[java] How to check if a string contains only digits in Java

In Java for String class there is a method called matches, how to use this method to check if my string is having only digits using regular expression. I tried with below examples, but both of them returned me false as result.

String regex = "[0-9]";
String data = "23343453";

String regex = "^[0-9]";
String data = "23343453";

This question is related to java string

The answer is

Try this part of code:

void containsOnlyNumbers(String str)
    try {
        Integer num = Integer.valueOf(str);
        System.out.println("is a number");
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        // TODO: handle exception
        System.out.println("is not a number");


According to Oracle's Java Documentation:

private static final Pattern NUMBER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(
        "[\\x00-\\x20]*[+-]?(NaN|Infinity|((((\\p{Digit}+)(\\.)?((\\p{Digit}+)?)" +
        "([eE][+-]?(\\p{Digit}+))?)|(\\.((\\p{Digit}+))([eE][+-]?(\\p{Digit}+))?)|" +
        "(((0[xX](\\p{XDigit}+)(\\.)?)|(0[xX](\\p{XDigit}+)?(\\.)(\\p{XDigit}+)))" +
boolean isNumber(String s){
return NUMBER_PATTERN.matcher(s).matches()

We can use either Pattern.compile("[0-9]+.[0-9]+") or Pattern.compile("\\d+.\\d+"). They have the same meaning.

the pattern [0-9] means digit. The same as '\d'. '+' means it appears more times. '.' for integer or float.

Try following code:

import java.util.regex.Pattern;

    public class PatternSample {

        public boolean containNumbersOnly(String source){
            boolean result = false;
            Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[0-9]+.[0-9]+"); //correct pattern for both float and integer.
            pattern = Pattern.compile("\\d+.\\d+"); //correct pattern for both float and integer.

            result = pattern.matcher(source).matches();
                System.out.println("\"" + source + "\""  + " is a number");
                System.out.println("\"" + source + "\""  + " is a String");
            return result;

        public static void main(String[] args){
            PatternSample obj = new PatternSample();
            obj.containNumbersOnly("123456 ");



"123456.a" is a String
"123456 " is a String
"123456" is a number
"0123456.0" is a number
"0123456a.0" is a String

One more solution, that hasn't been posted, yet:

String regex = "\\p{Digit}+"; // uses POSIX character class

You can also use NumberUtil.isNumber(String str) from Apache Commons

You must allow for more than a digit (the + sign) as in:

String regex = "[0-9]+"; 
String data = "23343453"; 

Using regular expressions is costly in terms of performance. Trying to parse string as a long value is inefficient and unreliable, and may be not what you need.

What I suggest is to simply check if each character is a digit, what can be efficiently done using Java 8 lambda expressions:

boolean isNumeric = someString.chars().allMatch(x -> Character.isDigit(x));


and catch exception, it handles minus sign.

Although the number of digits is limited this actually creates a variable of the data which can be used, which is, I would imagine, the most common use-case.