Programs & Examples On #Placement new

In C++ placement new is used to construct an object at a particular memory location or to pass additional arguments to an allocation function.

What uses are there for "placement new"?

I've used it to construct objects allocated on the stack via alloca().

shameless plug: I blogged about it here.

Insert line after first match using sed

The awk variant :

awk '1;/CLIENTSCRIPT=/{print "CLIENTSCRIPT2=\"hello\""}' file

How do you run a .exe with parameters using vba's shell()?

The below code will help you to auto open the .exe file from excel...

Sub Auto_Open()

    Dim x As Variant
    Dim Path As String

    ' Set the Path variable equal to the path of your program's installation
    Path = "C:\Program Files\\Alien Shooter\game.exe"
    x = Shell(Path, vbNormalFocus)

End Sub

How do I add python3 kernel to jupyter (IPython)

This worked for me on Ubuntu 16.04:

python2 -m pip install ipykernel
python2 -m ipykernel install --user

python3 -m pip install ipykernel
python3 -m ipykernel install --user

Reference to the documentation:
Kernels for Python 2 and 3. Installing the IPython kernel - IPython Docs.

Get selected key/value of a combo box using jQuery

<select name="foo" id="foo">
 <option value="1">a</option>
 <option value="2">b</option>
 <option value="3">c</option>
  <input type="button" id="button" value="Button" />
  <script> ("#foo").val() </script>

which returns 1 if you have selected a and so on..

Javascript string/integer comparisons

The answer is simple. Just divide string by 1. Examples:

"2" > "10"   - true


"2"/1 > "10"/1 - false

Also you can check if string value really is number:

!isNaN("1"/1) - true (number)
!isNaN("1a"/1) - false (string)
!isNaN("01"/1) - true (number)
!isNaN(" 1"/1) - true (number)
!isNaN(" 1abc"/1) - false (string)


!isNaN(""/1) - true (but string)


number !== "" && !isNaN(number/1)

How to wait for all threads to finish, using ExecutorService?

You could use this code:

public class MyTask implements Runnable {

    private CountDownLatch countDownLatch;

    public MyTask(CountDownLatch countDownLatch {
         this.countDownLatch = countDownLatch;

    public void run() {
         try {
             //Do somethings
         } catch (InterruptedException ex) {

CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(NUMBER_OF_TASKS);
ExecutorService taskExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4);
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_TASKS; i++){
     taskExecutor.execute(new MyTask(countDownLatch));
System.out.println("Finish tasks");

downcast and upcast

  • Upcasting is an operation that creates a base class reference from a subclass reference. (subclass -> superclass) (i.e. Manager -> Employee)
  • Downcasting is an operation that creates a subclass reference from a base class reference. (superclass -> subclass) (i.e. Employee -> Manager)

In your case

Employee emp = (Employee)mgr; //mgr is Manager

you are doing an upcasting.

An upcast always succeeds unlike a downcast that requires an explicit cast because it can potentially fail at runtime.(InvalidCastException).

C# offers two operators to avoid this exception to be thrown:

Starting from:

Employee e = new Employee();


Manager m = e as Manager; // if downcast fails m is null; no exception thrown


if (e is Manager){...} // the predicate is false if the downcast is not possible 

Warning: When you do an upcast you can only access to the superclass' methods, properties etc...

Guid is all 0's (zeros)?

Lessons to learn from this:

1) Guid is a value type, not a reference type.

2) Calling the default constructor new S() on any value type always gives you back the all-zero form of that value type, whatever it is. It is logically the same as default(S).

import android packages cannot be resolved

I just had the same problem after accepting a Java update--scores of build errors and android import not recognized. On checking the build path in Project=>Properties, I found that the check box for Android 4.3 had somehow gotten cleared. Checking it resolved all the import errors without my even having to restart the IDE or run a project clean.

How to select ALL children (in any level) from a parent in jQuery?

It seems that the original test case is wrong.

I can confirm that the selector #my_parent_element * works with unbind().

Let's take the following html as an example:

<div id="#my_parent_element">
  <div class="div1">
    <div class="div2">hello</div>
    <div class="div3">my</div>
  <div class="div4">name</div>
  <div class="div5">
    <div class="div6">is</div>
    <div class="div7">
      <div class="div8">marco</div>
      <div class="div9">(try and click on any word)!</div>
<button class="unbind">Now, click me and try again</button>

And the jquery bit:

$('.div1,.div2,.div3,.div4,.div5,.div6,.div7,.div8,.div9').click(function() {
$('button.unbind').click(function() {
  $('#my_parent_element *').unbind('click');

You can try it here:

Select all 'tr' except the first one

You could also use a pseudo class selector in your CSS like this:

.desc:not(:first-child) {
    display: none;

That will not apply the class to the first element with the class .desc.

Here's a JSFiddle with an example:, and this is a good source to explain pseudo class selectors:

Default value in Doctrine

Works for me on a mysql database also:

    type: entity
    table: table_name
            type: integer
            nullable: true
                default: 1

Difference between <? super T> and <? extends T> in Java

You can go through all the answers above to understand why the .add() is restricted to '<?>', '<? extends>', and partly to '<? super>'.

But here's the conclusion of it all if you want to remember it, and dont want to go exploring the answer every time:

List<? extends A> means this will accept any List of A and subclass of A. But you cannot add anything to this list. Not even objects of type A.

List<? super A> means this will accept any list of A and superclass of A. You can add objects of type A and its subclasses.

Opening PDF String in new window with javascript

This one worked for me."data:application/octet-stream;charset=utf-16le;base64,"+data64);

This one worked too

 let a = document.createElement("a");
 a.href = "data:application/octet-stream;base64,"+data64; = "documentName.pdf";

How to download PDF automatically using js?

Please try this

(function ($) {
       function validateEmail(email) {
            const re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
            return re.test(email);
                $email_id = $('.custom-email-field').val();
                if (validateEmail($email_id)) {
                  var url= $(this).attr('pdf_url');
                  var link = document.createElement('a');
                  link.href = url;
         = url.split("/").pop();
                  link.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'));
<script src=""></script>
<form method="post">
        <div class="form-item form-type-textfield form-item-email-id form-group">
            <input placeholder="please enter email address" class="custom-email-field form-control" type="text" id="edit-email-id" name="email_id" value="" size="60" maxlength="128" required />
        <button type="submit" class="submitclass btn btn-danger" pdf_url="">Submit</button>

Or use download attribute to tag in HTML5

The mysqli extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration

This article can help you Configuring PHP with MySQL for Apache 2 or IIS in Windows. Look at the section "Configure PHP and MySQL under Apache 2", point 3:

extension_dir = "c:\php\extensions"      ; FOR PHP 4 ONLY 
extension_dir = "c:\php\ext"             ; FOR PHP 5 ONLY

You must uncomment extension_dir param line and set it to absolute path to the PHP extensions directory.

What is the best open source help ticket system?

"Best" helpdesk system is very subjective, of course, but I recommend Request Tracker (aka RT).

It has a default workflow built in, but is easily configured for alternate workflows using the "Scrips" and templates. Very extensible if you want.

Passing data between controllers in Angular JS?

var custApp = angular.module("custApp", [])
.controller('FirstController', FirstController)
.service('sharedData', SharedData);

FirstController.$inject = ['sharedData'];
function FirstController(sharedData) { =;

function SecondController(sharedData) { =;

function SharedData() { = {
    value: 'default Value'

First Controller

<div ng-controller="FirstController as vm">
<input type=text ng-model="" />

Second Controller

 <div ng-controller="SecondController as vm">
    Second Controller<br>

Convert string[] to int[] in one line of code using LINQ

you can simply cast a string array to int array by:

var converted = arr.Select(int.Parse)

HTTP Error 503, the service is unavailable

If it helps anyone, and this may be laughable, but not obvious to me, was the application pool was not started. I just presumed on starting the website or creating the application pool, it would start. In fact, I didn't even know you had to start the application pool...

Regex Match all characters between two strings

I landed here on my search for regex to convert this print syntax between print "string", in Python2 in old scripts with: print("string"), for Python3. Works well, otherwise use for additional conversions. Here is my solution for others:

Try it out on (doesn't work in NP++ for some reason):

find:     (?<=print)( ')(.*)(')
replace: ('$2')

for variables:

(?<=print)( )(.*)(\n)

for label and variable:

(?<=print)( ')(.*)(',)(.*)(\n)

How to replace all print "string" in Python2 with print("string") for Python3?

ggplot2 plot without axes, legends, etc

Re: changing opts to theme etc (for lazy folks):


iOS 7 status bar overlapping UI

I started to go this route, but I have my own navigation control with a core view that I slide into a frame that's usually wrapping the core with a common title bar and tabbar; no storyboard, no UINavigationController.

It started to get complicated fast, adding and subtracting the 20 pixels of the status bar. Then an epiphany.

I made a copy of the .xib file, told Xcode to show it to me as an iOS 7 layout, realigned everything, and put a single 6/7 switch in code .. instantly, everything works right, and the additional resources add only 8K to the bundle.

Possible to extend types in Typescript?

you can intersect types:

type TypeA = {
    nameA: string;
type TypeB = {
    nameB: string;
export type TypeC = TypeA & TypeB;

somewhere in you code you can now do:

const some: TypeC = {
    nameB: 'B',
    nameA: 'A',

Send json post using php

use CURL luke :) seriously, thats one of the best ways to do it AND you get the response.

What are access specifiers? Should I inherit with private, protected or public?

what are Access Specifiers?

There are 3 access specifiers for a class/struct/Union in C++. These access specifiers define how the members of the class can be accessed. Of course, any member of a class is accessible within that class(Inside any member function of that same class). Moving ahead to type of access specifiers, they are:

Public - The members declared as Public are accessible from outside the Class through an object of the class.

Protected - The members declared as Protected are accessible from outside the class BUT only in a class derived from it.

Private - These members are only accessible from within the class. No outside Access is allowed.

An Source Code Example:

class MyClass
        int a;
        int b;
        int c;

int main()
    MyClass obj;
    obj.a = 10;     //Allowed
    obj.b = 20;     //Not Allowed, gives compiler error
    obj.c = 30;     //Not Allowed, gives compiler error

Inheritance and Access Specifiers

Inheritance in C++ can be one of the following types:

  • Private Inheritance
  • Public Inheritance
  • Protected inheritance

Here are the member access rules with respect to each of these:

First and most important rule Private members of a class are never accessible from anywhere except the members of the same class.

Public Inheritance:

All Public members of the Base Class become Public Members of the derived class &
All Protected members of the Base Class become Protected Members of the Derived Class.

i.e. No change in the Access of the members. The access rules we discussed before are further then applied to these members.

Code Example:

Class Base
        int a;
        int b;
        int c;

class Derived:public Base
    void doSomething()
        a = 10;  //Allowed 
        b = 20;  //Allowed
        c = 30;  //Not Allowed, Compiler Error

int main()
    Derived obj;
    obj.a = 10;  //Allowed
    obj.b = 20;  //Not Allowed, Compiler Error
    obj.c = 30;  //Not Allowed, Compiler Error


Private Inheritance:

All Public members of the Base Class become Private Members of the Derived class &
All Protected members of the Base Class become Private Members of the Derived Class.

An code Example:

Class Base
      int a;
      int b;
      int c;

class Derived:private Base   //Not mentioning private is OK because for classes it  defaults to private 
    void doSomething()
        a = 10;  //Allowed 
        b = 20;  //Allowed
        c = 30;  //Not Allowed, Compiler Error

class Derived2:public Derived
    void doSomethingMore()
        a = 10;  //Not Allowed, Compiler Error, a is private member of Derived now
        b = 20;  //Not Allowed, Compiler Error, b is private member of Derived now
        c = 30;  //Not Allowed, Compiler Error

int main()
    Derived obj;
    obj.a = 10;  //Not Allowed, Compiler Error
    obj.b = 20;  //Not Allowed, Compiler Error
    obj.c = 30;  //Not Allowed, Compiler Error


Protected Inheritance:

All Public members of the Base Class become Protected Members of the derived class &
All Protected members of the Base Class become Protected Members of the Derived Class.

A Code Example:

Class Base
        int a;
        int b;
        int c;

class Derived:protected Base  
    void doSomething()
        a = 10;  //Allowed 
        b = 20;  //Allowed
        c = 30;  //Not Allowed, Compiler Error

class Derived2:public Derived
    void doSomethingMore()
        a = 10;  //Allowed, a is protected member inside Derived & Derived2 is public derivation from Derived, a is now protected member of Derived2
        b = 20;  //Allowed, b is protected member inside Derived & Derived2 is public derivation from Derived, b is now protected member of Derived2
        c = 30;  //Not Allowed, Compiler Error

int main()
    Derived obj;
    obj.a = 10;  //Not Allowed, Compiler Error
    obj.b = 20;  //Not Allowed, Compiler Error
    obj.c = 30;  //Not Allowed, Compiler Error

Remember the same access rules apply to the classes and members down the inheritance hierarchy.

Important points to note:

- Access Specification is per-Class not per-Object

Note that the access specification C++ work on per-Class basis and not per-object basis.
A good example of this is that in a copy constructor or Copy Assignment operator function, all the members of the object being passed can be accessed.

- A Derived class can only access members of its own Base class

Consider the following code example:

class Myclass
       int x; 

class derived : public Myclass
        void f( Myclass& obj ) 
            obj.x = 5; 

int main()
    return 0;

It gives an compilation error:

prog.cpp:4: error: ‘int Myclass::x’ is protected

Because the derived class can only access members of its own Base Class. Note that the object obj being passed here is no way related to the derived class function in which it is being accessed, it is an altogether different object and hence derived member function cannot access its members.

What is a friend? How does friend affect access specification rules?

You can declare a function or class as friend of another class. When you do so the access specification rules do not apply to the friended class/function. The class or function can access all the members of that particular class.

So do friends break Encapsulation?

No they don't, On the contrary they enhance Encapsulation!

friendship is used to indicate a intentional strong coupling between two entities.
If there exists a special relationship between two entities such that one needs access to others private or protected members but You do not want everyone to have access by using the public access specifier then you should use friendship.

What is the ultimate postal code and zip regex?

This looks like a good reference although it's not in Regex.

Really, unless you're actually shipping something to your users, I don't think it's worth the effort. And if you are shipping it, there are address cleaning tools/services you can look into to make it way easier on yourself.

Can attributes be added dynamically in C#?

Well, just to be different, I found an article that references using Reflection.Emit to do so.

Here's the link: , you will also want to look into some of the comments at the bottom of the article, because possible approaches are discussed.

