Programs & Examples On #Tablename

A table name as a variable


    @TableName NVARCHAR(100)
    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.
    DECLARE @sSQL nvarchar(500);


    EXEC sp_executesql @sSQL

Change header text of columns in a GridView

protected void grdDis_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
        if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
            #region Dynamically Show gridView header From data base
            getAllheaderName();/*To get all Allowences master headerName*/

            TextBox txt_Days = (TextBox)grdDis.HeaderRow.FindControl("txtDays");
            txt_Days.Text = hidMonthsDays.Value;

Using :before and :after CSS selector to insert Html

content doesn't support HTML, only text. You should probably use javascript, jQuery or something like that.

Another problem with your code is " inside a " block. You should mix ' and " (class='headingDetail').

If content did support HTML you could end up in an infinite loop where content is added inside content.

How to convert C# nullable int to int

All you need is..

v2= v1.GetValueOrDefault();

How to display items side-by-side without using tables?

Yes, divs and CSS are usually a better and easier way to place your HTML. There are many different ways to do this and it all depends on the context.

For instance, if you want to place an image to the right of your text, you could do it like so:

<p style="width: 500px;">
<img src="image.png" style="float: right;" />
This is some text

And if you want to display multiple items side by side, float is also usually preferred.For example:

  <img src="image1.png" style="float: left;" />
  <img src="image2.png" style="float: left;" />
  <img src="image3.png" style="float: left;" />

Floating these images to the same side will have then laying next to each other for as long as you hava horizontal space.

installing cPickle with python 3.5

cPickle comes with the standard library… in python 2.x. You are on python 3.x, so if you want cPickle, you can do this:

>>> import _pickle as cPickle

However, in 3.x, it's easier just to use pickle.

No need to install anything. If something requires cPickle in python 3.x, then that's probably a bug.

Passing enum or object through an intent (the best solution)

You can pass an enum through as a string.

public enum CountType {

private CountType count;
count = ONE;

String countString =;

CountType countToo = CountType.valueOf(countString);

Given strings are supported you should be able to pass the value of the enum around with no problem.

Delete item from array and shrink array

I have created this function, or class. Im kinda new but my friend needed this also so I created this:

public String[] name(int index, String[] z ){
    if(index > z.length){
        return z;
    } else {
        String[] returnThis = new String[z.length - 1];
        int newIndex = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < z.length; i++){
            if(i != index){
                returnThis[newIndex] = z[i];
        return returnThis; 

Since its pretty revelant, I thought I would post it here.

How to create border in UIButton?

This can be achieved in various methods in Swift 3.0 Worked on Latest version August - 2017

Option 1:

Directly assign the borderWidth property values for UI Button:

  btnUserButtonName.layer.borderWidth = 1.0

Set Title with Default Color values for UI Button:

btnUserButtonName.setTitleColor(UIColor.darkGray, for: .normal)

Set Border with Default Color for the border property values for UI Button:

btnUserButtonName.layer.borderColor =

Set user defined Color for the border property values for UI Button:

   let myGrayColor = UIColor(red: 0.889415, green: 0.889436, blue:0.889424, alpha: 1.0 )
   btnUserButtonName.layer.borderColor = myGrayColor.cgColor

Option 2: [Recommended]

Use the Extension method, so the Button through out the application will be looking consistent and no need to repeat multiple lines of code every where.

//Create an extension class in any of the swift file

extension UIButton {
func setBordersSettings() {
        let c1GreenColor = (UIColor(red: -0.108958, green: 0.714926, blue: 0.758113, alpha: 1.0))
        self.layer.borderWidth = 1.0
        self.layer.cornerRadius = 5.0
        self.layer.borderColor = c1GreenColor.cgColor
        self.setTitleColor(c1GreenColor, for: .normal)
        self.layer.masksToBounds = true

Usage in code:

//use the method and call whever the border has to be applied


Output of Extension method Button:

enter image description here

How to extract .war files in java? ZIP vs JAR

WAR file is just a JAR file, to extract it, just issue following jar command –

jar -xvf yourWARfileName.war

If the jar command is not found, which sometimes happens in the Windows command prompt, then specify full path i.e. in my case it is,

 c:\java\jdk-1.7.0\bin\jar -xvf my-file.war

How to make clang compile to llvm IR

Did you read clang documentation ? You're probably looking for -emit-llvm.

How to convert text column to datetime in SQL

This works:

SELECT STR_TO_DATE(dateColumn, '%c/%e/%Y %r') FROM tabbleName WHERE 1

How do you display JavaScript datetime in 12 hour AM/PM format?

If you don't need to print the am/pm, I found the following nice and concise:

var now = new Date();
var hours = now.getHours() % 12 || 12;  // 12h instead of 24h, with 12 instead of 0. 

This is based off @bbrame's answer.

Media Player called in state 0, error (-38,0)

Some times file are encoded in a way that Android can't decode. Even some mp4 files can not be played. Please try a different file format (.3gp are played most of the time) and see..

Create parameterized VIEW in SQL Server 2008

in fact there exists one trick:

create view view_test as

where id = (select convert(int, convert(binary(4), context_info)) from master.dbo.sysprocesses
spid = @@spid)

... in sql-query:

set context_info 2
select * from view_test

will be the same with

select * from table where id = 2

but using udf is more acceptable

How to remove an app with active device admin enabled on Android?

You could also create a new DevicePolicyManager and then use removeAdmin(adminReceiver) from an onClickListener of a button in your app

//set the onClickListener here
   ComponentName devAdminReceiver = new ComponentName(context, deviceAdminReceiver.class);
   DevicePolicyManager dpm = (DevicePolicyManager)context.getSystemService(Context.DEVICE_POLICY_SERVICE);

And then you can uninstall

How to read xml file contents in jQuery and display in html elements?

responseText is what you are looking for. Example:

complete: function(xhr, status) {

Where xml is your file. Remember this will be your xml in the form form of a string. You can parse it using xmlparse as some of them mentioned.

node.js - request - How to "emitter.setMaxListeners()"?

It also happened to me

I use this code and it worked

require('events').EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners = infinity;

Try it out. It may help


CSS Progress Circle

Another pure css based solution that is based on two clipped rounded elements that i rotate to get to the right angle:

That's the basic css that enables it:

.clip1 {
.slice1 {



and the js rotates it as required.

quite easy to understand..

Hope it helps, Maayan

C# declare empty string array

The following should work fine.

string[] arr = new string[] {""};

What is the best open XML parser for C++?

TiCPP is a "more c++" version of TinyXML.

'TiCPP' is short for the official name TinyXML++. It is a completely new interface to TinyXML ( that uses MANY of the C++ strengths. Templates, exceptions, and much better error handling. It is also fully documented in doxygen. It is really cool because this version let's you interface tiny the exact same way as before or you can choose to use the new 'ticpp' classes. All you need to do is define TIXML_USE_TICPP. It has been tested in VC 6.0, VC 7.0, VC 7.1, VC 8.0, MinGW gcc 3.4.5, and in Linux GNU gcc 3+

How to check file input size with jQuery?

Use below to check file's size and clear if it's greater,

    $("input[type='file']").on("change", function () {
     if(this.files[0].size > 2000000) {
       alert("Please upload file less than 2MB. Thanks!!");

How to set image on QPushButton?

You can also use:

button.setStyleSheet("qproperty-icon: url(:/path/to/images.png);");

Note: This is a little hacky. You should use this only as last resort. Icons should be set from C++ code or Qt Designer.

Run PHP function on html button click

If you want to make a server request you should use AJAX, so you can send your desired parameters to the server and it can run whatever php you want with these parameters.

Example with pure javascript:

<input type="text" id="name" value="..."/>
<input type="text" id="location" value="..."/>
<input type="button" onclick="ajaxFunction();" value="Submit" />
<div id="ajaxDiv"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">    
    function ajaxFunction(){
        var ajaxRequest;  // The variable that makes Ajax possible!

            // Opera 8.0+, Firefox, Safari
            ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
        } catch (e){
            // Internet Explorer Browsers
                ajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
            } catch (e) {
                    ajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
                } catch (e){
                    // Something went wrong
                    alert("Your browser broke!");
                    return false;
        // Create a function that will receive data sent from the server
        ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function(){
            if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4){
                var ajaxDisplay = document.getElementById('ajaxDiv');
                ajaxDisplay.innerHTML = ajaxRequest.responseText;
        var name = document.getElementById('name').value;
        var location = document.getElementById('location').value;
        var queryString = "?name=" + name + "&location=" + location;"POST", "some.php" + queryString, true);

Example with jQuery Ajax:

  type: "POST",
  url: "some.php",
  data: { name: "John", location: "Boston" }
}).done(function( msg ) {
  alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );

You can have one file with functions called for example functions.php


  myFunction($Name, $Location) {
      // etc...
  myFunction2() {
  // ... many functions


<?php include("functions.php");    
$Name = $_POST['name'];
$Location = $_POST['location'];

myFunction($Name, $Location);

// make what you want with these variables...?>

How to install gdb (debugger) in Mac OSX El Capitan?

Install Homebrew first :

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Then run this : brew install gdb

Boolean operators ( &&, -a, ||, -o ) in Bash

-a and -o are the older and/or operators for the test command. && and || are and/or operators for the shell. So (assuming an old shell) in your first case,

[ "$1" = 'yes' ] && [ -r $2.txt ]

The shell is evaluating the and condition. In your second case,

[ "$1" = 'yes' -a $2 -lt 3 ]

The test command (or builtin test) is evaluating the and condition.

Of course in all modern or semi-modern shells, the test command is built in to the shell, so there really isn't any or much difference. In modern shells, the if statement can be written:

[[ $1 == yes && -r $2.txt ]]

Which is more similar to modern programming languages and thus is more readable.

Populate nested array in mongoose

You can do this using $lookup aggregation as well and probably the best way as now populate is becoming extinct from the mongo

  { "$match": { "_id": mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id) } },
  { "$lookup": {
    "let": { "pages": "$pages" },
    "pipeline": [
      { "$match": { "$expr": { "$in": [ "$_id", "$$pages" ] } } },
      { "$lookup": {
        "let": { "components": "$components" },
        "pipeline": [
          { "$match": { "$expr": { "$in": [ "$_id", "$$components" ] } } },
        "as": "components"
    "as": "pages"

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude$Value

Use Jackson-annotations.jar will solve the problem, as it worked for me.

can't start MySql in Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard

YOU MUST REINSTALL mySQL after upgrading to Snow Leopard and remove any previous versions as well as previous startup from the preference panel. install 86_64 10.5...I find the others did not work for me.

