synchronization:

 List<Object> objList = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Object>());

AngularJS ng-class if-else expression

I had a situation where I needed two 'if' statements that could both go true and an 'else' or default if neither were true, not sure if this is an improvement on Jossef's answer but it seemed cleaner to me:

ng-class="{'class-one' : , 'class-two' : value.two}" class="else-class"

Where and value.two are true, they take precedent over the .else-class

Using local makefile for CLion instead of CMake

While this is one of the most voted feature requests, there is one plugin available, by Victor Kropp, that adds support to makefiles:

Makefile support plugin for IntelliJ IDEA


You can install directly from the official repository:

Settings > Plugins > search for makefile > Search in repositories > Install > Restart


There are at least three different ways to run:

  1. Right click on a makefile and select Run
  2. Have the makefile open in the editor, put the cursor over one target (anywhere on the line), hit alt + enter, then select make target
  3. Hit ctrl/cmd + shift + F10 on a target (although this one didn't work for me on a mac).

It opens a pane named Run target with the output.

generate days from date range

Can create a procedure also to create calendar table with timestmap different from day. If you want a table for each quarter


2019-01-22 08:45:00
2019-01-22 09:00:00
2019-01-22 09:15:00
2019-01-22 09:30:00
2019-01-22 09:45:00
2019-01-22 10:00:00

you can use

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `generate_calendar_table`()

select unix_timestamp('2014-01-01 00:00:00') into @startts;
select unix_timestamp('2025-01-01 00:00:00') into @endts;

if ( @startts < @endts ) then

    DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS calendar_table_tmp;

    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE calendar_table_tmp (ts int, dt datetime); 

    WHILE ( @startts < @endts)
        SET @startts = @startts + 900;
        INSERT calendar_table_tmp VALUES (@startts, from_unixtime(@startts));

END if;


and then manipulate through

select ts, dt from calendar_table_tmp;

that give you also ts

'1548143100', '2019-01-22 08:45:00'
'1548144000', '2019-01-22 09:00:00'
'1548144900', '2019-01-22 09:15:00'
'1548145800', '2019-01-22 09:30:00'
'1548146700', '2019-01-22 09:45:00'
'1548147600', '2019-01-22 10:00:00'

from here you can start to add other information such as

select ts, dt, weekday(dt) as wd from calendar_table_tmp;

or create a real table with create table statement

How to capitalize first letter of each word, like a 2-word city?

The JavaScript function:

String.prototype.capitalize = function(){
       return this.replace( /(^|\s)([a-z])/g , function(m,p1,p2){ return p1+p2.toUpperCase(); } );

To use this function:

capitalizedString = someString.toLowerCase().capitalize();

Also, this would work on multiple words string.

To make sure the converted City name is injected into the database, lowercased and first letter capitalized, then you would need to use JavaScript before you send it over to server side. CSS simply styles, but the actual data would remain pre-styled. Take a look at this jsfiddle example and compare the alert message vs the styled output.

Splitting on last delimiter in Python string?

I just did this for fun

    >>> s = 'a,b,c,d'
    >>> [item[::-1] for item in s[::-1].split(',', 1)][::-1]
    ['a,b,c', 'd']

Caution: Refer to the first comment in below where this answer can go wrong.

jQuery change URL of form submit

Try using this:

$(".move_to").on("click", function(e){
    $('#contactsForm').attr('action', "/test1").submit();

Moving the order in which you use .preventDefault() might fix your issue. You also didn't use function(e) so e.preventDefault(); wasn't working.

Here it is working: - first of all, click the 'Check action attribute.' link. You'll get an alert saying undefined. Then click 'Set action attribute.' and click 'Check action attribute.' again. You'll see that the form's action attribute has been correctly set to /test1.

PHP send mail to multiple email addresses

Programmatically sending an submitted form to multiple email address is a possible thing, however the best practice for this is by creating a mailing list. On the code the list address will be place and any change or update on email addresses to the recipients list can be done without changing in the code.

How does HTTP file upload work?

Send file as binary content (upload without form or FormData)

In the given answers/examples the file is (most likely) uploaded with a HTML form or using the FormData API. The file is only a part of the data sent in the request, hence the multipart/form-data Content-Type header.

If you want to send the file as the only content then you can directly add it as the request body and you set the Content-Type header to the MIME type of the file you are sending. The file name can be added in the Content-Disposition header. You can upload like this:

var xmlHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();

var file = ...file handle...
var fileName = ...file name...
var target =
var mimeType = ...mime type...'POST', target, true);
xmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', mimeType);
xmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="' + fileName + '"');

If you don't (want to) use forms and you are only interested in uploading one single file this is the easiest way to include your file in the request.

What is http multipart request?

As the official specification says, "one or more different sets of data are combined in a single body". So when photos and music are handled as multipart messages as mentioned in the question, probably there is some plain text metadata associated as well, thus making the request containing different types of data (binary, text), which implies the usage of multipart.

Rounded corners for <input type='text' /> using for IE

That won't work in IE<9 though, however, you can make IEs support that using:


PIE makes Internet Explorer 6-8 capable of rendering several of the most useful CSS3 decoration features.

Getting A File's Mime Type In Java

Because there's so many answers linking to libraries, or non-portable code; I thought I'd share an alternative way by simply checking the magic bytes of the stream or file that you want to know the type of, as I've shown here :

It uses native java, but requires you to define in the enum the types you would want to handle/detect beforehand, but you'd only have to do it once.

Detect home button press in android

An option for your application would be to write a replacement Home Screen using the android.intent.category.HOME Intent. I believe this type of Intent you can see the home button.

More details:

How to easily map c++ enums to strings

See if the following syntax suits you:

// WeekEnd enumeration
enum WeekEnd
    Sunday = 1,
    Saturday = 7

// String support for WeekEnd
Begin_Enum_String( WeekEnd )
    Enum_String( Sunday );
    Enum_String( Saturday );

// Convert from WeekEnd to string
const std::string &str = EnumString<WeekEnd>::From( Saturday );
// str should now be "Saturday"

// Convert from string to WeekEnd
WeekEnd w;
EnumString<WeekEnd>::To( w, "Sunday" );
// w should now be Sunday

If it does, then you might want to check out this article:

AngularJS performs an OPTIONS HTTP request for a cross-origin resource

Little late to the party,

If you are using Angular 7 (or 5/6/7) and PHP as the API and still getting this error, try adding following header options to the end point (PHP API).

 header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
 header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: PUT, GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS, DELETE, PATCH");
 header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization");

Note : What only requires is Access-Control-Allow-Methods. But, I am pasting here other two Access-Control-Allow-Origin and Access-Control-Allow-Headers, simply because you will need all of these to be properly set in order Angular App to properly talk to your API.

Hope this helps someone.


HTML meta tag for content language

You asked for differences, but you can’t quite compare those two.

Note that <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="es"> is obsolete and removed in HTML5. It was used to specify “a document-wide default language”, with its http-equiv attribute making it a pragma directive (which simulates an HTTP response header like Content-Language that hasn’t been sent from the server, since it cannot override a real one).

Regarding <meta name="language" content="Spanish">, you hardly find any reliable information. It’s non-standard and was probably invented as a SEO makeshift.

However, the HTML5 W3C Recommendation encourages authors to use the lang attribute on html root elements (attribute values must be valid BCP 47 language tags):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="es-ES">

Anyway, if you want to specify the content language to instruct search engine robots, you should consider this quote from Google Search Console Help on multilingual sites:

Google uses only the visible content of your page to determine its language. We don’t use any code-level language information such as lang attributes.

How to install Android Studio on Ubuntu?

Hi If you want to install android studio on ubuntu you shoudl first have Java JDk on ubuntu. Installing Java SDK

First you have to install Oracle on Java 7 (JDK and JRE)

Download Java SDK 32 or 64 bit depending upon your version.

java sdk on ubuntu

Then extract the file in the /tmp folder.Al dialogue box will pop up, click on replace all.An error will also pop out click close.

Go to tmp folder,a new folder name jdk and version must be created.right click on the folder and then click on rename and copy the name of the folder.

Also read How to Install Genymotion on Ubuntu First write this command and click enter.

install android sdk on ubuntu linux

sudo su

Then write this command and press enter

if [ ! -d '/usr/lib/jvm' ]; then mkdir /usr/lib/jvm; fi

Paste this command

mv /tmp/jdk1.8* /usr/lib/jvm/  

jdk1.8* = replace it with the name of the extracted folder in this example =jdk1.8.0_05

and press enter

sdk install linux

java,javac,jar,javaws = we have to replace these

update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8*/bin/java 1065
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8*/bin/javac 1065
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/jar jar /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8*/bin/jar 1065
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javaws javaws /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8*/bin/javaws 1065
update-alternatives --config java
java -version

This was taken from

Use LIKE %..% with field values in MySQL

  SELECT t1.a, t2.b
  FROM t1
  JOIN t2 ON t1.a LIKE '%'+t2.b +'%'

because the last answer not work

Capture iframe load complete event

Note that the onload event doesn't seem to fire if the iframe is loaded when offscreen. This frequently occurs when using "Open in New Window" /w tabs.

