Programs & Examples On #Framework design

How do I sort an observable collection?

I found a relevant blog entry that provides a better answer than the ones here:


The ObservableSortedList that @romkyns points out in the comments automatically maintains sort order.

Implements an observable collection which maintains its items in sorted order. In particular, changes to item properties that result in order changes are handled correctly.

However note also the remark

May be buggy due to the comparative complexity of the interface involved and its relatively poor documentation (see

grep a file, but show several surrounding lines?

Search for "17655" in "/some/file.txt" showing 10 lines context before and after (using Awk), output preceded with line number followed by a colon. Use this on Solaris when 'grep' does not support the "-[ACB]" options.

awk '

/17655/ {
        for (i = (b + 1) % 10; i != b; i = (i + 1) % 10) {
                print before[i]
        print (NR ":" ($0))
        a = 10

a-- > 0 {
        print (NR ":" ($0))

        before[b] = (NR ":" ($0))
        b = (b + 1) % 10
}' /some/file.txt;

CSS How to set div height 100% minus nPx

Use an outer wrapper div set to 100% and then your inner wrapper div 100% should be now relative to that.

I thought for sure this used to work for me, but apparently not:

<div id="outerwrapper" style="border : 1px solid red ; height : 100%">
<div id="header" style="border : 1px solid blue ; height : 60px"></div>
<div id="wrapper"  style="border : 1px solid green ; height : 100% ; overflow : scroll ;">
  <div id="left" style="height : 100% ; width : 50% ; overflow : scroll; float : left ; clear : left ;">Some text 

on the left</div>
  <div id="right" style="height : 100% ; width 50% ; overflow : scroll; float : left ;">Some Text on the 


How to get position of a certain element in strings vector, to use it as an index in ints vector?

I am a beginner so here is a beginners answer. The if in the for loop gives i which can then be used however needed such as Numbers[i] in another vector. Most is fluff for examples sake, the for/if really says it all.

int main(){
vector<string>names{"Sara", "Harold", "Frank", "Taylor", "Sasha", "Seymore"};
string req_name;
cout<<"Enter search name: "<<'\n';
    for(int i=0; i<=names.size()-1; ++i) {
            cout<<"The index number for "<<req_name<<" is "<<i<<'\n';
            return 0;
        else if(names[i]!=req_name && i==names.size()-1) {
            cout<<"That name is not an element in this vector"<<'\n';
        } else {

Removing items from a list

You can't and shouldn't modify a list while iterating over it. You can solve this by temporarely saving the objects to remove:

List<Object> toRemove = new ArrayList<Object>();
for(Object a: list){

How do I put text on ProgressBar?

I have created a InfoProgressBar control which uses a TransparentLabel control. Testing on a form with a Timer, I get some slight glitches displaying the text every 30-40 value changes if using a timer interval of less than 250 milliseconds (probably because of the time required to update the screen is greater than the timer interval).

It would be possible to modify UpdateText method to insert all the calculated values into CustomText but it isn't something that I have needed yet. This would remove the need for the DisplayType property and enumerate.

The TransparentLabel class was created by adding a new UserControl and changing it to inheriting from Label with the following implementation:

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Utils.GUI
    public partial class TransparentLabel : Label
        // hide the BackColor attribute as much as possible.
        // setting the base value has no effect as drawing the
        // background is disabled
        public override Color BackColor
                return Color.Transparent;

        protected override CreateParams CreateParams
                CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
                cp.ExStyle |= 0x20; //  WS_EX_TRANSPARENT
                return cp;

        public override string Text
                return base.Text;
                base.Text = value;
                if(Parent != null) Parent.Invalidate(Bounds, false);

        public override ContentAlignment TextAlign
                return base.TextAlign;
                base.TextAlign = value;
                if(Parent != null) Parent.Invalidate(Bounds, false);

        public TransparentLabel()

            SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, false);

            base.BackColor = Color.Transparent;

        protected override void OnMove(EventArgs e)

        protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs pevent)
            // do nothing

I did not make any changes to the related designer code but here it is for completeness.

namespace Utils.GUI
    partial class TransparentLabel
        /// <summary> 
        /// Required designer variable.
        /// </summary>
        private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;

        /// <summary> 
        /// Clean up any resources being used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if(disposing && (components != null))

        #region Component Designer generated code

        /// <summary> 
        /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify 
        /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeComponent()
            components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();


I then created another new UserControl and changed it to derive from ProgressBar with the following implementation:

using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design.Behavior;

namespace Utils.GUI
    public partial class InfoProgressBar : ProgressBar
        // designer class to add font baseline snapline by copying it from the label
        private class InfoProgressBarDesigner : ControlDesigner
            public override IList SnapLines
                    IList snapLines = base.SnapLines;

                    InfoProgressBar control = Control as InfoProgressBar;

                    if(control != null)
                        using(IDesigner designer = TypeDescriptor.CreateDesigner(control.lblText, typeof(IDesigner)))
                            if(designer != null)

                                ControlDesigner boxDesigner = designer as ControlDesigner;

                                if(boxDesigner != null)
                                    foreach(SnapLine line in boxDesigner.SnapLines)
                                        if(line.SnapLineType == SnapLineType.Baseline)
                                            snapLines.Add(new SnapLine(SnapLineType.Baseline, line.Offset, line.Filter, line.Priority));

                    return snapLines;

        // enum to select the type of displayed value
        public enum ProgressBarDisplayType
            Custom = 0,
            Percent = 1,
            Progress = 2,
            Remain = 3,
            Value = 4,

        private string _customText;
        private ProgressBarDisplayType _displayType;
        private int _range;

        // {0} is replaced with the result of the selected calculation
        public string CustomText
                return _customText;
                _customText = value;

        public ProgressBarDisplayType DisplayType
                return _displayType;
                _displayType = value;

        // don't use the lblText font as if it is null, it checks the parent font (i.e. this property) and gives an infinite loop
        public override Font Font
                return base.Font;
                base.Font = value; 

        public new int Maximum
                return base.Maximum;
                base.Maximum = value;
                _range = base.Maximum - base.Minimum;

        public new int Minimum
                return base.Minimum;
                base.Minimum = value;
                _range = base.Maximum - base.Minimum;

        public ContentAlignment TextAlign 
                return lblText.TextAlign;
                lblText.TextAlign = value;

        [DefaultValue(typeof(Color), "0x000000")]
        public Color TextColor
                return lblText.ForeColor;
                lblText.ForeColor = value;

        public new int Value
                return base.Value;
                base.Value = value;

        public InfoProgressBar()

            CustomText = "{0}";
            DisplayType = ProgressBarDisplayType.Percent;
            Maximum = 100;
            Minimum = 0;
            TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
            TextColor = Color.Black;
            Value = 0;

            // means the label gets drawn in front of the progress bar
            lblText.Parent = this;

            _range = base.Maximum - base.Minimum;

        protected void UpdateText()
                case ProgressBarDisplayType.Custom:
                    lblText.Text = _customText;
                case ProgressBarDisplayType.Percent:
                    if(_range > 0)
                        lblText.Text = string.Format(_customText, string.Format("{0}%", (int)((Value * 100) / _range)));
                        lblText.Text = "100%";
                case ProgressBarDisplayType.Progress:
                    lblText.Text = string.Format(_customText, (Value - Minimum));
                case ProgressBarDisplayType.Remain:
                    lblText.Text = string.Format(_customText, (Maximum - Value));
                case ProgressBarDisplayType.Value:
                    lblText.Text = string.Format(_customText, Value);

        public new void Increment(int value)

        public new void PerformStep()

And the designer code:

namespace Utils.GUI
    partial class InfoProgressBar
        /// <summary>
        /// Required designer variable.
        /// </summary>
        private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Clean up any resources being used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if(disposing && (components != null))

        #region Component Designer generated code

        /// <summary>
        /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify 
        /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeComponent()
            this.lblText = new Utils.GUI.TransparentLabel();
            // lblText
            this.lblText.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
            this.lblText.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
            this.lblText.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
            this.lblText.Name = "lblText";
            this.lblText.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 0, 3, 0);
            this.lblText.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 23);
            this.lblText.TabIndex = 0;
            this.lblText.Text = "transparentLabel1";



        private TransparentLabel lblText;


Gradient borders

border-image-slice will extend a CSS border-image gradient

This (as I understand it) prevents the default slicing of the "image" into sections - without it, nothing appears if the border is on one side only, and if it's around the entire element four tiny gradients appear in each corner.

  border-bottom: 6px solid transparent;
  border-image: linear-gradient(to right, red , yellow);
  border-image-slice: 1;

How to copy only a single worksheet to another workbook using vba

The much longer example below combines some of the useful snippets above:

  • You can specify any number of sheets you want to copy across
  • You can copy entire sheets, i.e. like dragging the tab across, or you can copy over the contents of cells as values-only but preserving formatting.

It could still do with a lot of work to make it better (better error-handling, general cleaning up), but it hopefully provides a good start.

Note that not all formatting is carried across because the new sheet uses its own theme's fonts and colours. I can't work out how to copy those across when pasting as values only.

 Option Explicit

Sub copyDataToNewFile()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    ' Allow different ways of copying data:
    ' sheet = copy the entire sheet
    ' valuesWithFormatting = create a new sheet with the same name as the
    '                        original, copy values from the cells only, then
    '                        apply original formatting. Formatting is only as
    '                        good as the Paste Special > Formats command - theme
    '                        colours and fonts are not preserved.
    Dim copyMethod As String
    copyMethod = "valuesWithFormatting"

    Dim newFilename As String           ' Name (+optionally path) of new file
    Dim themeTempFilePath As String     ' To temporarily save the source file's theme

    Dim sourceWorkbook As Workbook      ' This file
    Set sourceWorkbook = ThisWorkbook

    Dim newWorkbook As Workbook         ' New file

    Dim sht As Worksheet                ' To iterate through sheets later on.
    Dim sheetFriendlyName As String     ' To store friendly sheet name
    Dim sheetCount As Long              ' To avoid having to count multiple times

    ' Sheets to copy over, using internal code names as more reliable.
    Dim colSheetObjectsToCopy As New Collection
    colSheetObjectsToCopy.Add Sheet1
    colSheetObjectsToCopy.Add Sheet2

    ' Get filename of new file from user.
        newFilename = InputBox("Please Specify the name of your new workbook." & vbCr & vbCr & "Either enter a full path or just a filename, in which case the file will be saved in the same location (" & sourceWorkbook.Path & "). Don't use the name of a workbook that is already open, otherwise this script will break.", "New Copy")
        If newFilename = "" Then MsgBox "You must enter something.", vbExclamation, "Filename needed"
    Loop Until newFilename > ""

    ' If they didn't supply a path, assume same location as the source workbook.
    ' Not perfect - simply assumes a path has been supplied if a path separator
    ' exists somewhere. Could still be a badly-formed path. And, no check is done
    ' to see if the path actually exists.
    If InStr(1, newFilename, Application.PathSeparator, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
        newFilename = sourceWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & newFilename
    End If

    ' Create a new workbook and save as the user requested.
    ' NB This fails if the filename is the same as a workbook that's
    ' already open - it should check for this.
    Set newWorkbook = Application.Workbooks.Add(xlWBATWorksheet)
    newWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=newFilename, _

    ' Theme fonts and colours don't get copied over with most paste-special operations.
    ' This saves the theme of the source workbook and then loads it into the new workbook.
    ' BUG: Doesn't work!
    'themeTempFilePath = Environ("temp") & Application.PathSeparator & sourceWorkbook.Name & " - Theme.xml"
    'sourceWorkbook.Theme.ThemeFontScheme.Save themeTempFilePath
    'sourceWorkbook.Theme.ThemeColorScheme.Save themeTempFilePath
    'newWorkbook.Theme.ThemeFontScheme.Load themeTempFilePath
    'newWorkbook.Theme.ThemeColorScheme.Load themeTempFilePath
    'On Error Resume Next
    'Kill themeTempFilePath  ' kill = delete in VBA-speak
    'On Error GoTo 0

    ' getWorksheetNameFromObject returns null if the worksheet object doens't
    ' exist
    For Each sht In colSheetObjectsToCopy
        sheetFriendlyName = getWorksheetNameFromObject(sourceWorkbook, sht)
        Application.StatusBar = "VBL Copying " & sheetFriendlyName
        If Not IsNull(sheetFriendlyName) Then
            Select Case copyMethod
                Case "sheet"
                    sourceWorkbook.Sheets(sheetFriendlyName).Copy _
                Case "valuesWithFormatting"
                    newWorkbook.Sheets.Add After:=newWorkbook.Sheets(newWorkbook.Sheets.count), _
                    sheetCount = newWorkbook.Sheets.count
                    newWorkbook.Sheets(sheetCount).Name = sheetFriendlyName
                    ' Copy all cells in current source sheet to the clipboard. Could copy straight
                    ' to the new workbook by specifying the Destination parameter but in this case
                    ' we want to do a paste special as values only and the Copy method doens't allow that.
                    sourceWorkbook.Sheets(sheetFriendlyName).Cells.Copy ' Destination:=newWorkbook.Sheets(newWorkbook.Sheets.Count).[A1]
                    newWorkbook.Sheets(sheetCount).[A1].PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues
                    newWorkbook.Sheets(sheetCount).[A1].PasteSpecial Paste:=xlFormats
                    newWorkbook.Sheets(sheetCount).Tab.Color = sourceWorkbook.Sheets(sheetFriendlyName).Tab.Color
                    Application.CutCopyMode = False
            End Select
        End If
    Next sht

    Application.StatusBar = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

What is difference between mutable and immutable String in java

String in Java is immutable. However what does it mean to be mutable in programming context is the first question. Consider following class,

public class Dimension {
    private int height;

    private int width;

    public Dimenstion() {

    public void setSize(int height, int width) {
        this.height = height;
        this.width = width;

    public getHeight() {
        return height;

    public getWidth() {
        return width;

Now after creating the instance of Dimension we can always update it's attributes. Note that if any of the attribute, in other sense state, can be updated for instance of the class then it is said to be mutable. We can always do following,

Dimension d = new Dimension();
d.setSize(10, 20);// Dimension changed
d.setSize(10, 200);// Dimension changed
d.setSize(100, 200);// Dimension changed

Let's see in different ways we can create a String in Java.

