In getting started with require.js I ran into the issue and as a beginner the docs may as well been written in greek.
The issue I ran into was that most of the beginner examples use "anonymous defines" when you should be using a "string id".
anonymous defines
define(function() {
return { helloWorld: function() { console.log('hello world!') } };
define(function() {
return { helloWorld2: function() { console.log('hello world again!') } };
define with string id
define('moduleOne',function() {
return { helloWorld: function() { console.log('hello world!') } };
define('moduleTwo', function() {
return { helloWorld2: function() { console.log('hello world again!') } };
When you use define with a string id then you will avoid this error when you try to use the modules like so:
require([ "moduleOne", "moduleTwo" ], function(moduleOne, moduleTwo) {