  1. Download MySQL version Mac OS X 10.5 (x86_64) located at
  2. Install startup Item (follow instructions)
  3. Then install the beta version (follow instructions)
  4. If you want the start up in the Preference Panel...install mySQL.prefpane I find that SQL does not run from the terminal unless you start mySQL in the preference panel.

How to use ScrollView in Android?

A ScrollView is a special type of FrameLayout in that it allows users to scroll through a list of views that occupy more space than the physical display.I just add some attributes .

<ScrollView xmlns:android=""
     android:scrollbars = "vertical"
        <!-- Add here which you want -->


How do I change the background color with JavaScript?

Modify the JavaScript property

For example:

function changeBackground(color) { = color;

window.addEventListener("load",function() { changeBackground('red') });

Note: this does depend a bit on how your page is put together, for example if you're using a DIV container with a different background colour you will need to modify the background colour of that instead of the document body.

How to stop PHP code execution?

or try

trigger_error('Die', E_ERROR);

Wireshark vs Firebug vs Fiddler - pros and cons?

None of the above, if you are on a Mac. Use Charles Proxy. It's the best network/request information collecter that I have ever come across. You can view and edit all outgoing requests, and see the responses from those requests in several forms, depending on the type of the response. It costs 50 dollars for a license, but you can download the trial version and see what you think.

If your on Windows, then I would just stay with Fiddler.


     Count(Distinct user_id) As countUsers
   , Count(site_id) As countVisits
   , site_id As site
 From cp_visits
 Where ts >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)
 Group By site_id

java.nio.file.Path for a classpath resource

This one works for me:

return Paths.get(ClassLoader.getSystemResource(resourceName).toURI());

How can I print out C++ map values?

If your compiler supports (at least part of) C++11 you could do something like:

for (auto& t : myMap)
    std::cout << t.first << " " 
              << t.second.first << " " 
              << t.second.second << "\n";

For C++03 I'd use std::copy with an insertion operator instead:

typedef std::pair<string, std::pair<string, string> > T;

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, T const &t) { 
    return os << t.first << " " << t.second.first << " " << t.second.second;

// ...
std:copy(myMap.begin(), myMap.end(), std::ostream_iterator<T>(std::cout, "\n"));

Convert object string to JSON

Your string is not valid JSON, so JSON.parse (or jQuery's $.parseJSON) won't work.

One way would be to use eval to "parse" the "invalid" JSON, and then stringify it to "convert" it to valid JSON.

var str = "{ hello: 'world', places: ['Africa', 'America', 'Asia', 'Australia'] }"
str = JSON.stringify(eval('('+str+')'));

I suggest instead of trying to "fix" your invalid JSON, you start with valid JSON in the first place. How is str being generated, it should be fixed there, before it's generated, not after.

EDIT: You said (in the comments) this string is stored in a data attribute:

<div data-object="{hello:'world'}"></div>

I suggest you fix it here, so it can just be JSON.parsed. First, both they keys and values need to be quoted in double quotes. It should look like (single quoted attributes in HTML are valid):

<div data-object='{"hello":"world"}'></div>

Now, you can just use JSON.parse (or jQuery's $.parseJSON).

var str = '{"hello":"world"}';
var obj = JSON.parse(str);

Maven build debug in Eclipse

if you are using Maven 2.0.8+, then it will be very simple, run mvndebug from the console, and connect to it via Remote Debug Java Application with port 8000.

How to semantically add heading to a list

I put the heading inside the ul. There's no rule that says UL must contain only LI elements.

Check whether an input string contains a number in javascript

You can also try lodash:

const isNumeric = number => 
  _.isFinite(_.parseInt(number)) && !_.isNaN(_.parseInt(number))

jquery: $(window).scrollTop() but no $(window).scrollBottom()

var scrollBottom =
    $(document).height() - $(window).height() - $(window).scrollTop();

I think it is better to get bottom scroll.

Get value of multiselect box using jQuery or pure JS

This got me the value and text of the selected options for the jQuery multiselect.js plugin:

    afterSelect: function(){
        var selections = [];
        $("#selectBox option:selected").each(function(){
            var optionValue = $(this).val();
            var optionText = $(this).text();
            // collect all values

        // use array "selections" here.. 

very usefull if you need it for your "onChange" event ;)

What is the simplest way to swap each pair of adjoining chars in a string with Python?

The usual way to swap two items in Python is:

a, b = b, a

So it would seem to me that you would just do the same with an extended slice. However, it is slightly complicated because strings aren't mutable; so you have to convert to a list and then back to a string.
Therefore, I would do the following:

>>> s = 'badcfe'
>>> t = list(s)
>>> t[::2], t[1::2] = t[1::2], t[::2]
>>> ''.join(t)

Remove last item from array

arr.slice(-1) will return a copy of the last element of the array, but leaves the original array unmodified.

To remove the last n elements from an array, use arr.splice(-n) (note the "p" in "splice"). The return value will be a new array containing the removed elements.

Simpler yet, for n == 1, use val = arr.pop()

What does -save-dev mean in npm install grunt --save-dev

There are (at least) two types of package dependencies you can indicate in your package.json files:

  1. Those packages that are required in order to use your module are listed under the "dependencies" property. Using npm you can add those dependencies to your package.json file this way:

    npm install --save packageName
  2. Those packages required in order to help develop your module are listed under the "devDependencies" property. These packages are not necessary for others to use the module, but if they want to help develop the module, these packages will be needed. Using npm you can add those devDependencies to your package.json file this way:

    npm install --save-dev packageName

How to replace a character by a newline in Vim

Use \r instead of \n.

Substituting by \n inserts a null character into the text. To get a newline, use \r. When searching for a newline, you’d still use \n, however. This asymmetry is due to the fact that \n and \r do slightly different things:

\n matches an end of line (newline), whereas \r matches a carriage return. On the other hand, in substitutions \n inserts a null character whereas \r inserts a newline (more precisely, it’s treated as the input CR). Here’s a small, non-interactive example to illustrate this, using the Vim command line feature (in other words, you can copy and paste the following into a terminal to run it). xxd shows a hexdump of the resulting file.

echo bar > test
(echo 'Before:'; xxd test) > output.txt
vim test '+s/b/\n/' '+s/a/\r/' +wq
(echo 'After:'; xxd test) >> output.txt
more output.txt
0000000: 6261 720a                                bar.
0000000: 000a 720a                                ..r.

In other words, \n has inserted the byte 0x00 into the text; \r has inserted the byte 0x0a.

What is the difference between the kernel space and the user space?

Each process has its own 4GB of virtual memory which maps to the physical memory through page tables. The virtual memory is mostly split in two parts: 3 GB for the use of the process and 1 GB for the use of the Kernel. Most of the variables you create lie in the first part of the address space. That part is called user space. The last part is where the kernel resides and is common for all the processes. This is called Kernel space and most of this space is mapped to the starting locations of physical memory where the kernel image is loaded at boot time.

How do you create a foreign key relationship in a SQL Server CE (Compact Edition) Database?

Walkthrough: Creating a SQL Server Compact 3.5 Database

To create a relationship between the tables created in the previous procedure

  1. In Server Explorer/Database Explorer, expand Tables.
  2. Right-click the Orders table and then click Table Properties.
  3. Click Add Relations.
  4. Type FK_Orders_Customers in the Relation Name box.
  5. Select CustomerID in the Foreign Key Table Column list.
  6. Click Add Columns.
  7. Click Add Relation.
  8. Click OK to complete the process and create the relationship in the database.
  9. Click OK again to close the Table Properties dialog box.

How to Use Order By for Multiple Columns in Laravel 4?

Here's another dodge that I came up with for my base repository class where I needed to order by an arbitrary number of columns:

public function findAll(array $where = [], array $with = [], array $orderBy = [], int $limit = 10)
    $result = $this->model->with($with);
    $dataSet = $result->where($where)
        // Conditionally use $orderBy if not empty
        ->when(!empty($orderBy), function ($query) use ($orderBy) {
            // Break $orderBy into pairs
            $pairs = array_chunk($orderBy, 2);
            // Iterate over the pairs
            foreach ($pairs as $pair) {
                // Use the 'splat' to turn the pair into two arguments

    return $dataSet;

Now, you can make your call like this:

$allUsers = $userRepository->findAll([], [], ['name', 'DESC', 'email', 'ASC'], 100);

Regex to accept alphanumeric and some special character in Javascript?


/^[ A-Za-z0-9_@./#&+-]*$/

You can also use the character class \w to replace A-Za-z0-9_

command/usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1- code sign error

delete your certificate in your dev then Reinstall and it will working!

How can I build multiple submit buttons django form?

It's an old question now, nevertheless I had the same issue and found a solution that works for me: I wrote MultiRedirectMixin.

from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect

class MultiRedirectMixin(object):
    A mixin that supports submit-specific success redirection.
     Either specify one success_url, or provide dict with names of 
     submit actions given in template as keys
       In template:
         <input type="submit" name="create_new" value="Create"/>
         <input type="submit" name="delete" value="Delete"/>
         MyMultiSubmitView(MultiRedirectMixin, forms.FormView):
             success_urls = {"create_new": reverse_lazy('create'),
                               "delete": reverse_lazy('delete')}
    success_urls = {}  

    def form_valid(self, form):
        """ Form is valid: Pick the url and redirect.

        for name in self.success_urls:
            if name in
                self.success_url = self.success_urls[name]

        return HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_success_url())

    def get_success_url(self):
        Returns the supplied success URL.
        if self.success_url:
            # Forcing possible reverse_lazy evaluation
            url = force_text(self.success_url)
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                _("No URL to redirect to. Provide a success_url."))
        return url

how to check if string value is in the Enum list?

You can use:

 Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Age), youragevariable)

The thread has exited with code 0 (0x0) with no unhandled exception

Executing Linq queries can generate extra threads. When I try to execute code that uses Linq query collection in the immediate window it often refuses to run because not enough threads are available to the debugger.

As others have said, for threads to exit when they are finished is perfectly normal.

Split Div Into 2 Columns Using CSS

None of the answers given answer the original question.

The question is how to separate a div into 2 columns using css.

