Programs & Examples On #Notice

PHP How to fix Notice: Undefined variable:

Xampp I guess you're using MySQL.


And make sure $result is not empty.

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object error

The response is an array.


VBA module that runs other modules

Is "Module1" part of the same workbook that contains "moduleController"?
If not, you could call public method of "Module1" using Application.Run someWorkbook.xlsm!methodOfModule.

Connection string using Windows Authentication

This is shorter and works

<add name="DBConnection"
             connectionString="data source=SERVER\INSTANCE;
       Initial Catalog=MyDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
             providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Persist Security Info not needed

One liner for If string is not null or empty else

You can achieve this with pattern matching with the switch expression in C#8/9

FooTextBox.Text = strFoo switch
    { Length: >0 } s => s, // If the length of the string is greater than 0 
    _ => "0" // Anything else

Loading all images using imread from a given folder

You can also use matplotlib for this, try this out:

import matplotlib.image as mpimg

def load_images(folder):
    images = []
    for filename in os.listdir(folder):
        img = mpimg.imread(os.path.join(folder, filename))
        if img is not None:
    return images

How do I get the value of a textbox using jQuery?

Per Jquery docs

The .val() method is primarily used to get the values of form elements such as input, select and textarea. When called on an empty collection, it returns undefined.

In order to retrieve the value store in the text box with id txtEmail, you can use


How to move child element from one parent to another using jQuery


doesn't work for you? I think it should...

JVM heap parameters

I created this toy example in scala, my_file.scala:

object MyObject {

    def main(args: Array[String]) {
        var ab = ArrayBuffer.empty[Int]

        for (i <- 0 to 100 * 1000 * 1000) {
            ab += i
            if (i % 10000 == 0) {
                println("On : %s".format(i))

I ran it with:

scala -J-Xms500m -J-Xmx7g my_file.scala


scala -J-Xms7g -J-Xmx7g my_file.scala

There are certainly noticeable pauses in -Xms500m version. I am positive that the short pauses are garbage collection runs, and the long ones are heap allocations.

null check in jsf expression language

Use empty (it checks both nullness and emptiness) and group the nested ternary expression by parentheses (EL is in certain implementations/versions namely somewhat problematic with nested ternary expressions). Thus, so:

styleClass="#{empty obj.validationErrorMap ? ' ' :  
 (obj.validationErrorMap.contains('key') ? 'highlight_field' : 'highlight_row')}"

If still in vain (I would then check JBoss EL configs), use the "normal" EL approach:

styleClass="#{empty obj.validationErrorMap ? ' ' :  
 (obj.validationErrorMap['key'] ne null ? 'highlight_field' : 'highlight_row')}"

Update: as per the comments, the Map turns out to actually be a List (please work on your naming conventions). To check if a List contains an item the "normal" EL way, use JSTL fn:contains (although not explicitly documented, it works for List as well).

styleClass="#{empty obj.validationErrorMap ? ' ' :  
 (fn:contains(obj.validationErrorMap, 'key') ? 'highlight_field' : 'highlight_row')}"

Call and receive output from Python script in Java?

First I would recommend to use ProcessBuilder ( since 1.5 )
Simple usage is described here
For more complex example refer to

I've encountered problem when launching Python script from Java, script was producing too much output to standard out and everything went bad.

AppCompat v7 r21 returning error in values.xml?

I ran into the same issue and had the right API level values in my build.gradle compileSdkVersion 21, targetSdkVersion 21 and a buildToolsVersion of 21.0.1

However, I was including this as a module in my project so I had to make sure the other module gradle settings matched API 21. After that it all worked for me.

How to create a private class method?

ExiRe wrote:

Such behavior of ruby is really frustrating. I mean if you move to private section self.method then it is NOT private. But if you move it to class << self then it suddenly works. It is just disgusting.

Confusing it probably is, frustrating it may well be, but disgusting it is definitely not.

It makes perfect sense once you understand Ruby's object model and the corresponding method lookup flow, especially when taking into consideration that private is NOT an access/visibility modifier, but actually a method call (with the class as its recipient) as discussed here... there's no such thing as "a private section" in Ruby.

To define private instance methods, you call private on the instance's class to set the default visibility for subsequently defined methods to private... and hence it makes perfect sense to define private class methods by calling private on the class's class, ie. its metaclass.

Other mainstream, self-proclaimed OO languages may give you a less confusing syntax, but you definitely trade that off against a confusing and less consistent (inconsistent?) object model without the power of Ruby's metaprogramming facilities.

Docker is installed but Docker Compose is not ? why?

Installing docker doesn't mean that you've installed docker-compose. It has as prerequisitions that you've already installed the docker engine which you've already done. After that you're able to install docker-compose following this link for Centos 7.

Difference between Destroy and Delete

Basically destroy runs any callbacks on the model while delete doesn't.

From the Rails API:

  • ActiveRecord::Persistence.delete

    Deletes the record in the database and freezes this instance to reflect that no changes should be made (since they can't be persisted). Returns the frozen instance.

    The row is simply removed with an SQL DELETE statement on the record's primary key, and no callbacks are executed.

    To enforce the object's before_destroy and after_destroy callbacks or any :dependent association options, use #destroy.

  • ActiveRecord::Persistence.destroy

    Deletes the record in the database and freezes this instance to reflect that no changes should be made (since they can't be persisted).

    There's a series of callbacks associated with destroy. If the before_destroy callback return false the action is cancelled and destroy returns false. See ActiveRecord::Callbacks for further details.

MSSQL Error 'The underlying provider failed on Open'

I had a similar error with the inner exception as below:

operation is not valid for the state of the transaction

I could resolve it by enabling DTC security settings.

Go To Properties of DTC, under Security Tab, check the below

  • Network DTC Access
  • Allow RemoteClients
  • Transaction Manager Communication
  • Allow Inbound
  • Allow Outbound

What's the difference between passing by reference vs. passing by value?

A major difference between them is that value-type variables store values, so specifying a value-type variable in a method call passes a copy of that variable's value to the method. Reference-type variables store references to objects, so specifying a reference-type variable as an argument passes the method a copy of the actual reference that refers to the object. Even though the reference itself is passed by value, the method can still use the reference it receives to interact with—and possibly modify—the original object. Similarly, when returning information from a method via a return statement, the method returns a copy of the value stored in a value-type variable or a copy of the reference stored in a reference-type variable. When a reference is returned, the calling method can use that reference to interact with the referenced object. So, in effect, objects are always passed by reference.

In c#, to pass a variable by reference so the called method can modify the variable's, C# provides keywords ref and out. Applying the ref keyword to a parameter declaration allows you to pass a variable to a method by reference—the called method will be able to modify the original variable in the caller. The ref keyword is used for variables that already have been initialized in the calling method. Normally, when a method call contains an uninitialized variable as an argument, the compiler generates an error. Preceding a parameter with keyword out creates an output parameter. This indicates to the compiler that the argument will be passed into the called method by reference and that the called method will assign a value to the original variable in the caller. If the method does not assign a value to the output parameter in every possible path of execution, the compiler generates an error. This also prevents the compiler from generating an error message for an uninitialized variable that is passed as an argument to a method. A method can return only one value to its caller via a return statement, but can return many values by specifying multiple output (ref and/or out) parameters.

see c# discussion and examples here link text

Delete files older than 15 days using PowerShell

Esperento57's script doesn't work in older PowerShell versions. This example does:

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\temp" -Recurse -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | where {($_.LastwriteTime -lt  (Get-Date).AddDays(-15) ) -and (! $_.PSIsContainer)} | select name| Remove-Item -Verbose -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

How to set $_GET variable

You can create a link , having get variable in href.

<a href="" >...</a>

Add a "sort" to a =QUERY statement in Google Spreadsheets

Sorting by C and D needs to be put into number form for the corresponding column, ie 3 and 4, respectively. Eg Order By 2 asc")

Download image from the site in .NET/C#

There is no need to involve any image classes, you can simply call WebClient.DownloadFile:

string localFilename = @"c:\localpath\tofile.jpg";
using(WebClient client = new WebClient())
    client.DownloadFile("", localFilename);

Since you will want to check whether the file exists and download the file if it does, it's better to do this within the same request. So here is a method that will do that:

private static void DownloadRemoteImageFile(string uri, string fileName)
    HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);
    HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

    // Check that the remote file was found. The ContentType
    // check is performed since a request for a non-existent
    // image file might be redirected to a 404-page, which would
    // yield the StatusCode "OK", even though the image was not
    // found.
    if ((response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK || 
        response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Moved || 
        response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Redirect) &&

        // if the remote file was found, download oit
        using (Stream inputStream = response.GetResponseStream())
        using (Stream outputStream = File.OpenWrite(fileName))
            byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
            int bytesRead;
                bytesRead = inputStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                outputStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
            } while (bytesRead != 0);

In brief, it makes a request for the file, verifies that the response code is one of OK, Moved or Redirect and also that the ContentType is an image. If those conditions are true, the file is downloaded.

How do you specify the Java compiler version in a pom.xml file?

        <version>(whatever version is current)</version>
          <!-- or whatever version you use -->

See the config page for the maven compiler plugin:

Oh, and: don't use Java 1.3.x, current versions are Java 1.7.x or 1.8.x

Eclipse - Unable to install breakpoint due to missing line number attributes

I tried almost every solution here and no luck. Did you try clicking "Don't tell me again"? After doing so I restarted my program and all was well. Eclipse hit my breakpoint as if nothing was wrong.

The root cause for me was Eclipse was trying to setup debugging for auto-generated Spring CGLIB proxy objects. Unless you need to debug something at that level you should ignore the issue.

"Parse Error : There is a problem parsing the package" while installing Android application

For anyone else having this issue the only time i ever got this error was when the API version in your Android Build configuration does not match what's on the physical device.

Go into Eclipse and right click on your project and go to properties. Select Android--WHICH BRINGS YOU TO ANDROID BUILD TARGET. Adjust you target to match the device and see if that resolves the issue.

Where to find Java JDK Source Code?

The JDK 1.6 I'm currently using on OSX Mountain Lion did not come with a either, and as far as i can tell there is no supported OSX JDK for 1.6 available anymore.

So I downloaded the OpenJDK source (using the links from the accepted answer (+1)) then ran:

cd ~/Downloads
mkdir jdk6src
cd jdk6src
tar xf ../openjdk-6-src-b27-26_oct_2012.tar.gz
cd jdk/src/share/classes
jar cf /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home/src.jar *

(your file names and paths may vary...)

Associate that src.jar with the appropriate Java platform in your IDE and you should be good to go.

There are some discrepancies between the OpenJDK source and the JDK I'm currently running (line numbers don't match up in the debugger, for one), but if all you want is a zip/jar to point your IDE to for the relatively few cases you need to peek at some code to understand how something works, then this should do the trick.

Regex match text between tags

var root = document.createElement("div");

root.innerHTML = "My name is <b>Bob</b>, I'm <b>20</b> years old, I like <b>programming</b>.";

var texts = [] root.querySelectorAll("b"), function(v){
    return v.textContent || v.innerText || "";

//["Bob", "20", "programming"]

What is a stack pointer used for in microprocessors?

You got more preparing [for the exam] to do ;-)

The Stack Pointer is a register which holds the address of the next available spot on the stack.

The stack is a area in memory which is reserved to store a stack, that is a LIFO (Last In First Out) type of container, where we store the local variables and return address, allowing a simple management of the nesting of function calls in a typical program.

See this Wikipedia article for a basic explanation of the stack management.

Jasmine JavaScript Testing - toBe vs toEqual

toBe() versus toEqual(): toEqual() checks equivalence. toBe(), on the other hand, makes sure that they're the exact same object.

I would say use toBe() when comparing values, and toEqual() when comparing objects.

When comparing primitive types, toEqual() and toBe() will yield the same result. When comparing objects, toBe() is a stricter comparison, and if it is not the exact same object in memory this will return false. So unless you want to make sure it's the exact same object in memory, use toEqual() for comparing objects.

Check this link out for more info :

Now when looking at the difference between toBe() and toEqual() when it comes to numbers, there shouldn't be any difference so long as your comparison is correct. 5 will always be equivalent to 5.