Instagram API to fetch pictures with specific hashtags

Take a look here in order to get started:

and then in order to retrieve pictures by tag, look here:

Getting tags from Instagram doesn't require OAuth, so you can make the calls via these URLs:

GET IMAGES{tag-name}/media/recent?access_token={TOKEN}


TAG INFO{tag-name}?access_token={TOKEN}

Does Typescript support the ?. operator? (And, what's it called?)

_.get(obj, '') works great for JavaScript where you have no types. But for TypeScript we need the real Elvis operator!

How to read lines of a file in Ruby

Your first file has Mac Classic line endings (that’s "\r" instead of the usual "\n"). Open it with'foo').each(sep="\r") do |line|

to specify the line endings.

Inner text shadow with CSS

Here is a link talking about how to do this, it should be what you are looking for:

Get first letter of a string from column

Cast the dtype of the col to str and you can perform vectorised slicing calling str:

In [29]:
df['new_col'] = df['First'].astype(str).str[0]

   First  Second new_col
0    123     234       1
1     22    4353       2
2     32     355       3
3    453     453       4
4     45     345       4
5    453     453       4
6     56      56       5

if you need to you can cast the dtype back again calling astype(int) on the column

How to remove default chrome style for select Input?

use simple code for remove default browser style for outline

input { outline: none; }

Android studio: emulator is running but not showing up in Run App "choose a running device"

Had similar issue with my emulator. Solved by Wiping Data of emulator

Tool > ABD Manager > Down arrow under Action Wipe Data

Note : This is remove all data inside emulator.

Get The Current Domain Name With Javascript (Not the path, etc.)

       Feel free to visit our “<a href="javascript:document.location.href=document.location.origin+'/contact-us'" title="Click to Contact Us" class="coded_link" ><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-newwin"></span>Contact</a>” link

Indeed worked for me whereas I couldn't use PHP

Just tested that it worked thanks to the approach mentioned above in some of the answers, so quick and verified that worked

How to use Visual Studio Code as Default Editor for Git

For what I understand, VSCode is not in AppData anymore.

So Set the default git editor by executing that command in a command prompt window:

git config --global core.editor "'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code\code.exe' -w"

The parameter -w, --wait is to wait for window to be closed before returning. Visual Studio Code is base on Atom Editor. if you also have atom installed execute the command atom --help. You will see the last argument in the help is wait.

Next time you do a git rebase -i HEAD~3 it will popup Visual Studio Code. Once VSCode is close then Git will take back the lead.

Note: My current version of VSCode is 0.9.2

I hope that help.

Getting visitors country from their IP

I am using api and getting exactly what you are looking for.

Its completely free, you just need to register with them to get your api key. You can include their php class by downloading from their website or you can use url format to retrieve information.

Here's what I am doing:

I included their php class in my script and using the below code:

$ipLite = new ip2location_lite;
if(!$_COOKIE["visitorCity"]){ //I am using cookie to store information
  $visitorCity = $ipLite->getCity($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
  if ($visitorCity['statusCode'] == 'OK') {
    $data = base64_encode(serialize($visitorCity));
    setcookie("visitorCity", $data, time()+3600*24*7); //set cookie for 1 week
$visitorCity = unserialize(base64_decode($_COOKIE["visitorCity"]));
echo $visitorCity['countryName'].' Region'.$visitorCity['regionName'];

Thats it.

How do I split a string into an array of characters?

To support emojis use this

('Dragon ').split(/(?!$)/u);

=> ['D', 'r', 'a', 'g', 'o', 'n', ' ', '']

Best way to use Google's hosted jQuery, but fall back to my hosted library on Google fail

This seems to work for me:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// has the google object loaded?
if ( && {
    google.load("jquery", "1.3.2");
} else {
    document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src=""><\/script>');
window.onload = function() {
    $('#test').css({'border':'2px solid #f00'});
    <p id="test">hello jQuery</p>

The way it works is to use the google object that calling loads onto the window object. If that object is not present, we are assuming that access to Google is failing. If that is the case, we load a local copy using document.write. (I'm using my own server in this case, please use your own for testing this).

I also test for the presence of - I could also do a typeof check to see that things are objects or functions as appropriate. But I think this does the trick.

Here's just the loading logic, since code highlighting seems to fail since I posted the whole HTML page I was testing:

if ( && {
    google.load("jquery", "1.3.2");
} else {
    document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src=""><\/script>');

Though I must say, I'm not sure that if this is a concern for your site visitors you should be fiddling with the Google AJAX Libraries API at all.

Fun fact: I tried initially to use a try..catch block for this in various versions but could not find a combination that was as clean as this. I'd be interested to see other implementations of this idea, purely as an exercise.

Executing a command stored in a variable from PowerShell

Try invoking your command with Invoke-Expression:

Invoke-Expression $cmd1

Here is a working example on my machine:

$cmd = "& 'C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z.exe' a -tzip c:\temp\ c:\temp\test.txt"
Invoke-Expression $cmd

iex is an alias for Invoke-Expression so you could do:

iex $cmd1

For a full list : Visit for more Powershell stuff.

Good Luck...

Repository access denied. access via a deployment key is read-only

Deployment keys are read only. To enable write access you need to:

  • Remove this deployment key from your repository settings. You won't be able to write to this repo with this key anyway.

  • Go to "Avatar -> Settings -> SSH Keys" and add the same key

  • Now try to push to remove branch

You were able to write to repositories before but this is a change in BitBucket where you're no longer able to write with deploy key.

Regular Expression to get all characters before "-"

You could just use another non-regex based method. Someone gave the suggestion of using Substring, but you could also use Split:

string testString = "my-string";
string[] splitString = testString.Split("-");
string resultingString = splitString[0]; //my

See for another good example.

How do I specify "close existing connections" in sql script

try this C# code to drop your database

public static void DropDatabases(string dataBase) {

        string sql =  "ALTER DATABASE "  + dataBase + "SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE" ;

        using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection connection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBRestore"].ConnectionString))
            using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand command = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sql, connection))
                command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                command.CommandTimeout = 7200;
            sql = "DROP DATABASE " + dataBase;
            using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand command = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sql, connection))
                command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                command.CommandTimeout = 7200;

SQL Server equivalent to Oracle's CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW

For reference from SQL Server 2016 SP1+ you could use CREATE OR ALTER VIEW syntax.


CREATE [ OR ALTER ] VIEW [ schema_name . ] view_name [ (column [ ,...n ] ) ]   
[ WITH <view_attribute> [ ,...n ] ]   
AS select_statement   
[ ; ]


Conditionally alters the view only if it already exists.

db<>fiddle demo

C++ equivalent of Java's toString?

You can also do it this way, allowing polymorphism:

class Base {
   virtual std::ostream& dump(std::ostream& o) const {
      return o << "Base: " << b << "; ";
  int b;

class Derived : public Base {
   virtual std::ostream& dump(std::ostream& o) const {
      return o << "Derived: " << d << "; ";
   int d;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const Base& b) { return b.dump(o); }

Common elements comparison between 2 lists

The solutions suggested by S.Mark and SilentGhost generally tell you how it should be done in a Pythonic way, but I thought you might also benefit from knowing why your solution doesn't work. The problem is that as soon as you find the first common element in the two lists, you return that single element only. Your solution could be fixed by creating a result list and collecting the common elements in that list:

def common_elements(list1, list2):
    result = []
    for element in list1:
        if element in list2:
    return result

An even shorter version using list comprehensions:

def common_elements(list1, list2):
    return [element for element in list1 if element in list2]

However, as I said, this is a very inefficient way of doing this -- Python's built-in set types are way more efficient as they are implemented in C internally.

"insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment " message in eclipse

Your application (Eclipse) needs more memory and JVM is not allocating enough.You can increase the amount of memory JVM allocates by following the answers given here

New warnings in iOS 9: "all bitcode will be dropped"

If you are using CocoaPods and you want to disable Bitcode for all libraries, use the following command in the Podfile

post_install do |installer|
    installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
        target.build_configurations.each do |config|
            config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = 'NO'

Fatal error: Class 'Illuminate\Foundation\Application' not found

i was having same problem with this error. It turn out my Kenel.php is having a wrong syntax when i try to comply with wrong php8 syntax

The line should be

protected $commands = [

instead of

protected array $commands = [

Showing an image from console in Python

In Xterm-compatible terminals, you can show the image directly in the terminal. See my answer to "PPM image to ASCII art in Python"

ImageMagick's "logo:" image in Xterm (show picture in new tab for full size viewing)

How to make Python speak

Please note that this only work with python 2.x

You should try using the PyTTSx package since PyTTS is outdated. PyTTSx works with the lastest python version. -> The package

Hope it helps

How can the Euclidean distance be calculated with NumPy?

I like (dot product):

a = numpy.array((xa,ya,za))
b = numpy.array((xb,yb,zb))

distance = (,a-b))**.5

AWS S3: how do I see how much disk space is using

I'm not sure when this was added to the AWSCLI given that the original question was 3 years ago, but the command line tool gives a nice summary by running:

aws s3 ls s3://mybucket --recursive --human-readable --summarize

Removing rounded corners from a <select> element in Chrome/Webkit

Inset box-shadow does the trick.

  -webkit-appearance: none;
  box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 4px;
  border-radius: 0px;
  border: none;
  padding:20px 150px 20px 10px;


How to call a PHP function on the click of a button

I was stuck in this and I solved it with a hidden field:

<form method="post" action="test.php">
    <input type="hidden" name="ID" value"">

In value you can add whatever you want to add.

In test.php you can retrieve the value through $_Post[ID].

Find Number of CPUs and Cores per CPU using Command Prompt

If you want to find how many processors (or CPUs) a machine has the same way %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% shows you the number of cores, save the following script in a batch file, for example, GetNumberOfCores.cmd:

@echo off
for /f "tokens=*" %%f in ('wmic cpu get NumberOfCores /value ^| find "="') do set %%f

And then execute like this:


echo %NumberOfCores%

The script will set a environment variable named %NumberOfCores% and it will contain the number of processors.

Declare variable in table valued function

There are two flavors of table valued functions. One that is just a select statement and one that can have more rows than just a select statement.

This can not have a variable:

create function Func() returns table
select 10 as ColName

You have to do like this instead:

create function Func()
returns @T table(ColName int)
  declare @Var int
  set @Var = 10
  insert into @T(ColName) values (@Var)

How to put php inside JavaScript?

Let's see both the options:

1.) Use PHP inside Javascript

    <?php $temp = 'hello';?>
    console.log('<?php echo $temp; ?>');

Note: File name should be in .php only.

2.) Use Javascript variable inside PHP

  var res = "success";
   echo "<script>document.writeln(res);</script>";

How to create a MySQL hierarchical recursive query?

Based on the @trincot answer, very good explained, I use WITH RECURSIVE () statement to create a breadcrumb using id of the current page and go backwards in the hierarchy to find the every parent in my route table.

So, the @trincot solution is adapted here in the opposite direction to find parents instead of descendants.

I also added depth value which is usefull to invert result order (otherwise the breadcrumb would be upside down).

) AS (
        1 AS `depth` 
    FROM     `route`
    WHERE    `id` = :id
        `depth` + 1
    FROM `route` P
    INNER JOIN cte
        ON P.`id` = cte.`parent_id`

Before upgrade to mySQL 8+, I was using vars but it's deprecated and no more working on my 8.0.22 version !

EDIT 2021-02-19 : Example for hierarchical menu

After @david comment I decided to try to make a full hierarchical menu with all nodes and sorted as I want (with sorting column which sort items in each depth). Very usefull for my user/authorization matrix page.

This really simplifies my old version with one query on each depth (PHP loops).

ERP authroization Matrix

This example intergrates an INNER JOIN with url table to filter route by website (multi-websites CMS system).

You can see the essential path column that contains CONCAT() function to sort the menu in the right way.

    ) AS (
            1 AS `depth`,
            CONCAT(`sorting`, ' ' , `title`) AS `path`
        FROM `route`
        WHERE `parent` = 0
            `depth` + 1,
            CONCAT(cte.`path`, ' > ', D.`sorting`, ' ' , D.`title`)
        FROM `route` D
        INNER JOIN cte
            ON cte.`id` = D.`parent`
    SELECT * FROM cte
) R

    ON R.`id` = U.`route_id`
    AND U.`site_id` = 1

ORDER BY `path` ASC  

Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")) is not returning UTC time

Calendar currentTime = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
currentTime.set(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET, TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC").getRawOffset());
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, currentTime.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY));

is working for me

How can I remove the decimal part from JavaScript number?

Use Math.round().

(Alex's answer is better; I made an assumption :)

How to add key,value pair to dictionary?

I am not sure what you mean by "dynamic". If you mean adding items to a dictionary at runtime, it is as easy as dictionary[key] = value.

If you wish to create a dictionary with key,value to start with (at compile time) then use (surprise!)

dictionary[key] = value

How to make a TextBox accept only alphabetic characters?

private void textBox1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
      if (!char.IsControl(e.KeyChar) && !char.IsLetter(e.KeyChar) &&
         (e.KeyChar !='.'))
          e.Handled = true;
          MessageBox.Show("Only Alphabets");

Insert PHP code In WordPress Page and Post


there are 3 steps to run PHP code inside post or page.

  1. In functions.php file (in your theme) add new function

  2. In functions.php file (in your theme) register new shortcode which call your function:

add_shortcode( 'SHORCODE_NAME', 'FUNCTION_NAME' );
  1. use your new shortcode

Example #1: just display text.

In functions:

function simple_function_1() {
    return "Hello World!";

add_shortcode( 'own_shortcode1', 'simple_function_1' );

In post/page:



Hello World!

Example #2: use for loop.

In functions:

function simple_function_2() {
    $output = "";
    for ($number = 1; $number < 10; $number++) {    
        // Append numbers to the string
        $output .= "$number<br>";
    return "$output";

add_shortcode( 'own_shortcode2', 'simple_function_2' );

In post/page:




Example #3: use shortcode with arguments

In functions:

function simple_function_3($name) {
    return "Hello $name";

add_shortcode( 'own_shortcode3', 'simple_function_3' );

In post/page:

[own_shortcode3 name="John"]


Hello John

Example #3 - without passing arguments

In post/page:




Uncaught SoapFault exception: [HTTP] Error Fetching http headers

This error can appear on the client if there is a problem on the server side. For example, if the SOAP server is a PHP script with a parse error, the client will fail with this message.

