Programs & Examples On #Thread specific storage

read input separated by whitespace(s) or newline...?

std::getline( stream, where to?, delimiter ie

std::string in;
std::getline(std::cin, in, ' '); //will split on space

or you can read in a line, then tokenize it based on whichever delimiter you wish.

How do I create a comma-separated list from an array in PHP?

Follow this one

$teacher_id = '';

        for ($i = 0; $i < count($data['teacher_id']); $i++) {

            $teacher_id .= $data['teacher_id'][$i].',';

        $teacher_id = rtrim($teacher_id, ',');
        echo $teacher_id; exit;

client denied by server configuration

I have servers with proper lists of hosts and IPs. None of that allow all stuff. My fix was to put the hostname of my new workstation into the list. So the advise is:

Make sure the computer you're using is ACTUALLY on the list of allowed IPs. Look at IPs from logmessages, resolve names, check ifconfig / ipconfig etc.

*Google sent me due to the error-message.

How to set base url for rest in spring boot?

For spring boot framework version 2.0.4.RELEASE+. Add this line to


Convert JSON String to JSON Object c#

there's an interesting way to achive another goal which is to have a strongly type class base on json with a very powerfull tools that i used few days ago for first time to translate tradedoubler json result into classes

Is a simple tool: copy your json source paste and in few second you will have a strongly typed class json oriented . In this manner you will use these classes which is more powerful and simply to use.

'list' object has no attribute 'shape'

Alternatively, you can use np.shape(...)

For instance:

import numpy as np


and np.shape(a) will give an output of (3,)

How to use ES6 Fat Arrow to .filter() an array of objects

You can't implicitly return with an if, you would need the braces:

let adults = family.filter(person => { if (person.age > 18) return person} );

It can be simplified though:

let adults = family.filter(person => person.age > 18);

How to make a Generic Type Cast function

Something like this?

public static T ConvertValue<T>(string value)
    return (T)Convert.ChangeType(value, typeof(T));

You can then use it like this:

int val = ConvertValue<int>("42");


You can even do this more generic and not rely on a string parameter provided the type U implements IConvertible - this means you have to specify two type parameters though:

public static T ConvertValue<T,U>(U value) where U : IConvertible
    return (T)Convert.ChangeType(value, typeof(T));

I considered catching the InvalidCastException exception that might be raised by Convert.ChangeType() - but what would you return in this case? default(T)? It seems more appropriate having the caller deal with the exception.

Can Android Studio be used to run standard Java projects?

I have been able to do it using following steps:

  1. Open Android Studio and select 'Import Project'.
    Android Studio import a project

  2. Browse to your project folder in the browse window and select it.

How do I POST JSON data with cURL?

This worked for me:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @./my_json_body.txt

How do I get my solution in Visual Studio back online in TFS?

I am using Visual Studio 2017 15.4.0 version. Especially when i started use lightweight solution option, this offline thing happened to me. I tried to above solutions which are:

  1. Tried to regedit option but can not see appropriate menu options. Didn't work.
  2. Right click on solution, there is go online option and when i choose it that gives this error message: "The solution is offline because its associated Team Foundation Server is offline. Unable to determine the workspace for this solution."

Then from File -> Source Control -> Advanced -> Change Source Control. I saw my files. I select them and then chose bind option. That worked for me. Button OnClick event not firing

I had the same problem, my aspnet button's click was not firing. It turns out that some where on other part of the page has an input with html "required" attribute on.

This might be sound strange, but once I remove the required attribute, the button just works normally.

Android: Create spinner programmatically from array

This actually worked for me

    Spinner spinner = new Spinner(this);
    ArrayAdapter<String> spinnerArrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(
            this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, spinnerArray);
    spinnerArrayAdapter.setDropDownViewResource( android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item );

    spinner = (Spinner) findViewById( );

How to import .py file from another directory?

You can add to the system-path at runtime:

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, 'path/to/your/py_file')

import py_file

This is by far the easiest way to do it.

React Hook Warnings for async function in useEffect: useEffect function must return a cleanup function or nothing

I suggest to look at Dan Abramov (one of the React core maintainers) answer here:

I think you're making it more complicated than it needs to be.

function Example() {
  const [data, dataSet] = useState<any>(null)

  useEffect(() => {
    async function fetchMyAPI() {
      let response = await fetch('api/data')
      response = await response.json()

  }, [])

  return <div>{JSON.stringify(data)}</div>

Longer term we'll discourage this pattern because it encourages race conditions. Such as — anything could happen between your call starts and ends, and you could have gotten new props. Instead, we'll recommend Suspense for data fetching which will look more like

const response =;

and no effects. But in the meantime you can move the async stuff to a separate function and call it.

You can read more about experimental suspense here.

If you want to use functions outside with eslint.

 function OutsideUsageExample() {
  const [data, dataSet] = useState<any>(null)

  const fetchMyAPI = useCallback(async () => {
    let response = await fetch('api/data')
    response = await response.json()
  }, [])

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [fetchMyAPI])

  return (
      <div>data: {JSON.stringify(data)}</div>
        <button onClick={fetchMyAPI}>manual fetch</button>

If you will use useCallback, look at example of how it works useCallback. Sandbox.

import React, { useState, useEffect, useCallback } from "react";

export default function App() {
  const [counter, setCounter] = useState(1);

  // if counter is changed, than fn will be updated with new counter value
  const fn = useCallback(() => {
    setCounter(counter + 1);
  }, [counter]);

  // if counter is changed, than fn will not be updated and counter will be always 1 inside fn
  /*const fnBad = useCallback(() => {
      setCounter(counter + 1);
    }, []);*/

  // if fn or counter is changed, than useEffect will rerun
  useEffect(() => {
    if (!(counter % 2)) return; // this will stop the loop if counter is not even

  }, [fn, counter]);

  // this will be infinite loop because fn is always changing with new counter value
  /*useEffect(() => {
  }, [fn]);*/

  return (
      <div>Counter is {counter}</div>
      <button onClick={fn}>add +1 count</button>

How to perform OR condition in django queryset?

Both options are already mentioned in the existing answers:

from django.db.models import Q
q1 = User.objects.filter(Q(income__gte=5000) | Q(income__isnull=True))


q2 = User.objects.filter(income__gte=5000) | User.objects.filter(income__isnull=True)

However, there seems to be some confusion regarding which one is to prefer.

The point is that they are identical on the SQL level, so feel free to pick whichever you like!

The Django ORM Cookbook talks in some detail about this, here is the relevant part:

queryset = User.objects.filter(
    ) | User.objects.filter(

leads to

In [5]: str(queryset.query)
Out[5]: 'SELECT "auth_user"."id", "auth_user"."password", "auth_user"."last_login",
"auth_user"."is_superuser", "auth_user"."username", "auth_user"."first_name",
"auth_user"."last_name", "auth_user"."email", "auth_user"."is_staff",
"auth_user"."is_active", "auth_user"."date_joined" FROM "auth_user"
WHERE ("auth_user"."first_name"::text LIKE R% OR "auth_user"."last_name"::text LIKE D%)'


qs = User.objects.filter(Q(first_name__startswith='R') | Q(last_name__startswith='D'))

leads to

In [9]: str(qs.query)
Out[9]: 'SELECT "auth_user"."id", "auth_user"."password", "auth_user"."last_login",
 "auth_user"."is_superuser", "auth_user"."username", "auth_user"."first_name",
  "auth_user"."last_name", "auth_user"."email", "auth_user"."is_staff",
  "auth_user"."is_active", "auth_user"."date_joined" FROM "auth_user"
  WHERE ("auth_user"."first_name"::text LIKE R% OR "auth_user"."last_name"::text LIKE D%)'

source: django-orm-cookbook

Join two sql queries

You can use CTE also like below.

With cte as
(select Activity, SUM(Amount) as "Total Amount 2009"
   from Activities, Incomes
  where Activities.UnitName = ? AND
        Incomes.ActivityId = Activities.ActivityID
  GROUP BY Activity
cte1 as 
(select Activity, SUM(Amount) as "Total Amount 2008"
   from Activities, Incomes2008
  where Activities.UnitName = ? AND
        Incomes2008.ActivityId = Activities.ActivityID
  GROUP BY Activity
Select cte.Activity, cte.[Total Amount 2009] ,cte1.[Total Amount 2008]      
  from cte join cte1 ON cte.ActivityId = cte1.ActivityID
 WHERE a.UnitName = ?
 ORDER BY cte.Activity 

How SQL query result insert in temp table?


create table temp as select * from original_table

Properly escape a double quote in CSV

If a value contains a comma, a newline character or a double quote, then the string must be enclosed in double quotes. E.g: "Newline char in this field \n".

You can use below online tool to escape "" and , operators.

How to write the Fibonacci Sequence?

# num is the number up to which your list will go
#first I created a list, and I wanted to code #everything, but obviously, I could have typed l = [0,1]

def fab(num):

    l = []
    for k in range(0,2):

    while l[-1]<num:
        x = l[-1]+l[-2]

        if x>=num:

    return l

Make a borderless form movable?

This article on CodeProject details a technique. Is basically boils down to:

public const int WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN = 0xA1;
public const int HT_CAPTION = 0x2;

public static extern int SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int Msg, int wParam, int lParam);
public static extern bool ReleaseCapture();

private void Form1_MouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
    if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
        SendMessage(Handle, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HT_CAPTION, 0);

This essentially does exactly the same as grabbing the title bar of a window, from the window manager's point of view.

Load CSV file with Spark

Simply splitting by comma will also split commas that are within fields (e.g. a,b,"1,2,3",c), so it's not recommended. zero323's answer is good if you want to use the DataFrames API, but if you want to stick to base Spark, you can parse csvs in base Python with the csv module:

# works for both python 2 and 3
import csv
rdd = sc.textFile("file.csv")
rdd = rdd.mapPartitions(lambda x: csv.reader(x))

EDIT: As @muon mentioned in the comments, this will treat the header like any other row so you'll need to extract it manually. For example, header = rdd.first(); rdd = rdd.filter(lambda x: x != header) (make sure not to modify header before the filter evaluates). But at this point, you're probably better off using a built-in csv parser.