A nice place to play around with this to see different outcomes is here


An easy way to look at toBe() and toEqual() is to understand what exactly they do in JavaScript. According to Jasmine API, found here:

toEqual() works for simple literals and variables, and should work for objects

toBe() compares with ===

Essentially what that is saying is toEqual() and toBe() are similar Javascripts === operator except toBe() is also checking to make sure it is the exact same object, in that for the example below objectOne === objectTwo //returns false as well. However, toEqual() will return true in that situation.

Now, you can at least understand why when given:

var objectOne = {
    propertyOne: str,
    propertyTwo: num    

var objectTwo = {
    propertyOne: str,
    propertyTwo: num    

expect(objectOne).toBe(objectTwo); //returns false

That is because, as stated in this answer to a different, but similar question, the === operator actually means that both operands reference the same object, or in case of value types, have the same value.

Proxy setting for R

On Windows 7 I solved this by going into my environment settings (try this link for how) and adding user variables http_proxy and https_proxy with my proxy details.

Double decimal formatting in Java

Works 100%.

import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class Formatting {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double value = 22.2323242434342;
        // or  value = Math.round(value*100) / 100.0;

        System.out.println("this is before formatting: "+value);
        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("####0.00");

        System.out.println("Value: " + df.format(value));


Android: How to use webcam in emulator?


In Android Studio AVD:

  1. Open AVD Manager:

AVD menu

  1. Add/Edit AVD:

Specific AVD strip

  1. Click Advanced Settings in the bottom of the screen:

AVD Advanced Settings

  1. Set your camera of choice as the front/back cameras:

AVD Camera Settings

Convert String to System.IO.Stream

string str = "asasdkopaksdpoadks";
byte[] data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str);
MemoryStream stm = new MemoryStream(data, 0, data.Length);

How to get last month/year in java?

You need to be aware that month is zero based so when you do the getMonth you will need to add 1. In the example below we have to add 1 to Januaray as 1 and not 0

    Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
    c.set(2011, 2, 1);
    c.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1);
    int month = c.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
    assertEquals(1, month);

How to get the anchor from the URL using jQuery?

If you just have a plain url string (and therefore don't have a hash attribute) you can also use a regular expression:

var url = ""  
var anchor = url.match(/#(.*)/)[1] 

"The transaction log for database is full due to 'LOG_BACKUP'" in a shared host

I got the same error but from a backend job (SSIS job). Upon checking the database's Log file growth setting, the log file was limited growth of 1GB. So what happened is when the job ran and it asked SQL server to allocate more log space, but the growth limit of the log declined caused the job to failed. I modified the log growth and set it to grow by 50MB and Unlimited Growth and the error went away.

What's the difference between lists enclosed by square brackets and parentheses in Python?

Comma-separated items enclosed by ( and ) are tuples, those enclosed by [ and ] are lists.

How to call loading function with React useEffect only once

Pass an empty array as the second argument to useEffect. This effectively tells React, quoting the docs:

This tells React that your effect doesn’t depend on any values from props or state, so it never needs to re-run.

Here's a snippet which you can run to show that it works:

function App() {_x000D_
  const [user, setUser] = React.useState(null);_x000D_
  React.useEffect(() => {_x000D_
      .then(results => results.json())_x000D_
      .then(data => {_x000D_
  }, []); // Pass empty array to only run once on mount._x000D_
  return <div>_x000D_
    {user ? : 'Loading...'}_x000D_
ReactDOM.render(<App/>, document.getElementById('app'));
<script src="[email protected]/umd/react.development.js"></script>_x000D_
<script src="[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js"></script>_x000D_
<div id="app"></div>

Prevent Bootstrap Modal from disappearing when clicking outside or pressing escape?

If using JavaScript then:

    backdrop: 'static',
    keyboard: false

or in HTML:

<a data-controls-modal="your_div_id" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false" href="#">

Accessing @attribute from SimpleXML

If you're looking for a list of these attributes though, XPath will be your friend


VarBinary vs Image SQL Server Data Type to Store Binary Data?

Since image is deprecated, you should use varbinary.

per Microsoft (thanks for the link @Christopher)

ntext , text, and image data types will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using these data types in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use them. Use nvarchar(max), varchar(max), and varbinary(max) instead.

Fixed and variable-length data types for storing large non-Unicode and Unicode character and binary data. Unicode data uses the UNICODE UCS-2 character set.

How can I create a dynamically sized array of structs?

If you want to grow the array dynamically, you should use malloc() to dynamically allocate some fixed amount of memory, and then use realloc() whenever you run out. A common technique is to use an exponential growth function such that you allocate some small fixed amount and then make the array grow by duplicating the allocated amount.

Some example code would be:

size = 64; i = 0;
x = malloc(sizeof(words)*size); /* enough space for 64 words */
while (read_words()) {
    if (++i > size) {
        size *= 2;
        x = realloc(sizeof(words) * size);
/* done with x */

Center Div inside another (100% width) div

.outerdiv {
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    display: table;

Doesn't work in internet explorer 7... but who cares ?

How to change SmartGit's licensing option after 30 days of commercial use on ubuntu?

I use linux and the answers did not help me.
I had to erase the folder ~/.config/smartgit to make it work again. This is what the documentation is saying

Default Location of SmartGit's Settings Directory
Windows %APPDATA%\syntevo\SmartGit\ (%APPDATA% is the path defined in the environment variable APPDATA)
Mac OS ~/Library/Preferences/SmartGit/ (the Finder might not show the ~/Libraries directory by default, but you can invoke open ~/Library from a terminal)
Linux/Unix ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/smartgit/ (if the environment variable XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not defined, ~/.config is used instead)

Mongoose: CastError: Cast to ObjectId failed for value "[object Object]" at path "_id"

I've faced this error, That was because the value you want to filter in the _id field is not in an ID format, one "if" should solve your error.

const mongoose = require('mongoose');

// true
// false

To solve it, always validate if the criteria value for search is a valid ObjectId

const criteria = {};
criteria.$or = [];

if(params.q) {
  if(mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid( {
    criteria.$or.push({ _id: params.q })
  criteria.$or.push({ name: { $regex: params.q, $options: 'i' }})
  criteria.$or.push({ email: { $regex: params.q, $options: 'i' }})
  criteria.$or.push({ password: { $regex: params.q, $options: 'i' }})

return UserModule.find(criteria).exec(() => {
  // do stuff

PageSpeed Insights 99/100 because of Google Analytics - How can I cache GA?

Google cautions against using local copies of the analtics scripts. However if you are doing it, you will probably want to use local copies of the plugins & the debug script.

A second concern with agressive caching is that you will be getting hits from cached pages - which may have changed or have been removed from the site.

How to create a backup of a single table in a postgres database?

If you prefer a graphical user interface, you can use pgAdmin III (Linux/Windows/OS X). Simply right click on the table of your choice, then "backup". It will create a pg_dump command for you.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

JavaScript - onClick to get the ID of the clicked button

<button id="1" onClick="reply_click()"></button>
<button id="2" onClick="reply_click()"></button>
<button id="3" onClick="reply_click()"></button>

function reply_click()

how to rename an index in a cluster?

For renaming your index you can use Elasticsearch Snapshot module.

First you have to take snapshot of your index.while restoring it you can rename your index.

    POST /_snapshot/my_backup/snapshot_1/_restore
     "indices": "jal",
     "ignore_unavailable": "true",
     "include_global_state": false,
     "rename_pattern": "jal",
     "rename_replacement": "jal1"

rename_replacement :-New indexname in which you want backup your data.

Run batch file as a Windows service

As Doug Currie says use RunAsService.

From my past experience you must remember that the Service you generate will

  • have a completely different set of environment variables
  • have to be carefully inspected for rights/permissions issues
  • might cause havoc if it opens dialogs asking for any kind of input

not sure if the last one still applies ... it was one big night mare in a project I worked on some time ago.

How can I show three columns per row?

Try this one using Grid Layout:

.grid-container {_x000D_
  display: grid;_x000D_
  grid-template-columns: auto auto auto;_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
.grid-item {_x000D_
  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);_x000D_
  border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);_x000D_
  padding: 20px;_x000D_
  font-size: 30px;_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
<div class="grid-container">_x000D_
  <div class="grid-item">1</div>_x000D_
  <div class="grid-item">2</div>_x000D_
  <div class="grid-item">3</div>  _x000D_
  <div class="grid-item">4</div>_x000D_
  <div class="grid-item">5</div>_x000D_
  <div class="grid-item">6</div>  _x000D_
  <div class="grid-item">7</div>_x000D_
  <div class="grid-item">8</div>_x000D_
  <div class="grid-item">9</div>  _x000D_

How to re-enable right click so that I can inspect HTML elements in Chrome?

Tested in Chrome 60.0.3112.78.

Some of the above methods work, but the easiest in my opinion is:

  1. Open dev tools (Shift+Control+i).

  2. Select the "Elements" tab, and then the "Event Listeners" tab.

  3. Hover over the elements/listener. A "Remove" button will show up.

  4. Click "Remove".

E.g. see photo.

Remove event listener

What is the best way to calculate a checksum for a file that is on my machine?

Best utility for Windows is HashCheck that is now on GitHub.

Install HashCheck. Now right click on the file -> Create verification file. It will create a file.extension.md5 file with MD5 code in it.

Love it.

SQL: capitalize first letter only

Create the below function

Alter FUNCTION InitialCap(@String VARCHAR(8000))
                  RETURNS VARCHAR(8000)

                   DECLARE @Position INT;

SELECT @String   = STUFF(LOWER(@String),1,1,UPPER(LEFT(@String,1))) COLLATE Latin1_General_Bin,
                    @Position = PATINDEX('%[^A-Za-z''][a-z]%',@String COLLATE Latin1_General_Bin);

                    WHILE @Position > 0
                    SELECT @String   = STUFF(@String,@Position,2,UPPER(SUBSTRING(@String,@Position,2))) COLLATE Latin1_General_Bin,
                    @Position = PATINDEX('%[^A-Za-z''][a-z]%',@String COLLATE Latin1_General_Bin);

                     RETURN @String;
  END ;

Then call it like

select dbo.InitialCap(columnname) from yourtable

How do I list all remote branches in Git 1.7+?

Git Branching - Remote Branches

git ls-remote

Git documentation.

Create a SQL query to retrieve most recent records

another way, this will scan the table only once instead of twice if you use a subquery

only sql server 2005 and up

select Date, User, Status, Notes 
from (
       select m.*, row_number() over (partition by user order by Date desc) as rn
       from [SOMETABLE] m
     ) m2
where m2.rn = 1;

What Are Some Good .NET Profilers?

I recently discovered EQATEC Profiler It works with most .NET versions and on a bunch of platforms. It is easy to use and parts of it is free, even for commercial use.

What killed my process and why?

If the user or sysadmin did not kill the program the kernel may have. The kernel would only kill a process under exceptional circumstances such as extreme resource starvation (think mem+swap exhaustion).

How do I address unchecked cast warnings?

The obvious answer, of course, is not to do the unchecked cast.

If it's absolutely necessary, then at least try to limit the scope of the @SuppressWarnings annotation. According to its Javadocs, it can go on local variables; this way, it doesn't even affect the entire method.


Map<String, String> myMap = (Map<String, String>) deserializeMap();

There is no way to determine whether the Map really should have the generic parameters <String, String>. You must know beforehand what the parameters should be (or you'll find out when you get a ClassCastException). This is why the code generates a warning, because the compiler can't possibly know whether is safe.

jQuery - get all divs inside a div with class ".container"

Known ID

$(".container > #first");



or since IDs should be unique within a single document:


The last one is of course the fastest.

Unknown ID

Since you're saying that you don't know their ID top couple of the upper selectors (where #first is written), can be changed to:

$(".container > div");

The last one (of the first three selectors) that only uses ID is of course not possible to be changed in this way.

If you also need to filter out only those child DIV elements that define ID attribute you'd write selectors down this way:

$(".container > div[id]");

Attach click handler

Add the following code to attach click handler to any of your preferred selector:

// use selector of your choice and call 'click' on it
$(".container > div").click(function(){
    // if you need element's ID
    var divID =;
    cache your element if you intend to use it multiple times
    var clickedDiv = $(this);
    // add CSS class to it
    // do other stuff that needs to be done

CSS3 Selectors specification

I would also like to point you to CSS3 selector specification that jQuery uses. It will help you lots in the future because there may be some selectors you're not aware of at all and could make your life much much easier.

