Programs & Examples On #Resourcebundle

Resource bundles contain locale-specific objects. When your program needs a locale-specific resource, a String for example, your program can load it from the resource bundle that is appropriate for the current user's locale. In this way, you can write program code that is largely independent of the user's locale isolating most, if not all, of the locale-specific information in resource bundles.

Format a message using MessageFormat.format() in Java

Using an apostrophe (Unicode: \u2019) instead of a single quote ' fixed the issue without doubling the \'.

Resource files not found from JUnit test cases

My mistake, the resource files WERE actually copied to target/test-classes. The problem seemed to be due to spaces in my project name, e.g. Project%20Name.

I'm now loading the file as follows and it works:"resourceFile.txt")??);

Or, (taken from Java: how to get a File from an escaped URL?) this may be better (no dependency on Apache Commons):


java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name 'property_file name', locale en_US

I'd like to share my experience of using Ant in building projects, *.properties files should be copied explicitly. This is because Ant will not compile *.properties files into the build working directory by default (javac just ignore *.properties). For example:

<target name="compile" depends="init">
    <javac destdir="${dst}" srcdir="${src}" debug="on" encoding="utf-8" includeantruntime="false">
        <include name="com/example/**" />
        <classpath refid="libs" />
    <copy todir="${dst}">
        <fileset dir="${src}" includes="**/*.properties" />

<target name="jars" depends="compile">
    <jar jarfile="${app_jar}" basedir="${dst}" includes="com/example/**/*.*" />

Please notice that 'copy' section under the 'compile' target, it will replicate *.properties files into the build working directory. Without the 'copy' section the jar file will not contain the properties files, then you may encounter the java.util.MissingResourceException.

How to load a resource bundle from a file resource in Java?

When you say it's "a valid resource bundle" - is it a property resource bundle? If so, the simplest way of loading it probably:

try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("c:/temp/mybundle.txt")) {
  return new PropertyResourceBundle(fis);

Minimum rights required to run a windows service as a domain account

"BypassTraverseChecking" means that you can directly access any deep-level subdirectory even if you don't have all the intermediary access privileges to directories in between, i.e. all directories above it towards root level .

Calling Java from Python

Here is my summary of this problem: 5 Ways of Calling Java from Python (cached)

Short answer: Jpype works pretty well and is proven in many projects (such as python-boilerpipe), but Pyjnius is faster and simpler than JPype

I have tried Pyjnius/Jnius, JCC, javabridge, Jpype and Py4j.

Py4j is a bit hard to use, as you need to start a gateway, adding another layer of fragility.

XAMPP - Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly

The best solution for this problem is just open your mysql configuration directive file my.ini present inside the folder C:\xampp\mysql\bin and change the information related to the ports, usually some programs occupy the port no. 3306 as a result of that it stops working, Now you follow two steps to make it working.

enter code here

    Step-1. Search for ['client'],  you can see some thing like this

            # password       = your_password 
            port            = 3306
            socket          = "C:/xampp/mysql/mysql.sock"
 Now in the port section remove 3306 and add port = 3306 > 3307 as shown   below.

            # password       = your_password 
            port            = 3306 > 3307
            socket          = "C:/xampp/mysql/mysql.sock"

    Step -2. Similarly Search for  ['mysqld'], you can see something like this 

            port= 3306
            socket = "C:/xampp/mysql/mysql.sock"
            basedir = "C:/xampp/mysql" 
            tmpdir = "C:/xampp/tmp" 
            datadir = "C:/xampp/mysql/data"
            pid_file = ""
            # enable-named-pipe
            key_buffer = 16M
            max_allowed_packet = 1M
            sort_buffer_size = 512K
            net_buffer_length = 8K
            read_buffer_size = 256K
            read_rnd_buffer_size = 512K
            myisam_sort_buffer_size = 8M
            log_error = "mysql_error.log"

            Now here change the port number 3306 to 3307 and add a line "innodb_force_recovery = 1" exactly as shown below.

            port= 3307
            socket = "C:/xampp/mysql/mysql.sock"
            basedir = "C:/xampp/mysql" 
            tmpdir = "C:/xampp/tmp" 
            datadir = "C:/xampp/mysql/data"
            pid_file = ""
            # enable-named-pipe
            key_buffer = 16M
            max_allowed_packet = 1M
            sort_buffer_size = 512K
            net_buffer_length = 8K
            read_buffer_size = 256K
            read_rnd_buffer_size = 512K
            myisam_sort_buffer_size = 8M
            log_error = "mysql_error.log"
            innodb_force_recovery = 1

Thats it, restart you mysql service, it will work for sure.

How to use lifecycle method getDerivedStateFromProps as opposed to componentWillReceiveProps

About the removal of componentWillReceiveProps: you should be able to handle its uses with a combination of getDerivedStateFromProps and componentDidUpdate, see the React blog post for example migrations. And yes, the object returned by getDerivedStateFromProps updates the state similarly to an object passed to setState.

In case you really need the old value of a prop, you can always cache it in your state with something like this:

state = {
  cachedSomeProp: null
  // ... rest of initial state

static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) {
  // do things with nextProps.someProp and prevState.cachedSomeProp
  return {
    cachedSomeProp: nextProps.someProp,
    // ... other derived state properties

Anything that doesn't affect the state can be put in componentDidUpdate, and there's even a getSnapshotBeforeUpdate for very low-level stuff.

UPDATE: To get a feel for the new (and old) lifecycle methods, the react-lifecycle-visualizer package may be helpful.

Powershell: A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument "xxx"

In my case I had tried to make code more readable by putting:


Once I changed it to


Then it worked

Calling filter returns <filter object at ... >

It's an iterator returned by the filter function.

If you want a list, just do

list(filter(f, range(2, 25)))

Nonetheless, you can just iterate over this object with a for loop.

for e in filter(f, range(2, 25)):

How to align a <div> to the middle (horizontally/width) of the page

    <div style="width:800px; margin:0 auto;">
        centered content

How to remove entity with ManyToMany relationship in JPA (and corresponding join table rows)?

This works for me:

public void remove(Integer groupId) {
    Group group = groupRepository.findOne(groupId);

    // Other business logic


Also, mark the method @Transactional (org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional), this will do whole process in one session, saves some time.

How can I create a table with borders in Android?

How about overriding the onDraw method and then painting lines to the canvas?

for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
        canvas.drawLine(0, i * m_cellHeight, m_totalWidth, i * m_cellHeight, paint);
    for(int i = 0; i < m_columns; i++){
        canvas.drawLine(i* m_cellWidth, 0, i * m_cellWidth, m_cellHeight * rows, paint);

Convert integer to class Date

You can use ymd from lubridate

#[1] "2008-11-01"

Or anytime::anydate

#[1] "2008-11-01"

Create a folder if it doesn't already exist

You can try also:

$dirpath = "path/to/dir";
$mode = "0764";
is_dir($dirpath) || mkdir($dirpath, $mode, true);

How to Read from a Text File, Character by Character in C++

Here is a c++ stylish function your can use to read files char by char.

void readCharFile(string &filePath) {
    ifstream in(filePath);
    char c;

    if(in.is_open()) {
        while(in.good()) {
            // Play with the data

    if(!in.eof() &&
        cout << "error reading " << filePath << endl;


Python: Remove division decimal

if val % 1 == 0:
    val = int(val)

    val = float(val)

This worked for me.

How it works: if the remainder of the quotient of val and 1 is 0, val has to be an integer and can, therefore, be declared to be int without having to worry about losing decimal numbers.

Compare these two situations:


val = 12.00

if val % 1 == 0:
    val = int(val)
    val = float(val)


In this scenario, the output is 12, because 12.00 divided by 1 has the remainder of 0. With this information we know, that val doesn't have any decimals and we can declare val to be int.


val = 13.58

if val % 1 == 0:
    val = int(val)
    val = float(val)


This time the output is 13.58, because when val is divided by 1 there is a remainder (0.58) and therefore val is declared to be a float.

By just declaring the number to be an int (without testing the remainder) decimal numbers will be cut off.

This way there are no zeros in the end and no other than the zeros will be ignored.

Alter SQL table - allow NULL column value

ALTER TABLE MyTable MODIFY Col3 varchar(20) NULL;

Python if not == vs if !=

An additional note, since the other answers answered your question mostly correctly, is that if a class only defines __eq__() and not __ne__(), then your COMPARE_OP (!=) will run __eq__() and negate it. At that time, your third option is likely to be a tiny bit more efficient, but should only be considered if you NEED the speed, since it's difficult to understand quickly.

Python: finding lowest integer

To find the minimum value of a list, you might just as well use min:

x = min(float(s) for s in l) # min of a generator

Or, if you want the result as a string, rather than a float, use a key function:

x = min(l, key=float)

check if variable is dataframe

Use isinstance, nothing else:

if isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame):
    ... # do something

PEP8 says explicitly that isinstance is the preferred way to check types

No:  type(x) is pd.DataFrame
No:  type(x) == pd.DataFrame
Yes: isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame)

And don't even think about

if obj.__class__.__name__ = 'DataFrame':

isinstance handles inheritance (see What are the differences between type() and isinstance()?). For example, it will tell you if a variable is a string (either str or unicode), because they derive from basestring)

if isinstance(obj, basestring):

Specifically for pandas DataFrame objects:

import pandas as pd
isinstance(var, pd.DataFrame)

Where is JAVA_HOME on macOS Mojave (10.14) to Lion (10.7)?

The following worked for me. I'm using ZSH on OSX Yosemite with Java 8 installed.

The following command /usr/libexec/java_home emits the path to JDK home:


In your ~/.zshrc,

export JAVA_HOME = "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_05.jdk/Contents/Home"

How do I make a comment in a Dockerfile?

# this is comment
this isn't comment

is the way to do it. You can place it anywhere in the line and anything that comes later will be ignored

How to find the lowest common ancestor of two nodes in any binary tree?

If it is full binary tree with children of node x as 2*x and 2*x+1 than there is a faster way to do it

int get_bits(unsigned int x) {
  int high = 31;
  int low = 0,mid;
  while(high>=low) {
    mid = (high+low)/2;
      return mid+1;
    if(1<<mid<x) {
      low = mid+1;
    else {
      high = mid-1;
    return mid;
  return mid+1;

unsigned int Common_Ancestor(unsigned int x,unsigned int y) {

  int xbits = get_bits(x);
  int ybits = get_bits(y);
  int diff,kbits;
  unsigned int k;
  if(xbits>ybits) {
    diff = xbits-ybits;
    x = x >> diff;
  else if(xbits<ybits) {
    diff = ybits-xbits;
    y = y >> diff;
  k = x^y;
  kbits = get_bits(k);
  return y>>kbits;  

How does it work

  1. get bits needed to represent x & y which using binary search is O(log(32))
  2. the common prefix of binary notation of x & y is the common ancestor
  3. whichever is represented by larger no of bits is brought to same bit by k >> diff
  4. k = x^y erazes common prefix of x & y
  5. find bits representing the remaining suffix
  6. shift x or y by suffix bits to get common prefix which is the common ancestor.

This works because basically divide the larger number by two recursively until both numbers are equal. That number is the common ancestor. Dividing is effectively the right shift opearation. So we need to find common prefix of two numbers to find the nearest ancestor

Manually Triggering Form Validation using jQuery

I seem to find the trick: Just remove the form target attribute, then use a submit button to validate the form and show hints, check if form valid via JavaScript, and then post whatever. The following code works for me:

  <input name="foo" required>
  <button id="submit">Submit</button>

$('#submit').click( function(e){
  var isValid = true;
  $('form input').map(function() {
    isValid &= this.validity['valid'] ;
  }) ;
  if (isValid) {
    // post something..
  } else
    console.log('not valid!');

Play/pause HTML 5 video using JQuery

Just as a note, make sure you check if the browser supports the video function, before you try to invoke it:


That will prevent JavaScript errors on browsers that don't support the video tag.

Stop a gif animation onload, on mouseover start the activation

There is only one way from what I am aware.

Have 2 images, first a jpeg with first frame(or whatever you want) of the gif and the actual gif.

Load the page with the jpeg in place and on mouse over replace the jpeg with the gif. You can preload the gifs if you want or if they are of big size show a loading while the gif is loading and then replace the jpeg with it.

If you whant it to bi linear as in have the gif play on mouse over, stop it on mouse out and then resume play from the frame you stopped, then this cannot be done with javascript+gif combo.

Substring a string from the end of the string

If it's an unknown amount of strings you could trim off the last character by doing s = s.TrimEnd('','!').Trim();

Have you considered using a regular expression? If you only want to allow alpha numeric characters you can use regex to replace the symbols, What if instead of a ! you get a %?

Try reinstalling `node-sass` on node 0.12?

Downgrading Node to 0.10.36 should do it per this thread on the node-sass github page:

If you have NVM you can just:

nvm install 0.10

If you don't, you can find NVM and instructions here:

CSS/Javascript to force html table row on a single line

This trick here is using the esoteric table-layout:fixed rule

This CSS ought to work against your sample HTML:

table {table-layout:fixed}
td {overflow:hidden; white-space:nowrap}

You also ought to specify explicit column widths for the <td>s.

The table-layout:fixed rule says "The cell widths of this table depend on what I say, not on the actual content in the cells". This is useful normally because the browser can begin displaying the table after it has received the first <tr>. Otherwise, the browser has to receive the entire table before it can compute the column widths.

Is Python faster and lighter than C++?

My experience is the same as the benchmarks. Python can be slow and uses more memory. I write much, much less code and it works the first time with much less debugging. Since it manages memory for me, I don't have to do any memory management, saving hours of chasing down core leaks.

What's your question?

Get length of array?