If you are in control of the server, tail your Apache error_log on the machine that hosts the SOAP server. On CentOS you will find this in /var/log/httpd/error_log, so the command is:

tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log

Now refresh the client and watch for the error message. Any PHP errors with the server script will be shown.

Hope that helps someone.

How to create UILabel programmatically using Swift?

An alternative using a closure to separate out the code into something a bit neater using Swift 4:

class theViewController: UIViewController {

    /** Create the UILabel */
    var theLabel: UILabel = {
        let label = UILabel()
        label.lineBreakMode = .byWordWrapping
        label.textColor = UIColor.white
        label.textAlignment = .left
        label.numberOfLines = 3
        label.font = UIFont(name: "Helvetica-Bold", size: 22)
        return label

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        /** Add theLabel to the ViewControllers view */

    override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
        /* Set the frame when the layout is changed */
        theLabel.frame = CGRect(x: 0,
                                y: 0,
                                width: view.frame.width - 30,
                                height: 24)

As a note, attributes for theLabel can still be changed whenever using functions in the VC. You're just setting various defaults inside the closure and minimizing clutter in functions like viewDidLoad()

Convert file to byte array and vice versa

I think you misunderstood what the class really represents. It is just a representation of the file on your system, i.e. its name, its path etc.

Did you even look at the Javadoc for the class? Have a look here If you check the fields it has or the methods or constructor arguments, you immediately get the hint that all it is, is a representation of the URL/path.

Oracle provides quite an extensive tutorial in their Java File I/O tutorial, with the latest NIO.2 functionality too.

With NIO.2 you can read it in one line using java.nio.file.Files.readAllBytes().

Similarly you can use java.nio.file.Files.write() to write all bytes in your byte array.


Since the question is tagged Android, the more conventional way is to wrap the FileInputStream in a BufferedInputStream and then wrap that in a ByteArrayInputStream. That will allow you to read the contents in a byte[]. Similarly the counterparts to them exist for the OutputStream.

request exceeds the configured maxQueryStringLength when using [Authorize]

When an unauthorized request comes in, the entire request is URL encoded, and added as a query string to the request to the authorization form, so I can see where this may result in a problem given your situation.

According to MSDN, the correct element to modify to reset maxQueryStringLength in web.config is the <httpRuntime> element inside the <system.web> element, see httpRuntime Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema). Try modifying that element.

jQuery append text inside of an existing paragraph tag

I have just discovered a way to append text and its working fine at least.

 var text = 'Put any text here';

You can change text according to your need.

Hope this helps.

How do I find which transaction is causing a "Waiting for table metadata lock" state?


Look for the Section -



Useful Queries

To check about all the locks transactions are waiting for:


A list of blocking transactions:




A List of locks on particular table:

WHERE LOCK_TABLE = db_name.table_name;

A list of transactions waiting for locks:


Reference - MySQL Troubleshooting: What To Do When Queries Don't Work, Chapter 6 - Page 96.

Modal width (increase)

Bootstrap 3

You can create or just override default bootstrap modal-lgby doing below:

.modal-lg {
    max-width: 80%;

If not working just add !important so it would look like below

.modal-lg {
    max-width: 80% !important;

Now call the modal-lg.

<div class="modal-dialog modal-lg" role="document">
 <!-- some modal content --->

For Bootstrap 4 refer to @kitsu.eb answer. Also note that using bootstrap 4 utilities might break the responsiveness.

How to print current date on python3?

This function allows you to get the date and time in lots of formats (see the bottom of this post).

# Get the current date or time
def getdatetime(timedateformat='complete'):
    from datetime import datetime
    timedateformat = timedateformat.lower()
    if timedateformat == 'day':
        return ((str(' ')[0]).split('-')[2]
    elif timedateformat == 'month':
        return ((str(' ')[0]).split('-')[1]
    elif timedateformat == 'year':
        return ((str(' ')[0]).split('-')[0]
    elif timedateformat == 'hour':
        return (((str(' ')[1]).split('.')[0]).split(':')[0]
    elif timedateformat == 'minute':
        return (((str(' ')[1]).split('.')[0]).split(':')[1]
    elif timedateformat == 'second':
        return (((str(' ')[1]).split('.')[0]).split(':')[2]
    elif timedateformat == 'millisecond':
        return (str('.')[1]
    elif timedateformat == 'yearmonthday':
        return (str(' ')[0]
    elif timedateformat == 'daymonthyear':
        return ((str(' ')[0]).split('-')[2] + '-' + ((str(' ')[0]).split('-')[1] + '-' + ((str(' ')[0]).split('-')[0]
    elif timedateformat == 'hourminutesecond':
        return ((str(' ')[1]).split('.')[0]
    elif timedateformat == 'secondminutehour':
        return (((str(' ')[1]).split('.')[0]).split(':')[2] + ':' + (((str(' ')[1]).split('.')[0]).split(':')[1] + ':' + (((str(' ')[1]).split('.')[0]).split(':')[0]
    elif timedateformat == 'complete':
        return str(
    elif timedateformat == 'datetime':
        return (str('.')[0]
    elif timedateformat == 'timedate':
        return ((str('.')[0]).split(' ')[1] + ' ' + ((str('.')[0]).split(' ')[0]

To obtain the time or date, just use getdatetime("<TYPE>"), replacing <TYPE> with one of the following arguments:

All example outputs use this model information: 25-11-2017 03:23:56.477017

Argument Meaning Example output
day Get the current day 25
month Get the current month 11
year Get the current year 2017
hour Get the current hour 03
minute Get the current minute 23
second Get the current second 56
millisecond Get the current millisecond 477017
yearmonthday Get the year, month and day 2017-11-25
daymonthyear Get the day, month and year 25-11-2017
hourminutesecond Get the hour, minute and second 03:23:56
secondminutehour Get the second, minute and hour 56:23:03
complete Get the complete date and time 2017-11-25 03:23:56.477017
datetime Get the date and time 2017-11-25 03:23:56
timedate Get the time and date 03:23:56 2017-11-25

Remove trailing comma from comma-separated string

    String str = "kushalhs , mayurvm , narendrabz ,";
    System.out.println(str.replaceAll(",([^,]*)$", "$1"));

How to set cursor to input box in Javascript?

Inside the input tag you can add autoFocus={true} for anyone using jsx/react.

 onChange={e => setEmail(}

How to upload a project to Github

  1. We need Git Bash
  2. In Git Bash Command Section::

1.1 ls

It will show you default location.

1.2 CD "C:\Users\user\Desktop\HTML" We need to assign project path

1.3 git init It will initialize the empty git repository in C:\Users\user\Desktop\HTML

1.4 ls It will list all files name

1.5 git remote add origin it is your is your repository path

1.6 git remote -v To check weather we have fetch or push permisson or not

1.7 git add . If you put . then it mean whatever we have in perticular folder publish all.

1.8 git commit -m "First time"

1.9 git push -u origin master

Python "extend" for a dictionary

As others have mentioned, a.update(b) for some dicts a and b will achieve the result you've asked for in your question. However, I want to point out that many times I have seen the extend method of mapping/set objects desire that in the syntax a.extend(b), a's values should NOT be overwritten by b's values. a.update(b) overwrites a's values, and so isn't a good choice for extend.

Note that some languages call this method defaults or inject, as it can be thought of as a way of injecting b's values (which might be a set of default values) in to a dictionary without overwriting values that might already exist.

Of course, you could simple note that a.extend(b) is nearly the same as b.update(a); a=b. To remove the assignment, you could do it thus:

def extend(a,b):
    """Create a new dictionary with a's properties extended by b,
    without overwriting.

    >>> extend({'a':1,'b':2},{'b':3,'c':4})
    {'a': 1, 'c': 4, 'b': 2}
    return dict(b,**a)

Thanks to Tom Leys for that smart idea using a side-effect-less dict constructor for extend.

What's the foolproof way to tell which version(s) of .NET are installed on a production Windows Server?

The official way to detect .NET 3.0 is described here

Flawed, because it requires the caller to have registry access permissions.

MSDN also mentions a technique for detecting .NET 3.5 by checking the User Agent string:

I think Microsoft should have done a better job than this.

How to add items to a spinner in Android?

This code basically reads a JSON array object and convert each row into an option in the spinner that is passed as a parameter:

public ArrayAdapter<String> getArrayAdapterFromArrayListForSpinner(ArrayList<JSONObject> aArrayList, String aField)
    ArrayAdapter<String> aArrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(context, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item);
    aArrayAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(R.layout.multiline_spinner_dropdown_item); //android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item
    try {
        for (int i = 0; i < aArrayList.size(); i++)
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        ShowMessage("Error while reading the JSON list");
    return aArrayAdapter;       

WARNING: Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt

  1. To closed ideas,
  2. To remove all folder and file C:/Users/UserName/.m2/org/*,
  3. Open ideas and update Maven project,(right click on project -> maven->update maven project)
  4. After that update the project.

Isn't the size of character in Java 2 bytes?

Java allocates 2 of 2 bytes for character as it follows UTF-16. It occupies minimum 2 bytes while storing a character, and maximum of 4 bytes. There is no 1 byte or 3 bytes of storage for character.

How to resolve ambiguous column names when retrieving results?

You can set aliases for the columns that you are selecting:

$query = 'SELECT AS newsId, AS userId, [OTHER FIELDS HERE] FROM news JOIN users ON news.user ='

What is the difference between logical data model and conceptual data model?

First of all, a data model is an abstraction tool and a database model (or scheme/diagramm) is a modeling result.

Conceptual data model is DBMS-independent and covers functional/domain design area. The most known conceptual data model is "Entity-Relationship". Normally, you can reuse the conceptual scheme to produce different logical schemes not only relational.

Logical data model is intended to be implemented by some DBMS and corresponds mostly to the conceptual level of ANSI/SPARC architecture (proposed in 1975); this point gives some collisions of terminology. Zachman Framework tried to resolve this kind of collision ten years later introducing conceptual, logical and physical models.

There are many logical data models, and the most known is relational one.

So main differences of conceptual data model are the focusing on the domain and DBMS-independence whereas logical data model is the most abstract level of concrete DBMS you plan to use. Note that contemporary DBMS support several logical models at the same time.

You can also have a look to my book and to the article for more details.

Why does Google prepend while(1); to their JSON responses?

After authentication is in place, JSON hijacking protection can take a variety of forms. Google appends while(1) into their JSON data, so that if any malicious script evaluates it, the malicious script enters an infinite loop.

Reference: Web Security Testing Cookbook: Systematic Techniques to Find Problems Fast

How to validate GUID is a GUID



//Valid Guild


else {

// Invalid Guild


What's the actual use of 'fail' in JUnit test case?

In concurrent and/or asynchronous settings, you may want to verify that certain methods (e.g. delegates, event listeners, response handlers, you name it) are not called. Mocking frameworks aside, you can call fail() in those methods to fail the tests. Expired timeouts are another natural failure condition in such scenarios.

For example:

final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);

service.asyncCall(someParameter, new ResponseHandler<SomeType>() {
    public void onSuccess(SomeType result) {
        // Further test assertions on the result

    public void onError(Exception e) {

if ( !latch.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS) ) {
    fail("No response after 5s");

How copy data from Excel to a table using Oracle SQL Developer

For PLSQL version

  1. From the context menu of the Table, choose "Edit Data"
  2. Insert or edit the data
  3. Post change

How to make a list of n numbers in Python and randomly select any number?

You can try this code

import random
N = 5
count_list = range(1,N+1)

while count_list:
    value = count_list.pop()
    # do whatever you want with 'value'

Is it valid to have a html form inside another html form?

A possibility is to have an iframe inside the outer form. The iframe contains the inner form. Make sure to use the <base target="_parent" /> tag inside the head tag of the iframe to make the form behave as part of the main page.

How to rollback or commit a transaction in SQL Server

The good news is a transaction in SQL Server can span multiple batches (each exec is treated as a separate batch.)

You can wrap your EXEC statements in a BEGIN TRANSACTION and COMMIT but you'll need to go a step further and rollback if any errors occur.

Ideally you'd want something like this:

        exec( @sqlHeader)

    IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0

The BEGIN TRANSACTION and COMMIT I believe you are already familiar with. The BEGIN TRY and BEGIN CATCH blocks are basically there to catch and handle any errors that occur. If any of your EXEC statements raise an error, the code execution will jump to the CATCH block.

Your existing SQL building code should be outside the transaction (above) as you always want to keep your transactions as short as possible.

incompatible character encodings: ASCII-8BIT and UTF-8

you can force UTF8 with force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8):


<%= yield.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) %>

What is "overhead"?

You're tired and cant do any more work. You eat food. The energy spent looking for food, getting it and actually eating it consumes energy and is overhead!

Overhead is something wasted in order to accomplish a task. The goal is to make overhead very very small.

In computer science lets say you want to print a number, thats your task. But storing the number, the setting up the display to print it and calling routines to print it, then accessing the number from variable are all overhead.

CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified

I used ProcessBuilder but had the same issue. The issue was with using command as one String line (like I would type it in cmd) instead of String array. In example from above. If I ran

ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("C:/Program Files/WinRAR/winrar x myjar.jar *.* new"); File("H:/"));
pb. redirectErrorStream(true);

Process p = pb.start();

I got an error. But if I ran

ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("C:/Program Files/WinRAR/winrar", "x", "myjar.jar", "*.*", "new"); File("H:/"));
pb. redirectErrorStream(true);

Process p = pb.start();

everything was OK.

How to reset (clear) form through JavaScript?

Try this code. A complete solution for your answer.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
    $(":reset").css("background-color", "red");

<form action="">
  Name: <input type="text" name="user"><br>
  Password: <input type="password" name="password"><br>
  <button type="button">Useless Button</button>
  <input type="button" value="Another useless button"><br>
  <input type="reset" value="Reset">
  <input type="submit" value="Submit"><br>


Merge DLL into EXE?

  1. Install ILMerge as the other threads tell you to

  2. Then go to the installation folder, by default C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\ILMerge

  3. Drag your Dll's and Exes to that folder

  4. Shift-Rightclick in that folder and choose open command prompt

  5. Write

    ilmerge myExe.exe Dll1.dll /out:merged.exe

    Note that you should write your exe first.

There you got your merged exe. This might not be the best way if your going to do this multiple times, but the simplest one for a one time use, I would recommend putting Ilmerge to your path.

using batch echo with special characters

Here's one more approach by using SET and FOR /F

@echo off

set "var=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>"

for /f "tokens=1* delims==" %%a in ('set var') do echo %%b

and you can beautify it like:

@echo off
set "print{[=for /f "tokens=1* delims==" %%a in ('set " & set "]}=') do echo %%b"

set "xml_line.1=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>"
set "xml_line.2=<root>"
set "xml_line.3=</root>"

%print{[% xml_line %]}%

How to cache Google map tiles for offline usage?