After your edited question

I'm not completey sure that I know what you're after even though you've written some pseudo code... Anyway. Some parts can still be answered:

$(".container > div[id]").each(function(){
    var context = $(this);
    // get menu parent element: Sub: Show Grid
    // maybe I'm not appending to the correct element here but you should know
    context.text("Show #" +;
    context.attr("href", "");{

the last thee context usages could be combined into a single chained one:


Regarding DOM elements

You can always get the underlaying DOM element from the jQuery result set.

// or

will get you the first DOM element from the jQuery result set. jQuery result is always a set of elements even though there's none in them or only one.

But when I used .each() function and provided an anonymous function that will be called on each element in the set, this keyword actually refers to the DOM element.

    var DOMelement = this;
    var jQueryElement = $(this);

I hope this clears some things for your.

Installing python module within code

You define the dependent module inside the of your own package with the "install_requires" option.

If your package needs to have some console script generated then you can use the "console_scripts" entry point in order to generate a wrapper script that will be placed within the 'bin' folder (e.g. of your virtualenv environment).

Is it possible to use 'else' in a list comprehension?

If you want an else you don't want to filter the list comprehension, you want it to iterate over every value. You can use true-value if cond else false-value as the statement instead, and remove the filter from the end:

table = ''.join(chr(index) if index in ords_to_keep else replace_with for index in xrange(15))

How to adjust gutter in Bootstrap 3 grid system?

You could create a CSS class for this and apply it to your columns. Since the gutter (spacing between columns) is controlled by padding in Bootstrap 3, adjust the padding accordingly:

.col {


EDIT If you only want the spacing between columns you can select all cols except first and last like this..

.col:not(:first-child,:last-child) {

Updated Bootply

For Bootstrap 4 see: Remove gutter space for a specific div only

facet label font size

This should get you started:

R> qplot(hwy, cty, data = mpg) + 
       facet_grid(. ~ manufacturer) + 
       theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 8, colour = "orange", angle = 90))

See also this question: How can I manipulate the strip text of facet plots in ggplot2?

Download image with JavaScript

The problem is that jQuery doesn't trigger the native click event for <a> elements so that navigation doesn't happen (the normal behavior of an <a>), so you need to do that manually. For almost all other scenarios, the native DOM event is triggered (at least attempted to - it's in a try/catch).

To trigger it manually, try:

var a = $("<a>")
    .attr("href", "")
    .attr("download", "img.png")




Relevant line in current jQuery source:

if ( (!special._default || special._default.apply( eventPath.pop(), data ) === false) &&
        jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {

How do I use the new computeIfAbsent function?


This is really helpful if you want to create a multimap without resorting to the Google Guava library for its implementation of MultiMap.

For example, suppose you want to store a list of students who enrolled for a particular subject.

The normal solution for this using JDK library is:

Map<String,List<String>> studentListSubjectWise = new TreeMap<>();
List<String>lis = studentListSubjectWise.get("a");
if(lis == null) {
    lis = new ArrayList<>();


Since it have some boilerplate code, people tend to use Guava Mutltimap.

Using Map.computeIfAbsent, we can write in a single line without guava Multimap as follows.

studentListSubjectWise.computeIfAbsent("a", (x -> new ArrayList<>())).add("John");

Stuart Marks & Brian Goetz did a good talk about this

Writing files in Node.js

Here is the sample of how to read file csv from local and write csv file to local.

var csvjson = require('csvjson'),
    fs = require('fs'),
    mongodb = require('mongodb'),
    MongoClient = mongodb.MongoClient,
    mongoDSN = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/test',

function uploadcsvModule(){
    var data = fs.readFileSync( '/home/limitless/Downloads/orders_sample.csv', { encoding : 'utf8'});
    var importOptions = {
        delimiter : ',', // optional 
        quote     : '"' // optional 
    },ExportOptions = {
        delimiter   : ",",
        wrap        : false
    var myobj = csvjson.toSchemaObject(data, importOptions)
    var exportArr = [], importArr = [];
        if(d.orderId==undefined || d.orderId=='') {
        } else {
    var csv = csvjson.toCSV(exportArr, ExportOptions);
    MongoClient.connect(mongoDSN, function(error, db) {
        collection = db.collection("orders")
        collection.insertMany(importArr, function(err,result){
            fs.writeFile('/home/limitless/Downloads/orders_sample1.csv', csv, { encoding : 'utf8'});


How to watch and reload ts-node when TypeScript files change

i did with

"start": "nodemon --watch 'src/**/*.ts' --ignore 'src/**/*.spec.ts' --exec ts-node src/index.ts"

and yarn start.. ts-node not like 'ts-node'

How do I detect "shift+enter" and generate a new line in Textarea?

Using ReactJS ES6 here's the simplest way

shift + enter New Line at any position

enter Blocked

class App extends React.Component {_x000D_
    this.state = {_x000D_
      message: 'Enter is blocked'_x000D_
  onKeyPress = (e) => {_x000D_
     if (e.keyCode === 13 && e.shiftKey) {_x000D_
        let start =,_x000D_
            end =;_x000D_
        this.setState(prevState => ({ message:_x000D_
            prevState.message.substring(0, start)_x000D_
            + '\n' +_x000D_
            this.input.selectionStart = this.input.selectionEnd = start + 1;_x000D_
    }else if (e.keyCode === 13) { // block enter_x000D_
      New line with shift enter at any position<br />_x000D_
       <textarea _x000D_
       ref={(input)=> this.input = input}_x000D_
       onChange={(e)=>this.setState({ message: })}_x000D_
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id='root'></div>

When to use static classes in C#

I use static classes as a means to define "extra functionality" that an object of a given type could use under a specific context. Usually they turn out to be utility classes.

Other than that, I think that "Use a static class as a unit of organization for methods not associated with particular objects." describe quite well their intended usage.

How do I erase an element from std::vector<> by index?

template <typename T>
void remove(std::vector<T>& vec, size_t pos)
    std::vector<T>::iterator it = vec.begin();
    std::advance(it, pos);

How to change color of SVG image using CSS (jQuery SVG image replacement)?

I wrote a directive to solve this issue with AngularJS. It is available here - ngReusableSvg.

It replaces the SVG element after it's been rendered, and places it inside a div element, making its CSS easily changeable. This helps using the same SVG file in different places using different sizes/colors.

The usage is simple:

<object oa-reusable-svg
        height="30"  // given to prevent UI glitches at switch time

After that, you can easily have:

.svg-class svg {
    fill: red; // whichever color you want

How can I scale the content of an iframe?

As said, I doubt you can do it.
Maybe you can scale at least the text itself, by setting a style font-size: 80%;.
Untested, not sure it works, and won't resize boxes or images.

Calculating sum of repeated elements in AngularJS ng-repeat

I expanded a bit on RajaShilpa's answer. You can use syntax like:

{{object | sumOfTwoValues:'quantity':'products.productWeight'}}

so that you can access an object's child object. Here is the code for the filter:

.filter('sumOfTwoValues', function () {
    return function (data, key1, key2) {
        if (typeof (data) === 'undefined' || typeof (key1) === 'undefined' || typeof (key2) === 'undefined') {
            return 0;
        var keyObjects1 = key1.split('.');
        var keyObjects2 = key2.split('.');
        var sum = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            var value1 = data[i];
            var value2 = data[i];
            for (j = 0; j < keyObjects1.length; j++) {
                value1 = value1[keyObjects1[j]];
            for (k = 0; k < keyObjects2.length; k++) {
                value2 = value2[keyObjects2[k]];
            sum = sum + (value1 * value2);
        return sum;

Maven dependency for Servlet 3.0 API?

Unfortunately, adding the javaee-(web)-api as a dependency doesn't give you the Javadoc or the Source to the Servlet Api to browse them from within the IDE. This is also the case for all other dependencies (JPA, EJB, ...) If you need the Servlet API sources/javadoc, you can add the following to your pom.xml (works at least for JBoss&Glassfish):


  <name>JBoss Public Repository Group</name>


<!-- Servlet 3.0 Api Specification -->

I completely removed the javaee-api from my dependencies and replaced it with the discrete parts (javax.ejb, javax.faces, ...) to get the sources and Javadocs for all parts of Java EE 6.


Here is the equivalent Glassfish dependency (although both dependencies should work, no matter what appserver you use).


How can I drop all the tables in a PostgreSQL database?

Following steps might be helpful (For linux users):

  1. At first enter the postgres command prompt by following command:

    sudo -u postgres psql
  2. Enter the database by this command (my database name is: maoss):

    \c maoss
  3. Now enter the command for droping all tables:

    CREATE SCHEMA public;
    GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres;
    GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO public;

How can I get argv[] as int?

argv[1] is a pointer to a string.

You can print the string it points to using printf("%s\n", argv[1]);

To get an integer from a string you have first to convert it. Use strtol to convert a string to an int.

#include <errno.h>   // for errno
#include <limits.h>  // for INT_MAX
#include <stdlib.h>  // for strtol
char *p;
int num;

errno = 0;
long conv = strtol(argv[1], &p, 10);

// Check for errors: e.g., the string does not represent an integer
// or the integer is larger than int
if (errno != 0 || *p != '\0' || conv > INT_MAX) {
    // Put here the handling of the error, like exiting the program with
    // an error message
} else {
    // No error
    num = conv;    
    printf("%d\n", num);

How can Print Preview be called from Javascript?

You can't, Print Preview is a feature of a browser, and therefore should be protected from being called by JavaScript as it would be a security risk.

That's why your example uses Active X, which bypasses the JavaScript security issues.

So instead use the print stylesheet that you already should have and show it for media=screen,print instead of media=print.

Read Alist Apart: Going to Print for a good article on the subject of print stylesheets.

Regex to match only uppercase "words" with some exceptions

Maybe you can run this regex first to see if the line is all caps:

^[A-Z \d\W]+$

That will match only if it's a line like THING P1 MUST CONNECT TO X2.

Otherwise, you should be able to pull out the individual uppercase phrases with this:


That should match "P1" and "J236" in The thing P1 must connect to the J236 thing in the Foo position.

How to do joins in LINQ on multiple fields in single join

Just to complete this with an equivalent method chain syntax:

entity.Join(entity2, x => new {x.Field1, x.Field2},
                     y => new {y.Field1, y.Field2}, (x, y) => x);

While the last argument (x, y) => x is what you select (in the above case we select x).

How to get folder path from file path with CMD

In case anyone wants an alternative method...

If it is the last subdirectory in the path, you can use this one-liner:

cd "c:\directory\subdirectory\filename.exe\..\.." && dir /ad /b /s

This would return the following:


The .... drops back to the previous directory. /ad shows only directories /b is a bare format listing /s includes all subdirectories. This is used to get the full path of the directory to print.

Checkbox for nullable boolean

I would actually create a template for it and use that template with an EditorFor().

Here is how I did it:

  1. Create My template, which is basically a partial view I created in the EditorTemplates directory, under Shared, under Views name it as (for example): CheckboxTemplate:

    @using System.Globalization    
    @using System.Web.Mvc.Html    
    @model bool?
        bool? myModel = false;
        if (Model.HasValue)
            myModel = Model.Value;
    <input type="checkbox" checked="@(myModel)" name="@ViewData.TemplateInfo.HtmlFieldPrefix" value="True" style="width:20px;" />
  2. Use it like this (in any view):

    @Html.EditorFor(x => x.MyNullableBooleanCheckboxToBe, "CheckboxTemplate")

Thats all.

Templates are so powerful in MVC, use them.. You can create an entire page as a template, which you would use with the @Html.EditorFor(); provided that you pass its view model in the lambda expression..

Passing a string with spaces as a function argument in bash

Another solution to the issue above is to set each string to a variable, call the function with variables denoted by a literal dollar sign \$. Then in the function use eval to read the variable and output as expected.


  eval string1="$1"
  eval string2="$2"
  eval string3="$3"

  echo "string1 = ${string1}"
  echo "string2 = ${string2}"
  echo "string3 = ${string3}"

var2="second string with spaces"

myFunction "\${var1}" "\${var2}" "\${var3}"

exit 0

Output is then:

    string1 = firstString
    string2 = second string with spaces
    string3 = thirdString

In trying to solve a similar problem to this, I was running into the issue of UNIX thinking my variables were space delimeted. I was trying to pass a pipe delimited string to a function using awk to set a series of variables later used to create a report. I initially tried the solution posted by ghostdog74 but could not get it to work as not all of my parameters were being passed in quotes. After adding double-quotes to each parameter it then began to function as expected.

Below is the before state of my code and fully functioning after state.

