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Change Tomcat Server's timeout in Eclipse

SOLVED: That's it!!!! For me was compiling with JDK6 but running Tomcat with JDK7, WST uses the system properties and not the eclipse settings. I also configure the same JDK Version in eclipse and in System (check it with java -version in cmd line)

Details: I try to configure eclipse like describe here, but it didn´t solve the problem, then I notice in eclipse´s error log that tomcat was started with jre 1.7. in spite of my configurations.

I also try, in cmd line, 'java -version' and obtained '1.7' instead of expected '1.6'.

I also decide to configure java 1.6 (like in eclipse) in system panel but it didn´t solve the problem. I also desinstall jre 1.7 restart eclipse AND IT SUCCESS!.. It was a very usefull clue, thank you.

How do I make a C++ macro behave like a function?

Macros should generally be avoided; prefer inline functions to them at all times. Any compiler worth its salt should be capable of inlining a small function as if it were a macro, and an inline function will respect namespaces and other scopes, as well as evaluating all the arguments once.

If it must be a macro, a while loop (already suggested) will work, or you can try the comma operator:

#define MACRO(X,Y) \
 ( \
  (cout << "1st arg is:" << (X) << endl), \
  (cout << "2nd arg is:" << (Y) << endl), \
  (cout << "3rd arg is:" << ((X) + (Y)) << endl), \
  (void)0 \

The (void)0 causes the statement to evaluate to one of void type, and the use of commas rather than semicolons allows it to be used inside a statement, rather than only as a standalone. I would still recommend an inline function for a host of reasons, the least of which being scope and the fact that MACRO(a++, b++) will increment a and b twice.

Is key-value observation (KVO) available in Swift?


It is possible using Combine without using NSObject or Objective-C

Availability: iOS 13.0+, macOS 10.15+, tvOS 13.0+, watchOS 6.0+, Mac Catalyst 13.0+, Xcode 11.0+

Note: Needs to be used only with classes not with value types.


Swift Version: 5.1.2

import Combine //Combine Framework

//Needs to be a class doesn't work with struct and other value types
class Car {

    @Published var price : Int = 10

let car = Car()

//Option 1: Automatically Subscribes to the publisher

let cancellable1 = car.$price.sink {
    print("Option 1: value changed to \($0)")

//Option 2: Manually Subscribe to the publisher
//Using this option multiple subscribers can subscribe to the same publisher

let publisher = car.$price

let subscriber2 : Subscribers.Sink<Int, Never>

subscriber2 = Subscribers.Sink(receiveCompletion: { print("completion \($0)")}) {
    print("Option 2: value changed to \($0)")


//Assign a new value

car.price = 20


Option 1: value changed to 10
Option 2: value changed to 10
Option 1: value changed to 20
Option 2: value changed to 20


How do I restart my C# WinForm Application?

I might be late to the party but here is my simple solution and it works like a charm with every application I have:

            //run the program again and close this one
            Process.Start(Application.StartupPath + "\\blabla.exe"); 
            //or you can use Application.ExecutablePath

            //close this one
        { }

JavaScript ES6 promise for loop

here's my 2 cents worth:

  • resuable function forpromise()
  • emulates a classic for loop
  • allows for early exit based on internal logic, returning a value
  • can collect an array of results passed into resolve/next/collect
  • defaults to start=0,increment=1
  • exceptions thrown inside loop are caught and passed to .catch()

    function forpromise(lo, hi, st, res, fn) {_x000D_
        if (typeof res === 'function') {_x000D_
            fn = res;_x000D_
            res = undefined;_x000D_
        if (typeof hi === 'function') {_x000D_
            fn = hi;_x000D_
            hi = lo;_x000D_
            lo = 0;_x000D_
            st = 1;_x000D_
        if (typeof st === 'function') {_x000D_
            fn = st;_x000D_
            st = 1;_x000D_
        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {_x000D_
            (function loop(i) {_x000D_
                if (i >= hi) return resolve(res);_x000D_
                const promise = new Promise(function(nxt, brk) {_x000D_
                    try {_x000D_
                        fn(i, nxt, brk);_x000D_
                    } catch (ouch) {_x000D_
                        return reject(ouch);_x000D_
                catch (function(brkres) {_x000D_
                    hi = lo - st;_x000D_
                }).then(function(el) {_x000D_
                    if (res) res.push(el);_x000D_
                    loop(i + st)_x000D_
    //no result returned, just loop from 0 thru 9_x000D_
    forpromise(0, 10, function(i, next) {_x000D_
        console.log("iterating:", i);_x000D_
    }).then(function() {_x000D_
        console.log("test result 1", arguments);_x000D_
        //shortform:no result returned, just loop from 0 thru 4_x000D_
        forpromise(5, function(i, next) {_x000D_
            console.log("counting:", i);_x000D_
        }).then(function() {_x000D_
            console.log("test result 2", arguments);_x000D_
            //collect result array, even numbers only_x000D_
            forpromise(0, 10, 2, [], function(i, collect) {_x000D_
                console.log("adding item:", i);_x000D_
                collect("result-" + i);_x000D_
            }).then(function() {_x000D_
                console.log("test result 3", arguments);_x000D_
                //collect results, even numbers, break loop early with different result_x000D_
                forpromise(0, 10, 2, [], function(i, collect, break_) {_x000D_
                    console.log("adding item:", i);_x000D_
                    if (i === 8) return break_("ending early");_x000D_
                    collect("result-" + i);_x000D_
                }).then(function() {_x000D_
                    console.log("test result 4", arguments);_x000D_
                    // collect results, but break loop on exception thrown, which we catch_x000D_
                    forpromise(0, 10, 2, [], function(i, collect, break_) {_x000D_
                        console.log("adding item:", i);_x000D_
                        if (i === 4) throw new Error("failure inside loop");_x000D_
                        collect("result-" + i);_x000D_
                    }).then(function() {_x000D_
                        console.log("test result 5", arguments);_x000D_
                    catch (function(err) {_x000D_
                        console.log("caught in test 5:[Error ", err.message, "]");_x000D_

@Scope("prototype") bean scope not creating new bean

Since Spring 2.5 there's a very easy (and elegant) way to achieve that.

You can just change the params proxyMode and value of the @Scope annotation.

With this trick you can avoid to write extra code or to inject the ApplicationContext every time that you need a prototype inside a singleton bean.


@Scope(value="prototype", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)  
public class LoginAction {}

With the config above LoginAction (inside HomeController) is always a prototype even though the controller is a singleton.

Enable CORS in Web API 2

I'm most definitely hitting this issue with attribute routing. The issue was fixed as of 5.0.0-rtm-130905. But still, you can try out the nightly builds which will most certainly have the fix.

To add nightlies to your NuGet package source, go to Tools -> Library Package Manager -> Package Manager Settings and add the following URL under Package Sources:

Android: How do I prevent the soft keyboard from pushing my view up?

Just a single line to be added...

Add android:windowSoftInputMode="stateHidden|adjustPan" in required activity of your manifest file.

I just got solved :) :)

Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier

this fails:

 SET @vPortalUID='2A66057D-F4E5-4E2B-B2F1-38C51A96D385'
 SET @nPortalUID = CAST(@vPortalUID AS uniqueidentifier)
 PRINT @nPortalUID

this works

 SET @vPortalUID='2A66057D-F4E5-4E2B-B2F1-38C51A96D385'
 PRINT @nPortalUID

the difference is NVARCHAR(36), your input parameter is too small!

tr:hover not working

Also try thistr:hover td {color: aqua;} `

How to pass the id of an element that triggers an `onclick` event to the event handling function

The element that triggered the event can be different than the one you bound the handler to because events bubble up the DOM tree.

So if you want to get the ID of the element the event handler is bound to, you can do this easily with (this refers to the element).

But if you want to get the element where the event originated, then you have to access it with in W3C compatible browsers and event.srcElement in IE 8 and below.

I would avoid writing a lot of JavaScript in the onXXXX HTML attributes. I would only pass the event object and put the code to extract the element in the handler (or in an extra function):

<div onlick="doWithThisElement(event)">

Then the handler would look like this:

function doWithThisElement(event) {
    event = event || window.event; // IE
    var target = || event.srcElement; // IE

    var id =;

I suggest to read the excellent articles about event handling at


<link onclick="doWithThisElement(id_of_this_element)" />

does hardly make sense (<link> is an element that can only appear in the <head>, binding an event handler (if even possible) will have no effect).

How to create a Multidimensional ArrayList in Java?

What would you think of this for 3D ArrayList - can be used similarly to arrays - see the comments in the code:

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;

     * ArrayList3D simulates a 3 dimensional array,<br>
     * e.g: myValue = arrayList3D.get(x, y, z) is the same as: <br>
     *      myValue = array[x][y][z] <br>
     * and<br>
     *      arrayList3D.set(x, y, z, myValue) is the same as:<br> 
     *      array[x][y][z] = myValue; <br>
     * but keeps its full ArrayList functionality, thus its
     * benefits of ArrayLists over arrays.<br>
     * <br>
     * @param <T> data type
    public class ArrayList3D <T> {

        private final List<List<List<T>>> arrayList3D;

        public ArrayList3D() {
            arrayList3D = newArrayDim1();

                                             * Get value of the given array element.<br>
                                             * E.g: get(2, 5, 3);<br>
                                             * For 3 dim array this would equal to:<br>
                                             *      nyValue = array[2][5][3];<br>
                                             * <br>
                                             * Throws: IndexOutOfBoundsException
                                             * - if any index is out of range 
                                             *   (index < 0 || index >= size())<br>
                                             * <br>
                                             * @param dim1 index of the first dimension of the array list
                                             * @param dim2 index of the second dimension of the array list
                                             * @param dim3 index of the third dimension of the array list
                                             * @return value of the given array element (of type T)
        public T get(int dim1, int dim2, int dim3) {
            List<List<T>>       ar2 = arrayList3D.get(dim1);
            List<T>             ar3 = ar2.get(dim2);
            return ar3.get(dim3);

                                             * Set value of the given array.<br>
                                             * E.g: set(2, 5, 3, "my value");<br>
                                             * For 3 dim array this would equal to:<br>
                                             *      array[2][5][3]="my value";<br>
                                             * <br>
                                             * Throws: IndexOutOfBoundsException
                                             * - if any index is out of range 
                                             *   (index < 0 || index >= size())<br>
                                             * <br>
                                             * @param dim1 index of the first dimension of the array list
                                             * @param dim2 index of the second dimension of the array list
                                             * @param dim3 index of the third dimension of the array list
                                             * @param value value to assign to the given array
                                             * <br>
        public void set(int dim1, int dim2, int dim3, T value) {
            arrayList3D.get(dim1).get(dim2).set(dim3, value);

                                             * Set value of the given array element.<br>
                                             * E.g: set(2, 5, 3, "my value");<br>
                                             * For 3 dim array this would equal to:<br>
                                             *      array[2][5][3]="my value";<br>
                                             * <br>
                                             * Throws: IndexOutOfBoundsException
                                             * - if any index is less then 0
                                             *   (index < 0)<br>
                                             * <br>
                                             * @param indexDim1 index of the first dimension of the array list
                                             * @param indexDim2 index of the second dimension of the array list
                                             *        If you set indexDim1 or indexDim2 to value higher
                                             *        then the current max index,
                                             *        the method will add entries for the
                                             *        difference. The added lists will be empty.
                                             * @param indexDim3 index of the third dimension of the array list
                                             *        If you set indexDim3 to value higher
                                             *        then the current max index,
                                             *        the method will add entries for the
                                             *        difference and fill in the values
                                             *        of param. 'value'.
                                             * @param value value to assign to the given array index

        public void setOrAddValue(int indexDim1, 
                                  int indexDim2,
                                  int indexDim3, 
                                  T value) {

            List<T> ar3 = setOrAddDim3(indexDim1, indexDim2);

            int max = ar3.size();

            if (indexDim3 < 0)
                indexDim3 = 0;
            if (indexDim3 < max)
                ar3.set(indexDim3, value);

            for (int ix = max-1; ix < indexDim3; ix++ ) {

        private List<List<List<T>>> newArrayDim1() {
            List<T> ar3 = new ArrayList<>();
            List<List<T>> ar2 = new ArrayList<>();
            List<List<List<T>>> ar1 = new ArrayList<>();
            return ar1;

        private List<List<T>> newArrayDim2() {
            List<T> ar3 = new ArrayList<>();
            List<List<T>> ar2 = new ArrayList<>();
            return ar2;

        private List<T> newArrayDim3() {
            List<T> ar3 = new ArrayList<>();
            return ar3;

        private List<List<T>> setOrAddDim2(int indexDim1) {

            List<List<T>> ar2 = null;

            int max = arrayList3D.size();
            if (indexDim1 < 0)
                indexDim1 = 0;
            if (indexDim1 < max)
                return arrayList3D.get(indexDim1);

            for (int ix = max-1; ix < indexDim1; ix++ ) {
                ar2 = newArrayDim2();
            return ar2;


        private List<T> setOrAddDim3(int indexDim1, int indexDim2) {

            List<List<T>> ar2 = setOrAddDim2(indexDim1);
            List<T>       ar3 = null;

            int max = ar2.size();
            if (indexDim2 < 0)
                indexDim2 = 0;
            if (indexDim2 < max)
                return ar2.get(indexDim2);

            for (int ix = max-1; ix < indexDim2; ix++ ) {
                ar3 = newArrayDim3();
            return ar3;

        public List<List<List<T>>> getArrayList3D() {
            return arrayList3D;


