Programs & Examples On #Post commit hook

In the context of Software Configuration Management (SCM), a post-commit hook is a command run just after a commit is performed.

Drop Down Menu/Text Field in one

The modern solution is an input field of type "search"!

Somewhere in your HTML you define a datalist for later reference:

<datalist id="mylist">
   <option value="Option 1">
   <option value="Option 2">
   <option value="Option 3">

Then you can define your search input like this:

<input type="search" list="mylist">

Voilà. Very nice and easy.

Relative paths based on file location instead of current working directory

@Martin Konecny's answer provides the correct answer, but - as he mentions - it only works if the actual script is not invoked through a symlink residing in a different directory.

This answer covers that case: a solution that also works when the script is invoked through a symlink or even a chain of symlinks:

Linux / GNU readlink solution:

If your script needs to run on Linux only or you know that GNU readlink is in the $PATH, use readlink -f, which conveniently resolves a symlink to its ultimate target:

 scriptDir=$(dirname -- "$(readlink -f -- "$BASH_SOURCE")")

Note that GNU readlink has 3 related options for resolving a symlink to its ultimate target's full path: -f (--canonicalize), -e (--canonicalize-existing), and -m (--canonicalize-missing) - see man readlink.
Since the target by definition exists in this scenario, any of the 3 options can be used; I've chosen -f here, because it is the most well-known one.

Multi-(Unix-like-)platform solution (including platforms with a POSIX-only set of utilities):

If your script must run on any platform that:

  • has a readlink utility, but lacks the -f option (in the GNU sense of resolving a symlink to its ultimate target) - e.g., macOS.

    • macOS uses an older version of the BSD implementation of readlink; note that recent versions of FreeBSD/PC-BSD do support -f.
  • does not even have readlink, but has POSIX-compatible utilities - e.g., HP-UX (thanks, @Charles Duffy).

The following solution, inspired by, defines helper shell function, rreadlink(), which resolves a given symlink to its ultimate target in a loop - this function is in effect a POSIX-compliant implementation of GNU readlink's -e option, which is similar to the -f option, except that the ultimate target must exist.

Note: The function is a bash function, and is POSIX-compliant only in the sense that only POSIX utilities with POSIX-compliant options are used. For a version of this function that is itself written in POSIX-compliant shell code (for /bin/sh), see here.

  • If readlink is available, it is used (without options) - true on most modern platforms.

  • Otherwise, the output from ls -l is parsed, which is the only POSIX-compliant way to determine a symlink's target.
    Caveat: this will break if a filename or path contains the literal substring -> - which is unlikely, however.
    (Note that platforms that lack readlink may still provide other, non-POSIX methods for resolving a symlink; e.g., @Charles Duffy mentions HP-UX's find utility supporting the %l format char. with its -printf primary; in the interest of brevity the function does NOT try to detect such cases.)

  • An installable utility (script) form of the function below (with additional functionality) can be found as rreadlink in the npm registry; on Linux and macOS, install it with [sudo] npm install -g rreadlink; on other platforms (assuming they have bash), follow the manual installation instructions.

If the argument is a symlink, the ultimate target's canonical path is returned; otherwise, the argument's own canonical path is returned.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Helper function.
rreadlink() ( # execute function in a *subshell* to localize the effect of `cd`, ...

  local target=$1 fname targetDir readlinkexe=$(command -v readlink) CDPATH= 

  # Since we'll be using `command` below for a predictable execution
  # environment, we make sure that it has its original meaning.
  { \unalias command; \unset -f command; } &>/dev/null

  while :; do # Resolve potential symlinks until the ultimate target is found.
      [[ -L $target || -e $target ]] || { command printf '%s\n' "$FUNCNAME: ERROR: '$target' does not exist." >&2; return 1; }
      command cd "$(command dirname -- "$target")" # Change to target dir; necessary for correct resolution of target path.
      fname=$(command basename -- "$target") # Extract filename.
      [[ $fname == '/' ]] && fname='' # !! curiously, `basename /` returns '/'
      if [[ -L $fname ]]; then
        # Extract [next] target path, which is defined
        # relative to the symlink's own directory.
        if [[ -n $readlinkexe ]]; then # Use `readlink`.
          target=$("$readlinkexe" -- "$fname")
        else # `readlink` utility not available.
          # Parse `ls -l` output, which, unfortunately, is the only POSIX-compliant 
          # way to determine a symlink's target. Hypothetically, this can break with
          # filenames containig literal ' -> ' and embedded newlines.
          target=$(command ls -l -- "$fname")
          target=${target#* -> }
        continue # Resolve [next] symlink target.
      break # Ultimate target reached.
  targetDir=$(command pwd -P) # Get canonical dir. path
  # Output the ultimate target's canonical path.
  # Note that we manually resolve paths ending in /. and /.. to make sure we
  # have a normalized path.
  if [[ $fname == '.' ]]; then
    command printf '%s\n' "${targetDir%/}"
  elif  [[ $fname == '..' ]]; then
    # Caveat: something like /var/.. will resolve to /private (assuming
    # /var@ -> /private/var), i.e. the '..' is applied AFTER canonicalization.
    command printf '%s\n' "$(command dirname -- "${targetDir}")"
    command printf '%s\n' "${targetDir%/}/$fname"

# Determine ultimate script dir. using the helper function.
# Note that the helper function returns a canonical path.
scriptDir=$(dirname -- "$(rreadlink "$BASH_SOURCE")")

What are all possible pos tags of NLTK?

['LS', 'TO', 'VBN', "''", 'WP', 'UH', 'VBG', 'JJ', 'VBZ', '--', 'VBP', 'NN', 'DT', 'PRP', ':', 'WP$', 'NNPS', 'PRP$', 'WDT', '(', ')', '.', ',', '``', '$', 'RB', 'RBR', 'RBS', 'VBD', 'IN', 'FW', 'RP', 'JJR', 'JJS', 'PDT', 'MD', 'VB', 'WRB', 'NNP', 'EX', 'NNS', 'SYM', 'CC', 'CD', 'POS']

Based on Doug Shore's method but make it more copy-paste friendly

Android Studio - debug keystore

You can specify your own debug keystore if you wish. This solution also gives you the ability to store your keys outside of the project directory as well as enjoy automation in the signing process. Yes you can go to File -> Project Structure and assign signing keystores and passwords in the Signing tab but that will put plaintext entries into your file which means your secrets might be disclosed (especially in repository commits). With this solution you get the control of using your own keystore and the magic of automation during debug and release builds.

1) Create a (if you don't already have one).

The location for this file depends on your OS:

   /home/<username>/.gradle/ (Linux)
   /Users/<username>/.gradle/ (Mac)
   C:\Users\<username>\.gradle (Windows)

2) Add an entry pointing to file. (example for Windows)\\Users\\<username>\\signing\\

3) Create file in the location you specified in Step 2 with the following information:


4) Modify your file to point to file to use the variables.

        && new File("")).exists()) {

    Properties props = new Properties()
    props.load(new FileInputStream(file(""))))

    android {
        signingConfigs {
            release {
                keyAlias 'release'
                keyPassword props['keystore.password']
                storeFile file(props['keystore'])
                storePassword props['keystore.password']
            debug {
                keyAlias 'debug'
                keyPassword props['keystore.password']
                storeFile file(props['keystore'])
                storePassword props['keystore.password']
        compileSdkVersion 19
        buildToolsVersion "20.0.0"
        defaultConfig {
            applicationId ""
            minSdkVersion 16
            targetSdkVersion 17
        buildTypes {
            release {


dependencies {

5) Enjoy! Now all of your keys will be outside of the root of the directory and yet you still have the joys of automation for each build.

If you get an error in your file about the "props" variable it's because you are not executing the "android {}" block inside the very first if condition where the props variable gets assigned so just move the entire android{ ... } section into the condition in which the props variable is assigned then try again.

I pieced these steps together from the information found here and here.

Java Immutable Collections

The difference is that you can't have a reference to an immutable collection which allows changes. Unmodifiable collections are unmodifiable through that reference, but some other object may point to the same data through which it can be changed.


List<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> unmodifiable = Collections.unmodifiableList(strings);
unmodifiable.add("New string"); // will fail at runtime
strings.add("Aha!"); // will succeed

Getting Integer value from a String using javascript/jquery

just do this , you need to remove char other than "numeric" and "." form your string will do work for you

yourString = yourString.replace ( /[^\d.]/g, '' );

your final code will be

  str1 = "test123.00".replace ( /[^\d.]/g, '' );
  str2 = "yes50.00".replace ( /[^\d.]/g, '' );
  total = parseInt(str1, 10) + parseInt(str2, 10);


SQL Server: Multiple table joins with a WHERE clause

SELECT Computer.Computer_Name, Application1.Name, Max(Soft.[Version]) as Version1
FROM Application1
inner JOIN Software
    ON Application1.ID = Software.Application_Id
cross join Computer
Left JOIN Software_Computer
    ON Software_Computer.Computer_Id = Computer.ID and Software_Computer.Software_Id = Software.Id
Left JOIN Software as Soft
    ON Soft.Id = Software_Computer.Software_Id
WHERE Computer.ID = 1 
GROUP BY Computer.Computer_Name, Application1.Name 

How to save an image locally using Python whose URL address I already know?

Using requests library

import requests
import shutil,os

headers = {
    'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Safari/537.36'
currentDir = os.getcwd()
path = os.path.join(currentDir,'Images')#saving images to Images folder

def ImageDl(url):
    attempts = 0
    while attempts < 5:#retry 5 times
            filename = url.split('/')[-1]
            r = requests.get(url,headers=headers,stream=True,timeout=5)
            if r.status_code == 200:
                with open(os.path.join(path,filename),'wb') as f:
                    r.raw.decode_content = True
        except Exception as e:


Call JavaScript function from C#

You can call javascript functions from c# using Jering.Javascript.NodeJS, an open-source library by my organization:

string javascriptModule = @"
module.exports = (callback, x, y) => {  // Module must export a function that takes a callback as its first parameter
    var result = x + y; // Your javascript logic
    callback(null /* If an error occurred, provide an error object or message */, result); // Call the callback when you're done.

// Invoke javascript
int result = await StaticNodeJSService.InvokeFromStringAsync<int>(javascriptModule, args: new object[] { 3, 5 });

// result == 8
Assert.Equal(8, result);

The library supports invoking directly from .js files as well. Say you have file C:/My/Directory/exampleModule.js containing:

module.exports = (callback, message) => callback(null, message);

You can invoke the exported function:

string result = await StaticNodeJSService.InvokeFromFileAsync<string>("C:/My/Directory/exampleModule.js", args: new[] { "test" });

// result == "test"
Assert.Equal("test", result);

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\Apache\htdocs\test.php on line 2

Change the database.php file from

$db['default']['dbdriver'] = 'mysql';


$db['default']['dbdriver'] = 'mysqli';

iPhone app could not be installed at this time

I had the same problem as @mohitum007. In my case the developer of this App included an expiry date in it.

As workaround I set the date backwards to a past date (e.g. last month). Then I could install it and use it.

Also when I set the date back to normal, the already installed App didn't start up anymore. I contacted the company of this App to send me an updated version.

Sidenote: I found out that users from other Apps had the same problem but reversed: it won't install or start before a certain date.

How to move mouse cursor using C#?

Take a look at the Cursor.Position Property. It should get you started.

private void MoveCursor()
   // Set the Current cursor, move the cursor's Position,
   // and set its clipping rectangle to the form. 

   this.Cursor = new Cursor(Cursor.Current.Handle);
   Cursor.Position = new Point(Cursor.Position.X - 50, Cursor.Position.Y - 50);
   Cursor.Clip = new Rectangle(this.Location, this.Size);

Mongodb service won't start

I tried deleting the lock file, but the real reason that this happened to me was because I was using ~/data/db as the data directory. Mongo needs an absolute path to the database. Once I changed it to /home//data/db, I was in business.

Compare two MySQL databases

Toad for MySQL has data and schema compare features, and I believe it will even create a synchronization script. Best of all, it's freeware.

How to get current time and date in C++?

#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <string>
#pragma warning(disable: 4996)
// Ver: C++ 17 
// IDE: Visual Studio
int main() {
    using namespace std; 
    using namespace chrono;
    time_point tp = system_clock::now();
    time_t tt = system_clock::to_time_t(tp);
    cout << "Current time: " << ctime(&tt) << endl;
    return 0;

Mongoose, update values in array of objects

You're close; you should use dot notation in your use of the $ update operator to do that:

Person.update({'': 2}, {'$set': {
    'items.$.name': 'updated item2',
    'items.$.value': 'two updated'
}}, function(err) { ...

jQuery AJAX file upload PHP

Use pure js

async function saveFile() _x000D_
    let formData = new FormData();           _x000D_
    formData.append("file", sortpicture.files[0]);_x000D_
    await fetch('/uploads', {method: "POST", body: formData});    _x000D_
<input id="sortpicture" type="file" name="sortpic" />_x000D_
<button id="upload" onclick="saveFile()">Upload</button>_x000D_
<br>Before click upload look on chrome>console>network (in this snipped we will see 404)

The filename is automatically included to request and server can read it, the 'content-type' is automatically set to 'multipart/form-data'. Here is more developed example with error handling and additional json sending

async function saveFile(inp) _x000D_
    let user = { name:'john', age:34 };_x000D_
    let formData = new FormData();_x000D_
    let photo = inp.files[0];      _x000D_
    formData.append("photo", photo);_x000D_
    formData.append("user", JSON.stringify(user));  _x000D_
    try {_x000D_
       let r = await fetch('/upload/image', {method: "POST", body: formData}); _x000D_
       console.log('HTTP response code:',r.status); _x000D_
    } catch(e) {_x000D_
       console.log('Huston we have problem...:', e);_x000D_
<input type="file" onchange="saveFile(this)" >_x000D_
Before selecting the file Open chrome console > network tab to see the request details._x000D_
<small>Because in this example we send request to the response code will be 404 ofcourse...</small>

Passing multiple variables to another page in url

Your first variable declartion must start with a ? while any additional must be concatenated with a &

Hibernate - Batch update returned unexpected row count from update: 0 actual row count: 0 expected: 1

This happened to me too, because I had my id as Long, and I was receiving from the view the value 0, and when I tried to save in the database I got this error, then I fixed it by set the id to null.

How to output JavaScript with PHP

The following solution should work quite well for what you are trying to do.

  1. The JavaScript block is placed very late in the document so you don't have to worry about elements not existing.

  2. You are setting a PHP variable at the top of the script and outputting just the value of the variable within the JavaScript block.

    This way, you don't have to worry about escaping double-quotes or HEREDOCS (which is the recommended method if you REALLY must go there).

    Javascript Embedding Example

    <div id="helloContainer"><div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        document.getElementById('helloContainer').innerHTML = '<?= $greeting; ?>';

Difference between Static and final?

static means it belongs to the class not an instance, this means that there is only one copy of that variable/method shared between all instances of a particular Class.

public class MyClass {
    public static int myVariable = 0; 

//Now in some other code creating two instances of MyClass
//and altering the variable will affect all instances

MyClass instance1 = new MyClass();
MyClass instance2 = new MyClass();

MyClass.myVariable = 5;  //This change is reflected in both instances

final is entirely unrelated, it is a way of defining a once only initialization. You can either initialize when defining the variable or within the constructor, nowhere else.

note A note on final methods and final classes, this is a way of explicitly stating that the method or class can not be overridden / extended respectively.