What is the => assignment in C# in a property signature

For the following statement shared by Alex Booker in their answer

When the compiler encounters an expression-bodied property member, it essentially converts it to a getter like this:

Please see the following screenshot, it shows how this statement (using SharpLab link)

public string APIBasePath => Configuration.ToolsAPIBasePath;

converts to

public string APIBasePath
        return Configuration.ToolsAPIBasePath;

Screenshot: enter image description here

pandas dataframe columns scaling with sklearn

As it is being mentioned in pir's comment - the .apply(lambda el: scale.fit_transform(el)) method will produce the following warning:

DeprecationWarning: Passing 1d arrays as data is deprecated in 0.17 and will raise ValueError in 0.19. Reshape your data either using X.reshape(-1, 1) if your data has a single feature or X.reshape(1, -1) if it contains a single sample.

Converting your columns to numpy arrays should do the job (I prefer StandardScaler):

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
scale = StandardScaler()

dfTest[['A','B','C']] = scale.fit_transform(dfTest[['A','B','C']].as_matrix())

-- Edit Nov 2018 (Tested for pandas 0.23.4)--

As Rob Murray mentions in the comments, in the current (v0.23.4) version of pandas .as_matrix() returns FutureWarning. Therefore, it should be replaced by .values:

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
scaler = StandardScaler()


-- Edit May 2019 (Tested for pandas 0.24.2)--

As joelostblom mentions in the comments, "Since 0.24.0, it is recommended to use .to_numpy() instead of .values."

Updated example:

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
scaler = StandardScaler()
dfTest = pd.DataFrame({
dfTest[['A', 'B']] = scaler.fit_transform(dfTest[['A','B']].to_numpy())
      A         B      C
0 -1.995290 -1.571117    big
1  0.436356 -0.603995  small
2  0.460289  0.100818    big
3  0.630058  0.985826  small
4  0.468586  1.088469  small

Check existence of input argument in a Bash shell script

In some cases you need to check whether the user passed an argument to the script and if not, fall back to a default value. Like in the script below:

emulator @$1 -scale $scale

Here if the user hasn't passed scale as a 2nd parameter, I launch Android emulator with -scale 1 by default. ${varname:-word} is an expansion operator. There are other expansion operators as well:

  • ${varname:=word} which sets the undefined varname instead of returning the word value;
  • ${varname:?message} which either returns varname if it's defined and is not null or prints the message and aborts the script (like the first example);
  • ${varname:+word} which returns word only if varname is defined and is not null; returns null otherwise.

Configuring ObjectMapper in Spring

It may be because I'm using Spring 3.1 (instead of Spring 3.0.5 as your question specified), but Steve Eastwood's answer didn't work for me. This solution works for Spring 3.1:

In your spring xml context:

        <bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.StringHttpMessageConverter"/>
        <bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.ByteArrayHttpMessageConverter"/>
        <bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter">
            <property name="objectMapper" ref="jacksonObjectMapper" />

<bean id="jacksonObjectMapper" class="de.Company.backend.web.CompanyObjectMapper" />

De-obfuscate Javascript code to make it readable again

Try this:

I tested with your code and worked as good as possible. =D

Checking if a website is up via Python

The HTTPConnection object from the httplib module in the standard library will probably do the trick for you. BTW, if you start doing anything advanced with HTTP in Python, be sure to check out httplib2; it's a great library.

Undo a git stash

This will also restore the staging directory:

git stash apply --index


Try this and then tell me the results:

UPDATE File1 AS B                          
SET    b.campo1 = (SELECT DISTINCT A.campo1
                   FROM  File2 A           
                   INNER JOIN File1      
                   ON A.campo2 = File1.campo2 
                   AND A.campo2 = B.campo2) 

How do I set GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY for specific repos only?

There is an easy way of configuring GIT to handle your server the right way. Just add an specific http section for your git server and specify which certificate (Base64 encoded) to trust:


[http ""]
# windows path use double back slashes
#  sslCaInfo = C:\\Users\\<user>\\
# unix path to certificate (Base64 encoded)
sslCaInfo = /home/<user>/

This way you will have no more SSL errors and validate the (usually) self-signed certificate. This is the best way to go, as it protects you from man-in-the-middle attacks. When you just disable ssl verification you are vulnerable to these kind of attacks.

How to highlight a selected row in ngRepeat?

You probably want to have LI rather than the UL have the background-color:

.selected li {
  background-color: red;

Then you want to have a dynamic class for the UL:

<ul ng-repeat="vote in votes" ng-click="setSelected()" class="{{selected}}">

Now you need to update the $scope.selected when clicking the row:

$scope.setSelected = function() {
   console.log("show", arguments, this);
   this.selected = 'selected';

and then un-select the previously highlighted row:

$scope.setSelected = function() {
   // console.log("show", arguments, this);
   if ($scope.lastSelected) {
     $scope.lastSelected.selected = '';
   this.selected = 'selected';
   $scope.lastSelected = this;

Working solution:

Using SVG as background image

With my solution you're able to get something similar:

svg background image css

Here is bulletproff solution:

Your html: <input class='calendarIcon'/>

Your SVG: i used fa-calendar-alt


(any IDE may open svg image as shown below)

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path d="M148 288h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12zm108-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm-96 96v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm-96 0v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm192 0v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm96-260v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V112c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h48V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h128V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h48c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V160H48v298c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z"/></svg>

To use it at css background-image you gotta encode the svg to address valid string. I used this tool

As far as you got all stuff you need, you're coming to css

      //your url will be something like this:
      background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,***<here place encoded svg>***");
      background-repeat: no-repeat;

Note: these styling wont have any effect on encoded svg image

      fill: #f00; //neither this
      background-color: #f00; //nor this

because all changes over the image must be applied directly to its svg code

<svg xmlns="" path="" fill="#f00"/></svg>

To achive the location righthand i copied some Bootstrap spacing and my final css get the next look:

      background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg...svg%3E");
      background-repeat: no-repeat;
      padding-right: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem);
      background-position: center right calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem);
      background-size: calc(0.75em + 0.375rem) calc(0.75em + 0.375rem);

How do I trim leading/trailing whitespace in a standard way?


    char sent[10]={' ',' ',' ','s','t','a','r','s',' ',' '};
    int i,j=0;
    char rec[10];





Specify path to node_modules in package.json

Yarn supports this feature:

# .yarnrc file in project root
--modules-folder /node_modules

But your experience can vary depending on which packages you use. I'm not sure you'd want to go into that rabbit hole.

How to set viewport meta for iPhone that handles rotation properly?

just want to share, i've played around with the viewport settings for my responsive design, if i set the Max scale to 0.8, the initial scale to 1 and scalable to no then i get the smallest view in portrait mode and the iPad view for landscape :D... this is properly an ugly hack but it seems to work, i don't know why so i won't be using it, but interesting results

<meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, initial-scale = 1.0,maximum-scale = 0.8,width=device-width" />

enjoy :)

Mapping a JDBC ResultSet to an object

No need of storing resultSet values into String and again setting into POJO class. Instead set at the time you are retrieving.

Or best way switch to ORM tools like hibernate instead of JDBC which maps your POJO object direct to database.

But as of now use this:

List<User> users=new ArrayList<User>();

while( {
   User user = new User();      


How to combine 2 plots (ggplot) into one plot?

Dummy data (you should supply this for us)

visual1 = data.frame(ISSUE_DATE=runif(100,2006,2008),COUNTED=runif(100,0,50))
visual2 = data.frame(ISSUE_DATE=runif(100,2006,2008),COUNTED=runif(100,0,50))


visuals = rbind(visual1,visual2)
visuals$vis=c(rep("visual1",100),rep("visual2",100)) # 100 points of each flavour

Now do:

 ggplot(visuals, aes(ISSUE_DATE,COUNTED,group=vis,col=vis)) + 
   geom_point() + geom_smooth()

and adjust colours etc to taste.

enter image description here

Is it possible to reference one CSS rule within another?

Just add the classes to your html

<div class="someDiv radius opacity"></div>

Base64 length calculation?

If there is someone interested in achieve the @Pedro Silva solution in JS, I just ported this same solution for it:

const getBase64Size = (base64) => {
  let padding = base64.length
    ? getBase64Padding(base64)
    : 0
  return ((Math.ceil(base64.length / 4) * 3 ) - padding) / 1000

const getBase64Padding = (base64) => {
  return endsWith(base64, '==')
    ? 2
    : 1

const endsWith = (str, end) => {
  let charsFromEnd = end.length
  let extractedEnd = str.slice(-charsFromEnd)
  return extractedEnd === end

Changing the cursor in WPF sometimes works, sometimes doesn't

If your application uses async stuff and you're fiddling with Mouse's cursor, you probably want to do it only in main UI thread. You can use app's Dispatcher thread for that:

Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
    // The check is required to prevent cursor flickering
    if (Mouse.OverrideCursor != cursor)
        Mouse.OverrideCursor = cursor;

Google Maps shows "For development purposes only"

If you want a free simple location map showing a single marked location, for your website, Then

  • Go to AddMap.
  • Here you can fill details to fully customize your map like location details, sizing and formatting of map.
  • Finally to add google map api key, Generate it using this method.

Let me know If this would help..

How to add leading zeros?

For a general solution that works regardless of how many digits are in data$anim, use the sprintf function. It works like this:

sprintf("%04d", 1)
# [1] "0001"
sprintf("%04d", 104)
# [1] "0104"
sprintf("%010d", 104)
# [1] "0000000104"

In your case, you probably want: data$anim <- sprintf("%06d", data$anim)

Call a Class From another class

Suposse you have


public class Class1 {
    //Your class code above


public class Class2 {

and then you can use Class2 in different ways.

Class Field

public class Class1{
    private Class2 class2 = new Class2();

Method field

public class Class1 {
    public void loginAs(String username, String password)
         Class2 class2 = new Class2();
         //your actual code

Static methods from Class2 Imagine this is your class2.

public class Class2 {
     public static void doSomething(){

from class1 you can use doSomething from Class2 whenever you want

public class Class1 {
    public void loginAs(String username, String password)
         //your actual code

No Such Element Exception?

It looks like you are calling next even if the scanner no longer has a next element to provide... throwing the exception.


Should be something like

boolean foundTreasure = false;

          foundTreasure = true;
          break; // found treasure, if you need to use it, assign to variable beforehand
    // out here, either we never found treasure at all, or the last element we looked as was treasure... act accordingly

Convert string to BigDecimal in java

The BigDecimal(double) constructor can have unpredictable behaviors. It is preferable to use BigDecimal(String) or BigDecimal.valueOf(double).