Public Function ArrayLen(arr As Variant) As Integer
    ArrayLen = UBound(arr) - LBound(arr) + 1
End Function


Dim arr(1 To 3) As String  ' Array starting at 1 instead of 0: nightmare fuel
Debug.Print ArrayLen(arr)  ' Prints 3.  Everything's going to be ok.

double free or corruption (!prev) error in c program

double *ptr = malloc(sizeof(double *) * TIME);
/* ... */
for(tcount = 0; tcount <= TIME; tcount++)
  • You're overstepping the array. Either change <= to < or alloc SIZE + 1 elements
  • Your malloc is wrong, you'll want sizeof(double) instead of sizeof(double *)
  • As ouah comments, although not directly linked to your corruption problem, you're using *(ptr+tcount) without initializing it

  • Just as a style note, you might want to use ptr[tcount] instead of *(ptr + tcount)
  • You don't really need to malloc + free since you already know SIZE

Can promises have multiple arguments to onFulfilled?

De-structuring Assignment in ES6 would help here.For Ex:

let [arg1, arg2] = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    resolve([argument1, argument2]);

How can I write text on a HTML5 canvas element?

It is really easy to write text on a canvas. It was not clear if you want someone to enter text in the HTML page and then have that text appear on the canvas, or if you were going to use JavaScript to write the information to the screen.

The following code will write some text in different fonts and formats to your canvas. You can modify this as you wish to test other aspects of writing onto a canvas.

 <canvas id="YourCanvasNameHere" width="500" height="500">Canvas not supported</canvas>

 var c = document.getElementById('YourCanvasNameHere');
 var context = c.getContext('2d'); //returns drawing functions to allow the user to draw on the canvas with graphic tools. 

You can either place the canvas ID tag in the HTML and then reference the name or you can create the canvas in the JavaScript code. I think that for the most part I see the <canvas> tag in the HTML code and on occasion see it created dynamically in the JavaScript code itself.


  var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
  var context = canvas.getContext('2d');

  context.font = 'bold 10pt Calibri';
  context.fillText('Hello World!', 150, 100);
  context.font = 'italic 40pt Times Roman';
  context.fillStyle = 'blue';
  context.fillText('Hello World!', 200, 150);
  context.font = '60pt Calibri';
  context.lineWidth = 4;
  context.strokeStyle = 'blue';
  context.strokeText('Hello World!', 70, 70);

How to Save Console.WriteLine Output to Text File

Try this example from this article - Demonstrates redirecting the Console output to a file

using System;
using System.IO;

static public void Main ()
    FileStream ostrm;
    StreamWriter writer;
    TextWriter oldOut = Console.Out;
        ostrm = new FileStream ("./Redirect.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);
        writer = new StreamWriter (ostrm);
    catch (Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine ("Cannot open Redirect.txt for writing");
        Console.WriteLine (e.Message);
    Console.SetOut (writer);
    Console.WriteLine ("This is a line of text");
    Console.WriteLine ("Everything written to Console.Write() or");
    Console.WriteLine ("Console.WriteLine() will be written to a file");
    Console.SetOut (oldOut);
    Console.WriteLine ("Done");

How to embed images in email

Correct way of embedding images into Outlook and avoiding security problems is the next:

  1. Use interop for Outlook 2003;
  2. Create new email and set it save folder;
  3. Do not use base64 embedding, outlook 2007 does not support it; do not reference files on your disk, they won't be send; do not use word editor inspector because you will get security warnings on some machines;
  4. Attachment must have png/jpg extension. If it will have for instance tmp extension - Outlook will warn user;
  5. Pay attention how CID is generated without mapi;
  6. Do not access properties via getters or you will get security warnings on some machines.

    public static void PrepareEmail()
        var attachFile = Path.Combine(
            Application.StartupPath, "mySuperImage.png"); // pay attention that image must not contain spaces, because Outlook cannot inline such images
        Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application outlook = null;
        NameSpace space = null;
        MAPIFolder folder = null;
        MailItem mail = null;
        Attachment attachment = null;
            outlook = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application();
            space = outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI");
            space.Logon(null, null, true, true);
            folder = space.GetDefaultFolder(OlDefaultFolders.olFolderSentMail);
            mail = (MailItem) outlook.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem);
            mail.SaveSentMessageFolder = folder;
            mail.Subject = "Hi Everyone";
            mail.Attachments.Add(attachFile, OlAttachmentType.olByValue, 0, Type.Missing); 
            // Last Type.Missing - is for not to show attachment in attachments list.
            string attachmentId = Path.GetFileName(attachFile);
            mail.BodyFormat = OlBodyFormat.olFormatHTML;
             mail.HTMLBody = string.Format("<br/><img src=\'cid:{0}\' />", attachmentId);
            ReleaseComObject(outlook, space, folder, mail, attachment);

T-SQL datetime rounded to nearest minute and nearest hours with using functions

"Rounded" down as in your example. This will return a varchar value of the date.

DECLARE @date As DateTime2
SET @date = '2007-09-22 15:07:38.850'

SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(16), @date, 120) --2007-09-22 15:07
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(13), @date, 120) --2007-09-22 15

Add empty columns to a dataframe with specified names from a vector

The below works for me

dataframe[,"newName"] <- NA

Make sure to add "" for new name string.

AJAX cross domain call

You can use the technology CORS to configure both servers (the server where the Javascript is running and the external API server)

p.s.: the answer is also suggesting this approach, and it's opening the external API server to everyone else to call it.

Convert string to title case with JavaScript

ES-6 way to get title case of a word or entire line.
ex. input = 'hEllo' --> result = 'Hello'
ex. input = 'heLLo woRLd' --> result = 'Hello World'

const getTitleCase = (str) => {
  if(str.toLowerCase().indexOf(' ') > 0) {
    return str.toLowerCase().split(' ').map((word) => {
      return word.replace(word[0], word[0].toUpperCase());
    }).join(' ');
  else {
    return str.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1).toLowerCase();

Add views below toolbar in CoordinatorLayout

As of Android studio 3.4, You need to put this line in your Layout which holds the RecyclerView.


Getting the first character of a string with $str[0]

$str = 'abcdef';
echo $str[0];                 // a

Combining two Series into a DataFrame in pandas

If you are trying to join Series of equal length but their indexes don't match (which is a common scenario), then concatenating them will generate NAs wherever they don't match.

x = pd.Series({'a':1,'b':2,})
y = pd.Series({'d':4,'e':5})

#Output (I've added column names for clarity)
Index   x    y
a      1.0  NaN
b      2.0  NaN
d      NaN  4.0
e      NaN  5.0

Assuming that you don't care if the indexes match, the solution is to reindex both Series before concatenating them. If drop=False, which is the default, then Pandas will save the old index in a column of the new dataframe (the indexes are dropped here for simplicity).


#Output (column names added):
Index   x   y
0       1   4
1       2   5

How to get coordinates of an svg element?

    // get x coord
    console.log(this.getBBox().x, 'or','x'))
    // get y coord
    // get dx coord

What is dynamic programming?

Dynamic programming is a technique used to avoid computing multiple times the same subproblem in a recursive algorithm.

Let's take the simple example of the Fibonacci numbers: finding the n th Fibonacci number defined by

Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2 and F0 = 0, F1 = 1


The obvious way to do this is recursive:

def fibonacci(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    if n == 1:
        return 1

    return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)

Dynamic Programming

  • Top Down - Memoization

The recursion does a lot of unnecessary calculations because a given Fibonacci number will be calculated multiple times. An easy way to improve this is to cache the results:

cache = {}

def fibonacci(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    if n == 1:
        return 1
    if n in cache:
        return cache[n]

    cache[n] = fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)

    return cache[n]
  • Bottom-Up

A better way to do this is to get rid of the recursion all-together by evaluating the results in the right order:

cache = {}

def fibonacci(n):
    cache[0] = 0
    cache[1] = 1

    for i in range(2, n + 1):
        cache[i] = cache[i - 1] +  cache[i - 2]

    return cache[n]

We can even use constant space and store only the necessary partial results along the way:

def fibonacci(n):
  fi_minus_2 = 0
  fi_minus_1 = 1

  for i in range(2, n + 1):
      fi = fi_minus_1 + fi_minus_2
      fi_minus_1, fi_minus_2 = fi, fi_minus_1

  return fi
  • How apply dynamic programming?

    1. Find the recursion in the problem.
    2. Top-down: store the answer for each subproblem in a table to avoid having to recompute them.
    3. Bottom-up: Find the right order to evaluate the results so that partial results are available when needed.

Dynamic programming generally works for problems that have an inherent left to right order such as strings, trees or integer sequences. If the naive recursive algorithm does not compute the same subproblem multiple times, dynamic programming won't help.

I made a collection of problems to help understand the logic:

Razor If/Else conditional operator syntax

You need to put the entire ternary expression in parenthesis. Unfortunately that means you can't use "@:", but you could do something like this:

@(deletedView ? "Deleted" : "Created by")

Razor currently supports a subset of C# expressions without using @() and unfortunately, ternary operators are not part of that set.

How to apply a CSS filter to a background image

The following is a simple solution for modern browsers in pure CSS with a 'before' pseudo element, like the solution from Matthew Wilcoxson.

To avoid the need of accessing the pseudo element for changing the image and other attributes in JavaScript, simply use inherit as the value and access them via the parent element (here body).

body::before {
    content: ""; /* Important */
    z-index: -1; /* Important */
    position: inherit;
    left: inherit;
    top: inherit;
    width: inherit;
    height: inherit;
    background-image: inherit;
    background-size: cover;
    filter: blur(8px);

body {
  background-image: url("xyz.jpg");
  background-size: 0 0;  /* Image should not be drawn here */
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  position: fixed; /* Or absolute for scrollable backgrounds */

UILabel - auto-size label to fit text?

Use [label sizeToFit]; to adjust the text in UILabel

The transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions

Make sure that the "Distributed Transaction Coordinator" Service is running on both database and client. Also make sure you check "Network DTC Access", "Allow Remote Client", "Allow Inbound/Outbound" and "Enable TIP".

To enable Network DTC Access for MS DTC transactions

  1. Open the Component Services snap-in.

    To open Component Services, click Start. In the search box, type dcomcnfg, and then press ENTER.

  2. Expand the console tree to locate the DTC (for example, Local DTC) for which you want to enable Network MS DTC Access.

  3. On the Action menu, click Properties.

  4. Click the Security tab and make the following changes: In Security Settings, select the Network DTC Access check box.

    In Transaction Manager Communication, select the Allow Inbound and Allow Outbound check boxes.

Finding the max value of an attribute in an array of objects

To find the maximum y value of the objects in array:

Math.max.apply(Math, { return o.y; }))

Eclipse CDT: Symbol 'cout' could not be resolved

You guys are looking under the wrong section. I realized the difference when I installed in Linux after recently getting frustrated with Windows and the difference was immediately apparent.

In the new setup I have an includes folder in a projected that I created out of existing source. I can expand this and see a ton of includes; however, I cannot add to them. This lead me to a hunt for where these files were being listed.

They're listed under the Project Properties > C/C++ General > Preprocessor Includes > GNU C++ CDT GCC Built-in Compiler Settings [Shared] Under that is a ton of includes.

These settings are set by the toolchain you've selected.

How to move text up using CSS when nothing is working

Your footer container is constricting the width of the inner element with an explicit width on itself, which sees the text clipped at the end and wrapped onto a new line, so change that:

div#fv2-footer-container {
  width: 1090px;

The type initializer for 'System.Data.Entity.Internal.AppConfig' threw an exception

This weird error happens, when you play around with different versions of EntityFramework versions in Nuget Packages like I did.

First, Uninstall your Entity Framework DLL from NuGet packages and then Clean up app.config. By removing the entry from configSections and entity framework element.

Next, install the desired version. This should fix the problem.

How to use a class object in C++ as a function parameter

holy errors The reason for the code below is to show how to not void main every function and not to type return; for functions...... instead push everything into the sediment for which is the print function prototype... if you need to use useful functions ... you will have to below..... (p.s. this below is for people overwhelmed by these object and T templates which allow different variable declaration types(such as float and char) to use the same passed by value in a user defined function)

char arr[ ] = "This is a test";

string str(arr);

//  You can also assign directly to a string.
str = "This is another string";

can anyone tell me why c++ made arrays into pass by value one at a time and the only way to eliminate spaces and punctuation is the use of string tokens. I couldn't get around the problem when i was trying to delete spaces for a palindrome...

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int getgrades(float[]);
int getaverage(float[], float);
int calculateletters(float[], float, float, float[]);
int printResults(float[], float, float, float[]);

int main()

int i;
float  maxSize=3, size;
float  lettergrades[5], numericgrades[100], average;

average = getaverage(numericgrades, size);
printResults(numericgrades, size, average, lettergrades);
return 0;

int getgrades(float a[])

int i, max=3;

for (i = 0; i <max; i++)
    //ask use for input
    cout << "\nPlease Enter grade " << i+1 << " : ";
    cin >> a[i];
    //makes sure that user enters a vlue between 0 and 100

   if(a[i] < 0 || a[i] >100)
        cout << "Wrong input. Please
 enter a value between 0 and 100 only." << endl;
        cout << "\nPlease Reenter grade " << i+1 << " : ";
        cin >> a[i];

        return i;

int getaverage(float a[], float n) 
int i;
float sum = 0;
 if (n == 0)
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
sum += a[i];
return sum / n;

int printResults(float a[], float n, float average, float letters[]) 
int i;
cout << "Index Number | input  |
array values address in memory " << endl;

for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
cout <<"     "<< i<<" \t\t"<<setprecision(3)<<
a[i]<<"\t\t" << &a[i] << endl;
cout<<"The average of your grades is: "<<setprecision(3)<<average<<endl;


Unknown column in 'field list' error on MySQL Update query

You might check your choice of quotes (use double-/ single quotes for values, strings, etc and backticks for column-names).

Since you only want to update the table master_user_profile I'd recommend a nested query:

   master_user_profile.fellow = 'y'
   master_user_profile.user_id IN (
      SELECT tran_user_branch.user_id
      FROM tran_user_branch WHERE tran_user_branch.branch_id = 17);

$(this).serialize() -- How to add a value?