And here is a test code:

        ArrayList3D<Integer> ar = new ArrayList3D<>();

        int max = 3;
        for (int i1 = 0; i1 < max; i1++) {
            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < max; i2++) {
                for (int i3 = 0; i3 < max; i3++) {
                    ar.setOrAddValue(i1, i2, i3, (i3 + 1) + (i2*max) + (i1*max*max));
                    int x = ar.get(i1, i2, i3);
                    System.out.println(" - " + i1 + ", " + i2 + ", " + i3 + " = " + x);

Result output:

  • 0, 0, 0 = 1
  • 0, 0, 1 = 2
  • 0, 0, 2 = 3
  • 0, 1, 0 = 4
  • 0, 1, 1 = 5
  • 0, 1, 2 = 6
  • 0, 2, 0 = 7
  • 0, 2, 1 = 8
  • 0, 2, 2 = 9
  • 1, 0, 0 = 10
  • 1, 0, 1 = 11
  • 1, 0, 2 = 12
  • 1, 1, 0 = 13
  • 1, 1, 1 = 14
  • 1, 1, 2 = 15
  • 1, 2, 0 = 16
  • 1, 2, 1 = 17
  • 1, 2, 2 = 18
  • 2, 0, 0 = 19
  • 2, 0, 1 = 20
  • 2, 0, 2 = 21
  • 2, 1, 0 = 22
  • 2, 1, 1 = 23
  • 2, 1, 2 = 24
  • 2, 2, 0 = 25
  • 2, 2, 1 = 26
  • 2, 2, 2 = 27

How to use sha256 in php5.3.0

Could this be a typo? (two Ps in ppasscode, intended?)


I would make sure and do:


and make sure the data is accurate there, and then echo out what it should look like:

echo hash('sha256', $_POST['ppasscode']);

Compare this output to what you have in the database (manually). By doing this you're exploring your possible points of failure:

  1. Getting password from form
  2. hashing the password
  3. stored password
  4. comparison of the two.

How do you configure an OpenFileDialog to select folders?

I have a dialog that I wrote called an OpenFileOrFolder dialog that allows you to open either a folder or a file.

If you set its AcceptFiles value to false, then it operates in only accept folder mode.

You can download the source from GitHub here

Difference Between ViewResult() and ActionResult()

In the Controller , one could use the below syntax

public ViewResult EditEmployee() {
    return View();

public ActionResult EditEmployee() {
    return View();

In the above example , only the return type varies . one returns ViewResult whereas the other one returns ActionResult.

ActionResult is an abstract class . It can accept:

ViewResult , PartialViewResult, EmptyResult , RedirectResult , RedirectToRouteResult , JsonResult , JavaScriptResult , ContentResult, FileContentResult , FileStreamResult , FilePathResult etc.

The ViewResult is a subclass of ActionResult.

SQL - Rounding off to 2 decimal places

you can use

select cast((630/60.0) as  decimal(16,2))

How to restart tomcat 6 in ubuntu

if you are using extracted tomcat then, and are two script located in TOMCAT/bin/ to start and shutdown tomcat, You could use that

if tomcat is installed then

/etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 start
/etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 stop
/etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 restart

gridview data export to excel in

Instead of doing all these.. cant you use a simpler approach as shown below.

            Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + strFileName);
            Response.ContentType = "application/excel";
            System.IO.StringWriter sw = new System.IO.StringWriter();
            HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);

You can get the entire walkthrough here

SQLSTATE[HY000] [1698] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'

MySQL makes a difference between "localhost" and "".

It might be possible that 'root'@'localhost' is not allowed because there is an entry in the user table that will only allow root login from

This could also explain why some application on your server can connect to the database and some not because there are different ways of connecting to the database. And you currently do not allow it through "localhost".

How to completely uninstall Android Studio from windows(v10)?

Firstly uninstall Android Studio from control panel using program and features. Later you also need to enable displaying of hidden files and folders and delete the following:


How to run java application by .bat file

If You have jar file then create bat file with:

java -jar NameOfJar.jar

Creating and appending text to txt file in VB.NET

You didn't close the file after creating it, so when you write to it, it's in use by yourself. The Create method opens the file and returns a FileStream object. You either write to the file using the FileStream or close it before writing to it. I would suggest that you use the CreateText method instead in this case, as it returns a StreamWriter.

You also forgot to close the StreamWriter in the case where the file didn't exist, so it would most likely still be locked when you would try to write to it the next time. And you forgot to write the error message to the file if it didn't exist.

Dim strFile As String = "C:\ErrorLog_" & DateTime.Today.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") & ".txt"
Dim sw As StreamWriter
   If (Not File.Exists(strFile)) Then
      sw = File.CreateText(strFile)
      sw.WriteLine("Start Error Log for today")
      sw = File.AppendText(strFile)
   End If
   sw.WriteLine("Error Message in  Occured at-- " & DateTime.Now)
Catch ex As IOException
   MsgBox("Error writing to log file.")
End Try

Note: When you catch exceptions, don't catch the base class Exception, catch only the ones that are releveant. In this case it would be the ones inheriting from IOException.

jQuery .ready in a dynamically inserted iframe

In IFrames I usually solve this problem by putting a small script to the very end of the block:

The content of your IFrame
<script type="text/javascript">

This work most of the time for me. Sometimes the simplest and most naive solution is the most appropriate.

How can I correctly format currency using jquery?

Another option (If you are using ASP.Net razor view) is, On your view you can do


This would format it correctly. note ( is double/decimal)

if in jQuery you can also use Regex

$(".totalSum").text('$' + parseFloat(total, 10).toFixed(2).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, "$1,").toString());

Add column with number of days between dates in DataFrame pandas

Assuming these were datetime columns (if they're not apply to_datetime) you can just subtract them:

df['A'] = pd.to_datetime(df['A'])
df['B'] = pd.to_datetime(df['B'])

In [11]: df.dtypes  # if already datetime64 you don't need to use to_datetime
A    datetime64[ns]
B    datetime64[ns]
dtype: object

In [12]: df['A'] - df['B']
one   -58 days
two   -26 days
dtype: timedelta64[ns]

In [13]: df['C'] = df['A'] - df['B']

In [14]: df
             A          B        C
one 2014-01-01 2014-02-28 -58 days
two 2014-02-03 2014-03-01 -26 days

Note: ensure you're using a new of pandas (e.g. 0.13.1), this may not work in older versions.

Installing Java 7 on Ubuntu

flup's answer is the best but it did not work for me completely. I had to do the following as well to get it working:

  1. export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/jre/
  2. chmod 777 on the folder
  3. ./gradlew build - Building Hibernate

What is ADT? (Abstract Data Type)

An abstract data type, sometimes abbreviated ADT, is a logical description of how we view the data and the operations that are allowed without regard to how they will be implemented. This means that we are concerned only with what the data is representing and not with how it will eventually be constructed.

Avoiding NullPointerException in Java

This to me sounds like a reasonably common problem that junior to intermediate developers tend to face at some point: they either don't know or don't trust the contracts they are participating in and defensively overcheck for nulls. Additionally, when writing their own code, they tend to rely on returning nulls to indicate something thus requiring the caller to check for nulls.

To put this another way, there are two instances where null checking comes up:

  1. Where null is a valid response in terms of the contract; and

  2. Where it isn't a valid response.

(2) is easy. Either use assert statements (assertions) or allow failure (for example, NullPointerException). Assertions are a highly-underused Java feature that was added in 1.4. The syntax is:

assert <condition>


assert <condition> : <object>

where <condition> is a boolean expression and <object> is an object whose toString() method's output will be included in the error.

An assert statement throws an Error (AssertionError) if the condition is not true. By default, Java ignores assertions. You can enable assertions by passing the option -ea to the JVM. You can enable and disable assertions for individual classes and packages. This means that you can validate code with the assertions while developing and testing, and disable them in a production environment, although my testing has shown next to no performance impact from assertions.

Not using assertions in this case is OK because the code will just fail, which is what will happen if you use assertions. The only difference is that with assertions it might happen sooner, in a more-meaningful way and possibly with extra information, which may help you to figure out why it happened if you weren't expecting it.

(1) is a little harder. If you have no control over the code you're calling then you're stuck. If null is a valid response, you have to check for it.

If it's code that you do control, however (and this is often the case), then it's a different story. Avoid using nulls as a response. With methods that return collections, it's easy: return empty collections (or arrays) instead of nulls pretty much all the time.

With non-collections it might be harder. Consider this as an example: if you have these interfaces:

public interface Action {
  void doSomething();

public interface Parser {
  Action findAction(String userInput);

where Parser takes raw user input and finds something to do, perhaps if you're implementing a command line interface for something. Now you might make the contract that it returns null if there's no appropriate action. That leads the null checking you're talking about.

An alternative solution is to never return null and instead use the Null Object pattern:

public class MyParser implements Parser {
  private static Action DO_NOTHING = new Action() {
    public void doSomething() { /* do nothing */ }

  public Action findAction(String userInput) {
    // ...
    if ( /* we can't find any actions */ ) {
      return DO_NOTHING;


Parser parser = ParserFactory.getParser();
if (parser == null) {
  // now what?
  // this would be an example of where null isn't (or shouldn't be) a valid response
Action action = parser.findAction(someInput);
if (action == null) {
  // do nothing
} else {



which is a much better design because it leads to more concise code.

That said, perhaps it is entirely appropriate for the findAction() method to throw an Exception with a meaningful error message -- especially in this case where you are relying on user input. It would be much better for the findAction method to throw an Exception than for the calling method to blow up with a simple NullPointerException with no explanation.

try {
} catch(ActionNotFoundException anfe) {

Or if you think the try/catch mechanism is too ugly, rather than Do Nothing your default action should provide feedback to the user.

public Action findAction(final String userInput) {
    /* Code to return requested Action if found */
    return new Action() {
        public void doSomething() {
            userConsole.err("Action not found: " + userInput);

CSS: how do I create a gap between rows in a table?

In my opinion, the easiest way to do is adding padding to your tag.

td {
 padding: 10px 0

Hope this will help you! Cheer!

How do I use itertools.groupby()?

A neato trick with groupby is to run length encoding in one line:

[(c,len(list(cgen))) for c,cgen in groupby(some_string)]

will give you a list of 2-tuples where the first element is the char and the 2nd is the number of repetitions.

Edit: Note that this is what separates itertools.groupby from the SQL GROUP BY semantics: itertools doesn't (and in general can't) sort the iterator in advance, so groups with the same "key" aren't merged.

How to load a resource bundle from a file resource in Java?

If, like me, you actually wanted to load .properties files from your filesystem instead of the classpath, but otherwise keep all the smarts related to lookup, then do the following:

  1. Create a subclass of java.util.ResourceBundle.Control
  2. Override the newBundle() method

In this silly example, I assume you have a folder at C:\temp which contains a flat list of ".properties" files:

public class MyControl extends Control {
public ResourceBundle newBundle(String baseName, Locale locale, String format, ClassLoader loader, boolean reload)
        throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, IOException {

    if (!format.equals("")) {
        return null;

    String bundleName = toBundleName(baseName, locale);
    ResourceBundle bundle = null;

    // A simple loading approach which ditches the package      
    // NOTE! This will require all your resource bundles to be uniquely named!
    int lastPeriod = bundleName.lastIndexOf('.');

    if (lastPeriod != -1) {
        bundleName = bundleName.substring(lastPeriod + 1);
    InputStreamReader reader = null;
    FileInputStream fis = null;
    try {

        File file = new File("C:\\temp\\mybundles", bundleName);

        if (file.isFile()) { // Also checks for existance
            fis = new FileInputStream(file);
            reader = new InputStreamReader(fis, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
            bundle = new PropertyResourceBundle(reader);
    } finally {
    return bundle;


Note also that this supports UTF-8, which I believe isn't supported by default otherwise.

