Programs & Examples On #Unmanagedresources

How to tell if homebrew is installed on Mac OS X

The standard way of figuring out if something is installed is to use which.

If Brew is installed.

>>> which brew

If Brew is not installed.

>>> which brew
brew not found

Note: The "not installed" message depends on your shell. zsh is shown above. bash will just not print anything. csh will say brew: Command not found. In the "installed" case, all shells will print the path.)

It works with all command line programs. Try which grep or which python. Since it tells you the program that you're running, it's helpful when debugging as well.

How to do SELECT MAX in Django?

See this. Your code would be something like the following:

from django.db.models import Max
# Generates a "SELECT MAX..." query
Argument.objects.aggregate(Max('rating')) # {'rating__max': 5}

You can also use this on existing querysets:

from django.db.models import Max
args = Argument.objects.filter(name='foo') # or whatever arbitrary queryset
args.aggregate(Max('rating')) # {'rating__max': 5}

If you need the model instance that contains this max value, then the code you posted is probably the best way to do it:

arg = args.order_by('-rating')[0]

Note that this will error if the queryset is empty, i.e. if no arguments match the query (because the [0] part will raise an IndexError). If you want to avoid that behavior and instead simply return None in that case, use .first():

arg = args.order_by('-rating').first() # may return None

How do I remove the height style from a DIV using jQuery?

To reset the height of the div, just try


Fake "click" to activate an onclick method

Using javascript you can trigger click() and focus() like below example

document.addEventListener("click", function(e) {_x000D_
  console.log("Clicked On : ",e.toElement);_x000D_
  console.log("Focused On : ",e.srcElement);_x000D_
<input type="button" value="test-button" id="button_1">_x000D_
<input type="text" value="value 1" id="input_1">_x000D_
<input type="text" value="value 2" id="input_2">

Daylight saving time and time zone best practices

If your design can accommodate it, avoid local time conversion all together!

I know to some this might sound insane but think about UX: users process near, relative dates (today, yesterday, next Monday) faster than absolute dates (2010.09.17, Friday Sept 17) on glance. And when you think about it more, the accuracy of timezones (and DST) is more important the closer the date is to now(), so if you can express dates/datetimes in a relative format for +/- 1 or 2 weeks, the rest of the dates can be UTC and it wont matter too much to 95% of users.

This way you can store all dates in UTC and do the relative comparisons in UTC and simply show the user UTC dates outside of your Relative Date Threshold.

This can also apply to user input too (but generally in a more limited fashion). Selecting from a drop down that only has { Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Next Monday, Next Thursday } is so much simpler and easier for the user than a date picker. Date pickers are some of the most pain inducing components of form filling. Of course this will not work for all cases but you can see that it only takes a little clever design to make it very powerful.

Permissions error when connecting to EC2 via SSH on Mac OSx


I noticed that for some AMIs like Amazon Linux, [email protected] would work. But for an ubuntu image, I had to use ubuntu@ instead. It was never a problem with the .pem, just with the user name.

How to iterate over the file in python

The traceback indicates that probably you have an empty line at the end of the file. You can fix it like this:

f = open('test.txt','r')
g = open('test1.txt','w') 
while True:
    x = f.readline()
    x = x.rstrip()
    if not x: break
    print >> g, int(x, 16)

On the other hand it would be better to use for x in f instead of readline. Do not forget to close your files or better to use with that close them for you:

with open('test.txt','r') as f:
    with open('test1.txt','w') as g: 
        for x in f:
            x = x.rstrip()
            if not x: continue
            print >> g, int(x, 16)

How do I add a simple jQuery script to WordPress?

Beside putting the script in through functions you can "just" include a link ( a link rel tag that is) in the header, the footer, in any template, where ever.

No. You should never just add a link to an external script like this in WordPress. Enqueuing them through the functions.php file ensures that scripts are loaded in the correct order.

Failure to enqueue them may result in your script not working, although it is written correctly.

Install pip in docker

An alternative is to use the Alpine Linux containers, e.g. python:2.7-alpine. They offer pip out of the box (and have a smaller footprint which leads to faster builds etc).

How do you do exponentiation in C?

To add to what Evan said: C does not have a built-in operator for exponentiation, because it is not a primitive operation for most CPUs. Thus, it's implemented as a library function.

Also, for computing the function e^x, you can use the exp(double), expf(float), and expl(long double) functions.

Note that you do not want to use the ^ operator, which is the bitwise exclusive OR operator.

Default Values to Stored Procedure in Oracle

Default values are only used if the arguments are not specified. In your case you did specify the arguments - both were supplied, with a value of NULL. (Yes, in this case NULL is considered a real value :-). Try:


Share and enjoy.

Addendum: The default values for procedure parameters are certainly buried in a system table somewhere (see the SYS.ALL_ARGUMENTS view), but getting the default value out of the view involves extracting text from a LONG field, and is probably going to prove to be more painful than it's worth. The easy way is to add some code to the procedure:

                                 Y IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1)
  varX VARCHAR2(32767) := NVL(X, 'P');
  varY NUMBER          := NVL(Y, 1);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('X=' || varX || ' -- ' || 'Y=' || varY);

Passing data between different controller action methods

HTTP and redirects

Let's first recap how ASP.NET MVC works:

  1. When an HTTP request comes in, it is matched against a set of routes. If a route matches the request, the controller action corresponding to the route will be invoked.
  2. Before invoking the action method, ASP.NET MVC performs model binding. Model binding is the process of mapping the content of the HTTP request, which is basically just text, to the strongly typed arguments of your action method

Let's also remind ourselves what a redirect is:

An HTTP redirect is a response that the webserver can send to the client, telling the client to look for the requested content under a different URL. The new URL is contained in a Location header that the webserver returns to the client. In ASP.NET MVC, you do an HTTP redirect by returning a RedirectResult from an action.

Passing data

If you were just passing simple values like strings and/or integers, you could pass them as query parameters in the URL in the Location header. This is what would happen if you used something like

return RedirectToAction("ActionName", "Controller", new { arg = updatedResultsDocument });

as others have suggested

The reason that this will not work is that the XDocument is a potentially very complex object. There is no straightforward way for the ASP.NET MVC framework to serialize the document into something that will fit in a URL and then model bind from the URL value back to your XDocument action parameter.

In general, passing the document to the client in order for the client to pass it back to the server on the next request, is a very brittle procedure: it would require all sorts of serialisation and deserialisation and all sorts of things could go wrong. If the document is large, it might also be a substantial waste of bandwidth and might severely impact the performance of your application.

Instead, what you want to do is keep the document around on the server and pass an identifier back to the client. The client then passes the identifier along with the next request and the server retrieves the document using this identifier.

Storing data for retrieval on the next request

So, the question now becomes, where does the server store the document in the meantime? Well, that is for you to decide and the best choice will depend upon your particular scenario. If this document needs to be available in the long run, you may want to store it on disk or in a database. If it contains only transient information, keeping it in the webserver's memory, in the ASP.NET cache or the Session (or TempData, which is more or less the same as the Session in the end) may be the right solution. Either way, you store the document under a key that will allow you to retrieve the document later:

int documentId = _myDocumentRepository.Save(updatedResultsDocument);

and then you return that key to the client:

return RedirectToAction("UpdateConfirmation", "ApplicationPoolController ", new { id = documentId });

When you want to retrieve the document, you simply fetch it based on the key:

 public ActionResult UpdateConfirmation(int id)
      XDocument doc = _myDocumentRepository.GetById(id);

      ConfirmationModel model = new ConfirmationModel(doc);

      return View(model);

jQuery javascript regex Replace <br> with \n

myString.replace(/<br ?\/?>/g, "\n")

How to execute cmd commands via Java

Every execution of exec spawns a new process with its own environment. So your second invocation is not connected to the first in any way. It will just change its own working directory and then exit (i.e. it's effectively a no-op).

If you want to compose requests, you'll need to do this within a single call to exec. Bash allows multiple commands to be specified on a single line if they're separated by semicolons; Windows CMD may allow the same, and if not there's always batch scripts.

As Piotr says, if this example is actually what you're trying to achieve, you can perform the same thing much more efficiently, effectively and platform-safely with the following:

String[] filenames = new"C:/").list();

Formatting Decimal places in R

for 2 decimal places assuming that you want to keep trailing zeros

sprintf(5.5, fmt = '%#.2f')

which gives

[1] "5.50"

As @mpag mentions below, it seems R can sometimes give unexpected values with this and the round method e.g. sprintf(5.5550, fmt='%#.2f') gives 5.55, not 5.56

MySQL joins and COUNT(*) from another table

Maybe I am off the mark here and not understanding the OP but why are you joining tables?

If you have a table with members and this table has a column named "group_id", you can just run a query on the members table to get a count of the members grouped by the group_id.

SELECT group_id, COUNT(*) as membercount 
FROM members 
GROUP BY group_id 
HAVING membercount > 4

This should have the least overhead simply because you are avoiding a join but should still give you what you wanted.

If you want the group details and description etc, then add a join from the members table back to the groups table to retrieve the name would give you the quickest result.

How do you hide the Address bar in Google Chrome for Chrome Apps?

Vivaldi Chromium-based Browser can hide the address bar for my Home Theather PC. Using that app you can show/hide a floating bar with F8 key. Other answers are unrelated to what was asked!

How to completely remove node.js from Windows

The best thing to do is to remove Node.js from the control panel. Once deleted download the desired version of Node.js and install it and it works.

How to clone ArrayList and also clone its contents?

You will need to clone the ArrayList by hand (by iterating over it and copying each element to a new ArrayList), because clone() will not do it for you. Reason for this is that the objects contained in the ArrayList may not implement Clonable themselves.

Edit: ... and that is exactly what Varkhan's code does.

Display HTML snippets in HTML

This is how I did it:

$str = file_get_contents("my-code-file.php");
echo "<textarea disabled='true' style='border: none;background-color:white;'>";
echo $str;
echo "</textarea>";

Fastest way to check a string contain another substring in JavaScript?

Does this work for you?

string1.indexOf(string2) >= 0

Edit: This may not be faster than a RegExp if the string2 contains repeated patterns. On some browsers, indexOf may be much slower than RegExp. See comments.

Edit 2: RegExp may be faster than indexOf when the strings are very long and/or contain repeated patterns. See comments and @Felix's answer.

How to import a module given the full path?

Import package modules at runtime (Python recipe)

##                #
## #
##                #

import sys, types

def _get_mod(modulePath):
        aMod = sys.modules[modulePath]
        if not isinstance(aMod, types.ModuleType):
            raise KeyError
    except KeyError:
        # The last [''] is very important!
        aMod = __import__(modulePath, globals(), locals(), [''])
        sys.modules[modulePath] = aMod
    return aMod

def _get_func(fullFuncName):
    """Retrieve a function object from a full dotted-package name."""

    # Parse out the path, module, and function
    lastDot = fullFuncName.rfind(u".")
    funcName = fullFuncName[lastDot + 1:]
    modPath = fullFuncName[:lastDot]

    aMod = _get_mod(modPath)
    aFunc = getattr(aMod, funcName)

    # Assert that the function is a *callable* attribute.
    assert callable(aFunc), u"%s is not callable." % fullFuncName

    # Return a reference to the function itself,
    # not the results of the function.
    return aFunc

def _get_class(fullClassName, parentClass=None):
    """Load a module and retrieve a class (NOT an instance).

    If the parentClass is supplied, className must be of parentClass
    or a subclass of parentClass (or None is returned).
    aClass = _get_func(fullClassName)

    # Assert that the class is a subclass of parentClass.
    if parentClass is not None:
        if not issubclass(aClass, parentClass):
            raise TypeError(u"%s is not a subclass of %s" %
                            (fullClassName, parentClass))

    # Return a reference to the class itself, not an instantiated object.
    return aClass

##       Usage      ##

class StorageManager: pass
class StorageManagerMySQL(StorageManager): pass

def storage_object(aFullClassName, allOptions={}):
    aStoreClass = _get_class(aFullClassName, StorageManager)
    return aStoreClass(allOptions)

Facebook Graph API, how to get users email?

The following tools can be useful during development:

Access Token Debugger: Paste in an access token for details

Graph API Explorer: Test requests to the graph api after pasting in your access token

How to convert HTML file to word?

When doing this I found it easiest to:

  1. Visit the page in a web browser
  2. Save the page using the web browser with .htm extension (and maybe a folder with support files)
  3. Start Word and open the saved htmfile (Word will open it correctly)
  4. Make any edits if needed
  5. Select Save As and then choose the extension you would like doc, docx, etc.

How can I copy network files using Robocopy?

You should be able to use Windows "UNC" paths with robocopy. For example:

robocopy \\myServer\myFolder\myFile.txt \\myOtherServer\myOtherFolder

Robocopy has the ability to recover from certain types of network hiccups automatically.

Access denied for user 'test'@'localhost' (using password: YES) except root user

For anyone else who did all the advice but the problem still persists.

Check for stored procedure and view DEFINERS. Those definers may no longer exists.

My problem showed up when we changed the wildcard host (%) to IP specific, making the database more secure. Unfortunately there are some views that are still using 'user'@'%' even though 'user'@'172....' is technically correct.

"The import org.springframework cannot be resolved."

Add the following JPA dependency.


Watching variables contents in Eclipse IDE

You can add a watchpoint for each variable you're interested in.

