Programs & Examples On #Trouble tickets

A trouble ticket is a mechanism used in an organization to track the detection, reporting, and resolution of some type of problem.

Automating running command on Linux from Windows using PuTTY

Try MtPutty, you can automate the ssh login in it. Its a great tool especially if you need to login to multiple servers many times. Try it here

Another tool worth trying is TeraTerm. Its really easy to use for the ssh automation stuff. You can get it here. But my favorite one is always MtPutty.

Split string to equal length substrings in Java

Here is my version based on RegEx and Java 8 streams. It's worth to mention that Matcher.results() method is available since Java 9.

Test included.

public static List<String> splitString(String input, int splitSize) {
    Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("(?:(.{" + splitSize + "}))+?").matcher(input);
    return matcher.results().map(MatchResult::group).collect(Collectors.toList());

public void shouldSplitStringToEqualLengthParts() {
    String anyValidString = "Split me equally!";
    String[] expectedTokens2 = {"Sp", "li", "t ", "me", " e", "qu", "al", "ly"};
    String[] expectedTokens3 = {"Spl", "it ", "me ", "equ", "all"};

    Assert.assertArrayEquals(expectedTokens2, splitString(anyValidString, 2).toArray());
    Assert.assertArrayEquals(expectedTokens3, splitString(anyValidString, 3).toArray());

How to create an empty R vector to add new items

You can create an empty vector like so

vec <- numeric(0)

And then add elements using c()

vec <- c(vec, 1:5)

However as romunov says, it's much better to pre-allocate a vector and then populate it (as this avoids reallocating a new copy of your vector every time you add elements)

In Bash, how do I add a string after each line in a file?

I prefer echo. using pure bash:

cat file | while read line; do echo ${line}$string; done

how to measure running time of algorithms in python

The programming language doesn't matter; measuring the runtime complexity of an algorithm works the same way regardless of the language. Analysis of Algorithms by Stanford on Google Code University is a very good resource for teaching yourself how to analyze the runtime complexity of algorithms and code.

If all you want to do is measure the elapsed time that a function or section of code took to run in Python, then you can use the timeit or time modules, depending on how long the code needs to run.

How do you query for "is not null" in Mongo?

In pymongo you can use:

db.mycollection.find({"IMAGE URL":{"$ne":None}});

Because pymongo represents mongo "null" as python "None".

Crop image in android

hope you are doing well. you can use my code to crop just have to make a class and use this class into your XMl and java classes. Crop image. you can crop your selected image into circle and square into many of option. hope fully it will works for you.because this is totally manageable for you and you can change it according to you.

enjoy your work :)

Use string.Contains() with switch()

  case "test":
    if (Contains("test2")) {
      Console.WriteLine("yes for test2");

Bootstrap 3 Collapse show state with Chevron icon

One-liner. { transform: rotate(180deg); }

In this example it's being used to group collapsible table rows. The only thing you need to do is add the target class name (my-collapse-name) to your icon:

<tr data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".my-collapse-name">
    <th><i class="fa fa-chevron-right my-collapse-name"></span></th>
    <th>Master Row - Title</th>
<tr class="collapse my-collapse-name">
    <td>Detail Row - Content</td>

You could accomplish the same with Bootstrap's native caret class by using <span class='caret my-collapse-name'></span> and { transform: rotate(90deg); }

How to SUM two fields within an SQL query

If you want to add two columns together, all you have to do is add them. Then you will get the sum of those two columns for each row returned by the query.

What your code is doing is adding the two columns together and then getting a sum of the sums. That will work, but it might not be what you are attempting to accomplish.

C# - Making a Process.Start wait until the process has start-up

To extend @ChrisG's idea, a little, consider using process.MainWindowHandle and seeing if the window message loop is responding. Use p/invoke this Win32 api: SendMessageTimeout. From that link:

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. SendMessageTimeout does not provide information about individual windows timing out if HWND_BROADCAST is used.

If the function fails or times out, the return value is 0. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. If GetLastError returns ERROR_TIMEOUT, then the function timed out.

Item frequency count in Python

freqs = {}
for word in words:
    freqs[word] = freqs.get(word, 0) + 1 # fetch and increment OR initialize

I think this results to the same as Triptych's solution, but without importing collections. Also a bit like Selinap's solution, but more readable imho. Almost identical to Thomas Weigel's solution, but without using Exceptions.

This could be slower than using defaultdict() from the collections library however. Since the value is fetched, incremented and then assigned again. Instead of just incremented. However using += might do just the same internally.

Fill DataTable from SQL Server database

Try with following:

public DataTable fillDataTable(string table)
        string query = "SELECT * FROM dstut.dbo." +table;

        SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(conSTR);
        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, sqlConn);
        SqlDataAdapter da=new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        return dt;

Hope it is helpful.

How to draw a circle with text in the middle?

Of course, you have to use to tags to do that. One to create the circle and other for the text.

Here some code may help you

#circle {
    background: #f00;
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
    border-radius: 50%;


<div id="circle">
    <span class="innerTEXT"> Here a text</span>

Live example here


Here less smaller with a few changes

How do you replace double quotes with a blank space in Java?

You don't need regex for this. Just a character-by-character replace is sufficient. You can use String#replace() for this.

String replaced = original.replace("\"", " ");

Note that you can also use an empty string "" instead to replace with. Else the spaces would double up.

String replaced = original.replace("\"", "");

How to print pandas DataFrame without index

python 2.7

print df.to_string(index=False)

python 3


Add all files to a commit except a single file?

git add -u
git reset -- main/dontcheckmein.txt

c# open a new form then close the current form?

use this code snippet in your form1.

public static void ThreadProc()
Application.Run(new Form());

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
System.Threading.Thread t = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(ThreadProc));

I got this from here

How can I suppress all output from a command using Bash?

The following sends standard output to the null device (bit bucket).

scriptname >/dev/null

And if you also want error messages to be sent there, use one of (the first may not work in all shells):

scriptname &>/dev/null
scriptname >/dev/null 2>&1
scriptname >/dev/null 2>/dev/null

And, if you want to record the messages, but not see them, replace /dev/null with an actual file, such as:

scriptname &>scriptname.out

For completeness, under Windows cmd.exe (where "nul" is the equivalent of "/dev/null"), it is:

scriptname >nul 2>nul

TypeError: 'dict_keys' object does not support indexing

Why you need to implement shuffle when it already exists? Stay on the shoulders of giants.

import random

d1 = {0:'zero', 1:'one', 2:'two', 3:'three', 4:'four',
     5:'five', 6:'six', 7:'seven', 8:'eight', 9:'nine'}

keys = list(d1)

d2 = {}
for key in keys: d2[key] = d1[key]


How do I print the content of httprequest request?

You can print the request type using:


You can print all the headers as mentioned here:

Enumeration<String> headerNames = request.getHeaderNames();
while(headerNames.hasMoreElements()) {
  String headerName = headerNames.nextElement();
  System.out.println("Header Name - " + headerName + ", Value - " + request.getHeader(headerName));

To print all the request params, use this:

Enumeration<String> params = request.getParameterNames(); 
 String paramName = params.nextElement();
 System.out.println("Parameter Name - "+paramName+", Value - "+request.getParameter(paramName));

request is the instance of HttpServletRequest

You can beautify the outputs as you desire.

How to 'insert if not exists' in MySQL?


INSERT INTO `table` (`value1`, `value2`) 
SELECT 'stuff for value1', 'stuff for value2' FROM DUAL 
      WHERE `value1`='stuff for value1' AND `value2`='stuff for value2' LIMIT 1) 


The innermost query

SELECT * FROM `table` 
      WHERE `value1`='stuff for value1' AND `value2`='stuff for value2' LIMIT 1

used as the WHERE NOT EXISTS-condition detects if there already exists a row with the data to be inserted. After one row of this kind is found, the query may stop, hence the LIMIT 1 (micro-optimization, may be omitted).

The intermediate query

SELECT 'stuff for value1', 'stuff for value2' FROM DUAL

represents the values to be inserted. DUAL refers to a special one row, one column table present by default in all Oracle databases (see On a MySQL-Server version 5.7.26 I got a valid query when omitting FROM DUAL, but older versions (like 5.5.60) seem to require the FROM information. By using WHERE NOT EXISTS the intermediate query returns an empty result set if the innermost query found matching data.

The outer query

INSERT INTO `table` (`value1`, `value2`) 

inserts the data, if any is returned by the intermediate query.

How to convert an int to a hex string?

You are looking for the chr function.

You seem to be mixing decimal representations of integers and hex representations of integers, so it's not entirely clear what you need. Based on the description you gave, I think one of these snippets shows what you want.

>>> chr(0x65) == '\x65'

>>> hex(65)
>>> chr(65) == '\x41'

Note that this is quite different from a string containing an integer as hex. If that is what you want, use the hex builtin.

How to properly apply a lambda function into a pandas data frame column

You need to add else in your lambda function. Because you are telling what to do in case your condition(here x < 90) is met, but you are not telling what to do in case the condition is not met.

sample['PR'] = sample['PR'].apply(lambda x: 'NaN' if x < 90 else x) 

Now() function with time trim

Dates in VBA are just floating point numbers, where the integer part represents the date and the fraction part represents the time. So in addition to using the Date function as tlayton says (to get the current date) you can also cast a date value to a integer to get the date-part from an arbitrary date: Int(myDateValue).

ExecuteNonQuery doesn't return results

Could you post the exact query? The ExecuteNonQuery method returns the @@ROWCOUNT Sql Server variable what ever it is after the last query has executed is what the ExecuteNonQuery method returns.

horizontal scrollbar on top and bottom of table

An AngularJs directive for achieving this: To use it, add css class double-hscroll to your element. You will need jQuery and AngularJs for this.

import angular from 'angular';

var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, $compile) {
  $ = 'Dual wielded horizontal scroller';

app.directive('doubleHscroll', function($compile) {
  return {
restrict: 'C',
link: function(scope, elem, attr){

  var elemWidth = parseInt(elem[0].clientWidth);

  elem.wrap(`<div id='wrapscroll' style='width:${elemWidth}px;overflow:scroll'></div>`); 
  //note the top scroll contains an empty space as a 'trick' 
  $('#wrapscroll').before(`<div id='topscroll' style='height:20px; overflow:scroll;width:${elemWidth}px'><div style='min-width:${elemWidth}px'> </div></div>`);

    $('#wrapscroll').scroll(function() {





Is there a way to iterate over a range of integers?

It was suggested by Mark Mishyn to use slice but there is no reason to create array with make and use in for returned slice of it when array created via literal can be used and it's shorter

for i := range [5]int{} {

Should I check in folder "node_modules" to Git when creating a Node.js app on Heroku?

If you're rolling your own modules specific to your application, you can either:

  • Keep those (and only those) in your application's /node_modules folder and move out all the other dependencies to parent ../node_modules folder. This will work because of how NodeJS CommonJS modules system works by moving up to the parent directory, and so on, until the root of the tree is reached. See:

  • Or gitignore all /node_modules/* except your /node_modules/your-modules. See: Make .gitignore ignore everything except a few files

This use case is pretty awesome. It lets you keep modules you created specifically for your application nicely with it and doesn't clutter with dependencies which can be installed later.

WPF TabItem Header Styling

While searching for a way to round tabs, I found Carlo's answer and it did help but I needed a bit more. Here is what I put together, based on his work. This was done with MS Visual Studio 2015.

