Programs & Examples On #Typewatch

A jquery plugin to determine when a user has stopped typing in a text field.

The program can’t start because MSVCR71.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this program

Based on this page:

  • Run regedit (remember to run it as the administrator)
  • Expand SOFTWARE
  • Expand Microsoft
  • Expand Windows
  • Expand CurrentVersion
  • Expand App Paths
  • At App Paths, add a new KEY called sqldeveloper.exe
  • Expand sqldeveloper.exe
  • Modify the (DEFAULT) value to the full pathway to the sqldeveloper executable (See example below step 11)
  • Create a new STRING VALUE called PATH and set it value to the sqldeveloper pathway + \jdk\jre\bin

What is the default stack size, can it grow, how does it work with garbage collection?

How much a stack can grow?

You can use a VM option named ss to adjust the maximum stack size. A VM option is usually passed using -X{option}. So you can use java -Xss1M to set the maximum of stack size to 1M.

Each thread has at least one stack. Some Java Virtual Machines(JVM) put Java stack(Java method calls) and native stack(Native method calls in VM) into one stack, and perform stack unwinding using a Managed to Native Frame, known as M2NFrame. Some JVMs keep two stacks separately. The Xss set the size of the Java Stack in most cases.

For many JVMs, they put different default values for stack size on different platforms.

Can we limit this growth?

When a method call occurs, a new stack frame will be created on the stack of that thread. The stack will contain local variables, parameters, return address, etc. In java, you can never put an object on stack, only object reference can be stored on stack. Since array is also an object in java, arrays are also not stored on stack. So, if you reduce the amount of your local primitive variables, parameters by grouping them into objects, you can reduce the space on stack. Actually, the fact that we cannot explicitly put objects on java stack affects the performance some time(cache miss).

Does stack has some default minimum value or default maximum value?

As I said before, different VMs are different, and may change over versions. See here.

how does garbage collection work on stack?

Garbage collections in Java is a hot topic. Garbage collection aims to collect unreachable objects in the heap. So that needs a definition of 'reachable.' Everything on the stack constitutes part of the root set references in GC. Everything that is reachable from every stack of every thread should be considered as live. There are some other root set references, like Thread objects and some class objects.

This is only a very vague use of stack on GC. Currently most JVMs are using a generational GC. This article gives brief introduction about Java GC. And recently I read a very good article talking about the GC on .net. The GC on oracle jvm is quite similar so I think that might also help you.

Make a nav bar stick


.headercss {
    width: 100%;
    height: 320px;
    background-color: #000000;
    position: fixed;

Attribute position: fixed will keep it stuck, while other content will be scrollable. Don't forget to set width:100% to make it fill fully to the right.


Java math function to convert positive int to negative and negative to positive?

Just use the unary minus operator:

int x = 5;
x = -x; // Here's the mystery library function - the single character "-"

Java has two minus operators:

  • the familiar arithmetic version (eg 0 - x), and
  • the unary minus operation (used here), which negates the (single) operand

This compiles and works as expected.

GET URL parameter in PHP

To make sure you're always on the safe side, without getting all kinds of unwanted code insertion use FILTERS:

echo filter_input(INPUT_GET,"link",FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

More reading on function filter_input, or check out the description of the different filters

Properly close mongoose's connection once you're done

Just as Jake Wilson said: You can set the connection to a variable then disconnect it when you are done:

let db;
    db = dbConnection;

function afterwards(){

    //do stuff


or if inside Async function:

(async ()=>{
    const db = await mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/somedb', { useMongoClient: 
                  true })

    //do stuff


otherwise when i was checking it in my environment it has an error.

JPA - Persisting a One to Many relationship

One way to do that is to set the cascade option on you "One" side of relationship:

class Employee {

   @OneToMany(cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST})
   private Set<Vehicles> vehicles = new HashSet<Vehicles>();


by this, when you call

Employee savedEmployee = employeeDao.persistOrMerge(newEmployee);

it will save the vehicles too.

How to set background image of a view?

simple way :

   -(void) viewDidLoad {
   self.view.backgroundColor = [[UIColor alloc] initWithPatternImage:[UIImage       imageNamed:@"background.png"]];
    [super viewDidLoad];

How to load local file in sc.textFile, instead of HDFS

You need just to specify the path of the file as "file:///directory/file"


val textFile = sc.textFile("file:///usr/local/spark/")

How to convert BigDecimal to Double in Java?

You can convert BigDecimal to double using .doubleValue(). But believe me, don't use it if you have currency manipulations. It should always be performed on BigDecimal objects directly. Precision loss in these calculations are big time problems in currency related calculations.

How to sort pandas data frame using values from several columns?

If you are writing this code as a script file then you will have to write it like this:

df = df.sort(['c1','c2'], ascending=[False,True])

Sending "User-agent" using Requests library in Python

It's more convenient to use a session, this way you don't have to remember to set headers each time:

session = requests.Session()
session.headers.update({'User-Agent': 'Custom user agent'})


By default, session also manages cookies for you. In case you want to disable that, see this question.

Turning multi-line string into single comma-separated

Another Perl solution, similar to Dan Fego's awk:

perl -ane 'print "$F[1],"' file.txt | sed 's/,$/\n/'

-a tells perl to split the input line into the @F array, which is indexed starting at 0.

jQuery xml error ' No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.'

You won't be able to make an ajax call to from a file deployed at due to the same-origin policy.

As the source (aka origin) page and the target URL are at different domains ( and, your code is actually attempting to make a Cross-domain (CORS) request, not an ordinary GET.

In a few words, the same-origin policy says that browsers should only allow ajax calls to services at the same domain of the HTML page.


A page at can only directly request services that are at, like If the service is hosted at another domain (say, the browser won't make the call directly (as you'd expect). Instead, it will try to make a CORS request.

To put it shortly, to perform a (CORS) request* across different domains, your browser:

  • Will include an Origin header in the original request (with the page's domain as value) and perform it as usual; and then
  • Only if the server response to that request contains the adequate headers (Access-Control-Allow-Origin is one of them) allowing the CORS request, the browse will complete the call (almost** exactly the way it would if the HTML page was at the same domain).
    • If the expected headers don't come, the browser simply gives up (like it did to you).

* The above depicts the steps in a simple request, such as a regular GET with no fancy headers. If the request is not simple (like a POST with application/json as content type), the browser will hold it a moment, and, before fulfilling it, will first send an OPTIONS request to the target URL. Like above, it only will continue if the response to this OPTIONS request contains the CORS headers. This OPTIONS call is known as preflight request.
** I'm saying almost because there are other differences between regular calls and CORS calls. An important one is that some headers, even if present in the response, will not be picked up by the browser if they aren't included in the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.

How to fix it?

Was it just a typo? Sometimes the JavaScript code has just a typo in the target domain. Have you checked? If the page is at it will only make regular calls to! Other URLs, such as or even or are considered different domains by the browser! Yes, if the port is different, then it is a different domain!

Add the headers. The simplest way to enable CORS is by adding the necessary headers (as Access-Control-Allow-Origin) to the server's responses. (Each server/language has a way to do that - check some solutions here.)

Last resort: If you don't have server-side access to the service, you can also mirror it (through tools such as reverse proxies), and include all the necessary headers there.

The term 'Get-ADUser' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet

get-windowsfeature | where name -like RSAT-AD-PowerShell | Install-WindowsFeature

How to compare types

Console.WriteLine("typeField is a {0}", typeField.GetType());

which would give you something like

typeField is a String

typeField is a DateTime


Node.js ES6 classes with require

Just treat the ES6 class name the same as you would have treated the constructor name in the ES5 way. They are one and the same.

The ES6 syntax is just syntactic sugar and creates exactly the same underlying prototype, constructor function and objects.

So, in your ES6 example with:

// animal.js
class Animal {

var a = new Animal();

module.exports = {Animal: Animal};

You can just treat Animal like the constructor of your object (the same as you would have done in ES5). You can export the constructor. You can call the constructor with new Animal(). Everything is the same for using it. Only the declaration syntax is different. There's even still an Animal.prototype that has all your methods on it. The ES6 way really does create the same coding result, just with fancier/nicer syntax.

On the import side, this would then be used like this:

const Animal = require('./animal.js').Animal;

let a = new Animal();

This scheme exports the Animal constructor as the .Animal property which allows you to export more than one thing from that module.

If you don't need to export more than one thing, you can do this:

// animal.js
class Animal {

module.exports = Animal;

And, then import it with:

const Animal = require('./animal.js');

let a = new Animal();

How can I check if a View exists in a Database?

There are already many ways specified above but one of my favourite is missing..

    DROP VIEW nView;

WHERE nView is the name of view

UPDATE 2017-03-25: as @hanesjw suggested to drop a Store Procedure use P instead of V as the second argument of OBJECT_ID

IF OBJECT_ID( 'nProcedure', 'P' ) IS NOT NULL 
    DROP PROCEDURE dbo.sprocName; 

Is the MIME type 'image/jpg' the same as 'image/jpeg'?

For those it might help, I use this list as a reference to define my content-type when I have to deal with images on my app.

It says that jpg extension can be declared with Content-type : image/jpeg

There isn't any image/jpg attribute for content-type.

How organize uploaded media in WP?

I have gone around and found this free plugin after very tired with a lots of files in my WordPress default media management. After I installed the plugin, I am able to organize all images and other files into folders/ categories, just drag and drop to upload/move files into folders and drag and drop to rearrange folders. enter image description hereenter image description here

Use Awk to extract substring

Or just use cut:

echo aaa0.bbb.ccc | cut -d'.' -f1

ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database

blog_development doesn't exist

You can see this in sql by the 0 rows affected message

create it in mysql with

mysql> create database blog_development

However as you are using rails you should get used to using

$ rake db:create

to do the same task. It will use your database.yml file settings, which should include something like:

  adapter: mysql2
  database: blog_development
  pool: 5

Also become familiar with:

$ rake db:migrate  # Run the database migration
$ rake db:seed     # Run thew seeds file create statements
$ rake db:drop     # Drop the database

How do I install jmeter on a Mac?

  1. Download file
  2. Unzip it
  3. Open terminal-> go to apache-Jmeter/bin
  4. sh

Android: adbd cannot run as root in production builds

You have to grant the Superuser right to the shell app ( In my case, I use Magisk to root my phone Nexsus 6P (Oreo 8.1). So I can grant Superuser right in the Magisk Manager app, whih is in the left upper option menu.

Getting hold of the outer class object from the inner class object

Have been edited in 2020-06-15

public class Outer {

    public Inner getInner(){
        return new Inner(this);

    static class Inner {

        public final Outer Outer;

        public Inner(Outer outer) {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Outer outer = new Outer();
        Inner inner = outer.getInner();
        Outer anotherOuter=inner.Outer;

        if(anotherOuter == outer) {
            System.out.println("Was able to reach out to the outer object via inner !!");
        } else {
            System.out.println("No luck :-( ");

Video streaming over websockets using JavaScript

The Media Source Extensions has been proposed which would allow for Adaptive Bitrate Streaming implementations.

What's the difference between select_related and prefetch_related in Django ORM?

Your understanding is mostly correct. You use select_related when the object that you're going to be selecting is a single object, so OneToOneField or a ForeignKey. You use prefetch_related when you're going to get a "set" of things, so ManyToManyFields as you stated or reverse ForeignKeys. Just to clarify what I mean by "reverse ForeignKeys" here's an example:

class ModelA(models.Model):

class ModelB(models.Model):
    a = ForeignKey(ModelA)

ModelB.objects.select_related('a').all() # Forward ForeignKey relationship
ModelA.objects.prefetch_related('modelb_set').all() # Reverse ForeignKey relationship

The difference is that select_related does an SQL join and therefore gets the results back as part of the table from the SQL server. prefetch_related on the other hand executes another query and therefore reduces the redundant columns in the original object (ModelA in the above example). You may use prefetch_related for anything that you can use select_related for.

The tradeoffs are that prefetch_related has to create and send a list of IDs to select back to the server, this can take a while. I'm not sure if there's a nice way of doing this in a transaction, but my understanding is that Django always just sends a list and says SELECT ... WHERE pk IN (...,...,...) basically. In this case if the prefetched data is sparse (let's say U.S. State objects linked to people's addresses) this can be very good, however if it's closer to one-to-one, this can waste a lot of communications. If in doubt, try both and see which performs better.

Everything discussed above is basically about the communications with the database. On the Python side however prefetch_related has the extra benefit that a single object is used to represent each object in the database. With select_related duplicate objects will be created in Python for each "parent" object. Since objects in Python have a decent bit of memory overhead this can also be a consideration.

Should I put input elements inside a label element?

Behavior difference: clicking in the space between label and input

If you click on the space between the label and the input it activates the input only if the label contains the input.

This makes sense since in this case the space is just another character of the label.

  <input type="checkbox" />_x000D_
  |&lt;----- Label. Click between me and the checkbox._x000D_
<input type="checkbox" id="check" />_x000D_
<label for="check">|&lt;----- Label. Click between me and the checkbox.</label>

Being able to click between label and box means that it is:

  • easier to click
  • less clear where things start and end

Bootstrap checkbox v3.3 examples use the input inside: Might be wise to follow them. But they changed their minds in v4.0 so I don't know what is wise anymore:

Checkboxes and radios use are built to support HTML-based form validation and provide concise, accessible labels. As such, our <input>s and <label>s are sibling elements as opposed to an <input> within a <label>. This is slightly more verbose as you must specify id and for attributes to relate the <input> and <label>.

UX question that discusses this point in detail:

how to reference a YAML "setting" from elsewhere in the same YAML file?

YML definition:

  default: /home/data/in/
  proj1: ${dir.default}p1
  proj2: ${dir.default}p2
  proj3: ${dir.default}p3 

Somewhere in thymeleaf

<p th:utext='${@environment.getProperty("dir.default")}' />
<p th:utext='${@environment.getProperty("dir.proj1")}' /> 

Output: /home/data/in/ /home/data/in/p1

How to remove leading zeros using C#

Regex rx = new Regex(@"^0+(\d+)$");
rx.Replace("0001234", @"$1"); // => "1234"
rx.Replace("0001234000", @"$1"); // => "1234000"
rx.Replace("000", @"$1"); // => "0" (TrimStart will convert this to "")

// usage
var outString = rx.Replace(inputString, @"$1");

What is the behavior difference between return-path, reply-to and from?

for those who got here because the title of the question:

I use Reply-To: address with webforms. when someone fills out the form, the webpage sends an automatic email to the page's owner. the From: is the automatic mail sender's address, so the owner knows it is from the webform. but the Reply-To: address is the one filled in in the form by the user, so the owner can just hit reply to contact them.

