Programs & Examples On #Acronym

Acronyms are a series of letters that form a word based on another word or phrase.

What does MVW stand for?

MVW stands for Model-View-Whatever.

For completeness, here are all the acronyms mentioned:

MVC - Model-View-Controller

MVP - Model-View-Presenter

MVVM - Model-View-ViewModel

MVW / MV* / MVx - Model-View-Whatever

And some more:

HMVC - Hierarchical Model-View-Controller

MMV - Multiuse Model View

MVA - Model-View-Adapter

MVI - Model-View-Intent

How do I set a program to launch at startup

It`s a so easy solution:

To Add

Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true);
key.SetValue("Your Application Name", Application.ExecutablePath);

To Remove

Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true);
key.DeleteValue("Your Application Name", false);

How should I deal with "package 'xxx' is not available (for R version x.y.z)" warning?

In the latest R (3.2.3) there is a bug, preventing it some times from finding correct package. The workaround is to set repository manually:

install.packages("lubridate", dependencies=TRUE, repos='')

Found solution in other question

Twitter Bootstrap scrollable table rows and fixed header

Here is a jQuery plugin that does exactly that:


$('selector').fixedHeaderTable({ fixedColumn: 1 });

Set the fixedColumn option if you want any number of columns to be also fixed for horizontal scrolling.

EDIT: This example is much better in my opinion, although with DataTables you'll need to get a better understanding of how it works in general.

EDIT2: For Bootstrap to work with DataTables you need to follow the instructions here: (I have tested this and it works)- For Bootstrap 3 there's a discussion here: - (I haven't tested this)

How to query first 10 rows and next time query other 10 rows from table

SET @rownum = 0; 
SELECT sub.*, sub.rank as Rank
   SELECT *,  (@rownum := @rownum + 1) as rank
   FROM msgtable 
   WHERE cdate = '18/07/2012'
) sub
WHERE rank BETWEEN ((@PageNum - 1) * @PageSize + 1)
  AND (@PageNum * @PageSize)

Every time you pass the parameters @PageNum and the @PageSize to get the specific page you want. For exmple the first 10 rows would be @PageNum = 1 and @PageSize = 10

Excel VBA App stops spontaneously with message "Code execution has been halted"

If it's a phantom breakpoint:

1 Delete the offending line of code

2 Run the code again

3 Repaste the line

I found this laughably simple solution after spending a couple days wading through all the answers here and elsewhere. I figured, if I link it to my original question it might help some other poor chap, since the question it's on is VBA break execution when there's no break key on keyboard and this is more applicable.

Link to original answer

Hide div if screen is smaller than a certain width

I have the almost the same situation as yours; that if the screen width is less than the my specified width it should hide the div. This is the jquery code I used that worked for me.

$(window).resize(function() {

  if ($(this).width() < 1024) {


  } else {




Sum across multiple columns with dplyr

Using reduce() from purrr is slightly faster than rowSums and definately faster than apply, since you avoid iterating over all the rows and just take advantage of the vectorized operations:

iris %>% mutate(Petal = reduce(select(., starts_with("Petal")), `+`))

See this for timings

How to prevent Screen Capture in Android

I saw all of the answers which are appropriate only for a single activity but there is my solution which will block screenshot for all of the activities without adding any code to the activity. First of all make an Custom Application class and add a registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks.Then register it in your manifest.


public class MyApplicationContext extends Application {
    private  Context context;
    public void onCreate() {
        context = getApplicationContext();

    private void setupActivityListener() {
        registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new ActivityLifecycleCallbacks() {
            public void onActivityCreated(Activity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
                activity.getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE);            }
            public void onActivityStarted(Activity activity) {
            public void onActivityResumed(Activity activity) {

            public void onActivityPaused(Activity activity) {

            public void onActivityStopped(Activity activity) {
            public void onActivitySaveInstanceState(Activity activity, Bundle outState) {
            public void onActivityDestroyed(Activity activity) {




JavaScript split String with white space

You can just split on the word boundary using \b. See MDN

"\b: Matches a zero-width word boundary, such as between a letter and a space."

You should also make sure it is followed by whitespace \s. so that strings like "My car isn't red" still work:

var stringArray = str.split(/\b(\s)/);

The initial \b is required to take multiple spaces into account, e.g. my car is red

EDIT: Added grouping

Convert Xml to DataTable

Maybe this could be a little older article. but must of the above answers don´t help me as I need. Then I wrote a little snippet for that.

This accepts any XML that hast at least 3 levels (Like this sample):

        <XmlField1>Data 1</XmlField1>  
        <XmlField2>Data 2</XmlField2>  
        <XmlField3>Data 3</XmlField3>  

public static class XmlParser
    /// <summary>
    /// Converts XML string to DataTable
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Name">DataTable name</param>
    /// <param name="XMLString">XML string</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static DataTable BuildDataTableFromXml(string Name, string XMLString)
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
        doc.Load(new StringReader(XMLString));
        DataTable Dt = new DataTable(Name);

            XmlNode NodoEstructura = doc.FirstChild.FirstChild;
            //  Table structure (columns definition) 
            foreach (XmlNode columna in NodoEstructura.ChildNodes)
                Dt.Columns.Add(columna.Name, typeof(String));

            XmlNode Filas = doc.FirstChild;
            //  Data Rows 
            foreach (XmlNode Fila in Filas.ChildNodes)
                List<string> Valores = new List<string>();
                foreach (XmlNode Columna in Fila.ChildNodes)
        } catch(Exception)


        return Dt;

This solve my problem

How to get text of an input text box during onKeyPress?

I normally concatenate the field's value (i.e. before it's updated) with the key associated with the key event. The following uses recent JS so would need adjusting for support in older IE's.

Recent JS example

document.querySelector('#test').addEventListener('keypress', function(evt) {
    var real_val = this.value + String.fromCharCode(evt.which);
    if (evt.which == 8) real_val = real_val.substr(0, real_val.length - 2);
}, false);

Support for older IEs example

//get field
var field = document.getElementById('test');

//bind, somehow
if (window.addEventListener)
    field.addEventListener('keypress', keypress_cb, false);
    field.attachEvent('onkeypress', keypress_cb);

function keypress_cb(evt) {
    evt = evt || window.event;
    var code = evt.which || evt.keyCode,
        real_val = this.value + String.fromCharCode(code);
    if (code == 8) real_val = real_val.substr(0, real_val.length - 2);

[EDIT - this approach, by default, disables key presses for things like back space, CTRL+A. The code above accommodates for the former, but would need further tinkering to allow for the latter, and a few other eventualities. See Ian Boyd's comment below.]

How to use std::sort to sort an array in C++

C++ sorting using sort function

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
 using namespace std;

vector <int> v[100];

int main()
  sort(v.begin(), v.end());

What is the proper way to check if a string is empty in Perl?

The very concept of a "proper" way to do anything, apart from using CPAN, is non existent in Perl.

Anyways those are numeric operators, you should use

if($foo eq "")


if(length($foo) == 0)

Print content of JavaScript object?

Use dir(object). Or you can always download Firebug for Firefox (really helpful).

How do you run a script on login in *nix?

Place it in your bash profile:


80-characters / right margin line in Sublime Text 3

Yes, it is possible both in Sublime Text 2 and 3 (which you should really upgrade to if you haven't already). Select View ? Ruler ? 80 (there are several other options there as well). If you like to actually wrap your text at 80 columns, select View ? Word Wrap Column ? 80. Make sure that View ? Word Wrap is selected.

To make your selections permanent (the default for all opened files or views), open Preferences ? Settings—User and use any of the following rules:

    // set vertical rulers in specified columns.
    // Use "rulers": [80] for just one ruler
    // default value is []
    "rulers": [80, 100, 120],

    // turn on word wrap for source and text
    // default value is "auto", which means off for source and on for text
    "word_wrap": true,

    // set word wrapping at this column
    // default value is 0, meaning wrapping occurs at window width
    "wrap_width": 80

These settings can also be used in a .sublime-project file to set defaults on a per-project basis, or in a syntax-specific .sublime-settings file if you only want them to apply to files written in a certain language (Python.sublime-settings vs. JavaScript.sublime-settings, for example). Access these settings files by opening a file with the desired syntax, then selecting Preferences ? Settings—More ? Syntax Specific—User.

As always, if you have multiple entries in your settings file, separate them with commas , except for after the last one. The entire content should be enclosed in curly braces { }. Basically, make sure it's valid JSON.

If you'd like a key combo to automatically set the ruler at 80 for a particular view/file, or you are interested in learning how to set the value without using the mouse, please see my answer here.

Finally, as mentioned in another answer, you really should be using a monospace font in order for your code to line up correctly. Other types of fonts have variable-width letters, which means one 80-character line may not appear to be the same length as another 80-character line with different content, and your indentations will look all messed up. Sublime has monospace fonts set by default, but you can of course choose any one you want. Personally, I really like Liberation Mono. It has glyphs to support many different languages and Unicode characters, looks good at a variety of different sizes, and (most importantly for a programming font) clearly differentiates between 0 and O (digit zero and capital letter oh) and 1 and l (digit one and lowercase letter ell), which not all monospace fonts do, unfortunately. Version 2.0 and later of the font are licensed under the open-source SIL Open Font License 1.1 (here is the FAQ).

.ssh directory not being created

As a slight improvement over the other answers, you can do the mkdir and chmod as a single operation using mkdir's -m switch.

$ mkdir -m 700 ${HOME}/.ssh


From a Linux system

$ mkdir --help
Usage: mkdir [OPTION]... DIRECTORY...
Create the DIRECTORY(ies), if they do not already exist.

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
  -m, --mode=MODE   set file mode (as in chmod), not a=rwx - umask

AssertContains on strings in jUnit

Use the new assertThat syntax together with Hamcrest.

It is available starting with JUnit 4.4.

VarBinary vs Image SQL Server Data Type to Store Binary Data?

varbinary(max) is the way to go (introduced in SQL Server 2005)

How to change button text in Swift Xcode 6?

In Xcode 8 - Swift 3:

button.setTitle( "entertext" , for: .normal )

AJAX jQuery refresh div every 5 seconds

Try to not use setInterval.
You can resend request to server after successful response with timeout.

sendRequest(); //call function

function sendRequest(){
        url: "test.php",
            $('#links').text(result); //insert text of test.php into your div
                sendRequest(); //this will send request again and again;
            }, 5000);

Formatting numbers (decimal places, thousands separators, etc) with CSS

Unfortunately, it's not possible with CSS currently, but you can use Number.prototype.toLocaleString(). It can also format for other number formats, e.g. latin, arabic, etc.

Angularjs autocomplete from $http

Use angular-ui-bootstrap's typehead.

It had great support for $http and promises. Also, it doesn't include any JQuery at all, pure AngularJS.

(I always prefer using existing libraries and if they are missing something to open an issue or pull request, much better then creating your own again)

In C - check if a char exists in a char array

use strchr function when dealing with C strings.

const char * strchr ( const char * str, int character );

Here is an example of what you want to do.

/* strchr example */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main ()
  char invalids[] = ".@<>#";
  char * pch;
  pch=strchr(invalids,'s');//is s an invalid character?
  if (pch!=NULL)
    printf ("Invalid character");
     printf("Valid character");
  return 0;

Use memchr when dealing with memory blocks (as not null terminated arrays)

const void * memchr ( const void * ptr, int value, size_t num );

/* memchr example */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main ()
  char * pch;
  char invalids[] = "@<>#";
  pch = (char*) memchr (invalids, 'p', strlen(invalids));
  if (pch!=NULL)
    printf (p is an invalid character);
    printf ("p valid character.\n");
  return 0;

Function to return only alpha-numeric characters from string?

Warning: Note that English is not restricted to just A-Z.

Try this to remove everything except a-z, A-Z and 0-9:

$result = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/", "", $s);

If your definition of alphanumeric includes letters in foreign languages and obsolete scripts then you will need to use the Unicode character classes.