A watchpoint is a special breakpoint that stops the execution of an application whenever the value of a given expression changes, without specifying where it might occur. Unlike breakpoints (which are line-specific), watchpoints are associated with files. They take effect whenever a specified condition is true, regardless of when or where it occurred. You can set a watchpoint on a global variable by highlighting the variable in the editor, or by selecting it in the Outline view.

How to set width of a p:column in a p:dataTable in PrimeFaces 3.0?

I don't know what browser you're using, but according to, nth-child and nth-last-child do now work on MSIE 8. I don't know about 9. will give you more info.

Alternative Windows shells, besides CMD.EXE?

Try Clink. It's awesome, especially if you are used to bash keybindings and features.

(As already pointed out - there is a similar question: Is there a better Windows Console Window?)

phpmyadmin "Not Found" after install on Apache, Ubuntu

sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow phpmyadmin 

Select No when asked to reconfigure the database. Then when asked to choose apache2, make sure to hit space while [ ] apache2 is highlighted. An asterisk should appear between the brackets. Then hit Enter. Phpmyadmin should reconfigure and now http://localhost/phpmyadmin should work. for further detail

How to track down access violation "at address 00000000"

If you get 'Access violation at address 00000000.', you are calling a function pointer that hasn't been assigned - possibly an event handler or a callback function.

for example

TTest = class(TForm);
  procedure DoCustomEvent;
  property OnCustomEvent : TNotifyEvent read FOnCustomEvent  write FOnCustomEvent;

procedure TTest.DoCustomEvent;

Instead of

procedure TTest.DoCustomEvent;
  if Assigned(FOnCustomEvent) then // need to check event handler is assigned!

If the error is in a third party component, and you can track the offending code down, use an empty event handler to prevent the AV.

Adding timestamp to a filename with mv in BASH

I use this command for simple rotate a file:

mv output.log `date +%F`-output.log

In local folder I have 2019-09-25-output.log

How to validate array in Laravel?

The recommended way to write validation and authorization logic is to put that logic in separate request classes. This way your controller code will remain clean.

You can create a request class by executing php artisan make:request SomeRequest.

In each request class's rules() method define your validation rules:

public function rules()
   return [
    "name"    => [
          'array', // input must be an array
          'min:3'  // there must be three members in the array
    "name.*"  => [
          'string',   // input must be of type string
          'distinct', // members of the array must be unique
          'min:3'     // each string must have min 3 chars

In your controller write your route function like this:

// SomeController.php
public function store(SomeRequest $request) 
  // Request is already validated before reaching this point.
  // Your controller logic goes here.

public function update(SomeRequest $request)
  // It isn't uncommon for the same validation to be required
  // in multiple places in the same controller. A request class
  // can be beneficial in this way.

Each request class comes with pre- and post-validation hooks/methods which can be customized based on business logic and special cases in order to modify the normal behavior of request class.

You may create parent request classes for similar types of requests (e.g. web and api) requests and then encapsulate some common request logic in these parent classes.

Kotlin - How to correctly concatenate a String

I agree with the accepted answer above but it is only good for known string values. For dynamic string values here is my suggestion.

// A list may come from an API JSON like
   "names": [
      "Person 1",
      "Person 2",
      "Person 3",
      "Person N"
var listOfNames = mutableListOf<String>() 

val stringOfNames = listOfNames.joinToString(", ") 
// ", " <- a separator for the strings, could be any string that you want

// Posible result
// Person 1, Person 2, Person 3, ..., Person N

This is useful for concatenating list of strings with separator.

How can I control Chromedriver open window size?

try this

using System.Drawing;
driver.Manage().Window.Size = new Size(width, height);

Android ADB devices unauthorized

I got this as root when as a non-root user I was getting permissions errors trying to connect to custom recovery (Philz). so I killed adb server, copied the .android subdirectory of my user account into /root, chowned -R to root.root, and restarted adb server. I'm in!

Closing database connections in Java

When you are done with using your Connection, you need to explicitly close it by calling its close() method in order to release any other database resources (cursors, handles, etc.) the connection may be holding on to.

Actually, the safe pattern in Java is to close your ResultSet, Statement, and Connection (in that order) in a finally block when you are done with them. Something like this:

Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet rs = null;

try {
    // Do stuff

} catch (SQLException ex) {
    // Exception handling stuff
} finally {
    if (rs != null) {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException e) { /* Ignored */}
    if (ps != null) {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException e) { /* Ignored */}
    if (conn != null) {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException e) { /* Ignored */}

The finally block can be slightly improved into (to avoid the null check):

} finally {
    try { rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { /* Ignored */ }
    try { ps.close(); } catch (Exception e) { /* Ignored */ }
    try { conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { /* Ignored */ }

But, still, this is extremely verbose so you generally end up using an helper class to close the objects in null-safe helper methods and the finally block becomes something like this:

} finally {

And, actually, the Apache Commons DbUtils has a DbUtils class which is precisely doing that, so there isn't any need to write your own.

How do you do the "therefore" (?) symbol on a Mac or in Textmate?

If using WORD for mac enable 'use maths autocorrect rules outside maths regions' Type \therefore

How to check whether a string is Base64 encoded or not

This works in Python:

def is_base64(string):
    if len(string) % 4 == 0 and re.test('^[A-Za-z0-9+\/=]+\Z', string):

How to extract .war files in java? ZIP vs JAR

Jar class/package is for specific Jar file mechanisms where there is a manifest that is used by the Jar files in some cases.

The Zip file class/package handles any compressed files that include Jar files, which is a type of compressed file.

The Jar classes thus extend the Zip package classes.

How do I perform an insert and return inserted identity with Dapper?

There is a great library to make your life easier Dapper.Contrib.Extensions. After including this you can just write:

public int Add(Transaction transaction)
        using (IDbConnection db = Connection)
                return (int)db.Insert(transaction);

Django CSRF Cookie Not Set

In your view are you using the csrf decorator??

from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_protect

@csrf_protect def view(request, params): ....

Android Studio: Plugin with id 'android-library' not found

Just for the record (took me quite a while) before Grzegorzs answer worked for me I had to install "android support repository" through the SDK Manager!

Install it and add the following code above apply plugin: 'android-library' in the build.gradle of actionbarsherlock folder!

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

What is the difference between :focus and :active?

:active       Adds a style to an element that is activated
:focus        Adds a style to an element that has keyboard input focus
:hover        Adds a style to an element when you mouse over it
:lang         Adds a style to an element with a specific lang attribute
:link         Adds a style to an unvisited link
:visited      Adds a style to a visited link

Source: CSS Pseudo-classes

fatal: The current branch master has no upstream branch

You fixed the push, but, independently of that push issue (which I explained in "Why do I need to explicitly push a new branch?": git push -u origin master or git push -u origin --all), you need now to resolve the authentication issue.

That depends on your url (ssh as in '[email protected]/yourRepo, or https as in

For https url:

If your account is protected by the two-factor authentication, your regular password won't work (for https url), as explained here or here.

Same problem if your password contains special character (as in this answer)

If https doesn't work (because you don't want to generate a secondary key, a PAT: personal Access Token), then you can switch to ssh, as I have shown here.

As noted by qwerty in the comments, you can automatically create the branch of same name on the remote with:

git push -u origin head 


  • HEAD (see your .git\HEAD file) has the refspec of the currently checked out branch (for example: ref: refs/heads/master)
  • the default push policy is simple

Since the refpec used for this push is head: (no destination), a missing :<dst> means to update the same ref as the <src> (head, which is a branch).

That won't work if HEAD is detached though.

How Stuff and 'For Xml Path' work in SQL Server?

I did debugging and finally returned my 'stuffed' query to it it's normal way.


select * from myTable for xml path('myTable')

gives me contents of the table to write to a log table from a trigger I debug.

Python - How to concatenate to a string in a for loop?

While "".join is more pythonic, and the correct answer for this problem, it is indeed possible to use a for loop.

If this is a homework assignment (please add a tag if this is so!), and you are required to use a for loop then what will work (although is not pythonic, and shouldn't really be done this way if you are a professional programmer writing python) is this:

endstring = ""
mylist = ['first', 'second', 'other']
for word in mylist:
  print "This is the word I am adding: " + word
  endstring = endstring + word
print "This is the answer I get: " + endstring

You don't need the 'prints', I just threw them in there so you can see what is happening.

How do you tell if a checkbox is selected in Selenium for Java?

 if(checkBox.getAttribute("checked") != null) // if Checked;                         //to Uncheck it 

You can also add an and statement to be sure if checked is true.

Resolving instances with ASP.NET Core DI from within ConfigureServices

The IServiceCollection interface is used for building a dependency injection container. After it's fully built, it gets composed to an IServiceProvider instance which you can use to resolve services. You can inject an IServiceProvider into any class. The IApplicationBuilder and HttpContext classes can provide the service provider as well, via their ApplicationServices or RequestServices properties respectively.

IServiceProvider defines a GetService(Type type) method to resolve a service:

var service = (IFooService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IFooService));

There are also several convenience extension methods available, such as serviceProvider.GetService<IFooService>() (add a using for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection).

Resolving services inside the startup class

Injecting dependencies

The runtime's hosting service provider can inject certain services into the constructor of the Startup class, such as IConfiguration, IWebHostEnvironment (IHostingEnvironment in pre-3.0 versions), ILoggerFactory and IServiceProvider. Note that the latter is an instance built by the hosting layer and contains only the essential services for starting up an application.

The ConfigureServices() method does not allow injecting services, it only accepts an IServiceCollection argument. This makes sense because ConfigureServices() is where you register the services required by your application. However you can use services injected in the startup's constructor here, for example:

public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
    Configuration = configuration;

public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // Use Configuration here

Any services registered in ConfigureServices() can then be injected into the Configure() method; you can add an arbitrary number of services after the IApplicationBuilder parameter:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IFooService fooService)

Manually resolving dependencies

If you need to manually resolve services, you should preferably use the ApplicationServices provided by IApplicationBuilder in the Configure() method:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
    var serviceProvider = app.ApplicationServices;
    var hostingEnv = serviceProvider.GetService<IHostingEnvironment>();

It is possible to pass and directly use an IServiceProvider in the constructor of your Startup class, but as above this will contain a limited subset of services, and thus has limited utility:

public Startup(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
    var hostingEnv = serviceProvider.GetService<IWebHostEnvironment>();

If you must resolve services in the ConfigureServices() method, a different approach is required. You can build an intermediate IServiceProvider from the IServiceCollection instance which contains the services which have been registered up to that point:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddSingleton<IFooService, FooService>();

    // Build the intermediate service provider
    var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider();

    // This will succeed.
    var fooService = sp.GetService<IFooService>();
    // This will fail (return null), as IBarService hasn't been registered yet.
    var barService = sp.GetService<IBarService>();

Please note: Generally you should avoid resolving services inside the ConfigureServices() method, as this is actually the place where you're configuring the application services. Sometimes you just need access to an IOptions<MyOptions> instance. You can accomplish this by binding the values from the IConfiguration instance to an instance of MyOptions (which is essentially what the options framework does):

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    var myOptions = new MyOptions();

Manually resolving services (aka Service Locator) is generally considered an anti-pattern. While it has its use-cases (for frameworks and/or infrastructure layers), you should avoid it as much as possible.

How to find the Git commit that introduced a string in any branch?

You can do:

git log -S <whatever> --source --all

To find all commits that added or removed the fixed string whatever. The --all parameter means to start from every branch and --source means to show which of those branches led to finding that commit. It's often useful to add -p to show the patches that each of those commits would introduce as well.

Versions of git since 1.7.4 also have a similar -G option, which takes a regular expression. This actually has different (and rather more obvious) semantics, explained in this blog post from Junio Hamano.

As thameera points out in the comments, you need to put quotes around the search term if it contains spaces or other special characters, for example:

git log -S 'hello world' --source --all
git log -S "dude, where's my car?" --source --all

Here's an example using -G to find occurrences of function foo() {:

git log -G "^(\s)*function foo[(][)](\s)*{$" --source --all

What is the 'open' keyword in Swift?

Open is an access level, was introduced to impose limitations on class inheritance on Swift.

This means that the open access level can only be applied to classes and class members.

In Classes

An open class can be subclassed in the module it is defined in and in modules that import the module in which the class is defined.

In Class members

The same applies to class members. An open method can be overridden by subclasses in the module it is defined in and in modules that import the module in which the method is defined.


Some classes of libraries and frameworks are not designed to be subclassed and doing so may result in unexpected behavior. Native Apple library also won't allow overriding the same methods and classes,

So after this addition they will apply public and private access levels accordingly.