Don't forget you can always do:

<input type="hidden" name="NonFormName" value="NonFormValue" />

in your actual form, which may be better for your code depending on the case.

Get startup type of Windows service using PowerShell


Get-Service BITS | Select StartType

Or use:

(Get-Service -Name BITS).StartType


Set-Service BITS -StartupType xxx

[PowerShell 5.1]

Div Background Image Z-Index Issue

Set your header and footer position to "absolute" and that should do the trick. Hope it helps and good luck with your project!

Is "delete this" allowed in C++?

You can do so. However, you can't assign to this. Thus the reason you state for doing this, "I want to change the view," seems very questionable. The better method, in my opinion, would be for the object that holds the view to replace that view.

Of course, you're using RAII objects and so you don't actually need to call delete at all...right?

ValueError: object too deep for desired array while using convolution

np.convolve() takes one dimension array. You need to check the input and convert it into 1D.

You can use the np.ravel(), to convert the array to one dimension.

How do I get my solution in Visual Studio back online in TFS?

i found another way without much effort.

Just simply right click your solution and then click undo pending changes.

Next, VS will ask you for acutally changed file where you want to undo or not specific file.

In this you can click no for such a file where actual change is happende, rest is just undoing. This will not lost your actual changes

What is the meaning of prepended double colon "::"?

The :: operator is called the scope-resolution operator and does just that, it resolves scope. So, by prefixing a type-name with this, it tells your compiler to look in the global namespace for the type.


int count = 0;

int main(void) {
  int count = 0;
  ::count = 1;  // set global count to 1
  count = 2;    // set local count to 2
  return 0;

Maximum Java heap size of a 32-bit JVM on a 64-bit OS

On Solaris the limit has been about 3.5 GB since Solaris 2.5. (about 10 years ago)

Angular 6: How to set response type as text while making http call

You should not use those headers, the headers determine what kind of type you are sending, and you are clearly sending an object, which means, JSON.

Instead you should set the option responseType to text:

addToCart(productId: number, quantity: number): Observable<any> {
  const headers = new HttpHeaders().set('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8');

    { dealerId: 13, createdBy: "-1", productId, quantity }, 
    { headers, responseType: 'text'}

Remove a symlink to a directory

Assuming it actually is a symlink,

$ rm -d symlink

It should figure it out, but since it can't we enable the latent code that was intended for another case that no longer exists but happens to do the right thing here.

What does .shape[] do in "for i in range(Y.shape[0])"?

shape() consists of array having two arguments rows and columns.

if you search shape[0] then it will gave you the number of rows. shape[1] will gave you number of columns.

Ruby class instance variable vs. class variable

Official Ruby FAQ: What is the difference between class variables and class instance variables?

The main difference is the behavior concerning inheritance: class variables are shared between a class and all its subclasses, while class instance variables only belong to one specific class.

Class variables in some way can be seen as global variables within the context of an inheritance hierarchy, with all the problems that come with global variables. For instance, a class variable might (accidentally) be reassigned by any of its subclasses, affecting all other classes:

class Woof

  @@sound = "woof"

  def self.sound

Woof.sound  # => "woof"

class LoudWoof < Woof
  @@sound = "WOOF"

LoudWoof.sound  # => "WOOF"
Woof.sound      # => "WOOF" (!)

Or, an ancestor class might later be reopened and changed, with possibly surprising effects:

class Foo

  @@var = "foo"

  def self.var

Foo.var  # => "foo" (as expected)

class Object
  @@var = "object"

Foo.var  # => "object" (!)

So, unless you exactly know what you are doing and explicitly need this kind of behavior, you better should use class instance variables.

Rails 3: I want to list all paths defined in my rails application


I later found that, there is an official way to see all the routes, by going to http://localhost:3000/rails/info/routes. Official docs:

Though, it may be late, But I love the error page which displays all the routes. I usually try to go at /routes (or some bogus) path directly from the browser. Rails server automatically gives me a routing error page as well as all the routes and paths defined. That was very helpful :)

So, Just go to http://localhost:3000/routes enter image description here

How to loop through an associative array and get the key?

Nobody answered with regular for loop? Sometimes I find it more readable and prefer for over foreach
So here it is:

$array = array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2'); 

$keys = array_keys($array);

for($i=0; $i < count($keys); ++$i) {
    echo $keys[$i] . ' ' . $array[$keys[$i]] . "\n";

  key1 value1
  key2 value2

Dilemma: when to use Fragments vs Activities:

Thing I did: Using less fragment when possible. Unfortunately, it's possible in almost case. So, I end up with a lot of fragments and a little of activities. Some drawbacks I've realized:

  • ActionBar & Menu: When 2 fragment has different title, menu, that
    will hard to handle. Ex: when adding new fragment, you can change action bar title, but when pop it from backstack there is no way to restore the old title. You may need an Toolbar in every fragment for this case, but let believe me, that will spend you more time.
  • When we need startForResult, activity has but fragment hasn't.
  • Don't have transition animation by default

My solution for this is using an Activity to wrap a fragment inside. So we have separate action bar, menu, startActivityForResult, animation,...

How do I fix 'Invalid character value for cast specification' on a date column in flat file?

The proper data type for "2010-12-20 00:00:00.0000000" value is DATETIME2(7) / DT_DBTIME2 ().

But used data type for CYCLE_DATE field is DATETIME - DT_DATE. This means milliseconds precision with accuracy down to every third millisecond (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ss.mmL where L can be 0,3 or 7).

The solution is to change CYCLE_DATE date type to DATETIME2 - DT_DBTIME2.

Hibernate table not mapped error in HQL query

Hibernate also is picky about the capitalization. By default it's going to be the class name with the First letter Capitalized. So if your class is called FooBar, don't pass "foobar". You have to pass "FooBar" with that exact capitalization for it to work.

Detect WebBrowser complete page loading

If you're using WPF there is a LoadCompleted event.

If it's Windows.Forms, the DocumentCompleted event should be the correct one. If the page you're loading has frames, your WebBrowser control will fire the DocumentCompleted event for each frame (see here for more details). I would suggest checking the IsBusy property each time the event is fired and if it is false then your page is fully done loading.

Ruby Arrays: select(), collect(), and map()

When dealing with a hash {}, use both the key and value to the block inside the ||. {|key,item|"" == item}

=>[false, false, true, false, false]

Failed to execute 'btoa' on 'Window': The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range.

If you have UTF8, use this (actually works with SVG source), like:



 var imgsrc = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(markup)));
 var img = new Image(1, 1); // width, height values are optional params 
 img.src = imgsrc;

If you need to decode that base64, use this:

var str2 = decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob(b64)));


var str = "äöüÄÖÜçéèñ";
var b64 = window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)))

var str2 = decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob(b64)));

Note: if you need to get this to work in mobile-safari, you might need to strip all the white-space from the base64 data...

function b64_to_utf8( str ) {
    str = str.replace(/\s/g, '');    
    return decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob( str )));

2017 Update

This problem has been bugging me again.
The simple truth is, atob doesn't really handle UTF8-strings - it's ASCII only.
Also, I wouldn't use bloatware like js-base64.
But webtoolkit does have a small, nice and very maintainable implementation:

*  Base64 encode / decode
var Base64 = {

    // private property
    _keyStr: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="

    // public method for encoding
    , encode: function (input)
        var output = "";
        var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
        var i = 0;

        input = Base64._utf8_encode(input);

        while (i < input.length)
            chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
            chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
            chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);

            enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
            enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
            enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
            enc4 = chr3 & 63;

            if (isNaN(chr2))
                enc3 = enc4 = 64;
            else if (isNaN(chr3))
                enc4 = 64;

            output = output +
                this._keyStr.charAt(enc1) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc2) +
                this._keyStr.charAt(enc3) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc4);
        } // Whend 

        return output;
    } // End Function encode 

    // public method for decoding
    ,decode: function (input)
        var output = "";
        var chr1, chr2, chr3;
        var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
        var i = 0;

        input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
        while (i < input.length)
            enc1 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
            enc2 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
            enc3 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
            enc4 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));

            chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);
            chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);
            chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4;

            output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1);

            if (enc3 != 64)
                output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2);

            if (enc4 != 64)
                output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3);

        } // Whend 

        output = Base64._utf8_decode(output);

        return output;
    } // End Function decode 

    // private method for UTF-8 encoding
    ,_utf8_encode: function (string)
        var utftext = "";
        string = string.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");

        for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++)
            var c = string.charCodeAt(n);

            if (c < 128)
                utftext += String.fromCharCode(c);
            else if ((c > 127) && (c < 2048))
                utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192);
                utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
                utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224);
                utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128);
                utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);

        } // Next n 

        return utftext;
    } // End Function _utf8_encode 

    // private method for UTF-8 decoding
    ,_utf8_decode: function (utftext)
        var string = "";
        var i = 0;
        var c, c1, c2, c3;
        c = c1 = c2 = 0;

        while (i < utftext.length)
            c = utftext.charCodeAt(i);

            if (c < 128)
                string += String.fromCharCode(c);
            else if ((c > 191) && (c < 224))
                c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1);
                string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63));
                i += 2;
                c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1);
                c3 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 2);
                string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63));
                i += 3;

        } // Whend 

        return string;
    } // End Function _utf8_decode 


  • For any character equal to or below 127 (hex 0x7F), the UTF-8 representation is one byte. It is just the lowest 7 bits of the full unicode value. This is also the same as the ASCII value.

  • For characters equal to or below 2047 (hex 0x07FF), the UTF-8 representation is spread across two bytes. The first byte will have the two high bits set and the third bit clear (i.e. 0xC2 to 0xDF). The second byte will have the top bit set and the second bit clear (i.e. 0x80 to 0xBF).

  • For all characters equal to or greater than 2048 but less that 65535 (0xFFFF), the UTF-8 representation is spread across three bytes.

Launch an event when checking a checkbox in Angular2

You can use ngModel like

<input type="checkbox" [ngModel]="checkboxValue" (ngModelChange)="addProp($event)" data-md-icheck/>

To update the checkbox state by updating the property checkboxValue in your code and when the checkbox is changed by the user addProp() is called.

How to use addTarget method in swift 3

  let button: UIButton = UIButton()
    button.setImage(UIImage(named:"imagename"), for: .normal)
    button.addTarget(self, action:#selector(YourClassName.backAction(_sender:)), for: .touchUpInside)

    button.frame = CGRect.init(x: 5, y: 100, width: 45, height: 45)

    @objc public func backAction(_sender: UIButton) {


Java: Finding the highest value in an array

You can use a function that accepts a array and finds the max value in it. i made it generic so it could also accept other data types

public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T findMax(T[] array){       
    T max = array[0];
    for(T data: array){
            max =data;                
    return max;

Should I use 'has_key()' or 'in' on Python dicts?

If you have something like this:


change it to below for running on Python 3.X and above:

key = ew
if key not in t

Number of processors/cores in command line

On newer kernels you could also possibly use the the /sys/devices/system/cpu/ interface to get a bit more information:

$ ls /sys/devices/system/cpu/
cpu0  cpufreq  kernel_max  offline  possible  present  release
cpu1  cpuidle  modalias    online   power     probe    uevent
$ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/kernel_max 
$ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/offline 
$ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/possible 
$ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/present 
$ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/online 

See the official docs for more information on what all these mean.

Command-line Unix ASCII-based charting / plotting tool

Try gnuplot. It has very powerful graphing possibilities.

It can output to your terminal in the following way:

gnuplot> set terminal dumb
Terminal type set to 'dumb'
Options are 'feed 79 24'
gnuplot> plot sin(x)

   1 ++----------------**---------------+----**-----------+--------**-----++
     +                *+ *              +   *  *          +  sin(x) ****** +
 0.8 ++              *    *                *    *                *    *   ++
     |               *    *                *    *                *    *    |
 0.6 ++              *     *              *      *              *      *  ++
     *              *       *             *       *             *      *   |
 0.4 +*             *       *             *       *             *      *  ++
     |*            *        *            *        *            *        *  |
 0.2 +*            *        *            *        *            *        * ++
     | *          *          *          *          *          *          * |
   0 ++*          *          *          *          *          *          *++
     |  *         *           *         *           *         *           *|
-0.2 ++ *         *           *         *           *         *           *+
     |   *       *            *        *            *        *            *|
-0.4 ++  *       *            *        *            *        *            *+
     |   *      *              *      *              *      *              *
-0.6 ++  *      *              *      *              *      *             ++
     |    *     *               *     *               *    *               |
-0.8 ++    *   *                 *   *                *    *              ++
     +     *  *        +         *  *   +              *  *                +
  -1 ++-----**---------+----------**----+---------------**+---------------++
    -10               -5                0                 5                10

In PowerShell, how can I test if a variable holds a numeric value?

Modify your filter like this:

filter isNumeric {

function uses the $input variable to contain pipeline information whereas the filter uses the special variable $_ that contains the current pipeline object.


For a powershell syntax way you can use just a filter (w/o add-type):

filter isNumeric() {
    return $_ -is [byte]  -or $_ -is [int16]  -or $_ -is [int32]  -or $_ -is [int64]  `
       -or $_ -is [sbyte] -or $_ -is [uint16] -or $_ -is [uint32] -or $_ -is [uint64] `
       -or $_ -is [float] -or $_ -is [double] -or $_ -is [decimal]

Get Value From Select Option in Angular 4

As a general (see Stackblitz here:


<select [(ngModel)]="selectedOption">
   <option *ngFor="let o of options">
<button (click)="print()">Click me</button>

<p>Selected option: {{ selectedOption }}</p>
<p>Button output: {{ printedOption }}</p>


export class AppComponent {
  selectedOption: string;
  printedOption: string;

  options = [
    { name: "option1", value: 1 },
    { name: "option2", value: 2 }
  print() {
    this.printedOption = this.selectedOption;

In your specific case you can use ngModel like this:

<form class="form-inline" (ngSubmit)="HelloCorp()">
     <div class="select">
         <select [(ngModel)]="corporationObj" class="form-control col-lg-8" #corporation required>
             <option *ngFor="let corporation of corporations"></option>    
         <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary manage">Submit</button>

HelloCorp() {
  console.log("My input: ", corporationObj);

How can I change CSS display none or block property using jQuery?