On Android platforms, Oruxmaps ( does a great job at caching all WMS sources. It is available in the play store. I use it daily in remote areas without any connectivity, works like a charm.

PHP - check if variable is undefined

You can use -

$isTouch = isset($variable);

It will return true if the $variable is defined. if the variable is not defined it will return false.

Note : Returns TRUE if var exists and has value other than NULL, FALSE otherwise.

If you want to check for false, 0 etc You can then use empty() -

$isTouch = empty($variable);

empty() works for -

  • "" (an empty string)
  • 0 (0 as an integer)
  • 0.0 (0 as a float)
  • "0" (0 as a string)
  • NULL
  • array() (an empty array)
  • $var; (a variable declared, but without a value)

download file using an ajax request

This solution is not very different from those above, but for me it works very well and i think it's clean.

I suggest to base64 encode the file server side (base64_encode(), if you are using PHP) and send the base64 encoded data to the client

On the client you do this:

 let blob = this.dataURItoBlob(THE_MIME_TYPE + "," + response.file);
 let uri = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
 let link = document.createElement("a"); = THE_FILE_NAME,
 link.href = uri;

This code puts the encoded data in a link and simulates a click on the link, then it removes it.

Save PL/pgSQL output from PostgreSQL to a CSV file

I'm working on AWS Redshift, which does not support the COPY TO feature.

My BI tool supports tab-delimited CSVs though, so I used the following:

 psql -h dblocation -p port -U user -d dbname -F $'\t' --no-align -c "SELECT * FROM TABLE" > outfile.csv

Caused by: Cannot recover key

I had the same error when we imported a key into a keystore that was build using a 64bit OpenSSL Version. When we followed the same procedure to import the key into a keystore that was build using a 32 bit OpenSSL version everything went fine.

Batch script to delete files

You need to escape the % with another...

del "D:\TEST\TEST 100%%\Archive*.TXT"

How can I plot a histogram such that the heights of the bars sum to 1 in matplotlib?

I know this answer is too late considering the question is dated 2010 but I came across this question as I was facing a similar problem myself. As already stated in the answer, normed=True means that the total area under the histogram is equal to 1 but the sum of heights is not equal to 1. However, I wanted to, for convenience of physical interpretation of a histogram, make one with sum of heights equal to 1.

I found a hint in the following question - Python: Histogram with area normalized to something other than 1

But I was not able to find a way of making bars mimic the histtype="step" feature hist(). This diverted me to : Matplotlib - Stepped histogram with already binned data

If the community finds it acceptable I should like to put forth a solution which synthesises ideas from both the above posts.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Let X be the array whose histogram needs to be plotted.
nx, xbins, ptchs = plt.hist(X, bins=20)
plt.clf() # Get rid of this histogram since not the one we want.

nx_frac = nx/float(len(nx)) # Each bin divided by total number of objects.
width = xbins[1] - xbins[0] # Width of each bin.
x = np.ravel(zip(xbins[:-1], xbins[:-1]+width))
y = np.ravel(zip(nx_frac,nx_frac))

#... Further formatting.

This has worked wonderfully for me though in some cases I have noticed that the left most "bar" or the right most "bar" of the histogram does not close down by touching the lowest point of the Y-axis. In such a case adding an element 0 at the begging or the end of y achieved the necessary result.

Just thought I'd share my experience. Thank you.

Android Push Notifications: Icon not displaying in notification, white square shown instead

I really suggest following Google's Design Guidelines:

which says "Notification icons must be entirely white."

Angular directives - when and how to use compile, controller, pre-link and post-link

Controller function

Each directive's controller function is called whenever a new related element is instantiated.

Officially, the controller function is where one:

  • Defines controller logic (methods) that may be shared between controllers.
  • Initiates scope variables.

Again, it is important to remember that if the directive involves an isolated scope, any properties within it that inherit from the parent scope are not yet available.


  • Define controller logic
  • Initiate scope variables

Do not:

  • Inspect child elements (they may not be rendered yet, bound to scope, etc.).

iPhone app could not be installed at this time

I had this problem but I fixed this by making sure my Code Signing Identity is the SAME as the one I used in test flight.

After that, everything works fine

Pdf.js: rendering a pdf file using a base64 file source instead of url

Used the Accepted Answer to do a check for IE and convert the dataURI to UInt8Array; an accepted form by PDFJS

        Ext.isIE ? pdfAsDataUri = me.convertDataURIToBinary(pdfAsDataUri): '';_x000D_
        convertDataURIToBinary: function(dataURI) {_x000D_
          var BASE64_MARKER = ';base64,',_x000D_
            base64Index = dataURI.indexOf(BASE64_MARKER) + BASE64_MARKER.length,_x000D_
            base64 = dataURI.substring(base64Index),_x000D_
            raw = window.atob(base64),_x000D_
            rawLength = raw.length,_x000D_
            array = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(rawLength));_x000D_
          for (var i = 0; i < rawLength; i++) {_x000D_
            array[i] = raw.charCodeAt(i);_x000D_
          return array;_x000D_

Handling of non breaking space: <p>&nbsp;</p> vs. <p> </p>

How about a workaround? In my case I took the value of the textarea in a jQuery variable, and changed all "<p>&nbsp" to <p class="clear"> and clear class to have certain height and margin, as the following example:


var val = $('textarea').val();
val = val.replace(/<p>&nbsp/g, '<p class="clear">');

the val is then saved to the database with the new val.


p.clear{height: 2px; margin-bottom: 3px;}

You can adjust the height & margin as you wish. And since 'p' is a display: block element. it should give you the expected output.

Hope that helps!

Should have subtitle controller already set Mediaplayer error Android

To remove message on logcat, i add a subtitle to track. On windows, right click on track -> Property -> Details -> insert a text on subtitle. Done :)

cut or awk command to print first field of first row


sed 'NUMq;d'  /etc/*release | awk {'print $1}'

where NUM is line number

ex. sed '1q;d'  /etc/*release | awk {'print $1}'

How to squash all git commits into one?

To do this, you can reset you local git repository to the first commit hashtag, so all your changes after that commit will be unstaged, then you can commit with --amend option.

git reset your-first-commit-hashtag
git add .
git commit --amend

And then edit the first commit nam if needed and save file.

How to add header to a dataset in R?

in case you are interested in reading some data from a .txt file and only extract few columns of that file into a new .txt file with a customized header, the following code might be useful:

# input some data from 2 different .txt files:
civit_gps <- read.csv(file="/path2/gpsFile.csv",head=TRUE,sep=",")
civit_cam <- read.csv(file="/path2/cameraFile.txt",head=TRUE,sep=",")

# assign the name for the output file:
seqName <- "seq1_data.txt"

# Extract data from imported files
# From Camera:
frame_idx <- civit_cam$X.frame
qx        <- civit_cam$q.x.rad.
qy        <- civit_cam$q.y.rad.
qz        <- civit_cam$q.z.rad.
qw        <- civit_cam$q.w

# From GPS:
gpsT      <- civit_gps$X.gpsTime.sec.
latitude  <- civit_gps$Latitude.deg.
longitude <- civit_gps$Longitude.deg.
altitude  <- civit_gps$H.Ell.m.
heading   <- civit_gps$Heading.deg.
pitch     <- civit_gps$pitch.deg.
roll      <- civit_gps$roll.deg.
gpsTime_corr <- civit_gps[frame_idx,1]

# Export new data into the output txt file
myData <- data.frame(c(gpsTime_corr),
# Write :
cat("#GPSTime,frameIdx,qx,qy,qz,qw\n", file=seqName)
write.table(myData, file = seqName,row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,append=TRUE,sep = ",")

Of course, you should modify this sample script based on your own application.

How do you properly determine the current script directory?

First.. a couple missing use-cases here if we're talking about ways to inject anonymous code..

loading C compiled shared objects? example: _socket?)

But, the real question is, what is your goal - are you trying to enforce some sort of security? Or are you just interested in whats being loaded.

If you're interested in security, the filename that is being imported via exec/execfile is inconsequential - you should use rexec, which offers the following:

This module contains the RExec class, which supports r_eval(), r_execfile(), r_exec(), and r_import() methods, which are restricted versions of the standard Python functions eval(), execfile() and the exec and import statements. Code executed in this restricted environment will only have access to modules and functions that are deemed safe; you can subclass RExec add or remove capabilities as desired.

However, if this is more of an academic pursuit.. here are a couple goofy approaches that you might be able to dig a little deeper into..

Example scripts:


print ' >> level 1'
print ' << level 1'


print '\t >> level 2'
exec("import sys; sys.path.append('/tmp'); import deepest")
print '\t << level 2'


print '\t\t >> level 3'
print '\t\t\t I can see the earths core.'
print '\t\t << level 3'


import sys, os

def overseer(frame, event, arg):
    print "loaded(%s)" % os.path.abspath(frame.f_code.co_filename)



>> level 1
    >> level 2
        >> level 3
            I can see the earths core.
        << level 3
    << level 2
<< level 1

Of course, this is a resource-intensive way to do it, you'd be tracing all your code.. Not very efficient. But, I think it's a novel approach since it continues to work even as you get deeper into the nest. You can't override 'eval'. Although you can override execfile().

Note, this approach only coveres exec/execfile, not 'import'. For higher level 'module' load hooking you might be able to use use sys.path_hooks (Write-up courtesy of PyMOTW).

Thats all I have off the top of my head.

How to pass 2D array (matrix) in a function in C?

C does not really have multi-dimensional arrays, but there are several ways to simulate them. The way to pass such arrays to a function depends on the way used to simulate the multiple dimensions:

1) Use an array of arrays. This can only be used if your array bounds are fully determined at compile time, or if your compiler supports VLA's:

#define ROWS 4
#define COLS 5

void func(int array[ROWS][COLS])
  int i, j;

  for (i=0; i<ROWS; i++)
    for (j=0; j<COLS; j++)
      array[i][j] = i*j;

void func_vla(int rows, int cols, int array[rows][cols])
  int i, j;

  for (i=0; i<rows; i++)
    for (j=0; j<cols; j++)
      array[i][j] = i*j;

int main()
  int x[ROWS][COLS];

  func_vla(ROWS, COLS, x);

2) Use a (dynamically allocated) array of pointers to (dynamically allocated) arrays. This is used mostly when the array bounds are not known until runtime.

void func(int** array, int rows, int cols)
  int i, j;

  for (i=0; i<rows; i++)
    for (j=0; j<cols; j++)
      array[i][j] = i*j;

int main()
  int rows, cols, i;
  int **x;

  /* obtain values for rows & cols */

  /* allocate the array */
  x = malloc(rows * sizeof *x);
  for (i=0; i<rows; i++)
    x[i] = malloc(cols * sizeof *x[i]);

  /* use the array */
  func(x, rows, cols);

  /* deallocate the array */
  for (i=0; i<rows; i++)

3) Use a 1-dimensional array and fixup the indices. This can be used with both statically allocated (fixed-size) and dynamically allocated arrays:

void func(int* array, int rows, int cols)
  int i, j;

  for (i=0; i<rows; i++)
    for (j=0; j<cols; j++)

int main()
  int rows, cols;
  int *x;

  /* obtain values for rows & cols */

  /* allocate the array */
  x = malloc(rows * cols * sizeof *x);

  /* use the array */
  func(x, rows, cols);

  /* deallocate the array */

4) Use a dynamically allocated VLA. One advantage of this over option 2 is that there is a single memory allocation; another is that less memory is needed because the array of pointers is not required.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

extern void func_vla(int rows, int cols, int array[rows][cols]);
extern void get_rows_cols(int *rows, int *cols);
extern void dump_array(const char *tag, int rows, int cols, int array[rows][cols]);

void func_vla(int rows, int cols, int array[rows][cols])
    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
            array[i][j] = (i + 1) * (j + 1);

int main(void)
    int rows, cols;

    get_rows_cols(&rows, &cols);

    int (*array)[cols] = malloc(rows * cols * sizeof(array[0][0]));
    /* error check omitted */

    func_vla(rows, cols, array);
    dump_array("After initialization", rows, cols, array);

    return 0;

void dump_array(const char *tag, int rows, int cols, int array[rows][cols])
    printf("%s (%dx%d):\n", tag, rows, cols);
    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
            printf("%4d", array[i][j]);

void get_rows_cols(int *rows, int *cols)
    srand(time(0));           // Only acceptable because it is called once
    *rows = 5 + rand() % 10;
    *cols = 3 + rand() % 12;

(See srand() — why call it only once?.)

What is the most efficient way to concatenate N arrays?

where 'n' is some number of arrays, maybe an array of arrays . . .

var answer = _.reduce(n, function(a, b){ return a.concat(b)})

jquery clear input default value

Unless you're really worried about older browsers, you could just use the new html5 placeholder attribute like so:

<input type="text" name="email" placeholder="Email address" class="input" />

How to change target build on Android project?

The problem sometimes occurs when there are errors in the project.

For instance, if your project is configured with a target of 3.2 but the 3.2 libraries are not available, you will not be able to change the version to 4.0!

The usual (perhaps brutal) solution I use is to create a new project with the correct target and copy src, res and manifest into the new project.


This seems to work:

  1. Change the selected through the build properties as normal
  2. Manually edit AND to make sure they both reflect the desired target.
  3. Close the project and re-open it

I always run Android Tools | Fix Project Properties after making any changes to the build target.

jQuery / Javascript code check, if not undefined

I generally like the shorthand version:

if (!!wlocation) { window.location = wlocation; }

Android Studio Gradle Already disposed Module

I also face this problem sometimes. Click on gradle console in bottom bar of android studio, at right side. It will show the exact error in logs. My problem was that I had compile SDK 22 and imported appcomact library was of sdk 23.

Python IndentationError unindent does not match any outer indentation level

You are mixing tabs and spaces. Don't do that. Specifically, the __init__ function body is indented with tabs while your on_data method is not.

Here is a screenshot of your code in my text editor; I set the tab stop to 8 spaces (which is what Python uses) and selected the text, which causes the editor to display tabs with continuous horizontal lines:

highlighted code with tabs shown as lines

You have your editor set to expanding tabs to every fourth column instead, so the methods appear to line up.

Run your code with:

python -tt

and fix all errors that finds. Then configure your editor to use spaces only for indentation; a good editor will insert 4 spaces every time you use the TAB key.

