[python] python BeautifulSoup parsing table

I'm learning python requests and BeautifulSoup. For an exercise, I've chosen to write a quick NYC parking ticket parser. I am able to get an html response which is quite ugly. I need to grab the lineItemsTable and parse all the tickets.

You can reproduce the page by going here: https://paydirect.link2gov.com/NYCParking-Plate/ItemSearch and entering a NY plate T630134C

soup = BeautifulSoup(plateRequest.text)
#print soup.find_all('tr')

table = soup.find("table", { "class" : "lineItemsTable" })
for row in table.findAll("tr"):
    cells = row.findAll("td")
    print cells

Can someone please help me out? Simple looking for all tr does not get me anywhere.

This question is related to python beautifulsoup

The answer is

from behave import *
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.support.wait import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as ec
import pandas as pd
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from tabulate import tabulate

class readTableDataFromDB: 
    def LookupValueFromColumnSingleKey(context, tablexpath, rowName, columnName):
        print("element present readData From Table")
        element = context.driver.find_elements_by_xpath(tablexpath+"/descendant::th")
        indexrow = 1
        indexcolumn = 1
        for values in element:
            valuepresent = values.text
            print("text present here::"+valuepresent+"rowName::"+rowName)
            if valuepresent.find(columnName) != -1:
                 print("current row"+str(indexrow) +"value"+valuepresent)
                 indexrow = indexrow+1    

        indexvalue = context.driver.find_elements_by_xpath(
        for valuescolumn in indexvalue:
            valuepresentcolumn = valuescolumn.text
            print("Team text present here::" +
            if valuepresentcolumn.find(rowName) != -1:
                print("current column"+str(indexcolumn) +
                indexcolumn = indexcolumn+1

        print("index column"+str(indexcolumn))
        print(tablexpath +"//descendant::tr["+str(indexcolumn)+"]/td["+str(indexrow)+"]")
        #lookupelement = context.driver.find_element_by_xpath(tablexpath +"//descendant::tr["+str(indexcolumn)+"]/td["+str(indexrow)+"]")
        return context.driver.find_elements_by_xpath(tablexpath+"//descendant::tr["+str(indexcolumn)+"]/td["+str(indexrow)+"]")

    def LookupValueFromColumnTwoKeyssss(context, tablexpath, rowName, columnName, columnName1):
        print("element present readData From Table")
        element = context.driver.find_elements_by_xpath(
        indexrow = 1
        indexcolumn = 1
        indexcolumn1 = 1
        for values in element:
            valuepresent = values.text
            print("text present here::"+valuepresent)
            indexrow = indexrow+1
            if valuepresent == columnName:
                print("current row value"+str(indexrow)+"value"+valuepresent)

        for values in element:
            valuepresent = values.text
            print("text present here::"+valuepresent)
            indexrow = indexrow+1
            if valuepresent.find(columnName1) != -1:
                print("current row value"+str(indexrow)+"value"+valuepresent)

        indexvalue = context.driver.find_elements_by_xpath(
        for valuescolumn in indexvalue:
            valuepresentcolumn = valuescolumn.text
            print("Team text present here::"+valuepresentcolumn)
            indexcolumn = indexcolumn+1
            if valuepresent.find(rowName) != -1:
                print("current column"+str(indexcolumn) +
        print("index column"+str(indexcolumn))
        lookupelement = context.driver.find_element_by_xpath(
        print(tablexpath +
        return context.driver.find_element_by_xpath(tablexpath+"//descendant::tr["+str(indexrow)+"]/td["+str(indexcolumn)+"]")

Updated Answer

If a programmer is interested in only parsing a table from a webpage, they can utilize the pandas method pandas.read_html.

Let's say we want to extract the GDP data table from the website: https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/countries-by-gdp/#worldCountries

Then following codes does the job perfectly (No need of beautifulsoup and fancy html):

import pandas as pd
import requests

url = "https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/countries-by-gdp/#worldCountries"

r = requests.get(url)
df_list = pd.read_html(r.text) # this parses all the tables in webpages to a list
df = df_list[0]


First five lines of the table from the Website

Here is working example for a generic <table>. (question links-broken)

Extracting the table from here countries by GDP (Gross Domestic Product).

htmltable = soup.find('table', { 'class' : 'table table-striped' })
# where the dictionary specify unique attributes for the 'table' tag

The tableDataText function parses a html segment started with tag <table> followed by multiple <tr> (table rows) and inner <td> (table data) tags. It returns a list of rows with inner columns. Accepts only one <th> (table header/data) in the first row.

def tableDataText(table):       
    rows = []
    trs = table.find_all('tr')
    headerow = [td.get_text(strip=True) for td in trs[0].find_all('th')] # header row
    if headerow: # if there is a header row include first
        trs = trs[1:]
    for tr in trs: # for every table row
        rows.append([td.get_text(strip=True) for td in tr.find_all('td')]) # data row
    return rows

Using it we get (first two rows).

list_table = tableDataText(htmltable)

  "GDP (IMF '19)",
  "GDP (UN '16)",
  'GDP Per Capita',
  '2019 Population'],
  'United States',
  '21.41 trillion',
  '18.62 trillion',

That can be easily transformed in a pandas.DataFrame for more advanced tools.

import pandas as pd
dftable = pd.DataFrame(list_table[1:], columns=list_table[0])

pandas DataFrame html table output

Solved, this is how your parse their html results:

table = soup.find("table", { "class" : "lineItemsTable" })
for row in table.findAll("tr"):
    cells = row.findAll("td")
    if len(cells) == 9:
        summons = cells[1].find(text=True)
        plateType = cells[2].find(text=True)
        vDate = cells[3].find(text=True)
        location = cells[4].find(text=True)
        borough = cells[5].find(text=True)
        vCode = cells[6].find(text=True)
        amount = cells[7].find(text=True)
        print amount