For more details have look at Apple Documentation on Access Control

Rerender view on browser resize with React

Not sure if this is the best approach, but what worked for me was first creating a Store, I called it WindowStore:

import {assign, events} from '../../libs';
import Dispatcher from '../dispatcher';
import Constants from '../constants';

let CHANGE_EVENT = 'change';
let defaults = () => {
    return {
        name: 'window',
        width: undefined,
        height: undefined,
        bps: {
            1: 400,
            2: 600,
            3: 800,
            4: 1000,
            5: 1200,
            6: 1400
let save = function(object, key, value) {
    // Save within storage
    if(object) {
        object[key] = value;

    // Persist to local storage
    sessionStorage[] = JSON.stringify(storage);
let storage;

let Store = assign({}, events.EventEmitter.prototype, {
    addChangeListener: function(callback) {
        this.on(CHANGE_EVENT, callback);
        window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
    emitChange: function() {
    get: function(keys) {
        let value = storage;

        for(let key in keys) {
            value = value[keys[key]];

        return value;
    initialize: function() {
        // Set defaults
        storage = defaults();
    removeChangeListener: function(callback) {
        this.removeListener(CHANGE_EVENT, callback);
        window.removeEventListener('resize', () => {
    updateDimensions: function() {
        storage.width =
            window.innerWidth ||
            document.documentElement.clientWidth ||
        storage.height =
            window.innerHeight ||
            document.documentElement.clientHeight ||

export default Store;

Then I used that store in my components, kinda like this:

import WindowStore from '../stores/window';

let getState = () => {
    return {
        windowWidth: WindowStore.get(['width']),
        windowBps: WindowStore.get(['bps'])

export default React.createClass(assign({}, base, {
    getInitialState: function() {

        return getState();
    componentDidMount: function() {
    componentWillUnmount: function() {
    render: function() {
        if(this.state.windowWidth < this.state.windowBps[2] - 1) {
            // do something

        // return
        return something;
    _onChange: function() {

FYI, these files were partially trimmed.

How do I sum values in a column that match a given condition using pandas?

The essential idea here is to select the data you want to sum, and then sum them. This selection of data can be done in several different ways, a few of which are shown below.

Boolean indexing

Arguably the most common way to select the values is to use Boolean indexing.

With this method, you find out where column 'a' is equal to 1 and then sum the corresponding rows of column 'b'. You can use loc to handle the indexing of rows and columns:

>>> df.loc[df['a'] == 1, 'b'].sum()

The Boolean indexing can be extended to other columns. For example if df also contained a column 'c' and we wanted to sum the rows in 'b' where 'a' was 1 and 'c' was 2, we'd write:

df.loc[(df['a'] == 1) & (df['c'] == 2), 'b'].sum()


Another way to select the data is to use query to filter the rows you're interested in, select column 'b' and then sum:

>>> df.query("a == 1")['b'].sum()

Again, the method can be extended to make more complicated selections of the data:

df.query("a == 1 and c == 2")['b'].sum()

Note this is a little more concise than the Boolean indexing approach.


The alternative approach is to use groupby to split the DataFrame into parts according to the value in column 'a'. You can then sum each part and pull out the value that the 1s added up to:

>>> df.groupby('a')['b'].sum()[1]

This approach is likely to be slower than using Boolean indexing, but it is useful if you want check the sums for other values in column a:

>>> df.groupby('a')['b'].sum()
1    15
2     8

Cannot get a text value from a numeric cell “Poi”

Use that code it definitely works and I modified it.

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem;

public class TestApp {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        try {

            Class forName = Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");
            Connection con = null;
            con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/tables", "root", "root");
            PreparedStatement pstm = null;
            FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream("C:\\Users\\Desktop\\a1.xls");
            POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(input);
            Workbook workbook;
            workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(fs);
            Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
            Row row;
            for (int i = 1; i <= sheet.getLastRowNum(); i++) {
                row = (Row) sheet.getRow(i);
                String name = row.getCell(0).getStringCellValue();
                String add = row.getCell(1).getStringCellValue();

                int  contact = (int) row.getCell(2).getNumericCellValue();

                String email = row.getCell(3).getStringCellValue();

                String sql = "INSERT INTO employee (name, address, contactNo, email) VALUES('" + name + "','" + add + "'," + contact + ",'" + email + "')";
                pstm = (PreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement(sql);
                System.out.println("Import rows " + i);
            System.out.println("Success import excel to mysql table");
        } catch (IOException e) {


What type of hash does WordPress use?

MD5 worked for me changing my database manually. See: Resetting Your Password

How to change color in circular progress bar?

To supplement Muhamed Riyas M's top voted answer:

Faster rotation


Thinner ring


Light white


How to distinguish between left and right mouse click with jQuery

If you are looking for "Better Javascript Mouse Events" which allow for

  • left mousedown
  • middle mousedown
  • right mousedown
  • left mouseup
  • middle mouseup
  • right mouseup
  • left click
  • middle click
  • right click
  • mousewheel up
  • mousewheel down

Have a look at this cross browser normal javascript which triggers the above events, and removes the headache work. Just copy and paste it into the head of your script, or include it in a file in the <head> of your document. Then bind your events, refer to the next code block below which shows a jquery example of capturing the events and firing the functions assigned to them, though this works with normal javascript binding as well.

If your interested in seeing it work, have a look at the jsFiddle:

   Better Javascript Mouse Events
   Author: Casey Childers
    // use addEvent cross-browser shim:
    var addEvent = function(a,b,c){try{a.addEventListener(b,c,!1)}catch(d){a.attachEvent('on'+b,c)}};

    /* This function detects what mouse button was used, left, right, middle, or middle scroll either direction */
    function GetMouseButton(e) {
        e = window.event || e; // Normalize event variable

        var button = '';
        if (e.type == 'mousedown' || e.type == 'click' || e.type == 'contextmenu' || e.type == 'mouseup') {
            if (e.which == null) {
                button = (e.button < 2) ? "left" : ((e.button == 4) ? "middle" : "right");
            } else {
                button = (e.which < 2) ? "left" : ((e.which == 2) ? "middle" : "right");
        } else {
            var direction = e.detail ? e.detail * (-120) : e.wheelDelta;
            switch (direction) {
                case 120:
                case 240:
                case 360:
                    button = "up";
                case -120:
                case -240:
                case -360:
                    button = "down";

        var type = e.type
        if(e.type == 'contextmenu') {type = "click";}
        if(e.type == 'DOMMouseScroll') {type = "mousewheel";}

        switch(button) {
            case 'contextmenu':
            case 'left':
            case 'middle':
            case 'up':
            case 'down':
            case 'right':
                if (document.createEvent) {
                  event = new Event(type+':'+button);
                } else {
                  event = document.createEventObject();
        'on'+type+':'+button, event);

    addEvent(window, 'mousedown', GetMouseButton);
    addEvent(window, 'mouseup', GetMouseButton);
    addEvent(window, 'click', GetMouseButton);
    addEvent(window, 'contextmenu', GetMouseButton);

    /* One of FireFox's browser versions doesn't recognize mousewheel, we account for that in this line */
    var MouseWheelEvent = (/Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) ? "DOMMouseScroll" : "mousewheel";
    addEvent(window, MouseWheelEvent, GetMouseButton);

Better Mouse Click Events Example (uses jquery for simplicity, but the above will work cross browser and fire the same event names, IE uses on before the names)

<div id="Test"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $('#Test').on('mouseup',function(e){$(this).append(e.type+'<br />');})
              .on('mouseup:left',function(e){$(this).append(e.type+'<br />');})
              .on('mouseup:middle',function(e){$(this).append(e.type+'<br />');})
              .on('mouseup:right',function(e){$(this).append(e.type+'<br />');})

              .on('click',function(e){$(this).append(e.type+'<br />');})
              .on('click:left',function(e){$(this).append(e.type+'<br />');})
              .on('click:middle',function(e){$(this).append(e.type+'<br />');})
              .on('click:right',function(e){$(this).append(e.type+'<br />');})

              .on('mousedown',function(e){$(this).html('').append(e.type+'<br />');})
              .on('mousedown:left',function(e){$(this).append(e.type+'<br />');})
              .on('mousedown:middle',function(e){$(this).append(e.type+'<br />');})
              .on('mousedown:right',function(e){$(this).append(e.type+'<br />');})

              .on('mousewheel',function(e){$(this).append(e.type+'<br />');})
              .on('mousewheel:up',function(e){$(this).append(e.type+'<br />');})
              .on('mousewheel:down',function(e){$(this).append(e.type+'<br />');})

And for those who are in need of the minified version...

!function(){function e(e){e=window.event||e;var t="";if("mousedown"==e.type||"click"==e.type||"contextmenu"==e.type||"mouseup"==e.type)t=null==e.which?e.button<2?"left":4==e.button?"middle":"right":e.which<2?"left":2==e.which?"middle":"right";else{var n=e.detail?-120*e.detail:e.wheelDelta;switch(n){case 120:case 240:case 360:t="up";break;case-120:case-240:case-360:t="down"}}var c=e.type;switch("contextmenu"==e.type&&(c="click"),"DOMMouseScroll"==e.type&&(c="mousewheel"),t){case"contextmenu":case"left":case"middle":case"up":case"down":case"right":document.createEvent?(event=new Event(c+":"+t),,"on"+c+":"+t,event))}}var t=function(e,t,n){try{e.addEventListener(t,n,!1)}catch(c){e.attachEvent("on"+t,n)}};t(window,"mousedown",e),t(window,"mouseup",e),t(window,"click",e),t(window,"contextmenu",e);var n=/Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent)?"DOMMouseScroll":"mousewheel";t(window,n,e)}();

Mismatched anonymous define() module

In getting started with require.js I ran into the issue and as a beginner the docs may as well been written in greek.

The issue I ran into was that most of the beginner examples use "anonymous defines" when you should be using a "string id".

anonymous defines

define(function() {
        return { helloWorld: function() { console.log('hello world!') } };
define(function() {
        return { helloWorld2: function() { console.log('hello world again!') } };

define with string id

define('moduleOne',function() {
    return { helloWorld: function() { console.log('hello world!') } };

 define('moduleTwo', function() {
      return { helloWorld2: function() { console.log('hello world again!') } };

When you use define with a string id then you will avoid this error when you try to use the modules like so:

require([ "moduleOne", "moduleTwo" ], function(moduleOne, moduleTwo) {

"Non-resolvable parent POM: Could not transfer artifact" when trying to refer to a parent pom from a child pom with ${parent.groupid}

I assume the question is already answered. If above solution doesn't help in solving the issue then can use below to solve the issue.

The issue occurs if sometimes your maven user settings is not reflecting correct settings.xml file.

To update the settings file go to Windows > Preferences > Maven > User Settings and update the settings.xml to it correct location.

Once this is doen re-build the project, these should solve the issue. Thanks.

How to open html file?

you can make use of the following code:

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals 
import codecs
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup"test.html", 'r', 'utf-8')
document= BeautifulSoup(
print document

If you want to delete all the blank lines in between and get all the words as a string (also avoid special characters, numbers) then also include:

import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
for line in docwords:
    line = (line.rstrip())
    if line:
        if re.match("^[A-Za-z]*$",line):
            if (line not in stop and len(line)>1):
                st=st+" "+line
print st

*define st as a string initially, like st=""

Node.js: what is ENOSPC error and how to solve?

I solved my problem killing all tracker-control processes (you could try if you use GDM, obviously not your case if the script is running on a server)

tracker-control -r

My setup: Arch with GNOME 3

Re-sign IPA (iPhone)

Checked with Mac OS High Sierra and Xcode 10

You can simply implement the same using the application iResign.

Give path of 1).ipa

2) New provision profile

3) Entitlement file (Optional, add only if you have entitlement)

4) Bundle id

5) Distribution Certificate

You can see output .ipa file saved after re-sign

Simple and powerful tool

Can "list_display" in a Django ModelAdmin display attributes of ForeignKey fields?

If you have a lot of relation attribute fields to use in list_display and do not want create a function (and it's attributes) for each one, a dirt but simple solution would be override the ModelAdmin instace __getattr__ method, creating the callables on the fly:

class DynamicLookupMixin(object):
    a mixin to add dynamic callable attributes like 'book__author' which
    return a function that return the value

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        if ('__' in attr
            and not attr.startswith('_')
            and not attr.endswith('_boolean')
            and not attr.endswith('_short_description')):

            def dyn_lookup(instance):
                # traverse all __ lookups
                return reduce(lambda parent, child: getattr(parent, child),

            # get admin_order_field, boolean and short_description
            dyn_lookup.admin_order_field = attr
            dyn_lookup.boolean = getattr(self, '{}_boolean'.format(attr), False)
            dyn_lookup.short_description = getattr(
                self, '{}_short_description'.format(attr),
                attr.replace('_', ' ').capitalize())

            return dyn_lookup

        # not dynamic lookup, default behaviour
        return self.__getattribute__(attr)

# use examples    

class PersonAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin, DynamicLookupMixin):
    list_display = ['book__author', 'book__publisher__name',

    # custom short description
    book__publisher__country_short_description = 'Publisher Country'

class ProductAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin, DynamicLookupMixin):
    list_display = ('name', 'category__is_new')

    # to show as boolean field
    category__is_new_boolean = True

As gist here

Callable especial attributes like boolean and short_description must be defined as ModelAdmin attributes, eg book__author_verbose_name = 'Author name' and category__is_new_boolean = True.

The callable admin_order_field attribute is defined automatically.

Don't forget to use the list_select_related attribute in your ModelAdmin to make Django avoid aditional queries.

What does print(... sep='', '\t' ) mean?

sep='' in the context of a function call sets the named argument sep to an empty string. See the print() function; sep is the separator used between multiple values when printing. The default is a space (sep=' '), this function call makes sure that there is no space between Property tax: $ and the formatted tax floating point value.

Compare the output of the following three print() calls to see the difference

>>> print('foo', 'bar')
foo bar
>>> print('foo', 'bar', sep='')
>>> print('foo', 'bar', sep=' -> ')
foo -> bar

All that changed is the sep argument value.