Try this to leave only A-Z:

$result = preg_replace("/[^A-Z]+/", "", $s);

The reason for the warning is that words like résumé contains the letter é that won't be matched by this. If you want to match a specific list of letters adjust the regular expression to include those letters. If you want to match all letters, use the appropriate character classes as mentioned in the comments.

How to check for DLL dependency?

On your development machine, you can execute the program and run Sysinternals Process Explorer. In the lower pane, it will show you the loaded DLLs and the current paths to them which is handy for a number of reasons. If you are executing off your deployment package, it would reveal which DLLs are referenced in the wrong path (i.e. weren't packaged correctly).

Currently, our company uses Visual Studio Installer projects to walk the dependency tree and output as loose files the program. In VS2013, this is now an extension: We then package these loose files in a more comprehensive installer but at least that setup project all the dot net dependencies and drops them into the one spot and warns you when things are missing.

Pipe to/from the clipboard in Bash script

pbcopy is built in OSX:

Copying the content of .bash_profile:

cat ~/.bash_profile | pbcopy

Pointer arithmetic for void pointer in C

cast it to a char pointer an increment your pointer forward x bytes ahead.

Automatically run %matplotlib inline in IPython Notebook

In your file, search for the following lines

# c.InteractiveShellApp.matplotlib = None


# c.InteractiveShellApp.pylab = None

and uncomment them. Then, change None to the backend that you're using (I use 'qt4') and save the file. Restart IPython, and matplotlib and pylab should be loaded - you can use the dir() command to verify which modules are in the global namespace.

How do I get data from a table?

use Json & jQuery. It's way easier than oldschool javascript

function savedata1() { 

var obj = $('#myTable tbody tr').map(function() {
var $row = $(this);
var t1 = $row.find(':nth-child(1)').text();
var t2 = $row.find(':nth-child(2)').text();
var t3 = $row.find(':nth-child(3)').text();
return {
    td_1: $row.find(':nth-child(1)').text(),
    td_2: $row.find(':nth-child(2)').text(),
    td_3: $row.find(':nth-child(3)').text()

Proxy Basic Authentication in C#: HTTP 407 error

try this

        var YourURL = "http://yourUrl/";

         HttpClientHandler handler = new HttpClientHandler() 
             Proxy = new WebProxy(""), 
             UseProxy = true, 


         HttpClient client = new HttpClient(handler); 

java.util.Date vs java.sql.Date

Congratulations, you've hit my favorite pet peeve with JDBC: Date class handling.

Basically databases usually support at least three forms of datetime fields which are date, time and timestamp. Each of these have a corresponding class in JDBC and each of them extend java.util.Date. Quick semantics of each of these three are the following:

  • java.sql.Date corresponds to SQL DATE which means it stores years, months and days while hour, minute, second and millisecond are ignored. Additionally sql.Date isn't tied to timezones.
  • java.sql.Time corresponds to SQL TIME and as should be obvious, only contains information about hour, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.
  • java.sql.Timestamp corresponds to SQL TIMESTAMP which is exact date to the nanosecond (note that util.Date only supports milliseconds!) with customizable precision.

One of the most common bugs when using JDBC drivers in relation to these three types is that the types are handled incorrectly. This means that sql.Date is timezone specific, sql.Time contains current year, month and day et cetera et cetera.

Finally: Which one to use?

Depends on the SQL type of the field, really. PreparedStatement has setters for all three values, #setDate() being the one for sql.Date, #setTime() for sql.Time and #setTimestamp() for sql.Timestamp.

Do note that if you use ps.setObject(fieldIndex, utilDateObject); you can actually give a normal util.Date to most JDBC drivers which will happily devour it as if it was of the correct type but when you request the data afterwards, you may notice that you're actually missing stuff.

I'm really saying that none of the Dates should be used at all.

What I am saying that save the milliseconds/nanoseconds as plain longs and convert them to whatever objects you are using (obligatory joda-time plug). One hacky way which can be done is to store the date component as one long and time component as another, for example right now would be 20100221 and 154536123. These magic numbers can be used in SQL queries and will be portable from database to another and will let you avoid this part of JDBC/Java Date API:s entirely.

Angular exception: Can't bind to 'ngForIn' since it isn't a known native property


Use let...of instead of !!

If you're new to Angular (>2.x) and possibly migrating from Angular1.x, most likely you're confusing in with of. As andreas has mentioned in the comments below for ... of iterates over values of an object while for ... in iterates over properties in an object. This is a new feature introduced in ES2015.

Simply replace:

<!-- Iterate over properties (incorrect in our case here) -->
<div *ngFor="let talk in talks">


<!-- Iterate over values (correct way to use here) -->
<div *ngFor="let talk of talks">

So, you must replace in with of inside ngFor directive to get the values.

Change icon on click (toggle)

Here is a very easy way of doing that

 $(function () {
    $(".glyphicon").click(function (e) {
        $(this).toggleClass("glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down");

Hope this helps :D

Floating Point Exception C++ Why and what is it?

Since this page is the number 1 result for the google search "c++ floating point exception", I want to add another thing that can cause such a problem: use of undefined variables.

How to display div after click the button in Javascript?

<div  style="display:none;" class="answer_list" > WELCOME</div>
<input type="button" name="answer" onclick="document.getElementsByClassName('answer_list')[0].style.display = 'auto';">

How to send email from MySQL 5.1

I agree with Jim Blizard. The database is not the part of your technology stack that should send emails. For example, what if you send an email but then roll back the change that triggered that email? You can't take the email back.

It's better to send the email in your application code layer, after your app has confirmed that the SQL change was made successfully and committed.

Match line break with regular expression

By default . (any character) does not match newline characters.

This means you can simply match zero or more of any character then append the end tag.

Find: <li><a href="#">.* Replace: $0</a>

Why does JSHint throw a warning if I am using const?

If you're using VSCode:


  • Go to preferences -> settings (cmd + ,)
  • Type jshint.options into the search bar
  • Hover over it and click on the pencil icon
  • Its now appended on the right side.
  • Add "esversion": 6 to the options object.


Or simply add this to your user settings:

"jshint.options": {
    "esversion": 6

[UPDATE] new vscode settings

  • Go to preferences -> settings (cmd + ,)
  • type jshint into search

VSCode Settings

  • continue with step 2.

Getting the last argument passed to a shell script

For tcsh:

set X = `echo $* | awk -F " " '{print $NF}'`
somecommand "$X"

I'm quite sure this would be a portable solution, except for the assignment.

How to use PHP string in mySQL LIKE query?

DO it like

$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE the_number LIKE '$yourPHPVAR%'");

Do not forget the % at the end

htaccess - How to force the client's browser to clear the cache?

I got your problem...

Although we can clear client browser cache completely but you can add some code to your application so that your recent changes reflect to client browser.

In your <head>:

<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache" />
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" />
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0" />


How can I make visible an invisible control with jquery? (hide and show not work)

It's been more than 10 years and not sure if anyone still finding this question or answer relevant.

But a quick workaround is just to wrap the asp control within a html container

<div id="myElement" style="display: inline-block">
   <asp:TextBox ID="textBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

Whenever the Javascript Event is triggered, if it needs to be an event by the asp control, just wrap the asp control around the div container.

<div id="testG">  
   <asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" CssClass="btn" Text="Activate" />

The jQuery Code is below:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $("#testG").click(function () {
                $("#myElement").css("display", "none");

OnItemCLickListener not working in listview

Use android:descendantFocusability

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:descendantFocusability="blocksDescendants" >

Add above in root layout

How can I display a modal dialog in Redux that performs asynchronous actions?

A lot of good solutions and valuable commentaries by known experts from JS community on the topic could be found here. It could be an indicator that it's not that trivial problem as it may seem. I think this is why it could be the source of doubts and uncertainty on the issue.

Fundamental problem here is that in React you're only allowed to mount component to its parent, which is not always the desired behavior. But how to address this issue?

I propose the solution, addressed to fix this issue. More detailed problem definition, src and examples can be found here:


react/react-dom comes comes with 2 basic assumptions/ideas:

  • every UI is hierarchical naturally. This why we have the idea of components which wrap each other
  • react-dom mounts (physically) child component to its parent DOM node by default

The problem is that sometimes the second property isn't what you want in your case. Sometimes you want to mount your component into different physical DOM node and hold logical connection between parent and child at the same time.

Canonical example is Tooltip-like component: at some point of development process you could find that you need to add some description for your UI element: it'll render in fixed layer and should know its coordinates (which are that UI element coord or mouse coords) and at the same time it needs information whether it needs to be shown right now or not, its content and some context from parent components. This example shows that sometimes logical hierarchy isn't match with the physical DOM hierarchy.

Take a look at to see the concrete example which is answer to your question:

import { Layer, LayerContext } from 'react-layer-stack'
// ... for each `object` in array of `objects`
  const modalId = 'DeleteObjectConfirmation' + objects[rowIndex].id
  return (
    <Cell {...props}>
        // the layer definition. The content will show up in the LayerStackMountPoint when `show(modalId)` be fired in LayerContext
        <Layer use={[objects[rowIndex], rowIndex]} id={modalId}> {({
            hideMe, // alias for `hide(modalId)`
            index } // useful to know to set zIndex, for example
            , e) => // access to the arguments (click event data in this example)
          <Modal onClick={ hideMe } zIndex={(index + 1) * 1000}>
              title={ 'Delete' }
              message={ "You're about to delete to " + '"' + objects[rowIndex].name + '"' }
              confirmButton={ <Button type="primary">DELETE</Button> }
              onConfirm={ this.handleDeleteObject.bind(this, objects[rowIndex].name, hideMe) } // hide after confirmation
              close={ hideMe } />
          </Modal> }

        // this is the toggle for Layer with `id === modalId` can be defined everywhere in the components tree
        <LayerContext id={ modalId }> {({showMe}) => // showMe is alias for `show(modalId)`
          <div style={styles.iconOverlay} onClick={ (e) => showMe(e) }> // additional arguments can be passed (like event)
            <Icon type="trash" />
          </div> }
// ...

Delete all objects in a list


mylist.clear()  # Added in Python 3.3
del mylist[:]

are probably the best ways to do this. The rest of this answer tries to explain why some of your other efforts didn't work.

cpython at least works on reference counting to determine when objects will be deleted. Here you have multiple references to the same objects. a refers to the same object that c[0] references. When you loop over c (for i in c:), at some point i also refers to that same object. the del keyword removes a single reference, so:

for i in c:
   del i

creates a reference to an object in c and then deletes that reference -- but the object still has other references (one stored in c for example) so it will persist.

In the same way:

def kill(self):
    del self

only deletes a reference to the object in that method. One way to remove all the references from a list is to use slice assignment:

mylist = list(range(10000))
mylist[:] = []

Apparently you can also delete the slice to remove objects in place:

del mylist[:]  #This will implicitly call the `__delslice__` or `__delitem__` method.

This will remove all the references from mylist and also remove the references from anything that refers to mylist. Compared that to simply deleting the list -- e.g.

mylist = list(range(10000))
b = mylist
del mylist
#here we didn't get all the references to the objects we created ...
print(b) #[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...]

Finally, more recent python revisions have added a clear method which does the same thing that del mylist[:] does.

mylist = [1, 2, 3]

Get the client's IP address in

In 1.3.5 :

var clientIP =;

How to check the version of scipy

Using command line:

python -c "import scipy; print(scipy.__version__)"

Use Invoke-WebRequest with a username and password for basic authentication on the GitHub API

Invoke-WebRequest follows the RFC2617 as @briantist noted, however there are some systems (e.g. JFrog Artifactory) that allow anonymous usage if the Authorization header is absent, but will respond with 401 Forbidden if the header contains invalid credentials.

This can be used to trigger the 401 Forbidden response and get -Credentials to work.

$login = Get-Credential -Message "Enter Credentials for Artifactory"

                              #Basic foo:bar
$headers = @{ Authorization = "Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==" }  

Invoke-WebRequest -Credential $login -Headers $headers -Uri "..."