Where can I view Tomcat log files in Eclipse?

Double click and open the server. Go to 'Arguments'. -Dcatalina.base= .. something. Go to that something. Your logs are there.

Why don’t my SVG images scale using the CSS "width" property?

  1. If the svg file has a height and width already defined width="100" height="100" in the svg file then add this x="0px" y="0px" width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 100 100" while keeping the already defined width="100" height="100".
  2. Then you can scale the svg in your css file by using a selector in your case img so you could then do this: img{height: 20px; width: 20px;} and the image will scale.

How can I set up an editor to work with Git on Windows?

When using a remotely mounted homedrive (Samba share, NFS, ...) your ~/.git folder is shared across all systems which can lead to several problems. Thus I prefer a script to determine the right editor for the right system:

# Detect which system I'm on and choose the right editor
$unamea = `uname -a`;
if($unamea =~ /mingw/i){
    if($unamea =~ /devsystem/i){#Check hostname
        exec('C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe', '-multiInst', '-nosession', @ARGV);
    if($unamea =~ /testsystem/i){
        exec('C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe', '-multiInst', '-nosession', @ARGV);
$MCEDIT=`which mcedit`;
if($MCEDIT =~ /mcedit/){
    exec($MCEDIT, @ARGV);
$NANO=`which nano`;
if($NANO =~ /nano/){
    exec($NANO, @ARGV);
die "You don't have a suitable editor!\n";

One might consider a plain shell script, but I used Perl as it is shipped with msysgit and your Unix-like systems will usually provide one as well. Putting the script in /home/username/bin, which should be added to PATH in .bashrc or .profile. Once added with git config --global core.editor you have the right editor, wherever you are.

Placeholder in IE9

A bit late to the party but I use my tried and trusted JS that takes advantage of Modernizr. Can be copy/pasted and applied to any project. Works every time:

// Placeholder fallback

    $('[placeholder]').focus(function() {
      var input = $(this);
      if (input.val() == input.attr('placeholder')) {
    }).blur(function() {
      var input = $(this);
      if (input.val() == '' || input.val() == input.attr('placeholder')) {
    $('[placeholder]').parents('form').submit(function() {
      $(this).find('[placeholder]').each(function() {
        var input = $(this);
        if (input.val() == input.attr('placeholder')) {


Create a temporary table in a SELECT statement without a separate CREATE TABLE

Use this syntax:

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t1 (select * from t2);

How to know if two arrays have the same values

Object equality check:JSON.stringify(array1.sort()) === JSON.stringify(array2.sort())

The above test also works with arrays of objects in which case use a sort function as documented in

Might suffice for small arrays with flat JSON schemas.

Why is JsonRequestBehavior needed?

MVC defaults to DenyGet to protect you against a very specific attack involving JSON requests to improve the liklihood that the implications of allowing HTTP GET exposure are considered in advance of allowing them to occur.

This is opposed to afterwards when it might be too late.

Note: If your action method does not return sensitive data, then it should be safe to allow the get.

Further reading from my Wrox ASP.NET MVC3 book

By default, the ASP.NET MVC framework does not allow you to respond to an HTTP GET request with a JSON payload. If you need to send JSON in response to a GET, you'll need to explicitly allow the behavior by using JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet as the second parameter to the Json method. However, there is a chance a malicious user can gain access to the JSON payload through a process known as JSON Hijacking. You do not want to return sensitive information using JSON in a GET request. For more details, see Phil's post at or this SO post.

Haack, Phil (2011). Professional ASP.NET MVC 3 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer) (Kindle Locations 6014-6020). Wrox. Kindle Edition.

Related StackOverflow question

With most recents browsers (starting with Firefox 21, Chrome 27, or IE 10), this is no more a vulnerability.

How do I extract part of a string in t-sql

I would recommend a combination of PatIndex and Left. Carefully constructed, you can write a query that always works, no matter what your data looks like.


Declare @Temp Table(Data VarChar(20))

Insert Into @Temp Values('BTA200')
Insert Into @Temp Values('BTA50')
Insert Into @Temp Values('BTA030')
Insert Into @Temp Values('BTA')
Insert Into @Temp Values('123')
Insert Into @Temp Values('X999')

Select Data, Left(Data, PatIndex('%[0-9]%', Data + '1') - 1)
From   @Temp

PatIndex will look for the first character that falls in the range of 0-9, and return it's character position, which you can use with the LEFT function to extract the correct data. Note that PatIndex is actually using Data + '1'. This protects us from data where there are no numbers found. If there are no numbers, PatIndex would return 0. In this case, the LEFT function would error because we are using Left(Data, PatIndex - 1). When PatIndex returns 0, we would end up with Left(Data, -1) which returns an error.

There are still ways this can fail. For a full explanation, I encourage you to read:

Extracting numbers with SQL Server

That article shows how to get numbers out of a string. In your case, you want to get alpha characters instead. However, the process is similar enough that you can probably learn something useful out of it.

Apache: Restrict access to specific source IP inside virtual host

In Apache 2.4, the authorization configuration syntax has changed, and the Order, Deny or Allow directives should no longer be used.

The new way to do this would be:

<VirtualHost *:8080>
    <Location />
        Require ip

Further examples using the new syntax can be found in the Apache documentation: Upgrading to 2.4 from 2.2

CodeIgniter: How to use WHERE clause and OR clause

What worked for me :

  $where = '';
   /* $this->db->like('ust.title',$query_data['search'])
        $where .= "(ust.title like '%".$query_data['search']."%'";
        $where .= " or usr.f_name like '%".$query_data['search']."%'";
        $where .= "or usr.l_name like '%".$query_data['search']."%')";

$datas = $this->db->join(TBL_USERS.' AS usr','')
            ->where_in('', $blog_list) 
            ->select('ust.*,usr.f_name as f_name, as email,usr.avatar as avatar, as sex')
            ->get_where(TBL_GURU_BLOG.' AS ust',[
                'ust.deleted_at'     =>  NULL,
                'ust.status'     =>  1,

I have to do this to create a query like this :

SELECT `ust`.*, `usr`.`f_name` as `f_name`, `usr`.`email` as `email`, `usr`.`avatar` as `avatar`, `usr`.`sex` as `sex` FROM `blog` AS `ust` JOIN `users` AS `usr` ON `ust`.`user_id`=`usr`.`id` WHERE (`ust`.`title` LIKE '%mer%' ESCAPE '!' OR  `usr`.`f_name` LIKE '%lok%' ESCAPE '!' OR  `usr`.`l_name` LIKE '%mer%' ESCAPE '!') AND `ust`.`id` IN('36', '37', '38') AND `ust`.`deleted_at` IS NULL AND `ust`.`status` = 1 ;

How do I get a reference to the app delegate in Swift?

In the Xcode 6.2, this also works

let appDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate! as AppDelegate

let aVariable = appDelegate.someVariable

Intellij Idea: Importing Gradle project - getting JAVA_HOME not defined yet

You need to setup a SDK for Java projects, like @rizzletang said, but you don't need to create a new project, you can do it from the Welcome screen.

On the bottom right, select Configure > Project Defaults > Project Structure: enter image description here

Picking the Project tab on the left will show that you have no SDK selected:

enter image description here

Just click the New... button on the right hand side of the dropdown and point it to your JDK. After that, you can go back to the import screen and it should just show up.

How to get HTTP Response Code using Selenium WebDriver

It is possible to get the response code of a http request using Selenium and Chrome or Firefox. All you have to do is start either Chrome or Firefox in logging mode. I will show you some examples below.

java + Selenium + Chrome Here is an example of java + Selenium + Chrome, but I guess that it can be done in any language (python, c#, ...).

All you need to do is tell chromedriver to do "Network.enable". This can be done by enabling Performance logging.

LoggingPreferences logPrefs = new LoggingPreferences();
logPrefs.enable(LogType.PERFORMANCE, Level.ALL);
cap.setCapability(CapabilityType.LOGGING_PREFS, logPrefs);

After the request is done, all you have to do is get and iterate the Perfomance logs and find "Network.responseReceived" for the requested url:

LogEntries logs = driver.manage().logs().get("performance");

Here is the code:

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.logging.Level;

import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.openqa.selenium.logging.LogEntries;
import org.openqa.selenium.logging.LogEntry;
import org.openqa.selenium.logging.LogType;
import org.openqa.selenium.logging.LoggingPreferences;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.CapabilityType;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;

public class TestResponseCode
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // simple page (without many resources so that the output is
        // easy to understand
        String url = "";


    private static void DownloadPage(String url)
        ChromeDriver driver = null;

            ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
            // add whatever extensions you need
            // for example I needed one of adding proxy, and one for blocking
            // images
            // options.addExtensions(new File(file, ""));
            // options.addExtensions(new File("extensions",
            // "Block-image_v1.1.crx"));

            DesiredCapabilities cap =;
            cap.setCapability(ChromeOptions.CAPABILITY, options);

            // set performance logger
            // this sends Network.enable to chromedriver
            LoggingPreferences logPrefs = new LoggingPreferences();
            logPrefs.enable(LogType.PERFORMANCE, Level.ALL);
            cap.setCapability(CapabilityType.LOGGING_PREFS, logPrefs);

            driver = new ChromeDriver(cap);

            // navigate to the page
            System.out.println("Navigate to " + url);

            // and capture the last recorded url (it may be a redirect, or the
            // original url)
            String currentURL = driver.getCurrentUrl();

            // then ask for all the performance logs from this request
            // one of them will contain the Network.responseReceived method
            // and we shall find the "last recorded url" response
            LogEntries logs = driver.manage().logs().get("performance");

            int status = -1;

            System.out.println("\nList of log entries:\n");

            for (Iterator<LogEntry> it = logs.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
                LogEntry entry =;

                    JSONObject json = new JSONObject(entry.getMessage());


                    JSONObject message = json.getJSONObject("message");
                    String method = message.getString("method");

                    if (method != null
                            && "Network.responseReceived".equals(method))
                        JSONObject params = message.getJSONObject("params");

                        JSONObject response = params.getJSONObject("response");
                        String messageUrl = response.getString("url");

                        if (currentURL.equals(messageUrl))
                            status = response.getInt("status");

                                    "---------- bingo !!!!!!!!!!!!!! returned response for "
                                            + messageUrl + ": " + status);

                                    "---------- bingo !!!!!!!!!!!!!! headers: "
                                            + response.get("headers"));
                } catch (JSONException e)
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block

            System.out.println("\nstatus code: " + status);
        } finally
            if (driver != null)

The output looks like this:

    Navigate to

    List of log entries:

    {"webview":"3b8eaedb-bd0f-4baa-938d-4aee4039abfe","message":{"method":"Page.frameNavigated","params":{"frame":{"securityOrigin":"://","loaderId":"172.1","name":"chromedriver dummy frame","id":"172.2","mimeType":"text/html","parentId":"172.1","url":"about:blank"}}}}
    {"webview":"3b8eaedb-bd0f-4baa-938d-4aee4039abfe","message":{"method":"Network.requestWillBeSent","params":{"request":{"headers":{"Upgrade-Insecure-Requests":"1","User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.143 Safari/537.36"},"initialPriority":"VeryHigh","method":"GET","mixedContentType":"none","url":""},"frameId":"3928.1","requestId":"3928.1","documentURL":"","initiator":{"type":"other"},"loaderId":"3928.1","wallTime":1.47619492749007E9,"type":"Document","timestamp":20226.652971}}}
    {"webview":"3b8eaedb-bd0f-4baa-938d-4aee4039abfe","message":{"method":"Network.responseReceived","params":{"frameId":"3928.1","requestId":"3928.1","response":{"headers":{"Accept-Ranges":"bytes","Keep-Alive":"timeout=4, max=100","Cache-Control":"max-age=300","Server":"Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu)","Connection":"Keep-Alive","Content-Encoding":"gzip","Vary":"Accept-Encoding","Expires":"Tue, 11 Oct 2016 14:13:47 GMT","Content-Length":"1957","Date":"Tue, 11 Oct 2016 14:08:47 GMT","Content-Type":"text/html"},"connectionReused":false,"timing":{"pushEnd":0,"workerStart":-1,"proxyEnd":-1,"workerReady":-1,"sslEnd":-1,"pushStart":0,"requestTime":20226.65335,"sslStart":-1,"dnsStart":0,"sendEnd":31.6569999995409,"connectEnd":31.4990000006219,"connectStart":0,"sendStart":31.5860000009707,"dnsEnd":0,"receiveHeadersEnd":115.645999998378,"proxyStart":-1},"encodedDataLength":-1,"remotePort":80,"mimeType":"text/html","headersText":"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nDate: Tue, 11 Oct 2016 14:08:47 GMT\r\nServer: Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu)\r\nAccept-Ranges: bytes\r\nCache-Control: max-age=300\r\nExpires: Tue, 11 Oct 2016 14:13:47 GMT\r\nVary: Accept-Encoding\r\nContent-Encoding: gzip\r\nContent-Length: 1957\r\nKeep-Alive: timeout=4, max=100\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n","securityState":"neutral","requestHeadersText":"GET /teaching/cws/wws/webpage1.html HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.143 Safari/537.36\r\nAccept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch\r\nAccept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.6\r\n\r\n","url":"","protocol":"http/1.1","fromDiskCache":false,"fromServiceWorker":false,"requestHeaders":{"Accept":"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8","Upgrade-Insecure-Requests":"1","Connection":"keep-alive","User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.143 Safari/537.36","Host":"","Accept-Encoding":"gzip, deflate, sdch","Accept-Language":"en-GB,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.6"},"remoteIPAddress":"","statusText":"OK","connectionId":11,"status":200},"loaderId":"3928.1","type":"Document","timestamp":20226.770012}}}
    ---------- bingo !!!!!!!!!!!!!! returned response for 200
    ---------- bingo !!!!!!!!!!!!!! headers: {"Accept-Ranges":"bytes","Keep-Alive":"timeout=4, max=100","Cache-Control":"max-age=300","Server":"Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu)","Connection":"Keep-Alive","Content-Encoding":"gzip","Vary":"Accept-Encoding","Expires":"Tue, 11 Oct 2016 14:13:47 GMT","Content-Length":"1957","Date":"Tue, 11 Oct 2016 14:08:47 GMT","Content-Type":"text/html"}
    {"webview":"3b8eaedb-bd0f-4baa-938d-4aee4039abfe","message":{"method":"Network.requestWillBeSent","params":{"request":{"headers":{"Referer":"","User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.143 Safari/537.36"},"initialPriority":"High","method":"GET","mixedContentType":"none","url":""},"frameId":"3928.1","requestId":"3928.2","documentURL":"","initiator":{"type":"other"},"loaderId":"3928.1","wallTime":1.47619492768527E9,"type":"Other","timestamp":20226.848174}}}

    status code: 200

java + Selenium + Firefox I have finally found the trick for Firefox too. You need to start firefox using MOZ_LOG and MOZ_LOG_FILE environment variables, and log http requests at debug level (4 = PR_LOG_DEBUG) - map.put("MOZ_LOG", "timestamp,sync,nsHttp:4"). Save the log in a temporary file. After that, get the content of the saved log file and parse it for the response code (using some simple regular expressions). First detect the start of the request, identifying its id (nsHttpChannel::BeginConnect [this=000000CED8094000]), then at the second step, find the response code for that request id (nsHttpChannel::ProcessResponse [this=000000CED8094000 httpStatus=200]).

