[java] How do you specify a byte literal in Java?

If I have a method

void f(byte b);

how can I call it with a numeric argument without casting?


gives an error.

This question is related to java byte literals

The answer is

If you're passing literals in code, what's stopping you from simply declaring it ahead of time?

byte b = 0; //Set to desired value.

With Java 7 and later version, you can specify a byte literal in this way: byte aByte = (byte)0b00100001;

Reference: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/language/binary-literals.html

You have to cast, I'm afraid:


I believe that will perform the appropriate conversion at compile-time instead of execution time, so it's not actually going to cause performance penalties. It's just inconvenient :(

You can use a byte literal in Java... sort of.

    byte f = 0;
    f = 0xa;

0xa (int literal) gets automatically cast to byte. It's not a real byte literal (see JLS & comments below), but if it quacks like a duck, I call it a duck.

What you can't do is this:

void foo(byte a) {

 foo( 0xa ); // will not compile

You have to cast as follows:

 foo( (byte) 0xa ); 

But keep in mind that these will all compile, and they are using "byte literals":

void foo(byte a) {

    byte f = 0;

    foo( f = 0xa ); //compiles

    foo( f = 'a' ); //compiles

    foo( f = 1 );  //compiles

Of course this compiles too

    foo( (byte) 1 );  //compiles

What about overriding the method with

void f(int value)

this will allow for f(0)

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