This will send the invalid header the first time, which will be replaced with the valid credentials in the second request since -Credentials overrides the Authorization header.

Tested with Powershell 5.1

Map over object preserving keys

I think you want a mapValues function (to map a function over the values of an object), which is easy enough to implement yourself:

mapValues = function(obj, f) {
  var k, result, v;
  result = {};
  for (k in obj) {
    v = obj[k];
    result[k] = f(v);
  return result;

How to add/subtract dates with JavaScript?

You need to use getTime() and setTime() to add or substract the time in a javascript Date object. Using setDate() and getDate() will lead to errors when reaching the limits of the months 1, 30, 31, etc..

Using setTime allows you to set an offset in milliseconds, and let the Date object figure the rest:

var now=new Date();
var yesterdayMs = now.getTime() - 1000*60*60*24*1; // Offset by one day;
now.setTime( yesterdayMs );

Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly

in 2020, this behavior still present with VS2019. (even if I clean projects from the solution explorer in VS2019, this not solves the problem)

The solution that worked for me was to open the folder of the project, and manually remove the \bin and \obj directories.

How to use sudo inside a docker container?

For anyone who has this issue with an already running container, and they don't necessarily want to rebuild, the following command connects to a running container with root privileges:

docker exec -ti -u root container_name bash

You can also connect using its ID, rather than its name, by finding it with:

docker ps -l

To save your changes so that they are still there when you next launch the container (or docker-compose cluster):

docker commit container_id image_name

To roll back to a previous image version (warning: this deletes history rather than appends to the end, so to keep a reference to the current image, tag it first using the optional step):

docker history image_name
docker tag latest_image_id my_descriptive_tag_name  # optional
docker tag desired_history_image_id image_name

To start a container that isn't running and connect as root:

docker run -ti -u root --entrypoint=/bin/bash image_id_or_name -s

To copy from a running container:

docker cp <containerId>:/file/path/within/container /host/path/target

To export a copy of the image:

docker save container | gzip > /dir/file.tar.gz

Which you can restore to another Docker install using:

gzcat /dir/file.tar.gz | docker load

It is much quicker but takes more space to not compress, using:

docker save container | dir/file.tar


cat dir/file.tar | docker load

How to convert a file into a dictionary?

Simple Option

Most methods for storing a dictionary use JSON, Pickle, or line reading. Providing you're not editing the dictionary outside of Python, this simple method should suffice for even complex dictionaries. Although Pickle will be better for larger dictionaries.

x = {1:'a', 2:'b', 3:'c'}
f = 'file.txt'
print(x, file=open(f,'w'))    # file.txt >>> {1:'a', 2:'b', 3:'c'}
y = eval(open(f,'r').read())
print(x==y)                   # >>> True

How do malloc() and free() work?

Your strcpy line attempts to store 9 bytes, not 8, because of the NUL terminator. It invokes undefined behaviour.

The call to free may or may not crash. The memory "after" the 4 bytes of your allocation might be used for something else by your C or C++ implementation. If it is used for something else, then scribbling all over it will cause that "something else" to go wrong, but if it isn't used for anything else, then you could happen to get away with it. "Getting away with it" might sound good, but is actually bad, since it means your code will appear to run OK, but on a future run you might not get away with it.

With a debugging-style memory allocator, you might find that a special guard value has been written there, and that free checks for that value and panics if it doesn't find it.

Otherwise, you might find that the next 5 bytes includes part of a link node belonging to some other block of memory which hasn't been allocated yet. Freeing your block could well involved adding it to a list of available blocks, and because you've scribbled in the list node, that operation could dereference a pointer with an invalid value, causing a crash.

It all depends on the memory allocator - different implementations use different mechanisms.

Change multiple files

Better yet:

for i in xa*; do
    sed -i 's/asd/dfg/g' $i

because nobody knows how many files are there, and it's easy to break command line limits.

Here's what happens when there are too many files:

# grep -c aaa *
-bash: /bin/grep: Argument list too long
# for i in *; do grep -c aaa $i; done
... (output skipped)

JWT refresh token flow

Below are the steps to do revoke your JWT access token:

  1. When you do log in, send 2 tokens (Access token, Refresh token) in response to the client.
  2. The access token will have less expiry time and Refresh will have long expiry time.
  3. The client (Front end) will store refresh token in his local storage and access token in cookies.
  4. The client will use an access token for calling APIs. But when it expires, pick the refresh token from local storage and call auth server API to get the new token.
  5. Your auth server will have an API exposed which will accept refresh token and checks for its validity and return a new access token.
  6. Once the refresh token is expired, the User will be logged out.

Please let me know if you need more details, I can share the code (Java + Spring boot) as well.

For your questions:

Q1: It's another JWT with fewer claims put in with long expiry time.

Q2: It won't be in a database. The backend will not store anywhere. They will just decrypt the token with private/public key and validate it with its expiry time also.

Q3: Yes, Correct

Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind hint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g

You need to merge the remote branch into your current branch by running git pull.

If your local branch is already up-to-date, you may also need to run git pull --rebase.

A quick google search also turned up this same question asked by another SO user: Cannot push to GitHub - keeps saying need merge. More details there.

How to enable zoom controls and pinch zoom in a WebView?

Try this code, I get working fine.


RegEx for validating an integer with a maximum length of 10 characters

1 to 10:


In .NET (and not only, see the comment below) also valid (with a stipulation) this:



var regex = new Regex("^[0-9]{1,10}$", RegexOptions.Compiled);
regex.IsMatch("1"); // true
regex.IsMatch("12"); // true
regex.IsMatch("1234567890"); // true
regex.IsMatch(""); // false
regex.IsMatch(" "); // true
regex.IsMatch("a"); // false

P.S. Here's a very useful sandbox.

Difference between String replace() and replaceAll()

Q: What's the difference between the java.lang.String methods replace() and replaceAll(), other than that the latter uses regex.

A: Just the regex. They both replace all :)


There's also a replaceFirst() (which takes a regex)

Linux configure/make, --prefix?

In my situation, --prefix= failed to update the path correctly under some warnings or failures. please see the below link for the answer.

Are types like uint32, int32, uint64, int64 defined in any stdlib header?

The questioner actually asked about int16 (etc) rather than (ugly) int16_t (etc).

There are no standard headers - nor any in Linux's /usr/include/ folder that define them without the "_t".

How do I encode a JavaScript object as JSON?

I think you can use JSON.stringify:

// after your each loop

Safe width in pixels for printing web pages?

It's not as straightforward as looks. I just run into a similar question, and here is what I got: First, a little background on wikipedia.

Next, in CSS, for paper, they have pt, which is point, or 1/72 inch. So if you want to have the same size of image as on the monitor, first you have to know the DPI/PPI of your monitor (usually 96, as mentioned on the wikipedia article), then convert it to inches, then convert it to points (divide by 72).

But then again, the browsers have all sorts of problems with printable content, for example, if you try to use float css tags, the Gecko-based browsers will cut your images mid page, even if you use page-break-inside: avoid; on your images (see here, in the Mozilla bug tracking system).

There is (much) more about printing from a browser in this article on A List Apart.

Furthermore, you have to deal width "Shrink to Fit" in the print preview, and the various paper sizes and orientations.

So either you just figure out a good image size in inches, I mean points, (7.1" * 72 = 511.2 so width: 511pt; would work for the letter sized paper) regardless of the pixel sizes, or go width percentage widths, and base your image widths on the paper size.

Good luck...

What is Java Servlet?

Servlet is server side technology which is used to create dynamic web page in web application. Actually servlet is an api which consist of group of classes and interfaces, which has some functionality. When we use Servlet API we can use predefined functionality of servlet classes and interfaces.

Lifecycle of Servlet:

Web container maintains the lifecycle of servlet instance.

1 . Servlet class loaded

2 . Servlet instance created

3 . init() method is invoked

4 . service() method invoked

5 . destroy() method invoked

When request raise by client(browser) then web-container checks whether the servlet is running or not if yes then it invoke the service() method and give the response to browser..

When servlet is not running then web-container follow the following steps..

1. classloader load the servlet class

2. Instantiates the servlet

3. Initializes the servlet

4.invoke the service() method

after serving the request web-container wait for specific time, in this time if request comes then it call only service() method otherwise it call destroy() method..

Difference between Activity and FragmentActivity

FragmentActivity is part of the support library, while Activity is the framework's default class. They are functionally equivalent.

You should always use FragmentActivity and instead of the platform default Activity and classes. Using the platform defaults mean that you are relying on whatever implementation of fragments is used in the device you are running on. These are often multiple years old, and contain bugs that have since been fixed in the support library.

Android - how to make a scrollable constraintlayout?

There is a type of constraint which breaks the scroll function:

Just make sure you are not using this constraint on any view when wanting your ConstraintLayout to be scrollable with ScrollView :


If you remove these your scroll should work.


Setting the height of the child to match that of a ScrollView parent is contradictory to what the component is meant to do. What we want most of the time is for some dynamic sized content to be scrollable when it is larger than a screen/frame; matching the height with the parent ScrollView would force all the content to be displayed into a fixed frame (the height of the parent) hence invalidating any scrolling functionality.

This also happens when regular direct child components are set to layout_height="match_parent".

If you want the child of the ScrollView to match the height of the parent when there is not enough content, simply set android:fillViewport to true for the ScrollView.

python how to "negate" value : if true return false, if false return true

In python, not is a boolean operator which gets the opposite of a value:

>>> myval = 0
>>> nyvalue = not myval
>>> nyvalue
>>> myval = 1
>>> nyvalue = not myval
>>> nyvalue

And True == 1 and False == 0 (if you need to convert it to an integer, you can use int())

Calculating the sum of two variables in a batch script

here is mine

echo Math+ 
ECHO First num:
 SET /P a= 
ECHO Second num:
 SET /P b=
 set /a s=%a%+%b% 
echo Result: %s%

How to make div occupy remaining height?

You can use

display: flex;

CSS property, as mentioned before by @Ayan, but I've created a working example:

Float vs Decimal in ActiveRecord

In Rails 3.2.18, :decimal turns into :integer when using SQLServer, but it works fine in SQLite. Switching to :float solved this issue for us.

The lesson learned is "always use homogeneous development and deployment databases!"

Generate random int value from 3 to 6

I see you have added an answer to your question in SQL Server 2008 you can also do

SELECT 3 + CRYPT_GEN_RANDOM(1) % 4 /*Random number between 3 and 6*/ 
FROM ...

A couple of disadvantages of this method are

  1. This is slower than the NEWID() method
  2. Even though it is evaluated once per row the query optimiser does not realise this which can lead to odd results.

but just thought I'd add it as another option.

Using ffmpeg to encode a high quality video

Make sure the PNGs are fully opaque before creating the video

e.g. with imagemagick, give them a black background:

convert 0.png -background black -flatten +matte 0_opaque.png

From my tests, no bitrate or codec is sufficient to make the video look good if you feed ffmpeg PNGs with transparency

ImportError: No module named pip

I downloaded pip binaries from here and it resolved the issue.

Using an array as needles in strpos

I'm writing a new answer which hopefully helps anyone looking for similar to what I am.

This works in the case of "I have multiple needles and I'm trying to use them to find a singled-out string". and this is the question I came across to find that.