System.out.println(new BigDecimal(135.69)); //135.68999999999999772626324556767940521240234375
System.out.println(new BigDecimal("135.69")); // 135.69
System.out.println(BigDecimal.valueOf(135.69)); // 135.69

The documentation for BigDecimal(double) explains in detail:

  1. The results of this constructor can be somewhat unpredictable. One might assume that writing new BigDecimal(0.1) in Java creates a BigDecimal which is exactly equal to 0.1 (an unscaled value of 1, with a scale of 1), but it is actually equal to 0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625. This is because 0.1 cannot be represented exactly as a double (or, for that matter, as a binary fraction of any finite length). Thus, the value that is being passed in to the constructor is not exactly equal to 0.1, appearances notwithstanding.
  2. The String constructor, on the other hand, is perfectly predictable: writing new BigDecimal("0.1") creates a BigDecimal which is exactly equal to 0.1, as one would expect. Therefore, it is generally recommended that the String constructor be used in preference to this one.
  3. When a double must be used as a source for a BigDecimal, note that this constructor provides an exact conversion; it does not give the same result as converting the double to a String using the Double.toString(double) method and then using the BigDecimal(String) constructor. To get that result, use the static valueOf(double) method.

How to insert DECIMAL into MySQL database

MySql decimal types are a little bit more complicated than just left-of and right-of the decimal point.

The first argument is precision, which is the number of total digits. The second argument is scale which is the maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

Thus, (4,2) can be anything from -99.99 to 99.99.

As for why you're getting 99.99 instead of the desired 3.80, the value you're inserting must be interpreted as larger than 99.99, so the max value is used. Maybe you could post the code that you are using to insert or update the table.


Corrected a misunderstanding of the usage of scale and precision, per

cpp / c++ get pointer value or depointerize pointer

To get the value of a pointer, just de-reference the pointer.

int *ptr;
int value;
*ptr = 9;

value = *ptr;

value is now 9.

I suggest you read more about pointers, this is their base functionality.

Convert UIImage to NSData and convert back to UIImage in Swift?

UIImage(data:imageData,scale:1.0) presuming the image's scale is 1.

In swift 4.2, use below code for get Data().


Force sidebar height 100% using CSS (with a sticky bottom image)?

UPDATE: As this answer is still getting votes both up and down, and is at the time of writing eight years old: There are probably better techniques out there now. Original answer follows below.

Clearly you are looking for the Faux columns technique :-)

By how the height-property is calculated, you can't set height: 100% inside something that has auto-height.

sub and gsub function?

That won't work if the string contains more than one match... try this:

echo "/x/y/z/x" | awk '{ gsub("/", "_") ; system( "echo "  $0) }'

or better (if the echo isn't a placeholder for something else):

echo "/x/y/z/x" | awk '{ gsub("/", "_") ; print $0 }'

In your case you want to make a copy of the value before changing it:

echo "/x/y/z/x" | awk '{ c=$0; gsub("/", "_", c) ; system( "echo " $0 " " c )}'

How do I add multiple "NOT LIKE '%?%' in the WHERE clause of sqlite3?

The query you are after will be

SELECT word FROM table WHERE word NOT LIKE '%a%' AND word NOT LIKE '%b%'

Load a HTML page within another HTML page

If you are looking for a popup in the page, that is not a new browser window, then I would take a look at the various "LightBox" implementations in Javascript.

Importing variables from another file?

title="Hello world" is where we using script1 variable

Method 1:

import script1

Method 2:

from script1 import title

Returning a value from callback function in Node.js

Example code for node.js - async function to sync function:

var deasync = require('deasync');

function syncFunc()
    var ret = null;
    asyncFunc(function(err, result){
        ret = {err : err, result : result}

    while((ret == null))

    return (ret.err || ret.result);

jquery get all input from specific form

        $form = $(this);
        $i = 0;
        $("form input[required],form select[required]").each(function(){
            if ($(this).val().trim() == ''){
                $(this).css('border-color', 'red');
                $(this).css('border-color', '');    
        if($i != 0) e.preventDefault();
        if ($(this).val().trim() == '')
            $(this).css('border-color', 'red');
            $(this).css('border-color', '');    
        if ($(this).val().trim() == '')
            $(this).css('border-color', 'red');
            $(this).css('border-color', '');

How can I get the baseurl of site?

Please use the below code                           

string.Format("{0}://{1}", Request.url.Scheme, Request.url.Host);

How to detect IE11?

I've read your answers and made a mix. It seems to work with Windows XP(IE7/IE8) and Windows 7 (IE9/IE10/IE11).

function ie_ver(){  
    var iev=0;
    var ieold = (/MSIE (\d+\.\d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent));
    var trident = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident\/7.0/);
    var rv=navigator.userAgent.indexOf("rv:11.0");

    if (ieold) iev=new Number(RegExp.$1);
    if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 10") != -1) iev=10;
    if (trident&&rv!=-1) iev=11;

    return iev;         

Of course if I return 0, means no IE.

Selenium WebDriver: I want to overwrite value in field instead of appending to it with sendKeys using Java

I think you can try to firstly select all the text in the field and then send the new sequence:

from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
element.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, "a"), "55");

How to get current formatted date dd/mm/yyyy in Javascript and append it to an input

By using the value attribute:

var today = new Date();
document.getElementById('DATE').value += today;

How to pass a view's onClick event to its parent on Android?



in child then the views get its drawable state (focused, pressed, etc.) from its direct parent rather than from itself. you can set onclick for parent and it call on child clicked

Creating a copy of an object in C#

There's already a question about this, you could perhaps read it

Deep cloning objects

There's no Clone() method as it exists in Java for example, but you could include a copy constructor in your clases, that's another good approach.

class A
  private int attr

  public int Attr
     get { return attr; }
     set { attr = value }

  public A()

  public A(A p)
     this.attr = p.Attr;

This would be an example, copying the member 'Attr' when building the new object.

Update cordova plugins in one command

You can't update it. What you can do is uninstall the cordova plugin and add it again.

cordova plugin rm --save
cordova plugin add --save

Why does Maven have such a bad rep?

Any Java developer can easily become an expert ANT user, but not even an expert Java developer can't become a beginner level MAVEN user.

Maven will make your developers scared s***less for doing anything related to Build and Deployment.

They will start respecting Maven more than the War file or Ear file!! which is bad bad bad!

Then you will be left at the mercy of online forums, where fan-boys will berate you for not doing things the "Maven way".

How to get and set the current web page scroll position?

There are some inconsistencies in how browsers expose the current window scrolling coordinates. Google Chrome on Mac and iOS seems to always return 0 when using document.documentElement.scrollTop or jQuery's $(window).scrollTop().

However, it works consistently with:

// horizontal scrolling amount

// vertical scrolling amount

jQuery attr() change img src

  1. Function imageMorph will create a new img element therefore the id is removed. Changed to

    $("#wrapper > img")

  2. You should use live() function for click event if you want you rocket lanch again.

Updated demo:

What is copy-on-write?

It is a memory protection concept. In this compiler creates extra copy to modify data in child and this updated data not reflect in parents data.

How to get input type using jquery?

It would seem that the attr functionality is getting further deprecated


How do I update/upsert a document in Mongoose?

Mongoose now supports this natively with findOneAndUpdate (calls MongoDB findAndModify).

The upsert = true option creates the object if it doesn't exist. defaults to false.

var query = {'username': req.user.username};
req.newData.username = req.user.username;

MyModel.findOneAndUpdate(query, req.newData, {upsert: true}, function(err, doc) {
    if (err) return res.send(500, {error: err});
    return res.send('Succesfully saved.');

In older versions Mongoose does not support these hooks with this method:

  • defaults
  • setters
  • validators
  • middleware

How do you round a floating point number in Perl?

If you decide to use printf or sprintf, note that they use the Round half to even method.

foreach my $i ( 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 ) {
    printf "$i -> %.0f\n", $i;
0.5 -> 0
1.5 -> 2
2.5 -> 2
3.5 -> 4

cin and getline skipping input

If you're using getline after cin >> something, you need to flush the newline out of the buffer in between.

My personal favourite for this if no characters past the newline are needed is cin.sync(). However, it is implementation defined, so it might not work the same way as it does for me. For something solid, use cin.ignore(). Or make use of std::ws to remove leading whitespace if desirable:

int a;

cin >> a;
cin.ignore (std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n'); 
//discard characters until newline is found

//my method: cin.sync(); //discard unread characters

string s;
getline (cin, s); //newline is gone, so this executes

//other method: getline(cin >> ws, s); //remove all leading whitespace

Converting string format to datetime in mm/dd/yyyy


DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

Write a file in external storage in Android

 ContextWrapper contextWrapper = new ContextWrapper(getApplicationContext()); //getappcontext for just this activity context get
 File file = contextWrapper.getDir(file_path, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);  
 if (!isExternalStorageAvailable() || isExternalStorageReadOnly()) 
  External_File = new File(getExternalFilesDir(file_path), file_name);//if ready then create a file for external 

   FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(External_File);
   DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fis);
   BufferedReader br =new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
   String strLine;
   while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) 
    myData = myData + strLine;
  catch (IOException e) 
  InputText.setText("Save data of External file::::  "+myData);

private static boolean isExternalStorageReadOnly() 
 String extStorageState = Environment.getExternalStorageState(); 
 if (Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED_READ_ONLY.equals(extStorageState))
  return true; 
 return false; 

private static boolean isExternalStorageAvailable()
 String extStorageState = Environment.getExternalStorageState(); 
 if (Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(extStorageState))
  return true; 
 return false; 

Oracle - Why does the leading zero of a number disappear when converting it TO_CHAR

It's the default formatting that Oracle provides. If you want leading zeros on output, you'll need to explicitly provide the format. Use:


or even:


The same is true for trailing zeros:

SQL> SELECT TO_CHAR(.56,'0.990') val FROM DUAL;


The general form of the TO_CHAR conversion function is:

TO_CHAR(number, format)

How to focus on a form input text field on page load using jQuery?

Set focus on the first text field:


This also does the first text field, but you can change the [0] to another index:


Or, you can use the ID:


error running apache after xampp install

I had the same problem, I solved changing the ports.