How to uninstall downloaded Xcode simulator?

Slightly off topic but could be very useful as it could be the basis for other tasks you might want to do with simulators.

I like to keep my simulator list to a minimum, and since there is no multi-select in the "Devices and Simulators" it is a pain to delete them all.

So I boot all the sims that I want to use then, remove all the simulators that I don't have booted.

Delete all the shutdown simulators:

xcrun simctl list | grep -w "Shutdown"  | grep -o "([-A-Z0-9]*)" | sed 's/[\(\)]//g' | xargs -I uuid xcrun simctl delete  uuid

If you need individual simulators back, just add them back to the list in "Devices and Simulators" with the plus button.

enter image description here

Most efficient conversion of ResultSet to JSON?

Two things that will make this faster are:

Move your call to rsmd.getColumnCount() out of the while loop. The column count should not vary across rows.

For each column type, you end up calling something like this:

obj.put(column_name, rs.getInt(column_name));

It will be slightly faster to use the column index to retrieve the column value:

obj.put(column_name, rs.getInt(i));

CSS3 Rotate Animation

if you want to flip image you can use it.

    width: 100%;
    -webkit-animation:spin 3s linear infinite;
    -moz-animation:spin 3s linear infinite;
    animation:spin 3s linear infinite;
@-moz-keyframes spin { 50% { -moz-transform: rotateY(90deg); } }
@-webkit-keyframes spin { 50% { -webkit-transform: rotateY(90deg); } }
@keyframes spin { 50% { -webkit-transform: rotateY(90deg); transform:rotateY(90deg); } }

Left join only selected columns in R with the merge() function

I think it's a little simpler to use the dplyr functions select and left_join ; at least it's easier for me to understand. The join function from dplyr are made to mimic sql arguments.


 DF2 <- DF2 %>%
   select(client, LO)

 joined_data <- left_join(DF1, DF2, by = "Client")

You don't actually need to use the "by" argument in this case because the columns have the same name.

Does static constexpr variable inside a function make sense?

The short answer is that not only is static useful, it is pretty well always going to be desired.

First, note that static and constexpr are completely independent of each other. static defines the object's lifetime during execution; constexpr specifies that the object should be available during compilation. Compilation and execution are disjoint and discontiguous, both in time and space. So once the program is compiled, constexpr is no longer relevant.

Every variable declared constexpr is implicitly const but const and static are almost orthogonal (except for the interaction with static const integers.)

The C++ object model (§1.9) requires that all objects other than bit-fields occupy at least one byte of memory and have addresses; furthermore all such objects observable in a program at a given moment must have distinct addresses (paragraph 6). This does not quite require the compiler to create a new array on the stack for every invocation of a function with a local non-static const array, because the compiler could take refuge in the as-if principle provided it can prove that no other such object can be observed.

That's not going to be easy to prove, unfortunately, unless the function is trivial (for example, it does not call any other function whose body is not visible within the translation unit) because arrays, more or less by definition, are addresses. So in most cases, the non-static const(expr) array will have to be recreated on the stack at every invocation, which defeats the point of being able to compute it at compile time.

On the other hand, a local static const object is shared by all observers, and furthermore may be initialized even if the function it is defined in is never called. So none of the above applies, and a compiler is free not only to generate only a single instance of it; it is free to generate a single instance of it in read-only storage.

So you should definitely use static constexpr in your example.

However, there is one case where you wouldn't want to use static constexpr. Unless a constexpr declared object is either ODR-used or declared static, the compiler is free to not include it at all. That's pretty useful, because it allows the use of compile-time temporary constexpr arrays without polluting the compiled program with unnecessary bytes. In that case, you would clearly not want to use static, since static is likely to force the object to exist at runtime.

How to handle configuration in Go

I wrote a simple ini config library in golang.

goroutine-safe, easy to use

package cfg
import (

func TestCfg(t *testing.T) {
    c := NewCfg("test.ini")
    if err := c.Load() ; err != nil {
    c.WriteInt("hello", 42)
    c.WriteString("hello1", "World")

    v, err := c.ReadInt("hello", 0)
    if err != nil || v != 42 {

    v1, err := c.ReadString("hello1", "")
    if err != nil || v1 != "World" {

    if err := c.Save(); err != nil {


Recently I need an INI parser with section support, and I write a simple package:

u can parse INI like using "flag" package:

package main

import (

var conf = ini.NewConf("test.ini")

var (
    v1 = conf.String("section1", "field1", "v1")
    v2 = conf.Int("section1", "field2", 0)

func main() {

    log.Println(*v1, *v2)

reading text file with utf-8 encoding using java

You are reading the file right but the problem seems to be with the default encoding of System.out. Try this to print the UTF-8 string-

PrintStream out = new PrintStream(System.out, true, "UTF-8");

JSON array get length

have you tried size() ? Something like :


Hope it helps.

unsigned int vs. size_t

The size_t type is the unsigned integer type that is the result of the sizeof operator (and the offsetof operator), so it is guaranteed to be big enough to contain the size of the biggest object your system can handle (e.g., a static array of 8Gb).

The size_t type may be bigger than, equal to, or smaller than an unsigned int, and your compiler might make assumptions about it for optimization.

You may find more precise information in the C99 standard, section 7.17, a draft of which is available on the Internet in pdf format, or in the C11 standard, section 7.19, also available as a pdf draft.

TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars while plot showing

Take note of what is printed for x. You are trying to convert an array (basically just a list) into an int. length-1 would be an array of a single number, which I assume numpy just treats as a float. You could do this, but it's not a purely-numpy solution.

EDIT: I was involved in a post a couple of weeks back where numpy was slower an operation than I had expected and I realised I had fallen into a default mindset that numpy was always the way to go for speed. Since my answer was not as clean as ayhan's, I thought I'd use this space to show that this is another such instance to illustrate that vectorize is around 10% slower than building a list in Python. I don't know enough about numpy to explain why this is the case but perhaps someone else does?

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime

time_start =

# My original answer
def f(x):
    rebuilt_to_plot = []
    for num in x:
    return rebuilt_to_plot

for t in range(10000):
    x = np.arange(1, 15.1, 0.1)
    plt.plot(x, f(x))

time_end =

# Answer by ayhan
def f_1(x):

for t in range(10000):
    f2 = np.vectorize(f_1)
    x = np.arange(1, 15.1, 0.1)
    plt.plot(x, f2(x))

time_end_2 =

print time_end - time_start
print time_end_2 - time_end

What does the term "canonical form" or "canonical representation" in Java mean?

Canonical Data in RDBMS, Graph Data;
Think as "Normalization" or "Normal form" of a data in a RDBMS. Same data exists in different tables, represented with a unique identifier and mapped it in different tables.
Think a single form of a data in Graph Database that represented in many triples.

Major benefit of it is to make Dml (Data manipulation) more efficient since you can upsert (insert/update) only one value instead of many.

Copy from one workbook and paste into another

This should do it, let me know if you have trouble with it:

Sub foo()
Dim x As Workbook
Dim y As Workbook

'## Open both workbooks first:
Set x = Workbooks.Open(" path to copying book ")
Set y = Workbooks.Open(" path to destination book ")

'Now, copy what you want from x:
x.Sheets("name of copying sheet").Range("A1").Copy

'Now, paste to y worksheet:

'Close x:

End Sub

Alternatively, you could just:

Sub foo2()
Dim x As Workbook
Dim y As Workbook

'## Open both workbooks first:
Set x = Workbooks.Open(" path to copying book ")
Set y = Workbooks.Open(" path to destination book ")

'Now, transfer values from x to y:
y.Sheets("sheetname").Range("A1").Value = x.Sheets("name of copying sheet").Range("A1") 

'Close x:

End Sub

To extend this to the entire sheet:

With x.Sheets("name of copying sheet").UsedRange
    'Now, paste to y worksheet:
    y.Sheets("sheet name").Range("A1").Resize( _
        .Rows.Count, .Columns.Count) = .Value
End With

And yet another way, store the value as a variable and write the variable to the destination:

Sub foo3()
Dim x As Workbook
Dim y As Workbook
Dim vals as Variant

'## Open both workbooks first:
Set x = Workbooks.Open(" path to copying book ")
Set y = Workbooks.Open(" path to destination book ")

'Store the value in a variable:
vals = x.Sheets("name of sheet").Range("A1").Value

'Use the variable to assign a value to the other file/sheet:
y.Sheets("sheetname").Range("A1").Value = vals 

'Close x:

End Sub

The last method above is usually the fastest for most applications, but do note that for very large datasets (100k rows) it's observed that the Clipboard actually outperforms the array dump:

Copy/PasteSpecial vs Range.Value = Range.Value

That said, there are other considerations than just speed, and it may be the case that the performance hit on a large dataset is worth the tradeoff, to avoid interacting with the Clipboard.

How can I check if a value is of type Integer?

Try maybe this way

    double d= Double.valueOf(someString);
    if (d==(int)d){
}catch(Exception e){
    System.out.println("not number");

But all numbers outside Integers range (like "-1231231231231231238") will be treated as doubles. If you want to get rid of that problem you can try it this way

try {
    double d = Double.valueOf(someString);
    if (someString.matches("\\-?\\d+")){//optional minus and at least one digit
        System.out.println("integer" + d);
    } else {
        System.out.println("double" + d);
} catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("not number");

Are HTTP cookies port specific?

According to RFC2965 3.3.1 (which might or might not be followed by browsers), unless the port is explicitly specified via the port parameter of the Set-Cookie header, cookies might or might not be sent to any port.

Google's Browser Security Handbook says: by default, cookie scope is limited to all URLs on the current host name - and not bound to port or protocol information. and some lines later There is no way to limit cookies to a single DNS name only [...] likewise, there is no way to limit them to a specific port. (Also, keep in mind, that IE does not factor port numbers into its same-origin policy at all.)

So it does not seem to be safe to rely on any well-defined behavior here.

How can I perform a str_replace in JavaScript, replacing text in JavaScript?

function str_replace($old, $new, $text)
   return ($text+"").split($old).join($new); 

You do not need additional libraries.

Can't update: no tracked branch

I had the same problem when I transferred the ownership of my repository to another user, at first I tried to use git branch --set-upstream-to origin/master master but the terminal complained so after a little bit of looking around I used the following commands
git fetch
git branch --set-upstream-to origin/master master
git pull
and everything worked again

How can I solve the error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol - function?

Another way you can get this linker error (as I was) is if you are exporting an instance of a class from a DLL file, but have not declared that class itself as import/export.

   #define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
   #define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllimport)

class DLLEXPORT Book // <--- This class must also be declared as export/import
        int WordCount();

DLLEXPORT extern Book book; // <-- This is what I really wanted, to export book object

So even though primarily I was exporting just an instance of the Book class called book above, I had to declare the Book class as export/import class as well otherwise calling book.WordCount() in the other DLL file was causing a link error.

How to raise a ValueError?

Here's a revised version of your code which still works plus it illustrates how to raise a ValueError the way you want. By-the-way, I think find_last(), find_last_index(), or something simlar would be a more descriptive name for this function. Adding to the possible confusion is the fact that Python already has a container object method named __contains__() that does something a little different, membership-testing-wise.

def contains(char_string, char):
    largest_index = -1
    for i, ch in enumerate(char_string):
        if ch == char:
            largest_index = i
    if largest_index > -1:  # any found?
        return largest_index  # return index of last one
        raise ValueError('could not find {!r} in {!r}'.format(char, char_string))

print(contains('mississippi', 's'))  # -> 6
print(contains('bababa', 'k'))  # ->
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 15, in <module>
    print(contains('bababa', 'k'))
  File "", line 12, in contains
    raise ValueError('could not find {} in {}'.format(char, char_string))
ValueError: could not find 'k' in 'bababa'

Update — A substantially simpler way

Wow! Here's a much more concise version—essentially a one-liner—that is also likely faster because it reverses (via [::-1]) the string before doing a forward search through it for the first matching character and it does so using the fast built-in string index() method. With respect to your actual question, a nice little bonus convenience that comes with using index() is that it already raises a ValueError when the character substring isn't found, so nothing additional is required to make that happen.

Here it is along with a quick unit test:

def contains(char_string, char):
    #  Ending - 1 adjusts returned index to account for searching in reverse.
    return len(char_string) - char_string[::-1].index(char) - 1

print(contains('mississippi', 's'))  # -> 6
print(contains('bababa', 'k'))  # ->
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 9, in <module>
    print(contains('bababa', 'k'))
  File "better-way-to-raise-a-valueerror", line 6, in contains
    return len(char_string) - char_string[::-1].index(char) - 1
ValueError: substring not found

Using jQuery to see if a div has a child with a certain class

You can use the find function:

if($('#popup').find('p.filled-text').length !== 0)
   // Do Stuff

Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component

The solution from @ford04 didn't worked to me and specially if you need to use the isMounted in multiple places (multiple useEffect for instance), it's recommended to useRef, as bellow:

  1. Essential packages
  "react": "17.0.1",
"devDependencies": { 
  "typescript": "4.1.5",

  1. My Hook Component
export const SubscriptionsView: React.FC = () => {
  const [data, setData] = useState<Subscription[]>();
  const isMounted = React.useRef(true);

  React.useEffect(() => {
    if (isMounted.current) {
      // fetch data
      // setData (fetch result)

      return () => {
        isMounted.current = false;

How to list all available Kafka brokers in a cluster?

To use zookeeper commands with shell script try

zookeeper/bin/ -server localhost:2181 <<< "ls /brokers/ids" | tail -n 1. The last line usually has the response details

How to import spring-config.xml of one project into spring-config.xml of another project?

For some reason, import as suggested by Ricardo didnt work for me. I got it working with following statement:

<import resource="classpath*:/spring-config.xml" />

How to find out the server IP address (using JavaScript) that the browser is connected to?