String str1 = "Hey!";
String str2 = "Jack";
String str3 = new String("Hey Jack!");
String str4 = new String(new char[] {'H', 'e', 'y', '!'});
String str5 = str1 + str2;
str1 = "Hi !";
// ...


  1. str1 and str2 are String literals which gets created in String constant pool
  2. str3, str4 and str5 are String Objects which are placed in Heap memory
  3. str1 = "Hi!"; creates "Hi!" in String constant pool and it's totally different reference than "Hey!" which str1 referencing earlier.

Here we are creating the String literal or String Object. Both are different, I would suggest you to read following post to understand more about it.

In any String declaration, one thing is common, that it does not modify but it gets created or shifted to other.

String str = "Good"; // Create the String literal in String pool
str = str + " Morning"; // Create String with concatenation of str + "Morning"
       |- Step 1 : Concatenate "Good"  and " Morning" with StringBuilder
       |- Step 2 : assign reference of created "Good Morning" String Object to str

How String became immutable ?

It's non changing behaviour, means, the value once assigned can not be updated in any other way. String class internally holds data in character array. Moreover, class is created to be immutable. Take a look at this strategy for defining immutable class.

Shifting the reference does not mean you changed it's value. It would be mutable if you can update the character array which is behind the scene in String class. But in reality that array will be initialized once and throughout the program it remains the same.

Why StringBuffer is mutable ?

As you already guessed, StringBuffer class is mutable itself as you can update it's state directly. Similar to String it also holds value in character array and you can manipulate that array by different methods i.e. append, delete, insert etc. which directly changes the character value array.

How do I find the size of a struct?

Contrary to what some of the other answers have said, on most systems, in the absence of a pragma or compiler option, the size of the structure will be at least 6 bytes and, on most 32-bit systems, 8 bytes. For 64-bit systems, the size could easily be 16 bytes. Alignment does come into play; always. The sizeof a single struct has to be such that an array of those sizes can be allocated and the individual members of the array are sufficiently aligned for the processor in question. Consequently, if the size of the struct was 5 as others have hypothesized, then an array of two such structures would be 10 bytes long, and the char pointer in the second array member would be aligned on an odd byte, which would (on most processors) cause a major bottleneck in the performance.

no such file to load -- rubygems (LoadError)

I have a hunch that you have two ruby versions. Please paste the output of following command:

$ which -a ruby

updated regarding to the comment:

Nuke one version and leave only one. I had same problem with two versions looking at different locations for gems. Had me going crazy for few weeks. Put up a bounty here at SO got me same answer I'm giving to you.

All I did was nuke one installation of ruby and left the one managable via ports. I'd suggest doing this:

  1. Remove ruby version installed via ports (yum or whatever package manager).
  2. Remove ruby version that came with OS (hardcore rm by hand).
  3. Install ruby version from ports with different prefix (/usr instead of /usr/local)
  4. Reinstall rubygems

Assign result of dynamic sql to variable

You could use sp_executesql instead of exec. That allows you to specify an output parameter.

declare @out_var varchar(max);
execute sp_executesql 
    N'select @out_var = ''hello world''', 
    N'@out_var varchar(max) OUTPUT', 
    @out_var = @out_var output;
select @out_var;

This prints "hello world".

AngularJS view not updating on model change

Do not use $scope.$apply() angular already uses it and it can result in this error

$rootScope:inprog Action Already In Progress

if you use twice, use $timeout or interval

How do I deserialize a complex JSON object in C# .NET?

I am using following:

    using System.Web.Script.Serialization;       


    public static T ParseResponse<T>(string data)
        return new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<T>(data);

How do I get the current username in Windows PowerShell?

I'd like to throw in the whoami command, which basically is a nice alias for doing %USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME% as proposed in other answers.

Write-Host "current user:"
Write-Host $(whoami)

Find mouse position relative to element

You have to know the structure of your page, because if your canvas is a child of a div which in turn is a child of another div... then the story gets more complicated. Here's my code for a canvas which is inside 2 levels of div s:

canvas.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
var x = event.pageX - (this.offsetLeft + this.parentElement.offsetLeft);
var y = event.pageY - (this.offsetTop + this.parentElement.offsetTop);
console.log("relative x=" + x, "relative y" + y);


How can I INSERT data into two tables simultaneously in SQL Server?

Create table #temp1
 id int identity(1,1),
 name varchar(50),
 profession varchar(50)

Create table #temp2
 id int identity(1,1),
 name varchar(50),
 profession varchar(50)

-----main query ------

insert into #temp1(name,profession)

output,inserted.profession into #temp2

select 'Shekhar','IT'

Cannot open solution file in Visual Studio Code

When you open a folder in VSCode, it will automatically scan the folder for typical project artifacts like project.json or solution files. From the status bar in the lower left side you can switch between solutions and projects.

Get exit code of a background process

A simple example, similar to the solutions above. This doesn't require monitoring any process output. The next example uses tail to follow output.

$ echo '#!/bin/bash' >
$ echo 'sleep 30; exit 5' >>
$ chmod +x
$ ./ &
[1] 7454
$ pid=$!
$ wait $pid
[1]+  Exit 5                  ./
$ echo $?

Use tail to follow process output and quit when the process is complete.

$ echo '#!/bin/bash' >
$ echo 'i=0; while let "$i < 10"; do sleep 5; echo "$i"; let i=$i+1; done; exit 5;' >>
$ chmod +x
$ ./
$ ./ > /tmp/tmp.log 2>&1 &
[1] 7673
$ pid=$!
$ tail -f --pid $pid /tmp/tmp.log
[1]+  Exit 5                  ./ > /tmp/tmp.log 2>&1
$ wait $pid
$ echo $?

Laravel - Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server

On public/.htaccess edit to

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
 <IfModule mod_negotiation.c>
              Options -MultiViews

          RewriteEngine On

          # Redirect Trailing Slashes If Not A Folder...
          RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
          RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (.+)/$
          RewriteRule ^ %1 [L,R=301]

          # Handle Front Controller...
          RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
          RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
          RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]

          # Handle Authorization Header
          RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} .
          RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

In the root of the project add file


File content

web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2 public/

Reload the project to Heroku

heroku login
cd my-project/
git init
heroku git:remote -a my project
git add .
git commit -am "make it better"
git push heroku master
heroku open

Prevent line-break of span element

If you only need to prevent line-breaks on space characters, you can use &nbsp; entities between words:


instead of

<span style="white-space:nowrap">No line break</span>

What's the yield keyword in JavaScript?

The MDN documentation is pretty good, IMO.

The function containing the yield keyword is a generator. When you call it, its formal parameters are bound to actual arguments, but its body isn't actually evaluated. Instead, a generator-iterator is returned. Each call to the generator-iterator's next() method performs another pass through the iterative algorithm. Each step's value is the value specified by the yield keyword. Think of yield as the generator-iterator version of return, indicating the boundary between each iteration of the algorithm. Each time you call next(), the generator code resumes from the statement following the yield.

Credentials for the SQL Server Agent service are invalid

I had a VM that was server 2012 and I had to change the nic to VMXNET 3. It wasn't connecting to the domain fast enough for the services to start I guess.

What is the easiest/best/most correct way to iterate through the characters of a string in Java?

Elaborating on this answer and this answer.

Above answers point out the problem of many of the solutions here which don't iterate by code point value -- they would have trouble with any surrogate chars. The java docs also outline the issue here (see "Unicode Character Representations"). Anyhow, here's some code that uses some actual surrogate chars from the supplementary Unicode set, and converts them back to a String. Note that .toChars() returns an array of chars: if you're dealing with surrogates, you'll necessarily have two chars. This code should work for any Unicode character.

    String supplementary = "Some Supplementary: ";
    supplementary.codePoints().forEach(cp -> 
            System.out.print(new String(Character.toChars(cp))));

Pointer to a string in C?

The very same. A C string is nothing but an array of characters, so a pointer to a string is a pointer to an array of characters. And a pointer to an array is the very same as a pointer to its first element.

OraOLEDB.Oracle provider is not registered on the local machine

After spend hours to fix that; and for some who installed it uncorrectly, you need to uninstall current version and reinstall it again as Administratorenter image description here

How can you use optional parameters in C#?

You could use method overloading...

GetFooBar(int a)
GetFooBar(int a, int b)

It depends on the method signatures, the example I gave is missing the "int b" only method because it would have the same signature as the "int a" method.

You could use Nullable types...

GetFooBar(int? a, int? b)

You could then check, using a.HasValue, to see if a parameter has been set.

Another option would be to use a 'params' parameter.

GetFooBar(params object[] args)

If you wanted to go with named parameters would would need to create a type to handle them, although I think there is already something like this for web apps.

Hexadecimal string to byte array in C

Here is HexToBin and BinToHex relatively clean and readable. (Note originally there were returned enum error codes through an error logging system not a simple -1 or -2.)

typedef unsigned char ByteData;
ByteData HexChar (char c)
    if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') return (ByteData)(c - '0');
    if ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') return (ByteData)(c - 'A' + 10);
    if ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') return (ByteData)(c - 'a' + 10);
    return (ByteData)(-1);

ssize_t HexToBin (const char* s, ByteData * buff, ssize_t length)
    ssize_t result = 0;
    if (!s || !buff || length <= 0) return -2;

    while (*s)
        ByteData nib1 = HexChar(*s++);
        if ((signed)nib1 < 0) return -3;
        ByteData nib2 = HexChar(*s++);
        if ((signed)nib2 < 0) return -4;

        ByteData bin = (nib1 << 4) + nib2;

        if (length-- <= 0) return -5;
        *buff++ = bin;
    return result;

void BinToHex (const ByteData * buff, ssize_t length, char * output, ssize_t outLength)
    char binHex[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";

    if (!output || outLength < 4) return (void)(-6);
    *output = '\0';

    if (!buff || length <= 0 || outLength <= 2 * length)
        memcpy(output, "ERR", 4);
        return (void)(-7);

    for (; length > 0; --length, outLength -= 2)
        ByteData byte = *buff++;

        *output++ = binHex[(byte >> 4) & 0x0F];
        *output++ = binHex[byte & 0x0F];
    if (outLength-- <= 0) return (void)(-8);
    *output++ = '\0';

Spark - repartition() vs coalesce()

repartition - it's recommended to use it while increasing the number of partitions, because it involve shuffling of all the data.

coalesce - it's is recommended to use it while reducing the number of partitions. For example if you have 3 partitions and you want to reduce it to 2, coalesce will move the 3rd partition data to partition 1 and 2. Partition 1 and 2 will remains in the same container. On the other hand, repartition will shuffle data in all the partitions, therefore the network usage between the executors will be high and it will impacts the performance.

coalesce performs better than repartition while reducing the number of partitions.

How to get a JavaScript object's class?

You can also do something like this

 class Hello {_x000D_
      function isClass (func) {_x000D_
        return typeof func === 'function' && /^class\s/.test(

This will tell you if the input is class or not

How can I generate an INSERT script for an existing SQL Server table that includes all stored rows?

Just to share, I've developed my own script to do it. Feel free to use it. It generates "SELECT" statements that you can then run on the tables to generate the "INSERT" statements.

select distinct 'SELECT ''INSERT INTO ' + schema_name(ta.schema_id) + '.' + + ' (' + substring(o.list, 1, len(o.list)-1) + ') VALUES ('
+ substring(val.list, 1, len(val.list)-1) + ');''  FROM ' + schema_name(ta.schema_id) + '.' + + ';'
from    sys.objects so
join sys.tables ta on ta.object_id=so.object_id
cross apply
(SELECT '  ' +column_name + ', '
 from information_schema.columns c
 join syscolumns co on and object_name( and OBJECT_NAME( and and c.TABLE_SCHEMA=SCHEMA_NAME(so.schema_id)
 where table_name =
 order by ordinal_position
FOR XML PATH('')) o (list)
cross apply
(SELECT '''+' +case
         when data_type = 'uniqueidentifier' THEN 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '])+'''''''' END '
         WHEN data_type = 'timestamp' then '''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),CONVERT(BINARY(8),[' + COLUMN_NAME + ']),1)+'''''''''
         WHEN data_type = 'nvarchar' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+REPLACE([' + COLUMN_NAME + '],'''''''','''''''''''')+'''''''' END'
         WHEN data_type = 'varchar' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+REPLACE([' + COLUMN_NAME + '],'''''''','''''''''''')+'''''''' END'
         WHEN data_type = 'char' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+REPLACE([' + COLUMN_NAME + '],'''''''','''''''''''')+'''''''' END'
         WHEN data_type = 'nchar' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+REPLACE([' + COLUMN_NAME + '],'''''''','''''''''''')+'''''''' END'
         when DATA_TYPE='datetime' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '],121)+'''''''' END '
         when DATA_TYPE='datetime2' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '],121)+'''''''' END '
         when DATA_TYPE='geography' and column_name<>'Shape' then 'ST_GeomFromText(''POINT('+column_name+'.Lat '+column_name+'.Long)'') '
         when DATA_TYPE='geography' and column_name='Shape' then '''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '])+'''''''''
         when DATA_TYPE='bit' then '''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '])+'''''''''
         when DATA_TYPE='xml' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+REPLACE(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + ']),'''''''','''''''''''')+'''''''' END '
         WHEN DATA_TYPE='image' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),CONVERT(VARBINARY(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + ']),1)+'''''''' END '
         WHEN DATA_TYPE='varbinary' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '],1)+'''''''' END '
         WHEN DATA_TYPE='binary' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '],1)+'''''''' END '
         when DATA_TYPE='time' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '])+'''''''' END '
         ELSE 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),['+column_name+']) END' end
   + '+'', '
 from information_schema.columns c
 join syscolumns co on and object_name( and OBJECT_NAME( and and c.TABLE_SCHEMA=SCHEMA_NAME(so.schema_id)
 where table_name =
 order by ordinal_position
FOR XML PATH('')) val (list)
where   so.type = 'U'

How to use callback with useState hook in react

With React16.x, if you want to invoke a callback function on state change using useState hook, you can use the useEffect hook attached to the state change.

import React, { useEffect } from 'react';

useEffect(() => {
  props.getChildChange(name); // using camelCase for variable name is recommended.
}, [name]); // this will call getChildChange when ever name changes.