Add line break to 'git commit -m' from the command line

Using Git from the command line with Bash you can do the following:

git commit -m "this is
> a line
> with new lines
> maybe"

Simply type and press Enter when you want a new line, the ">" symbol means that you have pressed Enter, and there is a new line. Other answers work also.

NULL vs nullptr (Why was it replaced?)

Here is Bjarne Stroustrup's wordings,

In C++, the definition of NULL is 0, so there is only an aesthetic difference. I prefer to avoid macros, so I use 0. Another problem with NULL is that people sometimes mistakenly believe that it is different from 0 and/or not an integer. In pre-standard code, NULL was/is sometimes defined to something unsuitable and therefore had/has to be avoided. That's less common these days.

If you have to name the null pointer, call it nullptr; that's what it's called in C++11. Then, "nullptr" will be a keyword.

How to call a function, PostgreSQL

you declare your function as returning boolean, but it never returns anything.

Break statement in javascript array map method

That's not possible using the built-in However, you could use a simple for-loop instead, if you do not intend to map any values:

var hasValueLessThanTen = false;
for (var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
  if (myArray[i] < 10) {
    hasValueLessThanTen = true;

Or, as suggested by @RobW, use Array.prototype.some to test if there exists at least one element that is less than 10. It will stop looping when some element that matches your function is found:

var hasValueLessThanTen = myArray.some(function (val) { 
  return val < 10;

How can I check Drupal log files?

We can use drush command also to check logs drush watchdog-show it will show recent 10 messages.

or if we want to continue showing logs with more information we can user

drush watchdog-show --tail --full.

Redirect to an external URL from controller action in Spring MVC

In short "redirect://" will lend you to

where as "" will lend you your-context/ ie for ex- localhost:8080/

How to implement band-pass Butterworth filter with Scipy.signal.butter

For a bandpass filter, ws is a tuple containing the lower and upper corner frequencies. These represent the digital frequency where the filter response is 3 dB less than the passband.

wp is a tuple containing the stop band digital frequencies. They represent the location where the maximum attenuation begins.

gpass is the maximum attenutation in the passband in dB while gstop is the attentuation in the stopbands.

Say, for example, you wanted to design a filter for a sampling rate of 8000 samples/sec having corner frequencies of 300 and 3100 Hz. The Nyquist frequency is the sample rate divided by two, or in this example, 4000 Hz. The equivalent digital frequency is 1.0. The two corner frequencies are then 300/4000 and 3100/4000.

Now lets say you wanted the stopbands to be down 30 dB +/- 100 Hz from the corner frequencies. Thus, your stopbands would start at 200 and 3200 Hz resulting in the digital frequencies of 200/4000 and 3200/4000.

To create your filter, you'd call buttord as

fs = 8000.0
fso2 = fs/2
N,wn = scipy.signal.buttord(ws=[300/fso2,3100/fso2], wp=[200/fs02,3200/fs02],
   gpass=0.0, gstop=30.0)

The length of the resulting filter will be dependent upon the depth of the stop bands and the steepness of the response curve which is determined by the difference between the corner frequency and stopband frequency.

how to delete files from amazon s3 bucket?

found one more way to do it using the boto:

from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection, Bucket, Key


b = Bucket(conn, S3_BUCKET_NAME)

k = Key(b)

k.key = 'images/my-images/'+filename


static const vs #define

Personally, I loathe the preprocessor, so I'd always go with const.

The main advantage to a #define is that it requires no memory to store in your program, as it is really just replacing some text with a literal value. It also has the advantage that it has no type, so it can be used for any integer value without generating warnings.

Advantages of "const"s are that they can be scoped, and they can be used in situations where a pointer to an object needs to be passed.

I don't know exactly what you are getting at with the "static" part though. If you are declaring globally, I'd put it in an anonymous namespace instead of using static. For example

namespace {
   unsigned const seconds_per_minute = 60;

int main (int argc; char *argv[]) {

How to create custom view programmatically in swift having controls text field, button etc

Swift 3 / Swift 4 Update:

let screenSize: CGRect = UIScreen.main.bounds
let myView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: screenSize.width - 10, height: 10))

How do I install ASP.NET MVC 5 in Visual Studio 2012?

Microsoft has provided for you on their MSDN blogs: MVC 5 for VS2012. From that blog:

We have released ASP.NET and Web Tools 2013.1 for Visual Studio 2012. This release brings a ton of great improvements, and include some fantastic enhancements to ASP.NET MVC 5, Web API 2, Scaffolding and Entity Framework to users of Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2012 Express for Web.

You can download and start using these features now.

The download link is to a Web Platform Installer that will allow you to start a new MVC5 project from VS2012.

How to modify WooCommerce cart, checkout pages (main theme portion)

Another way to totally override the cart.php is to copy:

woocommerce/templates/cart/cart.php to   

Then do whatever you need at the yourtheme/woocommerce/cart/cart.php

Update Fragment from ViewPager

I faced problem some times so that in this case always avoid FragmentPagerAdapter and use FragmentStatePagerAdapter.

It work for me. I hope it will work for you also.

Checking if a key exists in a JavaScript object?

Quick Answer

How do I check if a particular key exists in a JavaScript object or array? If a key doesn't exist and I try to access it, will it return false? Or throw an error?

Accessing directly a missing property using (associative) array style or object style will return an undefined constant.

The slow and reliable in operator and hasOwnProperty method

As people have already mentioned here, you could have an object with a property associated with an "undefined" constant.

 var bizzareObj = {valid_key:  undefined};

In that case, you will have to use hasOwnProperty or in operator to know if the key is really there. But, but at what price?

so, I tell you...

in operator and hasOwnProperty are "methods" that use the Property Descriptor mechanism in Javascript (similar to Java reflection in the Java language).

The Property Descriptor type is used to explain the manipulation and reification of named property attributes. Values of the Property Descriptor type are records composed of named fields where each field’s name is an attribute name and its value is a corresponding attribute value as specified in 8.6.1. In addition, any field may be present or absent.

On the other hand, calling an object method or key will use Javascript [[Get]] mechanism. That is a far way faster!


Comparing key access in JS.

Using in operator
var result = "Impression" in array;

The result was

12,931,832 ±0.21% ops/sec      92% slower 
Using hasOwnProperty
var result = array.hasOwnProperty("Impression")

The result was

16,021,758 ±0.45% ops/sec     91% slower
Accessing elements directly (brackets style)
var result = array["Impression"] === undefined

The result was

168,270,439 ±0.13 ops/sec     0.02% slower 
Accessing elements directly (object style)
var result = array.Impression  === undefined;

The result was

168,303,172 ±0.20%     fastest

EDIT: What is the reason to assign to a property the undefined value?

That question puzzles me. In Javascript, there are at least two references for absent objects to avoid problems like this: null and undefined.

null is the primitive value that represents the intentional absence of any object value, or in short terms, the confirmed lack of value. On the other hand, undefined is an unknown value (not defined). If there is a property that will be used later with a proper value consider use null reference instead of undefined because in the initial moment the property is confirmed to lack value.


var a = {1: null}; 
console.log(a[1] === undefined); // output: false. I know the value at position 1 of a[] is absent and this was by design, i.e.:  the value is defined. 
console.log(a[0] === undefined); // output: true. I cannot say anything about a[0] value. In this case, the key 0 was not in a[].


Avoid objects with undefined values. Check directly whenever possible and use null to initialize property values. Otherwise, use the slow in operator or hasOwnProperty() method.


As people have commented, modern versions of the Javascript engines (with firefox exception) have changed the approach for access properties. The current implementation is slower than the previous one for this particular case but the difference between access key and object is neglectable.

Adding a parameter to the URL with JavaScript

A basic implementation which you'll need to adapt would look something like this:

function insertParam(key, value) {
    key = encodeURIComponent(key);
    value = encodeURIComponent(value);

    // kvp looks like ['key1=value1', 'key2=value2', ...]
    var kvp ='&');
    let i=0;

    for(; i<kvp.length; i++){
        if (kvp[i].startsWith(key + '=')) {
            let pair = kvp[i].split('=');
            pair[1] = value;
            kvp[i] = pair.join('=');

    if(i >= kvp.length){
        kvp[kvp.length] = [key,value].join('=');

    // can return this or...
    let params = kvp.join('&');

    // reload page with new params = params;

This is approximately twice as fast as a regex or search based solution, but that depends completely on the length of the querystring and the index of any match

the slow regex method I benchmarked against for completions sake (approx +150% slower)

function insertParam2(key,value)
    key = encodeURIComponent(key); value = encodeURIComponent(value);

    var s =;
    var kvp = key+"="+value;

    var r = new RegExp("(&|\\?)"+key+"=[^\&]*");

    s = s.replace(r,"$1"+kvp);

    if(!RegExp.$1) {s += (s.length>0 ? '&' : '?') + kvp;};

    //again, do what you will here = s;

How to correct "TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable" in recursive function?

This simply means that either tree, tree[otu], or tree[otu][0] evaluates to None, and as such is not subscriptable. Most likely tree[otu] or tree[otu][0]. Track it down with some simple debugging like this:

def Ancestors (otu,tree):
    except TypeError:
        print otu, tre[otu]

or pdb

Converting a datetime string to timestamp in Javascript

Parsing dates is a pain in JavaScript as there's no extensive native support. However you could do something like the following by relying on the Date(year, month, day [, hour, minute, second, millisecond]) constructor signature of the Date object.

var dateString = '17-09-2013 10:08',
    dateTimeParts = dateString.split(' '),
    timeParts = dateTimeParts[1].split(':'),
    dateParts = dateTimeParts[0].split('-'),

date = new Date(dateParts[2], parseInt(dateParts[1], 10) - 1, dateParts[0], timeParts[0], timeParts[1]);

console.log(date.getTime()); //1379426880000
console.log(date); //Tue Sep 17 2013 10:08:00 GMT-0400

You could also use a regular expression with capturing groups to parse the date string in one line.

var dateParts = '17-09-2013 10:08'.match(/(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+) (\d+):(\d+)/);

console.log(dateParts); // ["17-09-2013 10:08", "17", "09", "2013", "10", "08"]

C# how to change data in DataTable?

dt.Rows[1].ItemArray gives you a copy of item arrays. When you modify it, you're not modifying the original.

You can simply do this:

dt.Rows[1][3] = "Value";

ItemArray property is used when you want to modify all row values.


dt.Rows[1].ItemArray = newItemArray;

What is the difference between encrypting and signing in asymmetric encryption?

Answering this question in the content that the questioners intent was to use the solution for software licensing, the requirements are:

  1. No 3rd party can produce a license key from decompiling the app
  2. The content of the software key does not need to be secure
  3. Software key is not human readable

A Digital Signature will solve this issue as the raw data that makes the key can be signed with a private key which makes it not human readable but could be decoded if reverse engineered. But the private key is safe which means no one will be able to make licenses for your software (which is the point).

Remember you can not prevent a skilled person from removing the software locks on your product. So if they have to hack each version that is released. But you really don't want them to be able to generate new keys for your product that can be shared for all versions.

Python The PyNaCl documentation has an example of 'Digital Signature' which will suite the purpose.

and of cause NaCl project to C examples

How do you specify a byte literal in Java?

With Java 7 and later version, you can specify a byte literal in this way: byte aByte = (byte)0b00100001;


How to read the last row with SQL Server

You'll need some sort of uniquely identifying column in your table, like an auto-filling primary key or a datetime column (preferably the primary key). Then you can do this:

SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY unique_column DESC LIMIT 1

The ORDER BY column tells it to rearange the results according to that column's data, and the DESC tells it to reverse the results (thus putting the last one first). After that, the LIMIT 1 tells it to only pass back one row.

Update multiple rows in same query using PostgreSQL

You can also use update ... from syntax and use a mapping table. If you want to update more than one column, it's much more generalizable:

update test as t set
    column_a = c.column_a
from (values
    ('123', 1),
    ('345', 2)  
) as c(column_b, column_a) 
where c.column_b = t.column_b;

You can add as many columns as you like:

update test as t set
    column_a = c.column_a,
    column_c = c.column_c
from (values
    ('123', 1, '---'),
    ('345', 2, '+++')  
) as c(column_b, column_a, column_c) 
where c.column_b = t.column_b;

sql fiddle demo

RecyclerView - Get view at particular position

This is what you're looking for.

I had this problem too. And like you, the answer is very hard to find. But there IS an easy way to get the ViewHolder from a specific position (something you'll probably do a lot in the Adapter).


NOTE: If the View has been recycled, this will return null. Thanks to Michael for quickly catching my important omission.