<script type="application/javascript">
  function getIP(json) {
    document.write("My public IP address is: ", json.ip);
<script type="application/javascript" src=""></script>

Express: How to pass app-instance to routes from a different file?

For database separate out Data Access Service that will do all DB work with simple API and avoid shared state.

Separating routes.setup looks like overhead. I would prefer to place a configuration based routing instead. And configure routes in .json or with annotations.

Check if string is neither empty nor space in shell script

You need a space on either side of the !=. Change your code to:

str="Hello World"
str2=" "

if [ ! -z "$str" -a "$str" != " " ]; then
        echo "Str is not null or space"

if [ ! -z "$str2" -a "$str2" != " " ]; then
        echo "Str2 is not null or space"

if [ ! -z "$str3" -a "$str3" != " " ]; then
        echo "Str3 is not null or space"

How do I extract Month and Year in a MySQL date and compare them?

If you are comparing between dates, extract the full date for comparison. If you are comparing the years and months only, use

SELECT YEAR(date) AS 'year', MONTH(date) AS 'month'
 FROM Table Where Condition = 'Condition';

The right way of setting <a href=""> when it's a local file

Try swapping your colon : for a bar |. that should do it

<a href="file://C|/path/to/file/file.html">Link Anchor</a>

How to reload current page without losing any form data?

window.location.reload() // without passing true as argument

works for me.

No matching client found for package name (Google Analytics) - multiple productFlavors & buildTypes

if none of it worked for one of you guys, my problem was with a package name that didn't start with a 'com'. changed it, now it works.

hope that helps

Could not autowire field:RestTemplate in Spring boot application

Please make sure two things:

1- Use @Bean annotation with the method.

public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder builder){

2- Scope of this method should be public not private.

Complete Example -

public class MakeHttpsCallImpl implements MakeHttpsCall {

private RestTemplate restTemplate;

public String makeHttpsCall() {
    return restTemplate.getForObject("https://localhost:8085/onewayssl/v1/test",String.class);

public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder builder){

How do I start/stop IIS Express Server?

An excellent answer given by msigman. I just want to add that in windows 10 you can find IIS Express System Tray (32 bit) process under Visual Studio process:

enter image description here

How do CSS triangles work?

here is another fiddle:

.container:after {
    position: absolute;
    right: 0;
    content: "";
    margin-bottom: -8px;
    border-width: 25px;
    border-style: solid;
    border-color: transparent transparent transparent #000;
    width: 0;
    height: 0;
    z-index: 10;
    -webkit-transition: visibility 50ms ease-in-out,opacity 50ms ease-in-out;
    transition: visibility 50ms ease-in-out,opacity 50ms ease-in-out;
    bottom: 21px;
.container {
    float: left;
    margin-top: 100px;
    position: relative;
    width: 150px;
    height: 80px;
    background-color: #000;

.containerRed {
    float: left;
    margin-top: 100px;
    position: relative;
    width: 100px;
    height: 80px;
    background-color: red;

Can't find bundle for base name /Bundle, locale en_US

I had the same problemo, and balus solution fixed it.

For the record:

WEB-INF\faces-config is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

And had under WebContent\Resources (after mkyong's tutorial)

the pesky exception appeared even when i renamed the bundle to "Message_en_us" and "Message_en". Moving it to src\ worked.

Should someone post the missing piece to make bundles work under resources,it would be a beautiful thing.

how to get right offset of an element? - jQuery

Just an addition to what Greg said:

$("#whatever").offset().left + $("#whatever").outerWidth()

This code will get the right position relative to the left side. If the intention was to get the right side position relative to the right (like when using the CSS right property) then an addition to the code is necessary as follows:

$("#parent_container").innerWidth() - ($("#whatever").offset().left + $("#whatever").outerWidth())

This code is useful in animations where you have to set the right side as a fixed anchor when you can't initially set the right property in CSS.

Adding click event handler to iframe

You can use closures to pass parameters:

iframe.document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {clic(;}, false);

However, I recommend that you use a better approach to access your frame (I can only assume that you are using the DOM0 way of accessing frame windows by their name - something that is only kept around for backwards compatibility):


VMware Workstation and Device/Credential Guard are not compatible

I had the same problem. I had VMware Workstation 15.5.4 and Windows 10 version 1909 and installed Docker Desktop.

Here how I solved it:

  1. Install new VMware Workstation 16.1.0
  2. Update my Windows 10 from 1909 to 20H2

As VMware Guide said in this link

If your Host has Windows 10 20H1 build 19041.264 or newer, upgrade/update to Workstation 15.5.6 or above. If your Host has Windows 10 1909 or earlier, disable Hyper-V on the host to resolve this issue.

Now VMware and Hyper-V can be at the same time and have both Docker and VMware at my Windows.

How to redirect to a route in laravel 5 by using href tag if I'm not using blade or any template?

In addition to @chanafdo answer, you can use route name

when working with laravel blade

<a href="{{route('login')}}">login here</a> with parameter in route name

when go to url like URI: profile/{id} <a href="{{route('profile', ['id' => 1])}}">login here</a>

without blade

<a href="<?php echo route('login')?>">login here</a>

with parameter in route name

when go to url like URI: profile/{id} <a href="<?php echo route('profile', ['id' => 1])?>">login here</a>

As of laravel 5.2 you can use @php @endphp to create as <?php ?> in laravel blade. Using blade your personal opinion but I suggest to use it. Learn it. It has many wonderful features as template inheritance, Components & Slots,subviews etc...

How to use ClassLoader.getResources() correctly?

Here is code based on bestsss' answer:

    Enumeration<URL> en = getClass().getClassLoader().getResources(
    List<String> profiles = new ArrayList<>();
    while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
        URL url = en.nextElement();
        JarURLConnection urlcon = (JarURLConnection) (url.openConnection());
        try (JarFile jar = urlcon.getJarFile();) {
            Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jar.entries();
            while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
                String entry = entries.nextElement().getName();

How to import a new font into a project - Angular 5

You can try creating a css for your font with font-face (like explained here)

Step #1

Create a css file with font face and place it somewhere, like in assets/fonts


@font-face {
    font-family: YourFontFamily;
    src: url("/assets/font/yourFont.otf") format("truetype");

Step #2

Add the css to your .angular-cli.json in the styles config

 //...your other styles

Do not forget to restart ng serve after doing this

Step #3

Use the font in your code


span {font-family: YourFontFamily; }

Check if an array contains any element of another array in JavaScript

Vanilla JS


const found = arr1.some(r=> arr2.includes(r))


const found = arr1.some(r=> arr2.indexOf(r) >= 0)

How it works

some(..) checks each element of the array against a test function and returns true if any element of the array passes the test function, otherwise, it returns false. indexOf(..) >= 0 and includes(..) both return true if the given argument is present in the array.

Convert Month Number to Month Name Function in SQL


How can I analyze a heap dump in IntelliJ? (memory leak)

You can also use VisualVM Launcher to launch VisualVM from within IDEA. I personally find this more convenient.

How to disable XDebug

Ubuntu 16.04 remove xdebug from PHP.

Find your php.ini file and make sure xdebug is there:

grep -r "xdebug" /etc/php/

This might come up with different versions, if so run php -v to find your version.

Edit the php.ini file, like:

sudo vi /etc/php/5.6/mods-available/xdebug.ini

Comment the line:


Save the file

Java get String CompareTo as a comparator object

Ok this is a few years later but with java 8 you can use Comparator.naturalOrder():

From javadoc:

static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> Comparator<T> naturalOrder()

Returns a comparator that compares Comparable objects in natural order. The returned comparator is serializable and throws NullPointerException when comparing null.

Remove an element from a Bash array

Partial answer only

To delete the first item in the array

unset 'array[0]'

To delete the last item in the array

unset 'array[-1]'

How to save a dictionary to a file?

I'm not sure what your first question is, but if you want to save a dictionary to file you should use the json library. Look up the documentation of the loads and puts functions.

Maximum length of HTTP GET request

The limit is dependent on both the server and the client used (and if applicable, also the proxy the server or the client is using).

Most web servers have a limit of 8192 bytes (8 KB), which is usually configurable somewhere in the server configuration. As to the client side matter, the HTTP 1.1 specification even warns about this. Here's an extract of chapter 3.2.1:

Note: Servers ought to be cautious about depending on URI lengths above 255 bytes, because some older client or proxy implementations might not properly support these lengths.

The limit in Internet Explorer and Safari is about 2 KB, in Opera about 4 KB and in Firefox about 8 KB. We may thus assume that 8 KB is the maximum possible length and that 2 KB is a more affordable length to rely on at the server side and that 255 bytes is the safest length to assume that the entire URL will come in.

If the limit is exceeded in either the browser or the server, most will just truncate the characters outside the limit without any warning. Some servers however may send an HTTP 414 error.

If you need to send large data, then better use POST instead of GET. Its limit is much higher, but more dependent on the server used than the client. Usually up to around 2 GB is allowed by the average web server.

This is also configurable somewhere in the server settings. The average server will display a server-specific error/exception when the POST limit is exceeded, usually as an HTTP 500 error.

MySQL Error 1153 - Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes

This can be changed in your my.ini file (on Windows, located in \Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server) under the server section, for example:


max_allowed_packet = 10M

How to extract duration time from ffmpeg output?

In case of one request parameter it is simplier to use mediainfo and its output formatting like this (for duration; answer in milliseconds)

mediainfo --Output="General;%Duration%" ~/work/files/testfiles/+h263_aac.avi 



How do I put an already-running process under nohup?

To send running process to nohup (

nohup -p pid , it did not worked for me

Then I tried the following commands and it worked very fine

  1. Run some SOMECOMMAND, say /usr/bin/python /vol/scripts/python_scripts/ 1.

  2. Ctrl+Z to stop (pause) the program and get back to the shell.

  3. bg to run it in the background.

  4. disown -h so that the process isn't killed when the terminal closes.

  5. Type exit to get out of the shell because now you're good to go as the operation will run in the background in its own process, so it's not tied to a shell.

This process is the equivalent of running nohup SOMECOMMAND.

Android RelativeLayout programmatically Set "centerInParent"

I have done for

1. centerInParent

2. centerHorizontal

3. centerVertical

with true and false.

private void addOrRemoveProperty(View view, int property, boolean flag){
    RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams();
    }else {

How to call method:

centerInParent - true

addOrRemoveProperty(mView, RelativeLayout.CENTER_IN_PARENT, true);

centerInParent - false

addOrRemoveProperty(mView, RelativeLayout.CENTER_IN_PARENT, false);

centerHorizontal - true

addOrRemoveProperty(mView, RelativeLayout.CENTER_HORIZONTAL, true);

centerHorizontal - false

addOrRemoveProperty(mView, RelativeLayout.CENTER_HORIZONTAL, false);

centerVertical - true

addOrRemoveProperty(mView, RelativeLayout.CENTER_VERTICAL, true);

centerVertical - false

addOrRemoveProperty(mView, RelativeLayout.CENTER_VERTICAL, false);

Hope this would help you.

How do you programmatically update query params in react-router?

Example using react-router v4, redux-thunk and react-router-redux(5.0.0-alpha.6) package.

When user uses search feature, I want him to be able to send url link for same query to a colleague.

import { push } from 'react-router-redux';
import qs from 'query-string';

export const search = () => (dispatch) => {
    const query = { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' };

    //API call to retrieve records

    const searchString = qs.stringify(query);

        search: searchString

Make browser window blink in task Bar

                var oldTitle = document.title;
                var msg = "New Popup!";
                var timeoutId = false;

                var blink = function() {
                    document.title = document.title == msg ? oldTitle : msg;//Modify Title in case a popup

                    if(document.hasFocus())//Stop blinking and restore the Application Title
                        document.title = oldTitle;

                if (!timeoutId) {
                    timeoutId = setInterval(blink, 500);//Initiate the Blink Call
                };//Blink logic 

Is it possible to start activity through adb shell?

You can also find the name of the current on screen activity using

adb shell dumpsys window windows | grep 'mCurrentFocus'

How to Sign an Already Compiled Apk

You use jarsigner to sign APK's. You don't have to sign with the original keystore, just generate a new one. Read up on the details:

Error: Cannot find module '../lib/utils/unsupported.js' while using Ionic

I received a similar error and now have it working.

First make sure you have the latest version

brew update

Remove your previous instance of node:

brew uninstall node

Then reinstall the latest version:

brew install node

And then make sure it is symlinked into /usr/local if it isn't already. You would get an error to let you know to complete this step.

brew link --overwrite node 

More details on how to install/upgrade node are also available.

TERM environment variable not set

You've answered the question with this statement:

Cron calls this .sh every 2 minutes

Cron does not run in a terminal, so why would you expect one to be set?

The most common reason for getting this error message is because the script attempts to source the user's .profile which does not check that it's running in a terminal before doing something tty related. Workarounds include using a shebang line like:

#!/bin/bash -p

Which causes the sourcing of system-level profile scripts which (one hopes) does not attempt to do anything too silly and will have guards around code that depends on being run from a terminal.

If this is the entirety of the script, then the TERM error is coming from something other than the plain content of the script.

How to take input in an array + PYTHON?

raw_input is your helper here. From documentation -

If the prompt argument is present, it is written to standard output without a trailing newline. The function then reads a line from input, converts it to a string (stripping a trailing newline), and returns that. When EOF is read, EOFError is raised.

So your code will basically look like this.

num_array = list()
num = raw_input("Enter how many elements you want:")
print 'Enter numbers in array: '
for i in range(int(num)):
    n = raw_input("num :")
print 'ARRAY: ',num_array

P.S: I have typed all this free hand. Syntax might be wrong but the methodology is correct. Also one thing to note is that, raw_input does not do any type checking, so you need to be careful...