\t in a string literal is an escape sequence for tab character, horizontal whitespace, ASCII codepoint 9.

\t is easier to read and type than the actual tab character. See the table of recognized escape sequences for string literals.

Using a space or a \t tab as a print separator shows the difference:

>>> print('eggs', 'ham')
eggs ham
>>> print('eggs', 'ham', sep='\t')
eggs    ham

Export HTML page to PDF on user click using JavaScript

This is because you define your "doc" variable outside of your click event. The first time you click the button the doc variable contains a new jsPDF object. But when you click for a second time, this variable can't be used in the same way anymore. As it is already defined and used the previous time.

change it to:

$(function () {

    var specialElementHandlers = {
        '#editor': function (element,renderer) {
            return true;
 $('#cmd').click(function () {
        var doc = new jsPDF();
            $('#target').html(), 15, 15, 
            { 'width': 170, 'elementHandlers': specialElementHandlers }, 
            function(){'sample-file.pdf'); }


and it will work.

Is List<Dog> a subclass of List<Animal>? Why are Java generics not implicitly polymorphic?

What you are looking for is called covariant type parameters. This means that if one type of object can be substituted for another in a method (for instance, Animal can be replaced with Dog), the same applies to expressions using those objects (so List<Animal> could be replaced with List<Dog>). The problem is that covariance is not safe for mutable lists in general. Suppose you have a List<Dog>, and it is being used as a List<Animal>. What happens when you try to add a Cat to this List<Animal> which is really a List<Dog>? Automatically allowing type parameters to be covariant breaks the type system.

It would be useful to add syntax to allow type parameters to be specified as covariant, which avoids the ? extends Foo in method declarations, but that does add additional complexity.

Is it possible to change the radio button icon in an android radio button group

Here's probably a quick approach,

enter image description here

With two icons shown above, you shall have a RadioGroup something like this

enter image description here

  • change the RadioGroup's orientation to horizontal
  • for each RadioButton's Properties, try giving the icon for Button under CompoundButton,
  • adjust the Padding and size,
  • and set the Background attribute when checked.

Exact time measurement for performance testing

I'm using this:

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(myUrl);
System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();


HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

statusCode = response.StatusCode.ToString();



Javascript Get Values from Multiple Select Option Box

The for loop is getting one extra run. Change

for (x=0;x<=InvForm.SelBranch.length;x++)


for (x=0; x < InvForm.SelBranch.length; x++)

How do you calculate program run time in python?

Quick alternative

import timeit

start = timeit.default_timer()

#Your statements here

stop = timeit.default_timer()

print('Time: ', stop - start)  

How do I convert strings between uppercase and lowercase in Java?

Yes. There are methods on the String itself for this.

Note that the result depends on the Locale the JVM is using. Beware, locales is an art in itself.

How to export table data in MySql Workbench to csv?

MySQL Workbench 6.3.6

Export the SELECT result

  • After you run a SELECT: Query > Export Results...

    Query Export Results

Export table data

  • In the Navigator, right click on the table > Table Data Export Wizard

    Table Data Export

  • All columns and rows are included by default, so click on Next.

  • Select File Path, type, Field Separator (by default it is ;, not ,!!!) and click on Next.


  • Click Next > Next > Finish and the file is created in the specified location

How to check if a string contains only digits in Java

According to Oracle's Java Documentation:

private static final Pattern NUMBER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(
        "[\\x00-\\x20]*[+-]?(NaN|Infinity|((((\\p{Digit}+)(\\.)?((\\p{Digit}+)?)" +
        "([eE][+-]?(\\p{Digit}+))?)|(\\.((\\p{Digit}+))([eE][+-]?(\\p{Digit}+))?)|" +
        "(((0[xX](\\p{XDigit}+)(\\.)?)|(0[xX](\\p{XDigit}+)?(\\.)(\\p{XDigit}+)))" +
boolean isNumber(String s){
return NUMBER_PATTERN.matcher(s).matches()

How to move or copy files listed by 'find' command in unix?

Adding to Eric Jablow's answer, here is a possible solution (it worked for me - linux mint 14 /nadia)

find /path/to/search/ -type f -name "glob-to-find-files" | xargs cp -t /target/path/

You can refer to "How can I use xargs to copy files that have spaces and quotes in their names?" as well.

How to build an android library with Android Studio and gradle?

Here is my solution for mac users I think it work for window also:

First go to your Android Studio toolbar

Build > Make Project (while you guys are online let it to download the files) and then

Build > Compile Module "your app name is shown here" (still online let the files are
download and finish) and then

Run your app that is done it will launch your emulator and configure it then run it!

That is it!!! Happy Coding guys!!!!!!!

Tools to search for strings inside files without indexing

Original Answer

Windows Grep does this really well.

Edit: Windows Grep is no longer being maintained or made available by the developer. An alternate download link is here: Windows Grep - alternate

Current Answer

Visual Studio Code has excellent search and replace capabilities across files. It is extremely fast, supports regex and live preview before replacement.

enter image description here

Changing ImageView source

Or try this one. For me it's working fine:

imageView.setImageDrawable(ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, image));

How to add text to an existing div with jquery

Your html is invalid button is not a null tag. Try

<div id="Content">
   <button id="Add">Add</button>

Using new line(\n) in string and rendering the same in HTML

Set your css in the table cell to


document.body.innerHTML = 'First line\nSecond line\nThird line';
body{ white-space:pre-wrap; }

How to increase MySQL connections(max_connections)?

I had the same issue and I resolved it with MySQL workbench, as shown in the attached screenshot:

  1. in the navigator (on the left side), under the section "management", click on "Status and System variables",
  2. then choose "system variables" (tab at the top),
  3. then search for "connection" in the search field,
  4. and 5. you will see two fields that need to be adjusted to fit your needs (max_connections and mysqlx_max_connections).

Hope that helps!

The system does not allow me to upload pictures, instead please click on this link and you can see my screenshot...

Which language uses .pde extension?

pde is extesion for:

  • Processing: Java derived language

  • Wiring: C/C++ derived language (Wiring is derived from Processing)

  • Early versions of Arduino: C/C++ derived (Arduino IDE is derived from Wiring)

For Arduino for example the IDE preprocessor is adding some #defines and some C/C++ files before giving all to gcc.

Apply CSS to jQuery Dialog Buttons

I suggest you take a look at the HTML that the code spits out and see if theres a way to uniquely identify one (or both) of the buttons (possibly the id or name attributes), then use jQuery to select that item and apply a css class to it.

Gradle DSL method not found: 'runProguard'

By changing runProguard to minifyEnabled, part of the issue gets fixed.

But the fix can cause "Library Projects cannot set application Id" (you can find the fix for this here Android Studio 1.0 and error "Library projects cannot set applicationId").

By removing application Id in the build.gradle file, you should be good to go.

Cross browser JavaScript (not jQuery...) scroll to top animation


var scrollIt = function(time) {
    // time = scroll time in ms
    var start = new Date().getTime(),
        scroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop,
        timer = setInterval(function() {
            var now = Math.min(time,(new Date().getTime())-start)/time;
                = document.body.scrollTop = (1-time)/start*scroll;
            if( now == 1) clearTimeout(timer);

How to add a color overlay to a background image?

background-image takes multiple values.

so a combination of just 1 color linear-gradient and css blend modes will do the trick.

.testclass {
    background-image: url("../images/image.jpg"), linear-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,0.5),rgba(0,0,0,0.5));
    background-blend-mode: overlay;

note that there is no support on IE/Edge for CSS blend-modes at all.

Convert character to Date in R

The easiest way is to use lubridate:

prods.all$Date2 <- mdy(prods.all$Date2)

This function automatically returns objects of class POSIXct and will work with either factors or characters.

What is the best alternative IDE to Visual Studio

For .NET development, VS2008 is the best but if you want to check for another best IDE, Eclipse probably the best after VS if you are rating it among the IDEs, ofcourse you cant do .NET development in Eclipse though

How to properly URL encode a string in PHP?

For the URI query use urlencode/urldecode; for anything else use rawurlencode/rawurldecode.

The difference between urlencode and rawurlencode is that

Completely cancel a rebase

In the case of a past rebase that you did not properly aborted, you now (Git 2.12, Q1 2017) have git rebase --quit

See commit 9512177 (12 Nov 2016) by Nguy?n Thái Ng?c Duy (pclouds). (Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 06cd5a1, 19 Dec 2016)

rebase: add --quit to cleanup rebase, leave everything else untouched

There are occasions when you decide to abort an in-progress rebase and move on to do something else but you forget to do "git rebase --abort" first. Or the rebase has been in progress for so long you forgot about it. By the time you realize that (e.g. by starting another rebase) it's already too late to retrace your steps. The solution is normally

rm -r .git/<some rebase dir>

and continue with your life.
But there could be two different directories for <some rebase dir> (and it obviously requires some knowledge of how rebase works), and the ".git" part could be much longer if you are not at top-dir, or in a linked worktree. And "rm -r" is very dangerous to do in .git, a mistake in there could destroy object database or other important data.

Provide "git rebase --quit" for this use case, mimicking a precedent that is "git cherry-pick --quit".

Before Git 2.27 (Q2 2020), The stash entry created by "git merge --autostash" to keep the initial dirty state were discarded by mistake upon "git rebase --quit", which has been corrected.

See commit 9b2df3e (28 Apr 2020) by Denton Liu (Denton-L).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 3afdeef, 29 Apr 2020)

rebase: save autostash entry into stash reflog on --quit

Signed-off-by: Denton Liu

In a03b55530a ("merge: teach --autostash option", 2020-04-07, Git v2.27.0 -- merge listed in batch #5), the --autostash option was introduced for git merge.

(See "Can “git pull” automatically stash and pop pending changes?")

Notably, when git merge --quit is run with an autostash entry present, it is saved into the stash reflog.

This is contrasted with the current behaviour of git rebase --quit where the autostash entry is simply just dropped out of existence.

Adopt the behaviour of git merge --quit in git rebase --quit and save the autostash entry into the stash reflog instead of just deleting it.

How to fill Dataset with multiple tables?

If you are issuing a single command with several select statements, you might use NextResult method to move to next resultset within the datareader:

I show how it could look bellow:

public DataSet SelectOne(int id)
    DataSet result = new DataSet();
    using (DbCommand command = Connection.CreateCommand())
        command.CommandText = @"
select * from table1
select * from table2

        var param = ParametersBuilder.CreateByKey(command, "ID", id, null);

        using (DbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
            // ...
    return result;

How to build an APK file in Eclipse?

Just right click on your project and then go to

*Export -> Android -> Export Android Application -> YOUR_PROJECT_NAME -> Create new key store path -> Fill the detail -> Set the .apk location -> Now you can get your .apk file*

Install it in your mobile.

jQuery - Getting the text value of a table cell in the same row as a clicked element

so you can use parent() to reach to the parent tr and then use find to gather the td with class two

var Something = $(this).parent().find(".two").html();


var Something = $(this).parent().parent().find(".two").html();

use as much as parent() what ever the depth of the clicked object according to the tr row

hope this works...

SQL datetime format to date only

SELECT Subject, CONVERT(varchar(10),DeliveryDate) as DeliveryDate
from Email_Administration 
where MerchantId =@ MerchantID

Unnamed/anonymous namespaces vs. static functions

Having learned of this feature only just now while reading your question, I can only speculate. This seems to provide several advantages over a file-level static variable:

  • Anonymous namespaces can be nested within one another, providing multiple levels of protection from which symbols can not escape.
  • Several anonymous namespaces could be placed in the same source file, creating in effect different static-level scopes within the same file.

I'd be interested in learning if anyone has used anonymous namespaces in real code.

How to read/write files in .Net Core?

Works in Net Core 2.1

    var file = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "wwwroot", "email", "EmailRegister.htm");

    string SendData = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(file);

SQL statement to get column type

Using SQL Server:

     TABLE_NAME = 'yourTableName' AND 
     COLUMN_NAME = 'yourColumnName'

Floating divs in Bootstrap layout

From all I have read you cannot do exactly what you want without javascript. If you float left before text

<div style="float:left;">widget</div> here is some CONTENT, etc.

Your content wraps as expected. But your widget is in the top left. If you instead put the float after the content

here is some CONTENT, etc. <div style="float:left;">widget</div>

Then your content will wrap the last line to the right of the widget if the last line of content can fit to the right of the widget, otherwise no wrapping is done. To make borders and backgrounds actually include the floated area in the previous example, most people add:

here is some CONTENT, etc. <div style="float:left;">widget</div><div style="clear:both;"></div>

In your question you are using bootstrap which just adds row-fluid::after { content: ""} which resolves the border/background issue.

Moving your content up will give you the one line wrap :

  <div class="container-fluid">
  <div class="row-fluid">
    <div class="offset1 span8 pull-right">
    ... Widget 1...
    .... a lot of content ....
    <div class="span8" style="margin-left: 0;">
    ... Widget 2...



How to use onSavedInstanceState example please

One major note that all new Android developers should know is that any information in Widgets (TextView, Buttons, etc.) will be persisted automatically by Android as long as you assign an ID to them. So that means most of the UI state is taken care of without issue. Only when you need to store other data does this become an issue.