For hide:

$("#id").css("display", "none");

For show:

$("#id").css("display", "");

Ascending and Descending Number Order in java

public static void main(String[] args) {
          Scanner input =new Scanner(;
          System.out.print("enter how many:");
         int num =input.nextInt();
    int[] arr= new int [num];
    for(int b=0;b<arr.length;b++){
   System.out.print("enter no." + (b+1) +"=");

    for (int i=0; i<arr.length;i++) {
        for (int k=i;k<arr.length;k++) {

        if(arr[i] > arr[k]) {

        int temp=arr[k];

    System.out.println("******************\n output\t accending order");

    for (int i : arr){

Javascript replace all "%20" with a space

Check this out: How to replace all occurrences of a string in JavaScript?

Short answer:

str.replace(/%20/g, " ");

EDIT: In this case you could also do the following:


Split text with '\r\n'

This worked for me.

string stringSeparators = "\r\n";
string text = sr.ReadToEnd();
string lines = text.Replace(stringSeparators, "");
lines = lines.Replace("\\r\\n", "\r\n");

The first replace replaces the \r\n from the text file's new lines, and the second replaces the actual \r\n text that is converted to \\r\\n when the files is read. (When the file is read \ becomes \\).

Java - ignore exception and continue

You are already doing it in your code. Run this example below. The catch will "handle" the exception, and you can move forward, assuming whatever you caught and handled did not break code down the road which you did not anticipate.

      throw new Exception();
 }catch (Exception ex){
 System.out.println("Made it!");

However, you should always handle an exception properly. You can get yourself into some pretty messy situations and write difficult to maintain code by "ignoring" exceptions. You should only do this if you are actually handling whatever went wrong with the exception to the point that it really does not affect the rest of the program.

Modifying a file inside a jar

Check out TrueZip.

It does exactly what you want (to edit files inline inside a jar file), through a virtual file system API. It also supports nested archives (jar inside a jar) as well.

Java - Convert int to Byte Array of 4 Bytes?

You can convert yourInt to bytes by using a ByteBuffer like this:

return ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(yourInt).array();

Beware that you might have to think about the byte order when doing so.

Java - sending HTTP parameters via POST method easily

Hello pls use this class to improve your post method

public static JSONObject doPostRequest(HashMap<String, String> data, String url) {

    try {
        RequestBody requestBody;
        MultipartBuilder mBuilder = new MultipartBuilder().type(MultipartBuilder.FORM);

        if (data != null) {

            for (String key : data.keySet()) {
                String value = data.get(key);
                Utility.printLog("Key Values", key + "-----------------" + value);

                mBuilder.addFormDataPart(key, value);

        } else {
            mBuilder.addFormDataPart("temp", "temp");
        requestBody =;

        Request request = new Request.Builder()

        OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
        Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
        String responseBody = response.body().string();
        Utility.printLog("URL", url);
        Utility.printLog("Response", responseBody);
        return new JSONObject(responseBody);

    } catch (UnknownHostException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

        JSONObject jsonObject=new JSONObject();

        try {
        } catch (JSONException e1) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        JSONObject jsonObject=new JSONObject();

        try {
        } catch (JSONException e1) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Other Error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
    return null;

jQuery - What are differences between $(document).ready and $(window).load?

$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
  // executes when HTML-Document is loaded and DOM is ready_x000D_
  console.log("document is ready");_x000D_
$(window).load(function() {_x000D_
  // executes when complete page is fully loaded, including all frames, objects and images_x000D_
  console.log("window is loaded");_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

Query 3.0 version

Breaking change: .load(), .unload(), and .error() removed

These methods are shortcuts for event operations, but had several API limitations. The event .load() method conflicted with the ajax .load() method. The .error() method could not be used with window.onerror because of the way the DOM method is defined. If you need to attach events by these names, use the .on() method, e.g. change $("img").load(fn) to $(img).on("load", fn).1

$(window).load(function() {});

Should be changed to

$(window).on('load', function (e) {})

These are all equivalent:




$(document).on('ready', function(){

How do I configure php to enable pdo and include mysqli on CentOS?

mysqli is provided by php-mysql-5.3.3-40.el6_6.x86_64

You may need to try the following

yum install php-mysql-5.3.3-40.el6_6.x86_64

org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to http://localhost refused in android


The above host is already occupied by the emulator in which you are running the code. If you want to access the local host of your computer than use the IP Address as

For more details, please refer this link.

javascript check for not null

this will do the trick for you

if (!!val) {
    alert("this is not null")
} else {
    alert("this is null")

Convert Xml to DataTable

Maybe this could be a little older article. but must of the above answers don´t help me as I need. Then I wrote a little snippet for that.

This accepts any XML that hast at least 3 levels (Like this sample):

        <XmlField1>Data 1</XmlField1>  
        <XmlField2>Data 2</XmlField2>  
        <XmlField3>Data 3</XmlField3>  

public static class XmlParser
    /// <summary>
    /// Converts XML string to DataTable
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Name">DataTable name</param>
    /// <param name="XMLString">XML string</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static DataTable BuildDataTableFromXml(string Name, string XMLString)
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
        doc.Load(new StringReader(XMLString));
        DataTable Dt = new DataTable(Name);

            XmlNode NodoEstructura = doc.FirstChild.FirstChild;
            //  Table structure (columns definition) 
            foreach (XmlNode columna in NodoEstructura.ChildNodes)
                Dt.Columns.Add(columna.Name, typeof(String));

            XmlNode Filas = doc.FirstChild;
            //  Data Rows 
            foreach (XmlNode Fila in Filas.ChildNodes)
                List<string> Valores = new List<string>();
                foreach (XmlNode Columna in Fila.ChildNodes)
        } catch(Exception)


        return Dt;

This solve my problem

Get current date, given a timezone in PHP?

date_default_timezone_set('GMT-5');//Set New York timezone
$today = date("F j, Y")

jQuery Screen Resolution Height Adjustment

To get screen resolution in JS use screen object


Based on that values you can calculate your margin to whatever suits you.

How to use a Bootstrap 3 glyphicon in an html select

I ended up using the bootstrap 3 dropdown button, I'm posting my solution here in case it helps someone in future. Adding the bootstrap 3 list-inline to the class for the ul causes it to display in a nicely compact format as well.

<div class="btn-group">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
        Select icon <span class="caret"></span>
    <ul class="dropdown-menu list-inline" role="menu">
        <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-cutlery"></span></li>
        <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-fire"></span></li>
        <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-glass"></span></li>
        <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-heart"></span></li>          

I'm using Angular.js so this is the actual code I used:

<div class="btn-group">
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
                Avatar <span class="caret"></span>
            <ul class="dropdown-menu list-inline" role="menu">
                <li ng-repeat="avatar in avatars" ng-click="avatarSelected(avatar)">
                    <span ng-class="getAvatar(avatar)"></span>

And in my controller:


     return 'glyphicon glyphicon-'+avatar;

How to skip "are you sure Y/N" when deleting files in batch files

Add /Q for quiet mode and it should remove the prompt.

Computed / calculated / virtual / derived columns in PostgreSQL

One way to do this is with a trigger!

CREATE TABLE computed(
    one SERIAL,
    two INT NOT NULL

RETURNS trigger
LANGUAGE plpgsql
    NEW.two = * 2;


CREATE TRIGGER computed_500
ON computed
EXECUTE PROCEDURE computed_two_trg();

The trigger is fired before the row is updated or inserted. It changes the field that we want to compute of NEW record and then it returns that record.

What is the best way to prevent session hijacking?

The SSL only helps with sniffing attacks. If an attacker has access to your machine I will assume they can copy your secure cookie too.

At the very least, make sure old cookies lose their value after a while. Even a successful hijaking attack will be thwarted when the cookie stops working. If the user has a cookie from a session that logged in more than a month ago, make them reenter their password. Make sure that whenever a user clicks on your site's "log out" link, that the old session UUID can never be used again.

I'm not sure if this idea will work but here goes: Add a serial number into your session cookie, maybe a string like this:

SessionUUID, Serial Num, Current Date/Time

Encrypt this string and use it as your session cookie. Regularly change the serial num - maybe when the cookie is 5 minutes old and then reissue the cookie. You could even reissue it on every page view if you wanted to. On the server side, keep a record of the last serial num you've issued for that session. If someone ever sends a cookie with the wrong serial number it means that an attacker may be using a cookie they intercepted earlier so invalidate the session UUID and ask the user to reenter their password and then reissue a new cookie.

Remember that your user may have more than one computer so they may have more than one active session. Don't do something that forces them to log in again every time they switch between computers.

How do I scroll to an element using JavaScript?

Try this:

var divFirst = document.getElementById("divFirst"); = 'visible'; = 'block';  
divFirst.tabIndex = "-1";  

e.g @:

104, 'Connection reset by peer' socket error, or When does closing a socket result in a RST rather than FIN?

Normally, you'd get an RST if you do a close which doesn't linger (i.e. in which data can be discarded by the stack if it hasn't been sent and ACK'd) and a normal FIN if you allow the close to linger (i.e. the close waits for the data in transit to be ACK'd).

Perhaps all you need to do is set your socket to linger so that you remove the race condition between a non lingering close done on the socket and the ACKs arriving?

How to disable action bar permanently

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

How to detect when keyboard is shown and hidden

If you have more then one UITextFields and you need to do something when (or before) keyboard appears or disappears, you can implement this approach.

Add UITextFieldDelegate to your class. Assign integer counter, let's say:

NSInteger editCounter; 

Set this counter to zero somewhere in viewDidLoad. Then, implement textFieldShouldBeginEditing and textFieldShouldEndEditing delegate methods.

In the first one add 1 to editCounter. If value of editCounter becomes 1 - this means that keyboard will appear (in case if you return YES). If editCounter > 1 - this means that keyboard is already visible and another UITextField holds the focus.

In textFieldShouldEndEditing subtract 1 from editCounter. If you get zero - keyboard will be dismissed, otherwise it will remain on the screen.

SQL Server datetime LIKE select?

I solved my problem that way. Thank you for suggestions for improvements. Example in C#.

string dd, mm, aa, trc, data;
dd = nData.Text.Substring(0, 2);
mm = nData.Text.Substring(3, 2);
aa = nData.Text.Substring(6, 4);
trc = "-";
data = aa + trc + mm + trc + dd;

"Select * From bdPedidos Where Data Like '%" + data + "%'";

Assembly code vs Machine code vs Object code?

Assembly code is a human readable representation of machine code:

mov eax, 77
jmp anywhere

Machine code is pure hexadecimal code:

5F 3A E3 F1

I assume you mean object code as in an object file. This is a variant of machine code, with a difference that the jumps are sort of parameterized such that a linker can fill them in.

An assembler is used to convert assembly code into machine code (object code) A linker links several object (and library) files to generate an executable.

I have once written an assembler program in pure hex (no assembler available) luckily this was way back on the good old (ancient) 6502. But I'm glad there are assemblers for the pentium opcodes.

How to handle calendar TimeZones using Java?

Date and Timestamp objects are timezone-oblivious: they represent a certain number of seconds since the epoch, without committing to a particular interpretation of that instant as hours and days. Timezones enter the picture only in GregorianCalendar (not directly needed for this task) and SimpleDateFormat, which need a timezone offset to convert between separate fields and Date (or long) values.

The OP's problem is right at the beginning of his processing: the user inputs hours, which are ambiguous, and they are interpreted in the local, non-GMT timezone; at this point the value is "6:12 EST", which can be easily printed as "11.12 GMT" or any other timezone but is never going to change to "6.12 GMT".

There is no way to make the SimpleDateFormat that parses "06:12" as "HH:MM" (defaulting to the local time zone) default to UTC instead; SimpleDateFormat is a bit too smart for its own good.

However, you can convince any SimpleDateFormat instance to use the right time zone if you put it explicitly in the input: just append a fixed string to the received (and adequately validated) "06:12" to parse "06:12 GMT" as "HH:MM z".

There is no need of explicit setting of GregorianCalendar fields or of retrieving and using timezone and daylight saving time offsets.

The real problem is segregating inputs that default to the local timezone, inputs that default to UTC, and inputs that really require an explicit timezone indication.

How can I convert a Unix timestamp to DateTime and vice versa?

From Wikipedia:

UTC does not change with a change of seasons, but local time or civil time may change if a time zone jurisdiction observes daylight saving time (summer time). For example, local time on the east coast of the United States is five hours behind UTC during winter, but four hours behind while daylight saving is observed there.

So this is my code:

TimeSpan span = (DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,DateTimeKind.Utc));
double unixTime = span.TotalSeconds;

No server in Eclipse; trying to install Tomcat

You have probably installed Eclipse for Java Developers instead of Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers, server tab and some other are not available.

You don't have to uninstall. Just rerun eclipse-inst-win64.exe and choose Java EE IDE

JAVA EE IDE Installation

Bootstrap col-md-offset-* not working

It works in bootstrap 4, there were some changes in documentation.We don't need prefix col-, just offset-md-3 e.g.

<div class="row">
   <div class="offset-md-3 col-md-6"> Some content...

Here doc.