Colors in JavaScript console

Here is an extreme example with rainbow drop shadow.

var css = "text-shadow: -1px -1px hsl(0,100%,50%), 1px 1px hsl(5.4, 100%, 50%), 3px 2px hsl(10.8, 100%, 50%), 5px 3px hsl(16.2, 100%, 50%), 7px 4px hsl(21.6, 100%, 50%), 9px 5px hsl(27, 100%, 50%), 11px 6px hsl(32.4, 100%, 50%), 13px 7px hsl(37.8, 100%, 50%), 14px 8px hsl(43.2, 100%, 50%), 16px 9px hsl(48.6, 100%, 50%), 18px 10px hsl(54, 100%, 50%), 20px 11px hsl(59.4, 100%, 50%), 22px 12px hsl(64.8, 100%, 50%), 23px 13px hsl(70.2, 100%, 50%), 25px 14px hsl(75.6, 100%, 50%), 27px 15px hsl(81, 100%, 50%), 28px 16px hsl(86.4, 100%, 50%), 30px 17px hsl(91.8, 100%, 50%), 32px 18px hsl(97.2, 100%, 50%), 33px 19px hsl(102.6, 100%, 50%), 35px 20px hsl(108, 100%, 50%), 36px 21px hsl(113.4, 100%, 50%), 38px 22px hsl(118.8, 100%, 50%), 39px 23px hsl(124.2, 100%, 50%), 41px 24px hsl(129.6, 100%, 50%), 42px 25px hsl(135, 100%, 50%), 43px 26px hsl(140.4, 100%, 50%), 45px 27px hsl(145.8, 100%, 50%), 46px 28px hsl(151.2, 100%, 50%), 47px 29px hsl(156.6, 100%, 50%), 48px 30px hsl(162, 100%, 50%), 49px 31px hsl(167.4, 100%, 50%), 50px 32px hsl(172.8, 100%, 50%), 51px 33px hsl(178.2, 100%, 50%), 52px 34px hsl(183.6, 100%, 50%), 53px 35px hsl(189, 100%, 50%), 54px 36px hsl(194.4, 100%, 50%), 55px 37px hsl(199.8, 100%, 50%), 55px 38px hsl(205.2, 100%, 50%), 56px 39px hsl(210.6, 100%, 50%), 57px 40px hsl(216, 100%, 50%), 57px 41px hsl(221.4, 100%, 50%), 58px 42px hsl(226.8, 100%, 50%), 58px 43px hsl(232.2, 100%, 50%), 58px 44px hsl(237.6, 100%, 50%), 59px 45px hsl(243, 100%, 50%), 59px 46px hsl(248.4, 100%, 50%), 59px 47px hsl(253.8, 100%, 50%), 59px 48px hsl(259.2, 100%, 50%), 59px 49px hsl(264.6, 100%, 50%), 60px 50px hsl(270, 100%, 50%), 59px 51px hsl(275.4, 100%, 50%), 59px 52px hsl(280.8, 100%, 50%), 59px 53px hsl(286.2, 100%, 50%), 59px 54px hsl(291.6, 100%, 50%), 59px 55px hsl(297, 100%, 50%), 58px 56px hsl(302.4, 100%, 50%), 58px 57px hsl(307.8, 100%, 50%), 58px 58px hsl(313.2, 100%, 50%), 57px 59px hsl(318.6, 100%, 50%), 57px 60px hsl(324, 100%, 50%), 56px 61px hsl(329.4, 100%, 50%), 55px 62px hsl(334.8, 100%, 50%), 55px 63px hsl(340.2, 100%, 50%), 54px 64px hsl(345.6, 100%, 50%), 53px 65px hsl(351, 100%, 50%), 52px 66px hsl(356.4, 100%, 50%), 51px 67px hsl(361.8, 100%, 50%), 50px 68px hsl(367.2, 100%, 50%), 49px 69px hsl(372.6, 100%, 50%), 48px 70px hsl(378, 100%, 50%), 47px 71px hsl(383.4, 100%, 50%), 46px 72px hsl(388.8, 100%, 50%), 45px 73px hsl(394.2, 100%, 50%), 43px 74px hsl(399.6, 100%, 50%), 42px 75px hsl(405, 100%, 50%), 41px 76px hsl(410.4, 100%, 50%), 39px 77px hsl(415.8, 100%, 50%), 38px 78px hsl(421.2, 100%, 50%), 36px 79px hsl(426.6, 100%, 50%), 35px 80px hsl(432, 100%, 50%), 33px 81px hsl(437.4, 100%, 50%), 32px 82px hsl(442.8, 100%, 50%), 30px 83px hsl(448.2, 100%, 50%), 28px 84px hsl(453.6, 100%, 50%), 27px 85px hsl(459, 100%, 50%), 25px 86px hsl(464.4, 100%, 50%), 23px 87px hsl(469.8, 100%, 50%), 22px 88px hsl(475.2, 100%, 50%), 20px 89px hsl(480.6, 100%, 50%), 18px 90px hsl(486, 100%, 50%), 16px 91px hsl(491.4, 100%, 50%), 14px 92px hsl(496.8, 100%, 50%), 13px 93px hsl(502.2, 100%, 50%), 11px 94px hsl(507.6, 100%, 50%), 9px 95px hsl(513, 100%, 50%), 7px 96px hsl(518.4, 100%, 50%), 5px 97px hsl(523.8, 100%, 50%), 3px 98px hsl(529.2, 100%, 50%), 1px 99px hsl(534.6, 100%, 50%), 7px 100px hsl(540, 100%, 50%), -1px 101px hsl(545.4, 100%, 50%), -3px 102px hsl(550.8, 100%, 50%), -5px 103px hsl(556.2, 100%, 50%), -7px 104px hsl(561.6, 100%, 50%), -9px 105px hsl(567, 100%, 50%), -11px 106px hsl(572.4, 100%, 50%), -13px 107px hsl(577.8, 100%, 50%), -14px 108px hsl(583.2, 100%, 50%), -16px 109px hsl(588.6, 100%, 50%), -18px 110px hsl(594, 100%, 50%), -20px 111px hsl(599.4, 100%, 50%), -22px 112px hsl(604.8, 100%, 50%), -23px 113px hsl(610.2, 100%, 50%), -25px 114px hsl(615.6, 100%, 50%), -27px 115px hsl(621, 100%, 50%), -28px 116px hsl(626.4, 100%, 50%), -30px 117px hsl(631.8, 100%, 50%), -32px 118px hsl(637.2, 100%, 50%), -33px 119px hsl(642.6, 100%, 50%), -35px 120px hsl(648, 100%, 50%), -36px 121px hsl(653.4, 100%, 50%), -38px 122px hsl(658.8, 100%, 50%), -39px 123px hsl(664.2, 100%, 50%), -41px 124px hsl(669.6, 100%, 50%), -42px 125px hsl(675, 100%, 50%), -43px 126px hsl(680.4, 100%, 50%), -45px 127px hsl(685.8, 100%, 50%), -46px 128px hsl(691.2, 100%, 50%), -47px 129px hsl(696.6, 100%, 50%), -48px 130px hsl(702, 100%, 50%), -49px 131px hsl(707.4, 100%, 50%), -50px 132px hsl(712.8, 100%, 50%), -51px 133px hsl(718.2, 100%, 50%), -52px 134px hsl(723.6, 100%, 50%), -53px 135px hsl(729, 100%, 50%), -54px 136px hsl(734.4, 100%, 50%), -55px 137px hsl(739.8, 100%, 50%), -55px 138px hsl(745.2, 100%, 50%), -56px 139px hsl(750.6, 100%, 50%), -57px 140px hsl(756, 100%, 50%), -57px 141px hsl(761.4, 100%, 50%), -58px 142px hsl(766.8, 100%, 50%), -58px 143px hsl(772.2, 100%, 50%), -58px 144px hsl(777.6, 100%, 50%), -59px 145px hsl(783, 100%, 50%), -59px 146px hsl(788.4, 100%, 50%), -59px 147px hsl(793.8, 100%, 50%), -59px 148px hsl(799.2, 100%, 50%), -59px 149px hsl(804.6, 100%, 50%), -60px 150px hsl(810, 100%, 50%), -59px 151px hsl(815.4, 100%, 50%), -59px 152px hsl(820.8, 100%, 50%), -59px 153px hsl(826.2, 100%, 50%), -59px 154px hsl(831.6, 100%, 50%), -59px 155px hsl(837, 100%, 50%), -58px 156px hsl(842.4, 100%, 50%), -58px 157px hsl(847.8, 100%, 50%), -58px 158px hsl(853.2, 100%, 50%), -57px 159px hsl(858.6, 100%, 50%), -57px 160px hsl(864, 100%, 50%), -56px 161px hsl(869.4, 100%, 50%), -55px 162px hsl(874.8, 100%, 50%), -55px 163px hsl(880.2, 100%, 50%), -54px 164px hsl(885.6, 100%, 50%), -53px 165px hsl(891, 100%, 50%), -52px 166px hsl(896.4, 100%, 50%), -51px 167px hsl(901.8, 100%, 50%), -50px 168px hsl(907.2, 100%, 50%), -49px 169px hsl(912.6, 100%, 50%), -48px 170px hsl(918, 100%, 50%), -47px 171px hsl(923.4, 100%, 50%), -46px 172px hsl(928.8, 100%, 50%), -45px 173px hsl(934.2, 100%, 50%), -43px 174px hsl(939.6, 100%, 50%), -42px 175px hsl(945, 100%, 50%), -41px 176px hsl(950.4, 100%, 50%), -39px 177px hsl(955.8, 100%, 50%), -38px 178px hsl(961.2, 100%, 50%), -36px 179px hsl(966.6, 100%, 50%), -35px 180px hsl(972, 100%, 50%), -33px 181px hsl(977.4, 100%, 50%), -32px 182px hsl(982.8, 100%, 50%), -30px 183px hsl(988.2, 100%, 50%), -28px 184px hsl(993.6, 100%, 50%), -27px 185px hsl(999, 100%, 50%), -25px 186px hsl(1004.4, 100%, 50%), -23px 187px hsl(1009.8, 100%, 50%), -22px 188px hsl(1015.2, 100%, 50%), -20px 189px hsl(1020.6, 100%, 50%), -18px 190px hsl(1026, 100%, 50%), -16px 191px hsl(1031.4, 100%, 50%), -14px 192px hsl(1036.8, 100%, 50%), -13px 193px hsl(1042.2, 100%, 50%), -11px 194px hsl(1047.6, 100%, 50%), -9px 195px hsl(1053, 100%, 50%), -7px 196px hsl(1058.4, 100%, 50%), -5px 197px hsl(1063.8, 100%, 50%), -3px 198px hsl(1069.2, 100%, 50%), -1px 199px hsl(1074.6, 100%, 50%), -1px 200px hsl(1080, 100%, 50%), 1px 201px hsl(1085.4, 100%, 50%), 3px 202px hsl(1090.8, 100%, 50%), 5px 203px hsl(1096.2, 100%, 50%), 7px 204px hsl(1101.6, 100%, 50%), 9px 205px hsl(1107, 100%, 50%), 11px 206px hsl(1112.4, 100%, 50%), 13px 207px hsl(1117.8, 100%, 50%), 14px 208px hsl(1123.2, 100%, 50%), 16px 209px hsl(1128.6, 100%, 50%), 18px 210px hsl(1134, 100%, 50%), 20px 211px hsl(1139.4, 100%, 50%), 22px 212px hsl(1144.8, 100%, 50%), 23px 213px hsl(1150.2, 100%, 50%), 25px 214px hsl(1155.6, 100%, 50%), 27px 215px hsl(1161, 100%, 50%), 28px 216px hsl(1166.4, 100%, 50%), 30px 217px hsl(1171.8, 100%, 50%), 32px 218px hsl(1177.2, 100%, 50%), 33px 219px hsl(1182.6, 100%, 50%), 35px 220px hsl(1188, 100%, 50%), 36px 221px hsl(1193.4, 100%, 50%), 38px 222px hsl(1198.8, 100%, 50%), 39px 223px hsl(1204.2, 100%, 50%), 41px 224px hsl(1209.6, 100%, 50%), 42px 225px hsl(1215, 100%, 50%), 43px 226px hsl(1220.4, 100%, 50%), 45px 227px hsl(1225.8, 100%, 50%), 46px 228px hsl(1231.2, 100%, 50%), 47px 229px hsl(1236.6, 100%, 50%), 48px 230px hsl(1242, 100%, 50%), 49px 231px hsl(1247.4, 100%, 50%), 50px 232px hsl(1252.8, 100%, 50%), 51px 233px hsl(1258.2, 100%, 50%), 52px 234px hsl(1263.6, 100%, 50%), 53px 235px hsl(1269, 100%, 50%), 54px 236px hsl(1274.4, 100%, 50%), 55px 237px hsl(1279.8, 100%, 50%), 55px 238px hsl(1285.2, 100%, 50%), 56px 239px hsl(1290.6, 100%, 50%), 57px 240px hsl(1296, 100%, 50%), 57px 241px hsl(1301.4, 100%, 50%), 58px 242px hsl(1306.8, 100%, 50%), 58px 243px hsl(1312.2, 100%, 50%), 58px 244px hsl(1317.6, 100%, 50%), 59px 245px hsl(1323, 100%, 50%), 59px 246px hsl(1328.4, 100%, 50%), 59px 247px hsl(1333.8, 100%, 50%), 59px 248px hsl(1339.2, 100%, 50%), 59px 249px hsl(1344.6, 100%, 50%), 60px 250px hsl(1350, 100%, 50%), 59px 251px hsl(1355.4, 100%, 50%), 59px 252px hsl(1360.8, 100%, 50%), 59px 253px hsl(1366.2, 100%, 50%), 59px 254px hsl(1371.6, 100%, 50%), 59px 255px hsl(1377, 100%, 50%), 58px 256px hsl(1382.4, 100%, 50%), 58px 257px hsl(1387.8, 100%, 50%), 58px 258px hsl(1393.2, 100%, 50%), 57px 259px hsl(1398.6, 100%, 50%), 57px 260px hsl(1404, 100%, 50%), 56px 261px hsl(1409.4, 100%, 50%), 55px 262px hsl(1414.8, 100%, 50%), 55px 263px hsl(1420.2, 100%, 50%), 54px 264px hsl(1425.6, 100%, 50%), 53px 265px hsl(1431, 100%, 50%), 52px 266px hsl(1436.4, 100%, 50%), 51px 267px hsl(1441.8, 100%, 50%), 50px 268px hsl(1447.2, 100%, 50%), 49px 269px hsl(1452.6, 100%, 50%), 48px 270px hsl(1458, 100%, 50%), 47px 271px hsl(1463.4, 100%, 50%), 46px 272px hsl(1468.8, 100%, 50%), 45px 273px hsl(1474.2, 100%, 50%), 43px 274px hsl(1479.6, 100%, 50%), 42px 275px hsl(1485, 100%, 50%), 41px 276px hsl(1490.4, 100%, 50%), 39px 277px hsl(1495.8, 100%, 50%), 38px 278px hsl(1501.2, 100%, 50%), 36px 279px hsl(1506.6, 100%, 50%), 35px 280px hsl(1512, 100%, 50%), 33px 281px hsl(1517.4, 100%, 50%), 32px 282px hsl(1522.8, 100%, 50%), 30px 283px hsl(1528.2, 100%, 50%), 28px 284px hsl(1533.6, 100%, 50%), 27px 285px hsl(1539, 100%, 50%), 25px 286px hsl(1544.4, 100%, 50%), 23px 287px hsl(1549.8, 100%, 50%), 22px 288px hsl(1555.2, 100%, 50%), 20px 289px hsl(1560.6, 100%, 50%), 18px 290px hsl(1566, 100%, 50%), 16px 291px hsl(1571.4, 100%, 50%), 14px 292px hsl(1576.8, 100%, 50%), 13px 293px hsl(1582.2, 100%, 50%), 11px 294px hsl(1587.6, 100%, 50%), 9px 295px hsl(1593, 100%, 50%), 7px 296px hsl(1598.4, 100%, 50%), 5px 297px hsl(1603.8, 100%, 50%), 3px 298px hsl(1609.2, 100%, 50%), 1px 299px hsl(1614.6, 100%, 50%), 2px 300px hsl(1620, 100%, 50%), -1px 301px hsl(1625.4, 100%, 50%), -3px 302px hsl(1630.8, 100%, 50%), -5px 303px hsl(1636.2, 100%, 50%), -7px 304px hsl(1641.6, 100%, 50%), -9px 305px hsl(1647, 100%, 50%), -11px 306px hsl(1652.4, 100%, 50%), -13px 307px hsl(1657.8, 100%, 50%), -14px 308px hsl(1663.2, 100%, 50%), -16px 309px hsl(1668.6, 100%, 50%), -18px 310px hsl(1674, 100%, 50%), -20px 311px hsl(1679.4, 100%, 50%), -22px 312px hsl(1684.8, 100%, 50%), -23px 313px hsl(1690.2, 100%, 50%), -25px 314px hsl(1695.6, 100%, 50%), -27px 315px hsl(1701, 100%, 50%), -28px 316px hsl(1706.4, 100%, 50%), -30px 317px hsl(1711.8, 100%, 50%), -32px 318px hsl(1717.2, 100%, 50%), -33px 319px hsl(1722.6, 100%, 50%), -35px 320px hsl(1728, 100%, 50%), -36px 321px hsl(1733.4, 100%, 50%), -38px 322px hsl(1738.8, 100%, 50%), -39px 323px hsl(1744.2, 100%, 50%), -41px 324px hsl(1749.6, 100%, 50%), -42px 325px hsl(1755, 100%, 50%), -43px 326px hsl(1760.4, 100%, 50%), -45px 327px hsl(1765.8, 100%, 50%), -46px 328px hsl(1771.2, 100%, 50%), -47px 329px hsl(1776.6, 100%, 50%), -48px 330px hsl(1782, 100%, 50%), -49px 331px hsl(1787.4, 100%, 50%), -50px 332px hsl(1792.8, 100%, 50%), -51px 333px hsl(1798.2, 100%, 50%), -52px 334px hsl(1803.6, 100%, 50%), -53px 335px hsl(1809, 100%, 50%), -54px 336px hsl(1814.4, 100%, 50%), -55px 337px hsl(1819.8, 100%, 50%), -55px 338px hsl(1825.2, 100%, 50%), -56px 339px hsl(1830.6, 100%, 50%), -57px 340px hsl(1836, 100%, 50%), -57px 341px hsl(1841.4, 100%, 50%), -58px 342px hsl(1846.8, 100%, 50%), -58px 343px hsl(1852.2, 100%, 50%), -58px 344px hsl(1857.6, 100%, 50%), -59px 345px hsl(1863, 100%, 50%), -59px 346px hsl(1868.4, 100%, 50%), -59px 347px hsl(1873.8, 100%, 50%), -59px 348px hsl(1879.2, 100%, 50%), -59px 349px hsl(1884.6, 100%, 50%), -60px 350px hsl(1890, 100%, 50%), -59px 351px hsl(1895.4, 100%, 50%), -59px 352px hsl(1900.8, 100%, 50%), -59px 353px hsl(1906.2, 100%, 50%), -59px 354px hsl(1911.6, 100%, 50%), -59px 355px hsl(1917, 100%, 50%), -58px 356px hsl(1922.4, 100%, 50%), -58px 357px hsl(1927.8, 100%, 50%), -58px 358px hsl(1933.2, 100%, 50%), -57px 359px hsl(1938.6, 100%, 50%), -57px 360px hsl(1944, 100%, 50%), -56px 361px hsl(1949.4, 100%, 50%), -55px 362px hsl(1954.8, 100%, 50%), -55px 363px hsl(1960.2, 100%, 50%), -54px 364px hsl(1965.6, 100%, 50%), -53px 365px hsl(1971, 100%, 50%), -52px 366px hsl(1976.4, 100%, 50%), -51px 367px hsl(1981.8, 100%, 50%), -50px 368px hsl(1987.2, 100%, 50%), -49px 369px hsl(1992.6, 100%, 50%), -48px 370px hsl(1998, 100%, 50%), -47px 371px hsl(2003.4, 100%, 50%), -46px 372px hsl(2008.8, 100%, 50%), -45px 373px hsl(2014.2, 100%, 50%), -43px 374px hsl(2019.6, 100%, 50%), -42px 375px hsl(2025, 100%, 50%), -41px 376px hsl(2030.4, 100%, 50%), -39px 377px hsl(2035.8, 100%, 50%), -38px 378px hsl(2041.2, 100%, 50%), -36px 379px hsl(2046.6, 100%, 50%), -35px 380px hsl(2052, 100%, 50%), -33px 381px hsl(2057.4, 100%, 50%), -32px 382px hsl(2062.8, 100%, 50%), -30px 383px hsl(2068.2, 100%, 50%), -28px 384px hsl(2073.6, 100%, 50%), -27px 385px hsl(2079, 100%, 50%), -25px 386px hsl(2084.4, 100%, 50%), -23px 387px hsl(2089.8, 100%, 50%), -22px 388px hsl(2095.2, 100%, 50%), -20px 389px hsl(2100.6, 100%, 50%), -18px 390px hsl(2106, 100%, 50%), -16px 391px hsl(2111.4, 100%, 50%), -14px 392px hsl(2116.8, 100%, 50%), -13px 393px hsl(2122.2, 100%, 50%), -11px 394px hsl(2127.6, 100%, 50%), -9px 395px hsl(2133, 100%, 50%), -7px 396px hsl(2138.4, 100%, 50%), -5px 397px hsl(2143.8, 100%, 50%), -3px 398px hsl(2149.2, 100%, 50%), -1px 399px hsl(2154.6, 100%, 50%); font-size: 40px;";_x000D_
console.log("%cExample %s", css, 'all code runs happy');