-> Clicked button Config front of Apache.
1) Select Apache (httpd.conf)
2) searched for this line: Listen 80
3) changed for this: Listen 8081
4) saved file
-> Click Config button front of Apache.
1) Select Apache (httpd-ssl.conf)
2) searched for this line: Listen 443
3) changed for this: Listen 444
4) saved file
I can run xammp from port 8081
You have to give port number you gave to enter the localhost
Hope this helps you to understand what is happening.

How to add local jar files to a Maven project?

Add local jar libraries, their sources and javadoc to a Maven project

If you have pre-compiled jar files with libraries, their sources and javadoc, then you can install them to your local Maven repository like this:

mvn install:install-file
    -Dfile=awesomeapp-1.0.1.jar \
    -DpomFile=awesomeapp-1.0.1.pom \
    -Dsources=awesomeapp-1.0.1-sources.jar \
    -Djavadoc=awesomeapp-1.0.1-javadoc.jar \
    -DgroupId=com.example \
    -DartifactId=awesomeapp \
    -Dversion=1.0.1 \

Then in your project you can use this libraries:

<!-- com.example -->

See: maven-install-plugin usage.

Or you can build these libraries yourself with their sources and javadoc using maven-source-plugin and maven-javadoc-plugin, and then install them.

Example project: library

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""






Execute maven install goal:

mvn install

Check your local Maven repository:

 +- _remote.repositories
 +- awesomeapp-1.0.1.jar
 +- awesomeapp-1.0.1.pom
 +- awesomeapp-1.0.1-javadoc.jar
 +- awesomeapp-1.0.1-sources.jar

Then you can use this library:

<!-- com.example -->

What is logits, softmax and softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits?

Logits simply means that the function operates on the unscaled output of earlier layers and that the relative scale to understand the units is linear. It means, in particular, the sum of the inputs may not equal 1, that the values are not probabilities (you might have an input of 5).

tf.nn.softmax produces just the result of applying the softmax function to an input tensor. The softmax "squishes" the inputs so that sum(input) = 1: it's a way of normalizing. The shape of output of a softmax is the same as the input: it just normalizes the values. The outputs of softmax can be interpreted as probabilities.

a = tf.constant(np.array([[.1, .3, .5, .9]]))
[[ 0.16838508  0.205666    0.25120102  0.37474789]]

In contrast, tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits computes the cross entropy of the result after applying the softmax function (but it does it all together in a more mathematically careful way). It's similar to the result of:

sm = tf.nn.softmax(x)
ce = cross_entropy(sm)

The cross entropy is a summary metric: it sums across the elements. The output of tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits on a shape [2,5] tensor is of shape [2,1] (the first dimension is treated as the batch).

If you want to do optimization to minimize the cross entropy AND you're softmaxing after your last layer, you should use tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits instead of doing it yourself, because it covers numerically unstable corner cases in the mathematically right way. Otherwise, you'll end up hacking it by adding little epsilons here and there.

Edited 2016-02-07: If you have single-class labels, where an object can only belong to one class, you might now consider using tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits so that you don't have to convert your labels to a dense one-hot array. This function was added after release 0.6.0.

Deleting elements from std::set while iterating

Just to warn, that in case of a deque container, all solutions that check for the deque iterator equality to numbers.end() will likely fail on gcc 4.8.4. Namely, erasing an element of the deque generally invalidates pointer to numbers.end():

#include <iostream>
#include <deque>

using namespace std;
int main() 

  deque<int> numbers;


  deque<int>::iterator  it_end = numbers.end();

  for (deque<int>::iterator it = numbers.begin(); it != numbers.end(); ) {
    if (*it % 2 == 0) {
      cout << "Erasing element: " << *it << "\n";
      if (it_end == numbers.end()) {
    cout << "it_end is still pointing to numbers.end()\n";
      } else {
    cout << "it_end is not anymore pointing to numbers.end()\n";
    else {
      cout << "Skipping element: " << *it << "\n";


Erasing element: 0
it_end is still pointing to numbers.end()
Skipping element: 1
Erasing element: 2
it_end is not anymore pointing to numbers.end()

Note that while the deque transformation is correct in this particular case, the end pointer has been invalidated along the way. With the deque of a different size the error is more apparent:

int main() 

  deque<int> numbers;


  deque<int>::iterator  it_end = numbers.end();

  for (deque<int>::iterator it = numbers.begin(); it != numbers.end(); ) {
    if (*it % 2 == 0) {
      cout << "Erasing element: " << *it << "\n";
      if (it_end == numbers.end()) {
    cout << "it_end is still pointing to numbers.end()\n";
      } else {
    cout << "it_end is not anymore pointing to numbers.end()\n";
    else {
      cout << "Skipping element: " << *it << "\n";


Erasing element: 0
it_end is still pointing to numbers.end()
Skipping element: 1
Erasing element: 2
it_end is still pointing to numbers.end()
Skipping element: 3
Erasing element: 4
it_end is not anymore pointing to numbers.end()
Erasing element: 0
it_end is not anymore pointing to numbers.end()
Erasing element: 0
it_end is not anymore pointing to numbers.end()
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Here is one of the ways to fix this:

#include <iostream>
#include <deque>

using namespace std;
int main() 

  deque<int> numbers;
  bool done_iterating = false;


  if (!numbers.empty()) {
    deque<int>::iterator it = numbers.begin();
    while (!done_iterating) {
      if (it + 1 == numbers.end()) {
    done_iterating = true;
      if (*it % 2 == 0) {
    cout << "Erasing element: " << *it << "\n";
      else {
    cout << "Skipping element: " << *it << "\n";

How to set user environment variables in Windows Server 2008 R2 as a normal user?

This can be done from the command line using the SETX command. For example to 'move' your temporary files to another disk:

SETX TEMP d:\tmp

How do I alter the precision of a decimal column in Sql Server?

ALTER TABLE `tableName` CHANGE  `columnName` DECIMAL(16,1) NOT NULL;

I uses This for the alterration

How to Query Database Name in Oracle SQL Developer?

Once I realized I was running an Oracle database, not MySQL, I found the answer

select * from v$database;


select ora_database_name from dual;

Try both. Credit and source goes to:

Javascript change Div style

Better change the class of the element (.regular is black, .alert is red):

function abc(){
  var myDiv = document.getElementById("test");
  if (myDiv.className == 'alert') {
    myDiv.className = 'regular';
  } else {
    myDiv.className = 'alert';

Conflict with dependency ''. Resolved versions for app (23.1.0) and test app (23.0.1) differ

I was getting the same error today:

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:preDebugAndroidTestBuild'.> Conflict with dependency '' in project ':app'. Resolved versions for app (26.1.0) and test app (27.1.1) differ.

What I did:

  • I simply updated all my dependencies to 27.1.1 instead of 26.1.0
  • Also, updated my compileSdkVersion 27 and targetSdkVersion 27 which were 26 earlier

And error was gone!

For Ref:

dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
    androidTestImplementation ''
    androidTestImplementation ''

Dismissing a Presented View Controller

This is for view controller reusability.

Your view controller shouldn't care if it is being presented as a modal, pushed on a navigation controller, or whatever. If your view controller dismisses itself, then you're assuming it is being presented modally. You won't be able to push that view controller onto a navigation controller.

By implementing a protocol, you let the parent view controller decide how it should be presented/pushed and dismissed/popped.

Why would one mark local variables and method parameters as "final" in Java?

Although it creates a little clutter, it is worth putting final. Ides e.g eclipse can automatically put the final if you configure it to do so.

How to convert UTF-8 byte[] to string?

I saw some answers at this post and it's possible to be considered completed base knowledge, because have a several approaches in C# Programming to resolve the same problem. Only one thing that is necessary to be considered is about a difference between Pure UTF-8 and UTF-8 with B.O.M..

In last week, at my job, I need to develop one functionality that outputs CSV files with B.O.M. and other CSVs with pure UTF-8 (without B.O.M.), each CSV file Encoding type will be consumed by different non-standardized APIs, that one API read UTF-8 with B.O.M. and the other API read without B.O.M.. I need to research the references about this concept, reading "What's the difference between UTF-8 and UTF-8 without B.O.M.?" Stack Overflow discussion and this Wikipedia link "Byte order mark" to build my approach.

Finally, my C# Programming for the both UTF-8 encoding types (with B.O.M. and pure) needed to be similar like this example bellow:

//for UTF-8 with B.O.M., equals shared by Zanoni (at top)
string result = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteArray);

//for Pure UTF-8 (without B.O.M.)
string result = (new UTF8Encoding(false)).GetString(byteArray);

How to view method information in Android Studio?

On my Mac, CtrlF1 stopped working, but F1 on its own works.

App installation failed due to application-identifier entitlement

I solved this without deleting the app

With the project open in xcode. Project -> Build Settings -> Code Signing -> Provisioning Profiles (drop down) It is probably set to automatic and is choosing the wrong profile. Open the drop down and choose the correct one, then re-run the app.

How to resolve this System.IO.FileNotFoundException

Check all the references carefully

  • Version remains same on target machine and local machine
  • If assembly is referenced from GAC, ensure that proper version is loaded

For me cleaning entire solution by deleting manually, updating (removing and adding) references again with version in sync with target machine and then building with with Copy Local > False for GAC assemblies solves the problem.

Find position of a node using xpath



Importing a function from a class in another file?

If, like me, you want to make a function pack or something that people can download then it's very simple. Just write your function in a python file and save it as the name you want IN YOUR PYTHON DIRECTORY. Now, in your script where you want to use this, you type:


Note - the parts in capital letters are where you type the file name and function name.

Now you just use your function however it was meant to be.


FUNCTION SCRIPT - saved at C:\Python27 as

def choose(a):
  from random import randint
  b = randint(0, len(a) - 1)
  c = a[b]

SCRIPT USING FUNCTION - saved wherever

from function_choose import choose
list_a = ["dog", "cat", "chicken"]


Hoped this helped, now you can create function packs for download!

--------------------------------This is for Python 2.7-------------------------------------

JavaScript string newline character?

I had the problem of expressing newline with \n or \r\n.
Magically the character \r which is used for carriage return worked for me like a newline.
So in some cases, it is useful to consider \r too.

How to append elements into a dictionary in Swift?

you can add using the following way and change Dictionary to NSMutableDictionary

dict["key"] = "value"

python: create list of tuples from lists

You're after the zip function.