All of the above answers actually embed 2 divs into a single div in order to simulate 2 columns. This is a bad idea because you won't be able to flow content into the 2 columns in any dynamic fashion.

So, instead of the above, use a single div that is defined to contain 2 columns using CSS as follows...

.two-column-div {
 column-count: 2;

assign the above as a class to a div, and it will actually flow its contents into the 2 columns. You can go further and define gaps between margins as well. Depending on the content of the div, you may need to mess with the word break values so your content doesn't get cut up between the columns.

What does EntityManager.flush do and why do I need to use it?

A call to EntityManager.flush(); will force the data to be persist in the database immediately as EntityManager.persist() will not (depending on how the EntityManager is configured : FlushModeType (AUTO or COMMIT) by default it's set to AUTO and a flush will be done automatically by if it's set to COMMIT the persitence of the data to the underlying database will be delayed when the transaction is commited).

"An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions" while using SMTP

Please confirm that your firewall is allowing outbound traffic and that you are not being blocked by antivirus software.

I received the same issue and the culprit was antivirus software.

Controlling number of decimal digits in print output in R

If you are producing the entire output yourself, you can use sprintf(), e.g.

> sprintf("%.10f",0.25)
[1] "0.2500000000"

specifies that you want to format a floating point number with ten decimal points (in %.10f the f is for float and the .10 specifies ten decimal points).

I don't know of any way of forcing R's higher level functions to print an exact number of digits.

Displaying 100 digits does not make sense if you are printing R's usual numbers, since the best accuracy you can get using 64-bit doubles is around 16 decimal digits (look at .Machine$double.eps on your system). The remaining digits will just be junk.

Ball to Ball Collision - Detection and Handling

A good way of reducing the number of collision checks is to split the screen into different sections. You then only compare each ball to the balls in the same section.

Thymeleaf using path variables to th:href

I think you can try this:

<a th:href="${'/category/edit/' + {}}">view</a>

Or if you have "idCategory" this:

<a th:href="${'/category/edit/' + {category.idCategory}}">view</a>

Disable color change of anchor tag when visited

a {
    color: orange !important;

!important has the effect that the property in question cannot be overridden unless another !important is used. It is generally considered bad practice to use !important unless absolutely necessary; however, I can't think of any other way of ‘disabling’ :visited using CSS only.

Decreasing height of bootstrap 3.0 navbar

This is my experience

 .navbar { min-height:38px;   }
 .navbar .navbar-brand{ padding: 0 12px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 38px;height: 38px; }
 .navbar .navbar-nav > li > a {  padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; line-height: 38px; }
 .navbar .navbar-toggle {  margin-top: 3px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding: 8px 9px; }
 .navbar .navbar-form { margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom: 0px }
 .navbar .navbar-collapse {border-color: #A40303;}

change height of navabr to 38px

Regular expression to match exact number of characters?

Your solution is correct, but there is some redundancy in your regex.
The similar result can also be obtained from the following regex:


The {3} indicates that the [A-Z] must appear exactly 3 times.

How do I wait until Task is finished in C#?

When working with continuations I find it useful to think of the place where I write .ContinueWith as the place from which execution immediately continues to the statements following it, not the statements 'inside' it. In that case it becomes clear that you would get an empty string returned in Send. If your only processing of the response is writing it to the console, you don't need any Wait in Ito's solution - the console printout will happen without waits but both Send and Print should return void in that case. Run this in console app and you will get printout of the page.

IMO, waits and Task.Result calls (which block) are necessary sometimes, depending on your desired flow of control, but more often they are a sign that you don't really use asynchronous functionality correctly.

namespace TaskTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to exit");

        private static void Send()
            HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
            Task<HttpResponseMessage> responseTask = client.GetAsync("");
            responseTask.ContinueWith(x => Print(x));

        private static void Print(Task<HttpResponseMessage> httpTask)
            Task<string> task = httpTask.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
            Task continuation = task.ContinueWith(t =>
                Console.WriteLine("Result: " + t.Result);

github: server certificate verification failed

I also was having this error when trying to clone a repository from Github on a Windows Subsystem from Linux console:

fatal: unable to access '': server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none

The solution from @VonC on this thread didn't work for me.

The solution from this Fabian Lee's article solved it for me:

openssl s_client -showcerts -servername -connect </dev/null 2>/dev/null | sed -n -e '/BEGIN\ CERTIFICATE/,/END\ CERTIFICATE/ p'  > github-com.pem
cat github-com.pem | sudo tee -a /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

How to search for file names in Visual Studio?

CTRL + P this searches for the file name your direct answer.

Given two directory trees, how can I find out which files differ by content?

To report differences between dirA and dirB, while also updating/syncing.

rsync -auv <dirA> <dirB>

Set scroll position

Note that if you want to scroll an element instead of the full window, elements don't have the scrollTo and scrollBy methods. You should:

var el = document.getElementById("myel"); // Or whatever method to get the element

// To set the scroll
el.scrollTop = 0;
el.scrollLeft = 0;

// To increment the scroll
el.scrollTop += 100;
el.scrollLeft += 100;

You can also mimic the window.scrollTo and window.scrollBy functions to all the existant HTML elements in the webpage on browsers that don't support it natively:

Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, "scrollTo", {
    value: function(x, y) {
        el.scrollTop = y;
        el.scrollLeft = x;
    enumerable: false

Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, "scrollBy", {
    value: function(x, y) {
        el.scrollTop += y;
        el.scrollLeft += x;
    enumerable: false

so you can do:

var el = document.getElementById("myel"); // Or whatever method to get the element, again

// To set the scroll
el.scrollTo(0, 0);

// To increment the scroll
el.scrollBy(100, 100);

NOTE: Object.defineProperty is encouraged, as directly adding properties to the prototype is a breaking bad habit (When you see it :-).

HTML5 input type range show range value

<form name="registrationForm">_x000D_
    <input type="range" name="ageInputName" id="ageInputId" value="24" min="1" max="10" onchange="getvalor(this.value);" oninput="ageOutputId.value = ageInputId.value">_x000D_
    <input type="text" name="ageOutputName" id="ageOutputId"></input>_x000D_

Better way to revert to a previous SVN revision of a file?

svn merge -r 854:853 l3toks.dtx


svn merge -c -854 l3toks.dtx

The two commands are equivalent.

How to clear browsing history using JavaScript?

No,that would be a security issue.

However, it's possible to clear the history in JavaScript within a Google chrome extension. chrome.history.deleteAll().


similar behavior as an HTTP redirect

Read How to redirect to another webpage in JavaScript/jQuery?

Select all where [first letter starts with B]

SQL Statement:

 SELECT * FROM employee WHERE employeeName LIKE 'A%';


Number of Records: 4

employeeID  employeeName    employeeName    Address City    PostalCode  Country

1           Alam             Wipro          Delhi   Delhi   11005      India

2           Aditya           Wipro          Delhi   Delhi   11005      India

3           Alok             HCL            Delhi   Delhi   11005      India

4           Ashok            IBM            Delhi   Delhi   11005      India

How to store Java Date to Mysql datetime with JPA

mysql datetime -> GregorianCalendar

SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
Date date = format.parse("2012-12-13 14:54:30"); // mysql datetime format
GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();

GregorianCalendar -> mysql datetime

SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
String string = format.format(calendar.getTime());

How to change UIPickerView height

I use a mask layer to change it's display size

// swift 3.x
let layer = CALayer()
layer.frame = CGRect(x: 0,y:0, width: displayWidth, height: displayHeight)
layer.backgroundColor =
pickerView.layer.mask = layer

PHP Warning: Module already loaded in Unknown on line 0

To fix this problem, you must edit your php.ini (or extensions.ini) file and comment-out the extensions that are already compiled-in. For example, after editing, your ini file may look like the lines below:



error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'adSize' in package '' main.xml

I had a similar issue on MonoDroid when building a class library with Drawables and Layouts files that have "android:" attribute in the xml. I get a similar error as the one in the question.

No resource identifier found for attribute 'textCursorDrawable' in package 'android'

I found from that "android: " attribute is only available in Android API Level 12+ and I was trying to build for an older version. Updating my project to build against Android 4.0 fixed the issue for me. Here is where I found the answer.!topic/android-developers/ocxKphM5MWM Just make sure that you are building against the right API level if you get a similar issue, and ensure that the missing identifier exists in that API level that you are build against.

Why Doesn't C# Allow Static Methods to Implement an Interface?

What you seem to want would allow for a static method to be called via both the Type or any instance of that type. This would at very least result in ambiguity which is not a desirable trait.

There would be endless debates about whether it mattered, which is best practice and whether there are performance issues doing it one way or another. By simply not supporting it C# saves us having to worry about it.

Its also likely that a compilier that conformed to this desire would lose some optimisations that may come with a more strict separation between instance and static methods.

Difference between readFile() and readFileSync()

'use strict'
var fs = require("fs");

 * implementation of readFileSync
var data = fs.readFileSync('input.txt');
console.log("Program Ended");

 * implementation of readFile 
fs.readFile('input.txt', function (err, data) {
    if (err) return console.error(err);

console.log("Program Ended");

For better understanding run the above code and compare the results..

$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] gives server IP rather than visitor IP

$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] gives the IP address from which the request was sent to the web server. This is typically the visitor's address, but in your case, it sounds like there is some kind of proxy sitting right before the web server that intercepts the requests, hence to the web server it appears as though the requests are originating from there.

function is not defined error in Python

Yes, but in what file is pyth_test's definition declared in? Is it also located before it's called?


To put it into perspective, create a file called with the following contents:

def pyth_test (x1, x2):
    print x1 + x2


Now run the following command:


You should see the output you desire. Now if you are in an interactive session, it should go like this:

>>> def pyth_test (x1, x2):
...     print x1 + x2
>>> pyth_test(1,2)

I hope this explains how the declaration works.

To give you an idea of how the layout works, we'll create a few files. Create a new empty folder to keep things clean with the following:

def pyth_test (x1, x2):
    print x1 + x2


# Our function is pulled in here
from myfunction import pyth_test


Now if you run:


It will print out 3. Now to explain what went wrong, let's modify our program this way:

# Python: Huh? where's pyth_test?
# You say it's down there, but I haven't gotten there yet!

# Our function is pulled in here
from myfunction import pyth_test

Now let's see what happens:

$ python 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 3, in <module>
NameError: name 'pyth_test' is not defined

As noted, python cannot find the module for the reasons outlined above. For that reason, you should keep your declarations at top.

