[ios] UINavigationBar Hide back Button Text

Another solution to this issue for situations where you have a great deal of view controllers is to use a UIAppearance proxy to effectively hide the back button title text like this:

UIBarButtonItem *navBarButtonAppearance = [UIBarButtonItem appearanceWhenContainedIn:[UINavigationBar class], nil];

[navBarButtonAppearance setTitleTextAttributes:@{
    NSFontAttributeName:            [UIFont systemFontOfSize:0.1],
    NSForegroundColorAttributeName: [UIColor clearColor] }

This solution will render the text as a tiny clear dot, similar to manually setting the back button title to @" ", except that it affects all nav bar buttons.

I don't suggest this as a general solution to the issue because it impacts all navigation bar buttons. It flips the paradigm so that you choose when to show the button titles, rather than when to hide the titles.

To choose when to show the titles, either manually restore the title text attributes as needed, or create a specialized subclass of UIBarButtonItem that does the same (potentially with another UIAppearance proxy).

If you have an app where most of the back button titles need to be hidden, and only a few (or none) of the nav buttons are system buttons with titles, this might be for you!

(Note: the font size change is needed even though the text color is clear in order to ensure that long titles do not cause the center nav bar title to shift over)