The simplest way to resize an UIImage?

This is an UIImage extension compatible with Swift 3 and Swift 4 which scales image to given size with an aspect ratio

extension UIImage {

    func scaledImage(withSize size: CGSize) -> UIImage {
        UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, false, 0.0)
        defer { UIGraphicsEndImageContext() }
        draw(in: CGRect(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: size.width, height: size.height))
        return UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()!

    func scaleImageToFitSize(size: CGSize) -> UIImage {
        let aspect = self.size.width / self.size.height
        if size.width / aspect <= size.height {
            return scaledImage(withSize: CGSize(width: size.width, height: size.width / aspect))
        } else {
            return scaledImage(withSize: CGSize(width: size.height * aspect, height: size.height))


Example usage

let image = UIImage(named: "apple")
let scaledImage = image.scaleImageToFitSize(size: CGSize(width: 45.0, height: 45.0))

HTTP response header content disposition for attachments

neither use inline; nor attachment; just use

response.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "filename=" + filename );


response.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "filename=\"" + filename + "\"" );


response.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "filename=\"" + 
  filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf('.')) + "\"");

Inserting a blank table row with a smaller height

You don't need an extra table row to create space inside a table. See this jsFiddle.
(I made the gap light grey in colour, so you can see it, but you can change that to transparent.)

Using a table row just for display purposes is table abuse!

Random number c++ in some range

Since nobody posted the modern C++ approach yet,

#include <iostream>
#include <random>
int main()
    std::random_device rd; // obtain a random number from hardware
    std::mt19937 gen(rd()); // seed the generator
    std::uniform_int_distribution<> distr(25, 63); // define the range

    for(int n=0; n<40; ++n)
        std::cout << distr(gen) << ' '; // generate numbers

How to send control+c from a bash script?

    pgrep -f process_name > any_file_name
    sed -i 's/^/kill /' any_file_name
    chmod 777 any_file_name

for example 'pgrep -f firefox' will grep the PID of running 'firefox' and will save this PID to a file called 'any_file_name'. 'sed' command will add the 'kill' in the beginning of the PID number in 'any_file_name' file. Third line will make 'any_file_name' file executable. Now forth line will kill the PID available in the file 'any_file_name'. Writing the above four lines in a file and executing that file can do the control-C. Working absolutely fine for me.

Is there an API to get bank transaction and bank balance?

Just a helpful hint, there is a company called who provides this data. They do charge for the API. Companies like use this API to gather bank and financial account data.

Also, checkout, they are a similar company and provide both authentication API for several banks and REST-based transaction fetching endpoints.

Jquery Open in new Tab (_blank)

window.location always refers to the location of the current window. Changing it will affect only the current window.

One thing that can be done is forcing a click on the link after setting its target attribute to _blank:

Check this:

Disclaimer: Its my blog.

Oracle SQL Query for listing all Schemas in a DB

Below sql lists all the schema in oracle that are created after installation ORACLE_MAINTAINED='N' is the filter. This column is new in 12c.

select distinct username,ORACLE_MAINTAINED from dba_users where ORACLE_MAINTAINED='N';

How to do relative imports in Python?

Let me just put this here for my own reference. I know that it is not good Python code, but I needed a script for a project I was working on and I wanted to put the script in a scripts directory.

import os.path
import sys
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")))

How to get multiline input from user

no_of_lines = 5
lines = ""
for i in xrange(5):
    a=raw_input("if u want to continue (Y/n)")
    print lines

How to code a modulo (%) operator in C/C++/Obj-C that handles negative numbers

Here is a C function that handles positive OR negative integer OR fractional values for BOTH OPERANDS

#include <math.h>
float mod(float a, float N) {return a - N*floor(a/N);} //return in range [0, N)

This is surely the most elegant solution from a mathematical standpoint. However, I'm not sure if it is robust in handling integers. Sometimes floating point errors creep in when converting int -> fp -> int.

I am using this code for non-int s, and a separate function for int.

NOTE: need to trap N = 0!

Tester code:

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

float mod(float a, float N)
    float ret = a - N * floor (a / N);

    printf("%f.1 mod %f.1 = %f.1 \n", a, N, ret);

    return ret;

int main (char* argc, char** argv)
    printf ("fmodf(-10.2, 2.0) = %f.1  == FAIL! \n\n", fmodf(-10.2, 2.0));

    float x;
    x = mod(10.2f, 2.0f);
    x = mod(10.2f, -2.0f);
    x = mod(-10.2f, 2.0f);
    x = mod(-10.2f, -2.0f);

    return 0;

(Note: You can compile and run it straight out of CodePad:


fmodf(-10.2, 2.0) = -0.20 == FAIL!

10.2 mod 2.0 = 0.2
10.2 mod -2.0 = -1.8
-10.2 mod 2.0 = 1.8
-10.2 mod -2.0 = -0.2

How to resolve "must be an instance of string, string given" prior to PHP 7?

From PHP's manual :

Type Hints can only be of the object and array (since PHP 5.1) type. Traditional type hinting with int and string isn't supported.

So you have it. The error message is not really helpful, I give you that though.

** 2017 Edit **

PHP7 introduced more function data type declarations, and the aforementioned link has been moved to Function arguments : Type declarations. From that page :

Valid types

  • Class/interface name : The parameter must be an instanceof the given class or interface name. (since PHP 5.0.0)
  • self : The parameter must be an instanceof the same class as the one the method is defined on. This can only be used on class and instance methods. (since PHP 5.0.0)
  • array : The parameter must be an array. (since PHP 5.1.0)
  • callable : The parameter must be a valid callable. (since PHP 5.4.0)
  • bool : The parameter must be a boolean value. (since PHP 7.0.0)
  • float : The parameter must be a floating point number. (since PHP 7.0.0)
  • int : The parameter must be an integer. (since PHP 7.0.0)
  • string : The parameter must be a string. (since PHP 7.0.0)
  • iterable : The parameter must be either an array or an instanceof Traversable. (since PHP 7.1.0)


Aliases for the above scalar types are not supported. Instead, they are treated as class or interface names. For example, using boolean as a parameter or return type will require an argument or return value that is an instanceof the class or interface boolean, rather than of type bool:

  function test(boolean $param) {}

The above example will output:

 Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to test() must be an instance of boolean, boolean given, called in - on line 1 and defined in -:1

The last warning is actually significant to understand the error "Argument must of type string, string given"; since mostly only class/interface names are allowed as argument type, PHP tries to locate a class name "string", but can't find any because it is a primitive type, thus fail with this awkward error.

Google Chrome form autofill and its yellow background

An update to Arjans solution. When trying to change the values it wouldnt let you. This works fine for me. When you focus on an input then it will go yellow. its close enough.

$(document).ready(function (){
    if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("chrome") >= 0 || navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("safari") >= 0){
        var id = window.setInterval(function(){
                var clone = $(this).clone(true, true);
        }, 20);



pySerial write() won't take my string

It turns out that the string needed to be turned into a bytearray and to do this I editted the code to


This solved the problem

Inner join with 3 tables in mysql

FROM grade
 INNER JOIN student
   ON student.studentId = grade.fk_studentId
   ON exam.examId = grade.fk_examId
 GROUP BY grade.gradeId

Using LINQ to find item in a List but get "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source"

This exception could point to the LINQ parameter that is named source:

 System.Linq.Enumerable.Select[TSource,TResult](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 selector)

As the source parameter in your LINQ query (var nCounts = from sale in sal) is 'sal', I suppose the list named 'sal' might be null.

How do I turn a String into a InputStreamReader in java?

Are you trying to get a) Reader functionality out of InputStreamReader, or b) InputStream functionality out of InputStreamReader? You won't get b). InputStreamReader is not an InputStream.

The purpose of InputStreamReader is to take an InputStream - a source of bytes - and decode the bytes to chars in the form of a Reader. You already have your data as chars (your original String). Encoding your String into bytes and decoding the bytes back to chars would be a redundant operation.

If you are trying to get a Reader out of your source, use StringReader.

If you are trying to get an InputStream (which only gives you bytes), use apache commons IOUtils.toInputStream(..) as suggested by other answers here.

C# Parsing JSON array of objects

Though this is an old question, I thought I'd post my answer anyway, if that helps someone in future

 JArray array = JArray.Parse(jsonString);
 foreach (JObject obj in array.Children<JObject>())
     foreach (JProperty singleProp in obj.Properties())
         string name = singleProp.Name;
         string value = singleProp.Value.ToString();
         //Do something with name and value
         //System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("name is "+name+" and value is "+value);

This solution uses Newtonsoft library, don't forget to include using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

How to ignore certain files in Git

This webpage may be useful and time-saving when working with .gitignore.