Extra Reading So on the topic of static, we were talking about the other uses it may have, it is sometimes used in static blocks. When using static variables it is sometimes necessary to set these variables up before using the class, but unfortunately you do not get a constructor. This is where the static keyword comes in.

public class MyClass {

    public static List<String> cars = new ArrayList<String>();

    static {


public class TestClass {

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        System.out.println(;  //This will print Ferrari

You must not get this confused with instance initializer blocks which are called before the constructor per instance.

Laravel 5.4 Specific Table Migration

if you use tab for autocomplete

php artisan migrate --path='./database/migrations/2019_12_31_115457_create_coworking_personal_memberships_table.php'

How to reset (clear) form through JavaScript?

Note, function form.reset() will not work if some input tag in the form have attribute name='reset'

$.ajax - dataType

  • contentType is the HTTP header sent to the server, specifying a particular format.
    Example: I'm sending JSON or XML
  • dataType is you telling jQuery what kind of response to expect.
    Expecting JSON, or XML, or HTML, etc. The default is for jQuery to try and figure it out.

The $.ajax() documentation has full descriptions of these as well.

In your particular case, the first is asking for the response to be in UTF-8, the second doesn't care. Also the first is treating the response as a JavaScript object, the second is going to treat it as a string.

So the first would be:

success: function(data) {
  // get data, e.g. data.title;

The second:

success: function(data) {
  alert("Here's lots of data, just a string: " + data);

What are the differences between Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio?

For Unity3D users ...

  • VSCode is incredibly faster than VS. Files open instantly from Unity. VS is very slow. VSCode launches instantly. VS takes forever to launch.

  • VS can literally compile code, build apps and so on, it's a huge IDE like Unity itself or XCode. VSCode is indeed "just" a full-featured text editor. VSCode is NOT a compiler (far less a huge, build-everything system that can literally create apps and software of all types): VSCode is literally "just a text editor".

  • With VSCode, you DO need to install the "Visual Studio Code" package. (Not to be confused with the "Visual Studio" package.) (It seems to me that VS works fine without the VS package, but, with VS Code, you must install Unity's VSCode package.)

enter image description here

  • When you first download and install VSCode, simply open any C# file on your machine. It will instantly prompt you to install the needed C# package. This is harmless and easy.

  • Unfortunately VSCode generally has only one window! You cannot, really, easily drag files to separate windows. If this is important to you, you may need to go with VS.

  • The biggest problem with VS is that the overall concept of settings and preferences are absolutely horrible. In VS, it is all-but impossible to change the font, etc. In contrast, VSCode has FANTASTIC preferences - dead simple, never a problem.

  • As far as I can see, every single feature in VS which you use in Unity is present in VSCode. (So, code coloring, jump to definitions, it understands/autocompletes every single thing in Unity, it opens from Unity, double clicking something in the Unity console opens the file to that line, etc etc)

  • If you are used to VS. And you want to change to VSCode. It's always hard changing editors, they are so intimate, but it's pretty similar; you won't have a big heartache.

In short if you're a VS for Unity3D user,

and you're going to try VSCode...

  1. VSCode is on the order of 19 trillion times faster in every way. It will blow your mind.

  2. It does seem to have every feature.

  3. Basically VS is the world's biggest IDE and application building system: VSCode is just an editor. (Indeed, that's exactly what you want with Unity, since Unity itself is the IDE.)

  4. Don't forget to just click to install the relevant Unity package.

If I'm not mistaken, there is no reason whatsoever to use VS with Unity.

Unity is an IDE so you just need a text editor, and that is what VSCode is. VSCode is hugely better in both speed and preferences. The only possible problem - multiple-windows are a bit clunky in VSCode!

That horrible "double copy" problem in VS ... solved!

If you are using VS with Unity. There is an infuriating problem where often VS will try to open twice, that is you will end up with two or more copies of VS running. Nobody has ever been able to fix this or figure out what the hell causes it. Fortunately, this problem never happens with VSCode.

Installing VSCode on a Mac - unbelievably easy.

There are no installers, etc etc etc. On the download page, you download a zipped Mac app. Put it in the Applications folder and you're done.

Folding! (Mac/Windows keystrokes are different)

Bizarrely there's no menu entry / docu whatsoever for folding, but here are the keys:

Setting colors and so on in VSCode - the critical tips

Particularly for Mac users who may find the colors strange:

Priceless post #1:

Priceless post #2:

Meta files ...

To keep the "Explorer" list of files on the left tidy, in the Unity case:

enter image description here

Set HTML dropdown selected option using JSTL

Real simple. You just need to have the string 'selected' added to the right option. In the following code, ${ == val ? 'selected' : ' '} will add the string 'selected' if the option's value is the same as the bean value;

<select name="foo" id="foo" value="${}">
    <option value="">ALL</option>
    <c:forEach items="${fooList}" var="val"> 
        <option value="${val}" ${ == val ? 'selected' : ' '}><c:out value="${val}" ></c:out></option>   

Make div stay at bottom of page's content all the time even when there are scrollbars

Unfortunately you can't do this with out adding a little extra HTML and having one piece of CSS rely on another.


First you need to wrap your header,footer and #body into a #holder div:

<div id="holder">
    <div id="body">....</div>


Then set height: 100% to html and body (actual body, not your #body div) to ensure you can set minimum height as a percentage on child elements.

Now set min-height: 100% on the #holder div so it fills the content of the screen and use position: absolute to sit the footer at the bottom of the #holder div.

Unfortunately, you have to apply padding-bottom to the #body div that is the same height as the footer to ensure that the footer does not sit above any content:

    height: 100%

    min-height: 100%;

    padding-bottom: 100px;    /* height of footer */

    height: 100px; 
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    bottom: 0; 

Working example, short body:

Working example, long body:

Nested attributes unpermitted parameters

If you use a JSONB field, you must convert it to JSON with .to_json (ROR)

What is the correct JSON content type?

The right MIME type is application/json


I experienced many situations where the browser type or the framework user needed:



Can someone explain the dollar sign in Javascript?

Here is a good short video explanation:

According to Ecma International Identifier Names are tokens that are interpreted according to the grammar given in the “Identifiers” section of chapter 5 of the Unicode standard, with some small modifications. An Identifier is an IdentifierName that is not a ReservedWord (see 7.6.1). The Unicode identifier grammar is based on both normative and informative character categories specified by the Unicode Standard. The characters in the specified categories in version 3.0 of the Unicode standard must be treated as in those categories by all conforming ECMAScript implementations.this standard specifies specific character additions:

The dollar sign ($) and the underscore (_) are permitted anywhere in an IdentifierName.

Further reading can be found on:

Ecma International is an industry association founded in 1961 and dedicated to the standardization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Consumer Electronics (CE).

Node Sass couldn't find a binding for your current environment

I am able to fix issue with npm install --global --production windows-build-tools

npm install --msvs_version=2015

"devDependencies": { "babel-core": "^6.26.0", "babel-loader": "^7.1.4", "babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy": "^1.3.5", "babel-preset-env": "^1.6.1", "babel-preset-react": "^6.24.1", "babel-preset-stage-2": "^6.24.1", "css-loader": "^0.28.11", "mini-css-extract-plugin": "^0.4.0", "node-sass": "^4.11.0", "sass-loader": "^6.0.7", "webpack": "^4.4.1", "webpack-cli": "3.1.0", "webpack-dev-server": "^3.1.1" }

How to debug a GLSL shader?

void main(){
  float bug=0.0;
  vec3 tile=texture2D(colMap,;
  vec4 col=vec4(tile, 1.0);

  if(something) bug=1.0;



git push says "everything up-to-date" even though I have local changes

We need to add the files and commit the already changed/added files execute below commands

git add . or git add nameoffile #it will add the existing files in the project

git commit -m "first commit" #commiting all the files in the project

git push origin master

How can I stop .gitignore from appearing in the list of untracked files?

First of all, as many others already said, your .gitignore should be tracked by Git (and should therefore not be ignored). Let me explain why.

(TL;DR: commit the .gitignore file, and use a global .gitignore to ignore files that are created by your IDE or operating system)

Git is, as you probably already know, a distributed version control system. This means that it allows you to switch back and forth between different versions (even if development has diverged into different branches) and it also allows multiple developers to work on the same project.

Although tracking your .gitignore also has benefits when you switch between snapshots, the most important reason for committing it is that you'll want to share the file with other developers who are working on the same project. By committing the file into Git, other contributers will automatically get the .gitignore file when they clone the repository, so they won't have to worry about accidentally committing a file that shouldn't be committed (such as log files, cache directories, database credentials, etc.). And if at some point the project's .gitignore is updated, they can simply pull in those changes instead of having to edit the file manually.

Of course, there will be some files and folders that you'll want to ignore, but that are specific for you, and don't apply to other developers. However, those should not be in the project's .gitignore. There are two other places where you can ignore files and folders:

  • Files and folders that are created by your operating system or IDE should be placed in a global .gitignore. The benefit is that this .gitignore is applied to all repositories on your computer, so you don't have to repeat this for every repository. And it's not shared with other developers, since they might be using a different operating system and/or IDE.
  • Files that don't belong in the project's .gitignore, nor in the global .gitignore, can be ignored using explicit repository excludes in your_project_directory/.git/info/exclude. This file will not be shared with other developers, and is specific for that single repository

Will using 'var' affect performance?

For the following method:

   private static void StringVsVarILOutput()
        var string1 = new String(new char[9]);

        string string2 = new String(new char[9]);

The IL Output is this:

          .method private hidebysig static void  StringVsVarILOutput() cil managed
          // Code size       28 (0x1c)
          .maxstack  2
          .locals init ([0] string string1,
                   [1] string string2)
          IL_0000:  nop
          IL_0001:  ldc.i4.s   9
          IL_0003:  newarr     [mscorlib]System.Char
          IL_0008:  newobj     instance void [mscorlib]System.String::.ctor(char[])
          IL_000d:  stloc.0
          IL_000e:  ldc.i4.s   9
          IL_0010:  newarr     [mscorlib]System.Char
          IL_0015:  newobj     instance void [mscorlib]System.String::.ctor(char[])
          IL_001a:  stloc.1
          IL_001b:  ret
        } // end of method Program::StringVsVarILOutput

Run a task every x-minutes with Windows Task Scheduler

Some of the links provided are only settings for Windows 2003's version of "Scheduled Tasks"

In Windows Server 2008 the "Tasks" setup only has a box with options for "5 Minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 mins, and 1 hour" (screen shot: where the Window 2003 was a "enter whatever number you want" textbox.

I thought doing an "Export" and editing the XML from: PT30M to PT2M

and importing that as a new task would "trick" Tasks into repeating every 2 mins, but it didn't like that

My workaround for getting a task to run every 2 mins in Windows 2008 was to (ugggh) setup 30 different "triggers" for my task repeating every hour but staring at :00, :02, :04, :06 and so on and so on.... took me 8-10 mins to setup but I only had to do it once :-)

Find the server name for an Oracle database

SELECT  host_name
FROM    v$instance

What is the best way to check for Internet connectivity using .NET?

There is absolutely no way you can reliably check if there is an internet connection or not (I assume you mean access to the internet).

You can, however, request resources that are virtually never offline, like pinging or something similar. I think this would be efficient.

try { 
    Ping myPing = new Ping();
    String host = "";
    byte[] buffer = new byte[32];
    int timeout = 1000;
    PingOptions pingOptions = new PingOptions();
    PingReply reply = myPing.Send(host, timeout, buffer, pingOptions);
    return (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success);
catch (Exception) {
    return false;

How do I remove the "extended attributes" on a file in Mac OS X?

Answer (Individual Files)

1. Showcase keys to use in selection.

xattr ~/Desktop/screenshot\ 2019-10-23\ at\ 010212.png

2. Pick a Key to delete.

xattr -d ~/Desktop/screenshot\ 2019-10-23\ at\ 010212.png
xattr -d kMDItemIsScreenCapture ~/Desktop/screenshot\ 2019-10-23\ at\ 010212.png

3. Showcase keys again to see they have been removed.

xattr -l ~/Desktop/screenshot\ 2019-10-23\ at\ 010212.png

4. Lastly, REMOVE ALL keys for a particular file

xattr -c ~/Desktop/screenshot\ 2019-10-23\ at\ 010212.png

Answer (All Files In A Directory)

1. Showcase keys to use in selection.

xattr -r ~/Desktop

2. Remove a Specific Key for EVERY FILE in a directory

xattr -rd ~/Desktop

3. Remove ALL keys on EVERY FILE in a directory

xattr -rc ~/Desktop

WARN: Once you delete these you DON'T get them back!


I wanted to address the error's people are getting. Because the errors drove me nuts too... On a mac if you install xattr in python, then your environment may have an issue.

There are two different paths on my mac for xattr

type -a xattr

    # xattr is /usr/local/bin/xattr    # PYTHON Installed Version
    # xattr is /usr/bin/xattr          # Mac OSX Installed Version

So in one of the example's where -c will not work in xargs is because in bash you default to the non-python version.

Works with -c

/usr/bin/xattr -c

Does NOT Work with -c

/usr/local/bin/xattr -c
    # option -c not recognized

My Shell/Terminal defaults to /usr/local/bin/xattr because my $PATH /usr/local/bin: is before /usr/bin: which I believe is the default.

I can prove this because, if you try to uninstall the python xattr you will see:

pip3 uninstall xattr
Uninstalling xattr-0.9.6:
  Would remove:
Proceed (y/n)?


To Fix option -c not recognized Errors.

  1. Uninstall any Python xattr you may have: pip3 uninstall xattr
  2. Close all Terminal windows & quit Terminal
  3. Reopen a new Terminal window.
  4. ReRun xattr command and it should now work.


If you want to keep the Python xattr then use


for any Shell commands in Terminal


Python's version of xattr doesn't handle images at all:

Good-Mac:~ JayRizzo$ xattr ~/Desktop/screenshot\ 2019-10-23\ at\ 010212.png
    # Traceback (most recent call last):
    #   File "/usr/local/bin/xattr", line 8, in <module>
    #     sys.exit(main())
    #   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xattr/", line 196, in main
    #     attr_value = attr_value.decode('utf-8')
    # UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 2: invalid start byte

Good-Mac:~ JayRizzo$ /usr/bin/xattr ~/Desktop/screenshot\ 2019-10-23\ at\ 010212.png

Man Pages

MAN PAGE for OSX xattr

MAN PAGE for Python xattr VERSION 0.6.4

NOTE: I could not find the python help page for current VERSION 0.9.6

Thanks for Reading!

PHP - define constant inside a class

You can define a class constant in php. But your class constant would be accessible from any object instance as well. This is php's functionality. However, as of php7.1, you can define your class constants with access modifiers (public, private or protected).

A work around would be to define your constant as private or protected and then make them readable via a static function. This function should only return the constant values if called from the static context.

You can also create this static function in your parent class and simply inherit this parent class on all other classes to make it a default functionality.


How to create a numpy array of all True or all False?

Quickly ran a timeit to see, if there are any differences between the np.full and np.ones version.

Answer: No

import timeit

n_array, n_test = 1000, 10000
setup = f"import numpy as np; n = {n_array};"

print(f"np.ones: {timeit.timeit('np.ones((n, n), dtype=bool)', number=n_test, setup=setup)}s")
print(f"np.full: {timeit.timeit('np.full((n, n), True)', number=n_test, setup=setup)}s")


np.ones: 0.38416870904620737s
np.full: 0.38430388597771525s


Regarding the post about np.empty (and I cannot comment, as my reputation is too low):

DON'T DO THAT. DON'T USE np.empty to initialize an all-True array

As the array is empty, the memory is not written and there is no guarantee, what your values will be, e.g.

