[r] Using R to download zipped data file, extract, and import data

@EZGraphs on Twitter writes: "Lots of online csvs are zipped. Is there a way to download, unzip the archive, and load the data to a data.frame using R? #Rstats"

I was also trying to do this today, but ended up just downloading the zip file manually.

I tried something like:

fileName <- "http://www.newcl.org/data/zipfiles/a1.zip"
con1 <- unz(fileName, filename="a1.dat", open = "r")

but I feel as if I'm a long way off. Any thoughts?

This question is related to r zip connection

The answer is

I used CRAN package "downloader" found at http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/downloader/index.html . Much easier.

download(url, dest="dataset.zip", mode="wb") 
unzip ("dataset.zip", exdir = "./")

rio() would be very suitable for this - it uses the file extension of a file name to determine what kind of file it is, so it will work with a large variety of file types. I've also used unzip() to list the file names within the zip file, so its not necessary to specify the file name(s) manually.


# create a temporary directory
td <- tempdir()

# create a temporary file
tf <- tempfile(tmpdir=td, fileext=".zip")

# download file from internet into temporary location
download.file("http://download.companieshouse.gov.uk/BasicCompanyData-part1.zip", tf)

# list zip archive
file_names <- unzip(tf, list=TRUE)

# extract files from zip file
unzip(tf, exdir=td, overwrite=TRUE)

# use when zip file has only one file
data <- import(file.path(td, file_names$Name[1]))

# use when zip file has multiple files
data_multiple <- lapply(file_names$Name, function(x) import(file.path(td, x)))

# delete the files and directories

Here is an example that works for files which cannot be read in with the read.table function. This example reads a .xls file.

url <-"https://www1.toronto.ca/City_Of_Toronto/Information_Technology/Open_Data/Data_Sets/Assets/Files/fire_stns.zip"

temp <- tempfile()
temp2 <- tempfile()

download.file(url, temp)
unzip(zipfile = temp, exdir = temp2)
data <- read_xls(file.path(temp2, "fire station x_y.xls"))

unlink(c(temp, temp2))

To do this using data.table, I found that the following works. Unfortunately, the link does not work anymore, so I used a link for another data set.

temp <- tempfile()
download.file("https://www.bls.gov/tus/special.requests/atusact_0315.zip", temp)
timeUse <- fread(unzip(temp, files = "atusact_0315.dat"))

I know this is possible in a single line since you can pass bash scripts to fread, but I am not sure how to download a .zip file, extract, and pass a single file from that to fread.

Just for the record, I tried translating Dirk's answer into code :-P

temp <- tempfile()
con <- unz(temp, "a1.dat")
data <- matrix(scan(con),ncol=4,byrow=TRUE)

For Mac (and I assume Linux)...

If the zip archive contains a single file, you can use the bash command funzip, in conjuction with fread from the data.table package:

dt <- fread("curl http://www.newcl.org/data/zipfiles/a1.zip | funzip")

In cases where the archive contains multiple files, you can use tar instead to extract a specific file to stdout:

dt <- fread("curl http://www.newcl.org/data/zipfiles/a1.zip | tar -xf- --to-stdout *a1.dat")

Try this code. It works for me:

unzip(zipfile="<directory and filename>",
      exdir="<directory where the content will be extracted>")



I found that the following worked for me. These steps come from BTD's YouTube video, Managing Zipfile's in R:

zip.url <- "url_address.zip"

dir <- getwd()

zip.file <- "file_name.zip"

zip.combine <- as.character(paste(dir, zip.file, sep = "/"))

download.file(zip.url, destfile = zip.combine)


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