It automatically generates .gitignore files for different IDEs and operating systems with the specific files/folders that you usually don't want to pull to your Git repository (for instance, IDE-specific folders and configuration files).

How to get the azure account tenant Id?

Another way to get it from App registrations

Azure Active Directory -> App registrations -> click the app and it will show the tenant ID like this

enter image description here

How to import a CSS file in a React Component

CSS Modules let you use the same CSS class name in different files without worrying about naming clashes.


.error {
  background-color: red;


.error {
  color: red;


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import styles from './Button.module.css'; // Import css modules stylesheet as styles
import './another-stylesheet.css'; // Import regular stylesheet
class Button extends Component {
  render() {
    // reference as a js object
    return <button className={styles.error}>Error Button</button>;

How to get a substring of text?

if you need it in rails you can use first (source code)

'1234567890'.first(5) # => "12345"

there is also last (source code)

'1234567890'.last(2) # => "90"

alternatively check from/to (source code):

"hello".from(1).to(-2) # => "ell"

Recover unsaved SQL query scripts

For SSMS 18 (specifically 18.6), I found my backup here C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Visual Studio 2017\Backup Files\Solution1.

Kudos to Matthew Lock for giving me the idea to just search across my whole machine!

Populating a ListView using an ArrayList?

Here's an example of how you could implement a list view:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    //We have our list view
    final ListView dynamic = findViewById(;

    //Create an array of elements
    final ArrayList<String> classes = new ArrayList<>();
    classes.add("Data Structures");
    classes.add("Assembly Language");
    classes.add("Calculus 3");
    classes.add("Switching Systems");
    classes.add("Analysis Tools");

    //Create adapter for ArrayList
    final ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<>(this,android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, classes);

    //Insert Adapter into List

    //set click functionality for each list item
    dynamic.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
        public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
            Log.i("User clicked ", classes.get(position));


Deprecated Java HttpClient - How hard can it be?

Try jcabi-http, which is a fluent Java HTTP client, for example:

String html = new JdkRequest("")
  .header(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, MediaType.TEXT_HTML)

Check also this blog post:

Gcc error: gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1': execvp: No such file or directory

This might also be the displayed error message if you try to run 32-bit gcc binaries on a 64-bit OS and missing 32-bit glibc. According to this readme: "For 64 bit system, 32 bit libc and libncurses are required to run the tools.". In this case there is no problem with the path and cc1 is actually found, but reported as missing as no 32 bit glibc.

ThreeJS: Remove object from scene

clearScene: function() {
    var objsToRemove =, 1);
    _.each(objsToRemove, function( object ) {

this uses undescore.js to iterrate over all children (except the first) in a scene (it's part of code I use to clear a scene). just make sure you render the scene at least once after deleting, because otherwise the canvas does not change! There is no need for a "special" obj flag or anything like this.

Also you don't delete the object by name, just by the object itself, so calling


instead of scene.remove(; can be enough

PS: _.each is a function of underscore.js

How to convert MySQL time to UNIX timestamp using PHP?

Instead of strtotime you should use DateTime with PHP. You can also regard the timezone this way:

$dt = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $mysqltime, new DateTimeZone('Europe/Berlin'));
$unix_timestamp = $dt->getTimestamp();

$mysqltime is of type MySQL Datetime, e. g. 2018-02-26 07:53:00.

What's the difference between <b> and <strong>, <i> and <em>?

As the others have stated, the difference is that <b> and <i> hardcode font styles, whereas <strong> and <em> dictate semantic meaning, with the font style (or speaking browser intonation, or what-have-you) to be determined at the time the text is rendered (or spoken).

You can think of this as a difference between a “physical” font style and a “logical” style, if you will. At some later time, you may wish to change the way <strong> and <em> text are displayed, say, by altering properties in a style sheet to add color and size changes, or even to use different font faces entirely. If you've used “logical” markup instead of hardcoded “physical” markup, then you can simply change the display properties in one place each in your style sheet, and then all of the pages that reference that style sheet get changed automatically, without ever having to edit them.

Pretty slick, huh?

This is also the rationale behind defining sub-styles (referenced using the style= property in text tags) for paragraphs, table cells, header text, captions, etc., and using <div> tags. You can define physical representation for your logical styles in the style sheet, and the changes are automatically reflected in the web pages that reference that style sheet. Want a different representation for source code? Redefine the font, size, weight, spacing, etc. for your "code" style.

If you use XHTML, you can even define your own semantic tags, and your style sheet would do the conversions to physical font styles and layouts for you.

Html table with button on each row

Pretty sure this solves what you're looking for:


    <tr><td><button class="editbtn">edit</button></td></tr>
    <tr><td><button class="editbtn">edit</button></td></tr>
    <tr><td><button class="editbtn">edit</button></td></tr>
    <tr><td><button class="editbtn">edit</button></td></tr>

Javascript (using jQuery):

        $(this).html($(this).html() == 'edit' ? 'modify' : 'edit');


Apparently I should have looked at your sample code first ;)

You need to change (at least) the ID attribute of each element. The ID is the unique identifier for each element on the page, meaning that if you have multiple items with the same ID, you'll get conflicts.

By using classes, you can apply the same logic to multiple elements without any conflicts.

JSFiddle sample

Nested attributes unpermitted parameters

Seems there is a change in handling of attribute protection and now you must whitelist params in the controller (instead of attr_accessible in the model) because the former optional gem strong_parameters became part of the Rails Core.

This should look something like this:

class PeopleController < ActionController::Base
  def create

  def person_params
    params.require(:person).permit(:name, :age)

So params.require(:model).permit(:fields) would be used

and for nested attributes something like

params.require(:person).permit(:name, :age, pets_attributes: [:id, :name, :category])

Some more details can be found in the Ruby edge API docs and strong_parameters on github or here

Key value pairs using JSON

JSON (= JavaScript Object Notation), is a lightweight and fast mechanism to convert Javascript objects into a string and vice versa.

Since Javascripts objects consists of key/value pairs its very easy to use and access JSON that way.

So if we have an object:

var myObj = {
    foo:   'bar',
    base:  'ball',
    deep:  {
       java:  'script'

We can convert that into a string by calling window.JSON.stringify(myObj); with the result of "{"foo":"bar","base":"ball","deep":{"java":"script"}}".

The other way around, we would call window.JSON.parse("a json string like the above");.

JSON.parse() returns a javascript object/array on success.

alert(;  // 'script'

window.JSON is not natively available in all browser. Some "older" browser need a little javascript plugin which offers the above mentioned functionality. Check for further information.

How to perform a fade animation on Activity transition?

you can also add animation in your activity, in onCreate method like below becasue overridePendingTransition is not working with some mobile, or it depends on device settings...

View view = findViewById(;
Animation mLoadAnimation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(getApplicationContext(), android.R.anim.fade_in);

Easy way to add drop down menu with 1 - 100 without doing 100 different options?

I see this is old but... I dont know if you are looking for code to generate the numbers/options every time its loaded or not. But I use an excel or open office calc page and place use the auto numbering all the time. It may look like this...

| <option> | 1 | </option> |

Then I highlight the cells in the row and drag them down until there are 100 or the number that I need. I now have code snippets that I just refer back to.

Split string into array of characters?

the problem is that there is no built in method (or at least none of us could find one) to do this in vb. However, there is one to split a string on the spaces, so I just rebuild the string and added in spaces....

Private Function characterArray(ByVal my_string As String) As String()
  'create a temporary string to store a new string of the same characters with spaces
  Dim tempString As String = ""
  'cycle through the characters and rebuild my_string as a string with spaces 
  'and assign the result to tempString.  
  For Each c In my_string
     tempString &= c & " "
  'return return tempString as a character array.  
  Return tempString.Split()
End Function

how to declare global variable in SQL Server..?

You can get a similar result by creating scalar-valued functions that return the variable values. Of course, function calls can be expensive if you use them in queries that return a large number of results, but if you're limiting the result-set you should be fine. Here I'm using a database created just to hold these semi-static values, but you can create them on a per-database basis, too. As you can see, there are no input variables, just a well-named function that returns a static value: if you change that value in the function, it will instantly change anywhere it's used (the next time it's called).

USE [globalDatabase]

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.global_GetStandardFonts ()
    RETURN 'font-family:"Calibri Light","sans-serif";'

--  Usage: 
SELECT '<html><head><style>body{' + globalDatabase.dbo.global_GetStandardFonts() + '}</style></head><body>...'

--  Result: <html><head><style>body{font-family:"Calibri Light","sans-serif";}</style></head><body>...

Can I set variables to undefined or pass undefined as an argument?