>>> print(np.empty((4,4), dtype=bool))
[[ True  True  True  True]
 [ True  True  True  True]
 [ True  True  True  True]
 [ True  True False False]]

How to speed up insertion performance in PostgreSQL

I encountered this insertion performance problem as well. My solution is spawn some go routines to finish the insertion work. In the meantime, SetMaxOpenConns should be given a proper number otherwise too many open connection error would be alerted.

db, _ := 
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, query := range queries {
    go func(msg string) {
        defer wg.Done()
        _, err := db.Exec(msg)
        if err != nil {

The loading speed is much faster for my project. This code snippet just gave an idea how it works. Readers should be able to modify it easily.

JSON library for C#

Try the Vici Project, Vici Parser. It includes a JSON parser / tokeniser. It works great, we use it together with the MVC framework.

More info at:

I forgot to say that it is open source so you can always take a look at the code if you like.

Convert list into a pandas data frame

You need convert list to numpy array and then reshape:

df = pd.DataFrame(np.array(my_list).reshape(3,3), columns = list("abc"))
print (df)
   a  b  c
0  1  2  3
1  4  5  6
2  7  8  9

npm command to uninstall or prune unused packages in Node.js

You can use npm-prune to remove extraneous packages.

npm prune [[<@scope>/]<pkg>...] [--production] [--dry-run] [--json]

This command removes "extraneous" packages. If a package name is provided, then only packages matching one of the supplied names are removed.

Extraneous packages are packages that are not listed on the parent package's dependencies list.

If the --production flag is specified or the NODE_ENV environment variable is set to production, this command will remove the packages specified in your devDependencies. Setting --no-production will negate NODE_ENV being set to production.

If the --dry-run flag is used then no changes will actually be made.

If the --json flag is used then the changes npm prune made (or would have made with --dry-run) are printed as a JSON object.

In normal operation with package-locks enabled, extraneous modules are pruned automatically when modules are installed and you'll only need this command with the --production flag.

If you've disabled package-locks then extraneous modules will not be removed and it's up to you to run npm prune from time-to-time to remove them.

Use npm-dedupe to reduce duplication

npm dedupe
npm ddp

Searches the local package tree and attempts to simplify the overall structure by moving dependencies further up the tree, where they can be more effectively shared by multiple dependent packages.

For example, consider this dependency graph:

+-- b <-- depends on [email protected]
|    `-- [email protected]
`-- d <-- depends on c@~1.0.9
     `-- [email protected]

In this case, npm-dedupe will transform the tree to:

 +-- b
 +-- d
 `-- [email protected]

Because of the hierarchical nature of node's module lookup, b and d will both get their dependency met by the single c package at the root level of the tree.

The deduplication algorithm walks the tree, moving each dependency as far up in the tree as possible, even if duplicates are not found. This will result in both a flat and deduplicated tree.

Apache HttpClient Interim Error: NoHttpResponseException

HttpClient 4.4 suffered from a bug in this area relating to validating possibly stale connections before returning to the requestor. It didn't validate whether a connection was stale, and this then results in an immediate NoHttpResponseException.

This issue was resolved in HttpClient 4.4.1. See this JIRA and the release notes

Favicon not showing up in Google Chrome


Clear your cache. And test another browser.

Some where able to get an updated favicon by adding an URL parameter: ?v=1 after the link href which changes the resource link and therefore loads the favicon without cache (thanks @Stanislav).

<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico?v=2"  />

Favicon Usage

How did you import the favicon? How you should add it.

Normal favicon:

<link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />

PNG/GIF favicon:

<link rel="icon" type="image/gif" href="favicon.gif" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon.png" />

in the <head> Tag.

Chrome local problem

Another thing could be the problem that chrome can't display favicons, if it's local (not uploaded to a webserver). Only if the file/icon would be in the downloads directory chrome is allowed to load this data - more information about this can be found here: local (file://) website favicon works in Firefox, not in Chrome or Safari- why?


Try to rename it from favicon.{whatever} to {yourfaviconname}.{whatever} but I would suggest you to still have the normal favicon. This has solved my issue on IE.

Base64 approach

Found another solution for this which works great! I simply added my favicon as Base64 Encoded Image directly inside the tag like this:

<link href="" rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" />

Used this page here for this:

Generate favicons

I can really suggest you this page: to create all types of favicons you need.

Facebook Like-Button - hide count?

It seems as if FaceBook has recently changed some code - whenever I clicked "Like", the contents jumped to the left, thus messing up the UI. No CSS / JS tricks made it work. I went with a more simple solution, using an iframe.

NOTICE - Though some devices already support iFrames, not all mobile devices do. iFrames are actually old and not recommended at all, but it did the trick for me.

Lets take the default like-generation script from facebook, and generate an iFrame like box;

Click here to generate like button

Go for the "Box_Count" style, with a counter on top.

When you press "Grab the code", go for the iFrame code. You'll get something similar to this;

<iframe src="//;send=false&amp;layout=box_count&amp;width=45056&amp;show_faces=false&amp;font&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;action=like&amp;height=90&amp;appId=1234567891011" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:45056px; height:90px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

Now lets wrap a div around there.

<div class="like_wrap">
    <iframe (...)></iframe>

Give it the following CSS:

.like_wrap {

Now you'll probably see the left top corner of the counter. Now we have to fix the iFrame. Give it a class;

<iframe class="like_box" (...)> </iframe>

And make it so that it is always english, by adding "&locale=en_US" to the URL. This is to prevent weird layouts in other countries - in Dutch it would be "Vind ik leuk" and in english "Like". I guess everybody, in every language, knows a "Like" so lets stick with that.

Now we'll add some more CSS for the like_box;

.like_box {

So the whole code looks like this (i've removed the app_id as I didn't need it)


<div class="like_wrap">
    <iframe class="like_box" 
        style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:45056px; height:90px;" 


.like_wrap {

.like_box {

And now i have a decent, small, like box, that works fine and doesn't jump around. Let me know how this works out for you and if there are any problems that you are facing.

SQL Server SELECT into existing table

If the destination table does exist but you don't want to specify column names:


            SELECT ', table1.' +  AS [text()]
            FROM sys.columns SYSCOL1
            WHERE SYSCOL1.object_id = SYSCOL2.object_id and SYSCOL1.is_identity <> 1
            ORDER BY SYSCOL1.object_id
            FOR XML PATH ('')
        ), 2, 1000)
    sys.columns SYSCOL2
    SYSCOL2.object_id = object_id('dbo.TableOne') )

SET @SQL_INSERT =  'INSERT INTO dbo.TableTwo SELECT ' + @COLUMN_LIST + ' FROM dbo.TableOne table1 WHERE col3 LIKE ' + @search_key
EXEC sp_executesql @SQL_INSERT

Multiple Forms or Multiple Submits in a Page?

Best practice: one form per product is definitely the way to go.


  • It will save you the hassle of having to parse the data to figure out which product was clicked
  • It will reduce the size of data being posted

In your specific situation

If you only ever intend to have one form element, in this case a submit button, one form for all should work just fine.

My recommendation Do one form per product, and change your markup to something like:

<form method="post" action="">
    <input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="123">
    <button type="submit" name="action" value="add_to_cart">Add to Cart</button>

This will give you a much cleaner and usable POST. No parsing. And it will allow you to add more parameters in the future (size, color, quantity, etc).

Note: There's no technical benefit to using <button> vs. <input>, but as a programmer I find it cooler to work with action=='add_to_cart' than action=='Add to Cart'. Besides, I hate mixing presentation with logic. If one day you decide that it makes more sense for the button to say "Add" or if you want to use different languages, you could do so freely without having to worry about your back-end code.

How to produce an csv output file from stored procedure in SQL Server

Found a really helpful link for that. Using SQLCMD for this is really easier than solving this with a stored procedure

Conditional WHERE clause with CASE statement in Oracle

You can write the where clause as:

where (case when (:stateCode = '') then (1)
            when (:stateCode != '') and (vw.state_cd in (:stateCode)) then 1
            else 0)
       end) = 1;

Alternatively, remove the case entirely:

where (:stateCode = '') or
      ((:stateCode != '') and vw.state_cd in (:stateCode));

Or, even better:

where (:stateCode = '') or vw.state_cd in (:stateCode)

Iterate through dictionary values?

Depending on your version:

Python 2.x:

for key, val in PIX0.iteritems():
    NUM = input("Which standard has a resolution of {!r}?".format(val))
    if NUM == key:
        print ("Nice Job!")
        count = count + 1
        print("I'm sorry but thats wrong. The correct answer was: {!r}.".format(key))

Python 3.x:

for key, val in PIX0.items():
    NUM = input("Which standard has a resolution of {!r}?".format(val))
    if NUM == key:
        print ("Nice Job!")
        count = count + 1
        print("I'm sorry but thats wrong. The correct answer was: {!r}.".format(key))

You should also get in the habit of using the new string formatting syntax ({} instead of % operator) from PEP 3101:

iPhone Navigation Bar Title text color

This is my solution based upon Stevens

Only real difference is I put some handling in for adjust the position if depending on the text length, seems to be similar to how apple do it

UILabel *titleLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(([self.title length] < 10 ? UITextAlignmentCenter : UITextAlignmentLeft), 0, 480,44)];
titleLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
titleLabel.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize: 20.0f];
titleLabel.shadowColor = [UIColor colorWithWhite:0.0 alpha:0.5];
titleLabel.textAlignment = ([self.title length] < 10 ? UITextAlignmentCenter : UITextAlignmentLeft);
titleLabel.textColor = [UIColor redColor];
titleLabel.text = self.title;
self.navigationItem.titleView = titleLabel;
[titleLabel release];

You may want to adjust the 10 value depending on your font size

What does cv::normalize(_src, dst, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, CV_8UC1);

When the normType is NORM_MINMAX, cv::normalize normalizes _src in such a way that the min value of dst is alpha and max value of dst is beta. cv::normalize does its magic using only scales and shifts (i.e. adding constants and multiplying by constants).

CV_8UC1 says how many channels dst has.

The documentation here is pretty clear:

SELECT using 'CASE' in SQL

Try this.


How can I do a line break (line continuation) in Python?

It may not be the Pythonic way, but I generally use a list with the join function for writing a long string, like SQL queries:

query = " ".join([
    'SELECT * FROM "TableName"',
    'WHERE "SomeColumn1"=VALUE',
    'ORDER BY "SomeColumn2"',
    'LIMIT 5;'

Customize Bootstrap checkboxes

Since Bootstrap 3 doesn't have a style for checkboxes I found a custom made that goes really well with Bootstrap style.


.checkbox label:after {_x000D_
  content: '';_x000D_
  display: table;_x000D_
  clear: both;_x000D_
.checkbox .cr {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #a9a9a9;_x000D_
  border-radius: .25em;_x000D_
  width: 1.3em;_x000D_
  height: 1.3em;_x000D_
  float: left;_x000D_
  margin-right: .5em;_x000D_
.checkbox .cr .cr-icon {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  font-size: .8em;_x000D_
  line-height: 0;_x000D_
  top: 50%;_x000D_
  left: 15%;_x000D_
.checkbox label input[type="checkbox"] {_x000D_
  display: none;_x000D_
.checkbox label input[type="checkbox"]>.cr-icon {_x000D_
  opacity: 0;_x000D_
.checkbox label input[type="checkbox"]>.cr-icon {_x000D_
  opacity: 1;_x000D_
.checkbox label input[type="checkbox"] {_x000D_
  opacity: .5;_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin="anonymous">_x000D_
<!-- Default checkbox -->_x000D_
<div class="checkbox">_x000D_
   <input type="checkbox" value="">_x000D_
   <span class="cr"><i class="cr-icon glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i></span>_x000D_
   Option one_x000D_
<!-- Checked checkbox -->_x000D_
<div class="checkbox">_x000D_
   <input type="checkbox" value="" checked>_x000D_
   <span class="cr"><i class="cr-icon glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i></span>_x000D_
   Option two is checked by default_x000D_
<!-- Disabled checkbox -->_x000D_
<div class="checkbox disabled">_x000D_
   <input type="checkbox" value="" disabled>_x000D_
   <span class="cr"><i class="cr-icon glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i></span>_x000D_
   Option three is disabled_x000D_


.checkbox label:after,_x000D_
.radio label:after {_x000D_
  content: '';_x000D_
  display: table;_x000D_
  clear: both;_x000D_
.checkbox .cr,_x000D_
.radio .cr {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #a9a9a9;_x000D_
  border-radius: .25em;_x000D_
  width: 1.3em;_x000D_
  height: 1.3em;_x000D_
  float: left;_x000D_
  margin-right: .5em;_x000D_
.radio .cr {_x000D_
  border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
.checkbox .cr .cr-icon,_x000D_
.radio .cr .cr-icon {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  font-size: .8em;_x000D_
  line-height: 0;_x000D_
  top: 50%;_x000D_
  left: 13%;_x000D_
.radio .cr .cr-icon {_x000D_
  margin-left: 0.04em;_x000D_
.checkbox label input[type="checkbox"],_x000D_
.radio label input[type="radio"] {_x000D_
  display: none;_x000D_
.checkbox label input[type="checkbox"]>.cr-icon,_x000D_
.radio label input[type="radio"]>.cr-icon {_x000D_
  opacity: 0;_x000D_
.checkbox label input[type="checkbox"]>.cr-icon,_x000D_
.radio label input[type="radio"]>.cr-icon {_x000D_
  opacity: 1;_x000D_
.checkbox label input[type="checkbox"],_x000D_
.radio label input[type="radio"] {_x000D_
  opacity: .5;_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin="anonymous">_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-+d0P83n9kaQMCwj8F4RJB66tzIwOKmrdb46+porD/OvrJ+37WqIM7UoBtwHO6Nlg" crossorigin="anonymous">_x000D_
<!-- Default radio -->_x000D_
<div class="radio">_x000D_
   <input type="radio" name="o3" value="">_x000D_
   <span class="cr"><i class="cr-icon fa fa-circle"></i></span>_x000D_
   Option one_x000D_
<!-- Checked radio -->_x000D_
<div class="radio">_x000D_
   <input type="radio" name="o3" value="" checked>_x000D_
   <span class="cr"><i class="cr-icon fa fa-circle"></i></span>_x000D_
   Option two is checked by default_x000D_
<!-- Disabled radio -->_x000D_
<div class="radio disabled">_x000D_
   <input type="radio" name="o3" value="" disabled>_x000D_
   <span class="cr"><i class="cr-icon fa fa-circle"></i></span>_x000D_
   Option three is disabled_x000D_

Custom icons

You can choose your own icon between the ones from Bootstrap or Font Awesome by changing [icon name] with your icon.