Write a file in external storage in Android

The code below creates a Documents directory and then a sub-directory for the application and saved the files to it.

public class loadDataTooDisk extends AsyncTask<String, Integer, String> {
    String sdCardFileTxt;
    protected String doInBackground(String... params)

        //check to see if external storage is avalibel
        if(canW == canR == true)
            //get the path to sdcard 
            File pathToExternalStorage = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
            //to this path add a new directory path and create new App dir (InstroList) in /documents Dir
            File appDirectory = new File(pathToExternalStorage.getAbsolutePath()  + "/documents/InstroList");
            // have the object build the directory structure, if needed.
            //test to see if it is a Text file
            if ( myNewFileName.endsWith(".txt") )

                //Create a File for the output file data
                File saveFilePath = new File (appDirectory, myNewFileName);
                //Adds the textbox data to the file
                    String newline = "\r\n";
                    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream (saveFilePath);
                    OutputStreamWriter OutDataWriter  = new OutputStreamWriter(fos);

                    OutDataWriter.write(equipNo.getText() + newline);
                    // OutDataWriter.append(equipNo.getText() + newline);
                    OutDataWriter.append(equip_Type.getText() + newline);
                    OutDataWriter.append(equip_Make.getText()+ newline);
                    OutDataWriter.append(equipModel_No.getText()+ newline);
                    OutDataWriter.append(equip_Password.getText()+ newline);
                    OutDataWriter.append(equipWeb_Site.getText()+ newline);


                }catch(Exception e){
        return null;

This one builds the file name

   private String BuildNewFileName()
    { // creates a new filr name
        Time today = new Time(Time.getCurrentTimezone());

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        sb.append(today.year + "");                // Year)
        sb.append(today.monthDay + "");          // Day of the month (1-31)
        sb.append(today.month + "");              // Month (0-11))
        sb.append(today.format("%k:%M:%S"));      // Current time
        sb.append(".txt");                      //Completed file name

        myNewFileName = sb.toString();
        //Replace (:) with (_)
        myNewFileName = myNewFileName.replaceAll(":", "_");

        return myNewFileName;

Hope this helps! It took me a long time to get it working.

Running a CMD or BAT in silent mode

I'm created RunApp to do such a job and also using it in my production env, hope it's helps.

The config like below:

file: config.arg



And launch runapp.exe instead.

Accessing bash command line args $@ vs $*

The difference appears when the special parameters are quoted. Let me illustrate the differences:

$ set -- "arg  1" "arg  2" "arg  3"

$ for word in $*; do echo "$word"; done

$ for word in $@; do echo "$word"; done

$ for word in "$*"; do echo "$word"; done
arg  1 arg  2 arg  3

$ for word in "$@"; do echo "$word"; done
arg  1
arg  2
arg  3

one further example on the importance of quoting: note there are 2 spaces between "arg" and the number, but if I fail to quote $word:

$ for word in "$@"; do echo $word; done
arg 1
arg 2
arg 3

and in bash, "$@" is the "default" list to iterate over:

$ for word; do echo "$word"; done
arg  1
arg  2
arg  3

Resolving require paths with webpack

Simply use babel-plugin-module-resolver:

$ npm i babel-plugin-module-resolver --save-dev

Then create a .babelrc file under root if you don't have one already:

    "plugins": [
                "root": ["./"]

And everything under root will be treated as absolute import:

import { Layout } from 'components'

For VSCode/Eslint support, see here.

Copy all values in a column to a new column in a pandas dataframe

Following up on these solutions, here is some helpful code illustrating :

# Copying columns in pandas without slice warning
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 3), columns=list('ABC'))

# copies column B into new column D
df.loc[:,'D'] = df['B']
print df

# creates new column 'E' with values -99
# But copy command replaces those where 'B'>0 while others become NaN (not copied)
df['E'] = -99
print df
df['E'] = df[df['B']>0]['B'].copy()
print df

# creates new column 'F' with values -99
# Copy command only overwrites values which meet criteria 'B'>0
df.loc[df['B']>0,'F'] = df[df['B']>0]['B'].copy()
print df

matplotlib: Group boxplots

The accepted answer uses pylab and works for 2 groups. What if we have more?

Here is the flexible generic solution with matplotlibenter image description here

# --- Your data, e.g. results per algorithm:
data1 = [5,5,4,3,3,5]
data2 = [6,6,4,6,8,5]
data3 = [7,8,4,5,8,2]
data4 = [6,9,3,6,8,4]
data6 = [17,8,4,5,8,1]
data7 = [6,19,3,6,1,1]

# --- Combining your data:
data_group1 = [data1, data2, data6]
data_group2 = [data3, data4, data7]
data_group3 = [data1, data1, data1]
data_group4 = [data2, data2, data2]
data_group5 = [data2, data2, data2]

data_groups = [data_group1, data_group2, data_group3] #, data_group4] #, data_group5]

# --- Labels for your data:
labels_list = ['a','b', 'c']
width       = 0.3
xlocations  = [ x*((1+ len(data_groups))*width) for x in range(len(data_group1)) ]

symbol      = 'r+'
ymin        = min ( [ val  for dg in data_groups  for data in dg for val in data ] )
ymax        = max ( [ val  for dg in data_groups  for data in dg for val in data ])

ax = pl.gca()

ax.grid(True, linestyle='dotted')

pl.xlabel('X axis label')
pl.ylabel('Y axis label')

space = len(data_groups)/2
offset = len(data_groups)/2

ax.set_xticks( xlocations )
ax.set_xticklabels( labels_list, rotation=0 )
# --- Offset the positions per group:

group_positions = []
for num, dg in enumerate(data_groups):    
    _off = (0 - space + (0.5+num))
    group_positions.append([x-_off*(width+0.01) for x in xlocations])

for dg, pos in zip(data_groups, group_positions):
    #            labels=['']*len(labels_list),
    #           notch=False,  
    #           vert=True, 
    #           whis=1.5,
    #           bootstrap=None, 
    #           usermedians=None, 
    #           conf_intervals=None,
    #           patch_artist=False,

Get specific objects from ArrayList when objects were added anonymously?

List.indexOf() will give you what you want, provided you know precisely what you're after, and provided that the equals() method for Party is well-defined.

Party searchCandidate = new Party("FirstParty");
int index = cave.parties.indexOf(searchCandidate);

This is where it gets interesting - subclasses shouldn't be examining the private properties of their parents, so we'll define equals() in the superclass.

public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (this == o) {
        return true;
    if (!(o instanceof CaveElement)) {
        return false;

    CaveElement that = (CaveElement) o;

    if (index != that.index) {
        return false;
    if (name != null ? !name.equals( : != null) {
        return false;

    return true;

It's also wise to override hashCode if you override equals - the general contract for hashCode mandates that, if x.equals(y), then x.hashCode() == y.hashCode().

public int hashCode() {
    int result = name != null ? name.hashCode() : 0;
    result = 31 * result + index;
    return result;

Is there a Google Voice API?

I needed a C# API and after spending hours looking for it (all I found was outdated and non-working) and unsuccessfully trying to port the PHP/Python/Java versions listed here (none worked either) I decided to create my own. It's SMS-only for now...

Number of rows affected by an UPDATE in PL/SQL

You use the sql%rowcount variable.

You need to call it straight after the statement which you need to find the affected row count for.

For example:

set serveroutput ON; 
    i NUMBER; 
    UPDATE employees 
    SET    status = 'fired' 
    WHERE  name LIKE '%Bloggs'; 
    i := SQL%rowcount; 
    --note that assignment has to precede COMMIT

CMD: How do I recursively remove the "Hidden"-Attribute of files and directories

just type

attrib -h -r -s /s /d j:*.*

where j is the drive letter... unlocks all the locked stuff in j drive

if u want to make it specific..then go to a specific location using cmd and then type

attrib -h -r -s /s /d "foldername"

it can also be used to lock drives or folders just alter "-" with "+"

attrib +h +r +s /s /d "foldername"

Keyboard shortcut to paste clipboard content into command prompt window (Win XP)

If you're a Cygwin user, you can append the following to your ~/.bashrc file:

stty lnext ^q stop undef start undef

And the following to your ~/.inputrc file:

"\C-v": paste-from-clipboard
"\C-C": copy-to-clipboard

Restart your Cygwin terminal.

(Note, I've used an uppercase C for copy, since CTRL+c is assigned to the break function on most consoles. Season to taste.)


Function for 'does matrix contain value X?'

If you need to check whether the elements of one vector are in another, the best solution is ismember as mentioned in the other answers.

ismember([15 17],primes(20))

However when you are dealing with floating point numbers, or just want to have close matches (+- 1000 is also possible), the best solution I found is the fairly efficient File Exchange Submission: ismemberf

It gives a very practical example:

[tf, loc]=ismember(0.3, 0:0.1:1) % returns false 
[tf, loc]=ismemberf(0.3, 0:0.1:1) % returns true

Though the default tolerance should normally be sufficient, it gives you more flexibility

ismemberf(9.99, 0:10:100) % returns false
ismemberf(9.99, 0:10:100,'tol',0.05) % returns true

Return empty cell from formula in Excel

Maybe this is cheating, but it works!

I also needed a table that is the source for a graph, and I didn't want any blank or zero cells to produce a point on the graph. It is true that you need to set the graph property, select data, hidden and empty cells to "show empty cells as Gaps" (click the radio button). That's the first step.

Then in the cells that may end up with a result that you don't want plotted, put the formula in an IF statement with an NA() results such as =IF($A8>TODAY(),NA(), *formula to be plotted*)

This does give the required graph with no points when an invalid cell value occurs. Of course this leaves all cells with that invalid value to read #N/A, and that's messy.

To clean this up, select the cell that may contain the invalid value, then select conditional formatting - new rule. Select 'format only cells that contain' and under the rule description select 'errors' from the drop down box. Then under format select font - colour - white (or whatever your background colour happens to be). Click the various buttons to get out and you should see that cells with invalid data look blank (they actually contain #N/A but white text on a white background looks blank.) Then the linked graph also does not display the invalid value points.

Matrix multiplication in OpenCV

You say that the matrices are the same dimensions, and yet you are trying to perform matrix multiplication on them. Multiplication of matrices with the same dimension is only possible if they are square. In your case, you get an assertion error, because the dimensions are not square. You have to be careful when multiplying matrices, as there are two possible meanings of multiply.

Matrix multiplication is where two matrices are multiplied directly. This operation multiplies matrix A of size [a x b] with matrix B of size [b x c] to produce matrix C of size [a x c]. In OpenCV it is achieved using the simple * operator:

C = A * B

Element-wise multiplication is where each pixel in the output matrix is formed by multiplying that pixel in matrix A by its corresponding entry in matrix B. The input matrices should be the same size, and the output will be the same size as well. This is achieved using the mul() function:

output = A.mul(B);

How to implement and do OCR in a C# project?

If anyone is looking into this, I've been trying different options and the following approach yields very good results. The following are the steps to get a working example:

  1. Add .NET Wrapper for tesseract to your project. It can be added via NuGet package Install-Package Tesseract(
  2. Go to the Downloads section of the official Tesseract project ( EDIT: It's now located here:
  3. Download the preferred language data, example: tesseract-ocr-3.02.eng.tar.gz English language data for Tesseract 3.02.
  4. Create tessdata directory in your project and place the language data files in it.
  5. Go to Properties of the newly added files and set them to copy on build.
  6. Add a reference to System.Drawing.
  7. From .NET Wrapper repository, in the Samples directory copy the sample phototest.tif file into your project directory and set it to copy on build.
  8. Create the following two files in your project (just to get started):


using System;
using Tesseract;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace ConsoleApplication
    class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var testImagePath = "./phototest.tif";
            if (args.Length > 0)
                testImagePath = args[0];

                var logger = new FormattedConsoleLogger();
                var resultPrinter = new ResultPrinter(logger);
                using (var engine = new TesseractEngine(@"./tessdata", "eng", EngineMode.Default))
                    using (var img = Pix.LoadFromFile(testImagePath))
                        using (logger.Begin("Process image"))
                            var i = 1;
                            using (var page = engine.Process(img))
                                var text = page.GetText();
                                logger.Log("Text: {0}", text);
                                logger.Log("Mean confidence: {0}", page.GetMeanConfidence());

                                using (var iter = page.GetIterator())
                                        if (i % 2 == 0)
                                            using (logger.Begin("Line {0}", i))
                                                    using (logger.Begin("Word Iteration"))
                                                        if (iter.IsAtBeginningOf(PageIteratorLevel.Block))
                                                            logger.Log("New block");
                                                        if (iter.IsAtBeginningOf(PageIteratorLevel.Para))
                                                            logger.Log("New paragraph");
                                                        if (iter.IsAtBeginningOf(PageIteratorLevel.TextLine))
                                                            logger.Log("New line");
                                                        logger.Log("word: " + iter.GetText(PageIteratorLevel.Word));
                                                } while (iter.Next(PageIteratorLevel.TextLine, PageIteratorLevel.Word));
                                    } while (iter.Next(PageIteratorLevel.Para, PageIteratorLevel.TextLine));
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Unexpected Error: " + e.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("Details: ");
            Console.Write("Press any key to continue . . . ");

        private class ResultPrinter
            readonly FormattedConsoleLogger logger;

            public ResultPrinter(FormattedConsoleLogger logger)
                this.logger = logger;

            public void Print(ResultIterator iter)
                logger.Log("Is beginning of block: {0}", iter.IsAtBeginningOf(PageIteratorLevel.Block));
                logger.Log("Is beginning of para: {0}", iter.IsAtBeginningOf(PageIteratorLevel.Para));
                logger.Log("Is beginning of text line: {0}", iter.IsAtBeginningOf(PageIteratorLevel.TextLine));
                logger.Log("Is beginning of word: {0}", iter.IsAtBeginningOf(PageIteratorLevel.Word));
                logger.Log("Is beginning of symbol: {0}", iter.IsAtBeginningOf(PageIteratorLevel.Symbol));

                logger.Log("Block text: \"{0}\"", iter.GetText(PageIteratorLevel.Block));
                logger.Log("Para text: \"{0}\"", iter.GetText(PageIteratorLevel.Para));
                logger.Log("TextLine text: \"{0}\"", iter.GetText(PageIteratorLevel.TextLine));
                logger.Log("Word text: \"{0}\"", iter.GetText(PageIteratorLevel.Word));
                logger.Log("Symbol text: \"{0}\"", iter.GetText(PageIteratorLevel.Symbol));


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Tesseract;

namespace ConsoleApplication
    public class FormattedConsoleLogger
        const string Tab = "    ";
        private class Scope : DisposableBase
            private int indentLevel;
            private string indent;
            private FormattedConsoleLogger container;

            public Scope(FormattedConsoleLogger container, int indentLevel)
                this.container = container;
                this.indentLevel = indentLevel;
                StringBuilder indent = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < indentLevel; i++)
                this.indent = indent.ToString();

            public void Log(string format, object[] args)
                var message = String.Format(format, args);
                StringBuilder indentedMessage = new StringBuilder(message.Length + indent.Length * 10);
                int i = 0;
                bool isNewLine = true;
                while (i < message.Length)
                    if (message.Length > i && message[i] == '\r' && message[i + 1] == '\n')
                        isNewLine = true;
                        i += 2;
                    else if (message[i] == '\r' || message[i] == '\n')
                        isNewLine = true;
                        if (isNewLine)
                            isNewLine = false;



            public Scope Begin()
                return new Scope(container, indentLevel + 1);

            protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
                if (disposing)
                    var scope = container.scopes.Pop();
                    if (scope != this)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Format scope removed out of order.");

        private Stack<Scope> scopes = new Stack<Scope>();

        public IDisposable Begin(string title = "", params object[] args)
            Log(title, args);
            Scope scope;
            if (scopes.Count == 0)
                scope = new Scope(this, 1);
                scope = ActiveScope.Begin();
            return scope;

        public void Log(string format, params object[] args)
            if (scopes.Count > 0)
                ActiveScope.Log(format, args);
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format(format, args));

        private Scope ActiveScope
                var top = scopes.Peek();
                if (top == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("No current scope");
                return top;

How can I make a button have a rounded border in Swift?

as aside tip make sure your button is not subclass of any custom class in story board , in such a case your code best place should be in custom class it self cause code works only out of the custom class if your button is subclass of the default UIButton class and outlet of it , hope this may help anyone wonders why corner radios doesn't apply on my button from code .