JavaScript, how to set a variable to undefined on commandline:

Set a variable to undefined in the js javascript command line terminal that comes with Java on Ubuntu 12.10.

el@defiant ~ $ js

js> typeof boo

js> boo
typein:2: ReferenceError: boo is not defined

js> boo=5

js> typeof boo

js> delete(boo)

js> typeof boo

js> boo
typein:7: ReferenceError: boo is not defined

If you set a variable to undefined in a javascript:

Put this in myjs.html:

    <script type="text/JavaScript">
        document.write("aliens: " + aliens);
        document.write("typeof aliens: " + (typeof aliens));
        var aliens = "scramble the nimitz";
        document.write("found some aliens: " + (typeof aliens));
        document.write("not sayings its aliens but... " + aliens);
        aliens = undefined;
        document.write("aliens deleted");
        document.write("typeof aliens: " + (typeof aliens));
        document.write("you sure they are gone? " + aliens);

It prints this:

aliens: undefined
typeof aliens: undefined
found some aliens: string
not sayings its aliens but... scramble the nimitz
aliens deleted
typeof aliens: undefined
you sure they are gone? undefined

WARNING! When setting your variable to undefined you are setting your variable to another variable. If some sneaky person runs undefined = 'rm -rf /'; then whenever you set your variable to undefined, you will receive that value.

You may be wondering how I can output the undefined value aliens at the start and have it still run. It's because of javascript hoisting:

How to get the CUDA version?

If you have installed CUDA SDK, you can run "deviceQuery" to see the version of CUDA

Python truncate a long string

Even shorter :

info = data[:75] + (data[75:] and '..')

How do I programmatically click on an element in JavaScript? is a standard method outlined by the W3C DOM specification. Mozilla's Gecko/Firefox follows the standard and only allows this method to be called on INPUT elements.

document.getElementById().value and document.getElementById().checked not working for IE

For non-grouped elements, name and id should be same. In this case you gave name as 'sp' and id as 'sp_100'. Don't do that, do it like this:


<input type="hidden" id="msg" name="msg" value="" style="display:none"/>
<input type="checkbox" name="sp" value="100" id="sp">


var Msg="abc";
document.getElementById('msg').value = Msg;
document.getElementById('sp').checked = true;

For more details

please visit :

Opening popup windows in HTML

Something like this?

<a href="#" onClick="'','MyWindow','width=600,height=300'); return false;">Click Here</a>

How to run python script with elevated privilege on windows

Make sure you have python in path,if not,win key + r, type in "%appdata%"(without the qotes) open local directory, then go to Programs directory ,open python and then select your python version directory. Click on file tab and select copy path and close file explorer.

Then do win key + r again, type control and hit enter. search for environment variables. click on the result, you will get a window. In the bottom right corner click on environmental variables. In the system side find path, select it and click on edit. In the new window, click on new and paste the path in there. Click ok and then apply in the first window. Restart your PC. Then do win + r for the last time, type cmd and do ctrl + shift + enter. Grant the previliges and open file explorer, goto your script and copy its path. Go back into cmd , type in "python" and paste the path and hit enter. Done

ngOnInit not being called when Injectable class is Instantiated

Adding to answer by @Sasxa,

In Injectables you can use class normally that is putting initial code in constructor instead of using ngOnInit(), it works fine.

Unable to start the mysql server in ubuntu

Yes, should try reinstall mysql, but use the --reinstall flag to force a package reconfiguration. So the operating system service configuration is not skipped:

sudo apt --reinstall install mysql-server

What is the difference between HTML tags and elements?

HTML Elements

An HTML element usually consists of a start tag and end tag, with the content inserted in between:

<tagname>Content goes here...</tagname>

The HTML element is everything from the start tag to the end tag. Source

HTML Attributes

An attribute is used to define the characteristics of an HTML element and is placed inside the element's opening tag. All attributes are made up of two parts: a name and a value.

  • All HTML elements can have attributes
  • Attributes provide additional information about an element
  • Attributes are always specified in the start tag
  • Attributes usually come in name/value pairs like: name="value" Source

HTML Tag vs Element

"Elements" and "tags" are terms that are widely confused. HTML documents contain tags, but do not contain the elements. The elements are only generated after the parsing step, from these tags. Source: wikipedia > HTML_element

An HTML element is defined by a starting tag. If the element contains other content, it ends with a closing tag.

For example <p> is starting tag of a paragraph and </p> is closing tag of the same paragraph but <p>This is paragraph</p> is a paragraph element.

Source:tutorialspoint > html_elements

Unstaged changes left after git reset --hard

I hit a similar issue also involving .gitattributes, but for my case involved GitHub's LFS. While this isn't exactly the OP's scenario, I think it provides an opportunity to illustrate what the .gitattributes file does and why it can lead to unstaged changes in the form of "phantom" differences.

In my case, a file already was in my repository, like since the beginning of time. In a recent commit, I added a new git-lfs track rule using a pattern that was in hindsight a bit too broad, and ending up matching this ancient file. I know I didn't want to change this file; I know I didn't change the file, but now it was in my unstaged changes and no amount of checkouts or hard resets on that file was going to fix it. Why?

GitHub LFS extension works primarily through leveraging the hooks that git provides access through via the .gitattributes file. Generally, entries in .gitattributes specify how matching files should be processed. In the OP's case, it was concerned with normalizing line endings; in mine, it was whether to let LFS handle the file storage. In either case, the actually file that git sees when computing a git diff does not match the file that you see when you inspect the file. Hence, if you change how a file is processed via the .gitattributes pattern that matches it, it will show up as unstaged changes in the status report, even if there really is no change in the file.

All that said, my "answer" to the question is that if the change in .gitattributes file is something you wanted to do, you should should really just add the changes and move on. If not, then amend the .gitattributes to better represent what you want to be doing.


  1. GitHub LFS Specification - Great description of how they hook into the clean and smudge function calls to replace your file in the git objects with a simple text file with a hash.

  2. gitattributes Documentation - All the details on what is available to customize how git processes your documents.

Clear an input field with Reactjs?

The way I cleared my form input values was to add an id to my form tag. Then when I handleSubmit I call this.clearForm()

In the clearForm function I then use document.getElementById("myForm").reset();

import React, {Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';
import Button from './components/Button';
import Input from './components/Input';

class App extends Component {  
  state = {
    item: "", 
    list: []

componentDidMount() {

handleFormSubmit = event => {
   const item = this.state.item

    this.setState ({
        list: [...this.state.list, item],


handleInputChange = event => {
  this.setState ({

clearForm = () => {
    item: ""

  render() {
    return (
      <form id="myForm">

      >  </Button>

export default App;

How to limit file upload type file size in PHP?

Hope This useful...


<form action="check.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<label>Upload An Image</label>
<input type="file" name="file_upload" />
<input type="submit" name="upload"/>


        $error_1='File Size too large';
        echo '<script>alert("'.$error_1.'")</script>';
        $error_2='Invalid File';
        echo '<script>alert("'.$error_2.'")</script>';
        $error_3='Format Not Supported.Only .jpeg files are accepted';
        echo '<script>alert("'.$error_3.'")</script>';

            $target_dir = "uploads/";
            $target_file = $target_dir . basename($_FILES["file_upload"]["name"]);
            if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file_upload"]["tmp_name"], $target_file)){ 
            echo "The file ". basename($_FILES["file_upload"]["name"]). " has been uploaded.";
                echo "sorry";

Get a json via Http Request in NodeJS

Just setting json option to true, the body will contain the parsed json:

  url: 'http://...',
  json: true
}, function(error, response, body) {

converting string to long in python

longcan only take string convertibles which can end in a base 10 numeral. So, the decimal is causing the harm. What you can do is, float the value before calling the long. If your program is on Python 2.x where int and long difference matters, and you are sure you are not using large integers, you could have just been fine with using int to provide the key as well.

So, the answer is long(float('234.89')) or it could just be int(float('234.89')) if you are not using large integers. Also note that this difference does not arise in Python 3, because int is upgraded to long by default. All integers are long in python3 and call to covert is just int

How can prepared statements protect from SQL injection attacks?

I read through the answers and still felt the need to stress the key point which illuminates the essence of Prepared Statements. Consider two ways to query one's database where user input is involved:

Naive Approach

One concatenates user input with some partial SQL string to generate a SQL statement. In this case the user can embed malicious SQL commands, which will then be sent to the database for execution.

String SQLString = "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE NAME='"+userInput+"'"

For example, malicious user input can lead to SQLString being equal to "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE NAME='James';DROP TABLE CUSTOMERS;'

Due to the malicious user, SQLString contains 2 statements, where the 2nd one ("DROP TABLE CUSTOMERS") will cause harm.

Prepared Statements

In this case, due to the separation of the query & data, the user input is never treated as a SQL statement, and thus is never executed. It is for this reason, that any malicious SQL code injected would cause no harm. So the "DROP TABLE CUSTOMERS" would never be executed in the case above.

In a nutshell, with prepared statements malicious code introduced via user input will not be executed!

Set initial value in datepicker with jquery?