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.GeckoDriverService;

public class TestFirefoxResponse
  public static void main(String[] args)
      throws InterruptedException, IOException
    GeckoDriverService service = null;

    // tell firefox to log http requests
    // at level 4 = PR_LOG_DEBUG: debug messages, notices
    // you could log everything at level 5, but the log file will 
    // be larger. 
    // create a temporary log file that will be parsed for
    // response code
    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
    map.put("MOZ_LOG", "timestamp,sync,nsHttp:4");
    File tempFile = File.createTempFile("mozLog", ".txt");    
    map.put("MOZ_LOG_FILE", tempFile.getAbsolutePath());      

    GeckoDriverService.Builder builder = new GeckoDriverService.Builder();
    service = builder.usingAnyFreePort()


    WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(service);

    // test 200
     String url = "";
    // test 404
    // String url = "";


    String logContent = FileUtils.readFileToString(tempFile);

    ParseLog(logContent, url);

  private static void ParseLog(String logContent, String url) throws MalformedURLException
    // this is how the log looks like when the request starts
    // I have to get the id of the request using a regular expression
    // and use that id later to get the response
    //    2017-11-02 14:14:01.170000 UTC - [Main Thread]: D/nsHttp nsHttpChannel::BeginConnect [this=000000BFF27A5000]
    //    2017-11-02 14:14:01.170000 UTC - [Main Thread]: D/nsHttp port=-1
    //    2017-11-02 14:14:01.170000 UTC - [Main Thread]: D/nsHttp uri=
    String pattern = "BeginConnect \\[this=(.*?)\\](?:.*?)uri=(.*?)\\s";

    Pattern p = Pattern.compile(pattern, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL);
    Matcher m = p.matcher(logContent);

    String urlID = null;
    while (m.find())
      String id =;
      String uri =;

      if (uri.equals(url))
        urlID = id;

    System.out.println("request id = " + urlID);

    // this is how the response looks like in the log file
    // ProcessResponse [this=000000CED8094000 httpStatus=200]
    // I will use another regular espression to get the httpStatus
    //    2017-11-02 14:45:39.296000 UTC - [Main Thread]: D/nsHttp nsHttpChannel::OnStartRequest [this=000000CED8094000 request=000000CED8014BB0 status=0]
    //    2017-11-02 14:45:39.296000 UTC - [Main Thread]: D/nsHttp nsHttpChannel::ProcessResponse [this=000000CED8094000 httpStatus=200]    

    pattern = "ProcessResponse \\[this=" + urlID + " httpStatus=(.*?)\\]";

    p = Pattern.compile(pattern, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL);
    m = p.matcher(logContent);

    if (m.find())
      String responseCode =;
      System.out.println("response code found " + responseCode);
      System.out.println("response code not found");

The output for this will be

request id = 0000007653D67000 response code found 200

The response headers can also be found in the log file. You can get them if you want.

    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp http response [
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp   HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp   Accept-Ranges: bytes
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp   Cache-control: no-cache="set-cookie"
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp   Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp   Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2017 14:54:36 GMT
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp   ETag: "7969-55bc076a61e80"
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp   Last-Modified: Tue, 17 Oct 2017 16:17:46 GMT
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp   Server: Apache/2.4.23 (Amazon) PHP/5.6.24
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp   Set-Cookie: AWSELB=5F256FFA816C8E72E13AE0B12A17A3D540582F804C87C5FEE323AF3C9B638FD6260FF473FF64E44926DD26221AAD2E9727FD739483E7E4C31784C7A495796B416146EE83;PATH=/
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp   Content-Length: 31081
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp   Connection: keep-alive
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp     OriginalHeaders
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp   Accept-Ranges: bytes
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp   Cache-control: no-cache="set-cookie"
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp   Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp   Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2017 14:54:36 GMT
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp   ETag: "7969-55bc076a61e80"
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp   Last-Modified: Tue, 17 Oct 2017 16:17:46 GMT
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp   Server: Apache/2.4.23 (Amazon) PHP/5.6.24
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp   Set-Cookie: AWSELB=5F256FFA816C8E72E13AE0B12A17A3D540582F804C87C5FEE323AF3C9B638FD6260FF473FF64E44926DD26221AAD2E9727FD739483E7E4C31784C7A495796B416146EE83;PATH=/
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp   Content-Length: 31081
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp   Connection: keep-alive
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Socket Thread]: I/nsHttp ]
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Main Thread]: D/nsHttp nsHttpChannel::OnStartRequest [this=0000008A65D85000 request=0000008A65D1F900 status=0]
    2017-11-02 14:54:36.775000 UTC - [Main Thread]: D/nsHttp nsHttpChannel::ProcessResponse [this=0000008A65D85000 httpStatus=404]

SVN "Already Locked Error"

After discussing with the hosting of my SVN repository they gave me the following answer.

Apparently my repository is replicated to a remote repository using SVNSYNC. SVNSYNC has known limitations with enforcing locking across the replicated repositories and this is where the problem lies.

The locks were introduced by the AnkhSVN plugin in Visual Studio.

As the locks appears to be on the remote repository this explains why I can't actually see them using SVN commands.

The locks are being removed via the hosting company and hopefully all will soon be well again.

How to force table cell <td> content to wrap?

.wrappable { 
      overflow: hidden; 
      max-width: 400px; 
      word-wrap: break-word; 

I have tested with the binary data and its working perfectly here.

Delete files or folder recursively on Windows CMD

The other answers didn't work for me, but this did:

del /s /q *.svn
rmdir /s /q *.svn

/q disables Yes/No prompting

/s means delete the file(s) from all subdirectories.

How to read a file in reverse order?

Most of the answers need to read the whole file before doing anything. This sample reads increasingly large samples from the end.

I only saw Murat Yükselen's answer while writing this answer. It's nearly the same, which I suppose is a good thing. The sample below also deals with \r and increases its buffersize at each step. I also have some unit tests to back this code up.

def readlines_reversed(f):
    """ Iterate over the lines in a file in reverse. The file must be
    open in 'rb' mode. Yields the lines unencoded (as bytes), including the
    newline character. Produces the same result as readlines, but reversed.
    If this is used to reverse the line in a file twice, the result is
    exactly the same.
    head = b"", 2)
    t = f.tell()
    buffersize, maxbuffersize = 64, 4096
    while True:
        if t <= 0:
        # Read next block
        buffersize = min(buffersize * 2, maxbuffersize)
        tprev = t
        t = max(0, t - buffersize)
        lines = - t).splitlines(True)
        # Align to line breaks
        if not lines[-1].endswith((b"\n", b"\r")):
            lines[-1] += head  # current tail is previous head
        elif head == b"\n" and lines[-1].endswith(b"\r"):
            lines[-1] += head  # Keep \r\n together
        elif head:
        head = lines.pop(0)  # can be '\n' (ok)
        # Iterate over current block in reverse
        for line in reversed(lines):
            yield line
    if head:
        yield head

Numpy: Checking if a value is NaT

Since NumPy version 1.13 it contains an isnat function:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.isnat(np.datetime64('nat'))

It also works for arrays:

>>> np.isnat(np.array(['nat', 1, 2, 3, 4, 'nat', 5], dtype='datetime64[D]'))
array([ True, False, False, False, False,  True, False], dtype=bool)

Adding +1 to a variable inside a function

You could also pass points to the function: Small example:

def test(points):
    addpoint = raw_input ("type ""add"" to add a point")
    if addpoint == "add":
        points = points + 1
        print "asd"
    return points;
if __name__ == '__main__':
    points = 0
    for i in range(10):
        points = test(points)
        print points

Constructor of an abstract class in C#

It's a way to enforce a set of invariants of the abstract class. That is, no matter what the subclass does, you want to make sure some things are always true of the base class... example:

abstract class Foo
    public DateTime TimeCreated {get; private set;}

    protected Foo()
         this.TimeCreated = DateTime.Now;

abstract class Bar : Foo
    public Bar() : base() //Bar's constructor's must call Foo's parameterless constructor.
    { }

Don't think of a constructor as the dual of the new operator. The constructor's only purpose is to ensure that you have an object in a valid state before you start using it. It just happens to be that we usually call it through a new operator.

Inserting multiple rows in mysql

If you have your data in a text-file, you can use LOAD DATA INFILE.

When loading a table from a text file, use LOAD DATA INFILE. This is usually 20 times faster than using INSERT statements.

Optimizing INSERT Statements

You can find more tips on how to speed up your insert statements on the link above.

How do I use spaces in the Command Prompt?

It can solve this problem by cd command, this command understand spaces without double quotes and you can call any program this way for example:

C:\Windows\system32>cd c:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin

c:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin>mongo now command prompt call mongo.exe

How to load image to WPF in runtime?

Make sure that your sas.png is marked as Build Action: Content and Copy To Output Directory: Copy Always in its Visual Studio Properties...

I think the C# source code goes like this...

Image image = new Image();
image.Source = (new ImageSourceConverter()).ConvertFromString("pack://application:,,,/Bilder/sas.png") as ImageSource;

and XAML should be

<Image Height="200" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="12,12,0,0" 
       Name="image1" Stretch="Fill" VerticalAlignment="Top" 
       Width="350" />  


Dynamically I think XAML would provide best way to load Images ...

<Image Source="{Binding Converter={StaticResource MyImageSourceConverter}}"

where image.DataContext is string path.

MyImage.DataContext = "pack://application:,,,/Bilder/sas.png";

public class MyImageSourceConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value_, Type targetType_, 
    object parameter_, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture_)
        return (new ImageSourceConverter()).ConvertFromString (value.ToString());

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, 
    object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
          throw new NotImplementedException();

Now as you set a different data context, Image would be automatically loaded at runtime.

How to get distinct values for non-key column fields in Laravel?

Grouping by will not work if the database rules don't allow any of the select fields to be outside of an aggregate function. Instead use the laravel collections.

$users = DB::table('users')
        ->select('id','name', 'email')

foreach($users->unique('name') as $user){

Someone pointed out that this may not be great on performance for large collections. I would recommend adding a key to the collection. The method to use is called keyBy. This is the simple method.

     $users = DB::table('users')
        ->select('id','name', 'email')

The keyBy also allows you to add a call back function for more complex things...

     $users = DB::table('users')
        ->select('id','name', 'email')
              return $user->name . '-' . $user->id;

If you have to iterate over large collections, adding a key to it solve the performance issue.

Creating a directory in /sdcard fails

use mkdirs() instead of mkdir() worked for me :)

File folder = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+"/Saved CGPA");
    Toast.makeText(this, "New Folder Created", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

File sdCardFile = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+"/Saved CGPA/cgpa.html");

CMake: How to build external projects and include their targets

cmake's ExternalProject_Add indeed can used, but what I did not like about it - is that it performs something during build, continuous poll, etc... I would prefer to build project during build phase, nothing else. I have tried to override ExternalProject_Add in several attempts, unfortunately without success.

Then I have tried also to add git submodule, but that drags whole git repository, while in certain cases I need only subset of whole git repository. What I have checked - it's indeed possible to perform sparse git checkout, but that require separate function, which I wrote below.

# Performs sparse (partial) git checkout
#   into ${checkoutDir} from ${url} of ${branch}
# List of folders and files to pull can be specified after that.
function (SparseGitCheckout checkoutDir url branch)
    if(EXISTS ${checkoutDir})

    message("sparse git checkout to ${checkoutDir}...")

    file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${checkoutDir})

    set(cmds "git init")
    set(cmds ${cmds} "git remote add -f origin --no-tags -t master ${url}")
    set(cmds ${cmds} "git config core.sparseCheckout true")

    # This command is executed via file WRITE
    # echo <file or folder> >> .git/info/sparse-checkout")

    set(cmds ${cmds} "git pull --depth=1 origin ${branch}")

    # message("In directory: ${checkoutDir}")

    foreach( cmd ${cmds})
        message("- ${cmd}")
        string(REPLACE " " ";" cmdList ${cmd})

        #message("Outfile: ${outFile}")
        #message("Final command: ${cmdList}")

        if(pull IN_LIST cmdList)
            string (REPLACE ";" "\n" FILES "${ARGN}")
            file(WRITE ${checkoutDir}/.git/info/sparse-checkout ${FILES} )

            COMMAND ${cmdList}
            WORKING_DIRECTORY ${checkoutDir}
            RESULT_VARIABLE ret

        if(NOT ret EQUAL "0")
            message("error: previous command failed, see explanation above")
            file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${checkoutDir})


SparseGitCheckout(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/catch_197 v1.9.7 single_include)
SparseGitCheckout(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/catch_master master single_include)

I have added two function calls below just to illustrate how to use the function.

Someone might not like to checkout master / trunk, as that one might be broken - then it's always possible to specify specific tag.

Checkout will be performed only once, until you clear the cache folder.

Is there "\n" equivalent in VBscript?

I think it's vbcrlf.

replace(s, vbcrlf, "<br />")

How to set a cookie for another domain

You can't, at least not directly. That would be a nasty security risk.

While you can specify a Domain attribute, the specification says "The user agent will reject cookies unless the Domain attribute specifies a scope for the cookie that would include the origin server."

Since the origin server is and that does not include, it can't be set.

You would need to get to set the cookie instead. You could do this via (for example) HTTP redirects to and back.

HTTP Status 500 - org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.NullPointerException

NullPointerException with JSP can also happen if:

A getter returns a non-public inner class.

