[javascript] How can I make a checkbox readonly? not disabled?

None of the above worked for me. Here's my vanilla.js solution:

(function() {
    function handleSubmit(event) {
        var form = event.target;
        var nodes = form.querySelectorAll("input[disabled]");
        for (var node of nodes) {
            node.disabled = false;

    function init() {
        var submit_form_tag = document.getElementById('new_whatever');
        submit_form_tag.addEventListener('submit', handleSubmit, true);

    window.onload = init_beworst;


Be sure to provide an appropriate replacement for the form id.

My application has a bit of context, where some boxes are pre-checked, and others you have a limit of how many of the other boxes you can check. When you hit that limit, all the non-pre-checked boxes are disabled, and if you uncheck one all the non-pre-checked boxes are enabled again. When the user presses submit all the checked boxes are submitted to the user, regardless of whether they're pre-checked or not.