This simple example works for me...


<input type="text" id="datepicker">


var $datepicker = $('#datepicker');
$datepicker.datepicker('setDate', new Date());

I was able to create this by simply looking @ the manual and reading the explanation of setDate:

.datepicker( "setDate" , date )
Sets the current date for the datepicker. The new date may be a Date object or a string in the current date format (e.g. '01/26/2009'), a number of days from today (e.g. +7) or a string of values and periods ('y' for years, 'm' for months, 'w' for weeks, 'd' for days, e.g. '+1m +7d'), or null to clear the selected date.

How to push a docker image to a private repository

First login your private repository.

> docker login [OPTIONS] [SERVER]

-u username 
-p password


> docker login localhost:8080

And then tag your image for your private repository



> docker tag myApp:v1 localhost:8080/myname/myApp:v1

Finally push your taged images to your private repository

>docker push [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG]


> docker push localhost:8080/myname/myApp:v1


How to detect the device orientation using CSS media queries?

I would go for aspect-ratio, it offers way more possibilities.

/* Exact aspect ratio */
@media (aspect-ratio: 2/1) {

/* Minimum aspect ratio */
@media (min-aspect-ratio: 16/9) {

/* Maximum aspect ratio */
@media (max-aspect-ratio: 8/5) {

Both, orientation and aspect-ratio depend on the actual size of the viewport and have nothing todo with the device orientation itself.

Read more:

How do I run msbuild from the command line using Windows SDK 7.1?

For Visual Studio 2019 (Preview, at least) it is now in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Preview\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe

I imagine the process will be similar for the official 2019 release.

Java ElasticSearch None of the configured nodes are available

If the above advices do not work for you, change the log level of your logging framework configuration (log4j, logback...) to INFO. Then re-check the output.

The logger may be hiding messages like:

INFO  org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClientNodesService - failed to get node info for...
Caused by: ElasticsearchSecurityException: missing authentication token for action...

(in the example above, there was X-Pack plugin in ElasticSearch which requires authentication)

HTML not loading CSS file

You have to add type="text/css" you can also specify href="./style.css" which the . specifies the current directory

Typedef function pointer?

  1. typedef is used to alias types; in this case you're aliasing FunctionFunc to void(*)().

  2. Indeed the syntax does look odd, have a look at this:

    typedef   void      (*FunctionFunc)  ( );
    //         ^                ^         ^
    //     return type      type name  arguments
  3. No, this simply tells the compiler that the FunctionFunc type will be a function pointer, it doesn't define one, like this:

    FunctionFunc x;
    void doSomething() { printf("Hello there\n"); }
    x = &doSomething;
    x(); //prints "Hello there"

HTML select drop-down with an input field

You can use input text with "list" attribute, which refers to the datalist of values.

<input type="text" name="city" list="cityname">_x000D_
    <datalist id="cityname">_x000D_
      <option value="Boston">_x000D_
      <option value="Cambridge">_x000D_

This creates a free text input field that also has a drop-down to select predefined choices. Attribution for example and more information:

Polynomial time and exponential time

Exponential (You have an exponential function if MINIMAL ONE EXPONENT is dependent on a parameter):

  • E.g. f(x) = constant ^ x

Polynomial (You have a polynomial function if NO EXPONENT is dependent on some function parameters):

  • E.g. f(x) = x ^ constant

What are all the different ways to create an object in Java?

Depends exactly what you mean by create but some other ones are:

  • Clone method
  • Deserialization
  • Reflection (Class.newInstance())
  • Reflection (Constructor object)

Add line break within tooltips

Just use the entity code &#xA; for a linebreak in a title attribute.

<a title="First Line &#xA;Second Line">Hover Me </a>

Moment.js - How to convert date string into date?

If you are getting a JS based date String then first use the new Date(String) constructor and then pass the Date object to the moment method. Like:

var dateString = 'Thu Jul 15 2016 19:31:44 GMT+0200 (CEST)';
var dateObj = new Date(dateString);
var momentObj = moment(dateObj);
var momentString = momentObj.format('YYYY-MM-DD'); // 2016-07-15

In case dateString is 15-07-2016, then you should use the moment(date:String, format:String) method

var dateString = '07-15-2016';
var momentObj = moment(dateString, 'MM-DD-YYYY');
var momentString = momentObj.format('YYYY-MM-DD'); // 2016-07-15

git returns http error 407 from proxy after CONNECT

Your password seems to be incorrect. Recheck your credentials.

How to create Gmail filter searching for text only at start of subject line?

The only option I have found to do this is find some exact wording and put that under the "Has the words" option. Its not the best option, but it works.

Populate a Drop down box from a mySQL table in PHP

You will need to make sure that if you're using a test environment like WAMP set your username as root. Here is an example which connects to a MySQL database, issues your query, and outputs <option> tags for a <select> box from each row in the table.


mysql_connect('hostname', 'username', 'password');

$result = mysql_query($sql);

echo "<select name='PcID'>";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    echo "<option value='" . $row['PcID'] . "'>" . $row['PcID'] . "</option>";
echo "</select>";


Add day(s) to a Date object

Note : Use it if calculating / adding days from current date.

Be aware: this answer has issues (see comments)

var myDate = new Date();
myDate.setDate(myDate.getDate() + AddDaysHere);

It should be like

var newDate = new Date(date.setTime( date.getTime() + days * 86400000 ));

How do I work with dynamic multi-dimensional arrays in C?

Here is working code that defines a subroutine make_3d_array to allocate a multidimensional 3D array with N1, N2 and N3 elements in each dimension, and then populates it with random numbers. You can use the notation A[i][j][k] to access its elements.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

// Method to allocate a 2D array of floats
float*** make_3d_array(int nx, int ny, int nz) {
    float*** arr;
    int i,j;

    arr = (float ***) malloc(nx*sizeof(float**));

    for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
        arr[i] = (float **) malloc(ny*sizeof(float*));

        for(j = 0; j < ny; j++) {
            arr[i][j] = (float *) malloc(nz * sizeof(float));

    return arr;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i, j, k;
    size_t N1=10,N2=20,N3=5;

    // allocates 3D array
    float ***ran = make_3d_array(N1, N2, N3);

    // initialize pseudo-random number generator

    // populates the array with random numbers
    for (i = 0; i < N1; i++){
        for (j=0; j<N2; j++) {
            for (k=0; k<N3; k++) {
                ran[i][j][k] = ((float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX));

    // prints values
    for (i=0; i<N1; i++) {
        for (j=0; j<N2; j++) {
            for (k=0; k<N3; k++) {
                printf("A[%d][%d][%d] = %f \n", i,j,k,ran[i][j][k]);


Jenkins: Can comments be added to a Jenkinsfile?

You can use block (/***/) or single line comment (//) for each line. You should use "#" in sh command.

Block comment

/*  _x000D_
post {_x000D_
    success {_x000D_
      mail to: "[email protected]", _x000D_
      subject:"SUCCESS: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}", _x000D_
      body: "Yay, we passed."_x000D_
    failure {_x000D_
      mail to: "[email protected]", _x000D_
      subject:"FAILURE: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}", _x000D_
      body: "Boo, we failed."_x000D_

Single Line

// post {_x000D_
//     success {_x000D_
//       mail to: "[email protected]", _x000D_
//       subject:"SUCCESS: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}", _x000D_
//       body: "Yay, we passed."_x000D_
//     }_x000D_
//     failure {_x000D_
//       mail to: "[email protected]", _x000D_
//       subject:"FAILURE: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}", _x000D_
//       body: "Boo, we failed."_x000D_
//     }_x000D_
// }

Comment in 'sh' command

        stage('Unit Test') {_x000D_
            steps {_x000D_
                  sh '''_x000D_
                  npm test_x000D_
                  # this is a comment in sh_x000D_

How to determine if a number is odd in JavaScript

When you need to test if some variable is odd, you should first test if it is integer. Also, notice that when you calculate remainder on negative number, the result will be negative (-3 % 2 === -1).

function isOdd(value) {
  return typeof value === "number" && // value should be a number
    isFinite(value) &&                // value should be finite
    Math.floor(value) === value &&    // value should be integer
    value % 2 !== 0;                  // value should not be even

If Number.isInteger is available, you may also simplify this code to:

function isOdd(value) {
  return Number.isInteger(value)      // value should be integer
    value % 2 !== 0;                  // value should not be even

Note: here, we test value % 2 !== 0 instead of value % 2 === 1 is because of -3 % 2 === -1. If you don't want -1 pass this test, you may need to change this line.

Here are some test cases:

isOdd();         // false
isOdd("string"); // false
isOdd(Infinity); // false
isOdd(NaN);      // false
isOdd(0);        // false
isOdd(1.1);      // false
isOdd("1");      // false
isOdd(1);        // true
isOdd(-1);       // true

How to send an HTTPS GET Request in C#

Add ?var1=data1&var2=data2 to the end of url to submit values to the page via GET:

using System.Net;
using System.IO;

string url = "";

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
Stream resStream = response.GetResponseStream();

SQL Server loop - how do I loop through a set of records

You could choose to rank your data and add a ROW_NUMBER and count down to zero while iterate your dataset.