From Android Docs:

The only work required by you is to provide a unique ID (with the android:id attribute) for each widget you want to save its state. If a widget does not have an ID, then it cannot save its state

Text-decoration: none not working

There are no underline even I deleted 'text-decoration: none;' from your code. But I had a similar experience.

Then I added a Code

 text-decoration: none;


 text-decoration: none;

So, try your code with :hover.

Escape a string for a sed replace pattern

Use awk - it is cleaner:

$ awk -v R='//addr:\\file' '{ sub("THIS", R, $0); print $0 }' <<< "http://file:\_THIS_/path/to/a/file\\is\\\a\\ nightmare"
http://file:\_//addr:\file_/path/to/a/file\\is\\\a\\ nightmare

Create a function with optional call variables

Not sure I understand the question correctly.

From what I gather, you want to be able to assign a value to Domain if it is null and also what to check if $args2 is supplied and according to the value, execute a certain code?

I changed the code to reassemble the assumptions made above.

Function DoStuff($computername, $arg2, $domain)
    if($domain -ne $null)
        $domain = "Domain1"

    if($arg2 -eq $null)

DoStuff -computername "Test" -arg2 "" -domain "Domain2"
DoStuff -computername "Test" -arg2 "Test"  -domain ""
DoStuff -computername "Test" -domain "Domain2"
DoStuff -computername "Test" -arg2 "Domain2"

Did that help?

Why use prefixes on member variables in C++ classes

I use m_ for member variables just to take advantage of Intellisense and related IDE-functionality. When I'm coding the implementation of a class I can type m_ and see the combobox with all m_ members grouped together.

But I could live without m_ 's without problem, of course. It's just my style of work.

How to convert a byte array to its numeric value (Java)?

public static long byteArrayToLong(byte[] bytes) {
    return ((long) (bytes[0]) << 56)
            + (((long) bytes[1] & 0xFF) << 48)
            + ((long) (bytes[2] & 0xFF) << 40)
            + ((long) (bytes[3] & 0xFF) << 32)
            + ((long) (bytes[4] & 0xFF) << 24)
            + ((bytes[5] & 0xFF) << 16)
            + ((bytes[6] & 0xFF) << 8)
            + (bytes[7] & 0xFF);

convert bytes array (long is 8 bytes) to long

How to change column width in DataGridView?

Set the "AutoSizeColumnsMode" property to "Fill".. By default it is set to 'NONE'. Now columns will be filled across the DatagridView. Then you can set the width of other columns accordingly.

DataGridView1.Columns[0].Width=100;// The id column 
DataGridView1.Columns[1].Width=200;// The abbrevation columln
//Third Colulmns 'description' will automatically be resized to fill the remaining 

-XX:MaxPermSize with or without -XX:PermSize

-XX:PermSize specifies the initial size that will be allocated during startup of the JVM. If necessary, the JVM will allocate up to -XX:MaxPermSize.

Can't create a docker image for COPY failed: stat /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-builder error

In your case removing ./ should solve the issue. I had another case wherein I was using a directory from the parent directory and docker can only access files present below the directory where Dockerfile is present so if I have a directory structure /root/dir and Dockerfile /root/dir/Dockerfile

I cannot copy do the following

COPY root/src /opt/src

Difference between IISRESET and IIS Stop-Start command

Take IISReset as a suite of commands that helps you manage IIS start / stop etc.

Which means you need to specify option (/switch) what you want to do to carry any operation.

Default behavior OR default switch is /restart with iisreset so you do not need to run command twice with /start and /stop.

Hope this clarifies your question. For reference the output of iisreset /? is:

IISRESET.EXE (c) Microsoft Corp. 1998-2005

iisreset [computername]

    /RESTART            Stop and then restart all Internet services.
    /START              Start all Internet services.
    /STOP               Stop all Internet services.
    /REBOOT             Reboot the computer.
    /REBOOTONERROR      Reboot the computer if an error occurs when starting,
                        stopping, or restarting Internet services.
    /NOFORCE            Do not forcefully terminate Internet services if
                        attempting to stop them gracefully fails.
    /TIMEOUT:val        Specify the timeout value ( in seconds ) to wait for
                        a successful stop of Internet services. On expiration
                        of this timeout the computer can be rebooted if
                        the /REBOOTONERROR parameter is specified.
                        The default value is 20s for restart, 60s for stop,
                        and 0s for reboot.
    /STATUS             Display the status of all Internet services.
    /ENABLE             Enable restarting of Internet Services
                        on the local system.
    /DISABLE            Disable restarting of Internet Services
                        on the local system.

Open Url in default web browser

You should use Linking.

Example from the docs:

class OpenURLButton extends React.Component {
  static propTypes = { url: React.PropTypes.string };
  handleClick = () => {
    Linking.canOpenURL(this.props.url).then(supported => {
      if (supported) {
      } else {
        console.log("Don't know how to open URI: " + this.props.url);
  render() {
    return (
      <TouchableOpacity onPress={this.handleClick}>
        {" "}
        <View style={styles.button}>
          {" "}<Text style={styles.text}>Open {this.props.url}</Text>{" "}
        {" "}

Here's an example you can try on Expo Snack:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View, StyleSheet, Button, Linking } from 'react-native';
import { Constants } from 'expo';

export default class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
       <Button title="Click me" onPress={ ()=>{ Linking.openURL('')}} />

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    alignItems: 'center',
    justifyContent: 'center',
    paddingTop: Constants.statusBarHeight,
    backgroundColor: '#ecf0f1',

How to get the size of the current screen in WPF?

It works with

this.Width = System.Windows.SystemParameters.VirtualScreenWidth;
this.Height = System.Windows.SystemParameters.VirtualScreenHeight;

Tested on 2 monitors.

Angular2 *ngIf check object array length in template

This article helped me alot figuring out why it wasn't working for me either. It give me a lesson to think of the webpage loading and how angular 2 interacts as a timeline and not just the point in time i'm thinking of. I didn't see anyone else mention this point, so I will...

The reason the *ngIf is needed because it will try to check the length of that variable before the rest of the OnInit stuff happens, and throw the "length undefined" error. So thats why you add the ? because it won't exist yet, but it will soon.

Remove items from one list in another

Here ya go..

    List<string> list = new List<string>() { "1", "2", "3" };
    List<string> remove = new List<string>() { "2" };

    list.ForEach(s =>
            if (remove.Contains(s))

How to stop creating .DS_Store on Mac?

Put following line into your ".profile" file.

Open .profile file and copy this line

find ~/ -name '.DS_Store' -delete

When you open terminal window it will automatically delete your .DS_Store file for you.

Refresh Fragment at reload

For example with TabLayout: just implement OnTabSelectedListener. To reload the page, you may use implement SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener i.e. public class YourFragment extends Fragment implements SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener {

the onRefresh() method will be @Override from the interface i.e.:

public void onRefresh() {

Here's the layout:

    app:tabTextColor="@color/colorTextDisable" />

Code in your activity

TabLayout tabLayout = (TabLayout) findViewById(; tabLayout.setupWithViewPager(viewPager);

    tabLayout.addOnTabSelectedListener(new TabLayout.OnTabSelectedListener() {
        public void onTabSelected(TabLayout.Tab tab) {
            if (tab.getPosition() == 0) {
            } else if (tab.getPosition() == 1) {

        public void onTabUnselected(TabLayout.Tab tab) {


        public void onTabReselected(TabLayout.Tab tab) {


npm can't find package.json

if the package.json file in the project directory is missing then you can create it by npm init.

if the package.json file is already created in the project directory then there is a possibility that you are not running your project from the right path. Use cd your-project-path in the terminal and then run your project from there.

Parse json string to find and element (key / value)

Use a JSON parser, like JSON.NET

string json = "{ \"Atlantic/Canary\": \"GMT Standard Time\", \"Europe/Lisbon\": \"GMT Standard Time\", \"Antarctica/Mawson\": \"West Asia Standard Time\", \"Etc/GMT+3\": \"SA Eastern Standard Time\", \"Etc/GMT+2\": \"UTC-02\", \"Etc/GMT+1\": \"Cape Verde Standard Time\", \"Etc/GMT+7\": \"US Mountain Standard Time\", \"Etc/GMT+6\": \"Central America Standard Time\", \"Etc/GMT+5\": \"SA Pacific Standard Time\", \"Etc/GMT+4\": \"SA Western Standard Time\", \"Pacific/Wallis\": \"UTC+12\", \"Europe/Skopje\": \"Central European Standard Time\", \"America/Coral_Harbour\": \"SA Pacific Standard Time\", \"Asia/Dhaka\": \"Bangladesh Standard Time\", \"America/St_Lucia\": \"SA Western Standard Time\", \"Asia/Kashgar\": \"China Standard Time\", \"America/Phoenix\": \"US Mountain Standard Time\", \"Asia/Kuwait\": \"Arab Standard Time\" }";
var data = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
string timeZone = data["Atlantic/Canary"].Value<string>();

jQuery get the image src

You may find likr


What is the difference between README and in GitHub projects?

.md is markdown. is used to generate the html summary you see at the bottom of projects. Github has their own flavor of Markdown.

Order of Preference: If you have two files named README and, the file named is preferred, and it will be used to generate github's html summary.

FWIW, Stack Overflow uses local Markdown modifications as well (also see Stack Overflow's C# Markdown Processor)

How to save DataFrame directly to Hive?

Here is PySpark version to create Hive table from parquet file. You may have generated Parquet files using inferred schema and now want to push definition to Hive metastore. You can also push definition to the system like AWS Glue or AWS Athena and not just to Hive metastore. Here I am using spark.sql to push/create permanent table.

   # Location where my parquet files are present.
    df ="s3://my-location/data/")
    cols = df.dtypes
    buf = []
    buf.append('CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test123 (')
    keyanddatatypes =  df.dtypes
    sizeof = len(df.dtypes)
    print ("size----------",sizeof)
    for eachvalue in keyanddatatypes:
        print count,sizeof,eachvalue
        if count == sizeof:
            total = str(eachvalue[0])+str(' ')+str(eachvalue[1])
            total = str(eachvalue[0]) + str(' ') + str(eachvalue[1]) + str(',')
        count = count + 1

    buf.append(' )')
    buf.append(' STORED as parquet ')
    ##partition by pt
    tabledef = ''.join(buf)

    print "---------print definition ---------"
    print tabledef
    ## create a table using spark.sql. Assuming you are using spark 2.1+

How to represent a fix number of repeats in regular expression?

For Java:

Quantifiers documentation

X, exactly n times: X{n}
X, at least n times: X{n,}
X, at least n but not more than m times: X{n,m}

Laravel 5 Application Key

You can generate a key by the following command:

php artisan key:generate 

The key will be written automatically in your .env file.


If you want to see your key after generation use --show option

php artisan key:generate --show

Note: The .env is a hidden file in your project folder.

enter image description here

Use different Python version with virtualenv

You can call virtualenv with python version you want. For example:

python3 -m virtualenv venv

Or alternatively directly point to your virtualenv path. e.g. for windows:

c:\Python34\Scripts\virtualenv.exe venv

And by running:


Python 3.5.1 (v3.5.1:37a07cee5969, Dec  5 2015, 21:12:44) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

you can see the python version installed in virtual environment

Reading data from a website using C#

If you're downloading text then I'd recommend using the WebClient and get a streamreader to the text:

        WebClient web = new WebClient();
        System.IO.Stream stream = web.OpenRead("");
        using (System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(stream))
            String text = reader.ReadToEnd();

If this is taking a long time then it is probably a network issue or a problem on the web server. Try opening the resource in a browser and see how long that takes. If the webpage is very large, you may want to look at streaming it in chunks rather than reading all the way to the end as in that example. Look at to see how to read from a stream.

Using Jquery Ajax to retrieve data from Mysql

This answer was for @
Neha Gandhi but I modified it for  people who use pdo and mysqli sing mysql functions are not supported. Here is the new answer 

<!--Save this as index.php-->
      <script src="//"></script>
        <script src="//"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript">
     $(document).ready(function() {
        $("#display").click(function() {                
          $.ajax({    //create an ajax request to display.php
            type: "GET",
            url: "display.php",             
            dataType: "html",   //expect html to be returned                
            success: function(response){                    
    <h3 align="center">Manage Student Details</h3>
    <table border="1" align="center">
           <td> <input type="button" id="display" value="Display All Data" /> </td>
    <div id="responsecontainer" align="center">

// save this as display.php

    // show errors 
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
    //errors ends here 
// call the page for connecting to the db
$get_member =" SELECT 
empid, lastName, firstName, email, usercode, companyid, userid, jobTitle, cell, employeetype, address ,initials   FROM employees";
$user_coder1 = $con->prepare($get_member);
$user_coder1 ->execute();

echo "<table border='1' >
<td align=center> <b>Roll No</b></td>
<td align=center><b>Name</b></td>
<td align=center><b>Address</b></td>
<td align=center><b>Stream</b></td></td>
<td align=center><b>Status</b></td>";

while($row =$user_coder1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
$firstName = $row['firstName'];
$empid = $row['empid'];
$lastName =    $row['lastName'];
$cell =    $row['cell'];

    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td align=center>$firstName</td>";
    echo "<td align=center>$empid</td>";
    echo "<td align=center>$lastName </td>";
    echo "<td align=center>$cell</td>";
    echo "<td align=center>$cell</td>";
    echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";

// save this as dbconnector.php
function connected_Db(){

    $dsn  = 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=mydb;charset=utf8';
    $opt  = array(
    #echo "Yes we are connected";
    return new PDO($dsn,'username','password', $opt);
$con = connected_Db();
//echo "me  is connected ";
else {
//echo "Connection faid ";

Selecting/excluding sets of columns in pandas

In a similar vein, when reading a file, one may wish to exclude columns upfront, rather than wastefully reading unwanted data into memory and later discarding them.