Taken directly from the question: How to merge lists into a list of tuples in Python?

>>> list_a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> list_b = [5, 6, 7, 8]
>>> zip(list_a,list_b)
[(1, 5), (2, 6), (3, 7), (4, 8)]

Detect if a page has a vertical scrollbar?

var hasScrollbar = window.innerWidth > document.documentElement.clientWidth;

basic authorization command for curl

curl -D- -X GET -H "Authorization: Basic ZnJlZDpmcmVk" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:7990/rest/api/1.0/projects


base46 encode =ZnJlZDpmcmVk

CSS scale height to match width - possibly with a formfactor

I've made similar thing with YouTube's IFRAME where the iframe is inside a grid that always changed based on portrait/landscape so this code worked for:

So the code for this question is:

// Layout resize
let height = window.innerHeight;
let width = window.document.getElementById('player').parentNode.clientWidth;
    height = width / 1.77;
<div id="player"></div>

... etc ..

function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
          // Layout resize
          let height = window.innerHeight;
          let width = window.document.getElementById('player').parentNode.clientWidth;
              height = width / 1.77;

          player = new YT.Player('player', {
            width: '100%',
            height: height,            
            videoId: currentVideoId,
            playerVars: {
              'autoplay': 0,
              'loop': 0,
              'mute': 0,
              'controls': 0,
              'enablejsapi': 1,
              'playsinline': 0,
              'rel': 0,
              'widget_referrer': 'http://my domain ...'
            events: {
              'onReady': onPlayerReady,
              'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange,
              'onError': onError

How to resize a custom view programmatically?

this.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, theSizeIWant));

Problem solved!

NOTE: Be sure to use the parent Layout's LayoutParams. Mine is LinearLayout.LayoutParams!

Python script to do something at the same time every day

You can do that like this:

from datetime import datetime
from threading import Timer
y=x.replace(, hour=1, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)


def hello_world():
    print "hello world"

t = Timer(secs, hello_world)

This will execute a function (eg. hello_world) in the next day at 1a.m.


As suggested by @PaulMag, more generally, in order to detect if the day of the month must be reset due to the reaching of the end of the month, the definition of y in this context shall be the following:

y = x.replace(, hour=1, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) + timedelta(days=1)

With this fix, it is also needed to add timedelta to the imports. The other code lines maintain the same. The full solution, using also the total_seconds() function, is therefore:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from threading import Timer
y = x.replace(, hour=1, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) + timedelta(days=1)


def hello_world():
    print "hello world"

t = Timer(secs, hello_world)

print memory address of Python variable

id is the method you want to use: to convert it to hex:


For instance:

x = 4
print hex(id(x))

Gave me:


Which is what you want, right?

(Fun fact, binding two variables to the same int may result in the same memory address being used.)

x = 4
y = 4
w = 9999
v = 9999
a = 12345678
b = 12345678
print hex(id(x))
print hex(id(y))
print hex(id(w))
print hex(id(v))
print hex(id(a))
print hex(id(b))

This gave me identical pairs, even for the large integers.

Using Java 8's Optional with Stream::flatMap

If you're stuck with Java 8 but have access to Guava 21.0 or newer, you can use to convert an optional into a stream.

Thus, given


you can write

Optional<Other> result =

Using a Python subprocess call to invoke a Python script

First, check if is executable and starts with something along the lines of #!/usr/bin/python. If this is done, then you can use'./').

Or as another answer points out, you could do['python', '']).

LaTeX table positioning

Table Positioning

Available Parameters

A table can easily be placed with the following parameters:

  • h Place the float here, i.e., approximately at the same point it occurs in the source text (however, not exactly at the spot)
  • t Position at the top of the page.
  • b Position at the bottom of the page.
  • p Put on a special page for floats only.
  • ! Override internal parameters LaTeX uses for determining "good" float positions.
  • H Places the float at precisely the location in the LATEX code. Requires the float package. This is somewhat equivalent to h!.

If you want to make use of H (or h!) for an exact positioning, make sure you got the float package correctly set up in the preamble:



If you want to place the table at the same page, either at the exact place or at least at the top of the page (what fits best for the latex engine), use the parameters h and t like this:

    table content ...


C# 4.0: Convert pdf to byte[] and vice versa

Easiest way:

byte[] buffer;
using (Stream stream = new IO.FileStream("file.pdf"))
   buffer = new byte[stream.Length - 1];
   stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

using (Stream stream = new IO.FileStream("newFile.pdf"))
   stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

Or something along these lines...

How do you set EditText to only accept numeric values in Android?

I need to catch pressing Enter on a keyboard with TextWatcher. But I found out that all numeric keyboards android:inputType="number" or "numberDecimal" or "numberPassword" e.t.c. don't allow me to catch Enter when user press it.

I tried android:digits="0123456789\n" and all numeric keyboards started to work with Enter and TextWatcher.

So my way is:


plus editText.setTransformationMethod(null)

Thanks to barmaley and abhiank.

Convert string to datetime

For chinese Rails developers:

DateTime.strptime('2012-12-09 00:01:36', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
=> Sun, 09 Dec 2012 00:01:36 +0000

Creating a SearchView that looks like the material design guidelines

I know its a old thread but still posting the library I just made. Hope this might help someone.

Meterial Search View

PHP regular expressions: No ending delimiter '^' found in

PHP regex strings need delimiters. Try:


Also, note that you have a lower case o, not a zero. In addition, if you're just validating, you don't need the capturing group, and can simplify the regex to /^\d+$/.


See also: PHP - Delimiters

WebView showing ERR_CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED although site is HTTPS


Add the below line in your application tag:


As shown below:


UPDATE: If you have network security config such as: android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config"

No Need to set clear text traffic to true as shown above, instead use the below code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">

    <base-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="false"/>

Set the cleartextTrafficPermitted to true

Hope it helps.

How to read a PEM RSA private key from .NET

I solved, thanks. In case anyone's interested, bouncycastle did the trick, just took me some time due to lack of knowledge from on my side and documentation. This is the code:

var bytesToDecrypt = Convert.FromBase64String("la0Cz.....D43g=="); // string to decrypt, base64 encoded

AsymmetricCipherKeyPair keyPair; 

using (var reader = File.OpenText(@"c:\myprivatekey.pem")) // file containing RSA PKCS1 private key
    keyPair = (AsymmetricCipherKeyPair) new PemReader(reader).ReadObject(); 

var decryptEngine = new Pkcs1Encoding(new RsaEngine());
decryptEngine.Init(false, keyPair.Private); 

var decrypted = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptEngine.ProcessBlock(bytesToDecrypt, 0, bytesToDecrypt.Length)); 

Set opacity of background image without affecting child elements

Take your image into an image editor, turn down the opacity, save it as a .png and use that instead.

Could not create the Java virtual machine

Make sure the physical available memory is more then VM defined min/max memory.

What exactly is node.js used for?

Directly from the tag wiki, make sure watch some of the talk videos linked there to get a better idea.

Node.js is an event based, asynchronous I/O framework that uses Google's V8 JavaScript Engine.

Node.js - or just Node as it's commonly called - is used for developing applications that make heavy use of the ability to run JavaScript both on the client, as well as on server side and therefore benefit from the re-usability of code and the lack of context switching.

It's also possible to use matured JavaScript frameworks like YUI and jQuery for server side DOM manipulation.

To ease the development of complex JavaScript further, Node.js supports the CommonJS standard that allows for modularized development and the distribution of software in packages via the Node Package Manager.

Applications that can be written using Node.js include, but are not limited to:

  • Static file servers
  • Web Application frameworks
  • Messaging middle ware
  • Servers for HTML5 multi player games

Change limit for "Mysql Row size too large"

After spending hours I have found the solution: just run the following SQL in your MySQL admin to convert the table to MyISAM:

USE db_name;

Update a dataframe in pandas while iterating row by row

A method you can use is itertuples(), it iterates over DataFrame rows as namedtuples, with index value as first element of the tuple. And it is much much faster compared with iterrows(). For itertuples(), each row contains its Index in the DataFrame, and you can use loc to set the value.

for row in df.itertuples():
    if <something>:[row.Index, 'ifor'] = x
    else:[row.Index, 'ifor'] = x

    df.loc[row.Index, 'ifor'] = x

Under most cases, itertuples() is faster than iat or at.

Thanks @SantiStSupery, using .at is much faster than loc.

Console app arguments, how arguments are passed to Main method

All answers are awesome and explained everything very well

but I just want to point out different way for passing args to main method

in visual studio

  1. right click on Project then choose Properties
  2. go to Debug tab then on the Start Options section provide the app with your args

like this image

Properties window

and happy knowing secrets

The provided URI scheme 'https' is invalid; expected 'http'. Parameter name: via

Try adding message credentials on your app.config like:

<binding name="defaultBasicHttpBinding"> 
  <security mode="Transport"> 
    <transport clientCredentialType="None" proxyCredentialType="None" realm=""/> 
    <message clientCredentialType="Certificate" algorithmSuite="Default" />

Case insensitive string as HashMap key

I like using ICU4J’s CaseInsensitiveString wrap of the Map key because it takes care of the hash\equals and issue and it works for unicode\i18n.

HashMap<CaseInsensitiveString, String> caseInsensitiveMap = new HashMap<>();
caseInsensitiveMap.put("tschüß", "bye");
caseInsensitiveMap.containsKey("TSCHÜSS"); # true

HTTP 404 Page Not Found in Web Api hosted in IIS 7.5

I struggled with this, as well. My exact issue was that I had an ASMX Web Service that, when I entered a parameter into a web method and tested it, then it would give me the 404. The particular method had worked fine in the past and hadn't been changed, only re-published. Then I got here and tried all of the posted answers & nothing helped.

My ultimate solution? I know this is drastic, but I just created a new Visual Studio solution and web project. Selected MVC, then I did an "Add" > "New Item", selected "Visual C#" > "Web" and "Web Service (ASMX)" under that. I copied all of my old code-behind code, then I took note of the namespace it gave the new file in my new project, then pasted all of my old code into the new code-behind file in the new project and put the namespace back to what it had been.

