[sql] Parameterize an SQL IN clause

(Edit: If table valued parameters are not available) Best seems to be to split a large number of IN parameters into multiple queries with fixed length, so you have a number of known SQL statements with fixed parameter count and no dummy/duplicate values, and also no parsing of strings, XML and the like.

Here's some code in C# I wrote on this topic:

public static T[][] SplitSqlValues<T>(IEnumerable<T> values)
    var sizes = new int[] { 1000, 500, 250, 125, 63, 32, 16, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 };
    int processed = 0;
    int currSizeIdx = sizes.Length - 1; /* start with last (smallest) */
    var splitLists = new List<T[]>();

    var valuesDistSort = values.Distinct().ToList(); /* remove redundant */
    int totalValues = valuesDistSort.Count;

    while (totalValues > sizes[currSizeIdx] && currSizeIdx > 0)
    currSizeIdx--; /* bigger size, by array pos. */

    while (processed < totalValues)
        while (totalValues - processed < sizes[currSizeIdx]) 
            currSizeIdx++; /* smaller size, by array pos. */
        var partList = new T[sizes[currSizeIdx]];
        valuesDistSort.CopyTo(processed, partList, 0, sizes[currSizeIdx]);
        processed += sizes[currSizeIdx];
    return splitLists.ToArray();

(you may have further ideas, omit the sorting, use valuesDistSort.Skip(processed).Take(size[...]) instead of list/array CopyTo).

When inserting parameter variables, you create something like:

foreach(int[] partList in splitLists)
    /* here: question mark for param variable, use named/numbered params if required */
    string sql = "select * from Items where Id in("
        + string.Join(",", partList.Select(p => "?")) 
        + ")"; /* comma separated ?, one for each partList entry */

    /* create command with sql string, set parameters, execute, merge results */

I've watched the SQL generated by the NHibernate object-relational mapper (when querying data to create objects from), and that looks best with multiple queries. In NHibernate, one can specify a batch-size; if many object data rows have to be fetched, it tries to retrieve the number of rows equivalent to the batch-size

SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (@p1, @p2, @p3, ... , @p[batch-size])

,instead of sending hundreds or thousands of


When the remaining IDs are less then batch-size, but still more than one, it splits into smaller statements, but still with certain length.

If you have a batch size of 100, and a query with 118 parameters, it would create 3 queries:

  • one with 100 parameters (batch-size),
  • then one with 12
  • and another one with 6,

but none with 118 or 18. This way, it restricts the possible SQL statements to likely known statements, preventing too many different, thus too many query plans, which fill the cache and in great parts never get reused. The above code does the same, but with lengths 1000, 500, 250, 125, 63, 32, 16, 10-to-1. Parameter lists with more than 1000 elements are also split, preventing a database error due to a size limit.

Anyway, it's best to have a database interface which sends parameterized SQL directly, without a separate Prepare statement and handle to call. Databases like SQL Server and Oracle remember SQL by string equality (values change, binding params in SQL not!) and reuse query plans, if available. No need for separate prepare statements, and tedious maintenance of query handles in code! ADO.NET works like this, but it seems like Java still uses prepare/execute by handle (not sure).

I had my own question on this topic, originally suggesting to fill the IN clause with duplicates, but then preferring the NHibernate style statement split: Parameterized SQL - in / not in with fixed numbers of parameters, for query plan cache optimization?

This question is still interesting, even more than 5 years after being asked...

EDIT: I noted that IN queries with many values (like 250 or more) still tend to be slow, in the given case, on SQL Server. While I expected the DB to create a kind of temporary table internally and join against it, it seemed like it only repeated the single value SELECT expression n-times. Time was up to about 200ms per query - even worse than joining the original IDs retrieval SELECT against the other, related tables.. Also, there were some 10 to 15 CPU units in SQL Server Profiler, something unusual for repeated execution of the same parameterized queries, suggesting that new query plans were created on repeated calls. Maybe ad-hoc like individual queries are not worse at all. I had to compare these queries to non-split queries with changing sizes for a final conclusion, but for now, it seems like long IN clauses should be avoided anyway.

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