<span class="cr"><i class="cr-icon [icon name]"></i>

For example:

  • glyphicon glyphicon-remove for Bootstrap, or
  • fa fa-bullseye for Font Awesome

.checkbox label:after,_x000D_
.radio label:after {_x000D_
  content: '';_x000D_
  display: table;_x000D_
  clear: both;_x000D_
.checkbox .cr,_x000D_
.radio .cr {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #a9a9a9;_x000D_
  border-radius: .25em;_x000D_
  width: 1.3em;_x000D_
  height: 1.3em;_x000D_
  float: left;_x000D_
  margin-right: .5em;_x000D_
.radio .cr {_x000D_
  border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
.checkbox .cr .cr-icon,_x000D_
.radio .cr .cr-icon {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  font-size: .8em;_x000D_
  line-height: 0;_x000D_
  top: 50%;_x000D_
  left: 15%;_x000D_
.radio .cr .cr-icon {_x000D_
  margin-left: 0.04em;_x000D_
.checkbox label input[type="checkbox"],_x000D_
.radio label input[type="radio"] {_x000D_
  display: none;_x000D_
.checkbox label input[type="checkbox"]>.cr-icon,_x000D_
.radio label input[type="radio"]>.cr-icon {_x000D_
  opacity: 0;_x000D_
.checkbox label input[type="checkbox"]>.cr-icon,_x000D_
.radio label input[type="radio"]>.cr-icon {_x000D_
  opacity: 1;_x000D_
.checkbox label input[type="checkbox"],_x000D_
.radio label input[type="radio"] {_x000D_
  opacity: .5;_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin="anonymous">_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-+d0P83n9kaQMCwj8F4RJB66tzIwOKmrdb46+porD/OvrJ+37WqIM7UoBtwHO6Nlg" crossorigin="anonymous">_x000D_
<div class="checkbox">_x000D_
   <input type="checkbox" value="" checked>_x000D_
   <span class="cr"><i class="cr-icon glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></i></span>_x000D_
   Bootstrap - Custom icon checkbox_x000D_
<div class="radio">_x000D_
   <input type="radio" name="o3" value="" checked>_x000D_
   <span class="cr"><i class="cr-icon fa fa-bullseye"></i></span>_x000D_
   Font Awesome - Custom icon radio checked by default_x000D_
<div class="radio">_x000D_
   <input type="radio" name="o3" value="">_x000D_
   <span class="cr"><i class="cr-icon fa fa-bullseye"></i></span>_x000D_
   Font Awesome - Custom icon radio_x000D_

Is there a function to make a copy of a PHP array to another?

Creates a copy of the ArrayObject

// Array of available fruits
$fruits = array("lemons" => 1, "oranges" => 4, "bananas" => 5, "apples" => 10);

$fruitsArrayObject = new ArrayObject($fruits);
$fruitsArrayObject['pears'] = 4;

// create a copy of the array
$copy = $fruitsArrayObject->getArrayCopy();



Android Spinner: Get the selected item change event

One trick I found was putting your setOnItemSelectedListeners in onWindowFocusChanged instead of onCreate. I haven't found any bad side-effects to doing it this way, yet. Basically, set up the listeners after the window gets drawn. I'm not sure how often onWindowFocusChanged runs, but it's easy enough to create yourself a lock variable if you are finding it running too often.

I think Android might be using a message-based processing system, and if you put it all in onCreate, you may run into situations where the spinner gets populated after it gets drawn. So, your listener will fire off after you set the item location. This is an educated guess, of course, but feel free to correct me on this.

Swift performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: is unavailable

Swift is statically typed so the performSelector: methods are to fall by the wayside.

Instead, use GCD to dispatch a suitable block to the relevant queue — in this case it'll presumably be the main queue since it looks like you're doing UIKit work.

EDIT: the relevant performSelector: is also notably missing from the Swift version of the NSRunLoop documentation ("1 Objective-C symbol hidden") so you can't jump straight in with that. With that and its absence from the Swiftified NSObject I'd argue it's pretty clear what Apple is thinking here.

Check if a temporary table exists and delete if it exists before creating a temporary table

This worked for me,

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#tempTable') IS NOT NULL 
DROP TABLE #tempTable; 

Here tempdb.dbo(dbo is nothing but your schema) is having more importance.

How to display PDF file in HTML?

The simplest way is to use,

<iframe src="pdf-link">

and if its still getting downloaded instead of viewing, check the server response header, it should have, Content-Disposition:Inline and not, Content-Disposition:Attachment.

How to determine an interface{} value's "real" type?

There are multiple ways to get a string representation of a type. Switches can also be used with user types:

var user interface{}
user = User{name: "Eugene"}

// .(type) can only be used inside a switch
switch v := user.(type) {
case int:
    // Built-in types are possible (int, float64, string, etc.)
    fmt.Printf("Integer: %v", v)
case User:
    // User defined types work as well  
    fmt.Printf("It's a user: %s\n", user.(User).name)

// You can use reflection to get *reflect.rtype
userType := reflect.TypeOf(user)
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", userType)

// You can also use %T to get a string value
fmt.Printf("%T", user)

// You can even get it into a string
userTypeAsString := fmt.Sprintf("%T", user)

if userTypeAsString == "main.User" {
    fmt.Printf("\nIt's definitely a user")

Link to a playground:

Amazon S3 boto - how to create a folder?

There is no concept of folders or directories in S3. You can create file names like "abc/xys/uvw/123.jpg", which many S3 access tools like S3Fox show like a directory structure, but it's actually just a single file in a bucket.

Set width of dropdown element in HTML select dropdown options

You can style (albeit with some constraints) the actual items themselves with the option selector:

select, option { width: __; }

This way you are not only constraining the drop-down, but also all of its elements.

remove duplicates from sql union

Using UNION automatically removes duplicate rows unless you specify UNION ALL:

How to output (to a log) a multi-level array in a format that is human-readable? This function can be used to format output,

$output = print_r($array,1);

$output is a string variable, it can be logged like every other string. In pure php you can use trigger_error

Ex. trigger_error($output);

if you need to format it also in html, you can use <pre> tag

UINavigationBar Hide back Button Text

I tried some above and below but they didn't work. This worked for me:

override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    self.navigationController?.navigationBar.topItem?.title = ""

How to print a dictionary line by line in Python?

You have a nested structure, so you need to format the nested dictionary too:

for key, car in cars.items():
    for attribute, value in car.items():
        print('{} : {}'.format(attribute, value))

This prints:

color : 2
speed : 70
color : 3
speed : 60

How do I count unique visitors to my site?


$check_ip = mysql_query("select userip from pageview where page='yourpage'  and userip='$user_ip'");

  $insertview = mysql_query("insert into pageview values('','yourpage','$user_ip')");

  $updateview = mysql_query("update totalview set totalvisit = totalvisit+1 where page='yourpage' ");

code from talkerscode official tutorial if you have any problem

How to make a <svg> element expand or contract to its parent container?

For your iphone You could use in your head balise :


Where to find extensions installed folder for Google Chrome on Mac?

The default locations of Chrome's profile directory are defined at For Chrome on Mac, it's

~/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome/Default

The actual location can be different, by setting the --user-data-dir=path/to/directory flag.
If only one user is registered in Chrome, look in the Default/Extensions subdirectory. Otherwise, look in the <profile user name>/Extensions directory.

If that didn't help, you can always do a custom search.

  1. Go to chrome://extensions/, and find out the ID of an extension (32 lowercase letters) (if not done already, activate "Developer mode" first).

  2. Open the terminal, cd to the directory which is most likely a parent of your Chrome profile (if unsure, try ~ then /).

  3. Run find . -type d -iname "<EXTENSION ID HERE>", for example:

    find . -type d -iname jifpbeccnghkjeaalbbjmodiffmgedin


    ./Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/jifpbeccnghkjeaalbbjmodiffmgedin

Chrome hangs after certain amount of data transfered - waiting for available socket

Chrome is a Chromium-based browser and Chromium-based browsers only allow maximum 6 open socket connections at a time, when the 7th connection starts up it will just sit idle and wait for one of the 6 which are running to stop and then it will start running. Hence the error code ‘waiting for available sockets’, the 7th one will wait for one of those 6 sockets to become available and then it will start running.

You can either

Maven2: Best practice for Enterprise Project (EAR file)

This is a good example of the maven-ear-plugin part.

You can also check the maven archetypes that are available as an example. If you just runt mvn archetype:generate you'll get a list of available archetypes. One of them is


How to add property to object in PHP >= 5.3 strict mode without generating error

If you absolutely have to add the property to the object, I believe you could cast it as an array, add your property (as a new array key), then cast it back as an object. The only time you run into stdClass objects (I believe) is when you cast an array as an object or when you create a new stdClass object from scratch (and of course when you json_decode() something - silly me for forgetting!).

Instead of:

$foo = new StdClass();
$foo->bar = '1234';

You'd do:

$foo = array('bar' => '1234');
$foo = (object)$foo;

Or if you already had an existing stdClass object:

$foo = (array)$foo;
$foo['bar'] = '1234';
$foo = (object)$foo;

Also as a 1 liner:

$foo = (object) array_merge( (array)$foo, array( 'bar' => '1234' ) );

How to make the 'cut' command treat same sequental delimiters as one?

This Perl one-liner shows how closely Perl is related to awk:

perl -lane 'print $F[3]' text.txt

However, the @F autosplit array starts at index $F[0] while awk fields start with $1

How long would it take a non-programmer to learn C#, the .NET Framework, and SQL?

You'll pick up c# fairly quickly (the language syntax is not that complicated). It will take you a long time to really learn the .NET framework, but you'll pick up the heavily used parts of the framework fairly quickly, and you should start seeing patterns in the framework.

My advice to you: don't just learn from a book or website. They will teach you the language and framework, but they will not teach you how to program anything useful.

Writing little code snippets will teach you how to do a very specific tasks, but they do not teach you how to write applications. My suggestion is that you think of an app that might be fun to work on (and doable... e.g. don't think that you're going to write an operating system or crysis or something in a month or two). Personally, when I was learning, wrote my own full featured IRC app, complete with rich text, personal messaging, etc.

Dynamic creation of table with DOM

<title>Registration Form</title>
    var table;

    function check() {
        var name =;
        if (name == "" || name == null) {
            document.getElementById("span1").innerHTML = "Please enter the Name";
            document.getElementById("name").style.border = "2px solid red";
            return false;
        else {
            document.getElementById("span1").innerHTML = "";
            document.getElementById("name").style.border = "2px solid green";

        var age = document.myForm.age.value;
        var ageFormat = /^(([1][8-9])|([2-5][0-9])|(6[0]))$/gm;

        if (age == "" || age == null) {
            document.getElementById("span2").innerHTML = "Please provide Age";
            document.getElementById("age").style.border = "2px solid red";
            return false;
        else if (!ageFormat.test(age)) {
            document.getElementById("span2").innerHTML = "Age can't be leass than 18 and greater than 60";
            document.getElementById("age").style.border = "2px solid red";
            return false;
        else {
            document.getElementById("span2").innerHTML = "";
            document.getElementById("age").style.border = "2px solid green";

        var password = document.myForm.password.value;
        if (document.myForm.password.length < 6) {
            alert("Error: Password must contain at least six characters!");
            document.getElementById("password").style.border = "2px solid red";
            return false;
        re = /[0-9]/g;
        if (!re.test(password)) {
            alert("Error: password must contain at least one number (0-9)!");
            document.getElementById("password").style.border = "2px solid red";
            return false;
        re = /[a-z]/g;
        if (!re.test(password)) {
            alert("Error: password must contain at least one lowercase letter (a-z)!");
            document.getElementById("password").style.border = "2px solid red";
            return false;
        re = /[A-Z]/g;
        if (!re.test(password)) {
            alert("Error: password must contain at least one uppercase letter (A-Z)!");
            document.getElementById("password").style.border = "2px solid red";
            return false;
        re = /[$&+,:;=?@#|'<>.^*()%!-]/g;
        if (!re.test(password)) {
            alert("Error: password must contain at least one special character!");
            document.getElementById("password").style.border = "2px solid red";
            return false;
        else {
            document.getElementById("span3").innerHTML = "";
            document.getElementById("password").style.border = "2px solid green";


        if (document.getElementById("data") == null)
        else {
        return true;

    function createTable() {

        var myTableDiv = document.getElementById("myTable");  //indiv
        table = document.createElement("TABLE");   //TABLE??
        table.setAttribute("id", "data");
        table.border = '1';
        myTableDiv.appendChild(table);  //appendChild() insert it in the document (table --> myTableDiv)

        var header = table.createTHead();

        var th0 = table.tHead.appendChild(document.createElement("th"));
        th0.innerHTML = "Name";
        var th1 = table.tHead.appendChild(document.createElement("th"));
        th1.innerHTML = "Age";



    function appendRow() {
        var name =;
        var age = document.myForm.age.value;

        var rowCount = table.rows.length;
        var row = table.insertRow(rowCount);

        row.insertCell(0).innerHTML = name;
        row.insertCell(1).innerHTML = age;



    function clearForm() {
        debugger; = "";
        document.myForm.password.value = "";
        document.myForm.age.value = "";

    function restrictCharacters(evt) {

        evt = (evt) ? evt : window.event;
        var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode;
        if (((charCode >= '65') && (charCode <= '90')) || ((charCode >= '97') && (charCode <= '122')) || (charCode == '32')) {
            return true;
        else {
            return false;


    <form name="myForm">

        <table id="tableid">

                    <input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Name" id="name" onkeypress="return restrictCharacters(event);" /></td>
                <td><span id="span1"></span></td>


                    <input type="text" onkeypress="return event.charCode === 0 || /\d/.test(String.fromCharCode(event.charCode));" placeholder="Age"
                        name="age" id="age" /></td>
                <td><span id="span2"></span></td>

                    <input type="password" name="password" id="password" placeholder="Password" /></td>
                <td><span id="span3"></span></td>

                    <input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="check();" /></td>
                    <input type="reset" name="Reset" /></td>


    <div id="myTable">


Check if a Bash array contains a value

Here's my take on this.

I'd rather not use a bash for loop if I can avoid it, as that takes time to run. If something has to loop, let it be something that was written in a lower level language than a shell script.

function array_contains { # arrayname value
  local -A _arr=()
  local IFS=
  eval _arr=( $(eval printf '[%q]="1"\ ' "\${$1[@]}") )
  return $(( 1 - 0${_arr[$2]} ))

This works by creating a temporary associative array, _arr, whose indices are derived from the values of the input array. (Note that associative arrays are available in bash 4 and above, so this function won't work in earlier versions of bash.) We set $IFS to avoid word splitting on whitespace.

The function contains no explicit loops, though internally bash steps through the input array in order to populate printf. The printf format uses %q to ensure that input data are escaped such that they can safely be used as array keys.

$ a=("one two" three four)
$ array_contains a three && echo BOOYA
$ array_contains a two && echo FAIL

Note that everything this function uses is a built-in to bash, so there are no external pipes dragging you down, even in the command expansion.

And if you don't like using eval ... well, you're free to use another approach. :-)

TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict', when dict used as a key for another dict

From the error, I infer that referenceElement is a dictionary (see repro below). A dictionary cannot be hashed and therefore cannot be used as a key to another dictionary (or itself for that matter!).

>>> d1, d2 = {}, {}
>>> d1[d2] = 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'

You probably meant either for element in referenceElement.keys() or for element in json['referenceElement'].keys(). With more context on what types json and referenceElement are and what they contain, we will be able to better help you if neither solution works.

Best cross-browser method to capture CTRL+S with JQuery?

This Plugin Made by me may be helpful.


You can use this plugin you have to supply the key Codes and function to be run like this

simulatorControl([17,83], function(){
 console.log('You have pressed Ctrl+Z');

In the code i have displayed how to perform for Ctrl+S. You will get Detailed Documentation On the link. Plugin is in JavaScript Code section Of my Pen on Codepen.

How do I install a color theme for IntelliJ IDEA 7.0.x

Interesting I never spent too much time adjusting the colours in IntelliJ although tried once.

See link below with an already defined colour scheme you can import.

Where can I download IntelliJ IDEA 10 Color Schemes?

Download the jar file, file import the jar where you will see a what to import ;)

enter image description here

Difference between static STATIC_URL and STATIC_ROOT on Django


The absolute path to the directory where ./ collectstatic will collect static files for deployment. Example: STATIC_ROOT="/var/www/"

now the command ./ collectstatic will copy all the static files(ie in static folder in your apps, static files in all paths) to the directory /var/www/ now you only need to serve this directory on apache or nginx..etc.