How can I trigger a JavaScript event click

Use a testing framework

This might be helpful - - Selenium is a web application automated testing system.

You can create tests using the Firefox plugin Selenium IDE

Manual firing of events

To manually fire events the correct way you will need to use different methods for different browsers - either el.dispatchEvent or el.fireEvent where el will be your Anchor element. I believe both of these will require constructing an Event object to pass in.

The alternative, not entirely correct, quick-and-dirty way would be this:

var el = document.getElementById('anchorelementid');
el.onclick(); // Not entirely correct because your event handler will be called
              // without an Event object parameter.

BigDecimal setScale and round

One important point that is alluded to but not directly addressed is the difference between "precision" and "scale" and how they are used in the two statements. "precision" is the total number of significant digits in a number. "scale" is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

The MathContext constructor only accepts precision and RoundingMode as arguments, and therefore scale is never specified in the first statement.

setScale() obviously accepts scale as an argument, as well as RoundingMode, however precision is never specified in the second statement.

If you move the decimal point one place to the right, the difference will become clear:

// 1.
new BigDecimal("35.3456").round(new MathContext(4, RoundingMode.HALF_UP));
//result = 35.35
// 2.
new BigDecimal("35.3456").setScale(4, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
// result = 35.3456

Is there a "standard" format for command line/shell help text?

We are running Linux, a mostly POSIX-compliant OS. POSIX standards it should be: Utility Argument Syntax.

  • An option is a hyphen followed by a single alphanumeric character, like this: -o.
  • An option may require an argument (which must appear immediately after the option); for example, -o argument or -oargument.
  • Options that do not require arguments can be grouped after a hyphen, so, for example, -lst is equivalent to -t -l -s.
  • Options can appear in any order; thus -lst is equivalent to -tls.
  • Options can appear multiple times.
  • Options precede other nonoption arguments: -lst nonoption.
  • The -- argument terminates options.
  • The - option is typically used to represent one of the standard input streams.

Difference between \b and \B in regex

The confusion stems from your thinking \b matches spaces (probably because "b" suggests "blank").

\b matches the empty string at the beginning or end of a word. \B matches the empty string not at the beginning or end of a word. The key here is that "-" is not a part of a word. So <left>-<right> matches \b-\b because there are word boundaries on either side of the -. On the other hand for <left> - <right> (note the spaces), there are not word boundaries on either side of the dash. The word boundaries are one space further left and right.

On the other hand, when searching for \bcat\b word boundaries behave more intuitively, and it matches " cat " as expected.

round() doesn't seem to be rounding properly

printf the sucker.

print '%.1f' % 5.59  # returns 5.6

How do I create an empty array/matrix in NumPy?

You have the wrong mental model for using NumPy efficiently. NumPy arrays are stored in contiguous blocks of memory. If you want to add rows or columns to an existing array, the entire array needs to be copied to a new block of memory, creating gaps for the new elements to be stored. This is very inefficient if done repeatedly to build an array.

In the case of adding rows, your best bet is to create an array that is as big as your data set will eventually be, and then assign data to it row-by-row:

>>> import numpy
>>> a = numpy.zeros(shape=(5,2))
>>> a
array([[ 0.,  0.],
   [ 0.,  0.],
   [ 0.,  0.],
   [ 0.,  0.],
   [ 0.,  0.]])
>>> a[0] = [1,2]
>>> a[1] = [2,3]
>>> a
array([[ 1.,  2.],
   [ 2.,  3.],
   [ 0.,  0.],
   [ 0.,  0.],
   [ 0.,  0.]])

REST API error code 500 handling

The real question is why does it generate a 500 error. If it is related to any input parameters, then I would argue that it should be handled internally and returned as a 400 series error. Generally a 400, 404 or 406 would be appropriate to reflect bad input since the general convention is that a RESTful resource is uniquely identified by the URL and a URL that cannot generate a valid response is a bad request (400) or similar.

If the error is caused by anything other than the inputs explicitly or implicitly supplied by the request, then I would say a 500 error is likely appropriate. So a failed database connection or other unpredictable error is accurately represented by a 500 series error.

Popup Message boxes

Ok, SO Basically I think I have a simple and effective solution.

package AnotherPopUpMessage;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class AnotherPopUp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Again? Where do all these come from?", 
            "PopUp4", JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION);

Homebrew install specific version of formula?

I just copied an older release of elasticsearch into the /usr/local/Cellar/elasticsearch directory.

$ mkdir /usr/local/Cellar/elasticsearch/5.4.3/bin
$ cp elasticsearch /usr/local/Cellar/elasticsearch/5.4.3/bin
$ brew switch elasticsearch 5.4.3

That's it. Maybe it's useful for anyone.

How to convert DATE to UNIX TIMESTAMP in shell script on MacOS

date +%s

This works fine for me on OS X Lion.

Registering for Push Notifications in Xcode 8/Swift 3.0?

In iOS10 instead of your code, you should request an authorization for notification with the following: (Don't forget to add the UserNotifications Framework)

if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {
        UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization([.alert, .sound, .badge]) { (granted: Bool, error: NSError?) in
            // Do something here

Also, the correct code for you is (use in the else of the previous condition, for example):

let setting = UIUserNotificationSettings(types: [.alert, .badge, .sound], categories: nil)

Finally, make sure Push Notification is activated under target-> Capabilities -> Push notification. (set it on On)

Disable form autofill in Chrome without disabling autocomplete

I don't like to use setTimeout in or even have strange temporary inputs. So I came up with this.

Simply change your password field type to text

<input name="password" type="text" value="">

And when the user focus that input change it again to password

$('input[name=password]').on('focus', function (e) {
    $('type', 'password');

Its working using latest Chrome (Version 54.0.2840.71 (64-bit))

Split string in Lua?

a way not seen in others

function str_split(str, sep)
    if sep == nil then
        sep = '%s'

    local res = {}
    local func = function(w)
        table.insert(res, w)

    string.gsub(str, '[^'..sep..']+', func)
    return res 

C# Switch-case string starting with

If the problem domain has some kind of string header concept, this could be modelled as an enum.

    case StringHeader.ABC: ...
    case StringHeader.QWERTY: ...

StringHeader GetStringHeader(string s)
    if (s.StartsWith("ABC")) return StringHeader.ABC;

enum StringHeader { ABC, QWERTY, ... }

Is it possible to use the SELECT INTO clause with UNION [ALL]?

I would do it like this:

SELECT top(100)* into #tmpFerdeen
FROM Customers

Insert into #tmpFerdeen
SELECT top(100)* 
FROM CustomerEurope

Insert into #tmpFerdeen
SELECT top(100)* 
FROM CustomerAsia

Insert into #tmpFerdeen
SELECT top(100)* 
FROM CustomerAmericas

What exactly does numpy.exp() do?

exp(x) = e^x where e= 2.718281(approx)

import numpy as np

print ar


[ 2.71828183  7.3890561  20.08553692]

Fatal error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in

For me work, first review

   php -m
   php -version

Later install the extension

apt-get update 
apt-get install php7.2-zip
systemctl restart apache2

How do I return to an older version of our code in Subversion?

I think this is most suited:

Do the merging backward, for instance, if the committed code contains the revision from rev 5612 to 5616, just merge it backwards. It works in my end.

For instance:

svn merge -r 5616:5612 https://<your_svn_repository>/

It would contain a merged code back to former revision, then you could commit it.

What is use of c_str function In c++

In C++, you define your strings as

std::string MyString;

instead of

char MyString[20];.

While writing C++ code, you encounter some C functions which require C string as parameter.
Like below:

void IAmACFunction(int abc, float bcd, const char * cstring);

Now there is a problem. You are working with C++ and you are using std::string string variables. But this C function is asking for a C string. How do you convert your std::string to a standard C string?

Like this:

std::string MyString;
// ...
MyString = "Hello world!";
// ...
IAmACFunction(5, 2.45f, MyString.c_str());

This is what c_str() is for.

Note that, for std::wstring strings, c_str() returns a const w_char *.

How to schedule a task to run when shutting down windows

I posted this answer too over on superuser.

To do this you will need to set up a custom event filter in Task Scheduler.

Triggers > New > Custom > Edit Event > XML

and paste the following:

  <Query Id="0" Path="System">
    <Select Path="System">
    *[System[Provider[@Name='User32'] and (Level=4 or Level=0) and (EventID=1074)]]
     *[EventData[Data[@Name='param5'] and (Data='power off')]]

This will filter out the power off event only.

If you look in the event viewer you can see under Windows Logs > System under Details tab>XML View that there's this.

- <Event xmlns="">
- <System>
  <Provider Name="User32" Guid="{xxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx-x-x}" EventSourceName="User32" /> 
  <EventID Qualifiers="32768">1074</EventID> 
  <TimeCreated SystemTime="2021-01-19T18:23:32.6133523Z" /> 
  <Correlation /> 
  <Execution ProcessID="1056" ThreadID="11288" /> 
  <Security UserID="x-x-x-xx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxx" /> 
- <EventData>
  <Data Name="param1">Explorer.EXE</Data> 
  <Data Name="param2">DESKTOP-REDACTED</Data> 
  <Data Name="param3">Other (Unplanned)</Data> 
  <Data Name="param4">0x0</Data> 
  <Data Name="param5">power off</Data> 
  <Data Name="param6" /> 
  <Data Name="param7">DESKTOP-REDACTED\username</Data> 

You can test the query with the query list code above in the event viewer by clicking

Create Custom View... > XML > Edit query manually

and pasting the code, giving it a name Power Off Events Only before you try it in the Task Scheduler.

input() error - NameError: name '...' is not defined

I also encountered this issue with a module that was supposed to be compatible for python 2.7 and 3.7

what i found to fix the issue was importing:

from six.moves import input

this fixed the usability for both interpreters

you can read more about the six library here

PHP: convert spaces in string into %20?

I believe that, if you need to use the %20 variant, you could perhaps use rawurlencode().

Read a HTML file into a string variable in memory

string html = File.ReadAllText(path);

The iOS Simulator deployment targets is set to 7.0, but the range of supported deployment target version for this platform is 8.0 to 12.1

Instead of specifying a deployment target in pod post install, you can delete the pod deployment target, which causes the deployment target to be inherited from the podfile platform.

You may need to run pod install for the effect to take place.

platform :ios, '12.0'

  post_install do |installer|
    installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
      target.build_configurations.each do |config|
        config.build_settings.delete 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'

Trim a string based on the string length

str==null ? str : str.substring(0, Math.min(str.length(), 10))


str==null ? "" : str.substring(0, Math.min(str.length(), 10))

Works with null.

Disabling swap files creation in vim

If you put set directory="" in your exrc file, you will turn off the swap file. However, doing so will disable recovery.

More info here.

How to remove elements/nodes from angular.js array

Here is filter with Underscore library might help you, we remove item with name "ted"

$scope.items = _.filter($scope.items, function(item) {
    return !( == 'ted');


Since 0.11 hive has a NVL function nvl(T value, T default_value)

which says Returns default value if value is null else returns value

How to convert a string with comma-delimited items to a list in Python?

Just to add on to the existing answers: hopefully, you'll encounter something more like this in the future:

>>> word = 'abc'
>>> L = list(word)
>>> L
['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> ''.join(L)

But what you're dealing with right now, go with @Cameron's answer.

>>> word = 'a,b,c'
>>> L = word.split(',')
>>> L
['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> ','.join(L)

What's the default password of mariadb on fedora?

Lucups, Floris is right, but you comment that this didn't solve your problem. I ran into the same symptoms, where mysql (mariadb) will not accept the blank password it should accept, and '/var/lib/mysql' does not exist.

I found that this page was on-point. Perhaps, like me, you tried to start the mysqld service instead of the mariadb service. Try:

systemctl start mariadb.service
systemctl status mysqld service

Followed by the usual:


.Net: How do I find the .NET version?

If you'r developing some .Net app (for ex. web app), you can make 1 line of error code (like invoke wrong function name) and reload your page, the .Net version will be showenter image description here

Run local java applet in browser (chrome/firefox) "Your security settings have blocked a local application from running"

I think the upgrade of Java will not help. You need to uninstall the old version and then install the latest java version to help you. Make sure that you restart the computer once you are done with the installation.

Hope it helps!

Parameterize an SQL IN clause

For a variable number of arguments like this the only way I'm aware of is to either generate the SQL explicitly or do something that involves populating a temporary table with the items you want and joining against the temp table.

What does "O(1) access time" mean?

O(1) means Random Access. In any Random Access Memory, the time taken to access any element at any location is the same. Here time can be any integer, but the only thing to remember is time taken to retrieve the element at (n-1)th or nth location will be same(ie constant).