This code will fail if you remove Getters's access modifier or make it private or protected.


package com.myPackage;
public class MyClass{ 
    //: Must be public or you will get:
    //: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: 
    //: java.lang.NullPointerException
    public class Getters{
        public String 
        myProperty(){ return(my_property); }

    //: JSP EL can only access functions:
    private Getters _get;
    public  Getters  get(){ return _get; }

    private String 

    public MyClass(String my_property){
        this.my_property    = my_property;
        _get = new Getters();


<%@ taglib uri   ="" prefix="c" %>
<%@ page import="com.myPackage.MyClass" %>
    MyClass inst = new MyClass("[PROP_VALUE]");
    pageContext.setAttribute("my_inst", inst ); 
%><html lang="en"><body>
    ${ my_inst.get().myProperty() }

How can I change default dialog button text color in android 5

Here is how you do it: Simple way

// Initializing a new alert dialog
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity());
builder.setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
builder.setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, null);

// Create the alert dialog and change Buttons colour
AlertDialog dialog = builder.create();
dialog.setOnShowListener(new DialogInterface.OnShowListener() {
    public void onShow(DialogInterface arg0) {

How to 'grep' a continuous stream?

Turn on grep's line buffering mode when using BSD grep (FreeBSD, Mac OS X etc.)

tail -f file | grep --line-buffered my_pattern

It looks like a while ago --line-buffered didn't matter for GNU grep (used on pretty much any Linux) as it flushed by default (YMMV for other Unix-likes such as SmartOS, AIX or QNX). However, as of November 2020, --line-buffered is needed (at least with GNU grep 3.5 in openSUSE, but it seems generally needed based on comments below).

Android EditText Hint

et.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.OnFocusChangeListener() {
        public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) {

            et.setHint(temp +" Characters");

Create local maven repository

Set up a simple repository using a web server with its default configuration. The key is the directory structure. The documentation does not mention it explicitly, but it is the same structure as a local repository.

To set up an internal repository just requires that you have a place to put it, and then start copying required artifacts there using the same layout as in a remote repository such as Source

Add a file to your repository like this:

mvn install:install-file \
  -Dfile=YOUR_JAR.jar -DgroupId=YOUR_GROUP_ID 
  -DartifactId=YOUR_ARTIFACT_ID -Dversion=YOUR_VERSION \
  -Dpackaging=jar \

If your domain is and the root directory of the web server is located at /var/www/html/, then maven can find "YOUR_JAR.jar" if configured with <url></url>.

Sql server - log is full due to ACTIVE_TRANSACTION

Restarting the SQL Server will clear up the log space used by your database. If this however is not an option, you can try the following:

* Issue a CHECKPOINT command to free up log space in the log file.

* Check the available log space with DBCC SQLPERF('logspace'). If only a small 
  percentage of your log file is actually been used, you can try a DBCC SHRINKFILE 
  command. This can however possibly introduce corruption in your database. 

* If you have another drive with space available you can try to add a file there in 
  order to get enough space to attempt to resolve the issue.

Hope this will help you in finding your solution.

How do I find out what is hammering my SQL Server?

You can find some useful query here:

Investigating the Cause of SQL Server High CPU

For me this helped a lot:

SELECT s.session_id,
    r.blocking_session_id 'Blk by',
    r.wait_time / (1000 * 60) 'Wait M',
    r.total_elapsed_time / (1000 * 60) 'Elaps M',
    Substring(st.TEXT,(r.statement_start_offset / 2) + 1,
    ((CASE r.statement_end_offset
THEN Datalength(st.TEXT)
ELSE r.statement_end_offset
END - r.statement_start_offset) / 2) + 1) AS statement_text,
    Coalesce(Quotename(Db_name(st.dbid)) + N'.' + Quotename(Object_schema_name(st.objectid, st.dbid)) + N'.' +
    Quotename(Object_name(st.objectid, st.dbid)), '') AS command_text,
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions AS s
    JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests AS r
ON r.session_id = s.session_id
    CROSS APPLY sys.Dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) AS st
WHERE r.session_id != @@SPID
ORDER BY r.cpu_time desc

In the fields of status, wait_type and cpu_time you can find the most cpu consuming task that is running right now.

wget/curl large file from google drive

Alternative Method, 2020

Works well for headless servers. I was trying to download a ~200GB private file but couldn't get any of the other methods, mentioned in this thread, to work.


  1. (Skip this step if the file is already in your own google drive) Make a copy of the file you want to download from a Public/Shared Folder into your Google Drive account. Select File -> Right Click -> Make a copy

Demo Make a copy

  1. Install and setup Rclone, an open-source command line tool, to sync files between your local storage and Google Drive. Here's a quick tutorial to install and setup rclone for Google Drive.

  2. Copy your file from Google Drive to your machine using Rclone

rclone copy mygoogledrive:path/to/file /path/to/file/on/local/machine -P

-P argument helps to track progress of the download and lets you know when its finished.

Exporting PDF with jspdf not rendering CSS

jspdf does not work with css but it can work along with html2canvas. You can use jspdf along with html2canvas.

include these two files in script on your page :

<script type="text/javascript" src="html2canvas.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="jspdf.min.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
  function genPDF()

   var img=canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
   var doc = new jsPDF();



You need to download script files such as

make clickable button on page so that it will generate pdf and it will be seen same as that of original html page.

<a href="javascript:genPDF()">Download PDF</a>  

It will work perfectly.

paint() and repaint() in Java

It's not necessary to call repaint unless you need to render something specific onto a component. "Something specific" meaning anything that isn't provided internally by the windowing toolkit you're using.

JPA & Criteria API - Select only specific columns, root.get("ID"), root.get("VERSION")));  // HERE IS NO ERROR

ApiNotActivatedMapError for simple html page using google-places-api

I had the same error. To fix the error:

  1. Open the console menu Gallery Menu and select API Manager.
  2. On the left, click Credentials and then click New Credentials.
  3. Click Create Credentials.
  4. Click API KEY.
  5. Click Navigator Key (there are more options; It depends on when consumed).

You must use this new API Navigator Key, generated by the system.

How to write DataFrame to postgres table?

Faster option:

The following code will copy your Pandas DF to postgres DB much faster than df.to_sql method and you won't need any intermediate csv file to store the df.

Create an engine based on your DB specifications.

Create a table in your postgres DB that has equal number of columns as the Dataframe (df).

Data in DF will get inserted in your postgres table.

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import psycopg2 
import io

if you want to replace the table, we can replace it with normal to_sql method using headers from our df and then load the entire big time consuming df into DB.

engine = create_engine('postgresql+psycopg2://username:password@host:port/database')

df.head(0).to_sql('table_name', engine, if_exists='replace',index=False) #drops old table and creates new empty table

conn = engine.raw_connection()
cur = conn.cursor()
output = io.StringIO()
df.to_csv(output, sep='\t', header=False, index=False)
contents = output.getvalue()
cur.copy_from(output, 'table_name', null="") # null values become ''

Get the list of stored procedures created and / or modified on a particular date?

You can try this query in any given SQL Server database:

FROM sys.procedures
WHERE create_date = '20120927'  

which lists out the name, the creation and the last modification date - unfortunately, it doesn't record who created and/or modified the stored procedure in question.

Nginx upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream, for large requests

I had the same error for quite a while, and here what fixed it for me.

I simply declared in service that i use what follows:

Description= Your node service description

ExecStart=/path/to/node /path/to/server.js


What should catch your attention here is "". I spent days and days looking for fixes on nginx side, while the problem was just that. To be sure, stop running the node service you have, launch the ExecStart command directly and try to reproduce the bug. If it doesn't pop, it just means that your service has a problem. At least this is how i found my answer.

For everybody else, good luck!

Multiple "order by" in LINQ

There is at least one more way to do this using LINQ, although not the easiest. You can do it by using the OrberBy() method that uses an IComparer. First you need to implement an IComparer for the Movie class like this:

public class MovieComparer : IComparer<Movie>
    public int Compare(Movie x, Movie y)
        if (x.CategoryId == y.CategoryId)
            return x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name);
            return x.CategoryId.CompareTo(y.CategoryId);

Then you can order the movies with the following syntax:

var movies = _db.Movies.OrderBy(item => item, new MovieComparer());

If you need to switch the ordering to descending for one of the items just switch the x and y inside the Compare() method of the MovieComparer accordingly.

CSS how to make an element fade in and then fade out?

If you need a single fadeIn/Out without an explicit user action (like a mouseover/mouseout) you may use a CSS3 animation:

.elementToFadeInAndOut {

    animation: fadeinout 4s linear 1 forwards;

@keyframes fadeinout {
  0% { opacity: 0; }
  50% { opacity: 1; }
  100% { opacity: 0; }

By setting animation-fill-mode: forwards the animation will retain its last keyframe

By setting animation-iteration-count: 1 the animation will run just once (change this value if you need to repeat the effect more than once)

How to get detailed list of connections to database in sql server 2005?

As @Hutch pointed out, one of the major limitations of sp_who2 is that it does not take any parameters so you cannot sort or filter it by default. You can save the results into a temp table, but then the you have to declare all the types ahead of time (and remember to DROP TABLE).

Instead, you can just go directly to the source on master.dbo.sysprocesses

I've constructed this to output almost exactly the same thing that sp_who2 generates, except that you can easily add ORDER BY and WHERE clauses to get meaningful output.

SELECT  spid,
        loginame [Login],
        blocked BlkBy, DBName, 
        cmd Command,
        cpu CPUTime,
        physical_io DiskIO,
        last_batch LastBatch,
        [program_name] ProgramName   
FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses sp 
JOIN master.dbo.sysdatabases sd ON sp.dbid = sd.dbid
ORDER BY spid 

Responsive css styles on mobile devices ONLY

What's you've got there should be fine to work, but there is no actual "Is Mobile/Tablet" media query so you're always going to be stuck.

There are media queries for common breakpoints , but with the ever changing range of devices they're not guaranteed to work moving forwards.

The idea is that your site maintains the same brand across all sizes, so you should want the styles to cascade across the breakpoints and only update the widths and positioning to best suit that viewport.

To further the answer above, using Modernizr with a no-touch test will allow you to target touch devices which are most likely tablets and smart phones, however with the new releases of touch based screens that is not as good an option as it once was.

How to install MySQLdb (Python data access library to MySQL) on Mac OS X?

Just had this problem (again!) after getting a new Lion box.

Best solution I've found (still not 100% optimal, but working):

you can get it by downloading XCode/Dev Tools from Apple - this is a big download -

... but instead I recommend this github which has what you need (and does not have XCode):

I downloaded their prebuilt PKG for lion,

  • make sure you have downloaded a 64-BIT version of MYSQL Community. (The DMG install is an easy route)

  • Set paths as follows:

    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql-XXXX

    export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH = /usr/local/mysql/lib/

    export ARCHFLAGS='-arch x86_64'


1 in mysql-XXXX above, XXX is the specific version you downloaded. (Probably /usr/local/mysql/ would also work since this is most likely an alias to the same, but I won't pretend to know your setup)

2 I have seen it suggested that ARCHFLAGS be set to '-arch i386 -arch x86_64' but specifying only x86_64 seemed to work better for me. (I can think of some reasons for this but they are not strictly relevant).

  • Install the beast!

    easy_install MySQL-python


Permanently add the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH!

You can add it to your bash_profile or similar. This was the missing step for me, without which my system continued to insist on various errors finding and so on.

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH = /usr/local/mysql/lib/

@richard-boardman, just noticed your soft link solution, which may in effect be doing the same thing my PATH solution does...folks, whatever works best for you.

Best reference:

Custom date format with jQuery validation plugin

Jon, you have some syntax errors, see below, this worked for me.

  <script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {

      function (value, element) {
        // put your own logic here, this is just a (crappy) example 
        return value.match(/^\d\d?\/\d\d?\/\d\d\d\d$/);
      "Please enter a date in the format dd/mm/yyyy"

    rules: {
      "myDate": {
        australianDate: true


Convert JSON array to an HTML table in jQuery

Using jQuery will make this simpler.

The following code will take an array of arrays and store convert them into rows and cells.

$.getJSON(url , function(data) {
    var tbl_body = "";
    var odd_even = false;
    $.each(data, function() {
        var tbl_row = "";
        $.each(this, function(k , v) {
            tbl_row += "<td>"+v+"</td>";
        tbl_body += "<tr class=\""+( odd_even ? "odd" : "even")+"\">"+tbl_row+"</tr>";
        odd_even = !odd_even;               
    $("#target_table_id tbody").html(tbl_body);

You could add a check for the keys you want to exclude by adding something like

var expected_keys = { key_1 : true, key_2 : true, key_3 : false, key_4 : true };

at the start of the getJSON callback function and adding:

if ( ( k in expected_keys ) && expected_keys[k] ) {

around the tbl_row += line.

Edit: Was assigning a null variable previously

Edit: Version based on Timmmm's injection-free contribution.

$.getJSON(url , function(data) {
    var tbl_body = document.createElement("tbody");
    var odd_even = false;
    $.each(data, function() {
        var tbl_row = tbl_body.insertRow();
        tbl_row.className = odd_even ? "odd" : "even";
        $.each(this, function(k , v) {
            var cell = tbl_row.insertCell();
        odd_even = !odd_even;               
    $("#target_table_id").append(tbl_body);   //DOM table doesn't have .appendChild

Perform an action in every sub-directory using Bash

A version that avoids creating a sub-process:

for D in *; do
    if [ -d "${D}" ]; then
        echo "${D}"   # your processing here

Or, if your action is a single command, this is more concise:

for D in *; do [ -d "${D}" ] && my_command; done

Or an even more concise version (thanks @enzotib). Note that in this version each value of D will have a trailing slash:

for D in */; do my_command; done

How to clear PermGen space Error in tomcat

You have to allocate more space to the PermGenSpace of the tomcat JVM.

This can be done with the JVM argument : -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

By default, the PermGen space is 64M (and it contains all compiled classes, so if you have a lot of jar (classes) in your classpath, you may indeed fill this space).

On a side note, you can monitor the size of the PermGen space with JVisualVM and you can even inspect its content with YourKit Java Profiler

Installing R with Homebrew

homebrew/science was deprecated So, you should use the following command.

brew tap brewsci/science

In Python, how do I split a string and keep the separators?

# This keeps all separators  in result 
import re

def splitStringFull(sh, st):
   for l in ls:
     if not l : continue
     if k> start:
       tmp= st[start:k]
       start = k + llen
       start =llen
   return lo

li= splitStringFull(sh , st)
['%%(', 'c', '+', 'dd', '+', 'e', '+', 'f', '-', '1523', ')%%', '7']

The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.facebook.sdk error 2.) ios6

Another potential cause for this error: Attempting to get permission for a Facebook app in sandbox mode when the Facebook user is not listed in the app's admins, developers or testers.

Is a Java hashmap search really O(1)?

