[javascript] How to quickly and conveniently disable all console.log statements in my code?

Is there any way to turn off all console.log statements in my JavaScript code, for testing purposes?

This question is related to javascript debugging console

The answer is

Ive been using the following to deal with he problem:-

var debug = 1;
var logger = function(a,b){ if ( debug == 1 ) console.log(a, b || "");};

Set debug to 1 to enable debugging. Then use the logger function when outputting debug text. It's also set up to accept two parameters.

So, instead of




Just change the flag DEBUG to override the console.log function. This should do the trick.

var DEBUG = false;
// ENABLE/DISABLE Console Logs
  console.log = function() {}

This a hybrid of answers from SolutionYogi and Chris S. It maintains the console.log line numbers and file name. Example jsFiddle.

// Avoid global functions via a self calling anonymous one (uses jQuery)
(function(MYAPP, $, undefined) {
    // Prevent errors in browsers without console.log
    if (!window.console) window.console = {};
    if (!window.console.log) window.console.log = function(){};

    //Private var
    var console_log = console.log;  

    //Public methods
    MYAPP.enableLog = function enableLogger() { console.log = console_log; };   
    MYAPP.disableLog = function disableLogger() { console.log = function() {}; };

}(window.MYAPP = window.MYAPP || {}, jQuery));

// Example Usage:
$(function() {    
    console.log('this should not show');

    console.log('This will show');

I know you asked how to disable console.log, but this might be what you're really after. This way you don't have to explicitly enable or disable the console. It simply prevents those pesky console errors for people who don't have it open or installed.

if(typeof(console) === 'undefined') {
    var console = {};
    console.log = console.error = console.info = console.debug = console.warn = console.trace = console.dir = console.dirxml = console.group = console.groupEnd = console.time = console.timeEnd = console.assert = console.profile = function() {};

If you use Grunt you can add a task in order to remove/comment the console.log statements. Therefore the console.log are no longer called.


I wrote this:

//Make a copy of the old console.
var oldConsole = Object.assign({}, console);

//This function redefine the caller with the original one. (well, at least i expect this to work in chrome, not tested in others)
function setEnabled(bool) {
    if (bool) {
        //Rewrites the disable function with the original one.
        console[this.name] = oldConsole[this.name];
        //Make sure the setEnable will be callable from original one.
        console[this.name].setEnabled = setEnabled;
    } else {
        //Rewrites the original.
        var fn = function () {/*function disabled, to enable call console.fn.setEnabled(true)*/};
        //Defines the name, to remember.
        Object.defineProperty(fn, "name", {value: this.name});
        //replace the original with the empty one.
        console[this.name] = fn;
        //set the enable function
        console[this.name].setEnabled = setEnabled


Unfortunately it doesn't work on use strict mode.

So using console.fn.setEnabled = setEnabled and then console.fn.setEnabled(false) where fn could be almost any console function. For your case would be:

console.log.setEnabled = setEnabled;

I wrote this too:

var FLAGS = {};
    FLAGS.DEBUG = true;
    FLAGS.INFO = false;
    FLAGS.LOG = false;
    //Adding dir, table, or other would put the setEnabled on the respective console functions.

function makeThemSwitchable(opt) {
    var keysArr = Object.keys(opt);
    //its better use this type of for.
    for (var x = 0; x < keysArr.length; x++) {
        var key = keysArr[x];
        var lowerKey = key.toLowerCase();
        //Only if the key exists
        if (console[lowerKey]) {
            //define the function
            console[lowerKey].setEnabled = setEnabled;
            //Make it enabled/disabled by key.
//Put the set enabled function on the original console using the defined flags and set them.

so then you just need to put in the FLAGS the default value (before execute the above code), like FLAGS.LOG = false and the log function would be disabled by default, and still you could enabled it calling console.log.setEnabled(true)

After I searched for this issue aswell and tried it within my cordova app, I just want to warn every developer for windows phone to not overwrite


because the app will crash on startup.

It won't crash if you're developing local if you're lucky, but submitting in store it will result in crashing the app.

Just overwrite


if you need to.

