UPDATE 17 JULY 2018:
Even if the following solution still works as of today,I've found (thanks to the answer posted by Hamid Asghari and to the comment posted by Mahendra Dabi) that simply deleting the gradle dist directory and performing a reboot of the ide, will fix the issue (please read Hamid post for a full answer, and remember that OSX and Linux have the same gradle path).
If you still want to follow my original solution, you should at least consider using a more up-to-date version of Gradle (direct link of the gradle distribution repo: https://services.gradle.org/distributions/)
Original answer (dated 7 March 2017):
I've faced the same issue this morning after upgrading Android Studio to 2.3. To solve the issue:
1) Manually download Gradle 3.3 binary (direct link: https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-3.3-bin.zip)
2) Open your android studio root directory, and extract the zip to the gradle folder (for example in my Debian machine the full path is /opt/android-studio/gradle/gradle-3.3)
3) Open Android Studio, go to File->Settings->Build, Exectution, Deployment->Gradle and set "Gradle home" to point your new gradle-3.3 folder.
4) Sync and you are ready to go!