Before - Non Functioning Code


# Setup Function To Extract Each Field For The Error Report

  # Retrieves Column ${fieldNumber} From The Pipe Delimited ${detailedString} 
  #   And Strips Leading And Trailing Spaces
  echo ${detailedString} | awk -F '|' -v VAR=${fieldNumber} '{ print $VAR }' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//'

while read LINE

  # Below Does Not Work Since There Are Not Quotes Around The 3
  iputId=$(getField "${var1}" 3)

exit 0

After - Functioning Code


# Setup Function To Extract Each Field For The Report

  # Retrieves Column ${fieldNumber} From The Pipe Delimited ${detailedString} 
  #   And Strips Leading And Trailing Spaces
  echo ${detailedString} | awk -F '|' -v VAR=${fieldNumber} '{ print $VAR }' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//'

while read LINE

  # Below Now Works As There Are Quotes Around The 3
  iputId=$(getField "${var1}" "3")

exit 0

Node.js ES6 classes with require

In class file you can either use:

module.exports = class ClassNameHere {
 print() {
  console.log('In print function');

or you can use this syntax

class ClassNameHere{
  console.log('In print function');

module.exports = ClassNameHere;

On the other hand to use this class in any other file you need to do these steps. First require that file using this syntax: const anyVariableNameHere = require('filePathHere');

Then create an object const classObject = new anyVariableNameHere();

After this you can use classObject to access the actual class variables

How to open a PDF file in an <iframe>?

It also important to make sure that the web server sends the file with Content-Disposition = inline. this might not be the case if you are reading the file yourself and send it's content to the browser:

in php it will look like this...

header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=doc.pdf");


Ruby combining an array into one string

Here's my solution:

@arr = ['<p>Hello World</p>', '<p>This is a test</p>']
=> <p>Hello World</p><p>This is a test</p>

Delayed rendering of React components

Depends on your use case.

If you want to do some animation of children blending in, use the react animation add-on: Otherwise, make the rendering of the children dependent on props and add the props after some delay.

I wouldn't delay in the component, because it will probably haunt you during testing. And ideally, components should be pure.

How to make a function wait until a callback has been called using node.js

One way to achieve this is to wrap the API call into a promise and then use await to wait for the result.

// let's say this is the API function with two callbacks,
// one for success and the other for error
function apiFunction(query, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    if (query == "bad query") {
        errorCallback("problem with the query");
    successCallback("Your query was <" + query + ">");

// myFunction wraps the above API call into a Promise
// and handles the callbacks with resolve and reject
function apiFunctionWrapper(query) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        apiFunction(query,(successResponse) => {
        }, (errorResponse) => {

// now you can use await to get the result from the wrapped api function
// and you can use standard try-catch to handle the errors
async function businessLogic() {
    try {
        const result = await apiFunctionWrapper("query all users");
        // the next line will fail
        const result2 = await apiFunctionWrapper("bad query");
    } catch(error) {
        console.error("ERROR:" + error);

// call the main function


Your query was <query all users>
ERROR:problem with the query

How to delete object from array inside foreach loop?

I'm not much of a php programmer, but I can say that in C# you cannot modify an array while iterating through it. You may want to try using your foreach loop to identify the index of the element, or elements to remove, then delete the elements after the loop.

How to check if a String contains any of some strings

    static void Main(string[] args)
        string illegalCharacters = "!@#$%^&*()\\/{}|<>,.~`?"; //We'll call these the bad guys
        string goodUserName = "John Wesson";                   //This is a good guy. We know it. We can see it!
                                                               //But what if we want the program to make sure?
        string badUserName = "*_Wesson*_John!?";                //We can see this has one of the bad guys. Underscores not restricted.

        Console.WriteLine("goodUserName " + goodUserName +
            (!HasWantedCharacters(goodUserName, illegalCharacters) ?
            " contains no illegal characters and is valid" :      //This line is the expected result
            " contains one or more illegal characters and is invalid"));
        string captured = "";
        Console.WriteLine("badUserName " + badUserName +
            (!HasWantedCharacters(badUserName, illegalCharacters, out captured) ?
            " contains no illegal characters and is valid" :
            //We can expect this line to print and show us the bad ones
            " is invalid and contains the following illegal characters: " + captured));  


    //Takes a string to check for the presence of one or more of the wanted characters within a string
    //As soon as one of the wanted characters is encountered, return true
    //This is useful if a character is required, but NOT if a specific frequency is needed
    //ie. you wouldn't use this to validate an email address
    //but could use it to make sure a username is only alphanumeric
    static bool HasWantedCharacters(string source, string wantedCharacters)
        foreach(char s in source) //One by one, loop through the characters in source
            foreach(char c in wantedCharacters) //One by one, loop through the wanted characters
                if (c == s)  //Is the current illegalChar here in the string?
                    return true;
        return false;

    //Overloaded version of HasWantedCharacters
    //Checks to see if any one of the wantedCharacters is contained within the source string
    //string source ~ String to test
    //string wantedCharacters ~ string of characters to check for
    static bool HasWantedCharacters(string source, string wantedCharacters, out string capturedCharacters)
        capturedCharacters = ""; //Haven't found any wanted characters yet

        foreach(char s in source)
            foreach(char c in wantedCharacters) //Is the current illegalChar here in the string?
                if(c == s)
                        capturedCharacters += c.ToString();  //Send these characters to whoever's asking

        if (capturedCharacters.Length > 0)  
            return true;
            return false;

See :hover state in Chrome Developer Tools

I know that what I do is quite the workaround, however it works perfectly and that is the way I do it everytime.

Undock Chrome Developer Tools

Then, proceed like this:

  • First make sure Chrome Developer Tools is undocked.
  • Then, just move any side of the Dev Tools window to the middle of the element you want to inspect while hovered.

Hover on element

  • Finally, hover the element, right click and inspect element, move your mouse into the Dev Tools window and you will be able to play with your element:hover css.


Post multipart request with Android SDK

public class Multipart{
    private final Map<String, String> headrs;
    private String url;
    private HttpURLConnection con;
    private OutputStream os;

    private String delimiter = "--";
    private String boundary = "TRR" + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()) + "TRR";

    public Multipart (String url, Map<String, String> headers) {
        this.url = url;
        this.headrs = headers;

    public void connectForMultipart() throws Exception {
        con = (HttpURLConnection) (new URL(url)).openConnection();
        con.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : headrs.entrySet()) {
            con.setRequestProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
        con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary);
        os = con.getOutputStream();

    public void addFormPart(String paramName, String value) throws Exception {
        writeParamData(paramName, value);

    public void addFilePart(String paramName, String fileName, byte[] data) throws Exception {
        os.write((delimiter + boundary + "\r\n").getBytes());
        os.write(("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + paramName + "\"; filename=\"" + fileName + "\"\r\n").getBytes());
        os.write(("Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n").getBytes());
        os.write(("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n").getBytes());



    public void finishMultipart() throws Exception {
        os.write((delimiter + boundary + delimiter + "\r\n").getBytes());

    public String getResponse() throws Exception {
        InputStream is = con.getInputStream();
        byte[] b1 = new byte[1024];
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

        while ( != -1)
            buffer.append(new String(b1));


        return buffer.toString();

    private void writeParamData(String paramName, String value) throws Exception {

        os.write((delimiter + boundary + "\r\n").getBytes());
        os.write("Content-Type: text/plain\r\n".getBytes());//;charset=utf-8
        os.write(("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + paramName + "\"\r\n").getBytes());
        os.write(("\r\n" + value + "\r\n").getBytes());


Then call below

Multipart multipart = new Multipart(url__, map);
            multipart .connectForMultipart();
multipart .addFormPart(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
multipart .addFilePart(KeyName, "FileName", imagedata);
multipart .finishMultipart();

C - The %x format specifier


  • 8 says that you want to show 8 digits
  • 0 that you want to prefix with 0's instead of just blank spaces
  • x that you want to print in lower-case hexadecimal.

Quick example (thanks to Grijesh Chauhan):

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    int data = 29;
    printf("%x\n", data);    // just print data
    printf("%0x\n", data);   // just print data ('0' on its own has no effect)
    printf("%8x\n", data);   // print in 8 width and pad with blank spaces
    printf("%08x\n", data);  // print in 8 width and pad with 0's

    return 0;



Also see for reference.

Google Maps API v3: InfoWindow not sizing correctly

    height: 100% !important;
    overflow: hidden !important;

it works for me

How to change color of ListView items on focus and on click

The child views in your list row should be considered selected whenever the parent row is selected, so you should be able to just set a normal state drawable/color-list on the views you want to change, no messy Java code necessary. See this SO post.

Specifically, you'd set the textColor of your textViews to an XML resource like this one:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
    <item android:state_focused="true" android:drawable="@color/black" /> <!-- focused -->
    <item android:state_focused="true" android:state_pressed="true" android:drawable="@color/black" /> <!-- focused and pressed-->
    <item android:state_pressed="true" android:drawable="@color/green" /> <!-- pressed -->
    <item android:drawable="@color/black" /> <!-- default -->

How to recursively find and list the latest modified files in a directory with subdirectories and times

This should actually do what the OP specifies:

One-liner in Bash:

$ for first_level in `find . -maxdepth 1 -type d`; do find $first_level -printf "%TY-%Tm-%Td %TH:%TM:%TS $first_level\n" | sort -n | tail -n1 ; done

which gives output such as:

2020-09-12 10:50:43.9881728000 .
2020-08-23 14:47:55.3828912000 ./.cache
2018-10-18 10:48:57.5483235000 ./.config
2019-09-20 16:46:38.0803415000 ./.emacs.d
2020-08-23 14:48:19.6171696000 ./.local
2020-08-23 14:24:17.9773605000 ./.nano

This lists each first-level directory with the human-readable timestamp of the latest file within those folders, even if it is in a subfolder, as requested in

"I need to make a list of all these directories that is constructed in a way such that every first-level directory is listed next to the date and time of the latest created/modified file within it."

How do I see if Wi-Fi is connected on Android?

Kind of old a question but this is what i use. requires min api level 21 also takes in consideration deprecated Networkinfo apis.

boolean isWifiConn = false;
    ConnectivityManager connMgr = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
        Network network = connMgr.getActiveNetwork();
        if (network == null) return false;
        NetworkCapabilities capabilities = connMgr.getNetworkCapabilities(network);
        if(capabilities != null && capabilities.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI)){
            isWifiConn = true;
            Toast.makeText(context,"Wifi connected Api >= "+Build.VERSION_CODES.M,Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
            Toast.makeText(context,"Wifi not connected Api >= "+Build.VERSION_CODES.M,Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
    } else {
        for (Network network : connMgr.getAllNetworks()) {
            NetworkInfo networkInfo = connMgr.getNetworkInfo(network);
            if (networkInfo.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI && networkInfo.isConnected()) {
                isWifiConn = true;
                Toast.makeText(context,"Wifi connected ",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
                Toast.makeText(context,"Wifi not connected ",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
    return isWifiConn;

How does it work - requestLocationUpdates() + LocationRequest/Listener

You are implementing LocationListener in your activity MainActivity. The call for concurrent location updates will therefor be like this:

mLocationClient.requestLocationUpdates(mLocationRequest, this);

Be sure that the LocationListener you're implementing is from the google api, that is import this:


and not this:

import android.location.LocationListener;

and it should work just fine.

It's also important that the LocationClient really is connected before you do this. I suggest you don't call it in the onCreate or onStart methods, but in onResume. It is all explained quite well in the tutorial for Google Location Api:

How can I install a local gem?

Well, it's this my DRY installation:

  1. Look into a computer with already installed gems needed in the cache directory (by default: [Ruby Installation version]/lib/ruby/gems/[Ruby version]/cache)
  2. Copy all "*.gems files" to a computer without gems in own gem cache place (by default the same patron path of first step: [Ruby Installation version]/lib/ruby/gems/[Ruby version]/cache)
  3. In the console be located in the gems cache (cd [Ruby Installation version]/lib/ruby/gems/[Ruby version]/cache) and fire the gem install anygemwithdependencieshere (by example cucumber-2.99.0)

It's DRY because after install any gem, by default rubygems put the gem file in the cache gem directory and not make sense duplicate thats files, it's more easy if you want both computer has the same versions (or bloqued by paranoic security rules :v)

Edit: In some versions of ruby or rubygems, it don't work and fire alerts or error, you can put gems in other place but not get DRY, other alternative is using launch integrated command gem server and add the localhost url in gem sources, more information in:

Parallel foreach with asynchronous lambda

If you just want simple parallelism, you can do this:

var bag = new ConcurrentBag<object>();
var tasks = myCollection.Select(async item =>
  // some pre stuff
  var response = await GetData(item);
  // some post stuff
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
var count = bag.Count;

If you need something more complex, check out Stephen Toub's ForEachAsync post.