enter image description here

What is the difference between git clone and checkout?

One thing to notice is the lack of any "Copyout" within git. That's because you already have a full copy in your local repo - your local repo being a clone of your chosen upstream repo. So you have effectively a personal checkout of everything, without putting some 'lock' on those files in the reference repo.

Git provides the SHA1 hash values as the mechanism for verifying that the copy you have of a file / directory tree / commit / repo is exactly the same as that used by whoever is able to declare things as "Master" within the hierarchy of trust. This avoids all those 'locks' that cause most SCM systems to choke (with the usual problems of private copies, big merges, and no real control or management of source code ;-) !

Why is vertical-align:text-top; not working in CSS

You could apply position: relative; to the div and then position: absolute; top: 0; to a paragraph or span inside of it containing the text.

Chrome desktop notification example

<!DOCTYPE html>


function notify(){

if (Notification.permission !== "granted") {
var notification = new Notification('hello', {
  body: "Hey there!",
notification.onclick = function () {"");

<button onclick="notify()">Notify</button>

How to copy a folder via cmd?

xcopy "%userprofile%\Desktop\?????????" "D:\Backup\" /s/h/e/k/f/c

should work, assuming that your language setting allows Cyrillic (or you use Unicode fonts in the console).

For reference about the arguments:

How to handle windows file upload using Selenium WebDriver?

Import System.Windows.Forms binary to the test solution and call the following two LOC on clicking the Upload button on the UI.

        // Send the file path and enter file path and wait.
        System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.SendWait("complete path of the file");

MySQL error - #1062 - Duplicate entry ' ' for key 2

I got this error when I tried to set a column as unique when there was already duplicate data in the column OR if you try to add a column and set it as unique when there is already data in the table.

I had a table with 5 rows and I tried to add a unique column and it failed because all 5 of those rows would be empty and thus not unique.

I created the column without the unique index set, then populated the data then set it as unique and everything worked.

How to deal with ModalDialog using selenium webdriver?

What you are using is not a model dialog, it is a separate window.

Use this code:

private static Object firstHandle;
private static Object lastHandle;

public static void switchToWindowsPopup() {
    Set<String> handles = DriverManager.getCurrent().getWindowHandles();
    Iterator<String> itr = handles.iterator();
    firstHandle =;
    lastHandle = firstHandle;
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
        lastHandle =;

public static void switchToMainWindow() {

Converting DateTime format using razor

In general, the written month is escaped as MMM, the 4-digit year as yyyy, so your format string should look like "dd MMM yyyy"

DateTime.ToString("dd MMM yyyy")

HTML "overlay" which allows clicks to fall through to elements behind it

Add pointer-events: none; to the overlay.

Original answer: My suggestion would be that you could capture the click event with the overlay, hide the overlay, then refire the click event, then display the overlay again. I'm not sure if you'd get a flicker effect though.

[Update] Exactly this problem and exactly my solution just appeared in this post: "Forwarding Mouse Events Through Layers". I know its probably a little late for the OP, but for the sake of somebody having this problem in the future, I though I would include it.

Importing Maven project into Eclipse

Using mvn eclipse:eclipse will just generate general eclipse configuration files, this is fine if you have a simple project; but in case of a web-based project such as servlet/jsp you need to manually add Java EE features to eclipse (WTP).

To make the project runnable via eclipse servers portion, Configure Apache for Eclipse: Download and unzip Apache Tomcat somewhere. In Eclipse Windows -> Preferences -> Servers -> Runtime Environments add (Create local server), select your version of Tomcat, Next, Browse to the directory of the Tomcat you unzipped, click Finish.

Window -> Show View -> Servers Add the project to the server list

BAT file to open CMD in current directory

You can simply create a bat file in any convenient place and drop any file from the desired directory onto it. Haha. Code for this:


Setting paper size in FPDF

They say it right there in the documentation for the FPDF constructor:

FPDF([string orientation [, string unit [, mixed size]]])

This is the class constructor. It allows to set up the page size, the orientation and the unit of measure used in all methods (except for font sizes). Parameters ...


The size used for pages. It can be either one of the following values (case insensitive):

A3 A4 A5 Letter Legal

or an array containing the width and the height (expressed in the unit given by unit).

They even give an example with custom size:

Example with a custom 100x150 mm page size:

$pdf = new FPDF('P','mm',array(100,150));

Html/PHP - Form - Input as array

If is ok for you to index the array you can do this:

    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Titel" name="levels[0][level]">
    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Titel" name="levels[0][build_time]">

    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Titel" name="levels[1][level]">
    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Titel" name="levels[1][build_time]">

    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Titel" name="levels[2][level]">
    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Titel" name="levels[2][build_time]">

... to achieve that:

[levels] => Array ( 
  [0] => Array ( 
    [level] => 1 
    [build_time] => 2 
  [1] => Array ( 
    [level] => 234 
   [build_time] => 456 
  [2] => Array ( 
    [level] => 111
    [build_time] => 222 

But if you remove one pair of inputs (dynamically, I suppose) from the middle of the form then you'll get holes in your array, unless you update the input names...

How can I initialize base class member variables in derived class constructor?

# include<stdio.h>
# include<iostream>
# include<conio.h>

using namespace std;

class Base{
        Base(int i, float f, double d): i(i), f(f), d(d)
    virtual void Show()=0;
        int i;
        float f;
        double d;

class Derived: public Base{
        Derived(int i, float f, double d): Base( i, f, d)
        void Show()
            cout<< "int i = "<<i<<endl<<"float f = "<<f<<endl <<"double d = "<<d<<endl;

int main(){
    Base * b = new Derived(10, 1.2, 3.89);
    return 0;

It's a working example in case you want to initialize the Base class data members present in the Derived class object, whereas you want to push these values interfacing via Derived class constructor call.

Programmatically scroll to a specific position in an Android ListView

If someone looking for a similar functionality like Gmail app,

The Listview scroll will be positioned to top by default. Thanks for the hint. amalBit. Just subtract it. That's it.

 Handler handler = new Handler();
    handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            int h1 = mDrawerList.getHeight();
            int h2 = header.getHeight();
    }, 1000);

Determine if a cell (value) is used in any formula

Have you tried Tools > Formula Auditing?

When does a process get SIGABRT (signal 6)?

As "@sarnold", aptly pointed out, any process can send signal to any other process, hence, one process can send SIGABORT to other process & in that case the receiving process is unable to distinguish whether its coming because of its own tweaking of memory etc, or someone else has "unicastly", send to it.

In one of the systems I worked there is one deadlock detector which actually detects if process is coming out of some task by giving heart beat or not. If not, then it declares the process is in deadlock state and sends SIGABORT to it.

I just wanted to share this prospective with reference to question asked.

What do 'real', 'user' and 'sys' mean in the output of time(1)?

real: The actual time spent in running the process from start to finish, as if it was measured by a human with a stopwatch

user: The cumulative time spent by all the CPUs during the computation

sys: The cumulative time spent by all the CPUs during system-related tasks such as memory allocation.

Notice that sometimes user + sys might be greater than real, as multiple processors may work in parallel.

Cloud Firestore collection count

Be careful counting number of documents for large collections. It is a little bit complex with firestore database if you want to have a precalculated counter for every collection.

