[momentjs] Moment.js with Vuejs

I try to print out date time using like the following in vue-for

{{ moment().format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a') }}

but, it does not appear. It's just a blank. How I can try to use moment in vue?

This question is related to momentjs vue.js

The answer is

For moment.js at Vue 3

npm install moment --save

Then in any component

import moment from 'moment'


export default {
  created: function () {
    this.moment = moment;


<div class="comment-line">
   {{moment(new Date()).format('DD.MM.YYYY [&nbsp;] HH:mm')}}

In your package.json in the "dependencies" section add moment:

"dependencies": {
  "moment": "^2.15.2",

In the component where you would like to use moment, import it:

import moment from 'moment'

And in the same component add a computed property:

computed: {
  timestamp: function () {
    return moment(this.<model>.attributes['created-at']).format('YYYY-MM-DD [at] hh:mm')

And then in the template of this component:

<p>{{ timestamp }}</p>


very nice plugin for vue project and works very smoothly with the components and existing code. Enjoy the moments...

// in your main.js
// and use in component
{{'2019-10-03 14:02:22' | moment("calendar")}}
// or like this
{{created_at | moment("calendar")}}

// plugins/moment.js

import moment from 'moment';


export default function install (Vue) {
  Object.defineProperties(Vue.prototype, {
    $moment: {
      get () {
        return moment;

// main.js

import moment from './plugins/moment.js';

// use this.$moment in your components

global members are not available by default in your <template>'s scope. But you can easily pass them on using computed properties.

computed: {
  moment: () => moment,
  console: () => console,
  window: () => window

Now you can use any of them in your template. i.e: console.log(moment(), window).

Note this doesn't add any overhead.

If your project is a single page application, (eg project created by vue init webpack myproject), I found this way is most intuitive and simple:

In main.js

import moment from 'moment'

Vue.prototype.moment = moment

Then in your template, simply use


I'd simply import the moment module, then use a computed function to handle my moment() logic and return a value that's referenced in the template.

While I have not used this and thus can not speak on it's effectiveness, I did find https://github.com/brockpetrie/vue-moment for an alternate consideration

I made it work with Vue 2.0 in single file component.

npm install moment in folder where you have vue installed

  <div v-for="meta in order.meta">
    {{ getHumanDate(meta.value.date) }}
    import moment from 'moment';
    export default {
         methods: {
            getHumanDate : function (date) {
                return moment(date, 'YYYY-MM-DD').format('DD/MM/YYYY');

Here is an example using a 3rd party wrapper library for Vue called vue-moment.

In addition to binding Moment instance into Vue's root scope, this library includes moment and duration filters.

This example includes localization and is using ES6 module imports, an official standard, instead of NodeJS's CommonJS module system requires.

import Vue from 'vue';

import moment from 'moment';
import VueMoment from 'vue-moment';

// Load Locales ('en' comes loaded by default)

// Choose Locale

Vue.use(VueMoment, { moment });

Now you can use the Moment instance directly in your Vue templates without any additional markup:

<small>Copyright {{ $moment().year() }}</small>

Or the filters:

<span>{{ 3600000 | duration('humanize') }}</span>
<!-- "an hour" -->
<span>{{ [2, 'years'] | duration('add', 1, 'year') | duration('humanize') }}</span>
<!-- "3 years" -->


import Vue from 'vue'
Vue.filter('formatYear', (value) => {
  if (!value) return ''
  return moment(value).format('YYYY')