Whereas O(n) is dependent on the size of n.

Confusing "duplicate identifier" Typescript error message

You could also use the exclude option in tsconfig.json file like so:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es5",
    "module": "commonjs",
    "declaration": false,
    "noImplicitAny": false,
    "removeComments": true,
    "noLib": false,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
    "experimentalDecorators": true
  "exclude": [

PHP foreach loop through multidimensional array

$last = count($arr_nav) - 1;

foreach ($arr_nav as $i => $row)
    $isFirst = ($i == 0);
    $isLast = ($i == $last);

    echo ... $row['name'] ... $row['url'] ...;

How to display list items on console window in C#

Assume that we need to view some data in command prompt which are coming from a database table. First we create a list. Team_Details is my property class.

    List<Team_Details> teamDetails = new List<Team_Details>();

Then you can connect to the database and do the data retrieving part and save it to the list as follows.

            string connetionString = "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=your DB name;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True";
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connetionString)){
            string getTeamDetailsQuery = "select * from Team";
            using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(getTeamDetailsQuery, conn))
                        SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                        teamDetails.Add(new Team_Details
                            Team_Name = rdr.GetString(rdr.GetOrdinal("Team_Name")),
                            Team_Lead = rdr.GetString(rdr.GetOrdinal("Team_Lead")),

Then you can print this list in command prompt as follows.

foreach (Team_Details i in teamDetails)

Query to select data between two dates with the format m/d/yyyy

By default Mysql store and return ‘date’ data type values in “YYYY/MM/DD” format. So if we want to display date in different format then we have to format date values as per our requirement in scripting language

And by the way what is the column data type and in which format you are storing the value.

Split string based on a regular expression

When you use re.split and the split pattern contains capturing groups, the groups are retained in the output. If you don't want this, use a non-capturing group instead.

AngularJS For Loop with Numbers & Ranges

This is jzm's improved answer (i cannot comment else i would comment her/his answer because s/he included errors). The function has a start/end range value, so it's more flexible, and... it works. This particular case is for day of month:

$scope.rangeCreator = function (minVal, maxVal) {
    var arr = [];
   for (var i = minVal; i <= maxVal; i++) {
   return arr;

<div class="col-sm-1">
    <select ng-model="monthDays">
        <option ng-repeat="day in rangeCreator(1,31)">{{day}}</option>

How do I get first element rather than using [0] in jQuery?

You can use the first selector.

var header = $('.header:first')

Undefined reference to pow( ) in C, despite including math.h

You need to link with the math library:

gcc -o sphere sphere.c -lm

The error you are seeing: error: ld returned 1 exit status is from the linker ld (part of gcc that combines the object files) because it is unable to find where the function pow is defined.

Including math.h brings in the declaration of the various functions and not their definition. The def is present in the math library libm.a. You need to link your program with this library so that the calls to functions like pow() are resolved.

HTML5 Video Stop onClose

Someone already has the answer.

$('video') will return an array of video items. It is totally a valid seletor!


$("video").each(function () { this.pause() });

will work.

fatal: git-write-tree: error building trees

I used:

 git reset --hard

I lost some changes, but this is ok.

How can I create a table with borders in Android?

Well that may inspire u Those steps show how to create bordered table dynamically

here is the table view

< xmlns:android=""
    <TableLayout xmlns:android=""

and here the row to use "attrib_row.xml"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TableRow xmlns:android=""

and we can add this xml file to drawable to add border to our table "border.xml"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    android:shape= "rectangle">
    <solid android:color="@color/colorAccent"/>
    <stroke android:width="1dp" android:color="#000000"/>

and finally here is the compact code written in Kotlin but it's easy to convert it to java if you need

well temps is an array list contain data: ArrayList<Double>()

fun CreateTable()
    val temps=controller?.getTemps()
    val rowHead = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.attrib_row, null) as TableRow
    (rowHead.findViewById<View>( as TextView).text=("time")
    (rowHead.findViewById<View>( as TextView).text=("Value")
    for (i in 0 until temps!!.size) {

        val row = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.attrib_row, null) as TableRow
        (row.findViewById<View>( as TextView).text=((i+1).toString())
        (row.findViewById<View>( as TextView).text=(temps[i].toString())

and you can use it in your fragment for example like this

   override fun onViewCreated(view: View?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
        table = view?.findViewById<View>( as TableLayout

the final result looks like this enter image description here

C# static class constructor

We can create static constructor

static class StaticParent 
    //write your initialization code here



and it is always parameter less.

static class StaticParent
    static int i =5;
    static StaticParent(int i)  //Gives error
      //write your initialization code here

and it doesn't have the access modifier

How to reset selected file with input tag file type in Angular 2?

You can use ViewChild to access the input in your component. First, you need to add #someValue to your input so you can read it in the component:

<input #myInput type="file" placeholder="File Name" name="filename" (change)="onChange($event)">

Then in your component you need to import ViewChild from @angular/core:

import { ViewChild } from '@angular/core';

Then you use ViewChild to access the input from template:

myInputVariable: ElementRef;

Now you can use myInputVariable to reset the selected file because it's a reference to input with #myInput, for example create method reset() that will be called on click event of your button:

reset() {
    this.myInputVariable.nativeElement.value = "";

First console.log will print the file you selected, second console.log will print an empty array because this.myInputVariable.nativeElement.value = ""; deletes selected file(s) from the input. We have to use this.myInputVariable.nativeElement.value = ""; to reset the value of the input because input's FileList attribute is readonly, so it is impossible to just remove item from array. Here's working Plunker.

Bulk Record Update with SQL

Or you can simply update without using join like this:

Update t1 set  t1.Description = t2.Description from @tbl2 t2,tbl1 t1
where t1.ID= t2.ID

Multiple Java versions running concurrently under Windows

It is absolutely possible to install side-by-side several JRE/JDK versions. Moreover, you don't have to do anything special for that to happen, as Sun is creating a different folder for each (under Program Files).

There is no control panel to check which JRE works for each application. Basically, the JRE that will work would be the first in your PATH environment variable. You can change that, or the JAVA_HOME variable, or create specific cmd/bat files to launch the applications you desire, each with a different JRE in path.

How do I copy the contents of one stream to another?

.NET Framework 4 introduce new "CopyTo" method of Stream Class of System.IO namespace. Using this method we can copy one stream to another stream of different stream class.

Here is example for this.

    FileStream objFileStream = File.Open(Server.MapPath("TextFile.txt"), FileMode.Open);
    Response.Write(string.Format("FileStream Content length: {0}", objFileStream.Length.ToString()));

    MemoryStream objMemoryStream = new MemoryStream();

    // Copy File Stream to Memory Stream using CopyTo method
    Response.Write(string.Format("MemoryStream Content length: {0}", objMemoryStream.Length.ToString()));

How to implement a property in an interface

You should use abstract class to initialize a property. You can't inititalize in Inteface .

Show a message box from a class in c#?

using System.Windows.Forms;

public class message
    static void Main()
        MessageBox.Show("Hello World!"); 

Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of null

This is because the element hadn't been loaded at the time when the bundle js was being executed.

I'd move the <script src="sample.js" type="text/javascript"></script> to the very bottom of the index.html file. This way you can ensure script is executed after all the html elements have been parsed and rendered .

What is correct content-type for excel files?

For BIFF .xls files


For Excel2007 and above .xlsx files


Create SQLite database in android

If you want to keep the database between uninstalls you have to put it on the SD Card. This is the only place that won't be deleted at the moment your app is deleted. But in return it can be deleted by the user every time.

If you put your DB on the SD Card you can't use the SQLiteOpenHelper anymore, but you can use the source and the architecture of this class to get some ideas on how to implement the creation, updating and opening of a databse.

How can I clear event subscriptions in C#?

Instead of adding and removing callbacks manually and having a bunch of delegate types declared everywhere:

// The hard way
public delegate void ObjectCallback(ObjectType broadcaster);

public class Object
    public event ObjectCallback m_ObjectCallback;
    void SetupListener()
        ObjectCallback callback = null;
        callback = (ObjectType broadcaster) =>
            // one time logic here
            broadcaster.m_ObjectCallback -= callback;
        m_ObjectCallback += callback;

    void BroadcastEvent()

You could try this generic approach:

public class Object
    public Broadcast<Object> m_EventToBroadcast = new Broadcast<Object>();

    void SetupListener()
        m_EventToBroadcast.SubscribeOnce((ObjectType broadcaster) => {
            // one time logic here

        m_EventToBroadcast = null;

    void BroadcastEvent()

public delegate void ObjectDelegate<T>(T broadcaster);
public class Broadcast<T> : IDisposable
    private event ObjectDelegate<T> m_Event;
    private List<ObjectDelegate<T>> m_SingleSubscribers = new List<ObjectDelegate<T>>();


    public void Dispose()

    public void Clear()
        m_Event = delegate { };

    // add a one shot to this delegate that is removed after first broadcast
    public void SubscribeOnce(ObjectDelegate<T> del)
        m_Event += del;

    // add a recurring delegate that gets called each time
    public void Subscribe(ObjectDelegate<T> del)
        m_Event += del;

    public void Unsubscribe(ObjectDelegate<T> del)
        m_Event -= del;

    public void Broadcast(T broadcaster)
        for (int i = 0; i < m_SingleSubscribers.Count; ++i)

Load HTML page dynamically into div with jQuery

You can through option

Try this with some modifications

<div trbidi="on">
<script type="text/javascript">
function MostrarVideo(idYouTube)
var contenedor = document.getElementById('divInnerVideo');
if(idYouTube == '')
{contenedor.innerHTML = '';
} else{
var url = idYouTube;
contenedor.innerHTML = '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="'+ url +'" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>';

<select onchange="MostrarVideo(this.value);">
<option selected disabled>please selected </option>
<option value="qycqF1CWcXg">test1</option>
<option value="hniPHaBgvWk">test2</option>
<option value="bOQA33VNo7w">test3</option>
<div id="divInnerVideo">

If you want to put a default page placed inside id="divInnerVideo"


<div id="divInnerVideo">
<iframe width="560" height="315" src=";showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Get list of passed arguments in Windows batch script (.bat)

I found that next time when you need to look up these information. Instead of opening a browser and google it, you could just type call /? in your cmd and you'll get it:


%* in a batch script refers to all the arguments (e.g. %1 %2 %3
    %4 %5 ...)

Substitution of batch parameters (%n) has been enhanced.  You can
now use the following optional syntax:

    %~1         - expands %1 removing any surrounding quotes (")
    %~f1        - expands %1 to a fully qualified path name
    %~d1        - expands %1 to a drive letter only
    %~p1        - expands %1 to a path only
    %~n1        - expands %1 to a file name only
    %~x1        - expands %1 to a file extension only
    %~s1        - expanded path contains short names only
    %~a1        - expands %1 to file attributes
    %~t1        - expands %1 to date/time of file
    %~z1        - expands %1 to size of file
    %~$PATH:1   - searches the directories listed in the PATH
                   environment variable and expands %1 to the fully
                   qualified name of the first one found.  If the
                   environment variable name is not defined or the
                   file is not found by the search, then this
                   modifier expands to the empty string

The modifiers can be combined to get compound results:

    %~dp1       - expands %1 to a drive letter and path only
    %~nx1       - expands %1 to a file name and extension only
    %~dp$PATH:1 - searches the directories listed in the PATH
                   environment variable for %1 and expands to the
                   drive letter and path of the first one found.
    %~ftza1     - expands %1 to a DIR like output line

In the above examples %1 and PATH can be replaced by other
valid values.  The %~ syntax is terminated by a valid argument
number.  The %~ modifiers may not be used with %*

Looping through a Scripting.Dictionary using index/item number

According to the documentation of the Item property:

Sets or returns an item for a specified key in a Dictionary object.

In your case, you don't have an item whose key is 1 so doing:

s = d.Item(i)

actually creates a new key / value pair in your dictionary, and the value is empty because you have not used the optional newItem argument.

The Dictionary also has the Items method which allows looping over the indices:

a = d.Items
For i = 0 To d.Count - 1
    s = a(i)
Next i

How can I send an inner <div> to the bottom of its parent <div>?

A flexbox way.


<div class="parent">
  <div>Images, text, buttons oh my!</div>


.parent {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  justify-content: space-between;

/*  not necessary, just to visualize it */

.parent {
  height: 500px;
  border: 1px solid black;

.parent div {
  border: 1px solid red;

enter image description here


Source - Flexbox Guide

Browser support for flexbox - Caniuse

Fragment onResume() & onPause() is not called on backstack

While creating a fragment transaction, make sure to add the following code.