    $i = 0;
    $found = array();
    while ($i < count($needle)) {
        $x = 0;
        while ($x < count($haystack)) {
            if (strpos($haystack[$x], $needle[$i]) !== false) {
                array_push($found, $haystack[$x]);

    $found = array_count_values($found);

The array $found will contain a list of all the matching needles, the item of the array with the highest count value will be the string(s) you're looking for, you can get this with:

print_r(array_search(max($found), $found));

Opencv - Grayscale mode Vs gray color conversion

Note: This is not a duplicate, because the OP is aware that the image from cv2.imread is in BGR format (unlike the suggested duplicate question that assumed it was RGB hence the provided answers only address that issue)

To illustrate, I've opened up this same color JPEG image:

enter image description here

once using the conversion

img = cv2.imread(path)
img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

and another by loading it in gray scale mode

img_gray_mode = cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

Like you've documented, the diff between the two images is not perfectly 0, I can see diff pixels in towards the left and the bottom

enter image description here

I've summed up the diff too to see

import numpy as np
# I got 6143, on a 494 x 750 image

I tried all cv2.imread() modes

Among all the IMREAD_ modes for cv2.imread(), only IMREAD_COLOR and IMREAD_ANYCOLOR can be converted using COLOR_BGR2GRAY, and both of them gave me the same diff against the image opened in IMREAD_GRAYSCALE

The difference doesn't seem that big. My guess is comes from the differences in the numeric calculations in the two methods (loading grayscale vs conversion to grayscale)

Naturally what you want to avoid is fine tuning your code on a particular version of the image just to find out it was suboptimal for images coming from a different source.

In brief, let's not mix the versions and types in the processing pipeline.

So I'd keep the image sources homogenous, e.g. if you have capturing the image from a video camera in BGR, then I'd use BGR as the source, and do the BGR to grayscale conversion cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

Vice versa if my ultimate source is grayscale then I'd open the files and the video capture in gray scale cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi command not found

I was also facing the same issue and resolved it after installing the following dependency:

sudo apt-get install lib32z1-dev

Excel: Searching for multiple terms in a cell

Try using COUNT function like this


Note that you don't need the wildcards (as teylyn says) and unless there's a specific reason "1" doesn't need quotes (in fact that makes it a text value)

Struct like objects in Java

Sometime I use such class, when I need to return multiple values from a method. Of course, such object is short lived and with very limited visibility, so it should be OK.

Twitter Bootstrap dropdown menu

You must include jQuery in the project.

<script src=""></script>

I didn't find any doc about this so I just opened a random code example from

Hope this helps someone else.

Android: How to handle right to left swipe gestures

This issue still exists. An OnTouchListener with an OnSwipeTouchListener solves it in a simple way:

    new View.OnTouchListener() {
        public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
            if(!swipe.onTouch(v, event)) {
                if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
                    // your code here

                    return true;
                } else if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
                    // your code here

                    return true;
            return false;


where swipe refers to a class which records whether swipe methods have been invoked, then forwards events to the delegate OnSwipeTouchListener.

private class DirtyOnSwipeTouchListener extends OnSwipeTouchListener {
    private boolean dirty = false;
    private OnSwipeTouchListener delegate;

    public DirtyOnSwipeTouchListener(Context ctx, OnSwipeTouchListener delegate) {

        this.delegate = delegate;

    private void reset() {
        dirty = false;

    public void onSwipeTop() {
        dirty = true;

    public void onSwipeRight() {
        dirty = true;

    public void onSwipeLeft() {
        dirty = true;

    public void onSwipeBottom() {
        dirty = true;

    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
        try {
            super.onTouch(v, event);

            return dirty;
        } finally {
            dirty = false;


Correct format specifier to print pointer or address?

p is the conversion specifier to print pointers. Use this.

int a = 42;

printf("%p\n", (void *) &a);

Remember that omitting the cast is undefined behavior and that printing with p conversion specifier is done in an implementation-defined manner.

jQuery click / toggle between two functions


.one() documentation.

I am very late to answer but i think it's shortest code and might help.

function handler1() {
    alert('First handler: ' + $(this).text());
    $(this).one("click", handler2);
function handler2() {
    alert('Second handler: ' + $(this).text());
    $(this).one("click", handler1);
$("div").one("click", handler1);

DEMO With Op's Code

function handler1() {
        width: "260px"
    }, 1500);
    $(this).one("click", handler2);

function handler2() {
        width: "30px"
    }, 1500);
    $(this).one("click", handler1);
$("#time").one("click", handler1);

How can I implement a theme from bootswatch or wrapbootstrap in an MVC 5 project?

I do have an article on MSDN - Creating ASP.NET MVC with custom bootstrap theme / layout using VS 2012, VS 2013 and VS 2015, also have a demo code sample attached.. Please refer below link.

Comparing two arrays & get the values which are not common

Your results will not be helpful unless the arrays are first sorted. To sort an array, run it through Sort-Object.

$x = @(5,1,4,2,3)
$y = @(2,4,6,1,3,5)

Compare-Object -ReferenceObject ($x | Sort-Object) -DifferenceObject ($y | Sort-Object)

What is apache's maximum url length?

The official length according to the offical Apache docs is 8,192, but many folks have run into trouble at ~4,000.

MS Internet Explorer is usually the limiting factor anyway, as it caps the maximum URL size at 2,048.

server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none

I messed up with my CA files while I setup up goagent proxy. Can't pull data from github, and get the same warning:

server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none

use Vonc's method, get the certificate from github, and put it into /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt, problem solved.

echo -n | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect 2>/dev/null | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p'

Multiple models in a view

This is a simplified example with IEnumerable.

I was using two models on the view: a form with search criteria (SearchParams model), and a grid for results, and I struggled with how to add the IEnumerable model and the other model on the same view. Here is what I came up with, hope this helps someone:

@using DelegatePortal.ViewModels;

@model SearchViewModel

@using (Html.BeginForm("Search", "Delegate", FormMethod.Post))

                Employee First Name
                @Html.EditorFor(model => model.SearchParams.FirstName,
new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "form-control form-control-sm " } })

                <input type="submit" id="getResults" value="SEARCH" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block" />

<br />
        .Build(columns =>
            columns.Add(model => model.Id).Titled("Id").Css("collapse");
            columns.Add(model => model.LastName).Titled("Last Name");
            columns.Add(model => model.FirstName).Titled("First Name");

... )


namespace DelegatePortal.ViewModels
    public class SearchViewModel
        public IEnumerable<DelegatePortal.Models.DelegateView> Delegates { get; set; }

        public SearchParamsViewModel SearchParams { get; set; }


// GET: /Delegate/Search
    public ActionResult Search(String firstName)
        SearchViewModel model = new SearchViewModel();
        model.Delegates = db.Set<DelegateView>();
        return View(model);

    // POST: /Delegate/Search
    public ActionResult Search(SearchParamsViewModel searchParams)
        String firstName = searchParams.FirstName;
        SearchViewModel model = new SearchViewModel();

        if (firstName != null)
            model.Delegates = db.Set<DelegateView>().Where(x => x.FirstName == firstName);

        return View(model);


namespace DelegatePortal.ViewModels
    public class SearchParamsViewModel
        public string FirstName { get; set; }

Remove file from SVN repository without deleting local copy

Deleting files and folders

If you want to delete an item from the repository, but keep it locally as an unversioned file/folder, use Extended Context Menu ? Delete (keep local). You have to hold the Shift key while right clicking on the item in the explorer list pane (right pane) in order to see this in the extended context menu.

Delete completely:
right mouse click ? Menu ? Delete

Delete & Keep local:
Shift + right mouse click ? Menu ? Delete

Get the directory from a file path in java (android)

I have got solution on this after 4 days, Please note following points while giving path to File class in Android(Java):

  1. Use path for internal storage String path="/storage/sdcard0/myfile.txt";
  2. path="/storage/sdcard1/myfile.txt";
  3. mention permissions in Manifest file.

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

  4. First check file length for confirmation.
  5. Check paths in ES File Explorer regarding sdcard0 & sdcard1 is this same or else......


File file=new File(path);
long=file.length();//in Bytes

Convert XmlDocument to String

As an extension method:

public static class Extensions
    public static string AsString(this XmlDocument xmlDoc)
        using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter())
            using (XmlTextWriter tx = new XmlTextWriter(sw))
                string strXmlText = sw.ToString();
                return strXmlText;

Now to use simply:


How to wait for async method to complete?

just put Wait() to wait until task completed


jquery to change style attribute of a div class

Style is an attribute so css won't work for it.U can use attr


$('.handle').css({'style':'left: 300px'});


$('.handle').attr('style','left: 300px');//Use `,` Comma instead of `:` colon

String Concatenation in EL

Since Expression Language 3.0, it is valid to use += operator for string concatenation.

${(empty value)? "none" : value += " enabled"}  // valid as of EL 3.0

Quoting EL 3.0 Specification.

String Concatenation Operator

To evaluate

A += B 
  • Coerce A and B to String.
  • Return the concatenated string of A and B.

Calculating arithmetic mean (one type of average) in Python

I always supposed avg is omitted from the builtins/stdlib because it is as simple as

sum(L)/len(L) # L is some list

and any caveats would be addressed in caller code for local usage already.

Notable caveats:

  1. non-float result: in python2, 9/4 is 2. to resolve, use float(sum(L))/len(L) or from __future__ import division

  2. division by zero: the list may be empty. to resolve:

    if not L:
        raise WhateverYouWantError("foo")
    avg = float(sum(L))/len(L)

How to create a numpy array of all True or all False?

If it doesn't have to be writeable you can create such an array with np.broadcast_to:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.broadcast_to(True, (2, 5))
array([[ True,  True,  True,  True,  True],
       [ True,  True,  True,  True,  True]], dtype=bool)

If you need it writable you can also create an empty array and fill it yourself:

>>> arr = np.empty((2, 5), dtype=bool)
>>> arr.fill(1)
>>> arr
array([[ True,  True,  True,  True,  True],
       [ True,  True,  True,  True,  True]], dtype=bool)

These approaches are only alternative suggestions. In general you should stick with np.full, np.zeros or np.ones like the other answers suggest.

Limit the height of a responsive image with css

You can use inline styling to limit the height:

<img src="" class="img-responsive" alt="" style="max-height: 400px;">

Use a loop to plot n charts Python

Ok, so the easiest method to create several plots is this:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for i in range(len(x)):
    # Show/save figure as desired.
# Can show all four figures at once by calling here, outside the loop.

Note that you need to create a figure every time or pyplot will plot in the first one created.

If you want to create several data series all you need to do is:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

You could automate it by having a list of colours like ['r','g','b','k'] and then just calling both entries in this list and corresponding data to be plotted in a loop if you wanted to. If you just want to programmatically add data series to one plot something like this will do it (no new figure is created each time so everything is plotted in the same figure):

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure() # In this example, all the plots will be in one figure.    
for i in range(len(x)):

Hope this helps. If anything matplotlib has a very good documentation page with plenty of examples.

17 Dec 2019: added and plt.figure() calls to clarify this part of the story.

CSS: How to position two elements on top of each other, without specifying a height?

Due to absolute positioning removing the elements from the document flow position: absolute is not the right tool for the job. Depending on the exact layout you want to create you will be successful using negative margins, position:relative or maybe even transform: translate. Show us a sample of what you want to do we can help you better.

jQuery - select the associated label element of a input field

There are two ways to specify label for element:

  1. Setting label's "for" attribute to element's id
  2. Placing element inside label

So, the proper way to find element's label is

   var $element = $( ... )

   var $label = $("label[for='"+$element.attr('id')+"']")
   if ($label.length == 0) {
     $label = $element.closest('label')

   if ($label.length == 0) {
     // label wasn't found
   } else {
     // label was found

Codeigniter $this->db->order_by(' ','desc') result is not complete

Put from before where, and order_by on last:


Or try BINARY:


You should add manually on codeigniter for binary sorting.

And set "course_name" character column.

If sorting is used on a character type column, normally the sort is conducted in a case-insensitive fashion.

What type of structure data in courses table?

If you frustrated you can put into array and return using PHP:

Use natcasesort for order in "natural order": (Reference:

Your array from database as example: $array_db = $result_from_db:

$final_result = natcasesort($array_db);


Visual Studio keyboard shortcut to automatically add the needed 'using' statement

It's ctrl + . when, for example, you try to type List you need to type < at the end and press ctrl + . for it to work.