Kotlin Android start new Activity

You can use both Kotlin and Java files in your application.

To switch between the two files, make sure you give them unique < action android:name="" in AndroidManifest.xml, like so:

            <activity android:name=".MainActivityKotlin">
                    <action android:name="com.genechuang.basicfirebaseproject.KotlinActivity"/>
                    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                    <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                    <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
                android:label="MainActivityJava" >
                    <action android:name="com.genechuang.basicfirebaseproject.JavaActivity" />
                    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

Then in your MainActivity.kt (Kotlin file), to start an Activity written in Java, do this:

       val intent = Intent("com.genechuang.basicfirebaseproject.JavaActivity")

In your (Java file), to start an Activity written in Kotlin, do this:

       Intent mIntent = new Intent("com.genechuang.basicfirebaseproject.KotlinActivity");

Get time difference between two dates in seconds

try using dedicated functions from high level programming languages. JavaScript .getSeconds(); suits here:

var specifiedTime = new Date("November 02, 2017 06:00:00");
var specifiedTimeSeconds = specifiedTime.getSeconds(); 

var currentTime = new Date();
var currentTimeSeconds = currentTime.getSeconds(); 


What is the difference between parseInt() and Number()?

I always use parseInt, but beware of leading zeroes that will force it into octal mode.

Add a link to an image in a css style sheet

I stumbled upon this old listing pondering this same question. My band-aid for this same question was to make my header text into a link. I then changed the color and removed text decoration with CSS. Now to make the entire header picture a link, I expanded the padding of the anchor tag until it reached close to the edge of the header image.... This worked to my satisfaction, and I figured i would share.

phpmyadmin logs out after 1440 secs

drive here your wamp installed then go to wamp then apps then your phpmyadmin version folder then go to libraries then edit config.default.php file e.g


here you have to change

$cfg['LoginCookieRecall'] = true;


$cfg['LoginCookieRecall'] = false;

also you can change time of cookie instead to disable cookie recall

$cfg['LoginCookieValidity'] = 1440;


$cfg['LoginCookieValidity'] = anthing grater then 1440 

mine is

 $cfg['LoginCookieValidity'] = 199000;

after changing restart your server enter image description here

also there is another method but it reset when ever we restart our wamp server and here is that method also

login to your phpmyadmin dashbord then go to setting then click on features and in general tab you will see Login cookie validity put anything greater then 14400 but this is valid until next restart of your server.

enter image description here

Responding with a JSON object in Node.js (converting object/array to JSON string)

Per JamieL's answer to another post:

Since Express.js 3x the response object has a json() method which sets all the headers correctly for you.


res.json({"foo": "bar"});

Catch checked change event of a checkbox

use the click event for best compatibility with MSIE

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("input[type=checkbox]").click(function() {
        alert("state changed");

Root element is missing

I had the same problem when i have trying to read xml that was extracted from archive to memory stream.

 MemoryStream SubSetupStream = new MemoryStream();
        using (ZipFile archive = ZipFile.Read(zipPath))
            archive.Password = "SomePass";
            foreach  (ZipEntry file in archive)

Problem was in these lines:

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

And solution is (Thanks to @Phil):

        if (SubSetupStream.Position>0)
            SubSetupStream.Position = 0;

Google Chrome default opening position and size

First, close all instances of Google Chrome. There should be no instances of chrome.exe running in the Windows Task Manager. Then

  • Go to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\.
  • Open the file "Preferences" in a text editor like Notepad.
  • First, resave the file to something like "Preference - Old" without any extension (i.e. no .txt). This will serve as a backup, should something go wrong.
  • Look for a section called "browser." Inside that section, you should find a subsection called window_placement. Under window_placement you will see things like "bottom", "left", "right", etc. with numbers after them.

You will need to play around with these numbers to get your desired window size and placement. When finished, save this file with the name "Preferences" again with no extension. This will overwrite the existing Preferences file. Open Chrome and see how you did. If you're not satisfied with the size and placement, close Chrome and change the numbers in the Preferences file until you get what you want.

GCC fatal error: stdio.h: No such file or directory

Mac OS Mojave

The accepted answer no longer works. When running the command xcode-select --install it tells you to use "Software Update" to install updates.

In this link is the updated method:

Open a Terminal and then:

cd /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/
open macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg

This will open an installation Wizard.

Update 12/2019

After updating to Mojave 10.15.1 it seems that using xcode-select --install works as intended.

Is Tomcat running?

netstat -lnp | grep 8080 would probably be the best way, if you know Tomcat's listening port. If you want to be certain that is is functional, you will have to establish a connection and send an HTTP request and get a response. You can do this programatically, or using any web browser.

nvarchar(max) vs NText

You should apparently use nvarchar(max):


Remove CSS from a Div using JQuery

Actually the best way I have found to do this when having to do complex jquery based styling, for Example, if you have a modal that you need to display but it needs to calculate page offsets to get the correct parameters those will need to go into the a jQuery("x").css({}) function.

So here is the setting of the styles, the output of variables that have computed based on various factors.

$(".modal").css({ border: "1px solid #ccc", padding: "3rem", position: "absolute", zIndex: 999, background: "#fff", top: "30", visibility: "visible"})

In order to clear those styles. rather than setting something like

$(".modal").css({ border: "", padding: "", position: "", zIndex: 0, background: "", top: "", visibility: ""})

The simple way would be

$(".modal").attr("style", "")

When jquery manipulates elements on the dom, the styles are written to the element in the "style" attribute as if you were writing the styles inline. All you have to do is to clear that attribute and the item should reset to its original styles

Hope this helps

How to Pass Parameters to Activator.CreateInstance<T>()

As an alternative to Activator.CreateInstance, FastObjectFactory in the linked url preforms better than Activator (as of .NET 4.0 and significantly better than .NET 3.5. No tests/stats done with .NET 4.5). See StackOverflow post for stats, info and code:

How to pass ctor args in Activator.CreateInstance or use IL?

Visual Studio 2017 - Git failed with a fatal error

I got the following error messages using Visual Studio 2017 CE.

Failed to push to the remote repository. See the Output window for more details.

The output window showed the following:

Error encountered while pushing to the remote repository: Git process failed unexpectedly. PushCommand.ExecutePushCommand

I tried to push changes using GitHub Desktop. It shows the following error message.

Cannot push these commits as they contain an email address marked as private on GitHub.

That's It. Solution:

open GitHub account >> Settings >> Emails >> Uncheck "Keep my email address private"

It's done. That was the problem in my case.

Reset Excel to default borders

My best answer for this is to simply use format painter. This might be a bit of a pain, but it works rather well as the problem you are facing is that Gridlines are covered by fill and other effects that are layered on top. Imagine putting a piece of white paper on top of your grid, the grid lines are present underneath, but they just don't show.

So try:

  1. Clicking on a cell in the spreadsheet with the format that you want
  2. Under the ribons, go to Home and format painter, it should be a smaller icon near the paste button.
  3. Now highlight any cell that you want to apply this format to and it will set the font, color, background etc. to the same as the cell selected. The value will be preserved.

From my experience this is the easiest way to do this quickly. Especially when pasting things in and out of excel.

Again this is not the programmatic way of solving this problem.

What is “assert” in JavaScript?

There is no standard assert in JavaScript itself. Perhaps you're using some library that provides one; for instance, if you're using Node.js, perhaps you're using the assertion module. (Browsers and other environments that offer a console implementing the Console API provide console.assert.)

The usual meaning of an assert function is to throw an error if the expression passed into the function is false; this is part of the general concept of assertion checking. Usually assertions (as they're called) are used only in "testing" or "debug" builds and stripped out of production code.

Suppose you had a function that was supposed to always accept a string. You'd want to know if someone called that function with something that wasn't a string (without having a type checking layer like TypeScript or Flow). So you might do:

assert(typeof argumentName === "string");

...where assert would throw an error if the condition were false.

A very simple version would look like this:

function assert(condition, message) {
    if (!condition) {
        throw message || "Assertion failed";

Better yet, make use of the Error object, which has the advantage of collecting a stack trace and such:

function assert(condition, message) {
    if (!condition) {
        throw new Error(message || "Assertion failed");

Difficulty with ng-model, ng-repeat, and inputs

The problem seems to be in the way how ng-model works with input and overwrites the name object, making it lost for ng-repeat.

As a workaround, one can use the following code:

<div ng-repeat="name in names">
    Value: {{name}}
    <input ng-model="names[$index]">                         

Hope it helps

How to get first two characters of a string in oracle query?

select substr(orderno,1,2) from shipment;

You may want to have a look at the documentation too.

box-shadow on bootstrap 3 container

For those wanting the box-shadow on the col-* container itself and not on the .container, you can add another div just inside the col-* element, and add the shadow to that. This element will not have the padding, and therefor not interfere.

The first image has the box-shadow on the col-* element. Because of the 15px padding on the col element, the shadow is pushed to the outside of the div element rather than on the visual edges of it.

box-shadow on col-* element

<div class="col-md-4" style="box-shadow: 0px 2px 25px rgba(0, 0, 0, .25);">
    <div class="thumbnail">
        {!! HTML::image('images/sampleImage.png') !!}

The second image has a wrapper div with the box-shadow on it. This will place the box-shadow on the visual edges of the element.

box-shadow on wrapper div

<div class="col-md-4">
    <div id="wrapper-div" style="box-shadow: 0px 2px 25px rgba(0, 0, 0, .25);">
        <div class="thumbnail">
            {!! HTML::image('images/sampleImage.png') !!}

C compiler for Windows?

MinGW would be a direct translation off gcc for windows, or you might want to check out LCC, vanilla c (more or less) with an IDE. Pelles C seems to be based off lcc and has a somewhat nicer IDE, though I haven't used it personally. Of course there is always the Express Edition of MSVC which is free, but that's your call.

Can't change z-index with JQuery


Image UriSource and Data Binding

You can also simply set the Source attribute rather than using the child elements. To do this your class needs to return the image as a Bitmap Image. Here is an example of one way I've done it

<Image Width="90" Height="90" 
       Source="{Binding Path=ImageSource}"
       Margin="0,0,0,5" />

And the class property is simply this

public object ImageSource {
    get {
        BitmapImage image = new BitmapImage();

        try {
            image.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
            image.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreImageCache;
            image.UriSource = new Uri( FullPath, UriKind.Absolute );
            return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;

        return image;

I suppose it may be a little more work than the value converter, but it is another option.

Passing an array of data as an input parameter to an Oracle procedure

If the types of the parameters are all the same (varchar2 for example), you can have a package like this which will do the following:


   TYPE assoc_array_varchar2_t IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(4000) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;

   PROCEDURE your_proc(p_parm IN assoc_array_varchar2_t);

END test_pkg;


   PROCEDURE your_proc(p_parm IN assoc_array_varchar2_t) AS
      FOR i IN p_parm.first .. p_parm.last
      END LOOP;


END test_pkg;

Then, to call it you'd need to set up the array and pass it:

  l_array testuser.test_pkg.assoc_array_varchar2_t;
  l_array(0) := 'hello';
  l_array(1) := 'there';  


Single quotes vs. double quotes in Python

In Perl you want to use single quotes when you have a string which doesn't need to interpolate variables or escaped characters like \n, \t, \r, etc.

PHP makes the same distinction as Perl: content in single quotes will not be interpreted (not even \n will be converted), as opposed to double quotes which can contain variables to have their value printed out.

Python does not, I'm afraid. Technically seen, there is no $ token (or the like) to separate a name/text from a variable in Python. Both features make Python more readable, less confusing, after all. Single and double quotes can be used interchangeably in Python.

How to animate GIFs in HTML document?

I just ran into this... my gif didn't run on the server that I was testing on, but when I published the code it ran on my desktop just fine...