This works in my app:

   try {
        if (typeof(window.console) != "undefined") {
            window.console = {};
            window.console.log = function () {
            window.console.debug = function () {
            window.console.info = function () {
            window.console.warn = function () {
            window.console.error = function () {

        if (typeof(alert) !== "undefined") {
            alert = function ()


    } catch (ex) {


You should not!

It is not a good practice to overwrite built-in functions. There is also no guarantee that you will suppress all output, other libraries you use may revert your changes and there are other functions that may write to the console; .dir(), .warning(), .error(), .debug(), .assert() etc.

As some suggested, you could define a DEBUG_MODE variable and log conditionally. Depending on the complexity and nature of your code, it may be a good idea to write your own logger object/function that wraps around the console object and has this capability built-in. That would be the right place to do deal with instrumentation.

That said, for 'testing' purposes you can write tests instead of printing to the console. If you are not doing any testing, and those console.log() lines were just an aid to write your code, simply delete them.

As far as I can tell from the documentation, Firebug doesn't supply any variable to toggle debug state. Instead, wrap console.log() in a wrapper that conditionally calls it, i.e.:

DEBUG = true; // set to false to disable debugging
function debug_log() {
    if ( DEBUG ) {
        console.log.apply(this, arguments);

To not have to change all the existing calls, you can use this instead:

DEBUG = true; // set to false to disable debugging
old_console_log = console.log;
console.log = function() {
    if ( DEBUG ) {
        old_console_log.apply(this, arguments);

You can use logeek, It allows you to control your log messages visibility. Here is how you do that:

<script src="bower_components/dist/logeek.js"></script>


logeek('some message').at('copy');       //this won't be logged
logeek('other message').at('secturity'); //this would be logged

You can also logeek.show('nothing') to totally disable every log message.

I found this thread after figuring it out myself. Here's my solution:

const testArray = {
  a: 1,
  b: 2
const verbose = true; //change this to false to turn off all comments
const consoleLog = (...message) => {
  return verbose ? console.log(...message) : null;

console.log("from console.log", testArray);
consoleLog("from consoleLog", testArray);
// use consoleLog() for the comments you want to be able to toggle.

One liner just set devMode true/false;

console.log = devMode ? console.log : () => { };

A simplification of https://stackoverflow.com/a/46189791/871166

switch (process.env.LOG_LEVEL) {
  case 'ERROR':
    console.warn = function() {};
  case 'WARN':
    console.info = function() {};
  case 'INFO':
    console.log = function() {};
  case 'LOG':
    console.debug = function() {};
    console.dir = function() {};

I developed a library for this usecase: https://github.com/sunnykgupta/jsLogger


  1. It safely overrides the console.log.
  2. Takes care if the console is not available (oh yes, you need to factor that too.)
  3. Stores all logs (even if they are suppressed) for later retrieval.
  4. Handles major console functions like log, warn, error, info.

Is open for modifications and will be updated whenever new suggestions come up.

I wrote a ES2015 solution ( use only with Webpack ).

class logger {
  static isEnabled = true;

  static enable () {
    if(this.constructor.isEnabled === true){ return; }

    this.constructor.isEnabled = true;

  static disable () {
    if(this.constructor.isEnabled === false){ return; }

    this.constructor.isEnabled = false;

  static log () {
    if(this.constructor.isEnabled === false ) { return; }

    const copy = [].slice.call(arguments);

    window['console']['log'].apply(this, copy);

  static warn () {
    if(this.constructor.isEnabled === false ) { return; }

    const copy = [].slice.call(arguments);

    window['console']['warn'].apply(this, copy);

  static error () {
    if(this.constructor.isEnabled === false ) { return; }

    const copy = [].slice.call(arguments);

    window['console']['error'].apply(this, copy);


  1. Along with logger.enable and logger.disable you can use console.['log','warn','error'] methods as well using logger class.
  2. By using logger class for displaying, enabling or disabling messages makes the code much cleaner and maintainable.
  3. The code below shows you how to use the logger class:
    • logger.disable() - disable all console messages
    • logger.enable() - enable all console messages
    • logger.log('message1', 'message2') - works exactly like console.log.
    • logger.warn('message1', 'message2') - works exactly like console.warn.
    • logger.error('message1', 'message2') - works exactly like console.error. Happy coding..

