BrowserVersion | ConnectionsPerHostname | MaxConnections
Chrome34/32 | 6 | 10
IE9 | 6 | 35
IE10 | 8 | 17
IE11 | 13 | 17
Firefox27/26 | 6 | 17
Safari7.0.1 | 6 | 17
Android4 | 6 | 17
ChromeMobile18 | 6 | 16
IE Mobile9 | 6 | 60
The first value is ConnectionsPerHostname and the second value is MaxConnections.
Note: ConnectionsPerHostname is the maximum number of concurrent http requests that browsers will make to the same domain. To increase the number of concurrent connections, one can host resources (e.g. images) in different domains. However, you cannot exceed MaxConnections, the maximum number of connections a browser will open in total - across all domains.
2020 Update
Number of parallel connections per browser
| Browser | Connections per Domain | Max Connections |
| -------------------- | ------------------------------ | ------------------------------ |
| Chrome 81 | 6 [^note1] | 256[^note2] |
| Edge 18 | *same as Internet Explorer 11* | *same as Internet Explorer 11* |
| Firefox 68 | 9 [^note1] or 6 [^note3] | 1000+[^note2] |
| Internet Explorer 11 | 12 [^note4] | 1000+[^note2] |
| Safari 13 | 6 [^note1] | 1000+[^note2] |
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