Here is an example of decoding a generic map using both switch and reflection, so if you don't match the type, use reflection to figure it out and then add the type in next time.
var data map[string]interface {}
for k, v := range data {
fmt.Printf("pair:%s\t%s\n", k, v)
switch t := v.(type) {
case int:
fmt.Printf("Integer: %v\n", t)
case float64:
fmt.Printf("Float64: %v\n", t)
case string:
fmt.Printf("String: %v\n", t)
case bool:
fmt.Printf("Bool: %v\n", t)
case []interface {}:
for i,n := range t {
fmt.Printf("Item: %v= %v\n", i, n)
var r = reflect.TypeOf(t)
fmt.Printf("Other:%v\n", r)