Difference between and logger.debug

This is a very old question, but i don't see my understanding here so I will add my 2 cents:

Every level corresponds/maps to a type of user:

  • debug : developer - manual debugging
  • trace : automated logging and step tracer - for 3rd level support
  • info : technician / support level 1 /2
  • warn : technician / user error : automated alert / support level 1
  • critical/fatal : depends on your setup - local IT

Make a phone call programmatically

To go back to original app you can use telprompt:// instead of tel:// - The tell prompt will prompt the user first, but when the call is finished it will go back to your app:

NSString *phoneNumber = [@"telprompt://" stringByAppendingString:mymobileNO.titleLabel.text];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:phoneNumber]];

How to finish current activity in Android

I found many answers but not one is simple... I hope this will help you...

    Intent intent = new Intent(CurrentActivity.this, NewActivity.class);
} finally {

so, Very simple logic is here, as we know that in java we write code that has some chances of exception in a try block and handle that exception in catch block but in finally block we write code that has to be executed in any cost (Either the exception comes or not).

How to specify the download location with wget?

man wget: -O file --output-document=file

wget "url" -O /tmp/cron_test/<file>

How to set null to a GUID property

You can use typeof(Guid), "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" for DefaultValue of the property.

How do I make this executable via double click?

You can just tell Finder to open the .sh file in Terminal:

  1. Select the file
  2. Get Info (cmd-i) on it
  3. In the "Open with" section, choose "Other…" in the popup menu
  4. Choose Terminal as the application

This will have the exact same effect as renaming it to .command except… you don't have to rename it :)

Installing the Android USB Driver in Windows 7

Just download and install "Samsung Kies" from this link. and everything would work as required.

Before installing, uninstall the drivers you have installed for your device.


Two possible solutions:

  1. Try with the Google USB driver which comes with the SDK.
  2. Download and install the Samsung USB driver from this link as suggested by Mauricio Gracia Gutierrez

How do I speed up the gwt compiler?

The GWT compiler is doing a lot of code analysis so it is going to be difficult to speed it up. This session from Google IO 2008 will give you a good idea of what GWT is doing and why it does take so long.

My recommendation is for development use Hosted Mode as much as possible and then only compile when you want to do your testing. This does sound like the solution you've come to already, but basically that's why Hosted Mode is there (well, that and debugging).

You can speed up the GWT compile but only compiling for some browsers, rather than 5 kinds which GWT does by default. If you want to use Hosted Mode make sure you compile for at least two browsers; if you compile for a single browser then the browser detection code is optimised away and then Hosted Mode doesn't work any more.

An easy way to configure compiling for fewer browsers is to create a second module which inherits from your main module:

<module rename-to="myproject">
  <inherits name="com.mycompany.MyProject"/>
  <!-- Compile for IE and Chrome -->
  <!-- If you compile for only one browser, the browser detection javascript
       is optimised away and then Hosted Mode doesn't work -->
  <set-property name="user.agent" value="ie6,safari"/>

If the rename-to attribute is set the same then the output files will be same as if you did a full compile

How can Print Preview be called from Javascript?

You can't, Print Preview is a feature of a browser, and therefore should be protected from being called by JavaScript as it would be a security risk.

That's why your example uses Active X, which bypasses the JavaScript security issues.

So instead use the print stylesheet that you already should have and show it for media=screen,print instead of media=print.

Read Alist Apart: Going to Print for a good article on the subject of print stylesheets.

Should I use `import os.path` or `import os`?

Couldn't find any definitive reference, but I see that the example code for os.walk uses os.path but only imports os

Is it safe to expose Firebase apiKey to the public?


Open api keys leads to attacks that can use a lot resources at firebase that will definitely cost your hard money.

You can always restrict you firebase project keys to domains / IP's.

select your project Id and key and restrict it to Your Android/iOs/web App.

Console.WriteLine and generic List

Also you can do join:

var qwe = new List<int> {5, 2, 3, 8};
Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\t", qwe));

Replace whitespaces with tabs in linux

I think you can try with awk

awk -v OFS="\t" '$1=$1' file1

or SED if you preffer

sed 's/[:blank:]+/,/g' thefile.txt > the_modified_copy.txt

or even tr

tr -s '\t' < thefile.txt | tr '\t' ' ' > the_modified_copy.txt

or a simplified version of the tr solution sugested by Sam Bisbee

tr ' ' \\t < someFile > someFile

What is the difference between const int*, const int * const, and int const *?

Read it backwards (as driven by Clockwise/Spiral Rule):

  • int* - pointer to int
  • int const * - pointer to const int
  • int * const - const pointer to int
  • int const * const - const pointer to const int

Now the first const can be on either side of the type so:

  • const int * == int const *
  • const int * const == int const * const

If you want to go really crazy you can do things like this:

  • int ** - pointer to pointer to int
  • int ** const - a const pointer to a pointer to an int
  • int * const * - a pointer to a const pointer to an int
  • int const ** - a pointer to a pointer to a const int
  • int * const * const - a const pointer to a const pointer to an int
  • ...

And to make sure we are clear on the meaning of const:

int a = 5, b = 10, c = 15;

const int* foo;     // pointer to constant int.
foo = &a;           // assignment to where foo points to.

/* dummy statement*/
*foo = 6;           // the value of a can´t get changed through the pointer.

foo = &b;           // the pointer foo can be changed.

int *const bar = &c;  // constant pointer to int 
                      // note, you actually need to set the pointer 
                      // here because you can't change it later ;)

*bar = 16;            // the value of c can be changed through the pointer.    

/* dummy statement*/
bar = &a;             // not possible because bar is a constant pointer.           

foo is a variable pointer to a constant integer. This lets you change what you point to but not the value that you point to. Most often this is seen with C-style strings where you have a pointer to a const char. You may change which string you point to but you can't change the content of these strings. This is important when the string itself is in the data segment of a program and shouldn't be changed.

bar is a constant or fixed pointer to a value that can be changed. This is like a reference without the extra syntactic sugar. Because of this fact, usually you would use a reference where you would use a T* const pointer unless you need to allow NULL pointers.

Compare if BigDecimal is greater than zero

it is safer to use the method compareTo()

    BigDecimal a = new BigDecimal(10);
    BigDecimal b = BigDecimal.ZERO;

    System.out.println(" result ==> " + a.compareTo(b));

console print

    result ==> 1

compareTo() returns

  • 1 if a is greater than b
  • -1 if b is less than b
  • 0 if a is equal to b

now for your problem you can use

if (value.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0)


if (value.compareTo(new BigDecimal(0)) > 0)

I hope it helped you.

Get a substring of a char*

You can just use strstr() from <string.h>

$ man strstr

Make Vim show ALL white spaces as a character

I didn't find exactly what I wanted from the existing answers. The code below will highlight all trailing spaces bright red. Simply add the following to your .vimrc

highlight ExtraWhitespace ctermbg=red guibg=red
match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/
autocmd BufWinEnter * match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/
autocmd InsertEnter * match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+\%#\@<!$/
autocmd InsertLeave * match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/
autocmd BufWinLeave * call clearmatches()

The Android emulator is not starting, showing "invalid command-line parameter"

  • If your SDK location path in Eclipse is in C:\Program Files (x86)\ change to C:\PROGRA~2\.
  • If you are running 32-bit Windows, C:\Program Files\, change the path to C:\PROGRA~1\.

enter image description here

Clear screen in shell

In addition to being an all-around great CLI library, click also provides a platform-agnostic clear() function:

import click

Sending data from HTML form to a Python script in Flask

The form tag needs some attributes set:

  1. action: The URL that the form data is sent to on submit. Generate it with url_for. It can be omitted if the same URL handles showing the form and processing the data.
  2. method="post": Submits the data as form data with the POST method. If not given, or explicitly set to get, the data is submitted in the query string (request.args) with the GET method instead.
  3. enctype="multipart/form-data": When the form contains file inputs, it must have this encoding set, otherwise the files will not be uploaded and Flask won't see them.

The input tag needs a name parameter.

Add a view to handle the submitted data, which is in request.form under the same key as the input's name. Any file inputs will be in request.files.

@app.route('/handle_data', methods=['POST'])
def handle_data():
    projectpath = request.form['projectFilepath']
    # your code
    # return a response

Set the form's action to that view's URL using url_for:

<form action="{{ url_for('handle_data') }}" method="post">
    <input type="text" name="projectFilepath">
    <input type="submit">

Converting string to integer

The function you need is CInt.

ie CInt(PrinterLabel)

See Type Conversion Functions (Visual Basic) on MSDN

Edit: Be aware that CInt and its relatives behave differently in and VBScript. For example, in, CInt casts to a 32-bit integer, but in VBScript, CInt casts to a 16-bit integer. Be on the lookout for potential overflows!

How to dump only specific tables from MySQL?

If you're in local machine then use this command

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump -h127.0.0.1 --port = 3306 -u [username] -p [password] --databases [db_name] --tables [tablename] > /to/path/tablename.sql;

For remote machine, use below one

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump -h [remoteip] --port = 3306 -u [username] -p [password] --databases [db_name] --tables [tablename] > /to/path/tablename.sql;

Inserting data into a temporary table

INSERT INTO #TempTable(ID, Date, Name)
SELECT OtherID, OtherDate, OtherName FROM PhysicalTable

How to receive JSON as an MVC 5 action method parameter

There are a couple issues here. First, you need to make sure to bind your JSON object back to the model in the controller. This is done by changing

data: JSON.stringify(usersRoles),


data: { model: JSON.stringify(usersRoles) },

Secondly, you aren't binding types correctly with your jquery call. If you remove

contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",

it will inherently bind back to a string.

All together, use the first ActionResult method and the following jquery ajax call:

        type: "POST",
        url: "@Url.Action("AddUser")",
        dataType: "json",
        data: { model: JSON.stringify(usersRoles) },
        success: function (data) { alert(data); },
        failure: function (errMsg) {

How to Scroll Down - JQuery

This can be used in to solve this problem

<div id='scrol'></div> 

in javascript use this


Continue For loop

For the case you do not use "DO": this is my solution for a FOR EACH with nested If conditional statements:

For Each line In lines
    If <1st condition> Then
        <code if 1st condition>
        If <2nd condition> Then
            If <3rd condition> Then
                GoTo ContinueForEach
                <code else 3rd condition>
            End If
            <code else 2nd condition>
        End If
        <code else 1st condition>
    End If

ImportError: No module named Image

On a system with both Python 2 and 3 installed and with pip2-installed Pillow failing to provide Image, it is possible to install PIL for Python 2 in a way that will solve ImportError: No module named Image:

easy_install-2.7 --user PIL


sudo easy_install-2.7 PIL

the getSource() and getActionCommand()

The getActionCommand() method returns an String associated with that Component set through the setActionCommand() , whereas the getSource() method returns an Object of the Object class specifying the source of the event.

MySQL: is a SELECT statement case sensitive?

They are case insensitive, unless you do a binary comparison.

How to discard uncommitted changes in SourceTree?

Do as follow,

  • Click on commit
  • Select all by pressing CMD+A that you want to delete or discard
  • Right click on the selected uncommitted files that you want to delete
  • Select Remove from the drop-down list

Is it possible in Java to check if objects fields are null and then add default value to all those attributes?

Non-reflective solution for Java 8, without using a series of if's, would be to stream all fields and check for nullness:

return Stream.of(id, name).allMatch(Objects::isNull);

This remains quite easy to maintain while avoiding the reflection hammer. This will return true for null attributes.

How to post query parameters with Axios?