The Code:

<Window x:Class="MainWindow"
        Title="Rounded Tabs Example" Height="550" Width="700" WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen" FontFamily="DokChampa" FontSize="13.333" ResizeMode="CanMinimize" BorderThickness="0">
        <DropShadowEffect Opacity="0.5"/>
    <Grid Background="#FF423C3C">
        <TabControl x:Name="tabControl" TabStripPlacement="Left" Margin="6,10,10,10" BorderThickness="3">
                <Style TargetType="{x:Type TabItem}">
                    <Setter Property="Template">
                            <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type TabItem}">
                                    <Border Name="Border" Background="#FF6E6C67" Margin="2,2,-8,0" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1,1,1,1" CornerRadius="10">
                                        <ContentPresenter x:Name="ContentSite" ContentSource="Header" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Margin="2,2,12,2" RecognizesAccessKey="True"/>
                                    <Rectangle Height="100" Width="10" Margin="0,0,-10,0" Stroke="Black" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" HorizontalAlignment="Right" StrokeThickness="0" Fill="#FFD4D0C8"/>
                                    <Trigger Property="IsSelected" Value="True">
                                        <Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="Bold" />
                                        <Setter TargetName="ContentSite" Property="Width" Value="30" />
                                        <Setter TargetName="Border" Property="Background" Value="#FFD4D0C8" />
                                    <Trigger Property="IsEnabled" Value="False">
                                        <Setter TargetName="Border" Property="Background" Value="#FF6E6C67" />
                                    <Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="true">
                                        <Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="Bold" />
                    <Setter Property="HeaderTemplate">
                                <ContentPresenter Content="{TemplateBinding Content}">
                                        <RotateTransform Angle="270" />
                    <Setter Property="Background" Value="#FF6E6C67" />
                    <Setter Property="Height" Value="90" />
                    <Setter Property="Margin" Value="0" />
                    <Setter Property="Padding" Value="0" />
                    <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="DokChampa" />
                    <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="16" />
                    <Setter Property="VerticalAlignment" Value="Top" />
                    <Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Right" />
                    <Setter Property="UseLayoutRounding" Value="False" />
                <Style x:Key="tabGrids">
                    <Setter Property="Grid.Background" Value="#FFE5E5E5" />
                    <Setter Property="Grid.Margin" Value="6,10,10,10" />
            <TabItem Header="Planner">
                <Grid Style="{StaticResource tabGrids}"/>
            <TabItem Header="Section 2">
                <Grid Style="{StaticResource tabGrids}"/>
            <TabItem Header="Section III">
                <Grid Style="{StaticResource tabGrids}"/>
            <TabItem Header="Section 04">
                <Grid Style="{StaticResource tabGrids}"/>
            <TabItem Header="Tools">
                <Grid Style="{StaticResource tabGrids}"/>


enter image description here

How can I convert a string to a float in mysql?

It turns out I was just missing DECIMAL on the CAST() description:


Converts a value to DECIMAL data type. The optional arguments M and D specify the precision (M specifies the total number of digits) and the scale (D specifies the number of digits after the decimal point) of the decimal value. The default precision is two digits after the decimal point.

Thus, the following query worked:

latitude = CAST(old_latitude AS DECIMAL(10,6)),
longitude = CAST(old_longitude AS DECIMAL(10,6));

How to check if a line is blank using regex

The most portable regex would be ^[ \t\n]*$ to match an empty string (note that you would need to replace \t and \n with tab and newline accordingly) and [^ \n\t] to match a non-whitespace string.

How to permanently add a private key with ssh-add on Ubuntu?

For those that use Fish shell you can use the following function then call it in ~/.config/fish/ or in a separate configuration file in ~/.config/fish/conf.d/ It will load all keys that start with id_rsa into the ssh-agent.

# Load all ssh keys that start with "id_rsa"
function loadsshkeys
  set added_keys (ssh-add -l)
   for key in (find ~/.ssh/ -not -name "*.pub" -a -iname "id_rsa*")
    if test ! (echo $added_keys | grep -o -e $key)
      ssh-add "$key"

# Call the function to run it.

If you want to have the ssh-agent auto started when you open a terminal you can use tuvistavie/fish-ssh-agent to do this.

How does internationalization work in JavaScript?

Localization support in legacy browsers is poor. Originally, this was due to phrases in the ECMAScript language spec that look like this:

Produces a string value that represents the value of the Number formatted according to the conventions of the host environment’s current locale. This function is implementation-dependent, and it is permissible, but not encouraged, for it to return the same thing as toString.

Every localization method defined in the spec is defined as "implementation-dependent", which results in a lot of inconsistencies. In this instance, Chrome Opera and Safari would return the same thing as .toString(). Firefox and IE will return locale formatted strings, and IE even includes a thousand separator (perfect for currency strings). Chrome was recently updated to return a thousands-separated string, though with no fixed decimal.

For modern environments, the ECMAScript Internationalization API spec, a new standard that complements the ECMAScript Language spec, provides much better support for string comparison, number formatting, and the date and time formatting; it also fixes the corresponding functions in the Language Spec. An introduction can be found here. Implementations are available in:

  • Chrome 24
  • Firefox 29
  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Opera 15

There is also a compatibility implementation, Intl.js, which will provide the API in environments where it doesn't already exist.

Determining the user's preferred language remains a problem since there's no specification for obtaining the current language. Each browser implements a method to obtain a language string, but this could be based on the user's operating system language or just the language of the browser:

// navigator.userLanguage for IE, navigator.language for others
var lang = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage;

A good workaround for this is to dump the Accept-Language header from the server to the client. If formatted as a JavaScript, it can be passed to the Internationalization API constructors, which will automatically pick the best (or first-supported) locale.

In short, you have to put in a lot of the work yourself, or use a framework/library, because you cannot rely on the browser to do it for you.

Various libraries and plugins for localization:

  • Others:

Feel free to add/edit.

How to embed YouTube videos in PHP?

You can do this simple with Joomla. Let me assume a sample YouTube URL -

$youtubeUrl =  JUri::getInstance('');
$videoId = $youtubeUrl->getVar('v'); ?>

<iframe id="ytplayer" type="text/html" width="640" height="390"  src="<?php echo $videoId; ?>"  frameborder="0"/>

Get value from text area

You need to be using .val() not .value

$(document).ready(function () {
  if ($("textarea").val() != "") {

When is assembly faster than C?

Only when using some special purpose instruction sets the compiler doesn't support.

To maximize the computing power of a modern CPU with multiple pipelines and predictive branching you need to structure the assembly program in a way that makes it a) almost impossible for a human to write b) even more impossible to maintain.

Also, better algorithms, data structures and memory management will give you at least an order of magnitude more performance than the micro-optimizations you can do in assembly.

How do you set EditText to only accept numeric values in Android?

For example:


Node.js: get path from the request

var http = require('http');
var url  = require('url');
var fs   = require('fs');

var neededstats = [];

http.createServer(function(req, res) {
    if (req.url == '/index.html' || req.url == '/') {
        fs.readFile('./index.html', function(err, data) {
    } else {
        var p = __dirname + '/' + req.params.filepath;
        fs.stat(p, function(err, stats) {
            if (err) {
                throw err;
}).listen(8080, '');
console.log('Server running.');

I have not tested your code but other things works

If you want to get the path info from request url

 var url_parts = url.parse(req.url);

1.If you are getting the URL parameters still not able to read the file just correct your file path in my example. If you place index.html in same directory as server code it would work...

2.if you have big folder structure that you want to host using node then I would advise you to use some framework like expressjs

If you want raw solution to file path

var http = require("http");
var url = require("url");

function start() {
function onRequest(request, response) {
    var pathname = url.parse(request.url).pathname;
    console.log("Request for " + pathname + " received.");
    response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
    response.write("Hello World");

console.log("Server has started.");

exports.start = start;

source :

How to get table cells evenly spaced?

Make a surrounding div-tag, and set for it display: grid in its style attribute.

<div style='display: grid; 
            text-align: center;
            background-color: antiquewhite'

The text-align property is set only to show, that the text in the regular table cells are affected by it, even though it is set on the surrounding div. The same with the background-color but it is hard to say which element actually holds the background-color.

How to select all records from one table that do not exist in another table?

This is pure set theory which you can achieve with the minus operation.

select id, name from table1
select id, name from table2

PG COPY error: invalid input syntax for integer

Use the below command to copy data from CSV in a single line without casting and changing your datatype. Please replace "NULL" by your string which creating error in copy data

copy table_name from 'path to csv file' (format csv, null "NULL", DELIMITER ',', HEADER);

How to disable Hyper-V in command line?

The OP had the best answer for me and it appears that others have figured out the -All addition as well. I set up two batch files, then shortcuts to those so you can set the Run As Admin permissions on them, easy-peasy.

Batch Off

Call dism.exe /Online /Disable-Feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V-All

Batch On

Call dism.exe /Online /Enable-Feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V /All

Right-click -> create desktop shortcut. Right-click the shortcut -> properties -> under the shortcut tab -> Advanced -> Run as admin

Stop fixed position at footer

$(window).scroll(() => {
    const footerToTop = $('.your-footer').position().top;
    const scrollTop = $(document).scrollTop() + $(window).height();
    const difference = scrollTop - footerToTop;
    const bottomValue = scrollTop > footerToTop ? difference : 0;
    $('.your-fixed-element').css('bottom', bottomValue);

How to create and show common dialog (Error, Warning, Confirmation) in JavaFX 2.0?

EDIT: dialog support was added to JavaFX, see

There were no common dialog support in a year 2011. You had to write it yourself by creating new Stage():

Stage dialogStage = new Stage();

VBox vbox = new VBox(new Text("Hi"), new Button("Ok."));
vbox.setPadding(new Insets(15));

dialogStage.setScene(new Scene(vbox));;

Git is not working after macOS Update (xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools)

On Mac OS X Catalina the following worked just fine

xcode-select --install

After this, a UI prompt showed up and that complete the install of the tools

Convert negative data into positive data in SQL Server

Use the absolute value function ABS. The syntax is

ABS ( numeric_expression )

enable cors in .htaccess

As in this answer Custom HTTP Header for a specific file you can use <File> to enable CORS for a single file with this code:

<Files "index.php">
  Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
  Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods: "GET,POST,OPTIONS,DELETE,PUT"

How to print variable addresses in C?

You want to use %p to print a pointer. From the spec:

p The argument shall be a pointer to void. The value of the pointer is converted to a sequence of printing characters, in an implementation-defined manner.

And don't forget the cast, e.g.


How do I use two submit buttons, and differentiate between which one was used to submit the form?

If you can't put value on buttons. I have just a rough solution. Put a hidden field. And when one of the buttons are clicked before submitting, populate the value of hidden field with like say 1 when first button clicked and 2 if second one is clicked. and in submit page check for the value of this hidden field to determine which one is clicked.

How can I get the last character in a string?

Use the charAt method. This function accepts one argument: The index of the character.

var lastCHar = myString.charAt(myString.length-1);

Change application's starting activity

In AndroidManifest.xml

I changed here the first activity to be MainActivity4 instead of MainActivity:


    <activity android:name=".MainActivity" >
           <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
          <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
    <activity android:name=".MainActivity2" />
    <activity android:name=".MainActivity3" />
    <activity android:name=".MainActivity4" />
    <activity android:name=".MainActivity5" />
    <activity android:name=".MainActivity6"/>


    <activity android:name=".MainActivity" />
    <activity android:name=".MainActivity2" />
    <activity android:name=".MainActivity3" />
    <activity android:name=".MainActivity4" >
           <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
          <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
    <activity android:name=".MainActivity5" />
    <activity android:name=".MainActivity6"/>

How to add multiple files to Git at the same time

If you want to stage and commit all your files on Github do the following;

git add -A                                                                                
git commit -m "commit message"
git push origin master

Node.js Error: Cannot find module express

Golo have explain well the solution, but I might add a clarification:
sometimes node modules are installed in


and when you launch node blabla.js modules are searched in


So a solution is to create a symbolic link:

sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/node_modules/ /lib/node_modules

Grouped bar plot in ggplot

First you need to get the counts for each category, i.e. how many Bads and Goods and so on are there for each group (Food, Music, People). This would be done like so:

raw <- read.csv("",sep=",")
raw[,2]<-factor(raw[,2],levels=c("Very Bad","Bad","Good","Very Good"),ordered=FALSE)
raw[,3]<-factor(raw[,3],levels=c("Very Bad","Bad","Good","Very Good"),ordered=FALSE)
raw[,4]<-factor(raw[,4],levels=c("Very Bad","Bad","Good","Very Good"),ordered=FALSE)

raw=raw[,c(2,3,4)] # getting rid of the "people" variable as I see no use for it

freq=table(col(raw), as.matrix(raw)) # get the counts of each factor level

Then you need to create a data frame out of it, melt it and plot it:

Names=c("Food","Music","People")     # create list of names
data=data.frame(cbind(freq),Names)   # combine them into a data frame
data=data[,c(5,3,1,2,4)]             # sort columns

# melt the data frame for plotting
data.m <- melt(data, id.vars='Names')

# plot everything
ggplot(data.m, aes(Names, value)) +   
  geom_bar(aes(fill = variable), position = "dodge", stat="identity")

Is this what you're after?

enter image description here

To clarify a little bit, in ggplot multiple grouping bar you had a data frame that looked like this:

> head(df)
1  1    A  1980   450   338   154    36    13     9
2  2    A  2000   288   407   212    54    16    23
3  3    A  2020   196   434   246    68    19    36
4  4    B  1980   111   326   441    90    21    11
5  5    B  2000    63   298   443   133    42    21
6  6    B  2020    36   257   462   162    55    30

Since you have numerical values in columns 4-9, which would later be plotted on the y axis, this can be easily transformed with reshape and plotted.