Add JVM options in Tomcat

If you start tomcat from startup.bat, you need to add a system variable :JAVA_OPTS as name and the parameters that you wants (in your case :

-agentpath:C:\calltracer\jvmti\calltracer5.dll=traceFile-C:\calltracer\call.trace,filterFile-C:\calltracer\filters.txt,outputType-xml,usage-uncontrolled -Djava.library.path=C:\calltracer\jvmti -Dcalltracerlib=calltracer5

Using switch statement with a range of value in each case?

Here is a beautiful and minimalist way to go

(num > 1 && num < 5) ? first_case_method() 
                     : System.out.println("testing case 1 to 5")
                     : (num > 5 && num < 7)  ? System.out.println("testing case 5 to 7") 
                     : (num > 7 && num < 8)  ? System.out.println("testing case 7 to 8") 
                     : (num > 8 && num < 9)  ? System.out.println("testing case 8 to 9") 
                     : ... 
                     : System.out.println("default");

Google Recaptcha v3 example demo

We use recaptcha-V3 only to see site traffic quality, and used it as non blocking. Since recaptcha-V3 doesn't require to show on site and can be used as hidden but you have to show recaptcha privacy etc links (as recommended)

Script Tag in Head

<script src="'SITE KEY' async defer></script>

Note: "async defer" make sure its non blocking which is our specific requirement

JS Code:

    ReCaptchaCallbackV3 = function() {
        grecaptcha.ready(function() {
            grecaptcha.execute("SITE KEY").then(function(token) {
                    type: "POST",
                    url: `https://api.${window.appInfo.siteDomain}/v1/recaptcha/score`,
                    data: {
                        "token" : token,
                    success: function(data) {
                        if(data.response.success) {
                            window.recaptchaScore = data.response.score;
                            console.log('user score ' + data.response.score)
                    error: function() {
                        console.log('error while getting google recaptcha score!')


HTML/Css Code:

there is no html code since our requirement is just to get score and don't want to show recaptcha badge.

Backend - Laravel Code:


Route::post('/recaptcha/score', 'Api\\ReCaptcha\\RecaptchaScore@index');


class RecaptchaScore extends Controller
    public function index(Request $request)
        $score = null;

        $response = (new Client())->request('post', '', [
            'form_params' => [
                'response' => $request->get('token'),
                'secret' => 'SECRET HERE',

        $score = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true);

        if (!$score['success']) {
            Log::warning('Google ReCaptcha Score', [
                'class' => __CLASS__,
                'message' => json_encode($score['error-codes']),

        return [
            'response' => $score,

we get back score and save in variable which we later user when submit form.


How to disable submit button once it has been clicked?

Disabled HTML forms elements aren't sent along with the post/get values when you submit the form. So if you disable your submit button once clicked and that this submit button have the name attribute set, It will not be sent in the post/get values since the element is now disabled. This is normal behavior.

One of the way to overcome this problem is using hidden form elements.

How to list records with date from the last 10 days?

you can use between too:

  FROM Table 
  WHERE date between current_date and current_date - interval '10 day';

How do you post to the wall on a facebook page (not profile)

This works for me:

try {
       $statusUpdate = $facebook->api('/me/feed', 'post',
                 array('name'=>'My APP on Facebook','message'=> 'I am here working',
                 'privacy'=> array('value'=>'CUSTOM','friends'=>'SELF'),
                 'description'=>'testing my description',
 } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {

IDEA: javac: source release 1.7 requires target release 1.7

I resolved bellow method

File >> Project Structure >> Project >> Project Language Level --> do set proper version (ex: 1.5)

How to list the certificates stored in a PKCS12 keystore with keytool?

You can also use openssl to accomplish the same thing:

$ openssl pkcs12 -nokeys -info \
    -in </path/to/file.pfx> \
    -passin pass:<pfx's password>

MAC Iteration 2048
MAC verified OK
PKCS7 Encrypted data: pbeWithSHA1And40BitRC2-CBC, Iteration 2048
Certificate bag
Bag Attributes
    localKeyID: XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 48 54 A0 47 88 1D 90
    friendlyName: jedis-server
subject=/C=US/ST=NC/L=Raleigh/O=XXX Security/OU=XXX/CN=something1
issuer=/C=US/ST=NC/L=Raleigh/O=XXX Security/OU=XXXX/CN=something1
PKCS7 Data
Shrouded Keybag: pbeWithSHA1And3-KeyTripleDES-CBC, Iteration 2048

What is the difference between GitHub and gist?

GitHub is the entire site. Gists are a particular service offered on that site, namely code snippets akin to pastebin. However, everything is driven by git revision control, so gists also have complete revision histories.

ruby LoadError: cannot load such file

For security & other reasons, ruby does not by default include the current directory in the load_path. You may want to check this for more details - Why does Ruby 1.9.2 remove "." from LOAD_PATH, and what's the alternative?

Default SQL Server Port

The default port of SQL server is 1433.

Netbeans - Error: Could not find or load main class

  1. Right click on your Project in the project explorer
  2. Click on properties
  3. Click on Run
  4. Make sure your Main Class is the one you want to be the entry point. (Make sure to use the fully qualified name i.e. mypackage.MyClass)
  5. Click OK.
  6. Clean an build your project
  7. Run Project :)

If you just want to run the file, right click on the class from the package explorer, and click Run File, or (Alt + R, F), or (Shift + F6)

Add User to Role ASP.NET Identity

While I agree with the other answers regarding the RoleManager, I would advice to examine the possibility to implement Authorization through Claims (Expressing Roles as Claims).

Starting with the .NET Framework 4.5, Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) has been fully integrated into the .NET Framework.

In claims-aware applications, the role is expressed by a role claim type that should be available in the token. When the IsInRole() method is called, there is a check made to see if the current user has that role.

The role claim type is expressed using the following URI: ""

So instead of using the RoleManager, you can "add a user to a role" from the UserManager, doing something like this:

var um = new UserManager();
um.AddClaimAsync(1, new Claim("", "administrator"));

With the above lines you have added a role claim with the value "administrator" to the user with the id "1"...

Claims authorization, as suggested by MSFT, can simplify and increase the performance of authentication and authorization processes eliminating some back-end queries every time authorization takes place.

Using Claims you may not need the RoleStore anymore. (AspNetRoles, AspNetUserRoles)

How can I delete an item from an array in VB.NET?

As Heinzi said, an array has a fixed size. In order to 'remove an item' or 'resize' it, you'll have to create a new array with the desired size and copy the items you need as appropriate.

Here's code to remove an item from an array:

<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Function RemoveAt(Of T)(ByVal arr As T(), ByVal index As Integer) As T()
    Dim uBound = arr.GetUpperBound(0)
    Dim lBound = arr.GetLowerBound(0)
    Dim arrLen = uBound - lBound

    If index < lBound OrElse index > uBound Then
        Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException( _
        String.Format("Index must be from {0} to {1}.", lBound, uBound))

        'create an array 1 element less than the input array
        Dim outArr(arrLen - 1) As T
        'copy the first part of the input array
        Array.Copy(arr, 0, outArr, 0, index)
        'then copy the second part of the input array
        Array.Copy(arr, index + 1, outArr, index, uBound - index)

        Return outArr
    End If
End Function

You can use it as such:

Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        Dim arr = New String() {"abc", "mno", "xyz"}
    End Sub
End Module

The code above removes the second element ("mno") [which has an index of 1] from the array.

You need to be developing in .NET 3.5 or higher in order to use the extension method. If you're using .NET 2.0 or 3.0, you can call the method as such

arr = RemoveAt(arr, 1)

I hope this is what you need.


After running tests based on ToolMakerSteve's comment it appears the initial code does not modify the array you want to update because of the ByVal used in the function's declaration. However, writing code like arr = arr.RemoveAt(1) or arr = RemoveAt(arr, 1) does modify the array because it reassigns the modified array to the original.

Find below the updated method (subroutine) for removing an element from an array.

<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Sub RemoveAt(Of T)(ByRef arr As T(), ByVal index As Integer)
    Dim uBound = arr.GetUpperBound(0)
    Dim lBound = arr.GetLowerBound(0)
    Dim arrLen = uBound - lBound

    If index < lBound OrElse index > uBound Then
        Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException( _
        String.Format("Index must be from {0} to {1}.", lBound, uBound))

        'create an array 1 element less than the input array
        Dim outArr(arrLen - 1) As T
        'copy the first part of the input array
        Array.Copy(arr, 0, outArr, 0, index)
        'then copy the second part of the input array
        Array.Copy(arr, index + 1, outArr, index, uBound - index)

        arr = outArr
    End If
End Sub

Usage of the method is similar to the original, except there is no return value this time so trying to assign an array from the return value will not work because nothing is returned.

Dim arr = New String() {"abc", "mno", "xyz"}
arr.RemoveAt(1)  ' Output: {"abc", "mno"} (works on .NET 3.5 and higher)
RemoveAt(arr, 1) ' Output: {"abc", "mno"} (works on all versions of .NET fx)
arr = arr.RemoveAt(1)  'will not work; no return value
arr = RemoveAt(arr, 1) 'will not work; no return value


  1. I use a temporary array for the process because it makes my intentions clear and that is exactly what VB.NET does behind the scenes when you do Redim Preserve. If you would like to modify the array in-place using Redim Preserve, see ToolmakerSteve's answer.

  2. The RemoveAt methods written here are extension methods. In order for them to work, you will have to paste them in a Module. Extension methods will not work in VB.NET if they are placed in a Class.

  3. Important If you will be modifying your array with lots of 'removes', it is highly recommended to use a different data structure such as List(Of T) as suggested by other answerers to this question.

What's the difference between REST & RESTful

Web services are essentially web sites whose content is consumed by computer programs, not people. REST is a set of architectural principles that stipulate that web services should maximally leverage HTTP and other web standards, so that programs gain all the good stuff that people already can get out of the web. REST is often contrasted with SOAP web services, and other "remote procedure call" oriented web services.

Stefan Tilkov's presentations on REST at are quite good, especially this one.

For a book, you can't get any better than Richardson and Ruby's Restful Web Services.

Options for HTML scraping?

Another tool for .NET is MhtBuilder

api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing when opening Microsoft Office file

While the answer from alireza is correct, it has one gotcha:

You can't install Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 redist (runtime) unless you have Windows Update KB2999226 installed (at least on Windows 7 64-bit SP1).

Create a data.frame with m columns and 2 rows

For completeness:

Along the lines of Chase's answer, I usually use to coerce the matrix to a data.frame:

m <-, ncol = 30, nrow = 2))

EDIT: speed test data.frame vs.

system.time(replicate(10000, data.frame(matrix(0, ncol = 30, nrow = 2))))
   user  system elapsed 
  8.005   0.108   8.165 

system.time(replicate(10000,, ncol = 30, nrow = 2))))
   user  system elapsed 
  3.759   0.048   3.802 

Yes, it appears to be faster (by about 2 times).

Relative imports - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named x

Tried your example

from . import config

got the following SystemError:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
from . import config
SystemError: Parent module '' not loaded, cannot perform relative import

This will work for me:

import config


Tested with Python:3.4.2 - PyCharm 2016.3.2

Beside this PyCharm offers you to Import this name.
You hav to click on config and a help icon appears. enter image description here

How to change string into QString?