In my case, the API responded with a CORS error. I instead formatted the query parameters into query string. It successfully posted data and also avoided the CORS issue.

        var data = {};

        const params = new URLSearchParams({
          contact: this.ContactPerson,
          phoneNumber: this.PhoneNumber,
          email: this.Email

        const url =
          "" +

          .post(url, data, {
            headers: {
              aaid: this.ID,
              token: this.Token
          .then(res => {
            this.Info = JSON.parse(;
          .catch(err => {

Loading resources using getClass().getResource()

getResource by example:

package szb.testGetResource;
public class TestGetResource {
    private void testIt() {
        System.out.println("test1: "+TestGetResource.class.getResource("test.css"));
        System.out.println("test2: "+getClass().getResource("test.css"));
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new TestGetResource().testIt();

enter image description here


test1: file:/home/szb/projects/test/bin/szb/testGetResource/test.css
test2: file:/home/szb/projects/test/bin/szb/testGetResource/test.css

Mocking methods of local scope objects with Mockito

If you really want to avoid touching this code, you can use Powermockito (PowerMock for Mockito).

With this, amongst many other things, you can mock the construction of new objects in a very easy way.

What is the difference between JavaScript and ECMAScript?

JavaScript is one branch of languages formed around the ECMAScript standard. I believe ECMA is the European Computer Manufacturers Association, not that this is really relevant or anything.

Don't forget another popular language formed around the ECMA Script standard is ActionScript, used in Adobe Flash/Flex.

Removing spaces from string

String res =" Application " res=res.trim();

o/p: Application

Note: White space ,blank space are trim or removed

Remove everything after a certain character

You can also use the split() function. This seems to be the easiest one that comes to my mind :).


jsFiddle Demo

One advantage is this method will work even if there is no ? in the string - it will return the whole string.

How to read strings from a Scanner in a Java console application?


System.out.println("Enter EmployeeName:");


System.out.println("Enter EmployeeName:");

This is because next() grabs only the next token, and the space acts as a delimiter between the tokens. By this, I mean that the scanner reads the input: "firstname lastname" as two separate tokens. So in your example, ename would be set to firstname and the scanner is attempting to set the supervisorId to lastname

Setting a spinner onClickListener() in Android

The Spinner class implements DialogInterface.OnClickListener, thereby effectively hijacking the standard View.OnClickListener.

If you are not using a sub-classed Spinner or don't intend to, choose another answer.

Otherwise just add the following code to your custom Spinner:

/** Override triggered on 'tap' of closed Spinner */
public boolean performClick() {
    // [ Do anything you like here ]
    return super.performClick();

Example: Display a pre-supplied hint via Snackbar whenever the Spinner is opened:

private String sbMsg=null;      // Message seen by user when Spinner is opened.
public void setSnackbarMessage(String msg) { sbMsg=msg; }
/** Override triggered on 'tap' of closed Spinner */
public boolean performClick() {
    if (sbMsg!=null && !sbMsg.isEmpty()) { /* issue Snackbar */ }
    return super.performClick();

Trapping 'click' of closed Spinner

A custom Spinner is a terrific starting point for programmatically standardising Spinner appearance throughout your project.

If interested, looky here

Opening Android Settings programmatically

I used the code from the most upvoted answer:

startActivityForResult(new Intent(android.provider.Settings.ACTION_SETTINGS), 0);

It opens the device settings in the same window, thus got the users of my android application (finnmglas/Launcher) for android stuck in there.

The answer for 2020 and beyond (in Kotlin):


It works in my app, should also be working in yours without any unwanted consequences.

How to filter input type="file" dialog by specific file type?


The accept attribute is supported in all major browsers, except Internet Explorer and Safari. Definition and Usage

The accept attribute specifies the types of files that the server accepts (that can be submitted through a file upload).

Note: The accept attribute can only be used with <input type="file">.

Tip: Do not use this attribute as a validation tool. File uploads should be validated on the server.

Syntax <input accept="audio/*|video/*|image/*|MIME_type" />

Tip: To specify more than one value, separate the values with a comma (e.g. <input accept="audio/*,video/*,image/*" />.

Can't install APK from browser downloads

I had this problem. Couldn't install apk via the Downloads app. However opening the apk in a file manager app allowed me to install it fine. Using OI File Manager on stock Nexus 7 4.2.1

Switch statement fall-through...should it be allowed?

I'd love a different syntax for fallbacks in switches, something like, errr..

  case 0 or 1 or 2:
    // Do something;
  case 3 or 4:
    // Do something else;

Note: This would already be possible with enums, if you declare all cases on your enum using flags, right? It doesn't sound so bad either; the cases could (should?) very well be part of your enum already.

Maybe this would be a nice case (no pun intended) for a fluent interface using extension methods? Something like, errr...

int value = 10;
  .Case(() => { /* Do something; */ }, new {0, 1, 2})
  .Case(() => { /* Do something else */ } new {3, 4})
  .Default(() => { /* Do the default case; */ });

Although that's probably even less readable :P

Attempt to present UIViewController on UIViewController whose view is not in the window hierarchy

With Swift 3...

Another possible cause to this, which happened to me, was having a segue from a tableViewCell to another ViewController on the Storyboard. I also used override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {} when the cell was clicked.

I fixed this issue by making a segue from ViewController to ViewController.

Prevent scrolling of parent element when inner element scroll position reaches top/bottom?

Don't use overflow: hidden; on body. It automatically scrolls everything to the top. There's no need for JavaScript either. Make use of overflow: auto;:

HTML Structure

<div class="overlay">
    <div class="overlay-content"></div>

<div class="background-content">
    lengthy content here


    position: fixed;
    top: 0px;
    left: 0px;
    right: 0px;
    bottom: 0px;
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);

    .overlay-content {
        height: 100%;
        overflow: scroll;

    height: 100%;
    overflow: auto;

Play with the demo here.

In Java, should I escape a single quotation mark (') in String (double quoted)?

It's best practice only to escape the quotes when you need to - if you can get away without escaping it, then do!

The only times you should need to escape are when trying to put " inside a string, or ' in a character:

String quotes = "He said \"Hello, World!\"";
char quote = '\'';

Difference between ProcessBuilder and Runtime.exec()

The various overloads of Runtime.getRuntime().exec(...) take either an array of strings or a single string. The single-string overloads of exec() will tokenise the string into an array of arguments, before passing the string array onto one of the exec() overloads that takes a string array. The ProcessBuilder constructors, on the other hand, only take a varargs array of strings or a List of strings, where each string in the array or list is assumed to be an individual argument. Either way, the arguments obtained are then joined up into a string that is passed to the OS to execute.

So, for example, on Windows,

Runtime.getRuntime().exec("C:\DoStuff.exe -arg1 -arg2");

will run a DoStuff.exe program with the two given arguments. In this case, the command-line gets tokenised and put back together. However,

ProcessBuilder b = new ProcessBuilder("C:\DoStuff.exe -arg1 -arg2");

will fail, unless there happens to be a program whose name is DoStuff.exe -arg1 -arg2 in C:\. This is because there's no tokenisation: the command to run is assumed to have already been tokenised. Instead, you should use

ProcessBuilder b = new ProcessBuilder("C:\DoStuff.exe", "-arg1", "-arg2");

or alternatively

List<String> params = java.util.Arrays.asList("C:\DoStuff.exe", "-arg1", "-arg2");
ProcessBuilder b = new ProcessBuilder(params);

Don't understand why UnboundLocalError occurs (closure)

To modify a global variable inside a function, you must use the global keyword.

When you try to do this without the line

global counter

inside of the definition of increment, a local variable named counter is created so as to keep you from mucking up the counter variable that the whole program may depend on.

Note that you only need to use global when you are modifying the variable; you could read counter from within increment without the need for the global statement.

How do I get a TextBox to only accept numeric input in WPF?

This is an improved solution of WilPs answer. My improvements are:

  • Improved behaviour on Del and Backspace buttons
  • Added EmptyValue property, if empty string is inappropriate
  • Fixed some minor typos
/// <summary>
///     Regular expression for Textbox with properties: 
///         <see cref="RegularExpression"/>, 
///         <see cref="MaxLength"/>,
///         <see cref="EmptyValue"/>.
/// </summary>
public class TextBoxInputRegExBehaviour : Behavior<TextBox>
    #region DependencyProperties
    public static readonly DependencyProperty RegularExpressionProperty =
        DependencyProperty.Register("RegularExpression", typeof(string), typeof(TextBoxInputRegExBehaviour), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(".*"));

    public string RegularExpression
        get { return (string)GetValue(RegularExpressionProperty); }
        set { SetValue(RegularExpressionProperty, value); }

    public static readonly DependencyProperty MaxLengthProperty =
        DependencyProperty.Register("MaxLength", typeof(int), typeof(TextBoxInputRegExBehaviour),
                                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(int.MinValue));

    public int MaxLength
        get { return (int)GetValue(MaxLengthProperty); }
        set { SetValue(MaxLengthProperty, value); }

    public static readonly DependencyProperty EmptyValueProperty =
        DependencyProperty.Register("EmptyValue", typeof(string), typeof(TextBoxInputRegExBehaviour), null);

    public string EmptyValue
        get { return (string)GetValue(EmptyValueProperty); }
        set { SetValue(EmptyValueProperty, value); }

    /// <summary>
    ///     Attach our behaviour. Add event handlers
    /// </summary>
    protected override void OnAttached()

        AssociatedObject.PreviewTextInput += PreviewTextInputHandler;
        AssociatedObject.PreviewKeyDown += PreviewKeyDownHandler;
        DataObject.AddPastingHandler(AssociatedObject, PastingHandler);

    /// <summary>
    ///     Deattach our behaviour. remove event handlers
    /// </summary>
    protected override void OnDetaching()

        AssociatedObject.PreviewTextInput -= PreviewTextInputHandler;
        AssociatedObject.PreviewKeyDown -= PreviewKeyDownHandler;
        DataObject.RemovePastingHandler(AssociatedObject, PastingHandler);

    #region Event handlers [PRIVATE] --------------------------------------

    void PreviewTextInputHandler(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e)
        string text;
        if (this.AssociatedObject.Text.Length < this.AssociatedObject.CaretIndex)
            text = this.AssociatedObject.Text;
            //  Remaining text after removing selected text.
            string remainingTextAfterRemoveSelection;

            text = TreatSelectedText(out remainingTextAfterRemoveSelection)
                ? remainingTextAfterRemoveSelection.Insert(AssociatedObject.SelectionStart, e.Text)
                : AssociatedObject.Text.Insert(this.AssociatedObject.CaretIndex, e.Text);

        e.Handled = !ValidateText(text);

    /// <summary>
    ///     PreviewKeyDown event handler
    /// </summary>
    void PreviewKeyDownHandler(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.EmptyValue))

        string text = null;

        // Handle the Backspace key
        if (e.Key == Key.Back)
            if (!this.TreatSelectedText(out text))
                if (AssociatedObject.SelectionStart > 0)
                    text = this.AssociatedObject.Text.Remove(AssociatedObject.SelectionStart - 1, 1);
        // Handle the Delete key
        else if (e.Key == Key.Delete)
            // If text was selected, delete it
            if (!this.TreatSelectedText(out text) && this.AssociatedObject.Text.Length > AssociatedObject.SelectionStart)
                // Otherwise delete next symbol
                text = this.AssociatedObject.Text.Remove(AssociatedObject.SelectionStart, 1);

        if (text == string.Empty)
            this.AssociatedObject.Text = this.EmptyValue;
            if (e.Key == Key.Back)
            e.Handled = true;

    private void PastingHandler(object sender, DataObjectPastingEventArgs e)
        if (e.DataObject.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text))
            string text = Convert.ToString(e.DataObject.GetData(DataFormats.Text));

            if (!ValidateText(text))
    #endregion Event handlers [PRIVATE] -----------------------------------

    #region Auxiliary methods [PRIVATE] -----------------------------------

    /// <summary>
    ///     Validate certain text by our regular expression and text length conditions
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="text"> Text for validation </param>
    /// <returns> True - valid, False - invalid </returns>
    private bool ValidateText(string text)
        return (new Regex(this.RegularExpression, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).IsMatch(text) && (MaxLength == int.MinValue || text.Length <= MaxLength);

    /// <summary>
    ///     Handle text selection
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>true if the character was successfully removed; otherwise, false. </returns>
    private bool TreatSelectedText(out string text)
        text = null;
        if (AssociatedObject.SelectionLength <= 0) 
            return false;

        var length = this.AssociatedObject.Text.Length;
        if (AssociatedObject.SelectionStart >= length)
            return true;

        if (AssociatedObject.SelectionStart + AssociatedObject.SelectionLength >= length)
            AssociatedObject.SelectionLength = length - AssociatedObject.SelectionStart;

        text = this.AssociatedObject.Text.Remove(AssociatedObject.SelectionStart, AssociatedObject.SelectionLength);
        return true;
    #endregion Auxiliary methods [PRIVATE] --------------------------------

Usage is pretty straightforward:

    <behaviours:TextBoxInputRegExBehaviour RegularExpression="^\d+$" MaxLength="9" EmptyValue="0" />

How do I make a checkbox required on an ASP.NET form?

I typically perform the validation on the client side:

<asp:checkbox id="chkTerms" text=" I agree to the terms" ValidationGroup="vg" runat="Server"  />
<asp:CustomValidator id="vTerms"
                ErrorMessage="<br/>Terms and Conditions are required." 

<asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" OnClick="btnSubmit_Click" CausesValidation="true" Text="Submit" ValidationGroup="vg" runat="server" />

    function validateTerms(source, arguments) {
        var $c = $('#<%= chkTerms.ClientID %>');
            arguments.IsValid = true;
        } else {
            arguments.IsValid = false;

GIT clone repo across local file system in windows

$ git clone --no-hardlinks /path/to/repo

The above command uses POSIX path notation for the directory with your git repository. For Windows it is (directory C:/path/to/repo contains .git directory):

C:\some\dir\> git clone --local file:///C:/path/to/repo my_project

The repository will be clone to C:\some\dir\my_project. If you omit file:/// part then --local option is implied.