// Replace whatever is in the fragment_container view with this fragment, 
// and add the transaction to the back stack 
transaction.replace(, newFragment); 

Also make sure, to commit the transaction after adding it to backstack

Git add all files modified, deleted, and untracked?

From Git documentation starting from version 2.0:

To add content for the whole tree, run:

git add --all :/


git add -A :/

To restrict the command to the current directory, run:

git add --all .


git add -A .

Creating a new ArrayList in Java

You are looking for Java generics

List<MyClass> list = new ArrayList<MyClass>();

Here's a tutorial

Change color inside strings.xml

<string name="hello_world"><font fgcolor="red">Hello</font>
    </font fgcolor="blue">world!</font></string>

But note that this only works on a relatively short list of built-in colors: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, green, grey, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow. See for a way to do it with arbitrary colors.

'Incomplete final line' warning when trying to read a .csv file into R

I got this problem once when I had a single quote as part of the header. When I removed it (i.e. renamed the respective column header from Jimmy's data to Jimmys data), the function returned no warnings.

Read a file line by line assigning the value to a variable

The following reads a file passed as an argument line by line:

while IFS= read -r line; do
    echo "Text read from file: $line"
done < my_filename.txt

This is the standard form for reading lines from a file in a loop. Explanation:

  • IFS= (or IFS='') prevents leading/trailing whitespace from being trimmed.
  • -r prevents backslash escapes from being interpreted.

Or you can put it in a bash file helper script, example contents:

while IFS= read -r line; do
    echo "Text read from file: $line"
done < "$1"

If the above is saved to a script with filename readfile, it can be run as follows:

chmod +x readfile
./readfile filename.txt

If the file isn’t a standard POSIX text file (= not terminated by a newline character), the loop can be modified to handle trailing partial lines:

while IFS= read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
    echo "Text read from file: $line"
done < "$1"

Here, || [[ -n $line ]] prevents the last line from being ignored if it doesn't end with a \n (since read returns a non-zero exit code when it encounters EOF).

If the commands inside the loop also read from standard input, the file descriptor used by read can be chanced to something else (avoid the standard file descriptors), e.g.:

while IFS= read -r -u3 line; do
    echo "Text read from file: $line"
done 3< "$1"

(Non-Bash shells might not know read -u3; use read <&3 instead.)

Convert array of indices to 1-hot encoded numpy array

In case you are using keras, there is a built in utility for that:

from keras.utils.np_utils import to_categorical   

categorical_labels = to_categorical(int_labels, num_classes=3)

And it does pretty much the same as @YXD's answer (see source-code).

Saving an image in OpenCV

hopefully this will save images form your webcam

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

int main()
   VideoCapture cap(0);

   Mat save_img;

   cap >> save_img;

   char Esc = 0;

   while (Esc != 27 && cap.isOpened()) {        
    bool Frame =;        
    if (!Frame || save_img.empty()) {       
        cout << "error: frame not read from webcam\n";      
    namedWindow("save_img", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL);  
    imshow("imgOriginal", save_img);            
    Esc = waitKey(1);

Download/Stream file from URL -

Download url to bytes and convert bytes into stream:

using (var client = new WebClient())
    var content = client.DownloadData(url);
    using (var stream = new MemoryStream(content))

Content Type text/xml; charset=utf-8 was not supported by service

I was facing the similar issue when using the Channel Factory. it was actually due to wrong Contract specified in the endpoint.

Where can I find the assembly System.Web.Extensions dll?

Your project is mostly likely targetting .NET Framework 4 Client Profile. Check the application tab in your project properties.

This question has a good answer on the different versions: Target framework, what does ".NET Framework ... Client Profile" mean?

Is there a way to specify a max height or width for an image?

You could use some CSS and with the idea of kbrimington it should do the trick.

The CSS could be like this.

img {
  width:  75px;
  height: auto;

I got it from here: another post

Where does the slf4j log file get saved?

The log file is not visible because the slf4j configuration file location needs to passed to the java run command using the following arguments .(e.g.)


or this:


How to change background Opacity when bootstrap modal is open

You can download a custom compiled bootstrap 3, just customize the @modal-backdrop-opacity from:

Customizing bootstrap 4 requires compiling from source, overriding $modal-backdrop-bg as described in:

In the answers to Bootstrap 4 custom build generator / download there is a NodeJS workflow for compiling Bootstrap 4 from source, alone with some non-official Bootstrap 4 customizers.

how to detect search engine bots with php?

Use Device Detector open source library, it offers a isBot() function:

Set 4 Space Indent in Emacs in Text Mode

By the way, for C-mode, I add (setq-default c-basic-offset 4) to .emacs. See for details.

The specified type member is not supported in LINQ to Entities. Only initializers, entity members, and entity navigation properties are supported

You will also get this error message when you accidentally forget to define a setter for a property. For example:

public class Building
    public string Description { get; }

var query = 
    from building in context.Buildings
    select new
        Desc = building.Description
int count = query.ToList();

The call to ToList will give the same error message. This one is a very subtle error and very hard to detect.

When and how should I use a ThreadLocal variable?

  1. ThreadLocal in Java had been introduced on JDK 1.2 but was later generified in JDK 1.5 to introduce type safety on ThreadLocal variable.

  2. ThreadLocal can be associated with Thread scope, all the code which is executed by Thread has access to ThreadLocal variables but two thread can not see each others ThreadLocal variable.

  3. Each thread holds an exclusive copy of ThreadLocal variable which becomes eligible to Garbage collection after thread finished or died, normally or due to any Exception, Given those ThreadLocal variable doesn't have any other live references.

  4. ThreadLocal variables in Java are generally private static fields in Classes and maintain its state inside Thread.

Read more: ThreadLocal in Java - Example Program and Tutorial

Efficiently updating database using SQLAlchemy ORM

Withough testing, I'd try:

for c in session.query(Stuff).all(): =

(IIRC, commit() works without flush()).

I've found that at times doing a large query and then iterating in python can be up to 2 orders of magnitude faster than lots of queries. I assume that iterating over the query object is less efficient than iterating over a list generated by the all() method of the query object.

[Please note comment below - this did not speed things up at all].

How to enable C# 6.0 feature in Visual Studio 2013?

It worth mentioning that the build time will be increased for VS 2015 users after:

Install-Package Microsoft.Net.Compilers

Those who are using VS 2015 and have to keep this package in their projects can fix increased build time.

Edit file packages\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.1.2.2\build\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.props and clean it up. The file should look like:

<Project DefaultTargets="Build" 

Doing so forces a project to be built as it was before adding Microsoft.Net.Compilers package

How to cancel a pull request on github?

I wanted to comment, but since my reputation won't qualify for commenting, it had to be an answer. Github will actually let you not only cancel a pull request, but also delete it by simply deleting the fork you are trying to push. Hope this may help some others googling this.

How to stop default link click behavior with jQuery

This code strip all event listeners

var old_element=document.getElementsByClassName(".update-cart");    
var new_element = old_element.cloneNode(true);
old_element.parentNode.replaceChild(new_element, old_element);  

How to open a new file in vim in a new window

Check out gVim. You can launch that in its own window.

gVim makes it really easy to manage multiple open buffers graphically.

You can also do the usual :e to open a new file, CTRL+^ to toggle between buffers, etc...

Another cool feature lets you open a popup window that lists all the buffers you've worked on.

This allows you to switch between open buffers with a single click.

To do this, click on the Buffers menu at the top and click the dotted line with the scissors.

enter image description here

Otherwise you can just open a new tab from your terminal session and launch vi from there.

You can usually open a new tab from terminal with CTRL+T or CTRL+ALT+T

Once vi is launched, it's easy to open new files and switch between them.

How to check if an element does NOT have a specific class?

Select element (or group of elements) having class "abc", not having class "xyz":


When selecting regular CSS you can use .abc:not(.xyz).

XSD - how to allow elements in any order any number of times?

If none of the above is working, you are probably working on EDI trasaction where you need to validate your result against an HIPPA schema or any other complex xsd for that matter. The requirement is that, say there 8 REF segments and any of them have to appear in any order and also not all are required, means to say you may have them in following order 1st REF, 3rd REF , 2nd REF, 9th REF. Under default situation EDI receive will fail, beacause default complex type is


The situation is even complex when you are calling your element by refrence and then that element in its original spot is quite complex itself. for example:

<element name="REF1"  ref= "REF1_Mycustomelment" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<element name="REF2"  ref= "REF2_Mycustomelment" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<element name="REF3"  ref= "REF3_Mycustomelment" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">


Here simply replacing "sequence" with "all" or using "choice" with min/max combinations won't work!

First thing replace "xs:sequence" with "<xs:all>" Now,You need to make some changes where you are Referring the element from, There go to:

    <b:recordinfo structure="delimited" field.........Biztalk/2003">

***Now in the above segment add trigger point in the end like this trigger_field="REF01_...complete name.." trigger_value = "38" Do the same for other REF segments where trigger value will be different like say "18", "XX" , "YY" that your record info now looks like:b:recordinfo structure="delimited" field.........Biztalk/2003" trigger_field="REF01_...complete name.." trigger_value="38">

This will make each element unique, reason being All REF segements (above example) have same structure like REF01, REF02, REF03. And during validation the structure validation is ok but it doesn't let the values repeat because it tries to look for remaining values in first REF itself. Adding triggers will make them all unique and they will pass in any order and situational cases (like use 5 out 9 and not all 9/9).

Hope it helps you, for I spent almost 20 hrs on this.

Good Luck

Determining the path that a yum package installed to

Not in Linux at the moment, so can't double check, but I think it's:

rpm -ql ffmpeg

That should list all the files installed as part of the ffmpeg package.

Find the division remainder of a number

If you want to avoid modulo, you can also use a combination of the four basic operations :)

26 - (26 // 7 * 7) = 5

Python requests - print entire http request (raw)?

An even better idea is to use the requests_toolbelt library, which can dump out both requests and responses as strings for you to print to the console. It handles all the tricky cases with files and encodings which the above solution does not handle well.

It's as easy as this:

import requests
from requests_toolbelt.utils import dump

resp = requests.get('')
data = dump.dump_all(resp)


You can simply install it by typing:

pip install requests_toolbelt

Android fade in and fade out with ImageView

you can do it by two simple point and change in your code

1.In your xml in anim folder of your project, Set the fade in and fade out duration time not equal

2.In you java class before the start of fade out animation, set second imageView visibility Gone then after fade out animation started set second imageView visibility which you want to fade in visible


    android:toAlpha="0.0" />


    android:toAlpha="1.0" />

In you java class

Animation animFadeOut = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.fade_out);
    ImageView iv = (ImageView) findViewById(;
    ImageView iv2 = (ImageView) findViewById(;

    Animation animFadeIn = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.fade_in);

How to convert string to binary?

a = list(input("Enter a string\t: "))
def fun(a):
    c =' '.join(['0'*(8-len(bin(ord(i))[2:]))+(bin(ord(i))[2:]) for i in a])
    return c

Property 'value' does not exist on type 'Readonly<{}>'

According to the official ReactJs documentation, you need to pass argument in the default format witch is:

P = {} // default for your props
S = {} // default for yout state

interface Component<P = {}, S = {}> extends ComponentLifecycle<P, S> { }

Or to define your own type like below: (just an exp)

interface IProps {
    clients: Readonly<IClientModel[]>;

    onSubmit: (data: IClientModel) => void;

interface IState {
   clients: Readonly<IClientModel[]>;
   loading: boolean;

class ClientsPage extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
  // ...

typescript and react whats react component P S mean

how to statically type react components with typescript

Copy file or directories recursively in Python

The python shutil.copytree method its a mess. I've done one that works correctly:

def copydirectorykut(src, dst):
    nom= src+'.txt'
    fitx= open(nom, 'w')

    for item in list:
        fitx.write("%s\n" % item)

    f = open(nom,'r')
    for line in f.readlines():
        if "." in line:
            if not os.path.exists(dst+'/'+line[:-1]):

PHP function to generate v4 UUID

How about using mysql to generate the uuid for you?

$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname, $port);

$query = 'SELECT UUID()';
echo $conn->query($query)->fetch_row()[0];

Can I make dynamic styles in React Native?

Yes you can and actually, you should use StyleSheet.create to create your styles.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';    

class Header extends Component {

    render() {
        const { title, style } = this.props;
        const { header, text } = defaultStyle;
        const combineStyles = StyleSheet.flatten([header, style]);    

        return (
            <View style={ combineStyles }>
                <Text style={ text }>
                    { title }

const defaultStyle = StyleSheet.create({
    header: {
        justifyContent: 'center',
        alignItems: 'center',
        backgroundColor: '#fff',
        height: 60,
        paddingTop: 15,
        shadowColor: '#000',
        shadowOffset: { width: 0, height: 3 },
        shadowOpacity: 0.4,
        elevation: 2,
        position: 'relative'
    text: {
        color: '#0d4220',
        fontSize: 16

export default Header;

And then:

<Header title="HOME" style={ {backgroundColor: '#10f1f0'} } />

How to create an Excel File with Nodejs?

