[arrays] Removing duplicate elements from an array in Swift

For arrays where the elements are neither Hashable nor Comparable (e.g. complex objects, dictionaries or structs), this extension provides a generalized way to remove duplicates:

extension Array
   func filterDuplicate<T:Hashable>(_ keyValue:(Element)->T) -> [Element]
      var uniqueKeys = Set<T>()
      return filter{uniqueKeys.insert(keyValue($0)).inserted}

   func filterDuplicate<T>(_ keyValue:(Element)->T) -> [Element]
      return filterDuplicate{"\(keyValue($0))"}

// example usage: (for a unique combination of attributes):

peopleArray = peopleArray.filterDuplicate{ ($0.name, $0.age, $0.sex) }


peopleArray = peopleArray.filterDuplicate{ "\(($0.name, $0.age, $0.sex))" }

You don't have to bother with making values Hashable and it allows you to use different combinations of fields for uniqueness.

Note: for a more robust approach, please see the solution proposed by Coeur in the comments below.


[EDIT] Swift 4 alternative

With Swift 4.2 you can use the Hasher class to build a hash much easier. The above extension could be changed to leverage this :

extension Array
    func filterDuplicate(_ keyValue:((AnyHashable...)->AnyHashable,Element)->AnyHashable) -> [Element]
        func makeHash(_ params:AnyHashable ...) -> AnyHashable
           var hash = Hasher()
           params.forEach{ hash.combine($0) }
           return hash.finalize()
        var uniqueKeys = Set<AnyHashable>()
        return filter{uniqueKeys.insert(keyValue(makeHash,$0)).inserted}     

The calling syntax is a little different because the closure receives an additional parameter containing a function to hash a variable number of values (which must be Hashable individually)

peopleArray = peopleArray.filterDuplicate{ $0($1.name, $1.age, $1.sex) } 

It will also work with a single uniqueness value (using $1 and ignoring $0).

peopleArray = peopleArray.filterDuplicate{ $1.name } 

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