For our current data set, we needed something similar, so we used freq=table(col(raw), as.matrix(raw)) to get this:

> data
   Names Very.Bad Bad Good Very.Good
1   Food        7   6    5         2
2  Music        5   5    7         3
3 People        6   3    7         4

Just imagine you have Very.Bad, Bad, Good and so on instead of X1PCE, X2PCE, X3PCE. See the similarity? But we needed to create such structure first. Hence the freq=table(col(raw), as.matrix(raw)).

python replace single backslash with double backslash

Given the source string, manipulation with os.path might make more sense, but here's a string solution;

>>> s=r"C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\\20130216"
>>> '\\\\'.join(filter(bool, s.split('\\')))

Note that split treats the \\ in the source string as a delimited empty string. Using filter gets rid of those empty strings so join won't double the already doubled backslashes. Unfortunately, if you have 3 or more, they get reduced to doubled backslashes, but I don't think that hurts you in a windows path expression.

Replace specific text with a redacted version using Python

You can do it using named-entity recognition (NER). It's fairly simple and there are out-of-the-shelf tools out there to do it, such as spaCy.

NER is an NLP task where a neural network (or other method) is trained to detect certain entities, such as names, places, dates and organizations.


Sponge Bob went to South beach, he payed a ticket of $200!
I know, Michael is a good person, he goes to McDonalds, but donates to charity at St. Louis street.


NER with spacy

Just be aware that this is not 100%!

Here are a little snippet for you to try out:

import spacy

phrases = ['Sponge Bob went to South beach, he payed a ticket of $200!', 'I know, Michael is a good person, he goes to McDonalds, but donates to charity at St. Louis street.']
nlp = spacy.load('en')
for phrase in phrases:
   doc = nlp(phrase)
   replaced = ""
   for token in doc:
      if token in doc.ents:
         replaced+="XXXX "
         replaced+=token.text+" "

Read more here:

You could, instead of replacing with XXXX, replace based on the entity type, like:

if ent.label_ == "PERSON":
   replaced += "<PERSON> "


import re, random

personames = ["Jack", "Mike", "Bob", "Dylan"]

phrase = re.replace("<PERSON>", random.choice(personames), phrase)

No found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations:

Add the annotation @Repository to the implementation of UserDaoImpl

public class UserDaoImpl implements UserDao {
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(UserDaoImpl.class);

    private LocalSessionFactoryBean sessionFactory;



Python Requests - No connection adapters

You need to include the protocol scheme:


Without the http:// part, requests has no idea how to connect to the remote server.

Note that the protocol scheme must be all lowercase; if your URL starts with HTTP:// for example, it won’t find the http:// connection adapter either.

Understanding The Modulus Operator %

Modulus operator gives you the result in 'reduced residue system'. For example for mod 5 there are 5 integers counted: 0,1,2,3,4. In fact 19=12=5=-2=-9 (mod 7). The main difference that the answer is given by programming languages by 'reduced residue system'.

Display names of all constraints for a table in Oracle SQL

select constraint_name,constraint_type 
from user_constraints
where table_name = 'YOUR TABLE NAME';

note: table name should be in caps.

In case you don't know the name of the table then,

select constraint_name,constraint_type,table_name 
from user_constraints;

select the TOP N rows from a table

Assuming your page size is 20 record, and you wanna get page number 2, here is how you would do it:

SQL Server, Oracle:

SELECT *   -- <-- pick any columns here from your table, if you wanna exclude the RowNumber
      FROM Reflow  
      WHERE ReflowProcessID = somenumber) t
WHERE RowNumber >= 20 AND RowNumber <= 40    


FROM Reflow  
WHERE ReflowProcessID = somenumber

Gmail Error :The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.5.1 Authentication Required

I tried all of the suggestions found here, from enabling less secure apps, to trying port 587... nothing worked. Finally I just commented out the line UseDefaultCredentials = false. Everything worked if I didn't touch that boolean.

How can I print out C++ map values?

If your compiler supports (at least part of) C++11 you could do something like:

for (auto& t : myMap)
    std::cout << t.first << " " 
              << t.second.first << " " 
              << t.second.second << "\n";

For C++03 I'd use std::copy with an insertion operator instead:

typedef std::pair<string, std::pair<string, string> > T;

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, T const &t) { 
    return os << t.first << " " << t.second.first << " " << t.second.second;

// ...
std:copy(myMap.begin(), myMap.end(), std::ostream_iterator<T>(std::cout, "\n"));

Generate an integer that is not among four billion given ones

If there is no size limit, the quickest way is to take the length of the file, and generate the length of the file+1 number of random digits (or just "11111..." s). Advantage: you don't even need to read the file, and you can minimize memory use nearly to zero. Disadvantage: You will print billions of digits.

However, if the only factor was minimizing memory usage, and nothing else is important, this would be the optimal solution. It might even get you a "worst abuse of the rules" award.

How to do a logical OR operation for integer comparison in shell scripting?

If a bash script

If [[ $input -gt number  ||  $input  -lt number  ]]
    echo .........
    echo .........



Twitter Bootstrap modal on mobile devices

OK this does fix it I tried it today Sept 5-2012 but you have to be sure to check out the demo

The solution by niftylettuce in issue 2130 seems to fix modals in all mobile platforms...

9/1/12 UPDATE: The fix has been updated here: twitter bootstrap jquery plugins

here is the link to the Demo It works great heres the code I used


How to do a HTTP HEAD request from the windows command line?

There is a Win32 port of wget that works decently.

PowerShell's Invoke-WebRequest -Method Head would work as well.

What is the regular expression to allow uppercase/lowercase (alphabetical characters), periods, spaces and dashes only?

The regex you're looking for is ^[A-Za-z.\s_-]+$

  • ^ asserts that the regular expression must match at the beginning of the subject
  • [] is a character class - any character that matches inside this expression is allowed
  • A-Z allows a range of uppercase characters
  • a-z allows a range of lowercase characters
  • . matches a period rather than a range of characters
  • \s matches whitespace (spaces and tabs)
  • _ matches an underscore
  • - matches a dash (hyphen); we have it as the last character in the character class so it doesn't get interpreted as being part of a character range. We could also escape it (\-) instead and put it anywhere in the character class, but that's less clear
  • + asserts that the preceding expression (in our case, the character class) must match one or more times
  • $ Finally, this asserts that we're now at the end of the subject

When you're testing regular expressions, you'll likely find a tool like regexpal helpful. This allows you to see your regular expression match (or fail to match) your sample data in real time as you write it.

Correct way to use Modernizr to detect IE?

I needed to detect IE vs most everything else and I didn't want to depend on the UA string. I found that using es6number with Modernizr did exactly what I wanted. I don't have much concern with this changing as I don't expect IE to ever support ES6 Number. So now I know the difference between any version of IE vs Edge/Chrome/Firefox/Opera/Safari.

More details here:

Note that I'm not really concerned about Opera Mini false negatives. You might be.

Server.Transfer Vs. Response.Redirect

Response.Redirect() will send you to a new page, update the address bar and add it to the Browser History. On your browser you can click back.

Server.Transfer() does not change the address bar. You cannot hit back.

I use Server.Transfer() when I don't want the user to see where I am going. Sometimes on a "loading" type page.

Otherwise I'll always use Response.Redirect().

Hibernate - Batch update returned unexpected row count from update: 0 actual row count: 0 expected: 1

I was facing same issue. The code was working in the testing environment. But it was not working in staging environment.

org.hibernate.jdbc.BatchedTooManyRowsAffectedException: Batch update returned unexpected row count from update [0]; actual row count: 3; expected: 1

The problem was the table had single entry for each primary key in testing DB table. But in staging DB there was multiple entry for same primary key. ( Problem is in staging DB the table didn't had any primary key constraints also there was multiple entry.)

So every time on update operation it gets failed. It tries to update single record and expect to get update count as 1. But since there was 3 records in the table for the same primary key, The result update count finds 3. Since expected update count and actual result update count didn't match, It throws exception and rolls back.

After the I removed all the records which have duplicate primary key and added primary key constraints. It is working fine.

Hibernate - Batch update returned unexpected row count from update: 0 actual row count: 0 expected: 1

actual row count: 0 // means no record found to update
update: 0 // means no record found so nothing update
expected: 1 // means expected at least 1 record with key in db table.

Here the problem is that the query trying to update a record for some key, But hibernate didn't find any record with the key.

How to set environment variables in Python?

You should assign string value to environment variable.

os.environ["DEBUSSY"] = "1"

If you want to read or print the environment variable just use

print os.environ["DEBUSSY"]

This changes will be effective only for the current process where it was assigned, it will no change the value permanently. The child processes will automatically inherit the environment of the parent process.

enter image description here

Stop setInterval call in JavaScript


let refresch = ()=> 'background: #'

let intId = setInterval(refresch, 1000);

let stop = ()=> clearInterval(intId);
body {transition: 1s}
<button onclick="stop()">Stop</button>

SSH Port forwarding in a ~/.ssh/config file?

You can use the LocalForward directive in your host yam section of ~/.ssh/config:

LocalForward 5901

Do you need to dispose of objects and set them to null?

Objects will be cleaned up when they are no longer being used and when the garbage collector sees fit. Sometimes, you may need to set an object to null in order to make it go out of scope (such as a static field whose value you no longer need), but overall there is usually no need to set to null.

Regarding disposing objects, I agree with @Andre. If the object is IDisposable it is a good idea to dispose it when you no longer need it, especially if the object uses unmanaged resources. Not disposing unmanaged resources will lead to memory leaks.

You can use the using statement to automatically dispose an object once your program leaves the scope of the using statement.

using (MyIDisposableObject obj = new MyIDisposableObject())
    // use the object here
} // the object is disposed here

Which is functionally equivalent to:

MyIDisposableObject obj;
    obj = new MyIDisposableObject();
    if (obj != null)

How can I generate random alphanumeric strings?

I was looking for a more specific answer, where I want to control the format of the random string and came across this post. For example: license plates (of cars) have a specific format (per country) and I wanted to created random license plates.
I decided to write my own extension method of Random for this. (this is in order to reuse the same Random object, as you could have doubles in multi-threading scenarios). I created a gist (, but will also copy the extension class here:

void Main()
    Random rnd = new Random();

public static class RandomExtensions
    public static string GetString(this Random random, string format)
        // Based on
        // Added logic to specify the format of the random string (# will be random string, 0 will be random numeric, other characters remain)
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        for(int formatIndex = 0; formatIndex < format.Length ; formatIndex++)
                case '0': result.Append(getRandomNumeric(random)); break;
                case '#': result.Append(getRandomCharacter(random)); break;
                default : result.Append(format[formatIndex]); break;
        return result.ToString();

    private static char getRandomCharacter(Random random)
        string chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
        return chars[random.Next(chars.Length)];

    private static char getRandomNumeric(Random random)
        string nums = "0123456789";
        return nums[random.Next(nums.Length)];

Separating class code into a header and cpp file

Basically a modified syntax of function declaration/definitions:


class A2DD
  int gx;
  int gy;

  A2DD(int x,int y);

  int getSum();


A2DD::A2DD(int x,int y)
  gx = x;
  gy = y;

int A2DD::getSum()
  return gx + gy;

How can I get the application's path in a .NET console application?

You may be looking to do this:


Excel concatenation quotes

Try this:

CONCATENATE(""""; B2 ;"""")

@widor provided a nice solution alternative too - integrated with mine:

CONCATENATE(char(34); B2 ;char(34))

Manually install Gradle and use it in Android Studio

Step 1. Download the latest Gradle distribution

Step 2. Unpack the distribution

Microsoft Windows users

Create a new directory C:\Gradle with File Explorer.

Open a second File Explorer window and go to the directory where the Gradle distribution was downloaded. Double-click the ZIP archive to expose the content. Drag the content folder gradle-4.1 to your newly created C:\Gradle folder.

Alternatively you can unpack the Gradle distribution ZIP into C:\Gradle using an archiver tool of your choice.

Step 3. Configure your system environment

Microsoft Windows users

In File Explorer right-click on the This PC (or Computer) icon, then click Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Environmental Variables.