Now then, if we run the interactive python session:

>>> from myfunction import pyth_test
>>> pyth_test(1,2)

The same process applies. Now, package importing isn't all that simple, so I recommend you look into how modules work with Python. I hope this helps and good luck with your learnings!

How to make full screen background in a web page


.bbg { 
    /* The image used */
    background-image: url('...');

    /* Full height */
    height: 100%; 

    /* Center and scale the image nicely */
    background-position: center;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: cover;    


<!doctype html>
<html class="h-100">
<body class="bbg">

width:auto for <input> fields

It may not be exactly what you want, but my workaround is to apply the autowidth styling to a wrapper div - then set your input to 100%.

How to evaluate http response codes from bash/shell script?

Another variation:

       status=$(curl -sS  -I  2> /dev/null | head -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f2)
status_w_desc=$(curl -sS  -I  2> /dev/null | head -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f2-)

Xcode 4: How do you view the console?

Here' an alternative

In Xcode 4 short cut to display and hide console is (command-shift-Y) , this will show the console and debugger below ur text edior in the same window.

Datatable vs Dataset

in 1.x there used to be things DataTables couldn't do which DataSets could (don't remember exactly what). All that was changed in 2.x. My guess is that's why a lot of examples still use DataSets. DataTables should be quicker as they are more lightweight. If you're only pulling a single resultset, its your best choice between the two.

What's the difference between console.dir and console.log?

I think Firebug does it differently than Chrome's dev tools. It looks like Firebug gives you a stringified version of the object while console.dir gives you an expandable object. Both give you the expandable object in Chrome, and I think that's where the confusion might come from. Or it's just a bug in Chrome.

In Chrome, both do the same thing. Expanding on your test, I have noticed that Chrome gets the current value of the object when you expand it.

> o = { foo: 1 }
> console.log(o)
Expand now, = 1
> = 2 is still displayed as 1 from previous lines

> o = { foo: 1 }
> console.log(o)
> = 2
Expand now, = 2

You can use the following to get a stringified version of an object if that's what you want to see. This will show you what the object is at the time this line is called, not when you expand it.


See full command of running/stopped container in Docker


docker inspect -f "{{.Name}} {{.Config.Cmd}}" $(docker ps -a -q)

... it does a "docker inspect" for all containers.

Loading all images using imread from a given folder

I used skimage. You can create a collection and access elements the standard way, i.e. col[index]. This will give you the RGB values.

from import imread_collection

#your path 
col_dir = 'cats/*.jpg'

#creating a collection with the available images
col = imread_collection(col_dir)

How to capture a backspace on the onkeydown event

In your function check for the keycode 8 (backspace) or 46 (delete)

Keycode information
Keycode list

How can I declare a Boolean parameter in SQL statement?

The same way you declare any other variable, just use the bit type:

DECLARE @MyVar bit
Set @MyVar = 1  /* True */
Set @MyVar = 0  /* False */

SELECT * FROM [MyTable] WHERE MyBitColumn = @MyVar

window.onload vs $(document).ready()

A word of caution on using $(document).ready() with Internet Explorer. If an HTTP request is interrupted before the entire document is loaded (for example, while a page is streaming to the browser, another link is clicked) IE will trigger the $(document).ready event.

If any code within the $(document).ready() event references DOM objects, the potential exists for those objects to be not found, and Javascript errors can occur. Either guard your references to those objects, or defer code which references those objects to the window.load event.

I have not been able to reproduce this problem in other browsers (specifically, Chrome and Firefox)

hibernate: LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy

If you are using hibernate with JPA annotations then this will be useful. In your service class there should be a setter for entity manager with @PersistenceContext. change this to @PersistenceContext(type = PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED). Then you can access lazy property in any where.

How to compare two strings are equal in value, what is the best method?

Not forgetting


if you're not worried about that sort of thing...

Using mysql concat() in WHERE clause?

Note that the search query is now case sensitive.

When using

SELECT * FROM table WHERE `first_name` LIKE '%$search_term%'

It will match both "Larry" and "larry". With this concat_ws, it will suddenly become case sensitive!

This can be fixed by using the following query:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE UPPER(CONCAT_WS(' ', `first_name`, `last_name`) LIKE UPPER('%$search_term%')

Edit: Note that this only works on non-binary elements. See also mynameispaulie's answer.

jquery <a> tag click event

<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="aaf" id="users_id">add as a friend</a>

on jquery

  var usersid =  $(this).attr("id");
  //post code

//other method is to use the data attribute

<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="aaf" data-id="102" data-username="sample_username">add as a friend</a>

on jquery

    var usersid =  $(this).data("id");
    var username = $(this).data("username");

How to convert UTF8 string to byte array?

I was using Joni's solution and it worked fine, but this one is much shorter.

This was inspired by the atobUTF16() function of Solution #3 of Mozilla's Base64 Unicode discussion

function convertStringToUTF8ByteArray(str) {
    let binaryArray = new Uint8Array(str.length), function (el, idx, arr) { arr[idx] = str.charCodeAt(idx) })
    return binaryArray

Excel VBA - How to Redim a 2D array?

Here is how I do this.

Dim TAV() As Variant
Dim ArrayToPreserve() as Variant

TAV = ArrayToPreserve
ReDim ArrayToPreserve(nDim1, nDim2)
For i = 0 To UBound(TAV, 1)
    For j = 0 To UBound(TAV, 2)
        ArrayToPreserve(i, j) = TAV(i, j)
    Next j
Next i

mysql update multiple columns with same now()

If you really need to be sure that now() has the same value you can run two queries (that will answer to your second question too, in that case you are asking to update last_monitor = to last_update but last_update hasn't been updated yet)

you could do something like:

mysql> update table set last_update=now() where id=1;
mysql> update table set last_monitor = last_update where id=1;

anyway I think that mysql is clever enough to ask for now() only once per query.

Inner join vs Where

They're logically identical, but in the earlier versions of Oracle that adopted ANSI syntax there were often bugs with it in more complex cases, so you'll sometimes encounter resistance from Oracle developers when using it.

How to apply slide animation between two activities in Android?

Slide animation can be applied to activity transitions by calling overridePendingTransition and passing animation resources for enter and exit activities.

Slide animations can be slid right, slide left, slide up and slide down.

Slide up

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android=""
        android:toYScale="0.0" />

Slide down

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android=""
        android:toYScale="1.0" />

overridePendingTransition(R.anim.slide_down, R.anim.slide_up);

See activity transition animation examples for more activity transition examples.

How do I suspend painting for a control and its children?

I know this is an old question, already answered, but here is my take on this; I refactored the suspension of updates into an IDisposable - that way I can enclose the statements I want to run in a using statement.

class SuspendDrawingUpdate : IDisposable
    private const int WM_SETREDRAW = 0x000B;
    private readonly Control _control;
    private readonly NativeWindow _window;

    public SuspendDrawingUpdate(Control control)
        _control = control;

        var msgSuspendUpdate = Message.Create(_control.Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);

        _window = NativeWindow.FromHandle(_control.Handle);
        _window.DefWndProc(ref msgSuspendUpdate);

    public void Dispose()
        var wparam = new IntPtr(1);  // Create a C "true" boolean as an IntPtr
        var msgResumeUpdate = Message.Create(_control.Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, wparam, IntPtr.Zero);

        _window.DefWndProc(ref msgResumeUpdate);


Get image dimensions

Using getimagesize function, we can also get these properties of that specific image-


list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize("image_name.jpg");

echo "Width: " .$width. "<br />";
echo "Height: " .$height. "<br />";
echo "Type: " .$type. "<br />";
echo "Attribute: " .$attr. "<br />";

//Using array
$arr = array('h' => $height, 'w' => $width, 't' => $type, 'a' => $attr);

Result like this -

Width: 200
Height: 100
Type: 2
Attribute: width='200' height='100'

Type of image consider like -

1 = GIF
2 = JPG
3 = PNG
4 = SWF
5 = PSD
6 = BMP
7 = TIFF(intel byte order)
8 = TIFF(motorola byte order)
9 = JPC
10 = JP2
11 = JPX
12 = JB2
13 = SWC
14 = IFF
15 = WBMP
16 = XBM

How can I set the default value for an HTML <select> element?

I prefer this:

   <option selected hidden>Choose here</option>
   <option value="1">One</option>
   <option value="2">Two</option>
   <option value="3">Three</option>
   <option value="4">Four</option>
   <option value="5">Five</option>

'Choose here' disappears after an option has been selected.

Set div height to fit to the browser using CSS

Man, try the min-height.

.div1 {
    float: left;
    height: 100%;
    min-height: 100%;
    width: 25%;
.div2 {
    float: left;
    height: 100%;
    min-height: 100%;
    width: 75%;

Node Express sending image files as API response

There is an api in Express.


app.get('/report/:chart_id/:user_id', function (req, res) {
    // res.sendFile(filepath);

Create zip file and ignore directory structure

Use the -j option:

   -j     Store  just the name of a saved file (junk the path), and do not
          store directory names. By default, zip will store the full  path
          (relative to the current path).

How to move a marker in Google Maps API

use panTo(x,y).This will help u

Python recursive folder read

I think the problem is that you're not processing the output of os.walk correctly.

Firstly, change:

filePath = rootdir + '/' + file


filePath = root + '/' + file

rootdir is your fixed starting directory; root is a directory returned by os.walk.

Secondly, you don't need to indent your file processing loop, as it makes no sense to run this for each subdirectory. You'll get root set to each subdirectory. You don't need to process the subdirectories by hand unless you want to do something with the directories themselves.

How to convert FileInputStream to InputStream?

FileInputStream is an inputStream.

FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("c://filename");
InputStream is = fis;
return is;

Of course, this will not do what you want it to do; the stream you return has already been closed. Just return the FileInputStream and be done with it. The calling code should close it.

Difference between document.addEventListener and window.addEventListener?

The window binding refers to a built-in object provided by the browser. It represents the browser window that contains the document. Calling its addEventListener method registers the second argument (callback function) to be called whenever the event described by its first argument occurs.

<p>Some paragraph.</p>
  window.addEventListener("click", () => {

Following points should be noted before select window or document to addEventListners

  1. Most of the events are same for window or document but some events like resize, and other events related to loading, unloading, and opening/closing should all be set on the window.
  2. Since window has the document it is good practice to use document to handle (if it can handle) since event will hit document first.
  3. Internet Explorer doesn't respond to many events registered on the window,so you will need to use document for registering event.