How do I use installed packages in PyCharm?

For me, it was just a matter of marking the directory as a source root.

How can I delete an item from an array in VB.NET?

You can't. I would suggest that you put the array elements into a List, at least then you can remove items. An array can be extended, for example using ReDim but you cannot remove array elements once they have been created. You would have to rebuild the array from scratch to do that.

If you can avoid it, don't use arrays here, use a List.

How to check if an user is logged in Symfony2 inside a controller?

Try this:

if( $this->container->get('security.context')->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY') ){
    // authenticated (NON anonymous)

Further information:

"Anonymous users are technically authenticated, meaning that the isAuthenticated() method of an anonymous user object will return true. To check if your user is actually authenticated, check for the IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY role."


How to resolve TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object

This is very useful to avoid errors when accessing properties of null or undefined objects.

null to undefined object

const obj = null;
const newObj = obj || undefined;
// newObj = undefined

undefined to empty object

const obj; 
const newObj = obj || {};
// newObj = {}     
// newObj.prop = undefined, but no error here

null to empty object

const obj = null;
const newObj = obj || {};
// newObj = {}  
// newObj.prop = undefined, but no error here

Performing user authentication in Java EE / JSF using j_security_check

After searching the Web and trying many different ways, here's what I'd suggest for Java EE 6 authentication:

Set up the security realm:

In my case, I had the users in the database. So I followed this blog post to create a JDBC Realm that could authenticate users based on username and MD5-hashed passwords in my database table:

Note: the post talks about a user and a group table in the database. I had a User class with a UserType enum attribute mapped via javax.persistence annotations to the database. I configured the realm with the same table for users and groups, using the userType column as the group column and it worked fine.

Use form authentication:

Still following the above blog post, configure your web.xml and sun-web.xml, but instead of using BASIC authentication, use FORM (actually, it doesn't matter which one you use, but I ended up using FORM). Use the standard HTML , not the JSF .

Then use BalusC's tip above on lazy initializing the user information from the database. He suggested doing it in a managed bean getting the principal from the faces context. I used, instead, a stateful session bean to store session information for each user, so I injected the session context:

 private SessionContext sessionContext;

With the principal, I can check the username and, using the EJB Entity Manager, get the User information from the database and store in my SessionInformation EJB.


I also looked around for the best way to logout. The best one that I've found is using a Servlet:

 @WebServlet(name = "LogoutServlet", urlPatterns = {"/logout"})
 public class LogoutServlet extends HttpServlet {
  protected void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
   HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);

   // Destroys the session for this user.
   if (session != null)

   // Redirects back to the initial page.

Although my answer is really late considering the date of the question, I hope this helps other people that end up here from Google, just like I did.


Vítor Souza

How can I reuse a navigation bar on multiple pages?

Brando ZWZ provides some great answers to handling this situation.

Re: Same navbar on multiple pages Aug 21, 2018 10:13 AM|LINK

As far as I know, there are multiple solution.

For example:

The Entire code for navigation bar is in nav.html file (without any html or body tag, only the code for navigation bar).

Then we could directly load it from the jquery without writing a lot of codes.

Like this:

    <!--Navigation bar-->
    <div id="nav-placeholder">


    <!--end of Navigation bar-->


You could use JavaScript code to generate the whole nav bar.

Like this:

Javascript code:

$(function () {
    var bar = '';
    bar += '<nav class="navbar navbar-default" role="navigation">';
    bar += '<div class="container-fluid">';
    bar += '<div>';
    bar += '<ul class="nav navbar-nav">';
    bar += '<li id="home"><a href="home.html">Home</a></li>';
    bar += '<li id="index"><a href="index.html">Index</a></li>';
    bar += '<li id="about"><a href="about.html">About</a></li>';
    bar += '</ul>';
    bar += '</div>';
    bar += '</div>';
    bar += '</nav>';


    var id = getValueByName("id");
    $("#" + id).addClass("active");

function getValueByName(name) {
    var url = document.getElementById('nav-bar').getAttribute('src');
    var param = new Array();
    if (url.indexOf("?") != -1) {
        var source = url.split("?")[1];
        items = source.split("&");
        for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
            var item = items[i];
            var parameters = item.split("=");
            if (parameters[0] == "id") {
                return parameters[1];


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <div id="main-bar"></div>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <%--add this line to generate the nav bar--%>
    <script src="../assets/js/nav-bar.js?id=index" id="nav-bar"></script>

How to import an existing directory into Eclipse?

The thing that works best for me when that happens is :

  1. Create a new eclipse project(JAVA)

  2. Take your source file (contents of the src folder!!!) and drag from finder and drop into the src folder in eclipse IDE

  3. Make sure you add your external jars and stuff and tada you're done!!

href image link download on click

Image download with using image clicking!

I did this simple code!:)

<title> Download-Button </title>
<p> Click the image ! You can download! </p>
<a download="logo.png" href="http://localhost/folder/img/logo.png" title="Logo title">
<img alt="logo" src="http://localhost/folder/img/logo.png">

What does this format means T00:00:00.000Z?

It's a part of ISO-8601 date representation. It's incomplete because a complete date representation in this pattern should also contains the date:

2015-03-04T00:00:00.000Z //Complete ISO-8601 date

If you try to parse this date as it is you will receive an Invalid Date error:

new Date('T00:00:00.000Z'); // Invalid Date

So, I guess the way to parse a timestamp in this format is to concat with any date

new Date('2015-03-04T00:00:00.000Z'); // Valid Date

Then you can extract only the part you want (timestamp part)

var d = new Date('2015-03-04T00:00:00.000Z');
console.log(d.getUTCHours()); // Hours

Why is using "" for array iteration a bad idea?

although not specifically addressed by this question, I would add that there's a very good reason not to ever use with a NodeList (as one would obtain from a querySelectorAll call, as it doesn't see the returned elements at all, instead iterating only over the NodeList properties.

in the case of a single result, I got:

var nodes = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
? NodeList [a._19eb]
for (node in nodes) {console.log(node)};
VM505:1 0
VM505:1 length
VM505:1 item
VM505:1 entries
VM505:1 forEach
VM505:1 keys
VM505:1 values

which explained why my for (node in nodes) node.href = newLink; was failing.

Read and write into a file using VBScript

Regardless of what you're trying to do there should be no need to read to and write to a file at the same time. It would also use more memory which should always be avoided. I'd suggest reading the entire file using the .ReadAll method and then close it and do whatever you need to do with the data (assuming you read the contents into a variable) and then do a write to the same file and overwrite the file. If you're concerned with having something go wrong when over-writing the current file you could always try to write it to a different file and throw an error if that doesn't work before trying to over-write the original.

Error: The type exists in both directories

Another potential solution which worked for me was to change all references from




in all .master and .aspx pages

This occurred when converting an old website to a proper web application with a solution file.

I didn't find this information anywhere else so hope this helps someone.

#1142 - SELECT command denied to user ''@'localhost' for table 'pma_table_uiprefs'

If you use XAMPP Path ( $cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb'] = 'phpmyadmin'; ) C:\xampp\phpmyadmin\ (Probably XAMPP1.8 at Line Number 34)

Another Solution: I face same type problem "#1142 - SELECT command denied to user ''@'localhost' for table 'pma_recent'"

  1. open phpmyadmin==>setting==>Navigation frame==> Recently used tables==>0(set the value 0) ==> Save

What is the simplest way to convert array to vector?

One simple way can be the use of assign() function that is pre-defined in vector class.



vector<int> v;
v.assign(array, array+5); // 5 is size of array.

Adding Lombok plugin to IntelliJ project

To add the Lombok IntelliJ plugin to add lombok support IntelliJ:

  • Go to File > Settings > Plugins
  • Click on Browse repositories...
  • Search for Lombok Plugin
  • Click on Install plugin
  • Restart IntelliJ IDEA

How do I trim whitespace from a string?

In order to remove "Whitespace" which causes plenty of indentation errors when running your finished code or programs in Pyhton. Just do the following;obviously if Python keeps telling that the error(s) is indentation in line 1,2,3,4,5, etc..., just fix that line back and forth.

However, if you still get problems about the program that are related to typing mistakes, operators, etc, make sure you read why error Python is yelling at you:

The first thing to check is that you have your indentation right. If you do, then check to see if you have mixed tabs with spaces in your code.

Remember: the code will look fine (to you), but the interpreter refuses to run it. If you suspect this, a quick fix is to bring your code into an IDLE edit window, then choose Edit..."Select All from the menu system, before choosing Format..."Untabify Region. If you’ve mixed tabs with spaces, this will convert all your tabs to spaces in one go (and fix any indentation issues).

Running a command as Administrator using PowerShell?

Adding my 2 cents. My simple version based on net session which works all the time so far in Windows 7 / Windows 10. Why over complicate it?

if (!(net session)) {$path =  "& '" + $myinvocation.mycommand.definition + "'" ; Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs -ArgumentList $path ; exit}

just add to the top of the script and it will run as administrator.

Can we install Android OS on any Windows Phone and vice versa, and same with iPhone and vice versa?

Ok, For installing Android on Windows phone, I think you can..(But your window phone has required configuration to run Android) (For other I don't know If I will then surely post here)

Just go through these links,

Run Android on Your Windows Mobile Phone

full tutorial on how to put android on windows mobile touch pro 2

How to install Android on most Windows Mobile phones


For Windows 7 to Android device, this also possible, (You need to do some hack for this)

Just go through these links,

Install Windows Phone 7 Mango on HTC HD2 [How-To Guide]

HTC HD2: How To Install WP7 (Windows Phone 7) & MAGLDR 1.13 To NAND

Install windows phone 7 on android and iphones | Tips and Tricks

How to install Windows Phone 7 on HTC HD2? (Video)

To Install Android on your iOS Devices (This also possible...)

Look at How To Install Android on your iOS Devices

Android 2.2 Froyo running on Iphone

How does a Linux/Unix Bash script know its own PID?

The variable '$$' contains the PID.

How to open a new HTML page using jQuery?

You need to use ajax.

  url: 'ajax/test.html',
  success: function(data) {
    alert('Load was performed.');

setting JAVA_HOME & CLASSPATH in CentOS 6

I had to change /etc/profile.d/ to point to the new path and then logout/login.

Java ByteBuffer to String

EDIT (2018): The edited sibling answer by @xinyongCheng is a simpler approach, and should be the accepted answer.

Your approach would be reasonable if you knew the bytes are in the platform's default charset. In your example, this is true because k.getBytes() returns the bytes in the platform's default charset.

More frequently, you'll want to specify the encoding. However, there's a simpler way to do that than the question you linked. The String API provides methods that converts between a String and a byte[] array in a particular encoding. These methods suggest using CharsetEncoder/CharsetDecoder "when more control over the decoding [encoding] process is required."

To get the bytes from a String in a particular encoding, you can use a sibling getBytes() method:

byte[] bytes = k.getBytes( StandardCharsets.UTF_8 );

To put bytes with a particular encoding into a String, you can use a different String constructor:

String v = new String( bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8 );

Note that ByteBuffer.array() is an optional operation. If you've constructed your ByteBuffer with an array, you can use that array directly. Otherwise, if you want to be safe, use ByteBuffer.get(byte[] dst, int offset, int length) to get bytes from the buffer into a byte array.

How to find the files that are created in the last hour in unix

Check out this link for more details.

To find files which are created in last one hour in current directory, you can use -amin

find . -amin -60 -type f

This will find files which are created with in last 1 hour.

Numpy - Replace a number with NaN


A==NDV will produce a boolean array that can be used as an index for A

How to cherry pick a range of commits and merge into another branch?