After doing some research and development for this problem, I came across this solution which will hide warnings/Errors/Logs as per your choice.

    (function () {
    var origOpen = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open;
    XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function () {        
        console.warn = function () { };
        window['console']['warn'] = function () { };
        this.addEventListener('load', function () {                        
            console.warn('Something bad happened.');
            window['console']['warn'] = function () { };

Add this code before JQuery plugin (e.g /../jquery.min.js) even as this is JavaScript code that does not require JQuery. Because some warnings are in JQuery itself.


To disable console.log only:

console.log = function() {};

To disable all functions that write to the console:

for (let func in console) {
   console[func] = function() {};

If you're using IE7, console won't be defined. So a more IE friendly version would be:

if (typeof console == "undefined" || typeof console.log == "undefined") 
   var console = { log: function() {} }; 

Warning: Shameless plug!

You could also use something like my JsTrace object to have modular tracing with module-level "switching" capability to only turn on what you want to see at the time.


(Also has a NuGet package, for those who care)

All levels default to "error", though you can shut them "off". Though, I can't think of why you would NOT want to see errors

You can change them like this:

Trace.traceLevel('ModuleName1', Trace.Levels.log);
Trace.traceLevel('ModuleName2', Trace.Levels.info);

Fore more docs, check out the Documentation


If you're using gulp, then you can use this plugin:

Install this plugin with the command:

npm install gulp-remove-logging

Next, add this line to your gulpfile:

var gulp_remove_logging = require("gulp-remove-logging");

Lastly, add the configuration settings (see below) to your gulpfile.

Task Configuration

gulp.task("remove_logging", function() {
     return gulp.src("src/javascripts/**/*.js")
    ); });

I am surprised that of all those answers no one combines:

  • No jquery
  • Anonymous function to not pollute global namespace
  • Handle case where window.console not defined
  • Just modify the .log function of the console

I'd go for this:

(function () {

    var debug = false

    if (debug === false) {
        if ( typeof(window.console) === 'undefined') { window.console = {}; }
        window.console.log = function () {};

I realize this is an old post but it still pops up at the top of Google results, so here is a more elegant non-jQuery solution that works in the latest Chrome, FF, and IE.

(function (original) {
    console.enableLogging = function () {
        console.log = original;
    console.disableLogging = function () {
        console.log = function () {};

I have used winston logger earlier.

Nowadays I am using below simpler code from experience:

  1. Set the environment variable from cmd/ command line (on Windows):

    setx LOG_LEVEL info

Or, you could have a variable in your code if you like, but above is better.

  1. Restart cmd/ command line, or, IDE/ editor like Netbeans

  2. Have below like code:

    console.debug = console.log;   // define debug function
    console.silly = console.log;   // define silly function
    switch (process.env.LOG_LEVEL) {
        case 'debug':
        case 'silly':
            // print everything
        case 'dir':
        case 'log':
            console.debug = function () {};
            console.silly = function () {};
        case 'info':
            console.debug = function () {};
            console.silly = function () {};
            console.dir = function () {};
            console.log = function () {};
        case 'trace':   // similar to error, both may print stack trace/ frames
        case 'warn':    // since warn() function is an alias for error()
        case 'error':
            console.debug = function () {};
            console.silly = function () {};
            console.dir = function () {};
            console.log = function () {};
            console.info = function () {};
  3. Now use all console.* as below:

    console.error(' this is a error message '); // will print
    console.warn(' this is a warn message '); // will print
    console.trace(' this is a trace message '); // will print
    console.info(' this is a info message '); // will print, LOG_LEVEL is set to this
    console.log(' this is a log message '); // will NOT print
    console.dir(' this is a dir message '); // will NOT print
    console.silly(' this is a silly message '); // will NOT print
    console.debug(' this is a debug message '); // will NOT print

Now, based on your LOG_LEVEL settings made in the point 1 (like, setx LOG_LEVEL log and restart command line), some of the above will print, others won't print

Hope that helped.