Error: Cannot find module 'gulp-sass'

i was also facing the same issue, The possible solution is to install the gulp-sass module, but if you will run the below command npm install -g gulp-sass or npm install --save gulp-sass, This is not going to be updated on node-sass project's end.

This version of node-sass is missing (returns a 404) and google web-starter-kit v0.6.5 has depended on it for a long time, since Dec 2016. So, it has been working for a long time and must have just disappeared.

Downloading binary from Cannot download "":

HTTP error 404 Not Found

The only workaround is to upgrade node-sass: npm i gulp-sass@latest --save-dev to fix the issue.

How can I print out all possible letter combinations a given phone number can represent?

In C++(recursive):

string pattern[] = {"0",".,!","ABC","DEF","GHI","JKL","MNO","PQRS","TUV","WXYZ"};
ofstream keyout("keypad.txt");
void print_keypad(char* str, int k, vector<char> patt, int i){
if(str[k] != '\0')
    int x = str[k] - '0';
    for(int l = 0; l < pattern[x].length(); l++)
        patt[i] = pattern[x][l];
        print_keypad(str, k+1, patt, i+1);
    keyout << endl;
else if(i == k)
    string st(;
    keyout << st << endl;

This function can be called with 'k' and 'i' equal to zero.

Anyone, who requires more illustration to understand the logic, can combine recursion technique with following output:







ADB Android Device Unauthorized

It's likely that the device is no longer authorized on ADB for whatever reason.

1. Check if authorized:

<ANDROID_SDK_HOME>\platform-tools>adb devices
List of devices attached
4df798d76f98cf6d        unauthorized

2. Revoke USB Debugging on phone

If the device is shown as unauthorized, go to the developer options on the phone and click "Revoke USB debugging authorization" (tested with JellyBean & Samsung GalaxyIII).

3. Restart ADB Server:

Then restarted adb server

adb kill-server
adb start-server

4. Reconnect the device

The device will ask if you are agree to connect the computer id. You need to confirm it.

5. Now Check the device

It is now authorized!

adb devices
<ANDROID_SDK_HOME>\platform-tools>adb devices
List of devices attached
4df798d76f98cf6d        device

How to configure PHP to send e-mail?

Use PHPMailer instead:

How to use it:

$mail=new PHPMailer();
$mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8';

$body = 'This is the message';

$mail->Host       = '';

$mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls';
$mail->Port       = 587;
$mail->SMTPDebug  = 1;
$mail->SMTPAuth   = true;

$mail->Username   = '[email protected]';
$mail->Password   = '123!@#';

$mail->SetFrom('[email protected]', $name);
$mail->AddReplyTo('[email protected]','no-reply');
$mail->Subject    = 'subject';

$mail->AddAddress('[email protected]', 'title1');
$mail->AddAddress('[email protected]', 'title2'); /* ... */


Can I have multiple background images using CSS?

#example1 {_x000D_
    background: url( left top no-repeat, url( right bottom no-repeat, url( left top repeat;_x000D_
    padding: 15px;_x000D_
    background-size: 150px, 130px, auto;_x000D_
background-position: 50px 30px, 430px 30px, 130px 130px;_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<div id="example1">_x000D_
<h1>Lorem Ipsum Dolor</h1>_x000D_
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p>_x000D_
<p>Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p>_x000D_

We can easily add multiple images using CSS3. we can read in detail here

Bash script to calculate time elapsed

You are trying to execute the number in the ENDTIME as a command. You should also see an error like 1370306857: command not found. Instead use the arithmetic expansion:

echo "It takes $(($ENDTIME - $STARTTIME)) seconds to complete this task..."

You could also save the commands in a separate script,, and use time command:


How to create a library project in Android Studio and an application project that uses the library project

Google’s Gradle Plugin recommended way for configuring your gradle files to build multiple projects has some shortcomings If you have multiple projects depending upon one library project, this post briefly explain Google’s recommended configuration, its shortcomings, and recommend a different way to configure your gradle files to support multi-project setups in Android Studio:

An alternative multiproject setup for android studio

A Different Way :

It turns out there’s a better way to manage multiple projects in Android Studio. The trick is to create separate Android Studio projects for your libraries and to tell gradle that the module for the library that your app depends on is located in the library’s project directory. If you wanted to use this method with the project structure I’ve described above, you would do the following:

  1. Create an Android Studio project for the StickyListHeaders library
  2. Create an Android Studio project for App2
  3. Create an Android Studio project for App1
  4. Configure App1 and App2 to build the modules in the StickyListHeaders project.

The 4th step is the hard part, so that’s the only step that I’ll describe in detail. You can reference modules that are external to your project’s directory by adding a project statement in your settings.gradle file and by setting the projectDir property on the ProjectDescriptor object that’s returned by that project statement:

enter image description here

The code one has to put in settings.gradle:

include ':library1'
project(':library1').projectDir = new File('../StickyListHeader/library1')

If you’ve done this correctly, you’ll notice that the modules referenced by your project will show up in the project navigator, even if those modules are external to the project directory:

enter image description here

This allows you to work on library code and app code simultaneously. Version control integration also works just fine when you reference modules externally this way. You can commit and push your modifications to the library code just like you can commit and push modifications to your app code.

This way of setting up multiple projects avoids the difficulties that plague Google’s recommended configuration. Because we are referencing a module that is outside of the project directory we don’t have to make extra copies of the library module for every app that depends on it and we can version our libraries without any sort of git submodule nonsense.

Unfortunately, this other way of setting up multiple projects is very difficult to find. Obviously, its not something you’ll figure out from looking at Google’s guide, and at this point, there’s no way to configure your projects in this way by using the UI of Android Studio.

How do I revert a Git repository to a previous commit?

I believe some people may come to this question wanting to know how to rollback committed changes they've made in their master - ie throw everything away and go back to origin/master, in which case, do this:

git reset --hard origin/master

Pandas DataFrame to List of Dictionaries

As an extension to John Galt's answer -

For the following DataFrame,

   customer  item1   item2   item3
0         1  apple    milk  tomato
1         2  water  orange  potato
2         3  juice   mango   chips

If you want to get a list of dictionaries including the index values, you can do something like,


Which outputs a dictionary of dictionaries where keys of the parent dictionary are index values. In this particular case,

{0: {'customer': 1, 'item1': 'apple', 'item2': 'milk', 'item3': 'tomato'},
 1: {'customer': 2, 'item1': 'water', 'item2': 'orange', 'item3': 'potato'},
 2: {'customer': 3, 'item1': 'juice', 'item2': 'mango', 'item3': 'chips'}}

Install sbt on ubuntu

The simplest way of installing SBT on ubuntu is the deb package provided by Typesafe.

Run the following shell commands:

  1. wget
  2. sudo dpkg -i repo-deb-build-0002.deb
  3. sudo apt-get update
  4. sudo apt-get install sbt

And you're done !

How to watch and reload ts-node when TypeScript files change

I've dumped nodemon and ts-node in favor of a much better alternative, ts-node-dev

Just run ts-node-dev src/index.ts

Java - Reading XML file

If using another library is an option, the following may be easier:

package for_so;



public class Q7704827_SimpleRead
    public static void
    main(String[] args)
        String fileName = args[0];

        TagNode emailNode = XmlReader.xmlFileToRoot(new File(fileName), "EmailSettings", XmlReadOptions.DEFAULT);
        String recipient = emailNode.nextTextFieldE("recipient");
        String sender = emailNode.nextTextFieldE("sender");
        String subject = emailNode.nextTextFieldE("subject");
        String description = emailNode.nextTextFieldE("description");

        System.out.println("recipient =  " + recipient);
        System.out.println("sender =     " + sender);
        System.out.println("subject =    " + subject);
        System.out.println("desciption = " + description);

The library and its documentation are at

Rails: How can I rename a database column in a Ruby on Rails migration?

In my opinion, in this case, it's better to use rake db:rollback, then edit your migration and again run rake db:migrate.

However, if you have data in the column you don't want to lose, then use rename_column.

In C, how should I read a text file and print all strings

There are plenty of good answers here about reading it in chunks, I'm just gonna show you a little trick that reads all the content at once to a buffer and prints it.

I'm not saying it's better. It's not, and as Ricardo sometimes it can be bad, but I find it's a nice solution for the simple cases.

I sprinkled it with comments because there's a lot going on.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

char* ReadFile(char *filename)
   char *buffer = NULL;
   int string_size, read_size;
   FILE *handler = fopen(filename, "r");

   if (handler)
       // Seek the last byte of the file
       fseek(handler, 0, SEEK_END);
       // Offset from the first to the last byte, or in other words, filesize
       string_size = ftell(handler);
       // go back to the start of the file

       // Allocate a string that can hold it all
       buffer = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * (string_size + 1) );

       // Read it all in one operation
       read_size = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), string_size, handler);

       // fread doesn't set it so put a \0 in the last position
       // and buffer is now officially a string
       buffer[string_size] = '\0';

       if (string_size != read_size)
           // Something went wrong, throw away the memory and set
           // the buffer to NULL
           buffer = NULL;

       // Always remember to close the file.

    return buffer;

int main()
    char *string = ReadFile("yourfile.txt");
    if (string)

    return 0;

Let me know if it's useful or you could learn something from it :)

MySQLi prepared statements error reporting

Each method of mysqli can fail. You should test each return value. If one fails, think about whether it makes sense to continue with an object that is not in the state you expect it to be. (Potentially not in a "safe" state, but I think that's not an issue here.)

Since only the error message for the last operation is stored per connection/statement you might lose information about what caused the error if you continue after something went wrong. You might want to use that information to let the script decide whether to try again (only a temporary issue), change something or to bail out completely (and report a bug). And it makes debugging a lot easier.

$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO testtable VALUES (?,?,?)");
// prepare() can fail because of syntax errors, missing privileges, ....
if ( false===$stmt ) {
  // and since all the following operations need a valid/ready statement object
  // it doesn't make sense to go on
  // you might want to use a more sophisticated mechanism than die()
  // but's it's only an example
  die('prepare() failed: ' . htmlspecialchars($mysqli->error));

$rc = $stmt->bind_param('iii', $x, $y, $z);
// bind_param() can fail because the number of parameter doesn't match the placeholders in the statement
// or there's a type conflict(?), or ....
if ( false===$rc ) {
  // again execute() is useless if you can't bind the parameters. Bail out somehow.
  die('bind_param() failed: ' . htmlspecialchars($stmt->error));

$rc = $stmt->execute();
// execute() can fail for various reasons. And may it be as stupid as someone tripping over the network cable
// 2006 "server gone away" is always an option
if ( false===$rc ) {
  die('execute() failed: ' . htmlspecialchars($stmt->error));


Just a few notes six years later...

The mysqli extension is perfectly capable of reporting operations that result in an (mysqli) error code other than 0 via exceptions, see mysqli_driver::$report_mode.
die() is really, really crude and I wouldn't use it even for examples like this one anymore.
So please, only take away the fact that each and every (mysql) operation can fail for a number of reasons; even if the exact same thing went well a thousand times before....

How to export data from Spark SQL to CSV

The error message suggests this is not a supported feature in the query language. But you can save a DataFrame in any format as usual through the RDD interface (df.rdd.saveAsTextFile). Or you can check out

How do I set session timeout of greater than 30 minutes

Setting the timeout in the web.xml is the correct way to set the timeout.

Random word generator- Python

Solution for Python 3

For Python3 the following code grabs the word list from the web and returns a list. Answer based on accepted answer above by Kyle Kelley.

import urllib.request

word_url = ""
response = urllib.request.urlopen(word_url)
long_txt =
words = long_txt.splitlines()


>>> words
['a', 'AAA', 'AAAS', 'aardvark', 'Aarhus', 'Aaron', 'ABA', 'Ababa',
 'aback', 'abacus', 'abalone', 'abandon', 'abase', 'abash', 'abate',
 'abbas', 'abbe', 'abbey', 'abbot', 'Abbott', 'abbreviate', ... ]

And to generate (because it was my objective) a list of 1) upper case only words, 2) only "name like" words, and 3) a sort-of-realistic-but-fun sounding random name:

import random
upper_words = [word for word in words if word[0].isupper()]
name_words  = [word for word in upper_words if not word.isupper()]
rand_name   = ' '.join([name_words[random.randint(0, len(name_words))] for i in range(2)])

And some random names:

>>> for n in range(10):
        ' '.join([name_words[random.randint(0,len(name_words))] for i in range(2)])

    'Semiramis Sicilian'
    'Julius Genevieve'
    'Rwanda Cohn'
    'Quito Sutherland'
    'Eocene Wheller'
    'Olav Jove'
    'Weldon Pappas'
    'Vienna Leyden'
    'Io Dave'
    'Schwartz Stromberg'

Decimal number regular expression, where digit after decimal is optional


Came up with this. Allows both integer and decimal, but forces a complete decimal (leading and trailing numbers) if you decide to enter a decimal.

Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is ''

You should have one listview in your mainlist.xml file with id as @android:id/list


Undefined Reference to

  1. Usually headers guards are for header files (i.e., .h ) not for source files ( i.e., .cpp ).
  2. Include the necessary standard headers and namespaces in source files.



class LinearNode
    // .....



#include "LinearNode.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// And now the definitions



class LinearNode; // Forward Declaration
class LinkedList
    // ...