Error type 3 Error: Activity class {} does not exist

I have faced to the same issue recently, remove the app in android machine solved my problem.

How to access the elements of a function's return array?

Maybe this is what you searched for :

function data() {
    // your code
    return $array; 
$var = data(); 
foreach($var as $value) {
    echo $value; 

format a Date column in a Data Frame

This should do it (where df is your dataframe)

df$JoiningDate <- as.Date(df$JoiningDate , format = "%m/%d/%y")

df[order(df$JoiningDate ),]

Joining pandas dataframes by column names

you need to make county_ID as index for the right frame:

frame_2.join ( frame_1.set_index( [ 'county_ID' ], verify_integrity=True ),
               on=[ 'countyid' ], how='left' )

for your information, in pandas left join breaks when the right frame has non unique values on the joining column. see this bug.

so you need to verify integrity before joining by , verify_integrity=True

Opening the Settings app from another app


'openURL' was deprecated in iOS 10.0: Please use openURL:options:completionHandler: instead UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString)! , options: [:], completionHandler: nil)

How to do something to each file in a directory with a batch script

Command line usage:

for /f %f in ('dir /b c:\') do echo %f

Batch file usage:

for /f %%f in ('dir /b c:\') do echo %%f

Update: if the directory contains files with space in the names, you need to change the delimiter the for /f command is using. for example, you can use the pipe char.

for /f "delims=|" %%f in ('dir /b c:\') do echo %%f

Update 2: (quick one year and a half after the original answer :-)) If the directory name itself has a space in the name, you can use the usebackq option on the for:

for /f "usebackq delims=|" %%f in (`dir /b "c:\program files"`) do echo %%f

And if you need to use output redirection or command piping, use the escape char (^):

for /f "usebackq delims=|" %%f in (`dir /b "c:\program files" ^| findstr /i microsoft`) do echo %%f

Git undo local branch delete

Follow these Steps:

1: Enter:

git reflog show 

This will display all the Commit history, you need to select the sha-1 that has the last commit that you want to get back

2: create a branch name with the Sha-1 ID you selected eg: 8c87714

git branch your-branch-name 8c87714

jQuery Set Selected Option Using Next

$('#my_sel').val($('#my_sel option:selected').next().val());
$('#my_sel').val($('#my_sel option:selected').prev().val());

Responsive css background images

#container {
    background-image: url("../images/layout/bg.png");
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: 100% 100%;
    height: 100vh;
    margin: 3px auto 0;
    position: relative;

AngularJS: Can't I set a variable value on ng-click?

You can use some thing like this

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
  <script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <div ng-app="" ng-init="btn1=false" ng-init="btn2=false">_x000D_
      <input type="submit" ng-disabled="btn1||btn2" ng-click="btn1=true" ng-model="btn1" />_x000D_
      <button ng-disabled="btn1||btn2" ng-model="btn2" ng-click="btn2=true">Click Me!</button>_x000D_

When to use .First and when to use .FirstOrDefault with LINQ?

Others have very well described the difference between First() and FirstOrDefault(). I want to take a further step in interpreting the semantics of these methods. In my opinion FirstOrDefault is being overused a lot. In the majority of the cases when you’re filtering data you would either expect to get back a collection of elements matching the logical condition or a single unique element by its unique identifier – such as a user, book, post etc... That’s why we can even get as far as saying that FirstOrDefault() is a code smell not because there is something wrong with it but because it’s being used way too often. This blog post explores the topic in details. IMO most of the times SingleOrDefault() is a much better alternative so watch out for this mistake and make sure you use the most appropriate method that clearly represents your contract and expectations.

Insert new item in array on any position in PHP

function array_insert($array, $position, $insert) {
    if ($position > 0) {
        if ($position == 1) {
            array_unshift($array, array());
        } else {
            $position = $position - 1;
            array_splice($array, $position, 0, array(
        $array[$position] = $insert;

    return $array;

Call example:

$array = array_insert($array, 1, ['123', 'abc']);

org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Failed to start component [StandardServer[8005]]A child container failed during start

Below solution worked for me: Navigate to Project->Clean.. Clean all the projects referenced by Tomcat server Refresh the project you're trying to run on Tomcat

Try to run the server afterwards

Max parallel http connections in a browser?

Firefox stores that number in this setting (you find it in about:config): network.http.max-connections-per-server

For the max connections, Firefox stores that in this setting: network.http.max-connections

Private vs Protected - Visibility Good-Practice Concern

Let me preface this by saying I'm talking primarily about method access here, and to a slightly lesser extent, marking classes final, not member access.

The old wisdom

"mark it private unless you have a good reason not to"

made sense in days when it was written, before open source dominated the developer library space and VCS/dependency mgmt. became hyper collaborative thanks to Github, Maven, etc. Back then there was also money to be made by constraining the way(s) in which a library could be utilized. I spent probably the first 8 or 9 years of my career strictly adhering to this "best practice".

Today, I believe it to be bad advice. Sometimes there's a reasonable argument to mark a method private, or a class final but it's exceedingly rare, and even then it's probably not improving anything.

Have you ever:

  • Been disappointed, surprised or hurt by a library etc. that had a bug that could have been fixed with inheritance and few lines of code, but due to private / final methods and classes were forced to wait for an official patch that might never come? I have.
  • Wanted to use a library for a slightly different use case than was imagined by the authors but were unable to do so because of private / final methods and classes? I have.
  • Been disappointed, surprised or hurt by a library etc. that was overly permissive in it's extensibility? I have not.

These are the three biggest rationalizations I've heard for marking methods private by default:

Rationalization #1: It's unsafe and there's no reason to override a specific method

I can't count the number of times I've been wrong about whether or not there will ever be a need to override a specific method I've written. Having worked on several popular open source libs, I learned the hard way the true cost of marking things private. It often eliminates the only practical solution to unforseen problems or use cases. Conversely, I've never in 16+ years of professional development regretted marking a method protected instead of private for reasons related to API safety. When a developer chooses to extend a class and override a method, they are consciously saying "I know what I'm doing." and for the sake of productivity that should be enough. period. If it's dangerous, note it in the class/method Javadocs, don't just blindly slam the door shut.

Marking methods protected by default is a mitigation for one of the major issues in modern SW development: failure of imagination.

Rationalization #2: It keeps the public API / Javadocs clean

This one is more reasonable, and depending on the target audience it might even be the right thing to do, but it's worth considering what the cost of keeping the API "clean" actually is: extensibility. For the reasons mentioned above, it probably makes more sense to mark things protected by default just in case.

Rationalization #3: My software is commercial and I need to restrict it's use.

This is reasonable too, but as a consumer I'd go with the less restrictive competitor (assuming no significant quality differences exist) every time.

Never say never

I'm not saying never mark methods private. I'm saying the better rule of thumb is to "make methods protected unless there's a good reason not to".

This advice is best suited for those working on libraries or larger scale projects that have been broken into modules. For smaller or more monolithic projects it doesn't tend to matter as much since you control all the code anyway and it's easy to change the access level of your code if/when you need it. Even then though, I'd still give the same advice :-)

How to add an action to a UIAlertView button using Swift iOS

Swift 4 Update

        // Create the alert controller
        let alertController = UIAlertController(title: "Title", message: "Message", preferredStyle: .alert)

        // Create the actions
        let okAction = UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: UIAlertActionStyle.default) {
            UIAlertAction in
            NSLog("OK Pressed")
        let cancelAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: UIAlertActionStyle.cancel) {
            UIAlertAction in
            NSLog("Cancel Pressed")

        // Add the actions

        // Present the controller
        self.present(alertController, animated: true, completion: nil)

How to determine an object's class?

Any use of any of the methods suggested is considered a code smell which is based in a bad OO design.

If your design is good, you should not find yourself needing to use getClass() or instanceof.

Any of the suggested methods will do, but just something to keep in mind, design-wise.

What is {this.props.children} and when you should use it?

What even is ‘children’?

The React docs say that you can use props.children on components that represent ‘generic boxes’ and that don’t know their children ahead of time. For me, that didn’t really clear things up. I’m sure for some, that definition makes perfect sense but it didn’t for me.

My simple explanation of what this.props.children does is that it is used to display whatever you include between the opening and closing tags when invoking a component.

A simple example:

Here’s an example of a stateless function that is used to create a component. Again, since this is a function, there is no this keyword so just use props.children

const Picture = (props) => {
  return (
      <img src={props.src}/>

This component contains an <img> that is receiving some props and then it is displaying {props.children}.

Whenever this component is invoked {props.children} will also be displayed and this is just a reference to what is between the opening and closing tags of the component.

render () {
  return (
    <div className='container'>
      <Picture key={} src={picture.src}>
          //what is placed here is passed as props.children  

Instead of invoking the component with a self-closing tag <Picture /> if you invoke it will full opening and closing tags <Picture> </Picture> you can then place more code between it.

This de-couples the <Picture> component from its content and makes it more reusable.

Reference: A quick intro to React’s props.children

Stop jQuery .load response from being cached

Sasha is good idea, i use a mix.

I create a function

LoadWithoutCache: function (url, source) {
        url: url,
        cache: false,
        dataType: "html",
        success: function (data) {
            $("#" + source).html(data);
            return false;

And invoke for diferents parts of my page for example on init:

Init: function (actionUrl1, actionUrl2, actionUrl3) {

var ExampleJS= {

Init: function (actionUrl1, actionUrl2, actionUrl3)           ExampleJS.LoadWithoutCache(actionUrl1, "div1");

ExampleJS.LoadWithoutCache(actionUrl2, "div2"); ExampleJS.LoadWithoutCache(actionUrl3, "div3"); } },

MySQL select 10 random rows from 600K rows fast

I think here is a simple and yet faster way, I tested it on the live server in comparison with a few above answer and it was faster.

 SELECT * FROM `table_name` WHERE id >= (SELECT FLOOR( MAX(id) * RAND()) FROM `table_name` ) ORDER BY id LIMIT 30; 

//Took 0.0014secs against a table of 130 rows


//Took 0.0042secs against a table of 130 rows

 SELECT name
FROM random AS r1 JOIN
                 (SELECT MAX(id)
                    FROM random)) AS id)
    AS r2

//Took 0.0040secs against a table of 130 rows

Error on line 2 at column 1: Extra content at the end of the document

On each loop of the result set, you're appending a new root element to the document, creating an XML document like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

An XML document can only have one root element, which is why the error is stating there is "extra content". Create a single root element and add all the mycatch elements to that:

$root = $dom->createElement("root");
// ...
while ($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
  $node = $dom->createElement("mycatch");

Created Button Click Event c#

You need an event handler which will fire when the button is clicked. Here is a quick way -

  var button = new Button();
  button.Text = "my button";


  button.Click += (sender, args) =>
                           MessageBox.Show("Some stuff");

But it would be better to understand a bit more about buttons, events, etc.