If by string you mean std::string you can do it with this method:

QString QString::fromStdString(const std::string & str)

std::string str = "Hello world";
QString qstr = QString::fromStdString(str);

If by string you mean Ascii encoded const char * then you can use this method:

QString QString::fromAscii(const char * str, int size = -1)

const char* str = "Hello world";
QString qstr = QString::fromAscii(str);

If you have const char * encoded with system encoding that can be read with QTextCodec::codecForLocale() then you should use this method:

QString QString::fromLocal8Bit(const char * str, int size = -1)

const char* str = "zazólc gesla jazn";      // latin2 source file and system encoding
QString qstr = QString::fromLocal8Bit(str);

If you have const char * that's UTF8 encoded then you'll need to use this method:

QString QString::fromUtf8(const char * str, int size = -1)

const char* str = read_raw("hello.txt"); // assuming hello.txt is UTF8 encoded, and read_raw() reads bytes from file into memory and returns pointer to the first byte as const char*
QString qstr = QString::fromUtf8(str);

There's also method for const ushort * containing UTF16 encoded string:

QString QString::fromUtf16(const ushort * unicode, int size = -1)

const ushort* str = read_raw("hello.txt"); // assuming hello.txt is UTF16 encoded, and read_raw() reads bytes from file into memory and returns pointer to the first byte as const ushort*
QString qstr = QString::fromUtf16(str);

React router nav bar example

Note The accepted is perfectly fine - but wanted to add a version4 example because they are different enough.


  import React from 'react';
  import { Link } from 'react-router';

  export default class Nav extends React.Component {
    render() {    
      return (
        <nav className="Nav">
          <div className="Nav__container">
            <Link to="/" className="Nav__brand">
              <img src="logo.svg" className="Nav__logo" />

            <div className="Nav__right">
              <ul className="Nav__item-wrapper">
                <li className="Nav__item">
                  <Link className="Nav__link" to="/path1">Link 1</Link>
                <li className="Nav__item">
                  <Link className="Nav__link" to="/path2">Link 2</Link>
                <li className="Nav__item">
                  <Link className="Nav__link" to="/path3">Link 3</Link>


  import React from 'react';
  import { Link, Switch, Route } from 'react-router';
  import Nav from './nav';
  import Page1 from './page1';
  import Page2 from './page2';
  import Page3 from './page3';

  export default class App extends React.Component {
    render() {    
      return (
        <div className="App">
              <Nav />
                <Route exactly component={Landing} pattern="/" />
                <Route exactly component={Page1} pattern="/path1" />
                <Route exactly component={Page2} pattern="/path2" />
                <Route exactly component={Page3} pattern="/path3" />
                <Route component={Page404} />

Alternatively, if you want a more dynamic nav, you can look at the excellent v4 docs:


A few people have asked about a page without the Nav, such as a login page. I typically approach it with a wrapper Route component

  import React from 'react';
  import { Link, Switch, Route } from 'react-router';
  import Nav from './nav';
  import Page1 from './page1';
  import Page2 from './page2';
  import Page3 from './page3';

  const NavRoute = ({exact, path, component: Component}) => (
    <Route exact={exact} path={path} render={(props) => (
        <Component {...props}/>

  export default class App extends React.Component {
    render() {    
      return (
        <div className="App">
                <NavRoute exactly component={Landing} pattern="/" />
                <Route exactly component={Login} pattern="/login" />
                <NavRoute exactly component={Page1} pattern="/path1" />
                <NavRoute exactly component={Page2} pattern="/path2" />
                <NavRoute component={Page404} />

Command to get time in milliseconds

  • date +"%T.%N" returns the current time with nanoseconds.

  • date +"%T.%6N" returns the current time with nanoseconds rounded to the first 6 digits, which is microseconds.

  • date +"%T.%3N" returns the current time with nanoseconds rounded to the first 3 digits, which is milliseconds.


In general, every field of the date command's format can be given an optional field width.

php exec command (or similar) to not wait for result

From the documentation:

In order to execute a command and have it not hang your PHP script while
it runs, the program you run must not output back to PHP. To do this,
redirect both stdout and stderr to /dev/null, then background it.

> /dev/null 2>&1 &

In order to execute a command and have
it spawned off as another process that
is not dependent on the Apache thread
to keep running (will not die if
somebody cancels the page) run this:

exec('bash -c "exec nohup setsid your_command > /dev/null 2>&1 &"');

Android ImageView Animation

Don't hard code image bounds. Just use:

RotateAnimation anim = new RotateAnimation( fromAngle, toAngle, imageView.getDrawable().getBounds().width()/2, imageView.getDrawable().getBounds().height()/2);

Is there a vr (vertical rule) in html?

you can do in 2 way :

  1. create style as you already gave in div but change border-left to border-right
  2. take a image and make its width 1-2 px

How to call javascript function from button click event

You're already prepending the hash sign in your showDialog() function, and you're missing single quotes in your second code snippet. You should also return false from the handler to prevent a postback from occurring. Try:

<asp:Button ID="ButtonAdd" runat="server" Text="Add"
    OnClientClick="showDialog('<%=addPerson.ClientID %>'); return false;" />

Is it better practice to use String.format over string Concatenation in Java?

There could be a perceptible difference.

String.format is quite complex and uses a regular expression underneath, so don't make it a habit to use it everywhere, but only where you need it.

StringBuilder would be an order of magnitude faster (as someone here already pointed out).

If (Array.Length == 0)

Your suggested test is fine, so long as the array is intialised...


Getting JavaScript object key list

var keys = new Array();
for(var key in obj)
   keys[keys.length] = key;

var keyLength = keys.length;

to access any value from the object, you can use obj[key];

How can I convert a string to upper- or lower-case with XSLT?

For ANSI character encoding:

 translate(//variable, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞŸŽŠŒ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿžšœ')

Understanding The Modulus Operator %

Two Steps Solution.

Some of the answers here are complicated for me to understand. I will try to add one more answer in an attempt to simplify the way how to look at this.

Short Answer:

Example 1:

7 % 5 = 2

Each person should get one pizza slice.

Divide 7 slices on 5 people and every one of the 5 people will get one pizza slice and we will end up with 2 slices (remaining). 7 % 5 equals 2 is because 7 is larger than 5.

Example 2:

5 % 7 = 5

Each person should get one pizza slice

It gives 5 because 5 is less than 7. So by definition, you cannot divide whole 5items on 7 people. So the division doesn't take place at all and you end up with the same amount you started with which is 5.

Programmatic Answer:

The process is basically to ask two questions:

Example A: (7 % 5)

(Q.1) What number to multiply 5 in order to get 7?

Two Conditions: Multiplier starts from `0`. Output result should not exceed `7`. 

Let's try:

Multiplier is zero 0 so, 0 x 5 = 0

Still, we are short so we add one (+1) to multiplier.

1 so, 1 x 5 = 5

We did not get 7 yet, so we add one (+1).

2 so, 2 x 5 = 10

Now we exceeded 7. So 2 is not the correct multiplier. Let's go back one step (where we used 1) and hold in mind the result which is5. Number 5 is the key here.

(Q.2) How much do we need to add to the 5 (the number we just got from step 1) to get 7?

We deduct the two numbers: 7-5 = 2.

So the answer for: 7 % 5 is 2;

Example B: (5 % 7)

1- What number we use to multiply 7 in order to get 5?

Two Conditions: Multiplier starts from `0`. Output result and should not exceed `5`. 

Let's try:

0 so, 0 x 7 = 0

We did not get 5 yet, let's try a higher number.

1 so, 1 x 7 = 7

Oh no, we exceeded 5, let's get back to the previous step where we used 0 and got the result 0.

2- How much we need to add to 0 (the number we just got from step 1) in order to reach the value of the number on the left 5?

It's clear that the number is 5. 5-0 = 5

   5 % 7 = 5

Hope that helps.

How do I mount a remote Linux folder in Windows through SSH?

You need to mount a remote share on your windows machine. This is what Samba/smb is for.

What you'll be doing is turning your Linux box into an SMB server, which lets it share files in a way that plays nice with Windows.

If you're not on the same network, you'll need to tunnel this through your SSH connection which may not be worth the effort.

Is there a foreach loop in Go?

The following example shows how to use the range operator in a for loop to implement a foreach loop.

func PrintXml (out io.Writer, value interface{}) error {
    var data []byte
    var err error

    for _, action := range []func() {
        func () { data, err = xml.MarshalIndent(value, "", "  ") },
        func () { _, err = out.Write([]byte(xml.Header)) },
        func () { _, err = out.Write(data) },
        func () { _, err = out.Write([]byte("\n")) }} {
        if err != nil {
            return err
    return nil;

The example iterates over an array of functions to unify the error handling for the functions. A complete example is at Google´s playground.

PS: it shows also that hanging braces are a bad idea for the readability of code. Hint: the for condition ends just before the action() call. Obvious, isn't it?

Insert, on duplicate update in PostgreSQL?

Personally, I've set up a "rule" attached to the insert statement. Say you had a "dns" table that recorded dns hits per customer on a per-time basis:

    "time" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
    customer_id integer NOT NULL,
    hits integer

You wanted to be able to re-insert rows with updated values, or create them if they didn't exist already. Keyed on the customer_id and the time. Something like this:

CREATE RULE replace_dns AS 
    ON INSERT TO dns 
    WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dns WHERE ((dns."time" = new."time") 
            AND (dns.customer_id = new.customer_id)))) 
        SET hits = new.hits 
        WHERE ((dns."time" = new."time") AND (dns.customer_id = new.customer_id));

Update: This has the potential to fail if simultaneous inserts are happening, as it will generate unique_violation exceptions. However, the non-terminated transaction will continue and succeed, and you just need to repeat the terminated transaction.

However, if there are tons of inserts happening all the time, you will want to put a table lock around the insert statements: SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE locking will prevent any operations that could insert, delete or update rows in your target table. However, updates that do not update the unique key are safe, so if you no operation will do this, use advisory locks instead.

Also, the COPY command does not use RULES, so if you're inserting with COPY, you'll need to use triggers instead.

Find objects between two dates MongoDB

MongoDB actually stores the millis of a date as an int(64), as prescribed by

However, it can get pretty confusing when you retrieve dates as the client driver will instantiate a date object with its own local timezone. The JavaScript driver in the mongo console will certainly do this.

So, if you care about your timezones, then make sure you know what it's supposed to be when you get it back. This shouldn't matter so much for the queries, as it will still equate to the same int(64), regardless of what timezone your date object is in (I hope). But I'd definitely make queries with actual date objects (not strings) and let the driver do its thing.

Given the lat/long coordinates, how can we find out the city/country?

You need geopy

pip install geopy

and then:

from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
geolocator = Nominatim()
location = geolocator.reverse("48.8588443, 2.2943506")


to get more information:

print (location.raw)

{'place_id': '24066644', 'osm_id': '2387784956', 'lat': '41.442115', 'lon': '-8.2939909', 'boundingbox': ['41.442015', '41.442215', '-8.2940909', '-8.2938909'], 'address': {'country': 'Portugal', 'suburb': 'Oliveira do Castelo', 'house_number': '99', 'city_district': 'Oliveira do Castelo', 'country_code': 'pt', 'city': 'Oliveira, São Paio e São Sebastião', 'state': 'Norte', 'state_district': 'Ave', 'pedestrian': 'Rua Doutor Avelino Germano', 'postcode': '4800-443', 'county': 'Guimarães'}, 'osm_type': 'node', 'display_name': '99, Rua Doutor Avelino Germano, Oliveira do Castelo, Oliveira, São Paio e São Sebastião, Guimarães, Braga, Ave, Norte, 4800-443, Portugal', 'licence': 'Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.'}

Setting different color for each series in scatter plot on matplotlib

The normal way to plot plots with points in different colors in matplotlib is to pass a list of colors as a parameter.


import matplotlib.pyplot

3 colors

When you have a list of lists and you want them colored per list. I think the most elegant way is that suggesyted by @DSM, just do a loop making multiple calls to scatter.