The URL of which the static files in STATIC_ROOT directory are served(by Apache or nginx..etc). Example: /static/ or

If you set STATIC_URL = '', then you must serve the STATIC_ROOT folder (ie "/var/www/") by apache or nginx at url ''(so that you can refer the static file '/var/www/' with '')

Now in your django-templates, you can refer it by:

{% load static %}
<script src="{% static "jquery.js" %}"></script>

which will render:

<script src=""></script>

cor shows only NA or 1 for correlations - Why?

The NA can actually be due to 2 reasons. One is that there is a NA in your data. Another one is due to there being one of the values being constant. This results in standard deviation being equal to zero and hence the cor function returns NA.

Access Database opens as read only

If someone else has the database open, then ask them to close it. If the database was not closed cleanly (Access or a computer crashed), then you can try to Compact and Repair the file.

I have also noticed that if the file is opened or put in a read-only state at any time, it might get 'stuck' like that. So try this:

  1. Open Access, but no database
  2. Open the file in question, but explicitly open it in read-only mode (the 'Open' button is actually a dropdown button. Use the button to open read-only
  3. Close the file (but not Access)
  4. Open the file again, but open normally.

Not sure it that's a bug or a feature, but I've seen it frustrate many a user.

Set min-width in HTML table's <td>

min-width and max-width properties do not work the way you expect for table cells. From spec:

In CSS 2.1, the effect of 'min-width' and 'max-width' on tables, inline tables, table cells, table columns, and column groups is undefined.

This hasn't changed in CSS3.

What is sys.maxint in Python 3?

The sys.maxint constant was removed, since there is no longer a limit to the value of integers. However, sys.maxsize can be used as an integer larger than any practical list or string index. It conforms to the implementation’s “natural” integer size and is typically the same as sys.maxint in previous releases on the same platform (assuming the same build options).

Sorting dictionary keys in python

I like this one:

sorted(d, key=d.get)

Build error: "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process"

Run this command from the Run box:

net stop iisadmin /y

and then


worked for me. vs 2003

How to make div follow scrolling smoothly with jQuery?

That code doesn't work very well i fixed it a little bit

var el = $('.caja-pago');
var elpos_original = el.offset().top;

     var elpos = el.offset().top;
     var windowpos = $(window).scrollTop();
     var finaldestination = windowpos;
     if(windowpos<elpos_original) {
         finaldestination = elpos_original;
     } else {

How do I make an HTTP request in Swift?

You can use Just, a python-requests style HTTP library.

Some example of sending HTTP request with Just:

// synchronous GET request with URL query a=1
let r = Just.get("", params:["a":1])

// asynchronous POST request with form value and file uploads
    data: ["username": "barryallen", "password":"ReverseF1ashSucks"],
    files: ["profile_photo": .URL(fileURLWithPath:"flash.jpeg", nil)]
) { (r)
    if (r.ok) { /* success! */ }

In both cases, the result of a request r can be accessed in ways similar to python-request:

r.ok            // is the response successful?
r.statusCode    // status code of response
r.content       // response body as NSData?
r.text          // response body as text?
r.json          // response body parsed by NSJSONSerielization

You can find more examples in this playground

Using this library in synchronous mode in a playground is the closest thing to cURL one can get in Swift.

JavaScript: SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list

You have an extra closing } in your function.

var nav = document.getElementsByClassName('nav-coll');
for (var i = 0; i < button.length; i++) {
        }        // <== remove this brace
    }, false);

You really should be using something like JSHint or JSLint to help find these things. These tools integrate with many editors and IDEs, or you can just paste a code fragment into the above web sites and ask for an analysis.

Serving favicon.ico in ASP.NET MVC

I agree with the answer from Chris, but seeing this is a specific ASP.NET MVC question it would be better to use either Razor syntax:

<link rel="icon" href="@Url.Content("~/content/favicon.ico")"/>

Or traditionally

<link rel="icon" href="<%= Url.Content("~/content/favicon.ico") %>"/>

rather than

<link rel="icon" href=""/>

Better solution without exluding fields from Binding

You should not use your domain models in your views. ViewModels are the correct way to do it.

You need to map your domain model's necessary fields to viewmodel and then use this viewmodel in your controllers. This way you will have the necessery abstraction in your application.

If you never heard of viewmodels, take a look at this.

When to use Common Table Expression (CTE)

One example, if you need to reference/join the same data set multiple times you can do so by defining a CTE. Therefore, it can be a form of code re-use.

An example of self referencing is recursion: Recursive Queries Using CTE

For exciting Microsoft definitions Taken from Books Online:

A CTE can be used to:

  • Create a recursive query. For more information, see Recursive Queries Using Common Table Expressions.

  • Substitute for a view when the general use of a view is not required; that is, you do not have to store the definition in metadata.

  • Enable grouping by a column that is derived from a scalar subselect, or a function that is either not deterministic or has external access.

  • Reference the resulting table multiple times in the same statement.

Formatting doubles for output in C#

The answer is yes, double printing is broken in .NET, they are printing trailing garbage digits.

You can read how to implement it correctly here.

I have had to do the same for IronScheme.

> (* 10.0 0.69)
> 6.89999999999999946709
> (- 6.9 (* 10.0 0.69))
> 6.9
> (- 6.9 8.881784197001252e-16)

Note: Both C and C# has correct value, just broken printing.

Update: I am still looking for the mailing list conversation I had that lead up to this discovery.

How do I declare a 2d array in C++ using new?

The purpose of this answer is not to add anything new that the others don't already cover, but to extend @Kevin Loney's answer.

You could use the lightweight declaration:

int *ary = new int[SizeX*SizeY]

and access syntax will be:

ary[i*SizeY+j]     // ary[i][j]

but this is cumbersome for most, and can lead to confusion. So, you can define a macro as follows:

#define ary(i, j)   ary[(i)*SizeY + (j)]

Now you can access the array using the very similar syntax ary(i, j) // means ary[i][j]. This has the advantages of being simple and beautiful, and at the same time, using expressions in place of the indices is also simpler and less confusing.

To access, say, ary[2+5][3+8], you can write ary(2+5, 3+8) instead of the complex-looking ary[(2+5)*SizeY + (3+8)] i.e. it saves parentheses and helps readability.


  • Although the syntax is very similar, it is NOT the same.
  • In case you pass the array to other functions, SizeY has to be passed with the same name (or instead be declared as a global variable).

Or, if you need to use the array in multiple functions, then you could add SizeY also as another parameter in the macro definition like so:

#define ary(i, j, SizeY)  ary[(i)*(SizeY)+(j)]

You get the idea. Of course, this becomes too long to be useful, but it can still prevent the confusion of + and *.

This is not recommended definitely, and it will be condemned as bad practice by most experienced users, but I couldn't resist sharing it because of its elegance.

If you want a portable solution that works for any number of arrays, you can use this syntax:

#define access(ar, i, j, SizeY) ar[(i)*(SizeY)+(j)]

and then you can pass on any array to the call, with any size using the access syntax:

access(ary, i, j, SizeY)      // ary[i][j]

P.S.: I've tested these, and the same syntax works (as both an lvalue and an rvalue) on g++14 and g++11 compilers.

Truncate with condition

The short answer is no: MySQL does not allow you to add a WHERE clause to the TRUNCATE statement. Here's MySQL's documentation about the TRUNCATE statement.

But the good news is that you can (somewhat) work around this limitation.

Simple, safe, clean but slow solution using DELETE

First of all, if the table is small enough, simply use the DELETE statement (it had to be mentioned):

1. LOCK TABLE my_table WRITE;

The LOCK and UNLOCK statements are not compulsory, but they will speed things up and avoid potential deadlocks.

Unfortunately, this will be very slow if your table is large... and since you are considering using the TRUNCATE statement, I suppose it's because your table is large.

So here's one way to solve your problem using the TRUNCATE statement:

Simple, fast, but unsafe solution using TRUNCATE

1. CREATE TABLE my_table_backup AS
      SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_date>=DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH);
2. TRUNCATE my_table;
3. LOCK TABLE my_table WRITE, my_table_backup WRITE;
4. INSERT INTO my_table SELECT * FROM my_table_backup;
6. DROP TABLE my_table_backup;

Unfortunately, this solution is a bit unsafe if other processes are inserting records in the table at the same time:

  • any record inserted between steps 1 and 2 will be lost
  • the TRUNCATE statement resets the AUTO-INCREMENT counter to zero. So any record inserted between steps 2 and 3 will have an ID that will be lower than older IDs and that might even conflict with IDs inserted at step 4 (note that the AUTO-INCREMENT counter will be back to it's proper value after step 4).

Unfortunately, it is not possible to lock the table and truncate it. But we can (somehow) work around that limitation using RENAME.

Half-simple, fast, safe but noisy solution using TRUNCATE

1. RENAME TABLE my_table TO my_table_work;
2. CREATE TABLE my_table_backup AS
     SELECT * FROM my_table_work WHERE my_date>DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH);
3. TRUNCATE my_table_work;
4. LOCK TABLE my_table_work WRITE, my_table_backup WRITE;
5. INSERT INTO my_table_work SELECT * FROM my_table_backup;
7. RENAME TABLE my_table_work TO my_table;
8. DROP TABLE my_table_backup;

This should be completely safe and quite fast. The only problem is that other processes will see table my_table disappear for a few seconds. This might lead to errors being displayed in logs everywhere. So it's a safe solution, but it's "noisy".

Disclaimer: I am not a MySQL expert, so these solutions might actually be crappy. The only guarantee I can offer is that they work fine for me. If some expert can comment on these solutions, I would be grateful.

Printing the last column of a line in a file

ls -l | awk '{print $9}' | tail -n1

Define preprocessor macro through CMake?

For a long time, CMake had the add_definitions command for this purpose. However, recently the command has been superseded by a more fine grained approach (separate commands for compile definitions, include directories, and compiler options).

An example using the new add_compile_definitions:



add_compile_definitions(OPENCV_VERSION=${OpenCV_VERSION} WITH_OPENCV2)

The good part about this is that it circumvents the shabby trickery CMake has in place for add_definitions. CMake is such a shabby system, but they are finally finding some sanity.

Find more explanation on which commands to use for compiler flags here:

Likewise, you can do this per-target as explained in Jim Hunziker's answer.

Completely remove MariaDB or MySQL from CentOS 7 or RHEL 7

To update and answer the question without breaking mail servers. Later versions of CentOS 7 have MariaDB included as the base along with PostFix which relies on MariaDB. Removing using yum will also remove postfix and perl-DBD-MySQL. To get around this and keep postfix in place, first make a copy of /usr/lib64/ (which is what postfix depends on) and then use:

rpm -qa | grep mariadb

then remove the mariadb packages using (changing to your versions):

rpm -e --nodeps "mariadb-libs-5.5.56-2.el7.x86_64"
rpm -e --nodeps "mariadb-server-5.5.56-2.el7.x86_64"
rpm -e --nodeps "mariadb-5.5.56-2.el7.x86_64"

Delete left over files and folders (which also removes any databases):

rm -f /var/log/mariadb
rm -f /var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log.rpmsave
rm -rf /var/lib/mysql
rm -rf /usr/lib64/mysql
rm -rf /usr/share/mysql

Put back the copy of /usr/lib64/ you made at the start and you can restart postfix.

There is more detail at which describes how to replace mariaDB with MySQL

How to set default values for Angular 2 component properties?

Here is the best solution for this. (ANGULAR All Version)

Addressing solution: To set a default value for @Input variable. If no value passed to that input variable then It will take the default value.

I have provided solution for this kind of similar question. You can find the full solution from here

export class CarComponent implements OnInit {
  private _defaultCar: car = {
    // default isCar is true
    isCar: true,
    // default wheels  will be 4
    wheels: 4

  @Input() newCar: car = {};

  constructor() {}

  ngOnInit(): void {

   // this will concate both the objects and the object declared later (ie.. ...this.newCar )
   // will overwrite the default value. ONLY AND ONLY IF DEFAULT VALUE IS PRESENT

    this.newCar = { ...this._defaultCar, ...this.newCar };
   //  console.log(this.newCar);

How can I check if an element exists in the visible DOM?

Use getElementById() if it's available.

Also, here's an easy way to do it with jQuery:

if ($('#elementId').length > 0) {
  // Exists.

And if you can't use third-party libraries, just stick to base JavaScript:

var element =  document.getElementById('elementId');
if (typeof(element) != 'undefined' && element != null)
  // Exists.

getting the reason why websockets closed with close code 1006

This may be your websocket URL you are using in device are not same(You are hitting different websocket URL from android/iphonedevice )

Top 1 with a left join

Damir is correct,

Your subquery needs to ensure that equals um.profile_id, otherwise it will grab the top row which might, but probably not equal your id of 'u162231993'

Your query should look like this:

SELECT, mbg.marker_value 
FROM dps_user u
    (SELECT TOP 1 m.marker_value, um.profile_id
     FROM dps_usr_markers um (NOLOCK)
         INNER JOIN dps_markers m (NOLOCK) 
             ON m.marker_id= um.marker_id AND 
                m.marker_key = 'moneyBackGuaranteeLength'
     WHERE = um.profile_id
     ORDER BY m.creation_date
    ) MBG ON 
WHERE = 'u162231993'

Identifying and solving javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Target Unreachable

I decided to share my solution, because although many answers provided here were helpful, I still had this problem. In my case, I am using JSF 2.3, jdk10, jee8, cdi 2.0 for my new project and I did run my app on wildfly 12, starting server with parameter -Dee8.preview.mode=true as recommended on wildfly website. The problem with "bean resolved to null” disappeared after downloading wildfly 13. Uploading exactly the same war to wildfly 13 made it all work.

How to make full screen background in a web page

I found the reason why there is always a white boder of the background image, if I put the image in a 'div' element inside 'body'. But the image can be full screen, if I put it as background image of 'body'.

Because the default 'margin' of 'body' is not zero. After add this css, the background image can be full screen even I put it in 'div'.

body {
    margin: 0px;

Opening PDF String in new window with javascript

//for pdf view

let pdfWindow ="");
pdfWindow.document.write("<iframe width='100%' height='100%' src='data:application/pdf;base64," + +"'></iframe>");

ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found

Quick note: Check if you have other Python versions, if you have removed them, make sure you did that right. If you have Miniconda on your system then Python will not be removed easily.

What worked for me: removed other Python versions and the Miniconda, reinstalled Python and the matplotlib library and everything worked great.

Logical XOR operator in C++?

Here is how I think you write an XOR comparison in C++:

bool a = true;   // Test by changing to true or false
bool b = false;  // Test by changing to true or false
if (a == !b)     // THIS IS YOUR XOR comparison
    // do whatever


 a   b  XOR
--- --- ---
 T   T   F
 T   F   T
 F   T   T
 F   F   F

a == !b TABLE
 a   b  !b  a == !b
--- --- --- -------
 T   T   F     F
 T   F   T     T
 F   T   F     T
 F   F   T     F

The proof is that an exhaustive study of inputs and outputs shows that in the two tables, for every input set the result is always the identical in the two tables.

Therefore, the original question being how to write:

return (A==5) ^^ (B==5)

The answer would be

return (A==5) == !(B==5);

Or if you like, write

return !(A==5) == (B==5);

Check if a file exists locally using JavaScript only

If you want to check if file exists using javascript then no, as far as I know, javascript has no access to file system due to security reasons.. But as for me it is not clear enough what are you trying to do..