Under System Variables select Path, then click Edit. Add an entry for C:\Gradle\gradle-4.1\bin. Click OK to save.

Step 4. Verify your installation

Android Button setOnClickListener Design

public class MyActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickListener {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Button button = findViewById(;
        Button button2 = findViewById(;


    public void onClick(View view) {

        int id = view.getId();

        switch (id) {


                  // Write your code here first button



                  // Write your code here for second button





Removing whitespace from strings in Java

How about replaceAll("\\s", ""). Refer here.

SQLAlchemy insert or update example

assuming certain column names...


newToner = Toner(toner_id = 1,
                    toner_color = 'blue',
                    toner_hex = '#0F85FF')


INSERT multiple

newToner1 = Toner(toner_id = 1,
                    toner_color = 'blue',
                    toner_hex = '#0F85FF')

newToner2 = Toner(toner_id = 2,
                    toner_color = 'red',
                    toner_hex = '#F01731')

dbsession.add_all([newToner1, newToner2])   


q = dbsession.query(Toner)
q = q.filter(Toner.toner_id==1)
record =
record.toner_color = 'Azure Radiance'


or using a fancy one-liner using MERGE

record = dbsession.merge(Toner( **kwargs))

How do you create a temporary table in an Oracle database?

CREATE TABLE table_temp_list_objects AS
SELECT o.owner, o.object_name FROM sys.all_objects o WHERE o.object_type ='TABLE';

Max length for client ip address

People are talking about characters when one can compress an IP address into raw data.

So in principle, since we only use IPv4 (32bit) or IPv6 (128bit), that means you need at most 128 bits of space, or 128/8 = 16 bytes!

Which is much less than the suggested 39 bytes (assuming charset is ascii).

That said, you will have to decode and encode the IP address into/from the raw data, which in itself is a trivial thing to do (I've done it before, see PHP's ip2long() for 32-bit IPs).

Edit: inet_pton (and its opposite, inet_ntop()) does what you need, and works with both address types. But beware, on Windows it's available since PHP 5.3.

Embed YouTube video - Refused to display in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'

You must ensure the URL contains embed rather watch as the /embed endpoint allows outside requests, whereas the /watch endpoint does not.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Simplest way to detect a pinch

detect two fingers pinch zoom on any element, easy and w/o hassle with 3rd party libs like Hammer.js (beware, hammer has issues with scrolling!)

function onScale(el, callback) {
    let hypo = undefined;

    el.addEventListener('touchmove', function(event) {
        if (event.targetTouches.length === 2) {
            let hypo1 = Math.hypot((event.targetTouches[0].pageX - event.targetTouches[1].pageX),
                (event.targetTouches[0].pageY - event.targetTouches[1].pageY));
            if (hypo === undefined) {
                hypo = hypo1;
    }, false);

    el.addEventListener('touchend', function(event) {
        hypo = undefined;
    }, false);

How to debug when Kubernetes nodes are in 'Not Ready' state

Steps to debug:-

In case you face any issue in kubernetes, first step is to check if kubernetes self applications are running fine or not.

Command to check:- kubectl get pods -n kube-system

If you see any pod is crashing, check it's logs

if getting NotReady state error, verify network pod logs.

if not able to resolve with above, follow below steps:-

  1. kubectl get nodes # Check which node is not in ready state

  2. kubectl describe node nodename #nodename which is not in readystate

  3. ssh to that node

  4. execute systemctl status kubelet # Make sure kubelet is running

  5. systemctl status docker # Make sure docker service is running

  6. journalctl -u kubelet # To Check logs in depth

Most probably you will get to know about error here, After fixing it reset kubelet with below commands:-

  1. systemctl daemon-reload
  2. systemctl restart kubelet

In case you still didn't get the root cause, check below things:-

  1. Make sure your node has enough space and memory. Check for /var directory space especially. command to check: -df -kh, free -m

  2. Verify cpu utilization with top command. and make sure any process is not taking an unexpected memory.

In android app Toolbar.setTitle method has no effect – application name is shown as title

For anyone who needs to set up the title through the Toolbar some time after setting the SupportActionBar (@sorianiv) AND your Toolbar is inside a CollapsingToolbarLayout, read this:

mToolbarLayout = (CollapsingToolbarLayout) findViewById(;
Toolbar toolbar = findViewById(;
//toolbar.setTitle(""); // no need to do this
//mToolbarLayout.setTitle("Title"); // if you need an initial title, do this instead

Then later,

mToolbarLayout.setTitle("New Title");

Key Presses in Python

Check This module keyboard with many features.Install it, perhaps with this command:

pip3 install keyboard

Then Use this Code:

import keyboard

If you Want to write 'A' multiple times, Then simply use a loop.
The key 'A' will be pressed for the whole windows.Means the script is running and you went to browser, the script will start writing there.

UITableView with fixed section headers

to make UITableView sections header not sticky or sticky:

  1. change the table view's style - make it grouped for not sticky & make it plain for sticky section headers - do not forget: you can do it from storyboard without writing code. (click on your table view and change it is style from the right Side/ component menu)

  2. if you have extra components such as custom views or etc. please check the table view's margins to create appropriate design. (such as height of header for sections & height of cell at index path, sections)

How to watch for form changes in Angular

For angular 5+ version. Putting version helps as angular makes lot of changes.

ngOnInit() {

 this.myForm ={
      firstName: 'Thomas',
      lastName: 'Mann'
this.formControlValueChanged() // Note if you are doing an edit/fetching data from an observer this must be called only after your form is properly initialized otherwise you will get error.

formControlValueChanged(): void {       
        this.myForm.valueChanges.subscribe(value => {
            console.log('value changed', value)

org.springframework.beans.factory.CannotLoadBeanClassException: Cannot find class

I got the same error and the cause was the directory:


was corrupted(directory or file not readable or damaged).. solved with

  • renaming the directory WEB-INF\classes as WEB-INF\classes_old
  • Eclipse's Project menu--> Clean (to recreate directories)
  • redeploy --> restart server.

How to read an entire file to a string using C#?

Take a look at the File.ReadAllText() method

Some important remarks:

This method opens a file, reads each line of the file, and then adds each line as an element of a string. It then closes the file. A line is defined as a sequence of characters followed by a carriage return ('\r'), a line feed ('\n'), or a carriage return immediately followed by a line feed. The resulting string does not contain the terminating carriage return and/or line feed.

This method attempts to automatically detect the encoding of a file based on the presence of byte order marks. Encoding formats UTF-8 and UTF-32 (both big-endian and little-endian) can be detected.

Use the ReadAllText(String, Encoding) method overload when reading files that might contain imported text, because unrecognized characters may not be read correctly.

The file handle is guaranteed to be closed by this method, even if exceptions are raised

Bitwise operation and usage

Think of 0 as false and 1 as true. Then bitwise and(&) and or(|) work just like regular and and or except they do all of the bits in the value at once. Typically you will see them used for flags if you have 30 options that can be set (say as draw styles on a window) you don't want to have to pass in 30 separate boolean values to set or unset each one so you use | to combine options into a single value and then you use & to check if each option is set. This style of flag passing is heavily used by OpenGL. Since each bit is a separate flag you get flag values on powers of two(aka numbers that have only one bit set) 1(2^0) 2(2^1) 4(2^2) 8(2^3) the power of two tells you which bit is set if the flag is on.

Also note 2 = 10 so x|2 is 110(6) not 111(7) If none of the bits overlap(which is true in this case) | acts like addition.

Java - Create a new String instance with specified length and filled with specific character. Best solution?

Solution using Google Guava, since I prefer it to Apache Commons-Lang:

 * Returns a String with exactly the given length composed entirely of
 * the given character.
 * @param length the length of the returned string
 * @param c the character to fill the String with
public static String stringOfLength(final int length, final char c)
    return Strings.padEnd("", length, c);

How to round a floating point number up to a certain decimal place?

Here is my solution for the round up/down problem

< .5  round down

> = .5  round up

import math

def _should_round_down(val: float):
    if val < 0:
        return ((val * -1) % 1) < 0.5
    return (val % 1) < 0.5

def _round(val: float, ndigits=0):
    if ndigits > 0:
        val *= 10 ** (ndigits - 1)
    is_positive = val > 0
    tmp_val = val
    if not is_positive:
        tmp_val *= -1
    rounded_value = math.floor(tmp_val) if _should_round_down(val) else math.ceil(tmp_val)
    if not is_positive:
        rounded_value *= -1
    if ndigits > 0:
        rounded_value /= 10 ** (ndigits - 1)
    return rounded_value

# test
# nr = 12.2548
# for digit in range(0, 4):
#     print("{} decimals : {} -> {}".format(digit, nr, _round(nr, digit)))

# output
# 0 decimals : 12.2548 -> 12
# 1 decimals : 12.2548 -> 12.0
# 2 decimals : 12.2548 -> 12.3
# 3 decimals : 12.2548 -> 12.25

make: Nothing to be done for `all'

When you just give make, it makes the first rule in your makefile, i.e "all". You have specified that "all" depends on "hello", which depends on main.o, factorial.o and hello.o. So 'make' tries to see if those files are present.

If they are present, 'make' sees if their dependencies, e.g. main.o has a dependency main.c, have changed. If they have changed, make rebuilds them, else skips the rule. Similarly it recursively goes on building the files that have changed and finally runs the top most command, "all" in your case to give you a executable, 'hello' in your case.

If they are not present, make blindly builds everything under the rule.

Coming to your problem, it isn't an error but 'make' is saying that every dependency in your makefile is up to date and it doesn't need to make anything!

How to configure Docker port mapping to use Nginx as an upstream proxy?

AJB's "Option B" can be made to work by using the base Ubuntu image and setting up nginx on your own. (It didn't work when I used the Nginx image from Docker Hub.)

Here is the Docker file I used:

FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y nginx
RUN ln -sf /dev/stdout /var/log/nginx/access.log
RUN ln -sf /dev/stderr /var/log/nginx/error.log
RUN rm -rf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
EXPOSE 80 443
COPY conf/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]

My nginx config (aka: conf/

server {
    listen 80 default;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://website;

upstream website {
    server website:3000;

And finally, how I start my containers:

$ docker run -dP --name website website
$ docker run -dP --name nginx --link website:website nginx

This got me up and running so my nginx pointed the upstream to the second docker container which exposed port 3000.

What is monkey patching?

No, it's not like any of those things. It's simply the dynamic replacement of attributes at runtime.

For instance, consider a class that has a method get_data. This method does an external lookup (on a database or web API, for example), and various other methods in the class call it. However, in a unit test, you don't want to depend on the external data source - so you dynamically replace the get_data method with a stub that returns some fixed data.

Because Python classes are mutable, and methods are just attributes of the class, you can do this as much as you like - and, in fact, you can even replace classes and functions in a module in exactly the same way.

But, as a commenter pointed out, use caution when monkeypatching:

  1. If anything else besides your test logic calls get_data as well, it will also call your monkey-patched replacement rather than the original -- which can be good or bad. Just beware.

  2. If some variable or attribute exists that also points to the get_data function by the time you replace it, this alias will not change its meaning and will continue to point to the original get_data. (Why? Python just rebinds the name get_data in your class to some other function object; other name bindings are not impacted at all.)

Unique on a dataframe with only selected columns

Minor update in @Joran's code.
Using the code below, you can avoid the ambiguity and only get the unique of two columns:

dat <- data.frame(id=c(1,1,3), id2=c(1,1,4) ,somevalue=c("x","y","z"))    
dat[row.names(unique(dat[,c("id", "id2")])), c("id", "id2")]

For loop in Objective-C

The traditional for loop in Objective-C is inherited from standard C and takes the following form:

for (/* Instantiate local variables*/ ; /* Condition to keep looping. */ ; /* End of loop expressions */)
    // Do something.

For example, to print the numbers from 1 to 10, you could use the for loop:

for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
    NSLog(@"%d", i);

On the other hand, the for in loop was introduced in Objective-C 2.0, and is used to loop through objects in a collection, such as an NSArray instance. For example, to loop through a collection of NSString objects in an NSArray and print them all out, you could use the following format.

for (NSString* currentString in myArrayOfStrings)
    NSLog(@"%@", currentString);

This is logically equivilant to the following traditional for loop:

for (int i = 0; i < [myArrayOfStrings count]; i++)
    NSLog(@"%@", [myArrayOfStrings objectAtIndex:i]);

The advantage of using the for in loop is firstly that it's a lot cleaner code to look at. Secondly, the Objective-C compiler can optimize the for in loop so as the code runs faster than doing the same thing with a traditional for loop.