#include "LinearNode.h"
#include "LinkedList.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Definitions

test.cpp is source file is fine. Note that header files are never compiled. Assuming all the files are in a single folder -

g++ LinearNode.cpp LinkedList.cpp test.cpp -o exe.out

"X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9; IE=8; IE=7; IE=EDGE"

In certain cases, it might be necessary to restrict the display of a webpage to a document mode supported by an earlier version of Internet Explorer. You can do this by serving the page with an x-ua-compatible header. For more info, see Specifying legacy document modes.

Thus this tag is used to future proof the webpage, such that the older / compatible engine is used to render it the same way as intended by the creator.

Make sure that you have checked it to work properly with the IE version you specify.

A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again in Eclipse x86 Windows 8.1

I have found that adding these lines of code to the pom.xml file of the maven project solves similar issues for me:-



HttpServletRequest - Get query string parameters, no form data

You can use request.getQueryString(),if the query string is like


To get name you can do this


How do you get the current time of day?

Datetime.TimeOfDay returns a TimeSpan and might be what you are looking for.

How to convert a column of DataTable to a List

I do just like below, after you set your column AsEnumarable you can sort, order or how you want.

 _dataTable.AsEnumerable().Select(p => p.Field<string>("ColumnName")).ToList();

Setting the height of a DIV dynamically

With minor corrections:

function rearrange()
var windowHeight;

if (typeof window.innerWidth != 'undefined')
    windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
// IE6 in standards compliant mode (i.e. with a valid doctype as the first
// line in the document)
else if (typeof document.documentElement != 'undefined'
        && typeof document.documentElement.clientWidth != 'undefined'
        && document.documentElement.clientWidth != 0)
    windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
// older versions of IE
    windowHeight = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientHeight;

document.getElementById("foobar").style.height = (windowHeight - document.getElementById("foobar").offsetTop  - 6)+ "px";

JavaScript open in a new window, not tab

I think its not html target properties problem but you unchecked "open nw windows in a new tab instead" option in "tab" tab under firefox "options" menu. check it and try again.

enter image description here

List files committed for a revision

svn log --verbose -r 42

Use PHP to convert PNG to JPG with compression?

function createThumbnail($imageDirectory, $imageName, $thumbDirectory, $thumbWidth) {
    $explode = explode(".", $imageName);
    $filetype = $explode[1];

    if ($filetype == 'jpg') {
        $srcImg = imagecreatefromjpeg("$imageDirectory/$imageName");
    } else
    if ($filetype == 'jpeg') {
        $srcImg = imagecreatefromjpeg("$imageDirectory/$imageName");
    } else
    if ($filetype == 'png') {
        $srcImg = imagecreatefrompng("$imageDirectory/$imageName");
    } else
    if ($filetype == 'gif') {
        $srcImg = imagecreatefromgif("$imageDirectory/$imageName");

    $origWidth = imagesx($srcImg);
    $origHeight = imagesy($srcImg);

    $ratio = $origWidth / $thumbWidth;
    $thumbHeight = $origHeight / $ratio;

    $thumbImg = imagecreatetruecolor($thumbWidth, $thumbHeight);
    imagecopyresized($thumbImg, $srcImg, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight, $origWidth, $origHeight);

    if ($filetype == 'jpg') {
        imagejpeg($thumbImg, "$thumbDirectory/$imageName");
    } else
    if ($filetype == 'jpeg') {
        imagejpeg($thumbImg, "$thumbDirectory/$imageName");
    } else
    if ($filetype == 'png') {
        imagepng($thumbImg, "$thumbDirectory/$imageName");
    } else
    if ($filetype == 'gif') {
        imagegif($thumbImg, "$thumbDirectory/$imageName");

This is a very good thumbnail script =) Here's an example:

$path = The path to the folder where the original picture is. $name = The filename of the file you want to make a thumbnail of. $thumbpath = The path to the directory where you want the thumbnail to be saved into. $maxwidth = the maximum width of the thumbnail in PX eg. 100 (wich will be 100px).

createThumbnail($path, $name, $thumbpath, $maxwidth);

UIImageView - How to get the file name of the image assigned?

use below

 UIImageView *imageView = ((UIImageView *)(barButtonItem.customView.subviews.lastObject));
 file_name = imageView.accessibilityLabel;

Custom HTTP Authorization Header

The format defined in RFC2617 is credentials = auth-scheme #auth-param. So, in agreeing with fumanchu, I think the corrected authorization scheme would look like

Authorization: FIRE-TOKEN apikey="0PN5J17HBGZHT7JJ3X82", hash="frJIUN8DYpKDtOLCwo//yllqDzg="

Where FIRE-TOKEN is the scheme and the two key-value pairs are the auth parameters. Though I believe the quotes are optional (from Apendix B of p7-auth-19)...

auth-param = token BWS "=" BWS ( token / quoted-string )

I believe this fits the latest standards, is already in use (see below), and provides a key-value format for simple extension (if you need additional parameters).

Some examples of this auth-param syntax can be seen here...

Haskell: Converting Int to String

The opposite of read is show.

Prelude> show 3

Prelude> read $ show 3 :: Int

Storing and displaying unicode string (??????) using PHP and MySQL

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">

$con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
if (!$con)
  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_query('SET character_set_results=utf8');
mysql_query('SET names=utf8');
mysql_query('SET character_set_client=utf8');
mysql_query('SET character_set_connection=utf8');
mysql_query('SET character_set_results=utf8');
mysql_query('SET collation_connection=utf8_general_ci');


  `data` varchar(1000) character set utf8 collate utf8_bin default NULL

if (!mysql_query($nith,$con))
  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());

$nithi = "INSERT INTO `TAMIL` VALUES ('??????? ???????? ?????????')";

if (!mysql_query($nithi,$con))
  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());

$result = mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8");//the main trick
$cmd = "select * from TAMIL";
$result = mysql_query($cmd);
while($myrow = mysql_fetch_row($result))
    echo ($myrow[0]);

How to convert "0" and "1" to false and true

If you want the conversion to always succeed, probably the best way to convert the string would be to consider "1" as true and anything else as false (as Kevin does). If you wanted the conversion to fail if anything other than "1" or "0" is returned, then the following would suffice (you could put it in a helper method):

if (returnValue == "1")
    return true;
else if (returnValue == "0")
    return false;
    throw new FormatException("The string is not a recognized as a valid boolean value.");

Disable html5 video autoplay

Remove ALL attributes that say autoplay as its presence in your tag is a boolean shorthand for true.

Also, make sure you always use video or audio elements. Do not use object or embed as those elements autoplay using 3rd part plugins by default and cannot be stopped without changing settings in the browser.

How can I set the PATH variable for javac so I can manually compile my .java works?

Follow the steps given here

after setting variable, just navigate to your java file directory in your cmd and type javac ""

or if you don't navigate to the directory, then simply specify the full path of java file

javac "/"

How can I pass parameters to a partial view in mvc 4

Your question is hard to understand, but if I'm getting the gist, you simply have some value in your main view that you want to access in a partial being rendered in that view.

If you just render a partial with just the partial name:


It will actually pass your model as an implicit parameter, the same as if you were to call:

@Html.Partial("_SomePartial", Model)

Now, in order for your partial to actually be able to use this, though, it too needs to have a defined model, for example:

@model Namespace.To.Your.Model

@Html.Action("MemberProfile", "Member", new { id = Model.Id })

Alternatively, if you're dealing with a value that's not on your view's model (it's in the ViewBag or a value generated in the view itself somehow, then you can pass a ViewDataDictionary

@Html.Partial("_SomePartial", new ViewDataDictionary { { "id", someInteger } });

And then:

@Html.Action("MemberProfile", "Member", new { id = ViewData["id"] })

As with the model, Razor will implicitly pass your partial the view's ViewData by default, so if you had ViewBag.Id in your view, then you can reference the same thing in your partial.

How to quickly and conveniently disable all console.log statements in my code?

One liner just set devMode true/false;

console.log = devMode ? console.log : () => { };

Fastest way to count exact number of rows in a very large table?

You can try this sp_spaceused (Transact-SQL)

Displays the number of rows, disk space reserved, and disk space used by a table, indexed view, or Service Broker queue in the current database, or displays the disk space reserved and used by the whole database.

error LNK2005, already defined?

The linker tells you that you have the variable k defined multiple times. Indeed, you have a definition in A.cpp and another in B.cpp. Both compilation units produce a corresponding object file that the linker uses to create your program. The problem is that in your case the linker does not know whic definition of k to use. In C++ you can have only one defintion of the same construct (variable, type, function).

To fix it, you will have to decide what your goal is

  • If you want to have two variables, both named k, you can use an anonymous namespace in both .cpp files, then refer to k as you are doing now:


namespace {
  int k;
  • You can rename one of the ks to something else, thus avoiding the duplicate defintion.
  • If you want to have only once definition of k and use that in both .cpp files, you need to declare in one as extern int k;, and leave it as it is in the other. This will tell the linker to use the one definition (the unchanged version) in both cases -- extern implies that the variable is defined in another compilation unit.

The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context

In my case the instance of program was already running in background. I just stop the running instance and program built successfully.

jQuery ui datepicker with Angularjs

I think you are missing the Angular ui bootstrap dependency in your module declaration, like this:

angular.module('elnApp', ['ui.bootstrap'])

See the doc for Angular-ui-bootstrap.

How can I parse / create a date time stamp formatted with fractional seconds UTC timezone (ISO 8601, RFC 3339) in Swift?

In my case I have to convert the DynamoDB - lastUpdated column (Unix Timestamp) to Normal Time.

The initial value of lastUpdated was : 1460650607601 - converted down to 2016-04-14 16:16:47 +0000 via :

   if let lastUpdated : String = userObject.lastUpdated {

                let epocTime = NSTimeInterval(lastUpdated)! / 1000 // convert it from milliseconds dividing it by 1000

                let unixTimestamp = NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970: epocTime) //convert unix timestamp to Date
                let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
                dateFormatter.timeZone = NSTimeZone()
                dateFormatter.locale = NSLocale.currentLocale() // NSLocale(localeIdentifier: "en_US_POSIX")
                dateFormatter.dateFormat =  "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZZZ"

                let updatedTimeStamp = unixTimestamp


How to get script of SQL Server data?

I know this has been answered already, but I am here to offer a word of warning. We recently received a database from a client that has a cyclical foreign key reference. The SQL Server script generator refuses to generate the data for databases with cyclical references.

Service has zero application (non-infrastructure) endpoints

Just copy the App.config file from the service project to the console host application and paste here and then delete it from the service project.

Django gives Bad Request (400) when DEBUG = False

With DEBUG = False in you settings file, you also need ALLOWED_HOST list set up. Try including ALLOWED_HOST = ['', 'localhost', '']

Otherwise you might receive a Bad Request(400) error from django.

How to set <Text> text to upper case in react native

React Native .toUpperCase() function works fine in a string but if you used the numbers or other non-string data types, it doesn't work. The error will have occurred.

Below Two are string properties:



How to change Android usb connect mode to charge only?

To change the connect mode selection try Settings -> Wireless & Networks -> USB Connection. You can shoose to Charging, Mass Storage, Tethered, and ask on connection.

IOException: read failed, socket might closed - Bluetooth on Android 4.3

I have also receive the same IOException, but I find the Android system demo: "BluetoothChat" project is worked. I determined the problem is the UUID.

So i replace my UUID.fromString("00001001-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB") to UUID.fromString("8ce255c0-200a-11e0-ac64-0800200c9a66") and it worked most scene,only sometimes need to restart the Bluetooth device;

decompiling DEX into Java sourcecode

If you're not looking to download dex2jar, then just use the apk_grabber python script to decompile any apk into jar files. Then you read them with jd-gui.

java: run a function after a specific number of seconds

public static Timer t;

public synchronized void startPollingTimer() {
        if (t == null) {
            TimerTask task = new TimerTask() {
                public void run() {
                   //Do your work

            t = new Timer();
            t.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, 0, 1000);

javascript scroll event for iPhone/iPad?

I was able to get a great solution to this problem with iScroll, with the feel of momentum scrolling and everything The github doc is great, and I mostly followed it. Here's the details of my implementation.

HTML: I wrapped the scrollable area of my content in some divs that iScroll can use:

<div id="wrapper">
  <div id="scroller">
    ... my scrollable content

CSS: I used the Modernizr class for "touch" to target my style changes only to touch devices (because I only instantiated iScroll on touch).

.touch #wrapper {
  position: absolute;
  z-index: 1;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  overflow: hidden;
.touch #scroller {
  position: absolute;
  z-index: 1;
  width: 100%;

JS: I included iscroll-probe.js from the iScroll download, and then initialized the scroller as below, where updatePosition is my function that reacts to the new scroll position.

# coffeescript
if Modernizr.touch
  myScroller = new IScroll('#wrapper', probeType: 3)
  myScroller.on 'scroll', updatePosition
  myScroller.on 'scrollEnd', updatePosition

You have to use myScroller to get the current position now, instead of looking at the scroll offset. Here is a function taken from (a super helpful article, but a little out of date now)

function getScroll(elem, iscroll) {   
  var x, y;

  if (Modernizr.touch && iscroll) {
    x = iscroll.x * -1;
    y = iscroll.y * -1;   
  } else {
    x = elem.scrollTop;
    y = elem.scrollLeft;   

  return {x: x, y: y}; 

The only other gotcha was occasionally I would lose part of my page that I was trying to scroll to, and it would refuse to scroll. I had to add in some calls to myScroller.refresh() whenever I changed the contents of the #wrapper, and that solved the problem.