As of pandas 0.20.0, usecols now accepts callables.1 This update allows more flexible options for reading columns:

skipcols = [...]
read_csv(..., usecols=lambda x: x not in skipcols)

The latter pattern is essentially the inverse of the traditional usecols method - only specified columns are skipped.


Data in a file

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(100, 4), columns=list('ABCD'))

filename = "foo.csv"


skipcols = ["B", "D"]
df1 = pd.read_csv(filename, usecols=lambda x: x not in skipcols, index_col=0)


          A         C
0  0.062350  0.076924
1 -0.016872  1.091446
2  0.213050  1.646109
3 -1.196928  1.153497
4 -0.628839 -0.856529


A DataFrame was written to a file. It was then read back as a separate DataFrame, now skipping unwanted columns (B and D).

Note that for the OP's situation, since data is already created, the better approach is the accepted answer, which drops unwanted columns from an extant object. However, the technique presented here is most useful when directly reading data from files into a DataFrame.

A request was raised for a "skipcols" option in this issue and was addressed in a later issue.

System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable' does not contain any definition for 'ToList'

An alternative to adding LINQ would be to use this code instead:

List<Pax_Detail> paxList = new List<Pax_Detail>(pax);

How do I list all the files in a directory and subdirectories in reverse chronological order?

ls -lR is to display all files, directories and sub directories of the current directory ls -lR | more is used to show all the files in a flow.

How to make sql-mode="NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION" permanent in MySQL my.cnf

My problem was that I had spaces in between the options on 5.7.20. Removing them so the line looked like


Iterate over the lines of a string

You can iterate over "a file", which produces lines, including the trailing newline character. To make a "virtual file" out of a string, you can use StringIO:

import io  # for Py2.7 that would be import cStringIO as io

for line in io.StringIO(foo):

Disable submit button ONLY after submit


    $("input[type='submit']").click(function () {
        $(this).attr("disabled", true);   

thant's it.

How to retrieve data from sqlite database in android and display it in TextView

First cast your Edit text like this:

TextView tekst = (TextView) findViewById(;

And after that close the DB not befor this line...


installation app blocked by play protect

Not the solution, but you can use debug key for signing release builds to avoid blocking the installation from Google Play Protect. It looks like Play Protect doesn't warn for builds signed with automatically generated debug.keystore.

Note that your debug builds are not unsigned, they are just signed with a debug key.

Of course, you cannot use the build for production distribution (Google Play, Amazon, etc.), but it's still worth for pre-production internal testing which requires a high-frequency feedback loop.

You can add a task to build release with debug.keystore by adding the configuration in build.gradle, something like:

android {
  buildTypes {
    // add after the `release` definition
    releaseDebugKey { initWith release }

  signingConfigs {
    // use debug.keystore for releaseDebugKey builds
    releaseDebugKey { initWith debug }

then execute ./gradlew assembleReleaseDebugKey to build a release build with debug key.

Showing data values on stacked bar chart in ggplot2

As hadley mentioned there are more effective ways of communicating your message than labels in stacked bar charts. In fact, stacked charts aren't very effective as the bars (each Category) doesn't share an axis so comparison is hard.

It's almost always better to use two graphs in these instances, sharing a common axis. In your example I'm assuming that you want to show overall total and then the proportions each Category contributed in a given year.


# create a new column with proportions
prop <- function(x) x/sum(x)
Data <- ddply(Data,"Year",transform,Share=prop(Frequency))

# create the component graphics
totals <- ggplot(Data,aes(Year,Frequency)) + geom_bar(fill="darkseagreen",stat="identity") + 
  xlab("") + labs(title = "Frequency totals in given Year")
proportion <- ggplot(Data, aes(x=Year,y=Share, group=Category, colour=Category)) 
+ geom_line() + scale_y_continuous(label=percent_format())+ theme(legend.position = "bottom") + 
  labs(title = "Proportion of total Frequency accounted by each Category in given Year")

# bring them together

This will give you a 2 panel display like this:

Vertically stacked 2 panel graphic

If you want to add Frequency values a table is the best format.

jquery's append not working with svg element?

I would suggest it might be better to use ajax and load the svg element from another page.

$('.container').load(href + ' .svg_element');

Where href is the location of the page with the svg. This way you can avoid any jittery effects that might occur from replacing the html content. Also, don't forget to unwrap the svg after it's loaded:


How to delete files/subfolders in a specific directory at the command prompt in Windows

The simplest solution I can think of is removing the whole directory with

RD /S /Q folderPath

Then creating this directory again:

MD folderPath

Find indices of elements equal to zero in a NumPy array

import numpy as np

x = np.array([1,0,2,3,6])
non_zero_arr = np.extract(x>0,x)

min_index = np.amin(non_zero_arr)
min_value = np.argmin(non_zero_arr)

Getting multiple keys of specified value of a generic Dictionary?

As everyone else has said, there's no mapping within a dictionary from value to key.

I've just noticed you wanted to map to from value to multiple keys - I'm leaving this solution here for the single value version, but I'll then add another answer for a multi-entry bidirectional map.

The normal approach to take here is to have two dictionaries - one mapping one way and one the other. Encapsulate them in a separate class, and work out what you want to do when you have duplicate key or value (e.g. throw an exception, overwrite the existing entry, or ignore the new entry). Personally I'd probably go for throwing an exception - it makes the success behaviour easier to define. Something like this:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class BiDictionary<TFirst, TSecond>
    IDictionary<TFirst, TSecond> firstToSecond = new Dictionary<TFirst, TSecond>();
    IDictionary<TSecond, TFirst> secondToFirst = new Dictionary<TSecond, TFirst>();

    public void Add(TFirst first, TSecond second)
        if (firstToSecond.ContainsKey(first) ||
            throw new ArgumentException("Duplicate first or second");
        firstToSecond.Add(first, second);
        secondToFirst.Add(second, first);

    public bool TryGetByFirst(TFirst first, out TSecond second)
        return firstToSecond.TryGetValue(first, out second);

    public bool TryGetBySecond(TSecond second, out TFirst first)
        return secondToFirst.TryGetValue(second, out first);

class Test
    static void Main()
        BiDictionary<int, string> greek = new BiDictionary<int, string>();
        greek.Add(1, "Alpha");
        greek.Add(2, "Beta");
        int x;
        greek.TryGetBySecond("Beta", out x);

How to use code to open a modal in Angular 2?

The below answer is in reference to the latest ng-bootstrap


npm install --save @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap


import {NgbModule} from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';

  declarations: [
  imports: [


  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Component Controller

import { TemplateRef, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { NgbModal } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';

  selector: 'app-app-registration',
  templateUrl: './app-registration.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app-registration.component.css']

export class AppRegistrationComponent implements OnInit {

  @ViewChild('editModal') editModal : TemplateRef<any>; // Note: TemplateRef

  constructor(private modalService: NgbModal) { }



Component HTML

<ng-template #editModal let-modal>

<div class="modal-header">
  <h4 class="modal-title" id="modal-basic-title">Edit Form</h4>
  <button type="button" class="close" aria-label="Close" (click)="modal.dismiss()">
    <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>

<div class="modal-body">
    <div class="form-group">
      <label for="dateOfBirth">Date of birth</label>
      <div class="input-group">
        <input id="dateOfBirth" class="form-control" placeholder="yyyy-mm-dd" name="dp" ngbDatepicker #dp="ngbDatepicker">
        <div class="input-group-append">
          <button class="btn btn-outline-secondary calendar" (click)="dp.toggle()" type="button"></button>


<div class="modal-footer">
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-dark" (click)="modal.close()">Save</button>


n-grams in python, four, five, six grams?

You can use sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer:

import sklearn.feature_extraction.text # FYI
ngram_size = 4
string = ["I really like python, it's pretty awesome."]
vect = sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(ngram_size,ngram_size))
print('{1}-grams: {0}'.format(vect.get_feature_names(), ngram_size))


4-grams: [u'like python it pretty', u'python it pretty awesome', u'really like python it']

You can set to ngram_size to any positive integer. I.e. you can split a text in four-grams, five-grams or even hundred-grams.

How to send string from one activity to another?

For those people who use Kotlin do this instead:

  1. Create a method with a parameter containing String Object.
  2. Navigate to another Activity

For Example,

// * The Method I Mentioned Above 
private fun parseTheValue(@NonNull valueYouWantToParse: String)
     val intent = Intent(this,
     intent.putExtra("value", valueYouWantToParse)

Then just call parseTheValue("the String that you want to parse")


val theValue: String

then in the other activity,

val value: Bundle = intent.extras!!
// * enter the `name` from the `@param`
val str: String = value.getString("value").toString()

// * For testing

Hope This Help, Happy Coding!

~ Kotlin Code Added By John Melody~

Type datetime for input parameter in procedure

In this part of your SP:

IF @DateFirst <> '' and @DateLast <> ''
   set @FinalSQL  = @FinalSQL
       + '  or convert (Date,DateLog) >=     ''' + @DateFirst
       + ' and convert (Date,DateLog) <=''' + @DateLast  

you are trying to concatenate strings and datetimes.

As the datetime type has higher priority than varchar/nvarchar, the + operator, when it happens between a string and a datetime, is interpreted as addition, not as concatenation, and the engine then tries to convert your string parts (' or convert (Date,DateLog) >= ''' and others) to datetime or numeric values. And fails.

That doesn't happen if you omit the last two parameters when invoking the procedure, because the condition evaluates to false and the offending statement isn't executed.

To amend the situation, you need to add explicit casting of your datetime variables to strings:

set @FinalSQL  = @FinalSQL
    + '  or convert (Date,DateLog) >=     ''' + convert(date, @DateFirst)
    + ' and convert (Date,DateLog) <=''' + convert(date, @DateLast)

You'll also need to add closing single quotes:

set @FinalSQL  = @FinalSQL
    + '  or convert (Date,DateLog) >=     ''' + convert(date, @DateFirst) + ''''
    + ' and convert (Date,DateLog) <=''' + convert(date, @DateLast) + ''''

Telling Python to save a .txt file to a certain directory on Windows and Mac

If you want to save a file to a particular DIRECTORY and FILENAME here is some simple example. It also checks to see if the directory has or has not been created.

import os.path
directory = './html/'
filename = "file.html"
file_path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
if not os.path.isdir(directory):
file = open(file_path, "w")

Hope this helps you!

How to read an external local JSON file in JavaScript?

You could use D3 to handle the callback, and load the local JSON file data.json, as follows:

<script src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

  d3.json("data.json", function(error, data) {
    if (error)
      throw error;

How to bind Dataset to DataGridView in windows application

following will show one table of dataset

DataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
DataGridView1.DataSource = ds; // dataset
DataGridView1.DataMember = "TableName"; // table name you need to show

if you want to show multiple tables, you need to create one datatable or custom object collection out of all tables.

if two tables with same table schema

dtAll = dtOne.Copy(); // dtOne = ds.Tables[0]
dtAll.Merge(dtTwo); // dtTwo = dtOne = ds.Tables[1]

DataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
DataGridView1.DataSource = dtAll ; // datatable

sample code to mode all tables

DataTable dtAll = ds.Tables[0].Copy();
for (var i = 1; i < ds.Tables.Count; i++)
DataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
DataGridView1.DataSource = dtAll ;

Is there a way to remove unused imports and declarations from Angular 2+?

Edit (as suggested in comments and other people), Visual Studio Code has evolved and provides this functionality in-built as the command "Organize imports", with the following default keyboard shortcuts:

option+Shift+O for Mac

Alt + Shift + O for Windows

Original answer:

I hope this visual studio code extension will suffice your need:

It provides following features:

  • Add imports of your project or libraries to your current file
  • Add an import for the current name under the cursor
  • Add all missing imports of a file with one command
  • Intellisense that suggests symbols and automatically adds the needed imports "Light bulb feature" that fixes code you wrote
  • Sort and organize your imports (sort and remove unused)
  • Code outline view of your open TS / TSX document
  • All the cool stuff for JavaScript as well! (experimental stage though, better description below.)

For Mac: control+option+o

For Win: Ctrl+Alt+o

Mask for an Input to allow phone numbers?