Hope this helps.

Jquery Value match Regex

  • Pass a string to RegExp or create a regex using the // syntax
  • Call regex.test(string), not string.test(regex)


jQuery(function () {
    $(".mail").keyup(function () {
        var VAL = this.value;

        var email = new RegExp('^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$');

        if (email.test(VAL)) {
            alert('Great, you entered an E-Mail-address');

Force an Android activity to always use landscape mode

Add The Following Lines in Activity

You need to enter in every Activity

for landscape


for portrait


Here The Example of MainActivity

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""

        <activity android:name=".MainActivity"
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

        <activity android:name=".MainActivity2"
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

sql primary key and index

Declaring a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint causes SQL Server to automatically create an index.

An unique index can be created without matching a constraint, but a constraint (either primary key or unique) cannot exist without having a unique index.

From here, the creation of a constraint will:

  • cause an index with the same name to be created
  • deny dropping the created index as constraint is not allowed to exists without it

and at the same time dropping the constraint will drop the associated index.

So, is there actual difference between a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE INDEX:

  • NULL values are not allowed in PRIMARY KEY, but allowed in UNIQUE index; and like in set operators (UNION, EXCEPT, INTERSECT), here NULL = NULL which means that you can have only one value as two NULLs are find as duplicates of each other;
  • only one PRIMARY KEY may exists per table while 999 unique indexes can be created
  • when PRIMARY KEY constraint is created, it is created as clustered unless there is already a clustered index on the table or NONCLUSTERED is used in its definition; when UNIQUE index is created, it is created as NONCLUSTERED unless it is not specific to be CLUSTERED and such already does not exist;

Removing duplicate elements from an array in Swift

Use a Set or NSOrderedSet to remove duplicates, then convert back to an Array:

let uniqueUnordered = Array(Set(array))
let uniqueOrdered = Array(NSOrderedSet(array: array))

"Parameter" vs "Argument"

A parameter is the variable which is part of the method’s signature (method declaration). An argument is an expression used when calling the method.

Consider the following code:

void Foo(int i, float f)
    // Do things

void Bar()
    int anInt = 1;
    Foo(anInt, 2.0);

Here i and f are the parameters, and anInt and 2.0 are the arguments.

printf() formatting for hex

The # part gives you a 0x in the output string. The 0 and the x count against your "8" characters listed in the 08 part. You need to ask for 10 characters if you want it to be the same.

int i = 7;

printf("%#010x\n", i);  // gives 0x00000007
printf("0x%08x\n", i);  // gives 0x00000007
printf("%#08x\n", i);   // gives 0x000007

Also changing the case of x, affects the casing of the outputted characters.

printf("%04x", 4779); // gives 12ab
printf("%04X", 4779); // gives 12AB

How to calculate Date difference in Hive

yes datediff is implemented; see:

By the way I found this by Google-searching "hive datediff", it was the first result ;)

Async image loading from url inside a UITableView cell - image changes to wrong image while scrolling

-(UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{
    Static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell";
    QTStaffViewCell *cell = (QTStaffViewCell *)[tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier];

    If (cell == nil)

        NSArray *nib = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"QTStaffViewCell" owner:self options:nil];
        cell = [nib objectAtIndex: 0];


    StaffData = [self.staffArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
    NSString *title = StaffData.title;
    NSString *fName = StaffData.firstname;
    NSString *lName = StaffData.lastname;

    UIFont *FedSanDemi = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Aller" size:18];
    cell.drName.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@ %@", title,fName,lName];
    [cell.drName setFont:FedSanDemi];

    UIFont *aller = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Aller" size:14];
    cell.drJob.text = StaffData.job;
    [cell.drJob setFont:aller];

    if ([StaffData.title isEqualToString:@"Dr"])
        cell.drJob.frame = CGRectMake(83, 26, 227, 40);
        cell.drJob.frame = CGRectMake(90, 26, 227, 40);


    if ([StaffData.staffPhoto isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
        NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:StaffData.staffPhoto];
        NSURLSession *session = [NSURLSession sharedSession];
        NSURLSessionDownloadTask *task = [session downloadTaskWithURL:url
                completionHandler:^(NSURL *location,NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error) {

      NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:location];
      UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithData:imageData];

                    cell.imageView.image = image;
        [task resume];
       return cell;}

OracleCommand SQL Parameters Binding

string strConn = "Data Source=ORCL134; User ID=user; Password=psd;";

System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection con = newSystem.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection(strConn);

    System.Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand Cmd = 
        new System.Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand(
            "SELECT * FROM TBLE_Name WHERE ColumnName_year= :year", con);

//for is :object_name and for sql it s @object_name
    Cmd.Parameters.Add(new System.Data.OracleClient.OracleParameter("year", (txtFinYear.Text).ToString()));

    System.Data.OracleClient.OracleDataAdapter da = new System.Data.OracleClient.OracleDataAdapter(Cmd);
    DataSet myDS = new DataSet();
        lblBatch.Text = "Batch Number is : " + Convert.ToString(myDS.Tables[0].Rows[0][19]);
        lblBatch.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
        lblBatch.Visible = true;
        lblBatch.Text = "No Data Found for the Year : " + txtFinYear.Text;
        lblBatch.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
        lblBatch.Visible = true;   

Difference between Encapsulation and Abstraction


In Java, abstraction means hiding the information to the real world. It establishes the contract between the party to tell about “what should we do to make use of the service”.

Example, In API development, only abstracted information of the service has been revealed to the world rather the actual implementation. Interface in java can help achieve this concept very well.

Interface provides contract between the parties, example, producer and consumer. Producer produces the goods without letting know the consumer how the product is being made. But, through interface, Producer let all consumer know what product can buy. With the help of abstraction, producer can markets the product to their consumers.


Encapsulation is one level down of abstraction. Same product company try shielding information from each other production group. Example, if a company produce wine and chocolate, encapsulation helps shielding information how each product Is being made from each other.

  1. If I have individual package one for wine and another one for chocolate, and if all the classes are declared in the package as default access modifier, we are giving package level encapsulation for all classes.
  2. Within a package, if we declare each class filed (member field) as private and having a public method to access those fields, this way giving class level encapsulation to those fields

Run certain code every n seconds

You can start a separate thread whose sole duty is to count for 5 seconds, update the file, repeat. You wouldn't want this separate thread to interfere with your main thread.

How do you push a Git tag to a branch using a refspec?

It is probably failing because 1.0.0 is an annotated tag. Perhaps you saw the following error message:

error: Trying to write non-commit object to branch refs/heads/master

Annotated tags have their own distinct type of object that points to the tagged commit object. Branches can not usefully point to tag objects, only commit objects. You need to “peel” the annotated tag back to commit object and push that instead.

git push production +1.0.0^{commit}:master
git push production +1.0.0~0:master          # shorthand

There is another syntax that would also work in this case, but it means something slightly different if the tag object points to something other than a commit (or a tag object that points to (a tag object that points to a …) a commit).

git push production +1.0.0^{}:master

These tag peeling syntaxes are described in git-rev-parse(1) under Specifying Revisions.

Undo working copy modifications of one file in Git?

I restore my files using the SHA id, What i do is git checkout <sha hash id> <file name>

Volatile boolean vs AtomicBoolean

I use volatile fields when said field is ONLY UPDATED by its owner thread and the value is only read by other threads, you can think of it as a publish/subscribe scenario where there are many observers but only one publisher. However if those observers must perform some logic based on the value of the field and then push back a new value then I go with Atomic* vars or locks or synchronized blocks, whatever suits me best. In many concurrent scenarios it boils down to get the value, compare it with another one and update if necessary, hence the compareAndSet and getAndSet methods present in the Atomic* classes.

Check the JavaDocs of the java.util.concurrent.atomic package for a list of Atomic classes and an excellent explanation of how they work (just learned that they are lock-free, so they have an advantage over locks or synchronized blocks)

How to determine if binary tree is balanced?

This is being made way more complicated than it actually is.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Let A = depth of the highest-level node
  2. Let B = depth of the lowest-level node

  3. If abs(A-B) <= 1, then the tree is balanced

What does "Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead" mean?

Best option is create new table with same properties




After work well, delete


MongoDB - admin user not authorized

This may be because you havent set noAuth=true in mongodb.conf

# Turn on/off security.  Off is currently the default
noauth = true
#auth = true

After setting this restart the service using

service mongod restart

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String ToString()' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression

Cast table to Enumerable, then you call LINQ methods with using ToString() method inside:

    var example = contex.table_name.AsEnumerable()
.Select(x => new {Date ="M/d/yyyy")...)

But be careful, when you calling AsEnumerable or ToList methods because you will request all data from all entity before this method. In my case above I read all table_name rows by one request.

break/exit script

You can use the pskill function in the R "tools" package to interrupt the current process and return to the console. Concretely, I have the following function defined in a startup file that I source at the beginning of each script. You can also copy it directly at the start of your code, however. Then insert halt() at any point in your code to stop script execution on the fly. This function works well on GNU/Linux and judging from the R documentation, it should also work on Windows (but I didn't check).

# halt: interrupts the current R process; a short iddle time prevents R from
# outputting further results before the SIGINT (= Ctrl-C) signal is received 
halt <- function(hint = "Process stopped.\n") {
    require(tools, quietly = TRUE)
    processId <- Sys.getpid() 
    pskill(processId, SIGINT)
    iddleTime <- 1.00

How to set underline text on textview?

Following are the some approaches for underlined text in android:

1st Approach

You can define your string in strings.xml

<string name="your_string"><u>Underlined text</u></string>

And use that string in your xml file


Or you can use that string in your Activity/Fragment


2nd Approach

To underline the text in TextView, you can use SpannableString

String text="Underlined Text";
SpannableString content = new SpannableString(text);
content.setSpan(new UnderlineSpan(), 0, text.length(), 0);

3rd Approach

You can make use of setPaintFlags method of TextView to underline the text of TextView.

txtView.setPaintFlags(mTextView.getPaintFlags() | Paint.UNDERLINE_TEXT_FLAG);
txtView.setText("Underlined Text");

4th Approach

Make use of Html.fromHtml(htmlString);

String htmlString="<u>Underlined Text</u>";


txtView.setText(Html.fromHtml("<u>underlined</u> text"));


If you have added this line android:textAllCaps="true" in your layout, then none of the above will work. For that, you have to define your string in Caps and then any of the above approach.

Trying to add adb to PATH variable OSX

enter image description here

2nd solution is explained below. But when i close the terminal the change which i made in path variable gets lost. Thus i prefer the first way!

enter image description here

dismissModalViewControllerAnimated deprecated

The new method is:

[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:nil];

The word modal has been removed; As it has been for the presenting API call:

[self presentViewController:vc animated:NO completion:nil];

The reasons were discussed in the 2012 WWDC Session 236 - The Evolution of View Controllers on iOS Video. Essentially, view controllers presented by this API are no longer always modal, and since they were adding a completion handler it was a good time to rename it.

In response to comment from Marc:

What's the best way to support all devices 4.3 and above? The new method doesn't work in iOS4, yet the old method is deprecated in iOS6.

I realize that this is almost a separate question, but I think it's worth a mention since not everyone has the money to upgrade all their devices every 3 years so many of us have some older (pre 5.0) devices. Still, as much as it pains me to say it, you need to consider if it is worth targeting below 5.0. There are many new and cool APIs not available below 5.0. And Apple is continually making it harder to target them; armv6 support is dropped from Xcode 4.5, for example.

To target below 5.0 (as long as the completion block is nil) just use the handy respondsToSelector: method.

if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(presentViewController:animated:completion:)]){
    [self presentViewController:test animated:YES completion:nil];
} else {
    [self presentModalViewController:test animated:YES];

In response to another comment from Marc:

That could be quite a lot of If statements in my application!...I was thinking of creating a category that encapsulated this code, would creating a category on UIViewControler get me rejected?

and one from Full Decent: there a way to manually cause that to not present a compiler warning?

Firstly, no, creating a category on UIViewController in and of itself will not get your app rejected; unless that category method called private APIs or something similar.

A category method is an exceedingly good place for such code. Also, since there would be only one call to the deprecated API, there would be only one compiler warning.

