[node.js] How do I debug "Error: spawn ENOENT" on node.js?

How to research the spawn call raising the error:

Known, usual causes

  1. Environment issues

    • The command executable does not exist within the system (dependency not being installed). see prominc's answer
    • The command executable does not exist within a directory of those specified by PATH environment variable.
  2. Windows-only bugs/quirks

  3. Wrong spawn('command', ['--argument', 'list'], { cwd, env, ...opts }) usage

    • Specified working directory (opts.cwd) does not exist ยท see leeroy-brun's answer
    • Argument list within command String spawn('command --wrong --argument list')
    • Env vars within command string spawn('ENV_VAR=WRONG command')
    • Argument list Array specified as String spawn('cmd', '--argument list')
    • Unset PATH env variable spawn('cmd', [], { env: { variable } } => spawn('cmd', [], { env: { ...process.env, variable } }

There are 2 posible origins for ENOENT:

  1. Code you are writing
  2. Code you depend on

When origin is code you depend on, usual cause is an Environment Issue (or windows quirk)

Examples related to node.js

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Examples related to debugging

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Examples related to error-handling

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Examples related to child-process

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Examples related to spawn

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