But if for some reason you wanted to do it with just one call, you can make a big list of colors, with a list comprehension and a bit of flooring division:

import matplotlib
import numpy as np

X = [1,2,3,4]
Ys = np.array([[4,8,12,16],
      [17, 10, 13, 18],
      [9, 10, 18, 11],
      [4, 15, 17, 6],
      [7, 10, 8, 7],
      [9, 0, 10, 11],
      [14, 1, 15, 5],
      [8, 15, 9, 14],
       [20, 7, 1, 5]])
nCols = len(X)  
nRows = Ys.shape[0]

colors =, 1, len(Ys)))

cs = [colors[i//len(X)] for i in range(len(Ys)*len(X))] #could be done with numpy's repmat
Xs=X*nRows #use list multiplication for repetition

All plotted

cs = [array([ 0.5,  0. ,  1. ,  1. ]),
 array([ 0.5,  0. ,  1. ,  1. ]),
 array([ 0.5,  0. ,  1. ,  1. ]),
 array([ 0.5,  0. ,  1. ,  1. ]),
 array([ 0.28039216,  0.33815827,  0.98516223,  1.        ]),
 array([ 0.28039216,  0.33815827,  0.98516223,  1.        ]),
 array([ 0.28039216,  0.33815827,  0.98516223,  1.        ]),
 array([ 0.28039216,  0.33815827,  0.98516223,  1.        ]),
 array([  1.00000000e+00,   1.22464680e-16,   6.12323400e-17,
 array([  1.00000000e+00,   1.22464680e-16,   6.12323400e-17,
 array([  1.00000000e+00,   1.22464680e-16,   6.12323400e-17,
 array([  1.00000000e+00,   1.22464680e-16,   6.12323400e-17,

How can I take an UIImage and give it a black border?

You could manipulate the image itself, but a much better way is to simply add a UIView that contains the UIImageView, and change the background to black. Then set the size of that container view to a little bit larger than the UIImageView.

C programming: Dereferencing pointer to incomplete type error

You are using the pointer newFile without allocating space for it.

struct stasher_file *newFile = malloc(sizeof(stasher_file));

Also you should put the struct name at the top. Where you specified stasher_file is to create an instance of that struct.

struct stasher_file {
    char name[32];
    int  size;
    int  start;
    int  popularity;

How to copy java.util.list Collection

You may create a new list with an input of a previous list like so:

List one = new ArrayList()
//... add data, sort, etc
List two = new ArrayList(one);

This will allow you to modify the order or what elemtents are contained independent of the first list.

Keep in mind that the two lists will contain the same objects though, so if you modify an object in List two, the same object will be modified in list one.


MyObject value1 = one.get(0);
MyObject value2 = two.get(0);
value1 == value2 //true
value2.getName(); //returns "hello"


To avoid this you need a deep copy of each element in the list like so:

List<Torero> one = new ArrayList<Torero>();
//add elements

List<Torero> two = new Arraylist<Torero>();
for(Torero t : one){
    Torero copy = deepCopy(t);

with copy like the following:

public Torero deepCopy(Torero input){
    Torero copy = new Torero();
    copy.setValue(input.getValue());//.. copy primitives, deep copy objects again

    return copy;

Where can I download IntelliJ IDEA Color Schemes?

If you're just looking for a dark color scheme for IntelliJ IDEA, this is the first link I get in a Google search:

Dark Pastels theme for IntelliJ IDEA Dark Pastels theme for IntelliJ IDEA

Of course, you can tweak either of these two schemes to your satisfaction. Don't feel like you have to stick to the fonts and the colors that the original authors have chosen. We programmers don't get nearly enough change to try our hand at interior decorating to pass up this opportunity.

Is there any reason these won't work in the version you have? As best I can tell, you can simply import any theme that you want.

JavaScript adding decimal numbers issue

Testing this Javascript:

var arr = [1234563995.721, 12345691212.718, 1234568421.5891, 12345677093.49284];

var sum = 0;
for( var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ ) {
    sum += arr[i];

alert( "fMath(sum) = " + Math.round( sum * 1e12 ) / 1e12 );
alert( "fFixed(sum) = " + sum.toFixed( 5 ) );


Dont use Math.round( (## + ## + ... + ##) * 1e12) / 1e12

Instead, use ( ## + ## + ... + ##).toFixed(5) )

In IE 9, toFixed works very well.

How to unzip a file using the command line?

Copy the below code to a batch file and execute. Below requires Winzip to be installed/accessible from your machine. Do change variables as per your need.

SET winzip_path="C:\Program Files\WinZip"
SET source_path="C:\Test"
SET output_path="C:\Output\"
SET log_file="C:\Test\unzip_log.txt"
SET file_name="*.zip"

cd %source_path%
echo Executing for %source_path% > %log_file%

FOR /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('dir %file_name% /b') DO (
echo Processing : %%G
echo File_Name : %%G >> %log_file%
%winzip_path%\WINZIP32.EXE -e %%G %output_path%


How to use jquery $.post() method to submit form values

Get the value of your textboxes using val() and store them in a variable. Pass those values through $.post. In using the $.Post Submit button you can actually remove the form.


    username = $("#username").val(); 
    password = $("#password").val();

        $.post("process.php", { username:username, password:password } ,function(data){

Oracle client and networking components were not found

After you install Oracle Client components on the remote server, restart SQL Server Agent from the PC Management Console or directly from Sql Server Management Studio. This will allow the service to load correctly the path to the Oracle components. Otherwise your package will work on design time but fail on run time.

How to add title to subplots in Matplotlib?

fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=4,figsize=(11, 7))

grid = plt.GridSpec(2, 2, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.5)

ax1 = plt.subplot(grid[0, 0])
ax2 = plt.subplot(grid[0, 1:])
ax3 = plt.subplot(grid[1, :1])
ax4 = plt.subplot(grid[1, 1:])

ax1.title.set_text('First Plot')
ax2.title.set_text('Second Plot')
ax3.title.set_text('Third Plot')
ax4.title.set_text('Fourth Plot')

enter image description here

Find closing HTML tag in Sublime Text

Try Emmet plug-in command Go To Matching Pair:

Shortcut (Mac): Shift + Control + T

Shortcut (PC): Control + Alt + J

Can we create an instance of an interface in Java?

Yes it is correct. you can do it with an inner class.

int *array = new int[n]; what is this function actually doing?

int *array = new int[n];

It declares a pointer to a dynamic array of type int and size n.

A little more detailed answer: new allocates memory of size equal to sizeof(int) * n bytes and return the memory which is stored by the variable array. Also, since the memory is dynamically allocated using new, you've to deallocate it manually by writing (when you don't need anymore, of course):

delete []array;

Otherwise, your program will leak memory of at least sizeof(int) * n bytes (possibly more, depending on the allocation strategy used by the implementation).

How to determine if string contains specific substring within the first X characters

You can also use regular expressions (less readable though)

string regex = "^.{0,7}abc";

System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex reg = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(regex);
string Value1 = "sssddabcgghh";


Where is Python language used?

Many websites uses Django or Zope/Plone web framework, these are written in Python.

Python is used a lot for writing system administration software, usually when bash scripts (shell script) isn't up to the job, but going C/C++ is an overkill. This is also the spectrum where perl, awk, etc stands. Gentoo's emerge/portage is one example. Mercurial/HG is a distributed version control system (DVCS) written in python.

Many desktop applications are also written in Python. The original Bittorrent was written in python.

Python is also used as the scripting languages for GIMP, Inkscape, Blender, OpenOffice, etc. Python allows advanced users to write plugins and access advanced functionalities that cannot typically be used through a GUI.

How to send/receive SOAP request and response using C#?

The urls are different.

  • http://localhost/AccountSvc/DataInquiry.asmx


  • /acctinqsvc/portfolioinquiry.asmx

Resolve this issue first, as if the web server cannot resolve the URL you are attempting to POST to, you won't even begin to process the actions described by your request.

You should only need to create the WebRequest to the ASMX root URL, ie: http://localhost/AccountSvc/DataInquiry.asmx, and specify the desired method/operation in the SOAPAction header.

The SOAPAction header values are different.

  • http://localhost/AccountSvc/DataInquiry.asmx/ + methodName



You should be able to determine the correct SOAPAction by going to the correct ASMX URL and appending ?wsdl

There should be a <soap:operation> tag underneath the <wsdl:operation> tag that matches the operation you are attempting to execute, which appears to be GetMyName.

There is no XML declaration in the request body that includes your SOAP XML.

You specify text/xml in the ContentType of your HttpRequest and no charset. Perhaps these default to us-ascii, but there's no telling if you aren't specifying them!

The SoapUI created XML includes an XML declaration that specifies an encoding of utf-8, which also matches the Content-Type provided to the HTTP request which is: text/xml; charset=utf-8

Hope that helps!

e.printStackTrace equivalent in python

Adding to the other great answers, we can use the Python logging library's debug(), info(), warning(), error(), and critical() methods. Quoting from the docs for Python 3.7.4,

There are three keyword arguments in kwargs which are inspected: exc_info which, if it does not evaluate as false, causes exception information to be added to the logging message.

What this means is, you can use the Python logging library to output a debug(), or other type of message, and the logging library will include the stack trace in its output. With this in mind, we can do the following:

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger()

def f():
    a = { 'foo': None }
    # the following line will raise KeyError
    b = a['bar']

def g():

except Exception as e:
    logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)

And it will output:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<ipython-input-2-8ae09e08766b>", line 18, in <module>
  File "<ipython-input-2-8ae09e08766b>", line 14, in g
  File "<ipython-input-2-8ae09e08766b>", line 10, in f
    b = a['bar']
KeyError: 'bar'

How do I schedule jobs in Jenkins?

Jenkins lets you set up multiple times, separated by line breaks.

If you need it to build daily at 7 am, along with every Sunday at 4 pm, the below works well.

H 7 * * *

H 16 * * 0

How to use JavaScript regex over multiple lines?

I have tested it (Chrome) and it working for me( both [^] and [^\0]), by changing the dot (.) by either [^\0] or [^] , because dot doesn't match line break (See here:

var ss= "<pre>aaaa\nbbb\nccc</pre>ddd";_x000D_
var arr= ss.match( /<pre[^\0]*?<\/pre>/gm );_x000D_
alert(arr);     //Working

How to Set a Custom Font in the ActionBar Title?

int titleId = getResources().getIdentifier("action_bar_title", "id",
    TextView yourTextView = (TextView) findViewById(titleId);

Set value of hidden field in a form using jQuery's ".val()" doesn't work

I was having the same issue, and I found out what was wrong. I had the HTML defined as

<form action="url" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" id="email" />
    function onsomeevent()
       $("#email").val("[email protected]");

Reading the form values on server always resulted in email as empty. After scratching my head (and numerous search), I realized the mistake was not defining the form/input correctly. On modifing the input (as shown next), it worked like a charm

<input type="hidden" id="email" name="email" />

Adding to this thread in case others have the same issue.

Google Maps API v2: How to make markers clickable?

setTag(position) while adding marker to map.

Marker marker =  map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
                .position(new LatLng(latitude, longitude)));

getTag() on setOnMarkerClickListener listener

map.setOnMarkerClickListener(new GoogleMap.OnMarkerClickListener() {
                public boolean onMarkerClick(Marker marker) {
                    int position = (int)(marker.getTag());
                   //Using position get Value from arraylist 
                    return false;

Is it valid to replace http:// with // in a <script src="http://...">?

Following the gnud's reference, the RFC 3986 section 5.2 says:

If the scheme component is defined, indicating that the reference starts with a scheme name, then the reference is interpreted as an absolute URI and we are done. Otherwise, the reference URI's scheme is inherited from the base URI's scheme component.

So // is correct :-)

Parsing JSON array with PHP foreach

You need to tell it which index in data to use, or double loop through all.

E.g., to get the values in the 4th index in the outside array.:

foreach($user->data[3]->values as $values)
     echo $values->value . "\n";

To go through all:

foreach($user->data as $mydata)
    foreach($mydata->values as $values) {
        echo $values->value . "\n";


How to maximize a window using Python

I found this for full screen mode on Ubuntu

#Show full screen
mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()

Detecting Windows or Linux?