To address Full Decent's comment(question), yes you can suppress compiler warnings manually. Here is a link to an answer on SO on that very subject. A category method is also a great place to suppress a compiler warning, since you're only suppressing the warning in one place. You certainly don't want to go around silencing the compiler willy-nilly.

If I was to write a simple category method for this it might be something like this:

@implementation UIViewController (NJ_ModalPresentation)
-(void)nj_presentViewController:(UIViewController *)viewControllerToPresent animated:(BOOL)flag completion:(void (^)(void))completion{
    NSAssert(completion == nil, @"You called %@ with a non-nil completion. Don't do that!",NSStringFromSelector(_cmd));
    if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(presentViewController:animated:completion:)]){
        [self presentViewController:viewControllerToPresent animated:flag completion:completion];
    } else {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
        [self presentModalViewController:viewControllerToPresent animated:flag];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop

What determines the monitor my app runs on?

Important note: If you remember the position of your application and shutdown and then start up again at that position, keep in mind that the user's monitor configuration may have changed while your application was closed.

Laptop users, for example, frequently change their display configuration. When docked there may be a 2nd monitor that disappears when undocked. If the user closes an application that was running on the 2nd monitor and the re-opens the application when the monitor is disconnected, restoring the window to the previous coordinates will leave it completely off-screen.

To figure out how big the display really is, check out GetSystemMetrics.

Include headers when using SELECT INTO OUTFILE?

Actually you can make it work even with an ORDER BY.

Just needs some trickery in the order by statement - we use a case statement and replace the header value with some other value that is guaranteed to sort first in the list (obviously this is dependant on the type of field and whether you are sorting ASC or DESC)

Let's say you have three fields, name (varchar), is_active (bool), date_something_happens (date), and you want to sort the second two descending:

      , 'is_active' as is_active
      , date_something_happens as 'date_something_happens'

 union all

 select name, is_active, date_something_happens


 order by
     (case is_active when 'is_active' then 0 else is_active end) desc
   , (case date when 'date' then '9999-12-30' else date end) desc

How to configure "Shorten command line" method for whole project in IntelliJ

The latest 2020 build doesn't have the shorten command line option by default we need to add that option from the configuration.

Run > Edit Configurations > Select the corresponding run configuration and click on Modify options for adding the shorten command-line configuration to the UI. enter image description here

Select the shorten command line option enter image description here

Now choose jar manifest from the shorten command line option enter image description here

Installing PIL (Python Imaging Library) in Win7 64 bits, Python 2.6.4

Compiling PIL on Windows x64 is apparently a bit of a pain. (Well, compiling anything on Windows is a bit of a pain in my experience. But still.) As well as PIL itself you'll need to build many dependencies. See these notes from the mailing list too.

There's an unofficial precompiled binary for x64 linked from this message, but I haven't tried it myself. Might be worth a go if you don't mind the download being from one of those slightly dodgy file-upload sites. Other than that... well, you could always give up and instead the 32-bit Python binary instead.

How can I make the computer beep in C#?

You can also use the relatively unused:


Documentation for this sounds is available in

Get column index from column name in python pandas

In case you want the column name from the column location (the other way around to the OP question), you can use:

>>> df.columns.get_values()[location]

Using @DSM Example:

>>> df = DataFrame({"pear": [1,2,3], "apple": [2,3,4], "orange": [3,4,5]})

>>> df.columns

Index(['apple', 'orange', 'pear'], dtype='object')

>>> df.columns.get_values()[1]


Other ways:


df.columns[location] #(thanks to @roobie-nuby for pointing that out in comments.) 

Align <div> elements side by side

.section {
  display: flex;

.element-left {
  width: 94%;

.element-right {
  flex-grow: 1;
<div class="section">
  <div id="dB" class="element-left" }>
    <a href="" title="Download" id="buyButton">Download</a>
  <div id="gB" class="element-right">
    <a href="#" title="Gallery" onclick="$j('#galleryDiv').toggle('slow');return false;" id="galleryButton">Gallery</a>


.section {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;

.element-left {
  flex: 2;

.element-right {
  width: 100px;
<div class="section">
  <div id="dB" class="element-left" }>
    <a href="" title="Download" id="buyButton">Download</a>
  <div id="gB" class="element-right">
    <a href="#" title="Gallery" onclick="$j('#galleryDiv').toggle('slow');return false;" id="galleryButton">Gallery</a>

How can I specify system properties in Tomcat configuration on startup?

You could add necessary properties to file in <tomcat installation directory>/conf directory.


All system properties are available including those set using the -D syntax, those automatically made available by the JVM and those configured in the $CATALINA_BASE/conf/ file.

execJs: 'Could not find a JavaScript runtime' but execjs AND therubyracer are in Gemfile

When you create an empty project, this line is commented in Gemfile. Just uncomment it and bundle!

gem 'therubyracer', :platforms => :ruby

Make one div visible and another invisible

You can use the display property of style. Intialy set the result section style as

style = "display:none"

Then the div will not be visible and there won't be any white space.

Once the search results are being populated change the display property using the java script like

document.getElementById("someObj").style.display = "block"

Using java script you can make the div invisible

document.getElementById("someObj").style.display = "none"

How to join on multiple columns in Pyspark?

An alternative approach would be:

df1 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
    [(1, "a", 2.0), (2, "b", 3.0), (3, "c", 3.0)],
    ("x1", "x2", "x3"))

df2 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
    [(1, "f", -1.0), (2, "b", 0.0)], ("x1", "x2", "x4"))

df = df1.join(df2, ['x1','x2'])

which outputs:

| x1| x2| x3| x4|
|  2|  b|3.0|0.0|

With the main advantage being that the columns on which the tables are joined are not duplicated in the output, reducing the risk of encountering errors such as org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Reference 'x1' is ambiguous, could be: x1#50L, x1#57L.

Whenever the columns in the two tables have different names, (let's say in the example above, df2 has the columns y1, y2 and y4), you could use the following syntax:

df = df1.join(df2.withColumnRenamed('y1','x1').withColumnRenamed('y2','x2'), ['x1','x2'])

Bootstrap 3.0: How to have text and input on same line?

I would put each element that you want inline inside a separate col-md-* div within your row. Or force your elements to display inline. The form-control class displays block because that's the way bootstrap thinks it should be done.

Bootstrap center heading

Bootstrap comes with many pre-build classes and one of them is class="text-left". Please call this class whenever needed. :-)

How to make a <button> in Bootstrap look like a normal link in nav-tabs?

As noted in the official documentation, simply apply the class(es) btn btn-link:

<!-- Deemphasize a button by making it look like a link while maintaining button behavior -->
<button type="button" class="btn btn-link">Link</button>

For example, with the code you have provided:

<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" />_x000D_
<form action="..." method="post">_x000D_
  <div class="row-fluid">_x000D_
    <!-- Navigation for the form -->_x000D_
    <div class="span3">_x000D_
      <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-stacked">_x000D_
          <button class="btn btn-link" role="link" type="submit" name="op" value="Link 1">Link 1</button>_x000D_
          <button class="btn btn-link" role="link" type="submit" name="op" value="Link 2">Link 2</button>_x000D_
        <!-- ... -->_x000D_
    <!-- The actual form -->_x000D_
    <div class="span9">_x000D_
      <!-- ... -->_x000D_

ssh: The authenticity of host 'hostname' can't be established

In my case, the host was unkown and instead of typing yes to the question are you sure you want to continue connecting(yes/no/[fingerprint])? I was just hitting enter .

wkhtmltopdf: cannot connect to X server

wkhtmltopdf > 0.11 doesn't have this X-server issue.
So installing on a linux server.

  1. At first install xvfb server:

    sudo apt-get install xvfb
  2. Get needed version of wkhtmltopdf from

  3. Install wkhtmltopdf:

    sudo dpkg -i wkhtmltox-

    or install with wget

    URL=''; FILE=`mktemp`; wget "$URL" -qO $FILE && sudo dpkg -i $FILE; rm $FILE
  4. Install dependency (if needed):

    sudo apt-get -f install
  5. Create symblic link in /usr/local/bin/:

    echo 'exec xvfb-run -a -s "-screen 0 640x480x16" wkhtmltopdf "$@"' | sudo tee /usr/local/bin/ >/dev/null
    sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/
  6. Now try below and it should work,

    /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf test.pdf

Changing CSS Values with Javascript

Ok, it sounds like you want to change the global CSS so which will effictively change all elements of a peticular style at once. I've recently learned how to do this myself from a Shawn Olson tutorial. You can directly reference his code here.

Here is the summary:

You can retrieve the stylesheets via document.styleSheets. This will actually return an array of all the stylesheets in your page, but you can tell which one you are on via the document.styleSheets[styleIndex].href property. Once you have found the stylesheet you want to edit, you need to get the array of rules. This is called "rules" in IE and "cssRules" in most other browsers. The way to tell what CSSRule you are on is by the selectorText property. The working code looks something like this:

var cssRuleCode = document.all ? 'rules' : 'cssRules'; //account for IE and FF
var rule = document.styleSheets[styleIndex][cssRuleCode][ruleIndex];
var selector = rule.selectorText;  //maybe '#tId'
var value = rule.value;            //both selectorText and value are settable.

Let me know how this works for ya, and please comment if you see any errors.

How do I syntax check a Bash script without running it?

sh  -n   script-name 

Run this. If there are any syntax errors in the script, then it returns the same error message. If there are no errors, then it comes out without giving any message. You can check immediately by using echo $?, which will return 0 confirming successful without any mistake.

It worked for me well. I ran on Linux OS, Bash Shell.

How can I apply a border only inside a table?

Works for any combination of tbody/thead/tfoot and td/th

table.inner-border {_x000D_
    border-collapse: collapse;_x000D_
    border-spacing: 0;_x000D_
table.inner-border > thead > tr > th,_x000D_
table.inner-border > thead > tr > td,_x000D_
table.inner-border > tbody > tr > th,_x000D_
table.inner-border > tbody > tr > td,_x000D_
table.inner-border > tfoot > tr > th,_x000D_
table.inner-border > tfoot > tr > td {_x000D_
    border-bottom: 1px solid black;_x000D_
    border-right: 1px solid black;_x000D_
table.inner-border > thead > tr > :last-child,_x000D_
table.inner-border > tbody > tr > :last-child,_x000D_
table.inner-border > tfoot > tr > :last-child {_x000D_
    border-right: 0;_x000D_
table.inner-border > :last-child > tr:last-child > td,_x000D_
table.inner-border > :last-child > tr:last-child > th {_x000D_
    border-bottom: 0;_x000D_
<table class="inner-border">_x000D_

Entity Framework 6 Code first Default value

I found that just using Auto-Property Initializer on entity property is enough to get the job done.

For example:

public class Thing {
    public bool IsBigThing{ get; set; } = false;

What is an IndexOutOfRangeException / ArgumentOutOfRangeException and how do I fix it?

To easily understand the problem, imagine we wrote this code:

static void Main(string[] args)
    string[] test = new string[3];
    test[0]= "hello1";
    test[1]= "hello2";
    test[2]= "hello3";

    for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)

Result will be:


Unhandled Exception: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

Size of array is 3 (indices 0, 1 and 2), but the for-loop loops 4 times (0, 1, 2 and 3).
So when it tries to access outside the bounds with (3) it throws the exception.

Issue with Task Scheduler launching a task

Check whether you are scheduling a task to trigger an executable (.exe) or a batch (.bat) file. If you have scheduled any other file to open (for example a .txt or .docx file), the file not open.

Where is the Query Analyzer in SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2?

You can use Database Engine Tuning Advisor.

This tool is for improving the query performances by examining the way queries are processed and recommended enhancements by specific indexes.

How to use the Database Engine Tuning Advisor?

1- Copy the select statement that you need to speed up into the new query.

2- Parse (Ctrl+F5).

3- Press The Icon of the (Database Engine Tuning Advisor).

Delete the 'first' record from a table in SQL Server, without a WHERE condition

depends on your DBMS (people don't seem to know what that is nowadays)

-- MYSql:
-- Postgres:
-- MSSql:
-- Oracle:

Scikit-learn train_test_split with indices

If you are using pandas you can access the index by calling .index of whatever array you wish to mimic. The train_test_split carries over the pandas indices to the new dataframes.

In your code you simply use x1.index and the returned array is the indexes relating to the original positions in x.