Code like this doesn't work in this case:

export const customerCounterListener = 
    .onWrite((change, context) => {

    // on create
    if (!change.before.exists && change.after.exists) {
        return firestore
                 .then(docSnap =>
                         count: + 1
    // on delete
    } else if (change.before.exists && !change.after.exists) {
        return firestore
                 .then(docSnap =>
                         count: - 1

    return null;

The reason is because every cloud firestore trigger has to be idempotent, as firestore documentation say:


So, in order to prevent multiple executions of your code, you need to manage with events and transactions. This is my particular way to handle large collection counters:

const executeOnce = (change, context, task) => {
    const eventRef = firestore.collection('events').doc(context.eventId);

    return firestore.runTransaction(t =>
         .then(docSnap => (docSnap.exists ? null : task(t)))
         .then(() => t.set(eventRef, { processed: true }))

const documentCounter = collectionName => (change, context) =>
    executeOnce(change, context, t => {
        // on create
        if (!change.before.exists && change.after.exists) {
            return t
                    .then(docSnap =>
                        t.set(docSnap.ref, {
                            count: (( && || 0) + 1
        // on delete
        } else if (change.before.exists && !change.after.exists) {
            return t
                     .then(docSnap =>
                        t.set(docSnap.ref, {
                            count: - 1

        return null;

Use cases here:

 * Count documents in articles collection.
exports.articlesCounter = functions.firestore

 * Count documents in customers collection.
exports.customersCounter = functions.firestore

As you can see, the key to prevent multiple execution is the property called eventId in the context object. If the function has been handled many times for the same event, the event id will be the same in all cases. Unfortunately, you must have "events" collection in your database.

XSLT - How to select XML Attribute by Attribute?

Note: using // at the beginning of the xpath is a bit CPU intensitve -- it will search every node for a match. Using a more specific path, such as /root/DataSet will create a faster query.

ShowAllData method of Worksheet class failed

Add this code below. Once turns it off, releases the filter. Second time turns it back on without filters.

Not very elegant, but served my purpose.


'then call it again?

How to change the color of winform DataGridview header?

It can be done.

From the designer: Select your DataGridView Open the Properties Navigate to ColumnHeaderDefaultCellStype Hit the button to edit the style.

You can also do it programmatically:

dataGridView1.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Purple;

Hope that helps!

Determine distance from the top of a div to top of window with javascript

You can use .offset() to get the offset compared to the document element and then use the scrollTop property of the window element to find how far down the page the user has scrolled:

var scrollTop     = $(window).scrollTop(),
    elementOffset = $('#my-element').offset().top,
    distance      = (elementOffset - scrollTop);

The distance variable now holds the distance from the top of the #my-element element and the top-fold.

Here is a demo:

Note that negative values mean that the element is above the top-fold.

Returning JSON from a PHP Script

If you need to get json from php sending custom information you can add this header('Content-Type: application/json'); before to print any other thing, So then you can print you custome echo '{"monto": "'.$monto[0]->valor.'","moneda":"'.$moneda[0]->nombre.'","simbolo":"'.$moneda[0]->simbolo.'"}';

access key and value of object using *ngFor

Here is the simple solution

You can use typescript iterators for this

import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
declare var Symbol;
    selector: 'my-app',
    <h4>Iterating an Object using Typescript Symbol</h4><br>
Object is : <p>{{obj | json}}</p>
Iterated object params are:
<div *ngFor="#o of obj">

export class AppComponent {
  public obj: any = {
    "type1": ["A1", "A2", "A3","A4"],
    "type2": ["B1"],
    "type3": ["C1"],
    "type4": ["D1","D2"]

  constructor() {
    this.obj[Symbol.iterator] =  () => {
          let i =0;

          return {
            next: () => {
              return {
                  done: i > 4?true:false,
                  value: this.obj['type'+i]

How to call Stored Procedure in Entity Framework 6 (Code-First)?

You are using MapToStoredProcedures() which indicates that you are mapping your entities to stored procedures, when doing this you need to let go of the fact that there is a stored procedure and use the context as normal. Something like this (written into the browser so not tested)

using(MyContext context = new MyContext())
    Department department = new Department()
        Name = txtDepartment.text.trim()

If all you really trying to do is call a stored procedure directly then use SqlQuery

Ansible playbook shell output

If you need a specific exit status, Ansible provides a way to do that via callback plugins.

Example. It's a very good option if you need a 100% accurate exit status.

If not, you can always use the Debug Module, which is the standard for this cases of use.


How to change the background color of Action Bar's Option Menu in Android 4.2?

I'm also struck with this same problem, finally i got simple solution. just added one line to action bar style.

<style name="AppTheme.AppBarOverlay" parent="ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Dark.ActionBar">
    <item name="android:textColorPrimary">@color/colorAccent</item>
    <item name="android:colorBackground">@color/colorAppWhite</item>

"android:colorBackground" is enough to change option menu background

The type or namespace name 'Objects' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Data'

You need to add a reference to the .NET assembly System.Data.Entity.dll.

Android ListView selected item stay highlighted

Use the id instead:

This is the easiest method that can handle even if the list is long:

public View getView(final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    Holder holder=new Holder();
    View rowView;
    rowView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.list_item, null);
    //Handle your items.
    //StringHolder.mSelectedItem is a public static variable.

    return rowView;

And then in your onclicklistener:

list.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
        public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) {
            StringHolder.mSelectedItem = catagoryAdapter.getItemId(i-1);

UnexpectedRollbackException: Transaction rolled back because it has been marked as rollback-only

This is the normal behavior and the reason is that your sqlCommandHandlerService.persist method needs a TX when being executed (because it is marked with @Transactional annotation). But when it is called inside processNextRegistrationMessage, because there is a TX available, the container doesn't create a new one and uses existing TX. So if any exception occurs in sqlCommandHandlerService.persist method, it causes TX to be set to rollBackOnly (even if you catch the exception in the caller and ignore it).

To overcome this you can use propagation levels for transactions. Have a look at this to find out which propagation best suits your requirements.

Update; Read this!

Well after a colleague came to me with a couple of questions about a similar situation, I feel this needs a bit of clarification.
Although propagations solve such issues, you should be VERY careful about using them and do not use them unless you ABSOLUTELY understand what they mean and how they work. You may end up persisting some data and rolling back some others where you don't expect them to work that way and things can go horribly wrong.

EDIT Link to current version of the documentation

How to get full path of selected file on change of <input type=‘file’> using javascript, jquery-ajax?

you should never do so... and I think trying it in latest browsers is useless(from what I know)... all latest browsers on the other hand, will not allow this...

some other links that you can go through, to find a workaround like getting the value serverside, but not in clientside(javascript)

Full path from file input using jQuery
How to get the file path from HTML input form in Firefox 3

A cycle was detected in the build path of project xxx - Build Path Problem

Maven will fail the build if it detects a cycle, as the dependencies must be a tree.

You may find that you have additional declarations in the over those defined in the pom.xml. any extra declaration could introduce a cycle that wouldn't be apparent to Maven.

How to parse a JSON object to a TypeScript Object

if it is coming from server as object you can do 

this.service.subscribe(data:any) keep any type on data it will solve the issue

Custom pagination view in Laravel 5

Hi there is my code for pagination: Use in blade @include('pagination.default', ['paginator' => $users])


@if ($paginator->lastPage() > 1)

si la pagina actual es distinto a 1 y hay mas de 5 hojas muestro el boton de 1era hoja --> if actual page is not equals 1, and there is more than 5 pages then I show first page button --> @if ($paginator->currentPage() != 1 && $paginator->lastPage() >= 5) << @endif
    <!-- si la pagina actual es distinto a 1 muestra el boton de atras -->
    @if($paginator->currentPage() != 1)
            <a href="{{ $paginator->url($paginator->currentPage()-1) }}" >

    <!-- dibuja las hojas... Tomando un rango de 5 hojas, siempre que puede muestra 2 hojas hacia atras y 2 hacia adelante -->
    <!-- I draw the pages... I show 2 pages back and 2 pages forward -->
    @for($i = max($paginator->currentPage()-2, 1); $i <= min(max($paginator->currentPage()-2, 1)+4,$paginator->lastPage()); $i++)
            <li class="{{ ($paginator->currentPage() == $i) ? ' active' : '' }}">
                <a href="{{ $paginator->url($i) }}">{{ $i }}</a>

    <!-- si la pagina actual es distinto a la ultima muestra el boton de adelante -->
    <!-- if actual page is not equal last page then I show the forward button-->
    @if ($paginator->currentPage() != $paginator->lastPage())
            <a href="{{ $paginator->url($paginator->currentPage()+1) }}" >

    <!-- si la pagina actual es distinto a la ultima y hay mas de 5 hojas muestra el boton de ultima hoja -->
    <!-- if actual page is not equal last page, and there is more than 5 pages then I show last page button -->
    @if ($paginator->currentPage() != $paginator->lastPage() && $paginator->lastPage() >= 5)
            <a href="{{ $paginator->url($paginator->lastPage()) }}" >

Is there a way to link someone to a YouTube Video in HD 1080p quality?

Yes there is:

Options are:

Code for 1440: vq=hd1440
Code for 1080: vq=hd1080
Code for 720: vq=hd720
Code for 480p: vq=large
Code for 360p: vq=medium
Code for 240p: vq=small

As of 10 of April 2018, this code still works.
Some users reported "not working", if it doesn't work for you, please read below:

From what I've learned, the problem is related with network speed and or screen size.
When YT player starts, it collects the network speed, screen and player sizes, among other information, if the connection is slow or the screen/player size smaller than the quality requested(vq=), a lower quality video is displayed despite the option selected on vq=.

Also make sure you read the comments below.

How to remove all leading zeroes in a string

you can add "+" in your variable,

example :

$numString = "0000001123000";
echo +$numString;

#if DEBUG vs. Conditional("DEBUG")

I'm sure plenty will disagree with me, but having spent time as a build guy constantly hearing "But it works on my machine!", I take the standpoint that you should pretty much never use either. If you really need something for testing and debugging, figure out a way to make that testability seperate from the actual production code.

Abstract the scenarios with mocking in unit tests, make one off versions of things for one off scenarios you want to test, but don't put tests for debug into the code for binaries which you test and write for production release. These debug tests just hide possible bugs from devs so they aren't found until later in the process.

Read the package name of an Android APK

aapt dump badging <path-to-apk> | grep package:\ name

Is there a way to pass jvm args via command line to maven?

I think MAVEN_OPTS would be most appropriate for you. See here:

In Unix:

Add the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable to specify JVM properties, e.g. export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx512m". This environment variable can be used to supply extra options to Maven.

In Win, you need to set environment variable via the dialogue box

Add ... environment variable by opening up the system properties (WinKey + Pause),... In the same dialog, add the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable in the user variables to specify JVM properties, e.g. the value -Xms256m -Xmx512m. This environment variable can be used to supply extra options to Maven.

How do I filter ForeignKey choices in a Django ModelForm?

This is simple, and works with Django 1.4:

class ClientAdminForm(forms.ModelForm):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ClientAdminForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # access object through self.instance...
        self.fields['base_rate'].queryset = Rate.objects.filter(

class ClientAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    form = ClientAdminForm

You don't need to specify this in a form class, but can do it directly in the ModelAdmin, as Django already includes this built-in method on the ModelAdmin (from the docs):

ModelAdmin.formfield_for_foreignkey(self, db_field, request, **kwargs)¶
'''The formfield_for_foreignkey method on a ModelAdmin allows you to 
   override the default formfield for a foreign keys field. For example, 
   to return a subset of objects for this foreign key field based on the

class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    def formfield_for_foreignkey(self, db_field, request, **kwargs):
        if == "car":
            kwargs["queryset"] = Car.objects.filter(owner=request.user)
        return super(MyModelAdmin, self).formfield_for_foreignkey(db_field, request, **kwargs)

An even niftier way to do this (for example in creating a front-end admin interface that users can access) is to subclass the ModelAdmin and then alter the methods below. The net result is a user interface that ONLY shows them content that is related to them, while allowing you (a super-user) to see everything.

I've overridden four methods, the first two make it impossible for a user to delete anything, and it also removes the delete buttons from the admin site.

The third override filters any query that contains a reference to (in the example 'user' or 'porcupine' (just as an illustration).

The last override filters any foreignkey field in the model to filter the choices available the same as the basic queryset.

In this way, you can present an easy to manage front-facing admin site that allows users to mess with their own objects, and you don't have to remember to type in the specific ModelAdmin filters we talked about above.

class FrontEndAdmin(models.ModelAdmin):
    def __init__(self, model, admin_site):
        self.model = model
        self.opts = model._meta
        self.admin_site = admin_site
        super(FrontEndAdmin, self).__init__(model, admin_site)

remove 'delete' buttons:

    def get_actions(self, request):
        actions = super(FrontEndAdmin, self).get_actions(request)
        if 'delete_selected' in actions:
            del actions['delete_selected']
        return actions

prevents delete permission

    def has_delete_permission(self, request, obj=None):
        return False

filters objects that can be viewed on the admin site:

    def get_queryset(self, request):
        if request.user.is_superuser:
                qs = self.model.objects.all()
            except AttributeError:
                qs = self.model._default_manager.get_queryset()
            return qs

                qs = self.model.objects.all()
            except AttributeError:
                qs = self.model._default_manager.get_queryset()

            if hasattr(self.model, ‘user’):
                return qs.filter(user=request.user)
            if hasattr(self.model, ‘porcupine’):
                return qs.filter(porcupine=request.user.porcupine)
                return qs

filters choices for all foreignkey fields on the admin site:

    def formfield_for_foreignkey(self, db_field, request, **kwargs):
        if request.employee.is_superuser:
            return super(FrontEndAdmin, self).formfield_for_foreignkey(db_field, request, **kwargs)

            if hasattr(, 'user'):
                kwargs["queryset"] =
            if hasattr(, 'porcupine'):
                kwargs["queryset"] =
            return super(ModelAdminFront, self).formfield_for_foreignkey(db_field, request, **kwargs)

Block direct access to a file over http but allow php script access

Are the files on the same server as the PHP script? If so, just keep the files out of the web root and make sure your PHP script has read permissions for wherever they're stored.