I think It's a best approach to use Apache lang dependency to decide which OS you're running programmatically through Java

import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils;

public class App {
    public static void main( String[] args ) {
            System.out.println("It's a Windows 7 OS");
            System.out.println("It's a Windows 8 OS");
            System.out.println("It's a Linux OS");
            System.out.println("It's a MAC OS");

Best way to call a JSON WebService from a .NET Console

I use HttpWebRequest to GET from the web service, which returns me a JSON string. It looks something like this for a GET:

// Returns JSON string
string GET(string url) 
    HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
    try {
        WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
        using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream()) {
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
            return reader.ReadToEnd();
    catch (WebException ex) {
        WebResponse errorResponse = ex.Response;
        using (Stream responseStream = errorResponse.GetResponseStream())
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"));
            String errorText = reader.ReadToEnd();
            // log errorText

I then use JSON.Net to dynamically parse the string. Alternatively, you can generate the C# class statically from sample JSON output using this codeplex tool:

POST looks like this:

// POST a JSON string
void POST(string url, string jsonContent) 
    HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
    request.Method = "POST";

    System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
    Byte[] byteArray = encoding.GetBytes(jsonContent);

    request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
    request.ContentType = @"application/json";

    using (Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream()) {
        dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
    long length = 0;
    try {
        using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) {
            length = response.ContentLength;
    catch (WebException ex) {
        // Log exception and throw as for GET example above

I use code like this in automated tests of our web service.

Detect whether current Windows version is 32 bit or 64 bit

A lot of answers mention calling IsWoW64Process() or related functions. This is not the correct way. You should use GetNativeSystemInfo() which was designed for this purpose. Here's an example:


if (info.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64) {
  // It's a 64-bit OS

Also see:

How to have the formatter wrap code with IntelliJ?

Or you can use the shortcut:

Ctrl + Alt + L

How to set the color of "placeholder" text?

Try this

textarea::-webkit-input-placeholder {  color: #999;}

How to select an item in a ListView programmatically?

if (listView1.Items.Count > 0)
    listView1.FocusedItem = listView1.Items[0];
    listView1.Items[0].Selected = true;

How can I find script's directory?

Try this:

def get_script_path(for_file = None):
    path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0] or 'something'))
    return path if not for_file else os.path.join(path, for_file)

Casting LinkedHashMap to Complex Object

You can use ObjectMapper.convertValue(), either value by value or even for the whole list. But you need to know the type to convert to:

POJO pojo = mapper.convertValue(singleObject, POJO.class);
// or:
List<POJO> pojos = mapper.convertValue(listOfObjects, new TypeReference<List<POJO>>() { });

this is functionally same as if you did:

byte[] json = mapper.writeValueAsBytes(singleObject);
POJO pojo = mapper.readValue(json, POJO.class);

but avoids actual serialization of data as JSON, instead using an in-memory event sequence as the intermediate step.

Is it safe to delete a NULL pointer?

It is safe unless you overloaded the delete operator. if you overloaded the delete operator and not handling null condition then it is not safe at all.

Excel VBA: AutoFill Multiple Cells with Formulas

The approach you're looking for is FillDown. Another way so you don't have to kick your head off every time is to store formulas in an array of strings. Combining them gives you a powerful method of inputting formulas by the multitude. Code follows:

Sub FillDown()

    Dim strFormulas(1 To 3) As Variant

    With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
        strFormulas(1) = "=SUM(A2:B2)"
        strFormulas(2) = "=PRODUCT(A2:B2)"
        strFormulas(3) = "=A2/B2"

        .Range("C2:E2").Formula = strFormulas
    End With

End Sub


Result as of line: .Range("C2:E2").Formula = strFormulas:

enter image description here

Result as of line: .Range("C2:E11").FillDown:

enter image description here

Of course, you can make it dynamic by storing the last row into a variable and turning it to something like .Range("C2:E" & LRow).FillDown, much like what you did.

Hope this helps!

iconv - Detected an illegal character in input string

If you used the accepted answer, however, you will still receive the PHP Notice if a character in your input string cannot be transliterated:

$cp1252 = '';

for ($i = 128; $i < 256; $i++) {
    $cp1252 .= chr($i);

echo iconv("cp1252", "utf-8//TRANSLIT", $cp1252);

PHP Notice:  iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string in CP1252.php on line 8

Notice: iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string in CP1252.php on line 8

So you should use IGNORE, which will ignore what can't be transliterated:

echo iconv("cp1252", "utf-8//IGNORE", $cp1252);

Is it better to use path() or url() in for django 2.0?

Path is a new feature of Django 2.0. Explained here :

Look like more pythonic way, and enable to not use regular expression in argument you pass to view... you can ue int() function for exemple.

How can you have SharePoint Link Lists default to opening in a new window?

Under the Links Tab ==> Edit the URL Item ==> Under the URL (Type the Web address)- format the value as follows:

Example: if the URL = ==> then suffix the value with ==>

  • #openinnewwindow/,'" target="'

SO, the final value should read as ==>,'" target="'

DONE ==> this will open the URL in New Window

Assets file project.assets.json not found. Run a NuGet package restore

Nothing above worked for me. But simply deleting all 'bin' and 'obj' folders did the trick.

How to include external Python code to use in other files?

I would like to emphasize an answer that was in the comments that is working well for me. As mikey has said, this will work if you want to have variables in the included file in scope in the caller of 'include', just insert it as normal python. It works like an include statement in PHP. Works in Python 3.8.5. Happy coding!

Alternative #1

import textwrap 
from pathlib import Path

Alternative #2

with open('') as f: exec(

"Failed to install the following Android SDK packages as some licences have not been accepted" error

Appears to be a bug at the momment:

Solution that worked for me:

Create a .travis.yml file in your project directory and copy these lines:

- mkdir "$ANDROID_HOME/licenses" || true
- echo "24333f8a63b6825ea9c5514f83c2829b004d1fee" > "$ANDROID_HOME/licenses/android-sdk-license"


Change image source in code behind - Wpf

You are all wrong! Why? Because all you need is this code to work:

(image View) / C# Img is : your Image box

Keep this as is, without change ("ms-appx:///) this is code not your app name Images is your folder in your project you can change it. dog.png is your file in your folder, as well as i do my folder 'Images' and file 'dog.png' So the uri is :"ms-appx:///Images/dog.png" and my code :

private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
         img.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///Images/dog.png"));

programming a servo thru a barometer

You could define a mapping of air pressure to servo angle, for example:

def calc_angle(pressure, min_p=1000, max_p=1200):     return 360 * ((pressure - min_p) / float(max_p - min_p))  angle = calc_angle(pressure) 

This will linearly convert pressure values between min_p and max_p to angles between 0 and 360 (you could include min_a and max_a to constrain the angle, too).

To pick a data structure, I wouldn't use a list but you could look up values in a dictionary:

d = {1000:0, 1001: 1.8, ...}  angle = d[pressure] 

but this would be rather time-consuming to type out!

Python: Ignore 'Incorrect padding' error when base64 decoding

Adding the padding is rather... fiddly. Here's the function I wrote with the help of the comments in this thread as well as the wiki page for base64 (it's surprisingly helpful)

import logging
import base64
def base64_decode(s):
    """Add missing padding to string and return the decoded base64 string."""
    log = logging.getLogger()
    s = str(s).strip()
        return base64.b64decode(s)
    except TypeError:
        padding = len(s) % 4
        if padding == 1:
            log.error("Invalid base64 string: {}".format(s))
            return ''
        elif padding == 2:
            s += b'=='
        elif padding == 3:
            s += b'='
        return base64.b64decode(s)

Is a slash ("/") equivalent to an encoded slash ("%2F") in the path portion of an HTTP URL

encodeURI()/decodeURI and encodeURIComponent()/decodeURIComponent are utility functions to handle this. Read more here

Prevent Bootstrap Modal from disappearing when clicking outside or pressing escape?

Your code is working when i click out side the modal, but if i use html input field inside modal-body then focus your cursor on that input then press esc key the modal has closed. Click here

How to dynamically add a class to manual class names?

className={css(styles.mainDiv, 'subContainer')}

This solution is tried and tested in React SPFx.

Also add import statement :

import { css } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Utilities';

How to add a recyclerView inside another recyclerView

you can use LayoutInflater to inflate your dynamic data as a layout file.

UPDATE : first create a LinearLayout inside your CardView's layout and assign an ID for it. after that create a layout file that you want to inflate. at last in your onBindViewHolder method in your "RAdaper" class. write these codes :

  mInflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);

  view = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.my_list_custom_row, parent, false);

after that you can initialize data and ClickListeners with your RAdapter Data. hope it helps.

this and this may useful :)

List of macOS text editors and code editors

I used BBEdit for years, but recently converted to Panic's Coda.

I love Coda. It does everything that I need and now that I've begun programming plug-ins for it, it's become a far more rich tool. The support team are responsive and the community that is growing around it is fantastic. There is still a lot of room for improvement, but that's the cool thing about being part of the kind of community that surrounds it; you have a say in what that improvement is.

Panic - Coda

Error Code: 1406. Data too long for column - MySQL

This happened to me recently. I was fully migrate to MySQL 5.7, and everything is in default configuration.

All previously answers are already clear and I just want to add something.

This 1406 error could happen in your function / procedure too and not only to your table's column length.

In my case, I've trigger which call procedure with IN parameter varchar(16) but received 32 length value.

I hope this help someone with similar problem.

Working with time DURATION, not time of day

Highlight the cell(s)/column which you want as Duration, right click on the mouse to "Format Cells". Go to "Custom" and look for "h:mm" if you want to input duration in hour and minutes format. If you want to include seconds as well, click on "h:mm:ss". You can even add up the total duration after that.

Hope this helps.

HttpListener Access Denied

In case you want to use the flag "user=Everyone" you need to adjust it to your system language. In english it is as mentioned:

netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:80/ user=Everyone

In german it would be:

netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:80/ user=Jeder

docker error - 'name is already in use by container'

The OP's problem is the error. Deleting state isn't the only solution - or even a good one. The problem is docker run isn't re-entrant, and docker start is impotent w/o run. So we have to combine them.

For example to run Postgres w/o destroying previous state, try this:

docker start postgres || docker run -d -p 5432:5432 --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password postgres:13-alpine

Running a Python script from PHP

I recommend using passthru and handling the output buffer directly:

passthru('/usr/bin/python2.7 /srv/http/assets/py/ arg1 arg2');
$output = ob_get_clean(); 

Javamail Could not convert socket to TLS GMail

Try changing the port to 465


Alter column, add default constraint

Try this

alter table TableName 
 add constraint df_ConstraintNAme 
 default getutcdate() for [Date]


create table bla (id int)

alter table bla add constraint dt_bla default 1 for id

insert bla default values

select * from bla

also make sure you name the default will be a pain in the neck to drop it later because it will have one of those crazy system generated names...see also How To Name Default Constraints And How To Drop Default Constraint Without A Name In SQL Server

Get original URL referer with PHP?

As Johnathan Suggested, you would either want to save it in a cookie or a session.

The easier way would be to use a Session variable.

    $_SESSION['org_referer'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];

Put that at the top of the page, and you will always be able to access the first referer that the site visitor was directed by.

ActionBar text color

Setting a HTML string on the action bar doesn't work on the Material theme in SDK v21+

If you want to change it you should set the primary text color in your style.xml

    <!-- Base application theme. -->
    <style name="AppTheme" parent="android:Theme.Material.Light">
        <!-- Customize your theme here. -->
        <item name="android:textColorPrimary">@color/actionbar-text-color</item>

linux: kill background task

You can kill by job number. When you put a task in the background you'll see something like:

$ ./script &
[1] 35341

That [1] is the job number and can be referenced like:

$ kill %1
$ kill %%  # Most recent background job

To see a list of job numbers use the jobs command. More from man bash:

There are a number of ways to refer to a job in the shell. The character % introduces a job name. Job number n may be referred to as %n. A job may also be referred to using a prefix of the name used to start it, or using a substring that appears in its command line. For example, %ce refers to a stopped ce job. If a prefix matches more than one job, bash reports an error. Using %?ce, on the other hand, refers to any job containing the string ce in its command line. If the substring matches more than one job, bash reports an error. The symbols %% and %+ refer to the shell's notion of the current job, which is the last job stopped while it was in the foreground or started in the background. The previous job may be referenced using %-. In output pertaining to jobs (e.g., the output of the jobs command), the current job is always flagged with a +, and the previous job with a -. A single % (with no accompanying job specification) also refers to the current job.