XLSx in the new Office is just a zipped collection of XML and other files. So you could generate that and zip it accordingly.

Bonus: you can create a very nice template with styles and so on:

  1. Create a template in 'your favorite spreadsheet program'
  2. Save it as ODS or XLSx
  3. Unzip the contents
  4. Use it as base and fill content.xml (or xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml) with your data
  5. Zip it all before serving

However I found ODS (openoffice) much more approachable (excel can still open it), here is what I found in content.xml

<table:table-row table:style-name="ro1">
    <table:table-cell office:value-type="string" table:style-name="ce1">
        <text:p>here be a1</text:p>
    <table:table-cell office:value-type="string" table:style-name="ce1">
        <text:p>here is b1</text:p>
    <table:table-cell table:number-columns-repeated="16382"/>

How to align this span to the right of the div?

Working with floats is bit messy:

This as many other 'trivial' layout tricks can be done with flexbox.

   div.container {
     display: flex;
     justify-content: space-between;

In 2017 I think this is preferred solution (over float) if you don't have to support legacy browsers:

Check fiddle how different float usages compares to flexbox ("may include some competing answers"): If you still need to stick with float I recommended third version of course.

c++ string array initialization

In C++11 you can. A note beforehand: Don't new the array, there's no need for that.

First, string[] strArray is a syntax error, that should either be string* strArray or string strArray[]. And I assume that it's just for the sake of the example that you don't pass any size parameter.

#include <string>

void foo(std::string* strArray, unsigned size){
  // do stuff...

template<class T>
using alias = T;

int main(){
  foo(alias<std::string[]>{"hi", "there"}, 2);

Note that it would be better if you didn't need to pass the array size as an extra parameter, and thankfully there is a way: Templates!

template<unsigned N>
void foo(int const (&arr)[N]){
  // ...

Note that this will only match stack arrays, like int x[5] = .... Or temporary ones, created by the use of alias above.

int main(){
  foo(alias<int[]>{1, 2, 3});

What is Express.js?

  1. Express.js is a modular web framework for Node.js
  2. It is used for easier creation of web applications and services
  3. Express.js simplifies development and makes it easier to write secure, modular and fast applications. You can do all that in plain old Node.js, but some bugs can (and will) surface, including security concerns (eg. not escaping a string properly)
  4. Redis is an in-memory database system known for its fast performance. No, but you can use it with Express.js using a redis client

I couldn't be more concise than this. For all your other needs and information, Google is your friend.

Java ArrayList of Doubles

Try this:

List<Double> list = Arrays.asList(1.38, 2.56, 4.3);

which returns a fixed size list.

If you need an expandable list, pass this result to the ArrayList constructor:

List<Double> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(1.38, 2.56, 4.3));

SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement

A (partial) practical work-around is to put things into a throw-away function.


x = 1
x += 1

results in

>>> x = 1
x += 1
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    x += 1

SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement

However, pasting

def abc():
  x = 1
  x += 1


>>> def abc():
  x = 1
  x += 1
>>> abc()

Of course, this is OK for a quick one-off, won't work for everything you might want to do, etc. But then, going to ipython / jupyter qtconsole is probably the next simplest option.

Loop until a specific user input

As an alternative to @Mark Byers' approach, you can use while True:

guess = 50     # this should be outside the loop, I think
while True:    # infinite loop
    n = raw_input("\n\nTrue, False or Correct?: ")
    if n == "Correct":
        break  # stops the loop
    elif n == "True":
        # etc.

Alternative to header("Content-type: text/xml");

No. You can't send headers after they were sent. Try to use hooks in wordpress

What is the difference between HTTP_HOST and SERVER_NAME in PHP?

If you want to check through a server.php or whatever, you want to call it with the following:



    header("Content-type: text/plain");


Then access it with all the valid URLs for your site and check out the difference.

SQL Server Pivot Table with multiple column aggregates

The least complicated, most straight-forward way of doing this is by simply wrapping your main query with the pivot in a common table expression, then grouping/aggregating.

    select * from  mytransactions
    pivot (sum (totalcount) for country in ([Australia], [Austria])) as pvt
    SUM(totalamount) AS totalamount,
    SUM(ISNULL(Australia, 0)) AS Australia,
    SUM(ISNULL(Austria, 0)) Austria
GROUP BY numericmonth, chardate

The ISNULL is to stop a NULL value from nullifying the sum (because NULL + any value = NULL)

How to print pandas DataFrame without index

If you want to pretty print the data frames, then you can use tabulate package.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from tabulate import tabulate

def pprint_df(dframe):
    print tabulate(dframe, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql', showindex=False)

df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': np.random.randint(0, 100, 10), 
    'col2': np.random.randint(50, 100, 10), 
    'col3': np.random.randint(10, 10000, 10)})


Specifically, the showindex=False, as the name says, allows you to not show index. The output would look as follows:

|   col1 |   col2 |   col3 |
|     15 |     76 |   5175 |
|     30 |     97 |   3331 |
|     34 |     56 |   3513 |
|     50 |     65 |    203 |
|     84 |     75 |   7559 |
|     41 |     82 |    939 |
|     78 |     59 |   4971 |
|     98 |     99 |    167 |
|     81 |     99 |   6527 |
|     17 |     94 |   4267 |

How to update Identity Column in SQL Server?

ALTER TABLE tablename add newcolumn int
update tablename set newcolumn=existingcolumnname
ALTER TABLE tablename DROP COLUMN existingcolumnname;
EXEC sp_RENAME 'tablename.oldcolumn' , 'newcolumnname', 'COLUMN'
update tablename set newcolumnname=value where condition

However above code works only if there is no primary-foreign key relation

How can Bash execute a command in a different directory context?

Use cd in a subshell; the shorthand way to use this kind of subshell is parentheses.

(cd wherever; mycommand ...)

That said, if your command has an environment that it requires, it should really ensure that environment itself instead of putting the onus on anything that might want to use it (unless it's an internal command used in very specific circumstances in the context of a well defined larger system, such that any caller already needs to ensure the environment it requires). Usually this would be some kind of shell script wrapper.


INSERT INTO table1 (col1, col2)
SELECT "a string", 5, TheNameOfTheFieldInTable2
FROM table2 where ...

Fit background image to div

you also use this:

height: 0;
width: 100%;
padding-top: 66,64%; 

I don't know your div-values, but let's assume you've got those.

height: auto;
max-width: 600px;

Again, those are just random numbers. It could quite hard to make the background-image (if you would want to) with a fixed width for the div, so better use max-width. And actually it isn't complicated to fill a div with an background-image, just make sure you style the parent element the right way, so the image has a place it can go into.


Make a td fixed size (width,height) while rest of td's can expand

just set the width of the td/column you want to be fixed and the rest will expand.

<td width="200"></td>

How to send an email with Python?

While indenting your code in the function (which is ok), you did also indent the lines of the raw message string. But leading white space implies folding (concatenation) of the header lines, as described in sections 2.2.3 and 3.2.3 of RFC 2822 - Internet Message Format:

Each header field is logically a single line of characters comprising the field name, the colon, and the field body. For convenience however, and to deal with the 998/78 character limitations per line, the field body portion of a header field can be split into a multiple line representation; this is called "folding".

In the function form of your sendmail call, all lines are starting with white space and so are "unfolded" (concatenated) and you are trying to send

From: [email protected]    To: [email protected]    Subject: Hello!    This message was sent with Python's smtplib.

Other than our mind suggests, smtplib will not understand the To: and Subject: headers any longer, because these names are only recognized at the beginning of a line. Instead smtplib will assume a very long sender email address:

[email protected]    To: [email protected]    Subject: Hello!    This message was sent with Python's smtplib.

This won't work and so comes your Exception.

The solution is simple: Just preserve the message string as it was before. This can be done by a function (as Zeeshan suggested) or right away in the source code:

import smtplib

    """this is some test documentation in the function"""
    message = """\
From: %s
To: %s
Subject: %s

""" % (FROM, ", ".join(TO), SUBJECT, TEXT)
    # Send the mail
    server = smtplib.SMTP(SERVER)
    server.sendmail(FROM, TO, message)

Now the unfolding does not occur and you send

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Hello!

This message was sent with Python's smtplib.

which is what works and what was done by your old code.

Note that I was also preserving the empty line between headers and body to accommodate section 3.5 of the RFC (which is required) and put the include outside the function according to the Python style guide PEP-0008 (which is optional).

What is a regex to match ONLY an empty string?

The answer may be language dependent, but since you don't mention one, here is what I just came up with in js:

 var a = ['1','','2','','3'].join('\n');

 console.log(a.match(/^.{0}$/gm)); // ["", ""]

 // the "." is for readability. it doesn't really matter
 a.match(/^[you can put whatever the hell you want and this will also work just the same]{0}$/gm)

You could also do a.match(/^(.{10,}|.{0})$/gm) to match empty lines OR lines that meet a criteria. (This is what I was looking for to end up here.)

I know that ^ will match the beginning of any line and $ will match the end of any line

This is only true if you have the multiline flag turned on, otherwise it will only match the beginning/end of the string. I'm assuming you know this and are implying that, but wanted to note it here for learners.

How to compile LEX/YACC files on Windows?

There are ports of flex and bison for windows here:

flex is the free implementation of lex. bison is the free implementation of yacc.

use a javascript array to fill up a drop down select box

This is a part from a REST-Service I´ve written recently.

var select = $("#productSelect")
for (var prop in data) {
    var option = document.createElement('option');
    option.innerHTML = data[prop].ProduktName
    option.value = data[prop].ProduktName;

The reason why im posting this is because appendChild() wasn´t working in my case so I decided to put up another possibility that works aswell.

Sending SMS from PHP

PHP by itself has no SMS module or functions and doesn't allow you to send SMS.

SMS ( Short Messaging System) is a GSM technology an you need a GSM provider that will provide this service for you and may have an PHP API implementation for it.

Usually people in telecom business use Asterisk to handle calls and sms programming.

Summernote image upload

Image Upload for Summernote v0.8.1

for large images

    height: ($(window).height() - 300),
    callbacks: {
        onImageUpload: function(image) {

function uploadImage(image) {
    var data = new FormData();
    data.append("image", image);
        url: 'Your url to deal with your image',
        cache: false,
        contentType: false,
        processData: false,
        data: data,
        type: "post",
        success: function(url) {
            var image = $('<img>').attr('src', 'http://' + url);
            $('#summernote').summernote("insertNode", image[0]);
        error: function(data) {

Java socket API: How to tell if a connection has been closed?

On Linux when write()ing into a socket which the other side, unknown to you, closed will provoke a SIGPIPE signal/exception however you want to call it. However if you don't want to be caught out by the SIGPIPE you can use send() with the flag MSG_NOSIGNAL. The send() call will return with -1 and in this case you can check errno which will tell you that you tried to write a broken pipe (in this case a socket) with the value EPIPE which according to errno.h is equivalent to 32. As a reaction to the EPIPE you could double back and try to reopen the socket and try to send your information again.

How to resolve the error "Unable to access jarfile ApacheJMeter.jar errorlevel=1" while initiating Jmeter?

For window if you download scr folder say apache-jmeter-5.3_src then you won't find ApacheJMeter.jar file insider bin folder.One might have downloaded zip file under source section. Form this link download zip file under binaries section and click on ApacheJMeter.jar from bin folder

Switch statement for greater-than/less-than

What exactly are you doing in //do stuff?

You may be able to do something like:

(scrollLeft < 1000) ? //do stuff
: (scrollLeft > 1000 && scrollLeft < 2000) ? //do stuff
: (scrollLeft > 2000) ? //do stuff
: //etc. 

React Native TextInput that only accepts numeric characters

This not work on IOS, setState -> render -> not change the text, but can change other. The textinput can't change itself value when textOnChange.

by the way, This work well on Android.

Run batch file from Java code

try following

try {
            String[] command = {"cmd.exe", "/C", "Start", "D:\\test.bat"};
            Process p =  Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);           
        } catch (IOException ex) {

How do I remove all .pyc files from a project?

In current version of debian you have pyclean script which is in python-minimal package.

Usage is simple:

pyclean .

Can you Run Xcode in Linux?

If you want XCode on another OS, I suggest cloud computing. That way your app is being developed on a Mac and can be submitted to the App Store.