Android WebView, how to handle redirects in app instead of opening a browser

Create a WebViewClient, and override the shouldOverrideUrlLoading method.

webview.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
    public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url){
        // do your handling codes here, which url is the requested url
        // probably you need to open that url rather than redirect:
        return false; // then it is not handled by default action

Spring Boot how to hide passwords in properties file

You can use Jasypt to encrypt properties, so you could have your property like this:


Jasypt allows you to encrypt your properties using different algorithms, once you get the encrypted property you put inside the ENC(...). For instance, you can encrypt this way through Jasypt using the terminal:

encrypted-pwd$ java -cp ~/.m2/repository/org/jasypt/jasypt/1.9.2/jasypt-1.9.2.jar  org.jasypt.intf.cli.JasyptPBEStringEncryptionCLI input="contactspassword" password=supersecretz algorithm=PBEWithMD5AndDES


Runtime: Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 24.45-b08


algorithm: PBEWithMD5AndDES
input: contactspassword
password: supersecretz



To easily configure it with Spring Boot you can use its starter jasypt-spring-boot-starter with group ID com.github.ulisesbocchio

Keep in mind, that you will need to start your application using the same password you used to encrypt the properties. So, you can start your app this way:

mvn -Djasypt.encryptor.password=supersecretz spring-boot:run

Or using the environment variable (thanks to spring boot relaxed binding):

mvn spring-boot:run

You can check below link for more details:

To use your encrypted properties in your app just use it as usual, use either method you like (Spring Boot wires the magic, anyway the property must be of course in the classpath):

Using @Value annotation

private String password;

Or using Environment

private Environment environment;

public void doSomething(Environment env) {

Update: for production environment, to avoid exposing the password in the command line, since you can query the processes with ps, previous commands with history, etc etc. You could:

  • Create a script like this: touch
  • Edit to export the JASYPT_ENCRYPTOR_PASSWORD variable


    export JASYPT_ENCRYPTOR_PASSWORD=supersecretz

  • Execute the file with .
  • Run the app in background with mvn spring-boot:run &
  • Delete the file
  • Unset the previous environment variable with: unset JASYPT_ENCRYPTOR_PASSWORD

Symfony2 Setting a default choice field selection

Setting default choice for symfony2 radio button

            $builder->add('range_options', 'choice', array(
                'choices' => array('day'=>'Day', 'week'=>'Week', 'month'=>'Month'),
                'data'=>'day', //set default value 
                'expanded'=> true                   

How to calculate the angle between a line and the horizontal axis?

A formula for an angle from 0 to 2pi.

There is x=x2-x1 and y=y2-y1.The formula is working for

any value of x and y. For x=y=0 the result is undefined.




Is there a float input type in HTML5?


But what if you want all the numbers to be valid, integers and decimals alike? In this case, set step to “any”

<input type="number" step="any" />

Works for me in Chrome, not tested in other browsers.

Format Date as "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"

You can use javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter class

DatatypeConverter.printDateTime & DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime

install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents)

On a rooted device, you might use:

String pkg = context.getPackageName();
String shellCmd = "rm -r /data/app/" + pkg + "*.apk\n"
                + "rm -r /data/data/" + pkg + "\n"
                // TODO remove data on the sd card
                + "sync\n"
                + "reboot\n";

Util.sudo() is defined here.

Combining node.js and Python

I've had a lot of success using thoonk.js along with Thoonk leverages Redis (in-memory key-value store) to give you feed (think publish/subscribe), queue and job patterns for communication.

Why is this better than unix sockets or direct tcp sockets? Overall performance may be decreased a little, however Thoonk provides a really simple API that simplifies having to manually deal with a socket. Thoonk also helps make it really trivial to implement a distributed computing model that allows you to scale your python workers to increase performance, since you just spin up new instances of your python workers and connect them to the same redis server.

Specifying and saving a figure with exact size in pixels

I had same issue. I used PIL Image to load the images and converted to a numpy array then patched a rectangle using matplotlib. It was a jpg image, so there was no way for me to get the dpi from PIL['dpi'], so the accepted solution did not work for me. But after some tinkering I figured out way to save the figure with the same size as the original.

I am adding the following solution here thinking that it will help somebody who had the same issue as mine.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np

img ='my_image.jpg') #loading the image
image = np.array(img) #converting it to ndarray
dpi = plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] #get the default dpi value
fig_size = (img.size[0]/dpi, img.size[1]/dpi) #saving the figure size
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=fig_size) #applying figure size
#do whatver you want to do with the figure
fig.tight_layout() #just to be sure
fig.savefig('my_updated_image.jpg') #saving the image

This saved the image with the same resolution as the original image.

In case you are not working with a jupyter notebook. you can get the dpi in the following manner.

figure = plt.figure()
dpi = figure.dpi

how to change onclick event with jquery?




Uncaught TypeError: document.getElementById(...).attribute is not a function

in chrome.

Element exists and is dumped in console;

How to obtain Certificate Signing Request

Follow these steps to create CSR (Code Signing Identity):

  1. On your Mac, go to the folder 'Applications' ? 'Utilities' and open 'Keychain Access.'

    enter image description here

  2. Go to 'Keychain Access' ? Certificate Assistant ? Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority. ?

    enter image description here

  3. Fill out the information in the Certificate Information window as specified below and click "Continue."
    • In the User Email Address field, enter the email address to identify with this certificate
    • In the Common Name field, enter your name
    • In the Request group, click the "Saved to disk" option ?

    enter image description here

  4. Save the file to your hard drive.

    enter image description here

Use this CSR (.certSigningRequest) file to create project/application certificates and profiles, in Apple developer account.

How to set up a Web API controller for multipart/form-data

This is what solved my problem
Add the following line to WebApiConfig.cs

config.Formatters.XmlFormatter.SupportedMediaTypes.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("multipart/form-data"));

How to Delete a topic in apache kafka

Deletion of a topic has been supported since 0.8.2.x version. You have to enable topic deletion (setting delete.topic.enable to true) on all brokers first.

Note: Ever since 1.0.x, the functionality being stable, delete.topic.enable is by default true.

Follow this step by step process for manual deletion of topics

  1. Stop Kafka server
  2. Delete the topic directory, on each broker (as defined in the logs.dirs and log.dir properties) with rm -rf command
  3. Connect to Zookeeper instance: host:port
  4. From within the Zookeeper instance:
    1. List the topics using: ls /brokers/topics
    2. Remove the topic folder from ZooKeeper using: rmr /brokers/topics/yourtopic
    3. Exit the Zookeeper instance (Ctrl+C)
  5. Restart Kafka server
  6. Confirm if it was deleted or not by using this command --list --zookeeper host:port

Why does this CSS margin-top style not work?

Use padding-top:50pxfor outer div. Something like this:

#outer {
    margin:50px auto 0 auto;

Note: padding will increase the size of your div. In this case if the size of your div is important, I mean if it must have a specific height. decrease the height by 50px.:

#outer {
    margin:50px auto 0 auto;

How do I copy the contents of one stream to another?

Unfortunately, there is no really simple solution. You can try something like that:

Stream s1, s2;
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
int bytesRead = 0;
while (bytesRead = s1.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) > 0) s2.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
s1.Close(); s2.Close();

But the problem with that that different implementation of the Stream class might behave differently if there is nothing to read. A stream reading a file from a local harddrive will probably block until the read operaition has read enough data from the disk to fill the buffer and only return less data if it reaches the end of file. On the other hand, a stream reading from the network might return less data even though there are more data left to be received.

Always check the documentation of the specific stream class you are using before using a generic solution.

Force youtube embed to start in 720p

I've managed to get this working by the following fix:


You video should have the hd720 resolution to do so.

I was using the embedding via iframe, BTW. Hope someone will find this helpful.

Numpy AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'exp'

You convert type, T) to float32 like this:

z=np.array(, T),dtype=np.float32)

def sigmoid(X, T):
    return (1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-z)))

Hopefully it will finally work!

How do I see what character set a MySQL database / table / column is?

For databases:

Just use these commands:

USE db_name;
SELECT @@character_set_database;
-- or:
-- SELECT @@collation_database;

Get an OutputStream into a String

Here's what I ended up doing:

Obj.writeToStream(toWrite, os);
try {
    String out = new String(os.toByteArray(), "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncondingException e) {
    fail("Caught exception: " + e.getMessage());

Where os is a ByteArrayOutputStream.

Two decimal places using printf( )

For %d part refer to this How does this program work? and for decimal places use %.2f

How can I make a countdown with NSTimer?

Add this to the end of your code... and call startTimer function with a parameter of where you want to count down to... For example (2 hours to the future of the date right now) -> startTimer(for: Date().addingTimeInterval(60*60*2))

Click here to view a screenshot of iPhone Simulator of how it'll look

extension ViewController
    func startTimer(for theDate: String)
        let todaysDate = Date()
        let tripDate = Helper.getTripDate(forDate: theDate)
        let diffComponents = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.hour, .minute], from: Date(), to: tripDate)
        if let hours = diffComponents.hour
            hoursLeft = hours
        if let minutes = diffComponents.minute
            minutesLeft = minutes
        if tripDate > todaysDate
            timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1.00, target: self, selector: #selector(onTimerFires), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
            timerLabel.text = "00:00:00"
    @objc func onTimerFires()
        secondsLeft -= 1
        //timerLabel.text = "\(hoursLeft):\(minutesLeft):\(secondsLeft)"
        timerLabel.text = String(format: "%02d:%02d:%02d", hoursLeft, minutesLeft, secondsLeft)
        if secondsLeft <= 0 {
            if minutesLeft != 0
                secondsLeft = 59
                minutesLeft -= 1
        if minutesLeft <= 0 {
            if hoursLeft != 0
                minutesLeft = 59
                hoursLeft -= 1
        if(hoursLeft == 0 && minutesLeft == 0 && secondsLeft == 0)

mailto link multiple body lines

You can use URL encoding to encode the newline as %0A.

mailto:[email protected]?subject=test&body=type%20your%0Amessage%20here

While the above appears to work in many cases, user olibre points out that the RFC governing the mailto URI scheme specifies that %0D%0A (carriage return + line feed) should be used instead of %0A (line feed). See also: Newline Representations.

Compare a date string to datetime in SQL Server?

Date can be compared in sqlserver using string comparision: e.g.

SET @strDate ='07-12-2010'

WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR(15),dtInvoice, 112)>= CONVERT(VARCHAR(15),@strDate , 112)

.htaccess rewrite to redirect root URL to subdirectory

Most of the above solutions are correct but they are all missing the transparency of the redirection.

In my case, when visiting I wanted to get redirected to the subdirectory /store but without updating the URL to (all I want is to get the page code form that directory). If that is your case the solution below works perfectly.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} example\.com [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /store/$1 [L]


How to append data to div using JavaScript?

you can use jQuery. which make it very simple.

just download the jQuery file add jQuery into your HTML
or you can user online link:

<script src=""></script>

and try this:


Howto: Clean a mysql InnoDB storage engine?

The InnoDB engine does not store deleted data. As you insert and delete rows, unused space is left allocated within the InnoDB storage files. Over time, the overall space will not decrease, but over time the 'deleted and freed' space will be automatically reused by the DB server.

You can further tune and manage the space used by the engine through an manual re-org of the tables. To do this, dump the data in the affected tables using mysqldump, drop the tables, restart the mysql service, and then recreate the tables from the dump files.

how to call url of any other website in php

Depending on what you mean, either redirect or use curl.

How do I get the coordinates of a mouse click on a canvas element?

I'm not sure what's the point of all these answers that loop through parent elements and do all kinds of weird stuff.

The HTMLElement.getBoundingClientRect method is designed to to handle actual screen position of any element. This includes scrolling, so stuff like scrollTop is not needed:

(from MDN) The amount of scrolling that has been done of the viewport area (or any other scrollable element) is taken into account when computing the bounding rectangle

Normal image

The very simplest approach was already posted here. This is correct as long as no wild CSS rules are involved.

Handling stretched canvas/image

When image pixel width isn't matched by it's CSS width, you'll need to apply some ratio on pixel values:

/* Returns pixel coordinates according to the pixel that's under the mouse cursor**/
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.relativeCoords = function(event) {
  var x,y;
  //This is the current screen rectangle of canvas
  var rect = this.getBoundingClientRect();
  var top =;
  var bottom = rect.bottom;
  var left = rect.left;
  var right = rect.right;
  //Recalculate mouse offsets to relative offsets
  x = event.clientX - left;
  y = event.clientY - top;
  //Also recalculate offsets of canvas is stretched
  var width = right - left;
  //I use this to reduce number of calculations for images that have normal size 
  if(this.width!=width) {
    var height = bottom - top;
    //changes coordinates by ratio
    x = x*(this.width/width);
    y = y*(this.height/height);
  //Return as an array
  return [x,y];

As long as the canvas has no border, it works for stretched images (jsFiddle).

Handling CSS borders

If the canvas has thick border, the things get little complicated. You'll literally need to subtract the border from the bounding rectangle. This can be done using .getComputedStyle. This answer describes the process.

The function then grows up a little:

/* Returns pixel coordinates according to the pixel that's under the mouse cursor**/
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.relativeCoords = function(event) {
  var x,y;
  //This is the current screen rectangle of canvas
  var rect = this.getBoundingClientRect();
  var top =;
  var bottom = rect.bottom;
  var left = rect.left;
  var right = rect.right;
  //Subtract border size
  // Get computed style
  var styling=getComputedStyle(this,null);
  // Turn the border widths in integers
  var topBorder=parseInt(styling.getPropertyValue('border-top-width'),10);
  var rightBorder=parseInt(styling.getPropertyValue('border-right-width'),10);
  var bottomBorder=parseInt(styling.getPropertyValue('border-bottom-width'),10);
  var leftBorder=parseInt(styling.getPropertyValue('border-left-width'),10);
  //Subtract border from rectangle
  //Proceed as usual

I can't think of anything that would confuse this final function. See yourself at JsFiddle.


If you don't like modifying the native prototypes, just change the function and call it with (canvas, event) (and replace any this with canvas).

How to add buttons like refresh and search in ToolBar in Android?

Add this line at the top:


and then use:


Forms authentication timeout vs sessionState timeout

The difference is that one (forms time-out) has to do authenticating the user and the other( session timeout) has to do with how long cached data is stored on the server. So they are very independent things so one doesn't take precedence over the other.

How to read a text file directly from Internet using Java?

