[jquery] How can I change CSS display none or block property using jQuery?

How can I change CSS display none or block property using jQuery?

This question is related to jquery jquery-selectors

The answer is

.hide() does not work in Chrome for me.

This works for hiding:

var pctDOM = jQuery("#vr-preview-progress-content")[0];
pctDOM.hidden = true;

In case you want to hide and show an element, depending on whether it is already visible or not, you can use toggle instead of .hide() and .show()


    $.fn.displayChange = function(fn){
        $this = $(this);
        var state = {};
        state.old = $this.css('display');
        var intervalID = setInterval(function(){
            if( $this.css('display') != state.old ){
                state.change = $this.css('display');
                state.old = $this.css('display');
        }, 100);        

        var tag = $('#content');

Other way to do it using jQuery CSS method:

$("#id").css({display: "none"});
$("#id").css({display: "block"});

you can do it by button

<button onclick"document.getElementById('elementid').style.display = 'none or block';">



This one is the best way.

There are several ways to accomplish this, each with its own intended purpose.

1.) To use inline while simply assigning an element a list of things to do

$('#ele_id').css('display', 'block').animate(....
$('#ele_id').css('display', 'none').animate(....

2.) To use while setting multiple CSS properties

    display: 'none'
    height: 100px,
    width: 100px
    display: 'block'
    height: 100px,
    width: 100px

3.) To dynamically call on command


4.) To dynamically toggle between block and none, if it's a div

  • some elements are displayed as inline, inline-block, or table, depending on the Tag Name


In my case I was doing show / hide elements of a form according to whether an input element was empty or not, so that when hiding the elements the element following the hidden ones was repositioned occupying its space it was necessary to do a float: left of the element of such an element. Even using a plugin as dependsOn it was necessary to use float.

In javascript:

document.getElementById("myDIV").style.display = "none";

and in jquery:

$("#myDIV").css({display: "none"});
$("#myDIV").css({display: "block"});

and you can use:


For hide:

$("#id").css("display", "none");

For show:

$("#id").css("display", "");

Use this:




Simple way:

function displayChange(){


If the display of the div is block by default, you can just use .show() and .hide(), or even simpler, .toggle() to toggle between visibility.