[coding-style] Switch statement fall-through...should it be allowed?

In some instances, using fall-throughs is an act of laziness on the part of the programmer - they could use a series of || statements, for example, but instead use a series of 'catch-all' switch cases.

That being said, I've found them to be especially helpful when I know that eventually I'm going to need the options anyway (for example in a menu response), but have not yet implemented all the choices. Likewise, if you're doing a fall-through for both 'a' and 'A', I find it substantially cleaner to use the switch fall-through than a compound if statement.

It's probably a matter of style and how the programmers think, but I'm not generally fond of removing components of a language in the name of 'safety' - which is why I tend towards C and its variants/descendants more than, say, Java. I like being able to monkey-around with pointers and the like, even when I have no "reason" to.