Alternatively, you can use Guava's Resources object:

URL url = new URL("");
List<String> lines = Resources.readLines(url, Charsets.UTF_8);

Convert date to UTC using moment.js

As of : moment.js version 2.24.0

let's say you have a local date input, this is the proper way to convert your dateTime or Time input to UTC :

var utcStart = new moment("09:00", "HH:mm").utc();

or in case you specify a date

var utcStart = new moment("2019-06-24T09:00", "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm").utc();

As you can see the result output will be returned in UTC :

//You can call the format() that will return your UTC date in a string 
//Result : 2019-06-24T13:00:00 

But if you do this as below, it will not convert to UTC :

var myTime = new moment.utc("09:00", "HH:mm"); 

You're only setting your input to utc time, it's as if your mentioning that myTime is in UTC, ....the output will be 9:00

SSIS Connection Manager Not Storing SQL Password

Try storing the connection string along with the password in a variable and assign the variable in the connection string using expression.I also faced the same issue and I solved like dis.

Git - Pushing code to two remotes

To send to both remote with one command, you can create a alias for it:

git config alias.pushall '!git push origin devel && git push github devel'

With this, when you use the command git pushall, it will update both repositories.

What is the proof of of (N–1) + (N–2) + (N–3) + ... + 1= N*(N–1)/2

(N-1) + (N-2) +...+ 2 + 1 is a sum of N-1 items. Now reorder the items so, that after the first comes the last, then the second, then the second to last, i.e. (N-1) + 1 + (N-2) + 2 +... The way the items are ordered now you can see that each of those pairs is equal to N (N-1+1 is N, N-2+2 is N). Since there are N-1 items, there are (N-1)/2 such pairs. So you're adding N (N-1)/2 times, so the total value is N*(N-1)/2.

How to retrieve value from elements in array using jQuery?

Your syntax is incorrect.

card_value = $(array[i]).val(); or card_value = array[i].value;

array[i] is not a jQuery object (for some reason).

Checking your browser's console can be helpful for things like this.

How does spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto property exactly work in Spring?

For the record, the spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto property is Spring Data JPA specific and is their way to specify a value that will eventually be passed to Hibernate under the property it knows,

The values create, create-drop, validate, and update basically influence how the schema tool management will manipulate the database schema at startup.

For example, the update operation will query the JDBC driver's API to get the database metadata and then Hibernate compares the object model it creates based on reading your annotated classes or HBM XML mappings and will attempt to adjust the schema on-the-fly.

The update operation for example will attempt to add new columns, constraints, etc but will never remove a column or constraint that may have existed previously but no longer does as part of the object model from a prior run.

Typically in test case scenarios, you'll likely use create-drop so that you create your schema, your test case adds some mock data, you run your tests, and then during the test case cleanup, the schema objects are dropped, leaving an empty database.

In development, it's often common to see developers use update to automatically modify the schema to add new additions upon restart. But again understand, this does not remove a column or constraint that may exist from previous executions that is no longer necessary.

In production, it's often highly recommended you use none or simply don't specify this property. That is because it's common practice for DBAs to review migration scripts for database changes, particularly if your database is shared across multiple services and applications.

Required maven dependencies for Apache POI to work

For an excel writer you might need the following:



What is the difference between Nexus and Maven?

This has a good general description:

Let me make a few statement that can put the difference in focus:

  1. We migrated our code base from Ant to Maven

  2. All 3rd party librairies have been uploaded to Nexus. Maven is using Nexus as a source for libraries.

  3. Basic functionalities of a repository manager like Sonatype are:

    • Managing project dependencies,
    • Artifacts & Metadata,
    • Proxying external repositories
    • and deployment of packaged binaries and JARs to share those artifacts with other developers and end-users.

REST API - Use the "Accept: application/json" HTTP Header

You guessed right, HTTP Headers are not part of the URL.

And when you type a URL in the browser the request will be issued with standard headers. Anyway REST Apis are not meant to be consumed by typing the endpoint in the address bar of a browser.

The most common scenario is that your server consumes a third party REST Api.

To do so your server-side code forges a proper GET (/PUT/POST/DELETE) request pointing to a given endpoint (URL) setting (when needed, like your case) some headers and finally (maybe) sending some data (as typically occurrs in a POST request for example).

The code to forge the request, send it and finally get the response back depends on your server side language.

If you want to test a REST Api you may use curl tool from the command line.

curl makes a request and outputs the response to stdout (unless otherwise instructed).

In your case the test request would be issued like this:

$curl -H "Accept: application/json" 'http://localhost:8080/otp/routers/default/plan?fromPlace=52.5895,13.2836&toPlace=52.5461,13.3588&date=2017/04/04&time=12:00:00'

The H or --header directive sets a header and its value.

Return HTML from ASP.NET Web API

ASP.NET Core. Approach 1

If your Controller extends ControllerBase or Controller you can use Content(...) method:

public ContentResult Index() 
    return base.Content("<div>Hello</div>", "text/html");

ASP.NET Core. Approach 2

If you choose not to extend from Controller classes, you can create new ContentResult:

public ContentResult Index() 
    return new ContentResult 
        ContentType = "text/html",
        Content = "<div>Hello World</div>"


Return string content with media type text/html:

public HttpResponseMessage Get()
    var response = new HttpResponseMessage();
    response.Content = new StringContent("<div>Hello World</div>");
    response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("text/html");
    return response;

TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict', when dict used as a key for another dict

What it seems like to me is that by calling the keys method you're returning to python a dictionary object when it's looking for a list or a tuple. So try taking all of the keys in the dictionary, putting them into a list and then using the for loop.

Is there a “not in” operator in JavaScript for checking object properties?

As already said by Jordão, just negate it:

if (!(id in tutorTimes)) { ... }

Note: The above test if tutorTimes has a property with the name specified in id, anywhere in the prototype chain. For example "valueOf" in tutorTimes returns true because it is defined in Object.prototype.

If you want to test if a property doesn't exist in the current object, use hasOwnProperty:

if (!tutorTimes.hasOwnProperty(id)) { ... }

Or if you might have a key that is hasOwnPropery you can use this:

if (!,id)) { ... }

window.close and self.close do not close the window in Chrome

If you can't close windows that aren't opened by the script, then you can destroy your page using this code:

 document.getElementsByTagName ('html') [0] .remove ();

Print in new line, java


How to present a simple alert message in java?

If you don't like "verbosity" you can always wrap your code in a short method:

private void msgbox(String s){
   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, s);

and the usage:

msgbox("don't touch that!");

Using "label for" on radio buttons

Either structure is valid and accessible, but the for attribute should be equal to the id of the input element:

<input type="radio" ... id="r1" /><label for="r1">button text</label>


<label for="r1"><input type="radio" ... id="r1" />button text</label>

The for attribute is optional in the second version (label containing input), but IIRC there were some older browsers that didn't make the label text clickable unless you included it. The first version (label after input) is easier to style with CSS using the adjacent sibling selector +:

input[type="radio"]:checked+label {font-weight:bold;}

How to close a GUI when I push a JButton?

See JFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE)1. You might also use EXIT_ON_CLOSE, but it is better to explicitly clean up any running threads, then when the last GUI element becomes invisible, the EDT & JRE will end.

The 'button' to invoke this operation is already on a frame.

  1. See this answer to How to best position Swing GUIs? for a demo. of the DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE functionality.

    The JRE will end after all 3 frames are closed by clicking the X button.

how to get session id of client in Client

Try from your code socket.socket.sessionid ie.

    var socket = io.connect('http://localhost');
  var sendBtn= document.getElementById('btnSend');
  sendBtn.onclick= function(){
var userId=document.getElementById('txt1').value;
var userMsg = document.getElementById('txt2').value;
socket.emit('sendto',{username: userId, message: userMsg});

  socket.on('news', function (data) {
    socket.emit('my other event', { my: 'data' });
  socket.on('message',function(data){ console.log(data);});

Log4net rolling daily filename with date in the file name

I ended up using (note the '.log' filename and the single quotes around 'myfilename_'):

  <rollingStyle value="Date" />
  <datePattern value="'myfilename_'yyyy-MM-dd"/>
  <preserveLogFileNameExtension value="true" />
  <staticLogFileName value="false" />
  <file type="log4net.Util.PatternString" value="c:\\Logs\\.log" />

This gives me:


Laravel 5.4 ‘cross-env’ Is Not Recognized as an Internal or External Command

Just npm install --save-dev cross-env in the root directory of your project.

Find an element in DOM based on an attribute value

Modern browsers support native querySelectorAll so you can do:


Details about browser compatibility:

You can use jQuery to support obsolete browsers (IE9 and older):


How can I add an image file into json object?

You're only adding the File object to the JSON object. The File object only contains meta information about the file: Path, name and so on.

You must load the image and read the bytes from it. Then put these bytes into the JSON object.

Java String encoding (UTF-8)

How is this different from the following?

This line of code here:

String newString = new String(oldString.getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8"));

constructs a new String object (i.e. a copy of oldString), while this line of code:

String newString = oldString;

declares a new variable of type java.lang.String and initializes it to refer to the same String object as the variable oldString.

Is there any scenario in which the two lines will have different outputs?


String newString = oldString;
boolean isSameInstance = newString == oldString; // isSameInstance == true


String newString = new String(oldString.getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8"));
 // isSameInstance == false (in most cases)    
boolean isSameInstance = newString == oldString;

a_horse_with_no_name (see comment) is right of course. The equivalent of

String newString = new String(oldString.getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8"));


String newString = new String(oldString);

minus the subtle difference wrt the encoding that Peter Lawrey explains in his answer.

SQLSTATE[HY000] [1698] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'

These steps worked for me on several Systems using Ubuntu 16.04, Apache 2.4, MariaDB, PDO

  1. log into MYSQL as root

    mysql -u root
  2. Grant privileges. To a new user execute:

    CREATE USER 'newuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'newuser'@'localhost';

    UPDATE for Google Cloud Instances

    MySQL on Google Cloud seem to require an alternate command (mind the backticks).

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `%`.* TO 'newuser'@'localhost';
  3. bind to all addresses:

    The easiest way is to comment out the line in your /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf or /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf file, depending on what system you are running:

    #bind-address = 
  4. exit mysql and restart mysql

    service mysql restart

By default it binds only to localhost, but if you comment the line it binds to all interfaces it finds. Commenting out the line is equivalent to bind-address=*.

To check the binding of mysql service execute as root:

netstat -tupan | grep mysql

How to add an event after close the modal window?

$('.close').click(function() {
  //Code to be executed when close is clicked

How can I hide the Adobe Reader toolbar when displaying a PDF in the .NET WebBrowser control?

It appears the default setting for Adobe Reader X is for the toolbars not to be shown by default unless they are explicitly turned on by the user. And even when I turn them back on during a session, they don't show up automatically next time. As such, I suspect you have a preference set contrary to the default.

The state you desire, with the top and left toolbars not shown, is called "Read Mode". If you right-click on the document itself, and then click "Page Display Preferences" in the context menu that is shown, you'll be presented with the Adobe Reader Preferences dialog. (This is the same dialog you can access by opening the Adobe Reader application, and selecting "Preferences" from the "Edit" menu.) In the list shown in the left-hand column of the Preferences dialog, select "Internet". Finally, on the right, ensure that you have the "Display in Read Mode by default" box checked:

   Adobe Reader Preferences dialog

You can also turn off the toolbars temporarily by clicking the button at the right of the top toolbar that depicts arrows pointing to opposing corners:

   Adobe Reader Read Mode toolbar button

Finally, if you have "Display in Read Mode by default" turned off, but want to instruct the page you're loading not to display the toolbars (i.e., override the user's current preferences), you can append the following to the URL:


So, for example, the following code will disable both the top toolbar (called "toolbar") and the left-hand toolbar (called "navpane"). However, if the user knows the keyboard combination (F8, and perhaps other methods as well), they will still be able to turn them back on.

string url = @"";

You can read more about the parameters that are available for customizing the way PDF files open here on Adobe's developer website.

Telling Python to save a .txt file to a certain directory on Windows and Mac

A small update to this. raw_input() is renamed as input() in Python 3.

Python 3 release note

Intel HAXM installation error - This computer does not support Intel Virtualization Technology (VT-x)

I'm running Windows 10 and had this problem after I changed my SSD, I fixed it by disabling the VT support on Bios. I got a different error after I ran the installer. I rebooted and enabled VT support again and voila, working now.

Sleep function in C++

On Unix, include #include <unistd.h>.

The call you're interested in is usleep(). Which takes microseconds, so you should multiply your millisecond value by 1000 and pass the result to usleep().

Load and execute external js file in node.js with access to local variables?

Expanding on @Shripad's and @Ivan's answer, I would recommend that you use Node.js's standard module.export functionality.

In your file for constants (e.g. constants.js), you'd write constants like this:

const CONST1 = 1;
module.exports.CONST1 = CONST1;

const CONST2 = 2;
module.exports.CONST2 = CONST2;

Then in the file in which you want to use those constants, write the following code:

const {CONST1 , CONST2} = require('./constants.js');

If you've never seen the const { ... } syntax before: that's destructuring assignment.

What is the difference between decodeURIComponent and decodeURI?

To explain the difference between these two let me explain the difference between encodeURI and encodeURIComponent.

The main difference is that:

  • The encodeURI function is intended for use on the full URI.
  • The encodeURIComponent function is intended to be used on .. well .. URI components that is any part that lies between separators (; / ? : @ & = + $ , #).

So, in encodeURIComponent these separators are encoded also because they are regarded as text and not special characters.

Now back to the difference between the decode functions, each function decodes strings generated by its corresponding encode counterpart taking care of the semantics of the special characters and their handling.

How to implement swipe gestures for mobile devices?

Hammer time!

I have used Hammer JS and it work with gesture. Read details from here:

Good thing that it is much more light weight and fast then jQuery mobile. You can test it on their website as well.

Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table 'mysql.user' doesn't exist

As suggested above, i had similar issue with mysql-5.7.18,
i did this in this way

1. Executed this command from "MYSQL_HOME\bin\mysqld.exe --initialize-insecure"
2. then started "MYSQL_HOME\bin\mysqld.exe"
3. Connect workbench to this localhost:3306 with username 'root'
4. then executed this query "SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = 'root';"

password was also updated successfully.