If you use the visual studio UI to create a button and double click the button in design mode, this will create your event and hook it up for you. You can then go to the designer code (the default will be Form1.Designer.cs) where you will find the event:

 this.button1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click);

You will also see a LOT of other information setup for the button, such as location, etc. - which will help you create one the way you want and will improve your understanding of creating UI elements. E.g. a default button gives this on my 2012 machine:

        this.button1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(128, 214);
        this.button1.Name = "button1";
        this.button1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(75, 23);
        this.button1.TabIndex = 1;
        this.button1.Text = "button1";
        this.button1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;

As for closing the Form, it is as easy as putting Close(); within your event handler:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
       MessageBox.Show("some text");

Elegant solution for line-breaks (PHP)

Not very "elegant" and kinda a waste, but if you really care what the code looks like you could make your own fancy flag and then do a str_replace.

Example:<br />
$myoutput =  "After this sentence there is a line break.<b>.|..</b> Here is a new line.";<br />
$myoutput =  str_replace(".|..","&lt;br />",$myoutput);<br />


how about:<br />
$myoutput =  "After this sentence there is a line break.<b>E(*)3</b> Here is a new line.";<br />
$myoutput =  str_replace("E(*)3","&lt;br />",$myoutput);<br />

I call the first method "middle finger style" and the second "goatse style".

How can I pass some data from one controller to another peer controller

In one controller, you can do:

$rootScope.$broadcast('eventName', data);

and listen to the event in another:

$scope.$on('eventName', function (event, data) {...});

How do you read from stdin?

The problem I have with solution

import sys

for line in sys.stdin:

is that if you don't pass any data to stdin, it will block forever. That's why I love this answer: check if there is some data on stdin first, and then read it. This is what I ended up doing:

import sys
import select

# select(files to read from, files to write to, magic, timeout)
# timeout=0.0 is essential b/c we want to know the asnwer right away
if[sys.stdin], [], [], 0.0)[0]:
    help_file_fragment =
    print("No data passed to stdin", file=sys.stderr)

Update a submodule to the latest commit

If you update a submodule and commit to it, you need to go to the containing, or higher level repo and add the change there.

git status

will show something like:


The fact that the submodule is out of sync can also be seen with

git submodule

the output will show:

+afafaffa232452362634243523 some/path/to/your/submodule

The plus indicates that the your submodule is pointing ahead of where the top repo expects it to point to.

simply add this change:

git add some/path/to/your/submodule

and commit it:

git commit -m "referenced newer version of my submodule"

When you push up your changes, make sure you push up the change in the submodule first and then push the reference change in the outer repo. This way people that update will always be able to successfully run

git submodule update

More info on submodules can be found here

How to serialize Object to JSON?

Easy way to do it without annotations is to use Gson library

Simple as that:

Gson gson = new Gson();
String json = gson.toJson(listaDePontos);

What is the difference between Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab?

At this time (mid 2019), with JupyterLab 1.0 release, as a user, I think we should adopt JupyterLab for daily use. And from the JupyterLab official documentation:

The current release of JupyterLab is suitable for general daily use.


JupyterLab will eventually replace the classic Jupyter Notebook. Throughout this transition, the same notebook document format will be supported by both the classic Notebook and JupyterLab.

Note that JupyterLab has a extensible modular architecture. So in the old days, there is just one Jupyter Notebook, and now with JupyterLab (and in the future), Notebook is just one of the core applications in JupyterLab (along with others like code Console, command-line Terminal, and a Text Editor).

Returning a value even if no result

You can use COALESCE

FROM   table

How to do a scatter plot with empty circles in Python?

Would these work?

plt.scatter(np.random.randn(100), np.random.randn(100), facecolors='none')

example image

or using plot()

plt.plot(np.random.randn(100), np.random.randn(100), 'o', mfc='none')

example image

What are differences between AssemblyVersion, AssemblyFileVersion and AssemblyInformationalVersion?

It's worth noting some other things:

  1. As shown in Windows Explorer Properties dialog for the generated assembly file, there are two places called "File version". The one seen in the header of the dialog shows the AssemblyVersion, not the AssemblyFileVersion.

    In the Other version information section, there is another element called "File Version". This is where you can see what was entered as the AssemblyFileVersion.

  2. AssemblyFileVersion is just plain text. It doesn't have to conform to the numbering scheme restrictions that AssemblyVersion does (<build> < 65K, e.g.). It can be 3.2.<release tag text>.<datetime>, if you like. Your build system will have to fill in the tokens.

    Moreover, it is not subject to the wildcard replacement that AssemblyVersion is. If you just have a value of "3.0.1.*" in the AssemblyInfo.cs, that is exactly what will show in the Other version information->File Version element.

  3. I don't know the impact upon an installer of using something other than numeric file version numbers, though.

Modify table: How to change 'Allow Nulls' attribute from not null to allow null

So the simplest way is,

alter table table_name change column_name column_name int(11) NULL;

Using NULL in C++?

From crtdbg.h (and many other headers):

#ifndef NULL
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define NULL    0
#define NULL    ((void *)0)

Therefore NULL is 0, at least on the Windows platform. So no, not that I know of.

How to get city name from latitude and longitude coordinates in Google Maps?

Just Use this method and pass your lat, long.

public static void getAddress(Context context, double LATITUDE, double LONGITUDE) {

//Set Address
try {
    Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault());
    List<Address> addresses = geocoder.getFromLocation(LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, 1);
    if (addresses != null && addresses.size() > 0) {

        String address = addresses.get(0).getAddressLine(0); // If any additional address line present than only, check with max available address lines by getMaxAddressLineIndex()
        String city = addresses.get(0).getLocality();
        String state = addresses.get(0).getAdminArea();
        String country = addresses.get(0).getCountryName();
        String postalCode = addresses.get(0).getPostalCode();
        String knownName = addresses.get(0).getFeatureName(); // Only if available else return NULL

        Log.d(TAG, "getAddress:  address" + address);
        Log.d(TAG, "getAddress:  city" + city);
        Log.d(TAG, "getAddress:  state" + state);
        Log.d(TAG, "getAddress:  postalCode" + postalCode);
        Log.d(TAG, "getAddress:  knownName" + knownName);

} catch (IOException e) {

Difference between Divide and Conquer Algo and Dynamic Programming

The other difference between divide and conquer and dynamic programming could be:

Divide and conquer:

  1. Does more work on the sub-problems and hence has more time consumption.
  2. In divide and conquer the sub-problems are independent of each other.

Dynamic programming:

  1. Solves the sub-problems only once and then stores it in the table.
  2. In dynamic programming the sub-problem are not independent.

How to set a default row for a query that returns no rows?

One approach for Oracle:

FROM myTable
FROM dual

Or alternatively in Oracle:

FROM myTable

Or alternatively in SqlServer:

FROM myTable

These use the fact that MIN() returns NULL when there are no rows.

Best practice for using assert?

Is there a performance issue?

  • Please remember to "make it work first before you make it work fast".
    Very few percent of any program are usually relevant for its speed. You can always kick out or simplify an assert if it ever proves to be a performance problem -- and most of them never will.

  • Be pragmatic:
    Assume you have a method that processes a non-empty list of tuples and the program logic will break if those tuples are not immutable. You should write:

    def mymethod(listOfTuples):
        assert(all(type(tp)==tuple for tp in listOfTuples))

    This is probably fine if your lists tend to be ten entries long, but it can become a problem if they have a million entries. But rather than discarding this valuable check entirely you could simply downgrade it to

    def mymethod(listOfTuples):
        assert(type(listOfTuples[0])==tuple)  # in fact _all_ must be tuples!

    which is cheap but will likely catch most of the actual program errors anyway.

How to use Apple's new .p8 certificate for APNs in firebase console

Firebase console is now accepting .p8 file, in fact, it's recommending to upload .p8 file.

You can see in below-attached screenshot

How to unmount a busy device

Try the following, but before running it note that the -k flag will kill any running processes keeping the device busy.

The -i flag makes fuser ask before killing.

fuser -kim /address  # kill any processes accessing file
unmount /address

How to convert PDF files to images

The PDF engine used in Google Chrome, called PDFium, is open source under the "BSD 3-clause" license. I believe this allows redistribution when used in a commercial product.

There is a .NET wrapper for it called PdfiumViewer (NuGet) which works well to the extent I have tried it. It is under the Apache license which also allows redistribution.

(Note that this is NOT the same 'wrapper' as which requires a commercial license*)

(There is one other PDFium .NET wrapper, PDFiumSharp, but I have not evaluated it.)

In my opinion, so far, this may be the best choice of open-source (free as in beer) PDF libraries to do the job which do not put restrictions on the closed-source / commercial nature of the software utilizing them. I don't think anything else in the answers here satisfy that criteria, to the best of my knowledge.

How can I get a vertical scrollbar in my ListBox?

I added a "Height" to my ListBox and it added the scrollbar nicely.

Django download a file


In Implement function like,

def download(request, id):
    obj = your_model_name.objects.get(id=id)
    filename = obj.model_attribute_name.path
    response = FileResponse(open(filename, 'rb'))
    return response

Detecting the onload event of a window opened with

var myPopup =;
myPopup.addEventListener('load', myFunction, false);

If you care about IE, use the following as the second line instead:

myPopup[myPopup.addEventListener ? 'addEventListener' : 'attachEvent'](
  (myPopup.attachEvent ? 'on' : '') + 'load', myFunction, false

As you can see, supporting IE is quite cumbersome and should be avoided if possible. I mean, if you need to support IE because of your audience, by all means, do so.

I need to round a float to two decimal places in Java

You can make use of DecimalFormat to give you the style you wish.

DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00E0");
double number = 1.2975118E7;
System.out.println(df.format(number));  // prints 1.30E7

Since it's in scientific notation, you won't be able to get the number any smaller than 107 without losing that many orders of magnitude of accuracy.

is there any alternative for ng-disabled in angular2?