HTML table with 100% width, with vertical scroll inside tbody

Css workaround for forcing columns to display correctly with a 'block' tbody

This solution still requires the th widths to be calculated and set by jQuery

table.scroll tbody,
table.scroll thead { display: block; }

table.scroll tbody {
    overflow-y: auto;
    overflow-x: hidden;
    max-height: 300px;

table.scroll tr {
    display: flex;

table.scroll tr > td {
    flex-grow: 1;
    flex-basis: 0;

And the Jquery / Javascript

var $table = $('#the_table_element'),
    $bodyCells = $table.find('tbody tr:first').children(),


// Adjust the width of thead cells when window resizes
$(window).resize(function () {

    // Get the tbody columns width array
    colWidth = $ () {
        return $(this).width();

    // Set the width of thead columns
    $table.find('thead tr').children().each(function (i, v) {

}).resize(); // Trigger resize handler

Merge two rows in SQL

if one row has value in field1 column and other rows have null value then this Query might work.

  MAX(Field1) as Field1,
  MAX(Field2) as Field2
select FK,ISNULL(Field1,'') as Field1,ISNULL(Field2,'') as Field2 from table1

Using momentjs to convert date to epoch then back to date

You get the number of unix seconds, not milliseconds!

You you need to multiply it with 1000 or using valueOf() and don't forget to use a formatter, since you are using a non ISO 8601 format. And if you forget to pass the formatter, the date will be parsed in the UTC timezone or as an invalid date.

moment("10/15/2014 9:00", "MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm").valueOf()

How to restart kubernetes nodes?

If a node is so unhealthy that the master can't get status from it -- Kubernetes may not be able to restart the node. And if health checks aren't working, what hope do you have of accessing the node by SSH?

In this case, you may have to hard-reboot -- or, if your hardware is in the cloud, let your provider do it.

For example, the AWS EC2 Dashboard allows you to right-click an instance to pull up an "Instance State" menu -- from which you can reboot/terminate an unresponsive node.

Before doing this, you might choose to kubectl cordon node for good measure. And you may find kubectl delete node to be an important part of the process for getting things back to normal -- if the node doesn't automatically rejoin the cluster after a reboot.

Why would a node become unresponsive? Probably some resource has been exhausted in a way that prevents the host operating system from handling new requests in a timely manner. This could be disk, or network -- but the more insidious case is out-of-memory (OOM), which Linux handles poorly.

To help Kubernetes manage node memory safely, it's a good idea to do both of the following:

  • Reserve some memory for the system.
  • Be very careful with (avoid) opportunistic memory specifications for your pods. In other words, don't allow different values of requests and limits for memory.

The idea here is to avoid the complications associated with memory overcommit, because memory is incompressible, and both Linux and Kubernetes' OOM killers may not trigger before the node has already become unhealthy and unreachable.

jQuery select child element by class with unknown path

According to this documentation, the find method will search down through the tree of elements until it finds the element in the selector parameters. So $(parentSelector).find(childSelector) is the fastest and most efficient way to do this.

IllegalMonitorStateException on wait() call

You need to be in a synchronized block in order for Object.wait() to work.

Also, I recommend looking at the concurrency packages instead of the old school threading packages. They are safer and way easier to work with.

Happy coding.


I assumed you meant Object.wait() as your exception is what happens when you try to gain access without holding the objects lock.

Loading all images using imread from a given folder

import os
import cv2
rootdir = "directory path"
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(rootdir):
    for file in files:
        frame = cv2.imread(os.path.join(subdir, file)) 

How to obtain the query string from the current URL with JavaScript?

Try this one

 * Get the value of a querystring
 * @param  {String} field The field to get the value of
 * @param  {String} url   The URL to get the value from (optional)
 * @return {String}       The field value
var getQueryString = function ( field, url ) {
    var href = url ? url : window.location.href;
    var reg = new RegExp( '[?&]' + field + '=([^&#]*)', 'i' );
    var string = reg.exec(href);
    return string ? string[1] : null;

Let’s say your URL is You want to get the value of this, that, and another.

var thisOne = getQueryString('this'); // returns 'chicken'
var thatOne = getQueryString('that'); // returns 'sandwich'
var anotherOne = getQueryString('another'); // returns null

If you want to use a URL other than the one in the window, you can pass one in as a second argument.

var yetAnotherOne = getQueryString('example', ''); // returns 'something'


How do I fix a .NET windows application crashing at startup with Exception code: 0xE0434352?

I'm not sure if this will help anyone or not, but since it was my problem, I figure it's worth mentioning:

I was getting this error, and it turned out to be a problem with the platform for which the EXE was built. We had it building for x86, and it needed to be x64, because of an Oracle reference in the project. When we made that change, the problem went away. So, see if you have any similar conflicts.

Sorting using Comparator- Descending order (User defined classes)

For whats its worth here is my standard answer. The only thing new here is that is uses the Collections.reverseOrder(). Plus it puts all suggestions into one example:

**  Use the Collections API to sort a List for you.
**  When your class has a "natural" sort order you can implement
**  the Comparable interface.
**  You can use an alternate sort order when you implement
**  a Comparator for your class.
import java.util.*;

public class Person implements Comparable<Person>
    String name;
    int age;

    public Person(String name, int age)
    { = name;
        this.age = age;

    public String getName()
        return name;

    public int getAge()
        return age;

    public String toString()
        return name + " : " + age;

    **  Implement the natural order for this class
    public int compareTo(Person p)
        return getName().compareTo(p.getName());

    static class AgeComparator implements Comparator<Person>
        public int compare(Person p1, Person p2)
            int age1 = p1.getAge();
            int age2 = p2.getAge();

            if (age1 == age2)
                return 0;
            else if (age1 > age2)
                return 1;
                return -1;

    public static void main(String[] args)
        List<Person> people = new ArrayList<Person>();
        people.add( new Person("Homer", 38) );
        people.add( new Person("Marge", 35) );
        people.add( new Person("Bart", 15) );
        people.add( new Person("Lisa", 13) );

        // Sort by natural order

        System.out.println("Sort by Natural order");
        System.out.println("\t" + people);

        // Sort by reverse natural order

        Collections.sort(people, Collections.reverseOrder());
        System.out.println("Sort by reverse natural order");
        System.out.println("\t" + people);

        //  Use a Comparator to sort by age

        Collections.sort(people, new Person.AgeComparator());
        System.out.println("Sort using Age Comparator");
        System.out.println("\t" + people);

        //  Use a Comparator to sort by descending age

            Collections.reverseOrder(new Person.AgeComparator()));
        System.out.println("Sort using Reverse Age Comparator");
        System.out.println("\t" + people);

Get index of element as child relative to parent

Delegate and Live are easy to use but if you won't have any more li:s added dynamically you could use event delagation with normal bind/click as well. There should be some performance gain using this method since the DOM won't have to be monitored for new matching elements. Haven't got any actual numbers but it makes sense :)

$("#wizard").click(function (e) {
    var source = $(;
        // alert index of li relative to ul parent

You could test it at jsFiddle:

"unrecognized selector sent to instance" error in Objective-C

I got this issue trying some old format code in Swift3,

let swipeRight = UISwipeGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.respond))

changing the action:"respond:" to action: #selector(self.respond) fixed the issue for me.

javascript: Disable Text Select

I'm writing slider ui control to provide drag feature, this is my way to prevent content from selecting when user is dragging:

function disableSelect(event) {

function startDrag(event) {
    window.addEventListener('mouseup', onDragEnd);
    window.addEventListener('selectstart', disableSelect);
    // ... my other code

function onDragEnd() {
    window.removeEventListener('mouseup', onDragEnd);
    window.removeEventListener('selectstart', disableSelect);
    // ... my other code

bind startDrag on your dom:

<button onmousedown="startDrag">...</button>

If you want to statically disable text select on all element, execute the code when elements are loaded:

window.addEventListener('selectstart', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); });


How can I shrink the drawable on a button?

I tried the techniques of this post but didnot find any of them so attractive. My solution was to use an imageview and textview and align the imageview top and bottom to the textview. This way I got the desired result. Here's some code:

    android:layout_height="48dp" >

        android:src="@drawable/ic_back" />

        android:textSize="@dimen/title_size" />

What is the difference between method overloading and overriding?

Method overloading deals with the notion of having two or more methods in the same class with the same name but different arguments.

void foo(int a)
void foo(int a, float b)

Method overriding means having two methods with the same arguments, but different implementations. One of them would exist in the parent class, while another will be in the derived, or child class. The @Override annotation, while not required, can be helpful to enforce proper overriding of a method at compile time.

class Parent {
    void foo(double d) {
        // do something

class Child extends Parent {

    void foo(double d){
        // this method is overridden.  

The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required

Probably the machine or web.config in prod has the settings in the configuration; you probably won't need the proxy tag.

    <defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true" >
        <proxy usesystemdefault="False"
               autoDetect="False" />

Align div right in Bootstrap 3

i think you try to align the content to the right within the div, the div with offset already push itself to the right, here some code and LIVE sample:
FYI: .pull-right only push the div to the right, but not the content inside the div.


<div class="row">
  <div class="container">
    <div class="col-md-4 someclass">
      left content
    <div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-4 someclass">
      <div class="yellow_background totheright">right content</div>


.someclass{ /*this class for testing purpose only*/
    border:1px solid blue;

.totheright{ /*this will align the text to the right*/


Another modification:

<div class="yellow_background totheright">
  <span>right content</span>
  <br/>image also align-right<br/>
  <img width="15%" src=""/>

hope it will clear your problem

Fit cell width to content

There are many ways to do this!

correct me if I'm wrong but the question is looking for this kind of result.

<table style="white-space:nowrap;width:100%;">
<td class="block" style="width:50%">this should stretch</td>
<td class="block" style="width:50%">this should stretch</td>
<td class="block" style="width:auto">this should be the content width</td>

The first 2 fields will "share" the remaining page (NOTE: if you add more text to either 50% fields it will take more space), and the last field will dominate the table constantly.

If you are happy to let text wrap you can move white-space:nowrap; to the style of the 3rd field
will be the only way to start a new line in that field.

alternatively, you can set a length on the last field ie. width:150px, and leave percentage's on the first 2 fields.

Hope this helps!

Redirecting new tab on button click.(Response.Redirect) in C#

You can use Rout redirecting.

protected void btnNewEntry_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

which requires to define your routing logic in Global.asax file that could be like that:

routes.MapPageRoute("CMS_1", "CMS_1", "~/CMS_1.aspx");

where any request by CMS_1 pattern in application scope will be redirecting to CMS_1.aspx, but in URL shows like

Flutter Circle Design

you can use decoration like this :

                    width: 60,
                    height: 60,
                    child: Icon(CustomIcons.option, size: 20,),
                    decoration: BoxDecoration(
                        color: Color(0xFFe0f2f1)),

Now you have circle shape and Icon on it.

enter image description here

Calculating the difference between two Java date instances

After having read many answers and comments to this question, I was left with the impression that one either has to use the Joda time or else take into account some peculiarities with the daylight saving time etc. Since I didn't want to do either of these, I ended up writing a few lines of code to calculate the difference between two dates without using any date or time related Java classes.

In the code below the numbers of year, month and day are the same as in real life. For example in December 24th 2015, the year = 2015, the month = 12 and the day = 24.

I want to share this code in case someone else wants to use it. There are 3 methods: 1) A method to find out whether a given year is a leap year 2) A method to calculate the number of a given day in relation to January 1st of a given year 3) A method to calculate the number of days between any two dates using the method 2 (number of the end date minus number of the start date).

Here are the methods:


public static boolean isLeapYear (int year) {
    //Every 4. year is a leap year, except if the year is divisible by 100 and not by 400
    //For example 1900 is not a leap year but 2000 is

    boolean result = false;

    if (year % 4 == 0) {
        result = true;
    if (year % 100 == 0) {
        result = false;
    if (year % 400 == 0) {
        result = true;

    return result;



public static int daysGoneSince (int yearZero, int year, int month, int day) {
    //Calculates the day number of the given date; day 1 = January 1st in the yearZero

    //Validate the input
    if (year < yearZero || month < 1 || month > 12 || day < 1 || day > 31) {
        //Throw an exception
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many or too few days in month or months in year or the year is smaller than year zero");
    else if (month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11) {//Months with 30 days
        if (day == 31) {
            //Throw an exception
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many days in month");
    else if (month == 2) {//February 28 or 29
        if (isLeapYear(year)) {
            if (day > 29) {
                //Throw an exception
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many days in month");
        else if (day > 28) {
            //Throw an exception
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many days in month");

    //Start counting days
    int days = 0;

    //Days in the target month until the target day
    days = days + day;

    //Days in the earlier months in the target year
    for (int i = 1; i < month; i++) {
        switch (i) {
            case 1: case 3: case 5:
            case 7: case 8: case 10:
            case 12:
                days = days + 31;
            case 2:
                days = days + 28;
                if (isLeapYear(year)) {
                    days = days + 1;
            case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11:
                days = days + 30;

    //Days in the earlier years
    for (int i = yearZero; i < year; i++) {
        days = days + 365;
        if (isLeapYear(i)) {
            days = days + 1;

    return days;



public static int dateDiff (int startYear, int startMonth, int startDay, int endYear, int endMonth, int endDay) {

    int yearZero;

    //daysGoneSince presupposes that the first argument be smaller or equal to the second argument
    if (10000 * startYear + 100 * startMonth + startDay > 10000 * endYear + 100 * endMonth + endDay) {//If the end date is earlier than the start date
        yearZero = endYear;
    else {
        yearZero = startYear;

    return daysGoneSince(yearZero, endYear, endMonth, endDay) - daysGoneSince(yearZero, startYear, startMonth, startDay);



import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.persistence.CascadeType;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
import javax.persistence.Table;

public class Employee implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private int id;
private String empName;

List<Address> addList=new ArrayList<Address>();

public int getId() {
    return id;
public void setId(int id) { = id;
public String getEmpName() {
    return empName;
public void setEmpName(String empName) {
    this.empName = empName;

public List<Address> getAddList() {
    return addList;

public void setAddList(List<Address> addList) {
    this.addList = addList;

We have two entities Employee and Address with One to Many relationship.