I wrapped VonC's code into a short bash script, git-multi-cherry-pick, for easy running:


if [ -z $1 ]; then
    echo "Equivalent to running git-cherry-pick on each of the commits in the range specified.";
    echo "";
    echo "Usage:  $0 start^..end";
    echo "";
    exit 1;

git rev-list --reverse --topo-order $1 | while read rev 
  git cherry-pick $rev || break 

I'm currently using this as I rebuild the history of a project that had both 3rd-party code and customizations mixed together in the same svn trunk. I'm now splitting apart core 3rd party code, 3rd party modules, and customizations onto their own git branches for better understanding of customizations going forward. git-cherry-pick is helpful in this situation since I have two trees in the same repository, but without a shared ancestor.

oracle sql: update if exists else insert

HC-way :)

  rt_mytable mytable%ROWTYPE;
  CURSOR update_mytable_cursor(p_rt_mytable IN mytable%ROWTYPE) IS
  FROM   mytable
  WHERE  ID = p_rt_mytable.ID
  rt_mytable.ID   := 1;
  rt_mytable.NAME := 'x';
  INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (rt_mytable);
  FOR i IN update_mytable_cursor(rt_mytable) LOOP
    UPDATE mytable SET    
      NAME = p_rt_mytable.NAME
    WHERE CURRENT OF update_mytable_cursor;
  END LOOP update_mytable;

Passing a variable from one php include file to another: global vs. not

This is all you have to do:


global $name;
$name = 'james';

Change background color on mouseover and remove it after mouseout

Set the original background-color in you CSS file:


You don't have to capture the original color in jQuery. Remember that jQuery will alter the style INLINE, so by setting the background-color to null you will get the same result.

$(function() {
    function() {
        $(this).css('background-color', '#ff0')
    }, function() {
        $(this).css('background-color', '')

How to add title to subplots in Matplotlib?

In case you have multiple images and you want to loop though them and show them 1 by 1 along with titles - this is what you can do. No need to explicitly define ax1, ax2, etc.

  1. The catch is you can define dynamic axes(ax) as in Line 1 of code and you can set its title inside a loop.
  2. The rows of 2D array is length (len) of axis(ax)
  3. Each row has 2 items i.e. It is list within a list (Point No.2)
  4. set_title can be used to set title, once the proper axes(ax) or subplot is selected.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt    
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(6, 8))  
for i in range(len(ax)): 
    for j in range(len(ax[i])):
        ## ax[i,j].imshow(test_images_gr[0].reshape(28,28))
        ax[i,j].set_title('Title-' + str(i) + str(j))

Getting Textarea Value with jQuery

By using new version of jquery (1.8.2), I amend the current code like in this links

By using the same code, I just change from jQuery to '$'

<a id="send-thoughts" href="">Click</a>
<textarea id="message"></textarea>

{ var thought = $('#message').val();

How do I access ViewBag from JS

try: var cc = @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(ViewBag.CC)

What is the most compatible way to install python modules on a Mac?

Directly install one of the fink packages (Django 1.6 as of 2013-Nov)

fink install django-py27
fink install django-py33

Or create yourself a virtualenv:

fink install virtualenv-py27
virtualenv django-env
source django-env/bin/activate
pip install django
deactivate # when you are done

Or use fink django plus any other pip installed packages in a virtualenv

fink install django-py27
fink install virtualenv-py27
virtualenv django-env --system-site-packages
source django-env/bin/activate
# django already installed
pip install django-analytical # or anything else you might want
deactivate # back to your normally scheduled programming

Convert double to BigDecimal and set BigDecimal Precision

You want to try String.format("%f", d), which will print your double in decimal notation. Don't use BigDecimal at all.

Regarding the precision issue: You are first storing 47.48 in the double c, then making a new BigDecimal from that double. The loss of precision is in assigning to c. You could do

BigDecimal b = new BigDecimal("47.48")

to avoid losing any precision.

Sending data through POST request from a node.js server to a node.js server

Posting data is a matter of sending a query string (just like the way you would send it with an URL after the ?) as the request body.

This requires Content-Type and Content-Length headers, so the receiving server knows how to interpret the incoming data. (*)

var querystring = require('querystring');
var http = require('http');

var data = querystring.stringify({
      username: yourUsernameValue,
      password: yourPasswordValue

var options = {
    host: 'my.url',
    port: 80,
    path: '/login',
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
        'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(data)

var req = http.request(options, function(res) {
    res.on('data', function (chunk) {
        console.log("body: " + chunk);


(*) Sending data requires the Content-Type header to be set correctly, i.e. application/x-www-form-urlencoded for the traditional format that a standard HTML form would use.

It's easy to send JSON (application/json) in exactly the same manner; just JSON.stringify() the data beforehand.

URL-encoded data supports one level of structure (i.e. key and value). JSON is useful when it comes to exchanging data that has a nested structure.

The bottom line is: The server must be able to interpret the content type in question. It could be text/plain or anything else; there is no need to convert data if the receiving server understands it as it is.

Add a charset parameter (e.g. application/json; charset=Windows-1252) if your data is in an unusual character set, i.e. not UTF-8. This can be necessary if you read it from a file, for example.

Waiting on a list of Future

     * execute suppliers as future tasks then wait / join for getting results
     * @param functors a supplier(s) to execute
     * @return a list of results
    private List getResultsInFuture(Supplier<?>... functors) {
        CompletableFuture[] futures = stream(functors)
                .toArray(new CompletableFuture[functors.length]);
        return stream(futures).map(a-> {
            try {
                return a.get();
            } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
                //logger.error("an error occurred during runtime execution a function",e);
                return null;

What special characters must be escaped in regular expressions?

Unfortunately there really isn't a set set of escape codes since it varies based on the language you are using.

However, keeping a page like the Regular Expression Tools Page or this Regular Expression Cheatsheet can go a long way to help you quickly filter things out.

Function to convert column number to letter?

Easy way to get the column name

Sub column()

column = Replace(cell.Address(False, False), cell.Row, "")
msgbox column

End Sub

I hope it helps =)

How to get current language code with Swift?

Swift 5.3:

let languagePrefix = Locale.preferredLanguages[0]

How can I group by date time column without taking time into consideration

In pre Sql 2008 By taking out the date part:

GROUP BY CONVERT(CHAR(8),DateTimeColumn,10)

Convert blob URL to normal URL

For those who came here looking for a way to download a blob url video / audio, this answer worked for me. In short, you would need to find an *.m3u8 file on the desired web page through Chrome -> Network tab and paste it into a VLC player.

Another guide shows you how to save a stream with the VLC Player.

Location of my.cnf file on macOS

I checked in macOS Sierra, the homebrew installed MySql 5.7.12

The support files are located at


Just copy my-default.cnf as /etc/my.cnf or /etc/mysql/my.cnf and the configuration will be picked up on restart.

How to check whether the user uploaded a file in PHP?

@karim79 has the right answer, but I had to rewrite his example to suit my purposes. His example assumes that the name of the submitted field is known and can be hard coded in. I took that a step further and made a function that will tell me if any files were uploaded without having to know the name of the upload field.

 * Tests all upload fields to determine whether any files were submitted.
 * @return boolean
function files_uploaded() {

    // bail if there were no upload forms
        return false;

    // check for uploaded files
    $files = $_FILES['files']['tmp_name'];
    foreach( $files as $field_title => $temp_name ){
        if( !empty($temp_name) && is_uploaded_file( $temp_name )){
            // found one!
            return true;
    // return false if no files were found
   return false;

force css grid container to fill full screen of device

If you take advantage of width: 100vw; and height: 100vh;, the object with these styles applied will stretch to the full width and height of the device.

Also note, there are times padding and margins can get added to your view, by browsers and the like. I added a * global no padding and margins so you can see the difference. Keep this in mind.

  box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
  padding: 0;_x000D_
  margin: 0;_x000D_
.wrapper {_x000D_
  display: grid;_x000D_
  border-style: solid;_x000D_
  border-color: red;_x000D_
  grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);_x000D_
  grid-template-rows: repeat(3, 1fr);_x000D_
  grid-gap: 10px;_x000D_
  width: 100vw;_x000D_
  height: 100vh;_x000D_
.one {_x000D_
  border-style: solid;_x000D_
  border-color: blue;_x000D_
  grid-column: 1 / 3;_x000D_
  grid-row: 1;_x000D_
.two {_x000D_
  border-style: solid;_x000D_
  border-color: yellow;_x000D_
  grid-column: 2 / 4;_x000D_
  grid-row: 1 / 3;_x000D_
.three {_x000D_
  border-style: solid;_x000D_
  border-color: violet;_x000D_
  grid-row: 2 / 5;_x000D_
  grid-column: 1;_x000D_
.four {_x000D_
  border-style: solid;_x000D_
  border-color: aqua;_x000D_
  grid-column: 3;_x000D_
  grid-row: 3;_x000D_
.five {_x000D_
  border-style: solid;_x000D_
  border-color: green;_x000D_
  grid-column: 2;_x000D_
  grid-row: 4;_x000D_
.six {_x000D_
  border-style: solid;_x000D_
  border-color: purple;_x000D_
  grid-column: 3;_x000D_
  grid-row: 4;_x000D_
<div class="wrapper">_x000D_
  <div class="one">One</div>_x000D_
  <div class="two">Two</div>_x000D_
  <div class="three">Three</div>_x000D_
  <div class="four">Four</div>_x000D_
  <div class="five">Five</div>_x000D_
  <div class="six">Six</div>_x000D_

Adding a slide effect to bootstrap dropdown

For Bootstrap 3, this variation on the answers above makes the mobile slideUp() animation smoother; the answers above have choppy animation because Bootstrap removes the .open class from the toggle's parent immediately, so this code restores the class until the slideUp() animation is finished.

// Add animations to topnav dropdowns
// based on
// and

  .on('', function() {
    $(this).find('.dropdown-menu').first().stop(true, true).slideDown(300);
  .on('', function() {
    $(this).find('.dropdown-menu').first().stop(true, false).slideUp(300, function() {
  .on('', function() {

Key differences:

  • In the event handler I'm using .stop()'s default value (false) for its second argument (jumpToEnd)
  • The event handler restores the .open class to the dropdown toggle's parent, and it does this pretty much immediately after the class has been first removed. Meanwhile the slideUp() animation is still running, and just like in the answers above, its "the-animation-is-completed" callback is responsible for finally removing the .open class from its parent.
  • Methods are chained together because the selector for each event handler is the same

How to get a list of column names on Sqlite3 database?

When you run the sqlite3 cli, typing in:

sqlite3 -header

will also give the desired result

REST response code for invalid data

I would recommend 422. It's not part of the main HTTP spec, but it is defined by a public standard (WebDAV) and it should be treated by browsers the same as any other 4xx status code.

From RFC 4918:

The 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code means the server understands the content type of the request entity (hence a 415(Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate), and the syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request) status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained instructions. For example, this error condition may occur if an XML request body contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but semantically erroneous, XML instructions.

What is the default maximum heap size for Sun's JVM from Java SE 6?

To answer this question it's critical whether the Java VM is in CLIENT or SERVER mode. You can specify "-client" or "-server" options. Otherwise java uses internal rules; basically win32 is always client and Linux is always server, but see the table here:

Sun/Oracle jre6u18 doc says re client: the VM gets 1/2 of physical memory if machine has <= 192MB; 1/4 of memory if machine has <= 1Gb; max 256Mb. In my test on a 32bit WindowsXP system with 2Gb phys mem, Java allocated 256Mb, which agrees with the doc.

Sun/Oracle jre6u18 doc says re server: same as client, then adds confusing language: for 32bit JVM the default max is 1Gb, and for 64 bit JVM the default is 32Gb. In my test on a 64bit linux machine with 8Gb physical, Java allocates 2Gb, which is 1/4 of physical; on a 64bit linux machine with 128Gb physical Java allocates 32Gb, again 1/4 of physical.

Thanks to this SO post for guiding me:

Definition of server-class machine changed recently?

Including jars in classpath on commandline (javac or apt)


apt -classpath /sac/tools/thirdparty/jaxws-ri/jaxws-ri-2.1.4/lib/jsr181-api.jar:.

works but it gives me another error, see new question

Using % for host when creating a MySQL user

Going to provide a slightly different answer to those provided so far.

If you have a row for an anonymous user from localhost in your users table ''@'localhost' then this will be treated as more specific than your user with wildcard'd host 'user'@'%'. This is why it is necessary to also provide 'user'@'localhost'.

You can see this explained in more detail at the bottom of this page.

In TensorFlow, what is the difference between and Tensor.eval()?

In tensorflow you create graphs and pass values to that graph. Graph does all the hardwork and generate the output based on the configuration that you have made in the graph. Now When you pass values to the graph then first you need to create a tensorflow session.