How to find count of Null and Nan values for each column in a PySpark dataframe efficiently?

An alternative to the already provided ways is to simply filter on the column like so

df = df.where(F.col('columnNameHere').isNull())

This has the added benefit that you don't have to add another column to do the filtering and it's quick on larger data sets.

How to check whether a string contains a substring in Ruby

You can use the include? method:

my_string = "abcdefg"
if my_string.include? "cde"
   puts "String includes 'cde'"

How do I set up NSZombieEnabled in Xcode 4?

On In Xcode 7


or select Edit Scheme from Product > Scheme Menu

select Enable Zombie Objects form the Diagnostics tab

xcode 7 zombie flag

As alternative, if you prefer .xcconfig files you can read this article

Why does background-color have no effect on this DIV?

Change it to:

<div style="background-color:black; overflow:hidden;" onmouseover="this.bgColor='white'">
<div style="float:left">hello</div>
<div style="float:right">world</div>

Basically the outer div only contains floats. Floats are removed from the normal flow. As such the outer div really contains nothing and thus has no height. It really is black but you just can't see it.

The overflow:hidden property basically makes the outer div enclose the floats. The other way to do this is:

<div style="background-color:black" onmouseover="this.bgColor='white'">
<div style="float:left">hello</div>
<div style="float:right">world</div>
<div style="clear:both></div>

Oh and just for completeness, you should really prefer classes to direct CSS styles.

Inserting multiple rows in a single SQL query?

NOTE: This answer is for SQL Server 2005. For SQL Server 2008 and later, there are much better methods as seen in the other answers.


INSERT INTO MyTable  (FirstCol, SecondCol)
    SELECT  'First' ,1
SELECT  'Second' ,2
SELECT  'Third' ,3

Only for small datasets though, which should be fine for your 4 records.

Could not create the Java virtual machine

The problem got resolved when I edited the file /etc/bashrc with same contents as in /etc/profiles and in /etc/profiles.d/ and did a re-login.

Add image to left of text via css

background-image: url('somewhere.jpg');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
padding-left: 30px;  /* width of the image plus a little extra padding */
display: block;  /* may not need this, but I've found I do */

Play around with padding and possibly margin until you get your desired result. You can also play with the position of the background image (*nod to Tom Wright) with "background-position" or doing a completely definition of "background" (link to w3).

NoClassDefFoundError in Java: com/google/common/base/Function

I had the same problem, and finally I found that I forgot to add the selenium-server-standalone-version.jar. I had only added the client jar, selenium-java-version.jar.

Python module for converting PDF to text

Found that solution today. Works great for me. Even rendering PDF pages to PNG images.

Sorting an array of objects by property values

For a normal array of elements values only:

function sortArrayOfElements(arrayToSort) {
    function compareElements(a, b) {
        if (a < b)
            return -1;
        if (a > b)
            return 1;
        return 0;

    return arrayToSort.sort(compareElements);

e.g. 1:
var array1 = [1,2,545,676,64,2,24]
output : [1, 2, 2, 24, 64, 545, 676]

var array2 = ["v","a",545,676,64,2,"24"]
output: ["a", "v", 2, "24", 64, 545, 676]

For an array of objects:

function sortArrayOfObjects(arrayToSort, key) {
    function compareObjects(a, b) {
        if (a[key] < b[key])
            return -1;
        if (a[key] > b[key])
            return 1;
        return 0;

    return arrayToSort.sort(compareObjects);

e.g. 1: var array1= [{"name": "User4", "value": 4},{"name": "User3", "value": 3},{"name": "User2", "value": 2}]

output : [{"name": "User2", "value": 2},{"name": "User3", "value": 3},{"name": "User4", "value": 4}]

Importing a long list of constants to a Python file

Sure, you can put your constants into a separate module. For example:

A = 12
B = 'abc'
C = 1.2

import const

print const.A, const.B, const.C

Note that as declared above, A, B and C are variables, i.e. can be changed at run time.

Differences between key, superkey, minimal superkey, candidate key and primary key

Primary key is a subset of super key. Which is uniquely define and other field are depend on it. In a table their can be just one primary key and rest sub set are candidate key or alternate keys.

How to respond to clicks on a checkbox in an AngularJS directive?

I prefer to use the ngModel and ngChange directives when dealing with checkboxes. ngModel allows you to bind the checked/unchecked state of the checkbox to a property on the entity:

<input type="checkbox" ng-model="entity.isChecked">

Whenever the user checks or unchecks the checkbox the entity.isChecked value will change too.

If this is all you need then you don't even need the ngClick or ngChange directives. Since you have the "Check All" checkbox, you obviously need to do more than just set the value of the property when someone checks a checkbox.

When using ngModel with a checkbox, it's best to use ngChange rather than ngClick for handling checked and unchecked events. ngChange is made for just this kind of scenario. It makes use of the ngModelController for data-binding (it adds a listener to the ngModelController's $viewChangeListeners array. The listeners in this array get called after the model value has been set, avoiding this problem).

<input type="checkbox" ng-model="entity.isChecked" ng-change="selectEntity()">

... and in the controller ...

var model = {};
$scope.model = model;

// This property is bound to the checkbox in the table header
model.allItemsSelected = false;

// Fired when an entity in the table is checked
$scope.selectEntity = function () {
    // If any entity is not checked, then uncheck the "allItemsSelected" checkbox
    for (var i = 0; i < model.entities.length; i++) {
        if (!model.entities[i].isChecked) {
            model.allItemsSelected = false;

    // ... otherwise ensure that the "allItemsSelected" checkbox is checked
    model.allItemsSelected = true;

Similarly, the "Check All" checkbox in the header:

    <input type="checkbox" ng-model="model.allItemsSelected" ng-change="selectAll()">

... and ...

// Fired when the checkbox in the table header is checked
$scope.selectAll = function () {
    // Loop through all the entities and set their isChecked property
    for (var i = 0; i < model.entities.length; i++) {
        model.entities[i].isChecked = model.allItemsSelected;


What is the best way to... add a CSS class to the <tr> containing the entity to reflect its selected state?

If you use the ngModel approach for the data-binding, all you need to do is add the ngClass directive to the <tr> element to dynamically add or remove the class whenever the entity property changes:

<tr ng-repeat="entity in model.entities" ng-class="{selected: entity.isChecked}">

See the full Plunker here.

PostgreSQL: Drop PostgreSQL database through command line

You can run the dropdb command from the command line:

dropdb 'database name'

Note that you have to be a superuser or the database owner to be able to drop it.

You can also check the pg_stat_activity view to see what type of activity is currently taking place against your database, including all idle processes.

SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname='database name';

Note that from PostgreSQL v13 on, you can disconnect the users automatically with



dropdb -f dbname

List<Map<String, String>> vs List<? extends Map<String, String>>

You cannot assign expressions with types such as List<NavigableMap<String,String>> to the first.

(If you want to know why you can't assign List<String> to List<Object> see a zillion other questions on SO.)

Placing border inside of div and not on its edge

You can look at outline with offset but this needs some padding to exists on your div. Or you can absolutely position a border div inside, something like

<div id='parentDiv' style='position:relative'>
  <div id='parentDivsContent'></div>
  <div id='fakeBordersDiv' 
       style='position: absolute;width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              z-index: 2;
              border: 2px solid;
              border-radius: 2px;'/>

You might need to fiddle with margins on the fake borders div to fit it as you like.

How to use ESLint with Jest

Pattern based configs are scheduled for 2.0.0 release of ESLint. For now, however, you will have to create two separate tasks (as mentioned in the comments). One for tests and one for the rest of the code and run both of them, while providing different .eslintrc files.

P.S. There's a jest environment coming in the next release of ESLint, it will register all of the necessary globals.

How to check if a class inherits another class without instantiating it?

To check for assignability, you can use the Type.IsAssignableFrom method:


This will work as you expect for type-equality, inheritance-relationships and interface-implementations but not when you are looking for 'assignability' across explicit / implicit conversion operators.

To check for strict inheritance, you can use Type.IsSubclassOf:


Is it worth using Python's re.compile?

I've had a lot of experience running a compiled regex 1000s of times versus compiling on-the-fly, and have not noticed any perceivable difference

The votes on the accepted answer leads to the assumption that what @Triptych says is true for all cases. This is not necessarily true. One big difference is when you have to decide whether to accept a regex string or a compiled regex object as a parameter to a function:

>>> timeit.timeit(setup="""
... import re
... f=lambda x, y: x.match(y)       # accepts compiled regex as parameter
... h=re.compile('hello')
... """, stmt="f(h, 'hello world')")
>>> timeit.timeit(setup="""
... import re
... f=lambda x, y: re.compile(x).match(y)   # compiles when called
... """, stmt="f('hello', 'hello world')")

It is always better to compile your regexs in case you need to reuse them.

Note the example in the timeit above simulates creation of a compiled regex object once at import time versus "on-the-fly" when required for a match.

jquery: how to get the value of id attribute?

$('.select_continent').click(function () {

push_back vs emplace_back

emplace_back shouldn't take an argument of type vector::value_type, but instead variadic arguments that are forwarded to the constructor of the appended item.

template <class... Args> void emplace_back(Args&&... args); 

It is possible to pass a value_type which will be forwarded to the copy constructor.

Because it forwards the arguments, this means that if you don't have rvalue, this still means that the container will store a "copied" copy, not a moved copy.

 std::vector<std::string> vec;
 vec.emplace_back(std::string("Hello")); // moves
 std::string s;
 vec.emplace_back(s); //copies

But the above should be identical to what push_back does. It is probably rather meant for use cases like:

 std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > vec;
 vec.emplace_back(std::string("Hello"), std::string("world")); 
 // should end up invoking this constructor:
 //template<class U, class V> pair(U&& x, V&& y);
 //without making any copies of the strings

Effects of the extern keyword on C functions

The extern keyword informs the compiler that the function or variable has external linkage - in other words, that it is visible from files other than the one in which it is defined. In this sense it has the opposite meaning to the static keyword. It is a bit weird to put extern at the time of the definition, since no other files would have visibility of the definition (or it would result in multiple definitions). Normally you put extern in a declaration at some point with external visibility (such as a header file) and put the definition elsewhere.

What is the difference between document.location.href and document.location?

The document.location is an object that contains properties for the current location.

The href property is one of these properties, containing the complete URL, i.e. all the other properties put together.

Some browsers allow you to assign an URL to the location object and acts as if you assigned it to the href property. Some other browsers are more picky, and requires you to use the href property. Thus, to make the code work in all browsers, you have to use the href property.

Both the window and document objects has a location object. You can set the URL using either window.location.href or document.location.href. However, logically the document.location object should be read-only (as you can't change the URL of a document; changing the URL loads a new document), so to be on the safe side you should rather use window.location.href when you want to set the URL.

Can HTTP POST be limitless?

Quite amazing how all answers talk about IIS, as if that were the only web server that mattered. Even back in 2010 when the question was asked, Apache had between 60% and 70% of the market share. Anyway,

  • The HTTP protocol does not specify a limit.
  • The POST method allows sending far more data than the GET method, which is limited by the URL length - about 2KB.
  • The maximum POST request body size is configured on the HTTP server and typically ranges from
    1MB to 2GB
  • The HTTP client (browser or other user agent) can have its own limitations. Therefore, the maximum POST body request size is min(serverMaximumSize, clientMaximumSize).

Here are the POST body sizes for some of the more popular HTTP servers:

How can I get a list of all values in select box?

It looks like placing the click event directly on the button is causing the problem. For some reason it can't find the function. Not sure why...

If you attach the event handler in the javascript, it does work however.

See it here:

<button id="display-text" type="button">Display text of all options</button>

document.getElementById('display-text').onclick = function () {
    var x = document.getElementById("mySelect");
    var txt = "All options: ";
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
        txt = txt + "\n" + x.options[i].value;

SQL Server: Get data for only the past year

declare @iMonth int
declare @sYear varchar(4)
declare @sMonth varchar(2)
set @iMonth = 0
while @iMonth > -12
    set @sYear = year(DATEADD(month,@iMonth,GETDATE()))
    set @sMonth = right('0'+cast(month(DATEADD(month,@iMonth,GETDATE())) as varchar(2)),2)
    select @sYear + @sMonth
    set @iMonth = @iMonth - 1

How to find the parent element using javascript

Using plain javascript:


In jQuery:


correct way of comparing string jquery operator =

First of all you should use double "==" instead of "=" to compare two values. Using "=" You assigning value to variable in this case "somevar"

SELECT with LIMIT in Codeigniter

I don't know what version of CI you were using back in 2013, but I am using CI3 and I just tested with two null parameters passed to limit() and there was no LIMIT or OFFSET in the rendered query (I checked by using get_compiled_select()).

This means that -- assuming your have correctly posted your coding attempt -- you don't need to change anything (or at least the old issue is no longer a CI issue).

If this was my project, this is how I would write the method to return an indexed array of objects or an empty array if there are no qualifying rows in the result set.

function nationList($limit = null, $start = null) {
    // assuming the language value is sanitized/validated/whitelisted
    return $this->db
        ->select(', nation.name_' . $this->session->userdata('language') . ' AS name')
        ->limit($limit, $start)

These refinements remove unnecessary syntax, conditions, and the redundant loop.

For reference, here is the CI core code:

 * @param   int $value  LIMIT value
 * @param   int $offset OFFSET value
 * @return  CI_DB_query_builder
public function limit($value, $offset = 0)
    is_null($value) OR $this->qb_limit = (int) $value;
    empty($offset) OR $this->qb_offset = (int) $offset;

    return $this;

So the $this->qb_limit and $this->qb_offset class objects are not updated because null evaluates as true when fed to is_null() or empty().

SQL Query NOT Between Two Dates

Assuming that start_date is before end_date,

interval [start_date..end_date] NOT BETWEEN two dates simply means that either it starts before 2009-12-15 or it ends after 2010-01-02.

Then you can simply do

start_date<CAST('2009-12-15' AS DATE) or end_date>CAST('2010-01-02' AS DATE)

Min/Max of dates in an array?

This is a particularly great way to do this (you can get max of an array of objects using one of the object properties): Math.max.apply(Math,{return o.y;}))

This is the accepted answer for this page: Finding the max value of an attribute in an array of objects

Duplicate / Copy records in the same MySQL table

Alex's answer needs some care (e.g. locking or a transaction) in multi-client environments.

Assuming the AUTO ID field is the first one in the table (a usual case), we can make use of implicit transactions.

    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp SELECT * from invoices WHERE ...;
    ALTER TABLE tmp drop ID; # drop autoincrement field
    # UPDATE tmp SET ...; # just needed to change other unique keys
    INSERT INTO invoices SELECT 0,tmp.* FROM tmp;
    DROP TABLE tmp;

From the MySQL docs:

Using AUTO_INCREMENT: You can also explicitly assign NULL or 0 to the column to generate sequence numbers.

How many socket connections can a web server handle?

Note that HTTP doesn't typically keep TCP connections open for any longer than it takes to transmit the page to the client; and it usually takes much more time for the user to read a web page than it takes to download the page... while the user is viewing the page, he adds no load to the server at all.

So the number of people that can be simultaneously viewing your web site is much larger than the number of TCP connections that it can simultaneously serve.

CSS table column autowidth

use auto and min or max width like this:

td {

"ImportError: no module named 'requests'" after installing with pip

In Windows it worked for me only after trying the following: 1. Open cmd inside the folder where "requests" is unpacked. (CTRL+SHIFT+right mouse click, choose the appropriate popup menu item) 2. (Here is the path to your pip3.exe)\pip3.exe install requests Done

How do I import a specific version of a package using go get?