import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;
import javax.persistence.ManyToOne;
import javax.persistence.Table;

public class Address implements Serializable{

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

private int address_id;
private String address;
Employee employee;

public int getAddress_id() {
    return address_id;
public void setAddress_id(int address_id) {
    this.address_id = address_id;
public String getAddress() {
    return address;
public void setAddress(String address) {
    this.address = address;

public Employee getEmployee() {
    return employee;
public void setEmployee(Employee employee) {
    this.employee = employee;

By this way we can implement inner join between two tables

import java.util.List;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.Session;

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {



private static void saveEmployee() {
    Employee employee=new Employee();
    Employee employee1=new Employee();
    Employee employee2=new Employee();
    Employee employee3=new Employee();

    Address address=new Address();
    Address address1=new Address();
    Address address2=new Address();
    Address address3=new Address();

    address.setAddress("1485,Sector 42 b");
    address1.setAddress("1485,Sector 42 c");
    address2.setAddress("1485,Sector 42 d");
    address3.setAddress("1485,Sector 42 a");




    Session session=HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();


private static void retrieveEmployee() {

    String sqlQuery="select e from Employee e inner join e.addList";

    Session session=HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();

    Query query=session.createQuery(sqlQuery);

    List<Employee> list=query.list();>{System.out.println(p.getEmpName());});     
    }catch(Exception e){

I have used Java 8 for loop for priting the names. Make sure you have jdk 1.8 with tomcat 8. Also add some more records for better understanding.

 public class HibernateUtil {
 private static SessionFactory sessionFactory ;
 static {
    Configuration configuration = new Configuration();

    configuration.setProperty("hibernate.connection.url", "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hibernate");                                
    configuration.setProperty("hibernate.connection.username", "root");     
    configuration.setProperty("hibernate.connection.password", "root");
    configuration.setProperty("dialect", "org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect");
    configuration.setProperty("", "update");
    configuration.setProperty("hibernate.show_sql", "true");
    configuration.setProperty(" hibernate.connection.pool_size", "10");

   // configuration
    StandardServiceRegistryBuilder builder = new StandardServiceRegistryBuilder().applySettings(configuration.getProperties());
    sessionFactory = configuration.buildSessionFactory(;
public static SessionFactory getSessionFactory() {
    return sessionFactory;

Is there a way to get version from package.json in nodejs code?

The leanest way I found:

const { version } = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./package.json'))

Removing the first 3 characters from a string

Just use substring: "apple".substring(3); will return le

Django - what is the difference between render(), render_to_response() and direct_to_template()?

Just one note I could not find in the answers above. In this code:

context_instance = RequestContext(request)
return render_to_response(template_name, user_context, context_instance)

What the third parameter context_instance actually does? Being RequestContext it sets up some basic context which is then added to user_context. So the template gets this extended context. What variables are added is given by TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS in For instance django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth adds variable user and variable perm which are then accessible in the template.

PHP - warning - Undefined property: stdClass - fix?

If think this will work:

$role_arr = getRole($response->records);

newly defined proprties included too.

how to delete all cookies of my website in php

      foreach ($arr as $k=>$v) {

subsetting a Python DataFrame

Regarding some points mentioned in previous answers, and to improve readability:

No need for data.loc or query, but I do think it is a bit long.

The parentheses are also necessary, because of the precedence of the & operator vs. the comparison operators.

I like to write such expressions as follows - less brackets, faster to type, easier to read. Closer to R, too.

q_product = df.Product == p_id
q_start = df.Time > start_time
q_end = df.Time < end_time

df.loc[q_product & q_start & q_end, c('Time,Product')]

# c is just a convenience
c = lambda v: v.split(',') 

Using R to download zipped data file, extract, and import data

For Mac (and I assume Linux)...

If the zip archive contains a single file, you can use the bash command funzip, in conjuction with fread from the data.table package:

dt <- fread("curl | funzip")

In cases where the archive contains multiple files, you can use tar instead to extract a specific file to stdout:

dt <- fread("curl | tar -xf- --to-stdout *a1.dat")

Plot correlation matrix using pandas

If your main goal is to visualize the correlation matrix, rather than creating a plot per se, the convenient pandas styling options is a viable built-in solution:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

rs = np.random.RandomState(0)
df = pd.DataFrame(rs.rand(10, 10))
corr = df.corr()'coolwarm')
# 'RdBu_r' & 'BrBG' are other good diverging colormaps

enter image description here

Note that this needs to be in a backend that supports rendering HTML, such as the JupyterLab Notebook. (The automatic light text on dark backgrounds is from an existing PR and not the latest released version, pandas 0.23).


You can easily limit the digit precision:'coolwarm').set_precision(2)

enter image description here

Or get rid of the digits altogether if you prefer the matrix without annotations:'coolwarm').set_properties(**{'font-size': '0pt'})

enter image description here

The styling documentation also includes instructions of more advanced styles, such as how to change the display of the cell the mouse pointer is hovering over. To save the output you could return the HTML by appending the render() method and then write it to a file (or just take a screenshot for less formal purposes).

Time comparison

In my testing, style.background_gradient() was 4x faster than plt.matshow() and 120x faster than sns.heatmap() with a 10x10 matrix. Unfortunately it doesn't scale as well as plt.matshow(): the two take about the same time for a 100x100 matrix, and plt.matshow() is 10x faster for a 1000x1000 matrix.


There are a few possible ways to save the stylized dataframe:

  • Return the HTML by appending the render() method and then write the output to a file.
  • Save as an .xslx file with conditional formatting by appending the to_excel() method.
  • Combine with imgkit to save a bitmap
  • Take a screenshot (for less formal purposes).

Update for pandas >= 0.24

By setting axis=None, it is now possible to compute the colors based on the entire matrix rather than per column or per row:'coolwarm', axis=None)

enter image description here

Where does Android app package gets installed on phone

You will find the application folder at:

/data/data/"your package name"

you can access this folder using the DDMS for your Emulator. you can't access this location on a real device unless you have a rooted device.

Increasing heap space in Eclipse: (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError)

In Run->Run Configuration find the Name of the class you have been running, select it, click the Arguments tab then add:

-Xms512M -Xmx1524M

to the VM Arguments section

Volley - POST/GET parameters

For Future Readers

I love to work with Volley. To save development time i tried to write small handy library Gloxey Netwok Manager to setup Volley with my project. It includes JSON parser and different other methods that helps to check network availability.

Use ConnectionManager.class in which different methods for Volley String and Volley JSON request are available. You can make requests of GET, PUT, POST, DELETE with or without header. You can read full documentation here.

Just put this line in your gradle file.

  dependencies { 

       compile 'io.gloxey.gnm:network-manager:1.0.1'

Volley StringRequest

Method GET (without header)

    ConnectionManager.volleyStringRequest(context, isDialog, progressDialogView, requestURL, volleyResponseInterface);

How to use?

     Configuration                Description

     Context                      Context 
     isDialog                     If true dialog will appear, otherwise not.
     progressView                 For custom progress view supply your progress view id and make isDialog true. otherwise pass null. 
     requestURL                   Pass your API URL.  
     volleyResponseInterface      Callback for response.  


    ConnectionManager.volleyStringRequest(this, false, null, "url", new VolleyResponse() {
    public void onResponse(String _response) {

         * Handle Response

     public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {

         * handle Volley Error

    public void isNetwork(boolean connected) {

         * True if internet is connected otherwise false

Volley StringRequest

Method POST/PUT/DELETE (without header)

    ConnectionManager.volleyStringRequest(context, isDialog, progressDialogView, requestURL, requestMethod, params, volleyResponseInterface);


Use Method : Request.Method.POST

Your params : 

HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("param 1", "value");
params.put("param 2", "value");

ConnectionManager.volleyStringRequest(this, true, null, "url", Request.Method.POST, params, new VolleyResponse() {
    public void onResponse(String _response) {

         * Handle Response

    public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {

         * handle Volley Error

    public void isNetwork(boolean connected) {

         * True if internet is connected otherwise false


Gloxey JSON Parser

Feel free to use gloxey json parser to parse your api response.

  YourModel yourModel = GloxeyJsonParser.getInstance().parse(stringResponse, YourModel.class);


ConnectionManager.volleyStringRequest(this, false, null, "url", new VolleyResponse() {
    public void onResponse(String _response) {

         * Handle Response

         try {

          YourModel yourModel = GloxeyJsonParser.getInstance().parse(_response, YourModel.class);

            } catch (Exception e) {


     public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {

         * handle Volley Error
         if (error instanceof TimeoutError || error instanceof NoConnectionError) {

                showSnackBar(parentLayout, getString(R.string.internet_not_found), getString(R.string.retry), new View.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(View view) {

                     //handle retry button


            } else if (error instanceof AuthFailureError) {
            } else if (error instanceof ServerError) {
            } else if (error instanceof NetworkError) {
            } else if (error instanceof ParseError) {


    public void isNetwork(boolean connected) {

         * True if internet is connected otherwise false
          if (!connected) {
                showSnackBar(parentLayout, getString(R.string.internet_not_found), getString(R.string.retry), new View.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(View view) {
                        //Handle retry button

     public void showSnackBar(View view, String message) {
            Snackbar.make(view, message, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show();

     public void showSnackBar(View view, String message, String actionText, View.OnClickListener onClickListener) {
            Snackbar.make(view, message, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).setAction(actionText, onClickListener).show();

Question mark and colon in statement. What does it mean?

This is the conditional operator expression.

(condition) ? [true path] : [false path];

For example

 string value = someBooleanExpression ? "Alpha" : "Beta";

So if the boolean expression is true, value will hold "Alpha", otherwise, it holds "Beta".

For a common pitfall that people fall into, see this question in the C# tag wiki.

How to fix "namespace x already contains a definition for x" error? Happened after converting to VS2010

If you are using different aspx.cs files that define classes of the same name you can use

<compilation targetFramework="4.5" />

under <system.web> in your web.config file.

Although I would still strongly advise that you would change the class name.

Disabling buttons on react native

You can build an CustButton with TouchableWithoutFeedback, and set the effect and logic you want with onPressIn, onPressout or other props.

How to define servlet filter order of execution using annotations in WAR

  1. Make the servlet filter implement the spring Ordered interface.
  2. Declare the servlet filter bean manually in configuration class.
    import org.springframework.core.Ordered;
    public class MyFilter implements Filter, Ordered {

        public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) {
            // do something

        public void doFilter(ServletRequest servletRequest, ServletResponse servletResponse, FilterChain filterChain) throws IOException, ServletException {
            // do something

        public void destroy() {
            // do something

        public int getOrder() {
            return -100;

    import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;
    import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

    public class MyAutoConfiguration {

        public MyFilter myFilter() {
            return new MyFilter();

How can I develop for iPhone using a Windows development machine?

(accurate as of late 2014)

For access to the native tools (Xcode etc) there are two main options:

1. Virtual machine

Look around for the mavericks (10.9) vmware image that works with a modified Vmware Workstation/Player. Once the machine is able to boot, it can be updated to 10.9.5 with no apparent issues.

The good: relatively low learning curve (if you are somewhat familiar with vms)

The bad: reduced performance due to virtualized environment, no 3d acceleration (QE/CL)

2. Hackintosh

This is the sensible option if you are planning to procure new hardware (or at least partly), instead of retrofitting existing equipment (but you might be lucky to have one of the common OEM models (like Dell) that already have recipes written for it)

The good: no penalty on hardware performance, which might even surpass that of a real mac. The same hardware can also be used for other OSes if you are open to multibooting

The bad: higher learning curve, more hardware limitations (no drivers for certain Intel wifi etc) which may translate into higher investment if you had no intention to get new hardware originally

Needless to say, both options above are frown upon by the fruit company, so licensing compliance is not part of the discussion.

3. An actual mac (added in 2016)

This option is perfect for people who already have a mac and use it as a Windows development machine via Bootcamp etc. This also has the least support issues (apart from complications that may result from multi-booting), so it is recommended for those looking for a long-term solution (hardware that works not just for the current OSX version but future versions as well)

Batch files - number of command line arguments

Googling a bit gives you the following result from wikibooks:

set argC=0
for %%x in (%*) do Set /A argC+=1

echo %argC%

Seems like cmd.exe has evolved a bit from the old DOS days :)

"unadd" a file to svn before commit

For Files - svn revert filename

For Folders - svn revert -R folder

What is the easiest way to encrypt a password when I save it to the registry?

Like ligget78 said, DPAPI would be a good way to go for storing passwords. Check out the ProtectedData class on MSDN for example usage.

Java and unlimited decimal places?

I believe that you are looking for the java.lang.BigDecimal class.

Convert iterator to pointer?

here it is, obtaining a reference to the coresponding pointer of an iterator use :


string my_str= "hello world";

string::iterator it(my_str.begin());

char* pointer_inside_buffer=&(*it); //<--

[notice operator * returns a reference so doing & on a reference will give you the address].

How can I get the current date and time in the terminal and set a custom command in the terminal for it?

You can use date to get time and date of a day:

[pengyu@GLaDOS ~]$date
Tue Aug 27 15:01:27 CST 2013

Also hwclock would do:

[pengyu@GLaDOS ~]$hwclock
Tue 27 Aug 2013 03:01:29 PM CST  -0.516080 seconds

For customized output, you can either redirect the output of date to something like awk, or write your own program to do that.

Remember to put your own executable scripts/binary into your PATH (e.g. /usr/bin) to make it invokable anywhere.

What is the T-SQL syntax to connect to another SQL Server?

If possible, check out SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services). I am just getting my feet wet with this toolkit, but already am looping over 40+ servers and preparing to wreak all kinds of havoc ;)

Predefined type 'System.ValueTuple´2´ is not defined or imported

In case others have the same problem, I ran into this error after updating a project to 4.7. Oddly enough, I had to remove the System.ValueTuple reference for this error to go away.

What process is listening on a certain port on Solaris?

You might not want to, but your best bet is to grab the sunfreeware CD and install lsof.

Other than that, yes you can grovel around in /proc with a shell script.