[javascript] Relation between CommonJS, AMD and RequireJS?



  • One browser-first approach
  • Opting for asynchronous behavior and simplified backwards compatibility
  • It doesn't have any concept of File I/O.
  • It supports objects, functions, constructors, strings, JSON and many other types of modules.


  • One server-first approach
  • Assuming synchronous behavior
  • Cover a broader set of concerns such as I/O, File system, Promises and more.
  • Supports unwrapped modules, it can feel a little more close to the ES.next/Harmony specifications, freeing you of the define() wrapper that AMD enforces.
  • Only support objects as modules.

Examples related to javascript

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Examples related to module

How to fix: fatal error: openssl/opensslv.h: No such file or directory in RedHat 7 How to import functions from different js file in a Vue+webpack+vue-loader project Typescript ReferenceError: exports is not defined ImportError: No module named tensorflow ModuleNotFoundError: What does it mean __main__ is not a package? ES6 modules in the browser: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token import module.exports vs. export default in Node.js and ES6 What's the difference between an Angular component and module Export multiple classes in ES6 modules Python - Module Not Found

Examples related to requirejs

Excluding files/directories from Gulp task Dynamic require in RequireJS, getting "Module name has not been loaded yet for context" error? Relation between CommonJS, AMD and RequireJS? Mismatched anonymous define() module Does it make sense to use Require.js with Angular.js? Prevent RequireJS from Caching Required Scripts

Examples related to amd

Managing jQuery plugin dependency in webpack Relation between CommonJS, AMD and RequireJS? Is it possible to run CUDA on AMD GPUs?

Examples related to commonjs

Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration Node.js - use of module.exports as a constructor Relation between CommonJS, AMD and RequireJS? Difference between "module.exports" and "exports" in the CommonJs Module System module.exports vs exports in Node.js