Once session is initialized then you are supposed to use that session because all the variables and settings are now part of the session. So, there are two ways to pass external values to the graph so that graph accepts them. One is to call the .run() while you are using the session being executed.

Other way which is basically a shortcut to this is to use .eval(). I said shortcut because the full form of .eval() is


You can check that yourself. At the place of values.eval() run tf.get_default_session().run(values). You must get the same behavior.

what eval is doing is using the default session and then executing run().

Where is svn.exe in my machine?

First off, if subversion installed on your machine? if not look at what server your tortoisesvn is setup to connect to.

the default location when subversion is installed is c:\program files\subversion you can find svn.exe in c:\program files\subversion\bin where you can run your cmd line actions.

Openstreetmap: embedding map in webpage (like Google Maps)

Take a look at mapstraction. This can give you more flexibility to provide maps based on google, osm, yahoo, etc however your code won't have to change.

Making an array of integers in iOS

I created a simple Objective C wrapper around the good old C array to be used more conveniently:

getch and arrow codes

So, after alot of struggle, I miraculously solved this everannoying issue ! I was trying to mimic a linux terminal and got stuck at the part where it keeps a command history which can be accessed by pressing up or down arrow keys. I found ncurses lib to be painfuly hard to comprehend and slow to learn.

char ch = 0, k = 0;
  ch = getch();
  if(ch == 27)                  // if ch is the escape sequence with num code 27, k turns 1 to signal the next
    k = 1;
  if(ch == 91 && k == 1)       // if the previous char was 27, and the current 91, k turns 2 for further use
    k = 2;
  if(ch == 65 && k == 2)       // finally, if the last char of the sequence matches, you've got a key !
    printf("You pressed the up arrow key !!\n");
  if(ch == 66 && k == 2)                             
    printf("You pressed the down arrow key !!\n");
  if(ch != 27 && ch != 91)      // if ch isn't either of the two, the key pressed isn't up/down so reset k
    k = 0;
  printf("%c - %d", ch, ch);    // prints out the char and it's int code

It's kind of bold but it explains alot. Good luck !

PDF to image using Java

jPDFImages is not free but a commercial library which converts PDF pages to images in JPEG, TIFF or PNG format. The output image size is customizable.

How to call a method in another class in Java?

in School,

public void addTeacherName(classroom classroom, String teacherName) {

BTW, use Pascal Case for class names. Also, I would suggest a Map<String, classroom> to map a classroom name to a classroom.

Then, if you use my suggestion, this would work

public void addTeacherName(String className, String teacherName) {

How to set a value for a selectize.js input?

I had a similar problem. My data is provided by a remote server. I want some value to be entered in the selectize box, but it is not sure in advance whether this value is a valid one on the server.

So I want the value to be entered in the box, and I want selectize to show the possible options just if like the user had entered the value.

I ended up using this hack (which it is probably unsupported):

var $selectize = $("#my_input").selectize(/* settings with load*/);
var selectize = $select[0].selectize;
// get the search from the remote server
selectize.onSearchChange('my value');
// enter the input in the input field
$selectize.parent().find('input').val('my value');
// focus on the input field, to make the options visible

Entity Framework - Generating Classes

I found very nice solution. Microsoft released a beta version of Entity Framework Power Tools: Entity Framework Power Tools Beta 2

There you can generate POCO classes, derived DbContext and Code First mapping for an existing database in some clicks. It is very nice!

After installation some context menu options would be added to your Visual Studio.

Right-click on a C# project. Choose Entity Framework-> Reverse Engineer Code First (Generates POCO classes, derived DbContext and Code First mapping for an existing database):

Visual Studio Context Menu

Then choose your database and click OK. That's all! It is very easy.

Best way to return a value from a python script

If you want your script to return values, just do return [1,2,3] from a function wrapping your code but then you'd have to import your script from another script to even have any use for that information:

Return values (from a wrapping-function)

(again, this would have to be run by a separate Python script and be imported in order to even do any good):

import ...
def main():
    # calculate stuff
    return [1,2,3]

Exit codes as indicators

(This is generally just good for when you want to indicate to a governor what went wrong or simply the number of bugs/rows counted or w/e. Normally 0 is a good exit and >=1 is a bad exit but you could inter-prate them in any way you want to get data out of it)

import sys
# calculate and stuff

And exit with a specific exit code depending on what you want that to tell your governor. I used exit codes when running script by a scheduling and monitoring environment to indicate what has happened.

(os._exit(100) also works, and is a bit more forceful)

Stdout as your relay

If not you'd have to use stdout to communicate with the outside world (like you've described). But that's generally a bad idea unless it's a parser executing your script and can catch whatever it is you're reporting to.

import sys
# calculate stuff
sys.stdout.write('Bugs: 5|Other: 10\n')

Are you running your script in a controlled scheduling environment then exit codes are the best way to go.

Files as conveyors

There's also the option to simply write information to a file, and store the result there.

# calculate
with open('finish.txt', 'wb') as fh:

And pick up the value/result from there. You could even do it in a CSV format for others to read simplistically.

Sockets as conveyors

If none of the above work, you can also use network sockets locally *(unix sockets is a great way on nix systems). These are a bit more intricate and deserve their own post/answer. But editing to add it here as it's a good option to communicate between processes. Especially if they should run multiple tasks and return values.

Hiding a sheet in Excel 2007 (with a password) OR hide VBA code in Excel

Here is what you do in Excel 2003:

  1. In your sheet of interest, go to Format -> Sheet -> Hide and hide your sheet.
  2. Go to Tools -> Protection -> Protect Workbook, make sure Structure is selected, and enter your password of choice.

Here is what you do in Excel 2007:

  1. In your sheet of interest, go to Home ribbon -> Format -> Hide & Unhide -> Hide Sheet and hide your sheet.
  2. Go to Review ribbon -> Protect Workbook, make sure Structure is selected, and enter your password of choice.

Once this is done, the sheet is hidden and cannot be unhidden without the password. Make sense?

If you really need to keep some calculations secret, try this: use Access (or another Excel workbook or some other DB of your choice) to calculate what you need calculated, and export only the "unclassified" results to your Excel workbook.

Difference between $(document.body) and $('body')

The answers here are not actually completely correct. Close, but there's an edge case.

The difference is that $('body') actually selects the element by the tag name, whereas document.body references the direct object on the document.

That means if you (or a rogue script) overwrites the document.body element (shame!) $('body') will still work, but $(document.body) will not. So by definition they're not equivalent.

I'd venture to guess there are other edge cases (such as globally id'ed elements in IE) that would also trigger what amounts to an overwritten body element on the document object, and the same situation would apply.

Best way to update data with a RecyclerView adapter

RecyclerView's Adapter doesn't come with many methods otherwise available in ListView's adapter. But your swap can be implemented quite simply as:

class MyRecyclerAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder> {
   List<Data> data;

    public void swap(ArrayList<Data> datas)

Also there is a difference between



list = newList;

The first is reusing the same list object. The other is dereferencing and referencing the list. The old list object which can no longer be reached will be garbage collected but not without first piling up heap memory. This would be the same as initializing new adapter everytime you want to swap data.

How to use execvp()

The first argument is the file you wish to execute, and the second argument is an array of null-terminated strings that represent the appropriate arguments to the file as specified in the man page.

For example:

char *cmd = "ls";
char *argv[3];
argv[0] = "ls";
argv[1] = "-la";
argv[2] = NULL;

execvp(cmd, argv); //This will run "ls -la" as if it were a command

Sending email with PHP from an SMTP server

There are some SMTP servers that work without authentication, but if the server requires authentication, there is no way to circumvent that.

PHP's built-in mail functions are very limited - specifying the SMTP server is possible in WIndows only. On *nix, mail() will use the OS's binaries.

If you want to send E-Mail to an arbitrary SMTP server on the net, consider using a library like SwiftMailer. That will enable you to use, for example, Google Mail's outgoing servers.

How to connect android emulator to the internet

it appears there might be a few reasons why there might be no internet connection for an emulator, in my case i was working from home where i have a wireless connection then came into the office and plugged in direct, however although my wireless connection was disconnected it was not disabled resulting in no emulator connection. my understanding is that when it starts up it looks for a network adapter and if there is any conflict here it might result in no internet connection. to resolve go to Start > Settings > Network Connections right click on Wireless Network Connection (if you are not using wireless) and select disable

How to add scroll bar to the Relative Layout?

I used the

<ScrollView xmlns:android=""
android:layout_height="match_parent" >


and works perfectly

SSIS Connection Manager Not Storing SQL Password

Here is a simpler option that works when I encounter this.

After you create the connection, select the connection and open the Properties. In the Expressions category find Password. Re-enter the password and hit Enter. It will now be saved to the connection.

mySQL select IN range

To select data in numerical range you can use BETWEEN which is inclusive.


Using Excel as front end to Access database (with VBA)

Just skip the excel part - the excel user forms are just a poor man's version of the way more robust Access forms. Also Access VBA is identical to Excel VBA - you just have to learn Access' object model. With a simple application you won't need to write much VBA anyways because in Access you can wire things together quite easily.

How do you monitor network traffic on the iPhone?

A general solution would be to use a linux box (could be in a virtual machine) configured as a transparent proxy to intercept the traffic, and then analyse it using wireshark or tcpdump or whatever you like. Perhaps MacOS can do this also, I haven't tried.

Or if you can run the app in the simulator, you can probably monitor the traffic on your own machine.

How to use jQuery Plugin with Angular 4?

ngOnInit() {
     const $ = window["$"];
        animation: 'slide',
        start: function (slider) {

Installation Issue with matplotlib Python

Problem Cause

In mac os image rendering back end of matplotlib (what-is-a-backend to render using the API of Cocoa by default). There are Qt4Agg and GTKAgg and as a back-end is not the default. Set the back end of macosx that is differ compare with other windows or linux os.


  • I assume you have installed the pip matplotlib, there is a directory in your root called ~/.matplotlib.
  • Create a file ~/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc there and add the following code: backend: TkAgg

From this link you can try different diagrams.

C++ Erase vector element by value rather than by position?

Eric Niebler is working on a range-proposal and some of the examples show how to remove certain elements. Removing 8. Does create a new vector.

#include <iostream>
#include <range/v3/all.hpp>

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
    std::vector<int> vi{2,4,6,8,10};
    for (auto& i : vi) {
        std::cout << i << std::endl;
    std::cout << "-----" << std::endl;
    std::vector<int> vim = vi | ranges::view::remove_if([](int i){return i == 8;});
    for (auto& i : vim) {
        std::cout << i << std::endl;
    return 0;



How to create a WPF Window without a border that can be resized via a grip only?

If you set the AllowsTransparency property on the Window (even without setting any transparency values) the border disappears and you can only resize via the grip.

    Width="640" Height="480" 

    <!-- Content -->


Result looks like:

iOS 7 status bar overlapping UI

What I usually do is add two key-value properties to the Info.plist file.

enter image description here

The properties source code is:

enter image description here

Git for beginners: The definitive practical guide

How do you set up a shared team repository?

How to set up a normal repository is described here -- but how do you set up a team repository that everybody can pull and push from and to?

Using a shared NFS file system

Assuming your team already has for instance a shared group membership that can be used.

mkdir /your/share/folder/project.git
cd /your/share/folder/project.git
newgrp yourteamgroup # if necessary
git init --bare --shared

To start using this repository the easiest thing to do is start from a local repository you already have been using:

cd your/local/workspace/project
git remote add origin /your/share/folder/project.git
git push origin master

Others can now clone this and start working:

cd your/local/workspace
git clone /your/share/folder/project.git

Using SSH

Set up a user account on the target server. Whether you use an account with no password, an account with a password, or use authorized_keys really depend on your required level of security. Take a look at Configuring Git over SSH for some more information.

If all developers use the same account for accessing this shared repository, you do not need to use the --shared option as above.

After initing the repository in the same way as above, you do the initial push like this:

cd your/local/workspace/project
git remote add origin user@server:/path/to/project.git
git push origin master

See the similarity with the above? The only thing that might happen in addition is SSH asking for a password if the account has a password. If you get this prompt on an account without a password the SSH server probably has disabled PermitEmptyPasswords.

Cloning now looks like this:

cd your/local/workspace
git clone user@server:/path/to/project.git

Graphical user interface Tutorial in C

My favourite UI tutorials all come from

These are tutorials I'd consider to be "starting tutorials". The example tutorial gets you up and going, but doesn't show you anything too advanced or give much explanation. Still, often, I find the big problem is "how do I start?" and these have always proved useful to me.

