[javascript] How to import functions from different js file in a Vue+webpack+vue-loader project

(See end for why this is not a dupe of How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file?)

Javascipt + Vue + webpack + vue-loader noob... stumbling on the simplest of things!

I have App.vue which has a template:

     <div id="app">
         <login v-if="isTokenAvailable()"></login>

I've declared the isTokenAvailable method in the normal way for Vue inside methods. It uses a function that I wrote in a separate js file:

    import * as mylib from './mylib';

    export default {
            isTokenAvailable: () => {
                return mylib.myfunc();

mylib starts like this:

    import models from './model/models'
    import axois from 'axios'

    export default function() {
        // functions and constants

When I run the project, I get this below warning:

    export 'myfunc' (imported as 'mylib') was not found in './mylib'

I gather I'm not importing or declaring a javascript module correctly... but there seem to be so many ways to do it, added with the complexity of the scoping in Vue, I'm not sure what is the right way to do it?

Thanks in advance.

Why this isn't a dupe of: How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file?

Doesn't seem to fix the problem, specifically in the context of vuejs.

I have tried this:

    const mylib = require('./mylib');

With the function modified to: exports.myfunc = function()

Should I have some other dependency for this to work? Because I get a different error:

    [Vue warn]: Error in render function:
    TypeError: mylib.myfunc is not a function

This question is related to javascript module webpack vuejs2 vue-loader

The answer is

I was trying to organize my vue app code, and came across this question , since I have a lot of logic in my component and can not use other sub-coponents , it makes sense to use many functions in a separate js file and call them in the vue file, so here is my attempt

1)The Component (.vue file)

//MyComponent.vue file
  <div>Hello {{name}}</div>
  <button @click="function_A">Read Name</button>
  <button @click="function_B">Write Name</button>
  <button @click="function_C">Reset</button>

import Mylib from "./Mylib"; // <-- import
export default {
  name: "MyComponent",
  data() {
    return {
      name: "Bob",
      message: "click on the buttons"
  methods: {
    function_A() {
      Mylib.myfuncA(this); // <---read data
    function_B() {
      Mylib.myfuncB(this); // <---write data
    function_C() {
      Mylib.myfuncC(this); // <---write data

2)The External js file

let exports = {};

// this (vue instance) is passed as that , so we
// can read and write data from and to it as we please :)
exports.myfuncA = (that) => {
  that.message =
  "you hit ''myfuncA'' function that is located in Mylib.js  and data.name = " +

exports.myfuncB = (that) => {
  that.message =
  "you hit ''myfuncB'' function that is located in Mylib.js and now I will change the name to Nassim";
  that.name = "Nassim"; // <-- change name to Nassim

exports.myfuncC = (that) => {
  that.message =
  "you hit ''myfuncC'' function that is located in Mylib.js and now I will change the name back to Bob";
  that.name = "Bob"; // <-- change name to Bob

export default exports;

enter image description here 3)see it in action : https://codesandbox.io/s/distracted-pare-vuw7i?file=/src/components/MyComponent.vue


after getting more experience with Vue , I found out that you could use mixins too to split your code into different files and make it easier to code and maintain see https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/mixins.html

After a few hours of messing around I eventually got something that works, partially answered in a similar issue here: How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file?

BUT there was an import that was screwing the rest of it up:

Use require in .vue files

  var mylib = require('./mylib');
  export default {

Exports in mylib

 exports.myfunc = () => {....}

Avoid import

The actual issue in my case (which I didn't think was relevant!) was that mylib.js was itself using other dependencies. The resulting error seems to have nothing to do with this, and there was no transpiling error from webpack but anyway I had:

import models from './model/models'
import axios from 'axios'

This works so long as I'm not using mylib in a .vue component. However as soon as I use mylib there, the error described in this issue arises.

I changed to:

let models = require('./model/models');
let axios = require('axios');

And all works as expected.

I like the answer of Anacrust, though, by the fact "console.log" is executed twice, I would like to do a small update for src/mylib.js:

let test = {
  foo () { return 'foo' },
  bar () { return 'bar' },
  baz () { return 'baz' }

export default test

All other code remains the same...

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How to import functions from different js file in a Vue+webpack+vue-loader project