-- Get your dataset and rank your dataset by adding a new row_number

--Find the highest number to start with

-- Loop true your data until you hit 0



    -- SET your counter to -1
    SET @COUNTER = @ROW -1


Qt jpg image display

You could attach the image (as a pixmap) to a label then add that to your layout...


QPixmap image("blah.jpg");

QLabel *imageLabel = new QLabel();



Apologies, this is using Jambi (Qt for Java) so the syntax is different, but the theory is the same.

sql query to get earliest date

While using TOP or a sub-query both work, I would break the problem into steps:

Find target record

SELECT MIN( date ) AS date, id
FROM myTable
WHERE id = 2

Join to get other fields

SELECT,, mt.score,
FROM myTable mt
   SELECT MIN( date ) AS date, id
   FROM myTable
   WHERE id = 2
   GROUP BY id
) x ON = AND =

While this solution, using derived tables, is longer, it is:

  • Easier to test
  • Self documenting
  • Extendable

It is easier to test as parts of the query can be run standalone.

It is self documenting as the query directly reflects the requirement ie the derived table lists the row where id = 2 with the earliest date.

It is extendable as if another condition is required, this can be easily added to the derived table.

How to bind RadioButtons to an enum?

You can further simplify the accepted answer. Instead of typing out the enums as strings in xaml and doing more work in your converter than needed, you can explicitly pass in the enum value instead of a string representation, and as CrimsonX commented, errors get thrown at compile time rather than runtime:

ConverterParameter={x:Static local:YourEnumType.Enum1}

        <local:ComparisonConverter x:Key="ComparisonConverter" />          
    <RadioButton IsChecked="{Binding Path=YourEnumProperty, Converter={StaticResource ComparisonConverter}, ConverterParameter={x:Static local:YourEnumType.Enum1}}" />
    <RadioButton IsChecked="{Binding Path=YourEnumProperty, Converter={StaticResource ComparisonConverter}, ConverterParameter={x:Static local:YourEnumType.Enum2}}" />

Then simplify the converter:

public class ComparisonConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        return value?.Equals(parameter);

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        return value?.Equals(true) == true ? parameter : Binding.DoNothing;

Edit (Dec 16 '10):

Thanks to anon for suggesting returning Binding.DoNothing rather than DependencyProperty.UnsetValue.

Note - Multiple groups of RadioButtons in same container (Feb 17 '11):

In xaml, if radio buttons share the same parent container, then selecting one will de-select all other's within that container (even if they are bound to a different property). So try to keep your RadioButton's that are bound to a common property grouped together in their own container like a stack panel. In cases where your related RadioButtons cannot share a single parent container, then set the GroupName property of each RadioButton to a common value to logically group them.

Edit (Apr 5 '11):

Simplified ConvertBack's if-else to use a Ternary Operator.

Note - Enum type nested in a class (Apr 28 '11):

If your enum type is nested in a class (rather than directly in the namespace), you might be able to use the '+' syntax to access the enum in XAML as stated in a (not marked) answer to the question Unable to find enum type for static reference in WPF:

ConverterParameter={x:Static local:YourClass+YourNestedEnumType.Enum1}

Due to this Microsoft Connect Issue, however, the designer in VS2010 will no longer load stating "Type 'local:YourClass+YourNestedEnumType' was not found.", but the project does compile and run successfully. Of course, you can avoid this issue if you are able to move your enum type to the namespace directly.

Edit (Jan 27 '12):

If using Enum flags, the converter would be as follows:

public class EnumToBooleanConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        return ((Enum)value).HasFlag((Enum)parameter);

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        return value.Equals(true) ? parameter : Binding.DoNothing;

Edit (May 7 '15):

In case of a Nullable Enum (that is not asked in the question, but can be needed in some cases, e.g. ORM returning null from DB or whenever it might make sense that in the program logic the value is not provided), remember to add an initial null check in the Convert Method and return the appropriate bool value, that is typically false (if you don't want any radio button selected), like below:

    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        if (value == null) {
            return false; // or return parameter.Equals(YourEnumType.SomeDefaultValue);
        return value.Equals(parameter);

Note - NullReferenceException (Oct 10 '18):

Updated the example to remove the possibility of throwing a NullReferenceException. IsChecked is a nullable type so returning Nullable<Boolean> seems a reasonable solution.

How to set a default Value of a UIPickerView

You have to send - (void)selectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component animated:(BOOL)animated to the picker view before it appears. The documentation states that the method selectedRowInComp... will give -1, thus it is possible that the picker view is in a state with no selected row. It turns out to be in that state when created.

Simplest code for array intersection in javascript

This is probably the simplest one, besides list1.filter(n => list2.includes(n))

var list1 = ['bread', 'ice cream', 'cereals', 'strawberry', 'chocolate']_x000D_
var list2 = ['bread', 'cherry', 'ice cream', 'oats']_x000D_
function check_common(list1, list2){_x000D_
 list3 = []_x000D_
 for (let i=0; i<list1.length; i++){_x000D_
  for (let j=0; j<list2.length; j++){ _x000D_
   if (list1[i] === list2[j]){_x000D_
    list3.push(list1[i]);    _x000D_
   }  _x000D_
 return list3_x000D_
check_common(list1, list2) // ["bread", "ice cream"]

SQL Query Where Field DOES NOT Contain $x

What kind of field is this? The IN operator cannot be used with a single field, but is meant to be used in subqueries or with predefined lists:

-- subquery
-- predefined list
SELECT a FROM x WHERE x.b NOT IN (1, 2, 3, 6);

If you are searching a string, go for the LIKE operator (but this will be slow):

-- Finds all rows where a does not contain "text"
SELECT * FROM x WHERE x.a NOT LIKE '%text%';

If you restrict it so that the string you are searching for has to start with the given string, it can use indices (if there is an index on that field) and be reasonably fast:

-- Finds all rows where a does not start with "text"

How to get the total number of rows of a GROUP BY query?

Keep in mind that a PDOStatement is Traversable. Given a query:

$query = $dbh->query('

It can be iterated over:

$it = new IteratorIterator($query);
echo '<p>', iterator_count($it), ' items</p>';

// Have to run the query again unfortunately
foreach ($query as $row) {
    echo '<p>', $row['title'], '</p>';

Or you can do something like this:

$it = new IteratorIterator($query);

if ($it->valid()) {
    do {
        $row = $it->current();
        echo '<p>', $row['title'], '</p>';
    } while ($it->valid());
} else {
    echo '<p>No results</p>';

How can I reorder a list?

Is the final order defined by a list of indices ?

>>> items = [1, None, "chicken", int]
>>> order = [3, 0, 1, 2]

>>> ordered_list = [items[i] for i in order]
>>> ordered_list
[<type 'int'>, 1, None, 'chicken']

edit: meh. AJ was faster... How can I reorder a list in python?

Send message to specific client with and node.js

Whatever version we are using if we just console.log() the "io" object that we use in our server side nodejs code, [e.g. io.on('connection', function(socket) {...});], we can see that "io" is just an json object and there are many child objects where the socket id and socket objects are stored.

I am using version 1.3.5, btw.

If we look in the io object, it contains,

  { name: '/',
    server: [Circular],
    sockets: [ [Object], [Object] ],
     { B5AC9w0sYmOGWe4fAAAA: [Object],
       'hWzf97fmU-TIwwzWAAAB': [Object] },

here we can see the socketids "B5AC9w0sYmOGWe4fAAAA" etc. So, we can do,


Again, on further inspection we can see segments like,

  { clients:
     { B5AC9w0sYmOGWe4fAAAA: [Object],
       'hWzf97fmU-TIwwzWAAAB': [Object] },

So, we can retrieve a socket from here by doing


Also, under engine we have,

 { clients:
    { B5AC9w0sYmOGWe4fAAAA: [Object],
      'hWzf97fmU-TIwwzWAAAB': [Object] },

So, we can also write,


So, I guess we can achieve our goal in any of the 3 ways I listed above,

  1. io.sockets.connected[socketid].emit(); OR
  2. io.eio.clients[socketid].emit(); OR
  3. io.engine.clients[socketid].emit();

Remove last 3 characters of string or number in javascript

Remove last 3 characters of a string

var str = '1437203995000';
str = str.substring(0, str.length-3);
// '1437203995'

Remove last 3 digits of a number

var a = 1437203995000;
a = (a-(a%1000))/1000;
// a = 1437203995

SQL Server : trigger how to read value for Insert, Update, Delete

Here is the syntax to create a trigger:

CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name
ON { table | view }
    { { FOR | AFTER | INSTEAD OF } { [ INSERT ] [ , ] [ UPDATE ] [ , ] [ DELETE ] }
        [ WITH APPEND ]
        [ { IF UPDATE ( column )
            [ { AND | OR } UPDATE ( column ) ]
                [ ...n ]
        | IF ( COLUMNS_UPDATED ( ) { bitwise_operator } updated_bitmask )
                { comparison_operator } column_bitmask [ ...n ]
        } ]
        sql_statement [ ...n ]

If you want to use On Update you only can do it with the IF UPDATE ( column ) section. That's not possible to do what you are asking.