To set the disabled property to true or false use

<button [disabled]="!nextLibAvailable" (click)="showNext('library')" class=" btn btn-info btn-xs" title="Next Lib"> {{}}">
    <i class="fa fa-chevron-right fa-fw"></i>

Get height of div with no height set in css

jQuery .height will return you the height of the element. It doesn't need CSS definition as it determines the computed height.


You can use .height(), .innerHeight() or outerHeight() based on what you need.

enter image description here

.height() - returns the height of element excludes padding, border and margin.

.innerHeight() - returns the height of element includes padding but excludes border and margin.

.outerHeight() - returns the height of the div including border but excludes margin.

.outerHeight(true) - returns the height of the div including margin.

Check below code snippet for live demo. :)

$(function() {_x000D_
  var $heightTest = $('#heightTest');_x000D_
  $heightTest.html('Div style set as "height: 180px; padding: 10px; margin: 10px; border: 2px solid blue;"')_x000D_
    .append('<p>Height (.height() returns) : ' + $heightTest.height() + ' [Just Height]</p>')_x000D_
    .append('<p>Inner Height (.innerHeight() returns): ' + $heightTest.innerHeight() + ' [Height + Padding (without border)]</p>')_x000D_
    .append('<p>Outer Height (.outerHeight() returns): ' + $heightTest.outerHeight() + ' [Height + Padding + Border]</p>')_x000D_
    .append('<p>Outer Height (.outerHeight(true) returns): ' + $heightTest.outerHeight(true) + ' [Height + Padding + Border + Margin]</p>')_x000D_
div { font-size: 0.9em; }
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="heightTest" style="height: 150px; padding: 10px; margin: 10px; border: 2px solid blue; overflow: hidden; ">_x000D_

Why use prefixes on member variables in C++ classes

Many of those conventions are from a time without sophisticated editors. I would recommend using a proper IDE that allows you to color every kind of variable. Color is by far easier to spot than any prefix.

If you need to get even more detail on a variable any modern IDE should be able to show it to you by moving the caret or cursor over it. And if you use a variable in a wrong way (for instance a pointer with the . operator) you will get an error, anyway.

Moment.js - tomorrow, today and yesterday

const date = moment(YOUR_DATE)
return (moment().diff(date, 'days') >= 2) ? date.fromNow() : date.calendar().split(' ')[0]

Centering a Twitter Bootstrap button

Since you want to center the button, and not the text, what I've done in the past is add a class, then use that class to center the button:

<button class="btn btn-large btn-primary newclass" type="button">Submit</button>

and the CSS would be:

.btn.newclass {width:25%; display:block; margin: 0 auto;}

The "width" value is up to you, and you can play with that to get the right look.


SFTP Libraries for .NET

I've been using Chilkat's native SFTP library ( ) for a couple of months now and it's working great. Been using it in a nightly job to download large files and do private key authentication. Only problem that I had was getting the 64bit version to work on windows server 2008, I needed to install vcredist_x64.exe ( ) on my server.

USB Debugging option greyed out

Connect the phone to a PC, make sure your developer options are enabled. Then, connection type must be MTP or File Transfer. Charge only does not allow USB debugging(disables the option).

open link of google play store in mobile version android

Open app page on Google Play:

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,
                Uri.parse("market://details?id=" + context.getPackageName()));

Get nth character of a string in Swift programming language

In order to feed the subject and show swift subscript possibilities, here's a little string "substring-toolbox" subscript based

These methods are safe and never go over string indexes

extension String {
    // string[i] -> one string char
    subscript(pos: Int) -> String { return String(Array(self)[min(self.length-1,max(0,pos))]) }

    // string[pos,len] -> substring from pos for len chars on the left
    subscript(pos: Int, len: Int) -> String { return self[pos, len, .pos_len, .left2right] }

    // string[pos, len, .right2left] -> substring from pos for len chars on the right
    subscript(pos: Int, len: Int, way: Way) -> String { return self[pos, len, .pos_len, way] }

    // string[range] -> substring form start pos on the left to end pos on the right
    subscript(range: Range<Int>) -> String { return self[range.startIndex, range.endIndex, .start_end, .left2right] }

    // string[range, .right2left] -> substring start pos on the right to end pos on the left
    subscript(range: Range<Int>, way: Way) -> String { return self[range.startIndex, range.endIndex, .start_end, way] }

    var length: Int { return countElements(self) }
    enum Mode { case pos_len, start_end }
    enum Way { case left2right, right2left }
    subscript(var val1: Int, var val2: Int, mode: Mode, way: Way) -> String {
        if mode == .start_end {
            if val1 > val2 { let val=val1 ; val1=val2 ; val2=val }
            val2 = val2-val1
        if way == .left2right {
            val1 = min(self.length-1, max(0,val1))
            val2 = min(self.length-val1, max(1,val2))
        } else {
            let val1_ = val1
            val1 = min(self.length-1, max(0, self.length-val1_-val2 ))
            val2 = max(1, (self.length-1-val1_)-(val1-1) )
        return self.bridgeToObjectiveC().substringWithRange(NSMakeRange(val1, val2))

        //-- Alternative code without bridge --
        //var range: Range<Int> = pos...(pos+len-1)
        //var start = advance(startIndex, range.startIndex)
        //var end = advance(startIndex, range.endIndex)
        //return self.substringWithRange(Range(start: start, end: end))

println("0123456789"[3]) // return "3"

println("0123456789"[3,2]) // return "34"

println("0123456789"[3,2,.right2left]) // return "56"

println("0123456789"[5,10,.pos_len,.left2right]) // return "56789"

println("0123456789"[8,120,.pos_len,.right2left]) // return "01"

println("0123456789"[120,120,.pos_len,.left2right]) // return "9"

println("0123456789"[0...4]) // return "01234"

println("0123456789"[0..4]) // return "0123"

println("0123456789"[0...4,.right2left]) // return "56789"

println("0123456789"[4...0,.right2left]) // return "678" << because ??? range can wear endIndex at 0 ???

oracle varchar to number

select to_number(exception_value) from exception where to_number(exception_value) = 105

How to calculate number of days between two dates

Also you can use this code: moment("yourDateHere", "YYYY-MM-DD").fromNow(). This will calculate the difference between today and your provided date.

How to find length of dictionary values

Lets do some experimentation, to see how we could get/interpret the length of different dict/array values in a dict.

create our test dict, see list and dict comprehensions:

>>> my_dict = {x:[i for i in range(x)] for x in range(4)}
>>> my_dict
{0: [], 1: [0], 2: [0, 1], 3: [0, 1, 2]}

Get the length of the value of a specific key:

>>> my_dict[3]
[0, 1, 2]
>>> len(my_dict[3])

Get a dict of the lengths of the values of each key:

>>> key_to_value_lengths = {k:len(v) for k, v in my_dict.items()}
{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3}
>>> key_to_value_lengths[2]

Get the sum of the lengths of all values in the dict:

>>> [len(x) for x in my_dict.values()]
[0, 1, 2, 3]
>>> sum([len(x) for x in my_dict.values()])

Rendering raw html with reactjs

I used this library called Parser. It worked for what I needed.

import React, { Component } from 'react';    
import Parser from 'html-react-parser';

class MyComponent extends Component {
  render() {

How to delete a row from GridView?

The default answer is to remove the item from whatever collection you're using as the GridView's DataSource.

If that option is undesirable then I recommend that you use the GridView's RowDataBound event to selectively set the row's (e.Row) Visible property to false.

How do I mock a class without an interface?

With MoQ, you can mock concrete classes:

var mocked = new Mock<MyConcreteClass>();

but this allows you to override virtual code (methods and properties).

How to convert nanoseconds to seconds using the TimeUnit enum?

This will convert a time to seconds in a double format, which is more precise than an integer value:

double elapsedTimeInSeconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(elapsedTime, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) / 1000.0;

How to know if an object has an attribute in Python

Here's a very intuitive approach :

if 'property' in dir(a):

How to make Bootstrap carousel slider use mobile left/right swipe

See this solution: Bootstrap TouchCarousel. A drop-in perfection for Twitter Bootstrap's Carousel (v3) to enable gestures on touch devices.

How exactly to use Notification.Builder

In case it helps anyone... I was having a lot of trouble with setting up notifications using the support package when testing against newer an older API's. I was able to get them to work on the newer device but would get an error testing on the old device. What finally got it working for me was to delete all the imports related to the notification functions. In particular the NotificationCompat and the TaskStackBuilder. It seems that while setting up my code in the beginning the imports where added from the newer build and not from the support package. Then when I wanted to implement these items later in eclipse, I wasn't prompted to import them again. Hope that makes sense, and that it helps someone else out :)

Archive the artifacts in Jenkins

Your understanding is correct, an artifact in the Jenkins sense is the result of a build - the intended output of the build process.

A common convention is to put the result of a build into a build, target or bin directory.

The Jenkins archiver can use globs (target/*.jar) to easily pick up the right file even if you have a unique name per build.

Set color of text in a Textbox/Label to Red and make it bold in C#

Another way of doing it. This approach can be useful for changing the text to 2 different colors, just by adding 2 spans.

Label1.Text = "String with original color" + "<b><span style=""color:red;"">" + "Your String Here" + "</span></b>";

A weighted version of random.choice

Here's is the version that is being included in the standard library for Python 3.6:

import itertools as _itertools
import bisect as _bisect

class Random36(random.Random):
    "Show the code included in the Python 3.6 version of the Random class"

    def choices(self, population, weights=None, *, cum_weights=None, k=1):
        """Return a k sized list of population elements chosen with replacement.

        If the relative weights or cumulative weights are not specified,
        the selections are made with equal probability.

        random = self.random
        if cum_weights is None:
            if weights is None:
                _int = int
                total = len(population)
                return [population[_int(random() * total)] for i in range(k)]
            cum_weights = list(_itertools.accumulate(weights))
        elif weights is not None:
            raise TypeError('Cannot specify both weights and cumulative weights')
        if len(cum_weights) != len(population):
            raise ValueError('The number of weights does not match the population')
        bisect = _bisect.bisect
        total = cum_weights[-1]
        return [population[bisect(cum_weights, random() * total)] for i in range(k)]


Bash loop ping successful

Here's my one-liner solution:

screen -S internet-check -d -m -- bash -c 'while ! ping -c 1; do echo -; done; echo Google responding to ping | mail -s internet-back [email protected]'

This runs an infinite ping in a new screen session until there is a response, at which point it sends an e-mail to [email protected]. Useful in the age of e-mail sent to phones.

