[mysql] Select all where [first letter starts with B]

This is a follow up question to my previous one. I want to write a MYSQL statement that echoes every entry that starts with letter B.


function getCategory() {
$query = mysql_query("SELECT author FROM lyrics WHERE author [starts with letter B]") or die(mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { ?>
    <p><a href="##"><?= $row['author']; ?></a></p>
    <?php }


<?php include 'includes/header.php' ?>
<?php getCategory(); ?>
<?php include 'includes/footer.php' ?>

Like that I guess. And then one for every letter of the alphabet, and one with misc (numbers etc)

This question is related to mysql

The answer is

This will work for MYSQL

SELECT Name FROM Employees WHERE Name REGEXP '^[B].*$'

In this REGEXP stands for regular expression


this is for T-SQL

SELECT Name FROM Employees WHERE Name LIKE '[B]%'

SQL Statement:

 SELECT * FROM employee WHERE employeeName LIKE 'A%';


Number of Records: 4

employeeID  employeeName    employeeName    Address City    PostalCode  Country

1           Alam             Wipro          Delhi   Delhi   11005      India

2           Aditya           Wipro          Delhi   Delhi   11005      India

3           Alok             HCL            Delhi   Delhi   11005      India

4           Ashok            IBM            Delhi   Delhi   11005      India

Following your comment posted to ceejayoz's answer, two things are messed up a litte:

  1. $first is not an array, it's a string. Replace $first = $first[0] . "%" by $first .= "%". Just for simplicity. (PHP string operators)

  2. The string being compared with LIKE operator should be quoted. Replace LIKE ".$first."") by LIKE '".$first."'"). (MySQL String Comparison Functions)

You can use:

WHERE LEFT (name_field, 1) = 'B';