Creating Duplicate Table From Existing Table

Use this query to create the new table with the values from existing table

CREATE TABLE New_Table_name AS SELECT * FROM Existing_table_Name; 

Now you can get all the values from existing table into newly created table.

Print all day-dates between two dates

import datetime

d1 =,8,15)
d2 =,9,15)
diff = d2 - d1
for i in range(diff.days + 1):
    print (d1 + datetime.timedelta(i)).isoformat()

Is there a way to change the spacing between legend items in ggplot2?

A simple fix that I use to add space in horizontal legends, simply add spaces in the labels (see extract below):

                    labels=c("Label of category 1          ",
                             "Label of category 2          ",
                             "Label of category 3"))

Scrolling a flexbox with overflowing content

.list-wrap {
  width: 355px;
  height: 100%;
  position: relative;

  .list {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    overflow-y: auto;
    width: 100%;

What is the meaning of {...this.props} in Reactjs

You will use props in your child component

for example

if your now component props is

   booking: 4,
   isDisable: false

you can use this props in your child compoenet

 <div {...this.props}> ... </div>

in you child component, you will receive all your parent props.

facebook: permanent Page Access Token?

Many of these examples do not work, not sure if it's because of 2.9v coming out but I was banging my head. Anyways I took @dw1 version and modified it a little with the help of @KFunk video and got this working for me for 2.9. Hope this helps.

/*-- Permanent access token generator for Facebook Graph API version 2.9 --*/
//Instructions: Fill Input Area below and then run this php file
/*-- INPUT AREA END --*/
echo 'Permanent access token is: <input type="text" value="'.generate_token($args).'"></input>';
function generate_token($args){
    $r = json_decode(file_get_contents("{$args['appid']}&client_secret={$args['appsecret']}&fb_exchange_token={$args['usertoken']}")); // get long-lived token
    $r=json_decode(file_get_contents("{$args['pageid']}?fields=access_token&access_token={$longtoken}")); // get user id
    return $finaltoken;

VB.NET Connection string (Web.Config, App.Config)

I don't know if this still is an issue, but i prefere just to use the My.Settings in my code.

Visual Studio generates a simple class with functions for reading settings from the app.config file.

You can simply access it using My.Settings.ConnectionString.

    Using Context As New Data.Context.DataClasses()
        Context.Connection.ConnectionString = My.Settings.ConnectionString
    End Using

Using VBA code, how to export Excel worksheets as image in Excel 2003?

This gives me the most reliable results:

Sub RangeToPicture()
  Dim FileName As String: FileName = "C:\file.bmp"
  Dim rPrt As Range: Set rPrt = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:C6")

  Dim chtObj As ChartObject
  rPrt.CopyPicture xlScreen, xlBitmap
  Set chtObj = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(1, 1, rPrt.Width, rPrt.Height)
  ActiveChart.Export FileName
End Sub

How to check if running as root in a bash script

There is a simple check for a user being root.

The [[ stuff ]] syntax is the standard way of running a check in bash.

error() {
  printf '\E[31m'; echo "$@"; printf '\E[0m'

if [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]]; then
    error "Do not run this as the root user"
    exit 1

This also assumes that you want to exit with a 1 if you fail. The error function is some flair that sets output text to red (not needed, but pretty classy if you ask me).

How do I perform a Perl substitution on a string while keeping the original?

If you write Perl with use strict;, then you'll find that the one line syntax isn't valid, even when declared.


my ($newstring = $oldstring) =~ s/foo/bar/;

You get:

Can't declare scalar assignment in "my" at line 7, near ") =~"
Execution of aborted due to compilation errors.

Instead, the syntax that you have been using, while a line longer, is the syntactically correct way to do it with use strict;. For me, using use strict; is just a habit now. I do it automatically. Everyone should.

#!/usr/bin/env perl -wT

use strict;

my $oldstring = "foo one foo two foo three";
my $newstring = $oldstring;
$newstring =~ s/foo/bar/g;

print "$oldstring","\n";
print "$newstring","\n";

How can I remove leading and trailing quotes in SQL Server?

To remove both quotes you could do this

SUBSTRING(fieldName, 2, lEN(fieldName) - 2)

you can either assign or project the resulting value

When would you use the Builder Pattern?

Building on the previous answers (pun intended), an excellent real-world example is Groovy's built in support for Builders.

See Builders in the Groovy Documentation

In Mongoose, how do I sort by date? (node.js)

Post.find().sort({date:-1}, function(err, posts){

Should work as well


You can also try using this if you get the error sort() only takes 1 Argument :

Post.find({}, {
    '_id': 0,    // select keys to return here
}, {sort: '-date'}, function(err, posts) {
    // use it here

What does yield mean in PHP?

None of the answers above show a concrete example using massive arrays populated by non-numeric members. Here is an example using an array generated by explode() on a large .txt file (262MB in my use case):



echo "Starting memory usage: " . memory_get_usage() . "<br>";

$path = './file.txt';
$content = file_get_contents($path);

foreach(explode("\n", $content) as $ex) {
    $ex = trim($ex);

echo "Final memory usage: " . memory_get_usage();

The output was:

Starting memory usage: 415160
Final memory usage: 270948256

Now compare that to a similar script, using the yield keyword:



echo "Starting memory usage: " . memory_get_usage() . "<br>";

function x() {
    $path = './file.txt';
    $content = file_get_contents($path);
    foreach(explode("\n", $content) as $x) {
        yield $x;

foreach(x() as $ex) {
    $ex = trim($ex);

echo "Final memory usage: " . memory_get_usage();

The output for this script was:

Starting memory usage: 415152
Final memory usage: 415616

Clearly memory usage savings were considerable (?MemoryUsage -----> ~270.5 MB in first example, ~450B in second example).

Insert/Update Many to Many Entity Framework . How do I do it?

In entity framework, when object is added to context, its state changes to Added. EF also changes state of each object to added in object tree and hence you are either getting primary key violation error or duplicate records are added in table.

Compiling a C++ program with gcc

If I recall correctly, gcc determines the filetype from the suffix. So, make it and it should work.

And, to answer your other question, that is the difference between "gcc" and "g++". gcc is a frontend that chooses the correct compiler.

OpenSSL and error in reading openssl.conf file

Just try to run openssl.exe as administrator.

With block equivalent in C#?

What I do is use a csharp ref keyword. For example:

ref MySubClassType e = ref MyMainClass.MySubClass;

you can then use the shortcut like: instead of

Regular expression for first and last name

You make false assumptions on the format of first and last name. It is probably better not to validate the name at all, apart from checking that it is empty.

mysqldump & gzip commands to properly create a compressed file of a MySQL database using crontab

if you need to add a date-time to your backup file name (Centos7) use the following:

/usr/bin/mysqldump -u USER -pPASSWD DBNAME | gzip > ~/backups/db.$(date +%F.%H%M%S).sql.gz

this will create the file: db.2017-11-17.231537.sql.gz

What are allowed characters in cookies?

that's simple:

A <cookie-name> can be any US-ASCII characters except control characters (CTLs), spaces, or tabs. It also must not contain a separator character like the following: ( ) < > @ , ; : \ " / [ ] ? = { }.

A <cookie-value> can optionally be set in double quotes and any US-ASCII characters excluding CTLs, whitespace, double quotes, comma, semicolon, and backslash are allowed. Encoding: Many implementations perform URL encoding on cookie values, however it is not required per the RFC specification. It does help satisfying the requirements about which characters are allowed for though.


How can I access global variable inside class in Python

You need to move the global declaration inside your function:

class TestClass():
    def run(self):
        global g_c
        for i in range(10):
            g_c = 1

The statement tells the Python compiler that any assignments (and other binding actions) to that name are to alter the value in the global namespace; the default is to put any name that is being assigned to anywhere in a function, in the local namespace. The statement only applies to the current scope.

Since you are never assigning to g_c in the class body, putting the statement there has no effect. The global statement only ever applies to the scope it is used in, never to any nested scopes. See the global statement documentation, which opens with:

The global statement is a declaration which holds for the entire current code block.

Nested functions and classes are not part of the current code block.