Pass entire form as data in jQuery Ajax function

There's a function that does exactly this:

var data = $('form').serialize();
$.post('url', data);

jQuery rotate/transform

I came up with some kind of solution to the problem. It involves jquery and css. This works like toggle but instead of toggling the display of elements it just changes its properties upon alternate clicks. Upon clicking the div it rotates the element with tag 180 degrees and when you click it again the element with tag returns to its original position. If you want to change the animation duration just change transition-duration property.




$(document).ready( function ()  {  var toggle = 1;
  $('div').click( function () {
      if ( (toggle%2)==0){
          $('#example1').css( {'transform': 'rotate(180deg)'});
          $('#example1').css({'transform': 'rotate(0deg)'});


SQL injection that gets around mysql_real_escape_string()


mysql_real_escape_string() will provide no protection whatsoever (and could furthermore munge your data) if:

  • MySQL's NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES SQL mode is enabled (which it might be, unless you explicitly select another SQL mode every time you connect); and

  • your SQL string literals are quoted using double-quote " characters.

This was filed as bug #72458 and has been fixed in MySQL v5.7.6 (see the section headed "The Saving Grace", below).

This is another, (perhaps less?) obscure EDGE CASE!!!

In homage to @ircmaxell's excellent answer (really, this is supposed to be flattery and not plagiarism!), I will adopt his format:

The Attack

Starting off with a demonstration...

mysql_query('SET SQL_MODE="NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES"'); // could already be set
$var = mysql_real_escape_string('" OR 1=1 -- ');
mysql_query('SELECT * FROM test WHERE name = "'.$var.'" LIMIT 1');

This will return all records from the test table. A dissection:

  1. Selecting an SQL Mode


    As documented under String Literals:

    There are several ways to include quote characters within a string:

    • A “'” inside a string quoted with “'” may be written as “''”.

    • A “"” inside a string quoted with “"” may be written as “""”.

    • Precede the quote character by an escape character (“\”).

    • A “'” inside a string quoted with “"” needs no special treatment and need not be doubled or escaped. In the same way, “"” inside a string quoted with “'” needs no special treatment.

    If the server's SQL mode includes NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES, then the third of these options—which is the usual approach adopted by mysql_real_escape_string()—is not available: one of the first two options must be used instead. Note that the effect of the fourth bullet is that one must necessarily know the character that will be used to quote the literal in order to avoid munging one's data.

  2. The Payload

    " OR 1=1 -- 

    The payload initiates this injection quite literally with the " character. No particular encoding. No special characters. No weird bytes.

  3. mysql_real_escape_string()

    $var = mysql_real_escape_string('" OR 1=1 -- ');

    Fortunately, mysql_real_escape_string() does check the SQL mode and adjust its behaviour accordingly. See libmysql.c:

    ulong STDCALL
    mysql_real_escape_string(MYSQL *mysql, char *to,const char *from,
                 ulong length)
      if (mysql->server_status & SERVER_STATUS_NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES)
        return escape_quotes_for_mysql(mysql->charset, to, 0, from, length);
      return escape_string_for_mysql(mysql->charset, to, 0, from, length);

    Thus a different underlying function, escape_quotes_for_mysql(), is invoked if the NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES SQL mode is in use. As mentioned above, such a function needs to know which character will be used to quote the literal in order to repeat it without causing the other quotation character from being repeated literally.

    However, this function arbitrarily assumes that the string will be quoted using the single-quote ' character. See charset.c:

      Escape apostrophes by doubling them up
    // [ deletia 839-845 ]
        This escapes the contents of a string by doubling up any apostrophes that
        it contains. This is used when the NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES SQL_MODE is in
        effect on the server.
    // [ deletia 852-858 ]
    size_t escape_quotes_for_mysql(CHARSET_INFO *charset_info,
                                   char *to, size_t to_length,
                                   const char *from, size_t length)
    // [ deletia 865-892 ]
        if (*from == '\'')
          if (to + 2 > to_end)
            overflow= TRUE;
          *to++= '\'';
          *to++= '\'';

    So, it leaves double-quote " characters untouched (and doubles all single-quote ' characters) irrespective of the actual character that is used to quote the literal! In our case $var remains exactly the same as the argument that was provided to mysql_real_escape_string()—it's as though no escaping has taken place at all.

  4. The Query

    mysql_query('SELECT * FROM test WHERE name = "'.$var.'" LIMIT 1');

    Something of a formality, the rendered query is:

    SELECT * FROM test WHERE name = "" OR 1=1 -- " LIMIT 1

As my learned friend put it: congratulations, you just successfully attacked a program using mysql_real_escape_string()...

The Bad

mysql_set_charset() cannot help, as this has nothing to do with character sets; nor can mysqli::real_escape_string(), since that's just a different wrapper around this same function.

The problem, if not already obvious, is that the call to mysql_real_escape_string() cannot know with which character the literal will be quoted, as that's left to the developer to decide at a later time. So, in NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES mode, there is literally no way that this function can safely escape every input for use with arbitrary quoting (at least, not without doubling characters that do not require doubling and thus munging your data).

The Ugly

It gets worse. NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES may not be all that uncommon in the wild owing to the necessity of its use for compatibility with standard SQL (e.g. see section 5.3 of the SQL-92 specification, namely the <quote symbol> ::= <quote><quote> grammar production and lack of any special meaning given to backslash). Furthermore, its use was explicitly recommended as a workaround to the (long since fixed) bug that ircmaxell's post describes. Who knows, some DBAs might even configure it to be on by default as means of discouraging use of incorrect escaping methods like addslashes().

Also, the SQL mode of a new connection is set by the server according to its configuration (which a SUPER user can change at any time); thus, to be certain of the server's behaviour, you must always explicitly specify your desired mode after connecting.

The Saving Grace

So long as you always explicitly set the SQL mode not to include NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES, or quote MySQL string literals using the single-quote character, this bug cannot rear its ugly head: respectively escape_quotes_for_mysql() will not be used, or its assumption about which quote characters require repeating will be correct.

For this reason, I recommend that anyone using NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES also enables ANSI_QUOTES mode, as it will force habitual use of single-quoted string literals. Note that this does not prevent SQL injection in the event that double-quoted literals happen to be used—it merely reduces the likelihood of that happening (because normal, non-malicious queries would fail).

In PDO, both its equivalent function PDO::quote() and its prepared statement emulator call upon mysql_handle_quoter()—which does exactly this: it ensures that the escaped literal is quoted in single-quotes, so you can be certain that PDO is always immune from this bug.

As of MySQL v5.7.6, this bug has been fixed. See change log:

Functionality Added or Changed

Safe Examples

Taken together with the bug explained by ircmaxell, the following examples are entirely safe (assuming that one is either using MySQL later than 4.1.20, 5.0.22, 5.1.11; or that one is not using a GBK/Big5 connection encoding):

mysql_query("SET SQL_MODE=''");
$var = mysql_real_escape_string('" OR 1=1 /*');
mysql_query('SELECT * FROM test WHERE name = "'.$var.'" LIMIT 1');

...because we've explicitly selected an SQL mode that doesn't include NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES.

$var = mysql_real_escape_string("' OR 1=1 /*");
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM test WHERE name = '$var' LIMIT 1");

...because we're quoting our string literal with single-quotes.

$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM test WHERE name = ? LIMIT 1');
$stmt->execute(["' OR 1=1 /*"]);

...because PDO prepared statements are immune from this vulnerability (and ircmaxell's too, provided either that you're using PHP=5.3.6 and the character set has been correctly set in the DSN; or that prepared statement emulation has been disabled).

$var  = $pdo->quote("' OR 1=1 /*");
$stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM test WHERE name = $var LIMIT 1");

...because PDO's quote() function not only escapes the literal, but also quotes it (in single-quote ' characters); note that to avoid ircmaxell's bug in this case, you must be using PHP=5.3.6 and have correctly set the character set in the DSN.

$stmt = $mysqli->prepare('SELECT * FROM test WHERE name = ? LIMIT 1');
$param = "' OR 1=1 /*";
$stmt->bind_param('s', $param);

...because MySQLi prepared statements are safe.

Wrapping Up

Thus, if you:

  • use native prepared statements


  • use MySQL v5.7.6 or later


  • in addition to employing one of the solutions in ircmaxell's summary, use at least one of:

    • PDO;
    • single-quoted string literals; or
    • an explicitly set SQL mode that does not include NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES

...then you should be completely safe (vulnerabilities outside the scope of string escaping aside).

Git Pull While Ignoring Local Changes?

Look at git stash to put all of your local changes into a "stash file" and revert to the last commit. At that point, you can apply your stashed changes, or discard them.

Cannot open new Jupyter Notebook [Permission Denied]

I had to run chown recursively for all subfolders With /* . Than it worked:

sudo chown -R user:usergroup /home/user/.local/share/jupyter/*

How to display Toast in Android?

Show Toast from Service

public class ServiceA extends Service {
    public void showToast(final String message) {
        Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                Toast.makeText(getContext(), message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

You can also put showToast method in your Application class, and show toast from anywhere.

How to stop/cancel 'git log' command in terminal?

You can hit the key q (for quit) and it should take you to the prompt.

Please see this link.

Launch Android application without main Activity and start Service on launching application

You said you didn't want to use a translucent Activity, but that seems to be the best way to do this:

  1. In your Manifest, set the Activity theme to Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar.
  2. Don't bother with a layout for your Activity, and don't call setContentView().
  3. In your Activity's onCreate(), start your Service with startService().
  4. Exit the Activity with finish() once you've started the Service.

In other words, your Activity doesn't have to be visible; it can simply make sure your Service is running and then exit, which sounds like what you want.

I would highly recommend showing at least a Toast notification indicating to the user that you are launching the Service, or that it is already running. It is very bad user experience to have a launcher icon that appears to do nothing when you press it.

How to send value attribute from radio button in PHP

Check whether you have put name="your_radio" where you have inserted radio tag

if you have done this then check your php code. Use isset()


    /*other variables*/
    $radio_value = $_POST["your_radio"];

If you have done this as well then we need to look through your codes

C#: what is the easiest way to subtract time?

Use the TimeSpan object to capture your initial time element and use the methods such as AddHours or AddMinutes. To substract 3 hours, you will do AddHours(-3). To substract 45 mins, you will do AddMinutes(-45)

Get names of all files from a folder with Ruby

Personally, I found this the most useful for looping over files in a folder, forward looking safety:

Dir['/etc/path/*'].each do |file_name|
  next if file_name 

null terminating a string

'\0' is the way to go. It's a character, which is what's wanted in a string and has the null value.

When we say null terminated string in C/C++, it really means 'zero terminated string'. The NULL macro isn't intended for use in terminating strings.

How to create tar.gz archive file in Windows?

tar.gz file is just a tar file that's been gzipped. Both tar and gzip are available for windows.

If you like GUIs (Graphical user interface), 7zip can pack with both tar and gzip.

Removing duplicates from rows based on specific columns in an RDD/Spark DataFrame

The below programme will help you drop duplicates on whole , or if you want to drop duplicates based on certain columns , you can even do that:

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

object DropDuplicates {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val spark =

import spark.implicits._

// create an RDD of tuples with some data
val custs = Seq(
  (1, "Widget Co", 120000.00, 0.00, "AZ"),
  (2, "Acme Widgets", 410500.00, 500.00, "CA"),
  (3, "Widgetry", 410500.00, 200.00, "CA"),
  (4, "Widgets R Us", 410500.00, 0.0, "CA"),
  (3, "Widgetry", 410500.00, 200.00, "CA"),
  (5, "Ye Olde Widgete", 500.00, 0.0, "MA"),
  (6, "Widget Co", 12000.00, 10.00, "AZ")
val customerRows = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(custs, 4)

// convert RDD of tuples to DataFrame by supplying column names
val customerDF = customerRows.toDF("id", "name", "sales", "discount", "state")

println("*** Here's the whole DataFrame with duplicates")


// drop fully identical rows
val withoutDuplicates = customerDF.dropDuplicates()

println("*** Now without duplicates")

// drop fully identical rows
val withoutPartials = customerDF.dropDuplicates(Seq("name", "state"))

println("*** Now without partial duplicates too")


python: [Errno 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

This can be caused by the two sides of the connection disagreeing over whether the connection timed out or not during a keepalive. (Your code tries to reused the connection just as the server is closing it because it has been idle for too long.) You should basically just retry the operation over a new connection. (I'm surprised your library doesn't do this automatically.)

How can I make my custom objects Parcelable?