Then I created my folders in my project that I had before using Visual Studio to do "Add" > "New Folder", then copied back in my files into the folders from my other project using Windows Explorer, then right-clicked each folder in Visual Studio and did "Add" > "Existing Item..." and pulled the items in those folders into my new project's Visual Studio folders. I referenced all my .NET assemblies again, having both projects open so I could compare which ones I had referenced, previously (there were several). I had to name my new project slightly different - basically I did something comparable to "GeneralWebApp" instead of "MyWebApp", for example - so I had to do a "Replace All" in my whole solution to replace that name, so it would get the right namespace for all my files.

Then I did a "Rebuild All" on the project, then started it up with the "Play" button Visual Studio gives when I got it to build correctly. It worked fine. So I published it, and everything was fine on the server where I published it, when I ran it from there. I have no explanation as to what happened, but that's how I got through it. It's not a bad test just to see if something Visual Studio is doing has mucked it up.

How do I remove the horizontal scrollbar in a div?

Add this code to your CSS. It will disable the horizontal scrollbar.

html, body {
    max-width: 100%;
    overflow-x: hidden;

Redirect to Action by parameter mvc

This should work!

public ActionResult RedirectToImages(int id)
    return RedirectToAction("Index", "ProductImageManeger", new  { id = id });

public ViewResult Index(int id)
    return View(_db.ProductImages.Where(rs => rs.ProductId == id).ToList());

Notice that you don't have to pass the name of view if you are returning the same view as implemented by the action.

Your view should inherit the model as this:

@model <Your class name>

You can then access your model in view as:


How to check if an object implements an interface?

In general for AnInterface and anInstance of any class:


Background color on input type=button :hover state sticks in IE

There might be a fix to <input type="button"> - but if there is, I don't know it.

Otherwise, a good option seems to be to replace it with a carefully styled a element.


.button {
    background-color: #E3E1B8; 
    padding: 2px 4px;
    font: 13px sans-serif;
    text-decoration: none;
    border: 1px solid #000;
    border-color: #aaa #444 #444 #aaa;
    color: #000

Upsides include that the a element will style consistently between different (older) versions of Internet Explorer without any extra work, and I think my link looks nicer than that button :)

How to get the Google Map based on Latitude on Longitude?

Firstly add a div with id.

<div id="my_map_add" style="width:100%;height:300px;"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
function my_map_add() {
var myMapCenter = new google.maps.LatLng(28.5383866, 77.34916609);
var myMapProp = {center:myMapCenter, zoom:12, scrollwheel:false, draggable:false, mapTypeId:google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP};
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("my_map_add"),myMapProp);
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({position:myMapCenter});

<script src=""></script>

Elasticsearch : Root mapping definition has unsupported parameters index : not_analyzed

You're almost here, you're just missing a few things:

PUT /test
  "mappings": {
    "type_name": {                <--- add the type name
      "properties": {             <--- enclose all field definitions in "properties"
        "field1": {
          "type": "integer"
        "field2": {
          "type": "integer"
        "field3": {
          "type": "string",
          "index": "not_analyzed"
        "field4,": {
          "type": "string",
          "analyzer": "autocomplete",
          "search_analyzer": "standard"
  "settings": {


If your index already exists, you can also modify your mappings like this:

PUT test/_mapping/type_name
    "properties": {             <--- enclose all field definitions in "properties"
        "field1": {
          "type": "integer"
        "field2": {
          "type": "integer"
        "field3": {
          "type": "string",
          "index": "not_analyzed"
        "field4,": {
          "type": "string",
          "analyzer": "autocomplete",
          "search_analyzer": "standard"


As of ES 7, mapping types have been removed. You can read more details here

How do I open port 22 in OS X 10.6.7

I couldn't solve the problem; Then I did the following and the issue was resolved: Refer here:

sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist  
    (Supply your password when it is requested)   
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist  
ssh -v localhost  
sudo launchctl list | grep "sshd"  
    46427   -   com.openssh.sshd  


Is NDEBUG standard?

Yes it is a standard macro with the semantic "Not Debug" for C89, C99, C++98, C++2003, C++2011, C++2014 standards. There are no _DEBUG macros in the standards.

C++2003 standard send the reader at "page 326" at " Headers" to standard C.

That NDEBUG is similar as This is the same as the Standard C library.

In C89 (C programmers called this standard as standard C) in "4.2 DIAGNOSTICS" section it was said

If NDEBUG is defined as a macro name at the point in the source file where is included, the assert macro is defined simply as

     #define assert(ignore) ((void)0)

If look at the meaning of _DEBUG macros in Visual Studio then it will be seen, that this macro is automatically defined by your ?hoice of language runtime library version.

Determine which MySQL configuration file is being used

If you run mysql --verbose --help | less it will tell you about line 11 which .cnf files it will look for.

You can also do mysql --print-defaults to show you how the configuration values it will use. This can also be useful in identifying just which config file it is loading.

Setting the focus to a text field

If you create your GUI with Netbeans, you can also insert some self written code. Just select an element (maybe the button, panel or the window) and use the "Code"-tab in the "Properties"-dialog.

There you can insert Pre- and Post- code for various parts of the creation process.

I think the "After-All-Set-Code" field of the window is a good place for your code, or you could bind it to the event ("Properties"-dialog -> "Events") "componentShown" of the text field / panel.

Can I use tcpdump to get HTTP requests, response header and response body?

Here is another choice: Chaosreader

So I need to debug an application which posts xml to a 3rd party application. I found a brilliant little perl script which does all the hard work – you just chuck it a tcpdump output file, and it does all the manipulation and outputs everything you need...

The script is called chaosreader0.94. See

It worked like a treat, I did the following:

tcpdump host -s 9000 -w outputfile; perl chaosreader0.94 outputfile

How to override the [] operator in Python?

To fully overload it you also need to implement the __setitem__and __delitem__ methods.


I almost forgot... if you want to completely emulate a list, you also need __getslice__, __setslice__ and __delslice__.

There are all documented in

Error "package does not exist"

If you are using latest Android Studio, then v7 libraries contradict with AndroidX, only you have to do is:

In Project files go in
Find out android.useAndroidX=true then set it to android.useAndroidX=false
Find out android.enableJetifier=true then set it to android.enableJetifier=false
Rebuild your project, all will working fine.

Android- Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexForRelease'

I've updated jdk to 1.8.0_74, Android-studio to 2.1 preview 1 and add to Application file

protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) {

Using DISTINCT and COUNT together in a MySQL Query

FYI, this is probably faster,

SELECT count(1) FROM (SELECT distinct productId WHERE keyword = '$keyword') temp

than this,

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT productId) WHERE keyword='$keyword'

Embed website into my site

**What's the best way to avoid a fixed size, i.e., to have the embedded website scale responsively to the browser's window size? I'd like to avoid scroll bars within my website. – CGFoX Feb 2 '19 at 15:52

**Is it possible to set width and height to percentages instead of absolute pixels? – CGFoX Mar 16 at 11:53

ANSWER: <embed src="" style="width:100%; height: 50vw;">

How can you find out which process is listening on a TCP or UDP port on Windows?

netstat -aof | findstr :8080 (Change 8080 for any port)

What are the differences between a superkey and a candidate key?

Basically, a Candidate Key is a Super Key from which no more Attribute can be pruned.

A Super Key identifies uniquely rows/tuples in a table/relation of a database. It is composed by a set of attributes that combined can assume values unique over the rows/tuples of a table/relation. A Candidate Key is built by a Super Key, iteratively removing/pruning non-key attributes, keeping an invariant: the newly created Key still need to uniquely identifies the rows/tuples.

A Candidate Key might be seen as a minimal Super Key, in terms of attributes.

Candidate Keys can be used to reference uniquely rows/tuples but from the RDBMS engine perspective the burden to maintain indexes on them is far heavier.

Responsive background image in div full width

Here is one way of getting the design that you want.

Start with the following HTML:

<div class="container">
    <div class="row-fluid">
        <div class="span12">
            <div class="nav">nav area</div>
            <div class="bg-image">
                <img src="">
                 <h1>This is centered text.</h1>
            <div class="main">main area</div>

Note that the background image is now part of the regular flow of the document.

Apply the following CSS:

.bg-image {
    position: relative;
.bg-image img {
    display: block;
    width: 100%;
    max-width: 1200px; /* corresponds to max height of 450px */
    margin: 0 auto;
.bg-image h1 {
    position: absolute;
    text-align: center;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    color: white;
.nav, .main {
    background-color: #f6f6f6;
    text-align: center;

How This Works

The image is set an regular flow content with a width of 100%, so it will adjust itself responsively to the width of the parent container. However, you want the height to be no more than 450px, which corresponds to the image width of 1200px, so set the maximum width of the image to 1200px. You can keep the image centered by using display: block and margin: 0 auto.

The text is painted over the image by using absolute positioning. In the simplest case, I stretch the h1 element to be the full width of the parent and use text-align: center to center the text. Use the top or bottom offsets to place the text where it is needed.

If your banner images are going to vary in aspect ratio, you will need to adjust the maximum width value for .bg-image img dynamically using jQuery/Javascript, but otherwise, this approach has a lot to offer.

See demo at:

How to initialize a vector with fixed length in R

The initialization method easiest to remember is

vec = vector(,10); #the same as "vec = vector(length = 10);"

The values of vec are: "[1] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE" (logical mode) by default.

But after setting a character value, like

vec[2] = 'abc'

vec becomes: "FALSE" "abc" "FALSE" "FALSE" "FALSE" "FALSE" "FALSE" "FALSE" "FALSE" "FALSE"", which is of the character mode.

List of Python format characters

In Topic = 5.6.2. String Formatting Operations then further down to the chart (text above chart is "The conversion types are:")

The chart lists 16 types and some following notes.

My comment: help does not include attitude which is a bonus. The attitude post enabled me to search further and find the info.

TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer

For the less specific case (not just the code in the question - since this is one of the first results in Google for this generic error message. This error also occurs when running certain os command with None argument.

For example:


Will raise this exception when arg is None.

Android: How to create a Dialog without a title?

public static AlertDialog showAlertDialogWithoutTitle(Context context,String msg) 
      AlertDialog.Builder alertDialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context);
        .setPositiveButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
         public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {


       return alertDialogBuilder.create(); 

Date in to UTC format Java

What Time Zones?

No where in your question do you mention time zone. What time zone is implied that input string? What time zone do you want for your output? And, UTC is a time zone (or lack thereof depending on your mindset) not a string format.