A little cheat sheet on module queries.

To check all existing versions: e.g. go list -m -versions

  1. Specific version @v1.2.8
  2. Specific commit @c783230
  3. Specific branch @master
  4. Version prefix @v2
  5. Comparison @>=2.1.5
  6. Latest @latest

E.g. go get[email protected]

Link to "pin it" on pinterest without generating a button

The standard Pinterest button code (which you can generate here), is an <a> tag wrapping an <img> of the Pinterest button.

If you don't include the pinit.js script on your page, this <a> tag will work "as-is". You could improve the experience by registering your own click handler on these tags that opens a new window with appropriate dimensions, or at least adding target="_blank" to the tag to make it open clicks in a new window.

The tag syntax would look like:

<a href="{URI-encoded URL of the page to pin}&media={URI-encoded URL of the image to pin}&description={optional URI-encoded description}" class="pin-it-button" count-layout="horizontal">
    <img border="0" src="//" title="Pin It" />

If using the JavaScript versions of sharing buttons are ruining your page load times, you can improve your site by using asynchronous loading methods. For an example of doing this with the Pinterest button, check out my GitHub Pinterest button project with an improved HTML5 syntax.

Convert to binary and keep leading zeros in Python

You can use zfill:

print str(1).zfill(2) 
print str(10).zfill(2) 
print str(100).zfill(2)



I like this solution, as it helps not only when outputting the number, but when you need to assign it to a variable... e.g. - x = str( will return x as '02' for the month of feb.

How can I remove duplicate rows?

Another possible way of doing this is


--Ensure that any immediately preceding statement is terminated with a semicolon above
WITH cte
                                       ORDER BY ( SELECT 0)) RN
         FROM   #MyTable)
WHERE  RN > 1;

I am using ORDER BY (SELECT 0) above as it is arbitrary which row to preserve in the event of a tie.

To preserve the latest one in RowID order for example you could use ORDER BY RowID DESC

Execution Plans

The execution plan for this is often simpler and more efficient than that in the accepted answer as it does not require the self join.

Execution Plans

This is not always the case however. One place where the GROUP BY solution might be preferred is situations where a hash aggregate would be chosen in preference to a stream aggregate.

The ROW_NUMBER solution will always give pretty much the same plan whereas the GROUP BY strategy is more flexible.

Execution Plans

Factors which might favour the hash aggregate approach would be

  • No useful index on the partitioning columns
  • relatively fewer groups with relatively more duplicates in each group

In extreme versions of this second case (if there are very few groups with many duplicates in each) one could also consider simply inserting the rows to keep into a new table then TRUNCATE-ing the original and copying them back to minimise logging compared to deleting a very high proportion of the rows.

Device not detected in Eclipse when connected with USB cable

Best approach is install PDA net(software) on both system as well as in android device. This software automatically installs global driver for all phones, provides easy connectivity to android device.

Follow these links to download

For system

For android device

console.writeline and System.out.println

Here are the primary differences between using System.out/.err/.in and System.console():

  • System.console() returns null if your application is not run in a terminal (though you can handle this in your application)
  • System.console() provides methods for reading password without echoing characters
  • System.out and System.err use the default platform encoding, while the Console class output methods use the console encoding

This latter behaviour may not be immediately obvious, but code like this can demonstrate the difference:

public class ConsoleDemo {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String[] data = { "\u250C\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2510", 
        "\u2514\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2518" };
    for (String s : data) {
    for (String s : data) {

On my Windows XP which has a system encoding of windows-1252 and a default console encoding of IBM850, this code will write:


Note that this behaviour depends on the console encoding being set to a different encoding to the system encoding. This is the default behaviour on Windows for a bunch of historical reasons.

how to customize `show processlist` in mysql?

The command

show full processlist

can be replaced by:

SELECT * FROM information_schema.processlist

but if you go with the latter version you can add WHERE clause to it:

SELECT * FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE `INFO` LIKE 'SELECT %';

For more information visit this

How to programmatically disable page scrolling with jQuery

You can also use DOM to do so. Say you have a function you call like this:

function disable_scroll() {"hidden";

And that's all there is to it! Hope this helps in addition to all the other answers!

Creating all possible k combinations of n items in C++

I thought my simple "all possible combination generator" might help someone, i think its a really good example for building something bigger and better

you can change N (characters) to any you like by just removing/adding from string array (you can change it to int as well). Current amount of characters is 36

you can also change K (size of the generated combinations) by just adding more loops, for each element, there must be one extra loop. Current size is 4


using namespace std;

int main() {
string num[] = {"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z" };

for (int i1 = 0; i1 < sizeof(num)/sizeof(string); i1++) {
    for (int i2 = 0; i2 < sizeof(num)/sizeof(string); i2++) {
        for (int i3 = 0; i3 < sizeof(num)/sizeof(string); i3++) {
            for (int i4 = 0; i4 < sizeof(num)/sizeof(string); i4++) {
                cout << num[i1] << num[i2] << num[i3] << num[i4] << endl;


0: A A A
1: B A A
2: C A A
3: A B A
4: B B A
5: C B A
6: A C A
7: B C A
8: C C A
9: A A B

just keep in mind that the amount of combinations can be ridicules.


a better way to generate all possible combinations would be with this code, which can be easily adjusted and configured in the "variables" section of the code.


int main() {
    char chars[] = { 'A', 'B', 'C' };
    int password[4]{0};

    int chars_length = sizeof(chars) / sizeof(char);
    int password_length = sizeof(password) / sizeof(int);

    for (int i = 0; i < pow(chars_length, password_length); i++){
        for (int i2 = 0; i2 < password_length; i2++) {
            if (password[i2] == chars_length) {
                password[i2 + 1]++;
                password[i2] = 0;

        std::cout << i << ": ";
        for (int i2 = 0; i2 < password_length; i2++) {
            std::cout << chars[password[i2]] << " ";
        std::cout << "\n";



li:before{ content: "¦"; } How to Encode this Special Character as a Bullit in an Email Stationery?

Lea's converter is no longer available. I just used this converter


  1. Enter the Unicode decimal version such as 8226 in the tool's green input field.
  2. Press Dec code points
  3. See the result in the box Unicode U+hex notation (eg U+2022)
  4. Use it in your CSS. Eg content: '\2022'

ps. I have no connection with the web site.

How to check the value given is a positive or negative integer?

1 Checking for positive value

In javascript simple comparison like: value >== 0 does not provide us with answer due to existence of -0 and +0 (This is concept has it roots in derivative equations) Bellow example of those values and its properties:

var negativeZero = -0;
var negativeZero = -1 / Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
var negativeZero = -Number.MIN_VALUE / Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

var positiveZero = 0;
var positiveZero = 1 / Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
var positiveZero = Number.MIN_VALUE / Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

-0 === +0                     // true
1 / -0                        // -Infinity
+0 / -0                       // NaN

Having that in mind we can write function like bellow to check for sign of given number:

function isPositive (number) {
    if ( number > 0 ) { 
        return true;
    if (number < 0) {
        return false;
    if ( 1 / number === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ) {
        return true;
    return false;

2a Checking for number being an Integer (in mathematical sense)

To check that number is an integer we can use bellow function:

function isInteger (number) {
    return parseInt(number) === number;
//* in ECMA Script 6 use Number.isInteger

2b Checking for number being an Integer (in computer science)

In this case we are checking that number does not have any exponential part (please note that in JS numbers are represented in double-precision floating-point format) However in javascript it is more usable to check that value is "safe integer" ( - to put it simple it means that we can add/substract 1 to "safe integer" and be sure that result will be same as expected from math lessons. To illustrate what I mean, result of some unsafe operations bellow:

Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1 === Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 2;          // true
Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER * 2 + 1 === Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER * 2 + 4;  // true

Ok, so to check that number is safe integer we can use Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER / Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER and parseInt to ensure that number is integer at all.

function isSafeInteger (number) {
    return parseInt(number) === number
    && number <== Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
    && number >== Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER
//* in ECMA Script 6 use Number.isSafeInteger

What does file:///android_asset/www/index.html mean?

It is actually called file:///android_asset/index.html

file:///android_assets/index.html will give you a build error.

Creating a SearchView that looks like the material design guidelines

Here's my attempt at doing this:

Step 1: Create a style named SearchViewStyle

<style name="SearchViewStyle" parent="Widget.AppCompat.SearchView">
    <!-- Gets rid of the search icon -->
    <item name="searchIcon">@drawable/search</item>
    <!-- Gets rid of the "underline" in the text -->
    <item name="queryBackground">@null</item>
    <!-- Gets rid of the search icon when the SearchView is expanded -->
    <item name="searchHintIcon">@null</item>
    <!-- The hint text that appears when the user has not typed anything -->
    <item name="queryHint">@string/search_hint</item>

Step 2: Create a layout named simple_search_view_item.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    xmlns:android="" />  

Step 3: Create a menu item for this search view

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<menu xmlns:android=""
        app:showAsAction="always" />

Step 4: Inflate the menu

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
    inflater.inflate(, menu);
    return true;


enter image description here

The only thing I wasn't able to do was to make it fill the entire width of the Toolbar. If someone could help me do that then that'd be golden.

Is there any way to wait for AJAX response and halt execution?

New, using jquery's promise implementation:

function functABC(){

  // returns a promise that can be used later. 

  return $.ajax({
    url: 'myPage.php',
    data: {id: id}

functABC().then( response => 

Nice read e.g. here.

This is not "synchronous" really, but I think it achieves what the OP intends.

Old, (jquery's async option has since been deprecated):

All Ajax calls can be done either asynchronously (with a callback function, this would be the function specified after the 'success' key) or synchronously - effectively blocking and waiting for the servers answer. To get a synchronous execution you have to specify

async: false 

like described here

Note, however, that in most cases asynchronous execution (via callback on success) is just fine.

How to restore the permissions of files and directories within git if they have been modified?

Try git config core.fileMode false

From the git config man page:


If false, the executable bit differences between the index and the working copy are ignored; useful on broken filesystems like FAT. See git-update-index(1).

The default is true, except git-clone(1) or git-init(1) will probe and set core.fileMode false if appropriate when the repository is created.

How to get arguments with flags in Bash

If you're familiar with Python argparse, and don't mind calling python to parse bash arguments, there is a piece of code I found really helpful and super easy to use called argparse-bash

Example take from their script:


source $(dirname $0)/argparse.bash || exit 1
argparse "$@" <<EOF || exit 1
parser.add_argument('-a', '--the-answer', default=42, type=int,
                    help='Pick a number [default %(default)s]')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--do-the-thing', action='store_true',
                    default=False, help='store a boolean [default %(default)s]')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--multiple', nargs='+',
                    help='multiple values allowed')

echo required infile: "$INFILE"
echo required outfile: "$OUTFILE"
echo the answer: "$THE_ANSWER"
echo -n do the thing?
if [[ $DO_THE_THING ]]; then
    echo " yes, do it"
    echo " no, do not do it"
echo -n "arg with multiple values: "
for a in "${MULTIPLE[@]}"; do
    echo -n "[$a] "

How to import image (.svg, .png ) in a React Component

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import imagename from './imagename.png'; //image is in the current folder where the App.js exits

class App extends React. Component{
      imagesrc=imagename // as it is imported

       return (


class ImageClass extends React.Component{
        return (

            <img src={this.props.src} height='200px' width='100px' />

export default App;

How should I read a file line-by-line in Python?

There is exactly one reason why the following is preferred:

with open('filename.txt') as fp:
    for line in fp:
        print line

We are all spoiled by CPython's relatively deterministic reference-counting scheme for garbage collection. Other, hypothetical implementations of Python will not necessarily close the file "quickly enough" without the with block if they use some other scheme to reclaim memory.

In such an implementation, you might get a "too many files open" error from the OS if your code opens files faster than the garbage collector calls finalizers on orphaned file handles. The usual workaround is to trigger the GC immediately, but this is a nasty hack and it has to be done by every function that could encounter the error, including those in libraries. What a nightmare.

Or you could just use the with block.

Bonus Question

(Stop reading now if are only interested in the objective aspects of the question.)

Why isn't that included in the iterator protocol for file objects?

This is a subjective question about API design, so I have a subjective answer in two parts.

On a gut level, this feels wrong, because it makes iterator protocol do two separate things—iterate over lines and close the file handle—and it's often a bad idea to make a simple-looking function do two actions. In this case, it feels especially bad because iterators relate in a quasi-functional, value-based way to the contents of a file, but managing file handles is a completely separate task. Squashing both, invisibly, into one action, is surprising to humans who read the code and makes it more difficult to reason about program behavior.

Other languages have essentially come to the same conclusion. Haskell briefly flirted with so-called "lazy IO" which allows you to iterate over a file and have it automatically closed when you get to the end of the stream, but it's almost universally discouraged to use lazy IO in Haskell these days, and Haskell users have mostly moved to more explicit resource management like Conduit which behaves more like the with block in Python.

On a technical level, there are some things you may want to do with a file handle in Python which would not work as well if iteration closed the file handle. For example, suppose I need to iterate over the file twice:

with open('filename.txt') as fp:
    for line in fp:
    for line in fp:

While this is a less common use case, consider the fact that I might have just added the three lines of code at the bottom to an existing code base which originally had the top three lines. If iteration closed the file, I wouldn't be able to do that. So keeping iteration and resource management separate makes it easier to compose chunks of code into a larger, working Python program.

Composability is one of the most important usability features of a language or API.

Python constructors and __init__

coonstructors are called automatically when you create a new object, thereby "constructing" the object. The reason you can have more than one init is because names are just references in python, and you are allowed to change what each variable references whenever you want (hence dynamic typing)

def func(): #now func refers to an empty funcion
func=5      #now func refers to the number 5
def func():
    print "something"    #now func refers to a different function

in your class definition, it just keeps the later one

java IO Exception: Stream Closed

You're calling writer.close(); after you've done writing to it. Once a stream is closed, it can not be written to again. Usually, the way I go about implementing this is by moving the close out of the write to method.

public void writeToFile(){
    String file_text= pedStatusText + "     " + gatesStatus + "     " + DrawBridgeStatusText;
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

And add a method cleanUp to close the stream.

public void cleanUp() {

This means that you have the responsibility to make sure that you're calling cleanUp when you're done writing to the file. Failure to do this will result in memory leaks and resource locking.

EDIT: You can create a new stream each time you want to write to the file, by moving writer into the writeToFile() method..

 public void writeToFile() {
    FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("status.txt", true);
    // ... Write to the file.


Quickly create a large file on a Linux system

I don't think you're going to get much faster than dd. The bottleneck is the disk; writing hundreds of GB of data to it is going to take a long time no matter how you do it.

But here's a possibility that might work for your application. If you don't care about the contents of the file, how about creating a "virtual" file whose contents are the dynamic output of a program? Instead of open()ing the file, use popen() to open a pipe to an external program. The external program generates data whenever it's needed. Once the pipe is open, it acts just like a regular file in that the program that opened the pipe can fseek(), rewind(), etc. You'll need to use pclose() instead of close() when you're done with the pipe.

If your application needs the file to be a certain size, it will be up to the external program to keep track of where in the "file" it is and send an eof when the "end" has been reached.

Want to move a particular div to right

This will do the job:

<div style="position:absolute; right:0;">Hello world</div>

How to store(bitmap image) and retrieve image from sqlite database in android?