I'll insert the obligatory warning against using globals to share changing state here: don't do it, this makes it harder to reason about the state of your code, harder to test, harder to refactor, etc. If you must share a changing singleton state (one value in the whole program) then at least use a class attribute:

class TestClass():
    g_c = 0

    def run(self):
        for i in range(10):
            TestClass.g_c = 1
            print(TestClass.g_c)  # or print(self.g_c)

t = TestClass()


Note how we can still access the same value from the outside, namespaced to the TestClass namespace.

addClass - can add multiple classes on same div?

You code is ok only except that you can't add same class test1.

$('.page-address-edit').addClass('test1').addClass('test2'); //this will add test1 and test2

And you could also do

$('.page-address-edit').addClass('test1 test2');

How to specify HTTP error code?

I'd like to centralize the creation of the error response in this way:

app.get('/test', function(req, res){
  throw {status: 500, message: 'detailed message'};

app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
  res.status(err.status || 500).json({status: err.status, message: err.message})

So I have always the same error output format.

PS: of course you could create an object to extend the standard error like this:

const AppError = require('./lib/app-error');
app.get('/test', function(req, res){
  throw new AppError('Detail Message', 500)

'use strict';

module.exports = function AppError(message, httpStatus) {
  Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); =;
  this.message = message;
  this.status = httpStatus;

require('util').inherits(module.exports, Error);

React Checkbox not sending onChange

To get the checked state of your checkbox the path would be:


The alternative is to get it from the event passed into the handleChange method:

Why does this CSS margin-top style not work?

You're actually seeing the top margin of the #inner element collapse into the top edge of the #outer element, leaving only the #outer margin intact (albeit not shown in your images). The top edges of both boxes are flush against each other because their margins are equal.

Here are the relevant points from the W3C spec:

8.3.1 Collapsing margins

In CSS, the adjoining margins of two or more boxes (which might or might not be siblings) can combine to form a single margin. Margins that combine this way are said to collapse, and the resulting combined margin is called a collapsed margin.

Adjoining vertical margins collapse [...]

Two margins are adjoining if and only if:

  • both belong to in-flow block-level boxes that participate in the same block formatting context
  • no line boxes, no clearance, no padding and no border separate them
  • both belong to vertically-adjacent box edges, i.e. form one of the following pairs:
    • top margin of a box and top margin of its first in-flow child

You can do any of the following to prevent the margin from collapsing:

The reason the above options prevent the margin from collapsing is because:

  • Margins between a floated box and any other box do not collapse (not even between a float and its in-flow children).
  • Margins of elements that establish new block formatting contexts (such as floats and elements with 'overflow' other than 'visible') do not collapse with their in-flow children.
  • Margins of inline-block boxes do not collapse (not even with their in-flow children).

The left and right margins behave as you expect because:

Horizontal margins never collapse.

Laravel Advanced Wheres how to pass variable into function?

You can pass the necessary variables from the parent scope into the closure with the use keyword.

For example:

DB::table('users')->where(function ($query) use ($activated) {
    $query->where('activated', '=', $activated);

More on that here.

EDIT (2019 update):

PHP 7.4 (will be released at November 28, 2019) introduces a shorter variation of the anonymous functions called arrow functions which makes this a bit less verbose.

An example using PHP 7.4 which is functionally nearly equivalent (see the 3rd bullet point below):

DB::table('users')->where(fn($query) => $query->where('activated', '=', $activated))->get();

Differences compared to the regular syntax:

  • fn keyword instead of function.
  • No need to explicitly list all variables which should be captured from the parent scope - this is now done automatically by-value. See the lack of use keyword in the latter example.
  • Arrow functions always return a value. This also means that it's impossible to use void return type when declaring them.
  • The return keyword must be omitted.
  • Arrow functions must have a single expression which is the return statement. Multi-line functions aren't supported at the moment. You can still chain methods though.

How to install a Python module via its in Windows? is designed to be run from the command line. You'll need to open your command prompt (In Windows 7, hold down shift while right-clicking in the directory with the file. You should be able to select "Open Command Window Here").

From the command line, you can type

python --help get a list of commands. What you are looking to do is...

python install

Is there a constraint that restricts my generic method to numeric types?

This question is a bit of a FAQ one, so I'm posting this as wiki (since I've posted similar before, but this is an older one); anyway...

What version of .NET are you using? If you are using .NET 3.5, then I have a generic operators implementation in MiscUtil (free etc).

This has methods like T Add<T>(T x, T y), and other variants for arithmetic on different types (like DateTime + TimeSpan).

Additionally, this works for all the inbuilt, lifted and bespoke operators, and caches the delegate for performance.

Some additional background on why this is tricky is here.

You may also want to know that dynamic (4.0) sort-of solves this issue indirectly too - i.e.

dynamic x = ..., y = ...
dynamic result = x + y; // does what you expect

How to execute an oracle stored procedure?

Oracle 10g Express Edition ships with Oracle Application Express (Apex) built-in. You're running this in its SQL Commands window, which doesn't support SQL*Plus syntax.

That doesn't matter, because (as you have discovered) the BEGIN...END syntax does work in Apex.

Why use HttpClient for Synchronous Connection

but what i am doing is purely synchronous

You could use HttpClient for synchronous requests just fine:

using (var client = new HttpClient())
    var response = client.GetAsync("").Result;

    if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
        var responseContent = response.Content; 

        // by calling .Result you are synchronously reading the result
        string responseString = responseContent.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;


As far as why you should use HttpClient over WebRequest is concerned, well, HttpClient is the new kid on the block and could contain improvements over the old client.

Identify if a string is a number

Try the reges below

new Regex(@"^\d{4}").IsMatch("6")    // false
new Regex(@"^\d{4}").IsMatch("68ab") // false
new Regex(@"^\d{4}").IsMatch("1111abcdefg")
new Regex(@"^\d+").IsMatch("6") // true (any length but at least one digit)

Run certain code every n seconds

def update():
    import time
    while True:
        print 'Hello World!'

That'll run as a function. The while True: makes it run forever. You can always take it out of the function if you need.

How to encode Doctrine entities to JSON in Symfony 2.0 AJAX application?

To complete the answer: Symfony2 comes with a wrapper around json_encode: Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/JsonResponse

Typical usage in your Controllers:

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
public function acmeAction() {
return new JsonResponse($array);

Writing .csv files from C++

Here is a STL-like class

File "csvfile.h"

#pragma once

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

class csvfile;

inline static csvfile& endrow(csvfile& file);
inline static csvfile& flush(csvfile& file);

class csvfile
    std::ofstream fs_;
    const std::string separator_;
    csvfile(const std::string filename, const std::string separator = ";")
        : fs_()
        , separator_(separator)
        fs_.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);;


    void flush()

    void endrow()
        fs_ << std::endl;

    csvfile& operator << ( csvfile& (* val)(csvfile&))
        return val(*this);

    csvfile& operator << (const char * val)
        fs_ << '"' << val << '"' << separator_;
        return *this;

    csvfile& operator << (const std::string & val)
        fs_ << '"' << val << '"' << separator_;
        return *this;

    template<typename T>
    csvfile& operator << (const T& val)
        fs_ << val << separator_;
        return *this;

inline static csvfile& endrow(csvfile& file)
    return file;

inline static csvfile& flush(csvfile& file)
    return file;

File "main.cpp"

#include "csvfile.h"

int main()
        csvfile csv("MyTable.csv"); // throws exceptions!
        // Header
        csv << "X" << "VALUE"        << endrow;
        // Data
        csv <<  1  << "String value" << endrow;
        csv <<  2  << 123            << endrow;
        csv <<  3  << 1.f            << endrow;
        csv <<  4  << 1.2            << endrow;
    catch (const std::exception& ex)
        std::cout << "Exception was thrown: " << e.what() << std::endl;
    return 0;

Latest version here

How to get the current directory in a C program?

#include <stdio.h>  /* defines FILENAME_MAX */
//#define WINDOWS  /* uncomment this line to use it for windows.*/
#ifdef WINDOWS
#include <direct.h>
#define GetCurrentDir _getcwd
#include <unistd.h>
#define GetCurrentDir getcwd

int main(){
  char buff[FILENAME_MAX];
  GetCurrentDir( buff, FILENAME_MAX );
  printf("Current working dir: %s\n", buff);
  return 1;

How to stop/terminate a python script from running?

you can also use the Activity Monitor to stop the py process

Ant error when trying to build file, can't find tools.jar?

You need JDK for that.

Set JAVA_HOME to point to the JDK.

Connecting to SQL Server Express - What is my server name?

If sql server is installed on your machine, you should check

Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server 20XX -> Configuration Tools -> SQL Server Configuration Manager -> SQL Server Services You'll see "SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)"

Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server 20XX -> Configuration Tools -> SQL Server Configuration Manager -> SQL Server Network Configuration -> Protocols for MSSQLSERVER -> TCP/IP Make sure it's using port number 1433

If you want to see if the port is open and listening try this from your command prompt... telnet 1433

And yes, SQL Express installs use localhost\SQLEXPRESS as the instance name by default.