1. Import Android Parcelable code generator

enter image description here

2. Create a class

public class Sample {
    int id;
    String name;

3. Generate > Parcelable from menu

enter image description here enter image description here


Best way to update data with a RecyclerView adapter

Found following solution working for my similar problem:

private ExtendedHashMap mData = new ExtendedHashMap();
private  String[] mKeys;

public void setNewData(ExtendedHashMap data) {
    mKeys = data.keySet().toArray(new String[data.size()]);

Using the clear-command


is not nessescary

IIS URL Rewrite and Web.config

1) Your existing web.config: you have declared rewrite map .. but have not created any rules that will use it. RewriteMap on its' own does absolutely nothing.

2) Below is how you can do it (it does not utilise rewrite maps -- rules only, which is fine for small amount of rewrites/redirects):

This rule will do SINGLE EXACT rewrite (internal redirect) /page to /page.html. URL in browser will remain unchanged.

            <rule name="SpecificRewrite" stopProcessing="true">
                <match url="^page$" />
                <action type="Rewrite" url="/page.html" />

This rule #2 will do the same as above, but will do 301 redirect (Permanent Redirect) where URL will change in browser.

            <rule name="SpecificRedirect" stopProcessing="true">
                <match url="^page$" />
                <action type="Redirect" url="/page.html" />

Rule #3 will attempt to execute such rewrite for ANY URL if there are such file with .html extension (i.e. for /page it will check if /page.html exists, and if it does then rewrite occurs):

            <rule name="DynamicRewrite" stopProcessing="true">
                <match url="(.*)" />
                    <add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}\.html" matchType="IsFile" />
                <action type="Rewrite" url="/{R:1}.html" />

Issue with background color and Google Chrome

Oddly enough it doesn't actually happen on every page and it doesn't seem to always work even when refreshed.

My solutions was to add {height: 100%;} as well.

Appending to 2D lists in Python

Came here to see how to append an item to a 2D array, but the title of the thread is a bit misleading because it is exploring an issue with the appending.

The easiest way I found to append to a 2D list is like this:



This will result in an entry with the 2 variables var_1, var_2. Hope this helps!

WPF Image Dynamically changing Image source during runtime

Hey, this one is kind of ugly but it's one line only:

imgTitle.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,/YourAssembly;component/your_image.png"));

Programmatically set TextBlock Foreground Color

Foreground needs a Brush, so you can use

textBlock.Foreground = Brushes.Navy;

If you want to use the color from RGB or ARGB then

textBlock.Foreground = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(100, 255, 125, 35)); 


textBlock.Foreground = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush(Colors.Navy); 

To get the Color from Hex

textBlock.Foreground = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush((Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#FFDFD991")); 

How do you run a single query through mysql from the command line?

here's how you can do it with a cool shell trick:

mysql -uroot -p mydb_production <<< 'select * from users'

'<<<' instructs the shell to take whatever follows it as stdin, similar to piping from echo.

use the -t flag to enable table-format output

Remove Primary Key in MySQL

ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD PRIMARY KEY( `column_name`);

MySQL Multiple Joins in one query?

Multi joins in SQL work by progressively creating derived tables one after the other. See this link explaining the process:

How to inject window into a service?

Actually its very simple to access window object here is my basic component and i tested it its working

import { Component, OnInit,Inject } from '@angular/core';
import {DOCUMENT} from '@angular/platform-browser';

  selector: 'app-verticalbanners',
  templateUrl: './verticalbanners.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./verticalbanners.component.css']
export class VerticalbannersComponent implements OnInit {

  constructor(){ }

  ngOnInit() {
    console.log(window.innerHeight );


How do I insert non breaking space character &nbsp; in a JSF page?

You can use primefaces library

 <p:spacer width="10" />

WARNING: Can't verify CSRF token authenticity rails

If you are not using jQuery and using something like fetch API for requests you can use the following to get the csrf-token:


fetch('/users', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Accept': 'application/json',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-CSRF-Token': document.querySelector('meta[name="csrf-token"]').getAttribute('content')},
    credentials: 'same-origin',
    body: JSON.stringify( { id: 1, name: 'some user' } )
    .then(function(data) {
      console.log('request succeeded with JSON response', data)
    }).catch(function(error) {
      console.log('request failed', error)

Location Services not working in iOS 8

- (void)startLocationManager
    locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
    locationManager.delegate = self;
    locationManager.distanceFilter = kCLDistanceFilterNone; //whenever we move
    locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest;

    [locationManager startUpdatingLocation];
    [locationManager requestWhenInUseAuthorization]; // Add This Line


And to your info.plist File enter image description here

How to configure encoding in Maven?

It seems people mix a content encoding with a built files/resources encoding. Having only maven properties is not enough. Having -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 not effective. To avoid having issues with encoding you should follow the following simple rules

  1. Set maven encoding, as described above:
  1. Always set encoding explicitly, when work with files, strings, IO in your code. If you do not follow this rule, your application depend on the environment. The -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 exactly is responsible for run-time environment configuration, but we should not depend on it. If you have thousands of clients, it takes more effort to configure systems and to find issues because of it. You just have an additional dependency on it which you can avoid by setting it explicitly. Most methods in Java that use a default encoding are marked as deprecated because of it.

  2. Make sure the content, you are working with, also is in the same encoding, that you expect. If it is not, the previous steps do not matter! For instance a file will not be processed correctly, if its encoding is not UTF8 but you expect it. To check file encoding on Linux:

$ file --mime F_PRDAUFT.dsv

  1. Force clients/server set encoding explicitly in requests/responses, here are examples:
@Produces("application/json; charset=UTF-8")
@Consumes("application/json; charset=UTF-8")

Hope this will be useful to someone.

What is the list of supported languages/locales on Android?

I found a list, which might be the full list of supported locales by a given Android version (API level): go to Android-sdk\platforms\android-[XX]\data\res\values\ where XX means the API level, and open locale_config.xml with any text editor. It's human readable and can be easily processed if needed.

PyCharm import external library

In order to reference an external library in a project File -> Settings -> Project -> Project structure -> select the folder and mark as a source

What is recursion and when should I use it?

Recursion is an expression directly or indirectly referencing itself.

Consider recursive acronyms as a simple example:

  • GNU stands for GNU's Not Unix
  • PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
  • YAML stands for YAML Ain't Markup Language
  • WINE stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator
  • VISA stands for Visa International Service Association

More examples on Wikipedia

Hide header in stack navigator React navigation

On v4 simply use below code in the page you want to hide the header

export default class Login extends Component {
    static navigationOptions = {
        header: null

refer to Stack Navigator

fatal: This operation must be run in a work tree

You repository is bare, i.e. it does not have a working tree attached to it. You can clone it locally to create a working tree for it, or you could use one of several other options to tell Git where the working tree is, e.g. the --work-tree option for single commands, or the GIT_WORK_TREE environment variable. There is also the core.worktree configuration option but it will not work in a bare repository (check the man page for what it does).

# git --work-tree=/path/to/work/tree checkout master
# GIT_WORK_TREE=/path/to/work/tree git status

newline in <td title="">

One way to achieve similar effect would be through CSS:

<td>Cell content.
  <div class="popup">
    This is the popup.
    Another line of popup.

And then use the following in CSS:

td div.popup { display: none; }
td:hover div.popup { display: block; position: absolute; }

You will want to add some borders and background to make the popup look decent, but this should sketch the idea. It has some drawbacks though, for example the popup is not positioned relative to mouse but relative to the containing cell.

array_push() with key value pair

Array['key'] = value;

$data['cat'] = 'wagon';

This is what you need. No need to use array_push() function for this. Some time the problem is very simple and we think in complex way :) .

How to force garbage collector to run?


Keep in mind, though, that the Garbage Collector might not always clean up what you expect...

Styling an input type="file" button

Working example here with native Drag and drop support :

When styling a file input, you shouldn't break any of native interaction the input provides.

The display: none approach breaks the native drag and drop support.

To not break anything, you should use the opacity: 0 approach for the input, and position it using relative / absolute pattern in a wrapper.

Using this technique, you can easily style a click / drop zone for the user, and add custom class in javascript on dragenter event to update styles and give user a feedback to let him see that he can drop a file.


<label for="test">
  <div>Click or drop something here</div>
  <input type="file" id="test">


input[type="file"] {
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  opacity: 0;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  width: 100%;

div {
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  width: 100%;
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  background: #ccc;
  border: 3px dotted #bebebe;
  border-radius: 10px;

label {
  display: inline-block;
  position: relative;
  height: 100px;
  width: 400px;

Here is a working example (with additional JS to handle dragover event and dropped files).

Hope this helped !

Python strip() multiple characters?

I did a time test here, using each method 100000 times in a loop. The results surprised me. (The results still surprise me after editing them in response to valid criticism in the comments.)

Here's the script:

import timeit

bad_chars = '(){}<>'

setup = """import re
import string
s = 'Barack (of Washington)'
bad_chars = '(){}<>'
rgx = re.compile('[%s]' % bad_chars)"""

timer = timeit.Timer('o = "".join(c for c in s if c not in bad_chars)', setup=setup)
print "List comprehension: ",  timer.timeit(100000)

timer = timeit.Timer("o= rgx.sub('', s)", setup=setup)
print "Regular expression: ", timer.timeit(100000)

timer = timeit.Timer('for c in bad_chars: s = s.replace(c, "")', setup=setup)
print "Replace in loop: ", timer.timeit(100000)

timer = timeit.Timer('s.translate(string.maketrans("", "", ), bad_chars)', setup=setup)
print "string.translate: ", timer.timeit(100000)

Here are the results:

List comprehension:  0.631745100021
Regular expression:  0.155561923981
Replace in loop:  0.235936164856
string.translate:  0.0965719223022

Results on other runs follow a similar pattern. If speed is not the primary concern, however, I still think string.translate is not the most readable; the other three are more obvious, though slower to varying degrees.

CSS override rules and specificity

The important needs to be inside the ;

td.rule2 div {     background-color: #ffff00 !important; } 

in fact i believe this should override it

td.rule2 { background-color: #ffff00 !important; } 

C++ variable has initializer but incomplete type?

You cannot define a variable of an incomplete type. You need to bring the whole definition of Cat into scope before you can create the local variable in main. I recommend that you move the definition of the type Cat to a header and include it from the translation unit that has main.

Splitting a Java String by the pipe symbol using split("|")


Specifing a limit or max will be accurate for examples like: "boo|||a" or "||boo|" or " |||"

But test.split("\\|"); will return different length strings arrays for the same examples.

use reference: link

Recommended method for escaping HTML in Java

For those who use Google Guava:

String source = "The less than sign (<) and ampersand (&) must be escaped before using them in HTML";
String escaped = HtmlEscapers.htmlEscaper().escape(source);

UICollectionView - Horizontal scroll, horizontal layout?

1st approach

What about using UIPageViewController with an array of UICollectionViewControllers? You'd have to fetch proper number of items in each UICollectionViewController, but it shouldn't be hard. You'd get exactly the same look as the Springboard has.

2nd approach

I've thought about this and in my opinion you have to set:

self.collectionView.pagingEnabled = YES;

and create your own collection view layout by subclassing UICollectionViewLayout. From the custom layout object you can access self.collectionView, so you'll know what is the size of the collection view's frame, numberOfSections and numberOfItemsInSection:. With that information you can calculate cells' frames (in prepareLayout) and collectionViewContentSize. Here're some articles about creating custom layouts:

3rd approach

You can do this (or an approximation of it) without creating the custom layout. Add UIScrollView in the blank view, set paging enabled in it. In the scroll view add the a collection view. Then add to it a width constraint, check in code how many items you have and set its constant to the correct value, e.g. (self.view.frame.size.width * numOfScreens). Here's how it looks (numbers on cells show the indexPath.row): If you're not satisfied with the way cells are ordered, then I'm afraid you'd have to go with 1. or 2.

Collections.sort with multiple fields

If you want to sort based on ReportKey first then Student Number then School, you need to compare each String instead of concatenating them. Your method might work if you pad the strings with spaces so that each ReportKey is the same length and so on, but it is not really worth the effort. Instead just change the compare method to compare the ReportKeys, if compareTo returns 0 then try StudentNumber, then School.

asp:TextBox ReadOnly=true or Enabled=false?

If a control is disabled it cannot be edited and its content is excluded when the form is submitted.

If a control is readonly it cannot be edited, but its content (if any) is still included with the submission.