Setting Up the database

public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
    // Database Version
    private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;

    // Database Name
    private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "database_name";

    // Table Names
    private static final String DB_TABLE = "table_image";

    // column names
    private static final String KEY_NAME = "image_name";
    private static final String KEY_IMAGE = "image_data";

    // Table create statement
    private static final String CREATE_TABLE_IMAGE = "CREATE TABLE " + DB_TABLE + "("+ 
                       KEY_NAME + " TEXT," + 
                       KEY_IMAGE + " BLOB);";

    public DatabaseHelper(Context context) {
        super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {

        // creating table

    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
        // on upgrade drop older tables
        db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + DB_TABLE);

        // create new table

Insert in the Database:

public void addEntry( String name, byte[] image) throws SQLiteException{
    SQLiteDatabase database = this.getWritableDatabase();
    ContentValues cv = new  ContentValues();
    cv.put(KEY_NAME,    name);
    cv.put(KEY_IMAGE,   image);
    database.insert( DB_TABLE, null, cv );

Retrieving data:

 byte[] image = cursor.getBlob(1);


  1. Before inserting into database, you need to convert your Bitmap image into byte array first then apply it using database query.
  2. When retrieving from database, you certainly have a byte array of image, what you need to do is to convert byte array back to original image. So, you have to make use of BitmapFactory to decode.

Below is an Utility class which I hope could help you:

public class DbBitmapUtility {

    // convert from bitmap to byte array
    public static byte[] getBytes(Bitmap bitmap) {
        ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        bitmap.compress(CompressFormat.PNG, 0, stream);
        return stream.toByteArray();

    // convert from byte array to bitmap
    public static Bitmap getImage(byte[] image) {
        return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(image, 0, image.length);

Further reading
If you are not familiar how to insert and retrieve into a database, go through this tutorial.

Check box size change with CSS

input fields can be styled as you wish. So instead of zoom, you could have

  width: 30px; /*Desired width*/
  height: 30px; /*Desired height*/


You would have to add extra rules like this:

  width: 30px; /*Desired width*/
  height: 30px; /*Desired height*/
  cursor: pointer;
  -webkit-appearance: none;
  appearance: none;

Check this fiddle

Using if(isset($_POST['submit'])) to not display echo when script is open is not working

Whats wrong in this?

<form class="navbar-form navbar-right" method="post" action="login.php">
  <div class="form-group">
    <input type="email" name="email" class="form-control" placeholder="email">
    <input type="password" name="password" class="form-control" placeholder="password">
  <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" class="btn btn-success">


if(isset($_POST['submit']) && !empty($_POST['submit'])) {
  // if (!logged_in()) 
  echo 'asodj';

Purpose of "%matplotlib inline"

Starting with IPython 5.0 and matplotlib 2.0 you can avoid the use of IPython’s specific magic and use matplotlib.pyplot.ion()/matplotlib.pyplot.ioff() which have the advantages of working outside of IPython as well.

ipython docs

How do I concatenate two lists in Python?

It's worth noting that the itertools.chain function accepts variable number of arguments:

>>> l1 = ['a']; l2 = ['b', 'c']; l3 = ['d', 'e', 'f']
>>> [i for i in itertools.chain(l1, l2)]
['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> [i for i in itertools.chain(l1, l2, l3)]
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']

If an iterable (tuple, list, generator, etc.) is the input, the from_iterable class method may be used:

>>> il = [['a'], ['b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']]
>>> [i for i in itertools.chain.from_iterable(il)]
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']

Error : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter.<init>(I)V

Update your pom.xml


How do I set a background-color for the width of text, not the width of the entire element, using CSS?

h1 is a block level element. You will need to use something like span instead as it is an inline level element (ie: it does not span the whole row).

In your case, I would suggest the following:


   background-color: green;


<span class="highlight">only the text will be highlighted</span>

Unable to open debugger port in IntelliJ IDEA

I came in this scenario and as the above answers I tried to change the port like Edit Configuration -> Startup/Connection -> debug -> change the Port but it didn't solve my problem cause I was running my application in debug mode so once try to run the application as normal without debug. it solved my problem!

Turn off deprecated errors in PHP 5.3

In file wp-config.php you can find constant WP_DEBUG. Make sure it is set to false.

define('WP_DEBUG', false);

This is for WordPress 3.x.

Dynamically add child components in React

You need to pass your components as children, like this:

var App = require('./App.js');
var SampleComponent = require('./SampleComponent.js');
        <SampleComponent name="SomeName"/> 

And then append them in the component's body:

var App = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return (
                <h1>App main component! </h1>

You don't need to manually manipulate HTML code, React will do that for you. If you want to add some child components, you just need to change props or state it depends. For example:

var App = React.createClass({

    getInitialState: function(){
        return [
            {id:1,name:"Some Name"}

    addChild: function() {
        // State change will cause component re-render
            {id:2,name:"Another Name"}

    render: function() {
        return (
                <h1>App main component! </h1>
                <button onClick={this.addChild}>Add component</button>
           => (
                        <SampleComponent key={} name={}/>


How to display Woocommerce product price by ID number on a custom page?

Other answers work, but

To get the full/default price:


Cannot install signed apk to device manually, got error "App not installed"

if Your Android Studio Version Greater than 3.0

Looks like we can not directly use the apk after running on the device from the build -->output->apk folder.

After upgrading to android studio 3.0 you need to go to Build -> Build Apk(s) then copy the apk from build -> output -> apk -> debug

enter image description here

Cassandra cqlsh - connection refused

Got into this issue for [cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 3.11.4 | CQL spec 3.4.4 | Native protocol v4] had to set start_native_transport: true in cassandra.yaml file.

For verification,

  • try opening tailf /var/log/cassandra/system.log file in one-tab
  • update cassandra.yaml
  • restart cassandra sudo service cassandra restart

In logfile is shows.

INFO  [main] 2019-03-15 19:53:06,156 - Starting listening for CQL clients on / (unencrypted)...

How to hide Android soft keyboard on EditText

You need to add the following attribute for the Activity in your AndroidManifest.xml.


Creating a BLOB from a Base64 string in JavaScript

Here is a more minimal method without any dependencies or libraries.
It requires the new fetch API. (Can I use it?)


.then(res => res.blob())

With this method you can also easily get a ReadableStream, ArrayBuffer, text, and JSON.
(fyi this also works with node-fetch in Node)

As a function:

const b64toBlob = (base64, type = 'application/octet-stream') => 
  fetch(`data:${type};base64,${base64}`).then(res => res.blob())

I did a simple performance test towards Jeremy's ES6 sync version.
The sync version will block UI for a while. keeping the devtool open can slow the fetch performance

document.body.innerHTML += '<input autofocus placeholder="try writing">'
// get some dummy gradient image
var img=function(){var a=document.createElement("canvas"),b=a.getContext("2d"),c=b.createLinearGradient(0,0,1500,1500);a.width=a.height=3000;c.addColorStop(0,"red");c.addColorStop(1,"blue");b.fillStyle=c;b.fillRect(0,0,a.width,a.height);return a.toDataURL()}();

async function perf() {
  const blob = await fetch(img).then(res => res.blob())
  // turn it to a dataURI
  const url = img
  const b64Data = url.split(',')[1]

  // Jeremy Banks solution
  const b64toBlob = (b64Data, contentType = '', sliceSize=512) => {
    const byteCharacters = atob(b64Data);
    const byteArrays = [];
    for (let offset = 0; offset < byteCharacters.length; offset += sliceSize) {
      const slice = byteCharacters.slice(offset, offset + sliceSize);
      const byteNumbers = new Array(slice.length);
      for (let i = 0; i < slice.length; i++) {
        byteNumbers[i] = slice.charCodeAt(i);
      const byteArray = new Uint8Array(byteNumbers);
    const blob = new Blob(byteArrays, {type: contentType});
    return blob;

  // bench blocking method
  let i = 500
  console.time('blocking b64')
  while (i--) {
    await b64toBlob(b64Data)
  console.timeEnd('blocking b64')
  // bench non blocking
  i = 500

  // so that the function is not reconstructed each time
  const toBlob = res => res.blob()
  while (i--) {
    await fetch(url).then(toBlob)


Calculating the area under a curve given a set of coordinates, without knowing the function

If you have sklearn isntalled, a simple alternative is to use sklearn.metrics.auc

This computes the area under the curve using the trapezoidal rule given arbitrary x, and y array

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import auc

dx = 5
xx = np.arange(1,100,dx)
yy = np.arange(1,100,dx)

print('computed AUC using sklearn.metrics.auc: {}'.format(auc(xx,yy)))
print('computed AUC using np.trapz: {}'.format(np.trapz(yy, dx = dx)))

both output the same area: 4607.5

the advantage of sklearn.metrics.auc is that it can accept arbitrarily-spaced 'x' array, just make sure it is ascending otherwise the results will be incorrect

Find the day of a week

This should do the trick

df = data.frame(date=c("2012-02-01", "2012-02-01", "2012-02-02")) 
dow <- function(x) format(as.Date(x), "%A")
df$day <- dow(df$date)

        date       day
1 2012-02-01 Wednesday
2 2012-02-01 Wednesday
3 2012-02-02  Thursday

When doing a MERGE in Oracle SQL, how can I update rows that aren't matched in the SOURCE?

merge into x as target using y as Source on target.ID = Source.ID
when not matched by target then insert
when matched then update
when not matched by source and target.ID is not null then
update whatevercolumn = 'isdeleted' ;

How do I determine if a port is open on a Windows server?

Another utility that I found and is good and small as well, is PortQry Command Line Port Scanner version 2.0.

You can ping a server and a port and it will tell you the state of the port. There is a command-line utility and a UI for it.

How can I use a Python script in the command line without cd-ing to its directory? Is it the PYTHONPATH?

PYTHONPATH only affects import statements, not the top-level Python interpreter's lookup of python files given as arguments.

Needing PYTHONPATH to be set is not a great idea - as with anything dependent on environment variables, replicating things consistently across different machines gets tricky. Better is to use Python 'packages' which can be installed (using 'pip', or distutils) in system-dependent paths which Python already knows about.

Have a read of - 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to Packaging', and also - which explains PYTHONPATH and packages at a lower level.

Is it possible to hide/encode/encrypt php source code and let others have the system?

There are many ways for doing that (you might want to obfuscate the source code, you can compress it, ...). Some of these methods need additional code to transform your program in an executable form (compression, for example).

But the thing all methods cannot do, is keeping the source code secret. The other party gets your binary code, which can always be transformed (reverse-engineered) into a human-readable form again, because the binary code contains all functionality information that is provided in your source code.

How to use LINQ Distinct() with multiple fields

Answering the headline of the question (what attracted people here) and ignoring that the example used anonymous types....

This solution will also work for non-anonymous types. It should not be needed for anonymous types.

Helper class:

/// <summary>
/// Allow IEqualityComparer to be configured within a lambda expression.
/// From
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
public class LambdaEqualityComparer<T> : IEqualityComparer<T>
    readonly Func<T, T, bool> _comparer;
    readonly Func<T, int> _hash;

    /// <summary>
    /// Simplest constructor, provide a conversion to string for type T to use as a comparison key (GetHashCode() and Equals().
    ///, user "orip"
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="toString"></param>
    public LambdaEqualityComparer(Func<T, string> toString)
        : this((t1, t2) => toString(t1) == toString(t2), t => toString(t).GetHashCode())

    /// <summary>
    /// Constructor.  Assumes T.GetHashCode() is accurate.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="comparer"></param>
    public LambdaEqualityComparer(Func<T, T, bool> comparer)
        : this(comparer, t => t.GetHashCode())

    /// <summary>
    /// Constructor, provide a equality comparer and a hash.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="comparer"></param>
    /// <param name="hash"></param>
    public LambdaEqualityComparer(Func<T, T, bool> comparer, Func<T, int> hash)
        _comparer = comparer;
        _hash = hash;

    public bool Equals(T x, T y)
        return _comparer(x, y);

    public int GetHashCode(T obj)
        return _hash(obj);

Simplest usage:

List<Product> products = duplicatedProducts.Distinct(
    new LambdaEqualityComparer<Product>(p =>

The simplest (but not that efficient) usage is to map to a string representation so that custom hashing is avoided. Equal strings already have equal hash codes.

Wrap a delegate in an IEqualityComparer

Creating random colour in Java?

A one-liner for random RGB values:

new Color((int)(Math.random() * 0x1000000))

Safely turning a JSON string into an object

JSON.parse(jsonString) is a pure JavaScript approach so long as you can guarantee a reasonably modern browser.

random.seed(): What does it do?

random.seed(a, version) in python is used to initialize the pseudo-random number generator (PRNG).

PRNG is algorithm that generates sequence of numbers approximating the properties of random numbers. These random numbers can be reproduced using the seed value. So, if you provide seed value, PRNG starts from an arbitrary starting state using a seed.

Argument a is the seed value. If the a value is None, then by default, current system time is used.

and version is An integer specifying how to convert the a parameter into a integer. Default value is 2.

import random
random.randint(1, 10) #this gives output of 1
# 1

If you want the same random number to be reproduced then provide the same seed again

random.randint(1, 10) # this will give the same output of 1
# 1

If you don't provide the seed, then it generate different number and not 1 as before

random.randint(1, 10) # this gives 7 without providing seed
# 7

If you provide different seed than before, then it will give you a different random number

random.randint(1, 10) # this gives you 5 not 1
# 5

So, in summary, if you want the same random number to be reproduced, provide the seed. Specifically, the same seed.

Can jQuery get all CSS styles associated with an element?

I had tried many different solutions. This was the only one that worked for me in that it was able to pick up on styles applied at class level and at style as directly attributed on the element. So a font set at css file level and one as a style attribute; it returned the correct font.

It is simple! (Sorry, can't find where I originally found it)

//-- html object
var element = htmlObject; //e.g document.getElementById
//-- or jquery object
var element = htmlObject[0]; //e.g $(selector)

var stylearray = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null);
var font = stylearray["font-family"]

Alternatively you can list all the style by cycling through the array

for (var key in stylearray) {
console.log(key + ': ' + stylearray[key];

Can I use a case/switch statement with two variables?

If the action of each combination is static, you could build a two-dimensional array:

var data = [

The numbers in above example can be anything, such as string, array, etc. Fetching the value is now a one-liner (assuming sliders have a value range of [0,5):

var info = data[firstSliderValue][secondSliderValue];

Dynamic WHERE clause in LINQ

It seems much simpler and simpler to use the ternary operator to decide dynamically if a condition is included

List productList = new List();

        productList =
                db.ProductDetail.Where(p => p.ProductDetailID > 0 //Example prop
                && (String.IsNullOrEmpty(iproductGroupName) ? (true):(p.iproductGroupName.Equals(iproductGroupName)) ) //use ternary operator to make the condition dynamic
                && (ID == 0 ? (true) : (p.ID == IDParam))

val() doesn't trigger change() in jQuery

It looks like the events are not bubbling. Try this:

  var oldval=$("#mytext").val();
  $("#mytext").val('Changed by button');
  var newval=$("#mytext").val();
  if (newval != oldval) {

I hope this helps.

I tried just a plain old $("#mytext").trigger('change') without saving the old value, and the .change fires even if the value didn't change. That is why I saved the previous value and called $("#mytext").trigger('change') only if it changes.

Difference between matches() and find() in Java Regex

matches(); does not buffer, but find() buffers. find() searches to the end of the string first, indexes the result, and return the boolean value and corresponding index.

That is why when you have a code like



3:int count = 0;


5:count++: }

At 4: The regex engine using the pattern structure will read through the whole of your code (index to index as specified by the regex[single character] to find at least one match. If such match is found, it will be indexed then the loop will execute based on the indexed result else if it didn't do ahead calculation like which matches(); does not. The while statement would never execute since the first character of the matched string is not an alphabet.