It is O(1) only if your hashing function is very good. The Java hash table implementation does not protect against bad hash functions.

Whether you need to grow the table when you add items or not is not relevant to the question because it is about lookup time.

How to check if an integer is in a given range?

ValueRange range = java.time.temporal.ValueRange.of(minValue, maxValue);

it returns true if minValue <= x <= MaxValue - i.e within the range

it returns false if x < minValue or x > maxValue - i.e outofrange

Use with if condition as shown below:

int value = 10;
if(ValueRange.of(0, 100).isValidIntValue(value)) {
    System.out.println("Value is with in the Range.");
} else {
    System.out.println("Value is out of the Range.");

below program checks, if any of the passed integer value in the hasTeen method is within the range of 13(inclusive) to 19(Inclusive)

import java.time.temporal.ValueRange;    
public class TeenNumberChecker {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(hasTeen(9, 99, 19));
        System.out.println(hasTeen(23, 15, 42));
        System.out.println(hasTeen(22, 23, 34));


    public static boolean hasTeen(int firstNumber, int secondNumber, int thirdNumber) {

        ValueRange range = ValueRange.of(13, 19);
        System.out.println("*********Int validation Start ***********");
        System.out.println("**********Int validation End**************");

        if (range.isValidIntValue(firstNumber) || range.isValidIntValue(secondNumber) || range.isValidIntValue(thirdNumber)) {
            return true;
        } else
            return false;


true as 19 is part of range

true as 15 is part of range

false as all three value passed out of range

How to resolve "The requested URL was rejected. Please consult with your administrator." error?

I have faced the same issue using Google Chrome browser. Same website was opening normally using the incognito mode and different browsers. At first, I cleared cached files and cookies over the past 24 hours, but this didn't help.

I realized that my first visit to the website was during the past 10 days. So, I cleared cached files and cookies over the past 4 weeks and that resolved the problem.
Note: I didn't clear my browsing history data

Extract public/private key from PKCS12 file for later use in SSH-PK-Authentication

You can use following commands to extract public/private key from a PKCS#12 container:

  • PKCS#1 Private key

    openssl pkcs12 -in yourP12File.pfx -nocerts -out privateKey.pem
  • Certificates:

    openssl pkcs12 -in yourP12File.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out publicCert.pem

Configure apache to listen on port other than 80

For FC22 server

cd /etc/httpd/conf edit httpd.conf [enter]

Change: Listen 80 to: Listen whatevernumber

Save the file

systemctl restart httpd.service [enter] if required, open whatevernumber in your router / firewall

How do I get extra data from intent on Android?

//  How to send value using intent from one class to another class
//  class A(which will send data)
    Intent theIntent = new Intent(this, B.class);
    theIntent.putExtra("name", john);
//  How to get these values in another class
//  Class B
    Intent i= getIntent();
//  if you log here i than you will get the value of i i.e. john

Cross-thread operation not valid: Control accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on

This is not the recommended way to solve this error but you can suppress it quickly, it will do the job . I prefer this for prototypes or demos . add

CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false

in Form1() constructor .

Write / add data in JSON file using Node.js

If this JSON file won't become too big over time, you should try:

  1. Create a JavaScript object with the table array in it

    var obj = {
       table: []
  2. Add some data to it, for example:

    obj.table.push({id: 1, square:2});
  3. Convert it from an object to a string with JSON.stringify

    var json = JSON.stringify(obj);
  4. Use fs to write the file to disk

    var fs = require('fs');
    fs.writeFile('myjsonfile.json', json, 'utf8', callback);
  5. If you want to append it, read the JSON file and convert it back to an object

    fs.readFile('myjsonfile.json', 'utf8', function readFileCallback(err, data){
        if (err){
        } else {
        obj = JSON.parse(data); //now it an object
        obj.table.push({id: 2, square:3}); //add some data
        json = JSON.stringify(obj); //convert it back to json
        fs.writeFile('myjsonfile.json', json, 'utf8', callback); // write it back 

This will work for data that is up to 100 MB effectively. Over this limit, you should use a database engine.


Create a function which returns the current date (year+month+day) as a string. Create the file named this string + .json. the fs module has a function which can check for file existence named fs.stat(path, callback). With this, you can check if the file exists. If it exists, use the read function if it's not, use the create function. Use the date string as the path cuz the file will be named as the today date + .json. the callback will contain a stats object which will be null if the file does not exist.

How to tune Tomcat 5.5 JVM Memory settings without using the configuration program

I use following setenv.bat contents:


    set JAVA_OPTS=-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xms256M -Xmx768M -Xdebug -Xnoagent  -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=7777,server=y,suspend=n %JAVA_OPTS%


It also enables debugging and sets debug port to 7777, and appends previous content of JAVA_OPTS.

How to add java plugin for Firefox on Linux?

Do you want the JDK or the JRE? Anyways, I had this problem too, a few weeks ago. I followed the instructions here and it worked:

NOTE: Before installing Java make sure you kill Firefox.

root@bt:~# killall -9 /opt/firefox/firefox-bin

You can download java from the official website. (Download tar.gz version)

We first create the directory and place java there:

root@bt:~# mkdir /opt/java

root@bt:~# mv -f jre1.7.0_05/ /opt/java/

Final changes.

root@bt:~# update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/java/jre1.7.0_05/bin/java 1

root@bt:~# update-alternatives --set java /opt/java/jre1.7.0_05/bin/java

root@bt:~# export JAVA_HOME="/opt/java/jre1.7.0_05"

Adding the plugin to Firefox.

For Java 7 (32 bit)

root@bt:~# ln -sf $JAVA_HOME/lib/i386/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/

For Java 8 (64 bit)

root@bt:~# ln -sf $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/amd64/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/

Testing the plugin.

root@bt:~# firefox

How do I get the height of a div's full content with jQuery?

You can get it with .outerHeight().

Sometimes, it will return 0. For the best results, you can call it in your div's ready event.

To be safe, you should not set the height of the div to x. You can keep its height auto to get content populated properly with the correct height.

$('#x').ready( function(){
// alerts the height in pixels

You can find a detailed post here.

get the value of DisplayName attribute

Late to the party I know.

I use this:

public static string GetPropertyDisplayName(PropertyInfo pi)
  var dp = pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayNameAttribute), true).Cast<DisplayNameAttribute>().SingleOrDefault();
  return dp != null ? dp.DisplayName : pi.Name;

Hope this helps.

Turn off axes in subplots

You can turn the axes off by following the advice in Veedrac's comment (linking to here) with one small modification.

Rather than using plt.axis('off') you should use ax.axis('off') where ax is a matplotlib.axes object. To do this for your code you simple need to add axarr[0,0].axis('off') and so on for each of your subplots.

The code below shows the result (I've removed the prune_matrix part because I don't have access to that function, in the future please submit fully working code.)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import as cm

img = mpimg.imread("stewie.jpg")

f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 2)
axarr[0,0].imshow(img, cmap = cm.Greys_r)
axarr[0,0].set_title("Rank = 512")

axarr[0,1].imshow(img, cmap = cm.Greys_r)
axarr[0,1].set_title("Rank = %s" % 128)

axarr[1,0].imshow(img, cmap = cm.Greys_r)
axarr[1,0].set_title("Rank = %s" % 32)

axarr[1,1].imshow(img, cmap = cm.Greys_r)
axarr[1,1].set_title("Rank = %s" % 16)

Stewie example

Note: To turn off only the x or y axis you can use set_visible() e.g.:

axarr[0,0].xaxis.set_visible(False) # Hide only x axis

Get Last Part of URL PHP

Split it apart and get the last element:

$end = end(explode('/', $url));
# or:
$end = array_slice(explode('/', $url), -1)[0];

Edit: To support apache-style-canonical URLs, rtrim is handy:

$end = end(explode('/', rtrim($url, '/')));
# or:
$end = array_slice(explode('/', rtrim($url, '/')), -1)[0];

A different example which might me considered more readable is (Demo):

$path = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH);
$pathFragments = explode('/', $path);
$end = end($pathFragments);

This example also takes into account to only work on the path of the URL.

Yet another edit (years after), canonicalization and easy UTF-8 alternative use included (via PCRE regular expression in PHP):


use function call_user_func as f;
use UnexpectedValueException as e;

$url = '';

$result = preg_match('(([^/]*)/*$)', $url, $m)

    ? $m[1]
    : f(function() use ($url) {throw new e("pattern on '$url'");})

var_dump($result); # string(7) "9393903"

Which is pretty rough but shows how to wrap this this within a preg_match call for finer-grained control via PCRE regular expression pattern. To add some sense to this bare-metal example, it should be wrapped inside a function of its' own (which would also make the aliasing superfluous). Just presented this way for brevity.

What is SuppressWarnings ("unchecked") in Java?

A warning by which the compiler indicates that it cannot ensure type safety. The term "unchecked" warning is misleading. It does not mean that the warning is unchecked in any way. The term "unchecked" refers to the fact that the compiler and the runtime system do not have enough type information to perform all type checks that would be necessary to ensure type safety. In this sense, certain operations are "unchecked".

The most common source of "unchecked" warnings is the use of raw types. "unchecked" warnings are issued when an object is accessed through a raw type variable, because the raw type does not provide enough type information to perform all necessary type checks.

Example (of unchecked warning in conjunction with raw types):

TreeSet set = new TreeSet(); 
set.add("abc");        // unchecked warning 
warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of the raw type java.util.TreeSet 

When the add method is invoked the compiler does not know whether it is safe to add a String object to the collection. If the TreeSet is a collection that contains String s (or a supertype thereof), then it would be safe. But from the type information provided by the raw type TreeSet the compiler cannot tell. Hence the call is potentially unsafe and an "unchecked" warning is issued.

"unchecked" warnings are also reported when the compiler finds a cast whose target type is either a parameterized type or a type parameter.

Example (of an unchecked warning in conjunction with a cast to a parameterized type or type variable):

  class Wrapper<T> { 
  private T wrapped ; 
  public Wrapper (T arg) {wrapped = arg;} 
  public Wrapper <T> clone() { 
    Wrapper<T> clon = null; 
     try {  
       clon = (Wrapper<T>) super.clone(); // unchecked warning 
     } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {  
       throw new InternalError();  
     try {  
       Class<?> clzz = this.wrapped.getClass(); 
       Method   meth = clzz.getMethod("clone", new Class[0]); 
       Object   dupl = meth.invoke(this.wrapped, new Object[0]); 
       clon.wrapped = (T) dupl; // unchecked warning 
     } catch (Exception e) {} 
     return clon; 
warning: [unchecked] unchecked cast 
found   : java.lang.Object 
required: Wrapper <T> 
                  clon = ( Wrapper <T>)super.clone();  
warning: [unchecked] unchecked cast 
found   : java.lang.Object 
required: T 
                  clon. wrapped = (T)dupl;

A cast whose target type is either a (concrete or bounded wildcard) parameterized type or a type parameter is unsafe, if a dynamic type check at runtime is involved. At runtime, only the type erasure is available, not the exact static type that is visible in the source code. As a result, the runtime part of the cast is performed based on the type erasure, not on the exact static type.

In the example, the cast to Wrapper would check whether the object returned from super.clone is a Wrapper , not whether it is a wrapper with a particular type of members. Similarly, the casts to the type parameter T are cast to type Object at runtime, and probably optimized away altogether. Due to type erasure, the runtime system is unable to perform more useful type checks at runtime.

In a way, the source code is misleading, because it suggests that a cast to the respective target type is performed, while in fact the dynamic part of the cast only checks against the type erasure of the target type. The "unchecked" warning is issued to draw the programmer's attention to this mismatch between the static and dynamic aspect of the cast.

Please refer: What is an "unchecked" warning?

Chrome DevTools Devices does not detect device when plugged in

Using a Samsung Galaxy S9 running Android Pie. -- May 2019 Similar to the answer above, and NickW's post for that answer: Once your device is connected, instead of going to settings, go to the phone's notification bar > Android System and 'Tap for other USB options.' Select MIDI under the options and you're good to go!

Angular.js and HTML5 date input value -- how to get Firefox to show a readable date value in a date input?

Check this fully functional directive for MEAN.JS (Angular.js, bootstrap, Express.js and MongoDb)

Based on @Blackhole ´s response, we just finished it to be used with mongodb and express.

It will allow you to save and load dates from a mongoose connector

Hope it Helps!!

  function(dateFilter) {
    return {
      require: 'ngModel',
      template: '<input type="date" class="form-control"></input>',
      replace: true,
      link: function(scope, elm, attrs, ngModelCtrl) {
        ngModelCtrl.$formatters.unshift(function (modelValue) {
          return dateFilter(modelValue, 'yyyy-MM-dd');

           return angular.toJson(modelValue,true)



div(date-input, ng-model="modelDate")

Send multiple checkbox data to PHP via jQuery ajax()

    $.post("test.php", { 'choices[]': ["Jon", "Susan"] });

So I would just iterate over the checked boxes and build the array. Something like.

       var data = { 'user_ids[]' : []};
        $(":checked").each(function() {
        $.post("ajax.php", data);

How to count frequency of characters in a string?

Another way using map merge method

   Map<Character, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
   String s = "aasjjikkk";
    for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
        map.merge(s.charAt(i), 1, (l, r) -> l + r);

Appending a line break to an output file in a shell script


echo -en "`date` User `whoami` started the script.\n" >> output.log

Try issuing this multiple times. I hope you are looking for the same output.

linux execute command remotely

 ssh user@machine 'bash -s' <

or you can just

 ssh user@machine "remote command to run" 

Display DateTime value in dd/mm/yyyy format in Asp.NET MVC

I know this is an older question, but for reference, a really simple way for formatting dates without any data annotations or any other settings is as follows:

@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.StartDate, new { @Value = Model.StartDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") })

The above format can of course be changed to whatever.

Iterate over object in Angular

So I was going to implement my own helper function, objLength(obj), which returns just Object(obj).keys.length. But then when I was adding it to my template *ngIf function, my IDE suggested objectKeys(). I tried it, and it worked. Following it to its declaration, it appears to be offered by lib.es5.d.ts, so there you go!

Here's how I implemented it (I have a custom object that uses server-side generated keys as an index for files I've uploaded):

        <div *ngIf="fileList !== undefined && objectKeys(fileList).length > 0">
          <h6>Attached Files</h6>
          <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
            <tr *ngFor="let file of fileList | keyvalue">
              <td><a href="#">{{file.value['fileName']}}</a></td>
              <td class="actions">
                <a title="Delete File" (click)="deleteAFile(file.key);">