EDIT: Another gotcha was that iScroll eats all the "click" events. I turned on the option to have iScroll emit a "tap" event and handled those instead of "click" events. Thankfully I didn't need much clicking in the scroll area, so this wasn't a big deal.

How to do an array of hashmaps?

What gives? It works. Just ignore it:


No, you cannot parameterize it. I'd however rather use a List<Map<K, V>> instead.

List<Map<String, String>> listOfMaps = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();

To learn more about collections and maps, have a look at this tutorial.

sendKeys() in Selenium web driver

I believe Selenium now uses Key.TAB instead of Keys.TAB.

Switch statement equivalent in Windows batch file

If if is not working you use:

:switch case %n%=1 
goto :switch case end

Rotating a point about another point (2D)

I struggled while working MS OCR Read API which returns back angle of rotation in range (-180, 180]. So I have to do an extra step of converting negative angles to positive. I hope someone struggling with point rotation with negative or positive angles can use the following.

def rotate(origin, point, angle):
    Rotate a point counter-clockwise by a given angle around a given origin.
    # Convert negative angles to positive
    angle = normalise_angle(angle)

    # Convert to radians
    angle = math.radians(angle)

    # Convert to radians
    ox, oy = origin
    px, py = point
    # Move point 'p' to origin (0,0)
    _px = px - ox
    _py = py - oy
    # Rotate the point 'p' 
    qx = (math.cos(angle) * _px) - (math.sin(angle) * _py)
    qy = (math.sin(angle) * _px) + (math.cos(angle) * _py)
    # Move point 'p' back to origin (ox, oy)
    qx = ox + qx
    qy = oy + qy
    return [qx, qy]

def normalise_angle(angle):
    """ If angle is negative then convert it to positive. """
    if (angle != 0) & (abs(angle) == (angle * -1)):
        angle = 360 + angle
    return angle

I have filtered my Excel data and now I want to number the rows. How do I do that?

Okay I found the correct answer to this issue here

Here are the steps:

  1. Filter your data.
  2. Select the cells you want to add the numbering to.
  3. Press F5.
  4. Select Special.
  5. Choose "Visible Cells Only" and press OK.
  6. Now in the top row of your filtered data (just below the header) enter the following code:

    =MAX($"Your Column Letter"$1:"Your Column Letter"$"The current row for the filter - 1") + 1



    Which would be applied starting at cell A27.

  7. Hold Ctrl and press enter.

Note this only works in a range, not in a table!

Sort an array of objects in React and render them

const list = [
  { qty: 10, size: 'XXL' },
  { qty: 2, size: 'XL' },
  { qty: 8, size: 'M' }

list.sort((a, b) => (a.qty > b.qty) ? 1 : -1)


Out Put :

    "qty": 2,
    "size": "XL"
    "qty": 8,
    "size": "M"
    "qty": 10,
    "size": "XXL"

When to use IMG vs. CSS background-image?

Foreground = img.

Background = CSS background.

How do I convert Word files to PDF programmatically?

I went through the Word to PDF pain when someone dumped me with 10000 word files to convert to PDF. Now I did it in C# and used Word interop but it was slow and crashed if I tried to use PC at all.. very frustrating.

This lead me to discovering I could dump interops and their slowness..... for Excel I use (EPPLUS) and then I discovered that you can get a free tool called Spire that allows converting to PDF... with limitations! Validation of viewstate MAC failed

I had this same issue and it was due to a Gridview (generated from a vb code) on the page which had sorting enabled. Disabling Sort fixed my issue. I do not have this problem with the gridviews created using a SQLdatasource.

How to implement reCaptcha for ASP.NET MVC?

I've successfully implemented ReCaptcha in the following way.
note: this is in VB, but can easily be converted

1] First grab a copy of the reCaptcha library

2] Then build a custom ReCaptcha HTML Helper

    ''# fix SO code coloring issue.
    Public Function reCaptcha(ByVal htmlHelper As HtmlHelper) As MvcHtmlString
        Dim captchaControl = New Recaptcha.RecaptchaControl With {.ID = "recaptcha",
                                                                  .Theme = "clean",
                                                                  .PublicKey = "XXXXXX",
                                                                  .PrivateKey = "XXXXXX"}
        Dim htmlWriter = New HtmlTextWriter(New IO.StringWriter)
        Return MvcHtmlString.Create(htmlWriter.InnerWriter.ToString)
    End Function

3] From here you need a re-usable server side validator

Public Class ValidateCaptchaAttribute : Inherits ActionFilterAttribute
    Private Const CHALLENGE_FIELD_KEY As String = "recaptcha_challenge_field"
    Private Const RESPONSE_FIELD_KEY As String = "recaptcha_response_field"

    Public Overrides Sub OnActionExecuting(ByVal filterContext As ActionExecutingContext)

        If IsNothing(filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Form(CHALLENGE_FIELD_KEY)) Then
            ''# this will push the result value into a parameter in our Action
            filterContext.ActionParameters("CaptchaIsValid") = True
        End If

        Dim captchaChallengeValue = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Form(CHALLENGE_FIELD_KEY)
        Dim captchaResponseValue = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Form(RESPONSE_FIELD_KEY)

        Dim captchaValidtor = New RecaptchaValidator() With {.PrivateKey = "xxxxx",
                                                                       .RemoteIP = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.UserHostAddress,
                                                                       .Challenge = captchaChallengeValue,
                                                                       .Response = captchaResponseValue}

        Dim recaptchaResponse = captchaValidtor.Validate()

        ''# this will push the result value into a parameter in our Action
        filterContext.ActionParameters("CaptchaIsValid") = recaptchaResponse.IsValid

    End Sub

above this line is reusable **ONE TIME** code

below this line is how easy it is to implement reCaptcha over and over

Now that you have your re-usable code... all you need to do is add the captcha to your View.

<%: Html.reCaptcha %>

And when you post the form to your controller...

    ''# Fix SO code coloring issues
    Function Add(ByVal CaptchaIsValid As Boolean, ByVal [event] As Domain.Event) As ActionResult

        If Not CaptchaIsValid Then ModelState.AddModelError("recaptcha", "*")

        '#' Validate the ModelState and submit the data.
        If ModelState.IsValid Then
            ''# Post the form
            ''# Return View([event])
        End If
    End Function

Android SDK location should not contain whitespace, as this cause problems with NDK tools

I have the same error, make some change in the path C:\Users\Juan Jose\App---- to C:\Users\JUAN~1\App.

  1. CMD Command (Windows) go to root c:\Users
  2. Type de command DIR /X Here show a Short name of Juan Jose
  3. Reemplace the name Juan Jose with the Short Name give it.

How do I specify new lines on Python, when writing on files?

The new line character is \n. It is used inside a string.


    print('First line \n Second line') 

where \n is the newline character.

This would yield the result:

First line
 Second line

If you use Python 2, you do not use the parentheses on the print function.

Best TCP port number range for internal applications

Short answer: use an unassigned user port

Over achiever's answer - Select and deploy a resource discovery solution. Have the server select a private port dynamically. Have the clients use resource discovery.

The risk that that a server will fail because the port it wants to listen on is not available is real; at least it's happened to me. Another service or a client might get there first.

You can almost totally reduce the risk from a client by avoiding the private ports, which are dynamically handed out to clients.

The risk that from another service is minimal if you use a user port. An unassigned port's risk is only that another service happens to be configured (or dyamically) uses that port. But at least that's probably under your control.

The huge doc with all the port assignments, including User Ports, is here: look for the token Unassigned.

SQL search multiple values in same field

This has been partially answered here: MySQL Like multiple values

I advise against

$search = explode( ' ', $search );

and input them directly into the SQL query as this makes prone to SQL inject via the search bar. You will have to escape the characters first in case they try something funny like: "--; DROP TABLE name;

$search = str_replace('"', "''", search );

But even that is not completely safe. You must try to use SQL prepared statements to be safer. Using the regular expression is much easier to build a function to prepare and create what you want.

function makeSQL_search_pattern($search) {
    search_pattern = false;
    //escape the special regex chars
    $search = str_replace('"', "''", $search);
    $search = str_replace('^', "\\^", $search);
    $search = str_replace('$', "\\$", $search);
    $search = str_replace('.', "\\.", $search);
    $search = str_replace('[', "\\[", $search);
    $search = str_replace(']', "\\]", $search);
    $search = str_replace('|', "\\|", $search);
    $search = str_replace('*', "\\*", $search);
    $search = str_replace('+', "\\+", $search);
    $search = str_replace('{', "\\{", $search);
    $search = str_replace('}', "\\}", $search);
    $search = explode(" ", $search);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($search); $i++) {
        if ($i > 0 && $i < count($search) ) {
           $search_pattern .= "|";
        $search_pattern .= $search[$i];
    return search_pattern;

$search_pattern = makeSQL_search_pattern($search);
$sql_query = "SELECT name FROM Products WHERE name REGEXP :search LIMIT 6"
$stmt = pdo->prepare($sql_query);
$stmt->bindParam(":search", $search_pattern, PDO::PARAM_STR);

I have not tested this code, but this is what I would do in your case. I hope this helps.

configure Git to accept a particular self-signed server certificate for a particular https remote

On windows in a corporate environment where certificates are distributed from a single source, I found this answer solved the issue:

How do I give PHP write access to a directory?

An easy way is to let PHP create the directory itself in the first place.

 $dir = 'myDir';

 // create new directory with 744 permissions if it does not exist yet
 // owner will be the user/group the PHP script is run under
 if ( !file_exists($dir) ) {
     mkdir ($dir, 0744);

 file_put_contents ($dir.'/test.txt', 'Hello File');

This saves you the hassle with permissions.

Import one schema into another new schema - Oracle

After you correct the possible dmp file problem, this is a way to ensure that the schema is remapped and imported appropriately. This will also ensure that the tablespace will change also, if needed:

impdp system/<password> SCHEMAS=user1 remap_schema=user1:user2 \
            remap_tablespace=user1:user2 directory=EXPORTDIR \
            dumpfile=user1.dmp logfile=E:\Data\user1.log

EXPORTDIR must be defined in oracle as a directory as the system user

create or replace directory EXPORTDIR as 'E:\Data';
grant read, write on directory EXPORTDIR to user2;

How to prevent Screen Capture in Android

Try this:

getWindow().setFlags(LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE, LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE);

how to change the dist-folder path in angular-cli after 'ng build'

Another option would be to set the webroot path to the angular cli dist folder. In your Program.cs when configuring the WebHostBuilder just say

.UseWebRoot(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Frontend\\dist")

or whatever the path to your dist dir is.

Syntax for a for loop in ruby

array.each_index do |i|

It's not very Rubyish, but it's the best way to do the for loop from question in Ruby

Good Hash Function for Strings

Usually hashes wouldn't do sums, otherwise stop and pots will have the same hash.

and you wouldn't limit it to the first n characters because otherwise house and houses would have the same hash.

Generally hashs take values and multiply it by a prime number (makes it more likely to generate unique hashes) So you could do something like:

int hash = 7;
for (int i = 0; i < strlen; i++) {
    hash = hash*31 + charAt(i);

React PropTypes : Allow different types of PropTypes for one prop

For documentation purpose, it's better to list the string values that are legal:

size: PropTypes.oneOfType([
    PropTypes.oneOf([ 'SMALL', 'LARGE' ]),

Substitute multiple whitespace with single whitespace in Python

A simple possibility (if you'd rather avoid REs) is

' '.join(mystring.split())

The split and join perform the task you're explicitly asking about -- plus, they also do the extra one that you don't talk about but is seen in your example, removing trailing spaces;-).

Proxy with express.js

I found a shorter solution that does exactly what I want

After installing http-proxy

npm install http-proxy --save

Use it like below in your server/index/app.js

var proxyServer = require('http-route-proxy');
app.use('/api/BLABLA/', proxyServer.connect({
  to: '',
  https: true,
  route: ['/']

I really have spent days looking everywhere to avoid this issue, tried plenty of solutions and none of them worked but this one.

Hope it is going to help someone else too :)

Drop all tables command

Using pysqlite:

tables = list(cur.execute("select name from sqlite_master where type is 'table'"))

cur.executescript(';'.join(["drop table if exists %s" %i for i in tables]))

How to get document height and width without using jquery

Get document size without jQuery


And use this if you need Screen size


Bootstrap 3 .col-xs-offset-* doesn't work?

The bootstrap css used in the jsfiddle link, dont have the css for col-xs-offset-*, thats why the css are not been applied. Refer the latest bootstrap css.

Find all matches in workbook using Excel VBA

Based on the idea of B Hart's answer, here's my version of a function that searches for a value in a range, and returns all found ranges (cells):

Function FindAll(ByVal rng As Range, ByVal searchTxt As String) As Range
    Dim foundCell As Range
    Dim firstAddress
    Dim rResult As Range
    With rng
        Set foundCell = .Find(What:=searchTxt, _
                              After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _
                              LookIn:=xlValues, _
                              LookAt:=xlWhole, _
                              SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
                              SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
        If Not foundCell Is Nothing Then
            firstAddress = foundCell.Address
                If rResult Is Nothing Then
                    Set rResult = foundCell
                    Set rResult = Union(rResult, foundCell)
                End If
                Set foundCell = .FindNext(foundCell)
            Loop While Not foundCell Is Nothing And foundCell.Address <> firstAddress
        End If
    End With

    Set FindAll = rResult
End Function

To search for a value in the whole workbook:

Dim wSh As Worksheet
Dim foundCells As Range
For Each wSh In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
    Set foundCells = FindAll(wSh.UsedRange, "YourSearchString")
    If Not foundCells Is Nothing Then
        Debug.Print ("Results in sheet '" & wSh.Name & "':")
        Dim cell As Range
        For Each cell In foundCells
            Debug.Print ("The value has been found in cell: " & cell.Address)
    End If

PostgreSQL: How to make "case-insensitive" query

using ILIKE instead of LIKE

SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name ILIKE 'Administrator'

Python constructors and __init__

There is no notion of method overloading in Python. But you can achieve a similar effect by specifying optional and keyword arguments

Can I set an opacity only to the background image of a div?

