Using the DocumentCompleted event with a page with multiple nested frames didn't work for me.
I used the Interop.SHDocVW library to cast the WebBrowser control like this:
public class webControlWrapper
private bool _complete;
private WebBrowser _webBrowserControl;
public webControlWrapper(WebBrowser webBrowserControl)
_webBrowserControl = webBrowserControl;
public void NavigateAndWaitForComplete(string url)
_complete = false;
var webBrowser = (SHDocVw.WebBrowser) _webBrowserControl.ActiveXInstance;
if (webBrowser != null)
webBrowser.DocumentComplete += WebControl_DocumentComplete;
//Wait until page is complete
while (!_complete)
private void WebControl_DocumentComplete(object pDisp, ref object URL)
// Test if it's the main frame who called the event.
if (pDisp == _webBrowserControl.ActiveXInstance)
_complete = true;
This code works for me when navigating to a defined URL using the webBrowserControl.Navigate(url) method, but I don't know how to control page complete when a html button is clicked using the htmlElement.InvokeMember("click").