ISO 8601

Your input string is in ISO 8601 format, except that it lacks an offset from UTC.


Here is some example code in Joda-Time 2.3 to show you how to handle time zones. Joda-Time has built-in default formatters for parsing and generating String representations of date-time values.

String input = "2013-10-22T01:37:56";
DateTime dateTimeUtc = new DateTime( input, DateTimeZone.UTC );
DateTime dateTimeMontréal = dateTimeUtc.withZone( DateTimeZone.forID( "America/Montreal" );
String output = dateTimeMontréal.toString();

As for generating string representations in other formats, search StackOverflow for "Joda format".

How Spring Security Filter Chain works

UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter is only used for /login, and latter filters are not?

No, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter extends AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter, and this contains a RequestMatcher, that means you can define your own processing url, this filter only handle the RequestMatcher matches the request url, the default processing url is /login.

Later filters can still handle the request, if the UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter executes chain.doFilter(request, response);.

More details about core fitlers

Does the form-login namespace element auto-configure these filters?

UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter is created by <form-login>, these are Standard Filter Aliases and Ordering

Does every request (authenticated or not) reach FilterSecurityInterceptor for non-login url?

It depends on whether the before fitlers are successful, but FilterSecurityInterceptor is the last fitler normally.

Does configuring two http elements create two springSecurityFitlerChains?

Yes, every fitlerChain has a RequestMatcher, if the RequestMatcher matches the request, the request will be handled by the fitlers in the fitler chain.

The default RequestMatcher matches all request if you don't config the pattern, or you can config the specific url (<http pattern="/rest/**").

If you want to konw more about the fitlers, I think you can check source code in spring security. doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain)

Java : Sort integer array without using Arrays.sort()

I would recommend looking at Selection sort or Insertion sort if you aren't too worried about performance. Maybe that will give you some ideas.

Where should I put <script> tags in HTML markup?

You can add JavaScript code in an HTML document by employing the dedicated HTML tag <script> that wraps around JavaScript code.

The <script> tag can be placed in the <head> section of your HTML, in the <body> section, or after the </body> close tag, depending on when you want the JavaScript to load.

Generally, JavaScript code can go inside of the document <head> section in order to keep them contained and out of the main content of your HTML document.

However, if your script needs to run at a certain point within a page’s layout — like when using document.write to generate content — you should put it at the point where it should be called, usually within the <body> section.

How to download a file from a website in C#

With the WebClient class:

using System.Net;
WebClient Client = new WebClient ();
Client.DownloadFile("", @"C:\folder\stackoverflowlogo.png");

Can't Autowire @Repository annotated interface in Spring Boot

It could be to do with the package you have it in. I had a similar problem:

Field userRepo in com.App.AppApplication required a bean of type 'repository.UserRepository' that could not be found.

The injection point has the following annotations:
    - @org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)


Consider defining a bean of type 'repository.UserRepository' in your configuration. "

Solved it by put the repository files into a package with standardised naming convention:

e.g. (for main domain files)

and (for repository files)

That way, spring knows where to go looking for the repositories, else things get confusing really fast. :)

Hope this helps.

is vs typeof

Does it matter which is faster, if they don't do the same thing? Comparing the performance of statements with different meaning seems like a bad idea.

is tells you if the object implements ClassA anywhere in its type heirarchy. GetType() tells you about the most-derived type.

Not the same thing.

How to enable Logger.debug() in Log4j

You probably have a file somewhere in the project. In that file you can configure which level of debug output you want. See this example:

log4j.rootLogger=info, console

log4j.appender.console.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n

The first line sets the log level for the root logger to "info", i.e. only info, warn, error and fatal will be printed to the console (which is the appender defined a little below that).

The last line sets the logger for com.example.* (if you get your loggers via LogFactory.getLogger(getClass())) will be at debug level, i.e. debug will also be printed.

Align an element to bottom with flexbox

1. Style parent element: style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; flex:1;"

2. Style the element you want to stay at bottom: style="margin-top: auto;"

3. Done! Wow. That was easy.


enter image description here

<section style="display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap;"> // For demo, not necessary
    <div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; flex:1;"> // Parent element
        <button style="margin-top: auto;"> I </button> // Target element

    ... 5 more identical divs, for demo ...



How to check if a String contains any letter from a to z?

For a minimal change:

for(int i=0; i<str.Length; i++ )
   if(str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] <= 'z' || str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'Z')

You could use regular expressions, at least if speed is not an issue and you do not really need the actual exact count.

How do I list all files of a directory?

Using generators

import os
def get_files(search_path):
     for (dirpath, _, filenames) in os.walk(search_path):
         for filename in filenames:
             yield os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
list_files = get_files('.')
for filename in list_files:

Reload browser window after POST without prompting user to resend POST data

This is an older post, but I do have a better solution. Create a form containing all of your post values as hidden fields and give the form a name such as:

<form name="RefreshForm" method="post" action="http://yoursite/yourscript">
    <input type="hidden" name="postVariable" value="PostData">

Then all you need to do in your setTimeout is RefreshForm.submit();


What is the total amount of public IPv4 addresses?

For IPv4, this pool is 32-bits (2³²) in size and contains 4,294,967,296 IPv4 addresses.

In case of IPv6

The IPv6 address space is 128-bits (2¹²8) in size, containing 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 IPv6 addresses.

inclusive of RESERVED IP

 Reserved address blocks
 Range  Description Reference  Current network (only valid as source address)  RFC 6890 Private network RFC 1918  Shared Address Space    RFC 6598    Loopback    RFC 6890 Link-local  RFC 3927  Private network RFC 1918   IETF Protocol Assignments   RFC 6890   TEST-NET-1, documentation and examples  RFC 5737 IPv6 to IPv4 relay (includes 2002::/16) RFC 3068 Private network RFC 1918  Network benchmark tests RFC 2544    TEST-NET-2, documentation and examples  RFC 5737 TEST-NET-3, documentation and examples  RFC 5737    IP multicast (former Class D network)   RFC 5771    Reserved (former Class E network)   RFC 1700    Broadcast   RFC 919

wiki has full details and this has details of IPv6.

Email Address Validation in Android on EditText

I did this way:

Add this method to check whether email address is valid or not:

private boolean isValidEmailId(String email){

    return Pattern.compile("^(([\\w-]+\\.)+[\\w-]+|([a-zA-Z]{1}|[\\w-]{2,}))@"
              + "((([0-1]?[0-9]{1,2}|25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9])\\.([0-1]?"
              + "[0-9]{1,2}|25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9])\\."
              + "([0-1]?[0-9]{1,2}|25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9])\\.([0-1]?"
              + "[0-9]{1,2}|25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9])){1}|"
              + "([a-zA-Z]+[\\w-]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,4})$").matcher(email).matches();

Now check with String of EditText:

  Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Valid Email Address.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
  Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "InValid Email Address.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


C# - What does the Assert() method do? Is it still useful?

The way I think of it is Debug.Assert is a way to establish a contract about how a method is supposed to be called, focusing on specifics about the values of a paramter (instead of just the type). For example, if you are not supposed to send a null in the second parameter you add the Assert around that parameter to tell the consumer not to do that.

It prevents someone from using your code in a boneheaded way. But it also allows that boneheaded way to go through to production and not give the nasty message to a customer (assuming you build a Release build).

Remove Style on Element

Update: For a better approach, please refer to Blackus's answer in the same thread.

If you are not averse to using JavaScript and Regex, you can use the below solution to find all width and height properties in the style attribute and replace them with nothing.

//Get the value of style attribute based on element's Id
var originalStyle = document.getElementById('sample_id').getAttribute('style'); 

var regex = new RegExp(/(width:|height:).+?(;[\s]?|$)/g);
//Replace matches with null
var modStyle = originalStyle.replace(regex, ""); 

//Set the modified style value to element using it's Id
document.getElementById('sample_id').setAttribute('style', modStyle); 

add new element in laravel collection object

It looks like you have everything correct according to Laravel docs, but you have a typo


Should be


I also want to think the actual method you're looking for is put

$items->put('products', $product);

SQL Server Restore Error - Access is Denied

In my case - I had to double check the Backup path of the database from where I was restoring. I had previously restored it from a different path when I did it the first time. I fixed the Backup path to use the backup path I used the first time and it worked!

Forbidden :You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin on this server

The problem with the answer with the most votes is it doesn't explain the reasoning for the solution.

For the lines Require ip, you should instead add the ip address of the host that plans to access phpMyAdmin from a browser. For example Require ip The Require ip allows localhost access to phpMyAdmin.

Restart apache (httpd) after making changes. I would suggest testing on localhost, or using command line tools like curl to very a http GET works, and there is no other configuration issue.

How to get name of dataframe column in pyspark?

The only way is to go an underlying level to the JVM.


This is also how it is converted to a str in the pyspark code itself.

From pyspark/sql/

def __repr__(self):
    return 'Column<%s>' % self._jc.toString().encode('utf8')

Redefine tab as 4 spaces

My basic ~/.vimrc with comment:

set number " show line number                                                                                           
set tabstop=2 " set display width of tab; 1 tab = x space with                                                           
set expandtab " transform tab to x space (x is tabstop)                                                               
set autoindent " auto indent; new line with number of space at the beginning same as previous                                                                      
set shiftwidth=2 " number of space append to lines when type >> 

Sorting a set of values

From a comment:

I want to sort each set.

That's easy. For any set s (or anything else iterable), sorted(s) returns a list of the elements of s in sorted order:

>>> s = set(['0.000000000', '0.009518000', '10.277200999', '0.030810999', '0.018384000', '4.918560000'])
>>> sorted(s)
['0.000000000', '0.009518000', '0.018384000', '0.030810999', '10.277200999', '4.918560000']

Note that sorted is giving you a list, not a set. That's because the whole point of a set, both in mathematics and in almost every programming language,* is that it's not ordered: the sets {1, 2} and {2, 1} are the same set.

You probably don't really want to sort those elements as strings, but as numbers (so 4.918560000 will come before 10.277200999 rather than after).

The best solution is most likely to store the numbers as numbers rather than strings in the first place. But if not, you just need to use a key function:

>>> sorted(s, key=float)
['0.000000000', '0.009518000', '0.018384000', '0.030810999', '4.918560000', '10.277200999']

For more information, see the Sorting HOWTO in the official docs.