My comprehensive solution to disable/override all console.* functions is here.

Of course, please make sure you are including it after checking necessary context. For example, only including in production release, it's not bombing any other crucial components etc.

Quoting it here:

"use strict";_x000D_
(() => {_x000D_
  var console = (window.console = window.console || {});_x000D_
    "assert", "clear", "count", "debug", "dir", "dirxml",_x000D_
    "error", "exception", "group", "groupCollapsed", "groupEnd",_x000D_
    "info", "log", "markTimeline", "profile", "profileEnd", "table",_x000D_
    "time", "timeEnd", "timeStamp", "trace", "warn"_x000D_
  ].forEach(method => {_x000D_
    console[method] = () => {};_x000D_
  console.log("This message shouldn't be visible in console log");_x000D_

I found a little more advanced piece of code in this url JavaScript Tip: Bust and Disable console.log:

var DEBUG_MODE = true; // Set this value to false for production

if(typeof(console) === 'undefined') {
   console = {}

if(!DEBUG_MODE || typeof(console.log) === 'undefined') {
   // FYI: Firebug might get cranky...
   console.log = console.error = console.info = console.debug = console.warn = console.trace = console.dir = console.dirxml = console.group = console.groupEnd = console.time =    console.timeEnd = console.assert = console.profile = function() {};

The following is more thorough:

var DEBUG = false;
    if(!window.console) window.console = {};
    var methods = ["log", "debug", "warn", "info"];
    for(var i=0;i<methods.length;i++){
        console[methods[i]] = function(){};

This will zero out the common methods in the console if it exists, and they can be called without error and virtually no performance overhead. In the case of a browser like IE6 with no console, the dummy methods will be created to prevent errors. Of course there are many more functions in Firebug, like trace, profile, time, etc. They can be added to the list if you use them in your code.

You can also check if the debugger has those special methods or not (ie, IE) and zero out the ones it does not support:

if(window.console && !console.dir){
var methods = ["dir", "dirxml", "trace", "profile"]; //etc etc
    for(var i=0;i<methods.length;i++){
        console[methods[i]] = function(){};

You could use javascript AOP (e.g. jquery-aop) to intercept all calls to console.debug/log (around) and do not proceed with the actual invocation if some global variable is set to false.

You could even do an ajax call (now and then) so you can change the log enabled/disabled behavior on the server which can be very interesting to enable debugging when facing an issue in a staging environment or such.

If you use Webpack you could use the Terser plugin to completely exclude the console.log function calls.

This way you can have a clean production app package that will not expose unnecessary information but still have all this info in your debug build.


drop_console (default: false) -- Pass true to discard calls to console.* functions. If you wish to drop a specific function call such as console.info and/or retain side effects from function arguments after dropping the function call then use pure_funcs instead.

minimizer: [
    new TerserPlugin({
        terserOptions: {
            compress: {
                pure_funcs: [ 'console.log' ]

Alternatively you can use drop_console: true to exclude all console calls.

I think that the easiest and most understandable method in 2020 is to just create a global function like log() and you can pick one of the following methods:

const debugging = true;

function log(toLog) {
  if (debugging) {
function log(toLog) {
  if (true) { // You could manually change it (Annoying, though)

You could say that the downside of these features is that:

  1. You are still calling the functions on runtime
  2. You have to remember to change the debugging variable or the if statement in the second option
  3. You need to make sure you have the function loaded before all of your other files

And my retorts to these statements is that this is the only method that won't completely remove the console or console.log function which I think is bad programming because other developers who are working on the website would have to realize that you ignorantly removed them. Also, you can't edit JavaScript source code in JavaScript, so if you really want something to just wipe all of those from the code you could use a minifier that minifies your code and removes all console.logs. Now, the choice is yours, what will you do?

