[java] Required maven dependencies for Apache POI to work

I want to use Apache POI library to parse excel files (old versions and newer versions of excel). So I was wondering what jars do i need to include from the Apache POI because in following link:


I found lots of jars to be included, do I need to include them all?

If so, what is the latest stable version to be included, and does it work with Microsoft's Office 2010?

This question is related to java maven apache-poi

The answer is

Add this dependency to work with Apache POI


ooxml for dealing the .xlsx files and the ooxml refers to the xml, hence we will be needed to refer the below three dependedncies in the pom.xml for the


There are multiple jars which are required for your APACHE POI to work with your application.

List of JAR file:-

  1. poi-4.1.0
  2. poi-ooxml-4.1.0
  3. commons-collections4-4.3
  4. commons-compress-1.18
  5. xmlbeans-3.1.0
  6. poi-ooxml-schemas-3.9
  7. dom4j-1.6.1

I used the below dependency. If you are using Selenium then it's good to use all of them as below. Else you will see some errors and then do the reserch and add some more dependencies.



The following works for me:

<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.poi/poi -->
    <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.poi/poi-ooxml -->


Add these dependencies to your maven pom.xml . It will take care of all of the imports including OPCpackage


this is the list of maven artifact id for all poi component. in this link http://poi.apache.org/overview.html#components

For an excel writer you might need the following:



If you are not using maven, then you will need **

  • poi
  • poi-ooxml
  • xmlbeans
  • dom4j
  • poi-ooxml-schemas
  • stax-api
  • ooxml-schemas

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