* See the comments for exceptions.

Concatenating two one-dimensional NumPy arrays

Here are more approaches for doing this by using numpy.ravel(), numpy.array(), utilizing the fact that 1D arrays can be unpacked into plain elements:

# we'll utilize the concept of unpacking
In [15]: (*a, *b)
Out[15]: (1, 2, 3, 5, 6)

# using `numpy.ravel()`
In [14]: np.ravel((*a, *b))
Out[14]: array([1, 2, 3, 5, 6])

# wrap the unpacked elements in `numpy.array()`
In [16]: np.array((*a, *b))
Out[16]: array([1, 2, 3, 5, 6])

How to choose an AWS profile when using boto3 to connect to CloudFront

This section of the boto3 documentation is helpful.

Here's what worked for me:

session = boto3.Session(profile_name='dev')
client = session.client('cloudfront')

How to find which git branch I am on when my disk is mounted on other server

.git/HEAD contains the path of the current ref, the working directory is using as HEAD.

How to increment variable under DOS?

Directly from the command line:

 for /L %n in (1,1,100) do @echo %n

Using a batch file:

 @echo off
 for /L %%n in (1,1,100) do echo %%n



What are database normal forms and can you give examples?

Here's a quick, admittedly butchered response, but in a sentence:

1NF : Your table is organized as an unordered set of data, and there are no repeating columns.

2NF: You don't repeat data in one column of your table because of another column.

3NF: Every column in your table relates only to your table's key -- you wouldn't have a column in a table that describes another column in your table which isn't the key.

For more detail, see wikipedia...

How to send FormData objects with Ajax-requests in jQuery?

Instead of - fd.append( 'userfile', $('#userfile')[0].files[0]);

Use - fd.append( 'file', $('#userfile')[0].files[0]);

error code 1292 incorrect date value mysql

An update. Dates of the form '2019-08-00' will trigger the same error. Adding the lines:



to mysql.cnf fixes this too. Inserting malformed dates now generates warnings for values out of range but does insert the data.

Swift - Integer conversion to Hours/Minutes/Seconds

convert a number into time as a string

func convertToHMS(number: Int) -> String {
  let hour    = number / 3600;
  let minute  = (number % 3600) / 60;
  let second = (number % 3600) % 60 ;
  var h = String(hour);
  var m = String(minute);
  var s = String(second);
  if h.count == 1{
      h = "0\(hour)";
  if m.count == 1{
      m = "0\(minute)";
  if s.count == 1{
      s = "0\(second)";
  return "\(h):\(m):\(s)"

Check mySQL version on Mac 10.8.5

To check your MySQL version on your mac, navigate to the directory where you installed it (default is usr/local/mysql/bin) and issue this command:

./mysql --version

Alternatively, to avoid needing to navigate to that specific dir to run the command, add its location to your path ($PATH). There's more than one way to add a dir to your $PATH (with explanations on stackoverflow and other places on how to do so), such as adding it to your ./bash_profile.

After adding the mysql bin dir to your $PATH, verify it's there by executing:

echo $PATH

Thereafter you can check your mysql version from anywhere by running (note no "./"):

mysql --version

How to compare two double values in Java?

You can use; It compares the two specified double values.

Selecting only numeric columns from a data frame

in case you are interested only in column names then use this :


How to justify navbar-nav in Bootstrap 3

To justify the bootstrap 3 navbar-nav justify menu to 100% width you can use this code:

@media (min-width: 768px){
    .navbar-nav {
        margin: 0 auto;
        display: table;
        table-layout: auto;
        float: none;
        width: 100%;
    .navbar-nav>li {
        display: table-cell;
        float: none;
        text-align: center;

How can I get the length of text entered in a textbox using jQuery?

Below mentioned code works perfectly fine for taking length of any characters entered in textbox.


How can I change the color of my prompt in zsh (different from normal text)?

To get a prompt with the color depending on the last command’s exit status, you could use this:

PS1='%(?.%F{green}.%F{red})%n@%m:%~%# %f'

Just add this line to your ~/.zshrc.

The documentation lists possible placeholders.

To the power of in C?

Actually in C, you don't have an power operator. You will need to manually run a loop to get the result. Even the exp function just operates in that way only. But if you need to use that function, include the following header

#include <math.h>

then you can use pow().

Does PHP have threading?

Ever heard about appserver from techdivision?

It is written in php and works as a appserver managing multithreads for high traffic php applications. Is still in beta but very promesing.

"com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth fail" with working passwords

If username/password contains any special characters then inside the camel configuration use RAW for Configuring the values like

  • RAW(se+re?t&23) where se+re?t&23 is actual password

  • RAW({abc.ftp.password}) where {abc.ftp.password} values comes from a spring property file.

By using RAW, solved my issue.

The name does not exist in the namespace error in XAML

I've seen this issue go away by clearing the Xaml Design Shadow Cache. I had the issue with Visual Studio 2015 Update 1.

In Visual Studio 2015 the Cache is located here:



  1. Right-Click on the solution in the Solution Explorer and Choose "Clean Solution"
  2. Shutdown Visual Studio
  3. Delete the ShadowCache folder
  4. Reopened the Visual Studio project
  5. Rebuild the solution

And voila no more namespace errors.

How do I make Git ignore file mode (chmod) changes?

This works for me:

find . -type f -exec chmod a-x {} \;

or reverse, depending on your operating system

find . -type f -exec chmod a+x {} \;

List<T> or IList<T>

IList<T> is an interface so you can inherit another class and still implement IList<T> while inheriting List<T> prevents you to do so.

For example if there is a class A and your class B inherits it then you can't use List<T>

class A : B, IList<T> { ... }

Not able to install Python packages [SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_PROTOCOL_VERSION]

For all the python3 and pip3 users out there:

curl | sudo python3

and then assume you want to install pandas

pip3 install pandas --user

HTTP response header content disposition for attachments


The code has the following issues:

  • An Ajax call (<a4j:commandButton .../>) does not work with attachments.
  • Creating the output content must happen first.
  • Displaying the error messages also cannot use Ajax-based a4j tags.


  1. Change <a4j:commandButton .../> to <h:commandButton .../>.
  2. Update the source code:
    1. Change bw.write( getDomainDocument() ); to bw.write( document );.
    2. Add String document = getDomainDocument(); to the first line of the try/catch.
  3. Change the <a4j:outputPanel.../> (not shown) to <h:messages showDetail="false"/>.

Essentially, remove all the Ajax facilities related to the commandButton. It is still possible to display error messages and leverage the RichFaces UI style.


Changing git commit message after push (given that no one pulled from remote)

Another option is to create an additional "errata commit" (and push) which references the commit object that contains the error -- the new errata commit also provides the correction. An errata commit is a commit with no substantive code changes but an important commit message -- for example, add one space character to your readme file and commit that change with the important commit message, or use the git option --allow-empty. It's certainly easier and safer than rebasing, it doesn't modify true history, and it keeps the branch tree clean (using amend is also a good choice if you are correcting the most recent commit, but an errata commit may be a good choice for older commits). This type of thing so rarely happens that simply documenting the mistake is good enough. In the future, if you need to search through a git log for a feature keyword, the original (erroneous) commit may not appear because the wrong keyword was used in that original commit (the original typo) -- however, the keyword will appear in the errata commit which will then point you to the original commit that had the typo. Here's an example:

$ git log
commit 0c28141c68adae276840f17ccd4766542c33cf1d
Author: First Last 
Date:   Wed Aug 8 15:55:52 2018 -0600

    Errata commit:
    This commit has no substantive code change.
    This commit is provided only to document a correction to a previous commit message.
    This pertains to commit object e083a7abd8deb5776cb304fa13731a4182a24be1
    Original incorrect commit message:
        Changed background color to red
    Correction (*change highlighted*):
        Changed background color to *blue*

commit 032d0ff0601bff79bdef3c6f0a02ebfa061c4ad4
Author: First Last 
Date:   Wed Aug 8 15:43:16 2018 -0600

    Some interim commit message

commit e083a7abd8deb5776cb304fa13731a4182a24be1
Author: First Last 
Date:   Wed Aug 8 13:31:32 2018 -0600

    Changed background color to red

What's the best mock framework for Java?

We are heavily using EasyMock and EasyMock Class Extension at work and are pretty happy with it. It basically gives you everything you need. Take a look at the documentation, there's a very nice example which shows you all the features of EasyMock.

How to install the Raspberry Pi cross compiler on my Linux host machine?

I couldn't get the compiler (x64 version) to use the sysroot until I added SET(CMAKE_SYSROOT $ENV{HOME}/raspberrypi/rootfs) to pi.cmake.

Waiting for background processes to finish before exiting script

You can use kill -0 for checking whether a particular pid is running or not.

Assuming, you have list of pid numbers in a file called pid in pwd

while true;
    if [ -s pid ] ; then
        for pid in `cat pid`
            echo "Checking the $pid"
            kill -0 "$pid" 2>/dev/null || sed -i "/^$pid$/d" pid
        echo "All your process completed" ## Do what you want here... here all your pids are in finished stated

How to type ":" ("colon") in regexp?

Be careful, - has a special meaning with regexp. In a [], you can put it without problem if it is placed at the end. In your case, ,-: is taken as from , to :.

How to get element by class name?

You need to use the document.getElementsByClassName('class_name');

and dont forget that the returned value is an array of elements so if you want the first one use:



Now you can use:

document.querySelector(".class_name") to get the first element with the class_name CSS class (null will be returned if non of the elements on the page has this class name)

or document.querySelectorAll(".class_name") to get a NodeList of elements with the class_name css class (empty NodeList will be returned if non of. the elements on the the page has this class name).

Getting value from JQUERY datepicker

   onSelect: function(dateText, inst) { alert(dateText); }

you must bind it to input element only

How to convert a String into an array of Strings containing one character each

Use toCharArray() method. It splits the string into an array of characters:

String str = "aabbab";
char[] chs = str.toCharArray();

Wordpress plugin install: Could not create directory

I was on XAMPP for linux localhost and this worked for me:

sudo chown -R my-linux-username wp-content

How do I get list of methods in a Python class?

def find_defining_class(obj, meth_name):
    for ty in type(obj).mro():
        if meth_name in ty.__dict__:
            return ty


print find_defining_class(car, 'speedometer') 

Think Python page 210