Here is a solution I just worked on that is fairly exhaustive. I covered all the fully supported console methods from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/console

1. Create js file "logger.js" and put in the following code in it

logger = {
    assert: function() {
        if(logger.active && logger.doAssert) {
    clear: function() {
        if(logger.active && logger.doClear) {
    count: function() {
        if(logger.active && logger.doCount) {
    countReset: function() {
        if(logger.active && logger.doCountReset) {
    debug: function() {
        if(logger.active && logger.doDebug) {
    dir: function() {
        if(logger.active && logger.doDir) {
    dirxml: function() {
        if(logger.active && logger.doDirxml) {
    error: function() {
        if(logger.active && logger.doError) {
    group: function() {
        if(logger.active && logger.doGroup) {
    groupCollapsed: function() {
        if(logger.active && logger.doGroup) {
    groupEnd: function() {
        if(logger.active && logger.doGroup) {
    info: function() {
        if(logger.active && logger.doInfo) {
    log: function() {
        if(logger.active && logger.doLog) {
    table: function() {
        if(logger.active && logger.doTable) {
    time: function() {
        if(logger.active && logger.doTime) {
    timeEnd: function() {
        if(logger.active && logger.doTime) {
    timeLog: function() {
        if(logger.active && logger.doTime) {
    trace: function() {
        if(logger.active && logger.doTrace) {
    warn: function() {
        if(logger.active && logger.doWarn) {
    active: true,
    doAssert: true,
    doClear: true,
    doCount: true,
    doCountReset: true,
    doDebug: true,
    doDir: true,
    doDirxml: true,
    doError: true,
    doGroup: true,
    doInfo: true,
    doLog: true,
    doTable: true,
    doTime: true,
    doTrace: true,
    doWarn: true

2. Include before all your scripts with logs in all pages

3. Replace all "console." with "logger." in your scripts

4. Usage

Used just like "console." but with "logger."


Finally disable some or all logs

//disable/enable all logs
logger.active = false; //disable
logger.active = true; //enable

//disable some logs
logger.doLog = false; //disable
logger.doInfo = false; //disable

logger.doLog = true; //enable
logger.doInfo = true; //enable

logger.doClear; //log clearing code will no longer clear the console.


After using my solution for sometime in my latest project I realized that it's difficult to remember that I'm supposed to use logger. instead of console.. So for this reason I decided to override console. This is my updated solution:

const consoleSubstitute = console;
console = {
    assert: function() {
        if(console.active && console.doAssert) {
    clear: function() {
        if(console.active && console.doClear) {
    count: function() {
        if(console.active && console.doCount) {
    countReset: function() {
        if(console.active && console.doCountReset) {
    debug: function() {
        if(console.active && console.doDebug) {
    dir: function() {
        if(console.active && console.doDir) {
    dirxml: function() {
        if(console.active && console.doDirxml) {
    error: function() {
        if(console.active && console.doError) {
    group: function() {
        if(console.active && console.doGroup) {
    groupCollapsed: function() {
        if(console.active && console.doGroup) {
    groupEnd: function() {
        if(console.active && console.doGroup) {
    info: function() {
        if(console.active && console.doInfo) {
    log: function() {
        if(console.active && console.doLog) {
            if(console.doLogTrace) {
            } else {
    table: function() {
        if(console.active && console.doTable) {
    time: function() {
        if(console.active && console.doTime) {
    timeEnd: function() {
        if(console.active && console.doTime) {
    timeLog: function() {
        if(console.active && console.doTime) {
    trace: function() {
        if(console.active && console.doTrace) {
    warn: function() {
        if(console.active && console.doWarn) {
    active: true,
    doAssert: true,
    doClear: true,
    doCount: true,
    doCountReset: true,
    doDebug: true,
    doDir: true,
    doDirxml: true,
    doError: true,
    doGroup: true,
    doInfo: true,
    doLog: true,
    doLogTrace: false,
    doTable: true,
    doTime: true,
    doTrace: true,
    doWarn: true

Now you can just use console. as usual.

This should override all methods of window.console. You can put it on the very top of your scripts section, and if you are on a PHP framework you can only print this code when your app environment is production, or if some kind of debug flag is disabled. Then you would have all your logs in your code working on development environments or in debug mode.

window.console = (function(originalConsole){
    var api = {};
    var props = Object.keys(originalConsole);
    for (var i=0; i<props.length; i++) {
        api[props[i]] = function(){};
    return api;

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