Angular5 and 6:

angular 5 and 6 recommended way is to use @HostBindings and @HostListeners instead of the host property

remove host and add @HostListener

 @HostListener('ngModelChange', ['$event'])
  onModelChange(event) {
    this.onInputChange(event, false);

  @HostListener('keydown.backspace', ['$event'])
  keydownBackspace(event) {
    this.onInputChange(, true);

Working Online stackblitz Link:

Stackblitz Code example:

Official documentation link

Angular2 and 4:

Plunker >= RC.5


One way you could do it is using a directive that injects NgControl and manipulates the value

(for details see inline comments)

  selector: '[ngModel][phone]',
  host: {
    '(ngModelChange)': 'onInputChange($event)',
    '(keydown.backspace)': 'onInputChange($, true)'
export class PhoneMask {
  constructor(public model: NgControl) {}

  onInputChange(event, backspace) {
    // remove all mask characters (keep only numeric)
    var newVal = event.replace(/\D/g, '');
    // special handling of backspace necessary otherwise
    // deleting of non-numeric characters is not recognized
    // this laves room for improvement for example if you delete in the 
    // middle of the string
    if (backspace) {
      newVal = newVal.substring(0, newVal.length - 1);

    // don't show braces for empty value
    if (newVal.length == 0) {
      newVal = '';
    // don't show braces for empty groups at the end
    else if (newVal.length <= 3) {
      newVal = newVal.replace(/^(\d{0,3})/, '($1)');
    } else if (newVal.length <= 6) {
      newVal = newVal.replace(/^(\d{0,3})(\d{0,3})/, '($1) ($2)');
    } else {
      newVal = newVal.replace(/^(\d{0,3})(\d{0,3})(.*)/, '($1) ($2)-$3');
    // set the new value
  selector: 'my-app',
  providers: [],
  template: `
  <form [ngFormModel]="form">
    <input type="text" phone [(ngModel)]="data" ngControl="phone"> 
  directives: [PhoneMask]
export class App {
  constructor(fb: FormBuilder) {
    this.form ={
      phone: ['']

Plunker example <= RC.5

Remove a specific string from an array of string

import java.util.*;

class Array {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
        //i only remove the apple//

Connecting to local SQL Server database using C#

If you use SQL authentication, use this:

using System.Data.SqlClient;

SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
conn.ConnectionString = 
     "Data Source=.\SQLExpress;" + 
     "User Instance=true;" + 
     "User Id=UserName;" + 
     "Password=Secret;" + 

If you use Windows authentication, use this:

using System.Data.SqlClient;
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
conn.ConnectionString = 
     "Data Source=.\SQLExpress;" + 
     "User Instance=true;" + 
     "Integrated Security=true;" + 

how to prevent css inherit

Using the wildcard * selector in CSS to override inheritance for all attributes of an element (by setting these back to their initial state).

An example of its use:

li * {
   display: initial;

Get loop count inside a Python FOR loop

Try using itertools.count([n])

EditText onClickListener in Android

Here is the solution I implemented

mPickDate.setOnKeyListener(new View.OnKeyListener() {

    public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
        return false;


mPickDate.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.OnFocusChangeListener() {

    public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) {


See the differences by yourself. Problem is since (like RickNotFred said) TextView to display the date & edit via the DatePicker. TextEdit is not used for its primary purpose. If you want the DatePicker to re-pop up, you need to input delete (1st case) or de focus (2nd case).


How can a windows service programmatically restart itself?

It would depend on why you want it to restart itself.

If you are just looking for a way to have the service clean itself out periodically then you could have a timer running in the service that periodically causes a purge routine.

If you are looking for a way to restart on failure - the service host itself can provide that ability when it is setup.

So why do you need to restart the server? What are you trying to achieve?

How to use ConfigurationManager

Okay, it took me a while to see this, but there's no way this compiles:

return String.(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[paramName]);

You're not even calling a method on the String type. Just do this:

return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[paramName];

The AppSettings KeyValuePair already returns a string. If the name doesn't exist, it will return null.

Based on your edit you have not yet added a Reference to the System.Configuration assembly for the project you're working in.

TypeError: 'float' object is not callable

The problem is with -3.7(prof[x]), which looks like a function call (note the parens). Just use a * like this -3.7*prof[x].

How to add months to a date in JavaScript?

Corrected as of 25.06.2019:

var newDate = new Date(date.setMonth(date.getMonth()+8));

Old From here:

var jan312009 = new Date(2009, 0, 31);
var eightMonthsFromJan312009  = jan312009.setMonth(jan312009.getMonth()+8);

Regex to Match Symbols: !$%^&*()_+|~-=`{}[]:";'<>?,./

The regular expression for this is really simple. Just use a character class. The hyphen is a special character in character classes, so it needs to be first:


You also need to escape the other regular expression metacharacters.

Edit: The hyphen is special because it can be used to represent a range of characters. This same character class can be simplified with ranges to this:


There are three ranges. '$' to '/', ':' to '?', and '{' to '~'. the last string of characters can't be represented more simply with a range: !"^_`[].

Use an ACSII table to find ranges for character classes.

Detect Click into Iframe using JavaScript

Based in the answer of Paul Draper, I created a solution that work continuously when you have Iframes that open other tab in the browser. When you return the page continue to be active to detect the click over the framework, this is a very common situation:

        $(window).blur(() => {
           let frame = document.activeElement;
           if (document.activeElement.tagName == "IFRAME") {
             // Do you action.. here  frame has the iframe clicked
              let frameid = frame.getAttribute('id')
              let frameurl = (frame.getAttribute('src'));

        document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", function () {
            if (document.hidden) {

            } else {

The Code is simple, the blur event detect the lost of focus when the iframe is clicked, and test if the active element is the iframe (if you have several iframe you can know who was selected) this situation is frequently when you have publicity frames.

The second event trigger a focus method when you return to the page. it is used the visibility change event.

Send email with PHPMailer - embed image in body

According to PHPMailer Manual, full answer would be :

$mail->AddEmbeddedImage(filename, cid, name);
$mail->AddEmbeddedImage('my-photo.jpg', 'my-photo', 'my-photo.jpg '); 

Use Case :

$mail->AddEmbeddedImage("rocks.png", "my-attach", "rocks.png");
$mail->Body = 'Embedded Image: <img alt="PHPMailer" src="cid:my-attach"> Here is an image!';

If you want to display an image with a remote URL :

$mail->addStringAttachment(file_get_contents("url"), "filename");

What method in the String class returns only the first N characters?

Whenever I have to do string manipulations in C#, I miss the good old Left and Right functions from Visual Basic, which are much simpler to use than Substring.

So in most of my C# projects, I create extension methods for them:

public static class StringExtensions
    public static string Left(this string str, int length)
        return str.Substring(0, Math.Min(length, str.Length));

    public static string Right(this string str, int length)
        return str.Substring(str.Length - Math.Min(length, str.Length));

The Math.Min part is there because Substring throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException when the input string's length is smaller than the requested length, as already mentioned in some comments under previous answers.


string longString = "Long String";

// returns "Long";
string left1 = longString.Left(4);

// returns "Long String";
string left2 = longString.Left(100);

Secure Web Services: REST over HTTPS vs SOAP + WS-Security. Which is better?

The answer actually depends on your specific requirements.

For instance, do you need to protect your web messages or confidentiality is not required and all you need is to authenticate end parties and ensure message integrity? If this is the case - and it often is with web services - HTTPS is probably the wrong hammer.

However - from my experience - do not overlook the complexity of the system you're building. Not only HTTPS is easier to deploy correctly, but an application that relies on the transport layer security is easier to debug (over plain HTTP).

Good luck.

CMD: Export all the screen content to a text file

How about this:

<command> > <filename.txt> & <filename.txt>


ipconfig /all > network.txt & network.txt

This will give the results in Notepad instead of the command prompt.

What is a callback URL in relation to an API?

Think of it as a letter. Sometimes you get a letter, say asking you to fill in a form then return the form in a pre-addressed envelope which is in the original envelope that was housing the form.

Once you have finished filling the form in, you put it in the provided return envelop and send it back.

The callbackUrl is like that return envelope. You are basically saying I am sending you this data. Once you are done with it, I am on this callbackUrl waiting for your response. So the API will process the data you have sent then look at the callback to send you the response.

This is useful because sometimes you may take ages to process some data and it makes no sense to have the caller wait for a response. For example, say your API allows users to send documents to it and virus scan them. Then you send a report after. The scan could take maybe 3minutes. The user cannot be waiting for 3minutes. So you acknowledge that you got the document and let the caller get on with other business while you do the scan then use the callbackUrl when done to tell them the result of the scan.

Sample settings.xml

A standard Maven settings.xml file is as follows:

<settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""







To access a proxy, you can find detailed information on the official Maven page here:

Maven-Settings - Settings

I hope it helps for someone.

Credentials for the SQL Server Agent service are invalid

I had a domain account with a strong password, but it didn´t work, then I used Network Service account. I tried to change it on SQL Server Configuration Manager after installation and it worked.

Command line tool to dump Windows DLL version?

or you can build one yourself. Open VS, create a new console application. Create a simple project with no ATL or MFC support, leave the stdafx option checked but do not check 'empty project' and call it VersionInfo.

You'll get a simple project with 2 files: VersionInfo.cpp and VersionInfo.h

Open the cpp file and paste the following into it, then compile. You'll be able to run it, first argument is the full filename, it'll print out "Product: File:" based on the Version resource block. If there's no version resource it'll return -1, otherwise 0.

Compiles to an 8k binary using the dll CRT, 60k with everything linked statically (set in the C++ options, change "Code Generation page, Runtime options" to "/MT")


PS. If you don't want to use Visual Studio, it'll still compile using any c++ compiler (fingers crossed), but you'll almost certainly have to change the #pragma - just specify that lib in the linker settings instead, the pragma's just a shorthand to automatically link with that library.

// VersionInfo.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>

#pragma comment(lib, "version.lib")

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    DWORD handle = 0;
    DWORD size = GetFileVersionInfoSize(argv[1], &handle);
    BYTE* versionInfo = new BYTE[size];
    if (!GetFileVersionInfo(argv[1], handle, size, versionInfo))
        delete[] versionInfo;
        return -1;
    // we have version information
    UINT    len = 0;
    VerQueryValue(versionInfo, L"\\", (void**)&vsfi, &len);

    WORD fVersion[4], pVersion[4];
    fVersion[0] = HIWORD(vsfi->dwFileVersionMS);
    fVersion[1] = LOWORD(vsfi->dwFileVersionMS);
    fVersion[2] = HIWORD(vsfi->dwFileVersionLS);
    fVersion[3] = LOWORD(vsfi->dwFileVersionLS);
    pVersion[0] = HIWORD(vsfi->dwProductVersionMS);
    pVersion[1] = LOWORD(vsfi->dwProductVersionMS);
    pVersion[2] = HIWORD(vsfi->dwProductVersionLS);
    pVersion[3] = LOWORD(vsfi->dwProductVersionLS);

    printf("Product: %d.%d.%d.%d File: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", 
        pVersion[0], pVersion[1], 
        pVersion[2], pVersion[3], 
        fVersion[0], fVersion[1], 
        fVersion[2], fVersion[3]);
    delete[] versionInfo;

    return 0;

Is there a date format to display the day of the week in java?

Yep - 'E' does the trick

Date date = new Date();
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-E");

Check whether user has a Chrome extension installed

You could have the extension set a cookie and have your websites JavaScript check if that cookie is present and update accordingly. This and probably most other methods mentioned here could of course be cirvumvented by the user, unless you try and have the extension create custom cookies depending on timestamps etc, and have your application analyze them server side to see if it really is a user with the extension or someone pretending to have it by modifying his cookies.

How can I find out which server hosts LDAP on my windows domain?

If you're using AD you can use serverless binding to locate a domain controller for the default domain, then use LDAP://rootDSE to get information about the directory server, as described in the linked article.

Remove the last three characters from a string

The new C# 8.0 range operator can be a great shortcut to achieve this.

Example #1 (to answer the question):

string myString = "abcdxxx";
var shortenedString = myString[0..^3]
// Results: abcd

Example #2 (to show you how awesome range operators are):

string s = "FooBar99";
// If the last 2 characters of the string are 99 then change to 98
s = s[^2..] == "99" ? s[0..^2] + "98" : s;
// Results: FooBar98

In jQuery how can I set "top,left" properties of an element with position values relative to the parent and not the document?

You could try jQuery UI's .position method.

  of: $('#mydiv').parent(),
  my: 'left+200 top+200',
  at: 'left top'

Check the working demo.

XPath: select text node

Having the following XML:


How do I select either the first or the second text node via XPath?



This selects all text-node children of the top element (named "node") of the XML document.


This selects the first text-node child of the top element (named "node") of the XML document.


This selects the second text-node child of the top element (named "node") of the XML document.


This selects the someInteger-th text-node child of the top element (named "node") of the XML document. It is equivalent to the following XPath expression:

/node/text()[position() = someInteger]

laravel Eloquent ORM delete() method


How do I find out which DOM element has the focus?

By itself, document.activeElement can still return an element if the document isn't focused (and thus nothing in the document is focused!)

You may want that behavior, or it may not matter (e.g. within a keydown event), but if you need to know something is actually focused, you can additionally check document.hasFocus().

The following will give you the focused element if there is one, or else null.

var focused_element = null;
if (
    document.hasFocus() &&
    document.activeElement !== document.body &&
    document.activeElement !== document.documentElement
) {
    focused_element = document.activeElement;

To check whether a specific element has focus, it's simpler:

var input_focused = document.activeElement === input && document.hasFocus();

To check whether anything is focused, it's more complex again:

var anything_is_focused = (
    document.hasFocus() &&
    document.activeElement !== null &&
    document.activeElement !== document.body &&
    document.activeElement !== document.documentElement

Robustness Note: In the code where it the checks against document.body and document.documentElement, this is because some browsers return one of these or null when nothing is focused.