So here is an other way:

background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.5), rgba(255,255,255,0.5)), url("your_image.png");

How can I render Partial views in mvc 3?

<%= Html.Partial("PartialName", Model) %>

How to convert a hex string to hex number

Try this:

hex_str = "0xAD4"
hex_int = int(hex_str, 16)
new_int = hex_int + 0x200
print hex(new_int)

If you don't like the 0x in the beginning, replace the last line with

print hex(new_int)[2:]

SQL WHERE condition is not equal to?

Best solution is to use


How to create a numpy array of all True or all False?

numpy already allows the creation of arrays of all ones or all zeros very easily:

e.g. numpy.ones((2, 2)) or numpy.zeros((2, 2))

Since True and False are represented in Python as 1 and 0, respectively, we have only to specify this array should be boolean using the optional dtype parameter and we are done.

numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=bool)


array([[ True,  True],
       [ True,  True]], dtype=bool)

UPDATE: 30 October 2013

Since numpy version 1.8, we can use full to achieve the same result with syntax that more clearly shows our intent (as fmonegaglia points out):

numpy.full((2, 2), True, dtype=bool)

UPDATE: 16 January 2017

Since at least numpy version 1.12, full automatically casts results to the dtype of the second parameter, so we can just write:

numpy.full((2, 2), True)

Common MySQL fields and their appropriate data types

In my experience, first name/last name fields should be at least 48 characters -- there are names from some countries such as Malaysia or India that are very long in their full form.

Phone numbers and postcodes you should always treat as text, not numbers. The normal reason given is that there are postcodes that begin with 0, and in some countries, phone numbers can also begin with 0. But the real reason is that they aren't numbers -- they're identifiers that happen to be made up of numerical digits (and that's ignoring countries like Canada that have letters in their postcodes). So store them in a text field.

In MySQL you can use VARCHAR fields for this type of information. Whilst it sounds lazy, it means you don't have to be too concerned about the right minimum size.

FromBody string parameter is giving null

In my case I forgot to use


Correct Way to Load Assembly, Find Class and Call Run() Method

I'm doing exactly what you're looking for in my rules engine, which uses CS-Script for dynamically compiling, loading, and running C#. It should be easily translatable into what you're looking for, and I'll give an example. First, the code (stripped-down):

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using CSScriptLibrary;

namespace RulesEngine
    /// <summary>
    /// Make sure <typeparamref name="T"/> is an interface, not just any type of class.
    /// Should be enforced by the compiler, but just in case it's not, here's your warning.
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    public class RulesEngine<T> where T : class
        public RulesEngine(string rulesScriptFileName, string classToInstantiate)
            : this()
            if (rulesScriptFileName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("rulesScriptFileName");
            if (classToInstantiate == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("classToInstantiate");

            if (!File.Exists(rulesScriptFileName))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Unable to find rules script", rulesScriptFileName);

            RulesScriptFileName = rulesScriptFileName;
            ClassToInstantiate = classToInstantiate;


        public T @Interface;

        public string RulesScriptFileName { get; private set; }
        public string ClassToInstantiate { get; private set; }
        public DateTime RulesLastModified { get; private set; }

        private RulesEngine()
            @Interface = null;

        private void LoadRules()
            if (!File.Exists(RulesScriptFileName))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Unable to find rules script", RulesScriptFileName);

            FileInfo file = new FileInfo(RulesScriptFileName);

            DateTime lastModified = file.LastWriteTime;

            if (lastModified == RulesLastModified)
                // No need to load the same rules twice.

            string rulesScript = File.ReadAllText(RulesScriptFileName);

            Assembly compiledAssembly = CSScript.LoadCode(rulesScript, null, true);

            @Interface = compiledAssembly.CreateInstance(ClassToInstantiate).AlignToInterface<T>();

            RulesLastModified = lastModified;

This will take an interface of type T, compile a .cs file into an assembly, instantiate a class of a given type, and align that instantiated class to the T interface. Basically, you just have to make sure the instantiated class implements that interface. I use properties to setup and access everything, like so:

private RulesEngine<IRulesEngine> rulesEngine;

public RulesEngine<IRulesEngine> RulesEngine
        if (null == rulesEngine)
            string rulesPath = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Rules.cs");

            rulesEngine = new RulesEngine<IRulesEngine>(rulesPath, typeof(Rules).FullName);

        return rulesEngine;

public IRulesEngine RulesEngineInterface
    get { return RulesEngine.Interface; }

For your example, you want to call Run(), so I'd make an interface that defines the Run() method, like this:

public interface ITestRunner
    void Run();

Then make a class that implements it, like this:

public class TestRunner : ITestRunner
    public void Run()
        // implementation goes here

Change the name of RulesEngine to something like TestHarness, and set your properties:

private TestHarness<ITestRunner> testHarness;

public TestHarness<ITestRunner> TestHarness
        if (null == testHarness)
            string sourcePath = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "TestRunner.cs");

            testHarness = new TestHarness<ITestRunner>(sourcePath , typeof(TestRunner).FullName);

        return testHarness;

public ITestRunner TestHarnessInterface
    get { return TestHarness.Interface; }

Then, anywhere you want to call it, you can just run:

ITestRunner testRunner = TestHarnessInterface;

if (null != testRunner)

It would probably work great for a plugin system, but my code as-is is limited to loading and running one file, since all of our rules are in one C# source file. I would think it'd be pretty easy to modify it to just pass in the type/source file for each one you wanted to run, though. You'd just have to move the code from the getter into a method that took those two parameters.

Also, use your IRunnable in place of ITestRunner.

Difference between <span> and <div> with text-align:center;?

the difference is not between <span> and <div> specifically, but between inline and block elements. <span> defaults to being display:inline; whereas <div> defaults to being display:block;. But these can be overridden in CSS.

The difference in the way text-align:center works between the two is down to the width.

A block element defaults to being the width of its container. It can have its width set using CSS, but either way it is a fixed width.

An inline element takes its width from the size of its content text.

text-align:center tells the text to position itself centrally in the element. But in an inline element, this is clearly not going to have any effect because the element is the same width as the text; aligning it one way or the other is meaningless.

In a block element, because the element's width is independent of the content, the content can be positioned within the element using the text-align style.

Finally, a solution for you:

There is an additional value for the display property which provides a half-way house between block and inline. Conveniently enough, it's called inline-block. If you specify a <span> to be display:inline-block; in the CSS, it will continue to work as an inline element but will take on some of the properties of a block as well, such as the ability to specify a width. Once you specify a width for it, you will be able to center the text within that width using text-align:center;

Hope that helps.

Can an int be null in Java?

Integer object would be best. If you must use primitives you can use a value that does not exist in your use case. Negative height does not exist for people, so

public int getHeight(String name){
        return map.get(name);
        return -1;

Transform only one axis to log10 scale with ggplot2

Another solution using scale_y_log10 with trans_breaks, trans_format and annotation_logticks()


m <- ggplot(diamonds, aes(y = price, x = color))

m + geom_boxplot() +
    breaks = scales::trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x),
    labels = scales::trans_format("log10", scales::math_format(10^.x))
  ) +
  theme_bw() +
  annotation_logticks(sides = 'lr') +
  theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank())


this statement

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('a.firstName' || 'a.lastName');

means to print the string as it is.. remove the quotes to get the values to be printed.So the correct syntax is

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(a.firstName || a.lastName);

How to fix java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Unsupported major.minor version

I had the same problem after switching to JDK 6 to compile a dependency module, then switched but to JDK 8.
Rerun the probject and compiler complained about unsupported major.minor version. I verified the Java version it was 1,8 for both the JVM and Maven.
After many tries and googling the problem was not solved, so i though what if i restart the computer (Windows 8) ?
I did restart, rerun the project again and problem was solved :)

Find all CSV files in a directory using Python

This solution uses the python function filter. This function creates a list of elements for which a function returns true. In this case, the anonymous function used is partial matching '.csv' on every element of the directory files list obtained with os.listdir('the path i want to look in')

import os

filepath= 'filepath_to_my_CSVs'  # for example: './my_data/'

list(filter(lambda x: '.csv' in x, os.listdir('filepath_to_my_CSVs')))

Access-Control-Allow-Origin and Angular.js $http

I've had success with express and editing the res.header. Mine matches yours pretty closely but I have a different Allow-Headers as noted below:

res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept");

I'm also using Angular and Node/Express, but I don't have the headers called out in the Angular code only the node/express

Can scripts be inserted with innerHTML?

For me the best way is to insert the new HTML content through innerHtml and then use

setTimeout(() => {
        var script_el = document.createElement("script")
        script_el.src = 'script-to-add.js'
    }, 500)

The setTimeout is not required but it works better. This worked for me.

Script @php artisan package:discover handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 1

In case you're coming from a google search, make sure that you have a .env file in which APP_ENV is set to local. (if you cloned a project from github, the first thing is to run cp .env.example .env. That was actually the problem in my case)

Then run composer install again.

Excel Calculate the date difference from today from a cell of "7/6/2012 10:26:42"

If that's a valid date/time entry then excel simply stores it as a number (days are integers and the time is the decimal part) so you can do a simple subtraction.

I'm not sure if 7/6 is 7th June or 6th July, assuming the latter then it's a future date so you can get the difference in days with


Make sure you format result cell as general or number (not date)

Making a drop down list using swift?

Unfortunately if you're looking to apply UIPopoverController in iOS9, you'll get a deprecated class warning. Instead you need to set your desired view's UIModalPresentationPopover property to achieve the same result.


In a horizontally regular environment, a presentation style where the content is displayed in a popover view. The background content is dimmed and taps outside the popover cause the popover to be dismissed. If you do not want taps to dismiss the popover, you can assign one or more views to the passthroughViews property of the associated UIPopoverPresentationController object, which you can get from the popoverPresentationController property.

In a horizontally compact environment, this option behaves the same as UIModalPresentationFullScreen.

Available in iOS 8.0 and later.


How to convert column with string type to int form in pyspark data frame?

Another way to do it is using the StructField if you have multiple fields that needs to be modified.


from pyspark.sql.types import StructField,IntegerType, StructType,StringType



 |-- CLICK_FLG: string (nullable = true)
 |-- OPEN_FLG: string (nullable = true)
 |-- I1_GNDR_CODE: string (nullable = true)
 |-- TRW_INCOME_CD_V4: string (nullable = true)
 |-- ASIAN_CD: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- I1_INDIV_HHLD_STATUS_CODE: string (nullable = true)


 |-- CLICK_FLG: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- OPEN_FLG: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- I1_GNDR_CODE: string (nullable = true)
 |-- TRW_INCOME_CD_V4: string (nullable = true)
 |-- ASIAN_CD: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- I1_INDIV_HHLD_STATUS_CODE: integer (nullable = true)

This is slightly a long procedure to cast , but the advantage is that all the required fields can be done.

It is to be noted that if only the required fields are assigned the data type, then the resultant dataframe will contain only those fields which are changed.

How to change the type of a field?

For string to int conversion.

db.my_collection.find().forEach( function(obj) {
    obj.my_value= new NumberInt(obj.my_value);;

For string to double conversion.

    obj.my_value= parseInt(obj.my_value, 10);

For float:

    obj.my_value= parseFloat(obj.my_value);

Which tool to build a simple web front-end to my database

I think PHP is a good solution. It's simple to set up, free and there is plenty of documentation on how to create a database management app. Ruby on Rails is faster to code but a bit more difficult to set up.

Why is it that "No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI" here?

WebApiConfig.Register(GlobalConfiguration.Configuration); should be on top.

Format number as percent in MS SQL Server

took the challenge to solve this issue. comment number 5 (M.Ali) asked for --"The required answer is 97.36 % (not 0.97 %) .." so for that i'm attaching a photo who compare between post number 3 (sqluser) to my solution. (i'm using the postgre_sql on a mac)

enter image description here

PDO get the last ID inserted

lastInsertId() only work after the INSERT query.


$stmt = $this->conn->prepare("INSERT INTO users(userName,userEmail,userPass) 
$sonuc = $stmt->execute([$username,$email,$pass]);
$LAST_ID = $this->conn->lastInsertId();


$stmt = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM users");
$sonuc = $stmt->execute();
$LAST_ID = $this->conn->lastInsertId(); //always return string(1)=0

How do I use extern to share variables between source files?

Extern is the keyword you use to declare that the variable itself resides in another translation unit.

So you can decide to use a variable in a translation unit and then access it from another one, then in the second one you declare it as extern and the symbol will be resolved by the linker.

If you don't declare it as extern you'll get 2 variables named the same but not related at all, and an error of multiple definitions of the variable.

Split array into chunks of N length

Maybe this code helps:

var chunk_size = 10;_x000D_
var arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17];_x000D_
var groups = function(e,i){ _x000D_
     return i%chunk_size===0 ? arr.slice(i,i+chunk_size) : null; _x000D_
}).filter(function(e){ return e; });_x000D_
console.log({arr, groups})