(You might want to check that mail is configured correctly by just running echo test | mail -s test [email protected] first. Of course you can do whatever you want from done; onwards, sound a bell, start a web browser, use your imagination.)

How to stop java process gracefully?

Thanks for you answers. Shutdown hooks seams like something that would work in my case. But I also bumped into the thing called Monitoring and Management beans:
That gives some nice possibilities, for remote monitoring, and manipulation of the java process. (Was introduced in Java 5)

How to get an object's properties in JavaScript / jQuery?

i) what is the difference between these two objects

The simple answer is that [object] indicates a host object that has no internal class. A host object is an object that is not part of the ECMAScript implementation you're working with, but is provided by the host as an extension. The DOM is a common example of host objects, although in most newer implementations DOM objects inherit from the native Object and have internal class names (such as HTMLElement, Window, etc). IE's proprietary ActiveXObject is another example of a host object.

[object] is most commonly seen when alerting DOM objects in Internet Explorer 7 and lower, since they are host objects that have no internal class name.

ii) what type of Object is this

You can get the "type" (internal class) of object using Object.prototype.toString. The specification requires that it always returns a string in the format [object [[Class]]], where [[Class]] is the internal class name such as Object, Array, Date, RegExp, etc. You can apply this method to any object (including host objects), using


Many isArray implementations use this technique to discover whether an object is actually an array (although it's not as robust in IE as it is in other browsers).

iii) what all properties does this object contains and values of each property

In ECMAScript 3, you can iterate over enumerable properties using a loop. Note that most built-in properties are non-enumerable. The same is true of some host objects. In ECMAScript 5, you can get an array containing the names of all non-inherited properties using Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj). This array will contain non-enumerable and enumerable property names.

Use Excel VBA to click on a button in Internet Explorer, when the button has no "name" associated

CSS selector:

Use a CSS selector of img[src='images/toolbar/b_edit.gif']

This says select element(s) with img tag with attribute src having value of 'images/toolbar/b_edit.gif'

CSS query:

CSS query


You can apply the selector with the .querySelector method of document.


Creating stored procedure with declare and set variables

You should try this syntax - assuming you want to have @OrderID as a parameter for your stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.YourStoredProcNameHere
   @OrderID INT
 DECLARE @AppointmentID AS INT
 DECLARE @PurchaseOrderID AS INT
 DECLARE @PurchaseOrderItemID AS INT

 SELECT @OrderItemID = OrderItemID 
 FROM [OrderItem] 
 WHERE OrderID = @OrderID

 SELECT @AppointmentID = AppoinmentID 
 FROM [Appointment] 
 WHERE OrderID = @OrderID

 SELECT @PurchaseOrderID = PurchaseOrderID 
 FROM [PurchaseOrder] 
 WHERE OrderID = @OrderID


OF course, that only works if you're returning exactly one value (not multiple values!)

jquery - check length of input field?

If you mean that you want to enable the submit after the user has typed at least one character, then you need to attach a key event that will check it for you.

Something like:

$("#fbss").keypress(function() {
    if($(this).val().length > 1) {
         // Enable submit button
    } else {
         // Disable submit button

How do I skip a header from CSV files in Spark?

In Spark 2.0 a CSV reader is build into Spark, so you can easily load a CSV file as follows:"header","true").csv("filePath")

How to add http:// if it doesn't exist in the URL

At the time of writing, none of the answers used a built-in function for this:

function addScheme($url, $scheme = 'http://')
  return parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME) === null ?
    $scheme . $url : $url;

echo addScheme(''); // ""
echo addScheme(''); // ""

See also: parse_url()

How to obtain the last path segment of a URI

If you have commons-io included in your project, you can do it without creating unecessary objects with

String uri = "http://base_path/some_segment/id";
String fileName = FilenameUtils.getName(uri);

Will give you the last part of the path, which is the id

C++ float array initialization

No, it sets all members/elements that haven't been explicitly set to their default-initialisation value, which is zero for numeric types.

How to quickly test some javascript code?

Install firebug: . You can use its console to test Javascript code. Google Chrome comes with Web Inspector in which you can do the same. IE and Safari also have Web Developer tools in which you can test Javascript.

Equivalent of .bat in mac os

The common convention would be to put it in a .sh file that looks like this -

java -cp  ".;./supportlibraries/Framework_Core.jar;... etc

Note that '\' become '/'.

You could execute as


or set the x bit on the file

chmod +x

and then just call

Round to 5 (or other number) in Python

Another way to do this (without explicit multiplication or division operators):

def rnd(x, b=5):
    return round(x + min(-(x % b), b - (x % b), key=abs))

How to merge specific files from Git branches

To merge only the changes from branch2's, make the other changes go away.

git checkout -B wip branch2
git read-tree branch1
git checkout branch2
git commit -m'merging only history from branch2 into branch1'
git checkout branch1
git merge wip

Merge will never even look at any other file. You might need to '-f' the checkouts if the trees are different enough.

Note that this will leave branch1 looking as if everything in branch2's history to that point has been merged, which may not be what you want. A better version of the first checkout above is probably

git checkout -B wip `git merge-base branch1 branch2`

in which case the commit message should probably also be

git commit -m"merging only $(git rev-parse branch2) into branch1"

What do two question marks together mean in C#?

?? is there to provide a value for a nullable type when the value is null. So, if formsAuth is null, it will return new FormsAuthenticationWrapper().

How do I check if PHP is connected to a database already?

before... (I mean somewhere in some other file you're not sure you've included)

$db = mysql_connect()


if (is_resource($db)) {
// connected
} else {
$db = mysql_connect();

How to use callback with useState hook in react

Actually, you should avoid using this when using react hooks. It causes side effects. That's why react team create react hooks.

If you remove codes that tries to bind this, you can just simply pass setName of Parent to Child and call it in handleChange. Cleaner code!

function Parent() {
  const [Name, setName] = useState("");

  return <div> {Name} :
    <Child setName={setName} ></Child>

function Child(props) {
  const [Name, setName] = useState("");

  function handleChange(ele) {

  return (<div>
    <input onChange={handleChange} value={Name}></input>

Moreover, you don't have to create two copies of Name(one in Parent and the other one in Child). Stick to "Single Source of Truth" principle, Child doesn't have to own the state Name but receive it from Parent. Cleanerer node!

function Parent() {
  const [Name, setName] = useState("");

  return <div> {Name} :
    <Child setName={setName} Name={Name}></Child>

function Child(props) {    
  function handleChange(ele) {

  return (<div>
    <input onChange={handleChange} value={props.Name}></input>

LINQ query to return a Dictionary<string, string>

Use the ToDictionary method directly.

var result = 
  // as Jon Skeet pointed out, OrderBy is useless here, I just leave it 
  // show how to use OrderBy in a LINQ query
  myClassCollection.OrderBy(mc => mc.SomePropToSortOn)
                   .ToDictionary(mc => mc.KeyProp.ToString(), 
                                 mc => mc.ValueProp.ToString(), 

Should you use .htm or .html file extension? What is the difference, and which file is correct?

I have a site that is all .htm and was told by a computer "know it all" to change to .html because it would help google rank.. saved time and $

Getting RAW Soap Data from a Web Reference Client running in

You can implement a SoapExtension that logs the full request and response to a log file. You can then enable the SoapExtension in the web.config, which makes it easy to turn on/off for debugging purposes. Here is an example that I have found and modified for my own use, in my case the logging was done by log4net but you can replace the log methods with your own.

public class SoapLoggerExtension : SoapExtension
    private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
    private Stream oldStream;
    private Stream newStream;

    public override object GetInitializer(LogicalMethodInfo methodInfo, SoapExtensionAttribute attribute)
        return null;

    public override object GetInitializer(Type serviceType)
        return null;

    public override void Initialize(object initializer)


    public override System.IO.Stream ChainStream(System.IO.Stream stream)
        oldStream = stream;
        newStream = new MemoryStream();
        return newStream;

    public override void ProcessMessage(SoapMessage message)

        switch (message.Stage)
            case SoapMessageStage.BeforeSerialize:
            case SoapMessageStage.AfterSerialize:
                Log(message, "AfterSerialize");
                    CopyStream(newStream, oldStream);
                    newStream.Position = 0;
                case SoapMessageStage.BeforeDeserialize:
                    CopyStream(oldStream, newStream);
                    Log(message, "BeforeDeserialize");
            case SoapMessageStage.AfterDeserialize:

    public void Log(SoapMessage message, string stage)

        newStream.Position = 0;
        string contents = (message is SoapServerMessage) ? "SoapRequest " : "SoapResponse ";
        contents += stage + ";";

        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(newStream);

        contents += reader.ReadToEnd();

        newStream.Position = 0;


    void ReturnStream()
        CopyAndReverse(newStream, oldStream);

    void ReceiveStream()
        CopyAndReverse(newStream, oldStream);

    public void ReverseIncomingStream()

    public void ReverseOutgoingStream()

    public void ReverseStream(Stream stream)
        TextReader tr = new StreamReader(stream);
        string str = tr.ReadToEnd();
        char[] data = str.ToCharArray();
        string strReversed = new string(data);

        TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(stream);
        stream.Position = 0;
    void CopyAndReverse(Stream from, Stream to)
        TextReader tr = new StreamReader(from);
        TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(to);

        string str = tr.ReadToEnd();
        char[] data = str.ToCharArray();
        string strReversed = new string(data);

    private void CopyStream(Stream fromStream, Stream toStream)
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fromStream);
            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(toStream);
        catch (Exception ex)
            string message = String.Format("CopyStream failed because: {0}", ex.Message);
            log.Error(message, ex);

public class SoapLoggerExtensionAttribute : SoapExtensionAttribute
    private int priority = 1; 

    public override int Priority
        get { return priority; }
        set { priority = value; }

    public override System.Type ExtensionType
        get { return typeof (SoapLoggerExtension); }

You then add the following section to your web.config where YourNamespace and YourAssembly point to the class and assembly of your SoapExtension:

    <add type="YourNamespace.SoapLoggerExtension, YourAssembly" 
       priority="1" group="0" />

Selecting default item from Combobox C#

    ComboBox1.Text = ComboBox1.Items(0).ToString

This code is show you Combobox1 first item in