The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this

You can also try this

// create a thread  
Thread newWindowThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() =>  
    // create and show the window
    FaxImageLoad obj = new FaxImageLoad(destination);  
    // start the Dispatcher processing  

// set the apartment state  

// make the thread a background thread  
newWindowThread.IsBackground = true;  

// start the thread  

Flask ImportError: No Module Named Flask

In my case the solution was as simple as starting up my virtual environment like so:

$ venv/scripts/activate

It turns out I am still fresh to Python :)

Setting up redirect in web.config file

  1. Open web.config in the directory where the old pages reside
  2. Then add code for the old location path and new destination as follows:

      <location path="services.htm">
          <httpRedirect enabled="true" destination="" httpResponseStatus="Permanent" />
      <location path="products.htm">
          <httpRedirect enabled="true" destination="" httpResponseStatus="Permanent" />

You may add as many location paths as necessary.

Recursively find files with a specific extension

Using find's -regex argument:

find . -regex '.*/Robert\.\(h\|cpp\)$'

Or just using -name:

find . -name 'Robert.*' -a \( -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.h' \)

Passing std::string by Value or Reference

Check this answer for C++11. Basically, if you pass an lvalue the rvalue reference

From this article:

void f1(String s) {
    vector<String> v;
void f2(const String &s) {
    vector<String> v;

"For lvalue argument, ‘f1’ has one extra copy to pass the argument because it is by-value, while ‘f2’ has one extra copy to call push_back. So no difference; for rvalue argument, the compiler has to create a temporary ‘String(L“”)’ and pass the temporary to ‘f1’ or ‘f2’ anyway. Because ‘f2’ can take advantage of move ctor when the argument is a temporary (which is an rvalue), the costs to pass the argument are the same now for ‘f1’ and ‘f2’."

Continuing: " This means in C++11 we can get better performance by using pass-by-value approach when:

  1. The parameter type supports move semantics - All standard library components do in C++11
  2. The cost of move constructor is much cheaper than the copy constructor (both the time and stack usage).
  3. Inside the function, the parameter type will be passed to another function or operation which supports both copy and move.
  4. It is common to pass a temporary as the argument - You can organize you code to do this more.


OTOH, for C++98 it is best to pass by reference - less data gets copied around. Passing const or non const depend of whether you need to change the argument or not.

python BeautifulSoup parsing table

Updated Answer

If a programmer is interested in only parsing a table from a webpage, they can utilize the pandas method pandas.read_html.

Let's say we want to extract the GDP data table from the website:

Then following codes does the job perfectly (No need of beautifulsoup and fancy html):

import pandas as pd
import requests

url = ""

r = requests.get(url)
df_list = pd.read_html(r.text) # this parses all the tables in webpages to a list
df = df_list[0]


First five lines of the table from the Website

How to upgrade all Python packages with pip

This option seems to me more straightforward and readable:

pip install -U `pip list --outdated | awk 'NR>2 {print $1}'`

The explanation is that pip list --outdated outputs a list of all the outdated packages in this format:

Package   Version Latest Type 
--------- ------- ------ -----
fonttools 3.31.0  3.32.0 wheel
urllib3   1.24    1.24.1 wheel
requests  2.20.0  2.20.1 wheel

In the awk command, NR>2 skips the first two records (lines) and {print $1} selects the first word of each line (as suggested by SergioAraujo, I removed tail -n +3 since awk can indeed handle skipping records).

How do I add a custom script to my package.json file that runs a javascript file?

Lets say in scripts you want to run 2 commands with a single command:

  "start":"any command",
  "singleCommandToRunTwoCommand":"some command here && npm start"

Now go to your terminal and run there npm run singleCommandToRunTwoCommand.

How do I remove packages installed with Python's easy_install?

pip, an alternative to setuptools/easy_install, provides an "uninstall" command.

Install pip according to the installation instructions:

$ wget
$ python

Then you can use pip uninstall to remove packages installed with easy_install

INNER JOIN vs LEFT JOIN performance in SQL Server

I found something interesting in SQL server when checking if inner joins are faster than left joins.

If you dont include the items of the left joined table, in the select statement, the left join will be faster than the same query with inner join.

If you do include the left joined table in the select statement, the inner join with the same query was equal or faster than the left join.

How to install/start Postman native v4.10.3 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64-bit?


If you have snap or want to install it, just do:

$ sudo snap install postman

if you don't have it, install it as:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install snapd

Another way is create an script:

First create this script:

create a file, inside of it add:

cd /tmp || exit
echo "Downloading Postman ..."
wget -q -O postman.tar.gz
tar -xzf postman.tar.gz
rm postman.tar.gz

echo "Installing to opt..."
if [ -d "/opt/Postman" ];then
    sudo rm -rf /opt/Postman
sudo mv Postman /opt/Postman

echo "Creating symbolic link..."
if [ -L "/usr/bin/postman" ];then
    sudo rm -f /usr/bin/postman
sudo ln -s /opt/Postman/Postman /usr/bin/postman

echo "Installation completed successfully."
echo "You can use Postman!"

run it in terminal with:

$ sh

Then create the desktop launcher:


[Desktop Entry]

Put this file in your desktop if you want (don't forget give to it execution permissions). Double click, and that's it!

Forever thanks to Aviskase (github acount name).

source ->

VBScript -- Using error handling

You can regroup your steps functions calls in a facade function :

sub facade()
    call step1()
    call step2()
    call step3()
    call step4()
    call step5()
end sub

Then, let your error handling be in an upper function that calls the facade :

sub main()
    On error resume next

    call facade()

    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        ' MsgBox or whatever. You may want to display or log your error there
        msgbox Err.Description
    End If

    On Error Goto 0
end sub

Now, let's suppose step3() raises an error. Since facade() doesn't handle errors (there is no On error resume next in facade()), the error will be returned to main() and step4() and step5() won't be executed.

Your error handling is now refactored in 1 code block

The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure connection

iOS 9 (may) force developers to use App Transport Security exclusively. I overheard this somewhere randomly so I don't know whether this is true myself. But I suspect it and have come to this conclusion:

The app running on iOS 9 will (maybe) no longer connect to a Meteor server without SSL.

This means running meteor run ios or meteor run ios-device will (probably?) no longer work.

In the app's info.plist, NSAppTransportSecurity [Dictionary] needs to have a key NSAllowsArbitraryLoads [Boolean] to be set to YES or Meteor needs to use https for its localhost server soon.

Node.js heap out of memory

Upgrade node to the latest version. I was on node 6.6 with this error and upgraded to 8.9.4 and the problem went away.

Unstaged changes left after git reset --hard

Okay, I've kind of solved the problem.

It seemed that the .gitattributes file, containing:

*.sln        eol=crlf
*.vcproj     eol=crlf
*.vcxproj*   eol=crlf

made the project files appear unstaged. I am clueless why that is, and I'm really hoping that someone privy to the ways of git will give us a nice explanation.

My fix was to remove these files, and to add autocrlf = false under [core] in .git/config.

This does not amount to exactly the same thing as the previous configuration, as it requires every dev to have autocrlf = false. I'd like to find a better fix.


I commented the incriminating lines, uncommented them and it worked. What the ... I don't even ... !

How to resolve "Input string was not in a correct format." error?

Replace with

imageWidth = 1 * Convert.ToInt32(Label1.Text);

How to call jQuery function onclick?


 $(function () {
    var url = $(location).attr('href');
    $('#spn_url').html('<strong>' + url + '</strong>');
    $("#submit").click(function () {
        alert('button clicked');


<input id="submit" type="submit" value="submit" name="submit">

How to create a signed APK file using Cordova command line interface?

On Mac (osx), I generated two .sh files, one for the first publication and another one for updating :

echo "Ionic to Signed APK ---- [email protected] // Benjamin Rathelot\n"
printf "Project dir : "
read DIR
printf "Project key alias : "
read ALIAS
cd $DIR/
cordova build --release android
cd platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/
keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias $ALIAS -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore android-release-unsigned.apk $ALIAS
zipalign -v 4 android-release-unsigned.apk signedApk.apk

And to update your app:

echo "Ionic to Signed APK ---- [email protected] // Benjamin Rathelot\n"
printf "Project dir : "
read DIR
printf "Project key alias : "
read ALIAS
cd $DIR/
cordova build --release android
cd platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/
rm signedApk.apk
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore android-release-unsigned.apk $ALIAS
zipalign -v 4 android-release-unsigned.apk signedApk.apk

Assuming you're in your home folder or a folder topping your apps folders. Make sure to set correctly chmod to use this script. Then :

./ # or whatever depending of the name of your file, in CLI

Your signed apk will be in Your App folder/platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/ as SignedApk.apk Make sure to use the correct key alias and password defined with the first script

C# RSA encryption/decryption with transmission

well there are really enough examples for this, but anyway, here you go

using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;

namespace RsaCryptoExample
  static class Program
    static void Main()
      //lets take a new CSP with a new 2048 bit rsa key pair
      var csp = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(2048);

      //how to get the private key
      var privKey = csp.ExportParameters(true);

      //and the public key ...
      var pubKey = csp.ExportParameters(false);

      //converting the public key into a string representation
      string pubKeyString;
        //we need some buffer
        var sw = new System.IO.StringWriter();
        //we need a serializer
        var xs = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(RSAParameters));
        //serialize the key into the stream
        xs.Serialize(sw, pubKey);
        //get the string from the stream
        pubKeyString = sw.ToString();

      //converting it back
        //get a stream from the string
        var sr = new System.IO.StringReader(pubKeyString);
        //we need a deserializer
        var xs = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(RSAParameters));
        //get the object back from the stream
        pubKey = (RSAParameters)xs.Deserialize(sr);

      //conversion for the private key is no black magic either ... omitted

      //we have a public key ... let's get a new csp and load that key
      csp = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

      //we need some data to encrypt
      var plainTextData = "foobar";

      //for encryption, always handle bytes...
      var bytesPlainTextData = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(plainTextData);

      //apply pkcs#1.5 padding and encrypt our data 
      var bytesCypherText = csp.Encrypt(bytesPlainTextData, false);

      //we might want a string representation of our cypher text... base64 will do
      var cypherText = Convert.ToBase64String(bytesCypherText);

       * some transmission / storage / retrieval
       * and we want to decrypt our cypherText

      //first, get our bytes back from the base64 string ...
      bytesCypherText = Convert.FromBase64String(cypherText);

      //we want to decrypt, therefore we need a csp and load our private key
      csp = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

      //decrypt and strip pkcs#1.5 padding
      bytesPlainTextData = csp.Decrypt(bytesCypherText, false);

      //get our original plainText back...
      plainTextData = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytesPlainTextData);

as a side note: the calls to Encrypt() and Decrypt() have a bool parameter that switches between OAEP and PKCS#1.5 padding ... you might want to choose OAEP if it's available in your situation

Why does .NET foreach loop throw NullRefException when collection is null?

I think the explanation of why exception is thrown is very clear with the answers provided here. I just wish to complement with the way I usually work with these collections. Because, some times, I use the collection more then once and have to test if null every time. To avoid that, I do the following:

    var returnArray = DoSomething() ?? Enumerable.Empty<int>();

    foreach (int i in returnArray)
        // do some more stuff

This way we can use the collection as much as we want without fear the exception and we don't polute the code with excessive conditional statements.

Using the null check operator ?. is also a great approach. But, in case of arrays (like the example in the question), it should be transformed into List before:

    int[] returnArray = DoSomething();

    returnArray?.ToList().ForEach((i) =>
        // do some more stuff

Java Round up Any Number

Math.ceil() is the correct function to call. I'm guessing a is an int, which would make a / 100 perform integer arithmetic. Try Math.ceil(a / 100.0) instead.

int a = 142;
System.out.println(a / 100);
System.out.println(Math.ceil(a / 100));
System.out.println(a / 100.0);
System.out.println(Math.ceil(a / 100.0));
System.out.println((int) Math.ceil(a / 100.0));




How to read files and stdout from a running Docker container

Sharing files between a docker container and the host system, or between separate containers is best accomplished using volumes.

Having your app running in another container is probably your best solution since it will ensure that your whole application can be well isolated and easily deployed. What you're trying to do sounds very close to the setup described in this excellent blog post, take a look!