It doesn't account for if the <body> (or maybe <html>) had a tabIndex attribute and thus could actually be focused. If you're writing a library or something and want it to be robust, you should probably handle that somehow.

Here's a (heavy airquotes) "one-liner" version of getting the focused element, which is conceptually more complicated because you have to know about short-circuiting, and y'know, it obviously doesn't fit on one line, assuming you want it to be readable.
I'm not gonna recommend this one. But if you're a 1337 hax0r, idk... it's there.
You could also remove the || null part if you don't mind getting false in some cases. (You could still get null if document.activeElement is null):

var focused_element = (
    document.hasFocus() &&
    document.activeElement !== document.body &&
    document.activeElement !== document.documentElement &&
) || null;

For checking if a specific element is focused, alternatively you could use events, but this way requires setup (and potentially teardown), and importantly, assumes an initial state:

var input_focused = false;
input.addEventListener("focus", function() {
    input_focused = true;
input.addEventListener("blur", function() {
    input_focused = false;

You could fix the initial state assumption by using the non-evented way, but then you might as well just use that instead.

Why doesn't wireshark detect my interface?

This is usually caused by incorrectly setting up permissions related to running Wireshark correctly. While you can avoid this issue by running Wireshark with elevated privileges (e.g. with sudo), it should generally be avoided (see here, specifically here). This sometimes results from an incomplete or partially successful installation of Wireshark. Since you are running Ubuntu, this can be resolved by following the instructions given in this answer on the Wireshark Q&A site. In summary, after installing Wireshark, execute the following commands:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common 
sudo usermod -a -G wireshark $USER

Then log out and log back in (or reboot), and Wireshark should work correctly without needing additional privileges. Finally, if the problem is still not resolved, it may be that dumpcap was not correctly configured, or there is something else preventing it from operating correctly. In this case, you can set the setuid bit for dumpcap so that it always runs as root.

sudo chmod 4711 `which dumpcap`

One some distros you might get the following error when you execute the command above:

chmod: missing operand after ‘4711’

Try 'chmod --help' for more information.

In this case try running

sudo chmod 4711 `sudo which dumpcap`

How to render a DateTime in a specific format in ASP.NET MVC 3?

I use the following approach to inline format and display a date property from the model.

@Html.ValueFor(model => model.MyDateTime, "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}")

Otherwise when populating a TextBox or Editor you could do like @Darin suggested, decorated the attribute with a [DisplayFormat] attribute.

SQL Statement using Where clause with multiple values

SELECT PersonName, songName, status
FROM table
WHERE name IN ('Holly', 'Ryan')

If you are using parametrized Stored procedure:

  1. Pass in comma separated string
  2. Use special function to split comma separated string into table value variable
  3. Use INNER JOIN ON t.PersonName = newTable.PersonName using a table variable which contains passed in names

Can't use method return value in write context

I'm not sure if this would be a common mistake, but if you do something like:

$var = 'value' .= 'value2';

this will also produce the same error

Can't use method return value in write context

You can't have an = and a .= in the same statement. You can use one or the other, but not both.

Note, I understand this is unrelated to the actual code in the question, however this question is the top result when searching for the error message, so I wanted to post it here for completeness.

Windows task scheduler error 101 launch failure code 2147943785

I have the same today on Win7.x64, this solve it.

Right Click MyComputer > Manage > Local Users and Groups > Groups > Administrators double click > your name should be there, if not press add...

How to Apply global font to whole HTML document

Try this:

    font-family:your font;
    font-size:your value;
    font-weight:your value;

How to keep keys/values in same order as declared?

I came across this post while trying to figure out how to get OrderedDict to work. PyDev for Eclipse couldn't find OrderedDict at all, so I ended up deciding to make a tuple of my dictionary's key values as I would like them to be ordered. When I needed to output my list, I just iterated through the tuple's values and plugged the iterated 'key' from the tuple into the dictionary to retrieve my values in the order I needed them.


test_dict = dict( val1 = "hi", val2 = "bye", val3 = "huh?", val4 = "what....")
test_tuple = ( 'val1', 'val2', 'val3', 'val4')
for key in test_tuple: print(test_dict[key])

It's a tad cumbersome, but I'm pressed for time and it's the workaround I came up with.

note: the list of lists approach that somebody else suggested does not really make sense to me, because lists are ordered and indexed (and are also a different structure than dictionaries).

find files by extension, *.html under a folder in nodejs

You can use Filehound to do this.

For example: find all .html files in /tmp:

const Filehound = require('filehound');

  .find((err, htmlFiles) => {
    if (err) return console.error("handle err", err);


For further information (and examples), check out the docs:

Disclaimer: I'm the author.

Printing pointers in C

change line:

char s[] = "asd";


char *s = "asd";

and things will get more clear

Swift: Reload a View Controller

You shouldn't call viewDidLoad method manually, Instead if you want to reload any data or any UI, you can use this:

override func viewDidLoad() {

    let myButton = UIButton()

    // When user touch myButton, we're going to call loadData method
    myButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.loadData), forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)

    // Load the data

func loadData() {
    // code to load data from network, and refresh the interface

Whenever you want to reload the data and refresh the interface, you can call self.loadData()

Serializing class instance to JSON

I believe instead of inheritance as suggested in accepted answer, it's better to use polymorphism. Otherwise you have to have a big if else statement to customize encoding of every object. That means create a generic default encoder for JSON as:

def jsonDefEncoder(obj):
   if hasattr(obj, 'jsonEnc'):
      return obj.jsonEnc()
   else: #some default behavior
      return obj.__dict__

and then have a jsonEnc() function in each class you want to serialize. e.g.

class A(object):
   def __init__(self,lengthInFeet):
   def jsonEnc(self):
      return {'lengthInMeters': lengthInFeet * 0.3 } # each foot is 0.3 meter

Then you call json.dumps(classInstance,default=jsonDefEncoder)

How do I update a model value in JavaScript in a Razor view?

You could use jQuery and an Ajax call to post the specific update back to your server with Javascript.

It would look something like this:

function updatePostID(val, comment)

    var args = {};
    args.PostID = val;
    args.Comment = comment;

     type: "POST",
     url: controllerActionMethodUrlHere,
     contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
     data: args,
     dataType: "json",
     success: function(msg) 
        // Something afterwards here



How to edit a text file in my terminal

Open the file again using vi. and then press the insert button to begin editing it.

Pros/cons of using redux-saga with ES6 generators vs redux-thunk with ES2017 async/await

I'd just like to add some comments from my personal experience (using both sagas and thunk):

Sagas are great to test:

  • You don't need to mock functions wrapped with effects
  • Therefore tests are clean, readable and easy to write
  • When using sagas, action creators mostly return plain object literals. It is also easier to test and assert unlike thunk's promises.

Sagas are more powerful. All what you can do in one thunk's action creator you can also do in one saga, but not vice versa (or at least not easily). For example:

  • wait for an action/actions to be dispatched (take)
  • cancel existing routine (cancel, takeLatest, race)
  • multiple routines can listen to the same action (take, takeEvery, ...)

Sagas also offers other useful functionality, which generalize some common application patterns:

  • channels to listen on external event sources (e.g. websockets)
  • fork model (fork, spawn)
  • throttle
  • ...

Sagas are great and powerful tool. However with the power comes responsibility. When your application grows you can get easily lost by figuring out who is waiting for the action to be dispatched, or what everything happens when some action is being dispatched. On the other hand thunk is simpler and easier to reason about. Choosing one or another depends on many aspects like type and size of the project, what types of side effect your project must handle or dev team preference. In any case just keep your application simple and predictable.

invalid use of non-static data member

The nested class doesn't know about the outer class, and protected doesn't help. You'll have to pass some actual reference to objects of the nested class type. You could store a foo*, but perhaps a reference to the integer is enough:

class Outer
    int n;

    class Inner
        int & a;
        Inner(int & b) : a(b) { }
        int & get() { return a; }

    // ...  for example:

    Inner inn;
    Outer() : inn(n) { }

Now you can instantiate inner classes like Inner i(n); and call i.get().

"Could not find a valid gem in any repository" (rubygame and others)

Can you post your versions?

ruby -v
#=> ruby 1.9.3p125 (2012-02-16 revision 34643) [x86_64-linux]

gem -v
#=> 1.8.19

If your gem command is not current, you can update it like this:

gem update --system

To see if you can connect to using Ruby:

require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
puts Net::HTTP.get URI.parse('')

If yes, that's good.

If no, then somehow Ruby is blocked from opening a net connection. Try these and see if any of them work:


curl --local-port 1080

curl --local-port 8080

env | grep -i proxy

If you're using a company machine, or within a company firewall, or running your own firewall, you may need to use a proxy.

For info on Ruby and proxies see

What possibilities can cause "Service Unavailable 503" error?

Your web pages are served by an application pool. If you disable/stop the application pool, and anyone tries to browse the application, you will get a Service Unavailable. It can happen due to multiple reasons...

  1. Your application may have crashed [check the event viewer and see if you can find event logs in your Application/System log]

  2. Your application may be crashing very frequently. If an app pool crashes for 5 times in 5 minutes [check your application pool settings for rapid fail], your application pool is disabled by IIS and you will end up getting this message.

In either case, the issue is that your worker process is failing and you should troubleshoot it from crash perspective.

What is a Crash (technically)... in ASP.NET and what to do if it happens?

Git: Find the most recent common ancestor of two branches

You are looking for git merge-base. Usage:

$ git merge-base branch2 branch3

System.web.mvc missing


C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET Web Stack 5\Packages\ Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.5.0.0\lib\net45\System.Web.Mvc.dll


C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET MVC 4\Assemblies\System.Web.Mvc.dll


C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET MVC 3\Assemblies\System.Web.Mvc.dll


C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET MVC 2\Assemblies\System.Web.Mvc.dll

Where can I find System.Web.MVC dll in a system where MVC 3 is installed?

Splitting string with pipe character ("|")

Using Pattern.quote()

String[] value_split = rat_values.split(Pattern.quote("|"));

//System.out.println(Arrays.toString(rat_values.split(Pattern.quote("|")))); //(FOR GETTING OUTPUT)

Using Escape characters(for metacharacters)

String[] value_split = rat_values.split("\\|");
//System.out.println(Arrays.toString(rat_values.split("\\|"))); //(FOR GETTING OUTPUT)

Using StringTokenizer(For avoiding regular expression issues)

public static String[] splitUsingTokenizer(String Subject, String Delimiters) 
     StringTokenizer StrTkn = new StringTokenizer(Subject, Delimiters);
     ArrayList<String> ArrLis = new ArrayList<String>(Subject.length());
     return ArrLis.toArray(new String[0]);

Using Pattern class(java.util.regex.Pattern)

//System.out.println(Arrays.asList(Pattern.compile("\\|").split(rat_values))); //(FOR GETTING OUTPUT)


[Food 1 ,  Service 3 ,  Atmosphere 3 ,  Value for money 1 ]

How to revert a merge commit that's already pushed to remote branch?

The -m option specifies the parent number. This is because a merge commit has more than one parent, and Git does not know automatically which parent was the mainline, and which parent was the branch you want to un-merge.

When you view a merge commit in the output of git log, you will see its parents listed on the line that begins with Merge:

commit 8f937c683929b08379097828c8a04350b9b8e183
Merge: 8989ee0 7c6b236
Author: Ben James <[email protected]>
Date:   Wed Aug 17 22:49:41 2011 +0100

Merge branch 'gh-pages'


In this situation, git revert 8f937c6 -m 1 will get you the tree as it was in 8989ee0, and git revert -m 2 will reinstate the tree as it was in 7c6b236.

To better understand the parent IDs, you can run:

git log 8989ee0 


git log 7c6b236

recursion versus iteration

Question :

And if recursion is usually slower what is the technical reason for ever using it over for loop iteration?

Answer :

Because in some algorithms are hard to solve it iteratively. Try to solve depth-first search in both recursively and iteratively. You will get the idea that it is plain hard to solve DFS with iteration.

Another good thing to try out : Try to write Merge sort iteratively. It will take you quite some time.

Question :

Is it correct to say that everywhere recursion is used a for loop could be used?

Answer :

Yes. This thread has a very good answer for this.

Question :

And if it is always possible to convert an recursion into a for loop is there a rule of thumb way to do it?

Answer :

Trust me. Try to write your own version to solve depth-first search iteratively. You will notice that some problems are easier to solve it recursively.

Hint : Recursion is good when you are solving a problem that can be solved by divide and conquer technique.

Best way to get all selected checkboxes VALUES in jQuery

You want the :checkbox:checked selector and map to create an array of the values:

var checkedValues = $('input:checkbox:checked').map(function() {
    return this.value;

If your checkboxes have a shared class it would be faster to use that instead, eg. $('.mycheckboxes:checked'), or for a common name $('input[name="Foo"]:checked')

- Update -

If you don't need IE support then you can now make the map() call more succinct by using an arrow function:

var checkedValues = $('input:checkbox:checked').map((i, el) => el.value).get();

How do I plot in real-time in a while loop using matplotlib?

The problem seems to be that you expect to show the window and then to return. It does not do that. The program will stop at that point and only resume once you close the window. You should be able to test that: If you close the window and then another window should pop up.

To resolve that problem just call once after your loop. Then you get the complete plot. (But not a 'real-time plotting')

You can try setting the keyword-argument block like this: once at the beginning and then use .draw() to update.