Shortcut for creating single item list in C#

Simply use this:

List<string> list = new List<string>() { "single value" };

You can even omit the () braces:

List<string> list = new List<string> { "single value" };

Update: of course this also works for more than one entry:

List<string> list = new List<string> { "value1", "value2", ... };

Preventing SQL injection in Node.js

Mysql-native has been outdated so it became MySQL2 that is a new module created with the help of the original MySQL module's team. This module has more features and I think it has what you want as it has prepared statements(by using.execute()) like in PHP for more security.

It's also very active(the last change was from 2-1 days) I didn't try it before but I think it's what you want and more.

What does 'wb' mean in this code, using Python?

That is the mode with which you are opening the file. "wb" means that you are writing to the file (w), and that you are writing in binary mode (b).

Check out the documentation for more: clicky

How to export a CSV to Excel using Powershell

I found this while passing and looking for answers on how to compile a set of csvs into a single excel doc with the worksheets (tabs) named after the csv files. It is a nice function. Sadly, I cannot run them on my network :( so i do not know how well it works.

Function Release-Ref ($ref)
    [System.__ComObject]$ref) -gt 0)
    Function ConvertCSV-ToExcel
    Converts     one or more CSV files into an excel file.
    Converts one or more CSV files into an excel file. Each CSV file is imported into its own worksheet with the name of the
    file being the name of the worksheet.
    .PARAMETER inputfile
    Name of the CSV file being converted
    .PARAMETER output
    Name of the converted excel file
    Get-ChildItem *.csv | ConvertCSV-ToExcel -output ‘report.xlsx’
    ConvertCSV-ToExcel -inputfile ‘file.csv’ -output ‘report.xlsx’
    ConvertCSV-ToExcel -inputfile @(“test1.csv”,”test2.csv”) -output ‘report.xlsx’
    Author:     Boe Prox
    Date Created: 01SEPT210
    Last Modified:
    #Requires -version 2.0
    SupportsShouldProcess = $True,
    ConfirmImpact = ‘low’,
    DefaultParameterSetName = ‘file’
    Param (
    HelpMessage=”Name of CSV/s to import”)]
    HelpMessage=”Name of excel file output”)]
    Begin {
    #Configure regular expression to match full path of each file
    [regex]$regex = “^\w\:\\”
    #Find the number of CSVs being imported
    $count = ($inputfile.count -1)
    #Create Excel Com Object
    $excel = new-object -com excel.application
    #Disable alerts
    $excel.DisplayAlerts = $False
    #Show Excel application
    $excel.V    isible = $False
    #Add workbook
    $workbook = $excel.workbooks.Add()
    #Remove other worksheets
    #After the first worksheet is removed,the next one takes its place
    #Define initial worksheet number
    $i = 1
    Process {
    ForEach ($input in $inputfile) {
    #If more than one file, create another worksheet for each file
    If ($i -gt 1) {
    $workbook.worksheets.Add() | Out-Null
    #Use the first worksheet in the workbook (also the newest created worksheet is always 1)
    $worksheet = $workbook.worksheets.Item(1)
    #Add name of CSV as worksheet name
    $ = “$((GCI $input).basename)”
    #Open the CSV file in Excel, must be converted into complete path if no already done
    If ($regex.ismatch($input)) {
    $tempcsv = $excel.Workbooks.Open($input)
    ElseIf ($regex.ismatch(“$($input.fullname)”)) {
    $tempcsv = $excel.Workbooks.Open(“$($input.fullname)”)
    Else {
    $tempcsv = $excel.Workbooks.Open(“$($pwd)\$input”)
    $tempsheet = $tempcsv.Worksheets.Item(1)
    #Copy contents of the CSV file
    $tempSheet.UsedRange.Copy() | Out-Null
    #Paste contents of CSV into existing workbook
    #Close temp workbook
    #Select all used cells
    $range = $worksheet.UsedRange
    #Autofit the columns
    $range.EntireColumn.Autofit() | out-null
    End {
    #Save spreadsheet
    Write-Host -Fore Green “File saved to $pwd\$output”
    #Close Excel
    #Release processes for Excel
    $a = Release-Ref($range)

How to load html string in a webview?

You also can try out this

   final WebView webView = new WebView(this);
            webView.loadDataWithBaseURL(null, content, "text/html", "UTF-8", null);

How do I create a comma-separated list using a SQL query?

I believe what you want is:

SELECT ItemName, GROUP_CONCAT(DepartmentId) FROM table_name GROUP BY ItemName

If you're using MySQL


iPhone Navigation Bar Title text color

Use like this for Orientation support

UIView *view = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,320,40)];
[view setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
[view setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight ];

UILabel *nameLabel = [[UILabel alloc] init];
[nameLabel setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 40)];
[nameLabel setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
[nameLabel setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin |UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin];
[nameLabel setTextColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];
[nameLabel setFont:[UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:17]];
[nameLabel setText:titleString];
[nameLabel setTextAlignment:UITextAlignmentCenter];
[view addSubview:nameLabel];
[nameLabel release];
self.navigationItem.titleView = view;
[view release];

How do I get SUM function in MySQL to return '0' if no values are found?

Use COALESCE to avoid that outcome.

FROM   table
WHERE  ...

To see it in action, please see this sql fiddle:!2/d1542/3/0

More Information:

Given three tables (one with all numbers, one with all nulls, and one with a mixture):

SQL Fiddle

MySQL 5.5.32 Schema Setup:

  val   INT


  val   INT


  val   INT


Query 1:

SELECT  'foo'                   as table_name,
        'mixed null/non-null'   as description,
        21                      as expected_sum,
        COALESCE(SUM(val), 0)   as actual_sum
FROM    foo

SELECT  'bar'                   as table_name,
        'all non-null'          as description,
        21                      as expected_sum,
        COALESCE(SUM(val), 0)   as actual_sum
FROM    bar

SELECT  'baz'                   as table_name,
        'all null'              as description,
        0                       as expected_sum,
        COALESCE(SUM(val), 0)   as actual_sum
FROM    baz


|        foo | mixed null/non-null |           21 |         21 |
|        bar |        all non-null |           21 |         21 |
|        baz |            all null |            0 |          0 |

How can I make a checkbox readonly? not disabled?

Through CSS:

<label for="">
  <input type="checkbox" style="pointer-events: none; tabindex: -1;" checked> Label

pointer-events not supported in IE<10

JUnit Testing Exceptions

If your constructor is similar to this one:

public Example(String example) {
    if (example == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException();
    //do fun things with valid example here

Then, when you run this JUnit test you will get a green bar:

@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void constructorShouldThrowNullPointerException() {
    Example example = new Example(null);

npm install hangs

I had the same problem. The reason - wrong proxy was configured and because of that npm was unable to download packages.

So your best bet is to the see the output of

$ npm install --verbose

and identify the problem. If you have never configured proxy, then possible causes can be

  • Very outdated npm version.
  • Some problem with your internet connection.
  • Permissions are not sufficient for npm to modify files.

nvm keeps "forgetting" node in new terminal session

This question has mentioned for the OSX, but it happened to me in my linux OS. I tried using nvm alias default <version> but for each new terminal session the used node version was forgotten. so, here is the solution that i figured out.

make sure to set a default alias for node version,put the following code in .bashrc, and source .bashrc.

export NVM_DIR="/home/bonnie/.nvm"
## If the file exists and is not empty
if [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ]; then
    ## Source it
    source "$NVM_DIR/"
export PATH="$NVM_DIR/versions/node/$NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION/bin":$PATH

descriptive solution link

Import error: No module name urllib2

Simplest of all solutions:

In Python 3.x:

import urllib.request
url = ""
request = urllib.request.Request(url)
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
data_content =

MVC 4 Edit modal form using Bootstrap

In reply to Dimitrys answer but using Ajax.BeginForm the following works at least with MVC >5 (4 not tested).

  1. write a model as shown in the other answers,

  2. In the "parent view" you will probably use a table to show the data. Model should be an ienumerable. I assume, the model has an id-property. Howeverm below the template, a placeholder for the modal and corresponding javascript

    @foreach (var item in Model)
        <tr> <td id="[email protected]"> 
            @Html.Partial("dataRowView", item)
        </td> </tr>
    <div class="modal fade" id="editor-container" tabindex="-1" 
         role="dialog" aria-labelledby="editor-title">
        <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg" role="document">
            <div class="modal-content" id="editor-content-container"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(function () {
            $('.editor-container').click(function () {
                var url = "/area/controller/MyEditAction";  
                var id = $(this).attr('data-id');  
                $.get(url + '/' + id, function (data) {
        function success(data,status,xhr) {
        function failure(xhr,status,error) {

note the "editor-success-id" in data table rows.

  1. The dataRowView is a partial containing the presentation of an model's item.

    @model ModelView
        var item = Model;
    <div class="row">
            // some data 
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger editor-container" data-id="@item.Id">Edit</button>
  2. Write the partial view that is called by clicking on row's button (via JS $('.editor-container').click(function () ... ).

    @model Model
    <div class="modal-header">
        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
            <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
        <h4 class="modal-title" id="editor-title">Title</h4>
    @using (Ajax.BeginForm("MyEditAction", "Controller", FormMethod.Post,
                        new AjaxOptions
                            InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
                            HttpMethod = "POST",
                            UpdateTargetId = "editor-success-" + @Model.Id,
                            OnSuccess = "success",
                            OnFailure = "failure",
        @Html.HiddenFor(model => model.Id)
        <div class="modal-body">
            <div class="form-horizontal">
                // Models input fields
        <div class="modal-footer">
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</button>
            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Save</button>

This is where magic happens: in AjaxOptions, UpdateTargetId will replace the data row after editing, onfailure and onsuccess will control the modal.

This is, the modal will only close when editing was successful and there have been no errors, otherwise the modal will be displayed after the ajax-posting to display error messages, e.g. the validation summary.

But how to get ajaxform to know if there is an error? This is the controller part, just change response.statuscode as below in step 5:

  1. the corresponding controller action method for the partial edit modal

    public async Task<ActionResult> EditPartData(Guid? id)
        // Find the data row and return the edit form
        Model input = await db.Models.FindAsync(id);
        return PartialView("EditModel", input);
    [HttpPost, ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
    public async Task<ActionResult> MyEditAction([Bind(Include =
       "Id,Fields,...")] ModelView input)
        if (TryValidateModel(input))
            // save changes, return new data row  
            // status code is something in 200-range
            db.Entry(input).State = EntityState.Modified;
            await db.SaveChangesAsync();
            return PartialView("dataRowView", (ModelView)input);
        // set the "error status code" that will redisplay the modal
        Response.StatusCode = 400;
        // and return the edit form, that will be displayed as a 
        // modal again - including the modelstate errors!
        return PartialView("EditModel", (Model)input);

This way, if an error occurs while editing Model data in a modal window, the error will be displayed in the modal with validationsummary methods of MVC; but if changes were committed successfully, the modified data table will be displayed and the modal window disappears.

Note: you get ajaxoptions working, you need to tell your bundles configuration to bind jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.js (may be installed by NuGet):

        bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jqueryajax").Include(

Combining CSS Pseudo-elements, ":after" the ":last-child"

An old thread, nonetheless someone may benefit from this:

li:not(:last-child)::after { content: ","; }
li:last-child::after { content: "."; }

This should work in CSS3 and [untested] CSS2.

What is a segmentation fault?

A segmentation fault is caused by a request for a page that the process does not have listed in its descriptor table, or an invalid request for a page that it does have listed (e.g. a write request on a read-only page).

A dangling pointer is a pointer that may or may not point to a valid page, but does point to an "unexpected" segment of memory.

Sort Go map values by keys

According to the Go spec, the order of iteration over a map is undefined, and may vary between runs of the program. In practice, not only is it undefined, it's actually intentionally randomized. This is because it used to be predictable, and the Go language developers didn't want people relying on unspecified behavior, so they intentionally randomized it so that relying on this behavior was impossible.

What you'll have to do, then, is pull the keys into a slice, sort them, and then range over the slice like this:

var m map[keyType]valueType
keys := sliceOfKeys(m) // you'll have to implement this
for _, k := range keys {
    v := m[k]
    // k is the key and v is the value; do your computation here

MySQL Sum() multiple columns

SELECT student, SUM(mark1+mark2+mark3+....+markn) AS Total FROM your_table

Update statement using with clause

If anyone comes here after me, this is the answer that worked for me.

NOTE: please make to read the comments before using this, this not complete. The best advice for update queries I can give is to switch to SqlServer ;)

update mytable t
set z = (
  with comp as (
    select b.*, 42 as computed 
    from mytable t 
    where bs_id = 1
  select c.computed
  from  comp c
  where =

Good luck,